#the cutest and hottest thing on earth like ahhhh
sapphicsnzs · 5 months
kissing someone and your noses brush against each other and it’s just enough to make them sneeze…fuck
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banghyung · 6 years
happy (f)
word count - 1.5k
warnings - fluff, tsundere!sunwoo
member - Sunwoo of The Boyz
request - “can u do a tsundere sunwoo fluff where the shy reader and him both wont admit they like eachother and in the end they kiss or something idk asdfgkl i love ur work and love cliche anime shit oof”
a/n - ahhhh thank you so much! I thought this would be a good scenario to try a new style, I hope you like it! :D
yeah, you know sunwoo
everyone knows sunwoo
most know him as that hot guy that walks around school with a resting bitch face
you know him as that hot guy that sulks in the corner of music comp
what you don’t know is that he’s actually the softest bean
he had to bribe his friends with a month’s worth of food so that they wouldn’t blow his cover
“I just wanna be edgy foR ONCE”
“Sunwoo you cry watching romance movies”
“and when you see cute pictures of animals” 
hyunjae and eric still laugh when they see him walk through the halls like he owns the place
sunwoo, ya know the hardass that he is, oftentimes comes home and guSHES over you
“hYUNGs Y/N was wearing the cutest outfit today I walked into class and almost started yelling”
“you mean like you’re yelling now?”
“shut up eric no one asked you”
despite how much you made him melt inside
he always kept up his dark, mysterious persona
and no matter how hot you thought he was
you were always too shy to talk to him
besides he has the whole school drooling after him, why would your attention in particular be anything special
you stopped any feelings from growing for that reason
you’re walking home after getting off work late one night when you hear a familiar voice coming from an alley
“come here kitty kitty, i just want to pet you”
out of sheer curiosity, you peeked your head into the alleyway 
and who did you find?
none other than Mr. Edgy himself, Kim Sunwoo
“stop running away from me I just want tO LOVE YOU”
he whipped his head around, scaring the cat more and causing it to leave various gashes in sunwoo’s exposed arm before running away
“oh my god are you okay??” you ran up to him and held his arm gently in your hands as you looked at the various cuts
sunwoo, speechless, just kinda looked at you like :O
“wow it got you pretty good”
edgywoo finally came back to his senses and pulled his arm out of your grip
“yeah i’m !!! fine!!!”
you’ve never heard a more forced laugh in your entire life
“right,,,,,,,,,well i live close by why don’t you just come with me and I can clean your arm up because it’s bleeding pretty bad”
sunwoo, still staring at you only a little, only noticed the blood dripping down his arm after you said something
cue hardass!sunwoo jumping around in panic 
only calms down when you put your hands on his shoulders
“come on” 
you grab his hand and start pulling him in the direction of where you live
sunwoo just trailed along, his jaw practically dragging on the ground as he looked down at your hand holding his
he was speechless the entire walk to your apartment
even after you let go of his hand
he tried to pull himself together 
but for some reason his heart was beating really fast and his mouth was dry???
you chalk it up to he’s in shock because he obviously doesn’t know how to handle the sight of blood
so when you reach your door and he still hasn’t said a word, you’re worried he’s about to pass out
you pull him into the apartment and quickly push him into the bathroom
the entire time you’re scolding yourself because you were supposed to clean yesterday after class
but instead you took a nap 
and NOW look
there was a hot guy in your apartment
along with the 2 weeks worth of clutter that you put off because of studying
you closed the toilet and sat him down, grabbing your first aid kit from under the sink
as you start to clean up his arm you attempt to make small talk to keep your mind from hanging on the fact that THE hottest boy on earth was currently in your bathroom 
“so why exactly did you think that chasing a stray cat was a good idea?”
he sucked in a breath harshly as your cloth ran over the wound
“i just,,,,,,wanted to pet it” 
you nodded in understanding as you finished cleaning his arm
“there, all done.”
you both stood up and you walked him towards the door, sunwoo finally being able to think clearly enough to once again to resume his edgy persona
“i guess i’ll see you monday then” you said as he walked out of your apartment
he nodded before muttering a soft “thanks” and walking off
leaving you with a heart doing backflips and the sudden urge to clean your apartment from top to bottom
as the weekend passed you grew more and more anxious for monday
what were you supposed to do???
ignore him and pretend like nothing happened?
make a joke about possible rabies and risk getting hit??
you settled on a happy medium
if sunwoo noticed your existence in any way - you would respond
if he didn’t - then it was just another school day 
although, you were a little disappointed when you were walking out of music comp and he hadn’t even spared a glance in your direction
resigned to your fate, you realized that it was just another one-sided crush 
and you forgot about it
until you were leaving work late once again
and stumbled across a stray sunwoo hovering awkwardly in the same alley way that had brought you together before
“are you looking for that cat again?” you asked, catching him by surprise
“no. i was out walking and remembered this was about the time you got off work the other day and i didn’t want you to walk home by yourself”
you tried to control the incessant fluttering of your heart
but couldn’t help the blush that spread on your cheeks
you were just thankful that it was nighttime
“oh,,,,,uh thank you”
you walked home in silence once again, but you were grateful for the company
you hated walking alone in the dark
after you reached your apartment building you muttered a quick thank you to sunwoo before going to head inside
at his words, you turned back around 
“give me your phone number” 
you looked at him in shock, your jaw dropping slightly as you fumbled around for your phone
you handed it to him so he could put his number in
your mouth was suddenly really dry for some reason and you couldn’t quite get words out
after he had put his number in and texted himself from your phone he handed it back
“text me whenever you have to work late, I’ll walk you home.”
and then he left
leaving you wheezing on the stairs
but this was the routine you fell into
sunwoo met you by the alley every night that you had to work late and walked you home
but he would still barely acknowledge your existence in school
you found comfort in this, though
and walking home with sunwoo became the highlight of your week
you were looking forward to it the entire time that you closed up at your job
finally yelling a “I’m heading out” to your boss after all of the work was done
walking out, you opened your phone to see that sunwoo had texted you
‘something came up. be safe walking home’
you sighed and shoved your phone in your pocket
disappointment crept its way up your throat as you thought about how stupid you were for catching feelings for a guy that was still so out of your league
tears were almost
about to spill as you reached your apartment building
you grabbed for the door handle as you heard someone yell your name from behind you
you turned around, seeing sunwoo run towards you
“Sunwoo?? what the hell are you doing???”
when he finally reached you he bent over, trying to catch his breath
“i’m sorry that i couldnt walk you home” he began after he finally regained control of his breathing
you looked down at your feet
“its okay-”
you were interrupted by sunwoo yelling “I like you a lot”
you looked up at him, dumbfounded
“i like you a lot. I have for a while, actually. I just didn’t know how to tell you.”
you laughed in shock, causing sunwoo to look at you in amusement
“you,,, WHAT?” you laughed out
he stepped closer to you
“I like you. You’re the cutest person i’ve ever seen in my whole life. From the way your eyebrows scrunch when you concentrate in class to the way that you always stare at the sky like it’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen when I walk you home, you make my heart do this really weird thing and at first I thought it was anxiety but my friend Sangyeon told me I was stupid and then I realized that its just because I like you, a lot.”
You stared at him, taken aback by his sudden confession.
“I like you too.”
“you,, what”
“We’re not doing this again-”
you were interrupted by sunwoo pressing his lips against yours
“You don’t know how happy that makes me,” he whispered against you
You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him again.
“You don’t know how happy you make me.”
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