#the deception of the emerald ring
kamreadsandrecs · 2 years
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Title: The Deception of the Emerald Ring (Pink Carnation #3) Author: Lauren Willig Genre/s: romance, historical, Regency romance, adventure Content/Trigger Warnings: attempted kidnapping, death of parents (off-screen), graphic description of murder, historical period-accurate misogyny Summary (from author’s website): The year is 1803 and England and France remain at odds. Hoping to break the English once and for all, Napoleon backs a ring of Irish rebels in uprisings against England and sends the Black Tulip, France’s most deadly spy, to the Emerald Isle to help. What they don’t know is that also in Ireland is England’s top spy, the Pink Carnation, who is working to shut the rebels down. Meanwhile, back in England, Letty Alsworthy intercepts a note indicating that her sister, Mary, is about to make the very grave mistake of eloping with Geoffrey Pinchingdale-Snipe (second in command of the League of the Purple Gentian). In an attempt to save the family name, Letty tries to stop the elopement, but instead finds herself swept away in the midnight carriage meant for her sister and is accidentally compromised. Geoff and Letty, to each other’s horror, find themselves forced into matrimony. Then, Geoff receives word that he is to travel to Ireland to help the Pink Carnation and disappears immediately after their wedding ceremony. Letty learns of Geoff’s disappearance and, not to be outdone by her husband, steals away on a ship bound for Ireland, armed and ready to fight for her husband…and to learn a thing or two about spying for England. Buy Here: https://bookshop.org/p/books/the-deception-of-the-emerald-ring-lauren-willig/11090587 Spoiler-Free Summary: I’ll admit: I was rather excited to get to this book because I remember this being one of my favorites in the Pink Carnation Series. Prior to this reread my memories of it were fond, mostly because I remember adoring Geoff and Letty’s romance. And I’m glad to say that part of the story held up pretty well! While Letty and Geoff didn’t start off on the right foot, the progression of their romance was still pretty squeeworthy. I liked how Geoff’s gradual realization regarding his assumptions about Letty and Mary was paced across the story, as well as how he made it up to Letty later. And I still adore Letty as much as I did when I first read about her. Part of it is because I can relate to her concerns about worthiness in comparison to her sister, but mostly because I like how practical and level-headed she is. Given her background she had no choice BUT to be level-headed and practical, but when put up against Geoff’s own quieter, steadier qualities as the novel’s plot progresses, well... It’s pretty clear they’re a very good match for each other, and it made me really happy to read Letty get her happily-ever-after. Speaking of romances, the Eloise and Colin romance also held up about as well as I expected it to when I first read this novel - which is to say, not very well at all. I found myself zipping through their portions to get back to Letty and Geoff, because while their romance DOES move a bit forward in this novel, it doesn’t move forward by very much. So yeah: I just skimmed their parts, and then spent more time on the parts involving Letty and Geoff. One thing that DIDN’T hold up about this novel, though, was the background for this novel. In The Masque of the Black Tulip there is a scene where Jane discovers that the French spy known as the Black Tulip plans to go to Ireland and cause trouble by encouraging Irish revolutionaries to rise up against England, offering French assistance in the endeavor and thus giving Bonaparte a “back door”, as it were, into England, increasing his chances for a successful invasion. There’s also references to a “Rising in ‘98″ that some minor characters mention in the first third of the novel. Back when I first read this book, none of that really rang any bells to me. I’d known in a vague sort of way that Ireland had always had a contentious relationship with England, but I was more invested in seeing Geoff and Letty smooch than really understanding what all of that meant. But now, more than ten years later, I know EXACTLY what they’re referring to here: the Rising of 1798. It wasn’t the first time Ireland tried to free itself of English colonization, but this one’s important because its failure, and the social, economic, and political changes England instituted to suppress further revolutionary actions, would eventually lead to the Great Famine (or the Irish Potato Famine) of 1845-1852. So knowing all of that, it was kind of hard to get behind the English characters in this novel, who are intent on suppressing the Irish revolutionaries. Speaking of, there was a moment in this novel where my eyebrow disappeared into my hairline. It’s in Eloise’s timeline, where she’s talking to someone she’s on a date with (not Colin), and she’s trying to explain to this guy why she’s on the side of the English even though her surname (Kelly) implies she might have Irish ancestry. And this is what she says: “The English behaved horribly in Ireland, but they had their reasons for what they were doing at the time, even if they weren’t what we would consider good reasons. It’s like reading Gone with the Wind,” I tried to explain. “You know that slavery is morally wrong, but while you’re reading it, you can’t help empathizing with the South anyway.” BIG OOF, especially with that bit about Gone with the Wind and slavery. So...yeah, this part and the bit about the Rising and the Great Famine really put a dampener on my enthusiasm for this novel. Maybe the next one will hold up a bit better? Rating: three emerald rings
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Long Snake Moan 5
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My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Loki
Summary: your boss gives you a task you’re not prepared for.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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He’s still there when you return to your desk. Just like the ring on your finger, Loki is immoveable. Your knuckle hurts from trying to yank it off.
You sit at your desk and try to ignore him as he stares from one of the acrylic chairs across from you. They’re rarely used, more so for the illusion of accommodation than anything. 
His gaze casts a blazing heat over you. Your focus is fractured by his unyielding observation. He hums, a taunting tune, as you type and pretend to be alright. You’re not. You’re far from it. 
That sinking doom is muddled in a sludge of disbelief. You just can’t accept this is real and yet hat pit in your chest assures you otherwise. How did he do this? Thor always says his brother is a trickster and you know well of Loki’s unsavoury past, as most New Yorkers would, and yet, this is nothing you could ever predict. 
“What is it you mortals call it?” He speaks at last, jarring you from your troubled trance. “A honeymoon? Would you like to go away, darling? I know this place on the other side of the moon. Your moon, that is... it’s not too derelict and the sky is rather romantic--” 
“Stop,” you splay your fingers over the keyboard. “I’m working.” 
“Mm, yes, you’ve some time to go...” he checks the watch on his wrist. “What are we at? Less than two hours. I must admit, I am counting the minutes.” 
You stand and take a deep breath, “I need a tea.” 
You twist on your heel and march away. You doubt caffeine is going to help your nerves. It’s more that the flavour is familiar enough to offer some shred of comfort.  
As you enter the breakroom, he’s already there. You hate that. How does he do that? You glance over your shoulder then turn back to the room. 
“What is it you prefer?” He peruses the selection of pods. “Mm, pumpkin spice?” He takes a pod and sniffs it, “smells less than appetizing.” 
“I can do it myself,” you approach him and reach for the box of oolong pods. He catches your hand and runs his thumb decisively over the large emerald. You wince as he keeps hold of you. 
“Darling, I am your husband. Allow me to show you the advantage of this union--” 
“I know why you did it. You get to stay. I never wanted you gone, I only delivered the message. You don’t have to do this. If you want to stay, I’ll lie but this is... it isn’t necessary.” You tug but cannot free yourself of his snare. 
“While that may suffice, I don’t have much faith in your skills of deception. I have considered all facets of this plan and we must prove this union to be genuine, thus we may as well commit--” 
“Loki,” you hiss and his brow arches. “Prince, whatever, this is strange. In your research did you not figure out that ‘mortals’ as you call us get to know each other first?” 
“Not always. Not for the majority of your history. There are some rather entertaining scenes along the way. Some I had the pleasure of witnessing myself,” he snickers. “An arranged marriage is not unheard of, even presently in some regions. I could not wait to charm you but I can more than make up for that.” 
“Charm me? You couldn’t even ask me? Talk to me?” 
“We are speaking now. We are working through our first marital hurdle. Together,” his grin assures you that he is being less than authentic. This is a game to him. “Allow me to prepare your tea, wife. You are hard at work.” 
You scrunch up your nose in frustration and he lets you go as you pull away, “why me??” 
His lashes flick up and down as his lips curve deeper, “when you say my name, I imagine you moaning it, and it doesn’t sound so bad.” 
You gurgle. Your stomach knots and tugs. Something inside you plucks. You step back and hug yourself, as if hiding from him. 
“Uh, I...” you look away and shake your head. “You’re right. I’m working so I would appreciate the tea. Thank you. Just milk, if you don’t mind. Please. Er.” You wobble around on your heels. The slither of his voice sticks in your ears and you smell smoke. What is happening? 
You go back to your desk and sit heavily. You stare at the screen as it hazes to a medley of colours. The font obscures in your distant vision and fold your hands on the edge of your desk. 
This is very strange. This is hard to swallow. It’s not what you had planned for today. Or really ever. Not just marrying Loki but anyone. You’re perfectly happy alone. You’ve built a small life for yourself. It’s not that bad. You like the routine and the simplicity and now he’s gone and messed it all up. 
“Darling,” he purrs as he appears with your tea, jarring you from your gloom.  
You sit back and bite down on your tongue. He sets the cup on your coaster, coming close enough that you roll back in your chair. As he stands straight, you rest your elbows on the armrests. 
“You don’t have to pretend to be nice now. You’ve already messed it all up.” 
He laughs again. You hate that. He thinks everything is so funny. This is your life. 
“Messed what up, exactly? I know a Midgardian’s life cycle, I’ve lived through many and so by my estimate, you are overdue for marriage--” 
“That isn’t-- oh my god,” you drag your hands down your face. You drop them into your lap and look at him. “When I told you, you were angry. You looked at me like you hated me. So, how do you think this is going to work?” 
“Hate is powerful but there are things that can overwhelm it,” he shrugs. “I do enjoy the way your legs look when you walk in those shoes and your skirt compliments you well. Now, I know you do not hate me, I can read others rather well. You are intimidated yes, but fear can also make one...how should I put this, sexually aroused?” 
“Oh god. Please,” you wheel back to your desk and shield one side of your face with your hand. “That’s not—Like I said, we can pretend.” 
“This marriage is very much real, darling,” he intones. 
“Yes, it is--” 
“Lokiiiiii,” you growl and pop your head up to snarl at him. 
He smirks and tilts his head, “ooh, say it again.” 
“Stop, please.” 
He chortles and his eyes flare. You don’t like the way they glint, “darling, your dear husband brewed you a tea, please, do not let it grow cold.” 
You sigh and look down at the cup. You raise it and blow the steam away. You sip. It’s rather nice, richer than you would expect. In fact, it’s so good you can’t stop drinking. You’ve had that oolong a dozen times over and you’ve told Tony to get a different brand as it is far from your favourite, but today, it is like honey. 
You wipe your lips at the dribble left behind and set down the cup. Loki resumes his seat by the wall, “hmm, just over an hour to go, darling.” 
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mariaofdoranelle · 3 months
The Courtship Deception - Part 10: Conundrum
Fic masterlist
Written for @throneofglassmicrofics (July prompt)
This chapter is dedicated to @staghorn-mountains and Nonnie from my ask box who made me go back to this wip sooner than planned and I’m so happy I did!!
Warnings: mentions of homophobia
Words: 987
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Rowan had no fucking clue about how he’d uphold his end of the deal with Rhoe.
Hunched over an old spreadsheet that detailed his inheritance from his parents, Rowan studied it for the first time since he became self sufficient enough to keep it as it was supposed to be: nothing more than a precaution.
This alleged prince of an ancient land was almost as rich as a pop star’s cat—something he only knew because Fenrys mocked him endlessly about it. Rowan would be proud of his self-sufficient life any other day, but it wasn’t enough for any heiress’ father.
But there he was, the clauses of his contract burned into his mind as he stared into the screen of his computer, wondering if the bill would ever close.
And the worst of it was that he was doing it for a bride he wasn’t sure he’d keep.
His phone was forever on silent, but some notifications disturbed him still.
Upcoming call: Sellene
Rowan threw his phone into a drawer and focused back on his computer.
His liquid assets were so far from being enough, but maybe of he sold his mother’s manor in southeast Doranelle and the cottage by the beach in Varese…
Still, not enough.
If Rowan could find a way to gather half of what Rhoe was asking for, he could pay it before the wedding and then just disappear with Aelin. This was an absolute last resort, because as much as Rowan liked to keep his word, helping Aelin came first.
He could distantly hear Fenrys’ laughter coming from his living room—he’d never understand why the man visited him so often to do nothing—but Rowan couldn’t stop thinking about this mess he got himself into with Aelin.
Aelin. Her face bloomed into his mind, and he scrolled back up to the image of the 12-carat emerald and diamond ring that belonged to his mother. Rowan wished he had the time to retrieve it in Wendlyn for his bride, but maybe one day they could use it to renew their vows, under less pressuring circumstances.
Fenrys must think the sound of his heavy footsteps counted as knocking, because that was the only warning he gave before barging in.
“I was talking to Sellene. She asked me to say hello to you, since you’re making it impossible.”
“You might not believe it, but I do answer her texts.” Not that often, but he did.
“The Ashryvers are visiting, and turns out Glaston told Ellys, who told her about Aelin.” Fenrys had his arms crossed, eyes hard on Rowan; all that anger was rare look in him.
After a moment of a tense silence, he continued, “Seriously? You didn’t invite your own family to your wedding? You didn’t even tell them you’re engaged?”
Rowan turned back to the computer, swallowed down the lump in his throat and said, “Rhoe and I agreed to a small wedding, since he wanted it done quick.”
Fenrys let out a dry, sardonic laugh. “That’s your excuse?”
“You know I don’t want anything to do with that place.”
“That place,” Fenrys scoffed. “Do you mean that one wicked great-aunt, or the dozens of people who love you very much?”
The one evil great-aunt that happens to be the queen, one everyone inertly abides to. It all happened so fast —his discovery of Maeve’s dirty schemes, his parent’s car accident, the incident right after—but Fenrys was one of the main participants of Rowan’s last straw.
“Out of everyone, you were supposed to get it.”
“I don’t, man.” Fen dragged a chair to sit beside him, fingers rhythmically tapping on the work desk. “Maeve’s so old there’s online bets about how soon she’s going to die; when that happens, the big boss will be someone you trust, the kiss-asses’ personalities will change, and you’ll still be lonely.”
Not anymore, Rowan thought as his gaze slid back to the emerald ring, but he got Fenrys’ point.
Instead, he said, “I don’t get how you’re not angry at them anymore.”
Rowan wasn’t angry per se. He resented them, yes, but that boiling anger has left him long ago. While experience told him that bitterness wasn’t enough to keep him away, his stubbornness was. Once Rowan left, he knew there was no coming back.
But Fenrys? How could he, the one who was humiliated, bullied and practically exiled by Maeve and her suck-up minions, even consider forgiveness?
His friend shrugged. “I mean, yeah, it sucked, but I still stay in touch with some people and visit my mom every now and then. You haven’t stepped foot in Doranelle in years, man.”
Not once since he left, yes.
Not since Prince Endymion’s bodyguard went viral online, comforting him a little too much during Rowan’s parents’ funeral, and one of the cousins rattled on Enda and Fen to Maeve for personal gain. When his cousin’s queerness was treated as a crisis and his spineless family just watched as the Queen poured punishments on everyone involved, Rowan knew it was time to go. It didn’t matter to them, because the scandal was contained, the bullet had just grazed, Rowan’s withdrawal from royal life was never made public and, at all costs, the Whitethorns kept their good name.
Rowan already felt detached from his family after his parents passed, but that was his blast straw, when his fantasies about leaving became concrete. After that, he decided he’d rather have no roots at all than be tied to those people.
“You’re talking as if I’m the only one leaving people behind.” Rowan knew this one would hurt, but desperate times call for desperate measures to keep his friend’s mouth shut, so he said, “What about Enda?”
Fenrys stiffened, his gaze turning vacant. He muttered an excuse and left the room.
In cue, Rowan heard his phone vibrating again from the drawer.
This time, he took the call.
You can get notified when I update by either turning notifications on for @mariaofdoranelle-fics or entering my (sometimes glitchy) tag list!!
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theresthesnitch · 1 year
For the @wolfstarmicrofic word antiquity, 665 words
The tiny bell over the door tinkles as he walks through, alerting the staff to his presence. The proprietor pops his head out from the back of the shop, and his face immediately lights up when he sees Sirius. “Hello, Mr. Lupin.”
He looks like he has been hard at work on something. His sandy colored curls are frizzed up a bit, with a few stuck to his forehead. His cheeks are a bit rosy, almost enough to hide his freckles, but Sirius can still see a dusting of them there. He also has a smudge of something dark on his nose that he seems unaware of.
“Lord Black, I’m so glad you could come. I’ve got something for you in the back.”
He disappears again without another word, and Sirius is left to look around the shop.
Despite its humble appearance, Sirius is rather fond of this place. He stumbled into it when he had been fed up with the simpering yet ineffectual nature of business at Borgin and Burke’s. Sure, he couldn’t do away with them entirely, not with the vast number of antiquities that the Black Estate held, which he is trying to reduce now that he runs the Family, but it was nice to remind them that he could, and would, take his business elsewhere.
“Here we are, sir,” he says, laying a box on the counter. “This is something really special, I think.”
Sirius walks over to see the now opened box in his hands, and a delicate silver ring sits in the middle. The stone at the center of the thin filigree creating intricate knots of carved silver is deceptive at first look. It’s an emerald, or so it appeared when he walked over, but the longer he looks at it, it seems to shift to garnet. “It’s beautiful, of course, but you’re going to have to tell me what it is, Mr. Lupin.”
“Right, of course. My apologies, Mr. Black.” Despite his apology, Lupin can’t stop smiling at the ring in front of him. “This is apparently the ring of Morgan le Fay, gifted to her by Merlin when they were both only twenty years old. According to the legend, the ring contains a sample of Merlin’s power, and Morgan wielded the ring against him in the Battle of Parthley Fortress.”
Sirius picks up the box, examining it closer. “That is fascinating. Is it true?”
“I’m working on certifying it, but at this point, I believe it is.” He claps his hands together and bounces on his toes, clearly excited over the piece. “You were the first person I thought of when it came in. I know that your family is descended from Merlin, so I thought that, perhaps, you would be interested in it.”
“Quite,” Sirius says, “though I feel like it would be a waste to leave it sitting in a box.”
“Oh, no,” he says, grabbing it back from Sirius. “It must be gifted. I’m sure that the person you love would greatly appreciate receiving it as a gift.”
Immediately, Sirius’s mind fills with the vision of slipping the ring on Lupin’s finger, which is ridiculous since they’ve never had a conversation that lasted more than ten minutes. “You think so?”
“Oh, yes, sir.” Lupin hands it back to Sirius. “I would love it if you gave it to me.” He immediately goes pink, as soon as the words leave his mouth, and Sirius wants to kiss the blush off of his face. “I mean, I’m sure that anyone you give it to would love it. Your partner will love it.”
Sirius smiles, setting the box on the counter again. He spins it so that it’s facing Lupin again, and he looks away like he is embarrassed to see it. “Perhaps you’re right.” Sirius nudges it back toward him. “If only I had someone to give it to.”
“You don’t?” Lupin asks, and there’s no small amount of hope in his voice.
“Not yet, anyway.”
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hekateinhell · 1 year
#VCKinkWeek, Day 6: Edge Play
Lestat/Armand/Louis. 1.1k. Rated M (impact play, knife play, S&M, Lestat in tears because seeing it is my personal kink). 🖤
“Do it, Louis,” Armand’s voice, soft yet commanding, that of the little coven master, echoes through Lestat’s ears.
Words being spoken for Lestat’s benefit only when Armand could just as easily have an entire silent conversation with Louis in front of Lestat’s very eyes, and Lestat would be none the wiser? Should be none the wiser, if Lestat’s lovers can behave themselves in his presence, that is. 
He watches Louis turn the sharp blade from side-to-side, as though he’s never seen such an instrument in his life, the steel refracting the light from the chandelier over Lestat’s bed. Beautiful Louis... deceptive in his humanity as Armand is in his innocence.
“Go on, my love,” Armand prompts Louis again. He hasn’t said a word to Lestat since their night began, even as he’s sitting on the bed beside him, absentmindedly running his fingers through Lestat’s hair, letting them snag on a tangle and yank through, an abrupt burst of pain that blossoms and crests simultaneously.
Louis’s glance flickers from Lestat’s face back to Armand’s a moment too long; he’s dropped his guard and let the secret slip. Lestat swallows back the furious urge to snap: “Whatever is it you have to say to each other, say it out loud, damn it!”
Hypocritical, given how much Lestat cherishes his own telepathic communications with Armand and shouldn’t begrudge Louis that same intimacy with one they both love so dearly? Maybe so. Does Lestat care? Quite frankly, no.
Louis is his Louis! Armand is his Armand! Oh, Lestat’s not fool enough to consider that the two of them don’t have plenty of secrets between themselves, those concerning Lestat and those having nothing to do with him whatsoever. He isn’t sure which one of those possibilities is a more infuriating notion. 
It must show on his face. Lestat has never been able to hide his mercurial moods. His upper lip curling back in a snarl, his brows drawing together in a scowl as he considers breaking free of the restraints Armand had lovingly strapped around his wrists and ankles. It’s symbolic. They all know nothing manmade could ever hope to hold Lestat, and ordinarily he’s delighted to play into the illusion. 
“Well?” Lestat demands when no immediate apology is forthcoming. Louis’s emerald eyes boring into his as he blinks slowly, knife still poised in mid-air, expression blank, almost as though he were processing Lestat’s reaction. 
Processing it and seemingly made weary by it, the look of a fatigued parent. 
Armand shifts on the bed and the motion is so abrupt Lestat doesn’t have a chance to anticipate the full weight of it before the back of Armand’s hand strikes hard across his right cheek. Hears Louis gasp out loud at the sound of the impact as the gemstones on Armand’s many rings scrape over the skin of his cheekbone, the heady scent of his own blood permeating the air even before Armand pulls back. 
“Now that is enough, Lestat,” he hisses and Lestat nods, too stunned to do anything other. If he had been less caught off guard, he might have laughed in Armand’s face or even dealt him a worse blow in return. 
Armand could handle it, he could handle Lestat. 
He bends down, his auburn curls spilling over to frame his face as he licks a broad strip up Lestat’s face like a kitten. His long lashes dusting over Lestat’s skin as his eyes flutter shut and he groans at the taste. 
Lestat can’t suppress the pitiful little whine that leaves his throat at the sight. How he loved sharing his blood! Witnessing the most primal and powerful part of him become a part of those he loved. He ought to chain Louis and Armand down in his dungeons, keep them there forever with only Lestat’s blood as substance! What more could anyone possibly desire? 
And Louis, where is Louis now? It’s an all-consuming urge, Lestat’s need to have them pressed to either side of his throat, taking and taking as much as he can give, infusing his essence into them so there would never be any question as to whom they belonged to. 
No sooner does Lestat whimper Louis’s name than Armand drops his head down to Lestat’s collarbone, his hand coming to pat along the inside of Lestat’s exposed thigh, languidly caressing the hard muscle. “Right there, Louis. You will have to dig deep to reach the vein, mon amour. Don’t be afraid. Let us make a mess of our lord as he so desperately desires.”  
Louis, his tender Louis, looking at Lestat and only him with his pupils blown wide, the exhilaration of a natural-born predator in the presence of his prey. The combined provocation of having smelt his maker’s blood, the promise of more, and Armand’s sensual spell — the witchcraft Armand welded with words alone! — finally enough to spur him into action. 
Lestat’s breath locks in his throat, his mind denies him the searing pain for all of a millisecond at the first incision Louis makes: a clean line at least 4 inches long and 4 inches deep into his thigh, slicing the outer layer of Lestat’s femoral artery, flaying him open like a pig at the slaughter.
A wild jump of adrenaline courses through him as he cries out — no, that was a scream, something visceral and anguished and liberated —Armand’s hand closing above the strap over Lestat’s wrist in an attempt to ground him in place. Every nerve ending in Lestat’s body becomes alive as the goosebumps break out over his flesh, fear sending his heart hammering in his throat, every erratic beat causing the blood to gush out even faster from the gaping wound. 
“Is he alright?” Louis, more mild-mannered than most and every bit deadly as the rest of them. Perhaps even more so. “Shall I do the other leg as well?” 
A warm twinge of pride is the last feeling Lestat would expect to feel right now, and yet he does. A maker’s comfort and a lover’s pleasure at seeing Louis embrace his more sadistic tendencies. Another scream tears itself out of his chest as Armand dips two fingers deep into his pulsating flesh, the wound struggling in vain to heal as Armand forces it to remain open, spreading his fingers inside him. 
“Wipe away his tears first, my love. I want him to see,” Armand instructs. Louis’s fingers are cold and delicate as his thumbs gather up the blood tears clinging to Lestat’s lashes, obscuring his vision. He wipes them on his handkerchief, the perfect gentleman. 
Lestat lets out a low moan that turns into a high-pitched sob as Armand suddenly jerks his fingers out of him, coated and dripping in glistening crimson. He dangles them over Lestat’s very face, and a droplet falls, teasing him with his own taste, but it’s not meant for Lestat at all. 
“Have him first, Louis. Remember, this is what he wanted.” 
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livealittleoc-cb · 1 year
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"Step up. Step up. One and all, feast your eyes on our local freak!"
"I'm venomous not poisonous. Do better-"
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:・゚✧:・.☽˚。・゚✧:・.: Loki [Rowan Cunningham]
⋆。°✩ God of Mischef, Trickery && Deception
⋆。°✩ He has multiple jobs, he can not sit still for the life of him; works as a fire eater, contortionist, aerial && gymnast during circus season, a streamer and hacker in the human realm also has an onlyfans; was a former assassin in the magic realm
⋆。°✩ They have one Siamese cat named LaLa and a Black Great Dane named Butch
⋆。°✩ He switches emotions quickly but mainly can go from really happy to super annoyed in a snap
⋆。°✩ When he's stressed, annoyed or mad he'll start making hissing sounds [sometimes you can hear rattling too]
⋆。°✩ He maybe very playful and sassy but he can also be very apathetic, insane and sadistic TAKE THIS INTO CONSIDERATION WHEN INTERACTING!
⋆。°✩ Will soften up when you get close, still will be a little shit and sassy as hell
⋆。°✩ In "Human" form he is from Ireland, in Astria he is from Aglus [Dublin, Ireland]
⋆。°✩ Goes by any pronouns | Unlabled, Poly | 22 [Human Years], is as old as deception itself | 11/29 [Sagittarius] / 5'10"
⋆。°✩ He is:
easily bored
manipulative, very manipulative
knows his self worth and won't take no shit from anyone
can be really soft when he wants to
God Information / Form Stuff
⋆。°✩ he feeds off of trickery, deception and mischief
⋆。°✩ deception && trickery are the most affective for him but mischief also helps
⋆。°✩ he loves casinos along with gambaling
⋆。°✩ in old times he was the reason for many acts of deception and trickery; in modern time he can be seen almost any where causing these acts along with just messing with people
⋆。°✩he can be found literally anywhere, litterally any. where.
⋆。°✩ when he feeds his eyes turn bright lime green the slits in his eyes becoming more prominent
⋆。°✩ as a god he can smell and sense emotions well but the smell/sensation of cunningness is the strongest he can depict
⋆。°✩ he can also shift into any form; he can turn into any gender and animal, he sticks to a snake form along with snake features, in snake form he likes to wrap around people's arms or throat/neck [if he's close to you its a way of showing his love, if he doesn't like you it's to choke/ harm you]
⋆。°✩ he has regenerative traits, it tends to depend on what form he's taking but in his normal snake form scales grow over his wound before covering in regular skin
⋆。°✩ he is considered a bad god, that shouldn't be trusted
⋆。°✩ he has more strength then a normal human and greater amount of strength compared to other gods
⋆。°✩ he can change his "human" apperance [height, eye color, hair color, etc.]
⋆。°✩ each god has a human name they go by, his is Rowan
⋆。°✩ in his god form he is 6'10"
⋆。°✩ in his god form, his eyes are fully jade green, his skin is pale with patches of green scales, has straight long hair, has sharp fangs [can inject venom through them] && a forked tongue, he carries around a bag with coins that he has stolen, his nails are permanently painted black and green, has no tattoos or piercings in this form, tends to be wear jester makeup and jester outfit
⋆。°✩ when not in astria or the human realm he resides in the asgard realm
⋆。°✩ in his half and half form he is his normal 5'10", has multiple piercings including a lip ring, a septum,a nose ring, a bar on this right ear along with other ear piercings, smiley piercing, surface piercings on top of his both his hands, double eybrow piercings on his left eyebrow, a nose bridge piercing, back piercings && hip piercings [because of his quick healing piercings heal really quickly so he always has a new piercing], his eyes are either their normal bright emerald green or white [he is colorblind && losing vision in his left eye], he is typically changing his appearance so his hair can be straight && shoulder length or short && wavey [is constantly dying his hair], his tongue is forked [one piercing on each side], his fangs are always out && scale patches are black [has scales across his face that look like black freckles], constantly wearing makeup
⋆。°✩ he can shift into full animal forms, in these forms his left eye is a milky white to show his loss of eye sight
⋆。°✩ natural eye color: jade green
⋆。°✩ eyes might shine neon green when amused or annoyed
⋆。°✩ heavily pierced: a lip ring, a septum,a nose ring, a bar on this right ear along with other ear piercings, smiley piercing, surface piercings on top of his both his hands, double eybrow piercings on his left eyebrow, a nose bridge piercing, back piercings && hip piercings [because of his quick healing piercings heal really quickly so he always has a new piercing]
⋆。°✩ they have multiple random tattoos on his chest, arms && legs
⋆。°✩ likes: choas, annoying people, cuddles, pain, roaming around, coffee, energy drinks, pick pocketing, heat lamps, blankets, piercings, tattoos, staying warm, sweaters, hoodies, lighters, fire, just general destruction, his hibernation period, fashion, murder && blood, animals, jewels, shiney things, being sexy, poison, cigarettes, alcohol
⋆。°✩ dislikes: staying in one spot, being bored, having people irritate them, police, the cold
⋆。°✩languages: gaeilge [irish] && english
⋆。°✩ switch with slight sub lean, can be a hard dom && a bratty or obedient sub; some of his kinks are pain kink [giving && receiving], blood play [giving && receiving], knife play [giving && receiving], primal [giving && receiving], bdsm [most elements], free use, bondage [receiving], gagging [receiving], choking [giving && receiving], oral [giving], size kink, sadism, masochism, humiliation [giving && receiving], degradation [giving && receiving], hair pulling [giving], public, diry talk, auralism, burning [receiving], edging [receiving], orgasam control [giving && receiving], over stim [receiving], impact play [giving && receiving], face sitting [giving && receiving], voyeurism, exhibitionism, hoisery, collaring
⋆。°✩ as much as he likes hard kinks loki would never force her partner to do anything they don't want to do
⋆。°✩ they are open to a variety of kinks as well just ask him about it and he most possibly will be down to try, he's pretty open and doesn't really mind
⋆。°✩ he might subdrop/domdrop depending on headspace
⋆。°✩ their eyes turn a dark military green when arroused
⋆。°✩ safe word: poison [loki needs their partner to have a safe word or use the traffic light system && be told which before sex]
⋆。°✩ he uses 🐍 on dash
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Relationship Statuses
⋆。°✩ at home and pissed off
⋆。°✩ happily dating [2/4] @evicted-oc Hodr [sexy prince💋] [06.12.23], @obsession-cb Seonghwa [dearest obsession❤️‍🔥] [11/29/23] [engaged on 02/14/24]; uninterested [open to having fwb if his partners are okay with it]
⋆。°✩ friends:
⋆。°✩ family: odin ["step dad"]
⋆。°✩ relationship tag(s): #🩵💚holo [beautiful darling ship tag], #🧊🌨️ice princess [beautiful darling ship tag], #🖤💚hwalo [the dark knight ship tag], #🍰🗡️dark knight [the dark knight ship tag], #💍engaged to tall dark and handsome [hwalo engagement tag]
⋆。°✩ friend tag(s):
⋆。°✩ family tag(s):
⋆。°✩ music tag(s):
⋆。°✩ inspo tag(s):
⋆。°✩ other tag(s):
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faceclaim: @/remingtonleith on ig
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valentine-cafe · 5 months
. ˚◞♡ 𝒄𝒐𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 ( 𝒛𝒉𝒂𝒐 𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒆𝒏 164 ) —  the silver tongue◞ ₊˚
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⊹ ۪ ࣪ ᥫ᭡  “ i am the face that stares back at you in the mirror, tormenting you before your heart shatters like the millions of glass pieces that previously occupied the golden mirror frame you built for yourself.” ꒱
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. ˚◞꒰verse꒱ 164
. ˚◞꒰face claim refs꒱ ( x ) ( x ) ( x )
. ˚◞꒰species꒱ primordial rhytaari ( former grim reaper )
. ˚◞꒰ethnicity꒱ chinese
. ˚◞꒰age꒱ unknown
. ˚◞꒰gender꒱ male
. ˚◞꒰mbti꒱ isfp
. ˚◞꒰aliases꒱ copper resentment, the copper rhytaari, copper primordial rhytaari, copper wrath ( by ecpd 781 ), copper siren, copper boy, duckling, emerald’s right hand, ( shrimpie ♡ )
. ˚◞꒰appearance꒱
𖹭. copper eyes with maroon undertones. slitted pupils 
𖹭. long, straight black hair that trails behind him, he often has it up in some form of a half-bun. has copper streaks in his hair 
𖹭. tan skin with copper glimmers all over his body. has copper freckles all over his face. androgynous and sharp facial features  
𖹭. 7’11” tall ( 241.3 cm ) with a slender figure 
𖹭. hands ad forearms are stained in copper colouring 
𖹭. rows of sharp teeth and an elongated tongue 
𖹭. sharp talons 
𖹭. typically dresses in lots of traditional clothes in regards to his culture. especially long, elegant hanfus
𖹭. gold and copper chains and necklaces all around him. on his clothing as well 
𖹭. red painted lips 
𖹭. copper and gold bracelets crafted with opals and pearls 
𖹭. lobe and upper lobe ear piercings 
𖹭. gold nose ring 
𖹭. midline tongue piercing 
𖹭. opal navel piercing
. ˚◞꒰personality꒱
𖹭. alluring and charming, a silver-tongued, cunning and deceptive being which thrives off of discord and feeds on resentment.
𖹭. carries himself in an eerily calm manner, an effortless cool confidence following wherever he may step.
𖹭. when displaying wrath and malice, it is usually put into a serene and calm font, his enchanting voice misleading you into false safety.
𖹭. deceitful, loves spinning the truth and playing mind games on people.
𖹭. sinister — you find him often delighting in chaos, unafraid to step on a few eggs if it means he can have his way.
𖹭. a master of manipulation, the rhitaari indulges in sadism of the highest degrees and often gives into his violent tendencies.
𖹭. a sociopath, far from forgiving.
𖹭. eager to put people in their place and remind them of his power, all with a smile on his face, laced with kindness.
𖹭. he is patient, yet determined and willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.
𖹭. in spite of his general aura of elegance and control, talisen can be quite erratic and even impulsive; something that can lead to catastrophic evens.
𖹭. despite his malevolence, the rhitaari can as a matter of fact extend kindness to those he deems worthy of it. he does not fancy hurting the innocent. . . unless they can be used as leverage.
𖹭. he is a possessive man, and has a tendency to grow beyond obsessive over the ones who hold his heart, which can result in quite the yandere behaviors from him.
𖹭. though, he may be this confident being, it all ultimately falls short when the deeper parts of his soul are observed.
𖹭. he is deeply wounded from the past. ashamed and guilty from the choices that he made and commit to. . . though, the show must go on, must it not?
. ˚◞꒰with a lover꒱
𖹭. sweet and gentle with a lover, caring and nurturing
𖹭. so many possessive undertones, hidden well by his deceptive behaviour. he is most definitely yandere esque. wants you all for himself — so that he can put you into his and his husbands’ cottage, and keep you there. where you can just simply be, and enjoy life them
𖹭. always doing his best to assure that you are feeling good. and when you are not he’s immediately running to you to bring you comfort or whatever it is that you may need
𖹭. dances you around the cottage or the forest grove, singing soft melodies to you
𖹭. composes many poems and songs for you
𖹭. very touch starved man, which means his hands are always resting on you, whether it be your hips, waist, thighs, shoulders — anything he can touch really
𖹭. when you are not around him to touch, cuddle or simply speak to — he gets irritated very quickly
𖹭. can be extremely teasing and flirty. especially with his words and touches. can get exceptionally touchy
𖹭. can pretty much the definition of a puppy that forgets how big it really is. randomly picking you up and slinging you around gently, or simply just holding you close, stealing kisses and randomly throwing you into bed to cuddle
𖹭. expect lots of random midnight walks
𖹭. sooooo many kisses and huggles through the day
𖹭. alluring song and beauty: his songs and beauty are enchanting, much like that of a siren. he is able to put people in trances with this and lure them to their watery demise.
𖹭. he is proficient with enchantments, and often uses them for his mischievous deeds, causing discord and chaos wherever he may step foot. also uses enchantments to his advantage as a way of drawing in wanderers and onlookers into his river.
𖹭. illusions: born with these illusionary powers even before he was a rhytaari, he has now mastered the skill of creating entire empires in one simple flick of the wrist. this means when you walk into one of his illusionary fields you may experience intense brain fog, nausea and start hallucinating, as you are walking into something that is seemingly real but isn’t. he uses this method to also lure people to him and kill them.
𖹭. charms: he has taught himself charms throughout his years, using them to make people tell him things when they refuse to do so.
𖹭. teleportation: the ability to travel from one place to another instantly, with so much as a thought. this includes multiversal and realm teleportation.
𖹭. silver tongue: something he has always wielded, he can be both incredibly deceptive and convincing. able to work his way around someone’s head and pull at them like the strings of a puppet. he is talented in the ways of manipulation.
𖹭. mind-reading: the ability of telepathy, however, he can only do such if he is deeply connected to the person or know the person very well.
𖹭. shapeshifting: the ability to shift his form into whatever he so desires, this can range from different people and beings to animals.
𖹭. divinity: he is considered to be a corrupt god and therefore obtains catastrophic abilities, that of which allows him to quite literally have the ability to rip into universes
. ˚◞꒰weaknesses꒱
𖹭. a very special thing. . .
. ˚◞꒰story꒱
a being of chaos, a chaos that hungers forever and on — craving discord and destruction, awakened by this. . . underlying hatred for the world, a hatred unknown. what caused this to stir in the first place?
was it the loss of something?
who is to say, the former reaper rhitaari is too busy to explain his history to anyone who approaches him. too busy with sucking out the souls from their physical bodies and luring them into the waters of his river, his lake. tearing them open and degrading them from entering the vicinity. stupid humans, stupid, stupid mortals.
why enter the ever dawn when it is rumored to be a place where none come out of once they enter? was their deaths not enough to satisfy their knowledge, did they truly have to go search? stupid, mortal, creature.
the being has no love for this world. . . why?
who is to say?
none will, the mouths that were once able to are dirt filled and bone now.
. ˚◞꒰relationships꒱
𖹭. rishen herrera: husband, best friend, ‘deceased’ ( dies and reincarnates repeatedly )
𖹭. alessio agresta: husband, work partner.
𖹭. 1311 rishen herrera: boyfriend, different universe ( verse 1311 )
𖹭. 9948e rishen herrera: close friend, different universe ( verse 9948e )
𖹭. 9948v rishen herrera: close friend. . . different universe ( verse 9948v )
𖹭. zhào hàoyú: irish twin, younger brother, deceased.
𖹭. zhào haitāo: younger brother, deceased.
𖹭. zhào xīyáng: younger brother, deceased.
𖹭. zhào yizé: younger brother, deceased.
𖹭. zhào yŭ xī: younger brother/sister/sibling, deceased.
𖹭. yuè mèng yáo: mother, deceased.
𖹭. zhào mùchén: father, deceased.
𖹭. zhào talisen: bullying victim, variant, different universe ( verse 781 )
𖹭. zhào jìngyì: bullying victim, variant, deceased, different universe ( verse 9948e )
𖹭. 209 jìngyì herrera: bullying victim, variant, different universe ( verse 209 )
𖹭. 1311 jìngyì agresta: bullying victim, variant, different universe ( verse 1311 )
𖹭. shimada takara: close friend, ally, deceased
𖹭. shalika vaishya: close friend, ally, deceased
𖹭. xú fēng: enemy, deceased
. ˚◞꒰misc꒱
𖹭. he can turn into a small duckling when visiting people that he is fond of.
𖹭. he is omnilingual yet his preferred languages are english and chinese ( mandarin )
𖹭. he also knows all sign-language
𖹭. he torments his variants ( doppelgangers ) across the multiverse, projecting his self-hatred onto them
𖹭. he smokes with a kiseru pipe.
𖹭. owns several familiars who were left behind by previous owners.
𖹭. he can travel the multiverse with no restrictions.
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miraculousmitzi · 1 year
Sonic characters, their gym specialisms and potential gym teams. A thread (since I enjoyed making my Hetalia/Pokémon threads so much!).
I think for Sonic, he'd be a normal type gym leader. This is a tough one, but I think given how Sonic seemingly sees the best in everyone and can pinpoint their better qualities, he'd be the type to have a cool normal type team to show people normal type Pokémon are just as exceptional as other types!
Potential team: Kangaskhan (a reference to Sonic's bravery, like how this Pokémon will always fight to protect its young, Sonic will always fight for his home and those he cares about), Lopunny (reference to Sonic's combat skills), Audino (reference to Sonic's kindness and compassion), Snorlax (I like to think this Pokémon and Sonic would eat SO many chillidogs), Ditto (a reference to Sonic's inner prankster, I can imagine Sonic asking Ditto to turn into others as a distraction for Eggman).
Given how Shadow's personality can be described, I think he'd be a dark type gym leader.
Potential team: Sableye (reference to the Chaos Emeralds), Houndoom (its nature and how it is described in Pokédex entries remind me of how others fear Shadow), Tyranitar (a strong, powerful Pokémon- similiar to how one could argue Shadow is), Pangoro (another reference to Shadow's physical strength and the fact that like this Pokémon, Shadow sometimes engages with his fists first), Umbreon (reference to Shadow's inhibitor rings).
Knuckles for sure would be a fighting type gym leader, given his strength and combat skills.
Potential team: Hitmonchan (reference to Knuckles' fighting spirit), Annihilape (reference to how one may describe Knuckles' nature and its fists also remind me of Knuckles'), Machamp (reference to Knuckles' physical strength), Scrafty (reference to how Knuckles looks after his friends, though he is fierce and often a loner by nature), Hariyama (another reference to Knuckles' strength, like how this Pokémon compares strength).
I can see Tails as an electric type gym leader, due to his engineering work and intelligence surrounding technology.
Potential team: Plusle and Minun (reference to Tails' energy and enthusiasm in regards to working with his friends, particularly Sonic), Rotom (I can imagine Rotom would help Tails in his work, particularly when inventing new equipment), Kilowattrel (reference to Tails' ability to fly), Alolan Golem (I think Tails would have a Pokémon like this to act as a defense against Eggman's attacks), Jolteon (its appearance reminds me a little of Tails), Magneton (again, another useful Pokémon for Tails in his engineering work).
Amy would be a fairy type gym leader, given her gentle but powerful disposition (like how fairy types can be cute but also pack a punch!).
Potential team: Wigglytuff, Tinkaton (reference to Amy's Piko hammer), Togekiss (reference to Amy's connection with nature and Birdie), Slurpuff (reference to Amy's baking/cooking skills that have been hinted at), Sylveon (reference to Amy's caring nature and how in touch she is with her emotions).
Ahh, this is a tough one! But I can see Rouge being a steel type gym leader, one who has Pokémon to help her hunt for jewels with Pokémon strong enough to fend off potential threats to her missions.
Potential team: Mawile (reference to Rouge's cunningness and deceptive appearance), Corviknight (reference to Rouge's flying ability), Klefki (much like how this Pokémon loves keys, this is a reference to Rouge's love of emeralds and gems- I also like to think she'd try and use this Pokémon to get into places where she shouldn't be), Copperajah (reference to Rouge's strength, especially her kicks, and her proud nature), Tinkatuff (I like to think Rouge would have this Pokémon help her dig and scout out gems and jewels).
I think Silver would be a psychic type gym leader, given the nature of his abilities and the fact he is from the future.
Potential team: Espeon (I like to think he'd have a Pokémon like this to warn him of potential danger), Gardevoir (reference to the fact Silver is from the future), Male Meowstic (its defensive nature reminds me of Silver being able to use his abilities as a defense), Sigilyph (reference to Silver being able to fly using his abilities), Galarian Rapidash (reference to Silver's bravery and strength), Alakazam (another reference to Silver's abilities and his knowledge).
A no brainer here- Blaze would be a fire type gym leader.
Potential team: Flareon (a reference to Blaze's ability), Blaziken (reference to Blaze's strength and inner temper), Delphox (its appearance reminds me of Blaze's appearance and also, both can be argued to be quite elegent), Armarouge (reference to Blaze's loyalty to her friends and allies), Arcanine (reference to Blaze's royalty and her regal nature).
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altocat · 2 years
Prompt: Glory
Summary: A young soldier claims his legacy, his adulthood, his future. A creature of unyielding power and fire. And burning himself to cinders, little by little.
The silver streak of the Masamune touches the air, a gleaming ripple, the savage strike sinking hard and deep through bloodied, mangled flesh.
Fast feet, gaining, three at once. Three on top of him. Three more lives. 
He coils his body, the emerald storm of his eyes flashing through the smoky torrent of flame and shadow, arm flexing, the Masamune lurching again. 
“Three. Four. Five.”
He can smell it. Red and coppery, sticky against his long bangs, a splatter against his cheek and chin. But Sephiroth does not recoil against it, letting it paint his face, his gaze fixed ahead past the rim of the hill, the battlefield below alight with the sounds of battle. He can taste it through the ashes, raising his head as his feet all but float through the breeze, a silky, serrated trail of crimson with each pounding footfall. 
“It’s him!”
“He’s here!”
“Oh gods. Not him. Not now!”
He snarls at the voices, feral pupils in slits, a pale shadow against the milky surface of the moon, glaring down into the swell of bodies, insects at his feet. Eyes in the dark, panting, heavy breaths. Some run, as is natural. Some balk, twisting in place. And some advance regardless, armor glinting, blades raised in challenge.
“Six. Seven.”
Louder. The cocking of weapons, a smolder, whizzing somewhere past his ear. He turns his eyes to the blackened sky, an ugly inhale, somewhere between a moan and a roar. The head that rolls past his feet offers little in the way of confirmation, eyes glassy, red roots that stain the soil. Red on his face. Red everywhere.
“This is our land! Ours!”
“Get out!”
He closes his eyes. A ripple of motion, his legs charging through the spill of sensation and senselessness. The deceptively light gracefulness of his blade. Stale, hot air. And more red. So, so much red.
“Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve.”
A heavy mass tackling him, trying to throw him down. A swing. A gasp.
Three sets of wrathful eyes, hooked blades lashing, scorching. Limbs and teeth and streams, such pretty, patterned streams.
“Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen.”
“BASTARD!” A final, frayed actor, his feeble weapon billowing through the clatter of dust and slaughter. And silenced, all too quickly.
Screams now. Above. Below. Where do they come from? Himself? The wind? The night? Somewhere, something explodes, the rumble of debris scattered across the mud-soaked earth, raw and reeling. Momentarily, he loses his footing, the vibration sounding in his skull, ringing in his ears. He reflects, the shape of his expression unmoved, yet breaking, a haze, A maze. Amazing.
He feels as if he’s going mad.
Another explosion. The tumble of rock and steel skidding down the stretch of the hill. Hot breath in his ear. Reaching hands. Muffled voices.
He whirls around, the Masamune glinting, his smile vicious, profound, stretching the corners of his mouth, sharpened white teeth that glisten against the smear of crimson that stains them. He tastes again, feels it on his tongue, tainted and fallen and foul. A life. He is tasting a life. And part of him wants to shiver. And part of him wants to throw up. 
And part of him wants more.
Angeal’s voice is gentle through the chaos, the sound of the cannon quickening against the tall rim above him. Heavy boots that slide closer through the spill of viscera, that reaching hand still held between them, seeking, nearing.
“Hey. You okay?”
Those vast, otherworldly eyes, the sparkling emeralds flaring, Masamune fixed, nearly raised. 
“Seph? Are you okay?”
 Eighteen. Eighteen, yes. Here. Now. Just another empty face, an empty voice. Eighteen. A polished collection, trophies against his bookshelf. Medals distributed. Empty titles, empty words. Shinra’s finest. A golden, glowing beacon of light and promise. The greatest of champions. The greatest of killers. Glorious. Undefeated. And counting on and on and on until--
Angeal’s hand gently closes on his arm and he remembers again.
“You’re looking off. They’ve taken the fort. It’s winding down now.”
Sephiroth says nothing, the heavy rise and fall of his chest sounding between them. A slow blink. Words that slide between his teeth and tongue, unuttered. 
“Come on,” Angeal coaxes, pulling him closer. “Geez, your face is all bloody. Genesis will piss himself at the sight of you. This was a tough one, huh?”
He allows himself to be pulled along, linked arms dragging him through the squelching mass surrounding them, up the incline and towards the waiting fleet across the field. He can make out the dull glint of Genesis’ auburn hair through the fading light, the heaviness of his limbs growing all the more pressing, his eyes fluttering, a soft release.
Angeal blinks and props him up against the broad stretch of his shoulder. “Easy there.”
“I’m fine.”
“You’re tired.”
“I never get tired.”
“Well, you are now. Come on. Almost there.”
He jerks forward, pushing Angeal aside, a toss of dampened silver bangs and a low grunt. And the beginnings of a growl when Angeal only moves back into place again. The larger boy only shakes his head, an exasperated snort somewhere between amusement and pity.
“Just because you’re a big famous war hero doesn’t mean you’re not limping right now. Don’t be stubborn. You probably breathed a lot of smoke. Hell, I’m surprised you can still stand. Guess with you, I should know better. You really are something else.”
The clouds roll in, the rise of victorious voices clinging to the hot evening wind. He can hear it now, dull patches and tatters against the thick throbbing pulse of his thoughts. A rustle of bats overhead, scouring through the blackened trees in search of sweeter, safer shelters. The sounding of the cannon again, not in combat, but in triumph.
And his face. Hot and sticky.
And his mind, wandering. And tangled. And hollow.
You really are something else.
Red that trickles into his eye, down his lips. Red that beads in his dark lashes, bitter scarlet tears down his cheeks.
Eighteen. He is eighteen years old today.
And he feels nothing at all.
“Yes,” he replies at length, a coughing, cracking laugh. “Yes. I am.”
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kamreadsandrecs · 2 years
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Title: The Seduction of the Crimson Rose (Pink Carnation #4) Author: Lauren Willig Genres: romance, historical, Regency romance, adventure Content/Trigger Warnings: period-accurate misogyny, attempted murder, bloody injuries Summary (from author’s website): Determined to secure another London season without assistance from her new brother-in-law, Mary Alsworthy accepts a secret assignment from Lord Vaughn on behalf of the Pink Carnation. She must infiltrate the ranks of the dreaded French spy, the Black Tulip, before he and his master can stage their planned invasion of England. Every spy has a weakness and for the Black Tulip that weakness is beautiful black-haired women-his 'petals' of the Tulip. A natural at the art of seduction, Mary easily catches the attention of the French spy, but Lord Vaughn never anticipated that his own heart would be caught as well. Fighting their growing attraction, impediments from their past, and, of course, the French, Mary and Vaughn find themselves lost in a treacherous garden of lies. And as our modern-day heroine, Eloise Kelly, digs deeper into England's Napoleonic-era espionage, she becomes even more entwined with Colin Selwick, the descendant of her spy subjects. Buy Here: https://bookshop.org/p/books/the-seduction-of-the-crimson-rose-lauren-willig/11092454 Spoiler-Free Review: So after the disappointment of Deception of the Emerald Ring, I went into this book hoping it’d hold up to my memories of it better than the book that preceded it, and I’m glad to say that: it actually did! Well, sort of. As expected, it was the romance between Mary and Lord Vaughn that actually carried this book for me. I know I said I liked Letty and Geoffrey as a couple, and that I empathized a lot with Letty, but I think I like Mary and Vaughn’s romance more than Letty and Geoffrey’s. A lot of that has to do with what Mary and Vaughn are like as characters: they’re both jaded and cynical, and both have an edge of arrogance handfasted to cruelty. Would I want them as friends IRL? No, because I strongly suspect that if they were real they wouldn’t be very good people. But as characters? They are VERY interesting to read about - especially their dynamic when they’re around each other. Speaking of Mary, there’s a thread here about the general misogyny of the era that was really put in the forefront in this book. The misogyny’s an undercurrent that runs throughout the books thus far, but in this book Mary has this conversation with Vaughn that lays the whole thing out in the open. She basically says that a man like Vaughn can make whatever choices he wants in life because his future is, for the most part, secure. A woman, on the other hand, has to marry well in order to ensure her future is stable. This is something Mary has known most of her life, and basically defined most of her actions - including her attempt to elope with Geoffrey in the previous novel, that was foiled by her sister Letty. She’s not HAPPY with it of course (she’d much rather have the freedoms of a man than be restricted by marriage), but she knows how society works and how the game is played, and her goal has been to play that game in such a way that she manages to gain some power over herself, instead of constantly being in the power of someone else. There’s also a passing reference to Mary Wollstonecraft - yes, Mary Shelley’s mother, whose work A Vindication on the Rights of Women is considered one of the earliest works of feminist politics and philosophy in the West. Mary observes that she agrees with the ideas put forward by Wollstonecraft and other feminists (though she doesn’t call them that; she calls them bluestockings instead), but doesn’t align with them in public because of the damage it would do to her desirability as a potential bride - plus, they’re not very fashionable. Speaking of romance, Eloise and Colin’s romance actually moves forward in this novel! Unlike the last two books where I was only peripherally interested in what was going on with them, in THIS go round they actually go on a date! Other things happen around that date too that I won’t get into because of spoilers, but it’s nice to see them finally moving their relationship into “officially seeing each other” territory. I’m sure their romance will continue in the other books, so I’m looking forward to reading about how they get along with each other. So overall, this was a read that held up to the time since I last read it, at least for the most part. Mary and Vaughn are an intriguing couple who stand in almost direct contrast to the other couples in the previous novels, and they make for a very refreshing read - more along the lines of a Bronte couple than an Austen one, in a way. The only spots of tarnish on the overall shiny package of this book occur in the latter part of the novel. Won’t say much more on that because of spoilers, but: Outlander fans may find something to pique their interest in that regard. Rating: four roses
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stocky2016 · 5 months
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"Eyes Never Lie"
I look into those eyes of yours
and read a thousand poems
the words may spin and juxtapose
but the intensity of feeling always remains...
Those eyes might sometimes be full of tears
on days that treat you bad...
But let me kiss away any saline stains
and stop you from feeling so sad.
Let's put back some smiles, some fun too
laughter's always for the best
Others might try to make things right
but I'm unique, not like the rest.
I want your eyes to see the real me
with all my strengths and weaknesses,..
Not view me through a rose tinted perspective
but focussed on my potential kindness.
Eyes never lie they contain hidden truths
they're my precious priceless jewels
not displayed in rings or precious settings
they break rather than not make romantic rules.
Some might say they're the windows of our souls
If so, let their light shine in its passing through
Messages of love and feelings so genuine
smooth out any potential wrinkles
In the depths of our eyes, secrets are revealed,
emotions and truths unfold.
For in the eyes, the windows of our souls, nothing is hidden,
truths are revealed our most personal messages unfold.
Eyes never lie, they are sentinels,
they peer into our souls, unfiltered, unchallenged.
In their brilliance, their gleam, we only read sincerity,
They reflect only the purest feelings arranged.
In azure blue, in emerald green, in the deepest of brown
each iris is a window through which pure thoughts escape
they tell the story of our hearts, our aspiring world.
where passions, joys and dramas all take their shape.
In fiery gazes, the flames of love just dance,
lighting our paths, illuminating our senses in a trance.
In the eyes, I read the language of the stars,
I discover the magic of love, and true romance.
Eyes never lie, they're the messengers,
they convey our emotions, our sensual desires.
In your depths, I lose myself,
I see love in all its beauty, singing in celestial choirs.
While the world can sometimes be dark and deceptive,
In sincere eyes, I always find happiness.
For eyes never lie, they are the light,
that guides our steps, illuminates our lives, makes us adventurous.
G.P.S and Myriam in collaboration on 13th May 2024
Graphics courtesy of Google Images.
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sawansukhaa · 1 year
How To Buy Diamond Rings Online: Comprehensive Guide
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Diamonds are magnificent gemstones that show brilliance and elegance. It has the power to elevate any occasion into a truly unforgettable and cherishable moment. It is no surprise that jewellery lovers opt for diamonds, particularly when it comes to diamond rings. 
These rings, adorned with these precious gems, serve as extraordinary gifts. Whether it is a token of affection for a beloved individual, an engagement symbol, or a personal indulgence, diamond rings possess unparalleled charm. It is impossible not to adore diamond jewellery, particularly the captivating allure of diamond rings.
Diamond Ring: How To Buy Online?
When purchasing a diamond ring, it is essential to invest wisely. No matter what the purpose is, we are always excited to spend money to add extra shine to our fingers. 
So when you spend money on it, how do you know the diamond’s quality, cut, clarity and colour? 
Therefore, selecting a diamond ring should be approached with the same level of care as choosing a life partner.
In this guide, we will provide you with a brief set of instructions to help you make an informed decision when buying a diamond ring and avoid falling victim to deception. Take the time to read on and ensure a well-thought-out purchase. 
The 4Cs Of Diamond
Cut: Cut defines how much a diamond sparkles. A well-cut stone shines more as compared to a poorly-cut diamond. Moreover, a princess or marquise can make  diamonds look larger & beautiful.  
Colour: The colour of the diamond is defined as grade D to Z. Suppose, you choose a grade D diamond, which is the most expensive diamond. It means the most exclusive diamond colour is grade D. Diamond’s price decreases when moving D to Z. 
Clarity: The next is the diamond's clarity which determines the tiny imperfection of the diamond. It is called inclusions. Price of the diamond decreases as the number of inclusions increases. 
So, it means, the higher the clarity, the better the diamond. 
Carat: The last C is Carat. This term represents the diamond’s weight. The Diamond’s price also differs depending on the weight of the diamond. 
On this note, you should keep in mind that two diamonds with the same weight or carat value may vary in price depending on other Cs. 
Diamond Certification: Authenticity Check
The authenticity of a diamond is primarily determined by its certification, which reputable jewellers will always provide. Whether you buy engagement rings in Kolkata or any other place, genuine diamonds undergo certification by recognized gemological institutes or grading laboratories. 
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Having a certification acts as a form of insurance in case the purchased ring is discovered to be counterfeit. Therefore, it is advisable to ask for the certification before purchasing a diamond ring, rather than the other way around. Only buy a diamond ring from jewellers who issue a certificate of authenticity.
Metal Colour Affects
The colour of the metal surrounding a diamond can affect its appearance. When a colourless diamond is set in yellow prongs, it may appear more yellowish. Gold and rose gold settings are better suited for diamonds with lower colour grades or coloured gemstones as they can enhance their colour.
On the other hand, if you have a diamond with a noticeable yellow or brown tint, a white gold or platinum setting may accentuate the stone's colour due to the contrast.
Diamond Ring: Style And Trends
What types of diamond rings are you looking for? There are four types of diamond rings- Vintage, Modern, Solitaire, and Bohemian. 
First, select the style of diamond you would like to buy or gift your beloved. The shape of the diamond ( round, princess, emerald, etc.) can vary the quality of how well the diamond has been cut. 
If you are looking for a big-size ring where multiple diamonds are settled then you can choose Vintage or cocktail diamond rings. 
While we talk about the diamond ring trends then Solitaire is considered one of the diamond ring trends of 2023. One pure diamond can melt your beloved heart and may accept your proposal. 
Measure Ring Size
After selecting a diamond and choosing a ring style, the next important step is to determine the ring size. The most accurate way to do this is by checking the size chart. 
You can trace the inner circle of the ring on a thread or slide it onto one of your own fingers and mark where it stops. Next, straighten the thread and place it alongside a scale.  It's important to note that ring sizes can vary between different fingers, so this method will only provide an estimation.
The good news is that most rings can be easily resized by a size or two, either up or down. However, resizing the ring depends on the style of the ring. Solitaire rings are generally easier to resize, while rings with pavé or bead-set diamonds may require more extensive work.
Buy Diamond Ring From Reputed Jewellery Online
With the continuous expansion of the online jewellery industry, purchasing a diamond ring has become convenient and accessible at any time. 
The options available are plenty, and significant discounts can be obtained. However, this rapid growth has also led to the emergence of numerous fraudulent sellers in the market. 
Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that you only purchase diamond rings from well-established and reputed jewellers. Additionally, it is advisable to choose a reputed physical jewellery store such as Sawansukha Jewellers.
Final Thoughts
Familiarise yourself with the fundamentals of diamonds. Be cautious of unbelievably low prices, even if they seem extremely attractive.
By keeping these factors in mind, you can steer clear of falling victim to purchasing a fake diamond ring.
Sawansukha Jewellers has a range of diamond ring collections. Visit now to get the latest design and authentic diamonds.
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ladamedemartel · 1 year
"There is a place people once intended to make into a home. Abandoned now. Knowledgeable minds gifted with magic will tell you in hushed breaths that there is something fundamentally wrong with this forsaken corner of the world. When they fail to detail the meaning behind their words you might discover that it isn't secrecy but inability holding their tongues. They don't understand the events that took place there nor do they understand what can still occur at this site. But exercise enough pressure and guile and you will be able to uncover a location that the world itself begs to forget. Visit and you will unavoidably realize there is still...Something roaming the heart of the place." A, swift sharp hunt appeared to be offered in order to add the proper adjective but if such descriptor existed, Tristan didn't know it. And so he offered none.
"It doesn't have a voice of its own although it is remarkably adept at mimicking others, including myself by the end of our encounter. It...Plays with those who reach its dominion. It is whispered that a prize of your choosing is the promised reward for those captured in the strange game." Tristan was still slowly returning from the Odyssey. Still relishing in the sight of Aurora with the endless hunger one cannot replicate. The feverish, conquering sentiment reserved to those who encountered their beloved after days that might have felt like harrowing eras.
"It sounds positively treacherous, does it not? A deceptive call for the naive and the desperate. Betting your life and perhaps quite a bit more on the improbable chance to beat some dark, unfathomable existence no one can commence to explain. And yet still, it wasn't desperation that guided me there. It wasn't a desire to cheat my way into some mundane victory. No. I only sough a small impossible that more natural means denied me for far too long." Tristan introduced a velvety case from the inside pocket of his suit.
"For you see, Rory: You are the most cherished part of my world. Your sight remains my favorite vision throughout eternity. Your voice, the dearest music that has ever enraptured me. You company, your very existence, the most irreplaceable of treasures. You are loved, Aurora. Beyond words, senses, limits or imagination. You are ardently loved. Passionately and endlessly. And while our centuries see plenty of our musings regarding mutual belonging and insinuation of vows, I believe I finally claimed the one gem worthy of serving as the closest, approximate symbol of what you mean to me. A small impossible, for the greatest, most irreplaceable of them all" Tristan showed no hesitation in gazing inside her eyes in never-ending correspondence.
"Have you ever wondered why, while these reaffirmations are pleasurably frequent between us, I never before reserved one for...The latest chapters of August? What was it that I was waiting for?"
The velvet box revealed its content. Elegant, crafted lines evoked the feeling of French Rococo. Anyone would have called the ring a clear, unique work of art. But it was the gem that ascended it into inexpressible beckoning. A radiance of green. Subtly but undeniably not quite like any other.
"You can exchange the one you are wearing for this one. If it happens to be to your liking." Tristan explained in a complicit shade of devilment.
A daylight right.
An emerald daylight ring. The first and only of it's kind. An unrepeatable trinket meant for his unrepeatable love.
The words were spoken without being spoken. In the candor of letting her know with the intense reassurance of a look how profoundly she deserved to be celebrated. Even if hearing of the occasion wasn't to her liking.
The happiest of birthdays, my beloved Rory.
Happy Birthday Rory 2k23! (even though you hate your birthday)
There was immediate concern on her features, at the sight of him; there was strain behind his eyes the likes of which she had scarcely seen before. Still, before she could rise to properly fuss over him, he'd begun to weave the most beautiful story. Tristan had told her once that their mother had a gift for telling stories. If it had occurred to Aurora to think of her more, perhaps she would have wondered if this was some trait that she'd passed on to her son, or if her skill diverted so from his. It didn't matter.
As Tristan wove his tale, Aurora resumed her perch on the chaise. Her eyes followed Tristan as he moved about the room, ardently professing his feelings for her, offering grandiose claims of his affection for her. His words were a splendid sonata on a summer evening, banishing away any insecurities that had threatened to stage a mutiny in absence of her steady captain.
He reached his point and with a theatrical flair that Aurora appreciated, produced a small ring box. It pleased her to see as Tristan always had such exquisite taste in jewelry, and, true to her expectations, the emerald inside took Aurora's breath away. The piece was truly magnificent.
She half reached for it when a thought occurred to her. Tristan was making these declarations of love that were far grander than usual. For a moment, Aurora grew concerned that he was about to ask that they get married. For real. Not simply claim to be married, present themselves to humans as a married couple, but to actually marry. The notion was quickly dispelled, however, by the reminder as to the day.
"Tristan, you've out done yourself."
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pumpkinbutt700 · 2 years
List Of Books I've Read in 2023!
- The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon
- The Death of Jane Lawrence by Caitlin Starling
- Legends and Lattes by Travis Baldree
-The Weight of Blood by Tiffany D Jackson
-Foul Lady Fortune by Chloe Gong
-Her Majesty's Royal Coven by Juno Dawson
- The Book of the Most Precious Substance by Sara Gran
- Extasia by Claire Legrand
- The Shadow of the Gods by John Gwynne
- Tomie by Junji Ito
- Ohio by Stephen Markley
- A Tale for the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki
-The Hunger of the Gods by John Gwynne
- Devilman Vol 1 by Go Nagai
- Devilman Vol 2 by Go Nagai
- The Sight by David Clement-Davies
- Fell by David Clement-Davies
- The Lake by Natasha Preston
- Dead Dead Girls by Nekesa Afia
- The Turn of the Key by Ruth Ware
- A Girl Like That by Tanaz Bathena
- Our Wives Under the Sea by Julia Armfield
- Harlem Sunset by Nekesa Afia
- The Comeback by Lily Chu
- Better Together by Christine Riccio (DNFed at page 60)
- No One Gets out Alive by Adam Nevill
- The Twin by Natasha Preston
- Pinky and Pepper Forever by Eddy Atoms
- My Sweet Audrina by VC Andrews
- The Lost Star of Mariage-du-Diable by Sabina Bailey
- Elysium Girls by Kate Pentecost
- The Shadow Cabinet by Juno Dawson
- Conjure Women by Afia Atakora
- All Over Creation by Ruth Ozeki
- Severance by Ling Ma
- Victories Greater Than Death by Charlie Jane Anders
- Aquicorn Cove by K O'neill
- This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone
- Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn
- Dark Places by Gillian Flynn
- Dreams Bigger Than Heartbreak by Charlie Jane Anders
- Promises Stronger Than Darkness by Charlie Jane Anders
- The Devourers by Indra Das
- Sanctuary With Kings by Kathryn Moon
- The Ninth Rain by Jen Williams
- Deep as the Sky, Red as the Sea by Rita Chang- Epigg
- Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
- New Moon by Stephenie Meyer
- Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer
- Life and Death by Stephenie Meyer
- Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer
- Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
- Crumbs by Danie Stirling
- She is a Haunting by Trang Than Tran (DNFed at 40 pages)
- Unbury Carol by Joshn Malerman
- I Feed Her to the Beast and the Beast is Me by Jamison Shae
- Scout's Honor by Lily Anderson
- Devilman G Vol 1 by Go Nagai
- Sugar Sugar Rune Vols 1 - 8 by Moyocco Anno
- The Long Shadows of October by Kristopher Triana
- Mary by Nat Cassidy
- The Woman in Me by Britney Spears
- The Bitter Twins by Jen Williams
- The Legend of Nightfall by Mickey Zucker Reichert
- The Return of Nightfall by Mickey Zucker Reichart
- The Project by Courtney Summers
- The City in the Middle of the Night by Charlie Jane Anders
- One by One by Ruth Ware
- Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer
- The Secret History of the Pink Carnation by Lauren Willig
- The Poison Song by Jen Williams
- The Masque of the Black Tulip by Lauren Willig
- Bunny by Mona Awad
- Comfort Me With Apples by Catherynne M Valente
- Once There Were Wolves by Charlotte McConaghy
- Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin (DNFed at 45 pages)
- House of Hunger by Alexis Henderson
- House of Cotton by Monica Brashears
- Princess Ai by Misaho Kujiradou, Courtney Love, DJ Milky
- Electric Idol by Katee Robert
- A Tip For the Hangman by Allison Epstein
- A Merry Little Meet Cute by Julie Murphy and Sierra Simone
- Look-Alikes Christmas by Joan Steiner (i know it's a children's book but IDC!)
- A Holly Jolly Ever After by Julie Murphy and Sierra Simone
- The Deception of the Emerald Ring by Lauren Willig
- The Random House Book of Fairy Tales adapted by Amy Ehrlich, illustrated by Diane Goode
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p3rsephone77 · 2 years
Schnee Snippets #1: “What is the nature of Wulfric and Emerald’s relationship? Is she, his servant?”
“Absolutely ridiculous! How could you even think that?!” Wulfric Schnee practically shouted as he shot up from his desk.
“Emerald is not a servant or a pet! She is my partner! My equal in every way!” The white-haired man continued to shout while making his way around the desk he'd been sitting at.
“I do not put my life above hers. She is magnificent, really.” Wulfric’s voice lowered as he began to reminisce. Memories of his dark skinned partner coming back to him.
“Emerald is just as strong as me. That is why she is apart of my team. Strength like hers is rare, and it is my job to cultivate it.” He continued to elaborate while his mind flash backed to the day they’d met.
“Excuse me, Miss. Just how did you do that…?” A sixteen-year-old Wulfric Schnee asked this question as he stopped down an alleyway on mantle’s streets.
The young boy looked down said alleyway and saw the young woman he’d been chasing.
An exotic girl with dark skin and long green hair. Her crimson red eyes darted between the wall behind her and the nicely dressed boy walking towards her.
Panicking, the girl reached for her weapons that lay across her lower back, but Wulfric was quick to stop her.
“Ata, ata, ata!” He chided her while removing his right hand that had been neatly folded behind his back. Holding his palm forward to stop her.
“We wouldn’t want them to hear you, now would we?” Wulfric then asked as they both heard the sound of guards approaching. The Schnee boys' personal security detail that he’d managed to slip just before finding this girl.
“What do you want?!” The girl then shouted at the boy in front of her. Making sure not to be too loud as to alert the guards.
“Well, for starters, I’d like my wallet back.” Wulfric confidently replied while pointing at the satchel around her waist. The thief protectively putting a hand over her loot. “It belonged to my father, and I’d hate for it to be stolen.”
“I didn’t steal anything! Just leave me alone!” She fired back at him with even more rage.
“And I already asked you my next question… Just how did you do that?” Wulfric repeated his original question to which the thief grew confused.
“Sleight of hand, patience, deception.” The white-haired boy began to explain while removing a single ring on his left hand. Fiddling with it for a bit before slipping it from his right hand into the palm of his left.
“Stealing is an art form; I know quite well.” Wulfric then open his left palm only to reveal the ring was gone. Until he held up his other hand and showed that it was now on his right finger. The dark-skinned girl rolling her eyes at this.
“But you didn’t do that.” He continued, nonetheless.
“You looked me right in the eye when we passed you by. Even smiled at me. Then, it was gone, and so were you.”
“So, how’d you do it…?” Wulfric finished his little speech while gazing down at the girl in front of him. The two now face to face.
“Wha… I…” The thief then stuttered for a moment as she had no idea what to say.
“Excuse me, dear.” Wulfric then cut her off as he quickly grabbed her shoulders and spun the both of them against a nearby dumpster. Wulfric pushing against her to keep the both of them hidden. Emerald finally noticing that more guards had just run past the alleyway.
“Sorry about that.” He quickly apologized after they separated. Emerald still being at a loss for words, but one question did come to her mind.
“What do you really want from me?” Wulfric simply chuckled at her question.
“Well, can we start with a name?” He then asked back while extending a hand towards the green-haired girl.
“I feel like we got off on the wrong foot, Miss…” The boy’s statement trailed off as he continued to patiently wait.
“Emerald.” The thief washed her hands of all this. Throwing caution to the wind.
“Emerald Sustrai.” Still, she wouldn’t shake his hand which he uncomfortably lowered.
“Well, Emerald. I take it you already know who I am.” The white-haired boy then confidently stated without a hint of arrogance. Emerald simply nodding in response.
“I’d say we have, maybe, thirty minutes till they find us… Let’s talk.”
“And I will always value her strength.” The now adult Wulfric Schnee finished his speech as his flashback ended.
Knock! Knock!
Then, as if on cue, the rhythmic sound of knocking was heard.
"Come in."
"Thank you, sir." The woman he'd been praising just a few moments ago walking into his office.
Emeral Sustrai had changed a lot since she'd met Wulfric Schnee. The young thief no longer needing to steal for food and clothes meant she'd learned proper etiquette and discipline from her adoptive family. Though, Jacques Schnee had been disapproving when his second oldest had come home with a brand-new stray on his arm. The old man's opinion hardly mattered now.
Emerald now carried herself with a level of refinement. She stood up straight and walked single file towards the Schnee man. Gone were her old (skimpier) clothes. Instead, she wore a traditional white Atlas military uniform and a white hat on top of her green hair. Said green hair was elegantly pulled into a long braid running down her spine.
"I've just finished the inspection you asked for." After striding towards Wulfric's desk. Emerald set down the files she'd brought him, records of the workers in his mines.
"Thank you, Ms. Sustrai." Wulfric responded in a professional tone. picking up the records and beginning to read his partners reports.
"Of course, sir." Emerald responded once more with his professional title. The dark-skinned girl bowing before turning to leave.
The interaction being what anyone would expect from an executive and his subordinate. Though they thought of each other as partner, Wulfric and Emerald had to keep the illusion of being just a CEO and a dutiful assistant. However, they were behind closed doors now, which meant Wulfric wasn't going to let her leave that easily.
"Emerald." The white-haired man called as he once more rose from his desk.
"Yes." Emerald began while opening up the door to exit.
Only to have the door quickly slammed shut beside her. Her "boss" trapping her with his body.
"Emerald, you do know how special you are to me...?" He then asked while glaring down at her. A single gloved hand moving up to cup the quivering girl's chin. "Right?"
"Of course, sir." Emerald replied in a startled voice. Much to Wulfric's dissapointment.
"Emerald... It's just us."
His words were accompanied by the distinct metalic sound of the door locking beside her.
"There's no need for formalities, Em." Wulfric continued his assault by wrapping a single arm around her waist. Pulling the woman towards him till their hips met. Emerald only chuckling in response.
"I see, Wulf." Emerald finally dropped her professional demeanor as she leaned into the man before her. Wrapping her arms around his neck.
"I haven't been very appreciative of you, Em." Wulfric explained while reaching up and combing a hand through her green hair. Knocking her hat off in the process.
"I apologize for that." He continued while guiding her towards his desk.
"Please, allow me to make it up to you."
"Well, if you insist."
0 notes
seirclys · 2 years
Pearly Tears and Dragon Silk AU
I was reading this article on Chinese mermaids and got super inspired(I also rushed to Youtube for Onmyoji's cutscenes for ideas. Never played but the VISUALS)
So. In addition to all of the mythology that is associated with their global cousins, Chinese mermaids are said to have been excellent weavers, with their tears becoming pearls. The fabric they weave(called Dragon's silk) is as pale as frost and extremely silky and sheer, never becoming wet.
In the novel, Callisto mentioned how the jewel of Penelope's ring was called "Mermaid's Tears" and was the exact shade of Penelope's eyes, from legends in the West Gaspar Sea.
Perhaps Penelope's father lived near the ocean and sheltered her mother, who took on a human form briefly. From their whirlwind love came Penelope. Years later, Penelope and her mother escaped ashore, being hunted(perhaps by a rival pod?). Her mother brought her to the capital and sold the pearls that came from her tears, but soon grew very sick. She died far away from the sea.
This is where Penelope gets adopted. No one can understand her preference for pearls and emeralds the color of her eyes, and only those two(also coming from how SUOL-nim draws Penelope with so many pearl accessories) precious materials.
No one can understand her preference for clothes that exposed more skin than was appropriate for her age, but that did not matter. No one could understand her love for rain, and picnics by bodies of water.
No one, until one high-society event. Laila cultists attack, sealing the room as water floods the ballroom. The panicked nobles feel their air running out until they are suddenly deposited on wet floors, taking deep gulps of needed oxygen. Confused, they stare as a blur whips between the remaining nobles in the wall of water, no longer filling the room, kept behind by magic as the palace magicians arrive. More and more nobles are pulled to safety, though the blur doesn't slow down enough for anyone to make out who it is.
Callisto, on the far side of the room when the attack commences, sees a blurry shape appear in his peripheral vision. He feels slender, delicate arms wrap around him, deceptively strong as water rushes past his ears, and he is pulled to safety. He takes a deep breath, staring alongside the rest of the nobles.
The Mad Dog of Eckhart floats in the water, a pearlescent tail with hints of purple in place of her legs. Her magenta hair is half-twisted in an elaborate updo, decorated with pearls ranging from white to a deep crimson, as well as delicate gold filigree. Where her ears would be are delicate fins, decorated the same way as her hair. Delicate, gauzy white fabric covers her body, floating in the water as magenta tresses flow around her.
Her hands press through the water and swim through. Callisto instinctively moves to catch her, though that in itself is unnecessary. She lands with human legs and accepts his hand gracefully. Her pink nails, like her tail, gleam with a pearly sheen.
Callisto, of course, is nothing but a kind Prince for his subjects, and so sweeps her up in a bridal carry as they move over the shattered glass. There was no need to mar her soft, pretty pale legs with blood when she was decorated already in his colors.
Princess Eckhart's magenta hair falls against his shoulder and his eyes widen briefly in realization. The blurry memory of a campaign near the sea when he was 16, as skillful hands offer a bolt of pale fabric, unable to ever become wet and ridiculously strong. Those same hands reach up to his hair in wonder, pressing against his face. Callisto's injured hands shaky as he pulls a white ribbon from one shoulder and twists it in her magenta hair. The young mermaid's hands are gentle as she guides him in doing so.
Crimson eyes flick towards her hair to confirm his suspicions.
Even down to the place he had woven it in, the ends carefully mended. There was even that stupid button he had lost, twisted in amongst the rest of the gold filigree, stamped with the Regulus crest.
Callisto stifles a chuckle and leans down to press his lips against her ear, watching amusedly as the Eckhart men look pissed off. What a sight they must be to the nobles.
"We have a lot to catch up on, little nymph."
Deceptively innocent turquoise eyes stare up at lowered crimson.
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