#the cute aggression….. it’s resurfacing…
crimsonkenjii-writes · 9 months
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Low quality Valentine special Giyuu you are so special to me 💙
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demonpiratehuntress · 9 months
Y/n is a nice young woman and head over heels in love with her boyfriend Ace. Of course he too. But there is this girl on the ship, cute, lovely, accommodating and everything that makes a "cute girl". Everyone likes her and Y/n likes her too, until she starts getting closer to Ace. Like, unexpectedly hugging him from behind, clinging to his arm, giving him a slap on the bottom, jumping up to him like she hadn't seen him in forever. She's really attached to him and even after you very politely expressed that you didn't like it and neither did Ace. But after a short while she continues, whether in front of you or the crew. And at some point Y/n's patience breaks and she literally drags her away from him by her hair. No one ever expected that she could be so aggressive, insulting the girl with the most disgusting words y/n could think of. How does Ace react to this?[I'm soo sorry, it's so long😶‍🌫️ Hope it doesn't make you uncomfortable😵‍💫]
No worries! I actually really like this idea, so I hope you like this answer!
back off
Portgas D. Ace x F!Reader
summary - the ask above, you don't like the new recruit when she gets too close to your boyfriend
warnings - swearing, violence from you at the end
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Ace was too nice. You knew that, he knew that, everyone knew that. He was way too nice and you always told him one day that would get him into trouble. You just didn't know that 'one day' would come so soon.
She was nice at first. Sweet, friendly, helpful. You liked having another woman around, because it gave you a break from the rowdiness of the men. She was great to talk to, and for a while was a good listener and a confidant you trusted. You had no idea where Marco had found her, but she'd apparently wanted to become a pirate so he brought her and Whitebeard allowed her to join, thinking it would be good for you. And it was.
For a while.
You started noticing her shift in behaviour when the crew stopped by an island to take a break and just relax, and you'd suggested hitting the beach with her.
"Will Ace be coming?" She asked, trying to mask the excitement in her voice but clearly failing.
You raised an eyebrow, "He's my boyfriend, so probably. He's clingy."
"That's so cute!"
You smiled, ignoring her wistful expression, "It is. He is."
Ace did join you not long after, surprising you by running up to you from behind and lifting you off your feet. You squealed in surprise and laughed, before your eyes widened when you saw the water getting closer and closer.
"Babe, no!"
"Yes," he answered happily, and you just knew he was grinning like the little devil he was.
Then you felt nothing but cold water, and when you resurfaced you gasped for air before shooting the cackling commander a death glare.
"Sorry, babe, I had to!"
You laughed and shook your head, before witnessing one of the most uncomfortable and infuriating sights you'd ever seen. (Other Name) ran up to your boyfriend, jumped onto his back and locked her legs around his waist. She giggled innocently like that was a totally normal thing to do, telling him that friends gave each other piggyback rides sometimes.
You weren't so sure she saw him as a friend, but you grit your teeth and sucked it up anyway, not wanting to ruin the mood. Ace was confused, and also uncomfortable because he didn't really like anyone but you doing that to him, but he also said nothing. But for him, it was just because he was too sweet to speak out.
At dinner it was even worse.
She shoved herself between you and Ace, running her hand along his arm as she smiled and rambled on about something you weren't listening to.
"(Other Name)," you tried to stay calm, forcing a smile, "Ace and I were talking. Could you please move?"
"Oh, sorry!" She smiled at you, but didn't seem very sorry. Then she had the nerve to get up, move around your boyfriend, and force herself between Marco and Ace.
You grit your teeth again, but said nothing. Everyone was having fun. No need to ruin it with your anger, right? Besides, she knew he was yours, right? He knew that too. You trusted him.
You just didn't trust her...
Afterwards, Ace noticed your sour mood as you both walked to your shared room. He slid his hand into yours and squeezed it, looking at you worriedly.
"You okay babe?"
"I'm fine," you glared ahead. "Nothing's wrong."
He frowned, "But-"
You whirled on him when you were both in the room, "Why aren't you stopping her? I know you're nice, Ace, but there are limits."
His eyes widened, "Babe-"
"No, you're not even trying to tell her to stop! You always look uncomfortable, but you won't ever tell her to go away and stop it! Do you really have that little respect for our relationship?!" As soon as you said it, you regretted it. "I'm sorry, I didn't-"
"I know," he pulled you against his chest, wrapping his arms around you, "I'm sorry. I know I'm too nice to say no. I promise I'll work on it." He kissed the top of your head. "I know she's bothering you, and she's bothering me too. So tomorrow, I'll tell her to stop, okay?"
"Okay," you whispered, smiling softly and burying your face in his neck.
The next morning, he did actually speak to her about it. He told her that she was making you both uncomfortable and that she needed to stop because he was already taken.
Her response?
She waited a few days, only to ramp up her inappropriate and infuriating behaviour.
"Hi Ace!" She greeted him at lunch one day with a smack to his rear.
That's when the atmosphere changed. The crew became nervous, knowing just how you might react to that. You had stopped walking, your eyes narrowing at the brave - and apparently stupid - girl, fury like no other building up inside. You were about to blow.
What the crew expected to happen, was far from what actually happened.
You stormed over to her and grabbed her by her hair, yanking hard to get her away from a stunned Ace. No one moved as you dragged her by her hair to the side of the ship.
"Do you know what 'no' means, you hairbrained little bitch?" You snarled, shoving her against the railing. You pulled her hair a little harder, and she yelped in pain. "Do you know what 'stay away from my boyfriend' means, or do I have to fucking beat it into you?"
The entire crew was silent, some watching in awe, others watching in terror. Ace felt a little bit of both, none of them had ever seen you like this but it was so incredibly hot he didn't want to stop you. It was sweet that you were fighting in his honour, but it was also so so sexy, and his mind was already drifting.
"Look at you, so pathetic and stupid, whining like a little baby," you sneered, unable to stop because all of this had just been building up. "Not so bubbly and sweet now, are you? Maybe this'll teach you to grope other women's boyfriends!" You pulled harder and she whimpered. "Such a whiny little thing. Won't miss you here." Then, casually, you threw her overboard into the ocean.
That's when everyone remembered how to move, and almost all of them rushed over to see (Other Name) flailing around in the water below. You turned and walked away, seething but trying to calm down.
Immediately Ace was on you, gripping your waist and pressing heated kisses to any part of you that his lips could reach. He kissed along your neck, along your shoulders, along your jawline...anything to show just how hot your outburst had been to him.
"That was so, so sexy babe," he was muttering as he kissed you. "You're so unbelievably hot. Can't believe you're all mine. Damn."
You blushed furiously, already over your little outburst. She was forgotten, your mind only on Ace and the kisses he was drowning you in. Then you gasped and laughed when he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder, marching you to the bedroom.
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heartshapedbubble · 3 months
Hi! I hope your having a good day/night wherever you are 🫶
I was wondering if you could maybe write some friends to lovers head cannons with Ganji and Eli?
hello!! you too anon💖 (like. 5 months later but oh well :c )
this is such a cute prompt HEEHEE >W<
ganji gupta and eli clark friends to lovers hcs🏏🦉
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ganji gupta🏏
he likes company but doesn't like initiating hangouts. he's a man of few words, most of them reserved for when there's really no other option other than to communicate verbally
whenever you two sit together he always gets a bit restless and fidgety. if you try to bring up the topic he'll just brush it off, saying it's nothing to worry about
he can't EVER discern if he likes somebody or if he's just anxious and it literally swallows him whole. thinking about verbalizing what he feels or physical closeness makes him feel a bit dizzy so he just pushes these thoughts to the back of his brain until they eventually resurface again
gets a tad distant, being a bit rude and brash as a defense mechanism
shows his care by being (over)protective, especially in matches. when he sees you in danger it's like he's seeing red, leaving hunters bruised from his aggressive swings. he says he's overprotective in general, that you're not special and that he treats you like he would anyone else, but it hurts to say that when he thinks the exact opposite
confess first. or, at least, hint at doing so. it's not gonna get to his head unless you say it first, directly, no buts or ifs - only then will he realize that hey, maybe i should stop denying myself romantic attraction?
your first few dates are a bit awkward. you two are a *thing* now, but he doesn't understand the new boundaries your relationship sets. is it really alright to hold your waist in front of everyone?
just give him some time until he gets comfortable, it takes time for him to drop the stoic persona
his first kisses are sloppy. he initiates them slowly and without much confidence, hands trembling as they bring you closer and he plants his warm lips against the corner of your mouth - he still doesn't dare to go lips-to-lips. they make for a good laugh afterwards, him nervously grinning at his own anxiety.
is almost shocked when you return the favor, maybe even more eagerly than him. slowly kiss his temples, rub the back of his head with care and he's paralyzed under your hands, his mind wandering away beneath your tender touches
his most cherished moments with you are spent in complete silence. the feeling of unconditional love contained within a comfortable silence is indispensable, and just the fact that he doesn't have to strain himself with small talk and expressing things he can't actually describe feels great
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eli clark🦉
victory or loss, no matter his mood, whenever you call upon eli clark his head turns towards you in a second. his face is completely covered - save for his mouth and nose - but his lips are always curled into a soft smile
the cloaked seer enjoys solitude and spends most of his free time in it. he's softspoken, but always a tad gloomy and breathless
yet it doesn't take much to creep under his skin. a few kind words will quickly put him at ease and, encouraged by your own openness, he won't hesitate to be straightforward with you
spending so much time pondering and overthinking, he can't help but notice his feelings towards you. well, they might not be feelings by the traditional definition, but what other word can describe the tingles he feels when he hears your voice from behind, when you creep upon him? or the surge of heat in his abdomen while he's slowly making his way towards you, watching your expression change through brooke's eyes?
he confesses first. definetly. it'll take him a few days to devise a plan, to find the best spot and time to confess and phrase his thoughts, but it wouldn't take long during your friendship for it to happen. he's a bit of a romantic at heart and can easily get swayed by affection
most of his ways of expressing affection are through small PDA. tenderly holding your hand or your waist, rubbing your shoulders after a tense match or holding you from the back. he's a literal heat machine! has so much layers on and it feels really good to lay back against him in response. you can easily wrap the remaining fabric around yourself, too
only takes off his hood and blindfold a bit further into the relationship. he's so used to them masking his true appearance that taking them off in front of others makes him feel vulnerable
asks the WEIRDEST questions and says the most random stuff on dates. literally no filter. who knows where his mind actually goes while you talk to him?
likes when you get touchy with him :,) rub his hips (they're kinda sore and he often has to crack them like knuckles, it's hard to carry so many bags and pouches around his waist ok!!), mess with his hair, trace your fingers around his face, whisper him the dumbest things up-close into his ear, hell, even bite him if you want to! has insomnia anyways and any kind of stimulation helps him fall asleep. he just turns into a happy human blob
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jordanli-dribbles · 8 months
Jordan Li x fem!Reader | 1.6k Words
You weren't exclusive. You weren't even friends. You were just two people who had been paired up in a group project the previous semester and somehow kept ending up in each other's beds. The unspoken rules were clear to both of you: no strings, no drama, and most importantly, no attachments. You had no mutual friends, so your interactions were limited to class or late-night visits to each other's dorms. It was a straightforward arrangement that worked for the both of you, until it didn’t.
It was a Friday night when your best friend convinced you to attend one of Dusty's notorious off-campus parties. You weren't much of a party-goer, but you were bored, lonely and a bit irritated. You hadn't heard from Jordan in several weeks and they seem to be ignoring your messages so you needed a distraction. You were having a good time until your best friend decided to hook up with some guy, abandoning you. Luckily, you bumped into a girl you knew from the year before. She was cute and you enjoyed her company. She somehow convinced you to dance with her, and soon enough the two of you were dancing and grinding, as her hands freely wander around your touch starved body.
What you hadn't noticed however, was Jordan's eyes on you as soon as you walked into the house. They didn't expect to see you at the party; you never really went to these types of things. But they guessed they didn't really know you, not the way they wished. They had been deliberately avoiding you for the past few weeks. You consumed all their thoughts, and that frightened them, so they pushed you away.
They tried to engage with someone else, hoping a quick fuck would take you off their mind. Yet they found their eyes constantly drawn back to you. They couldn't bear the sight of another person touching you so intimately. Their jealousy quickly rising as they felt the overwhelming urge to stake their claim on you, to show everyone that you belonged to them and no one else. Watching the person lean in to kiss you was the last straw. Within seconds, they charged towards you, harshly pushing the person off you. You tried to object as they gripped your wrist, dragging you towards the nearest empty room.
“What the fuck, Jordan!” You angrily exclaimed before they pinned you against the door, forcefully pressing their lips onto yours. Their kisses were aggressive, and almost desperate. You pulled away, shocked and still angry. They ignored you for weeks and have the audacity to ruin your relatively good night. Just as you were about to speak, their lips found yours again. They kissed you hungrily, like a person gasping for air after resurfacing from the depths. Their hands slid under your dress, cupping you, evoking an involuntary moan from you. Before you could even protest, their fingers were inside of you. The sudden intrusion making you gasp, and your legs instinctively widening, betraying your indignation.
"Do you think she could fuck you the way I do, princess?" they growled into your ear, their fingers moving skillfully inside of you. Trailing kisses down your jaw and neck, sucking on your sensitive skin, leaving small bruises along the way. You whined and squirmed beneath them, your body a traitor. "Fuck…" you whimpered, their fingers still thrusting inside you, curling just enough to graze that spot that only they could find so easily. You couldn't help but rock your hips forward, your hands gripping the door behind you for balance, a loud moan escaping your lips. They pulled back to look into your eyes as their fingers continues to move expertly inside you. Your soft moans, and pleading eyes being the only answer they needed.
"No, princess. She wouldn't. No one will ever fuck you like I do," they said, biting your lower lip before reconnecting your lips in a feverish kiss. You were lost in pleasure. Your pussy dripping, as their fingers fucked your core.
Suddenly, they removed their fingers, you whined in protested. Your breath caught in your throat, and you felt your face flush as you watch them lick their fingers clean. You bit your lip as you stared at them. You felt exposed and vulnerable, unsure of what had sparked this change. Their possessiveness and raw passion a stark contrast to their usual indifferences. You had to admit you enjoyed this new side of them. It was exciting and exhilarating. You craved their touch, their attention. You were addicted.
They smirked at your disheveled state before cupping your sex once again, their eyes never leaving yours. A soft gasped leaves your lips as you feel their thumb slowly rubbing your clit. "Tell me, does she make you this wet, baby?" they whispered, their hot breath tickling your face. You opened your mouth, but no words left your lips. Your mind was blank. You whimpered, your body squirming against their touch, desperate for friction.
"Then who does, baby?" they demanded, their voice rough and commanding, biting into your shoulder. A moan escaped your lips once again, and you arched your back, trying to press your aching pussy into their hand. You let out a frustrated groan as they abruptly pulled away from your body once more, their hand no longer caressing your core. Their eyes darkened as they grabbed your neck, tilting your head up to meet their darken eyes. "Answer me," they demanded, slightly tightening their grip on your neck, eliciting a soft whimper from you.
You stare into their eyes, their gaze unwavering. Your mind was clouded by lust, your body ached for their touch, but you had never seen this side of them before. They were usually cold, detached, and distant. Their possessiveness surprising, yet extremely arousing. The intensity of their gaze made your heart beat faster.
"You…only you, Jordan," you profess, your breathing shallow and ragged.
They smiled at you, their dimples on full display. "Good girl," they replied, before leaning in and capturing your lips. You moaned softly as their tongue licked your bottom lip, granting them access. Their kiss was slow and tender, a contrast to their earlier aggressive ones. Your eyes closed as you surrendered yourself to the moment. You had missed them. The way their hands held you. The way they tasted. The way your body lit on fire from a single touch.
"I fucking missed you." they confessed against your neck, your mind going haywire with the admission. Their hand trailed down your stomach, until it finally reached its destination. You moaned loudly as their fingers teased your core before they slowly inserted their fingers into you. Your head was spinning, so much was happening at once, but all you could think about was the pleasure between your legs.
They began pumping their fingers in and out of you, their lips and tongue exploring the exposed skin of your neck and collarbone. You moaned and writhed under their touch. Your hands reached up and grasped their shoulders, your nails digging into the fabric of their shirt eliciting a growl of approval from them. "Fuck," you whimpered as they worked your sensitive bud, sending shocks through your entire body. “Your mine," they growled against your skin, curling their fingers to hit that spot they always seem to find. "Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine." they chanted against your skin, their voice deep and raspy. "J-Jordaaaan… fuck… please. I'm close" You moaned loudly, your thighs trembling, your muscles tightening.
"That's it, baby. Scream my name." They said as their fingers continue to rub circles over your clit, picking up the pace, pushing you closer to the edge. "I-I'm gonna… fuuuck... I'm gonna cum," you say through labored breaths, your walls tightening around their fingers.
"Cum for me, baby. I want everyone to know whose pussy this is," they groaned into your ear. Your whole body shuddered as you unraveled, screaming their name as your climax hits you like a freight train. Their fingers continue to move inside of you as you rode your high. Your head fell onto their chest as you try to catch your breath.
They place a soft kiss on your head as they remove their fingers, causing you whimper at the sensation. "I love the way you taste, baby," they moan as they lick their fingers clean, "Your so fucking addicting."
They give you a lopsided grin as they look down at you, bring their hand back up to softly caress your cheek. You were both silent, lost in each other's eyes as their thumb gently brushed your lower lip. "I don't want to share,” they said firmly, ”…not anymore.” You could see the sincerity in their eyes, the intensity of their gaze sending shivers down your spine. Your breath caught in your throat as the realization of what they were saying sunk in.
Their lips barely brushing against yours. "You're mine," they declared again, “Only mine.” Your heart fluttered, a swarm of butterflies taking flight in your stomach. Their eyes held an intensity you couldn't identify. Pausing, they studied you, their thumb gently tracing circles on your cheek. "Do you understand, princess?" they whispered, their forehead pressed against yours. Your eyes closed, savoring the sensation of their touch.
"Yours," you responded breathlessly, pulling back to look into their big brown eyes. Your hands moved up to wrap around their neck, your lips finding theirs. The kiss was slow and passionate, conveying the emotions that you couldn't verbalize. Your tongues danced, and your hands tangled in their hair, pulling them closer as their fingers trailed down your spine, making you shiver. You had no doubt in your mind that you were theirs.
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This is the first time I'm write anything smutty, so it's only right that it's a mix of soft and jealous Jordan. Gifs by stannyramirez
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fletchingbrilliant · 1 month
🌙some wildly cheap commissions!🌙
🙃 for some even wilder reasons 🙃
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hey y'all. long post thingie but it's got cute pictures so please check it out
hey frens got something kinda somber to talk about. most of you are very aware of the existence of my beautiful fiance and co-creator of basically everything i do. zae and i are getting handfasted (marriage for pagans) in october, and have been living together for about 10 years. in 2021, zae got really fucking sick, and after a few false starts, was diagnosed with a rare for of vasculitis called granulomatosis with polyangiitis, GPA for short. it’s an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in blood vessels and other tissues, ultimately stopping blood from getting to the parts of the body that need it, affecting many areas, but primarily the respiratory system. while the cause isn’t known, it usually presents in people in their 50’s or 60’s, but complications from a third bout of covid-19 appears to have made it emerge way earlier for our boy. at least, that’s what we think. his case is extremely aggressive, advancing faster than anyone could have expected. in zae’s case, it actually attacked his kidneys first, and then went after his lungs, causing both to threaten shutting down for good. he was extremely anemic and needed a ton of transfusions, narrowly avoiding dialysis, and we spent weeks in the hospital keeping him alive. he was placed on two different kinds of chemotherapy to combat the disorder. he lost his hair, went through even more fatigue and pain on top of what the disease had already put him through, and had to accept a plethora of changes to his life that will last forever. a lot of you out there have harrowing experiences of your own when it comes to chronic and potentially terminal conditions, too, I’m certain. “it’s not fun” is an understatement. though there were a couple of really fucking close calls, zae’s GPA went into remission. his hair grew back fuller and more luscious than it had ever been before. (i later learned these are affectionately referred to as “chemo curls.”) remission for gpa is usually expected to last at least 5 years, potentially up to 20, before any symptoms resurface. but zae’s case was particularly aggressive, so of course he’s not so lucky. he’s relapsing now. his symptoms have been slowly returning, and it’s been decided that he’s going back on chemo. it’s no surprise that this shit is expensive, even with insurance. we’re still paying off the care he received last time because ‘murca. being disabled myself, work has been… let’s call it inconsistent, yeah? yeah, that’s a nice and comfortable thing to call it. no one’s doing well financially these days, so we of course have to get creative. long story short(er), i’m doing a commission special! for the next MONTH, i am offering fast commissions at crazy-low prices to try and help us create a cushion to keep us afloat and relatively comfortable while we begin the chemo process again. there’s several options for a variety of budgets, because i really hate the idea of seeking something for nothing, and i absolutely abhor having to reach out in this way. it makes me feel vulnerable and icky and… i’m sure you all understand that, too. i can’t thank you all enough just for following me, and engaging with mine and zae’s work. it may sound trite, but that really makes a difference to us, especially when we’re dealing with something so painful. so if you can’t or don’t want to partake of the sale, please know that you are still a huge help to us, and we seriously appreciate each and every one of you. like, so fucking much. thanks y’all love, fletch
Commission Options:
Flash Sketches: $5USD/character
Comics: $5USD/panel - flat color
Comics: $10USD/panel - shaded color
Screenshot Redraws - $15USD/character (complex bgs, add $20)
all of this is posted with @zaebeecee's knowledge and blessing
please DM me if you're interested in something, and thank you again
more Hungry Games, fic fanart, and Persona stuff coming soon too
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Funny Coincidence? [Bang Chan x Reader]
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none at all ~
Geneal information: Reader is hinted to be female, but overall I kept them pretty gender neutral. Excuse any typos and mistakes, English isn't my native language
*looks at camera* Arien, this is for you ~🩷 Heavily inspired in a situation that happened irl with my friend and her reason to get that husky family Enjoy your read~ 🐺🖤
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Christopher could not keep his eyes away from the pastel colored box, silliness coloring his smile and bubbling in his chest.
Their little beady eyes stared up at him in the cutest way, tiny fuzzy faces adding to their adorableness. Not to mention the minuscule clothes and accessories that only worsened the cute aggression felt in that moment.
Sylvanian Families - Husky Family
He couldn't control the giggles caught in his throat, letting them out into the air while kicking his legs from the emotion.
A mom dressed in a tiny pastel pink dress
A dad doning the smallest set of blue shirt and pants
And three adorable baby huskies swaddles in different pastel colored blankies
Your boyfriend remembers the stars in your eyes and the gasp that left you when you locked your gaze on that particular set of miniature animals weeks back.
How could he? That child-like joy looked beautiful on you!
Chris remembers how you clinged to his arm and dragged him into the toy store, begging and listing off the reasons why you "absolutely needed" that set.
You yolted with excitement when the shopkeep announced it was their last box of that particular set, growing anxious at the prospect of getting your hands over the husky family.
"If I may ask and know, what is so special of this set that you "must" have it?"
Words failed you and slipped off your tongue without any sense as a stuttered excuse was conjured by your brain, "Childhood pet! Yep, and it's a limited edition, too!" You held the small box close to your chest while making your way to the register, "C-C'mon, there's no way I'll let this opportinuty go... It's the last set!"
A heavy blush covered your cheeks, even tinting the tips of your ears, after his curiosity reached you.
You might think those small, fuzzy animals are the cutest ever, but your flushed face right then and there was his opinion on cutest ever.
So, that day you went home with new figurines to display on your desk and with the sweetest, biggest smile on your lips.
Later on, BangChan did his research and found out the husky family wasn't really a limited set, or at least that's what Calico Critter forums said. Needless to say, that curiosity from earlier resurfaced.
What was the real reason you were desperate to get them?
It wasn't until today that it dawned on him.
You had made plans to spend some time together at your apartment, watch some movies, play some games, and enjoy your favorite snacks.
Once his eyes landed on your desk, he matched two and two together.
You had run out the room to refill your drink. This left him all alone in your personal paradise, filled with trinkets and decorations that showed your unique and colorful self.
From soft PomPomPurin plushies to anime figurines and posters on your walls, with photo frames of you with your friends, family and boyfriend scattered here and there.
Your very own WolfChan plush stood right beside the husky family, with a polaroid of your 2nd anniversary date and one of his photocards situated in between your collectibles.
The spark went off in his brain
Huskies do look a lot like wolves, after all
"Is that supposed to be...us?" Chris mused to himself, a smile growing on his lips.
Love exploded in his chest, emotions running a mile a minute, leaving his brain completely melted at just how utterly adorable you were.
His heart skipped a beat, "So, does that mean... [Name] wants a family? With me?!"
That's how we end up with Chan kicking his legs in excitement as giggles erupt from his lips, face burried in one of your plushies to muffle the sound and hide his goofy fanboy smile.
At the sound of your footsteps approaching, he quickly stood up, rearranged Purin properly on your bed, and took deep breaths to calm down, appear as if nothing had happened.
As soon as you stepped in, his arms were around you, bringing you close to him, "Hey~"
Careful, not wanting to spill your drink, you hugged him back, "Hey there~ Missed me much?"
Chris shrugged, "Eh, kinda," As much as he wanted to appear nonchalant, the roll of his chuckle betrayed him.
While you knew him to be a cheery, funny guy, something about his demeanor felt off.
"What's up? Saw a funny tiktok or something?" You inquired.
He shook his head, "No, no, I just-... Just wondering~"
You took this as your queue to separate slightly and look up at him, taking the opportunity to set your glass down on a stable surface.
"Oh? Can I know about what, luv?" You asked.
More giggles came to the surface as he looked at you, carressing the small of your back with his thumb from where his arms remained loosely on your waist.
Confused, but with his excitement being contagious, a smile formed on your lips as you waited for his answer.
Pink dusted his cheeks, love and eagerness shining in his eyes, "Should we get started making the husky babies?"
You tilted your head slightly, not fully understanding his suggestive tone.
"Wha-OH!" You exclaimed once you followed his gaze to your desk, or rather, to the box containing your Calico Critters.
"Oh my god, Christopher!" That adorable blush from the day you acquired the set returned to your face, hands going up to cover your cheeks.
Laughter filled the air as the leader of Stray Kids brought you back to his chest, showing his teasing ment no harm or pressure, it was simply a silly joke. A joke to demonstrate he understood now the reason why you wanted that specific family of dogs.
All you could do was groan as more laughter spilled from him.
"It's okay, babe! If anything, I think that's quite cute, and I agree with your vision," He reassured, hand going up to pat your head.
At the mention of cute, you peeked up at him slightly, indirectly inquiring an explanation.
Christ pointed at the box, "It's us! It totally is us!" His glee was akin to that of a small child, "Well, us in a future, 'cus we agreed that kids aren't in the picture just yet."
You snorted silently, hitting his chest without force in your hand, "You dork."
He feighend offence, "Me?! You're the one who thought of us with that set! You're the bigger dork here!"
You resorted to further burrying your face into his chest with a small giggle, embarrassment dissipating.
Well, the "secret" was out, but at last he reacted the best way possible!
Even if you couldn't see, Chan smiled down at you and placed a kiss to the top of your head. "Really, it's very adorable. You don't know what you did to my heart."
You remained like that for a while longer, enjoying the close proximity and warmth of his embrace.
Slowly, you turned towards your decorated desk and reached for the Sylvanians. You held it our for both of you to look at closely.
"It's us."
"It really is us."
You looked at Chan and he looked at you, both sharing a sweet smile as he brought your foreheads together.
"You're so silly," he said.
"And you love silly old me~," you said with triumph.
"Yeah, I do," overwhelming love was evident in his voice.
It was only natural for your lips to find each other after, longing to demostrate the mutual adoration that gives life to your relationship.
[ END ]
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Hehehehe 😈🤭💖 I personally really enjoyed writing this piece, since I wrote it with a target in mind, one of my dearest friends in life! Hope it was to your liking~! Fee freeto like, reblog, and comment~
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areyouafraidofdating · 11 months
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“Moustache Steve” resurfaced and went all crazy (shocking?) on my DMs on tiktok the last day or two. The original story is a couple of years back but here’s a summary:
A guy from my past resurfaced and I wanted to warn women on dating apps about him. His name is Steve and we met on Hinge. He seemed okay from chatting / talking on there so I invited him to a comedy show (this was in 2021) and we had a nice time. Ended the night having a drink after the show and he immediately said he wanted to see me again and asked if I would hang out on the weekend. I was super surprised by this, he must have had a good time and liked me. Most of my recent first dates didn’t amount to much from meeting people off dating apps so this was refreshing. We decided to meet at High Park and walk around / hang out for the afternoon. Red Flag #1 he was irritated that I kept on commenting on all the cute dogs - mind you I asked if I could bring my dog and he said he likes dogs! He said “no don’t bring the dog so we can focus on getting to know each other, less distractions” so I was like, weird but okay. When we met he tells me he purposely brought me to the park as a “free date” because “women always fuck me over and make me pay for dinner or meals and then ghost me” (red flag #2)… we hang out a few hours and I am getting hungry. He tells me he has “food at home” and has plans later to go out with some friends to a comedy show and will catch me later. No biggie, I go home and think nothing of it. Over the next few days he starts texting and calling me at all hours of the day while I’m working and starts to have little meltdowns when I don’t answer or I’m busy. I tell him I’m working and wonder how he’s texting so much while he’s working? He told me he works full time but not to ask about it, another trigger or something? (Red flag #3) the texts and calls turn into voice notes. Really scary and aggressive sounding and I’m at the point past being polite and I suggest he seeks some mental health help from a professional and block / delete his number (and already unmatched on Hinge). Really creepy and scary and unstable stuff. Fast forward to earlier this week when I started to look at tiktok reels after quite some time of not using the app. He’s a suggested contact and apparently is following me on there? We never exchanged socials so I clicked on his profile where he has one weird video posted and nothing else. He DMs me “hey” and I decide to reply saying “hi” because why not. Maybe he’s going to apologize for being a nutcase? Maybe not. He proceeds to tell me he “figured we could go for a drink” and I replied “no thank you” politely again. The amount of replies (13+) I got after a polite no thank you signals to me that he’s not okay. Not stable. Shouldn’t be meeting new women if he’s still on Hinge or other apps and I thought I would warn all of you lovely ladies about him. Steer clear! He lives in Etobicoke, is about 32 years old and his name is Steve.
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j-graysonlibrary · 7 months
Heartbeats; Paradise Chapter 1
Title: Heartbeats; Paradise
Author: Jay Grayson
Word Count: 112K
Genres: Psychological thriller, drama, sci-fi, LGBT+
Available on: Kobo and my website
Synopsis: Melvin Hardy and Kade Axel appear to be a match made in heaven. After a meet-cute in the rain, the two quickly find themselves in a burgeoning, wholesome relationship.
Yet, things feel…off. It isn’t the ghosts of their pasts that resurface to test the strength of their partnership—no—it’s something nebulous. Something indescribable. Melvin can’t put his finger on it but, the more time he spends with Kade, the more he starts to wonder what’s real and what’s pure fiction.  
Full chapter 1 under the cut:
Chapter One:
The sun sets.
I adjust the rod of my umbrella, cursing under my breath at the stiffness of the thing due to a long period of inactivity. It hardly ever rains here but I always carry the umbrella with me. Just in case.
Many of my colleagues rush past me, braving the drizzle before the storm really hits. They can have fun getting wet but I’m wearing one of my more expensive jackets. Probably not the best idea, in retrospect, to wear my designer suit on an overcast Thursday but I had needed some sort of pick-me-up this morning. And that just so happened to be dressing nicer to motivate myself to get to work.
My umbrella finally releases and the fabric pops open before me. I raise it above my head and step out from beneath the overhang.
With my apartment a few blocks away, I have time to think about what I’ll make for dinner as I walk. I wouldn’t say I’m a good cook but I have some staples under my belt—a necessity born from living on one’s own. A large portion of my meals may come premade but I still add a pinch of seasoning or a twist here and there. There are definitely some microwave dinners in my freezer which, at the rate this day is going, will probably be my answer.
After that, I think I’ll pour myself a glass of wine and relax some. It’s not the end of the week yet but it is close so letting loose, or, as loose as I allow myself to get, isn’t a bad idea. I’ll avoid the news stations and search for something more relaxing on the TV and, if not relaxing then at least mind numbing.
I could check my personal e-mail as well, I consider as the clouds darken and the rain pours down in sheets. The thumping against my umbrella lets me know they are big droplets and I’m even gladder that I always carry the thing with me. My mind quickly bounces back to my after-work agenda and I think of the possibility that my mother might have sent me something. It was my twenty-sixth birthday not too long ago and I have not checked my e-mail for a time.
I sigh instinctively when the woman comes to mind. She would probably have sent something vague and/or generic if she sent anything at all. With, perhaps, a slight passive-aggressive note on the state of my love life.
There is a far off rumble of thunder as the rain rages even harder and I’m forced to slow down next to a bus stop. My glasses are fogging and I have to either take them off or wipe them clean. I attempt to hold my umbrella in the crook of my elbow while I fish out my glasses case from my pocket.
I whip out the small cloth and run it quickly over the glass—it isn’t perfect but at least I can see in front of me again. I’ll clean them more thoroughly once I get home.
I check the road, finding little traffic between me and the pavement across the street where my path continues. There aren’t a lot of cars in town or, at least, there aren’t a lot of reasons to drive them. I, myself, have a car but it’s more out of want than need. My commute to work can easily be done on foot and more places in town can be reached by a bus or on bike.
Though I am sure the poor soul across the street wishes they hadn’t taken their bike out today. They have no coverage and the rain beats down on them without mercy.
As I rush over the crosswalk I notice something even more unfortunate. Their front wheel is loose and there is no way the bike is useable anymore unless the rider is less than fifty pounds. And, while they may seem petite, I doubt they’re that light.
I step onto the sidewalk and my presence alerts them. Their head rises, facing the rain, to look up at me and the world at large freezes.
Even if we aren’t the only two people on the sidewalk, it certainly does feel that way.
It’s hard to tell what gender they are but I do know one thing for certain—they are beautiful. Their hair, wet and heavy, falls past their shoulders and their eyes shine with the light of the nearby streetlamp. A pair of gorgeous blue-green irises, like the Mediterranean Sea, stares into me and I am struck by a feeling foreign to me.
“I could fix that,” I say without meaning to. While it might be true that I can fix their bike, I usually wouldn’t approach a stranger in such a way. Normally, I would think on how unlucky they were and continue my trip home but I am mesmerized by their face and I can’t seem to control myself any longer.
“You can?” They ask with a lower, almost boyish voice. Their eyes, somehow, get bigger at the prospect and their lips curl into a smile. Their pink, full lips that compliment the shape of their face as if they were created with the intent to ensnare me…
I nod eagerly. “I have a model similar to that so I have some spare parts.” I then realize what helping them entails and I worry they will be frightened by the idea. “I…it’s all at my apartment though. Are you okay with that?”
“Sure!” That brightness doesn’t fade and they look even more excited about the situation.
I lean my umbrella over their head and shield them from any more rain though they are already quite soaked. I keep my eyes on their face rather than the white shirt that clings to their body.
“Oh…thank you,” they remark cutely and inch closer. “I don’t want to get your nice coat wet though…”
“It’s alright,” I let them know, “I can get it dry cleaned over the weekend if needed.”
I keep the umbrella over us though my right arm is left out to get wet as well as some of my right side in general. My new companion drags their bike along and the rain becomes our soundtrack as we walk to my apartment, alone on the sidewalk. Even the volume of cars slows to nearly none as we get closer.
“So…” my company speaks up as if to fill the silence but maybe they are uncomfortable about long pauses. “Can I ask your name? I don’t want to keep having to refer to you as ‘handsome stranger’ in my head.”
We share a chuckle but I do feel my cheeks grow warm. This beautiful person finds me attractive as well? The odds maybe aren’t that bad since many people have commented on my looks before but still…it is a wonderful feeling.
“I’m Melvin Hardy.” I glance away, unbelievably shy at the exchange but I hope to hide it well. My heart is beating as if to leave my chest and my head is spinning just from this little bit of interaction. Just as I am ready to hear who it is I’ve become enamored with, I remember. While I feel it is obvious with one look that I am a man, I still say out of politeness, “Oh, and my pronouns are he/him.”
“Mine too!” he replies with a bounce in his step. “My name’s Kade. Kade Axel.”
So perfection has a name and it’s Kade Axel, I think. Somehow, I feel I already knew it but I’m happy to be told.
We come upon my apartment complex and I quickly lead Kade to the stairs where I can finally remove the umbrella. I shake it off and fold it back into it’s compact form while, at my side, Kade props his bike against the bricks under the stairs.
“My apartment is upstairs,” I tell him, “I hope I have a spare part…if not, you can just borrow my bike.” I add the last part and point to the bike nearby.
“Oh, no, I couldn’t.” Kade shakes his head and raises his hands in protest.
“Only if I can’t fix yours.” I offer a smile. Plus, I add mentally, if he borrows something of mine, he’ll have to come back to see me.
“Well…okay.” He bites his lip, pulling both the skin and my attention.
I have to snap myself out of it and lead the way up. I’m relieved, momentarily, that I cleaned not too long ago. Though, to be honest (and a little proud) my place never gets too dirty anyway.
I allow Kade inside first and I shut the door after us, turning only the deadbolt lock. My part of town isn’t dangerous though I can’t say any part of town really is. People truly keep to themselves here.
“I have a hair dryer if you need it,” I say when I notice Kade fussing with his wet hair. He looks genuinely upset to have tracked so much water into my home. And, if it were anyone else, I might be irritated but it also isn’t his fault he’s soaked. “…And dry clothes too…though they might be a bit big.”
A pink blush rises to his pale cheeks and my heart swells at the sight. Kade brings his hands together in front of his chest and asks, “Are you sure that’s okay? I feel like I—”
I don’t let him finish. “It’s alright. Really.”
He still looks a bit bashful but he agrees to take some of my old sweats and dry out his hair. Before he shuts himself away in the hall bathroom, I ask,
“Do you have any food allergies? I’ll make dinner while you’re in here.”
“Y-you really don’t have to.” He flushes even more and part of me wants to continuously offer him things to see just how flustered he can get.
But, I restrain myself. “Well, if you’re getting dry then you don’t need to go out in the rain until it’s slowed down at least. And, if that takes a while, you shouldn’t go hungry. I was going to make myself dinner anyway…what’s an extra serving?”
His stunning eyes blink a few times and his brow furrows together, forming only one, small crease between them. “Why are you being so nice to me?”
Well that’s a loaded question. I can’t even be sure myself and saying ‘you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen’ already sounds creepy in my head—I can’t even imagine how it’ll sound coming out of my mouth. But if I say that he was in need and I help those in need I’ll be lying.
I open and close my mouth a few times before still, sort of, lying, “I’m not sure.”
Kade clearly isn’t expecting that as his eyes bulge and he steps back. “You…you don’t know?”
“It was an impulse,” that is a little more truthful at least, “Once I saw you there, I couldn’t leave you.”
This response brings his blush back and he avoids my eyes. Such a shame as I’ve found my new hobby in staring into his lovely irises.
“Well…t-thanks. I don’t have any food allergies, by the way. I’ll eat whatever you make.”
I leave him to head to the kitchen, worrying that I still, maybe, laid things on a bit thick. I adjust my glasses and then take them off entirely. My vision is a little blurry without them but I know my kitchen and pantry well enough to navigate it partly blind.
I settle on a simple rice dish and, while everything is cooking, I take the time to properly clean my glasses. In a way, I’m almost scared to see Kade without the streaks and water droplets in the way. How could he possibly be more gorgeous? And will I be able to handle it?
As I worry about possibly making a fool of myself even more than I already have, I check my hall closet to see if I have the parts Kade needs for his bike. I do, thankfully, but that also takes away his reason for coming back. Though, if I let him leave with my old clothes then that could be something?
I grumble to myself at how desperate I am. If Kade doesn’t want to see me again, it’s within his rights to. Just because I’m completely taken with him doesn’t mean he’s obligated to hang around. I’d be no better than a love struck teenager if I think otherwise.
Dinner is ready so I turn my focus to setting the table and making the meal look as presentable as possible. I’m slightly frustrated at myself for not asking what Kade wants to drink but I hope he’ll be alright with a glass of water.
I sit at the small table that straddles both the kitchen and the living room and I wait for a few more minutes. Maybe his hair takes some time to dry? It is quite long after all. I think on it and begin to feel anxious. There is no direction or cue so I simply wait a bit longer.
Finally, Kade emerges from the hall. He’s all but lost in my sweats but that makes him, painfully, even more adorable. His hair is shorter and blonder now that it’s dried, though it still brushes against his shoulders and looks so soft to the touch. He pulls the sleeves up on the shirt and his pace picks up when he sees the table. “Sorry I took a while—I had to call my sister.”
“Oh…no problem.” I swallow the nerves down and glance from him to the food as my mind whirls with questions and prompts. “…Do you live with your sister?” I settle on.
“I do,” he responds quickly and gets comfortable in his chair. “She’s letting me stay with her while I finish college and I help out at her café as payment.”
Finish college…he’s at least twenty-two in that case. Unless he graduated high school early, of course. He could also be older if he took a gap year or simply waited to go. It is hard to tell his age by his face as it’s so smooth and young looking—unlike me who has always looked like a grown man since middle school.
“That’s sweet of her,” I respond and urge him to eat with a simple hand gesture. After he takes a bite, I risk sounding like a creep to ask, “What café?”
Kade smiles and swallows before answering, “It’s actually the one right down the block from where we met today. Back the direction you came from.”
“Caramel café?” I question with doubt but Kade nods in confirmation. “I go there on my breaks all the time…I’ve never seen you.” If I had, I’d definitely remember.
But he laughs, covering his mouth and hiding his face. “I…it’s a new thing. I just started this past week.”
“Oh…I haven’t been this week.” I feel slightly embarrassed by my mini-outburst. I clear my throat and change topics, “So, what are you in school for?”
“Psychology,” Kade says as he drops his hand. He seems comfortable talking about this so I think it’s probably something he’s passionate about. After he takes another bite of dinner, he continues, “I want to be a grief counselor.”
“Wow.” I’m a bit taken aback. I had not expected something like that. “That’s a tough job.”
“But necessary,” he responds and, as swiftly as I had, he shifts the question onto me, “So what do you do, Melvin?”
“Nine to five office work. I got my degree in business so I went straight into the grind.” It’s boring to do and even more so to talk about.
Lucky for us, mother nature also wishes to move on from the topic. A loud crash of thunder shakes the building and a flash of lightning illuminates the room.
Kade jumps. “I guess I���m not heading out anytime soon…”
I shake my head. “You can crash on my couch if you want. I don’t mind.”
He smiles and pokes at the remainder of his food with his fork. “…You’re so nice. I’m almost waiting for the other shoe to drop.”
I raise one of my eyebrows. Does he think I’m hiding some horrible secret? Or that I’m really out to get him? I can’t exactly blame him with how odd the circumstances are and I truly do have no reason to be going out of my way to help.
“I’m not really a serial killer, I promise,” I say with a smirk, breaking some of the tension.
Kade laughs and shakes his head. “Well, I wasn’t thinking that…exactly. There just…there must be a downside to you. No way you can be so perfect. Handsome, nice, good cook, considerate, good and stable job…”
I’m thrown off guard. He had called me handsome before but I did not expecting to hear it again. “You like dinner then?” I decide to focus on that instead.
He chuckles again. “Yeah. It’s really good.”
Thunder crashes once more and I nearly jump myself this time. I use the shot of adrenaline to stand and collect our now empty plates. “Thank you,” I respond, “after I wash the dishes, I’ll grab you some blankets for the couch.”
I dip into the kitchen and quickly wash up, not wanting to leave Kade by himself for too long. My heart beats faster at the mere thought of him and I’m almost scared of how I’ll feel when he’s gone. This new cacophony of emotions can’t simply disappear, can it?
His sweet voice spins me around and I take him all in. He truly is beautiful and more than a little cute bundled up in my clothes and nervously scratching at the side of his face.
“Yes?” I ask with a hitch in my voice.
He doesn’t notice or he doesn’t say anything about it at least. Instead, he starts to smile and he meets my eyes. “Thank you.”
It’s so honest and so warm that it fills my chest with a fuzzy, comforting sensation.
I don’t want him to leave.
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falsespring · 1 year
resurfacing on this blog after a whole month because i focused too hard on one clip and felt physical cuteness aggression so strong that i was literally powerless otherwise. sorry. THE original baby girl
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ddsmallz · 2 years
LITERALLY what the fuck is my life rn 😭😂
one of my coworkers was like i didn’t know u were an 90’s kid why am i a dating someone else rn LMAO WHAt sir stop playing with me, i almost told him to dump her LOL
then the cute girl that works there was like ur my favorite, like STOP we are married
and my flirtation feelings are resurfacing for the crazy girl from my job and a 20 year old child is aggressively hitting on me
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phoenix-manga · 2 years
Yay! Your ask is open! I was dying to ask about your monster hunter x twisted wonderland stuff! Like your pick of who ever, reaction to Fraena explaining about some of the monsters in her world, like she would show them some information about them in her journal just cause they asked.
I'll make a list of what kind of monster piqued their curiosity enough to ask Fraena about it.
How this happens is that they know her abilities as a hunter but they wonder what kind of monsters could she hunt to possibly require... such obnoxious weaponry ahem looking at her Gunlance ahem.
List below:
Heartslabyul - Paolumu
Honestly they thought that this little floof bat wasn't harmless. It honestly looked so cuddly and Cater would think it would make for a nice pillow. But they would be horrified to know that Paolumus are very aggressive because of its environment.
Fraena would casually mention how these fluffy bastards can knock you into the air by inflating the air sac and launching mini twisters at you.
Even the cute ones you need to look out for apparently.
Ace and Deuce are pale when they imagine what it could do if it were here. Riddle was with Cater and thought it looked cute until he was told how much of a little turd it was.
Trey just thought how it looks like a cupcake with vanilla frosting when puffed up. Maybe making some Paolumu themed sweets could snap them out of their shock.
Savanaclaw - Odogaron
A dorm full of students who know how to pick their fights, of course they would want to find out if Fraena even fought any of the monsters drawn in her journal.
Ruggie asked out of curiosity if she has ever hunted anything that was like an apex predator. Fraena just said yes and proceeded to explain how many high rank hunters would sometimes be left in critical condition after hunting an Odogaron.
It looked like something straight from the underworld. That shut them up because from the looks of it, they wouldn't even stand a chance against one even if they all fought it. Big respect for Fraena for making it out alive after hunting this thing.
And just recall it like it was a normal sunday. Damn!
Octavinelle - Lavasioth
tbh, Floyd would be curious to know about the Lava fish because no way that would exist in Twisted Wonderland.
Though it would be terrifying to encounter. A fish that swims in lava and said lava can harden into armor and render your attacks useless? You'd be better off relocating your entire family than try to repel thins thing much less kill it.
Fraena just dislikes this monster because it took too long to kill. She calls it a coward and recalled how she kept follwoing it hoping it would resurface.
Letting them know that she deliberately chased after it because "hitting the lava before it hardens was a good thing" as if hitting lava or getting near it is anything positive.
Jade doesn;t care about that and just wants to know more about the Mosswine. Of course he would.
Scarabia - Kulve Taroth
Kalim wants to hear more stories about the gold monster. Apparently, Jamil saw a page in her journal about a dragon thing that was covered horn to toe in gold and how it lives in a cave full of gold.
It was like a different version of the cave of wonders. But they'd be shocked to know that it takes 16 hunters to take this thing down.
mainly because the resources that it could provide was beneficial to hunters. Jamil was more concerned about the fact that this dragon could set the floor on fire and Fraena along with other hunters... idk just took it like a champ and barreled through?!
She's was worse than Kalim's ability to e a trouble magnet.
Pomefiore - Malfestio
Surely a magnificent bird with bright plumage like this would e ketp as pets on occassion, right? That's what they thought but Fraena just gave them a WTF look and told them that a Malfestio can be dangerous to be kept as a pet.
Their scales can cause confusion and induce sleep, their wings have hidden blades that can slice through most armor which can leave a hunter with less limbs.
She says so much that Vil tries to get her to stop because this was getting rather disturbing.
Rook though, he's very fascinated and wants to know more about this elusive bird. The moment she tells him about its deviant that can disappear completely, you bet he'd be imagining what its like to face one. The beauty of danger...
Yeah, it won't be beautiful when it shreds you to ribbons, Rook....
Ignihyde - Glavenus & Acidic Glavenus
Idia just thinks that a dinosaur with a sword tail that somehow looks natural just makes him think that whatever deity was in Fraena's world, it was feeling very creative when they decided to make this monster.
It was so cool! And it can heat up the blades for additional damage? Ultra cool!
Fraena was kind of fond of this monster and she tells him that it was fun to fight against. Idia looks pale because fighting something that can slice you shouldn't be fun.
Once he finds out about the Acidic Glavenus though, he's going to fanboy so much. It looks like a samurai when the acid crystals are gone from its tail. Not to mention it will lower your defense when you are hit by the crystals and then gain additional damage when you get hit by the sharpened tail.
Definitely a clever foe to fear.
Diasomnia - Gore Magala
Malleus thought the Gore Magala resembles the great dragon that his hometown admires. Fraena feels bad to destroy his expectations but she has to carefully explain that the only similarity was the color of the scales.
This dragon is very dangerous due to the scales causing the frenzy virus that can disrupt the ecosystem, forcing hunters to kill it off before the entire land is destroyed.
Dragon boi is kind of sad that this dragon wasn't noble like the ones back home.
it was kind of terrifying to be living near a dragon that causes an epidemic. Not even the Valley of Thorns have such a dragon.
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boytouya · 3 years
w.count: 1.5k
pairing: katsuki bakugo x male reader, meet-cute
a/n: this been sitting in my drafts for a long time… summer is basically over so i think it’s time to just get rid of it 😭 so sorry for the paragraphs of like…nothing
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Dry concrete soaks water deep within its crevices, leaving behind foot-shaped tracks as you step out the pool. It’s a stark contrast compared to the cold water, as heated pavement begins to burn the soles of your feet. Cerulean water calls for you, blowing in the same direction as the gentle summer breeze. Your limbs stretch, cracking as you release the tension between your joints.
You spare the pool one last glance, squinting as yellow rays bounce off the mass and into your eyes. Still, it’s beautiful. You’d stay forever if you could, submerged in almost mythical hues of blue. Sighing, you return your gaze to pruney fingers, wiggling them as if they’d return back to normal in a matter of seconds. You hop from one foot to the other, desperate to get back to your secluded area of shade, desperate to extinguish the burning in your feet.
You slide to the corner, just beneath a rather large umbrella, taking a moment to grab your backpack and pull out your phone. You huff out a sigh of relief, relaxing as your body quickly chills atop the poolside floor. The moment your back meets cool metal, from the fence encasing the public space, the entryway gate creaks from the pressure of countless teens. Their hair is almost as bright as the glimmering chlorine, smiles spreading across their youthful faces as they chat amongst themselves.
You blink, dumbfounded, as a boy with bright red hair runs straight to the pool, seemingly having discarded his casual clothing before even stepping foot into the community space. He jumps in with a strangled shout, hugging his knees to his chest as water explodes past the edges of the pool. Goosebumps spread across your skin like wildfire as water meets your calf, and out of instinct, your leg jerks back. He resurfaces with what you assume is a smile, raising soaked arms above his head as he shakes out his hair. In a way, he reminds you of a puppy.
Hidden behind him runs an electric blond (if he qualifies as such), who belly flops into the pool with uncertainty painting his face a mere split second before hitting the water. You feel yourself smile, despite having no connection to the strangers. Warmth courses through your body, even as cool air hits your skin. They feel familiar; they feel like friends.
You find yourself slowly inching closer, close enough to see where the pool ends, a darker shade of blue circulating around the edges of the pool. It ripples with each movement the boys make, and erupts abruptly when another body drops into the water. It’s seemingly much more aggressive, and you’d worry for the person who might as well have dropped a bomb into the water, but it sprays directly into your face before you can close your mouth.
With a mouthful of chlorine, you blink away droplets of water clinging to your eyelashes with matched aggression. The culprit, completely unapologetic, arises from gleaming water with a scrunched up face. Almost as surprised as you are, his full lips twist into a snarl as his hand finds a freckle dusted ankle that had only scurried away by a mere millimeter. The blond, snarling with sharp canines, throws the freckled boy into the water with enough force to suck him beneath the deeper end of the pool. A mixture of forest green and midnight black flash before your eyes, leaving just as soon as it arrives.
You’re not even sure he’s the unlucky person who pushed the blond in.
Despite gaping at the stranger like a fish, you find the corners of your lips twisting upwards as he whips his head around in your direction. His bottom lip, pink and carrying a droplet of water, jutts out as he bares his teeth at you. He’s undeniably pretty, he even has a beauty mark just below his right eye to prove it- but the hideous face he makes at you screams otherwise.
The muscles in his biceps ripple as his shoulders scrunch up, matching the makeshift waves disrupting the pool.
“Aw man, there he goes- Bakugo! Be nice!” Your eyes flicker back to the redhead, who shakes his head fondly.
“Mind your business!” The blond, Bakugo, shouts back. You find yourself instinctively leaning back, as if his words alone will blow up in your face.
The warm sunlight hits his face like a painting, with light strokes across the baby fat clinging to his pale cheeks. It cascades down the muscles of his front, which seemingly repel the water flowing around him. With zero sense of self preservation, you sit still at the end of the pool. He looks awfully familiar, with spiky blond hair that seems to be strategically disheveled and piercing crimson eyes.
“Hah? Shut your trap!” You didn’t mean to say that out loud, but it was too late- the teen was already on a warpath. He yells once more, and suddenly, you recall him from the sports festival. In the corner of your eye you can see an apologetic gaze masked by emerald irises.
The over exuding confidence, the wit radiating off of him— the way he squares up his posture to look more intimidating… Katsuki Bakugo, the winner of the sports festival. But something in his eyes twist, and they darken much more than you ever thought they could— as if he has a different idea. As if you know him from elsewhere.
He pulls you in by your shoulder, holding you between the edge of cerulean water and eggshell concrete. You can feel his breath fan across your face, with cool tones of mint brushing against the tip of your nose. He holds you by the arm as if he knows you, tightening his grip as the pads of his fingers dig into your bicep. Not too hard, just enough to jostle you off the edge and into the water with an unexpected gasp.
The chlorine burns your nose, violating your nostrils as you squeeze your eyes shut against faux currents. Though it’s muffled, you can hear Bakugo’s shrill laughter. And if you opened your eyes, you’d see his legs thrashing beneath the surface.
Raising your head above the water, you make out the large grin spread across the blond’s face through streams of water. He watches it run down your face like the hills of a mountain, fire igniting in his vermillion eyes. There’s something about it that’s contagious, spreading like a wildfire as you find yourself smiling too. Maybe it’s the dimples pulling at his cheeks— or the way his eyes squint with pride.
Carmine meets [eye color], but only for a split second before the blond finds a spot on the ledge, pulling himself up with only an ounce of his upper body strength. His smile vanishes, with lips pursed just as tight as his furrowed eyebrows. He’s hard to read, you wish you knew what he was thinking about.
Your body moved on its own, jumping to propel yourself up to sit next to the brash boy. Water splashes off your shorts, and you miss the way Katsuki’s eyes rake over your shoulder blades. Your shoulders bump, and you can hear him make a noncommittal grunt upon impact. A small smile reaches your lips, and you scoot enough to respect his personal space.
The water carries your legs across the surface, involuntarily tangling your limbs with the boy next to you. His face remains turned to the side, but you can see nerves in the way he balls his hand into a fist and pushes his knuckles against the concrete.
“Oh, by the way,” You nudge him with your elbow, watching his head whip around and smack cold water onto your face. With you, he seems much more responsive than with his friends- but you don't comment on it. He doesn’t either. “I’m [Name], from Shiketsu.”
His face sours, distorting to look almost as pruney as your fingertips. You’d laugh if he wasn’t borderline insulting you.
“Huh. Your sorry ass would’ve looked better at U.A.” He scowls, though much more at the thought of never really being able to see you again outside of district activities than the thought of you at Shiketsu.
“In the uniform, or in general?” You snicker, watching his scowl twist into something tight lipped. You can't tell if it’s the sun shining through his earlobes or a considerate amount of blush, but the tips of his ears are stark red.
“Eat shit.” He grits, steadying himself as though he was about to push you back into the water. He shakes his head, but there’s a heavy lack of malice or ill-intent in his statement. He lets out an inaudible whisper under his breath, something that sounds along the lines of ‘Both.’
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the-atlas-sister · 3 years
Rivals (Miya Chinen)
"I know I can beat you," you scoffed, glaring at the taller teenager before you. Miya Chinen. Your rival since childhood. "I've always been better than you."
"Sure, kitten," he chuckled, smirking confidently at you. "Cause I totally didn't kick your ass last time you challenged me."
"You did not!" you exclaimed, your face flushing.
"Mhm," Miya hummed, cocking an eyebrow.
"You know what!" you exclaimed, clenching your fists. "Let's go! Right now!"
"Fine," Miya shrugged. "But let's go by S rules. If I win you'll do whatever I want for the rest of the day."
You thought about it for a second. If he really did win, he could make you do some horrible stuff. Plus, he was a hormonal teenage boy who spent a good portion of his time with perverts like Joe. "Deal," you said finally. "But the bet goes both ways."
"Deal," Miya smiled, shaking your hand.
*after the race*
"Told you I'd win," Miya smirked as I rode up next to him.
"What do you want me to do? Massage your feet? Clean your room?" you questioned, kicking up your board with a pout.
Miya thought for a second before a blush appeared on his face. "Give me a kiss."
"What?" you exclaimed, your eyes going wide.
"You heard me," Miya shrugged, leaning on his board casually. "Kiss me."
You stomped up to the taller boy scowling at him. "If you think I'm kissing your ugly mug, then you really are an idiot."
Miya frowned slightly before covering it with a smirk. "We shook on it Kitten," he stated, shoving his hands in his pockets. "You can do as I say or you can be my lap dog."
You blushed at the thought of being some type of pet to your handsome rival. "Fine," you huffed before grabbing the collar of Miya's iconic green hoodie and pulling him towards you. His eyes widened as yours screwed shut and you slammed your lips against his aggressively. He was quick although to pull you closer by your hips, to which you responded by moving your hands to cup the side of his neck. You hummed in satisfaction as he squeezed your hips.
"Happy?" you asked, huffing a bit from the intensity of the kiss.
"Very," Miya stated, pressing his forehead against yours. "But we're not done Kitten."
"Are we done yet?" you groaned. It was mid-afternoon and you and Miya were at a more secluded part of the beach. Miya had told you to do a lot of things, mostly boosting his ego and embarrassing you, although he never demanded any more affection from you. Now, he told you to go with him to the beach. Why? You had honestly no idea. Probably so he could pull some stupid prank or make you do something embarrassing.
"Nope, I get two more hours," Miya smirked, pulling off his hoodie.
"What are you doing?" you asked, your eyes going wide as the boy began to strip.
"Taking off my clothes, like you should be doing," Miya stated simply, throwing his clothes in a pile on the ground.
"What the hell kind of person do you take me for!?" you exclaimed, hugging yourself tightly.
"I meant so we could swim! Calm down," Miya stated, shaking his head. "I'm not a douche."
"The first thing you demanded of me was a kiss," you deadpanned.
"I'd been curious about what it'd be like to kiss you for a while now," Miya shrugged, though his cheeks flushed at his own confession. "Now I know."
You stared at the boy in surprise. "R-really?" you asked.
"Yeah, your not a horrible kisser," Miya smirked, glancing back at you.
"Oh, thanks?" you said, questioning what all this meant.
"Now come on, strip," Miya stated, smirking at your embarrassed face.
"Don't phrase it like that, idiot!" you exclaimed but pulled off your shirt.
"Meet you in there!" he exclaimed before jumping into the water.
"Stupid Miya," you mumbled, pulling off your bottoms. "Being all stupid and cute and talented and sexy and- and- why can't I think of any bad adjectives!"
That's when you noticed that Miya had yet to resurface.
"Miya?" you called. "M-Miya?" Nothing. "Miya, this isn't funny!" You rushed into the water, spinning around in a panic. "Miya you better not be playing some stupid prank!" You yelped as you sank into the water. "Miya where are you!?"
"Right here," a voice whispered in your ear. You yelped and spun around to see Miya, laughing loudly.
"Miya, don't do that!" you yelped, smacking the boy's chest.
"Aw, did I scare you?" he cooed, stroking your face with a teasing smirk.
"Yeah! I thought I'd be charged with murder!" you exclaimed, pushing Miya's head under the water and laughing as his arms flailed.
"Rude!" he exclaimed as he resubmerged.
You just giggled before looking at him. Despite every annoying thing he did, he was still beautiful. Especially now, with his shiny hair plastered against his face and the water dripping against his soft skin.
"Your staring Kitten," Miya smirked, pulling you toward him by your waist.
"Was not," you scoffed.
"Was too,"  he stated, pulling you a little closer.
"Was not."
"Was too."
"Was not!"
"Was too!"
"Was not!"
"It's okay, I like to stare too," Miya stated, hugging you and nuzzling his face into your neck. "At you, not myself."
You froze up, unsure of how to react.
"I like you a lot Y/n," he stated, though it was muffled by your neck. "I have since we were kids. I should have told you back then instead of making you my rival." You stayed silent. "Please say something Kitten." His grip on your waist tightened.
"Take me on a real date next time," you mumbled, hugging the cat-obsessed boy.
You felt him smile against your neck before kissing it gently. "As you wish Kitten."
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mieohmy · 4 years
𝖠𝗍 𝖸𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖲𝖾𝗋𝗏𝗂𝖼𝖾 | 𝖪𝗂𝗆 𝖲𝗎𝗇𝗐𝗈𝗈
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PAIRING: kim sunwoo x fem reader
GENRE: fluff, angst, humor, strangers-to-lovers, unrequited love au, dancer!reader, formeridoltrainee!sunwoo
WC: 14.7k 
NOTES: drinking+alcohol consumption, slight cursing, tiny hint of sexual harassment, a temporarily sad sunwoo :(
SUMMARY: for years, sunwoo’s harbored a crush on the same girl. even though his feelings are probably unrequited and she has no idea, insert you into the picture: a recently-turned-single person that finds interest in assisting his love quest! well, except for the fact that some feelings (that really shouldn’t be happening) begin to stir..
+ happy valentines day to everyone ^^
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Day 11. Of your newly turned single life. You’re not even sure why it’s upsetting. He wasn’t that impressionable and left an unpleasant aftertaste in your mouth. Maybe it wasn’t even him, the way he randomly suggested an end to your several months of life together. 
Maybe it was just you. 
Nonetheless, drinks are always a way to get rid of all unwanted thoughts, the liquid flowing through your body and numbing all senses. But apparently not enough for you to miss a rising conflict at a couple tables away from yours one night. 
 You didn’t want to involve yourself in someone else’s business, you affirmed internally, downing another shot. But the increasing noise and tension grab your attention nevertheless. 
There’s some guy. Wasted, you can definitely tell. It’s what he attracted that’s causing all the disturbance to your inevitably lonely night. 
You’re not really sure what’s going on, but he’s obviously pissing off some other people, and the noise isn’t going down. 
Seriously, no one else is gonna do anything? 
It’s getting increasingly worse, and once of the guys raises an arm, (probably to incite something violent you don’t want to deal with, but you do anyway) your body takes over your mind and forces you over to the table. 
“Excuse me, not to pry or anything, but is there something wrong?” You don’t even know who this horribly drunk guy is, and still, here you are, attempting to save his butt. 
Maybe you should’ve used your brain once to actually look and see who you were facing against. The extremely bulky man scoffs, squinting at you. 
“And who are you? Another fangirl of his?”
The drunk man suddenly stirs next to you, aggressively pointing at the guy. “Don’t worry about him,” he slurs, “he’s just jealous he doesn’t have anyone that likes him back.”
Muscly guy (you can’t think of any other way to describe him) lets out a loud guffaw, slapping his thigh rather hard. “And what about you? What about that girl you’ve liked since forever? Can’t say anything back now, huh?” 
Drunk boy (another great nickname) abruptly stands up, knocking glasses over and making more of a ruckus. You notice he’s super tensed, and his eyes flash something you can’t read. 
“Don’t you dare say anything about her.” 
“Oooh, the tough boy becomes a softie. It’s sad how-“
It is sad, you think. It’s sad how he never gets to finish his sentence before the supposedly wasted guy launches a solid fist at his face. 
And then you’re not sure what really happens next. A lot of chaos that wasn’t settling well for a still somewhat drunk person like you. 
Although, you miraculously manage to appease the angered employees and drag the guy with you outside. 
“No-just- Sit!” You huff, finally shoving him down onto a bench. You forgot how exhausting it was to take of other drunk people. You have absolutely no clue as to why you’re still helping this guy, but it’s too late to just leave him now, you suppose. 
Slumping next to him, you exhale, enjoying the finally peaceful moment. It’s a cold night, but you feel.... warm, buzzing alive. The usual numbness in your body was nowhere to be found. 
“Well, aren’t you gonna thank me?” 
His head ever so slowly turns to you. “Me? Why would I?” Scoffing, you glance him over. 
“You’re such a troublemaker, that I can tell. Maybe I should call you that from now on unless you give me a name?” 
The guy starts humming a random tune, eyes closed and basking in the moment. “Sunwoo. Kim Sun. Wooooo.” 
You nod, making a note in your head to find a Kim Sunwoo later to pay you back. All of a sudden, you hear sniffles. 
Is he- is he crying? But he’s laughing too? What kind of crazy person did I just save...
“Um, are you alright? What’s so funny?” 
His head lols toward you. 
“Have you ever been in love with someone for years? And they never knew? And then they started dating your ex-best friend, and even after he left, you stayed by their side and never said anything about how you felt?” Until the guy freakin shows back up again after years, and then you feel like the stupidest person ever for not saying anything?” 
You blink. “.... I’m sorry?” 
“Well, that’s my life right now.”  
You think about how you should probably be at home instead of sitting next to a stranger at 3am, but you stay. And listen. 
He spills everything. The girl he not so secretly likes. The guy she’s dating. Was, he corrects. Who also was coincidentally his best friend when they were younger. Until said ex-friend went overseas for school. Leaving sunwoo and his crush together all alone. And then ex-friend has to mess it all up by unexpectedly coming back to Korea. 
You weren’t asking for the juicy details, but what can you expect for a very much still intoxicated person? 
And after the whole story’s done and said, you can only laugh. 
“So he came back? From overseas? Without even saying anything in advance?” 
“Yup, and now I’m here. Left alone, just like before. Knowing them, she won’t be able to resist his charms, and they’ll probably be back together in a month, give or take.”
He laughs again, a sad bark. “Honestly, I don’t blame her. They’re like soulmates.” 
Whistling, you shake your head. “That’s really something, Kim Sunwoo... You’re really something.” 
He clumsily stands up, giving you a surprisingly cute smile. “Thanks, stranger. I don’t even know your name.” 
Coughing, you stand up as well, ignoring his remark. “Do you have someone to take you home? It’s really late..” 
Sunwoo looks around aimlessly before giggling, “I don’t know where my phone is.” 
“It’s in your pocket.” 
“Oh my god, are you a psychic or something?”
“You took it out a minute ago to show me pictures of your crush.” 
“Haha, right.” 
Rolling your eyes, you decide to take initiative for once and reach for the phone in his pocket, ignoring his little sound of surprise. 
“Wow, you don’t even have a password. Is this Eric guy alright to call? You know what- never mind, I’m just gonna call anyways.” 
“Hello? Where the heck are you?? It’s freakin almost four and-“
“Excuse me? Is this kim sunwoo’s friend?”
“A GIRL?? wait, you don’t sound like-”
Interrupting him, you explain everything while somehow able to watch over a melancholy sunwoo gaze off into the distance like in a melodramatic movie. 
His friend Eric? sends you an address, and you haul sunwoo over. 
Once the door opens, you don’t even stay to hear what he says, just leaving sunwoo and trudging your way back home. To finally sleep. To get back to your boring life and forget about Kim sunwoo. 
Until you see Sunwoo again. You were surprised to run into him, almost not recognizing who he was. 
Thanks to the ice cream you wanted to remind you of the favor Kim Sunwoo totally owed back. 
After purchasing your lovely snack, you spin around to leave when you bump into someone.  
“Ah- I’m sorry,” you stop. His face.... could it be?
Eyes wide, you tilt your head at him. “Oh- troublemaker.”
He raises an eyebrow at you, confused eyes boring into yours for a solid minute.
“Who? ..wait a second.” You almost laugh as the recognition slowly flickers in his eyes.
Everything in his body screams to run. Sunwoo attempts to sprint as fast as he can away, but he’s extremely shocked at how fast your reflexes are, hand clenched tight on his wrist.
“Wait, are you just gonna try and run away after I helped you?”
Coughing awkwardly, he bows and still tries to get the hell out of there- Eric’s words about some girl and totally wasted resurfacing from his memory.
Your words prevent him from leaving. “How are you and your crush doing?” You say it so casually, it’s almost as if you two are friends.
Sunwoo sighs frustratedly, contemplating before accepting the defeat and beckoning you outside to follow him. He isn’t one to talk to strangers -Sunwoo likes to describe himself as a ‘cold and silent’ type of person. On the other hand, he figured he’s already spilled everything to you while drunk.
But it’s not just that, Sunwoo finds it strangely easy to open up to you. Possibly because from as much as he can recall, you didn’t judge him for having a stupid one-sided crush for the longest time.
Once seated on the curbside comfortably, he starts.
“It’s okay, I guess. I don’t know if she’s met up with him yet, how she’s feeling. Honestly, I have no idea what to do.”
Humming, you open your ice cream with gleaming eyes. Sunwoo doesn’t miss your face, unconsciously smiling but dropping it when you face him with the ice cream positioned at your lips.
“Well.... you said it’s been years, right?” He nods.
“Maybe things have changed. Maybe she doesn’t like him anymore. I mean, how do you know she doesn’t like you back? You’ve been by her side for so long, she might’ve developed feelings- you never know.”
“That’s the thing,” he groans, “I don’t know. I have absolutely no idea if she likes me back or not.”
Tapping your feet in a random beat against the ground, you contemplate.
“... maybe you could test it out.”
“How?” he huffs.
“Hint at it, so she’ll have no choice but to know. Or even better-make her jealous. Flirt with other girls and see how she reacts. It’s quite simple, troublemaker.”
His eyes flick to yours, irritation evident. “Will you stop calling me that? And also tell me who you are if you’re just gonna start giving me love advice? A name?” (On the inside, he’s wondering why he’s making such a fuss over you; someone he’s met a total of one time before this.)
You shrug nonchalantly, enjoying the taste of your savory ice cream. Darn, you should’ve tried this flavor out before...
“Does it matter? After all, I’m the one who saved your ass.”
Sunwoo scowls, even when he was drunk he didn’t remember you being so exasperating without even trying.
“Whatever, I guess I should say thanks for helping me that one night. You won’t tell anyone about this, alright?” He glares.
If you’re trying to be scary, it doesn’t work, -is what you want to say. Instead, you respond with raised eyebrows and a tiny smirk. 
“No, I’m not that disrespectful of a person. You would know that the best, wouldn’t you? After I helped you and all?”
He mutters ‘you’re annoying...’ under his breath.
Collecting your things, you brush yourself off and stand up, not bothering to look down at him. “I’m not annoying. I’m y/l/n y/n.”  
You miss the disgruntled expression of his face, what a shame.
Taking a couple steps forward, you abruptly stop and turn your head to smile back at him. “Don’t forget, Kim Sunwoo. Be expecting that favor.”
When you offered to get drinks for everyone at the studio, you didn’t think you’d end up carrying four stacks of beverages on top of each other. 
Making your way slowly and precisely to the exit, eyes locked on the wobbly coffee tower, a body knocks into you right as the door opens. 
You can only watch in slow motion as the tower knocks over, one drink toppling over. 
However, you manage to catch that flying drink. Dang, my reflexes are doing great lately.
As for the tower, it’s.... actually saved? By a pair of hands stabilizing the sides. You’re eternally grateful to whoever’s standing behind the tall tower that was able to rescue your precious drinks. 
Exhaling in relief, you tilt your body to look past the barrier and thank your savior. It’s a... “Sunwoo?” 
“What’s with all the coffees?” 
You narrow your eyes. “It’s for my work. Now, if you would excuse me.“
You attempt to push your way past to the exit, but sunwoo lets out a whoa! and reattaches his grip back to your leaning tower of drinks. 
 “You’re gonna kill someone with these.” 
Rolling your eyes, you retort, “It’s all good, so please-“
“Alright, whatever you say, y/n.” 
Biting your lip, you slowly turn your body to the door, preparing your hand to let go and quickly push open the door. 
Spoiler- it doesn’t work, and you’re left frustrated with sunwoo still watching your struggle for a couple of minutes. 
“You know, if you’re just gonna stand there, maybe you could do something more... helpful?” 
“Oh? I thought you didn’t need any help.” Sunwoo believes he doesn’t care much about assisting others, but watching you is too amusing.
“Just get over here. Before I start calling you some other nicknames.”
He smirks. “At your service, miss.”
He takes a couple of stacks, relieving your tired arms, and you manage to make it outside, slumping down on a bench. 
“Thank you, sunwoo.” 
“Does that mean I don’t owe you a favor anymore?” 
“Um, no,” you snort, “ that was just you being polite and helping someone else like any other person would.”
He puts his hands on his waist, pretending to think thoughtfully. 
“I think that was about, 20? 30? dollars worth of drinks that could’ve been spilled. “If-,” he points with a finger, “I hadn’t saved you.” 
Squinting back up at him, you slightly shake your head in annoyance. “Fine. We’re even now.” 
He snaps his fingers. “Ah, that’s right. I tried the jealousy thing or whatever you were talking about.” 
“It doesn’t work,” he deadpans. “She knows I’m not one to flirt with random girls-if anything, it’s the opposite, and I usually reject them.” 
You raise an eyebrow, fiddling with your hair. “Okay? Why are you telling me that?” 
“I’m meeting her in a couple of days at a restaurant, and I want you to go with us.”
Your face shows no reaction. “We just got even, and you’re asking for another favor, troublemaker?”
Gathering all the drinks, you’re about to leave when he stops you again. 
“Wait. I don’t think I explained myself clearly. I want you to tag along, and I can see how she reacts, you know?”
“No, I understand what you mean. And no thank you. You’ve known her since what, high school? And we’ve only met like a couple of times. That’s awkward. I’m gonna be a total third wheel, and it’s the literal worst, so I’m fine.”
He stomps his feet in frustration, making you cough at his sudden cuteness. 
“Please. I’m a prideful man and don’t like asking others for favors. So just come and play along with me. I don’t really talk to other girls, so you’re the only way for me to see if she gets jealous or not. Besides, I’m always the one paying for the food in the end.”
He had you at food. You suddenly nod, replying, “Alright, I’ll go. Just text me the place and time.” 
He scoffs, “it’s always the food...” 
Ignoring him, you make your way back to the studio with your coffee tower before hearing a yell. 
“Wait! y/l/n y/n!! I need your number?!!!?” 
You stifle a laugh, hearing his quickly approaching footsteps from behind. 
He sends you the details the next day, with a winking selfie of himself (that you ignore). 
‘i sent u the location of the restaurant’
‘dont forget were still trying to make her jealous’
‘and dress up’
‘the nicer u look the better’
‘not that looks matter that much tho’
‘and also not that i think u look nice or anything either, dont get any ideas’
There’s no option but to leave him on read after his choice of grammar. Just kidding, you send a simple ‘ok’ and don’t think about it until the day comes. 
You can’t tell if this is a normal feeling, but your insides feel queasy, palms slightly sweaty like you’re about to perform in front of a huge crowd.
Why do you feel nervous? It’s just meeting the girl that sunwoo has liked for years. That’s all. 
Closing your door, you retrieve your phone to check the location he sent you.
Actually, sunwoo asked you to meet him earlier near the restaurant. You’re not sure why, he simply answered, ‘research tings’ you corrected his spelling after. 
He stands a couple feet away from you, anxiously tapping his foot. 
“Wow, didn’t know you had such an e-boy style.” 
He whips around towards the sound of your voice. Sunwoo isn’t sure why he’s surprised, you look quite... pretty nice. 
Coughing, he mutters, “I appreciate that you took the time to dress up.”
You duck your head in perhaps, shyness? Glancing at your phone, you remark, “we have five minutes.”
He suddenly jolts, checking his outfit. “Hey, how do I look? Okay? Does it seem like I tried too hard?” 
Your eyes flick to him for a split second before looking away. “You look good.”
There’s a pause before he clears his throat. “Is that it?” 
You inhale, facing him again. “Yeah. What do you want me to say? Oh, you’re so handsome, and your stylish clothes match your hair perfectly!” 
Sunwoo suddenly grins. “Well, if you wanted to call me handsome you could’ve done so earlier.” 
While you’re distracted grumbling about him, Sunwoo sneakily captures a shot, the sound making you jump.
“Why.... why did you just take a picture of me?”
He grins, shrugging. “Contact photo.” 
Your face suddenly returns back to its normal blank expression, and you take his arm. He’s surprised, looking at you before you mutter, “Is that her?”
You can remember the time drunk sunwoo showed you photos of his crush, but to be honest, you didn’t really pay close attention to her. His eyes glance around before he swallows and nods. “She’s coming over here. And don’t worry, I told her I invited a friend.” 
Sunwoo watches as his longtime crush spots him, shooting a wave and a smile. Then he sees her eyes flick down to you, the smile quickly fading as she walks over.  
Once she arrives, she takes your hand off his arm, making your eyes widen in astonishment.
“Excuse me- whatever it is you want from him, I don’t think he’s interested.” 
“Sunwoo!” she turns toward the boy with her back to you, “where’s your friend?” 
You and Sunwoo stare at each other in shock before you raise a hand over your mouth to contain your laughter.
He blinks, looking back down at the girl. His hand slowly raises to point at you. “Right here.” 
You weren’t able to notice earlier, but you can tell why sunwoo likes her. 
Oh. She’s prettier in person. 
She stares at you for a moment before spinning back to him, whispering not so quietly, “since when did you talk to girls that weren’t me?” 
Sunwoo rolls his eyes, “That doesn’t matter. This is y/n.”
You give a polite smile, accepting her very quick apology. 
“Actually Sunwoo, this is a trendy place to go to now, I wonder how you got a table- I actually came here once before with...... ah, never mind. “
You quietly listen to her talk, following behind as she sits at a table. 
Not wanting to make it awkward, you sit across from her, leaving two seats open-one next to you and one next to her. 
Also leaving Sunwoo to stop, eyes flicking between the two options. 
“Why are you hesitating?” the girl says impatiently, “just sit.”
You glance at him, almost speaking with your eyes, this is a chance. 
Sunwoo slides down next to you as you study the girl, waiting for any sign of a reaction. 
You do get something. It’s not much, just a curious look at the two of you seated next to each other.
After ordering, Sunwoo chooses the same dish as you. 
You smirk. “Ah, of course. My taste in food is excellent.” 
He scoffs, “No, I decided I was gonna get this way before you. If anything, I have great taste, and you’re just a copycat.” 
Grinning, you retort, “Yeah right, I’m actually a psychic. Sound familiar?” 
He groans, bringing a hand to cover his face. You laugh at his misery. “Let’s not bring that backup...” 
You turn to the girl, casually sipping her drink as she studies the two of you. But once realizing you’re both looking at her, she shoots up.
“Um-did you say something?” 
You can tell. The way he stares at her, the soft smile that appears only when she speaks to him. You honestly don’t understand how she hasn’t figured it out yet - that is if she really doesn’t know. 
Deep inside, you think you know the answer. But you don’t want to assume anything just yet-you’ve only reached the opening stages of the plot.
In the end, Sunwoo doesn’t get much. If he’s learned anything, it’s that you’re a much better actor than you seem. The subtle touches, flirting. He knows it’s all for show, though. 
But for you, you get much more than sunwoo. A full stomach without having to pay anything. And you got to meet the girl of ‘sunwoo’s dreams’. 
She’s nice. Funny. Really pretty. You can see yourself becoming friends with her. All in all, she’s a great person to have a crush on. Except for all the ex-boyfriend stuff.
Before you leave, she speaks up once more.
“I’m kinda upset.” she pouts. You and sunwoo immediately look at each other, waiting for her to continue. 
“You never told me you had other female friends. You always said you weren’t interested, I thought you would’ve mentioned it to me or something....”
Awkwardly turning to you, she bows and apologizes once more. “Sorry again, for earlier. It was really nice to meet you. Let’s see each other again, Sunwoo’s other female friend.”
Sunwoo elbows her, “what’s that supposed to mean?” But she only laughs. 
You don’t know what he’s thinking, but you remember he mentioned he was gonna hang out with her after this, just the two of them.
Waving bye to them, you suddenly freeze once you spot someone behind sunwoo.
It’s... your ex. Coincidentally in the same location as you. Walking in your direction. Luckily, you don’t think he’s spotted you. Yet.
It shouldn’t bother you as much, but it does.
Sunwoo notices your fallen face. “Y/n??” 
He doesn’t know what’s behind him that caused that reaction of yours, but he recognizes that expression anywhere. It’s the same one he probably had on too. Whenever she was with him. 
He wraps an arm around your shoulder, turning you the other way so you can’t look. You break out of your trance and stare up at him. “What... what are you doing?”
Sunwoo only stares ahead of him. Then he walks. And you do too. 
He walks until you’re outside, away from everyone. 
It’s silent, but you gather some confidence to speak up. “Thank you.. what about your friend? Isn’t she still inside?”  
“Oh, she’s probably fine waiting. It’s okay. This seemed more important right now anyway.”
That’s the first time your heart fluttered, whether you knew it or not. 
After that, you find out sunwoo texts a lot. Well, he texts you a lot. Mostly about girl advice. Which he shouldn’t even be asking you -I mean you’re the one who recently got out of a relationship. 
Even if you complain that he’s annoying, you find helping him to be pretty entertaining. Also attacking his texting skills.
Because the rest of your life is just that boring at the moment.
That could be a factor in why you decided to go on a blind date. With some random guy. You weren’t even looking for anything serious, just a night out different from your usual staying in. 
But you deeply regret wearing shorter clothes. He wasn’t bad at first. And then came the touching. 
It was just a knock of the feet. It seemed like nothing, a mere couple of accidents. And when he moved to sit next to you instead of in front, you should’ve known. 
His thigh touching yours, an arm around the back of the seat. 
Occasionally you would cough and scoot away, trying any way to send signals of back off. 
After his hand brushes your thigh, you sigh. “I’m sorry, but please don’t touch me, while I’m asking nicely.” 
He chuckles, moving his arm to hang around your shoulders. “Come on, you agreed to go on this date with me. Might as well have some fun.”
You calmly fling his arm off you, standing up to grab your stuff when he just won’t stop, will he? 
“Let go of my hand,” you say calmly.
“Girl, just-“
“She asked you to let go, didn’t she?”
Why is it that he keeps popping up in your life? And it’s not just him alone, he’s with her again. Probably came here together to eat too, you guess.
“Who are you? Her boyfriend? Doesn’t seem like it.”
“Does it matter? She asked you to stop, and you didn’t.” 
Sunwoo harshly removes his grip from yours and takes your hand, leading you outside of the place. 
You move your hand away from his, but the warmth still remains. Arms crossed, you only look at him blankly. “You know I could've handled it, right?”
“Yeah, yeah, but sometimes guys are really stubborn and need someone to physically beat them up so they listen.”
That causes a tiny smile to surface. “I’m guessing you came with her, right? How’s it going?” 
He shrugs, “dunno. She’s been acting okay since the last time we three went to that restaurant.” 
You nod thoughtfully. “Well, are you gonna keep her waiting? You can go back in now, I’m going home.” 
“What? I’ll take you.”
You frown. “Why do you want to take me home? To find out where I live, stalker?” 
Sunwoo scoffs. “First troublemaker and now stalker? And no, I’m just being a gentleman. Now accept my offer before I take it back. I’m not always this kind.” 
Huffing, you begin your walk back, leaving him behind. 
“Hey-! Wait up!” Once again, sunwoo has no clue why he follows you instead of easily going back to where he should be- originally wanted to be. 
The first couple of minutes of the walk are a peaceful silence, basking in the cool night. It doesn’t last for long, because something comes to your head.
“Wait. What about your crush?”
“Why do you keep asking about her? When you’re in more distress? Of course, I’m gonna help you right now.”
“That’s not what I mean... if you’re just trying to make her jealous, you don’t have to walk me all the way.”
I don’t get why you’re here with me, instead of with the girl you like. 
Sunwoo stops. “Wait what- Do you really think I would do that?” 
Your nod causes him to scoff. “No, I told you before, I’m just being polite. It’s fine. She can wait.” 
“You hang out together a lot,” you remark, “you must really like her.”
“Yeah, I just- I think she’s just bored and asks me to go out with her because no one else will... and I always accept.” 
“Oh. It seemed like you were the one constantly forcing her to go out with you.” 
Sunwoo laughs, if it’s sarcastic or genuine you can’t tell. “You’re funny.”
You take a couple more steps before deciding to break the silence that reformed. “Anyways, aren’t you curious about how we met? That night?”
Frowning, he responds, “that’s right, I don’t exactly remember.” 
“To start with, I actually went to that bar because I got broken up with.”
Sunwoo makes a surprised face. “I see...” 
“Yeah, and you were there that night. Causing a scene with some bulky guys, and I saved your butt. You talked. A lot. I listened. That was it. Oh, and that day at the mall... it was my ex that I saw.”
He hums thoughtfully. “So that’s who it was....”
Once you reach your doorstep, Sunwoo suddenly breaks out in a dance. 
“Niceee- I paid back the favor for making you come with me to that restaurant!” 
“That doesn’t count Kim Sunwoo because you came here on your own will. Goodnight.”
Shutting the door in his face, you hear him spluttering from outside. That guy is really something.
Sunwoo finds your requests very weird. Your service is attempting to help him win over his crush, and in return, you only want a simple hangout with his company? It’s strange.
(If he asked you, you would probably just say you were bored and had nothing to do. That’s the only reason. Really.)
One afternoon, he receives a text from you, your contact saved as “annoying y/n”. 
‘Let’s get food. That means you’re paying. I’m at my studio right now, so 3?” 
‘where r u’
‘i can pick u up’
‘-current address sent-’
One thing he wasn’t expecting from you was a dance studio? And weirdly, he feels a tiny bit guilty for not knowing anything about you, except your name.... and your ex. 
Cautiously opening the door, he looks around for any sign of where you could be. 
But the place is kinda confusing with all the doors, so he eventually gives up and decides to ask some nearby strangers.
Ignoring their blushes and remarks of his handsomeness, Sunwoo asks, “Do you know where y/l/n y/n is?”
They quickly point at a door before running off, whispering ‘is he their boyfriend or something??’ 
Sunwoo coolly makes his way over, peeking through the small window.
 Another thing he doesn’t expect is how good of a dancer you are. It gives him flashbacks- back when he used to do routines in his old practice room. 
He observes the way your limbs move so fluidly but still sharp and exact. Everything just feels so right, in tune with the music. It almost takes his breath away, watching you for who knows how long.
Once the music stops and your tired breaths fill the room does sunwoo finally pop in, clapping and nodding. 
“Pretty good, stranger.” 
You scrunch your nose. “Is that my nickname now? Not even a little more creative?”
Ah, there it is. “You know, I like you a lot better when you’re dancing, not talking, and being mean to me.”
You blink. “So you like me, huh? That was fast.” 
He ignores your comment. “You should be grateful you’re in the presence of Kim sunwoo, alright? Many girls would kill to be you.”
“Not your crush, though? I’m sorry. That was low of me.”
“It was,” he agrees. Falling back onto the ground, he stares up at the ceiling, speaking up. 
“How long have you been dancing for?”
The atmosphere feels strangely peaceful. “Since I was young. Just kinda picked it up for fun, and it became a thing. I like it -sometimes it’s exhausting, but I like it.”
His eyes fixate on the blinding lights. “Hmm, this place is reminding me of when I was younger. In high school.”
You join him on the ground, the sound of your breaths can only be heard in the room. 
“What do you mean?” 
“I used to be an idol trainee. Practiced for a couple of years before quitting.”
You turn your head to look at him. “Impressive. What did you do?”
Sunwoo closes his eyes. “Rapping. Dancing. Singing. A little bit of everything. But mostly rapping.”
“Will you rap something then?”
His eyes flick open. “What? I can’t just rap off the top of my head.”
You pout, “no fun. Well, can you still dance?”
You suddenly sit up. “Should we dance something together?”
Your eyes sparkle, the first time sunwoo’s noticed them doing that. 
“Just- don’t make fun of me. It’s been years.”
“I won’t.” 
“... -guarantee anything.”
 Sunwoo’s doesn’t know. What this fleeting feeling in his chest is. When your hands softly correct his position, when you try not to laugh at his mistake. And then your delighted face when he gets it right in the end. 
It’s probably nothing, sunwoo thinks. He’s sure, very sure that he’s still in love with his high school crush..
It’s all strange, really.
You would say your life is pretty boring. You didn’t do much until Kim Sunwoo shoved his way in. 
Your next meeting occurred a couple weeks after the dance practice incident. It was weird, almost like fate was constantly crossing your paths (maybe they were huhu). 
The mart’s automatic doors slide close behind as you walk into the night. 
But you stop. There’s some kind of shuffling, commotion coming from the dark alley next to you. So what better than to check it out, right?
It’s almost pitch black, but you’re 99.9% sure some guys are beating someone up. So you yell.
“Hey! What’s going on?”
Thankfully, they don’t try to attack you, instead just running off in the opposite direction after the sound of your voice.
It’s hard to see, but you briskly make your way to the huddled figure on the ground, heart pounding.
“Sir? Sir? Are you alright?” You’re trembling but still manage to gently shake his shoulder. 
And when he looks up, you can only gasp. 
“...y/n? Why are you here?”
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that? Oh my god, are you okay?”
He attempts to sit up, chuckling lowly. “Just got ganged up on. I guess it happens when you mess with the wrong people.”
Your eyes flash. “This isn’t the time to be joking, sunwoo. Where are you hurt?”
He groans, sighing and holding a hand out in front of you. “Just.... don’t. Leave. I can take care of myself, it used to happen all the time.” 
You can tell something definitely happened to him, but what exactly is the question.
You scoff, squatting next to him. “Listen Kim Sunwoo,” you speak harshly, “I don’t care how long we’ve known each other. I’m not letting anyone obviously hurt like this alone. If you’re just gonna stay here, then I’ll drag you out myself if I have to.”
There’s a break before you notice he’s slighty shaking. Is he? Is he laughing? What a crazy guy.
“You’re funny,” he chuckles. And then an arm is held out to you. 
You take it, pulling him up. 
Groaning, you note he’s heavier than you thought. One of his arms hanging on your shoulder, yours around his waist. He’s slightly limping too.
You hold back the urge to scold Sunwoo. What did you do to make yourself come out this bad?
Slowly, you walk over to a bench, but before you make it, you spot a certain someone across the street. 
And you think he does too. 
You stiffen. He freezes. Biting your lip, you look back at sunwoo, trying to read his face. 
“Is that- is that him with her? The ex?” 
He nods, eyes never leaving the two, who were probably hanging out together-maybe even going on a date. He has no clue and no wish to find out. The familiar feeling sinks to the bottom of his stomach. 
You shake your head, clearing all distractions and eventually making it to the bench where you set him down. 
“I need to get medicine. If you leave, I swear I’ll-“
“Yeah, yeah. Don’t think I can anyway.”
But before you run to the store conveniently 10 steps away, you unwrap the soft scarf around your neck, raising it up to his face. 
“W-what are you doing?”
“Just trust me,” you say softly, “and put this on. This way, you won’t look at them together, and it’ll be a little easier.” 
Gently, you tie the scarf around his eyes. 
“Five minutes. I promise I’ll be back.”
Once you return, a bag of medicine in hand, you set it down next to him, causing him to slightly jump. 
But a lightbulb flashes in your brain. Quietly tiptoeing in front of him, you aim the camera and shoot. 
You laugh at the way sunwoo jumps slightly at the noise, blindly looking around, and you also laugh at the way the photo came out-an unsuspecting Kim sunwoo. 
“What was that? Did you just take a picture?”
He can’t see, but you grin cheekily. “Contact photo.”
Squatting in front of him, your warm hands deftly unwrap the scarf blindfold, removing it from his face. 
He squints, your concerned face coming into view.
“It wasn’t too bad, right?”  
“Delete it.” His reply is curt. 
“Why? I needed a photo for you.”
“Delete it or retake it!! It looks bad. I’m literally wearing a blindfold,” he whines, arms weakly attempting to snatch your phone away.
Luckily for you, he isn’t able to move much and steal it. “No,” you respond indignantly, “it’s cute.”
There’s a pause.
You quickly clear your throat, pretending nothing just happened as you rummage through the plastic bag. 
Sunwoo feels weird. Having someone caring for him. It was usually him looking after everyone else- his mother, sister. He can’t remember the last time someone else took care of him.
You take out a box, screwing the cap off the bottle. 
“They’re gone now. You don’t have to worry anymore.”  
You stare at him again. “Your crush? And her ex?”
He shifts. “Oh, right.”
Humming, you examine him again. “I’m not a professional, but I’ll try my best..” 
Sunwoo sighs once more. “As I said, I don’t know why you’re doing this-“
You cut him off. “Just be quiet, will you?” 
After putting ointment on his bruised face, you shuffle through the bad to find another tube, letting out an aha! when you retrieve it.
When you lean in super close to his face, sunwoo tries his best not to turn red. He blames it on the weather.. even though the temperatures were freezing today.
“Why are you helping me?” he mumbles. Sunwoo attempts to avoid looking you in the eye -he doesn’t want to know what’ll happen if he does.
It’s silent for a little bit as you concentrate on all the minor scratches and bruises on his face. Focusing on the cut on his lip, you whisper, “you’re such a troublemaker, aren’t you?” 
Offended, he jerks away from you. You return it with a glare and a hand on his chin to hold his face still. 
“You can’t even deny it. Now stay still.” 
His heart flutters at your delicate hold on his face, soft and focused gaze. Why are you like this?
After a couple more treatments and unusual thumpings in his chest, sunwoo is free to go.
You’re satisfied with your work. “ I would help you home, but I’m tired so call someone or whatever.” 
Pausing, you add, “and that’s another favor from you, Kim Sunwoo.”
He rolls his eyes but can’t help thinking of the next time you’ll call for him. He goes home feeling warmer than he remembered, the ghost of your touch still lingering in his dreams. 
It’s actually not as boring as one might expect to go to a restaurant alone, in your opinion. 
No effort has to be made to communicate to someone else, no worrying about if there’s food stuck in your teeth. No worrying about anyone else but yourself.
So that’s why you alone find your way to the entrance of a nice place- it had almost a five-star rating online.
The waiter seems a bit surprised you’re here by yourself, but you shrug it off. Who cares- you came for the food anyways. 
Following the server past other tables and chairs,  you abruptly get stopped when a chair pushes out, blocking your way. 
The guy seems to notice you then, getting out of his seat and apologizing. 
“Whoops, my bad.”
He looks somewhat familiar. 
“Oh! Aren’t you-“
“Sunwoo’s friend Eric, right?”
You can recognize that voice anywhere. It’s almost making you frustrated. “Again you?”
Spinning around, you didn’t imagine a whole table of eyes locked onto you.
You hear whispers of who’s y/n?, and spot a startled Sunwoo standing up from his seat. 
“What are you doing here?”
It makes you suddenly shy, standing in front of all these guys that you suppose are his friends? There’s quite a lot of them all together at one table...
Fidgeting with the ends of your hair again-sunwoo notices this time-you hesitantly speak. 
“I came here to eat. Because it’s a restaurant. What-um, what about you?”
Sunwoo gestures at the group. “I’m having dinner with my friends. You know Eric, he’s my roommate.”
Nodding slowly, you just wish to get away, having no idea what happened to your waiter.
And then Eric has to make your night a lot more- let’s just say, stimulating.
“Wait! You can join us at our table!” Eric grins. “It’ll be nice to know who’s been stealing sunwoo away from us.”
Your eye twitches. Who what now?
And the other guys around seem to think the same thought, immediately asking nearby servers for an extra chair. 
You don’t move. This could be your death wish for all you know.
And still, you end up sitting squished between Sunwoo and another friend named Newt? New? Who cares.
Half the boys launch an investigation, questioning you with ‘how did you manage to get sunwoo’s attention?’, ‘how did you manage to seduce him?’ 
Truly an exciting night. 
“Guys, for the last time, stop interrogating the shit out of y/n.” 
It quickly becomes stuffy, being wedged between twelve boys sharing one small table. How do they do it? Getting up, you mutter an excuse, something along the lines of ‘I need to use the restroom’ and escape the damned table.
Once you’re out of ear's reach, Kevin makes his move, wiggling his eyebrows at sunwoo.
“So..... you and y/n now? What happened to your other crush?”
He rolls his eyes, sipping on his drink. “Like I said, we’ve got nothing going on. I don’t like them like that.”
Eric snorts. “Nah, you like her.” 
Sunwoo raises a fist threateningly at him, but Haknyeon’s pat on his shoulder stops him. “I’m happy for you. It’s been so long, everyone’s glad to see you finally moved on.” 
He isn’t really sure what to say back. Luckily you return to squeeze between everyone, making the conversation change to a more appropriate topic.
You notice sunwoo’s thoughtful expression. “What’s up?”
“Uh, it’s nothing..” A sudden ringing from his pocket catches your attention. 
“Oh, sorry guys. My mom’s calling. Gimme a sec.” 
Your eyes follow sunwoo as he steps outside for who knows how long. 
Your head whips back to the group. 
You think Jacob’s the one who called your name. “Thank you.”
 “For what?”  You frown.
“Being there for Sunwoo, of course. I’m guessing you probably heard about the girl he used to crush on for ages. She was really important to him, probably still is.”
“Actually, I don’t know much about their past together, ” you reply, eyes focusing on the exit door where sunwoo left through. 
Jacob sighs, clearing his throat. “It’s a long story. Sunwoo used to be a bad student in high school.”
You aren’t surprised, gesturing for him to continue.
“Skipped school, failed tests, got in a lot of fights. But it was all for his mom. She was sick, and sunwoo was out doing jobs to make money and support the family. His dad's been gone for a while...”
You stay silent. 
“But she was the one who helped him out of it, changed him. That’s how you met the Sunwoo we know today. Even if it was only friendly intentions, I think that was why Sunwoo was so stuck on her. Except when she started dating this other guy, I don’t know why he stayed by her side without making a move for so long.”
There’s a brief moment for everything to sink in.
“He’s scared,” you speak up. Jacob watches you with raised eyebrows.  
“He’s scared that she’ll reject him, and he would lose her as a friend.” 
Jacob laughs, causing you to tilt your head in confusion. 
“But not with you, y/n. You’re special. He seems so different around you. Sunwoo’s liked the same girl for so long, he probably didn’t know how to act around a new person he found interest in -especially one like you who compliments him so well.”
You choke. “Compliment him??” No way.
He nods eagerly, “I’ve never seen sunwoo so-“
“Never seen me so what?” 
Your head jerks toward the sound of said person’s voice. 
“Never seen you so drunk,” you retort. 
Sunwoo squints down at you, keeping a mental picture of your innocent stare looking back up at him in his mind. 
While everyone orders, you whisper to sunwoo. 
“Are you gonna steal my order this time too?”
He recoils before shooting a glare back. 
“No,” he says indignantly, “I’m getting something way better than yours. And if yours is good, then I’ll just steal some.”
You raise your fork up as a threat. “If you even look anywhere near my plate, I’ll make sure you won’t get to eat.”
As you two engage in a fierce staring contest, the rest of the boys watch on, sharing knowing looks. 
The food’s good. No wonder they like to come here. 
Your attention is taken away by a gasping Sunwoo, mouth open you think in an attempt to cool his burning tongue. 
You glance at him, unimpressed. “You have food all over your mouth.”
“What?” he rasps back, huffing and puffing air.
“Idiot,” you reply, throwing a napkin at his face. 
“Ow,” he whines.
 “I think it stabbed me in the eye.”
“The napkin???” 
“Yes, you threw it into my face! It totally cut my eyeball.”
You scoff, turning towards him. “You’re so dramatic.”
“I’m serious! It hurts,” sunwoo complains, “can you look at it?”
You’re sure it’s perfectly fine because he’s holding his eye wide open right in front of you, but just to appease him, you lean in closer to examine his face. 
Squinting, you mutter, “Seriously sunwoo, I don’t see any sort of-“
Both of your heads whip toward the sound. Changmin? giggles evilly, eyes focused on the screen in front of him. 
Sunwoo groans again, but he’s cut off. 
“Yah, don’t get all worked up. I’ll send the picture to you later, no need to worry!”
You’ve given up at this point. Sunwoo has too.
When the torturous dinner finally comes to an end, you were exhausted. This was supposed to be some enjoyable alone time at a great restaurant with great food and definitely no sunwoo, but life doesn’t like you.
At least his friends were super cool. You found yourself getting along quite nicely with them.  
And you also got more insight into sunwoo’s past. It was odd to hear about his past self. It makes you think about your life, what you’ve been doing all this time... 
“I can take you home,” sunwoo offers. 
“No-!” You quickly respond. “Sorry, I’ve had enough of people. Not you specifically, just people in general.”
He shrugs, “whatever suits you.” 
And you’re left alone with thoughts. And unknown feelings. About him.
Melon or banana?
The grocery mart just has too many flavors to choose from, and you don’t have enough freezer space to buy it all.
Humming happily, you place your selected choice into the cart, continuing forward.
When you turn, a mother and son come into view, their back’s facing you as they shop together. It makes you smile at the cute view. 
As you stroll past them, you freeze. No way. That voice? 
Right as you stopped, the lady turns her shopping cart absentmindedly, causing it to knock into yours with a clang. 
“Oh my! Goodness, I’m sorry about that.” 
“Mom! Watch where you’re pushing the cart. You know what, just let me do it. It’s getting heavy.”
He turns to you. “Sorry again... you!??!”
You awkwardly turn towards them, failing to muster a smile.
His mom looks between the two of you before a delighted smile appears.
“You know her, sunwoo?” He nods reluctantly.
“And she’s a girl???” she says suggestively to sunwoo, elbowing him hard in the ribs. It takes everything in him to hold back a wince- still not having completely recovered yet from the last time you saw him.
She eagerly holds her hand out to you, and you quickly take it, bowing.  
“Nice to meet you, Mrs. Kim.”
She guffaws in the middle of the aisle, one arm on Sunwoo to balance herself in the middle of her excitement. 
“What a kind and polite girl!” 
“Sunwoo,” she mutters, “you found an even better one!” 
He can’t even muster any sort of response. 
Sunwoo tries, he really does, taking her arm and forcing her to continue on, whispering fiercely to just leave!!
But his mom is a fighter -a good one. She yanks his grip off her, threatening him harshly before turning back to you with a lovely smile. 
The duality though, you think.
His mom suddenly gasps, making sunwoo brace himself, sighing ‘what now...’
“Y/n! Is it okay if I call you that?” You nod. 
Clapping her hands together, she says excitedly, “You should come over to our house!”
Sunwoo protests at the speed of light, but she shuts him up with a hand. 
“We were buying ingredients to cook dinner tonight! You should join us!! That is if you’re not busy??” Her eyes sparkle.
From behind her, you watch a frantic sunwoo do everything in his power for you to decline. 
Unfortunately for him, you have absolutely no plans for tonight.
“I would love to, Mrs. Kim.”
Sunwoo thinks his soul has officially left his body. 
His mom laughs bashfully, taking your hand and going off together deeper into the store,  deeper into sunwoo’s pain.
It was pretty early on you decided that you really liked his mother. Or, auntie, as she forced you to call her. 
And it’s quite obvious she loves you too, much to sunwoo’s shock and disgust.
She opens the door to their apartment, ushering you in. 
It’s quite a nice place, a small and lovely house. 
“Your home is really beautiful, Mrs- um-auntie.”
Sunwoo’s mother laughs again, placing a hand over her chest. 
“You are such a sweet girl. Sunwoo will show you around while I prepare the food!” she finishes with a glare in his direction.
Perking up, you glance around. “Where’s your room?” 
Sunwoo gives up, sighing and beckoning you to follow him. He guides you down a hallway, past two doors to the end where a final door stands -you’re guessing that it opens to his room.
“What are the other two doors?”
“Bathroom, and my sister's room.”
You raise your eyebrows. “You have a sister?” He nods, “younger.”
Opening the door, you’re shocked at the neatness. It’s a nice and simple room. 
“Wow, I wasn’t expecting such a clean room.” 
He snorts in response, slumping down into a chair. 
Finally alone, you start your attack. “Troublemaker?”
He grunts. 
“How come I didn’t know you weren’t such a troublemaker with your mother? You literally turn into a softie next to her.”
“Whatever. I’m not always the best person, but I’m a good son,” he snaps.
You may be teasing him, but on the inside, you soften at how well he takes care of his mother. He must’ve had a hard time working for the family since he was young... 
You glance around before your eyes focus on a giant bag of.... juices??
“What,” you start, “What are these?”
“Oh,” he looks in your direction. “Vitamin juices. It has a lot of health benefits.”
You’re suddenly quiet, your voice low. “Kim sunwoo.... collects and hoards juice?”
He moves, uncomfortable at the sudden change of tone. “Yeah??”
And that for some reason that causes you to lose it. A hand clamped over your mouth, you almost can’t even support your own legs as giggles erupt from your body.
Sunwoo thinks it lasts for a much longer time than it should have.
“Why is it so funny to you that I like to drink juice -healthy juice that’s good for you?”
You have no idea, instead just collapsing onto his bed and rolling over in a fit of laughter. 
The only thing he can do is unknowingly smile at your shaking figure and flushed face. 
It takes a couple more minutes before you finally calm down, letting out a satisfied smile.
“Your bed’s comfy.”
“Yeah, so maybe you should get off it before it becomes uncomfy.” 
You ignore him, does that sentence even make sense?
The photos on his wall catch your attention. You suddenly sit up, carefully taking one off that caught your eye. 
“Is this you and her? Wait- that’s what you looked like in high school?”
 You save a mental image of young sunwoo in your head. This could be great blackmail...
He hisses at your comments, reaching over and trying to snatch it away. 
“Stop looking at my old photos-!”
Laughing delightedly, you avoid his grabby hands, holding the photo as far away as you can.
Sunwoo growls, reaching as far over you as he can to take it back.
“Aha!” he yells triumphantly once his fingers make contact with the picture. But sadly for him, he loses his balance over the bed and falls. 
On top of you. 
His hand fortunately catches him, planting softly right by your head. 
The sound of your laughter is cut short, and you can only stare up at him. 
Your breath hitches at the close proximity, noticing his legs on either side of yours. Did your heart just skip a beat? 
And the fact that he’s just staring down at you so you’re trapped doesn’t help at all. 
“Hey, sunwoo! Mom wants you to-“ 
Both of your heads turn toward the voice. 
“.... is that Y/n?”
Sunwoo’s sister blinks, staring at the position you both were in. “Well then.” She simply closes the door behind her. 
“Wait no. It’s not-“ you give up in the middle of speaking. 
There’s an awkward silence-you could almost hear the crows cawing in the background.
“So are you gonna get off me or?”
Sunwoo snaps out of his daze. “Right, yeah, sorry.” He wordlessly moves off to sit next to you on the bed.
Coughing, you stare at the ground. “So she’s your-?”
“Yep. My little sister.”
“But,” he frowns, “how did she know your name?”
“Because we know each other?”
He glances at you. “Huh? How?”
You only shrug suspiciously. “Secret. But I didn’t know you two were related...”
Sunwoo makes a face, confused, but the noise outside gets your attention.
“Dinner’s ready!! Come eat!!” his mother’s shout echoes through the walls.
“You’re so lucky to have a mother to cook such good food for you.”
Sunwoo looks down at his bowl. “Yeah, I know.”
His mother smiles at you, asking curiously, “what about your family, y/n?”
You swallow before speaking. “Oh, they live farther away. I came here to dance, so I don’t really see them often.” 
She gasps. “You poor thing, living out here all alone. Come over whenever you want, okay?”
Sunwoo opens his mouth to respond but decides to just close it. You smile and nod gratefully, feeling a lot more at ease. 
When you finally finish eating, sunwoo’s eager to guide you out -even though you disregard his attempts so you can charm his mother even more.
The number of times during the dinner his mother has hinted at the two of you being a couple and the number of times sunwoo has denied that there was anything at all were too many to count.
And then he eventually gets you to leave, shutting the door close once and for all. 
Sunwoo almost collapses, making exaggerated sounds of exhaustion and relief.
He sprawls out on the living room floor, completely tuning out his mother’s complaints about his manners and whatnot.
But as he lays there, he can only think about his heart. Why does it do that? Whenever you look at his mom with such tender eyes. When you’re acting so kind and respectful, but still being yourself. Eyes crinkling when someone says anything remotely funny.
Why does his heart stir so much when you spare even a glance at him?
After that, you get extremely busy. Upcoming dance competitions and events take up most of your day. 
That leads to barely any rest for you since you’re constantly in and out of the studio, practicing, practicing, and more practicing.
You’d be lucky to even get 4 hours of sleep a day. 
But the one night you can finally close your eyes for maybe a solid 5 or 6 hours, (you were so excited you even leaped into bed) your fucking phone rings.
You want to kill whoever is calling you at a deathly time. It was only 1 am, but your sleep is too precious. 
At first, you ignore it. But it rings a freakin second time, and now you’re unable to fall back asleep. 
Biting your lip harshly, you angrily grab your phone, turning it on to see-
three missed calls from sunwoo?
It’s been a while since you’ve seen him, so you have no idea why he’s calling you and wasting your hard-earned rest. 
The phone rings again. Your brain can barely function, but you manage to accept the call. 
“What the fuck do you want? My beauty sleep-“
“Are... are you busy?” His voice is quiet, maybe too quiet.
You want to slap him through the phone but alternately just let out a strained huff. “Does it seem-“ but you don’t finish. 
Something didn’t seem right. You’re fully awake now.
“Sunwoo? What’s going on?”
There’s a pause before his voice comes through again. 
“Can I see you? I’m actually out near your place.”
It takes five minutes for you to get out of bed, throw on a jacket and close the door behind you.
Head whipping from side to side, you search around.
Your palms start to get sweaty even though the night was frigid, cold wind blowing past.
Where is he? His voice....felt off. You could sense it even through the phone.
Briskly walking, you keep looking until you spot him.
Well, Sunwoo was right. He was sitting down alone at a park about 5 minutes away from your apartment. 
 Your anger rises again as you approach him.
“What the fuck is going on?“
Your feet slow as your voice lowers to a whisper. 
“What....what’s wrong?”
You rush over to him, forgetting everything and cupping his face in your warm hands. 
Sunwoo looks at you, his red and watery eyes void of any emotion. How long has he been out here?
“Kim sunwoo, you-“
He cuts you off.
“Why does she not like me back?” His voice is soft, shaky. It’s like he doesn’t have enough strength to say it any louder.
Your breath gets caught in your throat, and you swallow. Your mind races, seeking any words to make a sentence, just to say anything.
“Is there something wrong with me? Did I-can she just look at me for once?” his voice cracks. You watch as the tears slowly trickle down his cold cheeks. 
His voice lowers to a whisper. “I’ve been her friend for so long, and she never noticed me and all the things I did for her. I waited, and it was too late. Y/n, I tried. I really tried.”
You can hear the cracking of his heart.
When the sobs start, you only hold your breath and wrap your arms around him. You let sunwoo cry into you, even when you so desperately want to cry for him too. 
Shutting your eyes, you rub his back comfortingly. 
It feels like it’s been an hour. Or a couple, who knows. 
And when the cries ultimately slow, you slowly move back, cautiously glancing at him. His swollen eyes and red nose cause your chest to tighten.
You speak in a hushed tone, almost afraid to speak louder as if it’ll make him break. 
 “How do you feel?”
He laughs a small but painful sound. “It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have called you out at this time. I can tell you’re exhausted. Just leave and get some sleep.”
You’re frustrated. You don’t want to be, especially not right now, but the feeling crawls all over you, uncomfortable and itchy.
You stand up, staring into him with fierce eyes. “Stop worrying about me. Stop worrying about others. You always look out for everyone else but yourself. Can’t you see that you’re hurting, and I just want to help?” 
You regret saying that almost immediately, sinking down onto the bench next to him. The only sound is his occasional sniffles and coughs.
Sunwoo’s shocked. But he tries not to show it. 
Instead, he stares at the trees. The streetlights. And eventually you.
“You’re right.” You jump slightly when he speaks up.
“As usual,” he chuckles.
“So thank you for coming here. I don’t know what was going on with me. I think I was just going through a lot and needed to let it out.”
You’re still not looking at him, but your hand inches over slowly to cover his. Surprisingly, he accepts the warmth. 
No words are exchanged, but it’s enough. A silent apology. A silent sense of comfort.
A bout of laughter across the street gets your attention. It’s just an annoying couple, you think.
But... it’s not just any annoying couple. No. Are you serious?
Their voices fly over the wind, going in one ear and out the other. “Wait a second. Is that sunwoo over there?” 
He tenses, eyes frantically looking at you. You immediately understand. 
It’s happened many times to you- how embarrassing and humiliating it is to get caught crying. Even when crying is supposed to be a normal and natural thing. And then comes the hilarious made-up explanation behind the whole waterworks. 
You can’t imagine how it must be for sunwoo.
The sound of their footsteps come closer.
You scoot closer to him. 
Your hand slowly reaches out. He doesn’t move, almost as if entranced by your actions.
Sunwoo watches, confused as your hand guides his head, burying him into your shoulder and efficiently blocking anyone’s view of his crying face. 
“Pretend to be asleep,” you murmur. 
He closes his eyes, inhaling your familiar scent. 
“Oh! It’s you again!”
You smile awkwardly at sunwoo’s crush, even though you kinda want to scream at her for causing him so much pain.
Then your gaze shifts to him. You’ve never seen her ex before, only hearing stories from sunwoo. So this is him...
“Hello. I’m afraid we’ve never met before? You seem close to sunwoo.”
“Oh, my name is y/l/n y/n. I’ve heard a lot about you. Why... why are you two out so late?” 
They exchange looks. “We were just hanging out, and lost track of time, haha. You know...” she laughs. “And you two? I see he’s asleep. Sunwoo was always sleeping in class..”
You feel him just barely move. 
You grimace and give a small smile. “Ha, sunwoo here was drinking and fell asleep. That reminds me, I should probably get him home. It’s late, so you guys should go too.” 
You don’t know, but they see the loving way you look down at sunwoo, pretending to shake him awake to leave. 
When he only groans in response, you curse him. What a sneaky little..... 
Biting the inside of your cheek, you can barely haul sunwoo up, placing his arm around your shoulder. Didn’t know you were so good at acting, troublemaker.
They move to help you, but you quickly and aggressively protest, groaning as you weakly step forward. 
“Well,” you barely get out, “it was nice to meet you. Maybe we can meet again under better circumstances,” you wheeze.
Once you make sure they’re out of sight, you drop him onto the ground, gasping for air.
“You couldn’t have even helped a little?”
His still red eyes and small pout make you soften. 
“Come on, I’ll walk you home.”
His voice is quiet but still teasing. “Why? So you can find out where I live, stalker?”
You roll your eyes. “Okay. I’m going then.”
“Wait.” He grabs your wrist. “That was a joke. I want you to take me.”
You fight against the ends of your mouth that want to curl up. “Fine... only since I don’t want you running into them again.”
When he randomly takes your hand, enlacing your fingers together, you keep silent. It stays like the for the whole walk, peaceful and tranquil. It makes you think of that time he offered to walk you home from that creepy date. How different it seems now...
Once you arrive, he lets go of your hand normally like he always does it or something. But you still miss the snugness.
“How you’re gonna get home?”
“Walk. Why? You know I can take care of myself.”
He smiles, the first one you’ve seen today. “Yeah. I know.”
Before you leave, you inhale. “Cheer up, alright? It makes me feel weird, seeing you so down. Get some sleep, trouble.” 
After making sure he gets in safely, welcomed by a worried eric, you start the cold and lonely journey home.
Once you finally arrive, truly exhausted from the night’s(day’s?) events, you lay in bed and contemplate. 
Why does your heart hurt so much for him? 
Why do you even care?
You take out your phone, opening it to sunwoo’s profile photo, the cute pout on his face along with your scarf blindfolding his eyes makes you smile. 
It takes a little bit of thinking-staring at the ceiling and searching your brain for possibly hours, but the answer finally appears. Even when you don’t want it, trying to push the thought out and bury it so deep you can’t breathe, it echoes in your brain, loud and clear. 
No, this isn’t possible. He-I’ve known him for less than a year. 
I... I can’t.  
You feel suffocated underneath the blankets, doing anything to stop the flow of your thoughts, feelings.
The one thing you can do is force yourself to pass out, to escape the hurricane of emotions.
And just like that, you disappear from sunwoo’s life. For a couple of weeks. It was, sadly to report, very much boring and bleak. 
It was harder than you realized. To shut someone out. Someone like him. 
Luckily, your upcoming dance performances took most of your day, so the only time he was able to sneak into your mind was during the dark of nights and the peak of dawn.
First, it was ignoring the messages. You wondered how people could simply ghost someone else so easily. 
But you had to. Because you knew he liked someone else. Because you shouldn’t be like this, whatever this is, with him. 
You did it for yourself. And him. Even when everything about him was confusing. 
Kim sunwoo was a troublemaker. One you met months ago with a strong one-sided crush. And you wanted to help him win her heart. 
Now, you couldn’t even look at Sunwoo. You didn’t want to, not wishing to know what would happen if you looked into his eyes. What words would spill out of your mouth, words you didn’t even know the truth to yet.
Second was avoiding him at any cost. Especially when he came to your dance studio, obviously looking for you and only you. (it was a whole mess sneaking out from his sight)
And once again, fate loves to mix things up and make you spot sunwoo with his crush down the street. Holding hands. 
You go home with mixed emotions and a missing appetite. 
The sad thing is, you can’t tell if you miss him or not. 
One evening, just as colorless as the nights before, you go out for a walk. 
You always went later than most to avoid human contact with others. But fate plays a trick again, so you’re not alone this time.
“I found you.”
Your feet come to a halt. Or maybe it wasn’t fate this time... 
“Why have you been avoiding me?”
“I’m not avoiding you, sunwoo.” Funny how you suddenly have the urge to run away after saying that.
He looks tired, stressed-like he can’t find the answer to any of his homework questions (but you know he probably didn’t even do his homework in school).
“So ignoring my calls and texts aren’t considered avoiding? And running away whenever you see me in person too?” 
You mess with the ends of your hair. “Why were you looking for me?”
Sunwoo sighs and starts walking, you know he’s waiting for you to join. Hesitating, you finally move to his side, deciding to stare at the ground -your feet, his feet, anywhere but him. 
“I came to tell you something,” He starts.
You gulp, nodding for him to say it.
“I confessed to my crush. She was... really surprised. But I still asked her to give me a chance, to please think of me as a guy and not a friend. Just three dates with me. And then she could see how she felt at the end.”
Why do you suddenly want to vomit?
You find looking anywhere but at sunwoo or near his direction comfortable. The amount of effort it took for you to find your voice was funny. “Oh. Good for you.” (unlike your tone that doesn’t sound too pleased)
“...How was it? Did she decide to return your feelings back in the end?”
“No. We never finished all three. After the second, I realized it was a waste of time and quit.” 
He stops walking, making you stop as well.
This man messes with your mind too much. You snort. “What are you talking about? How could it be a waste of time when you finally got to go on a true date with your crush since high school, sunwoo?”
“Because I kept thinking of something else. Someone else.”
You’re extremely confused, not able to comprehend anything. Sunwoo suddenly looks at you with such conviction you almost take a step back.
“Is... there something wrong?”
“I wished it was you, instead. Instead of her next to me. Even on the very first date, I was only thinking of you.”
Your brain -it just doesn’t work anymore. You’re looking at him, standing in front of you -but somehow you still can’t see him. What? 
“I like you, y/n.”
Your mind is reeling, adrenaline rising. 
No, he’s confessing to the wrong person. 
Is this a good or bad feeling? I don’t know...
Sunwoo doesn’t notice your reaction, too shy and focusing on the trees instead of your face. 
“I realized it when we stopped meeting. That I missed your company .”
Your voice is quiet. “Suddenly?”
He scratches the back of his neck. “Yes, but you’ve always been in my head. I just didn’t want to admit it because she was in there for so long. I didn’t want to give her up, and I didn’t want to move on. But then I met you, and suddenly I wasn’t missing her so much.” 
You swallow, preparing to say something in return, but sunwoo quickly speaks up a second time, hand on his chest.
“But-! Uh, you’re not a replacement for her. It’s different. How I feel. I really do like you.” 
Sunwoo doesn’t know how you snuck your way into his heart, letting him breathe fresh air and become anew. He’s only ever liked one person for so long -kept space for only her deep in his heart, that’s why he couldn’t figure out it was you who stole it.
He repeats the confession, this time sounding more confident and assertive.
When you don’t say anything back, he begins panicking. Was I wrong? Did I only assume-? 
“Sunwoo,” you start, looking at him uncertainly.
“Don’t get me wrong, I think I could like you too..” 
Sunwoo doesn’t get his hopes up just yet, waiting for the catch. There’s always one. 
“But maybe we should wait. Give each other a little space and time apart, I mean. For you to completely get over her and for me to figure and sort everything out. I think that would be best for us,” you finish in a whisper.
You’re scared. At his reaction -his current thoughts. 
You quickly look up at him, startled. 
There’s a strange easy and light smile on his face.  “I get it. I’ll wait for you. I’ve done a lot of waiting, so I can do it for a little more.”
Your heart almost breaks when he says that, but you know it’s for the best. 
Just give me some time, please. 
When you said a little space, you didn’t mean two days. 
And you sure weren’t expecting him to show up at your dance studio. 
“Sunwoo? What are you doing here???”
“Ah, well, l thought we could just walk home together. I-I’ll walk you home, I mean..”
Your whole body aches, and you feel a tiny bit annoyed, but you still can’t find it in your heart to reject him. And so sunwoo takes you back home.
After that day, he would go almost everytime to pick you up whenever you had dance practice. Sometimes you would go with him, and sometimes you wouldn’t. (but 98% of the time you couldn’t reject him). Maybe you felt a little bad, but sunwoo seemed so happy and excited whenever he saw you, you just couldn’t not go with him. 
You still had plenty of moments apart. Sunwoo would only ever walk you home and chat, the occasional grabbing food and drinks on the way back. (You didn’t consider them big enough to be dates-not yet, at least.)
Every time he would wait and stand in the waiting room, a bunch of the other dancers would be either fangirling over him or teasing you two whenever you came out to meet him. 
You totally did not feel that wave of jealousy after seeing all of the staring girls. But you were very satisfied to see the looks on their faces when sunwoo would ignore them and go straight to you.
And you won’t lie -it felt nice. To have sunwoo waiting for you every day, even though you could reject him at any moment.
You would never.
Even though technically you two were on a ‘break that wasn’t really considered a break’, your time alone was mostly taken up by the upcoming dance show.
It was just a little showcase. But of course, sunwoo insisted on going.
You were the most nervous you’ve ever been -the most nervous sunwoo had ever seen you. It had been a while since you last performed, and for some reason, you felt so different preparing this time around, which is why you basically lived at the studio for a month. 
The day of the show finally arrives, and you want to pull your own hair out. Sunwoo was only able to see you briefly before you were dragged along to rehearsals, and in that short time, he shot you a thumbs up, and you sent a small, extremely nervous smile back.
When your name was called, and you walked onto the stage, heart almost bursting out of your chest, somehow you were able to find sunwoo in the crowd. 
It lasted for a second, but you were able to capture his excited but still reassuring eyes cheering you on, the clapping and yells coming from his mouth. 
And that’s how you were able to perform beautifully, dance to the greatest extent. The feeling of fulfillment when you finished along with the immediate applause and sunwoo’s loud hollers sparked something inside. 
That could be why you didn’t care. Didn’t care about jumping off the stage and running over to sunwoo, the shocked look on his face making you laugh.
But he still holds his arms out, and you basically fly into them. 
Sunwoo lets out a grunt, holding you tight as you laugh and bury your face into his shoulder.
He pulls back, eyes sparkling. “You did amazing. I’m so proud of you.”
You're unable to form any words back, only able to stare into his eyes. 
His face is a lot closer than you realized...
You can feel your heartrate rising again.
Sunwoo leans in, you think? and your eyes close even though you’re not sure what’s even going on. 
“Y/n!!! Great job!!” 
You snap out of your daze, turning around to see who it was. 
Sunwoo curses the random guy -he thinks it’s the director of the show or whatever. He doesn’t care at all for the person that rudely interrupted your moment together.
And when you follow the director after, totally distracted with the aftermath of the show and leaving sunwoo behind, he can only pout.
Maybe next time...
You finally got to sleep. Properly. The show left in the back of your head, set there as a significant memory to stay forever.
After you start getting back into the groove of normal dance practices, Sunwoo comes to pick you up as usual. 
But today was not a usual day.
“Sorry Sunwoo, I have someone to meet today. Maybe Thursday?”
You frown at his obviously fallen face. Hopping in front of him, you pout cutely.
“Don’t be sad, I’ll see you soon. And we can get food too!”
He stands there, frozen. 
Checking the time, you realize ‘shit-you’re gonna be late.’ 
“Bye, sunwoo. Don’t forget Thursday!!” You wave goodbye, running along. 
Sunwoo gives five minutes to compose himself. Even though he desperately wants to fall on the ground and roll in agony from what you did to his heart, he simply breathes in, out.
He’s for sure disappointed he isn’t able to walk you home, but after that cute act.... sunwoo thinks he can let it go. Only for today.
The mysterious place you were supposed to be at was a cafe. (a nice one with also great reviews online.) You run in, lighting up when you spot the person you invited out. 
“Hi! How have you been?”
You offer a small smile. “Doing well. And you? 
Sunwoo’s- well, you suppose former crush now- beams. “Good! What about sunwoo? I-uh, haven’t seen him recently.” The knowing look in her eye makes you nervously laugh. 
“He’s fine too. I didn’t tell him about our meeting today. Did you?”
“Oh, no- don’t worry. It’s a secret between us!”
You’re pleased, but the reason you asked to meet was not for small talk.
“Well, I’m not sure if you know the reason I asked you out here..”
She nods, waiting. 
“But basically, I knew about Sunwoo’s longtime crush on you. The funny thing is, I was actually trying to help him win you over... but that obviously did not happen.”
She bursts out laughing, and eventually, you join in too. 
“Wow, I’m sorry,” her tone turns more serious. 
“But yeah. I was... really shocked, to say the least. That he liked me. I honestly never thought of him like that, and I’m guessing you know about the dates that we went on then?”
You nod sheepishly.
“That was also really strange for me. It was just a lot, you know? And my ex also came back from overseas -you met him that one time. So there was just a lot of feelings going on all at once.”
She takes your hand, squeezing it gently.
“And even though I don’t like sunwoo that way, I’m glad that you’re here for him. I can tell you two really like each other. Even though it wasn’t your original intentions.”
Those words strangely comfort you. Like the chained truth you already knew was finally released.
“I don’t mean to pry,” you start, “but what’s up with you and your ex then? I saw you two were out and around together?”
You don’t fail to notice her reddening cheeks. “Ah, about that... He just came back so suddenly... and right as I got over him. but we’re spending more time together, and ugh, I don’t know.”
The smile on her face says otherwise. It makes you smile as well.
“I wish you luck, then.”
“And I wish you luck with sunwoo too!”
You weren’t expecting to gain a new friendship that day as well. 
Now that everything seemed cleared and out of the air, you had more time. 
To think. Reflect. Focus on what your ideal life is like. 
Is it one that includes Kim Sunwoo? Waking up next to him, having the ability to make fun of him 24/7, being able to press your lips onto his whenever, wherever? 
And when the answer finally comes, it’s another sunny afternoon with Sunwoo waiting for you after class.
The day was nice. And you feel nice too, strangely happy. He notices.
“What’s got you looking so upbeat for? Is it seeing my face?”
“No,” you happily respond, laughing at his offended face. 
“It’s nothing. Let’s just go to the park.”
He’s confused but smiling as well. 
“Okay. How was your day?”
You chat along the walk to the park.
“-did I make you wait long? What time did you get to the studio?”
He frowns, taking the phone out of his pocket to check the time. Your legs stop working when you see what his lock screen is.
He grunts. 
“Is your lock screen... a picture of us?”
He fiddles with the back of his neck. “Oh, yeah. Changmin sent that picture of us at the restaurant to me, and then I-uh changed it.”
You try, oh so hard, to fight that bashful smile attempting to break free on your face. Thank goodness sunwoo was walking a few steps ahead.
When you arrive, sunwoo finds a bench, and you plop down next to him with a content sigh, staring at the view. 
You purposely picked this park because of its location, higher up so it overlooked the city. It was peaceful and beautiful, above all the commotion.
“You know Sunwoo, I think I found what I want to do.”
He looks at you, curious. “Which is?”
“I want to dance.”
“But you already do that?”
“Yes, you’re right. But I also want to teach others too. Like a dance instructor. That day when I taught you that routine was fun.”
“Are you sure it wasn’t fun because you were with me?” You flick him playfully.
“What about you then? Did you ever meet up with your ex-crush after that whole mess?”
Sunwoo scoffs, looking down. “It wasn’t a mess...” he mumbles.
“No... it was,” you wish to say, but your lips remain zipped.
“But yeah. We made up. I’m glad that she’s still my friend and our relationship is better now. To be honest, I think I’ve known since the beginning that she never liked me that way. I just was too scared and prideful to admit it.” 
“Well, isn’t that a good thing?” His eyebrow quirks up at your words.
“What do you mean?”
“That you never stopped liking her.”
He looks at you, truly confused. 
“Because you got to meet me.“
You expect him to retort back with something mocking back but he actually looks down at his shoes, smiling. “Yeah, you’re right.”
You lean back on the bench, relaxed and peaceful. 
“Anyways, what about you? Did you find a passion or dream you wanna pursue?”
“Actually, I did.”
You sit up. “Really?”
He suddenly looks shy. “I kinda want to get into producing. Music.”
You look at him, interested. 
“After we met up at your dance place, it made me think of my old trainee life.”
You cut him off. “Wait- I never asked why you quit being a trainee.”
“Oh. I just fell out of it. Being an idol just didn’t seem like it was for me anymore. But after seeing you reach your dancing dreams, it made me inspired. I started writing lyrics and rapping again for fun. Then I realized I really liked it. And producing music was always a hobby,” Sunwoo continues to ramble on.
 You listen with a soft smile. And he eventually notices,  stopping his tangent. “What is it?” 
Smile growing, you tilt your head to the side and state, “I support you. You should totally do it.”
Sunwoo feels warmth bloom in his chest. Another reason for him to fall in love with you even more. Yes, he was sure that he loved you. But sunwoo didn’t want to say it just yet. 
He was waiting for you.
“Thank you, y/n.”
You nod, suddenly picking at your fingers distractedly.
“But I don’t know... I think right now I just really want to go out with you, Kim Sunwoo.” 
He chokes on air, looking around almost as if to make sure this is actually reality before taking your hand. “What-no. Are you serious?” 
“Yes. Let’s go on a date.” 
You say it so casually he thinks he must’ve misheard you or whatever. But he didn’t. 
For you, it just happened. The night before you were laying in bed, and he just popped up in your dream. A wonderful dream that was like your ideal life came true-even when sunwoo appeared you didn’t question it one bit. A dream where you were able to remember everything fully when you woke up this morning. 
And so it was decided. It had to be it, right? You definitely liked the troublemaker Kim Sunwoo.
When you look away at some point, he pumps a fist in the air, elated and barely restraining a yell of happiness.
You turn around. “Are you alright?”
He quickly straightens up. “Yep. Good. Just fine. Doing great, actually.”
You smile, eyes crinkling. “Okay.”
But you couldn’t suppress the feeling,
-of hunger. Today was a long practice, and you needed energy. 
“Sunwoo, let’s go. I’m hungry.” You take his arm, trying to pull him up.
He easily gets up, adjusting his hold on your hand. But you don’t mind. 
This has to be a dream right? Sunwoo thinks. The happiness he feels from seeing you-a once stranger that he poured all his feelings out to-turn into someone he trusts with his life, his heart.
Walking down the sidewalk together, you speak up. 
“Did I make you wait too long?”
He scoffs, free hand raised to his face in a supposedly cool expression. “Nah, if it’s you, I could wait forever.” 
You cringe, letting go of his hand in an instant. 
He almost immediately protests. 
You wanted to shut him up. There was one way that you believed would be very effective. It just took a little preparation.
Gathering the confidence, you kiss him on the cheek, mid-protest. 
Sunwoo’s surprised expression makes you laugh. But that laugh is cut short when he suddenly pulls you closer, your noses barely touching. 
You can feel your heart pounding- he can probably feel your heart pounding. But it’s okay because his is too.
When he leans in the tiniest amount, your eyes flutter shut, holding your breath and waiting.
Until he starts chuckling softy, and you peek an eye open.
It makes your face heat, the way he stares at you with such adoration, and possibly love?
You huff, turning and beginning to walk away. “If you’re not gonna kiss me, then just leave.”
You hear his protests but also his laughter that echo through your body. 
 “I didn’t know you were such a baby,” he comments, snatching your hand and spinning you around once more so his arms can encompass you. 
His eyes bore into yours, occasionally flicking down to your mouth and back up again. 
Maybe you were just a little impatient, so you lean in, just barely hovering over his lips.
His grip around you tightens. Who’s the baby now?
And then he finally closes the gap, letting his soft lips glide over yours. 
It’s just... Sunwoo. All you can see, even with your eyes closed, is him. All you can feel is him. Everything is sunwoo. 
And you think you love it.
When you break the kiss reluctantly a couple of seconds later, sunwoo’s eyes flick open, staring back at you indignantly.
“What? Let’s go eat. I said I was hungry.” 
“Was this not enough?” he grins cheekily. 
You slowly lean into his ear, whispering, “No, it wasn’t.”
You grin at the way he shivers, your warm breath tickling his ear. 
“That’s why we’re going to get food now. And you’re paying as usual,” you finish, basking in the fact that Sunwoo is rendered speechless. 
You like how your hand easily finds his, fitting perfectly together as you drag him along. 
Wherever you go, I’ll go with you. 
Wherever you fall, I’ll pick you back up.
Wherever you can’t, I’ll love you instead. 
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taglist: @elcie-chxn  @00seonu  @mochinyu​
a/n: if you made it to the end of this, i sincerely applaud and thank you :) after the end of that drama i couldn’t stop my feelings and had to write this but then it kinda turned into a whole fic 🤡
also can’t believe i wrote this much-sunwoo constantly in the brain 😶.
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saltedsour · 3 years
Domestic Catgirls and Dire Catgirls are related, but are both not very similar thanks to the rapid evolution of the internet.
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While rarer, Dire Catgirls still existed as far back as 1985, but were gradually pushed away to the more favourable, "cuter" and kinder Domestic Catgirls
Their almost childlike positivity has been running back decades, and have taken over japan by storm.
Catra (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) shares many distinct features with the Dire Catgirls, including a fierce nature, frizzly, long hair, and more mature than her counterparts.
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From an evolutionary standpoint, it would be unwise to assume she is from the same lineage as modern catgirls, despite being incredibly recent, as Dire and Domestic split off from one another long ago.
Despite her anime artstyle, she is western and it would be fair to say that Dire Catgirls, while unpopular in Japan, may have had a minor resurfacing in populations in the west (noteably North America).
She is still the only Dire Catgirl found in recent times, and they may be critically endangered still, or perhaps extinct in the wild.
A popular theory has been surfacing around that, while I may not personally agree with, holds some weight. And that Catgirls are the sole species, with Domestic Catgirls being the juvenile state.
Catra shows signs of these "adulthood" traits even at a very young age, including the hair. She could more likely be an example of Catgirls that weren't bred to show their cute, popular appearances.
Or, at least, feral catgirls, with no access to their hair cut short. But it seems she still possesses a mature frame.
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Perhaps at an adulthood state, Catgirls become more aggressive and less satisfied by their cutesy lifestyle, pursuing a life of violence and hatred.
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hyeonbun · 3 years
↠ prompt; you listen to her song after the breakup 
↠ group; blackpink
↠ pairings; rosé x female reader (main), jennie x female reader
↠ genre; angst
↠ content; a breakup with no happy ending
↠ word count; 3.2k
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“Hey baby.” Chaeyoung greets you by putting her arms around your waist and giving you a back hug. “Whatcha doing?” She says in a sing-song voice while resting her head on your shoulder. You couldn’t help but smile at how cute she is.
“Just getting a few textbooks out of my locker.” You answer while pulling out two books that were buried in the back of your locker. Once you were done getting the stuff you needed for your homework out of your locker, you close it shut and put your bookbag back on your shoulders. It was the end of the school day and you couldn’t wait to leave this depressing place.
“Yay! Let’s go!” Chaeyoung claps excitedly and grabs your hand so that you could hold hands while walking down the halls. As you are walking you notice your best friend Jennie, who appears to be upset. She accidentally makes eye contact with you and then quickly looks away. Although you were confused, you decided to just brush it off anyways because she was probably just having a bad day.
“So what are we going to do for this project?” You ask Chaeyoung, followed by a long sigh. Neither of you were looking forward to this project considering it is worth half of your final grade.
“I’m already stressed out. How about we take a little break first?” Chaeyoung suggests and you notice the mischievous smile on her face.
“But we haven’t even started yet.” You interject, already anticipating her next move.
“I know. We can worry about it later.” She assures you, causing you to nod in response. She grabs you by the hand with a smirk on her face and leads you over to her bed.
Chaeyoung motions you to lay down, and you follow her command. Your face starts to heat up as she straddles you and she notices how flustered you are. The look in her eyes tells you everything that’s going on in her mind. Next thing you know, her face gets closer to yours and she’s pressing her lips against your lips. You feel her smile into the kiss which subconsciously causes you to do the same.
The kiss deepens as she slips her tongue past your lips. Your hands end up tangled in her hair while one of her hands slides up the bottom of your shirt. Your tongues battle for dominance and you can feel yourself melting at her touch. In this moment, all you wanted was her. 
“Hey bestie!” Lisa enthusiastically says while barging into the room. She stops in her tracks after seeing the both of you. You and Chaeyoung look at her like a deer caught in headlights. “Oh… I think I interrupted something… I’ll leave you guys to it then.” Lisa continues as she awkwardly starts backing out of the room and closes the door behind her. 
“I forgot that she has a key to my house.” Chaeyoung mentions with a horrified look on her face. “I also probably should have told her that we were working on a project today.” You simply nod in response, still embarrassed by the whole situation.
“Maybe we should get back to working on the project now.” You comment and she nods in agreement.
After returning home later that night, you check your phone to see a few missed texts from Jennie.
J: We need to talk
J: Please facetime me when you get the chance
You read the texts over again and ponder the situation. You had no idea what these messages could be about. Jennie has never randomly sent you texts with a serious tone like this before. You tap on her contact and hesitate for a few seconds but ultimately decide to press the facetime button.
Jennie picks up almost immediately, looking extremely distraught. You notice she has bags under her eyes and her mascara is all smudged. She hurriedly wipes away the tears that were rolling down her cheeks. You give her a sympathetic look and she takes a deep breath before speaking.
“I really don’t know how to say this.” She admits and begins fidgeting with her hands.
“I promise you can tell me anything, it’s okay.” You try to comfort her, earning a sniffle in response. You watch her attentively as she looks down at her lap before deciding to speak again.
“Well… I-I’m in love with you. I feel really guilty for doing this right now because you are in a relationship with Chaeyoung but I just couldn’t take it anymore. I had to let it out. I’m sorry.” She confesses and instantly ends the call, leaving you to stare at her contact in total shock. 
After all this time, you couldn’t believe that the person you’ve had a crush on for the past four years just confessed to you. It came out of nowhere. At this moment, you didn’t know how to feel. You felt everything and nothing simultaneously. Deep down, you had feelings for Jennie this whole entire time. None of this was making sense because you were almost 100% positive that she didn’t like you back. As much as you love Chaeyoung, you knew you couldn’t deny the way Jennie has made you feel all of these years. 
The more and more you thought about this situation the more it hit you. You felt sick to your stomach with anxiety. Jennie liked you all along. After all, she was always there to help you and look out for you when you needed it the most. 
Memories start resurfacing and you start feeling even more overwhelmed. There was that one time where you decided to go to a party and got blackout drunk and she made sure you were safe the entire time and even took you home. You also remember that time you had a midterm exam where you knew none of the content and she went out of her way to help you study so you would pass. A year ago when you got your heart absolutely broken by one of your exes, she consoled you and was a shoulder to cry on.
As you look back on all of your memories with Jennie, it felt like you fell in love with her all over again. After burying your feelings for her for so long, they only came back stronger. You can’t help but to feel guilty now that you know she likes you back. Your phone vibrates in your hand and you brace yourself before looking at it.
C: goodnight baby i love you sososo much ❤
Your heart drops as you read the text from your girlfriend. Why did this situation have to be so complicated? You wonder why Jennie couldn’t just confess before when you were actually single. Now you just feel extremely guilty for thinking about being with Jennie.
You: goodnight i love you too 😊
You set your phone down on the table next to your bed and let out a deep sigh. Maybe you should just go to sleep. You hope that this is some kind of messed up dream and that when you wake up none of it will have happened and you’ll feel normal again. You get ready for bed and lay down. Your anxiety keeps you up for a little bit longer than expected, but eventually you drift off into sleep. 
Your obnoxiously loud alarm wakes you up in the morning. As much as you want to hit snooze, you realize you have to pick Chaeyoung up and take her to school with you. Suddenly the memories of last night hit you out of nowhere. You remember what Jennie said and you just now realize that you didn’t even send her a message after. To be fair, you had no idea what to tell her. How would you tell her that you liked her back while being in a relationship with Chaeyoung? Reluctantly, you got ready for the day and grabbed your bookbag.
You: i’ll be there in 5
You watch as Chaeyoung walks out the door and happily skips towards your car. She gets in your car and cutely smiles at you. An intense feeling of guilt washes over you, but you force a smile back at her anyways. You spend most of the car ride thinking about the situation and you don’t even realize it until Chaeyoung speaks up. 
“What’s wrong?” Chaeyoung asks out of concern, noticing you’ve been silent the whole time. “It’s not like you to be this quiet.” She adds on, causing you to become increasingly nervous.
“I promise it’s nothing serious.” You lie with a hint of sadness laced in your voice.
“Are you sure?” She questions after hearing your tone. “You know you can always talk to me about anything.” She reassures you, yet it only makes you feel worse.
The truth is you are in love with Jennie and Chaeyoung has no idea. You didn’t have a plan for how you were going to resolve the situation. On one hand you’ll break Jennie’s heart, but on the other you’ll break Chaeyoung’s heart. You knew it had to be one or the other. There was no way you could talk to Chaeyoung about it because you know that will break her. 
“Yeah I’m sure.” You answer, and notice her slowly nodding in response. After what feels like forever, you both finally arrive at school. Chaeyoung holds your hand as the two of you walk through the doors and through the halls. 
While walking past, you glance over at Jennie’s locker and feel your stomach drop. You notice Jisoo hugging Jennie as she cries into the older girl’s shoulder. Jisoo was trying to console her. You know exactly why she is crying and you know that it’s all your fault. You should have sent her a message. 
“I can’t do this anymore.” You accidentally mutter out loud, causing Chaeyoung to quickly turn her head to look at you. 
“Can’t do what anymore?” She questions with furrowed eyebrows. You feel all the color drain from your face.
“This relationship. I’m sorry.” You burst out impulsively, completely shocked by your own words. You begin to panic so you immediately bolt to the nearest restroom.
Once inside, you let out a huge sigh and aggressively throw your bookbag on the floor out of anger. You couldn’t believe that you just did that, it completely slipped out of your mouth. You sit down on the bathroom floor and place your head in your hands. Your anxiety starts to take over once you realize that not only have you caused Jennie to cry so much but now you just broke Chaeyoung’s heart. Tears begin to fall from your eyes. 
The door suddenly bursts open, causing you to jump in your spot. Of course it was the last person you needed to see right now. 
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” Jennie cries out in confusion and takes a seat next to you on the floor.
“I just broke up with Chaeyoung.” You completely break down while hiding your face in your arms. 
“Oh no… why did you do that?” Jennie asks followed by some sniffles. “You didn’t have to do that. I didn’t expect any of this to happen. I feel awful now.” She rambles while sobbing. 
Instinctively, you put your arm around her and pull her closer to you. She lays her head on your shoulder and your heart flutters despite all of the heavy guilt. The both of you stay just like that for a while, crying in silence. The bell for class rings but neither of you dare to move. 
“I’m sorry for not messaging you last night.” You speak up after minutes of silence. “I saw you crying in the hallway when I came in and it hit me.”
“Honestly, I was just an anxious mess. I was crying mainly because I regretted doing that. I also felt selfish because I knew you had a girlfriend but decided to confess to you anyways. It also struck me that you didn’t like me back.” She admits her feelings with a sigh.
“Who said I didn’t like you back?” You ask, causing her to go silent for a few moments.
“Do you like me back?” She questions and moves her head from your shoulder to look at you. 
“Yes. I’ve liked you this whole time, since the day we met.” You confess while looking in her eyes.
“Is that why you broke up with Chaeyoung?” She asks for confirmation and you nod your head in response. “So what now?” She wonders, causing you to shrug your shoulders.
You make eye contact with her and notice the way she is looking at you. There is nothing but love and admiration in her eyes. Both of you get lost in each other’s eyes and in the moment. One thing leads to another and she closes her eyes and starts leaning in, so you do the same and your lips connect.  
You felt so many overwhelmingly good feelings at once. Not only was your heart pounding out of your chest but there were also butterflies in your stomach. This was absolute bliss. She eventually pulls away and looks at you with that heartwarming smile. Her contagious smile causes you to smile too. 
A few hours pass and you dreadfully enter the class you share with Chaeyoung. You feel so guilty and you know that seeing each other’s face would cause so much pain for the both of you. Minutes pass and the bell rings, yet Chaeyoung has still not walked through the door. For the entire duration of the class, you anxiously watch the door but she never shows up. Extreme guilt hits you again as you realize she ditched class because that is something she has never done. 
Before you know it, the school day is finally over and you somehow made it through. You walk to your locker to grab a few things although you already planned on doing nothing school-related for the rest of the day.
“What happened with Chaeyoung?” Jisoo suddenly approaches you, searching for answers.
“I could ask the same thing. She never showed up to the class I have with her.” You nervously inform her, trying to avoid the actual question at all costs. Jennie didn’t mention anything that happened between the two of you to Jisoo which is odd.
“Well earlier this morning before class started she ran out the doors crying. Everyone watched her.” Jisoo tells you, making your anxiety act up.
You start to assume the worst of this situation. Right now she’s probably somewhere crying her heart out all because of your selfishness. Earlier when she ran out crying, you were busy kissing and talking to Jennie. This realization made you feel like an awful person. However,  you were filled with so many conflicting feelings that it felt like there was no right answer. You didn’t realize you were lost in your thoughts until you noticed Jisoo looking at you expectantly.
“Who drove her home?” You ask her hesitantly, not knowing whether she knew the answer.
“I assume Lisa did. Lisa didn’t show up to any of the classes we have together but I saw her earlier this morning.” Jisoo answers and you simply nod your head in response. 
When you got home later on, you debated whether or not you should talk to Chaeyoung. You knew that it would probably make things worse if you did. Not only were the emotions and tension high, but you also knew that you were the last person she’d want to talk to right now. After staring at her contact picture for a few minutes, you decide against it and set your phone down. You lay on your bed and instantly get reminded of yesterday and how happy the both of you were while making out. You had no idea how you’d ever feel better about this situation or how you would get over it.
A month has passed since your break up with Chaeyoung and things have changed drastically. You’re currently the happiest you’ve ever been with your girlfriend, Jennie. All of the guilty feelings and emotional wounds have since healed and disappeared. Nowadays, you have no idea how Chaeyoung feels because you haven’t talked to her since the day you broke up. You eventually realized that there was no time to dwell on the past so you stopped worrying about her. 
It was currently lunchtime and you sat down at your usual spot at the lunch table in the corner. Since you were early, you watched as everyone else poured into the cafeteria. You see Jisoo sprinting over to your table and you assume she’s just eager to eat her lunch, but she has no lunch with her. 
“You need to see this right now.” Jisoo declares out of breath while shoving her phone into your hand. 
You look at the screen and realize it’s a three minute video that includes Chaeyoung and her guitar. Hesitantly, you unpause the video and you were not prepared at all for what was about to come. 
I thought that you remember
but it seems that you forgot
It’s hard for me to blame you
when you were already lost oh yeah
Your heart sinks from hearing the pain in her voice as she sings.
I gave you all of me now you don’t
Want to be involved oh yeah yeah
I really gotta face it oh yeah yeah
It was only the beginning of the song but you didn’t know how much more you could handle.
I just wanna be the one
But to you we’re already done
Tell me why’d you have to hit and run me
Now I’m all alone crying ugly
You broke my heart just for fun
Took my love and just left me numb
All the painful feelings were starting to resurface. Finally hearing her side made you realize how much you hurt her. 
Another story that’s sad and true
I can feel the pain can you
You had to be the one to let me down
To color me blue
There was no denying that the song was definitely about you.
Hate to see you with someone new
I’ll put a curse on her and you
Ain’t no looking back
Now you’re dead and gone
My love is gone too
She knew that Jennie was the reason you broke up with her.
All my love is gone
All my love is gone
All my love is gone
All my love is gone
Now you’re dead and gone
You feel more and more anxious as the song goes on.
All my love is gone
And the hate has grown
Standing all alone and
I’m searching for something
But I can’t feel nothin’
I pack my bags and go
You broke her. You are the reason she feels this way. All because of your selfishness.
This don’t feel like home
Too much darkness for a rainbow
I feel so used
How am I supposed to live without you
I refuse yeah
Although you feel guilty, you can’t help but notice those last two lines especially. You begin to wonder if she still loves you deep down. As the last few verses were sung and the song ended, you didn’t even notice the tears falling down your cheeks until Jisoo points it out. All the progress you made was destroyed. 
You broke her heart and you were just going to have to live with that fact.
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