#the first chapter is actually done i'm just waiting on my partner to beta read it and then i'll probably post
libra-cant-just-dance · 5 months
Tainted City fans I swear I haven't forgotten you,,, I'm workin on it,,,
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kaythegay2022 · 2 years
Stick It to the Man (Ch. 1)
All’s Well That Ends
Summary: Remus and the rest of his band weren’t sure what to do after Virgil, their lead singer, disappears. They have no idea where he is or why he left. No one is more upset about this than Remus. The two had been close, having only just started dating. But they don’t have time to dwell on Virgil’s disappearance. The Battle of the Bands is coming up, and this year they might actually have a real competition. And maybe that band has a couple of familiar faces...
This story is stuctured like a songfic throughout it. 
The song for this chapter is All’s Well That Ends by Rainbow Kitten Suprise
Relationships: Romantic Dukexiety
Warnings for this Chapter: implied cheating
This story is the first part of my fic for the Thomas Sanders Big Bang 2022 ( @sandersidesbigbang ). It had been so much fun to get this story written and have had the time of my life!
Thank you so so much to my amazing artists as well!!! All of their art is amazing, and I am so happy to of gotten to work with them!!!
@purplecrayonismine art which is amazing!!!!!
Also a huge thanks to my beta reader, @antisocial-xxxpert ! You have been so amazing helping me with writing!
And finally, a huge thank you to my partner I met through this big bang, @clemjolichose I love you so so so much my dearest. You’ve helped me with this so much. 
Read on AO3
Part 2
Wait, for just a moment. Breath, deep and from the stomach. Stay focused, don’t let the crowd get to you. There’s the guitars, signaling the start of the song. He would never get used to the anxiety that starts a show, no matter how many times they perform. It was a rush of adrenaline and fear, mixing together to create something new. He would hear Remy starting the background vocals, a haunting sound that carried so smoothly. He glanced over at Remus, who was smiling without a care in the world. He wished he could be like the bassist, who was now grinning back at him. He looked away as Janus started playing too, the beat carrying him back to the moment.
Virgil was ready, and he knew he could do this. He’d done it hundreds of times by now, after all. 
“The colder the night, the warmer your hands hold
Held in your arms, the hole in my head grows whole.”
There was Remus, staying in time with Janus’s beat. It was a relatively simple song for the both of them. For all of them, actually. But simplicity often sounds chillingly beautiful.
“I don't want to die alone, but I don't wanna die at all.
I'm not gonna keep you by the phone, dear
Hang up when you've had enough,
Too much to talk.”
Virgil could remember writing these lyrics. It had been after one of his late night phone calls with Remus. He’d been sure Remus would hang up soon, tired of talking to him. But instead he stayed through the whole night, until Virgil fell asleep during the call.
“Call me when you're coming down, call me when you hang.
All is well that ends well, but all is well that ends.”
The music still played in his head, even after the show had finished. The first song in particular seemed to stick to his brain. The crowd loved it, cheering for the newest song. 
“Clocks made God from the monsters in my head.
Do you wanna know my name?
Is that all you want to take from me?”
Where was Remus at? The bassist had disappeared backstage almost immediately after they finished playing. The music was still ringing in the singer’s head. Janus and Remy seemed a bit worried about him, but Virgil wasn’t for once. This was a pretty normal occurrence. They all got overwhelmed by the crowd, and Remus tended to disappear when it got to him. Virgil knew where he went to hide anyways, so he told the others he would go get him. They had a meet and greet after this show, after all. He didn’t want to force his- boyfriend? Lover? What were they?- friend to do this, but it was part of their contracts. 
“Josh, stop it.” Well, that was Remus. But why was he talking to Josh? They’d broken up over a year ago, at least. He’d been the last guy since he and Remus had… Well, since they developed whatever they had. The bassist’s ex hadn’t been around since. Virgil shivered, anxiety suddenly spiking. Remus wouldn’t cheat, right? Even though no one knew they were dating. Virgil had wanted to keep it a secret, after all. Was Remus tired of waiting for him to tell everyone? He felt like it was an understandable fear… They were becoming so popular after all. No need for the fans to know their relationship.
In your arms the end is in my eyes.
And I don't want to die in my sleep, when you're left.
Virgil rounded a corner and spotted the two others. He hid behind the corner, peeking around to see them. Josh was blocking Remus from his sight, seemingly boxing Remus against the wall. Virgil couldn’t see Remus’s face. His heart was pounding, his brain telling him that this was it. Remus had finally figured out that he was too good for the guitarist. 
“I miss you, Rem. Come back to my place tonight? I know you want to baby…” 
“I can’t Josh. Not tonight, at least.” Not tonight? Did that mean… Did Remus plan to go some other night? All he could see was Josh leaning down and kissing Remus. It didn’t seem like Remus was going to push his ex away, either. 
Call me when you hang and
Call me when you're left.
Call me when you come down, call me when you hang.
Virgil took off, retracing his steps. He couldn’t stand there and watch any more, and there is no way he could have confronted the two. He couldn’t bear to watch Remus do anything more. How could he? He had said he wanted to be with Virgil forever… He had said that they were soulmates, that they were meant to be. How could he have lied, looking Virgil in the eye while he did so. It had all seemed so real… Had he just been a rebound for Josh?
I don't wanna to die alone, but I don't wanna die at all/
I'm not gonna keep you by the phone, dear.
Hang up when you've had enough,
Too much to talk.
Remus was tired of him. That had to be it. There was no other explanation. He had overstayed his welcome. The other was annoyed and couldn’t stand to be around him anymore. It made sense. Virgil could barely blame the bassist. Remus had canceled their plans all last week, hadn’t he? Virgil should have seen this coming…
Call me when you're coming down, call me when you hang.
All is well that ends well, but all is well that ends.
Call me when you hang,
Call me when you…
No, Virgil decided. This wasn’t his fault. It… It couldn’t be. Remus was the one cheating on him. That wasn’t okay, no matter if the bassist was tired of him! No, he was done with this. Virgil shoved past Janus and Remy, ignoring their calls for him to come back. He was leaving, and no one could stop him. They would be just fine without him. Remus had proven that. 
Virgil hadn’t even noticed that he was crying as he rushed out the back door of the venue they were at. He was focused on leaving. He was going home and moving. They would never find him, he would make sure of that. He’d block all their numbers, find a new band to play with. It couldn’t be too hard, with his popularity. Any band would take him in a heartbeat, right? Remus would regret doing this. Virgil would make sure of it even if it was the last thing he would ever do. 
Hang your head and cry if you like, but all is well that ends.
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