#the first time i watched it i was like 'oh so egon is Just Some Guy' but no hes also a dr
One of my favourite things about Ghostbusters is that at the beginning in the library, Peter introduces himself as Dr. Venkman and Ray as Dr. Stantz but then Egon as just Egon. Like why
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myveryownfanfiction · 4 months
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tags: @illiana-mystery
prompts from @creativepromptsforwriting
prompts used:
“Can you be my girlfriend?” “I already am.” “Oh lucky me!” 
“You look almost as pretty as this moon.” “That’s a street lamp.” “And you’re almost as pretty.” 
“Oh, I think we haven’t met before.” “We have been in a relationship for five years now.” 
“Let’s get you home.” “Oh, mine or yours?” “Ours.” “Oh, wow!” 
“How many drinks did you have?” “Yes, yes I am.” 
warnings: swearing, drunk ray
AN: yeah that’s a lot of prompts. But u can’t tell me ray wouldn’t be the cutest cinnamon roll when drunk.
I laughed to myself as I headed into the firehouse. Egon had called me and practically demanded I come get ray. The entire first floor was covered in beer cans and streamers. The evidence of whatever party they had thrown lay all over the floor and the ecto. There was a noise from upstairs and I shook my head as I started to climb the stairs.
“come on. Just one more.” Peter was trying to get someone to give him something and I nearly gagged before seeing Peter trying to grab a beer can from egon.
“Peter, I cut you off ten minutes ago. You need to sober up some before I let you have this.” Egon said, holding the can above his head. I let out a surprised laugh as I saw ray climb onto the table to grab the beer can. Both egon and Peter turned to look at me as ray grabbed the can and jumped off the table with a triumphant grin even as he nearly fell to the floor. He started laughing as he cracked it open and started drinking.
“What the fuck did I walk into?” I asked, walking over to ray to help him up. He took my hand and stared at me as he slowly stood up. His eyes were wide and I recognized the look on his face. I blushed when he made an ‘o’ with his mouth.
”oh, uh, I don’t…I think we haven’t met before.” Ray said, eyes scanning my face. I smiled softly at him.
“Ray, sweetheart,” I giggled. “We’ve been in a relationship for five years now.” He started pouting, the look on his face making it clear he didn’t get it.
“Oh.” He said. “Can you be my girlfriend? If…if things don’t work out…” I looked down and squeezed his hand.
“Raymond, I already am.” I said, kissing his cheek to drive my point home. Rays eyes went comically wide, making Peter laugh behind us.
“Oh! Lucky me!” Ray squeaked out. I smiled at him. I shook my head as I turned back towards egon. He shook his head at the two of us as Peter collapsed on the couch with laughter.
“How many drinks did you have?” I asked. Ray gave me a dopey smile.
“Yes,” he said, grin growing. “Yes I am.” I sighed and shook my head at him.
“ray.” I sighed as I reached over and ran my fingers through his hair. Ray moved so he was standing behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder. I hummed as he pressed closer to. “Egon?” The man in question raised his eyebrow at me. “How much as this one had to drink?”
“half a case.” I sighed and nodded. “His last beer was an hour ago though. Well before the theft of Peter’s.”
“it’s going to be a long night.” I breathed out as ray tightened his hold on me.
“I think you’re right.” egon agreed. “I’m not sending him home to Dana like this. But you’re more than welcome to take ray home.”
“thanks for the vote of confidence egon.” I laughed. He rolled his eyes at me.
“I just mean that ray is going to be the lovey dovey boyfriend times ten and you’re more than capable of dealing with that.” Egon tried to explain himself. “Peter on the other hand…” he trailed off as we watched Peter try to come on to a pillow. “I do not want to subject Dana to that at all.”
“agreed.” I laughed as I gently pried ray off me. “Night egon. Peter.” I took ray by the hand and started to lead him downstairs.
“Where are we going.?” Ray asked.
“let’s get you home.” I said softly.
“Oh,” ray muttered. He took a second to step through the door before I tightened my grip on him, making sure he wasn’t about to fall over before heading towards our apartment. “Mine or yours?”
“ours.” I chuckled. Rays eyes went wide again.
“oh wow.” He breathed out. “I get a long term girlfriend and an apartment in one night.” He mused, casting his eyes to the sky. I looped my arm through his to better help him walk and squeezed his bicep.
“yeah. Lucky you.” I laughed. Ray smiled up at the sky as we walked. When he nearly walked into a lamp post, I stopped him and cupped his cheeks to make him look at me. “Hey ray sweetheart. You need to watch where you’re going ok? I can guide you but you still need to help alright?” He nodded before looking back up. I chuckled as his dopey grin came back.
“You look almost as pretty as this moon.” He said, looking back at me. I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck.
“ray, that’s a street lamp.” I said, running my fingers through his hair. He nodded, humming as he looked back up.
“yeah.” He said, looking at me again. “And you’re almost as pretty.” I shook my head with a smile before guiding him down into a kiss. Ray hummed happily as he kissed me back. “I feel like I keep lucking out tonight.” He breathed out as he leaned his head against mine.
“I keep thinking I’m the lucky one.” I said, gently scratching the back of his neck. Ray chuckled as a shiver when down his body.
“I think I’m sobering up some.” He said.
“well we can’t have that!” I laughed as he offered me his arm. We started walking back to the apartment again.
“yeah we can.” Ray said, leaning into me. “Sober is good.”
“you’re not wrong.” I said, leaning into him. “While I love drunk ray, I absolutely adore sober ray.” He smiled at me as we climbed up the stairs and headed towards our door.
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littlespacereader · 2 months
So I saw @aew-kun-age-regression repost gifs of Egon the other day from @sci-fi-gifs and for some reason….I GOT LIKE A MILLION IDEAS. I haven’t been in my ghostbuster phase in a while but it came back in full force when I saw Egon! Let me know if you guys want more Little ghostbuster stories! Please enjoy I quick little story of CG! Egon and little reader. Also thank you to @sci-fi-gifs for this amazing gif!
Little Lab Assistant🧪
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Caregiver! Egon Spengler & GN Little ! Reader (SFW!)
Tags-hugs, being picked up, experiments, explosions, fluff
“Delivery!” The UPS man yells as he throw a package into the firehouse.
Upstairs sitting on a table with my legs swinging, I hear the mailman’s voice. I jump down and run over to Egon, pulling on his jacket sleeve.
“Papa it’s here!! The part we needed is here!!”
Egon, who was wearing the strangest contraption on his head, turn and looked at me with a smile. “The pressure gage for the proton pack.”
“Yes!! It’s here!!”
“Give me a moment and we’ll go grab it.” He takes the crazy contraption off his head starting turning everything off.
“I’ll go get it!” I happily announce running towards the fireman poles.
“Y/N…” I can heard his stern voice behind me, causing me to stop in my tracks. “Where do you think you’re going?”
I turn around and meet his stern gaze. “I’m old enough to go in the fire poles!” I stomp my foot.
“Y/N you know the rules.”
“It’s a stupid rule!”
“It’s a rule that protects you. You’re not allowed on the fire poles when you’re regressed.” He reminds me. “Remember the first time you did?” He points out.
I look away blushing, as he continues, “You were in a cast for 3 weeks.”
“That’s because Veckman was distracting me!”
“Oh? It had nothing to do with the fact you were feeling small and holding two stuffed animals in your hand when you went down?” He raises an eyebrow at me.
I look away and plop myself on the ground crossing my arms, on the verge of a tantrum. “It’s not fair!”
Egon sighs. He flips the last switch off before walking over to me. Instead of towering over me, he takes a seat next to me on the ground. He doesn’t say a word, instead he takes the time to let me cool down myself.
“The stairs are boring.”
“I know they are to you. But you’re not allowed alone on fire pole when you’re regressed. The last thing I want is my little lab assistant getting hurt again.” He explains again calmly. “But that doesn’t mean you still can’t go on it regressed…”
I look up at him, curious to his wording. He stands, holds his arms out to me. I quickly stand and join him, getting picked up into his arms.
“If one of us takes you down, you can go on the fire poles.” He compromises. I smile back to him and nod, happy for the compromise.
He walks over to the fire pole with me in my arms and slides down it. I hold onto him tightly as we slide to the first level, giggling all the way down.
He smiles back to me, seeing how happy it made me. “There we go. Wanna grab the package?” He puts me down.
I run towards the front of the firehouse, past the Ecto-1 and to the front doors. I grab the package and run back.
The two of us go back upstairs and begin our experiment. Egon and I wear matching lab jackets and safety goggles as we work on a new updated version of the proton pack.
“Screwdriver?” Egon ask, hunched over proton pack.
“Screwdriver.” I dig through the toolbox and hand it to him.
As he works I hand him each tool that he needs, watching as the pack comes to live.
With a twist of a wrench, the proton back began to glow and hum. We both lifted our goggled eyes to look meet the others.
“We did it!” I smile back to him.
“It seems to be stabilizing but we shouldn’t be too sure…” he looked over the proton pack before turning away to walk and grab something. “I’ll only be a minute.”
I nod my head and look to the proton pack as it slowly starts to hum louder and louder. “Papa?….”
“I just want to make sure it’s going to equal out.”
“That way we can test it without-.”
“Papa?!” The humming was becoming louder and louder.
I backed away from the table as Egon. He dropped whatever he was holding and grabbing me under my arms, turning me and shielded his body against me as the proton pack explodes on the table.
After a moment I let go of my grip on him and slowly opened my eyes. I quickly looked at him, “Are you okay?”
He mods, placing a small kiss to my head, “Are you?” He still holding onto me as I nod back as well.
We both turn and look to the proton pack that has now causes a small fire on the table. The smoke detectors go off and the fire alarm lights flash. We just stare at it blankly, in awe of its explosion.
I calmly grab the fire extinguisher and put out the flames. “I thought it was going to work this time…” I sigh, slightly disappointed.
He placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder and smile back to me, “This is what experiments are all about, trial and error…more times than not error.”
“Don’t worry, I think we’ll get it next time.” He winked, patting my back.
“Back to the drawing board!” I smiled back.
He grabbed the burnt proton back with one hand and took mine in his other, “Yeah, back to the drawing board for us.”
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spenglersweetheart · 5 months
Hiiiiiiiiii. Okay so this can be canonxreader or canonxoc whatever ya want but I have this small offering of inspiration-
Kate: I turned out perfectly fine!
Janine: Kate, this morning you thought a ghost made your toast
I just imagine Kate being very argumentative and silly when she’s sleep deprived and tends to just talk at whoever’s around her so she’s bothering Janine downstairs in the middle of the night during one of the late shifts. So one of the guys has to come collect her (it’s Egon, let’s be honest) and bring her upstairs to bed, and she’s “fighting” it the whole time. It’s just a very funny and adorable situation I think about a lot. 🙃
this is actually so funny oh my god
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You Need to Sleep
Egon Spengler x Kate Harrison (kate belongs to this beloved creator who sent the request!)
WARNINGS : none!
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KATE, IN FACT, ALMOST DID NOT TURN OUT perfectly fine. She hadn't slept for about three days and she almost shot up the whole place with her proton pack when it was supposed to be recharging for the next bust. But Kate, all by herself in the dark, scared herself and almost half the people in the Firehouse due to her freaking out about some ghost being the Firehouse when it wasn't possible. If there was, that would've been a huge problem.
But luckily, Janine had managed to get to her first before she could do any damage that they couldn't pay for. She took the wand from her hand, and made sure that she took the pack off her back before putting it away. She walked towards Kate, shaking her head.
"Kate," Janine started, a sigh escaped her lips as she crossed her arms, "This morning, you thought a ghost made your toast."
Kate looked at Janine like she was insane. Well, more scared than anything. "I didn't put the bread in! You didn't put the bread in! So who else did it?"
"I saw you put the toast in there," Janine replied.
"Janine, I swear to you. I didn't put the bread in there!" Kate huffed.
"Yeah, okay."
Kate had been talking Janine's ear off. Janine usually didn't mind having a conversation with her, considering they're the only two women working at the Firehouse. But she quickly realizes that sleep-deprived Kate was a whole different story.
One time, they managed to get into some sort of silly argument over who could slide down the pole the fastest. Janine was barely upstairs. Janine didn't even use the pole. But she entertained Kate's antics anyways.
Janine had her head down on the desk. "Kate, for the last time, I am not watching you slide down that pole again. If I see you spin on it one more time──"
She hadn't even finished her statement. Egon has walked into the room. He passed her desk, saying, "It's alright, I got her."
Egon walked toward the pole. "Kate, sweetheart, you need to sleep," he says.
"I don't want to! I wanna go onto the pole again," she whined.
Egon ends up taking her away from the pole. He swiftly carries her over his shoulder, a sigh escaped his lips as he carries her up the stairs to her room. "Not on my watch. When you sleep, that's when you can go on the pole again."
"You're no fun," Kate said to him.
"I may not be fun now, but you will thank me later after you get some sleep," Egon says.
He makes it up to the room. Egon gently puts Kate down on the bed. When she hits the bed, she's pretty much out like a light. He leaned down, giving her a kiss to her forehead.
"Goodnight, Kate."
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thebestworstidea · 1 month
So I was listening to some old Hbomberguy videos, and he touched on the response to the Ghostbusters trailer
and how it had put everyone's panties in a twist. So I went and watched the original Ghostbusters trailer
(it really was shot like it was a horror/action flick not comedy, wasn't it?)
and I was once again struck by the thought.
The girl team had a better story. just looking at the trailers, I know which one I'd be more interested in learning the plot of.
(Nevermind that when I saw it, I burst into tears because 'I can be a Ghostbuster'. The Cartoon had an action figure of Janine in a suit but that's as close as it got until Extreme Ghostbusters and look never mind, aren't you glad I don't make videos?)
Is this bias? I mean having watched these movies (and the origonal a lot, I liked that movie as a child.) Holtzman is a little irritating, but compared to Venkman? A few years ago we had a Ghostbusters marathon and I just kind of sat there durring the first movie, eating too much halloween candy and wondering why anyone liked this character. (Even as a kid, my preferences went like Winston, Egon, Ray, Janine and I guess Venkman is here too.) What the fuck did Dana see in him? He was a slimy bastard who pushed boundries. Yes when the chips were down, he did do the right thing, but I got the impression that he did it because he was kind of backed into a corner, not out of any real desire to help people.
So, yeah 'kind of annoying' is not really the same thing. The movie is solid, the effects were solid, the story is solid, the science is sci-fi, so I just... couldn't understand why it was being tanked so hard. I heard 'oh they made sex jokes' and I Was like 'when was the last time you watched the original, they might not have said dick but holy shit were there sex jokes.' (they might have said dick, I don't remember the whole movie, just a bunch of scenes I learned by rote as a young willow) (no wait, they said dick. and there was the blow job thing)
And when you can't find a rational reason why people are hating on something, you're stuck with the irrational one and you just kind of sit there dumbly going 'wait what?'
Can I prove the movie was just as good if not better?
It's fucking art, okay, it's subjective.
And it's not even the same world.
okay too be fair, I was so annoyed at the way they panned the 2016 "Grrl-busters", I haven't watched the 'legacy' (CoughSEQUELCough) movies. They do look pretty good, and I should sometime I wouldn't have to rent them through Youtube. (even though I kind of resent the 'teen movie' reframing they seem to be going for. The original Ghostbusters, even on the recorded from tv VHS I had probably deserved a pg13 more than a pg. It wasn't a movie for kids, she said hypocritically)
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sillyreallyidk · 6 months
ehh i tend to ramble on my stories on insta but idk i might do both on here and tumblr
anywho, yes i finally watched it. and i actually loved it??? like it felt so nostalgic even though i like watched the originals billions of times with my father. but bro it felt so different just hearing the old ost and ambience dude. like holy shitttt😭. it was so so so so great watching it. nice seeing the spirits/ghosts like shootingv stars in a way? felt so bad when i saw egons death from the chair (rip :(() it made me honestly happy to see phoebe have characteristics from her grandfather like MWAH. ik it’s just curly hair and glasses but idc top notch tbh.
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she so silly though i love her and her jokes. ig the landlord was nice enough to change the locks when they’re out (like that won’t matter for her) made me feel so happy that egon wanted to play chess (or it couldve been some other ghost) and play with phoebe. i wish i got to see it in theaters and not beeen like “wahhh wahhh its a new movie from a older movie that i love its gonna be terrible!!” imd, i saw halloween kills that year and it was pretty decent, so i thought it was just gonna be BLEH or something ig. but Podcast honestly reminded me of Ray ngl like THEIR HAIRRRR‼️
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im sure they did it intentionally but ibjust love it man. and ray knowing podcast’s podcast. LIKE that warmed my heart man😭😭😭. it was honestly sweet that egon was directing with the lights and showing phoebe what to do to fix the proton blaster like awhhhh 😭😭. OH AND THEM FINDING THE GHOSTBUSTERS CAR LIKE AHHHH. but honestly such a cool sweet heart warming story. i sure did miss gozer tbh. big surprise to see jk simmons there tbh😭 and then split in half poor fellow just wanted to rule the world too ig
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just loved it when she said it here too “are you a god?” 😭😭 and then ray had to remember silky ray. but so sweet to see that egon help out phoebe and see thebold gang and hugging his daughter :(((. even though he said like NOTHING it was still so so so sweet. i bet harold ramis would be so proud of this movie if there is an afterlife perchance. i should be like doing schoolwork right now but here i am rantijg to like 2 of my closest friends EVER (ily both so so much if you even read this) or even the internet 😭😭😭 but oh well.
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kinda myv only complaint about the film is that they just deepened the voices ofbthe mom and gooberson when they were possessed by gatekeeper and keymaster and even the eyes were very red like ik it was like that KINDA in the first film but cmon man. anywho rant over. WAY BETTER THAN THE 2016 VERSION.
i think i may watch the frozen empire one pirately like i did with afterlife‼️‼️
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For a request, who not the reader saving Egon from a ghostly danger of some kind? Bonus if the reader isn’t part of the field work crew.
Rah rah rahhh First day back and I’m so excited.
His savior.
Pairing: Egon Spengler x GN!Reader.
Desc: as above in request.
Warnings: nothing other than some pretty tame language thrown around.
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“Venkman, we might just have to let this one go!” A voice shouted before glass was heard breaking and then a mutter of profanities following after. “Oh no we don’t, we deal with this the way we always do!” The voice shouted back Before more glass was heard breaking.
Y/n was nearby in their office when they heard the commotion over the sound of the soft music playing. Turning it down, they stood up confused before stepping out. Y/n knew they were having some people coming over for disturbances that would happen in the small book/Music Store but they didn’t think it would be the Ghostbusters.
Y/n didn’t have any up-close experience with the ‘disturbance’ but they knew it was bad. Seeing the ghost floating around leaving the books all slimy they grimaced and looked at those who struggled to catch it. Knowing there would be a huge mess left they sighed and placed their face in their hands before carefully stepping out of the office, being mindful of the broken stuff on the floor.
Out of the corner of his eye though, Egon spotted the person step out of the office, unsure if they’d been there the whole time or not. Taking in what they had been wearing was really similar to what he enjoyed as well. The Brown knitted turtleneck paired with what looked to be some dress pants. Being so distracted He didn’t see the ghost or the unfamiliar person coming his way.
“Watch out!!” They shouted, pulling Egon back by the hand right as the ghost flew through where Egon had been standing. The other three guys were nowhere to be seen and A random person just saved him from being most likely knocked over and injured. Meanwhile Y/n was focused on making sure he was okay.
Once Y/n made sure he was sat and situated, they looked at his facial features, seeing a large gash at his cheek that was already beginning to slightly bruise. “I am so very sorry to do this, and I must ask you first, but you have this gash, and I can only guess you got a book or a record thrown at you, and I need to know if I can clean it up for you?” They rambled softly, Egon only watching as their hands moved around much as they rambled.
Nodding softly, Egon didn’t give much of a response but only watched as they reached under their desk for a first aid kit. Looking at the desk, they saw a name plate “Andi?! Is that your name?” Egon asked, Now looking at Y/n, who glanced back at him before shaking their head with a light laugh. “Oh no no, My name is Y/n, Andi is my boss, sorta” They explained, taking out alcohol wipes and some gauze.
“Oh, Well I’m Uh Egon, Egon Spengler” He said as he introduced himself, watching as Y/n nodded, before beginning to clean the wound. Egon didn’t take Y/n for much of a talker, but he was thankful for that teeny observation. Letting his eyes wonder, He noticed an open book on what looked to be about space, and some scattered notes on it.
“What are you studying?” He asked, now glancing up at Y/n, who sort of jumped out of their skin, pressing lightly onto the gash, causing him to wince slightly. “Sorry so sorry!” They exclaimed moving their hand away quickly. “No no, you’re alright don’t worry” He reassured, almost missing that gentle touch on his face quickly. “I’m sorry did you ask me something?” Y/n asked again, realizing they might have spaced out a bit.
“What are you studying?” Egon said, repeating the question, and Y/n looked back at the open book on their desk. “Oh uh, things about space, and why they happen?” They responded, sort of questioning themselves as they finished cleaning Egon’s face up. “Would you want to become an astrophysicist someday?” Egon asked after it was clear he could stand up once more, this time moving over to the open book, getting a closer look at the notes.
He took in Y/n’s handwriting, it wasn’t too neat, but it wasn’t unreadable. He was able to make out every word, and how they went into extreme detail about what was read and little additional things. Y/n couldn’t really do much but watch as Egon scanned over their notes and nodded along to what was written or described.
“I’m sorry, Egon? Was it? I don’t mean to interrupt or anything but I think, your friends may need a little more help?” Y/n interrupted, obviously unintentionally but they weren’t quite sure as the ruckus outside had gotten louder over the past few minutes. Egon quickly realized and apologized right before he made his way back out into the slightly messy library. Y/n could only watch for the remainder until they caught the ghost that was causing such a disturbance.
“Right so… how much, will it all be, for… everything?” Y/n asked once all four ghostbusters were piled up in the small office. Egon glanced at Peter, sort of telling him to give them a reasonable price. “Well, my good friend here, Egon, seems to have it for you, but should only be a measly 400 dollars? If that’s alright with you of course?” Peter asked, basically questioning himself. If anything they’d have money to split amongst themselves. Egon nodded and rested against one of the walls in the office, taking it in a bit more. “Wait, Spengs where were you through most of it?” Ray had asked as he turned over to Egon.
“Y/n here, was helping me. Sort of saved me back there from that thing.” He responded, pointing at his bandaged face before at the still smoking proton pack. Winston nodded, before becoming slightly sheepish to ask. “Y/n was it? Do you think you could bandage me up a bit as well?” He had asked before a two more small ‘me too’s’ were heard. Y/n could only nod, passing Egon the money and moving Winston to sit where Egon was sat before.
“Oh. Y/n, Thank you for saving me back there, I really really appreciate it” Egon added before Y/n could only smile in return, assuring him it was no problem. The other three guys on the other hand knew they had something to tease Egon about later.
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Hi my loves, I honestly honestly had a bit of trouble with writing this, not the prompt or anything but with myself. I mentioned before I had fallen back into a bad habit and I barely was able to motivate myself recently. Though it’s over a month late (I apologize) It’s finally here!!!
And though I wasn’t sure what pronouns to use, or if anon was being gender specific or not, this is a GN!reader. I hope you all enjoyed, I hope to have made your day slightly better, but stay safe, I love you, have fun!!
Laters gators
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janinemel · 2 years
A Gift
author’s note: hi, sorry for not being active. ive been dealing with life but im in a stable place now. please feel free to send in requests to keep me writing!
Pairings: Egon Spengler x reader
Warning(s): a bit out of character, i haven’t been active much in the fandom.
Not proofread
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Every year was the same, you spend Christmas alone and spend New Years alone. You were okay with that, until you met Egon Spengler. A local Ghostbuster, you met him during one of his busts because you had called them for help. Your apartment was being weird and you put up with it but when you began to see floating people standing by the end of your bed? You immediately called them up and asked them to come help you.
After they arrived and dealt with the problem, a certain Ghostbuster recognized your collection of books that were filled with ecosystems. He asked about it and you told him that you had a hobby of reading about ecosystems. Eventually, you both began to talk about it while the rest cleaned up the place and haven’t noticed how much time went by until ‘Peter’ interrupted you two. When you were given a quota of the payment for their services. you were surprised to see that it was cheap and you decided to give the payment up front.
The night ended with Egon dragging Peter away who was protested about the quota you were given and Ray apologizing before shutting the door. After that, you were intrigued with the Ghostbuster named Egon and hoped you would see him again. Christmas was coming up, you didn’t really have friends to spend time with so you just decorated your apartment while watching old Christmas movies. Maybe, because of how alone you’ve spent most of your life, you felt alone for the first time after meeting Egon.
Was it a bad thing? You’d like to think it wasn’t, after all, you didn’t know anything about him except his name and that he collected spores and fungus. It was nice talking to someone, especially about stuff you enjoyed and now, you just yearned for company.
Out of curiosity and desperation, you took out your embroidery supplies and began to embroider a handkerchief. You were thinking about making him a customized handkerchief with his initial and some fungi on it. If he asks why you made him this, you’d tell him that the holidays was coming up and you wanted to give him something in return for giving you a deal on their services.
After a few days, you finally built the courage to go see him and give him the handkerchief. You baked cookies just in case he thought it was weird that you brought him something and not for everyone else. You put effort into your appearance, telling yourself that it wasn’t weird and it was okay. (Was it?). After a nice walk, you found that the Ghostbusters headquarters wasn’t far from your apartment and just a little walk away. Your nerves began to act up, you felt yourself shake a bit and you unknowingly chewed on your bottom lip as you got closer.
Standing outside, you cleared your throat and prepared yourself. Part of you wanted to walk back to your apartment but the other part of you wanted to go in. You didn’t know how this was going to turn out and that scared you. What if Egon thinks this is weird and turns you away? Pushing yourself, you opened the door and peeked inside. It was very large inside, a car, equipment, tables, etc. It looked cool, you’ve never seen anything like this.
“Hello?” You called out, walking inside and looked around.
You noticed a woman sitting at a desk, she was flipping through a magazine and chewed on gum. You studied her for a bit, her hair was red and she wore a comfortable outfit. You liked it, you wanted to ask where she got her cardigan from. “Uh, hello?” You held the container of baked goods a bit too tightly for your liking, you never had an issue with speaking to strangers. The woman looked up and put down her magazine,”I am sorry, I didn’t hear you. How may I help you?” She asked. Her accent was heavy, it was nice to listen to.
“Oh, umh, I’m looking for the Ghostbusters? I would like to speak with them if that’s okay?” You asked. The woman nodded with a little smile,”Of course, just give me a second. Wait here, please.” She stood up and made her way around the desk. She walked upstairs, you heard faints voices and footsteps. You began to feel more nervous, was this weird? Maybe, you should run off and never come back.
Before you had a chance to make a final decision, you heard them coming down the stairs and you felt yourself stiffen. Here’s now or never. You felt your face warm up a bit when you seen Egon, he wore a lab coat and a suit. He looked so handsome in his attire and you felt yourself stare a little too long. “Thank you for waiting, here they are,” The woman says with a gentle smile before returning to her desk.“Oh, it’s Egon’s lover.” Peter teased, earning a little shove from Egon. You chuckled a bit at that, you shook your head and cleared your throat. “My name is [your name], if you had forgotten. Uh, I just wanted to come by and thank you personally for helping me.”
You showed them the container of baked goods, Ray took it and looked inside. He gasped,”Oh, you’re such an angel! They look and smell wonderful!” He complimented, you smiled at him and nodded your head. “Thank you, I am glad to hear that.” You fidgeted with the end of your scarf. Peter looked at you and back at Egon. He rose an eyebrow and nudged Ray’s arm. Ray stopped eating to ask him what, Peter motioned his head to you. After realizing, Ray nodded and closed the lid to the container.
“Thank you once again, Peter and I have something to do! Egon, show our guest to the door!” Ray and Peter rushed upstairs without another word.
Egon gave a weird look up at them as they ran up the stairs and looked at you. The two of you walked towards the door but you stopped and turned to him. You gave him a little nervous smile,”I…Uh, I wanted to give you something, if that’s okay with you?” You asked in such a nervous voice. Egon nodded and walked closer to you. You reached into your pocket and took out a neatly folded handkerchief. You extended your hands to him, Egon gently took it and looked at it.
He examined it and found that his initial and some mushrooms were embroidered on it. He never had anyone make him anything like this and he wasn’t sure how to thank you. You gave him a little smile and Egon felt something. “You told me you have a collection of spores and fungus so…I thought adding that would be nice…Do you like it?” You asked. Egon nodded and folded it up,”Yes, I like it very much. Thank you,” He said, rather too quickly which you noticed.
You felt yourself chuckle at that and fixed your scarf. “Well, I should be going. It..It was nice talking to you again.” You said. Egon tucked the handkerchief into his square pocket of his suit and he nodded, stepping away. You gave him a smile before opening the door to leave until you both heard Peter.
“Just ask each other out already!” He yelled.
You gave Egon an embarrassed look and grabbed the collar of your scarf. Egon straightened his tie a bit and walked closer to you. “Let’s talk outside without being disturbed.” He muttered, opening the door a bit more for the two of you. You two stepped outside and you gave a nervous laugh,”Peter doesn’t have a sense of boundaries, doesn’t he?” You said.
Egon pushed up his glasses,”Unfortunately but that is one of his qualities as he says.” You laughed a bit at that and fixed your jacket as you felt the wind. “He’s right, I’ve been wanting to talk to you again.” He said which made you happy, he was thinking of you? You smiled at him, you really hoped this worked out because you really enjoy his company.
“Assuming, you’d like to. Would you like to go out on a date?” Egon said, quickly and you noticed it again.
You laughed a bit, covering your mouth and he felt a bit embarrassed, was that a no? You nodded your head,”Yes, Egon. I would love to.” You say, reaching over and fixing the handkerchief so that a little mushroom was peeking over his pocket. Egon smiled a bit? He cleared his facial expression before clearing his throat,”I will pick you on tomorrow at 8, if that’s a reasonable time?” He asked. You nodded and began to walk down the steps.
“I look forward to it,” You say, turning to him.
Egon smiled slightly, you smiled because he looked so handsome with a smile and you turned away to walk home. Egon watched you leave, fidgeting with his handkerchief and smiled upon remembering that you made it for him. A gift, from someone he found interesting and hoping would be more than that.
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apollafire · 5 months
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Chapter One
Summary; Dr. Kate Harrison has her first day as a member of staff at Columbia. The work place she was provided with is less than stellar but the neighbors aren't so bad.
Warnings; swearing, Dean Yeager's an asshole but not present, Venkman being Venkman
Final Word Count; 1071
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Columbia University 1980
“My baby sister, a doctor! And a professor! Ugh I can’t believe it.” The click of a camera shutter went off several more times, “Hold still for God sakes, I have to get one for Aunt Rose.” 
“First of all, I’m not a professor. Yet.” Kate Harrison sighed deeply, “I’m a glorified lab assistant, and I will be until Dr. McNulty either finally decides to retire or ends up dying. Damn tenure.” She muttered looking down at her shoes, “Look, Irene, I really do appreciate the ride but if I knew you had planned on taking enough pictures to fill up a magazine I wouldn’t have accepted.”
“Oh so you could’ve sat on the subway with no one to talk to and get your fancy white coat all dirty? Not on my watch.” A few more camera clicks.
“Irene, you’re going to make me late. I have to finish setting up my office.” The woman turned away to start heading towards the front door of the building.
“Okay, okay. Just remember, dinner this Saturday at mine and John’s. I know you have nothing going on so you better be there.”
“No promises.”
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The basement. Dean Yeager stuck her in the basement after promising her office would be right next door to Dr. McNulty for convenience for herself and students alike. There weren’t even any damn windows and grow lamps for her plants definitely were not provided like agreed upon at the end of last semester.
“That motherfucker.” She muttered as she pushed the door open and took in her new domain, at least all her boxes seemingly made it down here unscathed. After procuring a blank sheet of notebook paper and a black marker, she wrote DR. KATHERINE HARRISON - BIOCHEMISTRY & BOTANY in big capital letters. She taped that paper to the door and shut it behind her as she got to work unpacking, figuring it was highly unlikely she was to ever actually get her name permanently painted on the frosted glass. After getting her music to a level she liked and could block out the world for a while, she got started with the desk and the metal shelves behind it. 
Unbeknownst to her, the sudden burst of music from the formerly empty room interrupted some “very important work” in the Paranormal Studies laboratory next door with which she shared a wall.
“The damn janitor must’ve brought a radio down for his smoke break.” Peter Venkman grumbled from under a magazine as he laid across an old beaten down couch, “Ray go kick him out again, will ya? I’m missing out on prime sleep time over here.” 
Ray looked up from the book he was reading with a furrowed brow, looking from where Peter lazed over to Egon to see if he could force him to go do it this time. But the man was so deep into whatever mold sample he was looking at through the microscope that it would be a while before he came up for air. He sighed deeply and rolled his chair back a few feet before getting up and making his way out to the hallway. The less muffled sound of Ozzy Osbourne’s Mr. Crowley met his ears as he walked to the next door over, raising his fist to knock loudly. He stopped as he read the paper on the door that was not there when him and the guys got in that morning. Tilting his head in slight confusion, he reached out and gently just pushed the door open slowly. 
“You know, Aleister Crowley was actually a very interesting man.” He called out after a moment of observation, seemingly startling the woman as she caught a book that had begun to fall from her hands.
“I do know, actually.” Kate spoke after regaining her composure, gesturing to the shelf that now housed all three volumes of the Collected Works of Aleister Crowley as she reached to the radio to turn it off, “I’m not a fan, but my grandparents may have been Thelemians back in the day. Real hush hush about it though.” She walked over to the stranger standing in the doorway, “I’m Kate Harrison. Sorry for the noise, I didn’t realize anyone else was banished to the basement.”
“Really? Oh wow that’s fascinating. I’m Dr. Ray Stantz.” They shared a friendly handshake and continued to speak, “My colleagues and I work next door in the Paranormal Studies lab. We thought you were Paul the janitor, he’s usually in here on his smoke breaks.”
“That explains the ash and butts everywhere, for a janitor he doesn’t really clean up after himself.” She looked down at the floor and kicked a few of the said cigarette butts aside, “Paranormal Studies you say? Sounds like a secret almost.” 
“Nope, we are fully funded by the board.” Ray put his hands on his hips proudly, “You should come by and check it out! Maybe I can convince the guys to come and help you unpack so you’re stuck in here all day.”
“That sounds like a good plan. Lead the way Dr. Stantz.” She said with a smile before following the man down the hallway.
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“Hey guys!” Ray grinned as he opened the door and stepped back into the lab, letting Kate come in behind him, “We have a new neighbor.” No movement or acknowledgement from either man made the woman look at Ray skeptically.
“Wow Ray, didn’t realize your colleagues were just mannequins that you positioned around the room.” She said playfully. Boom, that got their attention. The man on the couch shot up with such a speed he almost fell to the floor as he made his way over, hand outstretched and what he probably thought was an award winning smile stretched across his face.
“Pete Venkman, pleasure to meet you.” He said, shaking her hand, “Egon, get over here, Ray actually brought home a woman to meet us for once.”
“You lay it on pretty thick, don’tcha Dr. Venkman.” She responded with a small laugh. Her gaze fell to the man standing up from looking into a microscope, watching him pick up a pair of glasses and slip them on before turning in her direction.
“I’m Dr. Egon Spengler.” Just with that sentence, Kate could listen to him talk all day, “It’s a pleasure, like Venkman said.”
“Dr. Kate Harrison, and the pleasure’s all mine.” She smiled brightly.
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Asked by anonimus
@professorlehnsherr-almashy @thealmightyemprex @goodanswerfoxmonster @the-blue-fairie @princesssarisa @gravedangerahead @parxsisburning @softlytowardthesun @themousefromfantasyland @filmcityworld1 @lord-antihero @lioness--hart
@budcortfancam @bixiebeet @spengnitzed @angelixgutz @stantzed @janeb984 @amalthea9
Favorite Thing About Them: Let's face it, besides Lois Maxwell's portrayal of Miss Moneypenny in the James Bond film series, there weren't really other examples of desk secretaries so well developed as Janine Melnitz. It is a hard job, and vital to keep government institutions and companies organized, but like the also hard work of being a howsewife, it is often overlooked because is a job associated with women that writers tend to think it won't be interesting to audiences as " the stories of man of action going into a battlefield or other dangerous kind of adventure" that they often choose to focus on. So to have this simple working class lady being portrayed with charisma, as we empathize with the boredom, excitement, confidence, anger, stress and fear that she shows as she navigates trough her job, acting as the human element that helps to keep us grounded in this fantastic story about scientists hunting ghosts in New York City, is marvelous to watch. And she is also shown to be able to adapt and become a competent Ghostbuster in her own right, even leading a back up team while being someone who, like Winston Zeddemore, didn't got access to an Ivy League University Doctorate, showing that there are other forms of being inteligent besides having a golden framed diploma, like conecting with the general public and providing emotional support for friends who need it.
Least Favorite Thing About Them: The fact that when Ghostbusters 2 went to take inspiration from the cartoon The Real Ghostbusters, it made the mistake of only getting inspiration from the character design in the messy later seasons, ignoring the idea of her acting as the fifth Ghostbuster presented by the first two seasons and instead making her have a sexual escapade with Louis Tully out of nowhere to boost his confidence so Louis could be the new fifth Ghostbuster. The writers of the second movie, wich was the same team as the first one, had the template to make progress in making a urban fantasy adventure comedy story where man and woman worked together as a team to save the day without seeing anything weird about it, and didn't tooked any advantage of it.
Three Things I Have In Common With Them:
*I have short hair and wear glasses;
*I often use sarcasm as a mechanism to cope with problems;
*I also work behind a desk with a computer, telephone, pencil and paper;
Three Things I Don’t Have In Common With Them:
*I'm not an american from New York City;
*I'm not a red head;
*I wouldn't have the courage to fight against ghosts and monsters that she has;
Favorite line:
From the July 1983 Script Draft:
"The phones? I wouldn't say the calls are pouring in, Dr. Venkman."
"Good night, Egon."
"Is it alright if I watch?"
"Thank you."
From the October 1983 Script Draft:
"Who do you think you're talking to, Mister? Do I look like a child? You can't come in here without some kind of warrant or writ or something."
"It's a sign, all right... "Going out Of Business."
"I want you to have this."
"It's a souvenir from the 1964 World's Fair at Flushing Meadow. It's my lucky coin."
"Keep it anyway. I have another one at home."
From the 1984 movie:
"You're very handy. I can tell. I bet you like to read a lot, too."
"Oh, that's very fascinating to me. I read a lot myself. Some people think I'm too intellectual, but I think it's a fabulous way to spend your spare time. I also play racquetball. Do you have any hobbies?"
"Hello, Ghostbusters. Yes, of course they're serious. [she paused and sat back down] You do? You have? No kidding. Uh-huh. Well, just, uh, just give me the address. Yes, of course. Oh, they'll be totally discreet. Thank you."
"We got one!"
"Do you believe in UFOs, astral projections, mental telepathy, ESP, clairvoyance, spirit photography, telekinetic movement, full trans-mediums, the Loch Ness monster and the theory of Atlantis?"
"I've quit better jobs than this."
"Ghostbusters! What do you want!?"
"You are so kind to take care of that man. You know, you're a real humanitarian."
From the novelization of the 1984 movie:
"Would I kid you?... Well, the soonest we could possibly get back to you would be a week from Friday... I'm sorry, but we're completely booked until then... Uh huh... All I can suggest is that you stay out of your house until we can get to you.... Well, in that case. I'd be not to provoke it. You're welcome."
"Egon, there's something very strange about that man. I'm very psychic usually, and right now I have this teerible feeling that something awful is going to happen to you. I'm afrayed you're going to die."
"That's so romantic. "
"You're sweet, Egon."
brOTP: Peter Venkman, Ray Stantz, Winston Zeddemore, Dana Barrett, Tiyah Clarke, Louis Tully, Kylie Griffin, Melanie Ortiz, Louise, Irena Cortez, Bryan Welsh, Ilyssa Selwin, Walter Peck.
OTP: Egon Spengler.
nOTP: Ron Alexander.
Random Headcanon: Her maternal family is of german-irish, lutheran and catholic background, while her paternal family is of ucranian, polish and georgian jewish background. She always took part in traditions of both sides of her family, but has more strong identification with the jewish side.
Unpopular Opinion: I understand the idea of the Real Ghostbusters cartoon series episode Janine, You Changed being an attempt to criticize the executives that wanted to force Janine into what they deemed conventional patterns of femininity by inserting the plot of an evil fae that prays on insecurities manipulating Janine after she feels insecure about her appearance, but I think that is still out of character because when it camed to her physical appearance, Janine never seemed likely to feel insecure about it, but take pride in it. If a writer really wanted to explore some insecurity in her in a way that felt organic, it would make more sense to explore her insecurity due to the fact that she camed from a working class background and didn't have access to a college and university doctorate like Peter, Ray and Egon because of lack of money or family connections and because the universities criteria to accept new students is arbitrary and elitist, but Winston, who also shares a working class background, and the other Ghostbusters would assure her that just because she isn't a former Ivy League graduate, doesn't mean she is less inteligent or capable to understand the work of tracking and studying the supernatural.
Songs I Associate With Them:
Elusive Butterfly
Andante, Andante
Somebody to love
You Are the Sunshine of My Life
Favorite Picture of Them:
Annie Potts in the 1984 movie
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In the original two seasons of the Real Ghostbusters animated series
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In the IDW licensed comics
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ghostbustersreborn · 2 years
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the next day. the boys and tara were off to take a look at dana's baby.
tara hadn't seen dana in almost four years. she really hoped her and her dad would get back together. but, she knew that dana deserved better than her father. she just hoped she was doing well.
the door opened, revealing dana on the other side.
"hi, dana." ray greeted her with a grin.
"hi, ray." dana smiled. "how good to see you, thanks for coming." she hugged him.
"hey, no problem. always glad to help and hug." ray said.
tara came in after him.
"oh, tara." dana rejoiced. "oh, it's so good to see you." she pulled her into a hug.
"yeah, it's good to see you too." tara agreed, returning the hug.
egon came in afterwards. he greeted dana after the two girls were done their hug.
dana went to go close the door until peter stopped her by making his way inside.
dana turned to ray and egon, confusion plastered on her face.
"well, i know i'm just asking for the big hurt, but i thought i'd give us one more chance." peter asserted.
"he-he tortured me. pulled my ears." ray relayed to dana.
"you know him, he's stubborn." tara sighed.
"oh, i know." dana remembered.
dana made her way over to venkman.
"hello, peter."
he dramatically turned around.
"hello, dana." he said, adding to the dramatics.
dana sighed, she turned to egon. "so, what would you like to do first?"
tara examined the place.
it was quite different compared to dana's last apartment.
well, for starters it wasn't torn apart or made into gozer's temple.
but, it was bigger than the other one and very pink.
with instruments scattered about, books as well as some things that retained to the baby.
she couldn't wait to meet the baby.
"we'd like to examine the baby first." egon settled.
"yeah." ray agreed.
dana lead them to where the baby was.
she took him from who tara could assume was the nanny/babysitter.
"and anything associated with the baby, especially stuffed toys, things with fabrics and stuffing." stantz included.
"then we'd like to see the buggy." egon included.
"alright. can i put him over here?" she asked the guys, taking them into the dinning room.
"and uh, wherever he sleeps." ray added.
"this would be fine." egon nodded.
ray laid out the blue mat onto the table.
"we'll have to lay him down flat." ray then said as he took off his jacket.
tara took a closer look at the baby once he was laid down.
he had blonde hair and blue eyes.
very standard baby.
very cute.
she smiled.
peter took off his coat as well, his eyes being on dana the whole time.
"okay, sweetheart, they're gonna take a look at you." dana told the baby.
"we'll do a cursory medical examination." spengler addressed.
peter looked around. scanning the bookshelf.
"what do you say? gammil and pross infant acuity test?" ray suggested to egon.
"huh?" tara furrowed her brows in confusion.
"it's a set of tests that are run on infants. you had it done before." ray explained to tara.
"oh. i'm still confused but oh." tara nodded.
"sounds good. we'll finish with an apgar score." egon concluded.
"it's nothing that's gonna hurt him, right?" dana questioned.
"oh, no, no." both egon and ray denied.
"i don't think so." he assumed.
ray handed him a stethoscope.
"dad. what are you doing?" tara groaned, watching him pick up dana's cello.
he started playing the cello like a guitar.
"that's not how you play a cello, you moron." she said, going over to him to get him to stop.
he continued on playing, ignoring tara's comments and pleas for him to stop.
dana glanced up at him. even she was annoyed by him.
i mean, everyone was.
peter was the king of being annoying.
"have you ever done this before? well besides on tara." ray asked egon.
"besides tara, i did do it on a chimp." egon confessed.
"so, uh, whatever happened to mr. right, anyway?" peter questioned.
"dad." tara smacked him in the arm.
"what? can't i ask questions?" peter asked.
"no, you can't. you have no filter and are blatantly rude and you know that." she informed him.
peter fake laughed. he put down the cello before grabbing a hold of tara and giving her a noogie.
"i heard he ditched you and ran off to europe." he continued.
"he didn't ditch me." dana picked up the cello, putting it back in it's proper placement. "we had some problems, and he got a very good job offer from an orchestra in london, (tara eventually pulled herself from out of his grip as he trailed lazily behind dana.) and he took it."
"so he ditched you?" peter repeated.
he turned the snow globe he grabbed from off of the shelf upside down, watching the fake snow inside fall.
tara turned back over to the boys who were examining the baby.
ray had his recorder out. while egon was examining the infant with a ruler.
"the subject is a.. male caucasian. um, approximately" "twenty-four inches." egon read off the marker. "twenty-four inches in uh length." ray spoke into the recorder.
egon made a clicking sound with his mouth to get the baby's attention.
tara couldn't help but 'aww' at the sight before her.
she loved seeing the boys interact with babies.
she had two favorite things. egon and the boys interacting with babies.
those were just the main two.
"uh, subject weighs approximately 18 pounds and is about eight months old."
she went over to the table.
"oh, to be young again." she sighed.
she stuck her tongue out at the baby, making it laugh. he went to grab her piercing before she closed her mouth.
"sorry, little dude. you can't put your grubby little germs on my piercing." she laughed.
egon eyed her.
"tara." he said in a warning tone.
she grinned. "sorry." she said before stepping away.
egon kneeled down to be more at the baby's height. he had a small flash light in hand.
"uh, okay. ocular?"
he moved the flash light back and forth, having the baby follow it.
"uh, pupillary response normal." egon confirmed.
he turned off the flash light, placing it into his coat pocket as he stood back up.
"auditory." ray snapped in the infant's face, having it turn his head to the source of the noise.
ray and egon both snapped their fingers. getting the baby to look in both of their directions.
"seems normal."
"ampullary reflex?"
they both lifted his arms, tickling his side.
"uh, appears to be ticklish."
"yep, baby ticklish."
"you know, you'd have been better off marrying me?" peter let her know.
tara went into the other room where dana and peter were.
dana had every right to leave him. he wasn't giving her what she wanted or an answer or an explanation as to why he didn't want what she did. so, she had every right to leave the way she did.
dana approached him.
"you never asked me." she reminded him. "and whenever i brought it up, you'd get drowsy and fall asleep."
"and you didn't have the balls to ask her either." tara mumbled.
peter eyed her, having obviously heard what she said.
he set the snow globe back onto the shelf. he turned away from barrett.
"you never got it, dana." he expressed.
tara rose a brow at him.
"i'm a man, i'm sensitive. i need to feel loved, i need to feel desired!" peter proclaimed.
"it was when you started introducing me as the old ball and chain." dana wrapped his arms around him, teasing him for his mistakes with their relationship. "that's when i left." she finished.
peter cursed himself. he really regretted being such an ass.
dana left peter's side. having enough with him and this conversation.
tara went up to him. "you never learn dad, you never learn." she left the room.
"dammit." he huffed.
he ran after her, following dana and tara into the room where the other boys were.
"well, i may have a lot of personal problems, but i'm a total professional when it comes to my job." he expressed.
he examined the baby before turning to egon who was wearing a very unique headpiece on his head.
"egon." peter said.
egon looked up, almost hitting peter with the stethoscope.
"what are we doing?" peter spoke into the stethoscope.
egon flinched.
"he seems to be fine, dana." egon informed her as he took off the headpiece.
"he's very healthy." dana stated.
"he's okay." egon said as he put the headpiece away.
"when he does sleep, where do you put him?" asked ray.
"uh, right around here. i'll show you." dana told him.
right as tara went to go follow dana and ray, she overheard egon ask her dad to get a stool sample from the baby.
"business or personal?" asked peter.
the nursery was basically like any other nursery.
very colorful. very cheery. loads of toys strewn about.
"it's a little messy." dana said as she picked up toys.
"well, we don't want to play with anything." ray assured her. "we just want to sweep for valences." he started scanning various toys with the PKE meter.
"hmm, very cheerful." egon commented on the room's interior.
"what did my nursery look like?" tara wondered.
"your nursery consisted of my lab." he reported.
tara frowned. "oh."
"my parents didn't believe in toys." egon changed the subject.
"what? how does one not believe in toys?" tara queried.
"they thought it was a waste of time." egon explained. "and that it dumbed down children."
"well, that's some bullshit." tara swore.
"help! he's gone completely berserk! help me!" peter yelled.
tara huffed.
"what a child." she grumbled.
ray and egon exchanged looks just as dana and tara went to go inspect what was going on out there.
"uh-oh." both ray and egon said in unison.
egon picked up a rattle, held it to his ear and shook it.
"you mean, you never even had a slinky?" ray asked him.
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pennzance · 11 months
Ghostbusters: Port Huron (Episode 28)
Episode 28: Falling Down
November 5th, 1998
“So what exactly is this going to do, Dr. Stantz?” Microwave asked from his spot hunched over the workbench. They’d been soldering, welding, and wiring electronics for almost three hours. It was either very late at night or very early in the morning, and certainly the three men in the room would not have been able to tell you which immediately.
“Oh, this is a fun little gadget Egon and I have been working on for big occasions like this. It’s a protonic reversal bomb,” Ray said offhandedly.
Jeremy looked up. “Wait, like a ‘don’t cross the streams’ kind of thing?”
Ray nodded, knocking some ash off his cigarette. “Desperate times, desperate measures. We’ve had to resort to it… oh, wow… three or four times now? Spengler and I figured if we needed that kind of firepower on the regular, turn it into a device we can use at a distance to reduce the risk of, you know, annihilating all life on the material plane.”
Microwave whimpered. Jeremy stared at Dr. Stantz. “Nothing you just said was even a little reassuring.”
Ray didn’t even look up. “Look, the first time this happened we had to stop a 100-foot marshmallow man from flattening Central Park West. You get used to it.”
The two franchised Ghostbusters looked at each other. Jeremy sighed. “If you say so. Still, I wish we had a better plan than ‘the utter annihilation of all life as we know it, but somewhere else that isn’t our problem.’”
“Yeah, ethical gray area, really, and not my field of expertise.” Ray lifted his welding goggles and surveyed his work. “Not bad. How are the conduits looking?”
Jeremy leaned back and pointed. “This looks pretty crossed to me.”
“Yeah, that’ll do it.” Dr. Stantz took a long drag and then stubbed the cigarette out. “Anyone need some more coffee?”
“Yes please,” said Microwave.
Ray got up and turned the coffee machine on, fishing around in his pocket for his pack of cigarettes as he did so. “Jeremy, did you build this thing?”
“Which thing? Also, probably yes.”
Ray hefted the Proton Gauntlet. “Neat idea, although I have to say I’ve never been keen on the idea of getting THAT close to a lot of the spooks we bust back in New York.”
“It’s surprisingly effective if you hand it to the right kind of person,” Jeremy smiled. “An idiot, for example.”
“Man, this coffee machine is loud,” Ray muttered, putting the gauntlet down. “What is this thing, industrial?”
Jeremy cocked his head. “No, it isn’t… wait, what the hell is that noise?”
Microwave also looked up. “Is that a truck?”
And then the wall exploded.
24,000 pounds of red 1996 Peterbilt engineering came crashing through the wall, sending all three Ghostbusters diving for cover. It didn’t stop at the shed, and the machine rolled through, engine roaring, and crashed into the office of Ghostbusters Port Huron, coming to a halt in a scream of tortured metal and masonry.
The stillness in the aftermath of all that chaos was deafening. Jeremy could hear a ringing in his ears as he tried to stand up, only to find himself partially buried. His body reported pain, and not a small amount of it. He was alive at least, but he was also stuck. He tried to make his mouth form words and managed to say “Doc you okay?” in passable English.
He was also able to see the truck, the door opening. He got to watch the body of Stanley Richardson step out, a little shakily, and straighten out his tweed suit. Stanley looked in Jeremy’s direction and flashed a nasty smile before stepping into the ruins of the office.
Jeremy flailed this way and that, trying to free himself from the rubble, only for a pair of hands to grab his arms and try to help him up. Microwave pulled him to his feet, blood pouring from a headwound, and his eyes shot through with terror. “Where’s Ray?” Jeremy asked. Microwave shook his head numbly, and Jeremy pushed him away. “Find him! I have to stop Filch!”
His body protested. Jeremy’s legs felt like lead and his chest felt like fire, but he willed himself forward. No one else was in the office, they were out near the bridges. No one else was hurt, but that also meant no one was going to be there to stop Filch.
He painfully picked his way past the truck, only now noticing the sub-zero temperatures of the outdoors blowing into the previously enclosed space. There in the wreckage stood Stanley, his hands wrapped gleefully around the Shantak shaped talisman. When he looked at Jeremy again, his eyes flashed purple.
“The hour is at hand. Rejoice.” Stanley’s voice was panicked, but overlayed with a deeper, more confident and more dominant one. Amadeus Filch. “With this key, I shall bring the everlasting winter, and we shall feast upon each other in our revelry.”
“Stop!” Jeremy managed lamely, but it didn’t matter.  The big guy lunged for Stanley’s slim frame, but he collapsed in a heap after tripping over God knows what. Filch stepped out of the ruined room, through the office’s front door. There was a rush of wings and an unholy screech, and he was gone again.
Jeremy laid there, frozen in shock and pain for a moment, and then regathered himself. Dr. Stantz. He needed to find Ray.
In the freezing air above the city, Amadeus Filch laughed as he hung onto the otherworldly mane of the Shantak. They couldn’t stop him now. He had the catalyst, he had the key, and the gateway between worlds was primed to be opened. These foolish men of science couldn’t even begin to fathom the power he was about to possess.
The Windwalker called to him. As it had so many years ago. He had been granted a ride on the wind once before, and he had craved the experience again ever since, like an addiction. It didn’t matter to him that he had died, that had merely stalled his progress. He would again ride the wind with Ithaqua and make an offering of every mortal soul on planet Earth to make that a certainty.
Stanley Richardson, on the other hand, was terrified. It’s hard not to be when you’re stuck in your own mind with someone else at the metaphorical helm of your body. Even more so when you could plainly see what it was that other presence was trying to accomplish. Memories are tricky things, but emotions make them sharper, and Filch’s mind was a mess of deluded bliss, cannibalism, and gleefully inflicted pain and torture toward his singular end. Stanley was quite convinced that Amadeus Filch was a madman, and he was also quite convinced that wherever this madman went, he was going to drag Stanley along for the ride.
The creature they rode screeched again and dove. In the distance, it was hard to make out another flying form, this one an amalgamation of four Shantaks carrying a great weight. Filch laughed using Stanley’s throat, a particularly disgusting violation as Stanley was not usually one for displays of mirth of levity, and the beast dove.
Below them, standing on the Port Huron boardwalk on the southern side of the Bridges, Amber was keeping her eye on the roads. Well, mostly. She occasionally nudged Eric to keep him awake. It was 3am, and Eric hadn’t been ever forced to do entry control work for the military. In fairness, it had been a while for Amber as well and she was having her own struggles. Mostly Remy. He was quite distracting to her. Look at him, just sitting there… particle accelerator on his back… Amber’s scarf wrapped around his neck and chin… starlight reflecting in his eyes as he stared upward… yelling a warning like some kind of… wait-
“Incoming!” Remy was shouting, pointing up. Amber followed his finger and saw a dark shape moving against a dark sky.
“Aw, shit!” Eric shouted, his Proton Pack humming to life. “Can we hit that at this distance?”
Amber powered up her own Pack. “Worth a try!” All three wands blazed to life, casting long, gyrating beams into the night sky. Like a signal flare, the world around them exploded into activity. National guard members on trucks with spotlights nearby turned bright columns of illumination up into the sky, trying to focus on a target. The sudden wash of light destroyed Amber’s night vision and she lost sight of the dark shape for a moment.
It took a moment for the spotlights to find it as well. And then she heard someone shout “What the hell are those things?” It didn’t take long to catch up. Four Shantaks, tied to the large but unmistakable form of the mobile containment grid, were flapping furiously through the sky on a beeline for the bridges.
Amber grabbed her radio. “Four horses up high, they have the ball! We’re on the south side of the bridges! Any and all Ghostbusters who can, light ‘em up!”
Six streams of orange lightning lashed out this time, and one of the Shantaks discorporated, the mobile grid sagging between the other three as two of them collided cartoonishly, slammed together by the shift in weight. A cheer went up over the National Guard, but Eric swore out loud.
“Bad idea! If that thing falls, we will be in some seriously deep shit when it breaks! We need a better plan!”
“Mr. Kaye! Come in!” Amber’s radio garbled as it came to life on its own. Amber herself looked around, spotted a flatbed truck the National Guard had used to bring in some concrete barriers to cordon off the bridges, and started running toward it. Eric shouted and ran after her.
“Jeremy?” the radio responded to itself. “What’s wrong?” Amber jumped into the truck, finding the keys thankfully in the ignition and bringing the truck roaring to life. She shot Eric a look, and there was a moment where the two of them perfectly understood each other. Eric spun on his heel and ran back toward Remy, waving his arms frantically.
“Filch has the talisman,” Jeremy explained on the radio, his voice strained and hurt. “Microwave and Dr. Stantz are pretty banged up, but he’s heading your way! You HAVE to stop him!” Heedless of the warning, Amber started driving the truck toward the descending form of the containment grid.
“Confinement streams!” Eric’s voice broke over the radio. “Amber’s got a truck, we need to bring the grid down on that carefully!”
“Where’s Filch?” Bryan’s voice responded.
“We’ll fix THIS problem; YOU fix that one!” Eric replied. Amber’s truck pitched over a curb and thundered through a fence. She wasn’t watching the road, she had eyes locked onto the Shantaks. Proton beams snaked out over her head, latching onto the lead Shantak and pulling it low, but the creature was struggling to break free.
Amber screeched to a halt, jumping out and firing up her own confinement stream. She targeted one of the read Shantaks, gritting her teeth as her first shot went wide. As her second try wrapped around her target, giving her some measure of control over where the creature went, the radio crackled to life again. “I see something! Coming in low over the water! North!”
The one Shantak that was still free and clear thrashed wildly as the others screeched. It jerked on the chain that secured it to the containment grid like a panicked animal. Amber jerked her nuetrona wand in the opposite direction to try and steady the grid, but it was still shaking wildly and descending a little too quickly. “Shoot him down!” her radio commanded as wind whipped at her face and cold bit into her fingers and she didn’t have time to care as she tried to wrestle the Shantaks to the ground. Somewhere far behind her, Eric and Remy were also struggling to stabilize the unit with their grip on the other Shantak, but they couldn’t communicate, they couldn’t coordinate.
Disaster followed quickly.
“Where did he go?” The third Shantak broke free, flapping into the air before diving at Amber. She broke her beam and dove under the truck, rolling over frozen concrete and grass. “Watch out!” The sudden freedom the Shantak she’d been containing experienced manifested as a dive of its own, and the grid dragged behind it, slamming into the street at highway speeds.
“Man down!” the radio reported, and then the mobile containment grid ruptured.
0 notes
fakeloveaskblog · 2 years
(Hi, me again. I’m very excited to see what the Remus get up to.)
From Remus and Remy’s perspective, Janus and Logan were the ones warping and distorting before being pulled suddenly off to the side and blinking away, and they are left alone to begin their date.
Glow Eyes
“And here we are!" Remus waved his arms around towards the tiny building hosting the art exhibit.
"It's...humble" Remy replied.
"Lesser known art can be just as good!"
The art gallery was crammed in between several other buildings. It had two floors but the bottom one was mostly taken up by the reception and a kids corner where younglings could draw.
Remus paid for them while Remy fumbled with their cane. They didn't really listen to what their friend and the receptionist were saying but their tones were weirdly familiar as if they had talked before.
Remy flinched when they felt a sudden warmth against their hand and looked up to see Remus grinning at them as he took their hand in his. He was still wearing that completely overdressed outfit from the morning. He looked like the epitome of dressing to impress.
They went into the only room on the first floor that actually contained an art piece. The air was light and breezy and the sound of water rippling filled the small room. Some weird contraption that looked sort of like a mini water tank was connected to several different plants.
It seemed like the two of them were the only people there right now so Remy sat down on the floor while watching his friend stare the piece up and down. Before circling around it. Before reading the sign on the wall about it. Before circling it again.
As he thought his nose scrunched up which made his eyebrows furrow so it looked like he was holding back a sneeze.
"Okay. I'm not getting it" He announced.
"Looking real cute tho girlie!"
Remus flexed his arms while smiling "I see that my incredibly masculine aroma is already getting to you"
"Yeeahh y'know that masc stench mixed with plants just really gets me going likeee tottalllyy" Remy joked back.
"Just imagine all the worms and nasty insects that could be hiding in the plants!!" He traced his eyes over the room one more time before holding out his hand to help them up "Wanna check out the upper floor?"
"Nah girl I just wanna go home like immediately...Kidding..Course I wanna" They took his hand "Can you like say that by the way? Like saying you don't get it?"
"Shit is a sniper gonna shot me if I admit to not understanding every single art piece ever" Remus replied dryly.
They shrugged "I just thought you're like the artsy type. I kinda just like assumed telepathic brainwaves just sent the meaning of whatever piece you were looking at straight into your brain”
“Nah nah. Usually I- Oh do you have enough spoons enough to take the stairs?”
“...I guess” They lied.
“It’s okay. The elevator isn’t locked like at some other places. I’ve checked!”  Remy gratefully let their friend lead them to the elevator. He kept talking as they took the short ride up “Usually I get a hunch for what the piece could mean after looking at it. Like some itch in my brain. And then I gotta think for a while before it clicks. Though if I don’t get the itch like immediately I usually get bored and just leave it which I know! I know! I should give every piece a chance! I just got rats for brains!”
The second floor was empty of people as well. A few paintings were hung on the walls, all of them with surrealist imagery. They walked past the top of the staircase, they could still see parts of the plants from up here.
“I don’t get any itches at all. At most I get some like thought once you’ve explained stuff to me” Remy said.
“Yeah well I’ve stuffed my brain full of information about art. Of course I’m gonna get it more than you!! It took me AGGEES to get anything before I learnt about all those fucked up dudes going around in france and germany during the early 1900′s that created like the base for all of modern art! Like I have NO idea what was going on with Egon Schiele aside from the prostitution addiction but I GEt it!”
Remus was looking at the paintings while he talked. Remy still had their arms locked around his upper arm. They learnt their cheek softly against his shoulder as he talked, even if that meant they had to lean down a little.
“The whole world of art opened up to me when I learnt to hate Bauhaus and the horrible fucking funkis trend!! It’s not even typical art!! It belongs in the category of architecture!! But whenever something goes to shit I can just curse out Bauhaus!”
“God It’s like with Randeen Nicholas!! HATE that guy! He like ruined 2 entire album covers for Miss Britney Spears with his boring ass style!!”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about but yeah!! FUCK HIM!!”
He smiled at them and lightly bonked his head against theirs which made them laugh. He continued to babble on about what kind of painting techniques the artist could have used to get the effects. Most likely dry brush. Maybe a hint of watercolor crayons.
“I wish I could touch them” Remy said mindlessly “Like when you go into a clothing store getting to feel how the fabric feels and how it was sewn is like tots the best part y’know? Maybe I’d get it more if I could feel it”
Remus made a mental note “That’s not a bad idea”
“Really?” They smiled.
“Yeah. I think I could literally look at paint drying if I got to touch it”
There were only two other rooms on this floor. Remus let his friend choose which way to go and they went to the room where there was a bench. Which they immediately sat down on of course.
There was a projector next to the bench shooting the images of a short film onto the starkly white wall. All of the windows in the room had been covered with thick dotted fabric matching the dotted patterns in the film.
The sound filled the room like fog. A low rumbling that made their ears vibrate. They glanced between the film and Remus. He had formed his fingers into a sort of frame and was looking around the room.
“Whatcha doing? Looking for quick exists in the case of a sudden like assassination attempt?” Remy joked.
“No- Maybe I should do”
It went a few seconds before Remus suddenly bursted into an explosion of stims. His arms flapped as he sat down right next to them on the bench. He leant even closer so his face was right in front of theirs.
“I’m planning! Scheming even!”
Remy let up into a sly smile as they leant closer to him as well “Planning for what?”
When they spoke Remus could feel their breathe blow against his cheeks, that’s how close they were.
“I’ve been talking with Ro-Ro and I’ve talked with the lady in the reception before...I’ve been...We’ve been thinking if maybe it would be possible if I could....I could hold an exhibition here-”
“An Art exhibition? Like showing shit off??”
Remus didn’t even have time to finish the word before Remy had thrown their arms around him. They hugged him tightly while his arms hang loosely along his sides. He suck in a deep breathe as his cheeks turned pink.
“SHIT-” Remy shot back and let go of him “Sorry I like tots forgot to ask if you were like comfy with a hu-”
This time it was them who got interrupted by a hug as Remus snuggled up against them. Remy smiled as they hugged him back. They felt how he rubbed his hands in circles on their back.
“The exhibition is only gonna be going for at most a week. And it’s mostly ‘cause Ro-Ro donated money to the gallery I’m pretty sure” Remus mumbled out.
“Still. Isn’t it like kinda cool?”
Remy moved back from the hug but cupped his cheeks instead. Remus smittened into just a touch of a shy laugh.
“I guess it is kinda cool yeaah”
“Does it have like a theme? Like I dunno murder? Stigmata?”
Remus moved his hand on top of theirs while lowering his eyes “Yeah I uhh I kinda wanna do it about...Os...Or- well I mean more in general about like abuse”
“You sure you could handle that?”
“I want to” He squeezed onto their hand “I wanna get better”
“And this’ll like help?”
“Os is like a sickness filling me. I gotta vomit him up onto paper- I mean- I know it won’t fix me! But I think just- Just putting it into words- Or well art would help y’know? An-and I’ve been thinking that maybe if I’m able to express it with art I will be able to start talking about it with a therapist or something!”
Remy couldn’t hold back their look for surprise “A therapist?”
“Yeah” Remus’ smile staggered a little “I’d never really thought about the possibility of actually getting help ‘cause I wasn’t able to talk about what Os had done with anyone until-” He fidgeted with his thumbs “Until I told you”
He met their eyes and saw as the surprise fell away from their face. The look in their eyes turned soft as they waited for him to continue.
“I’d never really thought ‘bout actually like having a future. It felt like I was dead. Like in limbo y’know? Like my corpse was still in his apartment...But I’ve started to look forward to things again....I’ve started to look forward to seeing you”
The short film shifted scenes making the room suddenly lit up in a bright green. Remus could see his blushing cheeks being reflected in Remy’s eyes.
“...Like there’s some horror films I wanna go see with you at the cinema...And I would love if you could like sew a piece for the exhibition..And I’d think going on a trip with you would be really fun...We could go grave robbing and stuff” Remus continued, stumbling slightly over his words.
Words began to flash on the screen. A calming blue against starkly white. Drops of water echoed through the speakers every now and again.
Remy shifted in their seat. A few strings of their hair fell down in front of their eyes as they pulled their knees up to their chest. The shoelaces on both of their shoes were untied because they had been just about too high to remember how to do it.
Their lips parsed for just a moment as if they were about to say something before they instead bit on the inside of their cheek. It was so quiet they could hear Remus’ calm breathing. No one else was there. It was only the two of them. And the speaker kept playing the rhythmic drops of rain, or if it was medicine, or poison.
It was like a strain lifted as Remy relaxed their shoulders and turned to look at Remus “I think I wanna look forward to going to your exhibition. That’ll be my goal”
“Oh I’m flattered-”
“I don’t wanna be high. I wanna see your art without being high. And I wanna be with you without being like high” Remy continued.
Remus let up into a toothy grin and took their hands in his “That sounds like a GREAT goal!”
“What was it you wanted me to make for the exhibition?”
“You don’t have to”
“I want to! I would like tots really like love to”
“BEaaannieee I got loads of ideas! Let me show you-”
Remus leant down to pick his sketchbook out of his bag but stopped mid motion. He glanced up at the screen recounting another murder and took a deep breathe. It was just them. He was now approximately as close as he could to them. Approximately as alone as he could be with them.
“I can show you some other time” Remus said as he went back to holding their hands.
Remy circled their thumb against his palm “Anything wrong?”
“No. No” He chuckled “I just don’t think I said everything I wanted to before”
“...About the grave robbing?” 
“No- Kinda. Maybe”
Remy noticed that his hands were trembling ever so slightly and made sure to lean closer. They tilted their head a little as he searched for words.
“You’ve made me feel alive again Beanie” Remus said as sincerely as he could. He had to gulp back a lump of worry before he continued “You haven’t just like helped me start to think about my future again. You are my future. Whenever I imagine what I want to do you are always a part of it”
The worry disappeared from Remus as soon as he saw Remy’s expression lit up into what could best be called unbridled joy. Maybe even mixed with some anticipation for what he would say next.
“I think I have- No. I know” Remus let out “I know I’m in love with you Remy”
As soon as Remy opened their mouth a dorky laugh left their lips followed by giggling. They blushed so hard their pale skin looked completely pink. Remus couldn’t help but laugh along as he leant his forehead against theirs.
“I’ve got a big stupid gigantic fucking crush on you too Remus!!” They giggled out.
“You doooOOooOOoo”
“I like tooootsss dooo girl!!”
Remus’ cheeks hurt from how hard he was smiling “You’re pretty cooool”
“No but like seriously” Remy moved their arms around his shoulders and bonked their forehead a bit extra into his “It’s so scary to like fall in love again after getting hurt like..like we have...so uhm like...Thanks for trusting me enough to like confess”
“Same to you. I never feel as safe as when I am with you”
“When I’m with you my nightmares lessen”
The two of them shared a quiet moment of simply looking at each other with the new context, the new comfort, of knowing that the other loved them. Remus scrunched his nose to bop it against their nose which made them laugh.
Remus let his hand wander up to his lips before reaching out and gently tracing his finger against Remy’s lips. Their lips which were so close it made his head spin a little.
He looked up and met their eyes. They looked at him with such warmth and he felt how they loosened the way they were holding him. As if they were telling him it was okay if he took his time.
“Can I kiss you?” The words stumbled out before he could stop them.
Remy smiled even brighter “Yes! Please!! Finally!”
Remus grinned back at them before leaning in and-
There have been far too many times when both of their’s privacy have been forced away from them against their will.
Let’s let them have this moment to themself, shall we.
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mar-iiposa · 2 years
Egon with an Extroverted S/O
(a/n): proofread?? ehhh- not quite. was it something keeping me up all night? oh, absolutely. these are some egon headcanons I have if he were to have an extroverted s/o (aka reader). enjoy and don’t be shy to send in any requests as much as you’d like! (I would also appreciate feedback as I’m sorta new to this)
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from the very first day you stepped into the firehouse, it wasn’t exactly all head over heels and happily ever after
of course, egon was normally someone cooped up in the lab, tinkering or observing a project of his
however, it was when you applied for a job opening that you came into his life
egon didn’t ignore you, per say, but he did always tend to keep to himself
but here you come strollin’ along
waltzing into the lab
suddenly taking all of your time to show interest and offerings in his work?
yeah, pretty cool
but listening and actually understanding AND showing interest in his own???
so he starts letting you stay in the lab more (even sometimes more than literally everyone else)
being the extrovert you were, you were just like a beaming light and spirit
you were called his “sun” by the others
not to say that egon was grumpy, but you quite literally brightened up his life
ever since things between the both of you got more serious, he picked up smiling more
he also would find himself snickering at your jokes and even cracking a few himself
all just so he could see the way you threw your head back as you laughed (he thinks it’s the cutest thing)
he also wouldn’t just only talk about projects or anything, he would yearn to talk about you
but especially to talk to you
he loves the way you’re outgoing and extroverted
sure, he’s not extroverted himself even after being with you
but it does mean that he’s a hell of a lot admirable of the qualities you have
not only that but you had a certain flow to yourself
from what he’s closely observed ^
you definitely brought him out from his shell in various ways
he truly does think of you endearingly
you’re kind, funny, passionate
he considers that beautiful
one thing that you do that gets him completely flustered is when you pull him in by his tie for a kiss (he’s done for)
undoubtedly, he invites you to watch or assist him with his work
it’s almost as if you can read his mind when he asks for a specific tool
because before he can even open his mouth to ask for it, you’ve already most-likely got it in your hand for him
you’re such a people person, god
one of the many things he’s also noticed is how you’re so carefree
but especially that you love to laugh
and with others as well
does he brag to the guys about you? noooo, neverrrr
oh yes he does (even subtly at times)
he just thinks you’re really neat :))
plus, you were just always there for him
how did you stumble into his life? by a miracle
and how did you manage to even stay interested or drawn to someone like him? he couldn’t even hypothesize
because he simply had no possible answers or guesses
it was you just stumbling into his life
yet, it made his better
it really just baffles him.
he thinks to himself that you’re his other half, his right hand, his person
an unexpected one at that, but still
he is eternally grateful for you and solely you
and you are so endlessly enough
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Hi! I’m the anon that had the request, please don’t be upset with yourself lovely, accidents happen.
The request was: Egon x fem!reader. The reader is a little shy and someone is flirting with her but she’s oblivious to it so she’s nice to them and then Egon gets jealous but doesn’t want to admit it out of embarrassment but he does and it’s fluffy and sweet.
I appreciate you guys so much, especially when you guys send reqs. It makes my day!
Jealousy, Jealousy
Pairing: Egon Spengler x Fem!reader.
Description: above in request
Warnings: Jealous Egon, oblivious reader, bad communication.
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“Oh my god Ray get that out of here please!” Y/n pleaded as she held her nose. The guys had just come back from a bust and they caught a few without getting slimed. With a huge smile Peter began making his way towards Y/n with a huge hug. He had been teasing her about something, meanwhile Egon was quietly putting the proton packs away with Winston at his side. Listening in, he heard how timid Y/n sounded while talking to Peter.
Quietly continuing, Egon began to make his way upstairs, everyone shortly following, mainly to see what everyone else was going to get to eat. Everyone chose a place to sit as Egon stood at the counter making himself a coffee. “So what are we eating tonight, since no one’s cooked” Peter started, as Y/n recalled. “I cooked yesterday, the most of you went out to get Chinese, Egon and Janine were the only ones that ate what I made” Y/n huffed as she sat back into the couch. “Okay okay, so what are we eating then?” Peter continued.
After he spoke, a jumble of words came out together as everyone recommended something. Egon and Y/n seemed to sigh at the same time. Leaning back into the small sofa, she began to look up at the ceiling and space out until everyone basically figured out what they were eating; Cheeseburgers.
Since no one else wanted to go, Y/n stood up and grabbed a notepad from the top of the fridge before going over to ask everyone their separate orders. Egon watched as she came up, small frown on her face. “Are you going to want some help with that on the way back?” “I’d really appreciate it, but it’s only if you don’t mind” She replied, not even bothering to ask Egon what he wanted, knowing he’d rather see the menu first.
Getting her things ready, she grabbed her cardigan and her bag, Egon watched her make sure she had everything as he out his own coat on. He often kept an eye on her, sort of as her protector. Clearing his throat he glanced over at the girl besides him as they began walking to the burger place. Between the two it had been sort of awkward on the walk to the restaurant, until Egon decided to speak up.
“How’ve you’ve been these days Y/n? I see you’re in and out now” Egon asks as she glanced up at him. “I’ve been well, busy. Janine has me running errands she can’t get to. And honestly I don’t mind it.” She responded before looking ahead once more. “Uh how’ve you been Egon?” She asked now, and he glanced at her with a quirk in his brow. “I’ve been alright. Studies are studies.” He replied and Y/n began to smile to herself. “Do you have any new experiments or anything going on?” She asked with full curiosity.
“I don’t believe so no, why?” He asked in response as Y/n looked up at him once more. “I was asking because I wanted to know if you didn’t mind me sitting in one day just to watch?” She replied with a small shrug and Egon looked forward to think for a moment. “Sure. I wouldn’t mind it, I think you’d be able to help if you’d like” He replied and Y/n nodded to herself.
Finally getting to the restaurant, Y/n looked around and pulled out the folded paper out of her pocket. She glanced over it a few times before she went up the the counter, pulling her wallet out as well. Egon went up besides her to tell his order, and she made sure she had enough to pay. She didn’t really bother to get drinks, only for herself and possibly one for Egon as well.
Going up to the drink fountain she began to fill her cup when someone had come up to her, tapping her on the shoulder. Surprised to say the least, she turned to look at the person. It was a boy around her age and he had this little look in his eyes. “Hi, I was just wondering if I’ve seen you around before you look oddly familiar?” The guy had began to ask and Y/n had the slightest confused look on her face.
“Uh no I don’t think I’ve seen you before, but it’s nice to meet you?” Y/n replied, sort of questioning the whole interaction. “I’m Daniel it’s nice to meet you?..” “Uh Y/n” She responded, shaking his hand timidly. She didn’t see Egon watching from the table he was waiting at. He had been watching her, and he didn’t like how nice she was being to the stranger, but it’s not like he could do anything. He was sort of jealous that she wasn’t talking to him the way she was to the new person.
“Are you here with someone?” Daniel asked her as Y/n sort of glanced over at Egon who had a cold stare at the boy. “Woah, is he your dad or something? Older brother?” “No no he’s not. He’s my coworker” She replied shyly as Daniel nodded, glancing back at Egon once more before scooting closer to Y/n. “Oh well, would you ever like to go out for lunch or dinner sometime? Maybe even come back to my place?” He asked and Y/n nodded slowly. “Oh uh… I’d have to see if I’m free, but I should get going” she said softly, walking back towards Egon before she was stopped.
“Oh of course, I’ll see you around” He says, handing her a small slip of paper. “Oh, Thank you” She said with a small smile, waving just as her order was called. Egon stood up and waited by the door as Y/n walked over with the food and their drinks, a small huff escaping her lips.
She quietly walked behind Egon, thinking to herself as to what all that fuss in the restaurant was about. She glanced up at him as his posture seemed to give away that he was thinking about something. Definitely nervous about something. She caught up to him, and stayed beside him, making sure not to get left behind once more.
She had gone back to thinking as they stopped in a corner, waiting to cross the street. Egon noticed her silence and looked over at her. “Penny for your thoughts?” He asked and Y/n looked over. “What was that in the restaurant?” She asked bluntly, sort of slouching as they waited. “What do you mean?” Egon asked, his eyebrow quirking once more.
“The cold stare, your quietness and the rush to get out of there” She said as the light switched for them to cross the street. “I didn’t like the way he looked, he seemed too nice. Nicer than Peter could be to any girl he lays his eyes on” He said. “Were you jealous?” She Asked, curious this time.
The question caught Egon by surprise, and he couldn’t respond. “I’m gonna take that as a yes” she murmured to quite literally no one. Egon still hadn’t said anything. “If you want to talk about it after we eat we can, but it’s only if you want to” she said as they had finally began to see the firehouse.
Egon stopped her in her tracks and she looked up at him, sort of avoiding eye contact. “We can talk about it. I wanna talk about it” He told her, pretty much holding her in place before realizing. Clearing his throat as he let her go, she cleared her throat as well before nodding. “Okay” She said before continuing the walk to the firehouse, Egon following behind her shortly after.
The walk back was sort of awkward between the two, so nothing else was said. When they stepped foot into the firehouse, Y/n called out to everyone that they had arrived, and they all rushed upstairs if they weren’t already up there. Setting the bags on the table she stayed with her own little bag and walked back to the couch where she was sat before she left.
Peter for some reason, almost always sensed the tension between between the two. “Aww did the two of you kiss?” He teased as Egon and Y/n, looked at him with an unimpressed face. “Shoot, I thought I was going to get you guys that time” He murmured to himself and Ray only chuckled to himself. Y/n quickly finished up her food and went into the lab to wait for Egon.
She sat at a somewhat empty desk, looking around the dimly lit place. It seemed comfortable, and homey to her. She stopped to stare down at the floor, thinking of what she’d say. Having been so lost in thought, she didn’t hear him come into the room where he had stopped in his tracks. “Y/n what are you doing here?” “You wanted to talk, so let’s talk” Y/n murmured and Egon nodded, pulling up a chair.
“What…Happened back there?” She asked softly and Egon took in a deep breath as he thought for a way to explain. But before he could speak, Y/n beat him to it. “No no.. were you jealous?” She asked this time, now glancing at him. He had been quietly pacing but had stopped once she asked the question. He looked back up at her meeting her eyes, a soft nod as he caved.
She had a feeling, but she didn’t know how to react since no one was ever jealous over her. She let out a small hum. The silence in the room grew heavy and neither of them knew what to say. Not thinking about it, Y/n had silently moved over and grasped Egon’s hand, pulling him over. “I don’t like that you’re quiet” Y/n murmured softly as she looked up at him. He frowned slightly and looked down at their hands which were still intertwined.
“Are you upset?” He asked quietly, looking up at her. “No, why would I be upset?” Y/n asked, tilting her head slightly and he let out a quiet breath. “It’s just your reaction to what I said” He added, looking away once again, feeling his cheeks heat up in embarrassment. “No egie I’m not upset” She replied, her voice softening as she tried to see his face clearly.
“Why were you jealous? you can talk to me, I won’t get upset” Y/n said softly, relaxing back into her position as he turned to look at her once again. Egon sighed, nervous to say what he was thinking. “You just seemed excited to be talking to someone else, and your smile was so bright, I couldn’t help but think that you could’ve gotten with him right there” He explained, looking above her face and into the wall behind her, wanting to avoid eye contact.
Y/n was let of surprised. “Oh no no no, I really really didn’t want to make it seem like that. It was awkward, and I just can’t help but smile. It’s like I don’t want to seem rude so it’s like, I don’t know” She said, her face becoming flushed as she looked around. “Wait. So you won’t be going out with him?” “Egon it was torture talking to that guy, he seems like another version of Peter” she murmured to herself and now it was Egon’s turn to be flustered, misunderstanding the entire situation.
“I am really sorry Y/n, I misunderstood and I didn’t really connect the dots.” He apologized, his head falling as he looked to the floor. Y/n turned to him and frowned softly, reaching over. Her hands were somewhat shaky over everything but she seemed to calm down as she reached up to place them on his face. The contact was enough to make Egon shudder as he slowly looked up at her. His ears were turning red, seeing as she held a promising face.
“Egon, I’m not upset at you, and I get it, misreading situations. It’s not your fault and I get it, it’s okay. Don’t beat yourself up over it” She said softly, looking right into his eyes. Y/n was feeling all kinds of emotions at that moment, and she was sure Egon could feel them too. He looked down once more as he placed on of his hands over hers, a small smile spreading to his face. “I don’t know if this is a bad time, but would you like to go… out sometime?..” Egon asked quietly, looking back up at her.
Seeing her already looking back at him, He saw the not so subtle nod she gave before he fully smiled and turned to kiss her palm gently, feeling a little more happier than usual, which was extremely happy.
“So a date huh?” Peter interrupted, standing in the doorway, ruining the moment. Y/n and Egon turned to him, unsurprised faces as he stood there grinning. “Peter I’m gonna give you ‘till three to get out” Egon said sternly, watching as Peter quickly scrambled to get out, shutting the door behind him. This reaction caused Y/n to giggle softly and Egon could’ve sworn he was in heaven.
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Hi my loves. This request was long overdue, and I only recently finished because I finally got a little motivation and help to finish this off from a friend of mine and I wanted to thank you guys for being patient and so understanding about everything. You guys are wonderful, and I want you to know if you ever ever need anything, even someone to listen to you, I am here. I always will be. You are loved, you will always be loved.
I love you all, thank you so much for reading and being so extra patient with me, I hope you enjoyed!!
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tedesquire · 3 years
im begging for more ray x reader content 😭
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A Little Party Never Killed Nobody
Warning: poison/poisoning, ghost!reader, slight horror.
A/N: A New Years prompt!!! 18 days later!!! I was inspired partially by “The Shining” which I watched for the first time in December. Sorry to all the Kubrick fans but I just didn’t find it super enjoyable, especially knowing all Shelley Duvall went through on set. I was also inspired by Harry James’ “It’s been a long, long time.” I love you Ray, I want to be your ghostess with the mostess. I’ll check grammer and spelling later.
Description: Another dreaded New Year’s Eve. The music was loud, the drinks watered down and expensive, and the couples absolutely unbearable. But perhaps it isn’t all bad. Ray’s gotten the attention of the most beautiful and wonderful woman in the world, yours.
New Year's Eve, 1984.
The term “Ghostbusters” was everywhere, plastered on t-shirts, watches, bottle openers, patches, metal lunch boxes and thermoses. There were action figures of the team and even an animated television show (Peter had fooled the rest of the gang into signing over the rights). So, needless to say, the team was doing pretty well.
Their name was a household one, their faces graced the covers of magazines and late night television shows. Halloween stores were prepping to sell costumes of their likeness. 
So it was no surprise when they received invitations from the Sedgewick Hotel for their annual “Countdown Celebration Gala.” 
“Do we have to do this?” Ray shyly mumbled as he exited Ecto-1 and joined the rest of the team, along with Dana and Janine, outside the hotel. All four men were dressed in tuxedos, Janine even managing to get some gel in Egon’s unruly hair. 
“Oh, Ray,” Peter sighed, patting the aformentioned’s shoulder. “We work too hard. The city is telling us, practically begging us to relax. Besides, it’s a great promotional opportunity. You don’t hear Egon complaining.”
“Only because I would be wasting my breath.” The tall man muttered, conveying his true annoyance with a scowl on his face. Winston chuckled, handing the keys over to the hotel’s valet. 
“C’mon Stantz, you look great! I bet you’ll have women throwing themselves at you for a chance to be your New Year’s Kiss!” He slung his arm around Ray’s frame, and though the thought was there, his words did little to soothe Ray’s nerves. 
Ray could handle himself in most social situations as long as he had a buffer. Normally that would be Egon, but lately Ray had started to notice the grouping within the gang. Obviously Dana and Peter were in a relationship so that was already one man out. Moreover, Ray wasn’t sure but he had his suspicions that Janine had been flirting with Egon, so he wanted to give them space. Lord knows he didn’t need to be the third wheel. 
Perhaps it would just be him and Winston for the night. Ever since the drive in the car before the whole Gozer incident, they had come to be friends. But even Ray had to admit, Winston was way cooler than he would ever be.
The group entered the ballroom, thankfully remodeled after they had destroyed it. Large chandeliers hung from the ornate ceiling, carpet replaced with hardwood. There was a wrap-around bar against one wall and a stage near the other. On the stage was a live band, dulcet tones of jazz echoing throughout the room. 
Flashes from random cameras went off every few minutes, the whole room basked in a warm glow. 
Before Ray even knew what was happening he felt Winston’s hands leave him, watching aimlessly as his friend headed to the bar, striking up a conversation with an unknown woman. Peter had grabbed Dana and immediately led her to the dancefloor, Janine picking up a drink from a tray and standing against the wall to observe. Egon was nowhere to be found.
So much for the buffer.
Ray surveyed the entirety of the ballroom several times in order to preoccupy himself, finally deciding on heading to the bar and ordering a nice vodka martini to calm his worries.
He was so caught up in his own thoughts as he ordered he went to slide into a barstool, not realizing that someone was occupying it until he had bumped into them, sending their drink flying against their silk dress.
“I’m awfully sorry!” His voice caught in his throat as your head came to face his. You were the most beautiful woman he had laid eyes on. Your silk ensemble rested against your soft skin, your features highlighted by the makeup you wore. You smelled of lilac and another scent he couldn’t put his finger on in the moment.
“Oh please, it’s not a party if you don’t smell like you’ve had a good time, nevermind if you’ve had one or not.” You laughed, taking a few napkins and patting your dress down, putting Ray at ease. “Why don’t you join me, Mr…?”
“Oh! I’m sorry, Stantz. Raymond Stantz.” His nose crinkled as he gave you his full name, slightly confused by his own behavior. Hardly anyone ever used his full name but as you repeated it, he momentarily forgot why he preferred it shortened. He let out an embarrassed chuckle, moving to sit on the barstool next to you. “Please, let me buy you another. It’s the absolute least I can do.”
“So, Raymond, what do you do?” He seemed to give you a genuine smile, making you raise a brow.
“I’m a Ghostbuster.” Your expression stayed the same, causing him to chuckle. “People call about a ghost and my friends and I capture it, place the entity in a storage facility.” He started to grow flustered at your lack of a response. “We saved the world from a demonic entity named Gozer?” He let a few moments of silence pass before he panicked, blurting out the first thing he could think of.
“You’re not from around here?”
“I was…” Your brows furrowed, and Ray had to stop himself from fawning over how cute you were out loud. “I just got back and I’m only in town for just a little bit.”
“So you were on a trip?” You chuckled, taking another sip of your cocktail. 
“You could say that.” The conversation fell into a natural silence and while you seemed undisturbed by it’s arrival, Ray was freaking out. Say something interesting! 
“You spend your living catching ghosts.” You beat him to the punch. “Do you think all ghosts are evil?” You set your drink down, fully facing him. He was intrigued by your question, taking a minute to carefully decide.
“No.” He decided. “I mean, I haven’t met a good ghost yet, a “Casper”-type, but the last time the gang and I were here we caught a ghost that liked to eat other guests’ food and project slime on them. He wasn’t so much evil as he was annoying, so I’m sure there are nicer spirits out there. Those who perhaps don’t realize they were dead or maybe those looking out for their families.” His answer seemed to amuse you, your painted lips pursing into a smirk.
You asked him all sorts of questions relating to his work, genuinely interested and impressed. Ray was so busy enjoying your company he hardly noticed the minutes pass by. Had he been talking to you for five minutes or five hours?
“Do you know you have the most lovely set of eyes?” You purred after he finished telling you about his work in the private sector. You swore you had never seen a man’s face more red as he tried to stutter out a response. “They’re like gemstones… one emerald and one jasper. They light up when you talk about your passions.”
As you compliment him you notice the hands of the clock, and a bold thought strikes you.
“Be my New Year’s kiss, won’t you?” Your finger traced the rim of your glass, peeking up at those marbled eyes through your lashes. Ray’s jaw had dropped at your boldness, his ears flushing a bright pink.
“You’re gonna catch flies.” You laughed, placing a single finger under his chin to shut his mouth for him. “You’re not going to make a girl beg, are you?” Ray seemed to find his voice then, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.
“No, uh, I- I mean yes! I’ll be your New Year's kiss.” Ray could hardly believe his luck. A beautiful, stunning woman in front of him who made him laugh and was interested in him? Perhaps 1985 wouldn’t be such a bad year after all.
“Well, you better get to puckering lover-boy, looks like the countdown is starting.” You nodded to a patron who stood on the table, staring at his watch and starting to countdown the seconds until midnight. 
“Why don’t we make sure this year ends on a good note, huh, Ray?” You cooed, placing a hand on his knee to lean forward and plant your lips on his, soft and warm compared to your chilly lonesome ones.
Ray felt his head swim, from the kiss or from the alcohol, he didn’t quite know. You seemed so cold, why hadn’t you asked for his jacket? Should he give you his jacket? No, okay, wait, first thing he would do as soon as everyone cried “Happy New Year” is ask for your number, then ask if you would want to let him take you out sometime, then he would offer you his jacket and cozy you up for the rest of the night. 
“Raymond…” You softly mumbled as you separated, allowing him to catch a quick breath before grabbing the lapels of his jacket and pulling him back towards you, practically pulling him off of the barstool. 
Your teeth nibbled on his bottom lip, pulling the muscle and letting it snap back before sneaking your tongue into his mouth, much to Ray’s surprise.
Did every woman kiss like this? Had he been missing out? Or did he choke on his drink and die? That would explain it, you were an angel leading him to heaven, doing such a good job that Ray didn’t even mind that he was dead. 
“Thank you.” You whispered against his lips. “For making me feel so alive.”
Ray felt your hands leaving his jacket, waiting for a moment before blinking his eyes open, only to find you nowhere in sight.
After almost an hour of looking for you and coming up unsuccessful, a sulking Ray left the bar for the final time, aimlessly wandering around the ballroom until bumping into Janine and Dana, balancing an almost comatose Peter between them.
“We’ve got to get Peter home. Do you mind finding Winston and Egon? We’re going to have the car brought out front.” Janine instructed, grumbling a few curses as she adjusted her grip on the heavy man. Ray nodded, watching the trio leave before scanning the room.
Egon was staring at a wall filled with past photographs, his hand on his chin.
“Ray.” Egon beckoned him over once he caught sight of his dear friend, turning back to staring at the portraits that hung along the ballroom walls. “I did a bit of research before the party. The twelfth floor isn’t the only place in the hotel in which apparitions have been sighted.”
“Ever since we caught Slimer here I’ve been wondering more about the history of certain spectos that haunt the hotel. I found a newspaper article from January 1, 1946 while using the microfiche. Strangely enough I couldn’t find a paper copy anywhere, I bet the hotel paid for all the copies they could get their hands on, and I don’t blame them.”
“Apparently, almost 39 years ago, this building, known as the Hotel Caratoc, hosted a New Years’ party and the next day found all the partygoers dead…” He pointed to a specific portrait, the year reading 1946. “I guess they kept the old photos…”
“The autopsies showed large amounts of aconite ingested through what detectives concluded was the punch. It caused all the guests' organs to fail and they died within the hour. Staff alerted the police immediately, the building was emptied and eventually abandoned until it was bought 12 years ago and turned into the Sedgewick.”
“They never found the culprit but some staff members report men and women dressed from the 40’s walking and moaning around in the ballroom after hours.” Ray wasn’t paying much attention to Egon, his attention fully devoted to a lovely figure near the edge of the frame, your figure.
He couldn’t believe it. There you were, same outfit, same beautiful smile, the same cocktail in your hand from earlier, staring at the camera with a twinkle in your eye. Ray turned back to the dancefloor, hoping he could find your face and convince himself that he was going crazy. There was no way you could.. That you were… a ghost?
Turning back to the portrait he blinked, rubbing his eyes before looking back at your face. Your innocent smile had shifted into a coy one and he could have sworn he saw you- the picture, rather- wink at him.
“Ray!” He seemed to snap out of his trance, turning to face Winston’s and Egon’s matching concerned expressions. It took him a second to recognize that Winston had his hands on his shoulders. “Geez man, I think it’s time to get you to bed.”
“Uh-” Ray spared one more glance at the photograph, breath hitching at the absence of your figure. Perhaps Winston was right, he had too much to drink. But how could that explain the softness of your lips and touches, the way your laugh itched his brain in the most delightful way.
Your words from earlier echoed in his head, and he almost felt nauseous.
“Thank you… for making me feel so alive.”’
He hoped, selfishly, that this night wouldn’t be the last night he would ever see you. The whole ride home consisted of creating plans to get him inside the Sedgewick alone to try and see you again. 
He supposed there were good ghosts after all, as you were the nicest entity, living or dead, that he had ever met. And not even living on a different plane of existence would stop him from pursuing you.
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