#the feelungs are too much and they are the bad ones
panzershrike-pretz 11 months
There isn't anything more overwhelming than eating with other people, like- i swear that i wanna cry
Its too much
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mitsubitchiee 3 years
hey mistu~~~
im back after 4 months of disappearing off of the face of the earth~~
update on my college experience; im having so much fun, i was basically worried for no reason at all lmao. the only problem im having is the fact that im always 馃幒馃Φ but i have a roommate and im constantly getting blue-balled (but in a fem way) by her, if it gets bad enough i might just take a risk and wait until she's sleeping to rub one out, but i guess i'll have to wait and see.
update on mystery dream girl Vera; doesn't exist at all. i have not met a single person whose name starts with a V, actually. I have made a friend who i casually flirt with sometimes though! i mean it mostly in a platonic way and so does she, but then again we almost made out on the quad in front of a homophobic preacher that came on campus to make him mad (the only reason we didnt is because i hadnt brushed my teeth that day and they were really gross feeling, i wasnt gonna make out with anyone while having disgusting breath and teeth). still, i dont think we'll be anything more than friends, which is fine by me.
long story short: im back and better mentally now lmao
- 馃巸
Ah!! Pumpkin!!! Ive been disappearing from here too so! Hehe
Oh my godd, ive never had a roommate and thats definitely smth i think about, like... how do rub one out?? Jfhsks i wish you the best of luck in your sneaky adventures! 馃き
Mm, im glad college is going well so far and that youre feelung better mentally!! Stay safe ok? <3
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horrible-monstrosity 4 years
some nonsense about capitalism, and some more nonsense with the egg girl being far too willing to act for herself, which just raises questions about how this works and why these girls need saving in the first place and bla bl a bla also brownie, who we haven't even seen fight before, has like five different weapons already... dude just let the other girls modify their weapons if they can imagine it in place of randos giving main girl random shit that just works for some reason. second ep, main sees gynmasts gym whip and thinks, what if I did that and makes her own weapon change like that; third/fourth seeing the two fan girls being friends inspires main girl to tell idol girl we needs to do the teamwork and they both work their weapons into something matching and do the thing. this would also imply that summoning two related girls gets you an approximately twice-as-strong monster, as though their monsters had merged rather than spawning as seperate entities, which would be implied to be what happened when brownie cracked like 20 eggs at once if THE SHOW EVER FUCKING ADDRESSES THAT also man bad woman victim a bloo bloo blooo
hey remmer last episde wehn muh sawki name was cliffhanger dramatic? now they jus dump it on us that the mom recognises her and she just says she's his niece. glad to know i don't need to care about that either thanks main namedrops koito aka suicide girl like she expects the other two to know who the actual fuck she's talking about so brownie can exposition to them that she's the girl main's trying to save without having to actually write main having any emotions about having a dead fucking friend she's trying to bring back, like she might have to pause slightly before she says "my friind who committed fucking suicide because of me" wow that'd be too hard to write... not that they didn't already kill it by having her just casually, emotionlessly namedrop the girl in the first place. idol girl then immeeeeeeediately decides sudoku girl was sucking sawasaki man's dick and that's why she killed herself, right to the face of main girl who has likely considered this many times over and who should be pretty fucking fucked up about this shit, who idol girl knows damn well should have thought about this and that maybe saying a girl's friend fucking killed herself for some teacher love scandal reason is kind of a dick move... and main barely fucking reacts. OK, COOL. AND THEN THE TEACHER INSTANTLY APPEARS AT THE HOUSE AT THAT EXACT MOMENT A AHAHAHAHAH H AH DHFSDUBGUBGTEV BYSU Y OES5YSYUYYYBRND BY65 YRBYB YIB8TU A4YT4W6 T UGG U FUCK OFF SHOW uncle adopts cats so he can't be bad.......??????? I mean I'm entirely sure this show will, in the next second immediately after I unpause this shit, immediately turn the teacher into the most absurd superdemon ever known to mankind so it can smear the slurry of MAN BAYUD WOMUN VBICTUMUUUUUMMM in our faces like the slurry of brain-diarhea coming out of thw writing staff's ears, but that doesn't actually excuse anything, gendergirl. Maybe he was kind to the girl like he's kind to his cats and that's why she fell in love with him, and whatever happened next wasn't even his fault. you dumb fuck.
lol they mentioned the injuries again lol they're still pretending that's an actual functioning plot point lol somehow asking mom-chan about why sudoku-chan fucking died turned into telling her about the dream fights... those two things have nothing to do with each other and can be completely separated. what the fuck.
lololololidolgirl has abusive mom completlely offscreen and she's just telling us lololololololol but talking about main's dad simply leaving turns into "lol men weak and bad can't hanble stronb wimun" lol fuck off
for some reason, or for absolutely no reason, or because the writers are pretentions tards who're like 'lookit how smurt we ar durrrrr' we cut from the meaningless grousing exposition schoolgirl slice-of-life club with brownie laughing to the not-sees laughing as brownie saves a grown-ass woman who tries to give her hair-care tips... "ain'tcha gonna ask why i diiiiiiied?" nope, brownie has as much interest in your meaningless exposition as I do. I'd say as the audience does, but you know there's a fuckload of dunning-krugers eating this shit up and claiming you only don't like it becus it needs u think durr even though thinking about this shit for five seconds is enough to show how much of a pile of bullshit it is. also, remember the first episode where it was kept beautifully ambiguous whether the girl main was saving had actually done the sudoku, or if she was considering it and being saved there would help her have the strength to keep living or some shit, or if she was a conceptual personification of a suicidal bullying victim created out of the subconcious of humanity and not even a real existing person? especially since she somehow knew what was happening, making it seem like she'd been through this before, like she'd been hatched and saved (or failed to be saved) previously? naw let's just spoonfeed everything to the audience, anally even. here's your suppository of bullshit. i know they'd already made it fairly clear the girls being saved had done the sudoku, but this "durrr do you know that uhhhhhh i'm dead?" bit is just... jesus christ shut the fuck up show, shut the fuck up what's the line between sudoku girls who end up as statues and ones who end up in eggs? could one of the main casts' sudoku girls end up in one of the others' eggs, or even in one of their own (especially given someone else can buy the egg for them and they don't even need to crack it themselves to get slapped into a fight) and end up being saved? how would that affect the statue's progress? what the fuck is any of this shit, even?
brownie slaps the shit out of haircare girl lol and the monster is... a hair-care monster. i... why the fuck are there two of them this time? sorry, three of them?? you'd think the "mirror mirror" shit would imply a theme of duality because reflections and shit but just... "how do i beat them?" fuck i don't know you're the mahu shuju here you figure it out then it....... cuts to the middle of the day with brownie hanging out with the rest of the girls... WHAT THE FUCK? so was that a flashback (for no fucking reason), did she beat them offscreen after having gone home and gone to sleep offscreen as well since it jumped to this from them hanging at main's home? what the fuck is happening and why the fuck should i care, show? and what we cut away to was a bunch of incoherent fucking babble in random fucking locations as the girls walk... somewhere for no reason at all... yeah, this was worth cutting off the battle for! i... after enough wandering they sit down to eat in some abandoned-ass-looking fucking I don't know where the fuck they are and... THE EGG PEOPLE TELL THEM TO BUY THEIR EGGS AND LEAVE. WHERE THE FUCK IN EGGLAND DID THEY FIND FOOD? DOES THE FOOD ACTUALLY EXIST? WILL EATING IT MAKE THEM FAT? WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY? WHY DOES EGGWORLD EVEN HAVE A PLACE LIKE THIS? WHEN 聽DID THEY GET HERE? THE FUCK IS THE POINT OF THIS? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-- ........................the egg people turn on the lights for them and let them pkay game because.............................. aegIibuGHUHgHGbgb i thought they wre unfeeling and caulous vgny yueyy y jb that was like their one character trait you rubbed in in out faces how tyey were ht0hing but a shitty kyuibey ripoff dgbbky yr dj jffj why should they care? why did the girls even try to appeal to their sympathies for a fucking bowling game when they had previously been shown to have none?? agdaaaaaaaaaaaa
do fucking selfies carry over to the real world? who the fuck cares? gender girl tries to garner more sympathy with the audience by repeating her exact same gripes and character traits but this time with selfies. i could not care less. apparently we're supposed to care that 'ura-acca', whichever the fuck of the eggmen that even is, being softer on the girls than... other acca, even though they've been shown to have no appreciable differences before this, and also they're both completely offscreen so it's hard to even associate these shiny new character traits with whichever one of them is supposed to be doing it. what the fuck is the point of any of this again? "so buy your eggs and go to sleep"- WHAT THE FUDK I THOUGHT EGG-BUYING HAPPENED IN THE DREAMOWLRD TO BEING WITH. FUCKING MAIN CHARACTER SAID SHE WAS IN A DREAM WHEN THE CICADA STARTED TALKING TO HER AND THEN SHE WAS LED TO THE EGG-MACHINE. THIS PLACE EXISTS IN THE WAKING WORLD? CAN PEOPLE JUST FUCKING WALK IN HERE BECAUSE IT JUST ACTUALLY FUCKING EXISTS? WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUUUU just as we're wondering why the fuck these girls don't just fucking buy their eggs already and get on with it idol girl just fucking suggests that they just fucking give up with it and stop buying eggs. fuuuuuuuuuuck I'd been long wondering about what the fuck was going to keep them doing eggs if they didn't want to, but it's just going to be something fucking dumb and they're just going to slam us in the fucking face with it like a fucking frying pan aren't they. also, idolgirl is just fucking saying this to the face of ura acca and other acca after they'd been bitching at the girls to get a move on, which just seems... really cheap and lazy on both her part and the writers' part. you wasted acca-kuns' time for nothing you little brat! also also, this is the girl with the derpest feelungs evurr who cut herself over the sudoku, whose dreamworl overrode main's? yeah remember that? she actually doesn't give a fuck and is going to give up now lol. ha ha bitch bye lolololol "im w9man so muh emotions spwepwpt away" you dumb fucker. and yeah, it's true that feeling guilty shouldn't mean you need to risk your life for some unknown payoff (none of the girls have even gotten CLOSE to reviving a statue as far as I can tell), but you'd think this conversation would come after a near-death harrowing battle or some shit, not just WANDERING AROUND AND EATING DREAM SNACKS AND TALKING ABOUT FUCKALL YOU LITTLE SHIT. Or after actually connecting with the main cast and making actual real-life friendships with them, with the idea that she has in real life now what she was missing when sudoku did the sudoku, but the main cast has absolutely no chemistry. The writers want us to think they do, but they just don't. "someone has to be the bad guy!" real funny line considering there's no real villain in this show, or conflict, or anything... but no, no one needs to be the bad guy, this whole "durr we riskung our lives for nutttun" came out of nowhere for no reason, we don't need it, and then yeah she informs us all that "we freinds" because durp. You were the one shittalking her dead best friend to her face either like five minutes ago or a day ago depending on how the fuck this is actually supposed to be paced, you fucknaut. None of these girls actually know each other aside from babbling about their shitty backstories and idol in particular is just an asshole. I hate this fucking show lol then... brownie......... dumpers her exposition backstory on us and it's EVEN DUMBER THAN ANYTHING BEFORE, SOMEHOW. naw, she has a huge fucking fuckoff scar all down her back from being...... stabbed, because a knife stabwound is like having your entire spine ripped out, and WE'VE NEVER HEARD ABOUT THIS AT ALL, SOMEHOW, OR EVEN GOTTEN A HINT OF IT, and somehow SHE KNEW FROM THE START THAT GOING TO EGGWORL WOULD MAKE HER SCAR HURT LESS BECAUSE IT MAKE U SWONGER, BECAUSE IF SHE DIDN'T KNOW THAT FROM THE START AND DIDN'T WANT TO SAVE HER SISTER WHY THE FUCK WOULD SHE START GOING THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE? and then finally eggmang tells us there was no reason for anyone to keep going to the eggworl in the first place, at all, ever, so they can all just give up if they decide they don't care abymore. GREAT, NICE TO KNOW I DEON'T NEED TO CARE ABOUT THAT EITHER, THANKS SHOW, YOU FUCKWIT.
then finally we get back the hair battle that happened..... whothe fuck knows when, it turns out the real monster is the egg girl some fucking how, brownie has a stupid fucking catchpjhrase because fuck you, the monater was actually egg girl's hair actually because that doesn't make any sense either, fuck you. why was this battle chosen as the one to flash back to repeatedly like it's indicative of brownie's storyline somehow? At least gendergirl's exposition battles were related to her dumb fucking issues, this shit's just random.
and then idol girl goes to... buy... the fucking egg...... even though she just said..................... sob eggman 2 tricked them into buying the eggs by saying nthyey didn't need to buy the eggs, some bullshit about teenage rebellion and reverse psychology, like he said "absolutely don't buy the eggs" instead of a wishy-washy "eeeeeeeeeif you want to or not auiehgfgh". why the fuck do they want them to buy the eggs again? and then eggman 1 has this... fucking..... "animation" of it """laughing"""" just by its stupid fucking solid black triangle of a mouth blinking in and out of existence and the artists see fit to put this right smack in the middle of the full screen for a good second so we can look at how good their animation is gsdfhdfhmvf 聽dtjf f then brownie looks sad or something, because having her reneg(g)e on the backstory and conviction they just exposited to us five seconds ago and didn't actually integrate or develop in the fuckinbg slightest is good writign fck, this shit i'm logging into my anime list and giving this show a 1 out of 10 i'm done
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