#the filtering is necessary because seeing their faces makes me irrationally angry ok
beeseverywhen · 1 year
Sometimes I imagine the characters in my tag list all hanging out in a room together. Those soldiers and the girl from Anne with an e are having a great time I'm sure
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lazulifoster · 6 years
Get Up (Loki x reader)  Part 2
Prompt: N/A  Get Up part 2 (Loki x Reader) Pairing: Loki x Reader (x Thor) Warnings: Swearing; graphic violence; angst (Thor x Loki) Word Count: 3k+ Y/H/T: Your hometown A/N: So I decided to continue the story. Honestly, that dream I had really shook me and I really haven't been able to stop thinking about it. I have so many ideas for this story that even if no ones read I’ll probably still post XD Anyway, this whole thing I decided this takes place after the Avengers movie. I’m sorry if the fighting between Loki and Thor is a little harsh, but that's kinda how I pictured them after the whole NYC debacle. This part has a lot going on, so I am going to try to make scene changes very apparent. 
Thank you in advance for reading. I am so humbled getting any notes at all. Thank you :) 
P.s. Sorry for the slow burn, I like to build up and have some background, I promise it won’t be this way the whole way :) Also, there are characters who haven’t been explained yet, that is on purpose, but I PROMISE I will explain in part 3.
The two giants stumbled into the living room. They began to piece together what had happened during their brief absence. The human form Surtur had possessed, lay on the floor, skull bashed in; and the front door was flung open with no signs of their intended prey.
"She got AWAY!" The raspier voiced panicked. His companion scoffed at the observation.
"She will be easy to catch, meanwhile what are we going to do about Surtur? How is he going to find her now? He doesn't have a body to take over���"
His concerns were interrupted, a giant flame immediately began to rise from the charred body on the floor. The heat and brightness from the flame caused both giants to take a step back and shield their eyes, leaving them both amazed and terrified. Once Surtur's full-self exited his former host, he spoke, "No need to worry, men, about a body for me to control, when I have two viable options right in front of me" Before both the giants could fully process his words, a pillar of fire entered through the mouth of the raspy-voiced giant. The softer spoken giant bolted a few feet away and watched in horror as his former companion's gurgled screams echo through the whole house. After Surtur's transformation into the giant's body was finished, he turned to the remaining giant, "Now, looks like we have a job to finish…"
* * * * *
I ran. I ran, and I ran until my lungs felt like they were on fire. With every breath I took, the burning feeling increased. Thankfully I was so full of adrenaline that the pain in my lungs did not bother me.  What did bother me though was immediately after escaping from my house, I remembered I had forgotten everything important: my car keys and my cell phone. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK how am I suppose to go anywhere or call anybody? I tried to keep my teeming thoughts at bay and just kept running. I went into autopilot and ran towards Maddy's house, my closet friend who happened to live the closest to me who wasn't on vacation or working some random graveyard shift. Twenty blocks isn't exactly a marathon, but running that far with only flimsy pajama and socks, in the freezing night wore me out quicker than usual. I had to make a few stops to vomit in any bushes I could find. A lethal mix of exertion and fear did the trick. I didn't know if the two giants were still after me or if running to Maddy's house would bring her danger, but either way, I knew I needed to tell someone about what happened. After an arduous run, I finally made it to Maddy's apartment. I praised whatever deity would listen that she lived on the bottom floor and I wouldn't have to climb any stairs. I placed my hand on her door for a moment, trying to catch my breath and wipe off anything unsavory on my face with my free hand.
I loudly knocked at her door. Not trying to repeat what my delightful guests did to me earlier, but loud enough to wake her up.
"Maddyyyyy" I whined, dragging out her name. "Please open the door, it's me!"
A few moments later, I heard some shuffling coming from inside her apartment.
"Y/N?" She questioned before opening her door.
"Please let me in!"
Gently opening the door, I could see Maddy's eyes gradually widen the longer she looked at me. "What the fuck happened to you?!"
She ushered me inside before I could answer.
"Why—why are you in your pajamas? Where are your shoes? Why didn't you just text me?—Wait A minute, did you WALK here? Did someone attack you?!"
"I ran here" I exhaled, still trying to regain my breath and composure.
"You better start telling me what's going on before I call the police, Y/N!"
"OK!" I snapped, before finally blurting out the thoughts that were bouncing back and forth inside my head "I don't know what happened tonight, I was just sleeping, an-and some guy told me to ‘Get up,' and I did, then these big ass dudes were in my house, MY HOUSE! Then I-I-I stomped on one of them in the head because the guy who said ‘Get up' told me to and—" I stopped. I began to uncontrollably sob. I knew what I was saying probably sounded absolutely crazy to Maddy, but I didn't care. At that moment, I just wanted someone to comfort me and tell me it was going to be ok.
Maddy, knowing precisely what to do, grabbed me and just held me. She let me sob until I was ready to talk again.
Maddy and I had met in middle school. We had been through so many things together. Her parent's divorce, my dad's accident and my subsequent anxiety, even her having to live with me for a while after she came out as a lesbian to her parents who were less than supportive. I knew if anyone personified "a loyal friend," it was Maddy.  
When I finally stopped crying, Maddy went to grab me a bottled water. When she came back, she rubbed my back with her hand and looked at me.
 "Ok, so start over, what the hell happened?"
* * * * *
I told Maddy again, from the beginning what happened, much more coherently this time around. Maddy just nodded her head and listened. She's not buying any of this, she thinks I'm crazy. After I was finished, I waited, hesitant to ask her her thoughts.
"Well, I guess anything is possible, especially since all that stuff that went down in New York a while back. Maybe this is related somehow."
The thought hadn't even occurred to me that this was something related to that attack in New York City. I had barely convinced myself this whole ordeal wasn't a nightmare, let alone something tied to the superhero/crime-fighting "Avenger" group.
"Do you think we should give them a call?"
I scoffed "Pfffft yeah like those billionaires are just gonna come down here to Y/H/T."
"I think only Tony Stark is a billionaire, I think the others just live with him."
"Well, either way, I seriously doubt what happened was something that warrants giving ‘them a call.'"
Maddy rolled her eyes at me, "Well I do! I don't think this was just some bad dream or an anxiety attack! I don't think this is something you can just put off, what if those things are still around? You need to tell someone, someone who can actually, I don't know, find out what's going on!"
I started to filter through my head anyone I can talk to about something like this. There was Dad, he was always understanding and willing to talk to me, but he was on vacation to Mexico with mom. They hadn't been on vacation long before Dad's accident and a restful holiday was long overdue for them both. And I was in no way, going to bother them about this. I guess I could talk to my Aunt Pam, but knowing her she would probably tell me I had a "nightmare," and I needed to be in church. But…
 "What about your Uncle Thor?" Maddy cut off my train of thought.
Uncle Thor wasn't really my biological Uncle. He was a long time friend of my dad's, but to my family, he might as well be related by blood. Uncle Thor and my dad met soon after I was born, at least that's how I was told the story. My dad and my mom were almost mugged at gunpoint as they were leaving the hospital after I was born. Uncle Thor intervened and saved my parents. After the incident, my parents tried to find ways to repay him for saving us, which Uncle Thor respectfully declined, but my dad insisted that he come to the house for dinner, just to say ‘thank you.' And the rest is history, ever since then, Uncle Thor has been over for as many holidays and birthdays that he could attend. He goes away quite a bit, he lives out of the country and his work schedule is erratic, but that just means whenever he is around, it makes the time we get with him even more special.
 "Uncle Thor lives in Norway, Maddy, and there is NO WAY I'm going to call him about this, he'll call dad and ruin their vacation—"
"I know he lives in Norway, dumbass," Maddy interrupted "But I literally just saw him at Starbucks, yesterday."
Her words took me back. Uncle Thor usually calls when he's in town. "Are you sure it was him?"
 "Positive, we talked for a couple minutes before I met up with my cousin."
 "Well, why didn't you tell me?" I grumbled
 "Girl I thought you knew! I'm not arguing with you, here's my phone, give him a call, I'm sure he didn't just fly all the way down here for Starbucks" Maddy winked
 "I guess you're right."
I scrolled through Maddy's contacts till I found "Thor Odinson." I tapped on his number, and pressed "Call." What the heck is Uncle Thor gonna think about this…
* * * * *
"BROTHER, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? You are the most irresponsible, the most reckless, the MOST untrustworthy…" Thor was furious. Usually, he tried to keep a low profile when he visited Midgard (his height, build, and hair alone were enough to draw attention) and Thor didn't like to bring any more attention than necessary. But tonight though, caution was tossed to the wind. Here he was, Loki, the god of mischief, his younger brother; who temporarily brought New York City to its knees, standing in the middle of Thor's hotel room in Y/H/T. Loki smirked, sometimes seeing his brother irrationally angry, humored him.
"Oh spare me your speech, brother" Loki spat "You know exactly why I'm here."
"Oh, yes, remind me, Loki, who was it that released these savage beasts into Midgard again? Gave them access to all the realms behind Heimdall's back?"
Loki flinched. He had repented incessantly since the attack on New York. Even though he knew it would take time to be forgiven entirely, he thought maybe Thor would be the first to forgive him. Even though Thor's words stung, Loki hid his feelings behind a facade or hubris.
"If you want to play that game, Thor, remind me, who has a secret Midgarian family that they've grown close to and vowed to protect, well—except for tonight" Loki took pride in watching his brother's face distort with every word he spoke.
"How do you know about that?!"  
"Oh brother, you underestimate me far too much."
Thor was slack-jawed. He was sworn to absolute secrecy, about the family he cared for, particularly Y/N. After Sigrún's death, Thor did everything he could to keep that small, Midgardian family safe. Except for today, which Loki pointed out; and that tormented Thor to his core.
Thor sat at the foot of his bed and placed his head between his hands, grabbing the pieces of his hair b y his temples. Even though Thor would act scornful toward Loki, sometimes, without a second thought, Loki almost felt remorseful for making his brother feel the same. The fights between the brothers became more frequent after Odin inadvertently pitted the brothers against each other with his secrecy and favoritism, and even more so since New York. Neither of them knew if things would ever be the same again, but for now, they both had sweet moments between arguments. Loki came by his brother on the bed, timidly, and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry," Loki said, almost inaudibly.
After a long silence between them both, Thor finally spoke: "How did you find out?"
Loki chuckled, "I was there, brother. You did pick the library to discuss everything with Sigrún, after all."
Thor exhaled in slight annoyance. "It was rather foolish of me to speak there if I wished to keep anything from you." Thor gave his brother a playful nudge.
"So, you know everything then, I assume?" Loki nodded.
"Well, either way, brother, you have been forbidden to come back to Midgard until I permitted it. This is my responsibility, not yours, not after every mess I've had to clean up of yours."
The kind moment between the brothers had now vanished. Loki, enraged, stood up and turned to face Thor, fists clenched and nostrils flared.
"You cannot let me just have this one victory brother, one victory! No, you have to parade yourself the hero in every situation, you save the world one time with the Avengers, and now you expected the floor you walk on the be worshipped, I will not yield to such vanity."
Thor scowled at his brother and rose to meet him at eye level. "You arrogant fool. I should have made sure the key to your cell was destroyed, never allowing you to be set free."
Loki snickered. "I'm arrogant? Tell me, where is Y/N? You didn't save her from her evening visitors, and now you don't even know if she still breaths. Come now, who is really the arrogant ass in this scenario."
Thor had been trying all night to get ahold of Y/N, but with no luck. His calls and texts were left unanswered which worried him immensely, he even went to Y/N's house after everything happened and only found the body of Surtur's unfortunate victim and the home slightly ransacked. Thor searched the house for Y/N before eventually cleared out the corpse and closing the door behind him. He continued his attempts of contacting Y/N until he reached his hotel room where he found Loki waiting for him.
"Well if you know where she is Loki I would love to know, maybe make yourself useful for once."
"I am just like you brother, I do not know. Although, I am not entirely like you, because I was able to warn her of the attack—"
"LISTEN LOKI—" Thor shouted, but was immediately interrupted by Thor's loud ringtone. He turned his phone to full volume to not miss Y/N if she was to call.
Both the brothers hushed as Thor looked at his phone screen and saw the name Your Other Favorite, the name Maddy playfully gave her contact name in Thor's phone. Maddy, being extremely close to Y/N made her, by proximity, close to Thor as well.
"Who is that?" Loki questioned
"It's Y/N friend, Maddy."
"Well I'd answer that call brother, perhaps she knows where Y/N is."
Thor speedily answered his phone. "Maddy? Do you know where Y/N is? I've been looking for her—"
"Uncle Thor it's me! I'm ok!" Thor heard Y/N through the phone "I'm calling you from Maddy's phone because I left my phone at my house."
Thor sighed in relief and looked at his brother Loki who had moved to the coffee table in the hotel room and was glancing at the mundane bobbles and hotel decor.
"Why were you looking for me Uncle Thor?"
"I-uh-well, I wanted to tell you I was in town and say hello." Thor clumsily lied. Loki laughed from the other side of the room which caused Thor to place his hand over the speaker of his phone, "Well I'm sorry if lying does not come naturally to me as it does to you, Loki."
"Oh, ok, well I'm glad you're in town, I really need to talk to you as soon as possible. Can you come to Maddy's house so we can talk?"
"Yes, I will be there soon."
"Great see you there, love you, Uncle Thor!"
"Love you, my favorite and my other favorite." Thor's smile could be felt through the phone. Even though Thor could be abrasive to Loki, Thor was nothing but a fantastic Uncle to Y/N. Loki knew that and envied their closeness even more. Y/N and Thor said their goodbyes and Thor began to get ready to leave the hotel.
"Looks like you have a lot of explaining to do," Loki stated.
"All I can hope for at this point is that she knows very little."
Loki aggressively grabbed his brother's shoulder. "Well, either way, I hope you become a better liar before you talk to her again." Thor pushed Loki off and made his way to Maddy's house.
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