#the emulator… welp
ducktracy · 11 months
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roppiepop · 1 year
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Timmy, timmy, timmy!!!!!!
(Bonus: a timelapse 😔🙏)
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heydragonfly · 11 months
okay I will not be leaving tumblr until it’s smoke and ruin but. to start preparing for the Inevitable. my instagram is heydragonflyart and I’ve just made a Mastodon (it ain’t perfect but I like it more than the other options) which is also heydragonfly. mutuals and friends feel free to comment your own socials
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 5 months
Oh God, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean jealous like I want what you have from you, I meant jealous like I'd love to emulate what you have done. I'm impressed by your work.
Welp. My bad, im sorry. I didn't mean to come off like an asshat, but I did.
apology immediately accepted, thank you 👍
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ppeonppeonhan · 6 months
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Booo! I was hoping AntiReset would have the I'm Not a Robot plot twist. And have the programmer look exactly like the robot.
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I just feel like the second half could've been so much more interesting if they then tested whether the professor had truly healed, and was capable of relating to humans again. Plus, it would've been funny to watch a human try to emulate the machine he made, and reciprocate the professor's affections.
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Welp. At least we got lap sitting.
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odetoscavengers · 1 month
i think one of the major things i see with modern games/artists that try to replicate a late 90s/early 2000s low-poly style is that they tend to go a bit too hard into readability. All the games I've played from that time have a style sort of characterized by the fact that their texture is more 'complex' than the actual 3D model itself, which sort of causes objects/enemies/npcs/whatever to often look stretched or largely ambiguous about what they're actually supposed to be. Like don't get me wrong a lot of people are ignoring that sort of texturing on purpose because they want their art to be readable (which makes sense, and can lead to very visually pretty results when done correctly) but I am a bit sad to not see practically anyone trying to replicate what games at the time actually looked like. It's especially sad to see game like dusk or gloomwood not go 100% into this because their subject matter would greatly benefit from it imo. Just think about how many games at the time had these almost eldritch, otherworldly set pieces and motifs! they had those because their models were often hard to decipher and kind of gross looking because of the limitations of the technology they had to work with, and so rather than just going welp the game looks bad oh well, they made creature designs that actually worked with this. none of this ultimately matters but I am kind of tired of seeing so many games made that try to emulate this style that don't understand why it existed in the first place.
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mistfallengw2 · 6 days
1, 5 and 18 for Morwen
Hey, a sylvari ask game! 🌱
1. Are they a Dreamer or Soundless? [etc]
Morwen was a Dreamer, and a devoted one at that! She wholly believed in Ventari's teachings, and thought the Pale Mother can do no wrong, almost to a fault. A few people believed her to be a favorite of the Pale Mother, and while it's true that Morwen spent a lot of time in her presence whenever she was at the Grove, it was mostly her asking for things she could help with (being a talented mender) or directly searching for her guidance and reassurance, as she never forgave herself for how her actions had inadvertently driven a dear friend of hers to Nightmare. The attack on the Pale Tree terribly shook Morwen to the core, so much that after the attack on Camp Resolve she insisted on sailing with the Pact Fleet to help put an end to the elder dragon who caused it all. Sadly, that's where her life would be cut short, by the last person she'd expect to hurt her.
5. Are they from the first batch of Secondborn or did they awaken at some later point? What's their opinion on the Firstborn?
She was awakened in 1317 AE, 15 years after the first batch of Secondborn. While Morwen thinks some of the Firstborn tend to be a bit stuffy and too self-important at times, she had enough conversations with them to understand they're just like Secondborn, only with more weight on their shoulders that they can't show.
18. [Free space for 3 pieces of trivia about your sylvari!]
- She and Maeveryl were besties, but also partners for a time! It didn't last long, as it was them emulating older sylvari as they were still young saplings who still had to understand themselves, but they remained so close that even after a long time apart they could still understand each other without needing to talk.
- She was extremely soft spoken and kind, but she could be quite assertive and not back down one bit once she set her mind to something. Useful thing, given she was a mender/medic, sort of helped by how her boyfriend Gareth liked to make fun of rookies: he'd tell them Morwen was actually an extremely evil witch that'd turn them into toads if they didn't behave, like she did with him many times, and then he'd set frogs around the infirmary tent. Morwen never liked that. ... okay it was just a little bit funny to see bigass battle-scarred charr look at her with uncertain fear.
- She had two pets, a fern hound named Rosebud and a snowy owl named Lune, and they both aided her when it came to using her druid powers. Rosebud was a gift from her then-dear friend Nytum and was a pup reared by her hounds, while Lune eventually became Eurys's pet after she awakened, sensing her energy through Eurys's revenant-like powers.
[adding a pic under readmore just to show her face]
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(this pic is so old that it's done with the old shader and now I realize it made her look weird welp. I really gotta retake all portraits of my non-in-game ocs)
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eddiestattoos · 2 months
Writer Interview!
Tagged by @aintgonnatakethis 💙💙💙
About me
When did you start writing?
I mean. Of course I did writing projects in high school but as far as personal stuff (aka my fics) I was 20
Are there different genres or themes you enjoy reading other than the ones you write?
I mean, sure! I got nothing specific off the top of my head but considering my writing spectrum isn't spectacularly broad, I've been sure to have read something outside of my writing topics
Is there an author you want to emulate or are compared to often?
I've never been one to try to copy others. I admire a ton of y'all and wish I could do better at that in some aspects, but I'm not about to take the words off anyone else's paper so to speak
Can you tell me a little about your writing space?
Generally me, my laptop, on my bed. Some kind of music playing. Generally one of my fandom playlists and most commonly on the weekends
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
I honestly... do not have an answer for that. It's a delicate daydream most of the time I guess. My delicate I mean fleeting. I can lose the plot
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and/or places you write
Well I mean technically my mother did get me into the show I wrote my first fic for but as far as where I've taken some of those? Gotta say no
Are there any reoccurring themes in your writing? If so, do they surprise you?
I am a sucker for h/c in any form (emotional, sickfic, injury, etc). Which I mean. Isn't an entire shocker, considering what I've been interested in television and story wise. It's not all my fics but it's around.
About My Characters
Would you please tell me about your current favourite character?
I don't know much about the characters that are consuming much of my brain right now so we won't get into that. So let's talk about Sara Sidle (and Nick Stokes). They have such a beautiful sibling dynamic (and there's a ton of shippers out there who are totally valid I see you). Anyway I've talked about Nick in detail (here). But Sara. She's far from my favourite character on the show but she is a character I've particularly enjoyed writing (especially with him). I have the same vibe with Chloe from Smallville. Very fun to write, not my fave to watch in the first half (and this rewatch I'm currently on hasn't helped)
Which of your characters would you be friends with in real life?
Welp I don't have ocs really so I'm gonna say Sam Carter. I'll join the shopping trips with her and Vala. (I got stuck on this one ok. But she is very sweet I love her we could be friends)
Which of your characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
Rodney McKay. More than likely.
Tell me about the process of coming up with characters.
Again, not an oc girly. But if I do add a side character to a story, it's always one that's connected to a canon character in some way (child, long lost friend, kid they mentored)
Do you notice any recurring traits/themes in your characters?
Nothing specific, no. I don't think so
How do you picture your characters?
My loves, my babies, my besties, my friends. I love these silly guys
About My Writing
What's your reason for writing?
It's a hobby, something I enjoy. I decided to start writing the random daydream csi fic one day and haven't turned back
Is there any specific comment or type of comment from readers that you find particularly motivating?
Honestly? Anything positive. Any joy y'all have in reading is joy I take into writing more. Especially with this long sga project I took on. Some days I'm like this is a massive hole I dug and then there's even a "great update" and I'm like thank you thank you thank you
How do want to be thought about by your readers?
I'm just trying my best out there, I hope people enjoy what I write. And I'm open to chatting do come by we can talk we can be friends!
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I think I never lose the essence of the character. I'll always take pride in my characterization skills
Have you been told your greatest strength as a writer by others?
I do remember a couple comments about good poignancy in particularly emotional moments. Which I will definitely take. I do love those scenes and the one in particular is one of my proudest
How do you feel about your own writing?
I love it. Some of it's bad, cringey even. But I am not immune to rereading and thoroughly enjoying my own work
If you were the last person on earth, would you still write?
It's a strong possibility. It'd be a way to keep entertained. And as I said. Will reread.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, do you write purely for yourself, or is it a mix of both?
I mean it's mostly me, I can't lie. But I have done a couple requests. I'm not actively seeking them but it's been fun when I have. But not to sound like a broken record, rereads! I stick to where I'm comfortable and what I'm comfortable putting out there from me for people to see
Tagging @sga-owns-my-soul @hearteyesmcgarrett @ilkkawhat @jencsi @malcolm-reeds-pineapple and any other writers! Do tell if you wish! Consider me your interviewer!
(PS sorry to snag this but there's a handy template for either mobile or desktop here at the end)
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rysko · 6 months
Since i am enjoying the hunger games meets peaky au too much:
How would Juliusz fare in the games? And What district would he be in that universe?
Oh shit hello! hi! i did not expect this! Thank you for sending this in July muah muah <333
Let me preface this by saying, i have NEVER seen the Hunger Games and watching the crossover posts was like "Oh this is so cool and looks fun, wish i knew tf was going on" lol so all my thoughts about Juliusz are based on me skimming the wiki and @red-riding-wood helping me out with the lore <3
It was a long battle between 1 and 11, but I ultimately decided District 1 fits him best. He's already from a well-off family that has a history of trade, so District 1 with its specialisation on exports, business and such definetly fits. Plus he always was more of a city slicker lol
Now, my understanding of lore is severely limited, so i'm very not sure how he'd realistically fare in the games or if im missing things. A few factors i'd consider is that he's a pretty good shot (i took a look at weapons in that universe and a crossbow seems so fucking cool and fitting. GIVE MY MAN A CROSSBOW!) and is outdoorsy, so the wilderness wouldn't be too horrible i presume. I can imagine him being pretty sneaky and avoiding confrontation, even if it meant a temporary truce. On the other hand though, he's still a fucking nerd (/affectionate xd) and could falter more when it comes to hand-to-hand combat. Realistically i wouldn't expect him to win the games, but i can imagine him getting pretty close. If he won though, i like the idea of his scars, worsening of his vision and overall anxiety(tm) being outcomes of the games instead of the war like in Peaky.
Also, me and @red-riding-wood did one of those emulators with Juliusz, her OC Charlotte, other Peaky Characters and a few crack characters for fun, and if i had to go off of this, Juliusz officially got 2 kills on his record! Some other highlights being:
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welp, that just narrowed lots of things down lmao
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Based, he'd never do that to our girl Charlotte. eat shit Matteo
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okay dude, i think that's just your way of saying fuck you to Tommy
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o7 that's an oddly fitting way for him to die LMAO. also kudos on 3rd place i honestly didn't think you'd go that far my son <3
All this made me wanna watch the movies sometime and maybe take some more active part in this au as well, DONT STOP THE BRAINROT!!! <333 This was really really fun and i'm smitten by ya'lls creativity!
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werewolf-cuddles · 7 months
Yuzu made a statement that not only will Yuzu be pulled down and stop development but also Citra the 3ds emulator. So theres that two birds one stone for nintendo
Welp, time to make mirrors of Citra while it's still up.
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
Todays shower thought is a return to the Harry Raises Naruto idea I threw out there a few days ago:
Harry “wakes” with Teddy kneeling over him snarling at two strangers in porcelain masks and knows even before his eyes focus enough to take in their odd uniforms and the weapons that cover nearly every inch of them that they are very much not in Grimmauld Place anymore.
They are in fact not even in the same reality anymore from all he can tell.
He is brought before their leader, an ancient and wise looking old man that immediately sets off every Anti Dumbledore alarm he has clawed his way into building in the last year. Harry is about two seconds from grabbing a Teddy and bolting, to where he hasn’t the slightest fucking idea, when the man offers them sanctuary.
He knows the look in the manMs eyes. Knows that they are not being offered kindness as much as they are being leashed. And Harry with a three year old on his hip and enough trauma to send his last three therapists running for the hills, is determined to make him fucking choke on it.
Later. Once he has a grip on where he is. Once he can get his feet planted and at least 30% of a plan.
(Hermione would be proud to know he could learn. Could think before throwing his fool self straight into danger.)
Teddy growls when one of the strangers draws a bit too close, lip curled back from their too sharp teeth an green eyes glinting with promise of violence if they come any closer.
“Cub,” Harry doesn’t snap, but his voice is still firm. It was a delicate balance learning how to be a parent when he never had one to emulate. It does made Teddy remember themself however and settle back agains this chest with a grumbling growl.
It also makes one of the masked men jolt as if struck. Dark eye widening behind the mask before going back to normal. Harry shrugs in the closest he will get to an apology.
“Watch your welp,” Another old man that has the slimy feel of Malfoy but worse dripping off of him snaps.
Harry flashes his own teeth a habit he had picked up from Teddy somewhere along the line. “Don’t corner a wolf and scold it for growling.”
He had the distinct feeling the masked man was grinning at him.
Somehow they get out of the tower without bloodshed and Harry is escorted to a rundown little building that was half ruined from some attack a few years prior and told he had better find a way to support them before too long.
He looks up at the crumbling storefront, down at Teddy who looks like him in miniature, at the shadows where he can feel the same masked man lingering, and gets to work.
There’s enough gold on him to get the bakery started. Enough to get them settled. And before long he has carved out a modest life for them.
Then he finds a little blond child eating out of bins , too thin, too scared, the light in his eye that spoke of ingrained terror, and Harry decides now is as good as time as any to make the old bastard choke on the leash he had thought to contain Harry with.
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qhazomb · 3 months
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welp, time to see if this laptop can handle emulating this game.
or if i'm gonna have to wait in like 20 years to afford a gaming pc
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emerxshiu · 9 months
kirby doodle dump (+ some small animation tests)
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(this one from today) this dude lives rent free in my head, still trying to make his gijinka more interesting, i dunno, also trying to draw other types of hair, mainly curly (main reason i even wanted to change the one i had) here im just practicing, hold on im rambling and going in cir- next
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remember last post when i said i was gonna drop some kirby doodles but choose to draw other stuff instead, from this one to down, these are those doodles. i scrambled to search for my crayons but i coulnt find my blues and purples, and also my pink, at least i have the others. sometimes i get the need to draw with stuff like that, im thinking about buying pastels, i rlly like the art i see with them, but im afraid i might not like using them that much and end up wasting money, it has happened quite a few times with stuff like acrylics.
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he will.
welp, already knew abt the story, i just bought deluxe for the epilogue (fun fact, rtdldeluxe released on the 24 of february (if i remember correctly) two days before my birthday, needles to say i ate good that day (and also because the sploon3 dlc would drop two days later too) i also have a exclusive rtdldx poster for the pre-order :3 )
aaand then i procrastinated it and basically took up almost a year to finish the main mode and magoland missions, then beat magolor epilogue in like 4 hours, already kinda talked abt magolor epilogue in another post so basically, loved it, wish there was more stages there or to be abe to even further upgrade abilities.
rn im doing extra mode (a bit reluctant because im only doing it for the 100%) not rlly liking that mode a lot, but its ok, bad thing is that ill have to do the true missions in magoland, its gonna be a pain
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first i was gonna make it a gijinka, but i didnt like how it was turning out so i did it with normal kirbs, i think it was suppossed to have some inplied kirfluff, i forgor
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the grimm reaper and loaf, felt way too lazy to do fluff too so he's just there with the text, i love epic yarn so much, i have tried emulating it but it either requieres me to have a wii remote or runs like absolute shit. im thinking about someday getting a 3ds, not just for epic yarn, robobot, triple deluxe and also because i always wanted to try flipnote (it seems cool!) but that is if im lucky enough to find them at a good condition and affordable price
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digital doodle instead, was gonna make an animation but got too lazy, im so inconsistent with my shading
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i did make this animation, its more of a test, but it didnt work out that well
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i do have this silly one tho
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benjaminthewolf · 1 year
Wally Darling (Welcome Home) Lol (Good Ending)
So I hear that this guy's a sexyman. Welp, Wally simps, including @luci-voracious-blog who I wrote this for, come get your juice!
Also, I know a lot of people will recognize where this story takes inspiration from, so I'll just say it right here that I swear to fucking Vishnu this story is SFW. I do not intend anything other than SFW vibes from this story.
(Update: Luci and I decided in private it would still be best to mark this as mature.)
(Also the inspiration is from Feedfancier's Belly Love Journey animation.)
     “How are you feeling now, little one?” Wally Darling calmly speaks as he softly caresses you in his hands. “I’m sure far better than you were back in that storm.”
     Almost as if on cue, the bellowing crack of a lightning strike and the subsequent shaking of thunder ravaging against the outside of the home positively cut through the moment, causing Wally to instinctively bring you closer towards his chest for immediate comfort. Soon, however, there is no more outside noise aside from the constant baraging of rainfall, at which point Wally decides to speak up once more.
     “Well, that wasn’t very pleasant, now was it?” he rhetorically asks with a chuckle whilst continuing to hold your tiny form extremely close to his being.
     You, however, for the moment, are just simply in no position to give an answer of any sort to that question, even if one wasn’t really needed in the first place. Wally gives a bit of a nervous gaze of concern down at your being as you suddenly begin to softly sniffle. His grip around your body slowly loosens as you vainly attempt to conceal yourself in his jacket, positively burying yourself into his chest.
     Wally doesn’t exactly wish to bother you too much, considering the traumatizing horrors you must have gone through in the storm. He is rather aware that whatever mental processes are going on inside your mind right now, it would probably be better to just allow them to do their thing to heal you instead of interrupting them to speak.
     Thus, Wally simply observes your minute body silently, eventually deciding to re-tighten his hold ever so slightly after realizing just how comforting being against his giant body seems to be for you. It then seems as if his assumptions become validated the moment that your breathing is steadied with a heave, and a bittersweet smile slowly forms across your face.
     Wally’s assumption is only partially correct, however. Yes, the feeling of having someone so confoundedly larger than you gently nestling your miniscule form against its immensity and caring for all of it so deeply was something you had basically never experienced at this point…however…there just…almost seemed to be something somehow even more wonderful lurking somewhere even more deep. Perhaps…tucked away between several layers of flesh and skin. It almost made you want to melt into it, and be a part of its workings and warmth now and forever.
     Releasing a shudder of comfort, you are gently able to nuzzle your face upon the living puppet’s chest, listening intently to each thump emulating from his heart, and slowly breathing deeply to its beat. 
     “Oh…you poor little thing. All you really needed was affection, is that right?” Wally comments whilst bending his head down to reach to your form. “Well I promise you right here right now…” he tenderly murmurs down to your being. “....that I am always here for you if you need…”
     Wally gently plants a kiss on your head before repeating the final portion for emphasis. “...I am always here if you need…-”
     And then, just like that, everything stopped. 
     It obviously wasn’t as if Wally had intended for it to happen, but because his lips had been around the top of your head whilst he had been taking in air in order to speak, it just happened to be that the pressure that resulted from the upwards motion was also just enough to bring you in, too, causing Wally to instantly jolt into an upright sitting position, whilst his currently extremely stunned, faltering, overburdened mind jittered around inside of its skull tirelessly in order to attempt to figure out what was happening. 
     It would also just happen to be, then, that within that short window of time, you were still somewhat under control of yourself and your actions. Resulting from this, had you just decided to act simply a singular second before, then it most likely would have been that the singular thought that currently screeched within your meager mind practically begging you to call out to be released would have won out in the end. However, in reality, that just simply did not happen.
    Currently, you were just barely able to lift your head within the tightened, lowered confines that was the warm, slimy maw of Wally Darling, without scraping your head up against the roof’s rough ridges. Within a second that seemed instantaneous, however, not only did the maw unexpectedly rise in order to give you significant space to move about, but there also appeared to be a brilliant, yellowish light shining towards the back of the maw, near the gullet, illuminating the pinkish space all around, and beckoning dearly for you.
     Wally was still unable to think, and to you, in that moment, there seemed to be simply no reason to. Shuffling slowly on your knees across the slippery, compressible surface, you cautiously inched your way closer and closer towards the light, nearing into the gullet’s deep drop with each shift.
     Just above your head by this stage lay the uvula, swaying subtly and gently across its domain over the fall. Just like you, it possessed an inscrutable lack of any fear. Unlike you, however, the uvula was destined to remain watchful and stationary, locked upon the top of the soft palate, where it would observe your form lodging itself into the gullet. The gullet of a sentient puppet, who, due to the strange and uncomfortable sensation, was given no choice by his body but to comply, swallowing gently yet fully as a result.
     You are able to slip past the byway, the place where either one entered the tube of the trachea, or, as you had done now, entered the tube of the esophagus; connected in turn with the gurgling organ of the stomach. Yes, indeed, in any regular circumstance, that would indeed be the next destination. However, as you squelched deeper and deeper with each subsequent push of the muscle walls, it somehow became an understanding inside you that the stomach was not where you were headed. You were not entirely sure where exactly the alternate exit was to be for you, however. That was, however, until one final push left a valve in plain sight. The moment the valve opened up was the moment you understood all.
     Speechlessly floating up onto the powerful, thumping organ which for so long had been assumed to be the seat of all human emotions, you quiveringly nestled yourself up onto the heart of a person who, despite being a puppet in technicality, was no less a person than you. You would have loved to just stay there. To stay there and take it all in. To stay there against the deep pounding. To stay there and melt deep inside. That was all you wanted, and also all you had. The unapologetic and by all measures, cruel, faceless concept of fate, however, possessed a significantly different idea.
     It was only a more powerful thump. That was all that it was. Yet that single thump was indeed all which was needed, to send you from your grasp upon the seat of love. You weren’t entirely sure into which valve, ventricle, or otherwise bodily causeway you were being forced into, now. Yet, the next thing you knew, you were squelching into the growling stomach.
     “OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!” Wally repeated to himself incessantly as he started shuddering, locked in mortal terror. “OH, NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO OH LORD THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING THIS JUST CANNOT BE HAPPENING!”
      Alongside the cries and anguish, there also was just a little air released out, which came, naturally, within the form of a deep belch. Wally could indeed perceive only the worst from this sign, still utterly unable to know the truth of his body.
     Due to the manner in which the puppet was known to always speak, the pleadings were still far too soft for you to be able to sense them above the stomach's glorping, low ambiance. You, meanwhile, though still very safe and situated within the body of said Wally Darling, surrounded now in full by the goopy, churning, cushiony walls of the his stomach, were considerably saddened for the moment, mainly of course, due to the fact you had been forcefully thrusted away from his heart.
     And yet, once again, seemingly out of utter nowhere, the light stone again, shimmering above the deep liquids present within. It seemed as though a clear reminder to you of the true reason you were here. Not daring to question what came next, you simply ventured along, wading in with a step to the pool. Your legs begin treading lightly as you slowly lose physical contact with the ground. The light was now clearer as ever, and now was your chance to reach up. 
     “...hey…are you okay in there?” a suddenly crisp and clear call of Wally Darling finally resonated within from outside.
     And then, just like that, the light became snuffed out. 
     You, now left with nothing else you are able to do besides wade your way back to safe territory, and answer the question in the affirmative, are unsure within the word’s entirety just exactly what was happening within this moment. This being, aside from the physical, of course. Yet nothing within your living body told you that something was wrong, and yet you simply decided to go along with it, giving a tranquil and soft, subtle smile, before nuzzling yourself against the walls.
     “Well then…umm…as long as you’re comfortable I suppose!” Wally ends up saying whilst still taking everything in. “Oh good God I’m happy you’re okay…you see I thought for a minute back there I actually…I….umm…yeah let’s not talk about it anymore. I know you’re safe. That’s all that matters to me.”
     Subsequently giving Wally’s stomach wall a light pat in order to let him know that you were just fine, you proceeded to soak in the organ’s warmth, whilst finally settling for your stay. The journey you’d taken was long, and yet here, it had still, in the end, been destined to conclude in this organ. Taking a prolonged deep breath, you knew this was it. You now needed only to close both your eyes, before finally, slipping away.
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faustquillpen · 2 years
Apollo Justice x Reader from Apollo's POV, writing style to emulate the game
Prologue, sfw
Apollo: Red
Apollo thinking/muttering to self:(Red with parentheses)
Trucy: Blue
Reader: Purple
April 6th, 10:30 AM
People's Park Art Fair
(Yawn... It's kinda early to be up on a day off... Like I really sleep much anyway.. Trucy really wanted me to come though, and it's easier to just do what she asks.)
You look terrible, Polly.
Yeah yeah... What are we doing here again?
There's an exhibit here that's supposed to have a bunch of cool illusion sculptures! They'd be great for my shows!
(Isn't that weird underwear enough?)
I heard that!!! And for the last time they're magic panties!
(Ow! Don't need to hit me...)
I think it's this way? -Running sounds-
Hey, wait!
[Oh No!]
(Huh? That sounded like someone who needs help! Trucy can be on her own for a few minutes!)
[Scene Changes]
Oh no... I'm so sorry.. I didn't mean to... Kill...
Wh-what happened?!? (Did I step into another case?)
... That poor little ladybug!
(Huh? Oh. I see. Seems like they only just noticed me.)
Oh crap, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.
(I guess I did kinda barge over...)
It landed on my face and I thought it was some dust but.. but.. *sob* I squished him!
Umm ... It's okay? (This is a little weird.)
(I guess I could take a quick look at the "scene" ... What's this?)
[Paper ladybug picked up]
Oh hey! Look! It's fine! Look it's just a little art piece that blew on you in the wind. You didn't hurt anything!
R-really? Oh gosh I'm such a fool!
N-no no, I've made silly mistakes too. One time I fell up some stairs, haha!
*sniffle* ... You're really sweet
Y-y-y'think so??? I'm just uh. Just doing my job. Finding truth. That kinda thing. Haha. (Now that they're smiling... They're kinda cute... And the way they're looking at me is making my face burn up...)
Thank you... I don't even know your name. I'm [name]
I'm Jupollo Astice--- I mean!!! Apollo Justice. That's me. Hahaha....
It was really nice to meet you.
Yeah!!! *Cough* yeah. WELP. NeedToGoNowLotsOfStuffToDo! NICETOMEETYOU!!!
[Running away noises and scene changes]
Wow, Polly.
That was very cringe.
You... Saw that... (Well. Time to never hear the end of this...)
Most of it yeah, very smooth.
(Not like you'd of done better...)
I would've wooed them with a magic trick and swept them away to a fine dinner!
Shhh!!! How do you even know they'd of been ok with that??? No no no too much risk. Now be quiet I don't want them to hear you in case they come this way!
(Trucy pretty much made fun of me for the rest of the day. My eyes couldn't help but scan the crowd for them again, to no success. Luckily, I'd end up meeting them again, though it would be through unlucky circumstances.)
End Prologue
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echofromtheabyss · 4 months
It's as if there is a particular vernacular that people read as "cry for help."
I guess it's better than being outright ignored but the end result is that I still don't feel *heard.* What would make me feel *heard* is someone engaging with my topics intellectually without reading something personal into it or as if I'm complaining or wanting help. I always end up feeling frustrated and angry when they push their emotional agenda on a thing I'm trying to have an analytical discussion about, then they finger-point and say "AHA! You're being emotional NOW! You DO have strong feelings about this!"
And believe me, when I wrote the things that people read as a cry for help, I wasn't feeling anything. I did not feel bad. What makes me feel actually bad is this feeling of being unlistened-to by people who think they are Very Good Listeners, but what they're actually doing is just responding to how they expect my topics to feel based upon cultural scripts, and not responding to my actual intent. And believe it or not I get this from people regardless of neurotype. It's like there's a social script I'm failing that triggers people's alarm buttons. And this kind of heavy deep thought is my NORMAL KIND OF THINKING that I have to process through some kind of emulator or filter to have a regular ass conversation. I am just a hardcore analyzer and tend to not get emotional while I'm analyzing. I don't even get that emotional about my own shit. If you're around me you know that I can say really grim sounding things in the middle of a party, be having TONS of fun, and just move on with it.
I've just adapted and optimized to a rather hostile environment, and know how to live in it somewhat, and people who don't know what that looks like, don't know what to make of it. That said, I'm pretty sure that - knowing myself - if something grim really were happening - I would be like, "Welp, I'm dying. Nice day we're having, how are you?"
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