#the echo and the pose are literally the only items i dont have and its just giving me endless materials instesd
nikkiissleepy · 1 year
200 refreshes and the pose isnt going under 15% at all 😭 caved and bought the bg at 50%...
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Mass Effect Chats ft. Me and My Bro
(For context we both forgot Thane (the Drell aka Grasshopper Man)'s name) Bro: THANE!! That's his name.
Me: YES!
Me: Thane-ks for reminding me.
Bro: *deep sigh*
Bro: I should've Thane that comin.
Upon finding a powered down Big Boi Mech: *GASP* HIS NAME IS CARL.
Bro, referring to Carl as he helps us in our quest: He walks like a boss.
Me: or a 2 y/o having a tamtrum
Bro: or like a 2 y/o who just took a dump
Me: okay, take it from someone who works with 2 year olds, they are disturbingly good at hiding when they've taken a dump the size of Ireland.
Carl, exploding bc they're a faulty mech and thats why they were abandoned: BZZZTTT
RIP Carl, 2010-Whenever you reach that side mission.
Me, as Shepard activates a hologram device thing: Oh boi we are in the matrix.
Me: Either that or a honeycomb.
Bro: Imma sneeze. *sneezes*
Me: RIP your sinuses btw.
Miranda(slightly stiff, Aussie, GMO girl, with an attitude and also a gun so dont make her mad bc she will shoot you) during a random side mission: It's an ambush!
Bro, as the distant cries of angry creatures echo through the valley: well duh.
Me: is that a deer?
Me: oh it's a dead varren nevermind.
After my brother and I spent 10 minutes laughing @ didney worl memes we try to have a serious conversation with Mordin: oh I'm so sorry about... Your assistant... Buddy... *snort* IM SORRY OKAY!
Me, softly: didney worl...
Me, speaking about Miranda being seemingly unable to stand in a way that isnt a model pose: does she not ever pose like a normal person--oh nice shot of her butt, camera crew, we needed that.
Bro: Garrus... Doesnt want to talk to me... Garrus I'm sorry... :((
Me, sniffling: Don't cry, then Garrus will cry too :(((
Jack: *says the f-word twice in one conversation*
Me in a Vine voice: watch your profanity.
Me: Tali and Liara are best girl. You can't change my mind.
*door closes behind us a/o prompting*
Me: the door closed bc it knew I was right and was trying to prove my point.like a mic drop but less impressive.
Stuffy jerk politician dude to Grunt: You mention great warlords... But you were bred by a syringe.
Me: Boi you better catch these hands.
Shepard: There's a krogan on my team, he has some sort of sickness, is there anything you can do for him?
Wrex: he is not sick, he is growing into a full blood krogan.
Me: oh dang I forgot I was right about puberty...
Grunt after being offered a position by stuffy politician guy after successfully wiping the floor with the rite of passage: You disrespect my father, Shepard, and my name and only now you respect me for my power?!
Tumblr media
Bro: *gasp* what does a bebby krogan look like??
Me:...probably wrinkly.
Wrex, wearing his upgraded armor: I. AM. KROGAN.
Me, knowing full well his suit looks like Iron man armor: And you're doing amazing sweetie.
Me: we [humans] got comlimented by the Nerd Scientist and I've never been more proud.
Shepard's random fight dialogue after Angry Krogan Leader finiahes ranting: We've been spotted.
Bro, calmly running for cover: Yes. Yes we have.
Grunt: Nothing can hurt me.
Me: I feel like that's not true. You've yet to experience emotional pain.
Mordin, best nerdy boi, a Salarian and therefore in his last Decade of his 40 year lifespan: Went to Omega, opened clinic. Wanted to heal. Help people. Good use of last decade.
Me, crying: I'm so sorry for quizzing you with mean paragon questions I love you so much baby I'm sorry...
Shepard, literally every time she picks up an upgrade: I ' L L T A K E I T
Me: sToP YElLiNg.
Me, actively weeping @ Joker(best human side character ever seriously, talk to him every time you get a chance he's amazing) and Edi's(ship AI with a propensity to egg Joker on bc she thinks its funny and is also adorable fite me) budding friendship throuhout ME2: F R I E N D S H I P *crying intensifies* (I havent played the 3rd game yet dont tell me if theyre an item: there arent enough wholesome friendships in media okay?)
Shepard, stopping Mordin from murdering a disgusting rat who mutilated people in effort to do something stupid and morally complicated: murder is wrong.
Mordin: hm. You right. (Indirect quote)
Me & Bro @ the Scottish and New York engineers: 10/10 amazing side characters. More of them please.
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