#the first time was the worst. i fell asleep while getting my eyebrows done and woke up when she pulled off the wax strip
i-me-mine · 2 years
As time goes by | Chapter 3: Flying away
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Pairings: Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Word Count: 3.3k
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You fell asleep easily with Eddie running his fingers through your hair. You both decided to sleep in until someone or something forces you two out of bed, and as you had a hard time being away from Eddie that week, you would not miss a second of the time you had with him.
Eddie wakes up first, blinking into the late morning light. It takes a moment for him to remember everything that happened. Then he looks down and sees you draped across his chest, still sounding asleep and slightly drooling on him. He takes a deep breath and admires you, wondering if you are dreaming and what your dreams would be about, while he gently draws abstract lines in your arm.
“Rise and shine, sweetheart...” he says in his raspy, sleep-ridden voice when he sees you yawning. 
“I don’t want to wake up, Eds.” you mutter.
“Why not? Don’t you wanna go out to enjoy your weekend?” he says with a quiet laugh.
“No, I’m perfectly happy here. I love sleeping. My life tends to fall apart when I’m awake, you know?” 
He kisses your forehead before replying, “I know, mine too… five more minutes, then?” You shake your head, agreeing with it.
After a while, you feel him gently pushing you while he gets up. “Lemme prepare breakfast; you can stay here if you want.”
You decide to go to the bathroom and give a good look at yourself in the mirror while washing your face. Your hair is messy, and you still have dark circles in your eyes, but you feel happy. You can’t help but daydream that if Eddie was your boyfriend, things could be very different. You touch your lips and your neck, imagining how it would be if Eddie kissed them… and you are brought back when he suddenly knocks on the door and asks, “Are you ok, sweetheart?” - “I’m ok.”
You sit and watch him humming while making scrambled eggs, and you notice the change in his eyebrows as he concentrates, trying not to put fire in the kitchen. He can only cook basic dishes and usually avoids cooking as much as he can, but as you usually cook for him and Wayne, he is always happy to try to return the favor. 
“Look, I’m sorry. I know I fucked up everything, and I’m so very sorry.”, he said while putting the plates with the eggs on the table. 
“The eggs look perfectly fine, Eds. Anyway, I’m hungry, so I’m sure they will taste delicious even if they are not.” you say with a smile, which he has not reciprocated. 
“I’m not talking about the eggs; I’m talking about us. This was the worst week ever, and I’m the one to blame. Shit, I was an asshole, and you have every right to hate me.” he says in a mix of sadness and anger while eating. 
“I don’t hate you, I don’t think I ever will, but you hurt me, Eds. Your words last week, the lack of words after that. I felt ignored and rejected so many times. How could you do that?” 
His eyes were filled with guilty “I don’t know, I’m such an idiot; I have been all moody and depressed because of this. No one could stand staying next to me, even Wayne. I wanted to apologize, I just didn’t know how to undo the mess I made.”  
“Talk to me the next time. Let’s try to figure things out together.” 
He quickly replies, “There will be no next time. I won’t do this to you again.” 
“You are missing the point.”, you sigh.
“I’m not, I got it.. we will talk, whatever happens. I won’t shut you out anymore, I promise. And I’ll do whatever is needed to compensate you for what I’ve done.”
“You can start washing the dishes for me.” you say, smiling. 
Usually, when one of you cooks, the other cleans everything, so you just want to push this additional chore to him. It was silly, but you hoped this would make him smile and remove that worried expression from his face. It works.
“Your wish is my command, m’lady.” he says, taking the dishes to the sink to wash. 
You keep looking at this back, the curls of his hair. It reminds you of the many times he turned his back on you during the last week… but now it was different. You were slowly going back to your old ways. 
“I was afraid that you had forgotten about me.” You said in a low voice. It was easier to admit this now that you were not looking at his eyes. 
“It’s hard to forget when there is such an empty space when you are gone.”
You both went silent for a moment. Then, you let his words get inside you - because they translate so well how you felt. “I missed you, Eds.”
“Me too, sweetheart. I’m glad to have my best friend back, and I’ll never do anything that can put our friendship at risk again, ever.”, he says, smiling at you. 
You smile back, but a part of you finally realizes that you are developing a crush on Eddie, and this response kills you. Best friend. No way he would risk it. He would not love you back or give you a chance. And there is nothing you can do.
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As none of you had plans for that Saturday, you decided to spend the day at your spot in the woods. As your father had already left for the day, and this time left the door unlocked, you went back home to change your clothes. Before leaving, you break the door’s chain in a moment of anger. He will not lock you out of your own home again. 
Eddie is already drinking one of the beers he brought, throwing you one when you finally arrive. You both start singing and drinking simultaneously, and you laugh a bit seeing Eddie playing air guitar. Eddie was waiting for the alcohol to kick in to finally ask you, “Wanna talk about yesterday?”
Alcohol does help you loosen your tongue, and you tell him about the fight with your father and how you could not enter home. Eddie knew that your father was abusive and was always sad that he could not think of anything better to save you from him, but he was heartbroken to hear how he left you outside in the rain on purpose. He felt that you didn’t want to go back home, not that you could not go. 
This kept Eddie, for a moment, wondering if you really wanted to stay with him or if you just did it because you had nowhere else to go. But as you were still there and opening your heart to him, he decided to assume the best. He meant it when he said that he would not do anything that could upset you and put your friendship at risk. 
You then started speaking about the significant failure that was your date with Ben. Finally, you explained in detail what happened and admitted that he probably rejected you because he thought you were uninteresting.  
“He is wrong about that.” He says, and a chuckle leaves your lips as you sniffle quietly. “I’m serious, sweetheart.”
“What if he’s not, though?” this is a constant doubt in your mind. There is not much that you can offer the world, not much you have done. You are afraid you will never be more than just another simple girl from the trailer park stuck there forever, never accomplishing anything.  
“You are the most interesting girl I’ve ever known; we’ve done a lot together; you are smart, kind…” but you interrupt him. “But it was easy for you to stop talking to me; it made no difference in your life.” 
“It did. I missed you terribly; I just couldn’t write anything, no new songs, no new ideas for the campaign, and I couldn’t even concentrate enough to read… listening to music helped a bit, but it still reminded me about you all the time.” 
“If that’s so, why didn’t you speak with me, Eds? I don’t get it.” 
“Because I was unsure what to say, how I would react, how you would react. Damn, I was afraid it would seem like I was jealous.” He said.
“Why would it?”
“Because I was.” He rambles to himself before taking another sip of beer.
That answer warms your heart. But, of course, you know it does not mean what you would like to, but inside your head you are free to dream as much as you like, and that’s enough for now, so you let your thoughts go wild while lying there, drinking.
Eddie is leaning heavily on his elbow, resting his cheek against his hand. “Penny for your thoughts?” he asks, and you know that you can’t answer that truthfully, and if you lie, he will notice. 
“You don’t want to know.” you said. 
“Humor me…”
So you give a quick smile when formulating an answer containing the right amount of truth but that it’s still safe. “I wanna kiss you on your cheeks but I also want to punch your teeth.” 
“Fair enough; I think I did a decent amount of things to deserve both. But If you ask me, I would choose the kiss any day.” He said.
You then turn and kiss him on the cheek. He is startled as he did not expect that. Your lips were cold from the beer, and as soon as they touched his cheek, he felt like he was on fire and hoped that you hadn’t noticed and that he was not blushing.
“Let’s forget about the punch part, shall we?” You both laughed. 
Eddie was now on his back, loose hair floating around his head like a halo. His eyes are closed, so you think it is safe to look at him without getting caught. While you trace each curl of his hair, you think about how he makes you feel happy, appreciated, loved, and seen. 
You don’t have to be perfect or even try to be perfect when you are with him. He already knows your secrets, the things you keep hidden from everyone else, so you can just be yourself. Ok, now there is the tiny secret of you falling in love with him. 
Eddie is with his eyes closed, but he knows you are looking at him. He can picture your adorable little smile in his mind and thinks about how much he missed spending time with you and how important you are to him. 
He loves every day when you meet in the morning before walking to class in school. He loves when you scrunch your nose when you’re overthinking. He loves the sound of your laugh when he tells you a silly joke, even when it’s not that funny. He loves how you know how to calm him when he is anxious, which happens very often. He loves how you always welcome him with open arms whenever he needs it. You never saw him as the town freak, just as his friend. He couldn’t stop thinking how lucky he was to have found you. 
That was one of the moments that are so perfect that you almost feel sad because nothing will be this good again.
“Fly on your way like an eagle, fly as high as the sun…” you started singing, and Eddie followed along. He then asked, “Have you ever wanted to fly away from here?”
You chuckled. You dreamed of getting out of Hawkins, and hopefully, this would come true once you finish High School, but it would still take a while for that to happen. “I used to think about one day just not telling anyone and going off to some random place and disappearing.”. 
“What about me? Would you leave without saying goodbye to me? That hurts.” He said while mimicking someone stabbing him through the heart. 
“Of course not; you would be the one driving,” you replied, laughing. “But what about you? What if you could run away and leave it all behind?”
He shrugged. “I don’t know. I would love to start a new life somewhere, but I don’t know how I would do it. I’m hardly getting out of high school. Maybe I could try to work in a bar, play at night, get discovered, and finally become a rock star…”. The truth is that Eddie has almost no plans for the future. 
“That’s it. We’ll fly away from here together.” Your reply makes his face lights up. 
“Promise me?” 
“You have my word.” 
You then see his expression shift, the tip of his tongue coming out, just like when he is creating a wild idea for the Dnd campaign or something. “Eddie, what’s wrong?”
“You are sure about this, right? I know that it will sound crazy… but would you be willing to make this permanent?”
You are not sure if you understand what he is trying to say. “I don’t get it, Eds.” 
“I’m talking about matching tattoos, sweetheart. So we won’t forget. Pure commitment.” You know that Eddie has other tattoos, and you always thought it was sexy but never mentioned it to him and always wanted to get one, so you ask the crucial question: “How?”
“Well, I would have to ask around for a favor or two… and this would not be exactly the first illegal thing we do… but are you up for it? It would be wicked if you could draw it.” 
“But what exactly do you want to tattoo?” 
“Bats. Flying bats. An eagle flying would be great, but nothing as metal as a bat. The perfect representation of us flying away from here. What do you think?” 
“I love it! Let’s do it!” 
“Hell yeah!” he yelled, excited, hugging and spinning you around. “We need to go back; I have some people to contact to make this work…” 
“No rush, Eds! We have a lot of time…” you tried to calm him down. “No way, it will be a promise inked in our skin… and I want to do it as soon as we can!” 
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Later that day, you heard Eddie knocking on your window. So you open it saying, “You could have come to my door, you know?” 
“Yes, but I’m in a hurry. Get the drawing ready; meet me at 10 am tomorrow; we are getting some new tats!” He rushed out before you could say anything else. 
You had a night without dreams and woke up anxious. You always wanted to get tattoos, but the fact that it was his idea, that he wanted to do it with you, made it even better. 
Eddie was already waiting for you outside the trailer, and saying he was excited would be an understatement. It was a short walk to Adams street, where Eddie knocked three times at a basement door of a large house. Finally, a bald man opened the door and greeted him, “Hey man, nice to see you, come in.”
Once inside, you looked around and saw the desk with the tattoo machine and the inks, and the chair where you imagined that you would soon be to get your tattoo. “Hey, I’m Chad; nice to meet you! Eddie told me that you have the drawing of what you want.”
“Nice to meet you too”, you reply shyly, handing over the draw to him. It’s a cloud of bats, six of them to be more precise, with slightly different sizes and wing positions. 
“It looks so cool. And it’s not that big, not many details… it will take a bit more time to do the fillings, but that’s ok. Who wants to go first?”
“I’ll go, so she can see how it’s done. Maybe it will ease her concerns… she will have time to change her mind too.” Eddie said. 
You give him a smile of thank you. Then, you see him showing Chad the space where he would like the tattoo, right below his right arm’s elbow, and observe the draw comes to life in his skin.
And quicker than you thought, it’s over. Chad turns to you and asks softly, “I suppose this is your first tattoo, right?” You nod. 
“Do you want something to drink?” 
“Is beer an option?” you try your luck - maybe it would help you feel less pain or worry. 
“Sorry, as much as I’m a fan of it, alcohol can make the tattooing process trickier for me and can worsen your healing too.”
“Nothing then, thank you.” you reply, a little disappointed, wondering if you would run out of courage to do it if you were sober. 
“Show me where you want your tattoo.” 
You show him the space in your back shoulder - you always wanted a tattoo there, where you could show or hide it as you wish, depending on what you wear. And that you can still see when looking back in the mirror. “Ok, let’s do it.” 
Eddie sits right in front of you, holding your hands, drawing circles on the top of them with his thumbs. “I’m right here, you can squeeze my hand if it hurts. If you want to stop, just say the word, and we are out of here.” 
You nod, and the buzzing begins. You take a deep breath, close your eyes for a moment and then look right into Eddie’s eyes. He is still smiling so beautifully that your heart feels like it would swell up and burst through your chest. So you brace yourself for the pain, but the sensation of the needle pricking into your skin does not hurt as much as you thought it would, and you are able to hold on until Chad finishes, with the help of Eddie, who did his best to talk to you to keep you distracted. 
You are back in Eddie’s bedroom, both admiring your matching tattoos in the mirror. He then asks you to sit in his bed, gets a bottle of something you cannot identify, and starts to rub it in your tattoo as gently as he can. 
“They say this healing ointment will help your tattoo heal faster and better. Not sure if it really works, but I’m up to anything that can make this easier for you” You don’t know if it’s because he is touching you or because your skin is still sensitive, but you feel the blood pulsing hot and fast through your veins. 
“Thank you, Eds… I know you have done this other times, so nothing new for you… but it was a truly great experience for me.” you murmur. 
“Sweetheart, doing this with you was probably one of the greatest moments of my life. And I have it on my skin now to prove it and to never forget. Best friends with fucking metal flying bats matching tattoos. How cool is that? He replies excitedly, and you mirror his wide smile. 
You then decide to play the part of the pining best friend. You want Eddie, you are sure of this now… but you need him more, and just the thought of losing him due to ruining your friendship by making a move was enough to break your heart. You would never mock Jonathan again; now you understand him and why he is still friends with Nancy.
You will learn to suffer through this unrequited crush. You will love him in silence - this way, there is no rejection. It’s easier to fantasize that he loves you back if you only keep this in your mind and heart. And there, no one owns Eddie but you.
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Notes: As English is not my first language, and this had no proofreading, there may be minor mistakes; feel free to highlight any of them in the comments so I can adjust - Feedback is always appreciated too! I hope you are liking the story so far!
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@sidthedollface2 @bimbobaggins69 @roxy9295
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
Might regret saying this & potentially jinxing it but I don’t feel jetlagged. I was tired yesterday but now I’m absolutely fine. I’m literally sleeping normally. I’m fine
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l-r-christian · 3 years
Could you make a poly mikaelson smut??? Where they are jealous about another vampire flirting with reader and they get possessive.
Alright. We are going to break this off in little blurbs.
Warnings: Protective Mikaelsons, a bit smutty, Possessive Mikaelsons, Fluff
A/N: Gonna add my boy Finn as this was a little self indulgent 😌
Finn Mikaelson
It was a family ball that Klaus was throwing as a birthday party for Rebekah and Finn was watching over the ball. Finn really didn't feel like joining all this as he just wanted to curl up with their little wolf and sleep.
"You look grumpy."
"I do not Kol." Finn muttered as Kol smirked knowing it was Finn's turn to have the night with Y/N but it was kinda ruined when Klaus threw a party. Finn saw some vampire flirting with Y/N who looked uncomfortable and in a blur Finn was next to their little wolf.
"Darling, is this leech bothering you?" Finn said glaring as Y/N pressed close to Finn while vampire swallowed feeling nervous.
"A little bit but I would like to go upstairs."
"Of course." Finn said holding her with possessive hands picking her up. Y/N squealed finding herself on Finn's bed being kissed roughly as his hand was going under her dress.
"Finn.....the party." Y/N squeaked out as suddenly her dress was gone and his slightly cold skin met her warm skin.
"They won't miss us for a few moments." Finn whispered against her skin as his mouth moved along her neck. Y/N let out a breathy moan as Finn moved slowly touching her softly making her feel like her veins on fire.
"Finn......please." Y/N pleaded as Finn sucked on her her thigh closely to her heated center pulling a cry from her when he finally placed his mouth on her center. Y/N bit her fist shaking as Finn held her close tongue flattening against her clit and before she could cum Finn pulling away.
"Finn....no..fair." Y/N whined as he chuckled kissing her before easing into her slowly. Y/N whimpered clinging to Finn as he gripped her hips snapping his hips against hers.
"My beloved wolf, always so beautiful." Finn muttered burying his face in her neck as her walls fluttered around when he moved onto his forearms caging her under him. Y/N came with a soft cry as Finn groaned her name cumming after her nuzzling her neck listening to her pant gently tugging his hair and kissed the vampire softly.
Finn got up and cleaned her up then cuddled up to her pressing kisses on her neck as both muttered I love yous.
"They are going to come looking for us."
"I don't care. I just wanted to cuddle."
Elijah Mikaelson
Elijah glared hard at the vampire and wolf standing a little too close to Y/N while he understood that his little wolf was apart of Jackson's pack but that didn't mean he liked males being near her.
"The meeting is going a longer than thought Niklaus, Hayley seems to be adamant to make our little wolf miserable." Elijah said over the phone then looked to Y/N seeing a young vampire getting brave flirting with the woman.
"I need to go Niklaus." Elijah said eyes darken as he growled lowly hanging up. Elijah walked pass Hayley ignoring how she stared at at him.
"Just if you aren't busy we could hang out tonight? Show you a good time."
"No thank you. I am already in a relationship."
"Pffft, with the Mikaelsons. It isn't like I can't sleep with you too."
"Or I could tear your thoat out." Elijah said lowly picking Y/N up and way from the male. The vampire glared then realized he was looking at Elijah who was glaring at him.
"Eli?" Y/N squeaked whe in a flash you was pressed against a cabin wall with Elijah looking at her with hunger in his eyes. Y/N moaned when Elijah kissed her roughly his hand moving under her skirt fingers slipping pass lace as moved two fingers in her wet entrance.
"Wet already? You love it when I am rough, don't you? I want you to be nice and loud baby, let that baby vampire know who can satisfy you."
Y/N cried out gripping Elijah's shirt feeling his thumb rub her clit as Elijah bit at her neck leaving marks as his way to show she was taken. Elijah felt her wall tighten around his fingers when he added a third and moved his thumb more slowly against her clit. Elijah growled feeling Y/N move her hips against his fingers as he curled them.
"Look at you so needy. Such a good girl being loud, let him know who you belong to." Elijah said lowly in her ear feeling her shake against him, Y/N's face was flushed. Elijah smirked watching her cum with loud moan and bit Elijah's neck pulling a deep growl from his chest.
"Open." Elijah commanded as Y/N opened her mouth and Elijah placed his slick covered fingers in her mouth. Y/N's flush got worst as she tasted herself on his fingers, Elijah leaned in kissing her.
"Let's continue this at home."
Klaus Mikaelson
Y/N was in the kitchen on the phone with Damon as the two were close friends always playfully flirting. Klaus knew the two had no feelings for one another but couldn't help feel a bit possessive much like his siblings when ever Damon was around Y/N.
"Sounds like I should come and help you."
'No no. You don't have to. I'll just kill Kai then no more problems.' Damon tells her over the phone as Y/N smiled at Klaus seeing walk in.
"But my darling I would be happy to help."
'Seriously baby. No need we got it all under control.' Damon tells Y/N as she raised an eyebrow seeing Klaus down in front of her hands moving up her bare legs. Y/N only had on one of Klaus's shirts and laced panties and Y/N let out a squeal when Klaus lift her up having her legs over his shoulders then pulled off her panties and placed his mouth on her mound.
'You okay?'
"Y...y..yeah....saw...a spider." Y/N said gripping the counter as Klaus smirked against her making her ride his face while on the phone with Damon. Y/N let out a shuttering breath as Klaus groaned against her sending vibrations up her spine.
"D....D...Damon....call...you back." Y/N said hanging up feeling Klaus squeezing her ass as he ate her out. Y/N leaned forward on the counter shaking as she let out puffs of air babbling unable to think straight.
"Ni.....N....Nik....someone..could walk in." Y/N panted out trembling feeling him move to her clit sucking harshly making her cry out. Y/N bit her first teasr swelling in her eyes her face flushed and Klaus pulled her closer fucking her with his tongue. Y/N cummed hard shaking panting nearly sobbing as Klaus pulled away just as Y/N felt overstimulated.
"Are you okay, love?" Klaus asked picking her up kissing along her neck.
"Yeah...tired though." Y/N muttered as Klaus took her up stairs to clean her up.
"Oh love, I'm not done with you yet."
Kol Mikaelson
It happen in a blur when Kol threw a vampire that tried kissing Y/N which at first Kol was amused at the vampire's poor a tempt at flirting with the wolf but when he moved to kiss her, Kol wasn't having none of it. Y/N squeaked finding herself in the bathroom with Kol kissing her roughly and she kissed back.
"Hmm?" Kol hummed moving his mouth along her neck hiking her higher grinding against her pulling a breathy moan from her.
"Are you sure, we can do it here?"
"Why not? You and Elijah had done it in semi public." Kol tells her rubbing her though her panties as she flushed remembering a month ago. Kol kissed her again this time much softer as small moans and huffs could be heard by anyone listening closely.
"Kol.....ah....fuck." Y/N babbled against the vampire's neck as Kol fucked her hard against the wall. Kol kissed her roughly as his thumb found her clit making her cry out throwing her head back.
"Letting all those vampires know who is railing you? Who you belong to." Kol whispered in her ear clearly enjoying the fact that Y/N was was a flushing mess as he fucked her. Y/N tighten her hold on him feeling her orgasm get closer and Kol could tell kissing her deeply swallowing her loud moans as she came hard pulling him with her.
"Let's get you home and cleaned up. We can watch a movie and cuddle."
"O..o..kay but carry me.....I can't feel my legs."
Rebekah Mikaelson
Y/N layed on bed with her face buried in a pillow as she was being loud and gripping the sheets while Rebekah fucked her from behind. Early that night Rebekah and Y/N was at Marcel's club enjoying a night out away from the brothers for once when a female vampire flirted with Y/N right in front of Rebekah.
So one threat and Y/N trying to calm Rebekah, both women went back to the compound that ended with Rebekah fucking her girlfriend. Y/N trembled crying out Rebekah's name when the blonde placed a vibrator on her cilt. Normally Rebekah wasn't one to get jealous nor feel possessive but something about the female vampire flirting with her wolf made Rebekah want to claim the wolf.
"Re...Re...Rebekah....please." Y/N whimpered shaking now as Rebekah moved the vibrator in time with her thrusts. Rebekah smirked seeing Y/N pulling at the sheets her face flushed with tears rolling down her face.
"Just one more beautiful. You are doing so well." Rebekah whispered kissing along the wolf's damp back. Rebekah had already pulled three orgasms from Y/N and six was going to be their personal record. Y/N pushed back against the strap on jolting when Rebekah turned the vibrator up. Y/N cummed letting out a silent scream arching as Rebekah pulled the vibrator away and pulled out.
"You did do well beautiful." Rebekah praised kissing Y/N's skin as the wolf panted trembling from the after shocks of her orgasm.
"Too rough?" Rebekah asked gently rubbing Y/N's back seeing the wolf falling asleep.
"No." Y/N mumbled as Rebekah smiled kissing her cheek then moved cleaning the wolf up and joined her in bed. Y/N nuzzled close to Rebekah muttering I love you as the vampire smiled kissing her head and both fell asleep but before doing so Y/N planned to talk to her mates about their possessive fucking as it hff and wore her out.
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reidsnose · 4 years
Nose Taps (spencer reid x reader)
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overview: the newest member of the bau develops a cute secret language with the resident genius
genre: fluff
a/n: this is my first fic so my apologies if its bad lol i tried. also its very short sorry ! but yeah lmk if u like it :)
From the first day you walked through the doors of the BAU, you were incredibly charming in a unique way. You knew exactly how to talk to everyone, an amazing intuition letting you know just what to do. Spencer's curiosity had fallen on you; he was absolutely enthralled by your entire being.
the first thing that caught his attention was when you hand had accidentally grazed his.
it was a small meaningless gesture as you slipped past him, but he thought about it for weeks afterwards, in a good way. he thought about your smile as you apologized for "bumping into him". he missed the tingles that shot up his arm where your skin met his.
the second thing was much larger, he began to notice your kindness.
on only your second day in the office you stayed late to help hotch with paperwork so he could get home to jack faster. it was not a selfish act to get on his good side, rather an act of complete and utter kindness.
you brought JJ cheetos when she was feeling down because you saw her munching on them on the jet once.
you even got morgan to talk about his feelings for 4 hours one night after something was clearly bothering him. and morgan never talks about his feelings.
though you had just recently met them, you showed them how sweet you were without even trying. and Spencer Reid was no exception.
you stayed attentive to everyone who spoke to you, and when you noticed that people would often interrupt him or brush him off, it didn't sit right with you. after talking to him about it, the two of you developed a system. every time he didn't get to finish his thought, you would tap your nose to show him you noticed and wanted to hear about it later. then, at the end of the day, either in the hotel or on the jet, you would tally up the number of nose taps and he would get to ramble about all of it to you. it wasnt intentionally a secret but it was kept between you two, your little thing.
spencer thought it was the most endearing and kind thing anyone had done for him.
and you ate up every second of it, watching his eyes grow wide and then crinkle at the corners when he grew giddy about a certain statistic or historical story. you didn't understand how anyone could not want to listen to him.
soon, however, the nose taps evolved into something more. a whole little language grew between the two of you.
one nose tap from either party meant "im listening".
two nose taps meant "i have to tell you something".
three meant "i have to tell you asap".
an eyebrow tap meant "this reminded me of you" or "im thinking about you".
so on and so forth.
the team picked up on this little code between the two of you, but couldn't for the life of them understand what it all meant or when it had started. to be fair, they didn't have much time to decode while on cases.
to Spencer, this secret language was his most treasured peice of knowledge. And to you, it was your most treasured secret. and to both, unforgettable.
though Spencer had noticed your striking beauty when he first laid eyes on you, spending tome with you only intensified it. he found himself often marveling at the little details, especially on the jet.
the way your hair fell on your shoulders, the angle of your eyelashes, the blush that graced your cheeks when you laughed, the way you chew on your lip when you're thinking, even the barely noticeable wrinkles you have in your forehead from raising your eyebrows all the time. he was falling helplessly in love with every bit of you.
you did that same to him. admiring the itty bitty bump on the bridge of his nose right above the perfect little button tip, the curls in his hair, the way he puckered up a little as he talked, the way his whole face would crinkle up when he laughed really hard, his eyes squinting so hard they were barely visible. you were falling helplessly in love with every bit of him.
the team had OBVIOUSLY picked up on this, and though they would tease the both of you in private, they didn't dare embarrass you in front of each other. they weren't that sadistic. or so you thought.
one evening at rossis the team decided to have a powerpoint night. everyone chose a funny topic to make a power point and present about.
jj went first, presenting the slideshow titled "ways my clashing aesthetics present themselves through my sons"
next went morgan: "reasons i should be allowed to not wear a shirt under my bullet proof vest".
followed by Rossi who did "list of the fakest Italians weve ever encountered (they cant even pronounce gnocchi)"
after him was prentiss with "things i did while pretending to be dead"
and then hotch who made "ranking the bau from most to least childish"
then you went with "animals i think all of you resemble"
followed by reid who did "top 5 worst hospitals based on jello rating"
and last but not least, garcia. she went with "agents i think should just get married already we are literally not getting any younger"
you all laughed until the slide moved and there was a picture of Spencer and you, asleep on each other on the jet. his arm was wrapped around you protectively as you were cuddled up to his chest. you looked over at spencer who was matching your bright red face.
"y/n and spencer." garcia spoke before clicking to the next slide.
"wow she just cut right to the chase huh," prentiss laughed.
more images that the team had sneakily taken of the two of you riddled the screen.
one of you braiding his hair. one of him wiping frosting on your face from your birthday. on of the two of you mid laugh, mirroring each other exactly. a few more of you two on the jet, on cases, or even out at bars or at rossis with the rest of the team. so many of them and as much as you were embarrassed, you really loved all of those pictures.
"i really dont think i need to explain much, these speak for themselves," garcia chirped.
"i like that one," reid spoke up, pointing to the braiding one. ok so were going about that like this.
"i was just about to say that, but this ones also a close contender," you replied pointing to the frosting one.
"and that my friends, concludes my slide show!" garcia laughed.
"wait seriously? just us?" you laughed.
"yea.." she started, a giddy smile decorating her face. you looked over at Spencer and tapped your nose twice. he did it back but three times, cracking a cheesy grin. "see! and they have their little secret nose code thing! is that not relationship material?"
"you guys noticed?" spencer asked, clearly oblivious.
"duh." rossi joked.
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beels-burger-babe · 3 years
Of Jealousy and Friendship - Pt. 1
Topic number 2 won in the vote to be written next! So without further-a-do, let’s get going!...This ended up being a two part thing. Oh Well. Here’s part one. - B GN! MC Summary: MC makes a lower demon friend who may secretly be hoping for something more than friendship. The Demon Bros are not about to let this happen. Part Two: Here, Epilogue: Here It all started in magical potions. When you first arrived, the course wasn’t so bad since you took it with Beelzebub. The two of you always partnered up; the hour would consist of you jokingly scolding Beel for trying to eat ingredients and making light hearted jokes with one another whenever the teacher turned their back.  But once the second semester started, Beel was moved out of the course as it had gotten too expensive to keep him in a class where most of the subject matter was edible.  Which left you alone and bored in the classroom as the teacher went on and on about Mandrake roots and what they can be used for. You let out a heavy sigh and plopped your forehead onto the desk.  A soft snort came from beside you. You glanced over to see a demon with his feet propped up on his desk staring right back at you out of the corner of his dark green eyes. He smiled at you with a tilt of his head.  “The lectures are a total snooze fest right? I joined this class cause I thought we’d be making potions and causing stuff to explode. Not sitting here twisting our thumbs all day.” 
You bit back a laugh as you worried glanced over at the professor, who was none-the-wiser to the little conversation the two of you were sharing. You looked back over to the demon. His dark skin caused those hauntingly green eyes of his pop out at all who met his gaze, with carefully trimmed and styled black curls sitting stylishly on the top of his head.  There was a playful and mischievous energy to him that reminded you of Belphie, Asmo and Mammon.  “Unfortunately suffering through this section of class is mandatory to be allowed to mess around with the fun stuff.”  The demon groaned and threw his head back. “Urgh, that’s so unfair. What’s the worst that can happen? The potion explodes and kills us? Newsflash teach, we’re already dead.”  You couldn’t help the laugh that slipped out at that one.  “Well actually the worse that could happen, for you at least as I am a very mortal human, is that you’d suffer the consequences from one of the potions. Anything from shrinking to de-aging to charms, all kinds of things. I’ve seen the effects of a potion gone wrong a number of times during my time down here. Trust me; you don’t want to be on the receiving end.”  He looked over at you with an analytical eye as the corners of his lips tilted upwards. “So you’re the human that everyone’s talking about.” He trailed off, and glanced over at the teacher to make sure they weren’t looking before stretching out his hand towards you. “I’m Cane. You know despite being the talk of RAD, I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone mention your name?”  You took his hand into your own and lightly shook it. “I’m MC.” 
Cane leaned back into his chair, “It’s a pleasure to finally put a name and face to that glowing reputation of yours, MC. I see your pretty good at this potions thing, and I hear that you’re a lot of fun. How about you meet me downtown for supper later and we can study and get to know each other a little better?”  Your initial instinct was to agree, but then you paused as you thought of the brothers. “I don’t know. I don’t think that Lucifer or the others would like it much if I went out on my own.”  The demon huffed and light heartedly rolled his eyes. “You won’t be alone, you’ll be with me. I may not be as powerful as them, but I’m still a pretty good fighter.” He teasingly placed a gentle punch onto your shoulder, “Besides, it’s not like they’re boss of you. Are you really going to let a bunch of snobby Lords keep you from making the best of your time in the Devildom?”  That last remark hit a nerve. If there was one thing that had spread quite quickly about you around RAD, it was that you were known for being a little reckless, prideful, and never being able to back down from a challenge, and boy did that statement have you itching to prove him wrong.  You smiled, a sharp dangerous smile, at Cane. “I’ll go. And we’re going to do so much more than just go to a lame restaurant and study. You want to have fun and take risks? We’ll have fun and take risks. Whatever you want to do...to a degree,” you added in quickly remembering that you were talking to a demon and if you didn’t implement any boundaries there was no telling what you’d get yourself into, “I’m in.”  Cane’s eyes sparkled as his smile widened. “Damn. I guess it’s true that you’re a bit of dare devil. Alright, you’re on. Meet me at Hell’s Kitchen a 4pm. We’ll study and hit the books as promised, but afterwards...Get ready for the night of your life.”  ***
The brothers were concerned. You had rushed into the House of Lamentation after school and sprinted to your room, changed out of your uniform and promptly shouted that you were “going out” before taking off before any of them could complain.  Mammon had tried to argue that someone should follow you, and while that wasn’t a terrible idea, Lucifer wanted to give you the question of the doubt. Worst case scenario, you come back home a little scratched up and learn your lesson about taking off into the dangers of the Devildom.  At least that’s what he had thought when you had initially left.  It was now bordering midnight, and you had yet to return home.  So yeah, the brothers were very concerned.  Mammon was pacing and ranting about how this all could’ve been avoided if they had only listened to him for once.  Leviathan was trying to distract himself with his game, but everyone could see the worried glances he kept throwing to the entrance and clock as the minutes ticked by.  Satan sat near where Mammon and would occasionally scold or correct him, and sometimes even throw in his own ideas on what could be done while he thumbed through a book on location spells.  Asmodeus was strangely quiet, sitting near the fire by himself with arms wrapped around his torso as he stared into the flames. He would occasionally move a hand to wipe at his face before it went right back to hugging himself.  Beelzebub had lost his appetite. He sat next to Belphie, taking comfort in his twin’s presence, while Belphegor pretended to be unbothered and asleep, even though his mind was racing with the many stupid situations you could’ve gotten yourself into.  And Lucifer...He just sat in a door near the entryway, his eyes fixed on the entrance as he silently waited.  Finally, just as the clock stroke midnight, they could hear your recognizable laugh from behind the door.  “Oh my god! That was incredible! I don’t think I’ve ever had so much fun in life!” Leviathan stiffened at the statement, his hands gripping tighter onto his game.  “What did I tell you? I promised you the night of your life, and I sure as Diavolo always make sure to deliver,” everyone froze at the sound of the teasing male voice. “Though I didn’t expect the Seven Lords’ precious human to be a complete bad ass. You were amazing out there.”  Leviathan mumbled something before getting up and leaving the room. Mammon growled lowly and looked at the others, “Anyone know who the hell that is?”  Asmo finally stood, wiping at his face as he did, and began to stride towards the door, “Why don’t we find out?”  Without waiting for a response, Asmodeus swung the door open and pulled on a bright smile as he reached out and wrapped an arm around you. “MC, darling, you didn’t tell me you were bringing over guests! Don’t tell me you’re trying to have fun without me?”  You blinked up at the Asmo before smiling softly at his tactics. “Oh, hey Asmo! I didn’t expect you to be up. Cane here was just dropping me off.”  The demon in question didn’t even so much as stiffen as Asmodeus’s dangerous stare shifted over to him. Instead Cane stood there, relaxed, with a shit-eating grin on his face. Asmodeus raised an eyebrow at him and allowed a bit of his demonic aura to exude around him. “Oh really? At this time of night? Makes a demon wonder what kind of mischief the two of you had gotten up to,” while maintaining eye contact with Cane, Asmo rested his chin against your shoulder. “You know dear, if you wanted “fun” that badly all you had to do was ask. I assure you I could’ve shown you a much better time.” He purred and softly kissed your shoulder.  You shivered, missing the way Asmo stiffened as he noticed something, and swatted at the Avatar of Lust as you moved away from him. “Down Asmo. It’s nothing like that. Cane’s in my magical potions class. We went out to study together and decided to hit a couple clubs while we were out. No biggy.”  “If it’s ‘no biggy’ then why were you out all night without giving us any kind of warning of where you were going or how long you’d be out?” Everyone whirled around as Lucifer stood in the doorway with a frown etched on his face and his arms crossed. He took a step closer to you before freezing mid-step, his nose twitching. His eyes flared red as they fell onto Cane. The lower demon tensed and curled his hands into fists, but seemed to be refusing to back down. Lucifer snarled, “What exactly was it that you said the two of you were up to tonight?”  You frowned and stepped between Lucifer and your new friend. “Hey! Stop it! He didn’t do anything, if that’s what you’re implying. And I wasn’t aware that I needed permission for every single thing that I do!” You snapped poking his chest as you moved into his space. “So excuse me for wanting to go out and enjoy myself for once!”  Whatever fear Cane had been showing, quickly slipped away at seeing you stand your ground against the mighty first born. “Yeah. What they said.”  Lucifer growled and caught your hand into his own, pulling you close and leaning in, “You’d be wise to remember that you are in the Devildom and surrounded by beings that have no where near as good intentions as you’d assume. Being so reckless and naïve down here could get you killed again, I thought you had learned that.” His tone was cold and unapologetic as he practically spat the words in your face.  You glared at Lucifer as you yanked your hand out of his grasp. There was so many things you wanted to say to him, but none of them would be right to say in front of an audience. You huffed and turned to face Cane. “I am so sorry about those two. Thanks again for tonight and bringing me home. I’ll see you tomorrow in class, okay?”  Cane gave you a side smile as he scratched the back of his neck. “It’s nothing. I had a great time hanging out with you. Hopefully we can do again...under better circumstances. Goodnight MC.” He took a step towards you and pulled you into a hug.  You smiled, wondering how Lucifer and Asmo could be stirring up such a fuss about a guy who had been nothing but kind to you, and gently hugged him back.  What you couldn’t see, was Cane making direct eye contact with the two other demons, as one of his wrists gently brushed up and down you back and he very lightly nuzzled, so lightly that you could just barely feel it, his face against your neck.  “Hey, what’s takin’ everyone so- WHAT THE ABSOLUTE FUCK?!” Mammon stormed forward and yanked you out of the demon’s embrace, already changing into his demon form. “Who the hell do you think you are scenting our human, huh?!” He lifted Cane off the ground by the collar of his shirt, causing the lower demon growl as he scratched at Mammon’s hands.  You yanked on Mammon’s jacket and arms and tried to get him to back off. “Woah! Mammon, relax! It was just a hug!”  “No it wasn’t,” Satan grumbled as he and the rest of the brothers (excluding Leviathan who was now sulking in his room) stood in the door way. “The fact that you don’t know that makes this even worst. But this isn’t a conversation we should be having out here.” Beel stared down at the demon with a fierce glare. “You should leave while you’re still able. And if you know what’s best for you, you’ll stay away from MC.”  “Wha- Beel! Cut that out!”  Cane took a step backwards, fear beginning to spill into his expression as he finally realizes just how out-powered and out-numbered he is. Still, he was stubborn pain in the ass; it was part of the reason he had been so drawn to you in the first place as he related to your reckless habits. He held Beelzebub’s glare and returned it with one of his own. “I think that MC can choose for themself who they do and do not hang out with, thanks. They already said they wanted to see me tomorrow so they will. We’re friends after all. And classmates,” his grin sharpened as he continued. “I do have to thank you, Lord Beelzebub, for that opening in magical potions by the way. Never would’ve got in if you hadn’t been kicked out.”  Before he could say anymore, he was met with a punch in the face. Belphegore lazily shook out his hand and his looked at Cane with an unbothered expression. “I believe we told you to leave. Now get. The. Fuck. Out.”  Cane scoffed and turned to you once more. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow, Dare Devil.”  You would’ve snorted at the nickname, but you were to distracted from the brother’s behavior. “Yeah. I’ll see you tomorrow. Get home safe, Cane.” With another nod, the demon left; leaving you alone with six of the seven brothers bubbling with jealousy, anger, and concern.
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bloodycassian · 3 years
Tender - Azriel x reader - Pregnancy fic. Fem! reader. LONG!!! 
Prompt -  Hi! I just read most of your imagines, and i loved them!  You have me as your faithful follower, I don't comment much because English is not my first language. Could you write one where az manages to perceive that reader is pregnant right in the middle of the war?
You woke to yelling. Not screaming. Not fear or pain, but battle cries that you'd grown to love. They made your blood sing in harmony with the Illyrian voices. It made your heart hammer in your chest, and your muscles tense - ready to fight. Azriel groaned beside you, curling around your waist like a vise. You managed to break free from his muscled arms. Pale light shining through the tent tinted his shadows a light gray. They wrapped around you, drawing a chill down your spine. The war cries grew louder. "Get up. It's time." You shook him, pulling on your light armor. He covered his face with his hands, and did not leave the cot. He groaned again when you pulled the blanket off his mostly naked body. He was never a morning person.  Cassian rushed in when you were putting the last of your gear on, and Az froze. His grip on his pants went white knuckled. Cassian's face was pale, and before he could say anything Azriel was hurriedly pulling on the rest of his clothes. Your stomach dropped at the sight of the Warlord. "It's a diversion." You said, voice hollow. Cassian's slight nod was enough to make the breath leave you. "It's going to be fine." Azriel grunted, pulling his tunic over his head. "We just need to move the troops. Get Rhys here." He waved a hand at his brother dismissively.  Cassian grabbed Az's wrist.  He forced the male to look at him, to see his worried eyes. You tensed, ready to defend your mate even against Cassian's might. "Rhys is on the battlefield already. We're on our own." His voice was low, and the warning in his eyes was enough to make the hair on your arms raise. Azriel pulled away from him, slowly.  He began strapping his weapons belts on, pushed his hair back and sighed. "Where do you need us?"   The air was cold, and the howls of battle echoed across the hills. Azriel's shadows curled around your legs, comforting. Then they slithered their way across the valley where the battle was beginning.  + You could barely raise your sword by the end of it. The mud had been the most challenging part of the entire fight. The enemy horses had done a good job of making obstacles when they fell in the mud, lame with broken ankles and necks. You wished to put them out of their misery, but there was no time. The forces seemed to come in waves. Like a test against your small unit.  Few were lost from your side. The dewey grass steamed in the morning light, carrying up the reek of enemy blood with it. You wiped your face, trying to get the taste of dirt and blood out of your mouth. Sharp stinging pain seared your ribs under your arm. You hissed. Then, you felt the warmth of your own blood. You swore, and looked for a medic that wasn't tending to wounded on the ground.  Some Illyrian bodies were being lifted away, high into the air for burial at their homes. You dared not take a healer away from more critically injured soldiers. You nodded grimly to the ones that you passed. They were covered in blood, and yet still gave you fierce grins when you went by. They respected you. More than any other Illyrian Female before you. It was sad, but you hoped to forge a new path for other females of Illyria. You held an arm under your side and limped your way out of the mud. The packed mess inside your boots made moving your feet hard. You couldn't wait to shower.  You spotted Cassian far down the field, and watched as he raised his sword high over his head. Your stomach twisted in pity for the suffering animal under him. You looked away before you could see the lifeblood drain from the horse's neck. He sent a blessing to the Mother for the animal, and continued on to the next suffering soul that would meet its end via his blade.  + You hadn't seen her in a long while. Too long for a friend, but she gave you that same look she always did when she saw you hobbling up to her for help. Jeva was your favorite healer, and one you knew could keep a secret. She was round, and her voice was light and comforting. She smelled of nutmeg and berries. Something you had appreciated about her since you had met. "What is it this time?" She waved you inside, holding the tent flap open for you while you dumped your battle stained gear on the wood hutch beside the entrance.  The tent was light and airy, filled with small plants of different varieties and cluttered with boxes and books everywhere. Her desk and bed were shoved to the corner, and a long wood table took up the majority of her area. As if she had known you were coming, she already had potions of different types laid out on the end of the table. "Probably nothing." You said, pulling off your armor as gingerly as you could manage. The soft light flickered and changed to a harsh beam when she laid you down on her exam table. "I'm not supposed to be healing anymore you know. I'm retired." She clicked her tongue at you, earning a pained grin. It was hard for you to bother a healer for any amount of time for something that you were sure was so small. But something about it stung too much for it to be just a scrape. And you knew Cassian would lecture you about it being infected if he saw through your mask to the pain. Az would force you to see one anyway as soon as he learned of it.  "You know I wouldnt be here unless I had to be, Jeva." You said through your teeth as she cut away your muddied undershirt.  "Oh, I know. That's why I have my best potions ready." She laughed, then paused. Your shirt lay limp on the table. Her eyebrows knitted together at the sight of your open wound. "Is it bad?" You asked, craning to try to look for yourself. She held you down.  "Metal. Fragments are still in here, likely why it hasn't healed yet." You relaxed at that, grateful that it wasn't worse. "Thank the Mother. Az would have yelled all night." You rolled your eyes, and sighed as she started working on you. The first part was always the worst. The stinging hot potion that made the nerves around the wound numb.  "One-" She began her countdown, then poured. You growled at her, gripping the end of the stained table hard enough to crack. "Easy..." She warned, and smoothed down your hair. She knew how to take care of her patients, that was certain. You relaxed as the stinging eased. The dull ache that it left behind turned into a bad memory.  "I'm going to extract the blade then we can close you up. Simple and easy." She picked up her tools and began tugging away at your side. You could have fallen asleep with the relief the numbing potion brought. And with her humming in the air around you, it was a struggle not to. The time seemed to pass quickly, but when the clank of the metal tools jolted you from your dozing, the tent was lit in orange from the sunset outside. "Relax, we're going to close it up now. Once the potion wears off you will still be sensitive." She placed her hands over you, and the familiar warm vibrations of her healing magic set in. Then it stopped abruptly. You cracked open an eye, then narrowed your brows at her. "What is it?" You said gently, then again when she didnt reply. She stared at you, mouth agape. Her eyes locked to yours, even when you sat up to demand she tell you what the problem was. "Am I dying?!" you took her hand gently, in case she was going to push you away.  Then she started laughing, her hand gripping yours back. The warmth glowed in your palm, the light radiating out from it was starkly contrasting the tent walls bedecked in orange. The light she emitted shot through you, and you felt the wound tingle, and seal. You stared at her in shock. That amount of healing power was incredible. Especially for field medics.  "Youre not dying, no..." She waved a hand, fanning herself. Her eyes were glassy with tears. She sniffed and clutched your hand tighter. "Quite the opposite, darling." She pulled you in for a warm hug.  + You spent the rest of the evening with Jeva. Until she got a hurried message about student healers needing help on the battlefield. You stayed in her tent as long as you could manage with the ringing in your ears. You stared and stared at the mirror across from you, showing you the bloodied warrior that you wanted to be. That you wanted to stay.  The warrior that carried the Shadowsinger's child.  The thought made tears sting your eyes. You refused to let them fall. You had been ignoring his tugs down the bond for well over an hour. You knew he was concerned, but you couldn't bring yourself to shout back down. The only thing that echoed in your mind were Jeva's words "You're pregnant..."  Pregnant. Pregnant. Pregnant.  You nearly punched her when she told you she wasn't joking. The only reason you even believed her was because of that powerful zap of healing she sent to you. That she sent to scan your body and make sure the fetus was okay before you even knew about it. You could barely hear half the words she said as she told you your options.  You roiled with the thought now. The Mugwart she left on the table was daunting. You desperately wanted her back. Jeva would be able to deliberate with you. You knew she would tell you to do whatever makes you happy. You knew that. But you wondered how ethical the choice that made you happy was. Bringing a child into a world of war seemed cruel. Even if it made you happy. You distantly noticed Azriel as you passed him, walking to the forest edge just passed your tent. Worry laced the bond between you. You tried not to show anything back. But you knew he felt the tension, the void there. "Where the hell have you been?!" Azriel's eyes were furious when you passed him, his wings flared out slightly. You couldnt even look at him with anger back. Your emotions ran wild. You were frozen, and as numb as the potion Jeva had given you when she began removing the blade.  "Do you know how worried I have been?! I sent Cassian to-" He tried to grab for your hand to stop you, but you flicked him away. He stopped for a moment, stunned. Then returned with more energy than before. That yawning abyss in your bond was growing darker with shame, worry and anxiety. His shadows roiled around him as he caught up. "You dont get to-" "Azriel..." You stopped in the edge of the clearing. The small meadow was silent in the darkness, not even the monsters of Prythian dared roar tonight. Your mind did all the roaring you could handle, anyway. You tried to focus on the swaying grass, on the soft smell of wet bark and pine hanging in the air.  "Dont try to excuse this I need to know you're okay and-" He stormed in front of you, ready to burst with rage. His fear always made him angry. And for good reason after losing so many close to him.  A tear ran down your cheek, your face burned hot with hundreds of feelings at once. Fear, pain, shock, joy, hope.... elation. You wanted his children. You wanted to help raise his child. You wanted to see Azriel be a father. You knew he would be the best damn Illyrian father there had ever been.  The thought hit you like a well placed punch.  He saw your paleness, your tears and stopped his yelling. You fell to your knees, the mud splattering all around you. You wanted to lay down. Lay down and think about the implications of carrying his child. Would it be good for the baby to be born at all? Just because you wanted it didnt mean it needed to happen. You knew that Jeva would give you a potion to extract it without hesitation if it was what you wished. "I'm-" You choked out, fighting the panic that flooded you. Your mind roiled with the conflict of your mind and heart. It turned you into a muddied, dark ocean on the bond. A turmoil that he couldn't see past. If you were an ocean, he was your lighthouse on the cliffside. Signaling you home.   His eyes darted to your body, to your hands and how they wrung together in front of you. "I'm sorry. I just-" He sighed and took one of your hands. "I'm sorry." He kissed the back of it and brought his forehead to yours. He normally needed a lot longer to cool down after a fight, but seeing you in tears shocked him out of his pride. "I shouldn't have said that... I know you can take care of yourself." his voice was low, and he ran a hand comfortingly down your back. A hysteric laugh bubbled from your throat. It sounded like a sob. You didn't know exactly which it was. He sat back and pulled you into his lap, despite the grass being dewey and damp. He rocked you there for a few seconds before you had to tell him. Before he could be too close if he didnt want you anymore. The doubt crept into your head, and the nerves ate at you. Your heart raced, you could feel it in your neck. "Azriel..stop." You pushed away from him, to catch his beautiful dark eyes. They were painted in a silver hue by the moon above. You took in his face, the curve of his cheeks and lips for possibly the last time. You had to consider the worst possible outcome. You braced yourself for the rejection, for the pain of his reaction. You knew it had to come out. You knew you had to say it now or you never would. Your stomach flipped over and over.  You opened your mouth, a soft sob wracking out of you before you began. He froze. Went utterly still, his shadows even stopping for a second before whirling faster than before. Your eyes went wide. His nose flared, eyes narrowed. He held you closer, sniffing at your neck. He pulled back and his eyes were even wider than before. His mouth fell open when you nodded. "I'm-" "Youre-" his face went through a whirlwind of different emotion. Then, he broke out into a small laugh. He couldn't stop. You felt the tears running down your cheeks and didnt bother to wipe them away. "Honey... I'm sorry." He stopped laughing suddenly. "What do you want to do?" His eyes were masked, his expression the most serious you'd ever seen him. His aura on your bond seemed to go completely gray and still, as if he didn't want you to see him. He masked everything. In preparation for whatever you decide. The gesture made your heart squeeze in appreciation. You stammered, resting your forehead on his. "I dont know." You muttered, voice cracking. Then, he was wrapping his arms around you in a smothering hug. When he pulled away, he cradled your face in his hands. The hands that had seen so much cruelty in his life. The possibilities of the same thing happening to your child made your heart race. "I'm here for whatever decision you make." He brushed your cheek with a thumb. You nodded and let him hold you like that for a while. Quietly rocking back and forth with you in his lap. + You were near falling asleep when the war cries rang out again. Illyrians howling for their leaders to join them. Another onslaught of death coming their way. The calls were distant, but Azriel tensed the second he heard them. Your blood went cold. He buried his face to your chest, as if he wished he could hide there. "I'm not going." He said when you tried pushing him away. "I wont leave you." He promised, locking his muscled forearms around you. The echoes of battle cries faded. He stroked your hair, and traced his fingers along your back. Then he swore. "Let me take care of this." He said, voice edged with anger. Nerves pricked at your stomach, but you stood, wobbling on your feet slightly. He took off into the night sky painted in silvers and blues by the full moon. Then came racing back down right behind Rhys. the high lord took one breath and then he was hugging his brother. Azriel shoved him off, and they shot into the night sky. Well, Azriel did. He dragged Rhys with him. Grunts of pain and fleshy sounds of punching rang out.  You followed them high into the air where they had their conversation. Your wings led you around them with ease. "Stop fighting and use your words, boys." You warned. You recognized Azriels growl and smiled to yourself as they broke apart. Rhys adjusted his tunic and cleared his throat. "I need you there. Cassian is handling the Western front, the others need a leader."  Azriel began protesting against the high lord. "I cant with my mate-" "I know it feels impossible right now but-" "I will not, Rhys-" You set your jaw. If they wanted to fight over if you needed protection or not, you would take the option off the table all together. "I'll go." you said, voice strong since hearing Jeva announce what grew inside you. Pregnant, pregnant, pregnant. You shoved the thoughts away as far as you could. They both turned to you, horror striking Azriels features. "Absolutely not. No." Heat and rage flared down the bond. It made you want to defy everything he said. You locked eyes with him and glared. Rhys glanced between you with tense shoulders. He cleared his throat. "It would be a good compromise, Azriel. You can go together to the Eastern front. Think about it." He placed a hand on his brother's shoulder and gave him a grim smile.  "I wont say a word." He said, summoning the darkness around him then winnowing away. Azriel's cold eyes made him look like a statue. "Let's go." He said, and started circling lower. Back to the meadow.  "I'm going, you cant stop me from following you." You said, expecting a fight. He said nothing. You were met with that silence that drove others crazy tryin to find out what he wanted from them. The bond seemed to snap taut, then go into a relaxed state. He was hiding. You knew it, but would rather have silence and peace than him trying to fight you again.  He walked you back to the tent, and exhaustion took you under before you could remember him laying down with you. You hoped it it was exhaustion, and not whatever the baby was doing to you. Despite your best efforts, you couldn't resist the urge to cradle your belly while you slept. There was no bump, but it felt like the most natural thing to do now that you were aware of the being inside you. You slept hard, and awoke to the breakfast bell chiming. The sounds of slow footsteps marching through the mud kept you awake. Azriel was gone, but the candle on the table was lit. A note lay there waiting for you. His messy scrawl made you smile, the familiarity of his writing reminded you of the notes he would leave you when he had to leave early for meetings with Rhys. "Back by nightfall, lover. A guard is at the tent, ask her to bring you anything you need. -A" You peeked outside the tent to see Jeva there, her long fur coat shimmering in the morning light. Her breath clouded in front of her when she gave you a soft smile. "Good morning." She pulled a muffin from her coat. "Your favorite." She winked, and you pulled her inside. She had a fire roaring by the time you finished your food. "How are you not freezing?" She complained, blowing into her hands to keep them warm. You brushed the crumbs from your shirt and really took into account the changes you'd noticed lately. How hungry you'd been, how tired after the easiest days.  "Do you know... How um..." You gestured to your stomach. She gave a small smile and nodded. "Only a month or so." She said quietly. You stared at your stomach, as if waiting for something to answer you. To give some sort of affirmation that Jeva was right. She continued warming herself by the fire, and soon the tent was filled with her warm chestnut smell. Cassian entered the tent when you were starting to doze off again. The wool blanket on your lap reminded you of a time when you first met Az. Your heart squeezed at the memory of those long nights shared together by a fire. Taking your turns on watch duty. You shook yourself from the memory. Cassian froze. His face scrunched up at the sight of you. The scent, you realised. You swore to yourself, and Jeva only nodded when he looked to her. "Youre pregnant?" He asked breathlessly, and you could smell the fear and excitement coming from him. In fact, you could smell the smoked meat on his breath. And the cold air that clung to him from outside. It was refreshing, like a cool drink on a hot day amid the dry heat inside the tent. "I'm sorry, I shouldnt have.." He ran a hand through his hair, trying to remain focused.  "Its okay, Cass. What's going on? Az left me this note." You handed it to him. His lips moved as he read it. He went white as bone. Your stomach dropped.  + Azriel had gone in the night to take out the entire eastern flank with a small group of Illyrians. You felt your world skittering away as Cassian told you. Your vision went blurry, and tears fell, dripping on your hands that clenched the wool blanket.  "He's on his way here now. He had to answer to Rhys first."  Cassian waited for you to say anything. But your lips just couldnt form the words. The hurt, anger... the betrayal you felt for him going to battle without you. And defying a direct order from his high lord like a fool. "I suggest you leave before Azriel comes back. It may get messy." Jeva spoke for you, and you were grateful. You gave Cassian a nod of thanks before he turned and left. The cold wind that blew in from the door gave you goosebumps.  "Take it easy, you dont want to be too stressed." Jeva handed you a mug of tea and gave you a small squeeze. You could smell Azriel before he entered. Jeva shot him a glare, but said nothing. "I'll be in my tent if you need me." She promised, gave you a look that said 'find me after' and left. Azriel took off his armor plates one by one. A bit too slowly to be considered normal. Stalling. You said nothing. You let the tension roil out of you, let it hit him down the bond. Like a wave getting ready to break. He rolled his shoulders, stretched his wings.  The mask he wore cracked when he saw your fists balled in the blanket. "I couldnt risk you... or the babe." He tried to hide the fear that shone through. The fear of his mate or child being hurt in battle. He wouldnt be able to stand it. The fight was needed, anyway. He needed to get out his instincts to protect protect protect.  You said nothing. You let that looming wave grow larger. He sighed, and sat at the end of the cot beside you. "I'm sorry. I needed....I needed to get my head straight. I should have told you. I'm sorry." That wave crashed, not on him though. Internally, guilt and fear melting in on yourself. "I cant lose you, we... We cant." You said through your teeth, trying to hold back the tears that begged to spill over. He tried his best to hold back his surprise. "We?" He asked, a small smile playing on his full lips.  You gave him a grim smile. "If you're...ready to be a father. I like imagining you, with my child."  "Our child." He said with a bubbling laugh. You laughed with him, and it turned to hysterics.  He wiped tears from the corner of your eyes. "We're going to have a baby?" He cradled your face, looking into your eyes. You took one of his hands, and placed it on your flat belly. "Yes. We are." You said, voice quivering.  He wrapped you into a hug, and you cried together in the cot. 
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i-cant-sing · 4 years
Hey I have a yandere erasermic obsession. I don’t know if you do angst but what if they were punishing reader and she gets really exhausted and passes out. They think they killed her, I know this is dumb and you don’t have to do it if it makes you uncomfortable-🍓 anon
Yandere Erasermic punishing reader
I've missed these two a lot😭
Anyways, enjoy! Check out my MASTERLIST for more!
Yandere Erasermic:
"Hey! I'm home! How are my darlings- Shou? You okay?" Hizashi asked as he entered his home. He was looking forward to spending time with you and the hero, but judging by the pissed off look on Aizawa's face, it didn't seem like happening.
Aizawa was taking deep breaths, his eyebrows furrowed and face contorted into a scowl. God, what did you do now? Hizashi couldn't help but wonder that, as he slid onto the couch next to his husband.
"What did she do now?"Hizashi asked, resting his head on Aizawa's chest as his arms wrapped around him.
Aizawa closed his eyes in annoyance, his own arms engulfing Hizashi as he let out a huff. "She's so ungrateful."
Hizashi lightly chuckled at that, waiting for him to continue. "You know what she did today? She tried to escape. Again. I don't know how she got the code to unlock the main door, but she opened it. She barely made it 2 steps out the door before I pulled her back in. I was taking a shower and she thought she could make a run for it. " Aizawa runs a hand through his hair, but Hizashi suddenly caught it. He looked at his husband's hand, it was turning a nasty shade of purple, and was red around the knuckles, slightly swelled. "Shou, babe... what happened to your hand?"
Aizawa exhales deeply, closing his eyes, trying to control his anger. "Our sweet little darling happened. After I got her back in, I told her to apologise. You know what she did? She spit at me, screamed all kinds of profanities. When I took her down to the basement to chain her up, she tried attacking me." Aizawa clenched his jaw. "I was only going to leave her there for the night. But what she said to me next... Hizashi, I lost it. I punched her." Hizashi's eyes widened. He knew Aizawa wasn't one to lose his temper easily, he knew he wasn't one to resort to violence immediately. So the blonde could only wonder what in the hell did you say to him. "Shouta... what did she say?" He asked softly, almost afraid of the answer himself.
Shouta looked at his husband, trying to calm himself when he told him what you barked out. "She said...she said that she wondered how UA let... let creeps like us around kids." Hizashi's eyes widened. If there's one thing he knew about Aizawa, it was how deeply he cared about his students, treating them like his own children. He prided himself in being their teacher, and so the nerve of you to even say something so disgusting like that, Aizawa was bound to snap.
"I cant believe she'd say something...so horrible. I'm so sorry, Shou." Hizashi whispered, nuzzling Aizawa's neck. The pro hero only grunted. "Whatever. I think it'd be good if she stays down there... for 2 weeks. Yeah that'd be good. And no dinner tonight either. I don't want to put up with anymore of her bullshit." Hizashi only nodded, but then caught another look at his hand and he stood up, pulling Aizawa along with him to the kitchen. Hizashi pulled out a bag of frozen peas and started applying it on his bruise hand to reduce the swelling.
As the two ate dinner, Hizashi couldn't help but worry that if Shouta's hand looked like this from the punch, then what did the receiving end look like. He chose to remain quiet on that matter, not wanting you to ruin the night anymore.
The next morning when Aizawa woke up, he went downstairs to the kitchen to find his husband. Hizashi who was almost done plating up, greeted Aizawa with a kiss. "So, should I take this plate down to our baby bird?" Hizashi asked, already knowing Aizawa didn't want to see you yet. You had really hurt him. Shouta nodded as he took a sip of his coffee. "Be right back." Hizashi pressed a kiss to his lips before going to the basement.
Hizashi opened the door to the basement, walking down the stairs, hoping to see you greet him like the angel they know you are deep down. But when he got down there, he saw you were still asleep on the floor, your limbs still bound to the chains. Your face was turned away from him and Hizashi wasnt sure if he wanted to see the damage that was done to your face.
Hizashi just called for you. “Love, I’ve brought breakfast! Eggs and hashbrowns! Your favourite!” When you didnt respond, he just sighed before placing the plate on the floor. Your chains were long enough to for you to reach it, and while Hizashi wished nothing more than to feed you himself, he knew you needed to be punished.
As he went up the stairs and out of the basement, he couldnt help but feel a sense of dread creeping up on him.
“Do you think she’ll be sorry after her punishment?”Hizashi asked his partner.  Aizawa rolled his eyes. “Unlikely. But she’ll learn to think twice before she says stupid shit like that.” Hizashi chuckled, but secretly hoped that would be the case. He got up from the couch where he and Aizawa sat. “I’ll go get her plate.” They were done eating 2 hours ago, but still waited for you to finish up because they know how stubborn you are.
When Hizashi walked down the stairs, he wasn’t surprised to find your plate untouched. You would always do that the first few days, before finally succumbing to your hunger. Pointless, really. But what disturbed him was how you were still in the same position he had seen you in 2 hours ago. And it was coming to him how still you looked, he couldn't see your body moving a single muscle, he couldn't see if you were breathing. 
Hizashi walked towards you cautiously, waiting for you to jump up and scare the crap out of him. But his breath hitched when he finally saw what had happened to you. 
A big bruise had formed on your cheek, swelling and taking all the shades of the purple, blue and green. But the worst part was seeing the blood and a clear liquid dripping out of your nose slowly, forming a pool around your head.
He turned you on to your back and started shaking your shoulder. “Darling? Wake up, baby. Its me. Baby, wake up.” But your body remained unconscious. He started tapping your cheek, only then noticing you weren’t breathing. All the alarms went off in his head. “SHOUTA! COME DOWN OVER HERE!” 
Shouta rushed to the basement, wondering what stunt you pulled now. But seeing your limp body in Hizashi’s arms, blood coating your cheeks, he knew something terrible had occured. Aizawa ran towards his partners, looking at your bruising cheek. “She’s n-not breathing. She’s not fucking breathing, Shou!” Hizashi sobbed as Aizawa took your wrist in his hand. His blood ran cold when he found no pulse. “What are we gonna do?! She’s dead! Our baby is dead!” Shouta blocked out Hizashi’s voice. They both cant be panicking right now. Aizawa turned to his partner. “Hizashi. Bring her up. I’ll get the car out.” He commanded. “H-hospital? Shou, its too late-” Hizashi cried out but Aizawa gave him a stern look. “Bring her up. Now.” 
They got to the hospital in fairly record time, passing you over to the doctors while Aizawa made up a story of how they found you in an alley. Only after the doctors left them alone did it dawn on Aizawa how serious the situation was. He killed you, didnt he? You would still be alive if he hadnt hit you. How could he ever claim to love you when he hurts you-
Aizawa shook his head, he could wallow up in his guilt later. For now, he needed to comfort his husband and pray that you make it through somehow.
A few hours later, the doctors had given them an update on your condition. You made it, barely. Something had hit your face and damaged some part of your brain, causing there to be a very slow heart beat. But you're all okay now, since they brought you in time.
When they were allowed to finally go in, thats when Aizawa finally broke down. Seeing you unconscious, knowing he almost killed you, it got to him. Hizashi wanted to console Aizawa, but he couldn't bring himself to leave your side. Hizashi pressed soft kisses to your temples, wiping his tears that fell on your cheek, while Aizawa stood to your side. He wanted to hold your hand but he was afraid to hurt you again. As the duo sat by your side, they made a silent promise to never hurt you again, at least not physically.
After that incident, you'll never be left alone. The two are always breathing down your neck, drowning you in love, looking at you with even more fondness; obsession and protectiveness swirling in their eyes, right there with guilt.
Aizawa would never apologise, but that doesn't mean he's not sorry. You would often wake up to him looking at your bruised cheek with worry, caressing it so gently, as if he'd break you. He'll be a lot more demanding with physical affection, always wrapping his arms around you, forcing you onto his lap and tucking your face under his chin as he cards his fingers through your hair.
You didn't think Hizashi could be anymore overbearing, but you were proved wrong. He'd panic if you were out of his sight for more than 5 minutes. Always worrying, paranoia creeping up on him when you're not in the same room as him. And when he would finally find you (mostly in the bathroom), he'd check you all over for injuries, not trusting your assurances.
Punishments aren't violent anymore. They're humiliating. Pulling you in their laps and feeding you by hand, talking about you as if you're not there, making you take baths with them(not showers because they end too quickly), making you sleep with them, naked.
And the couple won't lie, but this form of punishment seems to be far more effective. With how quickly you turn docile, folding in on yourself as if you could hide from them... its cute.
But hey, its better than getting beat, right?
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purplekiwis · 3 years
OMG YES! Damaged goods blurb! Can you do a fluff one where one of them is sick with seasonal flu and the other has to take care of them, but they're being stubborn about it because that's just what they do and how they are 🤧
Okay, okay... here she is! It's a bit meh I think, but I hope you like it! 🥰
Harry is sick and grumpy, and Y/N takes care of him (from the Damaged Goods AU)
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Harry feels miserable.
He’s worse than miserable, really,
because he has a cold… or is it the flu?! He has never known to spot the differences between the two, but he recognized all of the early signs, of course...
As per usual, it started with nothing but a sore throat one morning when he woke up, that ended up lingering throughout the whole day, then came a headache, and the tiredness, and the chills…
It wasn’t so unbearable at first… but the symptoms only kept getting worse and worse as the hours went by, to the point of leaving him with no choice but to skip his classes in favor of staying in bed… suffering.
The worst part about it? He wasn’t even suffering at home – where his mom could be taking her lips to his forehead every so often to see if he had a fever, and bringing him bowls of soup and fruit cubes on that same familiar bedtray that had accompanied him throughout all his periods of sickness.
Mom would also be making sure he stayed hydrated and took his medicine in time... which by the way, he wasn’t taking any. Logically speaking, Harry knew he should have gone to a pharmacy by now, to get something to make him feel better, but how? When he couldn't even muster the will to get up and go downstairs to fill the empty water bottle perched on his nightstand.
He couldn’t move.
Every single inch of his body hurt.
And now he was starting to get shivery under his bedclothes... for fucks sake.
If only he had Pepper, his spaniel mutt puppy, around to snuggle and keep his body cozy and warm like a hot water bag... then perhaps Harry would've been in a better mood. Yeah, definitely. Pepper would've let him bury his snotty face into its soft fur, and not even think to complain if its owner left a puddle of guck all over said fur.
But well, Pepper isn't there.
And being sick sucks.
Especially because Harry really wants some cuddles... and it hasn't been helping his case whatsoever that in this trying day of illness, his mind has done nothing but think of Y/N.
Pondering over what outfit she must have worn that day and what she might be up to while he’s laying there on his deathbed. He also wonders if she has noticed his absence, and if so… if she’s worried about him.
He huffs once he checks his phone again and realizes there are still no messages from her. She doesn’t have to check on him. He knows that, but he can't help that he likes to be cared for sometimes… and as it turns out illness has a tendency to turn him into a big, needy baby... who really wants to have Y/N taking care of him. It would be so good. She could play with his hair the way he likes, give him forehead kisses, hold his hand…
Harry sighs out loud. Her company would be even better than Pepper's, he believes... although Harry isn't so sure Y/N would enjoy having his snot on her as much as his trusty pup would, but that’s beside the point.
It’s even more beside the point because he knows she's not coming to see him.
She’s mad at him, he recalls now. Stupidly so, if he's allowed to think that - he did nothing wrong, after all. She asked him for a “brutally honest opinion” on a design work she was doing for one of her classes, and he simply gave her what she asked for, plain as that. But of course, then she didn’t like what he had to say and got sulky. Just girls being girls, he guesses…
Harry should've known better than to think that would stop her from coming to see him, though. His girl was a little box of surprises, after all... a true master in the art of keeping him on his toes.
She showed up only half an hour after she was done with her classes... softly knocking on his door before poking her head inside with a smile, only for her jaw to drop in shock at the absolute misery that oozed from his pores.
“Y/N…” His voice cracked sickly, almost comically. Harry could have laughed at it if he wasn't so utterly lethargic. “What- what are you doing here?”
“Well, what do you think?” The girl huffed, shutting the bedroom door behind her and heading towards the end of the bed to get a good look at him, hands on her hips. “Why didn't you tell me you were sick? Here I was, going about my day thinking you had slept in for being a bum, only to find out through your friends that you were unwell.”
Harry bit the inside of his cheek, trying to hide his downright amusement at her worried state. Y/N was worried about him? Well then, perhaps her irritation had passed and she had forgiven him… which meant maybe he’d get to have those cuddles he wanted so bad. “I thought you were mad at me?” He poked, eyebrows arching teasingly the best they could with the little energy the muscles on his face could muster.
“Well, I was and am now even more.” She punctuated. “But I still care, obviously. How am I supposed to leave you by yourself when you look like that?” She put down the bag she was holding at the edge of the bed and kneeled next to it on the floor.
“Look like what?” He frowned again. “All snotty and gross?”
“Precisely… and an awful lot like Rudolph the reindeer as well.” Y/N added, with a soft pat to the tip of his swollen, red nose.
Harry smiled at that, right before his eyes fell on the bag over his bed. “Did you go to the store to get those creepy sheet masks you wanted?”
“Huh?” She muttured confused, before noticing where he was looking at. “Oh no, um… these are just some things I got for you. Just vitamins and those gummies for when you have a sore throat, and also uh…” Y/N's cheeks went a little hot. “I got some chicken soup from the buffet restaurant as well, you know… the one next to the drug store. I thought it might do you good…”
“You went to get all that stuff for me?” Harry asked, Y/N hummed happily in confirmation, her eyes gleaming with tenderness. “Y/N... you shouldn't have. That shit is so expensive, and I'm fine, really. It's just a cold. You dont have to worry, let alone take care of me.”
“No offence, but I think I do.” The girl challenged his statement, picking up the halfway used toilet paper roll placed on his nightstand. “For a start, you shouldn’t even be using this to blow your nose. It’ll only irritate your skin and make it more sore.”
Harry rolled his eyes playfully. “That’s such a mum thing to say…” He grumbled in attempt to mask the fact that the secret big, needy baby in him was loving every single bit of the mom talk, and the same applies to when Y/N clicked her tongue chastisingly once he stubbornly snatched the roll off her hand and pulled out some more paper.
She took the chance that he had moved his arm to move a bit closer, sitting on the edge of the bed next to his pillow. “Is there anything else I can do to make you feel better?” She asked, lovingly running her digits through his unwashed curls. They felt a little waxy and knotty in her hands, but she didn’t mind it in the slightest. She just wanted to make him feel better in any way she could. So she kept playing with his hair, scratching at the roots and combing her fingers through his strands just the way she knew he reveled in - only breaking contact once she was almost certain that he had fallen asleep on her... However, as soon as Y/N began to pull her hand away to check her phone, Harry let out a whine and bumped his forehead against her wrist, in a silent request for her to keep going. “You're such a baby sometimes…” Y/N whispered, proceeding to fulfill his wish.
“Mhm... your baby.” He sighed happily.
Y/N smiled to herself at the state of pure bliss Harry was in. So utterly distracted by the slow puffy nature of his breaths, that she almost didnt notice that his droopy eyes had opened and were now fixed on her. He cleared his throat painfully. “Y/N... can I have one of those gummies you got? My throat hurts and I really want to try one.”
Y/N let out a tiny chuckle at the pleading tone he'd used, nodding as she got up to grab the bottle from the bag. She threw it at him playfully to catch midair, knowing that his reflexes were outstanding. “Ohh these seem nice. I love lemon and honey flavored shit.” He told her whilst inspecting the label.
“Yeah?” Y/N couldn’t help but to grin, feeling quite proud of herself for picking the right flavor. But her smile quickly melted into an expression of concern once she watched Harry crack open the bottle and carelessly throw a bunch of gummies into his mouth. “Harry! What are you- that’s not candy! You can’t eat them by the handful!”
“Oi, chill out… it’s just gummies. What wrong could it do?” He asked as he blithely chewed them. Words coming out garbled since he was speaking in between a mouthful.
“Oh, I don't know, perhaps there could be anesthetics in them... but who knows? It was just a thought.” Y/N ironized.
“Really?” He made a wry face similar to hers, inspecting the label closer. “Do you think we can get high on this shit?” He smirked, still chewing as he rolled the container around to check the ingredients in the back. “Cause I'm not gonna lie, that sounds like a pretty good afternoon plan to me...” He half joked, cracking the bottle open again and dropping a couple more gummies in his palm.
Y/N heaved at the suggestion. “I think it’s more likely that you get a terrible bellyache, and we end up in the ER...”
“You really think so?” Harry asked teasingly, taking another gummy to his mouth.
“Okay, that's enough. Give me that.” Y/N demanded, pushing for him to pass the container, but all he did was shake his head with a mischievous, defiant smirk. The girl rolled her eyes at him. “You know what? Fine.” She shrugged. “Eat as many as you want. Can't wait to watch you shit the bed once those anesthetics give you a loose bottom.”
He chuckled at the warning, amused. “If you’re so bothered, why don’t you come get them from me?” He questioned, but before he could prepare himself Y/N jumped on the bed to try and take the bottle away from his hands, what forced him to abruptly sit up and hold it over his head just so she couldn’t reach it from where she sat. “That was... real cute. Is that all you got, hm?”
Y/N huffed and crawled over his legs until she was practically on his lap. Seeing right through his facade once he happily handed off the gummies without putting up a fight and wrapped his arms around her middle to pull her in for a hug instead. “You must think you're so sly, don't you?” She mumbled in question, going back to petting his hair. “If you wanted a cuddle, you could’ve just said so… I don't mind your germs.”
“I was trying to behave to avoid getting you sick, actually…”
“Yeah right...” Y/N grumbled, dropping her head on his shoulder for a moment. “But I guess, since you've already passed me the germs and all... might as well just give me a kiss, no?” She proposed shyly, waiting for Harry to make the move. He did, pulling away slightly and placing his lips in hers softly. “Mm, more.” She pouted.
“Greedy.” He joshed, pecking the girl's lips again, and again... and once more for good measure. The damage was already done, after all... they might as well just keep doing it. “I feel disgusting, though. If I knew you were coming, I would’ve at least taken a shower and brushed my teeth. Can’t believe you still want to kiss me when I am like this.”
Y/N scratched at the frizzy hairs of his nape. “I promise you don't smell or look nearly as bad as you think you do… and you taste like lemon and honey so, that’s nice.” Harry distrustfully scrunched up his nose at her allegation, sniffing up some in the process before his digits rushed to grab some more toilet paper. He took it to his nose, blowing noisily. “Alright, snotty boy…” Y/N laughed, swiftly crawling off his lap. “How about I go downstairs to plate up our soup while you pick a movie for us to watch as we eat? It can be one of those “guy movies” and all, I promise I won't complain... today only, cause I'm giving you privilege for being sick.”
His eyes strayed towards you with interest, the lower half of his face still covered behind the poorly ripped toilet paper sheets. “I was actually thinking more like a musical or a pixar movie, maybe?”
“God, Harry.” Y/N gasped in awe. “I swear I've never felt more attracted to you in my life. Snot and everything.”
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wizkiddx · 3 years
your voice
angsty vibe, requested by @hollandlover19 than you for th rq and hop this doesn't disappoint too much :)))
summary: tom says something so stupid and has to deal with the consquences
warnings: a bit angsty, but ends in fluff! argumnts and raising voices, I guess could be associated with panic attacks tho not written with that intention
“Oh, Y/n er sorry.” Harrisons morning dulcet tones were what you were awoken to with a groan.
Everything was achy, and your head was pounding, making you grumble in discontent as you shifted uncomfortably on the technically too-small-to-sleep-on sofa.
This was not the morning you’d foreseen even 12 hours ago.
Lockdown had been difficult for everyone, even removing the tragic health crisis. Being locked in with your boyfriend and his brothers and friends was, for the most part, amazing. Lots of laughs, lots of beers and lots of quality time that you usually didn’t get. But it was also intense.
Without a doubt, since you first got together, this was the longest time you’d ever had with Tom. And it had been brilliant, your relationship getting so much closer and just learning the subtlest intricacies about the other. In fact, when lockdown had been announced, you’d never lived together (the most a week-long holiday).
Though it was also like a pressure cooker, Toms rented house. When one of you were in an understandable but stubborn lousy mood, it affected the whole house.
Yesterday night had been the perfect storm. The weather was unbelievably scorching; your work had announced that they had to let some staff go because of the financial implications of the pandemic; a ‘mole’ had released personal details of your relationship.
And it was like a pot on the stove; everything went from controllable to violently boiling over in a matter of minutes.
Honestly, you didn’t even know why you had started arguing - it was that pathetic. And yet you’d both said pretty horrible stuff - though it was Tom who had crossed the line. Frankly, the way he’d spoken to you was almost unforgivable.
You’d both known instantly too, all his anger at you had immediately evaporated when he’d realised what he had said. It took no time for him to become a grovelling apologetic mess, however even that- it was already too late.
It might sound feeble, but honestly, you’d run and locked yourself in the downstairs loo. You’d cried on the inside- whilst from the other side of the door, he had been begging and pleading with you.
After an hour though, Tom finally gave up - hence why you’d had a pretty uncomfortable night on the sofa.
This brings it back to Harrison, the early riser of the house, barrelling into the living room after his morning run. All bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, except also slightly terrified looking as he stood awkwardly in the doorway.
“I’m up now” You sighed, dragging yourself into a sitting position on the sofa whilst massaging your crooked neck.
“You er…. you fell asleep watching the TV?” Rolling your eyes, you sighed at the blonde, even if his poor acting was a little entertaining.
“Are we both pretending that you don’t know what went down last night?” Of course, Harrison knew. The walls were thin, you’d been screaming and he was Tom’s best friend. No doubt, Tom had immediately gone to him for help and advice last night.
Harrison held his hands up in response, caught in the act, and clicked his tongue. “What he said was bad. You shouldn’t be the one ending up with the sore back.” He wasn’t wrong.
“And yet here I am…” With a sigh you smiled which he returned with a sickeningly empathetic one “Anyway, don’t let my sad self get in the way, did you come in here for anything?”
Now, because Harrison was mentally a five year old, that’s how you ended up sat crossed-legged on the floor, clutching a wii remote and angrily shouting at yoshi on the mariokart screen. The whole household was competitive as hell and you were no exception - so some rouge elbows were flying when he viciously knocked you off the track.
Slowly Harry and Tuwaine filtered in and picked up remotes too, so the quiet morning was very quickly switched into a tense atmosphere of yelps and shouts. None more so than Tuwaine, who was possibly the worst looser you had ever met.
Really, you knew all the boys were only doing this as there way of showing you they were with you. That they also thought Tom was a massive raging dickhead. And you appreciated it more than they would ever know. Locked down in Toms house, very much not mutual ground, having three stupid boys behind you meant everything.
Just as you got on to the 18th and final race of the house’s mario grand prix, another voice cut across the tense silence as you waited for the coutdown to turn into ‘go’. Naturally, you flipped round to see Tom, looking as though he literally just rolled out of bed with puffy eyes and messy hair and no top. The sight made your heart flutter, to the point you had to consciously check yourself - refusing to smile softly at him like you usually would, instead narrowing your eyebrows and looking back at the TV.
Tom had so desperately hoped that when he came down this morning, everything would be better. That all it’d take would be a quiet conversation for the two of you to make up - for him to have you in his arms again. Primarily as he had heard your excited laugh echoing through the halls in reactions to Tuwaines yelps of protests - it made him hopeful. Waking up to a cold and empty bed was almost soul-crushing this morning. He did not want it to ever happen again.
Which is why his heart sank so much when all you gave him was a scolding look, before turning your attention to the TV. Admittedly, he was naive to think that what he’d done last night would be an easy fix - he knew it too. So with dropping shoulders, Tom silently took a seat on the sofa, watching from afar. You spent the rest of the race more absent, not joining in with the Harrison or Harrys trash-talking, acutely aware of Tom’s eyes burning the back of your head.
Then came Harry’s celebrations as the overall winner (only just) and when Harrison suggested another game Tom piped up again.
“Give me a turn Harry.”
The three boys kneeling next to you all stiffened, looking immediately to you for what seemed like consent - as if they were engaging with the enemy. (At least it was good to know everyone was on your side).
“I’m gonna go prepare for my meeting anyway.” You spoke quietly, already placing the remote on the floor and standing up.
“Y/n I don’t mind swappin-“
“No. Thanks, H but no.” You weren’t being selfless and giving Tom a turn. You were running away from seeing him.
And Harrison was still really angry at Tom. He’d been so selfish and insensitive and had hurt you- someone who Haz also cared a lot about too. Yes Tom was his bestmate, that he’d grown up with and known for years - but Haz really liked you too, in fact all the boys did. So they were almost as pissed with Tom as you were.
So while you threw the cushion you were sat on back on the floor, Harrison shot Tom the filthiest look and practically shooed him away.
“come on Y/n … just one more? Then you can do your boring work.” You were about to refuse when Haz tilted his head toward the door, only then noticing that Tom had slipped out the room. Now that he was gone ,yes, just one more wouldn’t hurt. The meeting prep wasn’t time pressured; it was an excuse for an escape.
Tuwaine whooped a little when you nodded, planting back down and ready for the first race. Yet apart from that, the room was still a little awkward, you being the first to break the silence.
“Actually Haz, would you mind giving me a lift today?”
“What to the shops?
“Um no not quite.” Tuwaine laughed in his usual innocent and infectious style before asking more.
“Seriously? You know we’re locked down? Boris won’t be happy if you going mad and leaving the house.”
“Just to Y/f/n’s. She lives on her own so it’s legal.”
“She lives just down the road right? Can’t you walk?” Harry was confused, making him look away from the screen, ultimately leading to his ‘diddykong’ falling off the track.
“I’ll have my bags. I um… I think I’m going to stay with her till lockdown eases more.”
As soon as you said that, Harry pressed pause on the race, all three boys looking at you mouth-opened.
“For real?”
“Yeh I um… think me and Tom need some time apart and being locked in isn’t helping.”
“I’m not saying to forgive and forget what he said… but he is really sorry.”
“The twats literally kicking himself.” Tuwaine added, making you smile a little for calling Tom that.
“I know just… I need some space and-“
“Are you breaking up?” Harry almost announced, cutting you off. He would miss you too.
“No! Nono I … well I don’t know. I just- we both need this.”
The boys all nodded, looking at the floor for a moment before Harrison’s blue eyes were back on you.
“Course I’ll drive, but… but I’ll miss you.”
You’d left merely an hour later, whilst Tom was holed up in the garden doing what looked like an almost unbearable work out. It meant he was also out your hair and you could throw all your stuff into two suitcases without him being any the wiser. It was probably pretty cowardly to leave without speaking to him, but you couldn’t. It would hurt too much and you didn’t want to break down in front of him. No doubt as soon as you had got to Y/f/n you did - into a blubbering mess of tears - but Tom hadn’t seen so it was okay.
Speaking of. Tom.
Tom was not in a good way at all. He’d been trying really hard to curb his’ short fuse’ lately- all of which had been well and truly blown in the past 4 hours. After finally being realised from meetings, which he’d not been able to concentrate on anyway, Tom had mentally prepared himself for a lot of grovelling. Once he’d vaguely hunted the house and not found you there, he naturally asked Harry and Tuwaine (both of whom were in the living room) if they’d seen you around.
It was a typical question, the answer he was expecting was that you’d just gone on your daily walk. And yet the response he got was… well a lot more confusing. Harry’s eyes widened whilst T did his awkward-uncomfortable chuckle, the two locked in an intense bout of eye contact. It was as though they were arguing with each, but through the powers of telekinesis... and it put Tom on edge. He was already stressed because you were so angry with him, so not getting a clear answer out of his brother and best mate - lets just say it tested his patience.
“You two need to tell me what the hell is going on right now.”
The two boys both looked panicked to speak to him, which was the opposite of the usual situation. They were some of the ONLY people in his life that would just say it how it is, no sugar coating. Like if he was away and being ‘famous’ was getting to his head; or if he wore the wrong pair of jeans. Even yesterday evenings events, they’d both called him out on what he’d said to you.
So why the silence?
Eventually, it was Harry who spoke up, but in doing so, practically just waved all responsibility on to another innocent party.
“Ask Haz.”
And then Tom knew. He knew this was bad. Immediately his heart was pumping at an alarmingly fast rate, taking the stairs two at a time and not bothering to knock before bursting the door open.
“Where’s Y/n?”
Harrison was reclined back on his haphazardly made bed, laptop balanced on his lap as he looked up with a sigh. He’d known this conversation was coming, but it didn’t make it any less easy. With a sigh, Haz closed the lid of his MacBook and sat up on the bed.
“Tom just-“
“Where. Is. She.”
“She’s gone to Y/f/n’s.”
“Oh… okay.” Suddenly Tom’s voice was muted, thinking he might’ve blown his top at nothing. This wasn’t weird - Y/f/n was in your support bubble and you went to hers often.
Tom was grossly underestimating the situation - and Harrison heard didn’t fancy stringing him along though.
“No like gone. She um… she took all her stuff. I think she’s going to stay there till-“
Tom was already out his room at that point, slamming the door as he did so. Making a beeline for his own room, Tom then frantically started to pull out the draws and rummage around the shelves, confirming what he already knew. Your clothes were gone, your toothbrush and toiletries were gone, you were gone.
It’s important to note Tom didn’t really cry all that much. Or if he did - it was more inconsequential, at a sad movie or one of the rescue dog stories from battersea. Actually, when it came down to it, he didn’t really cry.
Now though, it was impossible to ignore the burning of his eyes, as he sank down onto the bed that now felt twice the size. With ragged breath, he repeatedly fisted his eyes, not actually letting the tears fall - but it was impossible to not acknowledge their presence. Harrison stood wordlessly at the door frame, knowing it best not to interrupt - whilst at the same time knowing Tom shouldn’t be left alone. There was a delicate balance between the two, which he was walking on a knife-edge on right now.
After a short while, Tom looked up with red eyes and nodded at Harrison, effectively granting him entrance. With a sigh once again, Haz moved and sat next to Tom on the bed, clasping his hands together nervously.
“She said you both just needed a break from each other. Think lockdown and everything was just a bit too intense.” Haz had tried to explain, yet it seemed Tom had only managed to lock onto one of the first words.
“A break? Or breaking up?”
“I uhm… she didn’t explicitly say ending things. But I just… I don’t know to be honest mate.”
“You see the way she looked at me this morning? Like she hated me. Wouldn’t even acknowledge that I was there.”
“I don’t know what to say… she needs time and space I think.” Tom was silent for a beat, shaking his head as he cradled his forehead.
“I hate the fact you and my girlfriend are on better terms than I am.” Anddd his voice was back to scathing.
“I’m not on anyones side. But your both my friends and she… she needed some time.”
With that, Harrison made a quick exit out, getting Harry to take over the Tom supervision.
Ever since the atmosphere in the house had been tense. To say Tom was highly strung was an understatement, particularly towards Harrison. Deep down he was thankful Haz was looking out for Y/n: he was glad that Haz was checking she was okay. It’s not like Tom could, because Y/n was refusing to answer his calls, texts, whatsapps, even the slip of paper he’d slipped under Y/f/n’s door in the middle of an especially dark night.
So it was good to know Y/n was okay, but the fact she was going on socially distanced walks with the rest of his housemates was rubbing salt in the wound.
After a week and a half of complete radio silence on your end Tom had utterly worn down. He didn’t have the emotional capacity to be angry anymore, he was just tired. Tired of missing you with every breath, tired of the ten-tonne weight of guilt pressing on his chest, fucking exhausted with being angry at Haz and Harry and Tuwaine.
The best thing in his life and one of the very limited opportunities was quality time with the people he loved more than anything else. He had ruined it all.
And it was the small things. It was waking up to your soft, whispered voice in the morning; it was your infectious giggle when he surprised you with a hug from behind and gentle kisses to your neck; it was your quiet singing in the shower. Especially when he knew Haz, Harry and Tuwaine were all still seeing you and laughing with you. It hurt like hell.
Which is how he ended up hesitantly knocking on Harrison’s bedroom door at half eleven at night, with his tail between his legs. Having been so uber-healthy all lockdown, Haz was already in bed following his sleep cycle, though for Tom right now- he would be awake.
“I’m um… I’m sorry I’ve been a knob. There’s no excuse of anything I’ve just… I’ve been a knob.”
“You’re not wrong.” Harrison nodded in agreement with a sly smile, motioning for Tom to come into the room, after which he perched on the edge of the bed.
“I just… I need to speak to her but I… I don’t want to push her if she’s still hurting and I…”
“You absolutely promise not to blow your fuse? Because she couldn’t handle that.” Tom’s eyes widened, thinking this would be a much harder pitch than how it seemed to be going.
“Yesyesyes i- I promise. I just, I feel broken you know? Even if all I get is the time to say sorry, I-I really need to.”
Harrison released a deep breath, nodding slowly before throwing the covers off himself. Tom watched all his movements with a curious gaze, silently sitting as Haz pulled on a hoodie, then socks too.
“Well? Let’s go.”
Now, what Tom had not in the slightest bit been prepared for was this to happen tonight. Really, he hadn’t even thought Harrison would agree to let him talk to you… and even if he had, Tom not in hell thought it’d be at 11:30 that evening.
His heart was thundering in his chest, trying to hurriedly script how on earth he was going to apologise meaningfully to you - as him and Haz walked the short distance to your friends house. Honestly the whole situation was peculiar to Tom - finding it hard to believe that if you weren’t to answer his texts you wouldn’t be open to an in person conversation.
What Tom didn’t know, was how you’d been texting Haz at a similar point of desperation. You weren’t happy and even given everything Tom had said and acted - you missed your boy. No matter how infuriating he could be when trapped 24/7 - you’d quickly learnt this was the only way you wanted to spend these weird times.
So yes, Tom’s best friend knew you were hardly sleeping either, but needed that little push to interact with you boyfriend. No doubt, you’d still be awake to answer the door.
Once he’d arrived at the apartment block and walked up the stairs to the right floor, it still took some prodding and pushing from Harrison to get Tom to knock on the door. Plainly, because he was shitting himself. Haz hadn’t given him enough pre warning, enough time to work it all out in his head. So it took another encouraging nod from Harrison for him to knock on the slightly rough-round-the-edges flat door.
Y/f/n was single and young, starting her career in Kingston - so the flat she could afford was modest at best. When it was just occupied by a single person, that was manageable - two was a push. You’d only been living with her for a week and a few days but it was enough to know this flat was not ideal for two people in lockdown. You were already stepping on each others toes. It also wasn’t technically legal to move households but Y/f/n had always been in your support bubble as a single household otherwise. And so there was also a layer of guilt to it all.
Naturally then, sharing a bed with someone who wasn’t Tom meant you just were not sleeping. Even if you had both gone to bed early (just to kill some hours in the day) you were still wide awake at quarter to twelve - when a timid knock echoed through the minuscule apartment. Curiosity peaked at who the hell would be calling now; you silently slipped out of bed, managing to not disturb Y/f/n, and closed the bedroom door.
Now you weren’t an idiot. Even though this was southwest london, hardly the capital for crime, Y/f/n lived in a dodgy building with some questionable characters. And it was midnight. Hence why you approached the situation cautiously, tiptoeing to the door and waiting with your ear pressed against the wood.
“I told you she wouldn’t answer!”
“She will! Might just be in the loo or something.”
“Haz this is stupid-“
The air in your chest froze when you immediately recognised the smooth tone of his voice. It was him… and you’d missed that so much. Already there were tears in your eyes and you couldn’t open the door just yet. So no, instead you slid down the doorframe before calling quietly out into the night.
The bickering on the otherside of the door was silenced, but you heard a quite tap on the door... and could envision exactly what was going on. Tom, pressing both palms and his ear to the door, as Harrison took a few steps back - sensing his work was done.
“Y/n? You there?” He sounded desperate, you could hear the emotion dripping off his voice. It was only when you tried to reply did you realise your own voice was having a harder time speaking.
“Yeh its-its me.” It felt as though this heavyweight that had been pressing down on your chest was slowly lifting, making your voice all cracky and low.
In response, there was a short and sharp exhale. It sounded relieved before some fidgeting as you imagined him crouching down beside the door - mirroring your image.
“Fuck, it… it feels so good to hear your voice.”
“Yours too… I’ve-i’ve missed you.”
Tom snorted at that, a gentle bang allowing you to realise he’d just whacked his head on the back of the wood.
“You have no idea how this week felt.” He was wrong though, you did.
Yes, maybe without the insurmountable guilt that Tom was rightfully feeling, but it didn’t mean that the time apart wasn’t easy.
“I do. This hasn’t been a nice holiday for me you know?”
He sighed, knowing that yet again he’d said the wrong thing. This time though, he didn’t rebut instantly (which surprised you), instead his response was more measured and calculated.
“I am so sorry. And of course, I know because I was the one that hurt you too. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forgive myself for that.” You nodded but given this conversation was happening through a door Tom didn’t see your gentle agreement - opting to fill the silence.
“I um… I’m not good at this whole um… speaking my feelings. But I’ve hated myself ever since I picked that fight with you. It was stupid and uh it-it was all my fault. I’m so so sorry for hurting you.”
“‘Why?” You tried to ask, except the words were stuck in your throat, making you have to clear it before asking again. “Why did you say it?”
“To get a rise out of you. It’s stupid and petty and fucking-fucking dumb. I said it not because I’ve ever thought it, I never ever have, but I knew it’d hurt you. I was preying on your insecurities because I was angry at the world and that was so unfair. “
“No shit.”
Silence reigned as you fiddled with your fingers - specifically with the promise ring he’d bought you a year ago.
“You-you think you could ever forgive me?”
“Thats the annoying part. I want to hate you because you literally stabbed me then twisted the knife but… but all I’ve done this week is miss you. Even when I saw Haz or Harry or Tuwaine. I just fucking missed you.”
“Can you open the door please love?”
Clumsily you scrubbed the tear tracks off your face, scrabbling to your feet so you could thrust open the doors. Because you might still be bloody pissed at him, but at the same time - you needed your Tom. Thrusting the door open, the first thing you registered was being pressed into Tom’s chest. His arms slinked around your waist and held him tight, which you reciprocated, squeezing tightly round his neck. Your senses were all being assaulted by one thing and one thing only. Tom.
He smelt like usual, except maybe the slightest bit stronger than usual - you figured he hadn’t showered in a day or two or bothered with cologne. The top of your forehead was pressed up against his chin, and as he readjusted his grip on you, you felt the scratchy feeling of his unshaven stubble. He kept whispering apologies against the top of your head, almost desperate and religiously.
Arching back, you brought both hands to cup his cheeks, looking into his glassy brown. eyes, which looked so lost and confused.
“I’m still angry.”
“Of course-“
“I’m still angry but I’m going to kiss you okay?”
Safe to say Tom didn’t require a verbal response, taking it upon himself to nudge his lips against yours, yet waiting for you to initiate the kiss. And that you did, everything else about this godforsaken week and a half. His index finger traced the angle of your jaw, whilst he held your lower back tight, pressing himself as close as physically possible to you. Needing you.
Eventually arching back, your thumb ran over his deep and sunken under-eyes, which added so much age to his face.
“You look tired Tommy.”
“Can’t sleep without you telling me goodnight.” That was another tradition you had had. Even when he was away, you’d even set an alarm for whatever bedtime was for the other across the world. Just so you could send a little message or voice not saying goodnight. Was it cringey? Yes. Did either of you care? No.
But since you’d been away all the evening wishes were absent from you. Which hurt Tom more than you may ever know.
“I know you’re still angry but will you please come home to me? I need you to be the last thing I hear at night and the first thing in the morning.”
would love to hear any feedback <333 (but think this is a bit of a shitter so im sorry!!!)
tagging: @lovehollandy12 @pandaxnienke @thegirlwiththeimpala @msmimimerton @hollandfanficlove @hollandlover19 @hunnybunimdun @crossyourpeter @thefernandasantana@hallecarey1
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courtlyharlequin · 3 years
Gotta say I love your writing!! It’s just absolutely wonderful and I can’t wait to see more of it ^-^ May I request some head cannons of the dorm leaders reacting to their S/O fainting suddenly from overworking themselves?
Rest Easy
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A/N: Hello~ thank you for requesting. I’m glad you like my writing! This honestly means a lot to me. I’m sorry this took so long to write, but thank you for your patience. I hope it’s up to par ^^
Riddle Rosehearts:
He was completely caught off guard. You were walking next to him one moment and now you were on the ground. He drops whatever he’s holding and rushes to your side. He calls your name out several times in a firm yet worried tone. Riddle also makes sure to check your breathing as well. A relieved sigh escapes his lips
The redhead slings your arm around his shoulder and drags you to the infirmary. He struggles a bit to say the least. He was lugging an unconscious person to the other side of the school, but he digresses as your health and safety is a priority at the moment
Riddle lets the staff tend to you and waits by your side. He holds your hand, playing with your fingertips and finding himself staring out the window. His eyebrows are furrowed. He’s your boyfriend, your significant other, yet he was so caught up in his studies and duties as a prefect that he didn’t see the signs
By the time you wake up, he’s fallen asleep at your bedside. You card your fingers through his hair and his lashes flutter
“You worried me.”
You two talk for a bit about your health. It mainly consisted of Riddle lovingly scolding you for not taking better for yourself
Leona Kingscholar:
He sensed something off about you that day. Your eye bags were dark and deep. He shrugged it off because you told him you stayed up a tad too late to catch up on homework
When hanging around in his room afterschool, you fainted. You were sitting at his desk and he was seated at the edge of his bed. You were babbling about your history classes, but Leona could tell you were trying to hold on to your consciousness
Eventually, you fainted. He clicks his tongue before lunging towards you, wrapping his arm around your waist, catching you before you fell onto the floor
He lays you on his bed before going to find a glass of water for you
Leona comes back with the glass, but also a bowl of water and a wet towel too. He places the towel onto your head. Now, all he can do is wait. You’re breathing. You’re fine– just overworked, but it’s only a matter of time before you wake
When you gain consciousness, he just lets you talk. He hugs you if you need him to, running a hand through your hair. There’s the occasional forehead kiss as well. He’s quiet for the most part, but he’ll admit you worried him
After you promise to take better care of yourself, he climbs onto the bed and drapes the blanket over the both of you, telling you to get some more sleep. He won’t let you go until you’re well rested
Azul Ashengrotto:
Like Riddle, Azul panics, rushing to your side and calling out your name. He firmly shakes your shoulder. With no response, he scopes you up in his arms and carries you to the Octavinelle dormitory
There, he tends to you. He lays you on your back and raises your legs to help blood flow to your head. He takes off your shoes and loosens your tie– anything to make your recovery more comfortable
He’s honestly very worried but he knows that if he panics, he might be doing more harm than good
You regain your consciousness quickly, but he’s not letting you walk away from him without proper rest. Don’t brush it off like it’s nothing. You’re overworked and you just fainted!
He listens to your troubles and offers you some advice as someone who’s always busy too. He offers to help you with your work if it’ll lighten the load in exchange that you’ll rest properly
Can’t have you faint on him again, now can we?
Kalim Al-Asim:
He invited you over to Scarabia to let loose after exams. He knows you’ve been working hard as of late so he wanted you to relax with a small banquet, filling food and feel-good vibes. Kalim nearly drops his drink after hearing a loud thud. He turns around to see your lifeless figure on the floor
His eyes widened as he rushed to your side. Students crowd around you both; he can hear their distant whispers. His heartbeat rings throughout his ears, muffling their voices.  He sighs when he sees your chest rise and fall
Kalim isn’t quite sure exactly what to do. His thoughts are all over the place, but he knows that he should get you out of her quickly. He could save the questions for later.
He slings your arm around his shoulder. He crosses paths with Jamil on his way to the bedroom. He gives him a silent nod. The vice prefect quickened his pace and tends to the common room
The prefect ushers you onto his bed and turns on the fan. He isn’t familiar with fainting, but he is familiar with tending to someone who’s unconscious. Jamil has been poisoned a handful of times on his behalf and he’s seen the maids tend to him. While you don’t need an antidote, you need to be laid on your back and have anything tight loosened. He places your feet on a tower of pillows, redirecting your blood flow to your head
When you wake, he embraces you wholeheartedly. Kalim refrains from bombarding you with questions as to why you fainted albeit he is thankful that you told him out of your own volition. He’ll definitely offer to do something lighthearted together to ease your mind. How about a game of mancala?
Vil Schoenheit:
He was already scolding you for overworking yourself. You can’t hide those eye bags from him. He’s been doing his best to keep you in check– making sure you eat three meals a day and sleep on time. However, you have to meet him halfway
Vil’s breath hitches as he sees your figure fall towards the ground. Luckily, he catches you by the wrist, pulling you close to him before gently laying you on your back.
He tries to compose himself, but that nearly gave him a heart attack. Sure, he knew about your workload, but he didn’t expect you to faint
He brushes his feelings aside to tend to you. Your health is most important to him as of now. He’s not unfamiliar with fainting. Fortunately, Vil has never fainted himself, but he’s had his share of fainting incidents. His colleagues often fainted due to overworking as well
Honestly… what was he going to do with you? He shakes his head as he checks for your pulse and breathing. He doesn’t hesitate to search up ways to help someone when fainting. He wants to take care of you thoroughly and to the best of his abilities. He may have witnessed others tend to an individual who has fainted, but he’s no expert
Be prepared for an earful when you wake up. Vil has a lot to say to you. You should be taking care of yourself. Know your limits. You can’t put forth your best efforts if you’re dead tired. He plans a self care day for you both
No if’s, and’s, or but’s. You’re going to rest. Vil understands the need to overexert yourself, going the extra mile for your work, your passions, but there’s a limit. Success comes from resting as much as it comes from hard work. Cut yourself some slack, Fairest
Idia Shroud:
It’s a miracle Idia didn’t faint himself. He’s scared out of his mind. Are you alright? A thousand thoughts race through his mind. What happened? You were fine a moment ago! Please don’t tell him you just died on the spot. Or worse– possessed by a ghost?!
Worst case scenarios flood his mind. Some of them are completely irrational, but he doesn’t consider that. Anything is possible
He mutters your name under his breath repeatedly as he shakes your shoulder. Each time, his voice grows louder and louder
Idia runs to get some help. He returns with Ortho who scans your lifeless figure, confirming that you are indeed alive, just overworked and exhausted. He urges his brother to carry you back to Ignihyde to let you rest properly. The floor isn’t comfortable for humans
Reluctantly, he drags you back to his room. He stays by your side. He holds your hand while playing a game. The poor prefect nearly drops his phone when you squeeze his hand, letting him know you’re awake
Idia starts rambling. He was worried sick! His stammering comes to a halt when you kiss him on the cheek as thanks
In turn, he buries his head into the crook of your neck. He’s red to the tips of his ears now. He honestly didn’t do much. He wishes he could have done more to lighten your workload to be honest
Nevertheless, Idia puts on a brave face for you and crawls into the bed with you
Malleus Draconia:
Color him surprised. You were standing and then you weren’t. He turned around once he heard a loud thud only to find you on the floor. At first, he thought you had tripped over your own feet. You were a klutzy beastie after all. It wouldn't be the first time this happened. He found it endearing
Malleus chuckled as he crouched down to offer you a hand. He blinked twice when you didn’t take his hand. You didn’t even say a word. He pokes your cheek and cocks his head
Still no response. Now he’s worried. What happened to you? You were still breathing, but you weren’t awake. Have you fallen asleep? But in broad daylight… He brushes your hair aside to examine your face. You did have dark circles, but he doesn’t believe that would be the cause of this. You would have yawned more frequently
Well, no matter. It would be best to get you to bed. Leaving you in the hallway wasn’t  a viable option. You would certainly be more comfortable on a mattress
He sighs as he scoops you up in his arms and teleports to his bedroom
There, he lays you on his bed, tucking you in snugly. Malleus places a gentle kiss on your forehead
He waits by your side. If you show signs of distress in your slumber, then he might enchant your dreams with a little bit of magic to make you sleep more comfortably
When you wake, Malleus will lend you an ear to listen to your troubles. If you insist on going back to your work, then he’ll sit you back down and prop open a book and begins reading. You find yourself slowly falling asleep
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missmorosis · 4 years
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sick manager :)
-> feat. sugawara and kuroo
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part 1 with bokuto, oikawa, and tsukishima here!
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genre: fluff!
synopsis: y/n, the manager of her school’s volleyball team, finds herself sick after days of hard  work, yet she still goes to school to support her team~ 
warnings: the reader is sick, and she passes out in kuroo’s scenario :))
pairings: sugawara x reader, kuroo x reader (separate!!)
total word count: 1.5k
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i tried to make the scenario KINDA different, but with the same idea hehe
anYWAYS i’m so sorry if this makes like zero sense AHSLDKF- i wrote a lot while i was sick SO ill blame it on fever delusion if it flops 😌
OH AND THIS IS FOR @haikyuuheartsclub ty for reading the first one and asking for a part 2 hehe <33
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You getting sick was inevitable.
You knew that you were bound to get sick with all of the work you had been doing and all of the late nights you spent preparing volleyball strategies, planning practice tournaments for your team, or studying until your eyesight blurred.
Being your school's volleyball team manager was not only hard, but it was ridiculously time consuming. Not to mention that you were bombarded with schoolwork, and you had exams coming up. Your stress levels had never been higher, and you were practically living off of caffeine with the amount of sleep you were always lacking.
So when you woke up with a sick feeling and the worst headache, you weren't completely surprised. Annoyed would have been a better word.
You knew that your team was getting ready for an important tournament, so you would have to stay extra long for practice. Groaning as you got ready, you weren't sure you could make it through the day.
You sluggishly pulled on a hoodie and brushed your teeth, taking note of how warm you felt as you washed your face. Grabbing a thermometer, you quickly measured your temperature.
100.4 Fahrenheit. Not too bad... just a low-grade fever. You tried to shrug it off and ignored how disgusting your body felt. You slung a backpack over your shoulder and walked out the door, heading to school.
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You waited at the bus stop, shaking your head to try and make the sickness go away. When the bus arrived a while later, you plopped down onto the closest seat and you couldn’t stop your eyes from closing. You were just so... tired...
You drifted off to sleep, the soft sound of the bus driving across the road comforting you.
“Uh, Y/N?” Someone was shaking your side, and you immediately lifted your head from the bus window you were leaning on. It seemed like you just closed your eyes a second ago... where were you now?
"Mm?" you hummed sleepily, blinking slowly. You rubbed your eyes as the sunlight filtered through the window, and it made you feel warmer than you already felt.
"Hey, sorry to wake you, but we’re already at school." You looked outside, and he was right; you saw Karasuno in the near distance. 
Your brain processed the fact that Sugawara, a third year from Karasuno’s volleyball team, was sitting next to you. You saw his blurred figure lean next to you, and he brushed some hair out of your face. His fingers grazed against your forehead, but he quickly froze. 
"Y/N- Y/N! Why is your forehead so hot?" He studied your face with concerned eyes, noticing how tired you looked.
"Hm? No, it’s not. It wasn’t that high when I checked... probably the sunlight..." you mumbled, leaning on the back of your bus seat behind you. You put a hand on your forehead, and it confirmed that you were indeed burning up; it was considerably warmer than earlier in the morning. You groaned and got up.
"You don’t look too good, don't you think you should go home-" Sugawara started, but you interrupted him.
"No, you need your manager today, you guys have a game soon," you said, your tone tired but strict. Sugawara eyed you anxiously, but you waved him off. "I'll be fine," you reassured him. Grabbing your backpack, you got up from your seat, heading for the bus’ exit.
You knew you were sick, but you didn't think you would be this dizzy. Everything seemed to sway to one side, and you put one arm on the seat of the bus, leaning on it for support. You rested your head on your arm, and you felt Sugawara’s arm wrapping around you for support.
“Alright, now you have no choice. You’re taking a break, whether you like it or not, clearly something’s not okay,” he told you, and you were too lightheaded to argue. You just nodded along and he helped you back into your seat. 
You clutched your head as you tried to make everything go away. Sugawara went to talk to the bus driver in the background, and miraculously, the driver made an exception for you.
“We’re ahead of schedule anyways,” the bus driver reasoned. He turned the bus around, heading back towards your house.
“Okay, now that that’s done, you can sleep if you want to. You could probably use the rest, I can only imagine how tired you are...” Sugawara said softly, and you gave a small nod. You scooted further down into the seats, making enough space for the boy to sit next to you. He gladly obliged, and he couldn’t help but smile at the sight of you drifting off to sleep. Your head subconsciously drifted onto his shoulder, but he didn’t mind.
“Hey, Koushi?” you mumbled, your voice coated with sleepiness.
“Yeah? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing... I just wanted to thank you.” Your eyes remained closed, and Sugawara couldn’t tell if the blush on your face was from your fever... or something else? 
“You need to take breaks, you know. You work really hard, it’s a wonder you haven’t dropped dead yet,” he said, half jokingly. “Thank you.” You smiled, and finally fell asleep.
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Kuroo found you in the classrooms; your head was down, and your headache was terrible. You were almost asleep; you were trying your best to stay awake, and you weren't sure how long you could keep it up.
He was walking down the halls, casually glancing into your classroom to see if you were finished, and he softly smiled at the sight of you.
"Tired, Y/N?" Kuroo asked, smirking as he tapped your shoulder.
"Hm?" You lifted your head up, surprised at the unexpected touch. "Oh- Kuroo, shut up," you replied, rolling your eyes as you stretched. He laughed and grabbed your backpack for you, slinging it over his own shoulder.
“Ready for practice?” he asked, looking down at you. You nodded, and the two of you walked to the gym.
Your head was killing you with every step you took, but you had no choice but to ignore it. You looked to the distance, trying to ease your headache. Kuroo’s voice was slowly melting into background noise. 
Suddenly you froze and stopped walking, earning a curious glance from Kuroo. You were forgetting something...
“Wait- where’s my... backpack?” You spotted it on the boy next to you, and you shook your head. “Sorry, forgot that you had it,” you said, with a sheepish laugh.
“Something wrong?” he frowned. “You’re acting distracted... more distracted than usual, anyways.” You shook your head, deciding to keep your sickness to yourself.
“I’m good, just tired,” you assured him. He nodded slowly, and walked into the gym, you following close behind.
Only you, Kuroo, and the coaches were in the gym; you were early. You flashed a quick smile as you waved hello.
"Great, you guys are early. I have a couple strategies to discuss," the coach said, gesturing to a whiteboard in front of him. The two of you nodded, and he began to explain.
"Alright... if we're going to win this next match..." he started, but you couldn't make yourself pay attention. The only thing on your mind was how your head wouldn't stop hurting, everything seemed to echo, and just overall how sick you felt.
"What do you think, Y/N?" Kuroo asked, quirking an eyebrow in your direction. You snapped out of your sleepy state at the sound of your name.
“Wha-” You blinked, looking around at all of the eyes on you. You tried to remember what the others were talking about... oh. Strategies. Right. "I just think we... we need to..." You looked at thr whiteboard, but you couldn't focus. You swayed to one side, blinking hard. The world really seemed like it was tilting to one side... "Woah, sorry-" you tried to say.
"Y/N?" You saw Kuroo reach out towards you as you slowly lowered down into a fetal position, resting your head on your knees. "Hey, Y/N? You okay?" You swallowed.
"Yea- yeah. Just... give me a second," you breathed. You felt Kuroo kneel down next to you, and you were right; someone's arm wrapped around you for support, and you knew it was Kuroo's. You knew you were safe as you lost consciousness, falling further into his arms.
You awoke, and the first thought was how bright the gym lights were... they weren't this bright before...
"Oh- Y/N! You're awake," Kuroo said, rushing over to you. He put the back of his hand on your forehead. "You're still burning..." he said with a frown.
"Sorry," you muttered. "I don't know, I've been sick all day and I guess I couldn’t handle it..."
"Why didn't you tell me you weren’t feeling well?" he asked, concern clear in his voice. You smiled softly.
"It wasn't important... besides I have manager duties to take care of," you said with a sigh.
"Not if I can help it." He picked you up in one swift motion bridal-style, smirking as you struggled to get down. "I'm not letting you down; I'm taking you home and getting you some proper medicine for this fever of yours. Health is more important than volleyball." You huffed and flopped into his arms in defeat.
"Fine." You leaned closer into Kuroo's chest, and he smiled, satisfied with your surrender.
"That's my girl." You rolled your eyes, but you couldn't help but smile.
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hopefully these weren't too bad though-
haikyuu taglist: (send an ask to get added hehe) @floralkawa <3
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gaysimpsstuff · 4 years
Hawks With a Reader Who Tics
Genre: angst, fluffy fluff, 
Reader Pronouns: none
Other: This is based off of my tics, which usually only occur when I’m super stressed, and they’re all pretty simple. Just slapping my thigh, making a clicking noise, and general neck wanting to not be on my shoulders. If you want something more generalized, or something more along the lines of Tourrete’s Syndrome I am more than happy to oblige. Also this is totally self-indulgent so if no one else relates to this that’s fine.
Warnings: mentions of past teasing, reader cries, tics, shitty parents, cursing burnt toast and burnt bacon (the food not Dabi)
Taglist:  @smolchildfangirl @yuu-anon @poke-txts @combat-wombatus  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You had been going out with the Number Two hero Hawks for about two months now, and things were going great! No weird clicking noises or head-jerking or arms wanting to smack your thigh or random shouts of the word ‘yummy.’ You were beginning to think that maybe all your weird (an)tics had disapeared.
You’d never been more wrong.
Okay maybe you’ve been more wrong at times but still you were wrong.
All it took was one shitty day. Co-workers being assholes, Karens being Karens, but worst of all was a phone call full of bullshit from your parents. That was all it took for your body to start moving on its own. And not in the good way, the way that causes you to make weird clicking noises, jerk your head around like an owl, smack your thigh and repeat the word ‘yummy.’ 
Okay, you could deal with the clicking noise and the random yummy outbursts but all the more physical things? You really didn’t have the patience to deal with it. Which resulted in you leaving work early, complaining about being sick while masking as much as you possibly could to your boss.
And finally, you were home. And free to just let your tics do whatever the fuck they wanted until they wore themselves out. You hoped this wouldn’t be the type to last over a day, because that happened sometimes, and it was so annoying.
But you forgot something, something very important. You’d planned with your boyfriend to meet up and watch movies at your place. You were just lounging around half naked when you got the text that he was on his way.
“Fuck shit!” you rushed to get decent, knowing that all you could really do was put on a shirt, pants, and half-hazardly brush your hair before you heard the doorbell ring. “Alright Y/n you can do this.” you muttered. “It’s Hawks, he’s chill, you can stay calm and click still around him. Th- this’ll be easy! Suuper click click easy! And If you do tic, no problem he won’t hate you or make fun of you or break up with you! Just gotta go out there and face him, easy peasy... orIcouldrunawayandfakemydeathandlivemycottagecoredreamwithablindcatohhhyeahthatsoundssomucheasier*.” you shook your head (bad idea, you ended up hitting your chest really hard) and forced yourself out of the bathroom and to the front door, quickly ushering your boyfriend in.
“Baby bird! I haven’t seen you in person in forever!” he exclaimed. You sighed, looking up at him and immediately relaxing. Your boyfriend was so pretty, so kind, so perfect. Nothing could get in the way of a nice relaxing night.
“You saw me three days ago.” you deadpanned, holding back a click.
“It felt like forever!” he complained, walking in and shrugging his coat off. He was still in his hero costume, so he must’ve only just gotten off work. He folded his coat and put it on the little table next to the door, alongside his goggles and headphones.
“You aren’t injured?” you asked, checking his arms and face for scratches, then glancing at his wings to check their size. How many feathers had he used today?
“Baby don’t worry, I’m okay. Today was pretty chill. I only needed to use my wings for like- three things today. What about you? How was work?” you stiffened, praying you wouldn’t betray yourself.
“Eh it was okay.” you shrugged nonchalontly or however the fuck you spell it. Hawks raised an eyebrow at you. 
“You know I can tell when you’re lying.” you gave him a forced smile, ignoring how your heart sped up. 
“W-what are you talking about?” Stuttering. Of course you were stuttering. It wouldn’t take much longer before you simply couldn’t mask anymore.
“Dove, tell me what happened, I’m your boyfriend I want to help you-” he stopped talking when he saw how your hand was bouncing against your thigh, striking it hard.
“Fine- I’m I’m I’m F-fine fine!” you exclaimed, head jerking backwards. Hawks blinked in confusion.
“What was that?” his voice rose in concern. Tears were brimming in your eyes as you flinched away from his touch. You didn’t say anything, only grabbing the back of your neck to forcibly hold your head down. Even when you ticked you could just hold yourself back.
“Baby, talk to me, you’re worrying me.” Hawks took another step forward, and you just stepped backwards again, whimpering.
“N-no! No no!” you cried. Hawks stared at you with wide eyes, fearful. Suddenly he relaxed. 
“Hey, it’s gonna be okay.” his tone was different this time, soothing, sweet, it was exactly the kind that would make you relax. “I’m here, I’m gonna help you. Can you move your hands for me, Babe?” 
Slowly, your moved your hands away from your neck, immediately your head tried to dislocate itself, and a sharp stab of pain shot up your spine. 
“OW!” Hawks opened his arms, still giving you a kind look.
“I know, I know it hurts.” he whispered. “Just come here, let me hold you.”
Hold you? When you were spazzing out like this? What if you hit him? What if you hurt him badly? What if he never wanted to see you again?” What if-
You ran into his arms, sobbing. You felt something soft tickle the back of your neck. A feather. He rubbed your back soothingly. Rocking the two of you back and forth as you cried against his chest.
“S-sorry! Sorrysorrysorry!” you yelped when your arm smacked his side. 
“Shhhh shhh baby it’s okay.” He took your hand, gently moving it towards his face. Bad idea. You jerked your hand out of his grip, sniffling. 
“Do-don’t do th-that- don’t do that. I’ll hu-hurt you. S-sorry.” he nodded.
“I understand.” he murmured, taking the two of you to the couch. He kept you close to him, feathers covering your body to try and help you relax. It was nice. He was warm and his voice was soft. You felt so... heavy. You closed your eyes, cuddling against him, close as you could possibly get before you finally fell asleep.
You slowly opened your eyes, the smell of bacon filling the air. You blinked a couple time, realizing you were in your bed. You sat up, groaning. Your neck felt so sore. 
Click click
Ah, right. The tics were back. You thought back to yesterday, eyes widening as you remembered what happened. Hawks. He had come over hoping for a movie and cuddles, hoping for a break from taking care of people, and you’d ruined that with your stupid tic attack. How long had he stayed with you? Did he stay awake to make sure you didn’t tic in your sleep?
You ran out of your room, grateful you were still in your cozy movie party clothes. In the kitchen, Hawks had two plates on the counter, both with scrambled eggs and two slices of toast. Bacon was sizzling in the pan. 
“Good morning, Dove! How are you feeling?” he asked, a soft yet tired smile on his face.
“Hawks! Hawks oh babe I am so so sorry about last night!” you exclaimed, your fingers twisted and curled around each other as you hoped to find comfort in the movement.
“Don’t be, it’s okay. I made breakfast, look! I may have burnt the toast but you’ll be fine with that, right? Baby?” he cocked his head to the side, noticing your expression.
“Y-you sure it’s okay?” you asked softly.
“Yeah! Was this the first time you had muscle spasms?” He sent a feather towards you, tickling your nose before circling around and rubbing at the back of your neck. You felt yourself on the brink of tears again at the soft gesture.
“No...” you murmured. “But I haven’t had them in a while I- I thought they were gone.” He nodded, humming.
“What triggers them?”
“Just- general anxiety and bad thoughts...” you mumbled. 
“Alright. If you ever start ticking again, just call me. I’ll swoop in and help you. I’m pretty sure it’s hard to get stuff done when your body moves without you.” he flashed you a bright smile.
“Doesn’t it... weird you out?” you asked. “I could hurt you... I could accidentally break something I- I-”
“Baby.” you looked up at him. He took a step towards you, cupping your face into his hands and pressing a kiss to your lips. “I’m here for you. I care about you so I’m going to do everything in my power to make you feel comfortable. It’s my duty as hero, but more-so as your boyfriend.” you sniffled, nodding.
“Yes, Dove?”
“You’re gonna burn the bacon.”
Translation: Or I could Just run away and fake my own death and live my cottage core dream with a blind cat ohhh yeah that sounds so much easier
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agustdakasuga · 4 years
Between The Bloodshed | Chapter 8
Genre: Mafia!AU, Angst, Romance, Fluff
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: Doctor!Reader, Gangster!Namjoon, Gangster!Seokjin, Gangster!Yoongi, Gangster!Hoseok, Gangster!Jimin, Gangster!Taehyung, Gangster!Jungkook
Summary: Being a freelance doctor, this was just supposed to be any other job, helping a private client and taking care of him through his recovery. But you were not expecting to get caught in something so much darker that would change your life entirely.
This is your first time. The first time you see your 7 employers in action, the first time you see them as who they say they are. 
Warning: This story is fictional and has nothing to do with real life events or the actual members of BTS. It may contain depictions of violence, blood shed/ gore and mentions of abuse. Please read at your own discretion.
Chapter warning(s): Mentions of violence, blood and fighting. 
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Humming a soft tune, you tucked your hands into the pockets of your lab coat as you walked. It was another boring day with the boys being out and now, it was time to head to bed.You yawned and stretched your arms but was interrupted by a loud bang. 
“(y/n)!” Shouts made you run down the stairs. You ran to the sealed off wing of the house, the ‘business’ wing as you would call it. There, you saw Namjoon carrying an unconscious Hoseok. 
“Get me my emergency kit in the office.” You turned to a butler, making him run off. As Namjoon placed him down, you began to inspect his body. 
“Blow to the back of his head. The rest seem superficial.” The butler placed your first aid kit down. 
“Hobi? Can you hear me?” You clipped a blood pressure monitor to his finger and used your stethoscope to check him internally. The rest of the boys walked in, seemingly unharmed. Or at least, less gravely injured than Hoseok was.
“Is Hoseok hyung okay?” Jimin gave a small smile. 
“Seems like a concussion.” You said. Jungkook came over to help you carrying Hoseok up to your office. 
“Thanks.” You patted the maknae’s shoulder before he left. You hooked Hoseok’s up to an acetaminophen infusion with magnesium to help with pain since normal painkillers may cause him more internal bleeding. After that, you checked his head injury. Luckily, there wasn’t a need for stitches. You cleaned the blood off the wound and bandaged his head. 
“You’re okay.” You whispered, patting his forearm as you cleaned the rest of his superficial wounds and bruises. 
“I’ll be back, Hobi.” You took the rest of your things and went out to help the rest of the boys. Of course, you found them by the bar, having drinks. When you entered, everyone stared at you. 
“He’s alive. Resting.” You said first before sitting down on a bar stool, laying out the wound cleaning equipment. 
“Get in line.” You waved them over.
“We don’t-”
“Get. In. Line. Do I have to repeat myself?” You raised an eyebrow at Taehyung. He pursed his lips, looking away. One by one, the boys stepped up for you to clean their wounds. 
“Hobi got hit the worst.” Jin said. You nodded, inspecting each of them. Luckily, there didn’t seem to be any internal injuries. 
“You better not have any wounds for me to clean, Min Yoongi." You said, cleaning Jungkook’s knuckles. 
“Don’t worry, I was playing games on the sofa.” Yoongi rolled his eyes, showing you his phone screen, where his current game was ongoing. Even if Yoongi didn’t have to wear his sling anymore, he was still on a ‘no beating up people’ work order by his doctor, you. 
“Good.” You huffed.
“Is this enough action for you?” Namjoon chuckled.
“Yes, Namjoon. How kind of you to do this. The highlight of my otherwise, very boring day.” You rolled your eyes with a smile. You cleaned the cut over his eyebrow and placed the gauze down.
“Each of you take this.” 
“What’s this??” Jin asked but still took one of the white pills from your plastic medicine cup. Everyone took one except for Yoongi. 
“A little something so tomorrow won’t be a b*tch. It’ll also help all of you sleep better tonight.” You turned around to clear the bar counter of all the bloodied cotton. 
“To be taken with water.” You said with a clear of your throat, still focusing on your things. There was the sound of glasses being placed down on the table before water was poured out from the pitcher. Trust them to try and take their medicine with alcohol. You threw all the rubbish away and placed all the leftovers in your pockets. 
“Get to bed. Now. I’ll stay with Hobi tonight. Call me if you’re dying.” You ordered them and slid off the chair to stand. They watched you reach behind the counter and pour a glass of scotch whiskey. 
“Since you didn’t take the pill. This shall help you sleep.” You placed the glass in Yoongi’s hand and walked back to your office. 
“I’m back.” You announced, entering your office and checking on Hoseok. 
“How’s he?” Someone poked his head. 
“I thought I made it clear that all of you were to head to bed?” You chuckled, tucking Hoseok in under the blanket and going to sit on your chair. The male by the door laughed. 
“Would you let me stay up if I have hot cocoa?” He raised an eyebrow. You threw your head back in laughter, waving at him to come in. Just like the other night, he placed the tray down and handed you a mug before taking one for himself and sitting down. 
“How are you? Too hectic?” He asked. 
“Nah, it’s okay. Believe it or not, being forced to intern at the emergency ward of hospitals is a lot worse than this. No downtime at all.” You shrugged. 
“I would imagine. We used to go to hospitals. But even the most private, exclusive ones ask too many questions. That’s why we decided to have a private doctor here instead.” He explained. 
“What happened to Hobi?” You asked. 
“A deal gone wrong. The people from our world don’t exactly know what patience is, especially the young ones.” He looked over at Hoseok. 
“Immature.” You crossed your arms. 
“Oh, you’ll be surprised at just how immature a lot of them can be. But I guess, that’s how gang wars start.” He smirked. You nodded your head. As adventurous as you were, being caught in a gang/ mafia war was not something you wanted to experience in the next few years of your life. You were perfectly fine with cleaning the cuts that they caused. 
“I’m going to head to bed.” He stood up once the hot cocoas were done. You nodded, placing your empty mug on the tray. 
“Goodnight.” You wished softly. 
“Goodnight, (y/n). Thanks for letting me stay up past my bedtime.” He gave a soft smile as he opened the door. But before he left, he called out to you one more time, making you lift your head. 
“Don’t... go to the other wing tomorrow, okay?” He turned his head slightly. 
“Okay.” You nodded and with another small smile, he left your office. You sighed, sliding down in your chair.
It was about 5 am when Hoseok finally stirred awake. You were used to pulling all nighters from times at the hospital and with your previous clients that you weren’t even tired. 
“W-Where am I?” He frowned slightly. You helped him sit up, pouring him a glass of water. 
“You’re in my office. Firstly, can you tell me your name and date of birth? And then, tell me if you know who I am.” You asked softly. His eyebrows furrowed for a while. 
“Jung Hoseok. Birthday is on 18th of February. You are Dr (y/n). The doctor that is working with our family and taking care of Yoongi hyung’s shoulder.” He said. You nodded your head in approval. Hoseok reached up to touch the thick bandage around his head. 
“Do you know what happened? I only remember some guy knocking me out.” He asked. 
“Well, I don’t know what happened exactly but Namjoon ran into the house with you in his arms. Then Jungkook brought you in here and you’ve been unconscious since. How’s the pain?” You asked. 
“A dull ache.” He groaned. 
“The concussion doesn’t seem too bad. But you should rest more, you can sleep here. Considering you can drink that water without wanting to throw up, I’ll remove your IV and give you some oral painkillers in a few hours.” You said, receiving the empty glass from him. Taking a pair of gloves and a bandaid out, you remove the IV needle from Hoseok’s arm. 
“There.” You taped the bandaid over the puncture hole and got rid of your gloves, the needle and empty IV bag. 
“How’s the rest?”
“All superficial injuries. You seemed to have gotten the brunt of the attack.” You said as you washed your hands. He nodded his head slowly, picking at the bandage around his forearm. 
“Stop that.” You hit his hand and he recoiled with a pout. 
“Mean.” He commented. 
“Go to bed.” You sat back down by your desk. 
“Aren’t you going to sleep?” He asked. You shrugged, typing on your computer. To refresh your knowledge, you would go through some old case files you had from time to time. Also, you felt that it was time to study up on proper treatment for bullet wounds and stabbing injuries.
“You should sleep.” Hoseok said. 
“You should sleep.” You snorted, opening your notepad to scribble something down. Even with your constant typing, Hoseok was able to fall asleep rather quickly, letting out soft snores. 
When Hoseok woke up, he saw that you fell asleep by your desk, your head bobbing up and down uncomfortably, hands still on your keyboard. 
“I told you that you should sleep.” He chuckled with a shake of his head. Hoseok left the office. 
“JK, come help me.” Hoseok called. 
“Oh, hyung. You’re awake. What’s up?” The maknae immediately stood up. Hoseok brought him to the office and pointed at your sleeping figure. Jungkook realised what his brother was trying to do and nodded. 
“She fell asleep taking care of me last night. I would carry her myself but I’m still a little dizzy. I don’t want to risk dropping her.” Hoseok whispered. Jungkook softly walked to you, slipping his arms under you and hoisting you up. You didn’t move but instead, snuggled into the warmth of Jungkook’s chest. He chuckled at your actions. 
“You should go rest some more, hyung.” Jungkook walked upstairs. Hoseok let out a hum. 
“I gotta go for the meeting though. Just bring her upstairs and tuck her in before she wakes up and kills both of us.” Hoseok sighed, patting the youngest on the shoulder and jogging off. 
“Aish, hyung. She’ll kill you for working when you’re supposed to be resting. Jungkook shook his head and opened your room door. 
“Hi, Kookie.” He whispered and placed you on the bed. You let out a small whine at the loss of warmth but was pacified by Jungkook draping your blanket over you. You cuddled your pillow, sleeping peacefully. 
“Let’s go, Kookie.” Jungkook opened the cage. Casting your sleeping form one last glance, Jungkook walked out with your bunny in his arms, closing the door softly behind him. He went down to finish his breakfast on the couch, Kookie hopping around beside him. 
“Here.” Jungkook experimentally held out an apple slice to Kookie. Kookie sniffed it with a wiggle of his nose before nibbling. 
Your eyes opened and you reached a hand out to feel your pillow. That made you sit up. Looking around, you realised that you were in your room. You didn’t even remember when you fell asleep. 
“Hoseok...” You slipped out of bed. Kookie’s cage was left open with the bunny missing. Stretching your arms, you went back to your office to find the bed empty. After that, you navigated through the house to find his bedroom. 
“Hoseok? Are you in there?” You knocked on it for several minutes but there was no reply. 
“Doctor.” A passing butler noticed you. 
“Hey. I was looking for Hoseok. Do you know where he is?” You asked, tucking your hands into the pockets of your coat. 
“The young masters are all attending a meeting in the other wing now. Young master Hoseok was seen with them. Young master Jungkook left Kookie in the living room with us.” He informed with a bow. You frowned, chewing your bottom lip. Hoseok knew he should be resting. Even if it was minor, he still suffered a concussion. 
“But doc-” 
“Thanks.” You gave a backwards wave, already on your way to the other wing. When you entered the foyer, it was eerily quiet. You were going to walk around when you heard a loud bang. 
“No, stop!” You heard screams. 
“You already know the consequences of causing a ruckus. Now we have your sh*t to clean.” Jin’s voice was clearly heard. 
“V?” You heard Namjoon now. Jungkook came out, dragging two people across the floor by the back of their collars. The two grunted and struggled. And following close behind them was Taehyung, with a metal bat resting on his shoulder. He chuckled. 
“Brace yourself.” He smirked. 
“Wait! We were only asked to do it, we’re not involved in this!” One of the men struggled in Jungkook’s grip. 
“You three were already involved the moment you accepted the money.” Jimin giggled, throwing another male to the ground. Yoongi just stood at the side, stoic, with his arms crossed. 
“Now, you get to watch your men suffer because of your selfishness.” Namjoon said to the first guy. He nodded at Taehyung, who stepped up. 
“No!�� Taehyung swung the bat, beating down on the male. Everything suddenly went silent. There was a ringing in your ears and all you could see was the metal constantly swinging up and down. The smell of blood filled the air, making a lump form in your throat and you stomach bubble uncomfortably. It wasn’t stopping soon. 
“Me too.” Jimin smirked, stabbing the male he threw down earlier. He stood over the thrashing stranger, the knife constantly being brought down on his chest.
“See? That was all you.” Jin raised an eyebrow. 
“Here.” Yoongi tossed Hoseok a gun. Hoseok stepped forward, his confidence giving a facade that you couldn’t even tell he was injured the night before. 
“Bye~” Hoseok waved before pressing the barrel of the gun right between his eyebrows. There was a sickening bang, as blood splattered out of the back of the dead man’s head. 
“That’s enough, Tae.” Namjoon called out. At that, Taehyung stopped, stepping away from the male, who was at this point, unrecognisable. He stopped up straight, the bloodied bat in his hand. He used his sleeve to wipe the blood that managed to splatter on his cheek. That was when he met eyes with you. 
“D-D...” His eyes widened. The others were puzzled at what he was stunned by. They looked up and saw you. 
“(y/n).” That’s when your legs were finally working again. You took off, running away. You threw the doors opened and ran as fast as you could, not caring that your lungs burned. 
“(y/n)! Wait!” You heard them calling out to you. Finally, you reached your room. You made a beeline for your bathroom.
“Oh, gosh.” You bent over your toilet, hurling out your stomach’s contents. 
“Ugh.” You slumped back against the wall. Turning your head, you saw Yoongi standing there. The first thing you could grab was the scalpel in your lab coat pocket. 
“Don’t. Yoongi. Don’t come closer. I need to be alone.” You held out the blade in a threatening manner. But Yoongi didn’t seem phased at all by your threat or weapon. He grabbed your wrist, taking the blade and throwing it behind him. He suddenly tugged you forward into his embrace. Yoongi felt you tremble in his arms like a leaf. 
“Y-Your shoulder.” Was all you could say to distract yourself. 
“It’s okay. I’ve got you.” He whispered. That caused the dam to break. Sobs softly bubbled in your throat as you cried into his good shoulder. 
“You’re okay. Breathe.” He coaxed. Honestly, Yoongi wasn’t the best at comforting people. Well, at least, that was what he believed. He was chosen to come in because he was the only one not covered in blood.
“Come on.” Yoongi helped you out of the bathroom and onto your bed. 
“I’ll be okay. Just give me some time.” You placed a hand on your chest to breathe. Yoongi patiently sat with you. 
Namjoon sighed. This was too much drama in one day, alone. Changing into a new shirt, he dumped his bloodied clothes in a pile. When he stepped out of his bathroom, he saw Taehyung standing there. His hair was wet, fresh from the shower. But his eyes were red. 
“Taehyung ah.” Namjoon called out softly. 
“I’m just like him.” Taehyung’s voice cracked as his bottom lip trembled.
“No, you’re not, Tae. Stop saying that about yourself.” Namjoon said, sitting down on his bed. He patted the space beside him and Taehyung came closer. Ever since you came, Taehyung hadn’t sought Namjoon out in a while. 
“The fear she had... in her eyes. That was the fear noona had...” Taehyung mumbled. 
“I told all of you. It’ll take some time for her to get used to all this. Just give her some time. The doctor is strong, she can do it. That, I give her credit for.” Namjoon said, patting Taehyung’s head. Taehyung left Namjoon’s room. He stopped outside your door, where he heard you talking to Yoongi. He had to make sure you weren’t afraid of him. 
“Taehyung.” Jimin stood in the hallway, leaning against the wall. 
“I want to speak to her.” Taehyung frowned. 
“Are you going to tell her?” 
“I... I can’t.” Just like that, Taehyung’s resolve crumbled. On the outside, Taehyung looked tougher than Jimin. But on the inside, Taehyung still wished he was like Jimin. Jimin no longer showed an ounce of guilt. 
“Yoongi hyung is still talking to her. She’s not going to come out for a while. Why don’t you go help clean up?” Jimin suggested. 
“Okay.” Taehyung turned and left your door. He headed to the other wing, the butlers had cleared the bodies already, leaving the maids to clean the floor of blood. 
“Young master Taehyung.” They greeted. All he did was pick up his bat.
“Make sure it’s spotless.” He said and left. Going into the bathroom, Taehyung scrubbed the metal. After that, he washed the blood off his hands and under his nails. He constantly scrubbed them until the skin was raw. Even the blisters you treated the day before reopened. 
When you calmed down, you stepped out into the garden to sit under the gazebo for some fresh air, you heard footsteps approaching you. You turned around to face the person.
“I thought I told you not to go to the other wing today.” The male said with a raised eyebrow. 
“I forgot. I was just so worried about Hoseok working when he was injured, it didn’t even cross my mind.” You sighed. He took a seat opposite you. 
“And look at what happened now.” 
“I’ll be okay, not like I’m hurt or anything. It was just the initial shock.” You shrugged. And yet, the flashbacks of Taehyung beating the man and Jimin stabbing the other made you cringe. 
“We all took a while to get over it too, at first. It’ll get easier as time passes.” He comforted. 
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fangirlfics · 3 years
Trouble Sleeping (Loki x reader)
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I swear if this deletes for a third time Im gonna cry 
also I didn’t finish reading it over for mistakes bc I’m lazy 
summary: y/n and Loki used to be very close friends and sometimes when she had bad nightmares he’d use his magic to calm her mind, a few years have passed and they’ve grown apart. Her nightmares come back and hesitantly she seeks Loki’s help again 
word count: 3,592 wahahahaha
y/n leaned over one of the balconies that overlooked the kingdom’s private garden. The weather was perfect, the temperature ideal, sky blue, and the plants were all thriving feet below her. Despite the scenery however y/n’s attention was fixated elsewhere. 
Down in the depths of the garden, propped up on one of the fancy golden benches was the youngest Asgardian prince-Loki. His dark raven hair was combed back as he turned to the next page in his novel, the cover matching the shade of green displayed on his clothes. y/n couldn’t help but sigh as she watched the handsome prince, they had once had an unbreakable bond. It was always Loki and y/n-best friends, one wouldn’t be seen without the other. But somewhere among their late teenage years, Loki had become more cold and distant towards y/n-leaving her alone in the giant halls of the castle to wander alone. That’s when her and Thor’s relationship grew stronger-she had always been friends with the God of Thunder but after her and Loki’s relationship crumbled to pieces he was there to cheer her up. 
“Oh there you are!” Thor’s voice boomed-pulling y/n from her daydream. y/n glanced once more at Loki before turning her attention to her tall friend. “I was looking for you!” He beamed. 
“What can I do for you, your highness?” y/n asked with a playful voice.
Thor smiled, putting his hands together before continuing, “I was hoping that you would join me and-” his words faded as he glanced down to the gardens and caught sight of Loki. y/n’s attention soon turned to the railing in front of her as she traced her fingers along it’s smooth surface. “You still watch him.” Thor told her, his normally enthusiastic voice was now dry and serious. “How long have you been thinking of him?”
y/n furrowed her eyebrows, playing with her fingers. “I never stopped.” She confessed, “I know it’s foolish but I can’t help it, I..miss him more than I can even begin to explain.”
Thor was silent as he watched the girl glance back down at the gardens then to the sky. “Let’s go...horseback riding.” He suggested, getting y/n attention. “To lift your spirits, we can go with Sif a-”
“No.“ y/n blurted out, “nobody else-I don’t want to embarrass myself again by falling off my horse.“
Thor chuckled, “nobody is going to think low of you-” he looked at y/n once more sensing her silent plea ”very well then, just us.” He agreed, making her smile.
“Thank you.” She laughed, giving him a hug. It caught Thor by surprise but he then loosely wrapped his arms around y/n in return. “Thank you for everything,” y/n whispered, “really, I don’t know what’d I’d do without you. I’m blessed to have a friend like you.”
“Of course.” 
Neither of the two friends noticed that down in the gardens Loki clenched his jaw, snapping his book shut and silently retreated to his room-they also didn’t notice the pair of blue eyes staring through the window at them, when they returned laughing on horseback. 
 There was fire everywhere, thick black smoke made it impossible for her to breath. She was choking-desperate for air. She fell to the ground as the fire closed in quickly-it’s heat trapping her in the room. There was no hope, no help was coming and it was impossible to escape, with a loud crack the ceiling caved in leaving her trapped screaming out as the furious flames burned her alive. 
y/n woke up with a start, beads of sweat lined her forehead although her room was cool and she found that her hands were shaking. Realizing it was just a dream she lied back down, covering her face with her hands as she tried desperately to fall back asleep. She got no more sleep that night.
The same thing happened again in the coming days and three days later while in training, y/n who was running on less than four hours of sleep was doing rather well. In one quick movement she jumped up-kicking the sword right out of Fandral’s grip. 
“Very good!” Volstagg commented from across the room.
“Yes.” Fandral agreed, “show me that move and I’ll show you some of mine.” He winked.
“Just give me a time and place.” y/n responded playfully, earning a laugh. 
“Impressive.” Fandral commented at her response. (she normally responded to his joke flirting with an eye roll) 
“Yes impressive.” Loki commented from behind Fandral. “That y/n can apparently chase after two men at once.” He said this while staring casually at Thor. Sif went stiff inder the tension and Thor opened his mouth but y/n spoke first.
“I’m sorry?” 
“Well by the looks of it, you can’t seem to decide between Thor and-” 
“Brother that’s enough.” Thor warned, taking a step forward.
“I’m just putting out a warning, you do know what they say about these sort of things.” Loki remarked, not meeting her eyes.
“You know full well that I am not chasing after anyone.” y/n said, growing aggravated. 
“It sure seems that way.”He then opened the door to the room and left.
“You know what?” y/n responded, dropping her sword to the ground with a loud clang “I am tired of this.”
 “y/n I think it best if you ignore him.” Sif spoke up, “nobody is accusing you of anything, we all know you aren’t that sort of person-”
“Thank you Sif, but I am not taking this.“ y/n exited the room in pursuit of Loki, who was a few paces ahead of her walking calmly. 
“I don’t like being followed.“ He simply called out to her, because his room was only about a minute walk away from the training room he reached it fairly quickly.
“What is your problem?“ y/n asked him, putting her foot in between the door and it’s frame as Loki was about to shut it.
“I don’t have a problem, now if you’d excuse me I’d like you to leave me alone.“ 
 “Then leave me alone.” She huffed, “hold your silvertongue and stop acting as if you’re above me because you’re not.”
“Is that all?“ He asked her calmly, “you’re done with your childish tantrum?” 
“Oh you are so-“ y/n narrowed her eyes.
“So what?“ Loki asked with an eye roll.
“Terrible.“ y/n blurted, earning a cold laugh from the God of Mischief.
“So I’ve been told.“ He stated bored.
“No, I mean you’re really terrible and for so many reasons.”
“Such as?“  
“You want a list?“ y/n asked with a bitter laugh, “ok well you think you’re better than everyone and you’re not, you poke fun at other people because it’s amusing to you and-and everyone-I mean everyone thinks that you’re a snake, ever since we were younger, and I can’t believe I’m just now realizing that..they’re probably right.“ He swallowed hard furrowing his eyebrows, “you used to be my best friend Loki, I’d defend you from people’s accusations when you weren’t around and..I wasted my time because you are everything people say you are and worst.“ She saw the look in his eye, she hurt him-good now he understood how it felt. 
Loki glanced away-looking down at the girl again. “Is that all?” He asked, trying desperately to remain collected. y/n scoffed. “You may think you know me but I know you much more, don’t forget, I’ve been inside your head. People may think I’m a bad person but I can live with that, you on the other hand can’t stand the fact that someone might not like you, so much so that you’ll break down about it. You’re a weak fighter, you’re not as clever or as witty as you seem to think, and frankly I don’t understand the fascination Thor seems to have with you, you’re nothing special.”  
y/n pulled her foot from the doorway. What happened to us? She was about to cry and she did not want him seeing that. “Is that all?” She asked, reciting his previous question.
“Yes.“ He spat coldly. 
“Good.“ She turned to walk away as Loki stayed in his place trying to keep the impression that he didn’t care.
Late at night y/n tossed and turned in her bed, trying to fall asleep after waking up from a particularly realistic dream-she had thought that by laying still she’d trick her body into falling asleep but that didn’t happen. She knew that she had been able to power through the last few days with almost no sleep-but she’d certainly crash if she didn’t get any sleep soon. The thought of making a visit to Loki for help came to her mind, but she really didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing she wanted/needed his help. Screw it. She thought after another couple of hours, her clock read 2:35 as she swung her legs over her bed and slipped on her slippers and robe. 
The halls were dark and empty except for the occasional guards, which she was careful to avoid (she didn’t want to raise any suspicion). Thank God her room was only a three minute walk from Loki’s. It was once she was already in front of Loki’s door that she started getting second thoughts, but she was there already and the worst that could happen was getting the door slammed in her face or no answer. She raised her cold knuckle, letting it hover over the door’s fine wood before knocking. “It’s y/n..” She announced barely above a whisper, “trust me I really don’t want to ask for your help but I see no other option an-”
The door opened a small crack. “you do realize what time it is, right?” Loki’s annoyed voice asked-he didn’t sound like he had just woken up, maybe he was having trouble sleeping also.
“I know.” At her response Loki opened the door wider, revealing himself in a pair of emerald colored pajamas. “Look I know-” at the sound of approaching footsteps (guards) Loki stepped aside, giving her a cue to get in. She did, turning to face him one he closed the door again-his back facing the door he put his hands on his hips.
“What do you want?”
“I can’t sleep.” She said sheepishly, “I just-I’m getting the same nightmares again and I thought that maybe just this once you could, you know..” She put hands up, wiggling her fingers to imitate magic.
Loki rolled his eyes, “first off that’s not at all how magic looks, second why should I help you?”
“Just this once!“ y/n practically begged, “please. I’ve have not been sleeping at all I just need one hour. I won’t make you sleep on my couch like I did when we were younger, you can just...alter my thoughts or something and I’ll leave and-” 
“Fine.“ Loki agreed, grumpily. He walked back over to his bed, getting in between the covers on the left side. “Well?“ He asked when she stared blankly at him. He rolled his eyes again, “Obviously if you go back to your room I won’t be able to sense when I have to alter your thoughts and you’ll just come back to make a racket when you have another nightmare.“ y/n nodded slowly, making her way to the right side of the bed. “Besides it’s a big bed, just stay on that side-away from me.” She laid down, hesitant at first as she tightened her robe around herself. Loki leaned over, placing a finger and thumb over her temples to enter her mind. 
When she woke up she was in the same exact position that she was in when she went to bed and Loki was standing directly above her looking annoyed once again. It was still dark outside as he looked down at her from where he stood. “It’s about time, I’ve been trying to wake you up for the last two minutes.”
“What time is it?“
“6:05..the castles about to start waking up, you should leave before more people get uo to avoid being seen.“ y/n nodded in agreement. 
“Ok“ she walked to his door, turning to watch as he laid back down in his bed. “And Loki..“
“What?“ He sighed.
“Thank you.“ She said softly, leaving the room right after. Loki was left surprised.
“Look I know I said just once-” y/n whispered that night outside of Loki’s door, it was past 2 a.m. again, but surprisingly Loki let her in again.
“The faster you stop pestering me, the better.“ Loki told her harshly. He had woken her up at 6 a.m. again like he had done the the last time. The time after that Loki woke her up at 7 and the time after that she had woken up past 8 to see Loki sitting in a chair some feet from her sharpening his knives-when she had asked him why he hadn’t woken her up he had simply reminded that he could just teleport her back to her room, that way nobody would know she had spent the night there.
Flash forward a month later, y/n tiptoed to Loki’s room in her nightgown again, the nights were getting hotter which had led to her to leave her robe behind. When she had reached Loki’s room she didn’t need to knock, since he now left it unlocked for her. 
Once she laid down on the right side of the bed (more towards the middle now rather than all the way on the edge) Loki laid down about a foot from her. They didn’t go to bed right then however, since they had formed a habit of talking before falling asleep. “Have you been sleeping better?” Loki asked the girl beside him.
y/n rolled onto her side to face Loki, “Thank you again.” He nodded. “You know for someone who hates me, you’re actually quite kind to me.” The corner of Loki’s mouth folded up slightly,
“I don’t hate you...” He rolled over onto his side to face her, “but what I do hate-“ he then had explained the entire plot of a book just to express his hatred for one detail in it. 
y/n woke up in the middle of the night with a start, her nightmares had came back. As it turned out Loki wasn’t in the room but when he got back with a glass of water he noticed she was off right away. “I’m sorry.” He quickly apologized, sitting beside her, “I was just-I didn’t think-”   
“I know, it’s fine.“ y/n told him, but his hand was still on her shoulder and his blue eyes still held worry in them. “I’m just-I’m going back to bed...“ Loki nodded, watching as she laid down again. 
“Are you sure you’re alright?“ She nodded.
As she began drifting off she felt Loki take her hand in his. Later on in the night y/n woke up randomly, but she wasn’t facing Loki anymore-instead she was facing his dim window, she felt warm but not from the covers and to her surprise she realized that the prince’s arm was around her waist, keeping her close. Their legs were tangled mess at the bottom of the bed and she could hear his slow breathing as he slept peacefully. She looked around slowly, trying to figure out a way to move away to avoid the embarrassment when he wakes up-but just as she began to shift around she heard him speak up. “What time is it?” up. 
“Sorry...” She apologized growing red, “I don’t know how-“  
“It’s fine.“ She heard Loki whisper. 
“It is?“
“This is quite comfortable.“ He whispered again, then he moved slightly closer-resting his head on her shoulder and he fell asleep again-she assumed that he was half awake and didn’t fully process what had happened. She decided it didn’t matter and fell asleep again, after all he wasn’t wrong-it was comfortable.  
There was a loud noise that woke y/n right up, making her jump. Now she realized that she was facing Loki again, her arms were wrapped around his neck like in a hug, his head was nuzzled in the crook of her neck-their legs still a tangled mess. Bang! Bang! There it was again, she lifted her head, looking towards the door as it came again-bang! Bang! 
“Loki” She whispered, gently shaking his sleeping form. He ignored it, pulling her closer in response instead. “Loki, someone’s at the door.” She whispered, trying not to laugh. He sighed looking up towards his door.
“Just ignore it, they’ll go away it’s probably a servant or-”
“Loki!” Thor’s voice came from the other side of the door, “Loki, I know you’re in there! Open the door.” Loki rolled his eyes, standing up to make his way towards the door. 
He opened the door a few inches, “what do you want?” He hissed.
“I-” Thor paused, “are wearing your nightwear?”
“Why is that of any importance-what do you want?”
“er, Loki is there someone in there with you?“ Thor asked. 
y/n held her breath, afraid that somehow Thor would hear her from the doorway. “I-no!” Loki snapped, “What are you talking about?”
“Alright, alright I apologize. I’m here to ask if you have seen y/n? I’ve been searching for her, she’s normally turned up somewhere at this time it’s past 10.” 
“No I don’t know where she is, I haven’t seen her. Check the garden, she’s most likely wandering around there.“ He shut the door, turning back to y/n. 
“Past 10?“ y/n asked, covering her mouth, “I should’ve been awake two hours ago.” Loki shrugged. “Can you teleport me back to my room, I should go to the gardens since Thor’s looking for me.” Loki looked at the ground with an unfamiliar look in his eyes before nodding. “Thank you.”
The girl had spent more time with Thor training than she had expected that day, leading her to take an extra long shower at night to get clean. She hadn’t realized until she looked at her clock that it was past 10-normally she’d already be at Loki’s room by now. Quickly she dried her hair and changed into her nightwear. 
She was about to leave and opened her door and unexpectedly Loki was there with his hand raised looking like he was about to knock. They stared at each other for a moment before she spoke up, “Loki? What are you doing here?” 
He glanced to the side, not wanting to meet here eyes as she awaited his response, “I thought..” he said glancing at the ground before back to her, regaining his composure “that you-“
“Weren’t coming?“ She finished for him, he nodded.
“So I came to see if you were ok, I’ll leave.“
“Wait, no.“ She told him, grabbing his wrist and taking him by surprise, “I was just coming it was just taking me longer, but you can sleep here if you want since you’re already here...?” He nodded in agreement, stepping into her room.
He settled himself into the bed, opening his arms for her to crawl into which she quickly did. The two laid there for a moment, listening to the quietness as Loki slowly brushed through her hair with his fingers.      
“remember the other day when I said that you were terrible?“ y/n suddenly asked, getting Loki’s attention. He stopped running his fingers through her hair. 
“Yes, why do you ask?“ He responded cautiously. 
“I was just mad at you. I’m sorry.“
He took a moment to think to himself, “I didn’t mean what I said either."
“Can I ask you something?” y/n asked after a while later.
“Why did you push me away?” She asked, shifting herself to meet his eyes.
Loki sighed-only it wasn’t from being aggravated this time. He backed up a few inches from y/n-staring straight up at the ceiling. “It’s because..”
“Because what?”
“I had noticed that you and Thor were becoming closer and decided to..abandon you before you did me. I thought it’d hurt less that way.”
“What do you mean?” 
“Well, everyone always seems to choose Thor over me, I just assumed you would, in time, do the same.“ He confessed, still not meeting her gaze. 
“Loki...“ she set her hand on his shoulder waiting for him to look at her. “I would never abandon you for Thor, sure Thor is my friend but so is Fandral, so is Volstagg, so is Sif and I’m not abandoning anyone for them.“
He nodded.
“And tonight..“ y/n spoke up again, “when you thought I wasn’t coming-“
“I assumed you wouldn’t need me anymore, especially after you had spent so much time with Thor.“
“Don’t be like that!“ y/n told him, sitting up, “I do need you! I’ll always need you, I need you don’ t doubt that, and not just because of stupid nightmares, because I care for you and I love you, ok?”
Loki smiled to himself, “you love me?“
“Yes you stupid-“ she stopped talking because Loki had leaned in, capturing her lips in a kiss, taking no time to hesitate she leaned into him further deepening the kiss. After about a minute they pulled apart-resting their foreheads together. 
“I love you too.“
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lovefivehargreeves · 3 years
Ex- Five Hargreeves x Female Reader
Description: Six months after Five breaks up with Y/N, he finally finds her. (Also Y/N is Number Eight. She has body manipulation powers)
A/N: I wrote this for Wattpad, but I really want to post it right now! But I might start and imagine book on Wattpad soon. I just have to finish a few more stories. I love this so much and I hope you do too!!!♥️♥️♥️
Warnings: swearing (I think that’s it)
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Today felt like every other day. I woke up, I got ready for the day, and I'm on my way to go get coffee.
I just got my coffee and sat down when the bell on the door dinged, indicating that someone was here. Normally, I don't pay attention to it, but for some reason, I looked up. And I regretted it immediately.
Five Hargreeves.
My ex.
The love of my life who shattered my heart.
He seemed to notice me staring and looked over. As soon as his eyes met mine, he smirked.
I quickly looked at the coffee sitting in front of me.
Why is he here?
"Hello, Y/N."
That voice.
I lo-hate that voice.
I looked up to see him sitting on the other side of the booth with his cup of black coffee.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Having coffee with an old friend," he said.
"We're not friends," I said, "you made that very clear six months ago."
The smirk never left his beau- face.
I picked up my to-go cup and got up from the booth.
"Where are you going? I just got here."
"Getting away from you," I said. And with that, I walked outside.
I need to get home. I'm not going to let him ruin my day.
I walked up the stairs to my apartment. I unlocked the door and walked in.
"Bout time you showed up."
I nearly jumped out of my skin.
"Five, what the hell!?" I yelled.
"I need to talk to you," he said.
"Well, I don't want to talk to you," I said setting my keys on the table, "so please leave."
"Not until you let me talk to you," he said.
"I thought you said everything you had to say when you broke up with me."
He sighed and stood up, "You know as well as I do that we needed to break up. We fought all the time and neither of us was happy."
No, he wasn't happy. He caused all the fights.
‘We have to stop the apocalypse.'
'The apocalypse is more important.'
'I would, but I really need to focus on the apocalypse.'
"Five, please just relax for a few minutes," I said as I laid on his bed and watched him write equations all around his room.
"I'll relax when I have this figured out, all right?"
I sighed and walked out of the room. I get it. We have to save the world. Make sure that billions of people don't die, but he seriously can't pay attention to me for just a few minutes!?
He acts like if he stops for even a second the world is going to end right then and there.
I haven't cuddled, hugged, or kissed him at all these last few days. I'm getting desperate. All I want is a minute of his time. I don’t think that it's too much to ask.
A few months go by and we successfully stopped the apocalypse. I used my body manipulation powers to calm Vanya down, so she didn't end the world.
She's fine now and she's learned to control her powers. She felt really bad about everything.
We rebuilt the academy and decorated it the way we all wanted. While we're figuring out how to put Grace back together, I volunteered to cook for everyone.
And that's what I'm doing now, cooking dinner for everyone.
"Smells good, love," Five said wrapping his arms around my waist.
I rolled my eyes and ignored him. Between stopping the apocalypse and rebuilding the academy, we still haven't really hugged, kissed, cuddled, or even really talked to each other.
Now that it's all done, he's acting like he didn't ignore me for three months.
"What's the matter?" He asked taking his arms away from my waist.
I put the burner on low and turned to face him, "what's the matter is that you basically ignore me for months and then act like we're okay!"
"We're not okay?" He asked.
I groaned, "No, Five. We're not okay!"
"Then talk to me!" He yelled.
"I tried like a billion times! And it was always the apocalypse, you working on the new academy, or you being too tired from working on the new academy."
"Those are pretty good excuses, Y/N!"
"I'm not saying they aren't!" I yelled, "I'm saying that you could've taken a break to hang out with me. Do you even know the last time we actually spent time together or had a loving moment together?"
"Last night," he said blandly.
"Last night? Oh, you mean when you got back late and climbed into bed when I was half asleep and gave me a kiss on the cheek?"
"No, Five! That was a very nice gesture, but not at all what I'm talking about!"
"What are you talking about then?" He asked
Oh my God. Is he for real?
I groaned, "do you even love me anymore?"
"Of course, I love you! I just don't understand why you're so upset with me!"
"Are you fucking kidding me!?" I yelled.
"No, I'm not. What's your problem?"
"My problem is that my boyfriend can't seem to find a balance for me and for work. Work is always more important than me!"
"That's so not true!" He yelled.
"Oh really? Remember when I asked if you take a break from the equations for just a few minutes to hang out with me?"
"We're talking about the end of the world Y/N!"
"But you totally could've spared a minute for me! And a month ago when I wanted to spend time with you, but you had to help Luther and Diego get supplies for the academy."
"God, you're so needy!" He yelled.
"I'm sorry that I just wanted some attention from my boyfriend!" At this point, I'm in tears.
"Well, I'm trying to give it to you now and you keep pushing me away!"
"You pushed me away first!"
"I didn't push you away. You did that yourself!"
I scoffed, "FUCK YOU, FIVE!"
I stormed out of the kitchen and past our family (who was eavesdropping) and went upstairs to my room.
Is he seriously that ignorant?
I slammed the door and fell onto my bed crying.
Five and I haven't been the same since that day. We can't be in the same room as each other or else we argue.
Our relationship is falling apart. If he would've realized that he's the reason we're in this mess, we wouldn't be here.
"Y/N?" I looked up from my book to see Five.
"I can't do this anymore. I'm tired of fighting," he said.
"Me too," I said.
Is he finally going to apologize? Take the blame? Or at least some of it?
"I'm done," he said, "we're done."
H-he's breaking up with me?
"I'm. Breaking. Up. With. You." He said slowly.
He spatial jumped out of my room.
I sat there in shock. I never expected that we would break up.
I stood up and started packing my things. I don't know where I'm going, but I can't stay in the same house as him.
End of flashback
I moved into my apartment the next day. I hoped that me being out of the academy would make him see that he needed me. But he never looked for me. So, I gave up.
"Five, seriously. Leave," I said.
"No," he walked over to me.
"I don't want anything to do with you," I said.
He raised his eyebrow and walked towards me. I backed up until I hit the wall.
He smirked.
He cut me off by kissing me. He placed his hands on my waist and pulled me closer to him.
I admit it, I missed him. A lot. But he can't just show up and hope things can go back to the way they were before.
I carefully pushed him away from me, "you can't just show up here months after breaking up with me and kiss me."
"I miss you. A lot!"
"I miss you too, but you can't expect me to take you back that easy."
He sighed, "you're right and you don't have to take me back. Just please hear me out and then I'll leave."
"Fine," I caved.
"Everything was my fault. I put work before you and I pushed you away. I was stupid and I should've spent more time with you. And worst of all, I hurt the love of my life. I broke your heart and I'm so so sorry," he said, "I'll leave you be now. Just know, I love you more than anything and I really am sorry."
He kissed my head and spatial jumped out of the apartment.
I walked over to the couch and sat down.
Should I give him another chance?
I want to.
I love him and he was really sorry.
Screw it.
I grabbed my keys and walked out. I locked the door and ran down the stairs.
I knocked on the academy door and Klaus answered it.
"Oh. My. God. Y/N! You're back! Come here!" He pulled me into a hug.
"Hi, Klaus. As much as I would love to catch up with you, I need to talk to Five," I said.
"He's in his room. He's been so lost without you. He actually just got home not that long ago. He seemed upset."
I sighed, "we'll catch up later."
"I'll hold you to that," he said.
"Later Klaus," I said walking past him and running up the stairs.
I knocked on Five's door.
"Klaus, go away. I told you that I don't want to talk!"
"It's not Klaus," I said.
The door flew opened revealing Five. His eyes were red and bloodshot.
"You left before I could say anything," I said.
He stepped aside to let me in. I walked inside and he shut the door.
I turned to him.
"What do you want to say?" He asked.
I walked over to him and took his hands in mine, "you're not the only one at fault for our break up. I should've been more understanding. You wanted to save the world and help rebuild the academy. While I just wanted you to pay attention to me. So, I'm sorry too."
He smiled, "So, will you take me back?"
I leaned in and kissed him.
"I take it that it's a yes."
I nodded and he leaned down to kiss me again. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he placed his hands on my waist.
He pulled away and rested his head on mine, "I love you."
"I love you too," I said.
"Does this mean you're moving back in!?" Klaus called from the hall.
Five opened the door to reveal all our siblings.
"Yeah, I'm moving back in," I said.
They all practically tackled me in a hug.
"Don't break her. I just got her back!" Five yelled.
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anna-justice · 3 years
like i’m gonna lose you
summary: my take on the fall out of 8x16.
read on a03 
“Get your hands off of me” 
Hailey stirred in her chair, her grip on Jay’s hand tightening a bit. They couldn’t bring themselves to care about appearances as they sat in the waiting room of MED, anxiously awaiting news on Kim. Hailey had dozed off on Jay’s shoulder pretty quickly, not that he minded. He was sure she had had a rough few hours, despite her vague responses. 
“You knew exactly what to expect when you came here.” 
There was a soft moan from beside him and Jay looked down to find his girlfriend’s eyebrows laced together. Her knee shook slightly, grabbing his attention. “Hailey?” He whispered, earning no response. 
“This is what it feels like.”
Hailey flinched hard in her sleep, her bottom lip beginning to quiver, Jay’s heart dropped into his stomach. She was having a nightmare. He shifted slightly, bringing his free hand to her hair and tightening his grip on her hand. “I’m here Hailes, come back to me.” He said softly in her ear as he ran his fingers through her hair. 
The movement startled her, causing her to flinch again. “I saw.” She muttered - still asleep - a stray tear falling down her cheek, “I saw-” Before Jay could react, she shot up, grabbing the attention of too many people around her. 
Jay’s hand immediately found her shoulder, “Hey, you’re good. It was just a dream, you’re safe.” He took note of the half nod she gave him, the fake smile, the way her blue eyes were clouded with tears. Hailey looked down at their intertwined hands, pulling hers close to her body. “Hailey?” He asked, a little hurt. 
She looked like she had seen a ghost, and honestly, she felt like she had. The only way to describe the feeling in the pit of her stomach was absolute terror: she was scared that Voight would walk through the sliding glass doors, she was scared of what she had become, she was scared of what Jay would think of her. She was absolutely terrified of the shell of a person he would leave behind when he finally came to his senses and walked away. “I-uh-I,” She stuttered, standing slowly, “I need some air.” She barely got the words out before running out of the building. 
Jay stood to follow her, he had always been good at giving her space, letting her handle things on her own first, but this was killing him. She was spiraling, he could see it. She had spotted it in him so many times before. He was sick of standing on the sidelines while she fought alone but she wouldn’t let him in, not this time. And as much as he wanted to be her husband, he knew the proposal was only a product of whatever the hell had happened, he just never got the chance to ask what that was. 
“I don’t want to be without you.” Hailey said, her sad eyes locked on his. He knew (or at least he thought he knew) what she was getting at. He remembered the way he felt when she was kidnapped, he remembers the panic that set in on her face when he was shot. 
Jay felt the tears forming in his own, squinting a bit. It almost wrecked him to see her like this, so scared of losing what they had. He understood, he felt the exact same way, but it was different. He knew that no one else had ever stayed for her, no one else every cared, and he was determined to be the one that did. “You’re not gonna be.” He said, because how the was he supposed to say everything that he tried to push into those 4 little words? How could he make her believe that she was it for him? 
Hailey searched his face for any sign of regret or inconsistency, but she found none. Somehow though, she still wasn’t one hundred perfect sure. She couldn’t bear to lose him, she wouldn’t survive it. How could she ever feel secure when she had so much to lose? The second the thought crossed her mind, the words tumbled from between her lips, shocking her as much as him. “Maybe we should get married.” 
Jay looked at her blankly, obviously in shock. She could see it all over his face, he couldn’t believe what she was saying, she couldn’t either. “I’m serious, let’s get married.” 
In a split second, Jay saw it all. The life they would have: the white wedding, the lazy saturdays, the holidays, the kids, the house, the dog, the years they would spend growing old together, the family trips to the cabin. He saw it all, and it was in reach. He never believed that he would could have any of it, but with Hailey, he wanted everything. He would marry her tomorrow, but not like this. Not when the love of his life was standing in front of him so broken down that the only way she thought she could keep him was through a meaningless certificate. 
Hailey watched his smile fade, causing the panic to set in. “Jay, we can elope. We don’t have to wait. We can fly to Mexico or Hawaii or anywhere. Hell let’s do it here, I just want to be with you-”
“Hailey, breathe.” He said delicately, placing his hand on her cheek to keep her grounded. He leaned in, kissing her gently before pulling away to look her in the eyes, which were focused on anything but his. “Look at me, please.” She did - reluctantly - taking a deep breath when she realized his soft smile had reappeared. “I love you. And I will love you for the rest of my life. Nothing is going to change that. All I want to do is be with you, please believe me.” 
Hailey shook her head, tears beginning to fall. “I love you so much-” 
“Baby, tell me what’s going on. I want to help. Let me help you.” He was practically begging her.
She shook her head again, “Jay,” She gasped, “I can’t. Not until you say yes. I need you-” 
Suddenly, his phone began to ring. If it was any other day, he would ignore it, but today was not any other day. “It’s Kev.” 
Jay talked quietly on the phone for a minute or two. Hailey took the time to compose herself, to prepare for the worst: the end of her relationship. By the time Jay turned back around the light in her eyes was gone and there was a fake smile on her face, one that only he could see through. “Is she okay?” Hailey asked.
“Uh yeah, he just wants us to come so that he can go switch with Adam.” Hailey nodded, grabbing her phone off the table along with her keys. He cautiously followed her to the door. “We’re gonna be okay Hailes, no matter what.” He said, knowing full and well that this conversation was far from over. 
Hailey nodded, “I know.” The left the apartment, and Hailey did her best to ignore the feeling of dread deep in her chest, but it was inescapable. No one could walk away clean from she had done, not her, not even Voight. 
Hailey leaned against the wall outside of MED, trying to catch her breath. Her heart was racing and her eyes were burning, she clenched them shut to dull the ache, but every time she closed her eyes, all she could see was a gun pointed in her face. 
“Just because your stomach can’t handle it.” 
Hailey gagged, doubling over and leaning against the concrete wall. 
“Cause you’re scared.” 
She emptied the content of her stomach into the grass, choking and coughing violently as tears continued to stream down her face. Her vision clouded again, images of Voight’s face splattered with blood as he approached her running through her head. It felt so familiar. 
Maybe it was her father’s reappearance in her life, but she felt like she was a child again. Hiding behind the couch or in her room, him screaming at her and her brothers as they ran scared. Her past was taunting her, like it was trying to prove to her that she would never be rid of it. That history would always repeat itself. 
Jay followed her, watching from the doorway as she threw up. He rushed to her, “Hailey-” His hand touched her shoulder and she gasped, pulling away quickly and facing him, her arms shielding her face. Jay took a step back, caught off guard by the terror clearly shown on her face. She was frozen, panting hard.
“I-I’m sorry-I,” She said softly, slowly bringing her hands down to her sides. Jay watched as her gaze fell to the ground, his heart dropping into his stomach. He took a cautious step forward. “I’m not, I’m not afraid of you, I-” 
Jay’s expression softened, “I know, I know. I didn’t mean to scare you.” He was hurt, sure, but this wasn’t about him. It was so much bigger than him. 
Hailey wasn’t sure what emotion was more overwhelming: the fear, the guilt or the physical pain she felt in her chest. He looked so defeated, and it was her fault. He thought she was afraid of him. 
He took another step forward, “Can I?” He motioned to his outstretched hand, holding it out to her. Hailey nodded, slipping her hand into his. He slowly pulled her into to him, her arms snaking around his waist and her cheek pressed against his chest. She took a deep breath, instantly calming her. “Hailey?” She hummed in response. “Can you please tell me what happened? You’re starting to scare me.” 
Hailey took a step back, looking him straight in the eye, memorizing the way they were looking at her, in case it was the last time they ever showed that much love. She nodded, grabbing his hand and pulling him to a bench further away from the hospital. This was the last place she wanted to tell him, but he obviously couldn’t wait any longer, he shouldn’t have to. She couldn’t be selfish with him. 
They sat down, facing each other. Hailey let her hand fall out of his, folding hers in her lap. “Voight did find a lead.” She said, shrugging. “Ruzek and I didn’t know, he gave us the legit addresses. Adam, he um, he kind of lost it so I told him to go be with Mackayla, and he did. So, I went to find Voight.” 
Jay’s eyebrows were cinched together, listening intently. “He was at some warehouse, he had Roy. I walked in and he, uh he, he pulled his gun on me.” Jay’s jaw clenched, but he kept his cool (barely), letting her continue. “He was beating information out of Roy, then you radioed that you found Kim, but-but he was going to kill him anyway. We fought.” Hailey took a breath, but continued to ramble, “I convinced him to bring him in. I wanted to do it the right way, we were going to do it the right way, like you. I wanted to do it right, like you, Jay. But then, then-then he reached for Voight’s gun and, Jay I swear he was going to shoot Voight, so I-” Hailey choked out a sob, unable to look her partner in the eye. 
Jay slid his hands in Hailey’s lap, wrapping them around hers. Hailey’s head shot up, shock written all over it, “So you shot him, to protect your Sargeant.” Jay finished for her. She risked her career to protect him even though Voight had no care for hers.
Hailey shuddered, “I promise, I tried. I told him to drop the weapon. I saw him, he had the gun in his hand. I wanted to do it right.” 
“Shhh,” Jay said, pulling her to him. “It was a good shoot Hailes, you did it right.” He held her as her tears soaked his shirt, running a hand through her hair. He was trying to soothe her, but he was seething. He couldn’t believe Voight had put her in that situation. Voight had been on the job a long time, he knew better than to come into close contact with a violent offender with an exposed weapon. 
Once he wrapped his brain around his anger, it hit him. 
“No Jay, not until you say yes.”
Hailey was scared that he would blame her, or leave her over this. He held her a little tighter, his own tears gathering in his eyes as he held her. “I love you.” He whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “I’m not going anywhere.” 
That grabbed Hailey’s attention. She peered up at him, her blue eyes filled with tears and hope. “Really?” She asked quietly, her voice breaking. 
Jay nodded, not trusting his own voice. He leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. Hailey’s eyes fluttered closed, this time, no flashbacks plaguing her mind. His hand settled on her cheek, brushing his thumb over her cheek. Jay pulled away and rested his forehead against hers. “Really,” He whispered 
There was a cough beside them, and Jay looked up first. Hank Voight was standing before them. “How’s she doing?” He asked. 
Hailey stared at him in shock. He looked like he always did. He was no longer wearing his tactical gear and his face was no longer splattered with blood. He was Voight, like nothing had happened. For a split second Hailey envied him, his ability to walk away unscathed, like it was any other Wednesday night and the only thing wrong was Kim’s life was hanging in the balance. Then she looked at Jay, whose jaw was clenched and his eyes were stuck on sergeant. He was just as strong, maybe even stronger, and he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. If he could do it, so could she. 
Jay stood, looking like a force to be reckoned with. “You need to leave.” 
Voight scoffed, quickly glancing at Hailey, “Excuse me.” 
“You heard me Sarge, leave. Now.” Jay said. His voice staying low, but intimidating nonetheless. 
“I have a right to be here Jay, to see Burgess,” Voight said, his words becoming louder as he took a step forward. 
“Then go, be the leader you’re supposed to be, but don’t you dare go near her.” Hailey’s breath caught in the back of her throat, her heart swelling at the sight in front of her. Voight glared at Jay, nodding shortly. Jay took another step forward, so that their faces were level, “And if she is brought into this, in any way, I will bury you.” He never raised his voice, or made any move to physically escalate the situation. The last thig he wanted to do was scare Hailey more than she already was. 
“Understood,” Voight said, with a trace of venom that could have been deadly. 
They parted ways, Voight entering the hospital doors and jay turning to face his girlfriend, who had been silent. “Are you okay?” He asked. 
Hailey nodded, “Yeah, I’m okay.” She met his concerned gaze. “Thank you.” 
Jay gave her a soft smile, “Of course.” She glanced between him and the hospital doors, a nervous look on her face. Jay held out his hand, which she gladly took. “Come on, we can come back in the morning.” 
Hailey sighed in relief, standing. He guided them down the sidewalk, wrapping his arm around her waist and pressing a kiss to her temple. “Let’s go home Hailes.” 
“Hold on.” Hailey said, her anxiety getting the best of her again. She turned to face him, their eyes locking. She felt tears gather in eyes once again at the look in his, the one she had memorized, that she had prayed would never disappear. She smiled as he eyed her. “Ok, I’m good.” She grabbed his hand, pulling him in the direction of his truck. “Let’s go home.” 
A/N: I couldn’t help myself, I had to haha. I can’t believe the premieres are only a month away! Thanks for reading <3
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