#the doctor to see the results of. blood works and come with a treatment plan so I hope since there is a treatment plan then it's treatable?
bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Danny is the son of Mr Freeze
So! Danny was adopted as a Kid.
It was never really that big of a thing to him, just a small footnote in his life. He never really cared about finding his Bio Family, or even looking into it at all. His new Family was enough for him, no need to complicate it all that much.
But then, the Accident happened.
After he got shocked by the Portal and passed out, his parents had rushed him to the hospital. Apparently his Heart had been pulsing irregularly, so they had decided to not take any chances.
While at the Hospital, the Doctors noticed a particularly strange result in his blood tests. So, a few months after he had been discharged (it took a while for the blood work to come back), they asked him to come back in for further testing.
At first, Danny was scared that they had found out about his Powers. But when he walked into the Room, they had other news.
He had been diagnosed with Huntingtons Disease, a rare neurological condition that apparently had no known cure. The only possible way to contract the Disease was to have inherited it from one of his parents.
They said it was in its early stages at the moment, but as time passed he would become weaker and weaker, and he would become more sickly. They diagnosed that he had just over 5 years left before he died, and there were no treatments or cures that could save him.
Danny got a second opinion with Frostbite, since he knew more about Ghost Biology and might know if it was truly a fatal Disease for a Halfa.
And yeah, it was. No matter how much of him is Ghostly, he is still half Human, and the Human Disease in his body can and will kill him. And there's no guarantee that he will become a full Ghost upon death. For all he knows it will just End him.
So, Danny had a time limit to find a way to cure himself. He didn't have much time to study, what with the constant Ghost Attacks, his School Work, and keeping his parents from attacking innocent Ghosts, but he managed where he could.
Speaking of his parents, they had been looking into the disease as well. But they seemed convinced that they could find a way to save him by simply dissecting a Ghost to study its biology. (It was as if this was just a convenient excuse to dive deeper into their obsession)
After a while, he mamaged to resolve the Ghost Attack stuff and got his grades under control, but he was still making little progress on finding a Cure.
So, he looked into other people who might be studying the same Disease, to see if he could look I to their research. But that search came up empty.
There was nobody who wanted to fund research into such a rare disease, so nobody was studying it. There was one man who was studying it, but he was a convicted Supervillain. Danny decided that he would be his backup plan, since he wasn't sure how Jazz would react if he teamed up with a known Villain.
He just kept on studying his condition.
It had been about 4 years since his initial diagnosis, and Danny was 18. And he needed help.
He had made no progress in developing a Cure, and his condition had worsened. He could barely walk without a limp anymore, and his limbs felt weaker by the day.
He did manage to get some luck when he found out that lowering his Body Temperature would slow the progress of the Disease. He was never more thankful for his Ice Powers than on the day he figured that out.
But he had hit a roadblock. He needed help, and unfortunately there was only one place he could go to get it. The Supervillain he had read about all that time ago, Mr Freeze.
Now he was headed to Gotham City to seek his help, even if it meant becoming a Villlain himself.
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jeridandridge · 1 year
hi!! i'd love to request mel x reader where reader experiences chronic pain and mel supports. maybe in a series of little ways (pep talks, driving to appts, yelling at doctors) or in a sweet massage scene. can be fluffy, angsty, or smutty--wherever the spirit takes ya! thanks in advance for considering!!
Thank you so much for this request! 🩷 nothing crazy in here: doctors visit/mention of blood tests.
Wonder Woman Socks
It started the day you took the kids to the Franklin institute. You figured you were sore and exhausted from running around with the kids and sleeping on the floor. Hell, Melissa even agreed saying she was sore too. You brushed it off.
Then going up the stairs to your classroom had become too much. When you got up the staircase and into your classroom you’d have to sit at your desk for a few minutes drinking your coffee in order to be fully awake again.
Now, months later you fidget nervously with your ring while Melissa drives you to the doctor.
“It’s gonna be fine, Tesoro. They can do their tests and we can go from there.” The red head gives you a soft smile from the drivers seat. You hated this. You felt like a scared child on the way to the doctors office and your only saving grace was Melissa. The sweet woman that made you coffee every morning to keep you going, the woman that would give you a massage every night when you came home from work because standing on your feet all day had become too much.
“What if I’m dying?” You think aloud, the thought terrifying you. You were generally healthy, you worked out, ate right thanks to Melissa’s cooking, and you definitely hydrated throughout the day.
“You’re not dying.” Melissa says firmly with a shake of her head. “There’s something makin you tired, that’s all it is.”
You don’t hear any fear or fake bravado in her voice. She means what she’s saying and you hope she’s right. When you get called into the office you give Melissa a look as you stand up that leaves no room for her to question if she should come back with you or not.
In the room after the nurse takes your vitals you’re left to change into one of the scratchy paper gowns. You huff as you strip down to your underwear until a hand lands right on your ass. You look over your shoulder to see your girlfriend smirking.
“Did you- even right this second in my underwear and Wonder Woman socks you still find me attractive?” You ask, not expecting that at all.
“yeah. You’re tired, it doesn’t mean you look bad.” She chuckles.
You shake your head with an adoring smile as you pull on the paper gown. When you sit back on the table the doctor knocks on the door coming in.
“Hello, hello,” he nods to you both. “y/n, how are you?”
“Tired,” you chuckle, “how are you?”
“I see that in my notes here,” he says flipping through the paperwork you filled out. “What sort of tiredness do you feel when this happens?”
“I feel like I got hit by a truck. Some days are better than others, but even at work just going up stairs is difficult.” You explain.
The doctor nods and makes notes and washing his hands. “Alright, well we’re gonna do a few tests with blood samples, then we’ll see if we have to do anything from there but with what you’re describing it sounds like chronic fatigue syndrome. It’s much more common in women.” He explains.
You let out a sigh of relief reaching for Melissa’s hand. “Take all the blood you need, I just wanna feel better.”
Putting the stethoscope in his ears he places it on your back. “Deep breath in for me.”
You do this a few times, looking at him nervously when he puts the instrument back around hie neck.
“Everything sounds good, We’ll run these tests then depending on the results we’ll figure out a treatment plan that’ll consist of most likely an anti depressant. If you keep exercising and being healthy and your partner here supports you,” he gestures to Melissa, “this should be under control within two months I’d say.” He smiles. “I’ll leave you to get dressed, the nurse will be in for the blood samples shortly.”
When the older man leaves you squeeze Melissa’s hand pulling her out of the chair in the corner to you.
“See?” She smiles handing you your tshirt and jeans. “I thought the guy was gonna be more difficult than that.”
“When Janine recommended this place I expected nothing less.” You chuckle getting dressed.
You squeeze Melissa’s hand when the nurse draws your blood and a few minutes later you’re walking out to the car.
“I feel a bit better mentally now.” You tell her.
“Now that we have an idea what it is I can look up recipes and other natural things that’ll help.” She smiles.
Getting in the passenger seat you smile at your girlfriend adoringly.
“You’re the best, you know that?”
“Yeah I’m pretty great.” She agrees jokingly. “I like taking care of you when you need me.”
“When we get home I require an afternoon on the couch doing absolutely nothing.” You tell her.
Melissa chuckles reaching over for your hand bringing the back of it to her lips. “I can make that happen.”
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Now as for the person I'm stuck between Rhea, Liv, Damian, and Jey so one of those 4 works for me.
A life that was always wanted
Pairing: Liv Morgan x Fem reader
Description: You slowly earn the life you have wanted for years starting when you meet Liv
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"Damn you are staring hard" you are brought out of your thoughts only to see your friend Bianca next to you and the beautiful woman you just met. You feel like a shaken up can of soda around Liv ever since you met her that fateful day through bianca, each time you saw her you only fell for her even more leading to an unexpected date between the two of you when you both made plans to have lunch with bianca, Rhea, and Becky but when you arrived and only saw liv you had a feeling something was up but ended up having a good time leading to the start of your relationship and how the two of you got together which changed your life wonderfully, the next three and a half years were amazing for the two of you leading to a surprise double proposal at a nice dinner celebrating her money in the bank win which thrilled your friends and overjoyed both your families. Later that next year the two of you got married in France under the Eiffel tower with all your families and friends there to witness the emotional and life changing moment between the two of you who both finally were getting the life both of you wanted and dreamed of for so long, after awhile of talking the two of you wanted to start your own family leading both of you to slowly start IVF treatments two years after getting married and now the two of you would have another wonderful life changing moment in your life together, you were off from work due to being sick when you got a call from the doctor's office with the results of a urine and blood test that confirmed you were pregnant leaving you emotional after hanging up waiting for liv to come home from being on the road as you plan a surprise for her to tell her about being pregnant leading to her being excited and emotional as she holds you before slowly announcing the news to family and friends absolutely over the moon about having a child together and it only grew when your child was finally born learning it was a little girl that would grow up full of love all around her.
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opinated-user · 1 year
If you try to remove your skin cancer yourself, such as with a knife or via burning, it is possible for cells to enter the bloodstream, requiring chemo to treat and to prevent it from spreading to other organs. That's the only option that would make LO's timeline make sense, since as Britt mentioned, otherwise, it's a method employed when the cancer is much further along, and not only are you far too sick at that point to go about daily life the way Lily did, at that point there would be no hiding things like weakened voice, fatigue, etc. from her streaming audience and YouTube audience alike.
However, if we assume that Lily was given chemo as a result of a botched self-treatment - and self-treatment is something she does seem like the sort of person to attempt, since she would rather not go on HRT than do very simple and relatively quick blood tests at the doctor's office - then it would still not make sense. My sister is a nurse and has worked with rural communities where people have attempted self-treatment and then needed proper medical follow-up, and the thing is, the kind of person who takes a knife to themselves? They don't go to the hospital themselves, someone has to call in a report to protective services or a doctor or what have you, and then the treatment plan can be implemented after an investigation. This would definitely have caused a disruption in her uploads and streaming, as looking into if someone is mentally well enough to be left to their own devices or if self-treatment was a sign of impaired judgment requiring long-term hospitalization would be a process that took several weeks. During those weeks she would have been interviewed, forced to see a therapist for evaluation, etc., and the idea that she didn't say anything? This woman, who overshares constantly and vagueposts about everyone? It just does not match who we know her to be, and when you think about the lack of times where she would have been silent on social media as a necessity due to being busy with other things, it paints the picture of someone who is, in fact, physically healthy.
The only story that would make her claims make sense is impossible. We should at some point ask ourselves which is more likely, that there's some super rare set of circumstances where she would go directly to chemo that is not the aforementioned most common scenario that requires chemo as a first resort treatment for skin cancer, or if she's lying.
The answer is that she's lying. And she didn't even bother to put in the work to make it sound plausible.
At least put some effort in, lady.
she didn't have time to make it plausible, not when a inconvenient sister comes out to accuse her of molesting her as a child. my theory still stands that LO was planning to tease it for a while longer, but rushed out everything at the last second. if only LO didn't think to make up tragedies, disabilities, ethnicities and illnesses in her desperate attempt to try to seem more interesting than she is, maybe then we wouldn't have to keep repeating "this doesn't make any sense" every time she opens her mouth.
even if i wanted to give LO the benefit of the doubt, even if i wanted to believe that she could be saying the truth and even if i truly believe on her words... many things just don't add up. the expenses, the time, the hiding it from her wife and family, the lack of real symptons, the fact that LO all of last year was carrying on her life as usual and was only visibly sick one time, and only because of a sore throat. that's not me being jaded or thinking "once a liar, always a liar". this is all on LO trusting that none of us can think for ourselves.
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puntastic-artist · 2 years
uhhhhh so...
I used to be in the Eddsworld fandom annnnd I may or may not have made a Lab AU for it back in say... February? I've been trying to get back into it now that it's being continued.
So here's some references I did as well as some stuff I wrote and drew for the AU
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The main four have been captured by a mad scientist a few months after the PowerEdd fiasco. The doctor wanted to run experiments to see the strange abilities these four have, because of his belief that there was something supernatural going on behind the scenes, he lured them in and experimented on them as much as he could. He captured the neighbors and the other Red Army members as well. They eventually all escape into the outside world again but the lab is trying to find them and bring them back for more testing. Can the boys go back to living their normal lives? Hopefully the answer will be yes.
Edd Subject 544
Edd was the first to be taken, he was the most valuable one the Doctor wanted to see. His ability to withstand radioactivity and use it so his body would be able to use it in a healthy way was quite remarkable to him. So much so he injected a type of radioactive sludge into his body to circulate around his system and activated his super powers yet again. As a result he needs to use his superpowers in moderation or else he'll lose energy and will have to rest to regain it back. If he doesn't then he'll become ill and his over worked body will try to get the radioactive goop out of him, beginning with green nose bleeds, then fatigue, and finally illness. The goop also heals his wounds faster than humanly possible. Broken bones get healed in a matter of minutes and scratches are barely even there for a second.
Matt: Experiment 3122
Matt was the final one of the main Four to be taken. The doctor considered him "useless" in regards to his research on the other 3, but wouldn't let materials go to waste, so he decided to experiment on him by testing how much the human body could adapt. Matt had his entire lower half removed and replaced with the most bizarre animal part, a giant fucking fish tail. The doctor wanted to see if he could make something both cold and warm blooded work together with this and see just how much the human body was capable of. Sure enough Matt adapted with some scientific aid and now he's horrified about what happened to him. So much so he cries whenever he sees a new scale on his face. He just wants to go home.
Tom: Experiment 253
Tom was third to be taken by the doctor. The doctor was the only one to notice that the monster had to come from somewhere, and he came to the conclusion that Tom had something to do with it. Tom turned into his monster form as he was being taken. Because of this finding the Doctor began testing his limits, so much to the point Tom is now permanently stuck in a half monster form, he's not fuzzy or furry at all, this man is all Kaiju lizard scales. Tough, rough, and scary Kaiju scales.
Tord: Experiment 2584
Tord was the second one to be taken. The doctor wanted to test how much he could expand his knowledge in weaponry after witnessing Tord's skills on the battlefield. If he's truly a world class soldier and mechanic then surely he can be... Upgraded in a sense. As a result, Tord was given robotic limbs to test out just how much of a war machine he could be, and now he's slowly being upgraded into "The World's Unstoppable Soldier" and had plans to give Tord even more robotic parts until someone destroyed them. He's currently unaware of who destroyed them but we have a guess as to who it is.
Eduardo: Experiment 541
Originally captured alongside Edd, Eduardo was given the same treatment as Edd, unfortunately his abilities have manifested in a different way and his body works completely differently. Eduardo has the exact same abilities as Edd does, but he's more unstable than him, more often than not causing more usage of his powers and becomes easily ill, while he's physically stronger than Edd, he becomes weaker, faster. The doctor has no further plans to correct this and instead plans on witnessing future fights.
Mark: Experiment 3181
Mark is a fairly intelligent man, unfortunately his intelligence ment all but nothing to the doctor, and Mark was tested for more human adaptation experiments, going a little bit farther than Matt, making his own body parts and attaching them to Mark, thusly he became an Arachne. A fairly intelligent creature for sure. That doesn't mean Mark likes it though. He's absolutely terrified of spiders and I don't think he appreciates being made into a giant spider.
Jon: Experiment 1054
Jon was definitely one of the last few to be taken by the doctor. Due to limited resources the Doctor decided to be rather... Merciful on him. Using the last of his current resources to do one last human adaptation experiment, he's seen how humans can adapt to Land and Water, albeit with scientific aid, he wanted to see if he could make him adapt to the air. While the outer work is considered minimal compared to Mark and Matt, his innards have been changed considerably to make him light weight. Removing as many "unnecessary" parts of the body as possible. Jon can still function but he's trying to only see the positives in the situation.
Pau: Experiment 611
Pau was the strongest and most resilient Test subject, even when getting taken he wouldn't stop fighting, taking down 6 lab employees, so as a form of "Mercy" and "Respect" the doctor used his materials and turned him into a basilisk. Replacing and sewing whatever he could to make him into another monster to use down the line much similar to Tord. Pau has to be restrained when enduring experiments and being in his containment cell. He isn't hostile towards his cellmates, but will not hesitate to try and bash someone upside the head if they're part of the lab.
Pat: Experiment 610
Pat is one of the greatest pilots of all time, a fantastic man, but unfortunately wasn't strong enough to help himself and his other two men, Yuu and Pau, despite this he kept trying but was never able to properly help the others. Out of "Pity" the doctor decided to "Help" him and make him stronger by turning him into a Gorgon. The snakes on his head and Pat work together to keep themselves alive, the snakes help him he helps the snakes, he's able to sense vibrations in the ground and has to wear socks to keep him from sensing them. He can turn people to stone but can't do so unless he directly looks them in the eyes, unless they wear contacts or glasses.
Yuu: Experiment 511
Yuu, oh poor Yuu. The doctor had captured him along side the other 3. After he was captured he commissioned Bing and Larry (who didn't know what they were getting paid for) to create a few clones of Yuu. Thusly replacing each part of his body to become a stronger version of itself, every part that was "Perfected" by the clones he took and modified Yuu, making him into a Frankenstein type of monster. He is still the same Yuu we know but he's in consistent distress and existential dread as he acknowledges that he's made of different body parts.
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hoffstrap-yuri · 5 months
Not What I Could Have
ao3 // masterlist
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*Summary: Her first instinct as a doctor was to feel for a pulse even though she knew it was in vain. She ripped off a piece of her shirt and shoved it into the wound. It would do nothing for Amanda but she didn’t want to see her love covered in so much blood.
*Rating: T for Teen (Saw Canon Typical Stuff)
*Content/Tags: Needle and Chain, Referenced Self-Harm, Angst, Gender or Sex Swap, Alternate Universe- Gender Changes, Character Study, WLW Romance, Hurt No Comfort
*Status: Sequel to 'Not What I Needed'/Complete
Author's Note: A little on the shorter side but I've missed this ship a lot and this idea's been stewing in my head since the first time I watched Saw 3. So enjoy!
Laura glanced at the analog clock on the corner of her desk. Tonight was the night. Two concurrent games were going on as she sat at the hospital in an uneasy quiet and tapped the edge of her desk with a pen. It was Amanda’s first real game without John having a hand, guiding his apprentice like he had during the nerve gas house.
Laura just had to be patient with the results. In a fell swoop, one of her most hated co-workers would die and the woman she loved would be the grand successor to Jigsaw’s legacy. It was Amanda’s dream come true. To have John’s attention and acknowledgment. Laura didn’t care to be the successor of John’s. She would go to the ends of heaven and hell to serve Amanda as she saw fit. She could see Amanda in her head on her metaphorical throne, and Laura waiting on her hand and feet.
She pushed her chair away from her desk and got up to go for a walk around the hospital. She needed to get her mind off this game. She grabbed her cane and did a lap around her department as a warm-up to the walk down to her car. The digital clock in the car read it’d been thirty minutes since the game had started. A quarter of the way done… She shouldn’t be anxious about this. Amanda had assured her that she had thought of every angle, considered every twist that John would have predicted. She turned the keys in the ignition and booked it to her apartment. Since having been divorced from Allison, Laura lived alone in a small place. It felt impersonal, more of a space to sleep than it was a home. She didn’t turn the TV on when she crossed the threshold of the dwelling. She sat in the moonlight trickling in through the windows on a couch that could fit a family if she just hadn’t made one too many mistakes. Her head bobbed as her eyes threatened to shut for the night. She shook her head once more and used the end of her mobility aid to pull her work bag towards her, rummaging through to find some paper work she needed to fill out a treatment plan. Her hand rubbed up against a piece of crumpled paper and pulled it out of the bag.
‘My dear Amanda…’ Clearly John’s handwriting. Laura’s eyes skimmed the document quickly before getting up as fast as she could and back into her car. She punched the gas pedal and drove towards the workshop where she had kissed Amanda for the first time. She ran a red light, nearly hitting someone but narrowly managed to avoid it as the thoughts of her love consumed her. Still burning with rage, she parked her car and busted the door in on her way down the stairs. Some loud trap went off as she entered, using the sound to cover her as she crept through the warehouse. As she entered the open floor, she saw Mark standing at the door. Her breath hitched in the back of her throat as she approached him. She’d never win in a fair fight against the other apprentice, but she felt the adrenaline slowly start to course through her veins. At the very least she could get a bite into his jugular before she got thrown across the room. She put a hand on Mark’s shoulder before letting a breath escape between gritted teeth,
Without missing a beat he replied, “You know what’s behind there. You don’t need to see it.” If Laura were stupid, she’d think his words came from a place of concern.
“I said, move.” She repeated herself
“Laura. It’s not going to give you the closure you think it will…”
“I don’t fucking care.” Rather than keep an even voice her screams rang out across the empty warehouse. Mark finally turned around to face her and let his hand slip off the handle of the door. He didn’t move but Laura rustled the handle behind him, getting the door to open behind him.
“You have fifteen minutes.” Mark finally said. “Cops are going to storm this place looking for either survivors or victims. I would move fast if I were you.”
She rushed into the dark room and felt something soak through the seams in her shoes. It had to be blood. She fumbled with the light switch and saw the carnage before her. She ignored the body of her former coworker and her husband. Ignored the man from which she took orders from for a year now and dropped her cane, running towards the crumpled mess of flesh on the floor that was once Amanda Young. She held the other woman close to her chest. Her first instinct as a doctor was to feel for a pulse even though she knew it was in vain. She ripped off a piece of her shirt and shoved it into the wound. It would do nothing for Amanda but she didn’t want to see her love covered in so much blood. Her hands started to shake as she swept the pieces of Amanda’s hair that had stuck to her face from sweat and her tears fell onto the ever growing cold skin.
“What happened?” She asked the silent air, “You told me it was going to be fine… you promised. You placed all your faith in John… Mark!” She called out for the other apprentice, hoping he might have an answer. Her cries went unanswered for the man and she pilfered through the pockets in Amanda’s jeans. Nothing. Nothing. Paper… She carefully set Amanda’s corpse back down onto the floor and unfurled the folded note.
‘Amanda. You were with Cecil…’ She skimmed the note with haste that she had read John’s note. It was Mark’s block writing. ‘… I will tell John what you did.’
“You.” The letter trembled in her hand as she got to her feet and spun to face the deceased Jigsaw Killer. “This is your fault.” He couldn’t respond to her. Smile in a twisted satisfaction as she wailed for the woman she couldn’t have. Taunt her with the fact that they both knew Amanda would always be out of Laura’s reach. “You pushed Amanda. You always pushed her too far! You sent me to scold her for you when she was hurting herself because she thought she couldn’t live up to your expectations! She never stood a chance, did she you sick son of a bitch?!”
She reached out in anger for the first glass object her hands could reach. She launched it at John’s head, just narrowly missing her former mentor. She didn’t know if she had it in him to desecrate him after all she had put him through when they were just patient and doctor. As much as she felt disgust, anger, disdain even for the man she knew that he had felt that tenfold for her. She took another beaker that laid on the counter and crushed it in the grasp of her hand, gritting her teeth as the shards dug into her skin. It drew a deep crimson wash from her skin and mingled with Amanda’s blood on the concrete of the floor.
“It’s not fair. Why do you always take them away from me?! First it was Eve…” She bit down on her lip as she remembered the woman in the bathroom across from her. She was younger than Laura was when she had gotten into med school and she had barely begun to live. Amanda wasn’t much older, but had gotten even less out of life. “Now. Her…” Her eyes darted back to the other woman who was the object of her affection for another blink in the stream of time. She sat back down next to Amanda and wove their fingers together. Laura held her head up against her chest. She was ice cold, her brain had probably shut down while Laura screamed at John.
“I’m so sorry Amanda…” She whispered to herself, “I should have been here for you. I…” She shook her head and with an aching in her chest left her lover’s body at the scene. She didn’t have the strength to carry Amanda in her condition to get her out of the crime scene. Somewhere she could respectfully say goodbye to her fellow apprentice. She reached across the floor and grabbed her cane to get herself back up. In one last outburst of rage against the whole game, she swung the wooden thing into the center of Lynn’s husband as if he were a pinata. Fresh blood came spurting out from his mouth as the impact of the cane definitely snapped a rib in chest. She hit him once more for good measure and looked over at Lynn. “You thought you were better than me. Now look at where you and your useless husband are. You stupid bitch.”
She walked out of the door and sealed it behind her, pressing her head against the unfeeling metal and shut her eyes. She didn’t want to abandon Amanda but she had no choice this time. She ran from the house of horrors and got to her car, driving home as fast as the vehicle would take her. When she got back to her apartment she cried for a bit. As if on cue, she heard the sound of heels in the hallway walking past her door. They stop directly in front of her and a piece of paper slides under the door. The footsteps resumed and grew more distant. When she heard the shoes no longer she approached the door, sliding the paper towards her using her cane. She leaned down and picked it up.
‘Hello Doctor Gordon,
As you by now know, Amanda’s game was rigged. It was Mark who rigged her game, replacing the letter intended for her with his own. John fed Hoffman information in order to trigger Amanda and make her fail her test. This is never the outcome I wanted for her, even with the knowledge of what she did to Gideon. I cared about her recovery and who she would become after she was clean even though I seem distant from her up until now. I give you this information in hopes that it should help ease whatever guilt you may have over what John has planned to come next. Act as John would, and you will be the successor he always intended.
“Mark…” Laura shredded the paper in her hands, “Your days are numbered. If you ever cross me again, you’ll be begging for death.”
She would succeed where her love had failed. Death creating something new with a grotesque and twisted purpose. She would carry on the name, Jigsaw for the both of them.
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tonyandzivauk · 1 year
Health update.
I know I keep vanishing and then coming back randomly but trust me it's not because I don't want to be here, it's because of everything I have going on right now. Finding the time or energy is really fucking hard right now. I do lurk in the back ground and I am still working on finishing the pic spams...but again...I have so much going on now that it's unreal.
I work two jobs. Me and my partner bought our first home a year ago. We are a couple months closer to move in but its just been such a long and stressful journey to get this far. I'm working two jobs so we can afford to do the things we want now in terms of fixing it up so we don't have to ever do it again. I am a high school teacher during the week and a worker in an Autisic Centre of the weekends and school holidays.
As some of you may know, 8 years ago I suddenly was unable to walk properly due to pain in my hips. After xrays, they found I have Dysplasia in both my hips which caused arthritis in both. So I was thrown into the world of being disabled as I couldn't walk properly and I was in so much pain. 2 years later, after many attempts to save both hips, I had total hip replacement of the right hip. 6 months later I had a total hip replacement of the left hip. Recovery was awful. Months later I started suffering with pain in multiple joints. My knees would give way. My ankles would swell. My left sholder was very painful when moving it and would lock quite a bit. Going to the doctors to speak about this would result in me being told that it's just pain from the hips travelling down to my joints and up my back.
So I carried on. I had to. I didn't have another choice. Couple of months later, couple of ER/A&E trips, I got sent to a rheumatology consultant. He did a blood draw and said that I had no sign of an autoimmune problem so it must be Fybromyalgia. Now. I do believe I have Fybromyalgia. I have the emotional trauma from growing up with an abusive, alcoholic & gambling addict dad. Developed eating disorder from the age of 18...and I've had the physical trauma of the back to back surgery's. So it's fits. All the symptoms fit.
However, with my family's history of arthritis at very young ages (my mum needed them at 20, my auntie needed them at 23, my nan needed them in her 20s and I needed them at 21). Most of those woman have arthritis in a lot of other joints to. So I needed to push for further investigation.
My left hip replacement hasn't felt good at all since it was done. It is that bad that I actively call it my "bad hip". And tell people we don't celebrate that hips birthday. The pain has gotten much much MUCH worse. If I stand for more than 30 seconds on that hip, I get stuck. I can be taken out of action for days if I do too much activity because of the pain. I take 80mg of slow release morphine every day and other pain killers. That doesn't help much at all.
So, I asked my rheumatologist to please xray the hip replacements and please xray my sholder as it was getting worse. Its hard when you get a diagnosis of fibromyalgia because doctors like to see that and not look any further then you are complaining of joint pain. It's very hard.
I got the xrays.
Sholder: he rang me with the results. His statement was that I have Dysplasia in my sholder. The joints don't fit properly which is what is causing the pain. He also stated that this hasn't changed since the last xray I had done when it was originally flagged....excuse me? I was so confused. Eventually I remembered that during my second hip replacement, the hospital suspected a post op blood clot in my lungs, so they did a chest xray. When this xray was done, there was a red flag on it that said I had Dysplasia of the sholder. That was 5 years ago. No one said a word to me. It wasn't in my notes. When I say I was so angry, I was soooooo angry. But at least I had an answer other than "oh you have fibro, that's what's causing the pain." Since then, no one has been in touch about a treatment plan etc. That will be my next issue to fight for I guess.
The Hip: the replacements looked fine. They were not loose. Which is brilliant! However, I had extreme pain from it. So I was referred to a hip specialist. This guy was the guy who did all of mu family hip replacements so it was nice to be under him if there was a problem with my replacement. I went to see him 2 weeks ago. He sent me for a CT on my pelvis. He agreed that there was no issue with the hip other than nerve pain which isn't really worth opening back up again due to the risk of infection and the fact that I will need new hips in 10 years anyway. So, Great. Nothing wrong with the hips. I'll just have to get on with the nerve pain. He told me he had bad news though. He pulled up my CT scan and showed me that I had arthritis in sacratic joint on the left side. That is what is causing me the intense pain. That is what is causing me to get stuck in certain positions. All he can offer me for that first is injections into the joint and physical therapy. He told me that it's going to be a long journey with a lot of work.
When I say I sobbed. I sobbed. Another fucking thing that is wrong with my body. I feel like I am just broken. I find it hard to put into words how all this makes me feel but tbh nothing was as bad as it was when I got a letter through the door from the same doctor.
He mentioned everything he said in the appointment about the joint issue on the left side. But he also had taken another look at my scans and he said there is degenerative changes in my lumbar spine. Arthritis in the bottom half of my spine. What do I do with that? I was in work when I read that and honestly I did my best to keep it together but I couldn't do it. I just cried my eyes out. I think reading his words, "Elisha knows that this is something she will have to deal with for many years and it is not going to go away." I am honestly broken. I don't know why this is happening. I don't get how I've gone from where I was before I turned 21, perfectly healthy other than the eating disorder, to being 30 with arthritis in the bottom half of my spine, arthritis in my joint that connects the pelvis to the spine, 2 hip replacements & a Dysplastic sholder. I honestly feel like I should ask for a whole body scan just to get it out of the way. Just find out everything.
What also has freaked me out is that he said I have myelitis in my spine. If you do your research you will understand why this has freaked me the fucked out.
I do my best to keep it together because I know there are people with a much worse medical history but I am just broken. I am always in pain. But I'm trying to keep going. I worked to hard to give up and become bed bound, but I know there will come a time when this won't be something I can stop.
I had to get this off my chest as I am sure my partner is sick of hearing it as he's living with it daily while being with me. And I know it upsets my mum, she feels guilty for some reason.
But yeah, that's the update. This is why I go missing but school holidays is when I can come back more often
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floraflorenzi · 16 days
The Role of Weight Loss Doctors in Atlanta in Your Fitness Journey
For those who have tried diet and exercise without seeing results, seeking help from weight loss doctors in Atlanta can provide new hope. These medical professionals specialize in treating weight-related issues, offering solutions that go beyond typical fitness programs. Whether it's through metabolic testing, appetite control medications, or even surgical options like gastric sleeve procedures, they tailor their recommendations to fit your unique health needs. Weight loss doctors in Atlanta prioritize your overall wellness, making sure that every step you take is safe and designed for long-term success. Additionally, the expertise of weight loss doctors in Atlanta can make a significant difference if you have health conditions linked to obesity, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or joint pain. By addressing these concerns with targeted interventions, they help you achieve not only weight loss but also an improved quality of life. Through ongoing support and close monitoring, they ensure that your weight loss journey is effective, sustainable, and aligned with your personal health goals.
The Importance of Regular Monitoring by Weight Loss Doctors in Atlanta
Regular monitoring is a vital part of the weight loss process, and weight loss doctors in Atlanta provide ongoing support to ensure your success. Frequent visits allow doctors to track your progress, adjust your plan as needed, and ensure that you are losing weight in a healthy and sustainable manner. This monitoring includes checking vital signs, metabolic rates, and body composition to ensure that weight loss does not negatively impact your health. With this close attention, weight loss doctors can quickly identify any issues or plateaus, making necessary changes to help you continue progressing toward your goals.
Weight Loss Doctors in Atlanta: Surgical Weight Loss Solutions
For individuals who need more aggressive treatments, weight loss doctors in Atlanta also offer surgical weight loss solutions. These include procedures like gastric bypass, gastric sleeve, and adjustable gastric banding, all of which are designed to help people lose a significant amount of weight when other methods have failed. These doctors thoroughly assess whether surgery is the best option for you, considering your medical history, weight loss goals, and lifestyle. By working with experienced weight loss doctors, you can feel confident that you’re receiving the best possible care throughout the surgical process and during recovery.
Weight Loss Doctors in Atlanta and Post-Treatment Support
Losing weight is only half the battle—keeping it off is the real challenge. Weight loss doctors in Atlanta provide post-treatment support to ensure that you maintain your results. Whether you’ve undergone surgery or a non-surgical weight loss plan, doctors offer ongoing guidance to help you build healthy habits, prevent weight regain, and maintain your overall well-being. This support may include nutritional advice, exercise recommendations, and emotional support. By focusing on long-term health, weight loss doctors ensure that your results are lasting, helping you enjoy the benefits of weight loss for years to come.
Weight Loss Doctors in Atlanta for Emotional and Mental Support
Embarking on a weight loss journey can be emotionally and mentally challenging. Weight loss doctors in Atlanta provide not only medical guidance but also emotional support throughout your journey. They understand that losing weight can trigger feelings of self-doubt, anxiety, or frustration. By offering a compassionate and non-judgmental approach, these doctors help you stay motivated and focused, even when progress feels slow. They work with you to develop a positive mindset, encouraging you to celebrate small victories and remain committed to your long-term health goals, ensuring that you feel supported every step of the way.
Medical Supervision with Weight Loss Doctors in Atlanta
Medical supervision is a key advantage of working with weight loss doctors in Atlanta. These professionals closely monitor your health, ensuring that you lose weight safely and effectively. From managing medication side effects to addressing any potential complications, doctors make sure that your weight loss plan is medically sound. This level of supervision is particularly important for those with pre-existing medical conditions or who are undergoing more intensive treatments like surgery. With the guidance of weight loss doctors, you can feel confident that your weight loss journey is supported by expert medical care.
The Role of Nutrition in Weight Loss with Weight Loss Doctors in Atlanta
Nutrition plays a central role in any weight loss journey, and weight loss doctors in Atlanta provide expert advice on how to optimize your diet for success. They offer personalized meal plans that cater to your nutritional needs while promoting weight loss. These plans are often designed to balance macronutrients, manage portion sizes, and include foods that keep you full and satisfied. Weight loss doctors also educate you on the importance of hydration, mindful eating, and avoiding processed foods, ensuring that your diet supports both weight loss and overall health, making it easier to achieve lasting results.
Exercise Plans Tailored by Weight Loss Doctors in Atlanta
Exercise is a critical component of any weight loss plan, and weight loss doctors in Atlanta offer personalized exercise recommendations that align with your fitness level and goals. Whether you’re new to working out or an experienced athlete, these doctors design routines that help you burn fat, build muscle, and improve cardiovascular health. They also ensure that your exercise plan is safe, especially if you have medical conditions or mobility limitations. By incorporating both aerobic and strength-training exercises, weight loss doctors create a balanced approach that enhances your overall fitness and accelerates your weight loss progress.
Choosing weight loss doctors in Atlanta gives you access to expert medical care, personalized weight loss strategies, and ongoing support to help you reach your health goals. Whether you need to lose a small amount of weight or are struggling with severe obesity, these professionals have the experience and resources to create effective, long-lasting solutions. Their approach goes beyond quick fixes, focusing on sustainable methods that promote lifelong health. By addressing the unique needs of your body and mind, weight loss doctors empower you to achieve and maintain a healthier, more fulfilling life.
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Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH) Test at home
Importance of Thyroid Testing
Why is thyroid testing so crucial? A well-functioning thyroid is essential for your overall health. It influences various bodily functions, including your heart rate, digestion, and even mood. Identifying thyroid issues early can prevent complications and help you manage symptoms effectively.
Symptoms of Thyroid Problems
Do you feel constantly tired or cold? Have you noticed sudden weight changes or hair loss? These are common symptoms of thyroid disorders. Other symptoms include dry skin, muscle weakness, and changes in menstrual cycles for women. If you're experiencing any of these, it might be time to check your thyroid function.
What is a TSH Test?
A TSH Test measures the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone in your blood. It's a simple blood test at home that can help diagnose thyroid conditions such as hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) or hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid).
Why Choose a TSH Test at Home?
Imagine not having to travel to a lab, wait in long queues, or take time off work just for a blood test. With home testing, a professional comes to you, making the process convenient and stress-free. This service is especially beneficial for the elderly, those with mobility issues, or anyone with a busy schedule.
How to Book a TSH Test at Home
Booking a TSH test at home in Hyderabad is straightforward. Many diagnostic centers and online health services offer this option. You can book through a website, app, or by calling the service provider. Choose a time slot that fits your schedule, and a trained technician will visit your home to collect the sample.
What to Expect During the Test
On the day of the test, the technician will arrive at your home with all necessary equipment. The process involves drawing a small blood sample from your arm, which is then sent to a lab for analysis. The entire procedure is quick, typically taking less than 15 minutes.
Understanding Your TSH Test Results
Once the lab processes your sample, you'll receive your results, usually within 24-48 hours. The results will indicate your TSH levels and help determine if your thyroid is underactive, overactive, or functioning normally. Your doctor will then interpret these results and suggest any necessary treatments or further tests.
Benefits of Home Testing
Convenience: No need to leave your home. Comfort: Familiar surroundings can reduce anxiety. Time-Saving: No travel or waiting time. Privacy: Conducted in the comfort of your home.
Comparing Home Testing to Lab Visits
While lab visits are traditional, home testing offers unparalleled convenience. Labs require travel, waiting, and often taking time off work. Home testing, on the other hand, can be done at a time that suits you best, without disrupting your daily routine.
Choosing the Right Service Provider
Not all home testing services are created equal. Look for providers with good reviews, qualified technicians, and transparent pricing. Reputable companies ensure your sample is handled correctly and delivered to accredited labs for accurate results.
Cost and Insurance Considerations
The cost of a TSH test at home can vary. It's generally more expensive than a lab visit due to the added convenience. However, many insurance plans cover home testing services. Check with your provider to see if you’re eligible for reimbursement.
Preparing for Your Test
No special preparation is needed for a TSH test. However, it’s good to inform your technician about any medications you’re taking, as some can affect thyroid hormone levels. Wear comfortable clothing and stay hydrated.
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smartsewa · 6 months
Smartsewa harnasses your digital health profile for empowerment.
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In the hustle and bustle of today’s world, keeping track of your health can be like trying to juggle too many things at once. But imagine if there was a way to make managing your health easier and to understand how you’re doing overall. Enter the digital health profile, a powerful tool offered by Smartsewa.
Imagine having a comprehensive health hub at your fingertips. Your digital health profile on Smartsewa acts as a central repository for your health information. It goes beyond simply storing medical records; it provides a dynamic view of your health.
Think of it as a virtual health concierge.
Your profile can:
Consolidate health data: Say goodbye to scattered medical records. Your profile securely stores your medical history, including doctor’s visits, lab results, and prescriptions. Perform virtual check-ups: Smartsewa’s digital health profile can utilize advanced algorithms to provide insights into your health. This may include identifying potential health risks and offering personalized recommendations. Track your progress: Monitor key health indicators like blood pressure, weight, and sleep patterns. This ongoing data collection allows you to see how lifestyle changes or treatments are impacting your health. Empower informed decisions: With a clear understanding of your health status, you can work collaboratively with your doctor to make informed decisions about your care. The benefits of a digital health profile are numerous:
Convenience: Access your health information anytime, anywhere, from any device. Proactive healthcare: Early detection of potential health issues can lead to better outcomes. Improved communication: Share your health data easily with doctors and specialists, fostering a more collaborative healthcare experience. Personalized healthcare: By understanding your unique health profile, doctors can tailor treatment plans to your specific needs. Smartsewa’s commitment to your digital health
At Smartsewa, we understand the importance of safeguarding your health information. At Smartsewa, we take your privacy seriously and have implemented strong security measures to keep your data safe and confidential.
You’re not alone when it comes to managing your health anymore. Smartsewa’s digital health profile empowers you to become an active participant in your well-being. Get started today and unlock a new level of health management!
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How To Prepare For Hair Transplantation
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Hair loss is a common concern of many people and it encourages some of them to consider hair transplantation for an effective permanent solution to this problem. If you are one of them who has decided to undergo this method, it would be essential for you to prepare yourself for the treatment. Because your preparation will have a crucial role in ensuring the success of hair transplant. 
Regarding this, we are going to delve into preparation guidelines for hair transplant based on insights taken from medical experts at Harleys Clinic, the best hair transplant clinic in Mumbai.  
Some crucial guideline to prepare for hair transplantation are as follows
Consultation with a Specialist: Before diving into the procedure, it is advisable to  schedule a consultation with a reputable hair transplant surgeon. During this discussion you can explain your concerns, medical history, and expectations in front of the surgeon. The doctor will evaluate the candidacy for a hair transplant and recommend the most suitable approach for your needs.
Selection of the Right Hair Transplant Surgeon: Research and select a qualified and experienced hair transplant surgeon. Look for reviews, before-and-after photos, and testimonials from previous patients. A skilled surgeon will not only ensure better results but also minimise the risk of complications.
Learn about the Procedure in Detail: Educate yourself about the hair transplant procedure you are planning to undergo. The two most common techniques are Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). Each has its advantages and considerations, so discuss them thoroughly with your surgeon to make an informed choice.
Follow Pre-Op Instructions: Your surgeon will provide specific pre-operative instructions, which might include avoiding certain medications, alcohol, and smoking. Adhering to these guidelines will help ensure a smooth surgery and reduce the risk of complications.
Prepare Mentally: Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure, and like any surgery, it comes with some discomfort and downtime. Mentally prepare yourself for the process, including the initial postoperative appearance and the time it takes to see the final results. 
Post-Operative Care: Plan for post-operative care, including time off work if necessary. You may need to take a few days off to allow your scalp to heal and reduce swelling and discomfort.
Avoid Blood Thinners: In the days leading up to your surgery, it's essential to avoid medications and supplements that can thin your blood, as this can increase the risk of bleeding during the procedure. Consult the surgeon for a list of medications to avoid.
Arrange a Comfortable Recovery Space: Create a comfortable and clean space at home where you can recover peacefully. Ensure you have soft pillows and entertainment to keep you occupied during your downtime.
Plan for Follow-Up Appointments: After the hair transplant, you will need to attend follow-up appointments to monitor your progress. Make sure you have these appointments scheduled and can attend them without any issues.
By following these steps, you will be well-prepared for your hair transplant surgery and increase your chances of achieving the desired results. To know more about the treatment in detail you are advised to visit a clinic like Harleys Hair Transplant Clinic, a leading hair transplant clinic in Mumbai and consult the treatment with Dr. Sumit Agrawal. He is an expert hair transplant surgeon known for providing the desired outcomes to his patients. To know more consult him now!
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college-girl199328 · 1 year
A doctor named in a lawsuit after a Nova Scotia woman died in hospital following a long wait to see a physician has denied allegations from the family that he failed in his duties.
Allison Holthoff died at the Cumberland Regional Health Centre in Amherst, N.S., due to complications associated with an untreated splenic aneurysm, according to a statement of claim filed on Feb. 22 on behalf of Holthoff’s three children and her husband.
The family has alleged in their lawsuit that medical staff failed to assess Holthoff’s condition or take her vitals on multiple occasions for her hospital visit on Dec. 31, 2022, as her condition rapidly deteriorated.
In his notice of defense filed Thursday, Dr. John Atia said he wasn’t negligent in his treatment of Holthoff, denied he “failed to respond to pleas of nursing staff,” and said he worked “in a consummately professional manner.”
The lawsuit family in Nova Scotia Supreme Court against Nova Scotia Health and Atia, the attending ER physician, when Holthoff arrived.
The doctor had abdominal pain that was being felt in her chest as she breathed, but “her vital signs were all within normal ranges.” Atia says at 11:45 a.m., as he was attending to other patients, he ordered blood work, an electrocardiogram, and urine analysis for Holthoff, and “it turned out the test results were normal.”
The woman’s husband, Gunter Holthoff, said he took his wife to the hospital when she collapsed in extreme pain after complaining of an upset stomach at their home near Amherst.
Holthoff said that after being triaged by hospital staff, his wife waited more than six hours in the emergency room another hour before she saw a doctor and received pain treatment.
Atia says in his statement of defense that as Holthoff was waiting, he was occupied with four critical psychiatric emergency cases and four critical cases of pediatric illness, and he was working on his own.
It says in one of the cases of pediatric stroke, Atia had to expend “considerable effort” to arrange Life Flight service to IWK Health Centre.
The statement of defense says that between 11:45 p.m. and 6 p.m. Atia wasn’t told of Holthoff’s deteriorating condition, and he only learned at about 6 p.m. that her blood pressure had “dropped precipitously.”
The defense says he immediately went to assess her treatments to diagnose her and arrange to do the analysis. According to the document, while the CT scan was being set, Atia had brought Holthoff to an area where X-rays were to be taken. It says as Atia was briefing another ER doctor who was coming on shift, Holthoff had a heart attack.
Atia then stayed after hours and “worked diligently” to help arrange for Holthoff’s intensive care, says the defense. The defendant asks the court to dismiss the case against him and that he be allowed to seek legal costs from the plaintiff.
A day before Holthoff’s death, 67-year-old Charlene Snow died at home after she gave up on seeing a doctor at a Cape Breton emergency room after waiting about seven hours. After the two deaths, Nova Scotia announced a plan for faster urgent care for patients.
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atlanticcanada · 1 year
N.S. doctor denies alleged negligence in case of woman who died after long ER wait
A doctor named in a lawsuit after a Nova Scotia woman died in hospital following a long wait to see a physician has denied allegations from the family that he failed in his duties.
Allison Holthoff died at the Cumberland Regional Health Centre in Amherst, N.S., due to complications associated with an untreated splenic aneurysm, according to a statement of claim filed Feb. 22 on behalf of Holthoff's three children and her husband.
The family has alleged in their lawsuit that medical staff failed to assess Holthoff's condition or take her vitals on multiple occasions over the course of her hospital visit on Dec. 31, 2022, as her condition rapidly deteriorated.
In his notice of defence filed Thursday, Dr. John Atia said he wasn't negligent in his treatment of Holthoff, denied he "failed to respond to pleas of nursing staff," and said he worked "in a consummately professional manner."
The lawsuit was launched by the family in Nova Scotia Supreme Court against Nova Scotia Health and Atia, the attending ER physician when Holthoff arrived.
The doctor's statement said when Holthoff first was triaged by ER staff at 11:14 a.m., she had abdominal pain that was being felt in her chest as she breathed, but "her vital signs were all within normal ranges."
Atia says at 11:45 a.m., as he was attending other patients, he ordered blood work, an electrocardiogram and urine analysis for Holthoff and "it turned out the test results were normal."
The woman's husband, Gunter Holthoff, has said he took his wife to the hospital when she collapsed in extreme pain after complaining of an upset stomach at their home near Amherst.
Holthoff has said that after being triaged by hospital staff, his wife waited more than six hours in the emergency room before she was taken to a room inside the unit, and it was another hour before she saw a doctor and received pain treatment.
Atia says in his statement of defence that as Holthoff was waiting, he was occupied with four critical psychiatric emergency cases and four critical cases of pediatric illness, and he was working on his own.
It says in one of the cases of pediatric stroke, Atia had to expend "considerable effort" to arrange Life Flight service to IWK Health Centre.
The statement of defence says that between 11:45 p.m. and 6 p.m. Atia wasn't told of Holthoff's deteriorating condition, and he only learned at about 6 p.m. that her blood pressure had "dropped precipitously."
The defence says he immediately went to assess her and ordered treatments to diagnose her and arrange imaging of the chest, abdomen and pelvis, and to arrange for a radiologist in Halifax to do the analysis.
According to the document, while the CT scan was being arranged, Atia had brought Holthoff to an area where X-rays were to be taken. It says as Atia was briefing another ER doctor who was coming on shift, Holthoff had a heart attack.
Atia then stayed after hours and "worked diligently" to help arrange for Holthoff's intensive care, says the defence.
The defendant asks the court to dismiss the case against him and that he be allowed to seek legal costs from the plaintiff.
A day before Holthoff's death, 67-year-old Charlene Snow died at home after she gave up on seeing a doctor at a Cape Breton emergency room after waiting about seven hours. After the two deaths, Nova Scotia announced a plan aimed at providing faster urgent care for patients.
This report by The Canadian Press was first published March 31, 2023.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/YhEvwKe
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perbanem · 2 years
Have You Seriously Considered The Option Of Testosterone?
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Using testosterone isn't for everyone, and there are a few things you should keep in mind if you're considering using it. These include how long it will take to see results, the kinds of changes you might expect and what you should do if they don't go as planned. Testosterone may help a man feel more energized, mentally sharp and sexually functional. However, it also has the potential to have serious risks, especially if you're already dealing with health conditions like high blood pressure or a history of heart problems. It's important to understand these risks before you begin therapy, and make sure you're in the best health possible before starting treatment. You'll need to have regular appointments with your doctor or other healthcare professional to receive testosterone treatment. These visits are a chance to get your testosterone dose adjusted and to talk about any side effects you might have. Those that want to understand Hgh, they will visit here.
The type of testosterone you need will depend on the cause of your low testosterone. Typically, people with lower levels of testosterone (Low-T) can't produce enough of it on their own and will need hormone replacement therapy. There are many different forms of testosterone available, including injections, patches, gels and pills. Your provider will help you choose the best form for you based on your age, gender identity and medical conditions. Some of these forms come in a liquid that you swallow, while others are delivered by injection under your skin. Regardless of the method, you should not eat or drink anything for a few hours before you receive your medication. If you're receiving an injectable form of testosterone, it's recommended to have an erectile dysfunction (ED) specialist perform an erection test to determine the proper dosage.
Getting the right dosage can have a huge impact on how well you feel, and it may also help you avoid costly ED treatments in the future. While testosterone can improve a person's overall mood and sense of arousal, it may also contribute to a worsening of depression and other mental health issues, experts tell Them. If you're dealing with these issues, it's important to have a mental health professional on your team and to continue working with them throughout therapy. You'll want to have regular checkups with your doctor to monitor the effects of steroids on your body, as well as how you feel and what you look like. Some changes can occur within a few weeks of starting treatment, while others might take a bit longer to start occurring. For example, some of the earliest changes to your voice and skin will happen in a few weeks or months, while other changes (like clitoral growth) may take a few years or even more to occur. Another reversible change to your voice that might be seen when you're on hormones is a deepening of the pitch. This can help you sound more masculine and have a fuller tone to your voice. Get to know about steroids in the link.
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floraflorenzi · 16 days
Weight Loss Doctors in Atlanta: Expert Guidance for a Healthier You
When it comes to achieving your health goals, finding the right weight loss doctors in Atlanta can make all the difference. These professionals specialize in offering personalized weight loss plans tailored to your unique body and lifestyle. Whether you’re struggling with stubborn fat or need medical guidance for severe obesity, these experts have the knowledge to support you. They can help identify underlying health conditions, recommend proper treatments, and create a sustainable strategy for long-term success. With a focus on both physical and emotional well-being, weight loss doctors in Atlanta empower you to transform your life, one step at a time. Their approach often includes comprehensive evaluations of your health, hormone levels, metabolism, and diet, helping you understand the root causes of your weight challenges. With access to advanced medical treatments and customized plans, weight loss doctors in Atlanta can offer safe and effective solutions, including nutritional guidance, exercise plans, and sometimes medical interventions like weight loss medications or surgery. These professionals are your partners in making positive, lasting changes, ensuring that you not only lose weight but also adopt healthier habits that stick.
The Benefits of Consulting Weight Loss Doctors in Atlanta
Consulting weight loss doctors in Atlanta can provide you with tailored solutions to meet your health and fitness goals. These professionals assess your unique situation, from your metabolism to underlying health issues, and create a customized plan that focuses on sustainable weight loss. With expert guidance, you’ll receive nutritional advice, exercise recommendations, and medical support, such as prescription medications or non-surgical treatments. This holistic approach ensures that you’re not just shedding pounds but improving your overall health. Weight loss doctors also provide emotional support, helping you overcome mental blocks or emotional eating habits that might be hindering your progress.
Customized Weight Loss Plans from Weight Loss Doctors in Atlanta
A major advantage of seeing weight loss doctors in Atlanta is receiving a weight loss plan that is customized to your body and lifestyle. These doctors conduct comprehensive health assessments, including blood tests, metabolic testing, and medical history reviews, to determine the most effective weight loss strategies for you. Based on this data, they can provide personalized advice, which may include dietary changes, exercise routines, or medications. By focusing on your individual needs, weight loss doctors in Atlanta help you achieve more efficient results compared to generic diet plans, ensuring long-term success and health improvement.
Weight Loss Doctors in Atlanta: Addressing Medical Conditions
For individuals with medical conditions like diabetes, hypertension, or thyroid problems, weight loss doctors in Atlanta offer specialized care. They understand how certain health issues can make weight loss more challenging and can recommend safe, effective strategies that won’t compromise your health. Weight loss doctors work closely with your other healthcare providers to ensure that their approach aligns with your overall medical needs. This collaborative approach not only helps you lose weight but also improves your overall health, reducing the risk of complications related to obesity-related conditions and improving your quality of life.
Sustainable Weight Loss with Weight Loss Doctors in Atlanta
One of the key benefits of working with weight loss doctors in Atlanta is the focus on sustainable weight loss. These professionals emphasize long-term results over quick fixes, ensuring that the weight you lose stays off. Through a combination of lifestyle changes, nutritional counseling, and medical interventions when necessary, weight loss doctors help you build healthier habits. They monitor your progress closely and make adjustments as needed, ensuring that you stay on track without feeling deprived or overwhelmed. This sustainable approach is essential for preventing weight regain and maintaining a healthy lifestyle in the long run.
Weight Loss Doctors in Atlanta and Non-Surgical Treatments
If you're looking to lose weight without undergoing surgery, weight loss doctors in Atlanta offer a range of non-surgical treatments. These may include prescription medications that suppress appetite, enhance metabolism, or regulate blood sugar levels. Doctors may also suggest lifestyle changes and incorporate technologies like body contouring or fat reduction therapies. These non-invasive options are ideal for individuals who prefer to avoid surgical procedures while still achieving significant weight loss. Weight loss doctors ensure that these treatments are safe, effective, and tailored to your individual needs, offering a comprehensive path to better health.
How Weight Loss Doctors in Atlanta Help You Stay Accountable?
Staying accountable is one of the hardest parts of a weight loss journey, but weight loss doctors in Atlanta provide the support you need to stay on track. Regular check-ins and follow-up appointments ensure that you remain committed to your goals. Doctors monitor your progress, making necessary adjustments to your plan and addressing any concerns you might have. This level of accountability is crucial for staying motivated, especially during challenging times. Weight loss doctors offer encouragement and solutions for overcoming setbacks, ensuring that you stay focused on your long-term health and weight loss goals.
Weight Loss Doctors in Atlanta: A Holistic Approach
What sets weight loss doctors in Atlanta apart is their holistic approach to weight loss. Instead of focusing solely on calorie restriction or exercise, they consider all aspects of your health, including mental and emotional well-being. Weight loss doctors understand that factors like stress, anxiety, or emotional eating can hinder progress, and they offer strategies to overcome these obstacles. By addressing both physical and psychological factors, they ensure that your weight loss journey is balanced and sustainable. This comprehensive care results in not only weight loss but also improved mental clarity, confidence, and overall well-being.
Working with weight loss doctors in Atlanta provides a comprehensive and personalized approach to achieving your weight loss goals. These experts offer tailored plans that address both the physical and emotional aspects of weight loss, ensuring a holistic journey towards better health. From customized nutrition and exercise routines to medical interventions when necessary, they guide you every step of the way. Their ongoing support and close monitoring ensure that you achieve lasting results while maintaining overall well-being. By partnering with experienced weight loss doctors, you can confidently transform your health and create sustainable lifestyle changes.
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david557888 · 2 years
What’s The Difference Between Microneedling And SkinPen?
The world of microneedling is a magical place where non-invasive skin rejuvenation is possible, a time-tested technique that’s been used for thousands of years. But how does it work?
Microneedling is a treatment that uses tiny needles to pierce the skin, creating microchannels in the dermis. These channels allow blood vessels to expand, stimulating collagen production and increasing circulation to improve cell renewal. The result? Smoother, more radiant skin!
But microneedling isn’t just for aesthetics: it can also treat scars and stretch marks. The same technology that gives you glowing skin also helps heal wounds faster by increasing blood flow.
Difference between Microneedling and SkinPen
Microneedling and SkinPen are two treatments that address a similar problem: skin aging. Microneedling is more invasive, but it also has more benefits. SkinPen is less invasive, but it’s the better choice to address fine lines. The most significant difference between these two procedures is how they’re used. 
Both microneedling and SkinPen use needles to puncture the skin to deliver ingredients into your body. However, microneedling requires an actual doctor to do the procedure, while SkinPen can easily be performed by a non-medical professional,
Microneedling is a skin treatment that creates tiny wounds in the skin using fine needles. This can improve the appearance of your skin by stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, natural substances found in healthy skin. 
The procedure involves rolling a handheld device over your face to create punctures smaller than those caused by acne or shaving. You may feel discomfort during the procedure, but it’s usually not very painful.
When it comes to microneedling, SkinPen is a device that uses needles to puncture your skin. Using the tool will cause minor wounds on your face, which stimulates collagen production and helps reduce the appearance of acne scars and wrinkles.
In comparison, MicroPen is a device that uses needles to puncture your skin—but in a more precise way than SkinPen. It’s supposed to give you better results because the micro-needles are smaller than those found in most manual derma rollers or microneedling tools. 
Unlike other agencies, this one can be used at home by anyone without any training whatsoever (as long as you read the instructions first). And unlike other devices that require you to use an electrical cord for power supply, this one has batteries so it can go wherever you go.
The SkinPen procedure is less painful than microneedling. The needle used for microneedling is longer and thicker than the one used for the SkinPen; as such, it penetrates deeper into the skin. Therefore, you can expect more post-procedure soreness with microneedling than with SkinPen.
Also, because of its size and design, the SkinPen can only penetrate about 1 millimeter (mm) into your skin—about 2/3 of a human hair’s thickness—. In contrast, a microneedle could reach several millimeters in depth, depending on what it’s being applied to and how deep you want it to go. 
Suppose you have sensitive skin or other health issues that might make any needling too painful or risky (such as diabetes or heart disease). In that case, we recommend starting with a less invasive treatment like microdermabrasion instead.
SkinPen treats fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, stretch marks, and other skin imperfections. SkinPen can be used on the face, neck, chest, and back. It can also be used on the hands and feet.
Procedures and prep time
You do not need to see a dermatologist to benefit from microneedling. SkinPen, on the other hand, is done at home by you. It can take 5-10 minutes to use SkinPen on your face and body, but it’s recommended that you complete the entire treatment plan for the best results.
In comparison:
Microneedling requires more time in an office because an aesthetician or doctor performs it on your skin instead of doing all the work yourself, as with SkinPen.
Benefits and results
SkinPen is more effective than microneedling.
SkinPen has a faster recovery time so that you can return to your regular daily routine immediately.
It’s also less painful, making it ideal for anyone nervous about trying new treatments on their skin.
SkinPen is more cost-effective because it’s reusable, so you won’t have to buy new needles monthly! That saves money and helps the environment too!
In addition to acne scars and fine lines, the SkinPen can be used on almost any part of your body—from lips and cheeks down to the feet. That means there are fewer limitations compared with other methods like microneedling, which only work on certain areas at specific depths depending on their purpose (e.g., treating fine lines).
The bottom line is to talk to a doctor before you start any microneedling routine.
While Microneedling and SkinPen offer similar benefits, they can be used differently. That’s why it’s essential to talk to a doctor before you start any microneedling routine. The doctor will help you decide which treatment is best for you and ensure that it won’t have any side effects.
The bottom line is that if you are considering undergoing microneedling or microdermabrasion at home, consult an expert first! Your dermatologist will be able to tell you how long the results will last and if there are any possible side effects from these processes.
With the SkinPen, you can fight your wrinkles and eliminate that pesky acne scarring. The SkinPen is an effective alternative to other forms of dermal filler, like Botox and fillers, which can be expensive and time-consuming. You can also use this tool as a way to prevent further damage from sun exposure—apply sunscreen before using the tool.
As far as microneedling goes, it’s all about getting your skin cells back to their natural state to do their job correctly. If you have dry skin, for example, you might have clogged pores or dead skin cells on top of your face—microneedling helps break down those clumps so that your skin can breathe again. If you have oily skin, the oil glands are likely overactive—microneedling will help calm them down and reduce oil production in the long run.
The Central Oregon Aesthetics for microneedling and SkinPen services is a one-stop shop for all your beauty needs. Whether you’re looking to get rid of those pesky wrinkles or want to treat yourself to a nice facial, we have what you need.
At Central Oregon Aesthetics, we offer microneedling and SkinPen services for all your beauty needs. We have everything from the latest in laser technology to the classic facials that have been around forever.
If you want to experience  for yourself, our great friends at Central Oregon Aesthetics can help you today. Visit them now!
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