#the first thing i wanted to do was tag anankos
shreedle · 2 years
For the AU ask: In where everything is the same except the Trio are being haunted by the ghost of Human! Anankos.
(From this post here.)
I had a blast coming up with these, Kim! xD Thank you so much for the ask!
-The reason that Anankos ghost is haunting the Trio in the first place is the fact that they straight up drank dragon blood from the source. That's why no one else can see him, and it's also a reason why Mikoto and Azura and Shigure and Corrin wouldn't be able to see him, either (sorry Corrin, you being his kid doesn't count!). Those last four do tend to get a strange sixth sense of being watched while he's around, though.
-Anankos getting slightly jealous when he watches the Trio get close to their respective lords and fellow retainers in some cases. In a "Hey, you still love me the most, right?" Because thanks a LOT Kim, I now am Anankos/Trio trash and I will 100% wholly and utterly blame you for it.
-Odin just outright chats casually with Anankos's ghost whenever the heck that he wants (without mentioning him by name of course), and everyone else just laughs it off as "Oh, typical Odin, seeing things that aren't there." and Odin just. Hams it up as him "consorting with the dark spirit that eternally lurks over [his] shoulder" because the lonely human-dragon god is lonely, right? So of COURSE Odin should chat with him! Anankos is very amused.
-Despite being pissed that Mikoto didn't get to raise Corrin, Anankos squeeing like a doting parent whenever the Trio happen to be around Corrin. In one specific example, Laslow is with Xander when Xander went to visit Corrin and Anankos is just "LOOK AT THEM. LOOK HOW BIG THEY'VE GOTTEN. OH NO WHY ARE THEY NOT WEARING SHOES IN THIS WEATHER THEY'LL GET A COLD. LASLOW TELL THEM TO WEAR SHOES. OH AND MAKE SURE THEY BUNDLE UP PROPERLY WHEN THEY GO PLAY IN THE SNOW" and Laslow just forcefully smiling and trying to be himself because he's around his lord and Corrin and dammit Anankos please shut up.
-Anankos is the one acting (or trying to at least) as Selena's conscience whenever she's about to go on a spending spree because even though she gets paid well as a royal retainer (props to the trio for obeying that part of his orders), her pockets are not bottomless. Like "Selena no, put that down, there's a MUCH prettier one in my castle down there, kill my dragon self and you can take it."
-Possible outcomes for Corrin's Decision of Fate. 1) Birthright - Anankos whines and whines HARD for the Trio to go to Corrin because hey, you three PROMISED. So the Trio are frantically trying to find a way to go to Hoshido without making it seem like they are traitors trying to undermine Nohr from the inside and finally get the idea of using their canon reclasses. It works. Mostly. Maybe?
2) Conquest - The Trio go undercover with Anankos ghost working magic and assassinate Garon and certain key figures (coughIagoandHanscough). Anankos covers their tracks. The end.
3) Revelation - Once again, Anankos whines for the Trio to follow Corrin because THEY PROMISED. The Trio are less recaltritant about this. The only big differences are that Laslow (reluctantly) joins up with Corrin's party when Cyrkensia goes boom from the Vallites, and Odin tags along with Elise under the pretense of "fulfilling my sacred duty to Lord Leo and protecting his sister as requested!" (which is actually bullshit because Leo didn't order him so much as take the suggestion from Odin).
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duskofendflame · 1 year
ooc; TOA Anniversary Munday!
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
tagging: you! :D
Name: Vergil (Also go by Envy but I want to get used to the fun and totally nonbinary name of Vergil)
Pronouns: she/he/they
Birthday (no year): November 14th
Where are you from? What is your time zone? Iowa, Central time zone babyyyyy
Roleplay experience: About the one year I've spent in TOA teehee
Got any pets? I have a cat named Blue :D
Favorite time of year: Autumn
Some interests and things you like: Wouldn't you like to know weather boy? (Don't ask about my interests I will never shut up)
Some funfacts & trivia about you: What if a guy was just a little autism boy with a fucked up gender :p
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Resident Evil, Xenoblade, Devil May Cry, etc. (I couldn't think of anymore but I know there's more)
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: Dragon! Appletun :softsmile: and also Quagsire, because I love him
How did you get into Fire Emblem? A friend of mine introduced it to me in 6th grade and like any autistic child I immediately got completely obssessed
What Fire Emblem games have you played? Played myself is just Awakening, Fates, Warriors (pensive), Three Houses, Three Hopes (Never finished), and Engage :D. I just started Blazing Blade (finished Lyn mode, played first chapter of Eliwood mode. This will probably be wrong by tomorrow. I have to see my babygirl.)
First Fire Emblem game: Fates
Favorite Fire Emblem game: Fates (crying). (Could become Blazing once I finish)
Any Fire Emblem crushes? Camilla, because she was my lesbian Awakening. Though pretty much any woman will get me :flushed: Ursula most recently.
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? - Awakening: Chrom - Fates: Jakob- Three Houses: Claude I think - Engage: Alfred (Male Alear)
Favorite Fire Emblem class: Kinshi Knight (birb :))
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class? Either a Malig Knight or a Kinshi Knight. WEEEEEEEE
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? Black Eagles
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with? Corrin :3
How did you find TOA? I stalked the twitter for like a year before I finally decided to give it a shot after seeing a wanted list :)
Current TOA muses: Kurthnaga and Corrin (M). Secret third (wouldn't you like to know weather boy?)
Who was your first TOA muse? If you don’t have them anymore, could you see yourself picking them up again? Velouria, maybe if under the right circumstances. It would take a lot to bring her back though.
Have you had any other TOA muses? Morgan (F), Izana, Zephia, Cadros. Anankos (don't look at me)
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards? Dragon and/or inhuman in some sort of way. Or mage boys/girls. Teens with issues as well. What if a guy was emotionally constipated at 15.
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most? Uh. I don't know :pensive:
Favorite TOA-related memory: Kurthnaga/Valter dollhouse married :3
Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day in TOA that you’d like to share? Points at my unused Yukimura blog. And the Ursula blog I made yesterday that will never get used because I know nothing about elibe FLKSLKJDSJLK
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iturbide · 2 years
Fic Authors Self Rec
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers.   Let’s spread the self-love! 
Tagged by @banyanas​​ and I’m dying because I most of the stuff I’d probably want to rec doesn’t exist
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so you’re all stuck with a bunch of Awakening because that’s all that’s finished
The Future Built Upon the Past (Fire Emblem: Awakening, 158k, in progress)
My monster, my baby: the fic that got me writing again after years of being creatively fallow and my magnum opus for the Fire Emblem: Awakening fandom.  It’s not even done yet and it’s already far-and-away my biggest endeavor to date, with my current estimate for final word count sitting around 600k whenever I manage to finish it.  A story of love, of friendship, and of bonds that transcend social mores, diplomacy, orders, duty, and even fate itself.
Heart of the Moon (Fire Emblem: Awakening, 60k, complete)
The first long-form fic I completed for Fire Emblem: Awakening and arguably the first long-form piece I’d completed in years.  One of my favorites in general since it’s based on East of the Sun and West of the Moon, my favorite folktale, and to this day one of my favorite F!Chrobin things I’ve written, particularly since it inspired a sprawling sequel that explores a lot of politics and social dynamics and a lot more character relationships and I haven’t finished it yet gods dammit
Cursed Fate (Fire Emblem: Awakening, 57k, complete)
As Gun would say, I was taken by a fey mood and banged this one out over the course of a month, month and a half tops after she decided to pick up Shadow of the Colossus on a whim.  This one never got much traction, which I think is a shame because I very much like it.  Along with drawing its narrative structure and overarching premise from Shadow of the Colossus, it also let me play around with a structure reminiscent of a fairy tale in how the repetition of its story beats, which I personally thought was pretty cool.
Affectionately Yours (Fire Emblem: Awakening, 59k, complete)
I love this one a frankly stupid amount.  Written for the 2020 Chrobin Celebration, it ended up as a love letter to Plegia: tons of worldbuilding and cultural nuance, meditation on the difference between blame, fault, and responsibility, and lots and lots of letters.  I have a weakness for epistolary format, despite not utilizing it often, so I had a great time choosing the fonts for handwriting and planning out the letters.  Someday I’m going to bind this in leather with gilded pages and it’s gonna be gorgeous
Proof of Life (Fire Emblem: Three Houses, 3.7k, complete)
The shortest piece on this list and also the only one that’s not from Awakening.  I love how this one turned out, particularly the conversation between Claude and Dimitri and Dimitri’s private introspection while he talks to his sleeping friend.  It never really got a lot of attention which I cynically think is because it’s gen and features a platonic relationship, but I still feel like it’s one of my strongest pieces.
And a bonus shout-out to my piece Invisible Ties in the Lodestar.sys sci-fi zine since I still feel like that’s the strongest piece I’ve written since I started posting fic again.
Thank you for tagging me Bany I appreciate you -- and since I can’t tag you back despite that being my first instinct, how about @wolfs-dawn​, @fayesdiary​, and @cheeseandcake-from-ao3​...and anyone else that wants to give it a shot!
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loregoddess · 2 years
📓 :D
Hmm, since I mentioned it in the tags of one of the other answers, I feel like talking about my old(ish) idea for a FE Fates Twins AU that I got one rainy morning while walking half-asleep to class.
As the name implies, the two "Corrins" are twins in this story, named Kiyoko and Haruto, and the gist of the story vaguely follows the Revelation Route story, although with a lot of changes bc, well, two kids instead of one. The story would actually jump around achronologically with a series of flashbacks filling out each twin's past, but for sake of sanity I'll outline their story in chronological order.
Their story starts with Mikoto fleeing the Kingdom of Valla and parting ways with Arete, and eventually finding her way to Hoshido where she meets and falls in love with Ikona, and later Sumeragi (they're a thruple in this, no jealous wives in my stories when I can have them love each other instead), although Mikoto isn't married into the royal family right away, and is kinda just taken in as a lover to the royal couple at first. With her are her twin children who are at this point in the story around 4 ish? The three spend a few years in Hoshido as basically part of the royal family, but at this time Hoshido is also at open war with Nohr. During this time Garon takes Arete as a second wife, but she dies due to a "mysterious illness" (assassination, it was assassination in this story) and Garon is also killed and replaced by Anankos's goo minion without anyone knowing (shortly before Elise is born).
As part of Anankos's plan (to get Azura aka the threat to him at the moment, away from his goo minion), Garon offers a ceasefire and opens discussions for a nonaggression treaty. No one from either royal family meets directly with each other as the details of the treaty are worked out, and eventually it's agreed that Garon will offer up one of his children and Sumeragi offer one of his to be raised in the opposite country, as proof of each country's good faith to keep the treaty. Sumeragi's suspicious of this, and with Ikona and Mikoto agree that Garon probably wouldn't offer up any of his blood-heirs (they don't know about Anankos, but Mikoto does inform them that Azura isn't Garon's child and therefore a perfect candidate to be thrown aside as a political pawn of little consequence should things sour between the kingdoms). So, for Sumeragi to offer up any of his blood-children (at this point, all four have been born) would end up leaving Garon in "more power" so to speak, but Mikoto suggests that if she's wed to Sumeragi, then he could offer up one of her children, although this pains her a great deal to even suggest such a thing, since the last thing she wants is to be parted from her kids. Ikona says she'll hear none of it, but Sumeragi notes Mikoto does have a point, and it would keep the power balance stable if Azura was exchanged for one of the twins. Haruto overhears a good portion of this conversation, and approaches Mikoto and Sumeragi later and offers to go, because he thinks he understands the importance of having this treaty work and knows Kiyoko simply wouldn't be a good fit. Internally, Haruto's actually planning to use this as a chance to learn more about Nohr, escape, and bring back as much information as he can, but also he doesn't want to put Kiyoko into a situation which he doesn't think she'd be able to handle. It takes some time, but Haruto's eventually able to convince Mikoto, and Sumeragi, and so Mikoto is wed to the royal family with the plans of sending Haruto off to Nohr. This does not sit well with Kiyoko when she learns the plan, and all but ruins her relationship with Mikoto, whom she can't bring herself to forgive (Mikoto takes the blame on herself and never divulges that it was actually Haruto's idea to do this, and even though Haruto tries to console Kiyoko, even he can't convince her to forgive Mikoto).
And so comes the date that Azura and Haruto are to be exchanged, and to no reader's surprise, Garon uses this opportunity to kill Sumeragi as soon as the exchange as made. In the ensuing chaos, Haruto still ends up in Nohr's clutches, and is sent to the fortress where he's to be raised apart from the main family, whilst Azura is taken by Hoshido, first out of suspicion that she had something to do with the assassination plot, but later under Mikoto and Ikona's protection, since the exchanged children does mean the treaty is now in effect, and Azura is Mikoto's niece. Ikona assumes the role of main ruler in Hoshido at this time.
In Nohr, Haruto's life follows much the same as in the canon story, with him being more a political prisoner alongside Flora and Felicia, being raised by Gunter and being visited by the Nohr siblings (and befriending Silas and all that other good stuff; also Lilith joins at some point). Initially, Haruto sees this all as a means to an end, but in time he does come to care about some of the people in Nohr as he learns what he can about the country from his confinement in the fortress. Still, he knows if he stays stuck in the fortress, he won't be able to do anything but remain powerless, and so starts maneuvering to get into Garon's good graces as a means of getting out of the fortress and maybe finding a way to dethrone Garon for good.
In Hoshido, with her relationship with Mikoto in shambles, Kiyoko ends up becoming close with Ikona and becomes fiercely protective of her step-siblings. Azura ends up becoming close with Mikoto, which initially puts a bit of a wedge between her and Kiyoko. This uneasy family dynamic continues only for a year or two until Ikona is wounded in one of the border skirmishes that happen despite the treaty, and later Ikona dies from the wound. Kiyoko reacts to Ikona's death...well, poorly. Resulting in her awakening the dragon blood in her veins, which Azura is able to calm, but Kiyoko is so freaked out that she nearly hurt her family that she runs off and "vanishes". She actually ends up in Valla, which she remembers but has been unable to talk about, bc rather than the curse of Valla killing people like in canon, the curse of Valla makes it impossible to talk about Valla, either by silencing the person trying to speak or causing them to speak in a garbled gibberish (leading to many people thinking Kiyoko, who tried for years to talk about Valla, was acting out as a means of gaining attention). There she meets the heart-Anankos, aka her dad, and Lilith, and learns from them how to control her dragonic form (as well as get some answers about things she couldn't quite understand from her earliest memories). Eventually she has to leave, but she bids Lilith to go to Nohr to keep an eye on Haruto. When Kiyoko returns to Hoshido, due to the temporal distortion between the realms, she's actually only been gone like, a week, despite spending closer to a few months training in her dragon form. Obviously she can't talk about where she went, so she's able to make up some half-truth lie, and the others brush it off as her being still in shock and grieving. After this she calms down a bit, so to speak, and stops trying to talk about Valla (although she does become closer with Azura after this), instead focusing on integrating her dragon form with her fighting style and martial training, eventually becoming known as the dragon princess of Hoshido.
This leads up to events that actually happen in the game. Haruto is tasked with killing prisoners who Leo saves, and these prisoners are Kiyoko (in disguise, she never reveals her identity either), her retainer Kaze, and friend Rinkah. The three were in a mission to gather intelligence in Nohr, which allowed for Kiyoko to see the horrid conditions that most of the Norhians live in. After they part ways, Kiyoko reports back to Hoshido with what she's learned, while Haruto is tasked with a new mission that ends up getting him captured by Hoshido after Hans failed assassination attempt (in this story Lilith's castle doesn't really exist, Haruto's just sorta left to die after getting knocked out and Lilith attends to him before the wound can become fatal, then they get captured). Stuff happens as it does in the game, until after Mikoto's assassination (which Kiyoko was close enough to see that a Valla ghost was the culprit; also this is when Haruto's dragonic form awakens although unlike Kiyoko who's actually got a fairly healthy relationship with her emotions, Haruto can't really control his dragon form since he represses most of his emotions and kinda avoids it at all costs). The attack on Hoshido's capital and Mikoto's death breaks the treaty altogether, and there's the confrontation of the Nohr and Hoshido siblings. They do parley, with Kiyoko actually trying to make an argument for Nohr, and Haruto seeing Mikoto's assassination as a betrayal, and it seems open confrontation can't be avoided. When Kiyoko eventually makes a fool of herself by trying to talk about the Valla assassin, she gives up and, not wanting to betray Hoshido or forsake what good she knows lies in Nohr, she just straight-up leaves, like, says that if anyone wants to know the truth they can meet her at the bottomless chasm and dragons out. Azura convinces Haruto to pursue her, and Kiyoko then drags them into Valla to explain everything she knows.
This leads to the twins and Azura working together to find a way to unite Hoshido and Nohr and address the actual threat that is Anankos in Valla, stuff happens with various changes from canon and eventually they get all the siblings down to Valla to figure shit out. Amidst all this is Kiyoko and Haruto learning to be siblings again, and coming to terms with just how different they've actually become as young adults, as well as learning how to navigate the complex familial bonds between both the Hoshido and Nohr siblings.
The time in Valla is...complicated, as it's filled with ghosts and puppets. I'd want an arc for more or less every sibling, so puppets of all the Nohr siblings' moms (and character development therein),and even maybe Garon if I could work him in somehow, and also the Hoshido siblings with Sumeragi, Ikona, and Mikoto (who also has to talk things out with Kiyoko and Haruto), . Also Lilith's status as Anankos's daughter is like, addressed and talked about, and Kiyoko and Haruto both have a chat with the heart-Anankos some time before the final face-off with the mind-Anankos. And more development for Azura with her mom and also her unnamed death father, bc I am giving character stories to all the dead and unnamed parents. Just, lots of familial exploration so some of these characters can start to get some closure. Not sure how any of this would play out, but like, it's the idea of it all.
The final confrontation plays out as everyone having finally learned how to work together, heralding the unity of the two countries (later three when parts of Valla are restored, also all the Valla natives aren't dead in this story, and Azura takes rulership bc she is the rightful heir). Maybe there are a series of chapters or an epilogue to show how the post-war reconstruction efforts go, it all depends.
This was way longer than I was expecting (I guess I had more thoughts for this idea than I realized), but...there we are.
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any prompt/headcanons/random ideas you're unlikely to write/that are super incomplete, but wish to share?
Lol, so many incomplete works that I may not finish. I think a lot of them I've mentioned before here and in my asks or my fic tags!
I do have a few fics that are close to complete that I don't want to finish for whatever reason and maybe haven't talked about before though. I have a half-finished Leo Trio OT3 modern AU fic where Owain gets hit by a car saving Nina from the street and in his limbo state has a conversation with his long-deceased Aunt Emmeryn while listening to the panic happening around his body. I liked the concept a lot, but something about the way I was writing it felt cliché and I got embarrassed, so its gone unfinished.
I almost have another near finished Leo Trio OT3 fic that focuses on the idea that Anankos didn't transport the Trio into Nohr--he just made vessels for their spirits to attach to since it's way easier to transport a spirit than a whole body from one dimension to another. Laslow and Selena end up okay, but Odin isn't connected to his body too well, so he has the ability to dump it at any time and just wander around like a ghost. Of course, this makes his "body" look totally dead to people watching from the outside and freaks them out. Like that first fic I mentioned, I liked the concept a lot, but something about the way I was writing it felt cliché and I got embarrassed, so its gone unfinished.
Oh!! I also fantasize about a (slightly altered) Over the Garden Wall AU with the Trio, where Nohr is the sort of purgatory they end up in. Of course it's a sort of afterlife/purgatory dreamland like in canon, so things are happening way faster from their perspective than in the real world. The story would follow Fates canon, more or less, with the Royals already understanding that this is the afterlife and the Trio (as Odin, Laslow, and Selena) only slowly regaining their memories of what happened to them/is happening to them over time. The climax would be the Trio realize that they're in the process of dying and the Royals sadly letting them go with the promise that everyone dies, so they'll meet again someday (and of course not wanting their loved one's lives cut short, even if it means time apart). The Trio would then save themselves from the process of dying (probably climbing out of their crashed car that landed in a lake or something) and then would go on to live long lives before eventually ending back up in Nohr (as we all must someday). I don't know if I'll ever write that one or not. It seems unlikely, unless I write it right at the climax. I think about it every October though.
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fang-emblem · 4 years
I'm putting this in a separate post because I want to force everyone in the tags to read it
Trans man Owain headcanons/short story
Lissa and her husband were very confused when their daughter was born, after meeting their son from the future.
They expected a boy, but decided it was alright. They named her something else. (This is important later ok)
She definitely acted everything like her future counterpart, though! All the theatrics were there. The Brand still appeared on her arm eventually. But she was distant from the other children..
Few noticed, but the princess grew increasingly uncomfortable with any traditionally feminine roles as she grew older. She hated dresses and any sort of 'girly' colours, as she would describe it. She often wore pants, and she kept her hair short.
Lissa was the first to know. Her child was almost 14 years old and had thrown a tantrum earlier in the day when someone suggested she become a 'woman of the cloth', like her mother is.
Lissa entered her child's room to find any sort of blouses or dresses on the floor or in tatters. The child on the bed had clearly been crying hard.
Seeing the scene before her, things clicked very easily. Just like when she met her future son! ("Oh gods, Owain.") He never mentioned any of this to his mother or father before he left.
The transition from princess to prince was a challenging one, for sure. But Lissa and the rest of the family family were there every step of the way to support him.
Lissa and her husband suggested the name Owain to their son, and he fell in love with it. Screaming it so loud to the rooftops that all of Ylisse could've heard him.
The young prince now had much shorter hair and a different wardrobe. Lissa looked on with pride when he smiled and played with his friends.
Okay so now to the Owain that came from the future
When he left for The Mila Tree with Severa and Inigo, Owain definitely debated whether or not to tell his parents his big secret. He ended up not doing so, knowing he'd end up fine.
Severa and Inigo were apprehensive of letting him do so, but couldn't convince him otherwise.
When Anankos gave them their new names and appearances, he was rather surprised by how much his body had been changed! Taller and more muscular, and he had a deeper voice.
He was disappointed that he couldn't keep his chosen name, but Odin was close enough.
Selena, Laslow, and himself eventually end up as retainers for the Nohr royalty.
Blah blah stuff happens! Wow! He's married to someone now.
I haven't decided if he has Ophelia himself or if his partner somehow does via magic or something. Depends if it's a man or woman, cis or trans partner but that's not the point.
But he decides to give his daughter a very special name, because she looks so much like he used to, when he was a kid.
Ophelia. It was his given name from his parents, and now it's hers.
Prince Leo, and Niles are aware that he's not cis, but have agreed to keep it a secret.
(I'm just gonna say that Corrin chose Nohr in this headcanon story thing, just because.)
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kimium · 4 years
8 and 16 for the fanfic end of the year asks?
(From this ask HERE.)
Thank you so much for the ask! I love doing these and am excited to answer yours! Question 16′s answer gets Very Long so I’m putting the rest under a cut!
8. Shortest completed fic you wrote this year.
My shortest completed fic this year is Perhaps not Love but it is Something.
16. Fic(s) you completed this year.
I hope you all don’t mind that this is essentially a list of all my 2020 fics ahaha. Links are provided for all the fics! By fandom the fics I completed this year are:
Akudama Drive
Exhilaration (And the Bottling of It) - A Brawler/Hoodlum fic.
Black Clover
An Eternal Emptiness (All’s Well that Ends Well) - A William/Patri fic.
Super Danganronpa 2
I can’t kill you (so we must be destined to be together) - Soulmate AU with Hitman Hajime and Target Komaeda
The taste of melon and the weight of a plushie fox - Accidental Marriage Proposal by Hajime to Kitsune!Komaeda
1000 Kisses - God!Hajime fulfilling Komaeda’s wish to heal Chiaki with the price of 1000 Kisses for the wish.
Spears are useless if they aren’t gutting something (or someone), right? - Chapter 5 Canon Divergence.
Perhaps not Love but it is Something - a brief KamuKoma snapshot of Servant and Kamukura pre UDG.
Sunrise - a post SDR2 KuzuPeko story. Very soft. Ft. Komaeda and Peko hanging out a little bit.
Unusual (But Unwanted) Mission - a very soft Soul Eater AU where Komaeda and Hajime get a mission Komaeda very much doesn’t want to do.
Fire Emblem Three Houses
I’ll Burn as I Pine Away - Pining Sylvix.
Fire Emblem Fates
Ball of Light - Anankos erases the Trio’s memories and makes them believe they’re fighting for him. He’s very Possessive and Touchy.
A touch of healing magic - Modern AU where Owain can use healing magic and uses it to help Mafia! Leo and Niles.
The barkeeper who’s also a healer - Prequel to A touch of healing magic. Shows how Owain became Leo and Niles’s healer in the first place.
Slightly Out of Focus - Modern AU where the Trio keep meeting people they don’t remember (or do perhaps they do remember them?). (Something supernatural is lurking somewhere.)
What’s Your Favourite Colour? - Saizo and Laslow have to work together on a mission. Saizo is not pleased.
The Spirit Has Already Left the Building - In where Odin is sort of a djinn/spirit and with Leo and Niles they return to his dungeon. They don’t know it’s his. Sort of inspired by Magi.
We’re Going to Nohr - AU where Anankos wasn’t defeated but sealed and it’s the Nohrian retainer’s jobs to gather their lords/lady to defeat him.
Push and Pull - Drinking Anankos’s blood has a siren effect on the Trio, urging them to return to Valla and to Anankos. Explored with Laslow’s POV.
Trees and Hidden Arms - In where the Awakening Trio have pacts with spirits that they can summon to help them. Laslow demonstrates this while on a mission with Xander.
Boons (For a Price) - An AU where Anankos is a god who offers the Trio boons/assistance for kisses (and hinted other things).
Fire Emblem Awakening
Sun Eater (The Best and Worst) - AU where Inigo feels he’s sucking out everything good from Owain.
Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
**Please note my KHR fics can get a bit dark so mind the tags**
An Unofficial Prize (The Last Extra Hours Spent Together) - Before their match for the TriNiSet, Byakuran demands in an extra prize (it’s Shouichi).
Purposeful Danger - Byakuran sends Shouichi to a deal he knows is going downhill just to swoop in and “save him”. 
The Unspoken “K” Word in the Room - Byakuran low key kidnaps Shouichi. No one brings it up and pretend everything is Fine.
The Press of a Knife - Byakuran scars Shouichi’s back to remind him who he belongs to.
A ring of amaranth - After exposing himself as the traitor Shouichi is temporarily teleported to Byakuran’s side to make a wager (and smooch).
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sabineelectricheart · 3 years
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The Summer Premiere at the Cyrkensia Opera House
Seizing an opportunity during a work trip, Xander goes watch his step-sister sing at the Cyrkensia Opera House. He finds much more than he first bargained for.
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Overdue Introductions
Corrin is leaving for a dinner with family. Xander wants to know why he cannot tag along.
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Lunch Hour Rain
Leo is decided to talk to Ms. Corrin Anankos, a young woman working on an office next to his, this afternoon. The rain may disturb his plans.
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Pop-Up Girl
Leo’s computer malfunctions and sends him to a certain stream by accident. The performer quickly enraptures his attention.
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Spirited Towards
As Leo is introduced to the art of the snowman, he thinks about how much their foreign guest is significant in his life.
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I Bet on Losing Dogs
After Lady Corrin introduces her young nephew to the affairs of the flesh, they discover all they can do is hurt each other.
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Burger King Shakes
Corrin and Xander stop by the Burger King drive-thru. The wait is killing them.
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Trembling Hands to the Altar
Corrin is about to be wed in an arranged match. She and Xander say their goodbyes in the night before.
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Lonely Library Corner in Windmere
There are not many people keen for reading material in Nohr. It allows Leo and Corrin to experiment a little without interruption.
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His Brother’s Widow
Leo might have loved his brother, but he still coveted one single thing that belonged to him: his wife. Now that he is the king, the oportunity dangles in front of his eyes.
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Proof of Existance (Out Mon., Sep. 9th, 07:00 PM SAST)
Leo has had a stress-induced nightmare. He goes to find Corrin to make sure she is alive, well and real.
0 notes
stole from myself i’ll tag some people because i love them and wanna know more about their muses so do it for u want @brynwieldr @sorrcerii @royclguard @bestowedfate (Lian & Sian if u wanna do both) @illusionaryjustice @stratesia and literally everyone else because i just grabbed a bunch of people from my dash i love u all 
—    BASICS.
▸     IS    YOUR    MUSE    TALL    /    SHORT    /    AVERAGE ? Kirin is p tall and he wears 4 in heels just to be taller, he likes being tall !! 
▸      ARE    THEY    OKAY    WITH    THEIR    HEIGHT ? 100%, makes him feel powerful and cool to be rly tall, he doesn’t usually find people who are taller then him 
▸      WHAT’S    THEIR    HAIR    LIKE ? Always styled in a rats tail ponytail that lays on his shoulder with his bangs styled to go perfectly around his face, his hair is clearly well kept and silky smooth though it can be unruly so he usually has to fight with it to get it to lay so nicely. 
▸     DO    THEY    SPEND    A    LOT    OF    TIME    ON    THEIR    HAIR     /    GROOMING ? yes ! He spends a lot of time washing it in the bath as well as brushing it when he is done in the bath and in the morning before he goes to see everyone, he always has cute accessories in his hair and he always has to make sure he is presentable, like a doll baby.
▸      DOES   YOUR   MUSE   CARE   ABOUT   THEIR   APPEARANCE   /   WHAT    OTHERS    THINK ? A bit to much, it’s something that matters to him greatly for many of the wrong reasons. He thinks of himself as a doll and that’s where a lot of his self steem comes from ! if he is a doll then he must be pretty and presentable at all times otherwise he will be a disappointment. This is why he always wears fancy clothes, even into battle ! and won’t le people see him oten if he is hurt because he doesn’t think it’s cute of acceptable.
▸     INDOORS    OR    OUTDOORS ?  Indoors ▸     RAIN    OR    SUNSHINE ?  Sunshine ▸     FOREST    OR    BEACH ?  Beach ▸     PRECIOUS    METALS    OR    GEMS ?   Gems ▸     FLOWERS    OR    PERFUMES ?   Perfume ▸     PERSONALITY    OR    APPEARANCE ?  Personality ▸     BEING    ALONE    OR    BEING    IN    A    CROWD ? Being in a crowd ▸     ORDER    OR    ANARCHY ?   Order ▸     PAINFUL    TRUTHS    OR    WHITE    LIES ?   White lies ▸     SCIENCE    OR    MAGIC ?   Magic ▸     PEACE    OR    CONFLICT ?  Peace ▸     NIGHT    OR    DAY ?  Day ▸     DUSK    OR    DAWN ?  Dawn ▸     WARMTH    OR    COLD ?   Warmth. ▸     MANY   ACQUAINTANCES    OR    A    FEW    CLOSE    FRIENDS ?  Few close friends ▸     READING    OR    PLAYING    A    GAME ?   Reading
▸      WHAT    ARE    SOME    OF    YOUR    MUSE’S    BAD    HABITS ? Wearing a mask to hide his sadness as he doesn’t deem it’s accepting for a prince and a doll to show sadness or cry or be sad, as he is suppose to be both strong and cute so he can’t be sad and finds his sadness and painful past to be something he shouldn’t worry about as well as the weight her has on his shoulders. Refusing to sleep or eat until he thinks he has finish enough work to be allowed too, even if others give him permission. Flirting with random men and toying with them as bit on accident because he himself is lonely and just wants someone to care about him, this only happens with other humans though as he feels his title as a prince make relationships complicated for him.
▸      HAS    YOUR    MUSE    LOST    ANYONE    CLOSE    TO    THEM ?      HOW    HAS    IT    AFFECTED    THEM ? He lost his father at a young age and it shapes much of his life and his goals, he claims his goal in life ti to bring peace into the world by slaying anankos but really he just wants to both see his father again as well as safe him. After being taken away with his mother at the age of six and very vaguely remembering his father he was very bitter about his ‘’new father’’ inhoshido and refused to accept him as his dad, often asking his mother when they were going to be leaving and when he’d see his own dad again.
when he was kidnapped to nohr, he once more was an unruly child and blamed his ‘’new father’’ in hoshido for his kidnapping for a while, thinking that it was his fault for keeping him and his mother there as he didn’t understand the situation at hand since he was to young. As he got older, as stated before, his whole goal in life was to be able to see his father again and then in the end to safe his father from himself basically.
▸      WHAT    ARE    SOME    FOND    MEMORIES    YOUR    MUSE    HAS ?  
Playing with his father when he was very young. Having his mother sing him to sleep. Spending time with Leo and Elise. Bonding with Xander and Camilla. Shopping for things he likes in his own free time. Ending up together with Flannel.
▸     IS    IT    EASY    FOR    YOUR    MUSE    TO    KILL ? In some cases yes. It heavily depends on the situation, but if he has to he will bring his sword down on anyone if he thinks they have crossed him in a irredeemable way.
▸      WHAT’S    IT    LIKE    WHEN    YOUR    MUSE    BREAKS    DOWN ? It can be loud or it can be quiet. It really depends but sometimes he’ll get angry and yell and cry and ask why him and other times he’llseclude himself to a quiet corner and dig his nails into his arms until it goes away, in the worst case scenerion he’ll attempt to stab himself to make himself pass out from pain or blood loses so he just does not have to deal with it, but that would have to be a very bad breakdown.
▸      IS    YOUR    MUSE    CAPABLE    OF    TRUSTING    SOMEONE    WITH    THEIR    LIFE ? Not really, He doesn’t trust people with his life other then maybe 3 select people and even then he doesn’t want to put that responlbity on them so he tries his best to take care of himself.
▸      WHAT’S    YOUR    MUSE    LIKE    WHEN    THEY’RE    IN    LOVE ? At first he’s incredibly flustered by almost anything as he isn’t use to it bu after a week or so he’ll relax into it and once he does, he becomes much more openly affectionate with his partner. He becomes much more flirty and affectionate and open about his feelings, going as far as allowing his S.O to follow him around on his daily tasks if they so wish and give them kisses or holding their hand in public
When it comes down to more intimate things he is a bit clueless admittedly, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want too. The idea of being able to bite or touch or kiss his partner in a more intimate or private sense is very nice to him, he would just fumble a bit and be clueless at first, not really knowing how to do much as books that are suited more for guy x guy relationships are hard to find and even then doing an act as opposed to reading it is still quite difficult. 
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nowis-scales · 3 years
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Rating: Mature Audiences
General Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Self-Harm, Implied/Referenced Suicide
Fandoms: Fire Emblem IF/Fire Emblem Fates
Relationships: Romantic relationships to be added as the story progresses — guarantee of M/M, M/F, and F/F — story is gen first and foremost
Additional Tags: Revelation Route, Childhood Abandonment, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder — PTSD, Family Drama, Angst with a Happy Ending, Therapy, Post-Canon, World Building, Character Death, No Deeprealms
Chapter Word Count: 7543 words
Summary: High Prince Ryoma of Hoshido, now dubbed his majesty, was always believed to be the perfect leader and big brother. But when a long-standing lie is exposed following the Silent War, the perfect shell reveals a self-destructive interior. Now, broken and vulnerable, Ryoma finds himself having to learn to be more than a blade forged in war’s fires. Between political clashes, family conflict, and scars left by a lifetime of pain, there are more than just a few things that need taking care of in the wake of the war… and it’s hard for the king to accept that he just might be one of them.
Chapter Summary: Who is Corrin’s father, really?
Read it on AO3
Chapter 2: Ties That Bind
“I will take your pathetic life! Then I will make your body my own. You’re one of my bloodline. You will serve as a vessel for me!”
 For something said so long ago, the words keep Corrin awake far longer than they should. Reasonably, she knows she should be trying to fall asleep, but the words refuse to stop turning in her head. They twist and morph into images of her past, becoming things far too ugly for her to want to describe aloud. Shadows that burn into her brain and whisper lies in her ears. Lies that may be truths, she thinks bitterly to herself. After tonight, she knows for certain that she should consider the honesty of others when they speak and act. Choosing not to believe in people is not who she is, but the scars of her misplaced judgement sting more and more every time she’s burned. Tonight, they are at their worst. Not letting it get to her, even if it’s just a little, is next to impossible. Would anybody truly blame her if she faltered?
 She groans, rolling from her back to her left side. It’s inconsiderate to make such noise when she has not one but two roommates, yet she cannot bring herself to care. In all likelihood, they’re not getting the best sleep themselves. Even with the comfort of their plush futons, she’s not sure that either of them feels any semblance of calm. Lilith is on her left, face turned away from her. Silas is on her right, clearly pretending to sleep. The moonlight is streaming in through a window and beaming down on his face, and she can see his eyes fluttering a bit as they try to shut it out. She wonders if he can hear her groaning, or if he’s ignoring her and actually is beginning to drift off. If that truly is the case, she is envious of him. Even if she were to fall asleep right now, she would dream of her anxieties. Of Sumeragi, of Ryoma, or Anankos. Of all things she both is and isn’t at the same time. Her heartbeat rests in her throat, and she feels the urge to scream.
 She grabs her pillow, pressing it to her head. It won’t crush her thoughts, but there is little else she can think to do with the tears gathering in her eyes. Anankos’s words echo in her ears and shake her like a rattle in a toddler’s hand. If she thinks she can settle for even a second, the implications of his words come bubbling up again before they can be stopped. One of my bloodline, he taunts. You are one of my bloodline. You are a vessel for me.
 Sumeragi was never her father. Ryoma, Hinoka, Takumi, and Sakura are not her siblings. The blood that pumps through her veins… could it really be that of the Silent Dragon? Is it diluted by the humanity of those he once trusted most, or could he have been… could he be the missing piece to her past? Is that why Ryoma kept it a secret from her? Bile rises in her throat at the thought of being related to that… that thing. Squeezing her eyes shut, she forces it back down. In spite of her terror, she does not want to scare her roommates by spontaneously vomiting. After the night they’ve had, she is certain that they do not need anymore upsets. The reveal would be enough, she thinks.
 “Si,” she says without thinking, “Are you awake over there?”
 Silence. Then he rolls from his back to his side, his smoke-grey eyes peeling themselves open to meet her face. The exhaustion is evident from the slight circling underneath, but if he’s been trying for this long, he clearly doesn’t have it in him. There is apart of her that is comforted by the fact that he is struggling to rest as much as she, but another feels a deep pit of guilt melting into the depths of her belly. “Yeah,” he mutters, reaching up to rub one of his eyes, “Yeah, I’m awake. Did you need something?”
Company, she wants to answer. It seems apparent, but she doesn’t want to make assumptions. Honestly, she could be bleeding out from a gaping hole in her side, but if talking about her feelings would bother Silas… she would probably just let herself bleed to death rather than disturb him. He’s been through enough today. “I… didn’t wake you, did I?”
 Silas yawns and shakes his head, the friction of his hair against the pillow making a bit of a funny sound. “Naw, I’m all good. What’s eating you?”
 A brief pause hangs in the air before Corrin brings herself to speak. Her voice is as hushed as she can make it while still being audible; the last thing she wants to do is wake poor Lilith. “I can’t stop thinking about what happened tonight,” she sighs, “Believe me, Silas, I’ve tried.”
 She can see Silas’s brows knit together even in the darkness, his lips curving into a frown. The moonlight doesn’t light up a great deal in the room, but there is an unmistakable glint of pity in his gaze. As embarrassing as it is to admit, she craves that more than anything. She is the primary victim in all of this, and somehow, it seems like everyone else has spun it to how it affects them. That is not to say that she necessarily blames Azura and the others for being upset, but… she couldn’t help but feel a bit dismissed when they finally managed to get away from Ryoma and his half-baked excuses.
 “I understand. I’m not sure I could just forget about something like that if I was in your shoes. What happened between you and your siblings tonight had to sting pretty bad.”
 Allowing herself a particularly wet sniffle, she nods. The tears are building up again, welling up and threatening to crash over her. It is a struggle to keep her voice from breaking as she tries to talk.
 “It’s not just tonight. I mean, tonight is the catalyst, but it’s so much more than that. I’m just… I’m so tired. I’ve been tossed back and forth between countries and between families, fought for and fought against in equal measure. I’ve been told who I should be loyal to and who I should fight for and who I should love, and every time it feels like I’ve got it… Something changes again, and I realize that I have no clue what is going on in my own life. It’s like I don’t know who I am, and nobody else wants to give me a real answer when I ask them to tell me.”
 He opens his mouth to say something, but all that comes out is a gush of pathetic, sympathetic air. She does not care. She just keeps talking, having opened a floodgate that she cannot close until all the water is gone.
 “Everyone says that they love me and that they want to help me, but their actions never show it. It just… it feels so awful. Believing in others in spite of everything, it’s what makes me me! I would never want to change that, I just… I…” The words cut into her throat like a meat bone, heat pricking at her face in a mixture of misery and humiliation. She can only imagine how she must look to him right now, weeping like a little girl. Continuing to meet his face is its own war.
 “It’s okay, Corrin.” He mutters, his hand sneaking out from underneath the covers. It doesn’t reach all the way, but she can see him try to decide whether or not he wants to touch her face. Just the idea of his comfort makes her want to weep harder; thank the gods she at least has someone who cares about her enough to attempt to console her. “I know how much this must hurt you.”
 She nods, inhaling deeply. The tears continue to gather and dribble slowly down her cheeks, soaking the fabric of her pillow. She knows there really is no point in trying to stop them, even if she wants to. No matter how much she rubs away her tears, new ones will simply come to replace them. The only thing she can hope for as she breaks apart is that Silas won’t mind. “It feels so awful, Silas…”
 “It would. It really would. It sucks that you’ve been put in this position.”
 “No matter how hard I try to believe in everyone, it just seems like everyone is going to burn me in the end. Ryoma is the third example of someone doing this to me. I know I said I would never stop believing in the goodness of everyone. I don’t intend to falter in that, but I just… I feel like I’m losing faith. Everyone needs me to be this strong leader for them and point them towards my ideals, but how am I supposed to get there if everything I do just ends up like this? If I’m stupid enough to fall for every deception put in front of me?”
 “Hey. Don’t talk like that,” Silas’s voice is surprisingly firm, “What happened with Lord Ryoma was not your fault. The blame rests only on him, you know that.”
 Any other time, Corrin might find it easy to agree with him. Though she might fall and get scraped up, she always found her way back to her feet. That unfailing quality was what carried her to her current point, but today, all she can do is let her gaze float away from his face – like it will somehow allow her to drift somewhere far from here. It is useless to try, she knows. As much as she would like to be home in Valla, rebuilding the newly renamed Castle Loulan, there is only her childhood bedroom as far as the eye can see. As a very young child, she’s certain she would have longed to be back in this room, drinking in its distinctly Hoshidan architecture with the utmost interest. Now, as an adult, it only serves to remind her that she does not belong here. She has never belonged here. It is difficult to understand how it could only be Ryoma’s fault that her heart is in pieces when she never belonged in the first place. Perhaps he did her a favour in at least trying to delude her into thinking that there was ever really somewhere she could belong after what happened to Valla. Maybe she could see it as Ryoma doing for her what Sumeragi did for her mother. If only things could have been so loving and quaint between them.
 She can tell that Silas is frowning even more deeply without having to look at him. The only thing worse than seeing his best friend hurt would be seeing her hurting and not being able to do anything about it. At least, that’s what she thinks he’s thinking. “You’re not an idiot for being kind or for believing in people. I can safely say that it has never once made me not want to stand behind you. If you honestly think that that’s something that would make people not like or believe in you, you’re crazy.”
 She lets out something half-way between a sob and laugh. “Ever considered that maybe you’re the crazy one?”
 “Not for a second.”
 Psh. Typical Silas. Even when she’s spilling her guts into his lap, he insists on trying to make her smile. Deep in her heart, Corrin is certain that she’s got one in there somewhere for him. It’s just that right now, all that creeps across her skin is that sting of betrayal. No, not just that – the sting of who she might truly be has kept her up far later than she ever wanted.
 “I think you might be giving me too much credit. I mean, think about it. If everything Ryoma told us tonight is true, then how much do you know about me?”
 To this, Silas has the audacity to scoff. “Uh… lots, Corrin. I’ve known you since we were little, remember? And I don’t mean to brag, but I’ve never forgotten a thing. Your favourite food is tangy coleslaw, you’re ridiculously ticklish, you are naturally talented at both the piano and embroidery, you can’t maintain a ladylike position for more than half an hour, you sleep so hard that sometimes Flora and Felicia think you’re dead, you sing in the bathtub, you have a mole on your back next to your left shoulder blade…” he flashes her a lopsided grin, holding up his fingers to show off all the knowledge he has shared, “Need I go on?”
 Her teeth graze her lips absent-mindedly. “That’s not really what I meant.”
 The grin on his face fades slightly. “Then what did you mean?”
 “We don’t know who my father is.”
 Silas blinks once. Twice. His mouth opens, and then closes just as fast. His grin dies even faster. “I wasn’t under the impression that it mattered much… I mean, no matter what, you’ll always be important to me and loads of other people. Who your father was doesn’t change anything about you.”
 “Doesn’t it, though? I mean, you were there. Don’t you remember what he said to me?”
 “What Lord Ryoma said?” He asks almost painfully stupidly.
 “No. During the war, when we fought Anankos… don’t you remember what he said to me? He said that he would make me his vessel. He wanted to take my life, and said that I was the perfect puppet because I was one of his bloodline. He told me that we share blood, Silas.”
 “Corrin, you don’t know that that’s what he meant-”
 Rage bubbles up in her before she can stop it.
 “What else could he have possibly meant?!” Heart squeezing as she watches her friend recoil, Corrin continues, “If he were like the others, he would have wanted Azura, too, but he didn’t. He wanted me, Silas. He wanted me because I’m his… because he’s my…”
 “You don’t know that,” he pauses for a second, taking one long last look at her face before finally reaching out to press his hand against her cheek, “And even if somewhere in your heart, you do, you know that nobody is more their father or mother than they are themself. You are not Anankos and he is not you. The sperm someone gave does not determine what kind of person you will be. I mean, if that were true, what would that say about your siblings in Nohr? Do you think they’ll become bad people too, just because their father knelt to Anankos?”
 “It’s different for them.”
 “How?” he asks, a concoction of desperation and frustration tinging his voice.
 “Anankos was bad because he was a dragon. He was a dragon who lost his mind and fell victim to his draconic urges, and he needed others to soothe him until they died. The only other choice they had was to let him become what he did, and let him do what he did to Valla.”
 “He’s gone, though. Even if he were your father, nothing he could do can hurt you anymore.”
 “I’m still here. The problem is that I am still here, even if he isn’t.” She swallows thickly, her bottom lip quivering like an impending earthquake. “I’m still here, and we don’t know what’s going to happen with me. We don’t know if I have any of these urges. We don’t know if I’ll become just like him one day. We don’t know if I have to die just to make sure that everyone else stays safe. The fact is that there are so many variables, and nobody has the answers to any of them because as far as we know, I am the only one like this. What’s worse is that because Ryoma lied about it, if something happens, we have less time. If I need to die, Silas, we have so much less time.”
 “We don’t know that he’s your father,” he reaffirms almost angrily, likely triggered by the mere mention of her having to be put to death, “We don’t know that any of what you said is true. You could be perfectly fine. I mean, look at Lilith!”
 “There’s no guarantee that I’m anything like Lilith. We’re not even related… It’s not as if we even really know anything about her anyway. She hasn’t exactly been open with us. Until we know something, we can’t assume anything.”
 “We’ll just have to do our research then. Whether you’re Anankos’s daughter or not, you’re still my best friend. You know I’ll do anything to help you.”
 “Silas…” His name leaves her lips in a whisper, shutting her eyes as she feels his thumb gently brush across her cheek.
 “No matter what happens, I am not letting you go down that easy. I didn’t let it happen when we were fighting Anankos, and I won’t do it now.”
 Apart of her wants to thank him, or at least try to say something of value, but her stock of words seems to have run dry. Everyone always tells her that she is the endless fountain of love and support for others, yet they never see how they themselves are the pillars that holds her up so high. Friends like Silas are the biggest example of that. If she is a child of Anankos, she only hopes that they should be so kind as to kill her when the time comes. The last thing she would want for her friends is to end up anything like Azura’s father. They deserve more peace than that, should the end come.
 It’s difficult to know what to do next as he watches her with that same crease in his brow that has been taunting her for the last twenty minutes; she doesn’t have anything else to say. Or maybe there’s nothing else that she wants to say. Maybe she doesn’t even want to talk anymore at all. Maybe it’s just this topic. Even with her heart on her sleeve, her head is spinning. Not that that’s surprising, of course. It hasn’t stopped doing that all night. In the end, she can’t come up with anything other than: “Sorry.”
 “Don’t be sorry. It’s okay. I’m here for you.”
 Thank you, she thinks, but it catches in her windpipe. The only thing that manages to break through is a sob, and before she knows it, she has burst into tears. Quiet ones, of course, but tears nevertheless. Silas’s gaze turns pitying as he wriggles out of his futon and into hers, just like when they were kids. 
 “It’s okay, Corrin,” he repeats as he helps himself into her bed, pulling her body close to his as if it’s the most natural thing on earth, “I know everything is scary and confusing right now, but we’re going to be alright.”
 You don’t know that, she wants to complain, but there seems no point. They’ve been having this discussion for the past ten minutes, and no matter what she says or how she catastrophizes, Silas will always find some way to look on the bright side of things. Leave it to him to whittle away at someone’s self-doubts by being overly kind. He was always good at condoling. 
 “There is nothing we haven’t been able to handle in the past. I mean, we fought a maddened deity, for the gods’ sakes! That’s not something that just anyone can do. You’re not just anyone, Corrin.”
 He’s being so kind, and yet she finds herself only half-listening to what is being said. The other half of her is weeping, sniveling, pulling herself closer to him just to take in the scent and sensation of something comforting. It makes her feel like a toddler crawling desperately towards its mother, crying out for succor after something inconsequential. What’s the point in breaking down now? The damage is done. The thoughts are in her head and her brother is no longer in her heart and her father is in her blood, and gods above, she cannot get him out! She resents the fact that she’s begun to weep like this when there is no use in crying. Silas is right. He’s right that there’s no proof of this, yet the thought refuses to stray from her head for even a second. She can feel him trying so hard. How can she tell him that it might not be enough?
 “Whatever happens, we’re going to get through it. We always do. You have so many people who love and value you, Corrin. It’s okay if you need to cry now, but I promise you, everyone around you is going to help you figure this out. Lord Ryoma’s lie is not going to be the end of your happiness. Who your father turns out to be will have nothing to do with who you are.”
 She can think of nothing else to do but push her face in his shoulder, letting his shirt soak up her tears. Words will not serve her right now. Nothing will serve her right now but comfort she’s not sure she is owed. 
 “Corrin, I am always going to be here for you. You know that, right?”
 Without thinking, she nods. She nods and squeezes her eyes shut tighter. The words are so compassionate and so meaningful. Laying there with him, breathing in his familiar scent, feeling the warmth of his words and the stroking of his hand along her back as she cries… they should be enough. All of Silas’s kindnesses should be enough to help her mind drift away, to quiet the harsh thoughts that plague her and demand that she answers the question in the back of her mind. Sure, it is relieving to be with him. But relieving is not always profound solace. 
She needs to know for herself. She needs to know who her father is. She needs to know what she could become. 
Come morning, Corrin will do everything she can to get the answers she needs. For now, she can only grip Silas tighter, and listen to his words as she prays for the sound of his voice to coax her into much-needed sleep. 
 Dawn breaks quietly in Castle Shirasagi that day, and Corrin finds her mood has changed little overnight. Silas’s presence is continually reassuring, but the unknown continues to force pangs of anxiety through her chest. Her appetite for the day is soiled and her energy sapped. All she wants to do is lay in bed, yet she knows that this is not an option. At the very least, she knows the others will not be doing much to pressure her. If Azura and the others ask her to join them at breakfast, it will be easy to decline without them pushing. It’s better that way, she thinks. She’s not sure she can handle all of the questions they will ask about how she’s doing. The issue is just… more complex than they have come to realize, and it’s better for everyone that she just eats in her room.
 In the end, come breakfast time, she tells them just that. “I really appreciate the offer, Azura. You always do such a good job looking out for me, and you have my thanks for that. Right now, though, if you don’t mind, I think I just need to eat in my room for now. Don’t worry too much – I have Lilith to keep me company.”
 Azura seems to accept the answer, offering a soft nod and a squeeze of her shoulder. Poor Azura. Corrin can see the wish in her arms for a hug, but she can’t seem to bring herself to do it. Even after a year of war together, it’s difficult for her to express her affections. Although it’s probably worth noting that even those she knew for over a year never had much luck either. “If you’re certain. I’ll let the others know that you’ll be staying in. I’m sure we can count on Jakob to let the servants know.”
  A slight smile stretches across her lips. “Oh, we definitely can.”
  Her bedroom is quiet after Azura departs, leaving only her and Lilith to wait for the food. They don’t talk much, but when they do, it’s all small talk. Lilith asks about how she slept and vice versa, they discuss their plans for the day, and then the food comes. Fast and hot, like Jakob did his best to rush it right over. Just smelling it in front of her, she wishes she were hungry. It would be mouthwatering if she were, but even now, she’s fairly certain she can choke it down for pleasure alone. She digs in eagerly, taking more than a few mouthfuls until she notices Lilith fumbling with her chopsticks.
 “Do you need help, Lilith?” She asks softly, hoping she’s not embarrassing the stablehand, “I could see about getting you a fork instead?”
 Lilith jumps as if she’s been caught in the act, her hazel eyes staring back at her liege almost thoughtlessly. “Oh! You noticed me messing around, huh?” she chuckles awkwardly, “Sorry. I’m just getting used to having hands again. I’ll be fine with these, I’m sure…”
 Corrin covers her mouth in a feeble attempt to hide her grin. “I know they’re pretty tough. When I first arrived in Hoshido, Mother spent a great deal of time trying to show me how to do a proper hold. I’m still pretty pitiful at it, though. It’s the kind of thing that comes with practice.” 
 “Indeed.” Lilith mumbles, directing her attention back down to the stubborn clump of rice evading her. Corrin tries not to watch as she makes her second attempt, thinking she will only screw her up. She changes her attention to the window instead, watching the summer winds sway the shrubs and trees outside. A sigh brews within her chest. Does the world know it’s not supposed to look so happy whilst she is so shaken? Her gaze lingers on the shades of greens and pinks just beyond Lilith’s face, wondering what any of this will mean in a few hours. Once upon a time, Valla must have had such things. Could she as their queen rejuvenate them? Or would she only destroy them further, tearing apart the few ruins that remain? Her grip tightens around her chopsticks at the thought. She cannot allow that to happen. 
 “Lady Corrin?” 
 The sound of Lilith’s voice shakes her from her thoughts, drawing her back to the concerned maiden across from her. A frown carves itself into Lilith’s expression, and based on the absence of rice lumps on the table, it isn’t because of her food.
 “Yes?” She murmurs, licking her lips. Though she and Lilith were chatting easily before, just looking at her now suddenly like a straining effort. Large hazel eyes stare back at her, blinking innocently. So harmless, and yet her chest tightens.
 “Is something bothering you?”
 “I…” The dragon queen steals one last look at her bowl, wondering if she can keep this interaction casual in the way it so clearly is not, “I suppose there is.”
 Lilith tilts her head, her voice softening. “Is it the situation with Lord Ryoma?”
 “... Sort of,” her shoulders rise and fall lazily, “It seems to be a bit more complicated than that the more I reflect on it.” 
 “I see…” Lilith mutters, a crease beginning to form between her brows. Her left-hand finds the tail of her braid, her fingertips dancing over it thoughtlessly. Uh-oh, her companion thinks. That’s a nervous tick if she’s ever seen one. “Lady Corrin, would you forgive me if I had accidentally, kind of, sort of… eavesdropped on you a little bit last night?”
 Lilith winces immediately as the words leave her mouth, cringing like she’s afraid Corrin will strike her. A sympathetic ache squeezes her heart. Lilith was never treated unfairly back at the Northern Fortress, but she’s reacted this way to anger for as long as any of them can remember. Someone must have struck her before, she thinks sadly. She hopes that fiend should never come to meet her, for hurting someone so gentle.
 “... I would.” She pauses, controlling her tone. It’s already hard to manage her own emotions, but the last thing she wants to do is scare Lilith anymore over something so inessential. Really, the only deciding factor of her not hearing awas that she and Silas thought her to be asleep. “How much did you hear?”
 “Um… most of it… I’m really sorry, milady, I hadn’t meant to-”
 She raises her hand, sending the stablemaid into immediate silence. “Don’t worry about it, Lilith. I would have told you myself, but I didn’t want to wake you up.”
 Visible relief washes over her companion in an instant, her hand plastering itself to her chest. “Oh. Oh, I’m glad to hear that. And I’m glad to hear that you hold me in such high esteem milady, to trust me with that.”
 “I’m grateful to give you some peace of mind.” Corrin sighs, poking at her meal. It feels strange that her friend is more invested in her forgiveness for overhearing, rather than what it was that she’d overheard. Not so much so that she might say that the behaviour is suspicious, but something about it is distinct in its wrongness. This does nothing to help the strange sensation in her chest. “I only hope that I will be able to get the same.”
 “How are you hoping to do that?”
 “Well, as you know, when I spoke to Silas last night, we talked about the possibility of my father being… well, the silent one, let’s say.”
 Lilith nods. “Right.” 
 “The thing is, I have no way of knowing whether or not that’s true. As far as I know, the only people who knew my father’s identity were Mother, and King Sumeragi. Only those two knew my father’s identity, and they are both gone. All of yesterday I was at a loss trying to figure out what to do about my hunch on my own, because all I could think about was the fact that I would never know.”
 She nods again, her brows squeezing themselves tighter. Something about her expression seems… unreadable. Corrin’s not sure what she’s reacting to, to tell the truth. Just the admission of a plan wouldn’t usually stir this kind of a frown in someone, but perhaps she’s reading into this too much.
 “Until I realized that while Mother and King Sumeragi may be dead, there is one living person who could know who my father was.” 
 Colour drains from the stablemaid’s face rapidly. If she wasn’t frowning before, then she certainly is now. “W-Who, milady?”
 “If King Sumeragi knew that he wasn’t my father, and he told Ryoma…” Her voice trails off almost like she’s intending for dramatics. “Then Ryoma would know who my father really was.”
 Lilith’s eyebrows raise in shock, her mouth opening briefly, only to shut just as fast when she realizes she has nothing to say yet. Even without words, her expression speaks for her: eyes the size of saucer plates, teeth that cannibalize her soft lips, and a breath that hitches when she even thinks of getting the words out.
 “I know what you’re thinking, Lilith, and I know it isn’t my best plan. I mean, Ryoma spent the past year lying to me about my family and my life, but he’s still… I don’t know if I trust him, per se, but I think I might be able to get him to tell me the truth. If I could just talk to him, alone, then I can get the information I need and put my worries to rest.”
 Lilith still doesn’t seem capable of responding, only staring. The look on her face is beginning to chill Corrin a bit. Anyone could tell that it is not her most foolproof plan, but it certainly didn’t warrant a face like that.
 “Does that make sense?” She asks slowly, suddenly concerned about whether or not her friend is actually understanding what she’s saying.
 Thankfully, she seems to. The stablemaid’s nod comes with only a twinge of uncertainty, her teeth starting to bear down on her lip more harshly. With any more pressure, she is certain that they’ll start to bleed. In all honesty, this hesitancy is about the reaction she expected from someone like Lilith, albeit less intense than this. It’s actually why she proposed it to her. Jakob, Silas, and Azura would give gentle advice; and Hinoka, Felicia, and Takumi would tell it to her straight. Sakura and Lilith, though? They would both just bite their lips and shrug their shoulders, maybe waiting a few seconds before dismissing what they thought was a not-so-great idea. But at least they would entertain it just to humour her. At least, she hopes that that’s what is being done here.
 “You don’t think it’s a good idea, do you?”
 Lilith shrugs. Ah, two points! That’s exactly what she predicted! Too bad she doesn’t have the energy to be happy about it. Not that this is the kind of thing one should be pleased with, anyway. It’s too strange to delight in. When did the world get to be this way?
 “Lili,” she says softly, pushing a soft smile onto her face to entice her companion forward, “If you have something to say, it’s okay to tell me. There’s a reason I asked you and not anyone else.”
 This declaration seems to upset more, much to her surprise. Her companion’s hands have begun to clutch her chopsticks so hard that she’s a little afraid that they’ll snap, yet she seems unable to tear herself away from her liege’s face. Subtle tremors wrack her body, the frown etching itself into her expression, and yet the rest of her body sits completely rigid. She’s like a doll possessed by a spirit, longing to free itself from its prison.
 Corrin has no idea what to do about that. 
 How is this getting to be so much so fast? It doesn’t seem like it should be that much of a problem, but the aura of almost fear coming off of Lilith isn’t a good sign. The longer she lingers on her, the stronger her heartbeat gets. The only thing she can think to do in a moment like this is lean across the table in hopes of seeing her better. After all, it would be a bit foolish to assume that what she said could be the only thing plaguing her. Perhaps her behaviour is unrelated. It could be unrelated, right? “Is something wrong? Is your…” she looks down at the bowl, “Is your meal okay?”
 There is most certainly a registration of being spoken to, but a brief pause hangs in the air before she finally replies. “My… meal…?”
 “Yeah,” she parrots, “Your breakfast. It doesn’t taste funny?” 
 Her head shakes. “No…”
 “Are you okay?”
 “… Yes.”
 “You’re shaking awfully badly.” Corrin reaches over to place a hand on her arm, nearly dragging her sleeve through a bowl of soup by accident. She almost doesn’t notice, too absorbed in her concern for Lilith. “Are you sure that everything tastes alright? You’re shaking.”  
 The stablehand blinks once. Twice. Her gaze moves from Corrin’s face to her arm and then back to her face. The answer is reluctant. “Oh… I am, aren’t I?”
 “Yeah, little bit. I just… maybe we should take you to a healer to get you looked at. You’re looking pretty pale, too.”
 A few seconds of silence hang between them before finally she replies: “No”. Corrin expects more to follow, but she falls back into silence for what must have been at least a minute. Then, ever so slightly over the course of that minute, the light seems to return to her. For that, she is thankful. Divulging that plan was already scary enough, but the reaction started to become something wholly unexpected. Anything further, and she’s not sure what she would have done. “I’m … fine, milady. I was just… thinking.”
 Corrin quirks a brow. “Most people don’t think like that.”
 “My lady, it is not a concern. Leave it be.” She half-snaps, showing no concern for her tone. Corrin almost flinches.
 Well, that is… out of character. If this is what she thinks will convince me of her being alright, then I think she needs to rethink her strategy. “I’m… sorry?”
 “I… my apologies.” The scowl from only a moment ago dies quickly, replaced by cheeks hot with shame. Lilith’s gaze averts. “I don’t know what came over me, I merely… I don’t want you fussing over me, that’s all. Your life is already hard enough as it is, with what you have to consider and all…”
 “Right.” Corrin hums, finding herself regretting not breaching the subject with someone else instead. Lilith’s calm rivalled even that of Ryoma’s, and yet her reaction seemed so abnormal. As always, she wants to believe it to be nothing, but… the doubting voice that had been taunting her last night seems to want to tease her once more. She does her best to shove it away. “Did what you thought of distress you?”
 “… Yes, it did. I worried for your safety.”
 “Safety? What makes you worry for my safety?”
 Lilith swallows, placing her chopsticks on the table with a pronounced clack. She winces at the sound. “My lady, I understand that it is your nature to believe in people, in their goodness and their virtues. I would never want to turn you away from doing that, because it’s one of the things I greatly admire about you. In spite of that, I… I find myself wondering if this is a good idea. I mean, after last night, what reason would you have to trust Lord Ryoma?”
 “Lilith, it’s Ryoma. He may be more selfish and stubborn than anticipated, but he’s not entirely heartless. There’s good inside of him, you and I have both seen it. Isn’t it worth trying to appeal to him?”
 “I completely understand your thought process, Lady Corrin… I just…” Her hands curl into fists as she searches desperately for the appropriate words. “I can’t… well, it’s hard to say…”
 “I’ve told you before, you can trust me with anything. I promise I won’t get angry.” 
 “It’s not that I fear your anger.” 
 “Then what are you afraid of?”
 “It’s… complicated.” 
 “Surely it can’t be.” She smiles again in hopes of reinvigorating her spirit.
 “Well, it is.” 
 Ouch. That was curt. Again. What’s your deal?! I thought we were friends! “Alright, well… maybe I can help you figure out what you’re trying to say.”
 “I have my doubts, but there’s no harm in trying.” 
 A sigh threatens to depart from her mouth, but she pushes it away. It would probably be unwise to show her exasperation at a time like this, when things between her and Lilith suddenly seem so raw. “Are you worried that Ryoma will try to hurt me?”
 “I guess.” She shrugs. “His temper is surprisingly hot for someone who presents himself as so calm.”
 Corrin dips her head in agreement. She’s doing her best to be casual about this scenario, but the reactions she’s getting make her feel like she needs to be watchful at all times. “I could understand how you would worry about that. I don’t think he’d lay his hands on me, though. I just have a feeling, you know?”
 She nods. “I think that may be our problem. Your feelings.”
 Corrin raises a brow. “My feelings are a problem?”
 Lilith nods again. “Your feelings are easy to manipulate, and Ryoma has proven that he understands this and has used it against you. There is no guarantee that he will not try to use it again. He could say anything he wants to say, and you would not be the wiser.” 
 “Even if I tried to appeal to him?”
 “I’m not sure you could, that’s what I’m concerned about. The other night the whole situation was screaming, and from what I heard, the bulk of his portion was excuses. Something about your Father, I think?”
 “His father,” Corrin corrects more sharply than she intended, taking note of the other’s lack of reaction. Interesting, she thinks. Usually that would perturb her. “He promised his father he would keep my parentage a secret from me.”
 It’s unnerving. The more reasons she gives, the calmer Lilith seems to become. She doesn’t like it, but she doesn’t know why, either. Something about the transition makes her skin crawl. The words given are almost painfully controlled. Anyone could tell that the anxiety hasn’t left her yet, but if she’s so worried, why is it getting easier for her to say? Especially considering that these are showing her how weak the plan is? She’s clearly trying to make her words seem genuine, but her lashing out is interfering. What does she know that Corrin doesn’t?
 “That’s another problem. The promise to his father.” 
 The promise to his father. The realization of what she’s saying hits Corrin like an anvil. Ryoma is honourless in many ways, but King Sumeragi was said to always have his loyalty. Some children grew up worshipping fictional characters as their childhood heroes. Ryoma, on the other hand, grew up idolizing his father above all else. Any promises made to Sumeragi would be sacred to him, and would be horribly difficult to convince him to break. She wants to kick herself for being so stupid. How could she have not seen that?
 “The identity of my father is a part of the promise,” Corrin breathes, shutting her eyes. She doesn’t have to look at Lilith to know that she is agreeing behind them. Tears prick at the dragon queen’s eyes. It feels stupid to cry about it, but this plan is the only thing she has. Without it, she’s set adrift on the sea. Truth will elude her, and peace forever will too. Gods, only a moment ago she wished Lilith would talk, and now she wants her to stop. “So you wager he won’t break it?”
 “Yes. I don’t know Lord Ryoma all that well, but from what others have told me, he is loyal to his father’s legacy above almost all else. It’s a defining trait of his.” 
 “So I can’t get any answers.” Corrin murmurs. Further agreement from Lilith follows shortly after, as does a string of curses from herself. Loud curses. Ones that don’t make the typically innocent stablehand flinch. This past day has felt as if she awoke in the wrong kingdom, and this entire conversation has only made things worse. Gods, she is such a fool! Her fingers move to massage her temples half-heartedly. “Thank you for your honesty, Lilith. I… have a lot to think about. If you don’t mind, I think I’m done here. I need to take a walk and think some things over.”
 The other girl blinks almost innocently, irritating her even further. “Oh… okay. You don’t want to finish your breakfast?” 
 “I’ve lost my appetite all of the sudden. Actually, never really had it to begin with.” She shrugs lamely, gazing longingly at the door to her bedroom. “Thank you for the conversation and the company.” 
 Lilith rises to curtsy, but Corrin is quick to wave her back down. Mustering up all the strength she has left, the dragon queen pushes herself up from the floor and departs, the lump in her throat growing ever stronger… and somehow, the determination in her soul growing with it. Someone could poke a million different holes in her plan if they wanted, but she couldn’t allow her spirit to falter over something like that. Maybe things were as her friend said they would be, maybe they weren’t, but she wasn’t going to wait around and hope that something good would happen. She wanted answers. She needed answers. So no matter how she was dissuaded from it, she would push forward. Her hope has dwindled, but it has yet to die. Going forward, all she needs to do is hold on to that speck of light.
 For the sake of myself and everyone here, Lilith, I’ll do everything I can to prove your worries wrong. Ryoma may be cruel, and jealous, manipulative, and selfish, but… I have to believe in him anyway. At times like these, my faith is all I have, so I’ll push forward. I’ll choose to believe in him and believe in his kindnesses, even when he has shown me that he is reluctant to use them. I will trust in my heart and do everything I can to get the answers I need. Having faith in my world, in spite of my confusion and suffering… It’s the only choice that I have. I can’t be someone different than who I am.
Believing in people like Ryoma… it’s who I am.
0 notes
heiwanoryu-archive · 7 years
RULES:  List five tropes applicable to your character, then tag others to do the same.(Tropes Wiki)  REPOST! DO NOT REBLOG.
Tagged by: No one; a friend linked it to me. Tagging:  YOU.
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Badass Bookworm: The Avatar isn't on Robin's level of intelligence or tactical ingenuity, but they do read in their spare time, and while naïve, are far from stupid. By the end of each game, the Avatar will have bested in combat great generals, dangerous criminals, royalty, hulking monsters, shape shifters, reanimated soldiers, seasoned veterans, and depending on the route Garon's dragon form ("Birthright"), a slime monster, an empowered Takumi ("Conquest") and finally their true father, a dragon-god-king ("Revelation").
Badass Princess: The Female Avatar, as she's a part of the Nohrian royalty (and even though she was adopted from Hoshido, she was of royalty there too) and is far from helpless. Also, her initial class is called Nohr Princess.
Blade on a Stick: While the Avatar can't use lances by default without re-classing, it's revealed in the female Avatar's support with Shiro that she's skilled enough with a lance to give him a run for his money. Considering everything the Avatar knows about fighting comes from Xander, a Paladin, it's not surprising.
Blithe Spirit: The Avatar doesn't particularly care if others perceive them as weird when they help out—and thanks to their optimism and social ignorance, they often do come across as such. It's especially notable in Revelation, where they shock everyone by choosing neither side to make their own.
Bond Villain Stupidity: Invoked late in Conquest when they have Ryoma at their mercy. The Avatar tells Garon they should spare him to extend his suffering, although the real reason is because they actually don't want to kill him.
Character Development: All routes give the Avatar different development due to the circumstances in question. To wit:
In Birthright, they grow more and more furious over the atrocities committed by Nohr, but at the same time, becomes all the more resolute in their idealistic beliefs. By the end of the route, they still remain firmly believing in their idealism, but they're much stronger mentally from where they started.
In Conquest, they join Nohr with the noble - if somewhat naive - intention of changing Nohr from within, believing that the war can end quickly if they change Garon for the better. Sadly, it doesn't work out, and the Avatar soon realizes that the only way to save the continent from ruination while changing Nohr from the inside would be to go along with the plan to invade Hoshido. By the time the route reaches its climax, they go from a Wide-Eyed Idealist into somebody who reluctantly cast aside their own ideals in order to change the world for the better. It's to the point that when confronted by a possessed Takumi, the Avatar doesn't even bother to justify their actions and instead accepts Takumi's rage without a second thought.
In Revelation, they get a mix of their Birthright and Conquest development. They are no longer naïve to the happenings of the world and become confident in themselves, but are still kindhearted and optimistic to a fault.
Cultured Badass: The male Avatar isn't just a skilled warrior. He can play the piano, likes poetry, is well-versed in philosophy, and is even said to learn how to sing if he marries Azura. [ I apply this trope to the Female Avatar as well ]
Deadpan Snarker:  The Avatar dishes out their fair share of snark throughout the story.
Azura: Avatar! We have trouble! Nohrian forces are approaching! Avatar: Seriously? We haven't even been here five minutes...
Girly Bruiser: The Female Avatar comes across as this. She's as battle-hardened as her male counterpart, but her female-specific support with characters like Caeldori show that she enjoys girly things like romance novels.
Good Is Not Dumb: As nice and naïve as they are, the Avatar is not stupid. They clearly don't buy Garon's claims that he wasn't trying to kill them with the exploding sword on Conquest, and on Birthright they'll actually list the event as one of the reasons for their defection. In Revelation, they aren't fooled by Anthony's deception, pretend to go along with it and effectively out-gambit him, and later correctly deduce Scarlet's killer based off something only they would know.
Good Is Not Soft: They're no pushover, either. Before the route split, they stand their ground against Garon and, with their dragon powers, intimidate Hans into talking about his assassination attempt, and afterwards they prove they're willing to resort to threats if it can get the job done — even on the lighter route, Birthright.
Hurting Hero: During Conquest, the Avatar's supports with Azura reveal them to be this. To elaborate, they have recurring nightmares over the Hoshidans that have died as a result of their choice, and is having a crisis of morality over just how far the ends justify the means, even believing that they're going to Hell for what they've done. This doesn't stop them from pressing on, however.
Informed Deformity: If Peri is in the Hot Springs with a Female Avatar, she will comment that the latter's body is covered in scars - enough to make her giddy - though this isn't reflected by her character model. Of course, it's possible that they've just faded too much to see outside of very close inspection.
Innocently Insensitive: The Avatar was raised away from the world, and while kind-hearted, occasionally makes a comment or question that seems normal to them, but insults the other person.
Lethal Chef: Per the series' tradition with its Player Characters, the Avatar can't cook at all. They manage to burn tea in their supports with Jakob, and are implied to produce food that tastes like steel (they were taught to cook by Gunter, who can't cook either). This trait is a bit inconsistent with the female Avatar, who reveals herself to be a fairly skilled baker in her Support conversations with Dwyer.
Living Emotional Crutch: It's strongly implied that they are this for several characters.
Nice Guy:
Caeldori: You always put the needs of others before your own. Even when dangerous, you choose mercy, compassion, and kindness over all else.
No Social Skills: The Avatar is a fairly forward individual who sees nothing wrong with behavior others would label "unconventional", such as shouting in a public area. This can be chalked up to their reclusive childhood not giving them the chance to develop normal social skills. Despite this, they still manage to get along with people well enough.
Oblivious to Love: The male Avatar has around half a dozen ladies that can potentially be crushing on him, but he never notices until they flat-out tell him. Camilla and Rhajat drop some very obvious hints about being into him, Hinoka and Felicia have liked him for some time, and Sakura and Azura are implied to fall for him after meeting him for the first time. His failure to notice is Justified given his isolated upbringing and lack of real social interaction.  [ I apply this trope to the Female Avatar as well ]
The Pollyanna: Rain or shine, the Avatar is a perpetual optimist and is rarely in a bad mood. This trait endures throughout Birthright and Revelation (though in the latter, it gets somewhat tempered, due to the dire situation at hand since Anankos was seeking to destroy humanity), but gets utterly crushed in Conquest.
Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red to Azura's Blue. The Avatar isn't exactly hot-headed, but they do tend to make decisions based off their hearts instead of their heads, as well as being openly emotive.
Royalty Superpower: As a descendant of the First Dragons, and in fact the direct child of Anankos, they are able to use Dragon Vein, which will be inherited by any child they become a parent of.
Shared Family Quirks: Orochi states in her support with Ryoma that Mikoto was very fond of sweets just like the Avatar. The Avatar also inherits Anankos's apologetic attitude. Several characters such as Fuga note how the Avatar has the same personalty as their adopted father Sumeragi.
She-Fu: This normally-female trope actually applies to both genders. The Avatar might be the most acrobatic lord in the series; their fighting style incorporates many flips, graceful spins, jumping sword strikes, and rolls.
Skilled, but Naïve: The Avatar is well-known to be naïve despite their skill, as Rinkah and several others refer to them as "that sheltered Nohrian prince(ss)".
Spock Speak: The Female Avatar speaks formally at all times.
Strategy Versus Tactics: Unlike Robin, the Avatar is good with the latter but not the former. While their charisma makes them an excellent leader in skirmishes and the Male Avatar's support with Shiro show he's good at discerning an immediate opponent's strengths and weaknesses, both genders lack the vision to handle large-scale battles. Their supports with Leo in particular showcases this difference, with the Avatar being upset at their inability to command large forces and Leo upset as his inability to command small ones.
Survivor's Guilt: Never outright stated, but it's implied they suffer from this, due to Sumeragi and Mikoto dying to protect them. Their supports with characters like Kaze and Yukimura have them apologizing for surviving Garon's ambush when Sumeragi did not—something they had no control over—they often express doubt over their own worthiness, and they downright panic if they're ever forced to leave allies behind. Depending on the route, they may have to watch even more of their loved ones sacrifice themselves for them, and express a great deal of anguish over that as well.
Sweet Tooth: Several of their supports include them handing candy to the other person, implying they love sweets and keep some on them at all times. Jakob also mentions making some for them in his supports with Effie.
Trying Not to Cry: In late Conquest, when Ryoma kills himself in front of them, they hit a point where they need to walk away and verbally remind themselves that crying now would ruin their facade as Garon's obedient, cold hearted child. It doesn't work, and they shed several chapters' worth of Tears of Remorse.
Unstoppable Rage:It doesn't happen often, but when the Avatar gets pissed, they get pissed. Their mindless, grief-driven rampage in Chapter 5 is perhaps the best example of this, followed up by their Paralogue with their child Kana after seeing them attacked.
In Conquest, when Iago tells the Avatar about all the things he has done under the king's orders to ruin their life in their pre-fight conversation in Ch 26, the Avatar straight up says they will kill him.
Warrior Therapist: The Avatar is always willing to lend an ear to the troubles of their comrades, and will do whatever they can to help.
Weak, but Skilled: While the Avatar is no slouch in battle, and is arguably one of the best fighters in the army, they are far from the strongest, finding themselves bested by more powerful opponents like King Garon, Xander on Birthright or Anankos in Revelation in straight-up single combat. Rather, their greatest strengths are their intelligence and analytical ability; their charisma; their determination; the Yato; and their bonds with the many people that are or grow loyal to them, especially the royal siblings. Their fighting style seems to reflect this trope as well—lots of flips, spins and twists that lack power, but are very fast and hard to dodge.
Wide-Eyed Idealist: The Avatar has a rather hopeful, idealistic view of the world. Depending on what route is chosen, it may or may not be broken by what happens next.
Xander: Mark my words, Avatar... One day an act of kindness may be the death of you. Avatar: Perhaps, but if I'm kind, I will die without regrets.
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r0ryy · 7 years
What I’m Writing
Do Dis: List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they’re working on. This can be writing, art, vids, gifsets, whatever.
AHAHAHAHAHAHA who’s ready to see how bad I am!! (Also, thanks @squelchsquelch for the tag please go check out their stuff it’s the spiciest mchanzo out there and lemmie just say it is some GOOD SHIT.) 
Fics I’m Actually Writing Now
I’m working on starting a series of prompted drabbles that are (as fucking always) centered around ryoumui. I think I’ll have the first one finished by tonight so yeet there’s that! 
I’m also working on a part two to this hot mess because I have a newfound and deep love for trans!Ryoma and I want more gross self-indulgent throne sex in my life. 
Afterburn, but it’s kinda on pause rn because I want to continue it, but I’m constantly plagued by the fear that I’m writing Ryoma way ooc and I don’t know whether or not I can fix that in this story sooooo yeah, we’ll see if I end up getting back to that one. 
Fics I Hope to Return To 
Dolcietto YALL I SWEAR I’M GONNA GET BACK TO THIS SOMEDAY AAAA!!!!!!!! I have everything planned out I’ve just been a shitty writer and keep finding other things to work on hhhnnggggggg. I think as it stands, I might return to this one before I revisit Afterburn and try to open up the can of worms that’s bugging me there. 
The Murdercoffee AU BOY did I have plans for this thing. But then I had other ideas and it just kinda fizzled out, but I may revisit it some day. 
That one da2 one I wrote forever ago. I had an idea for where to take it but it just kinda fell out from under me. That’s also around the time I started playing fates and we all know how that went. 
Fics I Have in the Works
Myrders porn for @ysabaeu​ I SWEAR TO GOD I’LL FINISH IT ONE DAY HHAAAAAAA (shit i might even go back to that one before i touch the other two)
More Xanlow fics, specifically a wedding one :)   
Stripper AU. I actually have several scenes for this written, but I just kinda got stuck so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
College AU. I actually have like 5 college aus. Kamui’s a DJ in one, and in another she’s the star player on the women’s rugby team, and in another they’re both theatre tech majors with the rest of the fates kids and they’re trying to put on Heathers for their spring musical. I don’t have a marching band one bc I fucking REFUSE.
Alignment Swap AU. Ryoma is chaotic evil and Kamui is lawful good. It would basically be like writing 2 ocs but hey. I really wish I could say that I wasn’t being Extra As Fuck™ about it, but it’s also a mafia au and a time control au. Someone stop me.  
Kamui’s actual canon fates story where she spent a year in Hoshido then did Revelations.
Kamui’s OTHER canon story where she figured out time travel and kept going back to choosing sides and doing different routes until the royals started to remember other time loops and everything just gets generally fucked over.
Kamui and Leo are twins + no Valla AU.
Kamui is Ryoma’s retainer AU.
Kamui stayed in Valla with Anankos AU.
They fuck during that one part of Conquest where everyone chills together in Izumo for the night and Ryoma ends up pregnant, so he has Shiro in secret and hides him away in the deep realms. Sakura is the only one who knows, and she tells Kamui that she has a son about half a year after Ryoma dies. Kamui takes Shiro back to Nohr and raises him there and it’s like Gilmore Girls but sadder. (I’m actually kind of working on this one rn.)
I have like 9 ideas for Kamui and Ryoma meeting when they were kids and being friends.
Or the story of when they were actually bffs before Kamui got kidnapped.
EVEN MORE PORN IDEAS except most of these are sad in some way. :)
A combo porn fic and college au where Kamui does like audio erotica and Ryoma listens to it all the time and they end up meeting somehow. Either they have a class together and get paired up for a project or smth and he’s panicking bc he recognizes her voice, or he commissions her to do personal recordings which leads to skype sex which leads to dating which leads to regular sex yeet. 
ok i’m gonna stop myself now aannddd don’t think i’m gonna tag anyone, but if you wanna do this, go for it!
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kimium · 4 years
1,2,8,17,21 and 24 uwu
(From this ask HERE.)
Thanks for the ask! :D You asked some great questions and I had a lot of fun answering them!
1. Is there a favourite character or title you enjoy writing the most?
For character I absolutely love writing Komaeda. He’s so much fun to write and I always find myself thinking about fics with him in it. This translates to my favourite title to write, which is still SDR2. I’ve written so many SDR2 fics that it’s sort of a comfort series to write in.
2. Is there a least favourite character or title you dislike writing for?
I don’t think I have a title that I dislike writing (since if I disliked it I wouldn’t write for it). I also don’t think dislike writing her, however I find Severa/Selena (and to an extent, Camilla) very challenging to write. I do try to over come this by writing her since I don’t dislike Severa/Selena or Camilla! I like them a lot!
8. How many WIP do you currently have?
Answered in this ask HERE.
17. If there’s one thing you could tell your readers, what would it be?
Don’t be afraid to spam my tumblr with notes or my inbox in AO3 with comments. I absolutely do not mind.  For comments I love interacting with you and I love taking my time to answer you. For notes I honestly am so thrilled to see what you like/reblog from my tumblr. Also, if you can put your adoration of my work in your tags there is no reason to not also tell me directly. I see your tags and I always want to reply but I feel awkward because your praise isn’t directly given to me.
21. What’s your favourite writing advice to share?
When starting a new story the worst part is staring at the blank document. Just start writing and get your ideas out of your mind and in a physical form. Seeing what you have written down will help a lot with deciding where your story will go. Planning is good but overthinking will just stress you out, so just start something and worry about editing after your initial idea/scene is written.
24. What future fics/events can we expect to see?
First, expect to see more of the FE Fates Mafia AU I’m co-writing with @someobscurereference Life got in the way for both of us but we’re working hard and we haven’t forgotten about it!
Next, I’m writing a super secret SDR2 fic as a thank you to @dark-maple for doing some amazing translating of some of my SDR2 fics.
I also want to write some more KHR fics. I’ve been thinking of writing a good timeline 10051 fic. Not sure what it will entail or how it will go, but I think I’ll try my hand at some softer (and healthier) 10051. I also sort of want to write a fic of Tsuna and how strange his life is to outsiders (post series and him in high school maybe?). And of course, some good old “this is not good RIP Shouichi” fics always circle in my brain.
There are also some squares in my Bad Things Happen Bingo that need to be filled. I’ve been eyeing my squares for “Lifted by the Neck”, “Slammed into a Wall”, and “Grabbed by the Chin” for a while. I think I’ll write those with the Awakening Trio and Anankos.
Oh and I also have an open Google Doc with Obscure Reference titled “FE AUs to Write” so I could always pluck one from that long list.
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