#the dirty 30s amiright?
insomniac-arrest · 2 years
"I wasted my 20s", cool man, just in time for all the gay sex and weird tattoos you're about to have in your 30s
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mandivsman-blog · 3 years
Speaking of being stupid. Someone has been trying to inch there way back into my life recently in a sneaky, immature way.
I haven’t developed feelings for many men in the past few years. I wasn’t particularly interested in relationships. Plus, I have so many options I was just enjoying my life and experimenting with different things. I was hyper focused on growth and what I wanted. Also, I was traveling a lot and wasn’t ready to include another person in my decision making. I think it was..August, I met this man, I refer to him as airforce (obviously he was in the airforce). Now, I wouldn’t normally date a person in the service. There’s a group subconscious in service men that well don’t jive with my ethics, and the people who know me know ethics are extremely important to me. He seemed different. He was from Montana, relatively quiet, brilliant, read constantly, and smoking fucking hot. Top 3 most attractive men I’ve dated. I mean, he was/is like irresistible to me. Handsome, nice lips (big for me), dressed well, 10/10 body, tattoos, awesome haircut (also big for me), and the most perfect Cock I have ever seen. When I say perfect cock, I mean, I wanted to photograph it and hang it on the wall. Sometimes, I would just hold it in my hand and look at it...look HARD. Now, he was extremely meh at the sex. Nice dick doesn’t automatically mean good at sex. He went for waaaaaayyyyy too long and he was big so sometimes I just grit and beared it until he was finished. But, he was a great kisser and cuddler. People don’t understand that kissing and cuddling after sex is just as part of sex for some people as the actual acts are.
Anyway, he planned amazing dates, was affectionate, successful, and he was an independent politically. That’s important to be in this age because the political climate is extremely black and white at the moment and being an independent shows me he didn’t let the military sub culture affect his decision making skills. A real free thinker.
But, alas, this man lied to me and after that, I was done. No back and forth with him. This is the 3rd time he’s tried to reconnect with me. The time before this current time, he reswiped me on a dating app and I answered and said “why”. He said blah blah blah, yatta yatta yatta. I wasn’t reading. At the end, he wanted to exchange information again so we could take more and I told him he was out of his mother fucking mind of which he ignored and tried to ask me how I was doing. I left him on read and went about my business.
Fast forward, about a month on so ago, out of no where he likes a few of my pics on Facebook. Then, a week ago, asks to follow my personal Instagram. I accept because, why not. Then, heart eyes some of my stories of which I leave on read. Finally, asks me “How are you?”
First off, if you’re a man doing this, stop it. Fucking stop it. Grow a pair and ask me what you want. What do you want? I have zero patience for this even though I suppose I do it somewhat.
Do as I say, not as I do, AMIRIGHT?
I’m 30 and I’m over it. To me, this behavior says “I’m casting out lines and waiting for something to bite”
This is humiliating to me. A man thinking that he can just come and go when he needs companionship is just, a fucking disgrace.
A man trying to make me one of several is also humiliating.
Like, boi, go get some bitches that hate themselves and throw that dirty ass dick to them.
To me, that situation ruins the sanctity of any type of relationship, even primarily sexual ones. He doesn’t care about any of them as human beings. He doesn’t want to improve or add to their lives. He’s just making sure HIS needs are met. He tells them whatever they want to hear. All he’s got is dick and hope. Most of the time, these types of men lie or omit this for fear of losing. Again, this lack of information limits the informed decisions that the woman’s make.
If she would otherwise prefer to not be with a man who is entertaining multiple women then the person lying about that is securing the relationship by deception.
Sounds to me like a pathetic, weak way to secure a relationship. Sounds exhausting. Sounds like eventually when the masks come off, the relationship will explode.
Now, going on other dates and being honest about it makes sure that there’s no bad energy on either side. Both parties can make informed decisions to what they want. Without that honesty, one person begins to care for a person who never really existed.
Maybe there’s women who are okay with a man they’ve developed feelings for building relationships and sleeping with other people. There’s a name for this, polyamory. If a person wants polyamory then that’s what they should seek, polyamorous people. Instead, they hope to trap and trick mono women into caring for them, gaslight them if the women bring up fears or concerns all in the hopes they don’t get caught. Hoping if they do get caught, a women dislikes herself enough that she believes she doesn’t deserve better and sticks around.
This behavior is not fair. And, if you’re a person who perpetrates this behavior, it’s not fair to you too. ThisBehavior limits the connection and security you can feel from people. It numbs and dulls the senses. Quality of life a person receives from their relationships diminishes. They won’t be satisfied with anything simple, everything will have to be complicated for their attention to be held. 
But anyway, Air Force is still like, deliciously hot but I do not forget what he did and I will not see him again. I accepted his follow request on insta and he keeps 😍 my stories and liking pictures. I only did that so he can take a look and realize, once again, he ain’t shit. Apparently, this is some type of language doing those things via social media.
Now, say, AF had messaged me and said something along the lines of “Hey, I’ve been thinking about you lately and wanted to know if you’d possibly want to reconnect? I’ve grown a lot this year and I think you’d like to get to know the new me.” Or some variation of “I’VE CHANGED AND I WANT TO SEE.” If that were the case I might bone a bone his way and grab brunch with him but he doesn’t have the plums to communicate directly OR he knows his intentions aren’t to reconnect but to fuck.
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astrellium · 5 years
doooooo all the even asks siobahn
holy shit oh my god okay (this is a tall order but I’m grateful as I’m trying to distract myself from some things)
2. what would you name your future kids?
Even if I wanted human children, I couldn’t trust myself to not name them something lame and nerdy as shit. I have a lot of name ideas for cats though, especially black cats!! Unfortunately, I’m drawing a blank on some of my favorite ideas, but think names like “Entropy” and “Syzygy” ...I’ll definitely yell them out when I remember some of the others.
4. what are you looking forward to?
Not being sad and stressed lmao
6. is it hard for you to get over someone?
It takes me awhile, so I guess so, but it’s one of those things where once I get over them (or anything in general really), I don’t really remember what it was like to go through it.
8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed?
God yeah
10. are you good at hiding your feelings?
I wanna say yes, but no.
12. what is something you want right now?
A modest disposable income? A bf? a gf?? LOVE?? Happiness?? A small Victorian style cottage in the woods?? Lots.
14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you?
Probably my dad and probably sometime in the last week
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?
Oh, definitely. I try to be open and honest whenever I can (I’m a shite liar anyway), but I do hold back if it’s too embarrassing to me, or if I think it could do more harm than good.
18. do you miss how thing were a year ago?
Yes, but also no? I don’t exactly MISS how things were a year ago (honestly from 2016 until now, a lot is just blurry), as I wasn’t in any better kind of a place (might’ve been worse, but again, blurry), but I do wish I could go back and redo some things.
20. what is your favourite song at the moment?
Really jiving with Type O Negative’s Black No. 1, like the wannabe trad loser I am
22. description of crush.
Can’t say I have a crush on anyone specific atm, but if you want some Juicy Deets on people I have been into/what I like in general, ask me privately!!
(also I honestly can’t conjure up a detailed answer rn because my brain is very scattered)
24. height
5′6″, 5′7″ on a good day
26. idol(s)
Oh, there are so many people I look up to! Notably my favorite authors and artists-- Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett, David Bowie, van Gogh, Hedy Lamarr, and TONS of historical figures who are just the coolest (Read Rejected Princesses, y’all) Honestly, all the amazing people out there I love deserve their own post, especially when I’m coherent enough to come up with more than a handful.
28. i’ll love you if…
Honestly? If I can truly be comfortable around you.
30. favourite tv show(s)
Take ONE look at my blog and see if you can guess
32. are your friends mainly girls or guys?
A pretty even mix of guys, gals, and nonbinary pals
34. most embarrassing moment
ugh god what’s NOT an embarrassing moment amiright (this is one of those things where if you Really want to know, I’ll talk more in private but I don’t feel up to dragging out dirt in public.. even if it’s my own)
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?
-Travel long-term to Ireland, New Zealand, Scandinavia, and India (among other places)
-Idyllic pastoral existence subsistence farming and tending to my art projects
-Go to space!!
38. favourite comedian(s)
I’m a Millennial/Gen Z kid.. I like John Mulaney
40. favourite memory
This is gonna sound sad... I honestly can’t think of any at the moment that aren’t in some way affected/tainted by me being a fuckup in some way or another, even just tangentially.
42. favourite book(s)
Take ONE look at my blog and see if you can guess
44. age you get mistaken for
It’s either 12 or 22, man, no in between
46. what my last text message says
48. turn offs
I really don’t have enough (any) real life experience to be able to say for sure, but reading really overt dirty talk just makes me feel uncomfy
50. favourite picture of your idol
I’ve got a lot of pictures of all these people that I like but you just can’t beat
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52. something i’m talented at
I’m a pretty good cook, and I’m doing my best to get better at the kinds of art I’m into--drawing, writing, sewing, and jewelry, namely
54. something thats worrying me at the moment
Am STILL trying to get my high school diploma, and even though there’s just a negligible amount left for me to do, it’s really hard for me to get it done, and I worry that it’ll take me so long that I’ll end up having to do more than I bargained on--I was supposed to be in the graduating class of 2018 (and MAYBE still am cause my school’s an alternative one and they’re good at making accomodations), and starting with the class of 2019, the number of credits required to graduate took a huge leap, so I worry that my time’s running out to be able to graduate with just the 2018 number of credits.
56. favourite food(s)
Look, I’d kill a man over a good tikka masala
58. description of my best friend
Pretty, sweet, and shaped like a friend!
60. ask me anything you want
you... you didn’t ask me.. you gotta send another with your free ask
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elleiam · 5 years
Fulbright Korea ETA: Fall Daily Schedule
I’ve been wanting to type this up for a while now, as I saw one on another Gakri blog from way back when that calmed a lot of nerves when I was looking forward to what life might be like past the bubble of Orientation. 
But, of course, if you are reading this right now either as a prospective applicant or someone who just found out you’ll be at Gakri (welcome to the chaos), keep in mind the mantra of Fulbright: it depends. My schedule is just one of 115 for this current year, and what my life is like at my placement has differences from everyone else’s, as theirs is different from mine. Regardless, this is what a weekday generally looks like for me!
7:40: Eyes open - it used to be 6:50 in September, 7:20 in October, 7:30 in November, and here we are in December. I still leave the house at the same time though. I no longer wake up to an alarm, just my host mom saying “지후! 일어나 일어나!” (Jihoo! Wake up! Wake up!) followed a minute later by a louder “지후!!!! 일어났어?? 일어나!!” (Jihoo! Did you wake up? Wake up!) She then blasts the news from the kitchen, which thank goodness for because that’s usually what’ll finally convince my brain that it’s time to start the day.
7:50: Eat breakfast - my host mom comes up with different menus every day. It ranges from manduguk (dumpling soup), to egg and spam sandwiches, to udon, to kimchi fried rice. 
8:00 or 8:15: Leave for school - I try to leave at 8 when it’s the start of a new lesson and I have to set up the computer for my first period class. The computer in my classroom is ancient and runs so slowly that it generally takes me 20 to 25 minutes to do the following four actions: 1) turn on the computer 2) open chrome 3) get to google drive 4) open my ppt. That’s crazy, right? My co-teacher and I both mourned together when her application to get a new computer was rejected. If I don’t have a first period, I’ll leave at 8:15.
8:15-8:29: Get to school - I’m supposed to be at school before 8:30 and I’ve yet to get to my office after the bell rang (go me!). Since I don’t have homeroom, which is from 8:30-8:40, it really doesn’t matter if I’m late, but it’s the principle of it! If it’s a set-up-a-new-lesson day, I dash to my classroom as soon as I drop my stuff off in the office praying the computer will cooperate.
8:50-12:20: The first four classes of the day. Each class is 45 minutes with a 10 minute passing period. Sometimes 45 minute goes on forever, and sometimes it’s like where did the time go?? I always have a co-teacher with me in the classroom but usually they just glare at loud students and help translate when I look at them pleadingly. They let me have full control of the classroom, which I really appreciate! I always feel like they’ve got my back but never feel like they’re crowding. #dreamteam
I generally teach 3-4 classes a day of 30-33 students each (that’s 500+ students total and no I haven’t memorized names), which means I have a lot of time at my desk. Up until November, I pretty much spent all my time lesson planning. I didn’t understand the concept of desk warming because I was always busy. As the semester comes to a close though, I definitely have a lot less stress and therefore a lot more free time at my desk. Usually I’ll do Infusion stuff (now that gmail consistently works woot woot) or read ~
12:00-1:35: Lunch officially starts at 12:20, but if I don’t have a 4th period, we get to go grab lunch 20 minutes earlier. It’s nice because then you can eat and hear your thoughts at the same time. Gakri is giant with over 1,000 students, so they have to make lunch 75 minutes in order to make sure every student eats. It’s such a long time, but so nice when you just ain’t ready to teach those afternoon classes just yet.
1:35-3:15: The next two classes of the day
3:15-3:35: Cleaning time! Gakri is a really dirty school. There’s just too many kids and they’re at that age where dirt just doesn’t bother them. They drag their shoes along the walls and roll around in the hallways even though it’s covered in dust and hair. shivers. Some lovely girls from class 9 are in charge of cleaning my classroom, and we usually have a good time. I’ll sneak them some candy, play music from the speakers, and complain about how gross the boys are... I love when one of them comes in and just goes “Uh, Lauren. What happened today? The classroom is so.... messy...”
3:35-4:20: The final class of the day. Thank goodness I only teach this period once a week because no student is ever thinking about school during this time.
Here is video evidence of that crazy. (I love this class btw). Things to note: the volume of the students and the fact that these two girls were straight up jumping like frogs back there before I threatened (and then obviously followed through) to film them.
4:30: Time to go home! Sometimes I’ll meet up with Louise, who teaches at a high school nearby, for tea. If not, I go home and just chill out in my bed for an hour... or two ~oops not productive~
Anytime between 5:30 and 8:00: Dinner time - because of hagwons and my mom’s job running her own class, our dinner times vary every day, but I think after four months I’ve finally figured out when we eat each day. Mondays 6:30, Tuesdays 8, Wednesdays 7, Thursdays 5:30/6, Friday 8. Boom. The dad eats at his company and comes home late often, so it’s just the four of us, but it’s nice to get this family time! 
After dinner: I often help with the dishes and then go back to my room to do any of the following: study Korean, watch youtube, do some stuff for Infusion, write a blog post, read. Sometimes you can catch me playing games or just talking with Jaehee, my host sister.
9:00: Four times a week I teach my host siblings English and Chinese, twice each. English is fun because it’s an excuse for me to dig into my host brother’s life and actually get him to tell me things about his life, sneaky huh. Chinese is a little more stressful because they knew nothing before we started, and I’ve never taught fundamental Chinese grammar before, what even is that! I worry that I often make it harder than it needs to be because I’m trying to figure it out myself still... 
11:00: Time for bed - Just kidding! Fooled ya. Actually in September and October I actually slept at this time, but now I’ll just tell my host fam that I’m off to bed and then stay up for another hour or two reading.
And that’s my day! Weekends are a whole different story, but generally from Monday to Friday you can find me following this pretty much to the tee. Gotta love that routine, amiright? And somehow because I’m in a different country not a single day feels quite like the one before.
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taeboos · 7 years
baby daddy! taehyung
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 okay so like i was gonna work on my prince!taehyung oneshot but i kept thinking about tae being a dad and i just got so emo and here are my ramblings
let me just start off saying that tae would be like the best husband in the entire world like he’d love and care for you with his entire being 
he’d spoon hug you at night time and hold your hand  and whisper how much he loves you in that deep voice by your ear until u fall into a deep sleep while being caressed in his arms 
hes like that kind of guy who would just love to wake you up in the moring tho 
and your like 
its like 7:30 wyd 
and he’s just like the sunshine himself like he shines so bright in the morning and literally he wants to get up early bc he wants to cherish every moment of you being beside him 
jfdklsfjlksdfjls and like!!!!! you’d complain bc like.....ur not the moring type yah know sleep is gr8 and he’d ultimately win bc he has this puppy face and would take ur hands and play with them and swing them to wake you up 
he’s basically a grown child 
okAY and so like why do i not see him being the type to romanticize the whole doing the ‘boom-boom’ 
i feel like he’d be the type to just like rush into it like ‘bAbE I WANT kIDS liKE ASAP’ 
but then again he wouldn’t rush you or pressure you or anything he’d wait for you 
and like one night you did it ok you did the boom-boom alright and like it was great obvs 
ill let u be dirty by yourselves im not going to go into that rn this is a fluff post 
quench ur thirst elsewhere 
anywhoo a few weeks pass and like you are getting that morning sickness yeah? I mean i never been preggers but im going off basic knowledge?? 
so okay like you wake up in the middle of the night like 3 in the morning and like tae wakes up of course and you are like in the bathroom spilling your guts out and at first ur like super confused and tae is worried as hell
but then his eyes just light up out of no where and ur like ??? 
“ARE YOU PREGNANT”??? like the question just busts out of him like a popped balloon ok he’s like half excited and half anxious and worried for you and he starts pacing the bathroom 
and ur like babe??? calm down idk if im pregnant ok i might just be sick?? 
and he looks at you and gets on his knees alright and looks you in the eyes and he just like “im going to walmart” and ur like 
that boy is already out the door with his pajamas still on ok like he gives zero fucks like he needs to know noW 
he slams that pregnancy test on the conveyor belt and he’s legit jumping up and down bc he wants to get back to his wiFE 
and the cashier lady is tired asf and like “whats dis mofo doing here kjdsklgjls” and then she smiles and says “good luck~” 
sO tae gets back home ok and he hands u the thing and ur like alright alrigHT 
and that boy will not leave ur side ok u better know it and ur like tae??? ummmmm can i please pee on this thing in peace thx 
and hes like oh shit sorry 
so u pee on the stick and guess whattttt 
ur preggers 
u kinda just exit the bathroom with a sly smile on your face
and tae has bulging eyes waiting for a response 
“im pregnant” 
you better bet your sweet little ass he’s gonna be all over you he’s gonna be swinging u around and kissing your face and crying 
and seeing him crying makes u cry and next thing you know the next morning your letting the fam know
everyone is just like congrats!!!!!
and now comes the nine months where tae is legit your body gaurd like he is so protective 
he was protective to begin with but now its like he took some super dad power pills and he is always attached to u like everywhere you look tae is there like a leech attached to your back 
hed be feeding you breakfast every morning and go throughout your day eating healthy meals 
gotta make sure that baby is nourished!!!!!!
im crying ok omg breAK 
back ok liSTEN 
you would get that baby bump and he’d rub your belly all the time and he’d jump out of his skin when the baby moves or kicks and he’s just “!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” 
and your lauging and he wants to cry again bc he is so in awe like ?? thats his baby moving around in there 
and he’d want to sing to the baby all the time like 
youd be lying in bed and hed start singing little nursery rhymes and your heart just swells and the baby can detect that sort of thing??? and it starts to move around around and you tell tae that the baby likes his singing and that makes him do it even more often
also not to mention being pregnant is effing painful so he’d always be there to rub your aching back and give you butterfly kisses all the time to ease your pain
okay and then you go and u find out the sex of your baby and like you think its gonna be a boy but tae thinks its gonna be a girl idk why i just feel like tae would want a girl 
so u go and you find out that it’s a girl!!!!!!!!! and tae won’t leave u alone abt how he was right 
and u decide on a name and no doubt its cute ofc 
okay so your whole pregnancy goes like this and so then 
ur water breaks 
oh shit amiright 
tae freaks the fuck out but like not as much as you were 
like your in pain and hoLY FuCK they baby iS coMING nOW 
and yout screaming and tae is trying to be calm but he’s runnning around and trying to get you into the car and he’s freaking out while driving like 
he’s like speeding down the highway to get to the hospital ok 
this boy has got zero chill 
he half carries you into the hospital and everything happens to fast
hes sitting beside you holding your hand tight as your screaming your lungs out giving birth 
and tae is half-way feeling guilty that you’re going through this pain 
but fAST foRWARD and your healthy baby girl is born!!!! 
and like at first tae was about to bounce on the doctors like he wants his kid now but they had to go clean her up 
and when they finish tae holds her little body in his arms and he’s crying 
“look at her” 
“she’s so beautiful” 
“it’s my baby” 
he looks at you then with tears gleaming in his eyes 
and he brings her over to you and your holding her and you can’t believe you did it 
as ur baby girl grows up like tae is such a protective father 
he’d proababy want to cry if she ever got hurt 
and you notice that as she grew that she had tae’s sparking eyes and gleaming box smile that you always adored you 
she had your cute nose 
and face shape 
Tae would try so hard to make her look so cute like braid her hair and pick out cute clothes and you’d just smile and let him be 
him being happy with your child was enough to make your insides melt 
he’d be that dad who’d volunteer to change the diapers and get up in the morning and your just like babe!!! i got it its fine!!!! im ok i can do it!!!! 
and after seeing you go through that pain for 9 months he wants to repay you back and in turn he also gets to spend time with his kid and he is happy doing it 
youd both play with that baby all the time and be all over the floor with that baby ok and the squeal of joy that erupts from that childs mouth is what fuels tae and you to keep living in this beautiful world
when it comes time for her to go to school hed be so scared like hes letting his baby girl go off alone??? nO 
and ur like tae its alright babe its ok its good for her and he gets that but still??? 
also your daughter would have that same laugh that tae does and every time she does it your stomach gets butterflies 
and whenever she cried tae would be like the first one at the scene 
and whenever she had her temper tantrums he’d be the one to baby her 
and your like tae we cant do that we gotta have disipline 
and hes not having it
that baby is gonna be so spoiled rotten omg 
lord help us all 
but the thing is that baby will have the best parents in the entire universe like nothing can change that fact at all 
that baby is gonna grow up living a happiness filled life ok 
i really hope ya’ll enjoyed it!!!!
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sgt-peppersmanager · 7 years
Do 1-102 😎😎😎 also you're a super cool human being just thought I'd let you know
OMG! Thank you anon!!💙💙💙
1.) what’s a song you depict with your childhood?• Come on Eileen by Dexy Midnight Runners. My aunt played a lot of 80s music for me when I was a kid, and she would sit down and show me music videos from when she was teenager.
2.) did you have a memorable childhood pet? • Yes! Two beagles. Donkey (the name kills me) and Loki. They were brothers.
3.) have you ever been drunk?• Yes, many times. My tolerance is top notch now tho 
4.) have you ever tried drugs?• No actually. 
5.) have you ever completely regretted what you’ve said?• Yes almost everyday.
6.) have you ever made someone cry?• I don’t know if I have actually. 
7.) has someone ever made you cry?• Oh my goodness yes.
8.) have you ever been in love? if so, describe the moment you knew it. • Yes, sadly. Well we were on a sofa in my basement, I was cuddled up in his arms, and we had a Beatles album playing on my record player. The song was And I Love Her, and I honestly can’t remember exactly what he said (funny how things change because I said I would never forget) but it was something along the lines of “haha man this song is how I feel.” Which I kinda ignored cause I figured he didn’t mean that but he said he loved me, I looked at him and said “do you mean that?” And he said “if what I feel for you when I’m with you isn’t love, then I don’t know what is.” And it was that moment where I kinda hit me that I loved that boy all along. Now I hate his guts, again funny how things change. 
9.) which came first the chicken or the egg?• Ted Allen. 
10.) are you part of the lgbtq+ community? do you support them?• Yes! People should be allowed to marry and love who they want regardless of your personal belief! Plus I’m bisexual. 😎
11.) how many siblings do you have?• One older sister and I hate her. 😊
12.) have you ever been in love with someone you couldn’t love?• Yes? Maybe? Idk. 
13.) are you a good cook?•Yes I’ve been cooking since I was 6. 
14.) what is your favorite tv show?• Always Sunny in Philadelphia. I’m trying to find another show though. Always accepting recommendations 👀
15.) what is the last movie you cried during?• Dead Poet’s Society 
16.) what are songs you’ve cried to when you first heard them? (if any)• School Days by The Kinks, Captain Jack by Billy Joel, and High Enough by Damn Yankees cause I’m a fucking dork who heard it after I got my heart broke. 
17.) do you have a middle name?• Elizabeth. Don’t forget the Z, they always forget the z. 
18.) have you been out of your country?• Nope.
19.) are you a chocolate fan or not?• Yes I love dark chocolate and any vegan chocolate. 
20.) how many people have you kissed?• one. 
21.) what is your favorite album?• America’s Least Wanted by Ugly Kid Joe probably. 
22.) what is your dream car?• I always feel so judged when I say what cars I want around my friends, because I know a lot of car enthusiasts. All honesty though I want either an old Chevy camper van because shagwagon amiright, or a hearse like in the Warriors 😂
23.) what is your lucky/favorite number?• 25 or 8
24.) what is your favorite flower?• Roses!!!
25.) books or movies, why?• I love both but I’ll pick movies because I have trouble getting my mind to focus when I read, I’m trying to help myself with that though. 
26.) have you ever been on a blind date?• Nope. 
27.) has one of your friends ever backstabbed you?• Yes. 
28.) have you ever backstabbed one of your friends?• Ugh yes. Never again. 
29.) what thing do you symbolize love with?• Death. Eventually its gotta end one way or another. 
30.) do you have neat handwriting? • Nooooo but my cursive is pretty. Not many people know how to read it so I don’t get to use it much 😢
31.) do you have a friend with benefits?• Nope. 
32.) do you want a friend with benefits?• Eh. Depends on the person. 
33.) if you could be anything in the world, what would you be?• Someone who actually makes a decent living lol 
34.) have you ever been blackout drunk?
• No actually. 35.) have you ever met someone famous?• Nope. 
36.) how many concerts have you been to?• 1, technically 2
37.) which concerts have you been to?• White Reaper. I’ve been to local punk stuff downtown if you want to count that. 
38.) do you have a hidden talent?• Not really. None that I know of. 
39.) what do you do when you’re stressed?• usually lay on my floor and wait for panic attacks to stop and listen to music. 
40.) do you think money can buy love?• well 🎶I don’t care too much for money cause money can’t buy me love 🎵
41.) how old would you date?Well right now the oldest I’ll date is 20 because I’m 17. But when I turn 18 probably date anyone within 10 years of my age, I guess it depends on who it is. 
42.) have you ever done something illegal?• No. i am a perfect innocent little child 😏(lol I’m so full of shit)
43.) what is your biggest fear?• big bodies of water and never escaping my family. 
44.) what is an unusual fear you have?• big bodies of water lol
45.) can you drive?• mhm! 
46.) do you believe in supernatural creatures?• yes!
47.) do you believe in karma?• sometimes????
48.) what is one quality you need in your partner?• sense of humor. 
49.) do looks matter?• eh it’s hard to say because only do you know what you think is “ugly” and what’s “beautiful.” Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 
50.) does size matter?• 👀
51.) who is the last person you forgave?• Gabe
52.) what is your favorite ice cream flavor?• Superman, mint chocolate chip, or cookies and cream. But I haven’t found any good vegan substitutes for them 😢
53.) what languages can you speak besides english? • none. 
54.) ever been on a plane?• Yup! 
55.) ever been on a boat? • Yup!
56.) is there anyone you’ve lost touch with that you wish you hadn’t? • of course. 
57.) are there any friendships you regret?• YES. 
58.) are there any friendships you wish you could make?• Yesssssssss 
59.) have you ever stayed awake for 24 (+) hours?• Yup…
60.) have you ever walked outside after 12 am?• Yup!!!
61.) have you ever seen a sunrise completely through?• Yes I have. I get sorta sick a lot (hard to explain) and some nights I only sleep 2 hours so I’ve seen a lot of sunrises. 
62.) are you scared of rollercoasters? • depends on the rollercoaster 
63.) on a scale of 1-10 how stressed are you usually?• 9.5 
64.) do you have any plans this weekend?• Sitting in my room working on an art project and hopefully playing guitar and finishing up homework
65.) do you miss anyone right now?• Yes. 
66.) who do you wish you were talking to right now?• Lots of people.
67.) if you could have any superpower, what would it be?• Invisibility or mind reading. 
68.) who is your favorite superhero?• Quicksilver, Spider-Man, or Deadpool. Comics are kewl. 
69.) are you dirty minded?• Lol yes. I’m an immature asshole. 
70.) what is your favorite song from every decade starting at that 80’s?• 80s - Pretty in Pink by Psychedelic Furs • 90s- Santeria by Sublime or Ironic by Alanis Morissette • 00s - Blue Orchid by The White Stripes 
• 10s - I mean the decade isn’t over yet but digging Judy French by White Reaper a lot. 😎71.) how many kids, if any, do you want?• AGHHHH uhhhh people are gonna freak when I say 3 or 5 but yup. I want a lot. I guess I just wanna have a big happy family for once. 
72.) who is your biggest OTP?• Anastasia and Dimitri
73.) what is your favorite food?• Guacamole 
74.) do you want to be married one day?• Yes. 
75.) dogs or cats?• Both. 
76.) do you drink enough water daily?• 100 oz every damn day baby
77.) have you ever seen a shooting star?• yes only once. 
78.) if you had the opportunity to go to the moon, would you?• I would but not alone. 
79.) how many best friends do you have?• idk really. 
80.) when was the last time you cried?
• few minutes ago lol 81.) have you ever laughed so hard you peed yourself?•no actually. 
82.) have you ever made anyone laugh so hard they peed?• yes. 
83.) if you could travel any where in the world, where would you go?• Europe. 
84.) what are 3 words you would use to describe yourself?• Total Fuck Up. 
85.) do you consider yourself a loyal person?• yes. I usually don’t leave unless you’re a shitty person to me or someone else. 
86.) what is your favorite season and why?• Fall and Winter cause sweaters, hot food, warm drinks, cuddles 
87.) have you ever told anyone you loved them, and didn’t mean it?• Yes but not in a romantic sense. I say it to my family all the time. 
88.) do you know how to play any instruments?• yes! Guitar. 
89.) do you like falling asleep to music or not?• Depends on the night I’m having, but usually yes. 
90.) what are you allergic to?• Cats, I have seasonal allergies, and rabbits
91.) have you ever wanted to be someone else for a day just so you could see what there life is like?• Yes. 
92.) if you could be any character from your favorite tv show would you, and if so, who would you be?• Probably Charlie from Always Sunny because it just seems like an adventure. Lol
93.) if you could be best friends with any celebrity who would it be and why?• Nick Cave because we both have similar artistic visions and mind sets. 
94.) are you outgoing?• sometimes! 
95.) have you ever wanted to kiss someone, but weren’t brave enough to?• Ugh yes. 
96.) are you a good flirt?• I’ve been told I am by many, but I don’t think so. 
97.) have you ever been turned down, or have you ever turned anyone down?• Yes to both. 
98.) which planet is your favorite?
• Neptune or Saturn. 99.) are you superstitious?• Yes. 
100.) are you a good listener? • I like to think so! I don’t always have good advice but I try my best to be there and help. 
101.) are you a good kisser• I’ve been told I “make it difficult to walk after"👀 I honestly don’t know if that’s good or not. So yes???? I guess???? I can’t really kiss myself. 
102.) would you kiss any of your friends?• Sure. Almost kissed a few actually, and I always tell them when I almost do and why I almost did because I feel the need to lol.
1 note · View note
faucetdouble51-blog · 5 years
Maple Tahini Low Carb Brownies
Maple Tahini Low Carb Brownies are made with healthy substitutes for butter, sugar, and carbs, so this is a healthier brownie recipe! These fudgy paleo friendly avocado brownies are low carb, refined sugar free, grain free, and delicious!
You have been warned. The next 2 recipes posts are baked treats, healthier refined sugar free treats, but still —> baked treats. What can I say? Fall baking mode has hit me hard already. Well, and Fall Air Frying Food. that’s a thing, right? Kidding. Anyways, let’s all pretend it’s a crisp 55F out and crank on the oven some more. Mmm k?
You see, when it comes to making brownies, there are certain things that, IMHO, shouldn’t be messed with. For example, brownies should always be fudgy. If I want cake-like brownies, I’ll bake a chocolate cake, or make any of my no bake chocolate cake bites; I don’t usually mess with perfection.
But, I admit that I wouldn’t be your favorite place to get dessert recipes if I didn’t make them HEALTHIER desserts, amiright? That’s why I took a vegan avocado brownie recipe and made some simple, healthy substitutes for butter, sugar, and grains, so these Maple Tahini Low Carb Brownies are even healthier for you!
You’re about to get mesmerized by the swirly chocolatey tahini goodness. Ohhh and ahhhh…
Well the tahini chocolate swirly topping was the easy part! Finding the right balance of fudgy and not too cakey was hard part. First world problems here ya’ll. But alas, 3rd times a charm on these bad boys! But phew, I did it! Finally. Low Carb Brownies… so worth it! You’ll see why in a minute.
The Making of Healthy Chocolate Brownies
To make this a gluten free, grain free, refined sugar free, and low carb brownies recipe, a few healthy ingredient swaps were needed. Here’s what we did.
Healthy Substitutes for Butter
We use avocado instead of butter. Avocado brownies are extra fudgy anyway, and leaving the butter out of the recipe makes them dairy free avocado brownies! Don’t worry, I have a vegan avocado chocolate sugar cookie recipe too. All bases covered here ya’ll!
Other healthy substitutes for butter in dairy free and/or vegan dessert recipes:
coconut oil
unsweetened applesauce
More Healthy Swaps in the Low Carb Brownies
To make the Maple Tahini Low Carb Brownies recipe grain free, we use Xylitol and/or maple syrup instead of brown sugar. This swap also makes the brownies low carb and refined sugar free.
Using melted dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate pumps up the antioxidant properties and lowers the sugar.
Okay, who’s hangry? *Raises hand, both hands* One for a brownie, one for high fiving you for reading all the way through to the recipe. LOL!
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Maple Tahini Low Carb Brownies
Maple Tahini Low Carb Brownies are made with healthy substitutes for butter, sugar, and carbs, so it’s a healthier brownie recipe!
2 small ripe avocados
2 eggs (room temp is best)
1/4 c unsweetened cocoa powder
6 tbsp almond flour
1 tbsp arrowroot starch or coconut flour
1 tsp Vanilla
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/2 c xylitol sugar or other sugar substitute (see notes)
pinch of Cinnamon
1/3 c tahini
2 tbsp maple syrup (optional)
1/4 c dark chocolate chips (to melt)
optional chopped  nuts to top
Pre-heat oven to 350F.
Line a square 8×8 baking pan, with parchment paper. Set aside
In a mixing bowl or food processor, blend together your avocado, eggs, cocoa. This will create a fudge like texture.
Next add in your flours and sugar blend or mix again until batter is smooth. use a spatula to scrape down the mix and mix again if needed. Just be sure not to over mix or the batter they will not be fudgy.
Transfer to mixing bowl.
Next mix in your  vanilla, baking soda, salt, and pinch of cinnamon.
Pour batter into baking pan and smooth out to edges.
In another small bowl, melt your dark chocolate chips, either by stove top or in microwave.
Mix in your maple syrup and tahini and gently swirl together.
Spread this on top of the brownie batter. Optional nuts to top.
Bake for 25-30 minutes or until center comes out clean with tooth pick
remove from oven and let cool for 10 minutes on counter then 5 minutes in fridge to set.
Slice and serve. Freeze or keep in fridge for best storage.
Feel free to use raw sugar, coconut palm sugar, or date sugar instead of xylitol. Calories and carb count will vary.
If you are baking at altitude, check brownies at 22 -25 minutes. Oven times vary.
Keywords: brownies, low carb, sugar free, healthy, tahini, gluten free, dairy free
Want to try another great dark chocolate brownie recipe? Make a batch of Dirty Chai Dark Chocolate Flourless Brownies, and then try not to eat them all in one sitting.
You see, these are so healthy you can have them for breakfast. Or did I take that too far? Possibly, but either way you’ve got a low carb brownies recipe that is easy to make, delicious, fudgy, refined sugar free, and better for you! That’s winning in my book.
Favorite Brownie Recipe? Avocado/oil free or real butter? You decide!
Source: https://www.cottercrunch.com/maple-tahini-low-carb-brownies/
0 notes
agendahammer79-blog · 5 years
Maple Tahini Low Carb Brownies
Maple Tahini Low Carb Brownies are made with healthy substitutes for butter, sugar, and carbs, so this is a healthier brownie recipe! These fudgy paleo friendly avocado brownies are low carb, refined sugar free, grain free, and delicious!
You have been warned. The next 2 recipes posts are baked treats, healthier refined sugar free treats, but still —> baked treats. What can I say? Fall baking mode has hit me hard already. Well, and Fall Air Frying Food. that’s a thing, right? Kidding. Anyways, let’s all pretend it’s a crisp 55F out and crank on the oven some more. Mmm k?
You see, when it comes to making brownies, there are certain things that, IMHO, shouldn’t be messed with. For example, brownies should always be fudgy. If I want cake-like brownies, I’ll bake a chocolate cake, or make any of my no bake chocolate cake bites; I don’t usually mess with perfection.
But, I admit that I wouldn’t be your favorite place to get dessert recipes if I didn’t make them HEALTHIER desserts, amiright? That’s why I took a vegan avocado brownie recipe and made some simple, healthy substitutes for butter, sugar, and grains, so these Maple Tahini Low Carb Brownies are even healthier for you!
You’re about to get mesmerized by the swirly chocolatey tahini goodness. Ohhh and ahhhh…
Well the tahini chocolate swirly topping was the easy part! Finding the right balance of fudgy and not too cakey was hard part. First world problems here ya’ll. But alas, 3rd times a charm on these bad boys! But phew, I did it! Finally. Low Carb Brownies… so worth it! You’ll see why in a minute.
The Making of Healthy Chocolate Brownies
To make this a gluten free, grain free, refined sugar free, and low carb brownies recipe, a few healthy ingredient swaps were needed. Here’s what we did.
Healthy Substitutes for Butter
We use avocado instead of butter. Avocado brownies are extra fudgy anyway, and leaving the butter out of the recipe makes them dairy free avocado brownies! Don’t worry, I have a vegan avocado chocolate sugar cookie recipe too. All bases covered here ya’ll!
Other healthy substitutes for butter in dairy free and/or vegan dessert recipes:
coconut oil
unsweetened applesauce
More Healthy Swaps in the Low Carb Brownies
To make the Maple Tahini Low Carb Brownies recipe grain free, we use Xylitol and/or maple syrup instead of brown sugar. This swap also makes the brownies low carb and refined sugar free.
Using melted dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate pumps up the antioxidant properties and lowers the sugar.
Okay, who’s hangry? *Raises hand, both hands* One for a brownie, one for high fiving you for reading all the way through to the recipe. LOL!
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Maple Tahini Low Carb Brownies
Maple Tahini Low Carb Brownies are made with healthy substitutes for butter, sugar, and carbs, so it’s a healthier brownie recipe!
2 small ripe avocados
2 eggs (room temp is best)
1/4 c unsweetened cocoa powder
6 tbsp almond flour
1 tbsp arrowroot starch or coconut flour
1 tsp Vanilla
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/2 c xylitol sugar or other sugar substitute (see notes)
pinch of Cinnamon
1/3 c tahini
2 tbsp maple syrup (optional)
1/4 c dark chocolate chips (to melt)
optional chopped  nuts to top
Pre-heat oven to 350F.
Line a square 8×8 baking pan, with parchment paper. Set aside
In a mixing bowl or food processor, blend together your avocado, eggs, cocoa. This will create a fudge like texture.
Next add in your flours and sugar blend or mix again until batter is smooth. use a spatula to scrape down the mix and mix again if needed. Just be sure not to over mix or the batter they will not be fudgy.
Transfer to mixing bowl.
Next mix in your  vanilla, baking soda, salt, and pinch of cinnamon.
Pour batter into baking pan and smooth out to edges.
In another small bowl, melt your dark chocolate chips, either by stove top or in microwave.
Mix in your maple syrup and tahini and gently swirl together.
Spread this on top of the brownie batter. Optional nuts to top.
Bake for 25-30 minutes or until center comes out clean with tooth pick
remove from oven and let cool for 10 minutes on counter then 5 minutes in fridge to set.
Slice and serve. Freeze or keep in fridge for best storage.
Feel free to use raw sugar, coconut palm sugar, or date sugar instead of xylitol. Calories and carb count will vary.
If you are baking at altitude, check brownies at 22 -25 minutes. Oven times vary.
Keywords: brownies, low carb, sugar free, healthy, tahini, gluten free, dairy free
Want to try another great dark chocolate brownie recipe? Make a batch of Dirty Chai Dark Chocolate Flourless Brownies, and then try not to eat them all in one sitting.
You see, these are so healthy you can have them for breakfast. Or did I take that too far? Possibly, but either way you’ve got a low carb brownies recipe that is easy to make, delicious, fudgy, refined sugar free, and better for you! That’s winning in my book.
Favorite Brownie Recipe? Avocado/oil free or real butter? You decide!
Source: https://www.cottercrunch.com/maple-tahini-low-carb-brownies/
0 notes
 If I had a dollar for every time someone said to me "so and so told me I have the hardest traps they've ever touched" ... well, honestly all I would probably do with it is bankroll an even more extravagant Woolies Dreamy Choc cookie habit than I already have (but how sick would that be!)
What I mean is, the upper traps would have to be the most massaged area of the body. But they’re still so tight all the time, amiright?
 What makes this a tricky concept to get your head around is that our central nervous system can be a bit like a monkey with a cymbal when it comes to muscles. Either they don't feel like anything, or they feel tight.
 Aside from out and out pain, there just aren't other warning bells to ring. Although there are several things that could be going on, often the only message we get is that feeling of 'tightness'. 
 So naturally getting massage after massage, aggressively rolling or trigger pointing, or constantly trying to stretch the area feels like the only solution.
 This makes the upper traps kind of a cash cow for massage therapists - treatment always feels great but is never finished. 
 I’m not really interested in that - it gets repetitive and I’d rather be poking someone in the diaphragm or watering the plants. What I do get excited about is getting to the bottom of what is making each individual set of traps so tight, and working on a solution that will stick. 
 So how do we go about deciphering what that feeling is actually a sign of?
At the risk of oversimplification here - because there are also other factors - I’ve been trained to see muscles not just as “tight” or “not tight”, but to look for where they sit on a crossed spectrum between weak and strong, and long and short. 
The upper traps are a textbook example of this. They may actually be weak and long, but often get diagnosed and treated as if they were 'overactive' and short. (Keeping in mind that all of these things can feel "tight.")
 The most common diagnosis is that the upper part of the trapezius is overactive and the middle-lower part is relatively weak. I've got no bones to pick with that - in my experience, it's spot on for an outrageous percentage of the population.
Treatment plans usually involve a combination of hitting the upper trap with the myofascial release (massage/needling/trigger ball etc) and isolating the part of the trapezius between the shoulder blades for activation and strength work in order to offload the above. 
Which is an excellent plan, and actually one of my go-to's as well. It’s simple and effective, won't hurt anyone and should benefit pretty much everyone. 
 However, there are cases where it falls short of getting the upper traps to calm their farm.  
 So here's where I'm going to weigh in :
 There's nothing wrong with big, dirty, heavy-ay sets and reps for the upper traps. 
 There, I said it.
 If the root cause of the problem is a weakness in the upper traps, the plan above may help some, but without their own strength work the upper traps won't get the gainz they're crying out for and that tightness will keep coming back. That word 'overactive' just means that they are working overtime because their load has exceeded their capacity. If reducing the load hasn't worked then we have to look at increasing the capacity.
 There are a couple of misconceptions that I’d like to address here. The first one is the idea that if a muscle is tight or sore then it needs rest and we shouldn’t work it out. Or similarly, that if a muscle is tight then training will only make it tighter.
 Let’s put those to bed, shall we? Because nothing could be further from the truth. Once we rule out strains or acute muscle damage, one of the first things we are going to do is load that muscle up. The way we load it will differ depending on the condition, but there are almost zero things that don’t benefit from picking heavy things up and putting them down again.
The second is this vague idea that shoulder elevation is inherently not good somehow and that 100% of our attention should be on keeping the shoulders back and down at all times. In reality, raising the shoulder up is only bad if you can't also lower it properly. Just like at any other joint, we want to be able to use the muscles' full range, and we want to be spending the majority of our time somewhere in the middle. 
 I know this can get very confusing when your physio or trainer is always nagging you to drop your shoulders. What we are trying to avoid is shoulders that are constantly stuck in an elevated position or shoulders that creep into an elevated position during other movements such as presses or rows - both of which can be a cause or a symptom of other issues.
 So yes, tuck your shoulder blade into your back pocket while working out - but also maybe superset those presses or rows with a lil' dose of the gateway shrug: the banded shrug. (*** do we have a youtube channel vid of banded shrugs we can embed here??***) Or try some dumbell/kettlebell shrugs, snatch-grip shrugs, behind-body shrugs, clean pulls, snatch pulls, lean-away lateral raises, loaded carries as Zercher or suitcase walks, snatch-grip deadlifts etc.
 We’ve been living the #shruglyfe this March, with our #muscleofthemonth upper trap workout : firstly some heavy sets of (my fave) the trap bar shrug, paired with an isometric overhead shrug hold for some nice movement variation, followed up by higher reps of “superman dunks” and farmers carries for accessory work.
Banded Overhead Shrug Hold
Trap Bar Shrugs
Superman Dunks
Farmers Carries with Shrug Hold
Peta works as our Head Remedial Therapist and S & C Coach. She’s in the VIC state team for Surfboat Rowing and owns the world record for the 1km Ergo at 30-39yrs Female category. She can also hipthrust 200kgs. You can book in with her at Evolutio here
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