#the dragon andd the wolf
tiny-little-bird · 7 years
Rewatched the "Sansa proposes to marry Jon" aka "Jon doesn't have the Stark name" scene and was surprised to see non-shippers actually picking up on the weird vibe of it saying they thought Sansa was offering marriage,but as expected people were quick to shut it down saying "HOW RETARDED CAN YOU BE" or "They're f'ing siblings". They say that Sansa was actually asking to be put in charge and that she was belittling Jon,hence the reaction of everyone. Thoughts? I just need some reassurance here.
D&D wrote and phrased that scene too weird lol And it was shot in a weird way too, awkward pause, weird/confused stares, Sansa literally becomes nervous and stutters, lol No. It was intentional, there were so many ways in which they could’ve gone about that scene and dialogue, but D&D were subtly hinting at and foreshadowing a Jonsa marriage. 
Now, watchers who only watch the show, and haven’t read the books, wouldn’t catch this, because they don’t know, that a man can marry a Highnorn Lady and take her name, so it simply went over their heads lol But us book readers knew exactly what D&D were hinting at with that phrasing. 😏
You know how you go back and watch previous seasons and you’re like, “DAMN! Look at ‘x’ quote/scene it foreshadowed exactly what happened to charachter ‘a’, in season ‘y’ episode ‘z’!!!”
The “No, but I do.” will be one of those quotes/scenes.
What Sansa meant by saying that is, “True, he doesn’t have the Stark name, but we’re good, I’m here to represent.”, she did not mean it with malice or to belittle him, like some people are saying lol “I’m not a Stark.” || “You are to me.”
So yeah, Sansa simply spoke the truth, It’s common knowledge that Jon is a bastard and thus doesn’t have the Stark name, (well, he isn’t a bastard, but Sansa and co. don’t know that, yet) and the Northerners all know it, what she meant is that her being there, the trueborn daughter of Lord Eddard Stark, her having the Stark name, her being by his side, would help their cause, but Sansa’s reply had a double meaning, and they all ended up misunderstanding what she meant lol 
Fact remains, it was intentional on D&D’s part, to have Edd, Jon and perhaps the rest of the characters in the room too (though we are only shown Edd, Jon’s and Sansa reactions), think she meant marriage, thus all the weird pauses, stares and the stutter on Sansa’s part. And upon seeing how everyone in the room reacted, Sansa, bless her heart, did realize just how wrong that came out, just how wrong it sounded, she is literally shown having that realization lol:
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so she hurries up and pulls that save, and oh boy did Jon look utterly DISAPPOINTED:
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Being murdered and then being brought backto life, messed with him. Losing the will to live and fight weren’t the only changes in Jon, they were the few changes D&D decided to show us, along with him becoming more aggressive and hot headed, but there were internal changes as well. 
Now, in books you can show the reader the charachter’s thoughts, but in a tv show/movie you can’t do that. So, how do you show a charachter’s thoughts? Through dialogue and actions. 
Dialogue is not an option here, because Jon can’t go to Sansa and tell her, “I think I’m falling in love with you.”, because this is something conflicting for him, he surely feels ashamed of it, and more than certainly thinks Sansa would be disgusted by him (little does he know lol), so we have him stutter when Sansa asks him, “I made it myself. Do you like it?” || “Yes, it’s… I like the wolf bit.”, we have him almost 
choke the life out of littlefinger, we have him not wanting to be brought back to life if he loses the battle and dies, because Sansa would have killed herself, he says the North is part of him, and then tells Sansa the North is hers, that part of him is hers, he tells her he’ll never let Ramsay TOUCH her again, and then proceeds to almost punch him to death, the way he reacts when Tyrion asks “Does she (Sansa) miss me teribly?”, how the only reason he doesn’t kill Theon for betraying his family, is Sansa, the way he smiles at her, the way he looks at her, he is in complete awe of her, of the intelligent, beautiful and strong woman she has become.
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Jondelion shippers wish Jon gave Dandelion these very “platonic” looks he gave Sansa lol
So yeah, you don’t come back from something like that, you don’t come back from being murdered, without some emotional changes, without changes in the way you think and view the world. I mean, he died and he SAW NOTHING on the other side, just BLACKNESS, NOTHINGNESS, NO PUNISHMENT, NO FIRE, NO HELL, NOTHING. So to him, after you die, there is nothing, you don’t get a punishment, you don’t go to hell, you have got just one life and when you die, that’s it, there’s no afterlife, you don’t get to see your loved ones again etc., you get one shot (well in his case two, YOLT = you only live twice), that’s what he believes. 
We had that scene with Mel asking him what he saw after he died for “a reason”. That might’ve been the thing that opened up a door for “inappropriate” feelings for him, which he will find out in S8, were not so inappropriate after all, since Sansa is in fact his cousin and not half-sister. Finding out, will shake him up real good.
I truly believe Jon already had feelings for Sansa here, in this scene. I mean, she comes back at Castle Black, after he hasn’t seen her in what, 5-6 years, and although she looks like the little sister he once knew, she’s is VERY, if not completely, different, and well, she is a grown woman now. I’ve said this before, when Jon and Sansa reunited they both looked familiar to each other, they recognized each other right away, but at the same time they were two strangers. The little Jon knew about Sansa, looks like it’s gone, her love for songs and stories and pretty things, those things which once meant everything/the world to her, don’t seem to matter to her anymore, the cruelty of the world, took her innocence and dreams away from her, things he once knew her for, so yeah, in front of him is a stranger, thus why we got these shook ‘who are you and what have you done with my sister?’ reactions, that he’s had towards her all throughout season 6:
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They reunite, and they literally have to get to know each other, to discover each other. The first thing they do, is share with each other all the horrors they’ve been through, all their pain, sorrow and frustration. I can only imagine how intense those conversations between them were; where Sansa told him what Ramsay did to her, where Jon told her his own brothers had stabbed him to death. I’m getting the chills just thinking about it… their bond is VERY unique and has become VERY strong, due to all the things they’ve gone through together, and if you watch their scenes, there is very little to nothing in their dynamic that resembles one of two siblings. 
They fight and argue like two lovers/husband and wife, Jon is weirdly awkward around her, there is tension between them, they laugh so much around each other, Jon becoming enraged around men that have a connection to Sansa, Sansa responds in a very odd way, to Littlefinger teasing her about Jon marrying Dandelion, there are all these details, it all points to them having “'inappropriate” feelings for each other, it all points to them being in love with one another.
By the end of season 6, it’s pretty clear to us, that Jon loves her and that Sansa has become his weakness, we can all see it through his actions in S6 and especially in S7.
This is my opinion, but I do believe that to some extent Sansa realized, even back in S6, that her affections towards Jon were different from the affections she felt towards Robb, Bran and Rickon. In S7, she practically begged him not to leave her in front of all the Northern Lords, and then, she kept wishing he was there, she kept wishing he came back soon, she mentioned how happy he was to see her. “I wish he comes back soon. When he sees you, his heart will probably stop.” D&D could’ve wrote this quote just like this, no need for the “I remember how happy he was to see me” bit, but for “some reason”, they decided to slip in the fact that Jon + Sansa = Happiness, to which I say, where is the lie?
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I’m really looking forward to seeing Jon interact with Arya in S8, and Jon reacting to Gendry being around Arya vs. any man being around Sansa, so I’ll be able to go: Y’all
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So yeah, conclusion: Even if it’s not what Sansa meant, everybody in that scene thought she was talking about giving Jon the Stark name through marriage.
Fear not sweet nonny,
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#JonsaIsComing 💙
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paleblank · 4 years
So I've been thinking a lot about smash dlc characters so here's 6 characters I'd love to see in smash! The character I most wanted in was Banjo Kazooie so I'll be pretty satisfied with anything really but here are my picks
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Sora: I think sora would fit so well in smash, his battle style is so unique with the keyblade being such a cool weapon that can transform into a buch of things with formchange and teleport back to the owner's hand when thrown. We also got the super badass drive forms and the hella edgy Anti-form that would be so cool to see implemented in his moveset. the only real thing I see holding this character back is that he's not owned by Square Enix being owned by Disney instead. Idk how would Disney react to that. Also a lot of Sora's summons are Disney characters, his keyblade has the mickey head thing so idk that could be troublesome to license well. Also he's more on Sony and Microsoft consoles rather than Nintendo but so was Cloud. Guys but he's so adorable 🥺 the way he says sorry when messing up cooking with Remy from ratatouille just breaks my heart.
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Paper Mario: I feel Paper Mario is different enough from Mario to be his own character in smash.Paper Mario has a hammer, partners, the whole paper mechanic and that ability with the stars that appear again in Mario Party 5 for some reason... hm a lot to work with here. He's also completely silent unlike Mario! he'd be another flat character like Mr. Game n watch. Also, he just recently had a new game on the switch so that's a plus. I know it'd be another Mario franchise rep and people have been wanting Waluigi(let's be honest it's just to complete Wario and also cuz memes) but Paper Mario is way more unique and even has his own series of games. Keep the Waluigi-not-in-smash meme alive.
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Ryu Hayabusa: Ok. Ninjas. Ninjas in smash. Nintendo we need ninjas in smash... and I'm not talking about pokemon ninjas(greninja) that doesn't count. I'm talking about actual human ninjas. Ryu first appeared on the NES with the Ninja Gaiden trilogy of games(which I never beat cuz it's hella hard) so he'd be kinda like a retro character like Simon. I say kinda because he got a reboot on the xbox later on which Slapsss. But the NES wasn't the only Nintendo console he was on, he was also on the NDS(this game was super fun like you hold the DS sideways it's greatt) and Wii U(he's back on the Switch NES online collection thing too) Now, he is primarily a sword user like so many other smash characters but Ryu is diversity incarnate this man can use sooo many other weapons like a staff, kusarigma, tonfas, bows, dual swords, bladed nunchuks, freaking wolverine CLAWS oh and a modafuckin SCYTHE. So idk they could implement different weapons like they did with Byleth or make the Dragon Sword be his homie his only weapon to keep it classy. To complement that got the usual ninja stuff like the shurikens, the kunais and the totally not op Ninjutsu. Also he his so graceful and fiercee have you seen his fighting style? His movements are so cool to look at. Like, Izuna drop. In smash. Ugh husbando. He's owned by koei tecmo the same guys that did the dinasty warrior games and the fire emblem and zelda warriors crossover of games. So they've been working really close to Nintendo recently. Although the last we've seen of Ninja Gaiden was back in 2014. But like Banjo Kazooie hasn't had a game since 2008 so it's not a big deal. (Edit: wow so Nintendo just announced Koei Tecmo is doing yet another Zelda Warriors game :D andd they're lending them assets from BotW which means Nintendo really trusts this company so Ryu getting in Smash as a representative of Koei Tecmo and Team Ninja is very very likely, probably the most likely of the list) 
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Dante: Hey we have Bayo let us have Dante. He's a cool mofo, he chill he badass. What else can I say? I love his personality ahhh (reminds me of Pale a bit) but I know he's another sword character but he has GUNS and can turn into a DEMON so I think they can make him stand out enough from the others. His fighting style is so stylish and cool yes yes. I feel Nero would be super cool with his devil breaker arms too but Dante is the face of Devil May Cry. I think dmc 3 is the only game on a Nintendo console though... But who cares get this mofo in smash please
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Travis Touchdown: why do I love these personality types hmm. Now he was a wii excluse for a while and most of his games were on Nintendo platforms first so plus plus. Yet another sword character oops but I mean he has a beam sword that's hella cool plus he can turn into a red TIGER. His game is a bit.. well mature, and not only on the gory side of things but there's like a lot of sexual innuendo (he looks like he's jerking off when he's charging his sword) but hey Bayonetta had her moments as well. We got a new game coming up in 2021 mhm. Anyway I wouldn't mind if he didn't got in probably just a bonus on my list.
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Okami: wow I want a lot of hack n slash human characters huh let's combo break that with Amaterasu! She's a wolf, a goddess, she's so cool definitely the most unique pick out of my choices here. like her game is so one of a kind it should be in museums across the world and they should have ppl handing out free copies just so everyone can experience this art in game form. Just image the possibilities of her moveset! She was in a fighting game before and it was amazing. We need more non-human characters in smash too. Hmm it is yet another capcom rep though(we have Megaman, Ryu and Ken and I want Dante too.) But let it happen please
So that's my list for now. If any of these characters get in I'd be sooo happy!! Let's wait and see.
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rheawritessometimes · 3 years
yoo besttieeee,,, *twirls hair cutely* cann i get a vision/weapon assignment please…aha…. ur so sexy…. my height is 160cm..i think thats 5’3 in american or smth ?? i played softball once for like mandatory phys ed classes and. funny story but one time the person before me swung back and hit me in the stomach really hard and for some reason the teacher scolded me and not the kid but i think the teacher was just racist lol. (jst based on othr things and not just the getting hit in the stomach thing lol) my favourite class in school is probably calculus cause its fun and p easy ? feelings about nature… hmm ok. i love plants and animals and stuff (im trying to grow plants but i keep killing them and buying new ones kinda hurt the poor wallet :’) but i hate ants and most bugs. esp ants bc i have an ant infestation rn and i caNT FIND THE NEST ??? AND THEY KEEP. CLIMBING INTO MY CHOCOLATE MILK AND RUINING IT >:(((((( hate it here frfr :////. as for my bucket list. i think i wld want to get a tattoo?? i have a couple of designs in mind like mayb mothman or smth lol. the only reason i havent gotten it is cause they r so expensive ?? and i dont have the self control to save up lol. OH. ANOTHER thING !! maybe getting a pet like cat ?? i think they r so cool. ok or maybe living overseas with my friends + escaping my shitty family !! sorry i have so many things on my bucket list AHA. my favourite colour is probably like. mustard yellow ? i generally love all shades of yellow im gna be real!! but my second favourite has to be pink but !! this either like. cotton candy pink, coral pink or baby pink ??? i think pink is so cute ??? andd my favourite genshin boss is probably childe bc. beating up white men is therapeutic /j. no bc im lazy to run all the way to the wolf, i dont like the perspective when u fight dvalin (also i dont want to fight dvalin. when i first started playing i was rlly excited that we cld become friends w/ the dragon :// then i was informed we had to fight him ??!!!!) ok but. mini-ish boss wise it wld be the cryo regisvine bc i like to see how much damage my hutao does!! i also love fighting ruin guards bc the first time i fought it it took me like 10 tries to kill it but now its so easy !! wahoo!! mmm a secret,,,, ooo this might b very dark but i have a rlly bad rs with my parents + i cant wait to move out but where i come from u cant move out unless u get married or smth. which is why i want to move overseas HAHA. anw!! thank u bestie in advance for the weapon/vision kinnie assignment lol 😝 hope u have a great week ahead !!! <333
I think a bow user with a Hydro Vision. A bow for distance, but I'm not super solid on it. I think you could go a lot of ways but instinct says bow. Your energy just matches Hydro so well. You can't keep plants alive and you like math, so that leans Hydro too.
Your energy suggests to me that your elemental skill would allow you to trap enemies in bubbles like the Hydro Abyss Mage. The cooldown would probably be fairly long though.
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grungekitty-77 · 5 years
Solving problems with more problems in D&D.
Our poor DM just wanted to do a quiet role play this week.
Too bad he had the agents of chaos at his table.
Let's start with the line up.
1 a dragon born fighter that keeps getting impaled in the shoulder. (S)
2 a literal child playing a halfling wizard. (C)
3 a darwf rogue that keeps hoping for critical failures among the group. (V)
4 an absent lizard barbarian that forgets to rage. A new guy that doesn't know what he's in for, playing a dragonborn paladin. (G)
5 a teifling monk with a borderline evil alignment. (Br)
6 a druggie dawrf cleric that worships Dionysus: god of merriment and madness. (H)
7 a druid wood elf that had a bad day and was out of both manners andd patience for the night.
Our temp friend, here for the night while his group is unavailable and one of ours is out of town, is given a role in the plot. The mayor, his boss; Tom, has hired us to fix the town. No one will talk to G, but there's problems and things aren't running smoothly.
We investigate the town in our chaotic way.
Mary the barkeep wants James the miner to do something. James has a problem with an unknown competitor. Sally the innkeeper needs her beds fixed. Craig the woodworker won't do anything except make weapons for himself and go off about how much he wants to use them.
Craig is an asshole to B (and everyone else for that matter, but mostly B)
Br really likes those weapons. Particularly, he likes a spear, has a Rocket the Racoon moment, and wants it more.
He goes in and tackles Craig. B follows him in. Br can't reach anything, so he tells her to grab the spear. B goes all in, grabs the thing, flips Craig off, and runs to hide in the inn.
Br gets off Craig, drops his bag of gold on him, says "I'll bring it back", doesn't tie him up or anything, but is fast enough once he leaves to not get seen when Craig comes out after him.
Now while this was happening, H got high and channeled divinity. Dionysus told his boy that a group of miners had dug a hole into the back of the mine and were stealing from it, causing James' problem. Then also told him to get Craig in the mines.
Craig, now furious at one of his weapons being stolen, sees H, knows B and Br were in his group, runs up and yells "WHERE IS HE!?!?"
H, having no idea who "he" is, takes exactly one blink to say "He's in the mines."
Craig goes into his shop, loads up on weapons, and takes off. H follows.
G has no idea what's up with the woodworker and follows, trying to figure out what's happening.
C and V come along as well.
Br and B have met up in the inn. Br took the spear while B changed into a wolf. They hear the commotion and come along, Br at the back trying to not be seen.
B goes into the bar and grabs S to come with.
H keeps riling Craig up and we get to the illegal mine.
5 goblins. 2 murdered right off the bat by Craig as he yells "WHERE IS HE!?!? BRING HIM OUT!!"
G tries to restrain him, but not before he set a fire that C used to burn the legs off another goblin.
V hits one with an arrow, and although he doesn't hurt him, the goblin is so scared he is trying to dig an escape hole by hand.
S grabs him and the other uninjured goblin and holds them while G restrains Craig.
Br is around the corner. B is watching while a wolf.
Craig finally explains who took his spear. H just knows god told him to get Craig in the mines so he did, but now he has to talk this guy out of murdering his friends.
B comes back to Br and they decide to go back to town.
The rest of the group decide to bring the surviving goblins to town, with a restrained Craig.
B and Br come out of the inn and Craig loses it. They both are super confused and ask him what the hell he's doing.
Craig demands his spear. Br and B ask "what spear!? We didn't take a spear!?" "BTW why'd you take Br's gold? That was uncool!"
The inn keeper vouches, saying that they had been at the inn for hours.
Mayor tells Craig to look again.
Lo and behold, it's on the floor, slightly under the table.
Br had put the spear back while B charmed the innkeeper to lie on their behalf. Br and B called Craig out of "lying" and "accusing two random out of towners of stealing because he misplaced something"
H, who has figured this out by now, is trying to settle things.
Clearly, it was V in disguise.
No one bought it.
Obviously, this was all part of Dionysus's grand plan. (B: Are you really pulling a "god works in mysterious ways"??)
Failed again, no one believed that.
There is the matter of the goblins.
Exactly. People need to realize that goblin lives matter! We just assume because they're goblins that they have to be bad guys! But that's stereotyping, and it's wrong! We all looked at these poor goblins and dehumanized them. Look this little guy in the face and tell him his life isn't valuable! We all, as a society, need to do better than assuming every goblin is trying to hurt us! The real lesson today was not to judge based of appearance.
It worked.
Everyone nodded, realized a valuable lesson about prejudice, and forgot to ask anymore questions.
But Craig still murdered two people, stole gold, accused these random people of theft, caused a scene, ect.
B suggested his punishment be community service in the form of fixing the inn. James was willing to make a deal with Mary now that his business wasn't about to go under, and he ever hired the remaining goblins as a diversity hires.
We solved all of the problems, not through negotiations or logic, but by turning an NPC into a murderous pawn, pulling an afterschool special moral out of our ashes, and just generally breaking the game the DM had planned.
For Dionysus's sake, he had to come up with stats for this random NPC we had managed to weaponize!
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senthia-soothes15 · 6 years
Answer 20 questions then tag some ppl or whatever
@kamauster22 tagged me..
Name- Senthia Ramirez
Nicknames- pound cake, em, Sen, wolfy, cinnamon 😊
Zodiac- Taurus
Height- 5'3 last time checked
Spoken language(s)- English, German, some spanish
Nationality- american
Favorite fruit- dragonfruit
Favorite season- winter
Favorite scent- the air after the rain... and pine trees!
Favorite color- blue, purple
Favorite animals- owls, hummingbirds, foxes, wolf's, and UNICORNS!
Favorite fictional animals- century, griffins, dragons
coffee, tea or hot chocolate- too hard to decide
number of blankets slept in- three fuzzy and one mickey
Favorite subjects- math andd photography
when your blog was created- IDFK
currently watching- im researching Tokyo ghoul
Favorite band- MCR, bts, got7
instruments played- flute, clarinet, trombone, trumpet, percussion
Favorite book- any book by Louis lowery
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