#the dharma purge
ljones41 · 5 months
"LOST" Retrospect: "Who Ordered the Dharma Initiative Purge?"
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Years ago, I had a written an article that speculated on which character from the ABC series, "LOST", was responsible for an incident called "the Dharma Purge". After a few re-watches of the series, I wrote this revision of the ARTICLE.
Seven years ago, I had written this article about a major incident on the ABC television series, "LOST". This incident happened to focus on the murders or "Purge" of the scientific research organization known as the Dharma Initiative. It happened on December 19, 1992; nearly twelve years before the series began and before the crash of Oceanic Airlines 815 flight.
In the Season Five episode, (5.10) "He's Our You", Oceanic Flight 815 survivor and later, time traveler Sayid Jarrah tried to murder young Ben Linus in 1977. In the following episode, another Oceanic time traveler, Dr. Jack Shephard, refused to treat the badly wounded Ben, who was near death. Eventually, two other time traveling castaways, James "Sawyer" Ford and Kate Austen, had taken Ben to the Others aka the Hostiles aka the Natives, a group of island inhabitants who served as its protectors on the behalf of the main protector Jacob, for treatment via Dr. Juliet Burke's instructions. Within a decade-and-a-half, Ben ended up ousting future billionaire Charles Widmore as leader of the Others.
Ever since the series had first aired, many fans had been uncertain of when Ben's tenure as the Others' leader had began - before or after the Purge. As I had stated earlier, the Purge occurred in December 1992, on the same day as Ben's birthday and during the same month as the Others' rejection of Widmore as their leader. Many fans and television critics had automatically assumed Ben had ordered the Purge. I have heard comments that compared Ben to Adolf Hitler. I have also heard comments that compared Ben’s younger self to a "young Hitler". Many people have claimed that it was Ben who had ordered the deaths of the Dharma Initiative members. However, I have my doubts.
During Seasons Three and Four, Ben had offered contradicting comments on whether or not he had ordered the Dharma Initiative Purge. In (3.23) "Through the Looking Glass", he had claimed responsibility of the Purge to Jack:
"Not so long ago, Jack. I made a decision that took the lives of over forty people in a single day"
Unfortunately, Ben had contradicted this claim in two other episodes. In the Season Three episode, (3.20) "The Man Behind the Curtain", he had said this to Oceanic survivor John Locke, while he displayed the remains of Dharma members at a mass grave:
"This is where I came from, John. These are my people. The Dharma Initiative. They came here seeking harmony, but they couldn't even co-exist with the Island's original inhabitants. And when it became clear that one side had to go, one side had to be purged, I did what I had to do. I was one of the people that was smart enough to make sure that I didn't end up in that ditch. Which makes me considerably smarter than you, John."
Ben never claimed responsibility for ordering the Purge to Locke. He had confessed to participating in the Purge. That same episode made it clear that his participation involved killing his abusive father, Dharma Initiative worker, Roger Linus. In fact, Ben also made the same thing clear in the Season Four episode, (4.11) "Cabin Fever", when he had the following conversation with another Oceanic castaway, Hugo "Hurley" Reyes:
HURLEY: So... This is where you shot Locke and left him for dead, huh? BEN: Yes, Hugo, I was standing right where you are now when I pulled the trigger. Should have realized at the time that it was pointless, but... I really wasn't thinking clearly. [Hurley steps back a little] HURLEY: Is that why you killed all these people, too? BEN: I didn't kill them. HURLEY: Well, if the Others didn't wipe out the Dharma Initiative -- BEN: They did wipe them out, Hugo, but it wasn't my decision. HURLEY: Then whose was it? BEN: Their leader's. HURLEY: But I thought you were their leader. BEN: Not always.
Interesting. He had admitted to trying to kill Locke in "The Man Behind the Curtain". But he denied being the one who had ordered the Purge. Also, Ben had been truthful when he told Hurley that he had not always been the Others' leader. The series had featured three other leaders - the ageless Richard Alpert (who eventually became the future leaders' advisor), Eloise Hawking and Widmore. Although some fans remain convinced that Ben had ordered the Purge, there are a good number of fans who hold Widmore responsible.
Thanks to a flashback in the Season Five episode called (5.12) "Dead Is Dead" - viewers learned that Widmore had definitely been the leader of the Others back in 1988. And in another Season Four episode called (4.09) "The Shape of Things to Come", viewers learned in a flash forward scene set in London that Ben had taken the leadership of the Others away from Widmore:
WIDMORE: I know who you are, boy. What you are. I know that everything you have you took from me. So... Once again I ask you: Why are you here? BEN: I'm here, Charles, to tell you that I'm going to kill your daughter. Penelope, is it? And once she's gone... once she's dead... then you'll understand how I feel. And you'll wish you hadn't changed the rules. [Widmore shifts in his bed.] WIDMORE: You'll never find her. [Ben turns to leave.] WIDMORE: That island's mine, Benjamin. It always was. It will be again.
I found it interesting that Widmore had regarded the island as "his". And there were other aspects of Widmore that I found interesting. The Season Five episode, (5.03) "Jughead", had revealed Widmore as a member of the Others, as far back as 1954 (when he was seventeen years-old). As one of the Others, Widmore (along with Richard and Hawking) had participated in a previous purge - that of U.S. Army personnel, who had brought a hydrogen bomb nicknamed "Jughead" with them to the island. On other occasions, Widmore had this inclination to kill anyone he deemed a threat to the island's secrecy. He killed a fellow Other to prevent the latter from leading Locke, Sawyer and Juliet to Richard's location in 1954. The 1988 flashback from "Dead Is Dead" revealed Ben's refusal to kill Danielle Rousseau and her baby, Alex. Instead, he claimed Alex as his child and threatened Danielle to stay away. This decision had angered Widmore, who had expected Ben to kill both. Why were Danielle and Alex's deaths that important to Widmore? Ironically, Widmore finally got his way regarding Danielle and Alex, thanks to Martin Keamy, the mercenary he had sent to the island to snatch Ben in Season Four.
So, when did Ben Linus replace Charles Widmore as leader of the Others? Before December 19, 1992? Or after? The photograph below from "The Man Behind the Curtain" hints that Ben had remained a worker for the DHARMA Initiative during that period, despite joining the Others sometime in the 1980s:
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But had Ben assumed leadership of the Others by then? If not, does that mean Charles Widmore was still leading the Others in December 1992? Both the LOSTPEDIA and the WIKIPEDIA sites claimed that Richard Alpert had led the Others' purge against the Dharma Initiative in 1992. But neither site made it clear who had ordered the Purge. And "Dead Is Dead" never gave a clear date on Widmore's exile.
One would assume my choice for the man responsible for ordering the Purge would be Widmore. And you would be right. There seemed a good deal of evidence making him responsible. He had already participated in an earlier purge back in 1954. Ben had revealed time and again his willingness to use violence - even kill those he deemed a threat to himself or for emotional reasons. But the series had also revealed Widmore's willingness to do the same and especially kill in the name of protecting the island. And that included ordering Ben to kill an emotionally unstable Danielle Rousseau and her infant child. Widmore had also sent the murderous Martin Keamy to the island in late Season Three-Season Four to snatch Ben. He had claimed to Locke in (5.07) "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham" that he had done so to give Locke the opportunity to become the Others' new leader. Yet, his words to Locke contradicted his words to Ben in London, when he had claimed the island as "his". This scene had occurred nearly a year or more after the events of Season Four.
There is also the matter of whether Keamy had another agenda - namely to kill any of the Oceanic survivors that remained. In "Cabin Fever" he had demanded Sayid reveal the number of other Oceanic survivors and their location. Fortunately, the latter had refused. In a confrontation with the freighter's Captain Gault, Keamy revealed his intentions to "torch" the island. Some claimed that this had been Keamy's angry reaction to his men being attacked by the Smoke Monster. Yet, in (4.08) "Meet Kevin Johnson", Ben had accused the freighter crew of plans to snatch him and kill the island's inhabitants. The only freighter personnel in the room - spiritualist Miles Straume - had remained unusually silent. In the following episode, (4.09) "The Shape of Things to Come", Miles claimed that Keamy and his men were around to serve as security guards for a captured Ben. But there was the revelation that Widmore had set up a false location for the missing Oceanic 815 plane - with a plane wreck and dead bodies included. This is merely an assumption of mine, but I believe Widmore had sent Keamy to not only snatch Ben, but kill the remaining Oceanic survivors as well to maintain the narrative. I found a good deal of clues that led me to suspect Widmore had ordered the Dharma Purge.
After watching the series more than once, I find it increasingly difficult to hold Ben responsible for the Purge. His actions against the Oceanic castaways had featured spying, kidnapping, harassment, threats and manipulation. He rarely resorted to murder - aside from his attempt to kill Locke and his order to kill Sayid, Jin Kwon and Bernard Nader during the events in the Season Three finale, (3.23) "Through the Looking Glass, Part 2". If Ben was truly capable of ordering the Purge, he would have wiped out (or tried) the Oceanic survivors after getting Jack to remove the tumor from his spine. The man had proved incapable of following Widmore's orders to kill Danielle and Alex.
In the end, viewers know that Charles Widmore had been the leader of the Others in 1988-89, when he had ordered Ben Linus to kill Danielle Rosseau and her infant daughter. Viewers know that Ben had refused. Viewers also know that Richard Alpert had led a group of Others in the Purge against the U.S. Army in 1954. He also led the Others' purge against the Dharma Initiative on December 19, 1992. On that same date, Ben killed his father, Roger Linus, in a similar manner – by toxic gas. And viewers know that Ben had eventually replaced Widmore and exiled the latter off the island. Personally, I suspect Widmore had ordered the Purge against Dharma. But I suspect it was an order he had not issued lightly, given the number of years the Others had been in conflict with the Dharma Initiative.
But I cannot say with any authority that Widmore had ordered the Dharma Initiative Purge. If we only knew exactly when Widmore had been exiled, perhaps this mystery of the Purge will finally be cleared.
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lostspiration · 1 month
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w1ng3dw01f · 4 months
so like, I was looking at Lostpedia again and according to it:
Alex Rousseau is born in 1988.
The Purge of the DHARMA initiative occurred in 1992.
there is a four year gap in which both groups (or at least, the remnants of DHARMA (because Incident) and the ever growing Hostiles/Others) exist on the island together in some kind of (emotional?) state whereby they might have still been at war with each other, but there was a little baby girl Ben was probably struggling to raise because he doesn’t know what the fuck to do, but he knows he’s going to try to be better than his own father. And Danielle is running around living her sad solitary jungle life.
I don’t quite know what to do with this information.
It feels like liminal space
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norvicfiddler · 1 year
I’m watching yet another YT ‘Lost’ reaction series and have got to S5E10 which means I’ve had to sit through yet another discussion full of Sayid fanciers trying to convince themselves that Sayid is a good person really and Ben = baby Hitler (literal quote), and I just have to get the following out into the void:
1. Ben is not Hitler. I hope this much is obvious.
2. Ben is not a genocidaire. He wasn’t even in charge of the Others when the Dharma Initiative was wiped out. Widmore ordered the Purge, Ben just killed his abusive Father.
3. Ben is not a tyrant. He was selected by the Others to be their leader from a young age. He was a child brought to the Island as part of an exploitative project who sided with what he saw as the native population. And was then exploited by said Island in return.
3a. Yes, when faced with the loss of his position, Ben did try to fight against it, but having caused his daughter’s death as a result (as he felt), he gave up and handed the Others over to Locke. Which worked out well didn’t it?
3b. And then served gratefully as Hurley’s #2. Really Ben just wanted to be appreciated for his service. Even when he was ‘leader’ he took his marching orders from Jacob via Richard.
4. Ben is not motivated by hatred towards any racial or ethnic group. Unlike, say, Hitler. He wants to protect the magical Island from invaders. And Widmore.
5. Ben doesn’t indiscriminately or wantonly murder people (much). No, he doesn’t especially care about collateral damage, but that’s not the same as being a serial killer (another accusation that gets levelled at him a lot).
5a. ... OK, but Jacob was asking for it.
6. Sayid is a murderer and a torturer. He has intentionally murdered, and tortured, a whole lot of people. Yes, including innocent people.
7. Sayid shot an innocent 12 year old boy who brought him a sandwich and broke him out of jail.
8. Sayid had free will. He didn’t have to do anything Ben suggested he should. He did it because he wanted to. 
9. “Oh but Sayid’s so dreamy with his long curly hair and Ben’s such a creep blah blah blah blah blah whatever ...”. Yeah, whatever. Also no.
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asexual-squidward · 3 months
That scene where Ben kills his father during the DHARMA purge is really interesting to me, because it was kind of Ben giving Roger one last chance to be a good dad.
He seemed to want Roger to accept what he had done wrong to Ben - to say he didn’t actually think Ben had killed his mother, that he had cared to remember his birthday and that he was sorry and mend their relationship. But instead Roger just shrugged (implying that he still thought Ben killed his mother), and then made an empty promise to ‘try’ and remember his birthday next year (all while still drinking, mid-convo) - it essentially confirmed to Ben that his father refused to change, and so wasn’t worth saving. Even on Ben’s birthday, Roger was too focused on his own self-pity to care about his son.
I wonder what would have happened if Roger had actually done what Ben wanted and apologised and meant it - whether Ben would have spared him, because instead of simply killing him with the rest of Dharma he was still trying to get his father to love him.
Do I think Roger deserved to die? Not as much as someone like Keamy (tbh the flash-sideways implied he was still not a good father there but Ben had been the more mature one and had forgiven him for his own sake rather than Roger’s). But Roger was still an abusive piece of shit and I’m glad Ben escaped him.
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kairunatic · 10 months
The sword Kalki weilds was actually given to him by Shiva after praying to him and Shiva was pleased by his devotion. From what I understand Devaloka follows the trimurti belief in which Brahma creates the universe then one of the avatars of Vishnu like Kalki(who is the last) purge out daemons and darkness to establish dharma which what Kalki means by being a destroyer since his incarnation happens at the Kali Yuga where the world is at its worst and full of sin. Since the whole world is full of sin his job is to purge the world instead of just part of it. This happens 4 times and then I believe Shiva destroys the entire universe and starts it over again with Brahma. Basically it's 4 smaller cycles with the big one coming at the end with Shiva. (This probably isn't the most accurate description but mostly summary.)
Oooo I ses
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prabhupadanugas · 2 years
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श्री भगवानुवाच असंशयं महाबाहो मनो दुर्निग्रहं चलम् | अभ्यासेन तु कौन्तेय वैराग्येण च गृह्यते || ३५ || śrī-bhagavān uvāca asaṁśayaṁ mahā-bāho mano durnigrahaṁ calam abhyāsena tu kaunteya vairāgyeṇa ca gṛhyate The Blessed Lord said: O mighty-armed son of Kuntī, it is undoubtedly very difficult to curb the restless mind, but it is possible by constant practice and by detachment. The difficulty of controlling the obstinate mind, as expressed by Arjuna, is accepted by the Personality of Godhead. But at the same time He suggests that by practice and detachment it is possible. What is that practice? In the present age no one can observe strict rules and regulations, such as placing oneself in a sacred place, focusing the mind on the Supersoul, restraining the senses and mind, observing celibacy, remaining alone, etc. By the practice of Kṛṣṇa consciousness, however, one engages in nine types of devotional service to the Lord. The first and foremost of such devotional engagements is hearing about Kṛṣṇa. This is a very powerful transcendental method for purging the mind of all misgivings. https://gloriousgita.com/verse/en/6/35 https://bhagavad-gita.org/Gita/verse-06-30.html https://youtube.com/c/HearSrilaPrabhupada https://www.bhagavad-gita.us/famous-reflections-on-the-bhagavad-gita/ #bhagavatam #srimadbhagavatam #vishnu #vishnupuran #harekrishna #harekrsna #harekrishna #harekrisna #prabhupada #bhagavadgita #bhagavadgitaasitis #bhagavadgītā #srilaprabhupada #srilaprabhupad #srilaprabhupadaquotes #asitis #india #indian #wayoflife #religion #goals #goaloflife #spiritual #bhakti #bhaktiyoga #chant #prasadam #picoftheday #photo #beautiful #usa https://sites.google.com/view/sanatan-dharma https://m.facebook.com/HDG.A.C.Bhaktivedanta.Svami.Srila.Prabhupada.Uvaca/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CkKfihNo3UR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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magpiejay1234 · 1 year
So let’s discuss today’s card, Exceed the Pendulum.
**The Kanji name is 奇跡の魔導剣, Kiseki no Madoukenshi, which means Magic Swordsman of Miracle. This name is a reference to Beyond the Pendulum’s Kanji name, 軌跡の魔術師, Kiseki no Majutsushi.
As we discussed before Madoukenshi is generally translated as Paladin, and is used for various Paladin monsters, including Yuya’s Synchro Paladins. So, this is Ray’s Paladin form.
***The different Kanjis mean different things, Beyond the Pendulum’s Kiseki means trajectory, referring to Samsara Cycle, whereas Exceed the Pendulum’s Kiseki means Miracle, as in Divine Intervention.
****This basically means Ray is no longer just a Deva guiding the Reincarnation Cycle, she is now a full blown Deity, on the road of becoming a Buddha.
*****As we discussed before, both Kisekis are used in Yusei’s cards, and generally used in reference to Synchro Summoning, and lore of Synchros.
**Katakana name is エクシード・ザ・ペンデュラム, is a reference to Firewall eXceed Dragon, and Parallel eXceed, much like how Beyond the Pendulum was a reference to Number 39: Utopia Beyond (Japanese name: Numbers 39: King of Hope Beyond the Hope).
***I don’t know the symbolism behind this, besides Yuya’s “true” Summoning method being Xyz. The other symbolism is of course both Xyz Monsters are manifestations of the main character with their spirit partner, and Ray is Yuya’s spirit partner of sorts.
Other tidbits besides name:
**Ray’s purple outfit is visible in this form.
**Her sword is actually the pendulum necklace she wears in Beyond the Pendulum, the core of which we presume to be the Pendulum of Z-ARC.
**Her staff in Beyond the Pendulum is actually now her cape.
**Her overall design is a mixture of Enlightenment Paladin, and Nirvana High Paladin.
***This likely further suggests, if not outright confirm that Synchro Pendulums are a manifestation of Ray’s power, rather than Z-ARC.
**Both her sword, and her elbow-cape’s “wings” reference Z-ARCs arcs.
**Beyond the Pendulum’s statline referenced Stargazer Magician, and Timegazer Magician. This card’s statline references Chronograph Sorcerer, and Dharma-Eye Magician.
***This card’s effect allows to get to 2500 ATK, which is Enlightenment Paladin’s original ATK.
****I wonder if we are going to get a 2500 ATK Ray form to work with the Z-ARC support in this set.
Other odd references:
**This card was revealed in the week of Feast of Mary Magdalene (which coincides with the set’s release date), much like how Z-ARC’s purified form was revealed in the week of Ascension. So the symbolism is rather obvious.
**Beyond the Pendulum had 2 arrows for Performapal Gentrude, and Performapal Ladyange, whereas Exceed the Pendulum has three arrows for Arc-Ray Dragon, Lightwurm, and Supreme King Gate Magician.
***Going by Ascension theming, this likely references the two angels that are mentioned in the Gospel accounts. The two angels are commonly depicted as carrying Jesus to Heaven in Medieval artworks, appearing side by side.
**Beyond the Pendulum’s effect adds a Pendulum Monster from Deck, and destroys opponent’s cards. Exceed the Pendulum’s effects adds a Pendulum Monster from the face-up Extra Deck, and Special Summons a Pendulum Monster from hand or GY in your or your opponent’s turn.
***In other words, rather than purging evil, she resurrects dead comrades.
***This card’s ATK gain effect is a reference to Smile World, and Dark Paladin.
**Also forgot, her hair has now blue hues. Blue Pendulum gem represents Z-ARC, so much like how Z-ARC is getting Ray’s essence in Arc-Ray Dragon’s design, Ray is getting Z-ARC’s essence.
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cosmicangel888 · 2 years
The Personal Path is the God Path = Unity
My divine work, inspiration, path work is always changing, as humanity awakens, ascends, expands within oneself -
our moon cycles help us purge and align; if any aspect of the energy is used in malevolence, or selfish gain, not due to the purity of light, love, and oneness of you with you and what you are worthy of - which s spirited and soulful - not ego - there is a difference;
When you use energy and all that God offers for benevolence, you earn dharma and the gifts within that source, spirit, your guides activates - or such will be blocked and taken - as easily as you think you are the master of any one thing, you can evolve beyond in higher vibrational ways, manners, and in pure heart alignment - if not, then it will return, blocked, or stopped, or tower moments until the lessons of oneness and unity, the wounds within -
Spirit, your higher self will show you, your reality will show you what is not meant for you, who is not meant for you and what is not aligned - all is vibrational and all have the choice to create trust in the alignment and God © 
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In my life, my past 16years of awakening - I have had 0 boss and no partner with my co-creations, no writer of my work, my teller of my story, no partner lifting me or supporting me, or shining me for me, or upholding any level of trust or benevolence for me; this path has been me and God, my guides, my ancestors and those that speak of such, think of such, act of such on my behalf are false and I will speak my truth, call it as it has been my life experience until the balance, the truth, and the light is shone on what is real and true -
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my path has been my life experience healing my wounds and my sights, visions for that of the collective of Spirits guides in what is needed for our collective; I do not work with, for anyone other than God; - the collective - there is no boss; and no monies, no offers, no permissions have ever been given, nor provided and nor even asked - what has been done was done of malevolence and of the taking by those that simply do not live in sacred energy nor care to as such, for nothing has been shown of care and forgiveness, and any offering to make right from what was - therefore, all past timelines are closed, done, not open, not available to re-open - ever.
All is forgiven on my part - I ask, as my offerings, my wishes from the start - leave me be, and God will support me expressing myself fully in the movement and allowance of expansion that is infinite and I will not be held back - what works for me is my path - none have any right to embed, infuse, or take, or bind, or do work to get into what is not theirs and not earned within themselves - ascension is the inner work - it is not infusing your wishes, wants, will on any other -
Permissions must be granted for the use of my work, illustrations, songs, poetry, and content - © 
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Such lessons must be learned - co-dependence is not sovereignty © 
I deserve what I have earned, and worked for and none know my story to ever comment or judge - only that of God and why God is the only distributor of blessings and gifts, and karma - for that is the Universe, the Creator showing you that there is divine design - for all to awakening into the majesty that is unique and blessed, and graceful and honouring of all life - life is life - sacred and beautiful - how can you hold yourself in such vibrations -
Attachment, binding, chaos work, and such will only amount in greater wounding, and greater karma and each person on the path of such will be offered lessons by spirit, the distribution of such return, and all will be equally in the confusion that was intended - for that is the lessons required to shed what is not necessary for all to be healthy, balanced and abundant - none have any right to enforce, control, or force an outcome and write people into your story if they have said no; being a complete sentence 'no' meaning no and end means ending -
I am worthy to move on my path - without hinderance or bullying of simply being me and I deserve all works, all offerings to be paid in equal measure - for I have no boss, and no partner, and what is not meant to be in my path - spirit is in charge of shifting - simply allow and trust - for that is spirit - focus on what is good and what feels light, and true - © 
Love thyself
Stand in your own light, life, and focus within - I know who I am, and now per say - it be a chance and opportunity for all to be of such good will for themselves - forgiveness, compassion, time for all to move on - move on - move on -
compassion and fairness - all are held equal and all are held precious - what are you creating -
You all have it in you to heal - and be new - move on
Blessings and light
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xianrenroufu · 2 years
柔腹不断,百病不犯!——延年益寿仙人柔腹法! Rub your stomach constantly, and you will never get sick—— Longevity Immortal Abdomen Rubbing Method!
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Rub your stomach constantly, and you will never get sick—— Longevity Immortal Abdomen Rubbing Method!
It has been thousands of years in China to knead the abdomen for health preservation. As early as the Qi and Liang Dynasties, the three methods of kneading the abdomen were written in the Tendon Changing Sutra by Dharma, which was widely spread among the people at that time.
In the Tang Dynasty, Sun Simiao also took "walking a hundred steps after eating, and often rubbing his stomach with his hands" as his way to prolong his life.
During the reign of Emperor Yongzheng in the Qing Dynasty, the Nine Turn Method of Yannian held by Fang Kai introduced the method of rubbing the abdomen with hands in detail, which was illustrated by Yan Wei.
Fang Kai, a native of Xin'an (She County), Anhui Province, in the Qing Dynasty, was a famous health preserver during the reign of Emperor Yongzheng. The "Immortal Abdomen Massage Method" created by him was very effective in maintaining body and mind and eliminating diseases. Adhere to kneading the abdomen, and you will be able to "harmonize up and down, separate yin and yang, remove the old and regenerate the new, enrich the five internal organs, drive away the exogenous evils, clear up the hundreds of internal syndromes, make up for deficiencies, and purge more than enough. The way to eliminate food is infinite, and some diseases can prolong life.".
1. Abdomen: the palace city of five viscera and six viscera, the source of yin and yang qi and blood
The reason why kneading the abdomen can play a role in health care is that the abdomen plays an important role in the human body.
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "back is yang, abdomen is yin". The belly of the human body includes the Ren meridian, stomach meridian, kidney meridian, liver meridian, spleen meridian and other important meridians in the 12 main meridians, as well as the Chong meridian and Dai meridian. It can be said that the area around the belly button is the center of the human body and the roundabout island of the transportation hub. From the throat down to the external genitalia, everything can not be separated from this center.
The abdomen is the place where the five zang organs and six fu organs live, with the distribution of liver, spleen, stomach, gallbladder, large intestine, small intestine, kidney, bladder and other organs. Therefore, in the Lizheng Massage Essentials, the analogy of the abdomen is: "the palace of the five zang organs and six fu organs, the source of yin, yang, qi and blood".
It is often said that "people live with one breath", that is, people cannot live without breath for a minute or a second. Without breath, people's lives will end. But "breath can benefit people and also harm them". Although people can't live without anger, it is a disaster. Therefore, Qi should be treated first to cure diseases, and Qi should be used to cure diseases.
2. Soft qi makes the abdomen smooth - kneading the blocking points is a good way to cure chronic diseases
All chronic diseases can be blocked in the abdomen. In other words, all chronic diseases can be found in the abdomen.
From this, we can draw a conclusion that when our chronic disease is not cured, but we do not know the cause and how to treat it, then you should look for the abdominal block point (perhaps a hard lump, perhaps a pain point, perhaps a "sink", or perhaps a "air mass"). As long as you push it away and knead it, you will find that your chronic disease also disappears.
If you do not find any chronic disease, but there is a block point in some part when pushing the abdomen, you must immediately push it away, because it will be a hidden danger in the future.
3. Moping the abdomen - to promote harmony between the upper and lower parts, to distinguish yin and yang, to promote the clear and reduce the turbidity, and to promote the gasification
The spleen and stomach are the acquired foundation of the human body, and the intestine and brain are of the same root. Physiologically, the nutrition of the five zang organs, six fu organs and four limbs is provided by the water and grain essence received by the stomach.
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The spleen and stomach are in the middle of the abdomen. If the spleen should be raised, it should be healthy. If the stomach should be lowered, it should be harmonious. They are the hub for the rise and fall of the body's qi. Only when the spleen is raised and the turbidity is lowered, can gasification be normal.
As Japanese Han medicine Tang Ben said, "The belly is the root of life, so it is the root of all diseases.".
If our body often feels uncomfortable and there is disharmony between the spleen and stomach, we suggest you try to push the belly. You will easily find the blocking point, and then carefully push it away.
In this way, we can quickly adjust the viscera, channels and qi, and help the human body achieve metabolic balance by sensing the viscera pathological changes in the abdomen through hand perception.
Ge Hong, a doctor in the Jin Dynasty, also emphasized the theory of "if you want to derive, you should clear your stomach and intestines". Chen Feixia, a doctor in the Qing Dynasty, said in his statement of the relationship between abdomen and longevity: "The belly is the sea of water and valley, and the water and valley are abundant, which is the key to longevity".
In a word, the method of rubbing the abdomen can harmonize up and down, separate yin and yang, remove the old and regenerate the new, enrich the five internal organs, drive away the external evils, and clear up the internal diseases.
4. The normality of rubbing the abdomen: warm feeling, hungry bowels, belching and farting
When kneading the abdomen, it is normal to feel warm in the abdomen, hungry or have bowel sounds or exhaust, and stop kneading the abdomen without worrying.
Some people will belch and fart when they push it. It is the best way to increase the pure qi and decrease the turbid qi. Some people will gurgle in the abdomen, which is to promote the accumulation of turbid water in the abdomen for many days. If this kind of turbid water is not discharged early, it will cause headache and dizziness along the meridians. If the pores are blocked, it will cause dermatitis and eczema. If the liver fire is encountered, it will dissipate phlegm. If the spleen is deficient, it will cause abdominal discharge. The legacy is endless.
Press your belly like a drum - deflate first
When pushing the abdomen, I found that some people have a bulging stomach. It doesn't hurt to press it down, but it looks like a ball. What should I do? We must deflate first. There are many ways to deflate. "Radish can ventilate" and "bean eating loves farting" are all good folk therapies. You can also beat the stomach meridian, and acupuncture Zhongwan, Qihai, Zusanli and other points. Most people who love this kind of symptom are those who are always worried about something. Such people often have gastrointestinal problems, or pain, or swelling, or diarrhea. His pain point is deeper.
Many abdominal pain points - blood stasis
Some people have a lot of abdominal pain points, and most of them can be pushed away with the "pushing abdomen method", which is a temporary gas knot, while others can not be pushed away with this method. Usually, this is a long time of qi stagnation, which has been blocked by blood stasis. At this time, you can check the path where the pain point is pressing on. As long as you tap and massage the acupoint of this channel on the thigh, it can help to unblock the stasis. When knocking and massaging, acupuncture or cupping can also be carried out on the abdominal pain points at the same time.
Abdominal distension - insufficient qi and blood
Others have soft stomachs and feel no pain when pressing, but they still feel stuffy and uncomfortable in the abdomen, which is usually caused by insufficient qi and insufficient blood.
There is sound of water in the abdomen - the turbid air between the stomach and intestines is wrapped in water
Others pushed with their hands under their chests, making a sound of water. At the beginning, the sound of the water was very low, and the pushing place was still painful. This was "turbid air wrapped in water". The more you pushed the water, the louder the sound became. After you belched a few times, or farted, the whole stomach became a sound of water. At this time, the dead water is pushed alive and can be discharged from the bladder soon. This kind of turbid water can stop between the stomach and intestines for a long time and affect the normal operation of the viscera.
Why do some people not like drinking water? It is because there is already water between the stomach and intestines, which can not go down. If you want to drink thousands of milliliters of water every day to detoxify as advocated by western medicine, you will be poisoned by water first. Therefore, it is better to drink water to detoxify or poison.
5. It is effective to knead the abdomen
Rubbing the abdomen can reduce weight and keep fit
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the abdomen belongs to the spleen, and the spleen is the source of qi and blood biochemistry. The main reason for obesity is that the spleen is not healthy and the qi and blood are stagnant. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, you should first treat it from the spleen.
Rubbing your stomach to lose weight is a kind of self exercise
The method is: take the supine position, take the navel as the center, rotate and rub it with hands for 30 minutes, and persist in 1-2 times a day. This can not only remove abdominal fat, but also achieve the goal of slim figure.
Rubbing the abdomen can also strengthen the spleen and scrape oil
Press to probe the abdomen. Through abdominal exercises, you can strengthen the spleen and help transport, and reduce the accumulation of qi and blood in the abdomen.
Medical research believes that active massage can stimulate peripheral nerves. Because the capillary of skin and subcutaneous fat is opened by different forces, the waste between skin tissues is eliminated, thus promoting the metabolic process of the body and playing the role of removing abdomen and oil.
Cure constipation and loose stools
For those who have dry orange stool, the above 5 and 6 methods are filled with dough kneading from right to left; In case of defecation, the two methods shall be kneaded from left to right.
When pressing and kneading, the strength should be moderate, the energy should be concentrated, the breathing should be natural, and long-term adherence will certainly achieve obvious results.
People who are often constipated can lie on their backs in the bed after waking up in the morning and before going to bed at night, flex their legs, and massage the belly button with their hands counterclockwise for 50-100 times each time. Most patients can take effect in about 10 days.
Massage abdomen to treat insomnia
For patients with chronic insomnia, they can use their palms to knead the left and right foot hearts 81 times respectively after the first nine practices. The method is to knead the right foot heart with their left hand heart and the left foot heart with their right hand heart, meaning that the labor palace meets the spring, the heart and kidney intersect, and the effect is quite satisfactory.
Rubbing the abdomen can help you live a long and healthy life
It is recorded in the Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine that "kneading the abdomen is a recipe for health preservation." Sun Simiao also said, "It is better to rub the abdomen frequently to eliminate all kinds of diseases." Massaging the abdomen not only prevents diseases, but also clinical practice has proved that the viscera and meridians massage therapy, which mainly massages the abdomen, has a very good auxiliary treatment effect on many stubborn diseases, such as cor pulmonale, lung qi and lung, hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes, nephritis, kidney montmorillonite and other diseases.
Abdominal massage can also prevent spermatorrhea, prostatitis, hemorrhoids and other diseases. It can be seen that tummy kneading therapy is a simple and easy way to keep fit.
6. Precautions for tummy kneading
When kneading the abdomen, the action should be gentle and correct. Empty the urine before kneading the abdomen. It should not be carried out when you are too full or hungry, the bladder is distended, extremely tired, angry, frightened, or nervous.
Women are forbidden to knead the abdomen during pregnancy, and patients with acute abdomen such as malignant tumors or gastrointestinal perforation, visceral bleeding and peritonitis are also absolutely forbidden to knead the abdomen. When there is an acute infection in the abdominal wall, do not massage locally.
Women in the menstrual period can generally knead the abdomen (gently knead the lower abdomen), but pay special attention not to get cold.
During tummy kneading, if there is noise and farting in the abdomen, and there is a feeling of warmth or hunger or defecation in the abdomen, it is normal and can still be continued.
Longevity Fairy Abdominal Massage Method (Nine Turn Method)
Preparation: On the premise of keeping warm, take off loose clothes and lie on your back, preferably on a low pillow. Relax, meditate, breathe well, and keep your tongue against your palate.
First type: massage the heart socket
Slowly lift your hands up, connect the three middle fingers (index finger, middle finger, ring finger) of your two hands in front of your chest and press them against the heart socket (the soft part under the lower edge of the sternum, commonly known as the heart socket), and move clockwise from right to top, left to bottom, massage for 21 times. Then massage 21 times counterclockwise from right to left.
Press the three fingers of both hands on the heart socket (the lower depression of the xiphoid process), then knead it in a circle from left to right for 21 times, and knead it in reverse from right to left for 21 times
The second type: circular massage of the midline and both sides of the abdomen
Rub the three fingers of two hands down from the heart socket, that is, move down while rotating the massage clockwise, and move to the pubic symphysis under the umbilicus (that is, the hairline at the lower part of the lower abdomen), then separate the three fingers of two hands from the pubic bone to both sides, move up while massaging, and return to the heart socket with two hands, and stop with two hands. A total of 21 cycles were performed.
Use the middle three fingers of both hands to knead down from the heart socket, knead while walking, and knead to the pubic bone under the umbilicus.
Use the middle three fingers of both hands to knead from the pubic bone to both sides, knead while walking, and knead until the two hands meet at the heart socket.
Third type: push the midline of abdomen
Connect two hands and three fingers, push down from the midline of the abdomen of the heart nest to the pubic symphysis for 21 times.
The fourth type: massage with the right hand around the navel
Rub the abdomen with your right hand clockwise from right to top to left to bottom for 21 times.
Fifth move: massage with the left hand around the navel
Rub the abdomen with your left hand in a counterclockwise direction from left to top to right to bottom for 21 times.
Use your right hand to knead and press the navel abdomen in a circle from the left for 21 times, and then use your left hand to knead and press it in a circle from the right for 21 times.
The sixth move: push the left chest and abdomen
With the left hand in the shape of a fork waist, place the left flank at the waist kidney, with the big finger forward and the four fingers behind, gently pinch it; Press the middle three fingers of the right hand on the lower part of the left breast, and then take this as the starting point, push it directly to the left groin (commonly known as the thigh root), and press it continuously for 21 times.
The seventh move: push the right chest and abdomen
The right hand is akimbo shaped, and the right flank is placed at the waist kidney, with the big finger forward and the four fingers behind, and gently pinched; Press the middle third finger of the left hand on the lower part of the left breast, and then take this as the starting point, push it directly to the right groin (commonly known as the thigh root), and press it continuously for 21 times.
Use your right hand to pinch the right rib, lower waist and kidney - thumb forward, rest four fingers behind - slightly, and use the middle three fingers of your left hand to push down from the right breast to the root of the thigh 21 times. Then push the right side according to this method.
Eighth move: sit and turn
Grip fixation
Change to a cross sitting posture, with the thumbs of both hands in, four fingers folded, and clenched into a fist (Taoist called it "clenched"). Press the knees lightly, relax the whole body, and bend the toes slightly downward. Lower the upper body slightly and shake it slowly. First, turn it clockwise from left to front, right to back for 21 times; Then turn it counterclockwise for 21 times from right to front, left to back.
Double disc
Single disc
Natural disc
The shaking range should be large. If the shaking turns to the left, shake the chest and shoulder out of the left knee; When shaking to the front, it is better to roll your upper body onto your knees; When shaking to the right, shake the chest and shoulder out of the right knee; When the swing is turned back, the upper body should fall back as far as possible. The best way to shake is to be satisfied, but you should not be anxious to shake.
After finishing the previous sections, get up and sit cross legged (also called double disc), that is, sit with your feet overlapping. If you have difficulty with double sitting, you can also use the "single sitting" or natural sitting posture.
Press the thumb tips of both hands against the horizontal lines at the root of the ring finger, and bend the remaining four limbs naturally, press them on the knees of both legs, and bend the ten toes of both legs slightly, then rotate the shoulders and chest from left to front and from right to back for 21 times; After that, turn it 21 times from right to front and from left to back according to the previous method. The front method is to turn the body as shown in the figure. When turning, shake the left knee out of the shoulder chest to the left, shake it on the knee to the front, and shake the right knee out to the right; Whether you bow forward or pull back, you should take full swing as the criterion, and you should not rush to force.
Exercise order:
The first to the seventh formula shall be completed in sequence as one time, and each time shall be done seven times continuously. After doing this, get up and sit cross, and rotate according to the eighth form, 21 times on the left and 21 times on the right. (Complete the actions shown in the first six figures in turn as one time. When you finish doing this kung fu seven times in a row, sit up and rotate 21 times according to the actions shown in Figure 7.).
When you do this kind of belly rubbing, you must concentrate and eliminate distractions. Lay the mat on the low pillow and lie on it with your body upright. Keep your feet together. The foot is slightly bent, and the fingers are gently rubbed and pressed to move slowly.
In this way, doing work when you wake up in the morning is called morning class, doing work at noon is called afternoon class, and doing work when you sleep at night is called evening class. Generally, three classes should be held in the morning, noon and evening every day. In case of busy days, two classes must be held in the morning and evening.
At the beginning of this work, do it three times in a lesson, five times in a lesson three days later, and seven times in a lesson three days later. This belly rubbing skill is suitable for both men and women, but it is not allowed for pregnant women.
matters needing attention:
1. It is generally required to unbutton your clothes and pants before practising, and it is better to rub them directly. The posture is from the first to the eighth section, mainly lying on the back.
2. When kneading the abdomen, you must be calm, relaxed, soft, and slow. Do not use clumsy force, keep your breath smooth, and do not use force to hold your breath. Don't shake your upper body too fast or too fast. After practising, you should feel relaxed and comfortable without fatigue.
3. After finishing the first seven sections in turn, it is 1 degree, and each time you can do 2-3 degrees. Finally, you can shake your body in the eighth section. The beginners will do it in the morning and evening, without interruption. As long as you persevere, you will see results. It takes about 30 minutes to work hard each time, and the slower the better. If something happens, it is necessary to do it twice sooner or later.
4. During the exercise, due to the changes in physiological functions such as the enhancement of gastrointestinal motility, there will often be intra-abdominal ringing (bowel ringing), belching, abdominal warmth or hunger, which is a normal exercise effect and can be left to its own devices without any treatment.
5. It is not appropriate to practice this skill when you suffer from malignant tumors, visceral bleeding, abdominal wall infection, or pregnancy.
Effect of tummy rubbing:
1. Warm abdomen: generally, you will feel warm abdomen after the sixth to seventh time, which is the expression of internal qi convergence.
2. Gastrointestinal peristalsis with sound: adhere to kneading the abdomen, slowly and every time after skilled movements
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脾胃是人体的后天之本, 肠脑与颅脑同根。生理上五脏六腑、四肢的营养,均靠胃所受纳的水谷精微来供养。
延年益寿仙人揉腹法 (延年九转法)
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右手做叉腰状,置右边胁下腰肾处,大指向前,四指托后,轻轻捏住;左手中三指按在左乳下方部位,然后以此为起点,直推至右侧腹股沟(俗称大腿根)处,连续推按21 次。
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yoga-onion · 2 years
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The Quest for Buddhism (53)
Punnovada Sutta – Buddha's teaching to his No.5 disciple, Purna (Pali: Punna)
The Punnovada Sutta is the 145th discourse of the Majjhimanikāya.
On one occasion, Buddha was staying at the Anathapindika (Jetavana) in Sāvatthi (Skt. Shravasti). Bhikku Punna (Skt.Purna :Ref) visited him there and asked him about the art of devotion in seclusion that he may follow it and be purged of self. The Buddha tells him to avoid finding delight in the pleasures of the senses.
The Buddha's teaching on the Buddha Dharma to the Bhikkhu Punna. Reveals that suffering is caused by 'joyous pleasure' arising from stimuli entering from the six places.
The Buddha explains the control of the Six Ayatana (the six internal-external organs of sense):
Six roots - the six organs or senses on the side of subjectivity:
Eye - visual ability or the organ of sight.
Ear - the ability to hear or the organ of hearing.
Nose - olfactory abilities or olfactory organs.
Tongue - the ability to taste or the organ of taste
Body - Tactile abilities or sense of touch
Will - Perceptive abilities or organs of perception
Six borders - the six objects on the objective side, the objects of the senses:
Colour - the colours and forms seen by the eye root.
Voice - objects of hearing.
Aroma - object of the sense of smell.
Taste - object of the sense of taste.
Touch - firmness, heat, heaviness, etc. perceived by the roots of the body.
Dharma - all existence, including concepts, perceived by the mind-root.
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仏教の探求 (53)
プンナ教誡経 (プンナきょうかいきょう、巴: プンノーヴァーダ・スッタ)〜ブッダが5番弟子のプールナ(富楼那、巴:プンナ)に説いた仏法
ある時、ブッダはサーヴァッティー(舎衛城)のアナータピンディカ園(祇園精舎)に滞在していた。そこに比丘プンナ (富楼那、プールナ:参照)がブッダのもとを訪れ、、人里離れて精進していく術を問う。それに従って自己を浄化するようにと頼む。ブッダは、六感の楽しみを見出さないようにと言う。
ブッダが、比丘プンナ(富楼那)に六処の制御を説く。六処より入る刺激に基づいて生起する「喜悦」によって、苦が発生することを明らかにする。六処(しょ、梵・巴: アーヤタナ)とは、感覚器、感覚媒体、感覚範囲を意味する。仏教では、6つの内部感覚器六根(ろっこんと、6つの外部感覚器六境(ろっきょう)に分類される:
六根(ろっこん、六内入処(ろくないにゅうしょ)とも) - 主観の側の六種の器官、感官のこと:
眼(げん) - 視覚能力もしくは視覚器官
耳(に) - 聴覚能力もしくは聴覚器官
鼻(び) - 嗅覚能力もしくは嗅覚器官
舌(ぜつ) - 味覚能力もしくは味覚器官
身(しん) - 触覚能力もしくは触覚器官
意(い) - 知覚能力もしくは知覚器官
六境(ろっきょう、六外入処(ろくげにゅうしょ)とも) - 客観の側の六種の対象、感官の対象のこと:
色(しき) - 眼根によって見られる色彩と形象
声(しょう) - 聴覚の対象
香(こう) - 嗅覚の対象
味(み) - 味覚の対象
触(そく) - 身根によって感じられる堅さ、熱さ、重さなど
法(ほう) - 意根によって知覚される概念を含むすべての存在
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Natural Planetary Sight in the Chart - Derivative Houses / Parashara's Aspects
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This List of interchart planetary aspects supersedes the traditional Tropical Understanding of the importance of aspects, as only certain positions in the zodiac use Trines, and Squares have a direction (to the right and to the left), since each planet behaves differently in aspect.
According to traditional Vedic astrology, planets make certain aspects to specific houses relative to their position in a natal chart as per derivative houses. That means, that having certain planets in certain houses automatically imbues another house with the energy of this given planet.
The main principle for all planets is that every planet aspects the house 7th from itself, which is the opposite one, no matter in which house it is placed originally. So an opposition and a conjunction are two most fundamental aspects, applicable to every placement. A planet in every house naturally imposes its influence on the opposite house. It's a basic karmic action-reaction principle of the Universe, that if you push strongly in one area, there will be a response on the other end too - that's why the 7th derivative position is activated. Especially with Venus, where the 7th house mirroring activates, Venus being the natural karaka of the 7th house.
Every planet in the 1st house of the concept of self and the physical body will activate the 7th house of another mirroring this self back to us and killing the ego we create in the 1st house.
Every planet in the 2nd house of values and stability will aspect the 8th house of transformation and discarding what is worthless. When you keep constantly accumulating in the 2nd house, you begin to overflow after a period of time, so naturally you need to purge, which is what the 8th house does.
Every planet in the 3rd house of courage and self made efforts aspects the 9th house of karmic protection and enlightenment. It embodies the simple truth, that good luck often simply comes to those, who work and fight for what they care about hard enough.
Every planet in the 4th house of internal inspiration and leisurely recharging aspects the 10th house of daily karmic work and efforts. You don't appreciate rest properly, until you've worked hard enough to need it, but you also can't feel inspired to work towards your ambitions, if your cup is empty and you feel drained on the inside.
Every planet in the 5th house of creativity and motivated, spontaneous self expression aspects the 11th house of realising your vision and dream. That dream is what motivates you to take the 5th house action forward in the first place, but in turn, without that action no dream would ever be achieved.
Every planet in the 6th house of conflict and problem resolution aspects the 12th house of dissolving boundaries and universal love. When you fight long enough, you realise the meaningless chatter hiding behind every argument and you recognise the endless, pointless chaos of everyone's energies just mixing together and losing all logic of a discussion, that initially sparked the fight, which in turn brings you to the understanding of the 12th house and makes you detach from physical pursuits.
Additional Planetary Aspects for Specific Planets
Rahu, Ketu and Jupiter always aspect the 5th and 9th house from their original house in the chart.
These placements describe the challenges our soul comes with in this lifetime, but also our desires, gifts and blessings. These planets result in an aspect on the entire trine of any elemental modality they occupy. In this way, you become an expert, and a seeker of one specific modality - Moksha houses, Dharma houses, Karma or Atma houses. These are energies, that align us towards our soul purpose, by supplying us with the enthusiastic drive (5th house) and wisdom and optimism (9th house) to either utilise or pursue the matters of these houses. Motivation can also express itself negatively - for example, by giving us trouble, Jupiter can activate our wisdom, Ketu past life skills, and Rahu the desire to learn about these matters, when problems due to inexperience arise for us in this lifetime.
If you have Ketu in the 8th house, Ketu will also aspect the 4th and 12th house, the entire Moksha house trine. Rahu in the 2nd will then aspect the 6th and 10th Artha houses. That indicates a soul that comes with natural spiritual gifts, that it desires to apply in the physical world to share them with others through their life purpose and make the physical life on Earth a better place. With an opposite scenario, Rahu aspecting Moksha houses and Ketu aspecting Artha houses, a person would bring practical intuitive skills, a natural, solid quality of character on a material level, and they incarnate to instead learn about emotional depth, spirituality, psychology and esoteric sciences in the physical realm in this lifetime.
Mars always aspects the 4th and 8th house from itself in the chart.
The reason that Mars creates this dynamic is the "war and peace" scenario, that this planet embodies. You can't have the unconditional safety of the 4th house, if you are defending yourself. Thus, Mars "destroys" the safety of any house sitting 4th from the house it occupies originally in the chart, because it takes away your inner, peaceful sanctuary. Mars also puts pressure on the 8th house from itself due to the deep, transformative nature of the 8th aspect. This becomes the motivation, that fuels your goals back practically to you on a feedback loop.
If you have Mars in the 11th house, your Mars will aspect your 6th house and your 2nd house. That is because you need physical, practical material resources and skills in order to realise your bigger picture vision. Also, if you are on the path of implementing your ideas into society, you will naturally encounter conflict and opposition. However, you will have the drive to go against this opposition and to gather necessary resources, because the vision you have motivates you.
If you have Mars in the 10th house, your Mars will aspect your 1st and 5th house. Mars here gives direction to the physical body and life purpose. You need to have a specific traction in the physical world, in order to be able to organise your karmic work on the daily. Also, in order to pursue your goals and follow your karmic path, you need to have room to share your energy around and express yourself in the world. This self expression motivates you to be on your path, but in turn, this path determines the direction of your self expression.
Saturn always aspects the 3rd and 10th house from itself in the chart.
Saturn is a natural karaka for the 10th house. Saturn always adds a karmic dimension to the 10th house from itself, this being an additional area of paying your karmic debt. Saturn restricts and sets its own pace to the matters of any house 10th from itself, adding pressure and tension, but also motivation through the square aspect.
Example :
If you have Saturn in the 4th, your 1st house will be impacted. The deep, emotional personal troubles you face will delay the pursuit of your physical life, especially harder if Saturn aspects a planet in the 1st house. However, once you deal with Saturn's karma, both your internal peace and your physical accomplishments will return, stronger than before. Without that blockage, there would be a tendency for this Saturn to just endlessly chase after their physical goals, without paying any attention to their internal and emotional self, to the detriment of spiritual development.
Saturn also aspects the 3rd house from itself. That is because Saturn naturally forces solitary efforts, that 3rd house provides to us, and the pressure Saturn creates, forges courage and strong will.
If you have Saturn in the 1st, your 3rd house will be impacted. You may feel shy, weak, view yourself as cowardly, or hide behind others out of fear. In truth, Saturn is trying to teach you to boldly express yourself, to make you realise your input, action, drive and efforts are invaluable and no one can replace what you can do and create. However, you can't make self-directed efforts, if what you're pursuing in your life is not authentic. Thus, Saturn makes you develop a structured sense of self, so that over time you learn where to channel your energy, even if early in life this placement may lead to extreme timidness, aspecting Mars' natural house.
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if you still do requests for ben-centric stuff, could you do reader/oc time travels and meets baby ben in the 70s? or something similar >//> thank you! -❄️
Second Meeting - Oneshot
Paring: Ben Linus x Reader
Word Count: 1.8k
There’s something to be said about how quickly three years can go by. You can still remember how bad your headache was during the flashes. You still remember clinging tightly to Ben’s shirt before he descended into the Orchid. You didn’t know what was going to happen or if you were ever going to see him again. But the last 3 years have been a blur, full of everything DHARMA Initiative, and yet he still hasn’t left your mind.
You miss Ben terribly. Despite the many date offers by the Initiative members, you never allowed yourself to go on any of them. Juliet had tried to encourage you to go on some, even set them up for you. She knew it was pointless, and that even after three years you still held strong feelings for her old leader.
When Jack, Kate, and Hurley showed up you felt a shred of hope. You went with James to meet them, heart full of joy. It all sank when Kate never mentioned Ben at all, and you were too afraid to ask if he had come along. You were even more shocked to learn Locke had died, and were desperate to know how. You didn’t want to push it though, and your heart and brain was so full of shock you could barely get a sentence out.
You rode in silence with James back to the Barracks. You both had a silence agreement to not ask each other how you felt. That was how your friendship worked, and that’s how it always worked. From day one to now, it’s a silence agreement that neither of you two are okay but you won’t press for information.
You two are back at James and Juliet's house, rummaging through his wardrobe, grabbing shirts from hangers quickly. Juliet enters and you don’t hear her until she speaks.
“Hey,” She says and you look up while James keeps looking.
“You seen my baggy sweatshirt, the one with the bulldog on it?” He asks, still frantically pulling clothes together. You just stand there, looking at the shirt in your hands.
“It's in the laundry. James... what's going on?” Juliet asks, and James finally turns around. He gives a pained look to you, and you know exactly why.
“They're back,” You half whisper, and Juliet looks between the both of you in disbelief.
“I'm sorry. Who's back?” She asks.
“Jack, Hurley, Kate,” James replies, and Juliet has so many emotions on her face it’s hard for you to decode them all.
You tune out the conversation. Juliet’s expression did something to you. It shoved some sharp in between the cracks that were already there and threatened to shatter you. You were shaken from your thoughts as James drops the bag of clothes and sits on the bed beside Juliet. You realize you’ve been standing still for a while now and drop down beside him.
James sighs, “I don’t understand it any more than you do. But they're here, and I gotta find a way to bring 'em in before somebody else finds 'em and they screw up everything we got here.”
That's when it hits you, “There's a sub coming in this afternoon,” you say with your voice raised slightly and a sliver of hope comes back.
The next hours are a blur of trying to get Jack, Kate, and Hurley into the Initiative without raising any red flags. You think it seems to go smoothly enough, but nothing is ever simple. Especially not when Jack, Kate, and James are back involved with one another again. You watch Juliet very carefully throughout the day, and her expressions. You realize as you watch, that life as you know it has come to an end. God, planes do so much emotional damage.
When you get word there’s someone out in the jungle, some part of you screams that it’s Ben. They’ve taken him as a Hostile, which is not good. Your mind is already spinning with ideas on how to get him out. But then James gets word on his walkie that it’s Sayid, and your heart deflates. You’re not upset that Sayid is here, you just desperately wished it was Ben. So you volunteer to ride out with James to the Flame to see what’s going on.
Just as you expected, James turns you down. He says you need to keep an eye on Jack, Kate, and Hurley and he says he’ll take care of Sayid. You find yourself nodding, feeling numb. There was no one else with Sayid. You can almost feel hope draining out of your body and onto the grass beneath your feet.
You stand next to Phil in silence through the whole Orientation and picture taking. Everything seems like a blur and you’re not really present in your own head. Stuck in 1977 without the man you love.
“Okay,” Phil says and he claps his hands, shaking your from your thoughts, “Right on. So you guys have the rest of the day to get acquainted with your security protocol handbooks waitin' in your new digs. Now some of it may seem a little scary, but I promise you all, we are perfectly safe here, okay? So make yourselves at home. Come on. We got hamburgers. We got punch.”
Phil’s walkie goes off and you hear James’s voice through the other end “You there, Phil? We're coming in with a 14-J.”
“Roger that, Mr. LaFleur,” Phil’s replies and turns to you. He nods and you nod back, preparing to see your friend again
A DHARMA van stops and Phil speaks up again, “Okay, if I could get everyone to hold back, please, we have a minor security situation.”
James, Jin and Radzinsky step out with Sayid. You watch them all, and you and Sayid make eye contact. You’re surprised to see his eyes widen slightly at the sight of you. You don’t nod or make any acknowledgement that you know him, Phil is too close.
“Move,” Radzinsky says and you can’t help but flinch as they march him away.
“I guess we found Sayid,” You can hear Hurley say and you privately think that this is going to end up being a horrible shit show.
You follow the group despite Phil’s protests as you tag along while they march Sayid down the stairs of the security office and into a prison cell.
“All right, you can hang out here until we can figure out what the hell to do with you,” James says to Sayid and you have to remind yourself his tone is just for appearances sake. You don’t understand why you’re so sensitive
“What are we gonna do with him?” Phil asks James, giving you a sidelong glance. You and Phil have never gotten along. He didn’t like a woman working on the security team, but James insisted.
James sighs deeply before answering, “Bring the man some damn food. We're not savages.” James turns and locks the cell and gives Sayid a glance before walking away.
You want to stay and talk to Sayid. You want to ask him about Ben. Is he still on the mainland in 2007? Is he alive? Did he come with them on the plane? You’re torn and want to stand up for yourself, but Phil tells you to “come along” with a firm grip on your elbow and to have to comply. You give Sayid a tortured look behind Phil’s back and Sayid responds with a sad look and a bowed head.
You win by getting Phil to allow you to watch the security cameras. He sits at his desk, pretending to do work, but you know he's watching you. You sit in one of the chairs facing the screens and just start at Sayid feeling forlorn.
You hear the door open but don't bother to look up. You've been sulking this whole time feeling sorry for yourself. Your ears perk up when you hear a young boy’s voice
“Hey, Phil,” the boy says and you turn around, “I'm just gonna go in there and deliver him a sandwich.”
“All right”, Phil replies, nodding at you to keep an eye out. Your eyes widen as you watch the boy. He looks at you and your eyes lock.
Your heart explodes in familiarity at his eyes and you're in disbelief. The boy turns and walks away, obviously oblivious to what just happened with you. You scramble to your feet despite Phil’s protests and tag along with the boy.
You two enter the cell room. Sayid looks between you and the boy. The boy doesn’t seem to notice
“Hello. I brought you a sandwich,” the boy says and holds a bag through the bars, “I didn't put mustard on it, but if you'd like some, I could get some.”
“This will be fine. Thank you,” Sayid replies. The paper bag crinkles and your throat is dry. The boy looks up at you and you smile apprehensively at him. It’s meant to be reassuring but you don’t think it comes off that way.
“Are you a Hostile?” The boy whispers, looking at you with a terrified expression. You’re unable to say anything.
“Do you think I am?” Sayid shoots back, flicking his eyes over to you every few seconds.
“What's your name?” The boy replies, and it’s a game of questions. You squat down next to the boy, ready to pull him away if Sayid gives away too much information.
“Sayid. What's yours?”
“I'm Ben.”
Suddenly your ears are ringing. You almost fall over but catch yourself on the wall. Sayid is looking at you funny, seemingly shocked as well but more shocked at your reaction.
“It's nice to meet you, Ben,” Sayid replies with his eyes on you.
It’s Ben. It’s young Ben. You had no idea he was with the Initiative. Was he the one who started the Purge? ‘Oh my god’ you think. Young Ben leaves, giving you a weird look. He doesn’t recognize you, but how could he? Time is so fucked up, and you’re not even sure if this is the same Ben that you fell in love with. Will they grow up to be the same?
You press your back up against the nearest wall and slide down onto the floor. Your heart is pounding a bruise into your ribcage and you're lightheaded. Sayid looks at you, seemingly nervous to speak. You wouldn’t know what to say to him anyway. You're feeling way too many things at once to even be able to think about anything but oxygen to your deprived lungs.
Eventually, Phil comes storming in, pulling your shocked form off the floor, and sending you home. It's dark and chilly outside. All the lights of the houses are out except for James and Juliet’s. You don't go see them, you have to go home and process this whole day.
You make it home, barely flicking on a lamp before collapsing into bed in your jumpsuit. You manage to kick off your shoes and shimmy under your bed blankets. Maybe you don't have your Ben back, but at least you have a Ben.
Please let me know if you’d like to be tagged for oneshots!
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mahayanapilgrim · 3 years
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When Venerable Atisha came to Tibet he first went to Ngari, where he remained for two years giving many teachings to the disciples of Jangchub Ö.
After two years had passed he decided to return to India, and Jangchub Ö requested him to give one last teaching before he left.
Atisha replied that he had already given them all the advice they needed, but Jangchub Ö persisted in his request and so Atisha accepted and gave the following advice.
How wonderful!
Friends, since you already have great knowledge and clear understanding, whereas I am of no importance and have little wisdom, it is not suitable for you to request advice from me. However because you dear friends, whom I cherish from my heart, have requested me, I shall give you this essential advice from my inferior and childish mind.
Friends, until you attain enlightenment the Spiritual Teacher is indispensable, therefore rely upon the holy Spiritual Guide.
Until you realize ultimate truth, listening is indispensable, therefore listen to the instructions of the Spiritual Guide.
Since you cannot become a Buddha merely by understanding Dharma, practise earnestly with understanding.
Avoid places that disturb your mind, and always remain where your virtues increase.
Until you attain stable realizations, worldly amusements are harmful, therefore abide in a place where there are no such distractions.
Avoid friends who cause you to increase delusions, and rely upon those who increase your virtue. This you should take to heart.
Since there is never a time when worldly activities come to an end, limit your activities.
Dedicate your virtues throughout the day and the night, and always watch your mind.
Because you have received advice, whenever you are not meditating always practise in accordance with what your Spiritual Guide says.
If you practise with great devotion, results will arise immediately, without your having to wait for a long time.
If from your heart you practise in accordance with Dharma, both food and resources will come naturally to hand.
Friends, the things you desire give no more satisfaction than drinking sea water, therefore practise contentment.
Avoid all haughty, conceited, proud, and arrogant minds, and remain peaceful and subdued.
Avoid activities that are said to be meritorious, but which in fact are obstacles to Dharma.
Profit and respect are nooses of the maras, so brush them aside like stones on the path.
Words of praise and fame serve only to beguile us, therefore blow them away as you would blow your nose.
Since the happiness, pleasure, and friends you gather in this life last only for a moment, put them all behind you.
Since future lives last for a very long time, gather up riches to provide for the future.
You will have to depart leaving everything behind, so do not be attached to anything.
Generate compassion for lowly beings, and especially avoid despising or humiliating them.
Have no hatred for enemies, and no attachment for friends.
Do not be jealous of others’ good qualities, but out of admiration adopt them yourself.
Do not look for faults in others, but look for faults in yourself, and purge them like bad blood.
Do not contemplate your own good qualities, but contemplate the good qualities of others, and respect everyone as a servant would.
See all living beings as your father or mother, and love them as if you were their child.
Always keep a smiling face and a loving mind, and speak truthfully without malice.
If you talk too much with little meaning you will make mistakes, therefore speak in moderation, only when necessary.
If you engage in many meaningless activities your virtuous activities will degenerate, therefore stop activities that are not spiritual.
It is completely meaningless to put effort into activities that have no essence.
If the things you desire do not come it is due to karma created long ago, therefore keep a happy and relaxed mind.
Beware, offending a holy being is worse than dying, therefore be honest and straightforward.
Since all the happiness and suffering of this life arise from previous actions, do not blame others.
All happiness comes from the blessings of your Spiritual Guide, therefore always repay his kindness.
Since you cannot tame the minds of others until you have tamed your own, begin by taming your own mind.
Since you will definitely have to depart without the wealth you have accumulated, do not accumulate negativity for the sake of wealth.
Distracting enjoyments have no essence, therefore sincerely practise giving.
Always keep pure moral discipline for it leads to beauty in this life and happiness hereafter.
Since hatred is rife in these impure times, don the armour of patience, free from anger.
You remain in samsara through the power of laziness, therefore ignite the fire of the effort of application.
Since this human life is wasted by indulging in distractions, now is the time to practise concentration.
Being under the influence of wrong views you do not realize the ultimate nature of things, therefore investigate correct meanings.
Friends, there is no happiness in this swamp of samsara, so move to the firm ground of liberation.
Meditate according to the advice of your Spiritual Guide and dry up the river of samsaric suffering.
You should consider this well because it is not just words from the mouth, but sincere advice from the heart.
If you practise like this you will delight me, and you will bring happiness to yourself and others.
I who am ignorant request you to take this advice to heart.
This is the advice that the holy being Venerable Atisha gave to Venerable Jang Chub Ö.
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the-path-of-zen · 3 years
Response to Ann Gleig and Brenna Artinger
After reading the entire article and reflecting on it for a bit, my only thought is: They are both right and wrong.
To sum up their position: They are claiming that Western Zen and the Buddhist Dharma Centers at large are not doing enough about diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). They cite White Masculinity as the obstetrical that must be purged.
First, ill talk where they are right.
It is true that some of the Buddhist Dharma communities, and Western Zen organizations, have made very little effort to set up ‘missions’ in poor and less affluent areas whereas to spread the teachings of Buddhism. Yet, the San Francisco Zen Center is next door to one of the largest public housing projects in the city, and none of the residents of the housing project attends. Other Zen Dharma centers are also accessible by bus and in areas open to all.
The issue of Western Zen not proselytizing, except on college campuses or in book stores, is an issue and is being addressed, yet it is always a question of cost and resources, and where to best spend them.
The larger Buddhist communities are culturally based and draw upon the ethnic families and relatives of the existing Buddhist church and have no need to reach out and recruit new members.
The only one I know that has reached out to the poor communities is the SGI. It is a Pureland sect of Buddhism and I have no clue as to the success or how DEI they are.
As for gender issues goes, there is a patriarchal and ecclesiastical system that comes from Asia and the Far-east that gives rise to the inequality issues that the authors bring up. Western Zen, which separated from the Far-east lineages, has made great progress towards diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), and I personally know many women teachers, non-binary and trans practitioners.
As for the Dharma centers controlled by the Asian or Far-eastern ethnic groups and countries, the issues of DEI that the authors bring are in fact being discussed with senior Asian and Far-Eastern monks and leaders as to how to proceed. A conversation in a patriarchal and ecclesiastical system takes time, decades at the least.
For where the authors are wrong.
As for the ‘backlash’ that they cite as to what they see as the attempts of DEI, I would say that what they see is more of their own creation than what actually exists. The authors are enraged at the lack of acceptance of their positions within the larger Buddhist sphere and demonstrate impatience with the speed of the inner discussions that the various Buddhist groups are having. In this situation, if one was to bring up the issue of, let's say ordination of a trans-gen into the sangha, there would be significant resistance from the establishment in citing Sutra scripture that prohibits such an ordination, and if such as to occur, the ordained in such a condition and those who participated face the aspects of disassociation from their Buddhist sangha.
Shaming the sanghas and the various members for not accepting what clearly is scripturally non-acceptable creates the backlash that the authors are citing and facing themselves.
Lastly, politics in the Dharma centers is nothing new and is generally accepted as long as it's in alignment with the views of the sangha, so to say that Zen or Buddhism, in general, is apolitical is incorrect. One cannot simply force a political position on a sangha that the individuals are resistant to, or shame them into accepting or action on a position that is contrary to their own core beliefs. If one was to institute changes to a person's core beliefs, then that is brain-washing and the group is then a destructive cult.
The authors also can be accused of making ‘mountains out of molehills’, in some of the Buddhist Blog-O-sphere alt-right figures they cited are not Buddhist leaders and have no real authority or influence in the greater Buddhist sangha. So, the argument that the authors are making strawmen out to be this immediate and dire threat can be made.
The authors in my opinion are attempting to do the following:
Create a struggle Session https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Struggle_session In where they can get their foes to accept their views, or better, to agree with them;
And, secondly, they are attempting to create a schism in Buddhism.
Buddhist disciples are taught to disassociate with those who speak ill against the Buddha, The Dharma, and The Sangha. Those who act badly, who go willfully against the monastic code they swore to uphold, who speak against the teachings of the Buddha will find themselves dissociated; where they are simply a persona-non grata, to be ignored by the sangha and to trespass if on temple properties if found there.
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vajranam · 4 years
Refuge Prayer
I heard these words of the Buddha one time when the Lord was staying in the Mango Grove in the cool shade of the mango trees along the bank of a river in the land of Magadha. The elders Shariputra and Maudgalyayana had recently passed away. It was the full-moon day of the Uposatha Ceremony and the precepts were recited. The Buddha spread out his sitting mat and sat facing the community.  After looking out at those gathered, he said, “As I look at our community, I see a large space left by the Venerables Shariputra and Maudgalyayana. In our Sangha, these venerables were the monks who were the most eloquent in giving Dharma talks, encouraging and instructing all the other monks, nuns, and laypeople. “O monks, people seek two kinds of riches—material riches and the riches of the Dharma. In their search for material riches, they can go to worldly people. In their search for the riches of the Dharma, they could always go to the Venerables Shariputra and Maudgalyayana. The Tathagata is someone who is not searching for anything, whether it is material or the Dharma. “O monks, do not be sad or anxious because Shariputra and Maudgalyayana have passed into nirvana. On large trees, filled with leaves, sumptuous fruits, and flowers, the largest branches always die or are broken first. On jeweled mountains, don’t the highest peaks always erode before the smaller ones? In the Sangha of the Tathagata, the Venerables Shariputra and Maudgalyayana were the greatest students. So it is natural that these venerables would enter nirvana first. Do not give rise to feelings of sorrow or anguish. “All phenomena that are born, exist, and are subject to the influence of other phenomena, in other words, all phenomena that are composite, must abide by the law of impermanence and eventually cease to exist. They cannot exist eternally, without someday being destroyed. Everything we cherish and hold dear today, we will have to let go of and be separated from in the future. In not too long a time, I will also pass away. Therefore, I urge you to practice being an island unto yourself, knowing how to take refuge in yourself, and not taking refuge in anyone or anything else. “Practice taking refuge in the island of the Dharma. Know how to take refuge in the Dharma, and do not take refuge in any other island or person. Meditate on the body in the body, nourishing Right Understanding and mindfulness to master and transform your cravings and anxieties. Observe the elements outside the body in the elements outside the body, nourishing Right Understanding and mindfulness to master and transform your cravings and anxieties. That is the way to take refuge in the island of self, to return to yourself in order to take refuge in the Dharma, and not to take refuge in any other island or thing.” When the bhikshus heard the Buddha offer this teaching, they were all very happy to put it into practice. Samyukta Agama 639 Taisho Revised Tripitaka 99
The Four Immeasurables (with Namo Buddhaya, Namo Dharmaya, Namo Sanghaya)
Namo Guru be
English: I prostrate to the Guru (teacher)
May all beings have happiness and its causes
Namo Buddha ya
English: I prostrate to the Buddha 
May all beings be freed from suffering and all its causes
Namo Dharma ya
English: I prostrate to the Dharma (the teachings)
May all beings constantly dwell in joy transcending sorrow
Namo Sangha ya
English: I prostrate to the sangha (community of Dharma practitioners)
May all beings dwell in equal love for those both close and distant.
The refuge is the center of the Buddha Dharma practices, when we take refuge we also purify ourself.
the Buddha went out from the monastery where he was staying and walked towards a great forest. Seeing him going in that direction various people working in their fields called out to him to warn him that in that forest dwelt the dreaded Angulimala.
Little is known for certain about Angulimala but the usual account of his life has him the son of a well-to-do family and at one time a brilliant student at the University of Taxila, then the Oxbridge of India.
At Taxila, other students were jealous of him and succeeded in poisoning their teacher’s mind against him, with the result that the teacher asked of him what he must have believed would be an impossible honorarium, a thousand human right-hand little fingers. Unbelievably, instead of giving up and quietly going home without graduating, the young man set out to collect the fingers and pay the fee. Presumably, he quickly discovered that people were reluctant to willingly give up their little fingers and so he was forced to resort to violence and killing in order to obtain them.
Then he found he had nowhere to store these fingers. He tried hanging them on a tree but the birds stole them so his solution was to string them around his neck. For this gruesome and growing garland of bloody fingers he was nicknamed Angulimala which means ‘finger garland’ or ‘finger necklace’.
This was the man who, peering out from his lair, spotted the Buddha coming towards him and who that day had round his neck nine hundred and ninety-nine little fingers. This powerful and athletic serial killer, who had already successfully resisted several attempts to apprehend him, grabbed his weapons and dashed out to murder the Buddha and complete his score.
He expected to easily overtake him and quickly finish the job but then a very strange thing happened – even though the Buddha was only walking, serene and unhurried, Angulimala, despite his formidable strength and speed, found he couldn’t catch up with him. Eventually, exhausted, angry, frustrated and soaked with sweat, Angulimala screamed at the Buddha to stop.
Then the Buddha turned and with neither anger or fear, speaking quietly and directly, he told Angulimala that he, the Buddha, had already stopped. He had stopped killing and harming and now it was time for him, Angulimala, to do likewise. Angulimala was so struck by these words that there and then he stopped; he threw away his weapons and followed the Buddha back to the monastery where he became a monk.
Later, the King, ignorant of what had happened, came by leading his troops out to arrest Angulimala. Being a very pious monarch, he called to pay his respects to the Buddha and to inform him of what he was up to. The Buddha asked the King what his reaction would be were he to discover that amongst this assembly of monks sat Angulimala.
To the King it was utterly unbelievable that such a foul and evil person could now be a Buddhist monk and seated amongst such exalted company, but were it the case, he answered, he would certainly pay his respects and make offerings. Then the Buddha stretched forth his right hand and, pointing, announced that there sat Angulimala.
When he’d mastered his fear and recovered from the shock, the King, having paid his respects, said to the Buddha how incredible it was that, “What we have tried to do by force and with weapons you have done with neither force nor weapons!” In the course of time, after a period of some trial to himself, Angulimala did eventually succeed in purging his mind of all greed, hatred and delusion and realised for himself the Buddhist goal of Enlightenment.
The story of Angulimala teaches us that the possibility of Enlightenment may be awakened in the most extreme of circumstances, that people can and do change and that people are best influenced by persuasion and above all, example.
The Buddha gave one practice to angulimala was to recite all time the refuge prayer to clear is mind.
The refuge prayer got the double straight of protecting and purifying.
Namo Gurubye prayers was use in the Buddhist origins.
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