#the descriptions for this show that I've seen all describe it starting halfway through
andromedasummer · 2 months
Halfway through the first Lockwood and Co book and
- It's fun remembering how good Stroud is at writing tension and horror. The descriptions of the ghosts have mostly been incredibly sad, but the way he describes the ghost that killed all of Lucys first team, specifically what isnt seen when they turn the corner and the screaming starts is good. Very fun eerie stuff.
- I'm not sure if I'll be as freaked out reading these as I was the last time as I've gotten into horror media a bit more, esp Junji Ito's works, which are a lot more alarming as ghosts go
- God I love the dynamics between Lucy, George and Lockwood. They're all very flawed but all very real and it's fun watching then bicker and snip at each other on cases.
- Quill is even more pathetic than I remember. It's great it isn't downplayed at all when we first see him. Hes a snide little prick, then theres a hint at the sadder parts of his story and then we see how utterly pathetic he is.
- Lockwood sticking his rapier in the roof and him having to jump to catch it is still the scene thats stuck with me the most from the books and I cheered when I saw it happen in the tv show the other day.
- The only other time Quills been mentioned so far is him getting soaked in excrement while on patrol for ghosts in the London sewers. Paper towel of a man. Favrit character.
- Speaking of favrit character I can't wait till Holly shows up. Its a while away (book 3) but I love her to bits and miss her terribly even if at this point there isnt a her to miss.
- Side note these teenagers are a mess dude breaks into your home tries to kill you with ghosts and attacks you and then bolts and you DON'T notify anyone about it. What are the three of you fucking doing. Fuck the cops and deprac but what do you plan on doing. You've only got those dinky rapier for ghosts.
- God Fairfax is slimy and nasty and cold and I can't wait for him to die at the end of the book
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it-begins-with-rain · 2 years
TV Recommendation: The Long Ballad
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In the early 600s C.E., the greatest threat to the Tang Dynasty is the Eastern Turkish Khaganate. 
While the Khaganate’s elite Ashile Eagle Division is laying the groundwork for cooperation or failure within the capitol, the inferior of the empire’s two princes- Prince Qin- overthrows his brother the Crown Prince in a bloody coup that leaves the Crown Prince’s family annihilated.
All except for Prince Qin’s niece, who he’d always treated as a daughter. 
Now a fugitive, Princess Chang Ge poses as a man and hides within the city- repeatedly running into a dashing young smuggler named A’Zun. A’Zun is clever, rich, and a peerless warrior- but he’s quickly enchanted by Chang Ge, even before realizing she’s a woman.
Chang Ge has sworn to overthrow her uncle and pay him back for betraying her family, no matter the cost. She steals the imperial seal of the office of the Crown Prince and flees the city with A’Zun’s help, then runs into him time and again on the road as they dodge dangers and traps.
But what Chang Ge does not realize is that A’Zun is no smuggler. He is Ashile Sun, the most elite commander and military strategist in the Khaganate.
And he is within Tang borders at the order of the Khan himself, tasked with bringing down the empire once and for all.
A brilliant strategist and warrior in her own right, Chang Ge seeks to dethrone the new Crown Prince and destroy his family as he destroyed hers (Except maybe not his daughter, her beloved cousin who wants nothing more than to protect Chang Ge).
What will a world-weary Chang Ge do once she figures out her dear new friend A’Zun is the legendary Ashile Sun? 
And what kind of hell will be unleashed if Chang Ge and Ashile Sun work together?
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