#the flowers started blooming today… it’s too early for them.
climbthemountain2020 · 19 hours
Pages Turned (Nesta Week Day 2 - Metamorphosis)
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Day 2 of @nestaarcheronweek
The sun was blinding on the Sidra as Nesta looked out from the balcony of the River House. Her dress swayed around her in the light breeze, swirling around her ankles as she looked out towards the distant mountains. As long as it had taken her to admit it, she truly considered this place her home. In fact, she could see her literal home from here, stretching across the great mountain face overlooking the city.
Maybe she could swindle the house into some lemon-peach tea and another slice of raspberry tart tonight.
She loved Velaris most this time of year, the flowers of early spring popping through the ground, signaling rebirth and things starting anew. She could see the vast gardens surrounding the eastern and back sides of the River House from this balcony. Elain had done a lovely job curating them all by hand years ago. As she grew more and more comfortable in her fae form, she had enchanted them to shift with the seasons, carefully selecting the colors to complement each other and parts of the garden to always be in bloom throughout the year. Nesta smiled to herself–her sister was a female of many talents.
Another warm light breeze pushed against her, causing her to sigh as the lovely scents of lemon and the sea pressed into her skin. She could smell a smattering of other scents below, the remnants of guests arriving for the ceremony taking place today. In amongst them she could just barely pluck out the scent of Cass, somewhere downstairs talking Az off a ledge, no doubt.
She’d only recently left the room where she’d been with all the other females all morning, pinning and zipping and tying and laughing. She’d left to grab some snacks and finish her own preparations for her role as the “Valkyrie of Honor”, as Cass had teasingly called it, neither mate willing to surrender her to the other side for the ceremony.
Her hair still needed styling, so she turned back to the guest room, stepping carefully across the threshold from the porch and sitting primly at the vanity. She’d brought some jeweled pins specifically for the occasion, silver and dotted with tiny blue gems. She laughed to herself at the little joke.
As she looked in the mirror and began to twist and pull her long strands of hair into place, she thought, not for the first time, how thankful she was to have managed all this–to even be here at all.
Nesta had never been one for reflection, choosing instead to plow steadfastly ahead no matter the circumstances, obstacles, or otherwise in her way. She found there had been little time in her life to ruminate on the “what ifs” for whatever reason, and ultimately, she’d mostly broken herself of the very human habit. Even when it hurt, even when she fought tooth and nail, even when it felt as though her still-beating heart had been torn from her chest, Nesta always ended up where she needed to be and not a moment too soon.
Sure, she would have liked to experience a bit less of the heartbreak life had doled out to her, but in her time as an immortal, she’d come to grips with much of that. There would never be a right time for hardships–of course not–but Nesta was at a point now where she genuinely liked who she was for the first time since she could remember. It wasn’t because others had given her approval, it wasn’t because she’d done “enough” to earn her peace–Nesta just genuinely liked herself.
She was, dare she even think it, happy.
The Firstborn.
Nesta might have been happy as a child, but the memories were too hazy to recall. She didn’t remember a time before Elain, barely remembered a time before Feyre, but she remembered her lessons. From the time she could walk, she was in classes: etiquette, ballroom, needlepoint, pianoforte, singing, modern languages, and painting.
Her grandmother would watch as she would plié, jeté, arabesque around the echoing room, thrumming her sharply with a switch any time her footwork was off and harshly adjusting her posture until her chin pointed to the heavens. She knew better than to fight back, knew better than to complain, knew the only way it would ever end was if she did as she was told.
She remembered being jealous of Elain having more freedom and Feyre being able to be loose and free. For Elain, being around others came so naturally. She was outgoing, friendly, and warm. Feyre was wild, always romping about the woods and the streams and the nearby village, covered in dirt and cursing. Nesta wondered all the time why she’d been born first. What had the universe decided that rendered their order so concrete that she’d be eternally doomed to watching her two little sisters live the lives she craved? She remembered seeing them from the windows of the dance studio, wondering why she couldn’t be outside, too.
Nesta, your power is within your station, and your station means absolutely nothing without skill. Your beauty is a weapon–your social skills a knife. If you don’t sharpen it, you’ll be as worthless as anyone else.
So they practiced, and practiced, and practiced until Nesta’s toes bled. Until the smile on her face was as shallow and cracked as a dry lake bed, but muscle memory would deliver it on a silver platter regardless.
At night, when there was no one left to hear, she would cry, her shoulders heaving in the quiet dark, and she would dream every night about flying away from this place, far over the distant mountains and streams. Far away from her mother and grandmother and expectations of a life that would never be lived for herself anyway.
When Nesta’s grandmother died, she wasn’t sad, but she mourned appropriately. When her mother was taken not even two years later, she hated the spark of hope that rang through her chest. Freedom. She could have that freedom.
It didn’t last long before she realized what it meant.
Her father lost their money, her sisters lost their joy, and she lost the last flare of hope as she realized the sacrifices that she would be making. Had she been happy before, then? In that brief moment in between? Hope and happiness weren’t the same, but that small glance of freedom had tasted so sweet. She started having those dreams again of flying–great wings, almost bright red in the light of the sun, gliding through the sky and carrying her to somewhere better, something greater than this.
In those dreams, at least, she could pretend to be happy.
The Sister.
When Feyre was taken, the dreams changed. She was no longer flying high, but being held down, a great beast that shifted between the form of a wolf and a bear and Tomas Mandray in a barn. She woke up in cold sweats in the manor that was haunted with ghosts no one but her could see. As Elain bloomed under this new money, her father became the person she remembered, Nesta withdrew, remembering her mother’s words and sharpening herself once again to be used as a weapon.
The world moved on, but she stayed–the only one who seemed to recognize this for all it was.
So she hardened herself further, and she walked into town with a bag of dirty fae money, threw it at the feet of a mercenary trading pelts, and demanded to be taken to the wall. Three days and nights they trekked through the terrifying woods, her hair standing on end the entirety of the trip. She swore she heard voices whispering quietly from behind the trees. She wondered if, by the time she arrived, Feyre would even still be living.
Each night, she fell asleep clutching a knife to her chest and staring at the stars until her eyes could no longer hold themselves open. She dreamed of a beautiful golden cage, a city by a river, and a low, red glow of light while a man cried nearby. The sadness overwhelmed her so vividly that she woke up feeling devastated all over again.
The trip to the wall meant nothing in the end. They couldn’t find a way through, and so they repeated the whole journey over again, the fear turning to icy resolve in her heart. Elain and her father might not remember, but she would.
Brick by brick on the journey back, Nesta resurrected her walls. They had their money back, but in the end, her circumstances had not changed. She would still be expected to marry, still be forced into the life she was bred for. In the end, Nesta was always made to be a weapon of society meant to serve her family and then another, so she’d ready herself for a new kind of hardness in her demeanor; she would give herself new safe holds within her mind and heart.
When she’d finally seen her sister again, Feyre had been changed–different–and so had she. Feyre was determined and in love, a feeling Nesta had long since given up on. And Nesta was stone cold–her resolve liquifying in her veins like glacial ire. But Feyre was home, and when she painted with Nesta, the patience in her voice nearly tore Nesta to shreds.
She steeled her face, held her lips thin, but her heart, or what was left of it, shattered to bits, leaving her a fragmented mess of nothingness in its wake as she said goodbye yet again to the littlest sister she’d been expected to protect and constantly failed.
The Weapon.
In the end, Nesta was made into a weapon. Not for society, not for a husband, but a true, honest weapon. She’d had everything taken from her when she’d thought there had been nothing left to take, and as she sunk into the icy depths of a childhood fairytale turning into a living nightmare, it tried to take some more.
All her years of training, all the words about her sharpness, every single time someone had called her hard, difficult, cold, unfeeling–she channeled it all. She let her unending rage fuel her, scraping and struggling and demanding.
As the Cauldron took from her, she took back.
Disembodied voices of all ages and genders screamed around her in the dark, fathomless water, but she pulled and screamed and yanked and shrieked until the powers gave way and silence took over. She floated, thoughtless and ephemeral, until the waters began to ebb and flow and she crested to a light above her, the new power humming in her veins as her fingers found arched ears and her eyes found him.
He who had come into her home when she was cold and hard and angry at the world, preening and strutting like some insipid bird-brained idiot. He who called her Nes instead of Nesta. He who acted as though he was utterly indestructible, drawing sneers from her lips as he smiled smugly at her from across the room. He who had taken shot after shot of magic to protect her, shredding his beautiful wings in the process. He whose wings were illuminated by the ward-breaking magic behind him, lighting up and glowing red and stealing her breath as she recognized them from her dreams.
Truly, she didn’t mind being fae. She hadn’t wanted it, hated that the choice had been taken from her like all choices had, but for the first time in her life, Nesta felt powerful. She felt a power in her veins to match the power she’d felt in her stubborn will, her anger, her rage. She liked the arched ears, she liked that she wouldn’t age, she liked that people were afraid of what she could do.
All this scattered to ashes when she’d been ready to die with Cassian, when she took the head off the king.
Power meant nothing to her if it couldn’t save him.
Afterward, when everyone was okay, she thought she might ride the wave of that power forever–might embrace the image of her beheading the king and add it to her collection of things that made her feel strong. But instead, when she looked at her father’s burning body, all she heard was his neck cracking over and over and her steely resolve shattered like glass. All she saw was Cassian being blown from the sky, ceasing to exist as she called his name, and every defense she’d ever built scattered like dandelions in the wind.
Even with all the suffering–even with all the power–she could never protect those she cared about. The only thing she could do for herself was push them all away so it didn’t hurt so much. All she could do was try to feel nothing at all. She was a monster. The words echoed in her head.
I loved you from the first moment I held you in my arms. And I am… I am so sorry, Nesta - my Nesta. I am so sorry, for all of it.
Nesta–my Nesta.
Nesta–my Nesta.
Nesta–my Nesta.
My Nesta.
She’d done this. She’d pushed him away. He’d saved their lives, and it didn’t excuse the years before, but she’d never told him. She’d only tortured him. She’d never told him, and now she never would.
Now, Nesta only dreamed of fires and the cracking of bone.
The Wreck.
Nesta had gone to the beach once as a child. Her mother had allowed her and Elain to swim, though Feyre had been too little. Nesta remembered how the sand pulled in the water from beneath her feet, coming and going with each push and pull of the waves. She remembered being in awe of the power in front of her, the strength in those waves. She remembered being worried if she went under, she may never come back up.
That’s what it felt like in Velaris. Everything was blurry around her, the sounds and sights and smells muffled despite her senses being sharper than they’d ever been before. She felt like she was being pulled under those waves, and every time she tried to come back up for air, something pushed her back beneath.
Cassian tried to speak with her, but every time he did she couldn’t see anything but her body draped over his, throat raw and soul willing to die with him on that battlefield.
Feyre tried to talk to her, but every time she did, all she could see were her father’s features on the face of a fae, his neck snapping like a branch in a storm.
She tried to talk herself out of it, but every day was torture. She couldn’t bathe because it reminded her of the Cauldron. She couldn’t eat because she felt too ill. She couldn’t talk to anyone because her voice might crack, and if they asked her about it, the tight leash she held might snap and she would never get it back in hand.
So Nesta returned to her roots, building that wall up piece by piece until it was even stronger than before.
She spent her nights in her apartment, alone and filling the void with everything she could. Alcohol to numb her pain and quiet her thoughts, gambling to distract her, men–males–to ease the loneliness that ached down to her very bones. It wasn’t enough, it was never enough, but it was all she had.
She knew she could seek out her sister, knew she could even seek out Cassian, but then she’d have to face it all, and she couldn’t. She couldn’t even contemplate the possibility.
But sometimes, at night, as the males snored by her side in a bed that was too cold, she imagined it was Cassian she’d brought home, his hands warm and broad on her body, his chest pressed to her back, his lips roaming her neck. Sometimes, she pictured it was him as she cried, leaned against the door to the bathroom as she let the tears fall where no one else could possibly see.
“It’s okay, Nes. It’s all going to be okay.”
She wanted to believe it, but she didn’t. Nesta didn’t dream anymore.
The Valkyrie.
Nesta wasn’t expecting the recovery when it came. She wasn’t expecting to recover at all.
In fact, the first thing she felt outside of her own despair was rage. Rage and wrath and fury that everyone else was given their space to grieve as they saw fit. Everyone but her, and only because she was embarrassing Feyre.
Everyone had given Elain time to be a useless, depressed, ghost of a person. Everyone allowed her to kick Lucien away like a mongrel on the street. But no, not Nesta. Not the mate of a member of their elite friend group. Not the sister who refused to bend for them.
The world had taken enough from her, and she wasn’t going to let some well-dressed bat and his friends pressure her into feeling the things that she’d carefully shoved away.
But then they did anyway. Every time Nesta thought there was nothing left to take, something else was taken.
Buried in her rage and ignoring her grief, however, she had found something she hadn’t been looking for–kinship. Understanding.
Gwyn and Emerie had not been expected, but for the first time in her life, it felt like she’d been given something instead of forced into giving it away. They understood her in a way that her own sisters never had. They didn’t expect anything of her except for her to wake up and face the day with them as they did themselves. They were all healing in their own way until one day they realized they had been healing together.
Strangely, finding her chosen sisters did not push her farther away from her own. She found, instead, that she respected her sisters and their choices in a whole new light. In learning to give and accept love in the way she’d never done before, she saw how they’d been set up to fail from the start by their family, by their dynamic.
Breaking free from it all had allowed Nesta to heal and see things with new eyes. Knowing that it hadn’t only been her doing everything she could to survive, but her sisters too, let her give freely what she’d withheld so fervently from others, but most of all from herself: forgiveness.
Finding a purpose had fulfilled Nesta in ways she’d never experienced, and finding it with people she loved made the victory so much sweeter. For once, the things she built up brick by brick were not her walls, but her fortitude, her bravery, her trust, and her openness. She found she liked the feeling of pushing herself into something uncomfortable and new, and she stopped leaving claw marks on every part of her she’d had to leave behind.
When Nesta began to dream again, she was afraid that she would return to those nightmares: Cassian injured, her father dying, the fathomless depths of the Cauldron. She wondered if she’d now be greeted by Cassian with a knife, Briallyn with the crown, the swords coming down on her again and again on Ramiel as she fought to make sure her sisters survived.
Instead, when she dreamed, she saw white ribbons, her nephew, and a family that she chose for herself. She was dreaming of wings in the skies again, soft hands on her as the glow of the sun and the siphons bathed her in a warm red glow, and the low words rumbling in her ear and wrapping straight around her immortal heart.
“Hello, Nes.”
The Mate.
Nesta remembered the final step, allowing her guard down enough to let Cassian in to stay. She fought the urge to push him out, to keep that space in her heart silent and cold as it had always been. But his warmth and his joy and his laugh and his love found their way in, nestling within her ribs like a cat in a ray of sun.
She found, at the end of the day, it was impossible to not love Cass. And as much as she’d insisted they hadn’t been well matched, she found every single part of him complemented every single part of her.
Once she allowed herself to love and be loved in return, she was surprised to find that her default actually wasn’t cold and alone. In fact, Nesta found she loved to be held, loved to wake up with that heat at her back, loved to feel his strong hands on her, always–at meals, at training, in passing, and at night. She loved the steadiness of him, of her mate.
The Lord of Bloodshed and Lady Death were only soft for each other and those they loved, and that was how it would remain.
Nesta looked out again to the lovely mountains of Velaris, the Sidra glittering below in the mid-afternoon sun. She could hear the chatter on the other side of the house as everyone prepared for the mating ceremony. She’d been organizing and helping to set this up for months, and she was not about to be late to see her work come to fruition. She was sure Cass was already downstairs socializing.
As if she’d summoned him, his booming laugh bounded through the halls of the house, and she couldn’t help but grin as she pressed one last pin into her hair.
A quiet knock on the door before it opened had her turning in the chair.
“Nesta? We’re all just about set to go. You ready?” Feyre had poked her head through the door. “Oh, you look lovely!”
Nesta blushed. Even after all these years, it was hard to accept compliments so freely from her sister.
“Yes, all set! Just finishing up my hair. Is Az shitting his pants yet?”
“Not quite, but he is pacing a hole in the floor. Cassian has been trying to slow him down.” She responded with a giggle, holding out a hand for Nesta to take.
“Well, we’d best not keep them waiting.” She took Feyre’s hand in hers, the other supporting her swollen belly as she came to stand. She rubbed a hand over it, feeling a swift kick in return. It never failed to make her soul feel like it was about to take off over the peaks of Velaris.
She smiled, feeling the tiny winged babe wriggle around beneath her ribs. It wouldn’t be much longer now and they’d have this little one in their arms. The thought of Cass with their child snuggled into his bare chest while she listened to him tell them stories made her heart swell with warmth, and she suddenly couldn’t wait to get down the stairs to see him again.
The Mother.
Biggest thank you to @cauldronblssd, @witch-and-her-witcher, and @tunaababee for the beta reads! I love youuuu
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lilybug-02 · 1 year
I’m feeling the full mental weight of climate change again and want to explode.
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….Humans can reverse the process. There’s a good hope, but not without serious and worldwide dedication…it’s been done before…just gotta believe in that…
These past few years have been so evident in a change in weather… I know what humans should be doing… but, personally, I’m not sure what to do anymore.
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jgracie · 5 days
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masterlist | rules
❝ Hiya,can i request if you have time,Percy dating a Demeter kid?Thank you💕 ❞ — anon
in which percy dates a child of demeter
pairing percy jackson x demeter!reader
warnings me projecting as a child of demeter LOL, one swear word
on the radio . . . love grows (where my rosemary goes) (edison lighthouse)
an never stop requesting demeter!reader guys (i live vicariously through her) also this features another travis cameo LOL him and percy are bffs in my head ALSO the watering can thing is inspired by stardew valley i cannot wait for the day i get to upgrade to sprinklers
Percy’s never been a morning person. However, he has been forced awake at ungodly times due to nightmares
This was one of those times. He could barely remember what the dream was about, all he knew was that it was bad enough for him to wake with a start, his body drenched in sweat as he tried to recollect himself
Looking over at the clock on his bedside table, Percy could barely make out the time: 5:35AM. Well, there was no point going back to sleep now. Even if he did, he’d probably just be visited by nightmares again
So, Percy slipped the nearest t-shirt on and left his cabin, unsure of where he was heading - maybe the beach to cool off? Who knows, he was in disarray. The worst dreams were always the ones you couldn’t remember, the fear of them possibly being important haunting your day
Suddenly, Percy smelt a comforting scent waft through the air. He’d never smelt anything like that before. It couldn’t be ambrosia or nectar - while they both had good scents, they weren’t half as strong as this one. What could it be?
He decided to follow his instinct and find where the smell was coming from. Which led him to cabin 4
Despite it being right across from his own, Percy never paid cabin 4 much attention. Not until now
He continued following the scent and ended up at the back of the cabin, where there was a huge garden filled with what Percy believed to be the most appetising fruits and vegetables he’s ever seen. To the side, there was a greenhouse, where he could see the silhouette of a person
Curious, Percy made his way over to the greenhouse. He’d never spoken to a Demeter kid before, but he’d heard of your nurturing nature and kind hearts in passing
“It’s okay, Cassie, you can go back to sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up, I promise,” Percy heard a voice say, stopping in his tracks. Deciding to take a peek, he found himself facing an angel
You were rocking a young girl who seemed to be six years old at most back to sleep in your arms. Wherever you went, the flowers in the greenhouse bloomed brighter, gravitating towards you and wrapping their stems around your arms, almost as if they were vying for your attention
The girl’s face was tear-streaked, but she nodded, nuzzling into the crook of your neck. You smiled and ran your fingers through her hair, praying to your mother that she wouldn’t have another nightmare
You hated when the younger kids got nightmares - they could barely understand the fact that one of their parents is a God, let alone comprehend the strange demigod nightmares
Then, you noticed him. When you locked eyes, Percy felt as if the last puzzle piece of his life was finally put in place. Was it too early to say you were made for him?
“Hello! Welcome to Flowers and Vines (shoutout to Stella for naming it!), how may I help you today?” You said, your cheery tone snapping Percy out of the trance you put him in. Walking inside (he’d been simply listening next to the door), Percy sheepishly rubbed his neck, hoping you didn’t think he was some weird stalker
Percy looked around, now fully being able to see everything your greenhouse had to offer. His mom would love this place
“Oh, I’m good, thanks… I didn’t know you guys had a flower shop here! That’s really cool…” Percy said, trailing off at the end once he realised he didn’t know your name. He was a little embarrassed, but luckily, you didn’t seem to mind
Giggling, you continued for him, “Y/N, my name’s Y/N. And Flowers and Vines is more than just a flower shop, we sell produce too! Mr D’s kids help us with the grapes.” As you told him all of this, you were going around with a pretty pink watering can and watering every single plant in the whole greenhouse. Surely, there must be a more efficient way to water them all?
That morning, Percy decided he would buy a flower from you. When you’d asked which one he wanted, he simply told you to surprise him
“These are some of my favourites,” you said while wrapping your flowers of choice - to Percy, they looked like every other pink, round flower out there, but he’d learn the difference for you. These were now special
Handing him the little bouquet, you continued, “Rhododendron - ‘I shall never look upon your like again’, that’s what they mean. I don’t see them around much anymore, which is why I planted them here!”
It was almost like you knew Percy would never look upon your like again. When he’d asked you how much they were for, you insisted on giving them to him on the house. After much arguing, Percy accepted, keeping them right next to his bed. Something about them made the nightmares a little better
After that day, Percy couldn’t stop thinking about you. Everything he saw around him reminded him of you - from the flowers in the forest to the smell of mangoes in the air as their season arrived
He’d see you occasionally, too, and would shyly wave whilst hoping you didn’t notice the way his face turned a bright red when you waved back
You thought Percy was really cute, too, and were a little disappointed when he didn’t show up a second time after your original rendezvous. You began taking on so many shifts you might as well have been working at Flowers and Vines full time. Your siblings (as well as Dionysus’ kids) teased you relentlessly for this, but you didn’t care. You just wanted to see him again
And then you did
Percy’s idea was one that was suggested by none other than Travis Stoll. He was simply catching up with the son of Hermes when he’d brought up the fact that everyone working at Flowers and Vines watered the plants using watering cans (something which had been really bothering Katie)
When Percy had asked why they did that, Travis explained that they used to have sprinklers but after the Ares cabin tinkered with them once (they were bitter over a game of Capture the Flag), causing the water to go all over the place and killing a lot of the flowers, the sprinklers were unusable and currently being fixed by the Hephaestus cabin
That’s when Percy came up with it. Since he was a son of Poseidon, he could spread water from a source as far as he wanted to. Therefore, he could help with your issue and have an excuse to talk to you
Immediately, Percy ran to the flower shop/fruit market he’d grown to love so dearly
“Hi! Is Y/N here?” He asked one of your siblings, breathless. They nodded and pointed behind them, smirking as they snuck knowing glances to your other siblings
There you were, in all your glory. You seemed to sparkle under the Sun, watering the flowers with your little pink pot. When the water ran out, you sighed. You really needed to invest in a bigger one
Just as you were about to go fill it, Percy proudly announced, “you won’t have to do that anymore!”
You couldn’t believe your ears. As you turned around, you fought the urge to hug the boy. Despite only speaking with him once, you really did miss Percy
Intrigued, you followed Percy to the fountain in the middle of the greenhouse. Before, it used to just be for decoration (since you had sprinklers), but now it came very handy for refilling your watering cans
Extending his arm towards the fountain, Percy willed droplets of water to hover in the air, then, with one motion, threw them all over the greenhouse, watering your plants perfectly
“Oh my Gods, Percy, this is amazing! Thank you so much!” You exclaimed, running over to him and giving him a peck on the cheek. It was a spontaneous decision mainly done because you were getting quite tired of manually watering all your plants
After that, Percy began working at Flowers and Vines as your temporary plant-waterer. You, your siblings and Dionysus’ kids would all cheer when he’d appear, and he’d play into it, making a big show out of getting the water out of the fountain and sprinkling it over the plants, winking at you as he did so
The plants seemed to flourish even more than usual, too. You told yourself it was probably because water from a son of Poseidon was more powerful than normal water (or something along those lines), but you knew the truth
As a child of Demeter, much like your mother, your emotions influenced nature around you. When you were sad, plants would wilt and wither, mimicking the winter Demeter creates whenever Persephone is in the Underworld
The opposite was true. Whenever you were happy, plants would blossom and bloom all around - and you were really happy when Percy was around. Which is why you needed to tell him before the Hephaestus cabin fixed your sprinklers
However, fear got the best of you every time you tried to get the words out of your mouth. Despite practising several times with your siblings (and even once with the Aphrodite cabin), whenever you tried telling Percy, you’d get shy and vines would grow out of your head, tangling with your hair and acting as a shield
Unfortunately for you, Percy couldn’t tell from that that you liked him, so you simply had to get over your fears and say it
Your confession happened on Percy’s last day as your plant waterer. That morning, Katie had pulled you to the side, telling you to hurry up your confession to Percy as she and Travis couldn’t delay the Hephaestus cabin any more (they were getting quite annoyed, having worked on the sprinklers for so long. What did those Ares kids do to them?)
So, you spent the whole day bracing yourself for Percy’s arrival. All you had to do was say it, get his response and move on with your life. It wasn’t that big of a deal!
After Percy watered the plants, everyone watched in silence, waiting for you to say something
“Hey… Percy, can we talk?” You asked, ignoring the hushed cheers of your siblings as you approached the boy. He nodded, smiling at you and letting you lead him to the back, where you kept all the extra supplies
Sitting on a stool, Percy looked up at you, just noticing your nervousness, “is everything okay?” He asked, concern laced in his voice
You nodded, taking a deep breath. You practically had this memorised. You just had to get the words out. You couldn’t get the words out
The vines grew from your head again and you wanted nothing more than to cocoon yourself in them. You’d faced terrifying monsters with a calm smile and eliminated them like you were pulling weeds out of your gardens, but you couldn’t tell a boy you liked him?
At this point, the vines were wrapping around the stool Percy was sat on, and he stood up, confused
Slowly, he made his way over to you and brushed the vines away from your face. As he looked into your wide eyes, he finally understood. Cupping your face with his hands, Percy placed a tender kiss on your lips
“I like you too, Y/N. Like, a lot”
Ok dating hcs 🥳
First of all I just wanna say PICNIC DATES!!! Sometimes you have them on the beach and it’s like you combined both your worlds <3
As a child of Demeter I can confidently say we know how to cook. Percy’s so in love with your cooking. He never thought any cooking could rival his mother’s until you came along
Somehow, you knew how to make meals that make him feel all warm and fuzzy inside. If you asked him to taste ambrosia and one of your meals blindfolded and then choose one, he’d choose yours in a heartbeat
He’s also so obsessed with the fresh produce you bring from Flowers and Vines. I said this in my Percy x Persephone!Reader headcanons but I don’t think Percy’s much of a fruits/vegetables guy so the fact that you have him hooked on them says a lot
Swears he’s addicted. You think he’s just saying that to flatter you but he means it. If someone asked him if he had an addiction he’d look them dead in the eye and go, “yes, my partner’s bell peppers.”
He’s actually right though! Demeter + Dionysus kid powers make the produce taste a little fresher and last for way longer
Percy also decides to learn the language of flowers. He borrows a book about it from the Athena cabin and makes little notes and everything
Once, you came to his cabin and found the book full of scrawled annotations and sticky notes in it and you had to fight the urge to bawl your eyes out because he’s just so adorable
Will literally buy you flowers from your own flower shop though LMAO he doesn’t even try to do the transaction with anyone else. He’ll buy them and you’ll give them to him and he’ll be like “oh thanks I’m gonna go give this to the light of my life now” and he just hands them back to you
Percy’s also def the type of guy to keep one with him so he can get you new ones as soon as they start to wilt. Except his timing is always off because flowers tend to last a little longer when they’re around you
Lowkey still works at Flowers and Vines except he just follows you around and has no salary (he says his salary are kisses from you but knows he’d get them regardless LOL)
Brings Sally and Paul to Flowers and Vines and they’re immediately hooked because flowers in the mortal world aren’t half as beautiful as these hello??
Also, as a child of Demeter, you are naturally very motherly and caring. He loves seeing you interact with Estelle so much!!!
His half-sister warmed up to you extremely quickly and now refuses to be babysat by anyone who isn’t you. Like it can’t even be Percy alone you have to be there!!
Percy ALSO loves it when you dote on him. This leads to him being a little dramatic at times
Looking up, you saw a pouty Percy make his way over to you, his brows furrowed as he looked down at his finger
“Y/N! You won’t believe what happened!” He said. The first couple times he pulled this stunt, he’d scared you shitless, but you now knew all about your boyfriend’s antics and simply gave him a knowing smile
Feigning worry, you asked, “oh no, what is it?” Percy revealed his finger to you, which had a barely noticeable cut at the tip of it
“I was talking to Clarisse when all of a sudden she swung at me!” He told you, looking over to the side. In reality, he’d asked Clarisse to cut him, knowing only a child of Ares could have such precision with a weapon
Sporting a pout of your own, you took Percy’s finger and peppered it with kisses, “I’ll speak to Clarisse, don’t worry.” You said
“Uhh.. Y/N.. she also punched me in the lips… My lips really hurt.”
Let’s just say you didn’t get much work done that day (SAFE FOR WORK!)
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catladyoftheyr · 11 days
Too Sweet (Ch. 2)
Harvey x Reader
Ch 1
Summary: this is based off Harvey’s 2 heart event in the game! I wanted to expand on it and add a little tension after their little meetcute. You go to visit George and Evelyn but Harvey is in the middle of a private session with them. You get caught in the middle of everything.
A/N: cliffhanger ending I guess bc I’m tired lmao. Not exactly fluff but not really angst either.
Word count: 722 it’s Smol
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The end of spring had come around in the valley and the shift toward warmer weather had left you feeling rejuvenated. You were slowly settling into a new routine, making your way into the chicken coop to collect their eggs. The hens bobbed around affectionately at your feet and you bent down to ruffle them softly as you scattered feed. After the chickens were tended to you filled your watering can, still straining from its weight.
After you were satisfied with the progress on your morning chores you sat on your porch and admired the view. It was so quiet in the valley, no car horns or pounding construction. You noticed your tulips had bloomed and recalled Evelyn mentioning they were favorites. You gathered a few flowers as gently as possible, wrapping a pale ribbon around the stems to hold your makeshift bouquet in place. You laid the bouquet in a basket and started on your way into town.
Passing by the bus stop you noticed a patch of leeks that had sprouted. You added them to your basket, careful not to damage the flowers. Evelyn had mentioned they were her husband’s favorite in passing, and you’d grown fond of him as well. You found your mind wandering as you followed the path toward the elderly couple’s home. You thought about stopping by the saloon to buy Harvey a coffee, and to find out what Gus liked so you could properly thank him for his work.
Evelyn had made a point to tell you multiple times to let yourself in when you visit, no need for knocking. You turned the knob and stepped into the living room. You quickly realized you’d stumbled into something private. George and Evelyn were seated in the room, listening intently as Harvey preached about the importance of a balanced diet. Before you could turn to leave you heard the doctor’s voice call out.
“This is a private session. You can’t be here.”
“Sorry! I didn’t realize you were here. I was just leav-“
George cut you off mid-sentence as you tried to back out the door. “Wait just a minute. I want a second opinion. “
Harvey let out an exasperated sigh. “George please. I’m your doctor. I'd appreciate it if you’d trust me. I went to school for eight years; I'd like to think I’m qualified when I tell you to eat less sodium.”
“I think Harvey’s right, George,” you added sheepishly. “I’m sure he has your best interest at heart. Besides, there’s plenty of healthy options that taste great. I brought you some leeks” you raised the basket meekly. George’s expression softened.
“I suppose you’re right. I’m sorry for fighting you, Doc. And I appreciate your kindness toward little old me. Thank you for the leeks, they’re my favorite.” You said your goodbyes and apologized again for interrupting before setting the basket down on a table and leaving.
Your cheeks burned red when you walked into the sun again. You cursed silently for not knocking, or for dropping by so early. You’d never been so embarrassed. Harvey must think I’m a fool and a stalker you thought to yourself as you paced around town with no destination in mind. You turned back and walked toward home. You felt the tears well up in your eyes and prayed no one else would try to make conversation today.
You slid to the ground in the chicken coop, back against the wall with your head in your hands. Tears began to run down your cheeks while the morning's events ran through your head in a loop. You cried quietly for a while before you felt gentle pecking. You scooped the hen into your lap and laughed softly. “I screwed up today, Scramble.” The chicken looked at you inquisitively. “I totally blew it with that cute doctor. I walked in on him with a patient.” Scramble clucked sympathetically while you pet her. “I’m serious, I made a fool out of myself today. He’s never going to take me seriously now. He probably thinks I’m a total loser.” Your other hen cooed as if to respond from across the room. “You’re right, Henrietta. I don’t need him or his stupid mustache.”
“You think my mustache is stupid?” The coop door opened and Harvey stood in the entrance with a hurt expression.
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jarofstyles · 7 months
JAROFSTYLES FICTOBER DAY 1- "So Pretty... Yet So Deadly"
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Fictober prompts
Warnings- creepyish, mention of toxic/poisonous things
Y/N twirled the flower around her hand, the glove covering it prohibiting the feeling of powdery soft petals. She had been unsure why this particular client kept a section of the garden blocked off from the rest of the blooms, but it was evident now. 
They were toxic. 
It was so unassuming. If there had been no signage and Y/N without years of experience, one could assume they were normal plants. Some bushes even had round, juicy little red berries, temptation for anyone to grab a handful for a snack- but it would be too late when they finished it up, looking to see a blanket of fallen berries without a bite taken from them. The toxins would be at work once they’d realized no animal would dare to take a nibble. 
The particular flower in her hand had midnight blue petals. They almost shimmered, an elaborate distraction for anyone while the powdery substance infiltrating the skin to cause an unbearable rash. Bubbling skin once it took effect, and fatal to the body if the flower was ingested. Y/N had to wonder why someone would have a garden section with the most toxic plants she had ever heard of, but her job was to care for the whole thing. A new member to the estate, she knew little about its owner other than he traveled frequently and probably wouldn’t see her much. 
Her portable speaker was quietly drolling out the music of her ‘fun fall festivities’ playlist as she pruned the leaves, spoke to the plants and watered accordingly. “It isn't your fault that you’re so deadly.” She whispered to them. “You had to adjust, you didn’t start out that way. You built up your defenses in order to keep from being eaten. I understand.” Her shears were put down as she wiped away a bit of sweat. “But you’re so pretty, so I can understand why things still get tempted.”
“I agree.” A darker voice made her jump, spinning around. “So pretty… but so deadly.” 
A man blocked the sunlight out, his hair pushed out of his face and his outfit far too full coverage for the early fall weather. It was still 75 out today, a longer heat a blessing to most. The blazer was buttoned and the only skin seeming to be showing was his face and hands. The turtleneck his his own and sunglasses kept his eyes from being seen, but from the little she could see? He was attractive. Attractive and intimidating. 
“They are.” Y/N agreed, taking a sip of her water bottle. Something in her brain was misfiring and telling her to run, but he hadn’t done anything wrong. “Do you know a lot about them?” 
This certainly wasn’t another gardner, but maybe he oversaw the estate. 
“I do, yes.” He nodded, hands flexing around the wood that kept the plants separated. “They’re mine. You seem to know what you’re doing, which is a relief. A lot of people don’t know a think about these and the safety. You’re wearing gloves, so you’ve got a brain.” A wry smile made her shift, unsure if it was a compliment or what.. What? His plants? Did that mean this was her boss? 
“I-I did a special unit on poisonous plants in school.” She laughed uneasily, feeling the power of the man. He was standing tall and she was on her knees on her weeding mat, and this was her boss… It all felt a bit odd. “So I do know most.” 
His gaze was unnerving, knowing he was staring and not able to see his eyes. The man wasn’t afraid of uncomfortable silences. There was a good minute where she felt unable to speak, like someone was hearing her thoughts in her brain and she couldn’t open her mouth- but as soon as the discomfort started, it stopped. A deep inhale made her lean back, blinking up at him. 
“Good. I think that these plants mean a lot. Everyone assumes the monsters are obvious. Ugly, unbearable, unsightly, there would be no way they’re appealing. But in reality, the scariest things for a human mind to comprehend lay right in front of them. They’re in power and they’ve no idea because they’ve been trained to see everything but the most obvious threat. The beautiful, the powerful, the ones who shimmer in the light. Humans will even seek them out on that alone.” The man almost laughed, flashing a smile before closing his lips. “Just remember that, Y/N. Be aware of the dangers that lie in beautiful things. I was reminded of that just today.”
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arteastica · 8 months
early in the morning, especially when it rains, and a little before noon. (9)
erwin x fem!reader
chapters: (1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (10) | (11) | (12) | (13) | (14) | (15) | (16) | (17) | (18) | (19) | (20) | (21) | (22) | (23) | (24) | (25) | (26)
summary: I basically took Isayama’s work, forced it into a romance story, and made Erwin the love interest. Commander meets cadet and they fall in love (not instantly though)
notes: very berry canonverse (but some events were modified to fit my narrative), wasn’t intended to be this long, but it all is in the details right?
content warnings: smut where it fits (or where I make it fit. Also, reader is NOT underage, so likewise, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, please.) slow burn (I really mean it. I’m not olympic diving into any form of smut for the first chapters.) no angst. I dislike angst. I would never. I could never. (Although angst can be somewhat subjective so take it with a grain of salt?)
wc: 1.8k
“It will start snowing soon.” The commander looked up at the darkening sky as if expecting a snowflake to land on his face any moment now. “The first snowfall usually happens around this time.”
“And it will be a heavy one.” You observed, trailing not far behind along the forest path that led back to the headquarters. You had spent the best part of the afternoon at the storage shed, checking the grain, cloth, and hay inventory, as well as the wood stock one last time. It was the final step in the tedious process of preparing for the winter, and judging by the way your fellow soldiers had taken off as soon as the commander had finally dismissed them, it was evident they too were grateful winter only came once a year.
“How do you know?”
“Well, for one, the acorns. Their skin is thick this year.” You explained while looking at the ground, covered in nutshells. “When they fall heavily and the squirrels stash them up high,” you pointed at the treetops, where, earlier, you had spotted their bushy tails between the foliage “the snow will be deep. Also, did you try the apples at breakfast today? Their skin was so tough it could chip a tooth. I think I’ll pass on them tomorrow.”
He let out a chuckle in response. “How reliable are apple skins when it comes to predicting the weather?”
“I don’t know about apples, but onions and corn… they never lie.” He looked back at you and raised an eyebrow. “The onion skins are thicker too, and the corn husks are especially tight this year. However, what has me really worried are the flowers.”
He waited for you to catch up. “The flowers?”
“They had a second bloom this fall. Did you notice? It’s going to be a bad winter, commander.” You shook your head like you were delivering the most ominous of news, but he just threw his head back laughing, and you couldn’t stop a smile from spreading across your face at the sight. There was something childlike in him, even though that was a word that you never thought, not in a million years, could be associated with the commander of the Survey Corps.
“How do you know all this? Assuming you are not making it all up.”
This time it was you the one lifting an eyebrow. “It doesn’t matter. You know about chess and battle tactics, and I know about these things. And all you need to know is that I didn’t make it all up, and that winter is going to be harsh and unforgiving this year.”
“Well, we better make sure to stay warm then.” There was nothing mischievous about the tone or manner of his words, so nothing justified the mental imagery your head started to provide you with; something that had become somewhat of a habit ever since the ball. And you had to admit that images of his warm, muscular body tangled up with yours under soft, warm covers were looking especially enticing in this weather.
Since that night, at your doorstep, you had been looking inside to see if you could find in you an inch of the confidence you had felt then, to see if there was a little bit left of that something you had then, that something that had led your lips so close to his. But maybe it all had been gone once the final leaves fell from the trees, or when the few drinks you had that night wore off.
You glanced at him. He had a pretty nose, of course he did. High, with a prominent bridge and slightly bent at the end. His side profile alone was enough inspiration for later at night, when you were alone in your room, seeking a satisfaction that you knew your fingers couldn’t provide. But you would try regardless, and hopefully this time it would work. It was sad to see something that you usually found relief and comfort in, quickly turn into something frustrating.
It was as if your body was getting back at you for the betrayal of that night, after the ball. It was getting back at you for failing to provide the closure it had been seeking, and now it was punishing you for breaking a promise you had unknowingly made the moment you had let the commander walk you back home on that day. Now, your body was denying you of any form of self-provided pleasure. And it was a tragedy, especially because, ever since that night at your door step, you had been craving a really good orgasm. A life-changing orgasm that you knew could only be provided by one person in particular.
You knew you shouldn’t, but you stole a glance at his pants. How disrespectful of you. But, goodness, they were so tight. How are you different from those men at the party whose eyes made you feel all levels of discomfort? True and you would definitely reflect on that later on a journal entry, but the straps around his muscled thighs were only providing the frame to an already beautiful picture. And the front. Oh, the way his pants bulged at the front.
I bet it is beautiful. Some voice inside your head came in uninvited, and you had to agree with it. Something told you he was the type who would get veiny when excited, and rock-hard when you needed him the most. You were confident he would feel heavy in your hand, and that he would be the perfect amount of thick to fit exactly where you needed him to. And there was not a single doubt in your mind that he came with a custom curve to reach exactly where you wanted him to.
“Are you cold?” His interventions were usually well-timed, but you weren’t sure about this one.
I’m not, commander. But I’d like to be fucking you right now. May I? It was all you wanted to ask. But instead, you just shook your head, feeling a tide of relief wash over you when your eyes spotted something interesting to land on.
“Oh, we don’t stand a chance. Look at these!” You walked to a low shrub that was sprinkled with red dots, and picked some. “When berries are these plentiful, it’s always a bad sign. For people who dislike the winter at least.”
“Let me guess, much like any good old, boring calendar would, it foretells the arrival of a cold and snowy season.” You would have been hurt by his skepticism, but you knew it was just a matter of weeks before nature proved you right.
“Not only that,” you said as you walked up to him “But the thing about berries is that their knowledge is not limited to the near future, they can also tell you a thing or two about the following winter as well; and an abundant crop of these means that next year’s winter will be just as cold.” You explained, holding one berry between your thumb and forefinger. “Open your mouth.”
He obliged and you placed it inside. “What do you think? They’re perfect for a pie, right? Want more?” He nodded and you fed him another. And then another. And another. And sometime by the 7th or 8th berry, you started to get worried you would run out of stock, and that was a problem because, right now, you didn’t want to move, not when his hands were resting on your sides, holding your waist.
You smiled, making mental notes of all the things you wanted to tell your journal later. “What’s your favorite winter crisp?” He looked at you like you were talking in some foreign language “Apple? Cranberry? Pear? I have an aunt who baked pear crips way too often when I was little. Ate so much I don’t really like them now.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever tried it.” He said as you placed the last berry in his mouth.
“Your parents weren’t into baking?” Crisps were very common winter treats, everywhere inside the walls; and, while you understood that his priority as commander of the Survey Corps wasn’t to try every single dessert in existence, there was no way he never had them as a child.
“My father was good at a lot of things, but baking wasn’t one of them.” You chuckled at this confession. Your hands were now resting on his upper arms, while his were still holding your waist. “And my mother, well, she passed before I even started school.”
There wasn’t any nearby, at least not that you knew, but you suddenly felt like you had stepped into an icy pond.
“So if she ever baked it for me, I was too young to remember.” He gave you a gentle smile and you responded by bringing your hand up to his cheek, where your thumb started caressing him just as gently.
The way he talked about his father, in the few occasions he had, gave you the impression that he wasn’t around anymore, but you hadn’t heard anything about his mother. It didn’t look like he had any siblings either, but you really wished he still had some relative out there, someone to write home to. Because the thought of him spending the holidays alone, not having any family left, made your heart feel the same kind of agony lemons must feel when squeezed.
You stroked the rough, bristly skin of his chin, and as you looked into his eyes, realized how much you wanted to cuddle him under a warm blanket on snowy days, to let him fall asleep on your lap in the middle of a stressful afternoon, and to bake him all the treats he didn’t have as a child.
“You need to shave.” You told him softly, while hoping your smile could convey all those thoughts you just had to him. But he only chuckled. “I will bake one for you before the holidays. And a tart too. These berries will make the perfect tangy sauce.”
Your hand was still cupping his face when he spoke. “While I appreciate everything you do, especially the butter biscuits in the afternoon, it is not in your job description to bake for me or to bring me tea twice a day.”
“Fair. But it is not in your job description either to buy sweet treats for your assistant or to walk her home.” You replied, smiling broadly to match the grin on his lips. “Come on, commander. Let’s get warm. It’s getting cold out here.” You gave his chin one last stroke before heading to the castle and the warm lights that could already be seen glowing through its windows, including the one of your shared office, where the fireplace flames would surely be dancing to the crackling of wood.
next chapter
taglist: @elnyrae @angelaevangelion @depitaangeline @ynackerman9499 @afatalheat @pumpkin-toffee @velouria17 @gassytritis
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Thank you @nugget4550 for giving me the chance to write Red being a flustered doofus with their OC. They're perfect for each other <3
... Red was nervous.
He shot an unnecessarily sharp glare at a middle-aged man, who flinched and stopped staring, continuing walking. Red could tell he didn’t fit in here. Even more so than usual. He was in his normal clothes, his big dark jacket and black boots, towering over most humans...
... At the entrance to a botanical garden.
It was Alphys’ fault, the crazy bitch. When he mentioned (against his will, Papyrus had prodded him into talking about it) that he wanted to take a human he’d met on date, Alphys had gotten a weird look on her face and insisted he go to a specific botanical garden. And when he’d texted Nova about it they seemed delighted, so obviously the idea had been something of a hit. But, well...
... Why was he so nervous? He scuffed the sole of his shoe against the ground. He never got this nervous, about anything. Why was he getting like this over the thought of seeing Nova again? Maybe it was the setting. He usually met people at bars, or on street corners, somewhere dark and atmospheric. He wasn’t used to somewhere so...
... Bright.
“Hey Red!”
Red almost flinched, turning to look at the human whose face he’d just been picturing- he quickly stuck a grin on. They looked good. They were also sporting black jeans and boots, like him- part of him was soothed. He didn’t feel quite so-out-of-place, now.
“hey. good t’see ya, pilot." He purred. "lookin’ stratospheric.”
His eyelights once again lingered on the tattoo on their collarbone. He liked it... he liked imagining how the whole thing would look, too. A process that would involve them removing their shirt, of course.
“... You okay?” They were smiling, but giving him a look. “You seem nervous.”
“... pft.” His agitation spiked. Was he that easy to read today? He’d watched this human throw up on themselves, yet he was the nervous one. He shrugged. “just daydreamin’. ...well, also, ain’t ever been to a botanical garden before.”
Their eyes flashed with mirth. “So you’re a botanical virgin?”
He let out a noise like a sputter, stuck for a response. His cheekbones felt warm- why was he struggling so hard to think of a response? Usually, he’d quip back with something equally as flirty, but anything he started to think of dissolved in his head. He let out a laugh to cover his tracks.
“y-yeah, guess you could say that.”
what the fuck? that's all i could get out? am i ill, or somethin?
Nova was glowing; they looked proud to have gotten a flustered response from him. “C’mon, Shakespeare. Let’s head in.”
... He got why Alphys had been so insistent.
The outdoor section of the gardens was beautiful. It was a lot nicer than he’d anticipated, early spring had not only brought out the bright ‘first bloom’ flowers that speckled the lawns, but it had also painted most of the trees in the park varying shades of pink. Petals carpeted the paths, he felt his Soul jump into his throat. Of course Alphys would send him on a fuckin cherry blossom date. He glanced over at Nova, then quickly to the scenery again- the sight of them with a background of pretty blossoms was making him feel things he wasn’t ready to unpack.
“The open areas are really nice.” Nova said, admiring the canopies. “But I like the greenhouse. You get all kinds of crazy stuff in there.”
“should we head there first? we can check out the rest of the grounds later.” He liked the idea of getting away from the downright romantic blossoms, before he just fucking fell apart, or something. “you take the lead, doll.”
Nova turned to him with a wink, nudging his arm. “Wow, you’re already letting me take charge?”
He coughed. Fuck- that got him. Red was flustered. He was never flustered. It was pure instinct that made him wink, and say “you can take me anywhere~” to get a laugh out of them.
... He pretended to stare at some more trees they passed, but all he could think about was that he was struggling to find even the easiest words. What the hell was going on with him?
why can’t i get this smile off my face?
He let Nova talk, asking a few choice questions to get them filling him in about their week, while he did his best to try and steady himself. It was an easy walk to the greenhouse, the path was speckled with fallen petals and meandered through colourful bushes and signposted individual plants. The two of them entered the indoor section of the garden, the staggeringly large greenhouse- he was immediately struck by the humidity, but also, the intensity of the greenery. 
The plants inside were huge. Some of the leaves were bigger than he was tall. Nova was right, this was way more interesting than outside.
“‘elephant ear’ plant...” He narrowed his sockets at it. “damn, shit’s huge.”
“Unbeleafably huge.” Nova quipped.
A pun? Red had to gather himself- “somethin’ else is unbeleafably huge, doll.”
They winked. “Well, I do love a man with a raised bed.”
His cheekbones were warming up for the umpteenth time, and instead of quickly coming up with another pun like he usually would, he once again found himself laughing to disguise how the words got stuck in his throat. The fact that he was enjoying himself so much was definitely catching him off guard; usually, even just the thought of this kind of thing would bore him into a stupor. Why meander around some fucking plants when he could be doing literally anything else? 
And yet... despite the ‘boring’ setting, despite feeling flustered and jerked about... he was having so much fun. He looked at Nova again with carmine dusting his cheekbones, they were admiring some orchids- walking together through lush foliage, surrounded by the intense colours and crazy leaves while Nova made him feel like he’d never been on a date before. It all felt so... romantic. He didn’t know what to make of it.
“Hey.” They brushed their hand against his chest, then gestured to a patch of spiky, bright orange blossoms. “If you were a flower, I’d pick you every time.”
It was corny, absolutely. Unbelievably so. But Red felt his Soul jump regardless, at both the joke and the casual touch. “y’orchidin’ me.”
“Maybe we should let our tulips touch.”
“stop, yer makin’ me thorny.”
Trading plant flirts... he was getting more of a rush from this than from all his nights of late partying combined.
okay, alphys. yer forgiven for this one.
“Hey, do you feel like getting a coffee? There’s a cafe just around the greenhouse.” Nova asked. He couldn’t stop looking at their eyes. “We could stop there for a bit.”
Red grinned.
“... sure. sounds like a dream.”
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acermp100 · 26 days
28/3 – Animals/Food: KITTIES
This one is just silly. Based loosely on this.
Mob and Serizawa chill together during a Reigen sanctioned break. Kittens ensue.
General audience. More implied seri/rei. I think I added it to everyone of these I'm sorry.
2700~ words
The sun still hung high in the air with a few puffy, white clouds keeping the air cool enough to be pleasant. This part of town would be busy in a few hours but right after lunch it sat quite empty. They walked past only a few people heading back to work. Bird song could be heard from the row of trees leading up to a small, communal park.
Serizawa had been here before, but only in passing. He found himself distracted by all the nature he had never noticed: butterflies and caterpillars as a squirrel of some sort gnawed at a nut on one of the tree branches.
“Alright crew!”
Reigen stopped walking, causing the others to halt as well. Serizawa went stiff as a board.
“We mistimed that last client.” And there went the hands. Serizawa watched them as they emphasized every word. “And having completed the prior service faster than expected, as well as finishing lunch early, we now have accrued and extra hour before our next appointment.”
All three had been together for the day, Reigen, Mob, and Serizawa, traveling from one home to another after someone got a brilliant scheme to charge even more for house calls. Personal Psychic Visits call today!
“Do we go back for more lunch?” Mob looked up at his boss waiting for an answer.
“Or maybe, um-“ Serizawa turned away as he played with his hands infront of him. “Get some- uh- office supplies?”
“Haha. Your answers are exactly why I have prepared this task for you.” Reigen brought a hand to his face before drawing it down in a long arc. “You two are going to take a break!”
Mob and Serizawa blinked back.
Reigen let out a sigh. “Look just- just go to that park over there and sit down for a while. Ok?”
“Oh.” Serizawa gave a bow. “Thank you, Reigen-san!”
He followed behind Mob through the little gate into a shaded patch flanked by large trees. Their leaves danced in the light breeze creating little rays of sun that shone onto the surface of the small fountain at the center. A few benches circled the meager, but peaceful area. With no one else around they sat down together and took a moment to enjoy that special kind of silence that only nature could provide.
“I’ve never done this before.” Serizawa spoke after a bit. “Just taking a break in the middle of everything I mean.” A concerned grin. “Especially not for Spirits and Such!”
Mob looked out through the park into the street that ran by before turning back. “I think Shishou just wanted us out of the way so he could go pitch salt lamps to that café owner.”
A nod from Serizawa. “Ah, he did bring them up during the meal.”
“And the owner seemed interested.” Mob replied.
Serizawa tried to see if he could spot Reigen from this distance. Through one of the café windows there appeared to be someone doing part of a gymnastics routine. Yeah. That was probably him.
A few birds flitted by, landing on a low hanging branch before hoping up and along to another, singing as they went. Taking time off felt right: a little break to gather one’s self and be in the moment. Serizawa watched Mob start to lightly kick his legs back and forth under him, before he too looked down at his own feet and followed along. When he was in school this would have been branded as a pointless waste of time. In Claw he would have been told to stop goofing off and focus. A butterfly landed on one of the flowers that bloomed around the fountain, lowering its wings before bringing them together.
“Hey, do you hear that?”
Sitting up with a jerk, Serizawa broke from his pseudo meditation. “Hear what??”
“Shhh.” Mob was leaning down, trying to see under the bench. “Not so loud.”
“Hear what?” Serizawa repeated in a barely audible whisper.
All he could manage to detect was the bird song above. But then, one of the calls sounded too different and much lower. Both of them looked up at the opposite bench as the weeds underneath began to shift and rustle.
A small, white kitten wandered out from the grass. It had little spots of black fur on his face and legs with one front paw being nearly all dark making it appear as if it was wearing one large sock. This was the leg it was lifting up as it cried out, steadily making its way towards Serizawa and Mob.
“Awww!” Serizawa brought his hands up to his face. “It’s so tiny! Is it hurt??”
Mob slid off the bench and crouched down, holding out his fingers. “I think so.” In a higher pitched voice he cooed to the little kitten. “Come here! It’s ok, we’re nice.”
The kitten paused for a moment before trotting over with increased speed, going straight for a headbutt and rub against Mob’s leg. More high pitched mews rang out.
“I wonder if its mom is near.” Mob gently pet the tiny thing as it pawed at his hand. The hurt leg seemed fine now.
“We can check the bushes.” Serizawa joined him, sitting in the cool grass. “His little spots are so, cute like a tiny cow.”
The kitten tripped, rolling over before making sure to give Serizawa’s leg a good rub too. Another round of meows. But this time there were far more, all cascading over one another in a growing choir.
“Oh my-“
Serizawa gripped his chest. Two more kittens came out of the far bush. No, three. Five?
“There’s so many!” Mob found them tumbling over each other to get onto his lap as well as Serizawa’s.
Now eight in total kittens, some black and white like the first, others ginger or tabby, were circling, climbing, and mewing up a storm with their new found human friends. Serizawa hand’s began to shake as he struggled to give each one the attention they deserved.
“Look! This one has little white socks!” Mob held up a dark tabby with lighter paws.
Serizawa was grinning wide, a few tears in his eyes at the momentous and sudden explosion of preciousness. “And this little guy has a black nose! All white and just that spot on his face!”
“Ha ha. I’ve never seen so many before at once.” Mob too was laughing in full, laying back to allow the kitties to use him as a make shift cat tree.
“I used to see ginger kittens all the time when I walked back from school.” Serizawa was now holding one in each hand as they loudly purred, his fingers feeling the happy vibrations. “My mom and I had a joke that every cat in the area was ginger and came from some big orange cat Kami.”
“I hope they weren’t abandoned.” Mob’s voice trailed off while he gave quality chin scritches to the two now lying on his chest.
Serizawa frowned for a bit at the thought. Didn’t matter now because they were here. He watched one crouch, wiggling its butt before leaping to pounce on his shoe. Three others had decided his lap was now their bed. For a moment it was all mews and smiles until one of the ginger decided to climb up Serizawa’s back. The little claws pricked through his suit and he froze while the kitten managed to get all the way up to his shoulder. There it stood triumphant, rubbing against his cheek with its whole body with a rumbling purr.
“Uh- um.” Serizawa’s hands were shaking even worse now. “Shigeo?”
The levels of adorable had been too much and now some of the kittens were hovering a few inches off the ground along with some small stones and bits of grass.
“I’m s-sorry! I’m trying to keep control.” He was tense now, eyes closing.
Mob sat up. “It’s alright! They seem to like it. Look!”
Taking a deep breath, Serizawa opened one eye, then the other. A black and white kitten floated in front of his face pawing at its own tail, purring as it slowly rotated in the air. The ones in his lap were still snuggled together but had their heads up as they gained their bit of altitude. Two more in the air seemed to be trying to play fight but hovered a few inches too far away resulting in excited rolling and pawing.
“Th-they do!” Serizawa raised a hand and gently cupped one of the battling kittens. It plopped into his palm, belly up and paws curled. “They are so cute, how could someone just dump them in a park?”
“I don’t know.” Mob aided the other floating cats to the ground. The mews he got in return made him smile from ear to ear. “We can help them though.”
It was Serizawa’s turn to lie back, letting out a sigh as he marinated in fur and purrs. “How though?”
“They are probably hungry.”
“Oh! Wait.” Turning to his side, Serizawa pulled his brief case closer and started to rummage through the contents. “I have some jerky in here somewhere. Aha!”
He sat back up with a bag of shredded and dried beef. From just the smell, every kitten congregated around him, reaching up to swipe at the food. Serizawa laughed, his free hand trying to garner enough space in the grass for him to place the jerky. Eventually he gave up against the jumping, crowding kittens and simply dumped the entire bag amongst them.
The meowing stopped, replaced now with chewing amid ever continuing purrs with a few growls in between as they all defended their treats. One stepped back, shaking its self. Another had dropped its piece and was pawing at it.
“Oh.” Mob picked up one of the discarded bits. “I think this stuff is too hard for them.”
“Oh no. I don’t really have anything things else.” Serizawa went through his pack again. “What do they need? Milk?”
Picking one up, Mob stared at the little thing in his hands. Ginger with white front paws, it mewed before gnawing at his thumb.
“They are small but probably off milk, or at least close.” The others had given up eating and resumed their needy meows. “We need something soft, like canned tuna.”
Serizawa frowned down. Just then Reigen came across the corner with a bag of fries in one hand, his cell phone in another, and several of the fried potatoes sticking out from his lips while he chewed on a generous mouthful.
“What the-” His shock came out muffled by the food. Swallowing, he held both the fries and cell phone out at arm’s length. “I left you alone for 30 minutes!”
“S-sorry, Reigen-san.” Serizawa turned his head to avoid the angry stare of his boss. “We got a bit side tracked.”
“Shishou!” Mob looked up. “Can you buy some cat food? The soft kind in the cans!”
“I- wait-what?” Reigen wandered over still trying to piece together what exactly he was looking at.
The cat that had climbed onto Serizawa’s shoulder had now made it to the top of his head, making the man laugh. “Yes please! And maybe a box so we can carry them!”
The boss of Spirits and Such stood there over his two employees sitting in the grass covered in mewing kittens. One of the rascals ran over and butted up against his pants leg, looking up and letting out a tiny, happy trill.
“I’m not getting cat food!” He took a few steps back. The kitten pursued. “And we can’t keep them! What are we going to do, take them to the office?”
Mob gazed up with wide eyes and a kitten against his cheek as he held up one of the dark tabbies. “Shishou please? It’s just for the day until we can take them to the shelter.”
“They are all alone with no mother.” Serizawa joined in, giving his best sad face. “We have to do something.”
“But I- you see- we can’t just- and the office and- UGH!” Reigen ended his broken ramble and crossed his arms in front of him. “We have a client to meet up with in like 20 minutes!” Pointing at one kitten, he drew an arm down before bringing it up into an open palm, fingers tensing. “I told you to take a break not adopt half the strays in the area.”
The normally gruff and serious Serizawa spoke in a soft, begging pitch as he met his boss’s eyes. “Please, Reigen-san.”
A bit of red flushed over Reigen’s cheeks and he hid his face in a hand. Can’t say no to that.
“FINE!” He huffed for a moment before crossing his arms again and glaring daggers at what ever happened to be at is right side. It was a tree. “I’ll- call the client and say something came up.” Another grumble. “Then we can take them back to the office.” He looked back at his employees. “Will that make you happy?”
Serizawa and Mob both beamed while covered in kittens. “Yes! Thank you!”
A few moments later, Reigen returned with a cardboard box he had scavenged in the nearby alley, his mind racing. Serizawa took it and gave a bow, smiling at his boss.
“You’re a good man, Reigen-san.”
Reigen turned away, Serizawa failing to notice the blush and distant look in his eyes. After a careful kneel, he began to pick up the kittens one by one with Mob and place them into the box. The task proved difficult as the little guys kept jumping out again, but eventually they got every last one of them secured.
Mob held the box leaving Serizawa to get the rest of their things. Over his shoulder he could hear Reigen muttering on the phone amongst the kitten mews.
“Yes I’m sorry. There’s been a bit of an emergency with- with the client before you. Can we reschedule? Y-yes. I can give a discount. Alright. See you tomorrow.”
Serizawa watched his boss snap his phone closed and drop his shoulders, ending with a long sigh. For a moment their eyes met and Serizawa gave a sheepish grin back. Reigen straightened his back and managed a smile of his own. Just then a kitten ran between his legs and Reigen panicked, chasing after the little thing before tripping into a bench.
“Reigen-san!” Serizawa rushed over. “Are you alright?”
A mumble before Reigen picked himself up off the back of the bench, wiping dirt off his suit jacket. “Yeah. But I think I lost the kitten.”
“No worries, Shishou.”
Mob stood with the box and the now hovering escapee floated over to them. Reigen held out his hands and took the kitten. It mewed, going for the pink tie but flopping over and deciding to remain half curled up on its back.
“Maybe one of them can be the office mascot.” Serizawa suggested as Reigen pet at the tiny ginger kitty.
“That’s what Dimple is for.”
A chuckle from both of them. And yet Reigen’s gaze was fixed on the cat as it purred and made biscuits against his fingers. For a moment he remained lost in thought, relaxed and joyful, but soon snapped back to his expected levels of strained charisma.
“Alright! Let’s head back to the office and see if we can contact the local shelter.”
Serizawa let out a sigh. Maybe one day his boss would learn what taking a break is all about. Until then, perhaps a box of eight adorable, mewing kittens would help.
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clatterbane · 17 days
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The haul from a productive little journey to Blomsterlandet ("Flower Country") after work this evening. Plus some miscellaneous junk visible out in the balcony room, which is past due some spring garden cleanup!
My primary mission today was to pick up some tomato plants. It hopefully shouldn't be too early, since they are going in the glassed-in balcony area. No seeds started this year, and we do have the car now so it's much easier to haul all kinds of stuff around.
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I grabbed two tomato plants, and this mystery vaguely banana pepper-looking variety to go into the three existing buckets.
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I know the 'Totem' is supposed to be good in containers and heavy bearing for a smallish plant. Then I decided to stay sane for our current growing situation, and opted for this other bush tomato variety that I'd never heard of before.
But! Turns out that 'Vilma' has some other plans in mind.
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That's it, that's how big the plants get. I like the cute little micro dwarves, and these are supposed to have a good flavor. But, somehow I think that the bucket will need to find another new occupant.
For now, at least, I think 'Vilma' will probably be better off moving up into one of these.
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Besides the edibles, I also couldn't resist picking up these when I saw them.
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A few unnamed African violets, and the lone Cape Primrose that I saw in the store. (Though, come to find out, these are apparently all classified as Streptocarpus now.) Not as wild about the pinks, but I'll take what I can get. All the Saintpaulias and Streptocarpus that I had (including the few luggage-smuggled from the UK) ended up dying for one reason or another, and I'm glad to get some more cheerful little blooming buddies in here.
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Their new home in the living room for now. With that sad aloe and dracaena which needs some serious repotting. It's just staying too chilly in the balcony plant room still. (Which is what got most of the other ones.) Hopefully I will manage to keep these happier than the last ones!
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abyss-presence · 20 days
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Note: this is from the perspective of my own cult (like in-game cult), so it will include the traits that the characters got in my game, my followers and ect ect; the yellow cat is called Nael and uses he/they pronouns; 3rd person pov; swears included
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Broken bones and blooming flowers
Another morning, another day. The cult runs like a broken clock: sometimes the handles don't turn and get stuck in place, sometimes they go too fast and mess up the time. But the main point is, it's working.
This time around, Lamb returned early in the morning, before everyone woke up. At the sermon they announced this day to be a holiday, so everyone got a chance to rest from the relentless work they do around the base, in the glory of the Lamb.
Typically, the Leader of the flock would stay put for a couple of days, taking care of their place and interacting with their followers, but today was different. When their usual routine after giving a sermon was done, they suddenly left again, whether to play knucklebones at their dad's house or to crusade again remains unknown.
Leshy watches them leave in silence, slightly confused by this new development, but it was not his place to worry about such unnecessary things. So he shrugs it off and goes over to the farm to tend to the crops. He's been doing this ever since he got indoctrinated into the cult. However...
"Hey, you're Leshy, right? Whatcha up to?" Oh, there he goes again, that yellow cat. What was their name again? Nael, was it? A "gift from God"... Huh. How pathetic.
The Lamb dares to make a mockery out of him by bringing this... this mockery of a follower to their cult! Oh that was a crime, a crime specifically directed at Leshy! A "gift from God"... How dare they!
"...Leshy?" Oh right. The cat's still there.
"...I'm just tending to the farm."
"Ah, I see, I see. You do seem to like working in this field huh..." Leshy could hear the sound of Nael's robe flattering with the gentle breeze, and smell the faint hint of blood on them. How badly this stupid cat irritated him, yet how much he desired their company...
He couldn't help himself. Come on, the first thing Nael did upon his indoctrination was start a fight with Narinder, how could he not at the very least admire them? Moreover, so far Nael is the only one who hasn't been treating Leshy like some kind of suspicious traitor. Not that Leshy isn't suspicious as hell, and not that he doesn't think that Nael is naive and stupid for trusting him so easily, but it's the thought that counts, right?
While Leshy was spacing out again, something caught his attention:
Aside from the main farm where Lamb planted crops that went into the cult's food later, there was also a smaller one, all consisting of Camellia flowers. They've been ready for harvest for about a month or two now, yet the Leader never harvested them... and they weren't there for the sake of decoration either, because there were several potted plants around the base already. Leshy would know, there is like a thousand of flowery scents around this wretched hell hole. And so, despite himself, Leshy interrupts whatever it is Nael was talking about (he wasn't listening anyway) and instead asks:
"What are the flowers for?"
"And then they– Oh, huh? The flowers?" Nael looks around before spotting the farm that Leshy was referring to. "Oh these ones? Leader grows them in case we run out of medicine to cure the sick with."
"Cure...? Are they... they're Camellia flowers, right? I can feel their scent even from here."
"Oh yeah, they are! Man, you got a pretty sharp nose, eh? Although I don't really... you know, see a nose on you?"
The only thought that ran through Leshy's mind in that moment was a single word: "Stupid." Sure, maybe he was a bit mean, but at least he didn't say it out loud!
"You're dumb." Oh well, nevermind then.
"Haha, maybe I am! Still, what do you smell with? I'm not exactly familiar with the anatomy of a bush." Nael reached out his hands, placing them on Leshy's surprisingly fuzzy cheeks and feeling his face with zero shame. Leshy was about to burst from irritation and chomp this sopping wet cat to death, until he realized something.
From what he heard from the Lamb, Nael was one of the hot tempered butch, hence the constant fighting with Narinder. But he literally called them dumb – and yet they didn't react negatively at all... it even seemed like they were trying to flatter him? Why?!
"Hands off," Leshy slapped their furry paws away from his face, subtly readjusting his bandage, "I don't need– Did you just call me a bush?!"
Nael erupted with laughter once the realization hit Leshy. That was exactly the response they were hoping for, and it was fantastic! He had to take a moment to calm down and get himself together, all the while Leshy was repeatedly bonking him on the head with his plush arms.
"Have you never seen a worm before you stupid cat?!" Leshy looked like a pouty little kid despite probabaly being centuries old. And maybe at heart he was. Just a pouty little child who wanted love and attention. But he was grown up now, and although no longer a God, he was still a man of pride.
"I have! You just don't look like one!" Nael was struggling to breathe from how hard he was laughing, which earned him another bonk on the head. "You look like a mix of a bush and a worm. A... borm! Or a wush!"
"You–! You are an ignorant and infuriating mortal piece of scum! Don't you dare to call me either of those stupid names!"
"But we had a worm in the cult before and they looked nothing like you! You only look similar to the other bushes from Darkwood!" Nael was still quite hysterical after his laughing fit, and he was clearly struggling trying not to laugh again, barely holding himself together.
"THAT'S BECAUSE THEY'RE ALSO WORMS YOU UNCULTURED FUCK." All the sudden yelling caught others' attention, making them turn towards these two. Of course, Leshy couldn't exactly see that they were staring him down, but oh how well he could feel the judgemental stares burning into his body and it pissed him the fuck off. So his natural response? Cause chaos. And, in this situation, that meant beating the shit out of this yellow motherfucker.
Before Leshy could process what he was doing, his hands were already wrapped around the cat's neck, their claws in turn scratching at his back.
This was a first time experience for Nael too, usually Leader broke up any fight he started before anything real could happen, but now they're not here... and it is already getting bad. Nael was slowly starting to see stars in his vision as more and more oxygen left his body. But he kept on persisting, kept on trying to break free from Leshy's deadly grip.
"Stop it this instance you two!" One of Lamb's disciples chimed in, breaking up the fight and butting themselves in between the two to act as a barrier. "What has gotten into you, Nael? This is the sixth time this week that you started a fight! And now you're targeting Leshy too? Leader will have to put you in prison if you keep behaving this recklessly." Nael was smiling while being scolded by the spider, his uneven breathing getting interrupted by an occasional cough or two. Leshy didn't understand... why was the cat just accepting the blame like this? Technically he was the one who attacked first, so why were they allowing him to get out of responsibility? This Nael guy must be stupid, just like Leshy thought. Of course he is, Leshy is never wrong about people!
Yet still he couldn't help but become more and more curious of the strange yellow cat. He wanted to know more.
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annashadowstar · 6 months
Danny, Mirage, and Annesa Felizima-@capturecharlesau Amelia Copperbottom -@androidcharles
Cameron Calvin -@rarestdoge
Accordion and Violin -@bluetorchsky
Crusher, Jay, Scottie, and Ulle -@jaytoons7
Nicole -@lovelygirlnicole15
Chapter 2: Shopping
Morning has come, birds are singing, flowers are blooming, and a beautiful day outside should not be a waste. Mirage slowly wakes up from his dreamless sleep. He slowly sits up and makes a big stretch and a jaw-cracking yawn. He then got out of bed and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. After washing his face, he returned to his bedroom and saw three feathers. Two next to his bed and one next to his pillow. Oh yeah. He had to tell the others what he had found out yesterday.
Mirage went downstairs to eat breakfast. Maybe some peaceful coffee will help with his sleepiness- “WHO THE HELL TOKE ALL THE FOOD IN THE FRIDGE?!” Never mind. Mirage walked into the kitchen and saw Amelia, Annesa, and Crusher, around the table, while Danny was looking around the fridge. “What’s wrong, bro?” Danny turns to Mirage. “Someone took all the food in the fridge and only left a few bacon, eggs, and some bread. Oh, and a half bottle of milk.” Danny then slams the fidget and sits down, pitching the bridge of his nose. Oh boy, it’s only 8 in the morning and they have to deal with this?! It’s too early. Way too early
“I mean, we could make some sandwiches for breakfast. Not the best but it will fill our tummy.” Mirage points out. Danny look up at Mirage, annoyed. “Yeah, but what about lunch and dinner? We can’t just have one meal a day!” Amelia then speaks. “There is a store nearby. We can maybe buy some food for ourselves. Or we can ask the others since they all live next to us.” Crusher then smiles. “Alright. Then let’s cook some breakfast.” Crusher stands up, opens the fridge, and took everything out. “And whoever stole our food, they will pay for it.” Oh ho, Danny is mad and their food thief is gonna have karmas.
Mirage walks up to the cell phone and begins to call Accordion or Violin. Amelia stands beside him. The phone rings once, then twice, and then… “Hello?” Cameron answered the phone. Oh boy. “Who is it?” Amelia asked, curious. “Hey, isn’t that father’s least favorite child?” Cameron asks, trying to start a fight. Amelia looks like she’s gonna snap that cell phone and scream at Cameron. Fortunately, Mirage stopped them before they got further. “Hey, Cam. Could you get Accordion or Violin on the phone?”
“Ok.” Cameron seemed like he was taking a deep breath and then. “ ACCORDION!!! VIOLIN!!! MIRAGE IS CALLING YOU!!!” Damn, his ears are gonna bleed. Someone took the phone from Cameron after a ‘thank you’ and answered the phone. “Hi, Mirage. This is Violin. Do you need something?” Violin ask. “Well, this morning, someone stole our food from the fridge and we were wondering if we could borrow some of your food for today. We will pay you guys back.”
”Oh… it happened to you too?” Mirage raises one of his eyes brows. “What do you mean?” Violin sign. “This morning, when Brutus woke up, he told us someone stole all the food and kept some fruits and bagels. Jay also called us and has the same problems.” Violin explains. Mirage and Amelia look at each other and back to the phone. “Ok. Thank you for telling us. Seems like we need to go shopping. All of us.” Violin chuckles. “Yeah. I will tell the others. See you soon.”
“Ok, bye.” Mirage hung up and walked back to the kitchen with Amelia. Danny, Crusher, and Annesa had already started eating. “So, how’s it went?” Crusher asked, taking a bite of his food. “Violin says they all have the same problems as ours. And so is Jay and the others.” Danny sigh. “Seems like we need to go shopping. Alright, get ready after breakfast. Mirage, Amelia, come and eat. Your sandwich is getting cold.” Mirage and Amelia quickly take a seat and start eating their breakfast. After they finished, Danny took the plates and began to wash them while Mirage and everyone else went upstairs to change their clothes. After Mirage finished, he took a look at the feathers and picked up the yellow one only before heading downstairs.
“Guys. Need to talk to you all for something.” Everyone turns to Mirage, listening. “Remember the feather from yesterday?” Everyone nods. “Well, those feathers, I believe belong to hybrids. This one just glows when I’m heading to sleep.” Annesa took out her sketchbook and started writing. ‘You sure you’re not seeing things?’ Mirage chuckles and pats Annesa's head. “I’m sure.”
“Ok, so we know that those feathers belong to magical hybrids. But do you know where they are?” Mirage glares at Crusher. “You think I got any ideas?”
“You’re the only one who has all those feathers in your room. Who else we’re gonna ask?” Damn, he got a good point. “Plus, why did you only bring the yellow one, and not the blue and aqua-green one?” Crusher points out. “Because this is the only feather that glows,” Mirage answered, getting annoyed. “I think that’s enough.” Everyone looks at Danny. “We need to get ready and go shopping. I know is a bit early but whoever this ‘Food thief’ is, we will have to deal with them later.” Danny stops his brother and his lover before they get into a fight. He really hopes they will get along in the future. After they were already, Danny, Annesa, Mirage, Crusher, and Amelia went outside of their house and wait for the others to come so they can all went to shopping. And it’s already 12:00 PM.
Mirage brought the feather with him, telling everyone else what he had found out. Once everyone was here, Mirage rejoined the group. "Damn, Violin. You got a long list!" Jay points at Violin's list, which is like 4 pages long. "Hey, you never know when to go shopping again. Plus, just in case! Anyways, Mirage. I notice you have a yellow feather. I do feel some magic from them. Where did you get that?" Violin ask, pointing at Mirage's feather.
"Oh, I was about to tell you guys. So yesterday, Amelia and I found three feathers. This one and the other two are in my room. A hybrid left those." Mirage explains. "Ok... Let's go shopping." Jay request. Everyone starts going shopping for more food and clothes. They were separated into 6 groups with two people each. Accordion with Amelia. Violin with Scottie. Danny with Annesa. Brutus was lucky to be teamed with his lover, Brutus. Ulle with Nicole. And a piece of bad news for Mirage, he's teaming up with Crusher. And it was Danny's idea.
"Why the heck do you let me team up with HIM?!" Danny looks at Mirage and sighs. "I want you guys to get along."
"Alone with HIM?! You know what he-" Danny cut him off. "I know what he did to you was unfair but it's in the past now, Mirage. You can't keep getting mad at him." Mirage groan. Really didn't agree to this. "Can you do it for me?" Mirage looks at Danny for a while then sighs. "OK, fine. Only for you." Danny smiles. "Ok, Let's see." Everyone turns to Scottie. "The most important thing we need right now is food. Who's gonna get what?"
"How about two groups get vegetables, the other two groups get meats, and the last two groups get everything else? That way, it will be faster." Ulle points out, giving a suggestion. Everyone agrees. "Here's a list." Accordion hands everyone a list of what they need. Mirage and Crusher look at their list. They need to get some eggs, milk, some bread, and some fish. "OK, let's get going! Meet up here when you're all done shopping. And if you're here early, you can go and buy yourself something. See ya all later!" Everyone went to get what they needed, while Mirage and Crusher just stood there. Both of them look at each other and back to the list.
“So… what should we get first?” Crusher asked. Mirage groan. Out of everyone, he’s teamed up with this guy. “Eggs,” Mirage answered with a single word and started walking to the food store. He’s wondering what’s the other groups up to.
Ulle and Nicole start with some carrots. They then walk past a pet store. “Oooh, can we see some pets? Maybe some Sugar Gliders?” Nicole ask. “Aren’t you a sugar glider hybrid?” Ulle ask. “We can come back after we finish our tasks in hand.”
“Please~ It won’t take too long.” Nicole gives her puppy eyes. Ulle sweat drops and sighs. “Fine… only for a few minutes.” The next thing Ulle knew, Nicole already running toward the pet store. “H-Hey! WAIT UP!!!” Ulle follows her.
Brutus and Cameron were holding hands with two bags. One is full of some tomatoes and the other is filled with fruits. “The next thing we need to get is meat.” Brutus read from the list. “Come on, love.” Cameron sigh. He wants to feel Brutus’s feathers. “After the meat, what is the last thing on the list?” Cameron asked, tired. “We will need to buy some bagels. That’s all.” Cameron stood up straight as both of them entered the meat store.
“Wait… what kind of meat do we need to get?” Cameron asked, wanting to double-check. “Um…” Brutus goes back to the list and sweat drops. “… If I told you, promise me you won’t run away?” Cameron raises his eye brow. “I… promise?” Brutus sigh. “It’s goose meat.” Cameron froze. “NOPE NOPE NOPE!!!” He quickly turns around to exit the store but Brutus grabs the back of his shirt. “Hey! You made a promise!”
“I know it’s scary for you but they’re dead! They can’t chase you or do anything to you!”
Cameron thinks for a second before groans. “Fine!!!! But I’m not going near it.” Brutus closes his eyes and smiles. “Fine by me. Let’s go.” Cameron and Brutus walk deeper into the store, looking for what they want. Cameron is regretting this.
Amelia is hopping around while Accordion follows behind. They already have some tools they might need. “What else is on the list?” Amelia asked Accordion, as he took a look at the list. “Well, we still need some body wash and that’s pretty much all.” Amelia hum and continue to walk. “How do you think the others are doing?” Amelia asked. “Well, I’m pretty sure everyone was doing great. But as for Mirage and Crusher, is another story.” Accordion comments, sweat drops when the first time they see each other again. It wasn’t pretty.
“Have you bought any baby clothes?” Accordion turns his attention back to Amelia. “Oh, yeah. We’re having twins. I’m pretty sure they are a mix hybrid of a lion and a deer. Why did you ask?” Amelia awkwardly points to a toy store. Accordion looks at where she’s pointing at and chuckles. “Yeah, we can buy some toys for the baby and for you.”
Violin and Scottie had finished everything on their checklist, which was surprisingly fast. "So now we're all finished with the checklist, now what?" Scottie asked, clearly bored. "Now we wait for the others to show up. They wouldn't take too long." Violin answered, rubbing his stomach. Scottie saw a store that contained pots, dishes, and other kitchen stuff. Scottie wants to take a look and maybe buy some stuff for cooking. "I'm gonna go and take a look at that store over there." Scottie stands up as Violin does the same. "Ok, then. Let's-"
"No, you're staying here." Violin looks at Scottie, confused. "Look, I appreciate that you and Accordion had been taking good care of me as your child, but you're now carrying two babies. I can't let you move around too much." Scottie points out. Violin looks at Scottie and smiles. "Ok. I will stay here and watch over the bags. Be careful." Scottie gives him a thumbs-up and begins walk toward to the store.
Danny and Annesa were in a kitchen-related store, picking some stuff to use for the kitchen. Danny feels Annesa tug on his shirt and looks down. 'Are you sure is a good idea for Mirage and Crusher to stay together for this long? What happens if they start a fight again?' Danny sighed and put the pot in his hand back to where it belonged. "I know it sounds like a bad idea," Annesa crossed her arms. "Ok, It's a horrible idea. But they can't be mad at each other forever. I bet you don't want your big brother to get hurt too, right?"
Annesa could only sigh and nod her head. "Danny?" Danny heard someone familiar and turned around to face Scottie. "Oh, hi Scottie. What brings you here?" Scottie didn't say anything and pointed at the sign, which said 'Open For Any Kitchen Supplies'. "Oh. Where is Violin? I thought you were teamed with him." Again, Scottie points outside of the store, showing a figure outside, sitting and watching over the bags. "Oh..." Danny now has nothing to say. "Have you finished all your checklist?" Scottie asks, to which Danny nods.
"Hi dear! Why are you here by yourself?" Danny, Scottie, and Annesa looked outside and saw everyone was coming back. Everyone but Crusher and Mirage. Oh no... where are they?
Mirage and Crusher were holding bags, ready to finish the final thing on the checklist, bread. Once they entered, all of them sweat drops. There's a lot, like a LOT, different types of bread. There's Chinses bread, Indian Bread, and so on. It feels like all the bread in this world is here! "Um... what type of bread they want us to bye?" Crusher asked, not sign up for this.
"I guess... The classic one?" Mirage answered. "Just... grab whatever you think we will eat for the morning." Mirage then walked off, leaving Crusher standing there and going to the separate side. Mirage looks around and everything he sees is bread. This is gonna give him a headache. "Oh, mio Dio!! You know what, I'm just gonna grab a toast." Mirage went and grabbed, like, 9 bags of toast bags and rushing out, but was stop by someone.
"Sir? Are you buying all of those?" Mirage turns and oh boy, this girl is filled with makeup. "Um... yes... I am?"
"No, you're not. I was about to buy those." The girl tries to snatch it but Mirage quickly moves away. "Girl. there are still 21 bags of toast over there. You could grab those."
"SHUT UP AND GIVE ME THOSE BREAD!" A Karen. Just the perfect thing to ruin this. "Look, piccola ragazza. Like I said. There. Is. Still. 20. Bag. Of. Toast. Go get your own." The Karen seems like she's gonna slap his and guess what? She raised her hand and before she could slap him, a bag full of bread hit her right in the face. Danny turn around and saw Crusher walking over. "You know it's wrong to hit a stranger?" Oh, you're the one to talk...
The Karen look at Crusher from head to toe and smile. "Well, hi, handsome. How are you doing? You know you make my day when I see your pretty face?"(I actually want to throw up when I'm writing this.) Crusher looks like he wants to throw up. "Um... I'm sorry miss. But I'm taken." The girl walks over to Crusher. "Oh? Then how about breaking up with her and dating me instead?" Crusher moves away. "Miss, personal space please. And no, I'm not breaking up with my Husband."
"Your HUSBAND?! EW!! YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY BREAK UP!! YOU'RE A GUY AND DATING WITH OTHER BOYS IS DISGUSTING! YOU'RE STUPID HUSBAND MUST BE SO UNLUCKY TO HAVE SOMEONE LIKE YOU-" OK, now she had crossed the line. Mirage walks up to her and grabs the back of her dress, making her face him.
"EW!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! LET Go of..." Mirage's eyes are glowing in grayish white.
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"I don't care how much people trash talk about me. But if I ever heard anyone trash talk about my brother or his husband, I will make sure you will never see tomorrow’s daylight ever again..." Crusher was just standing there, surprised. Yes, he had seen Mirage mad before, but never THIS mad. The Karen got so scared and ran away after Mirage let go. Mirage’s eyes slowly got back to normal. “Let’s go and pay for those and go back to the group. They’re probably waiting.” Crusher didn’t say anything but follow him.
After they paid, Crusher was think about what just happened. Did Mirage just stand up for him? He was in defense mode for a spare second. “Hey… thanks for defending me back there.” Mirage didn’t say anything, still was a bit angry and annoyed. Once they rejoin the group, Danny and Annesa rush to Mirage, to check on him. “Are you ok? Annesa and I feel that!”
“Feel what?” Mirage asked, acting like he didn’t know anything. “You know what I’m talking about! And you’re voice is filled with anger. Tell me what happened?” Mirage didn’t say anything, didn’t want to remind him what happened. Danny turned to Crusher, hoping he could get some answer from him. “Well, a Karen happened and let’s just say it didn’t go so well.” That’s all Danny needed. All of them went home and grabbed the stuff they needed. Mirage quickly sits down on the couch and rubs his face. Accordion came over and ordered a glass of water. Mirage took it.
Crusher walks over and sits next to Mirage. He knew Mirage hated him but whatever happened back there was pretty… scary… “So… Danny and Scottie were in the kitchen, cooking some for us to eat.” They are staying in Accordion for dinner tonight. Mirage just nods. “… Um… I said this once but I will say it again, thank you for defending us. Me and Danny.” Mirage didn’t say anything. Crusher lay back. “So… I never have siblings before. How do you and your sibling's hybrids form work?” Crusher asked, trying to come up with a conversation. Mirage sigh. “Don’t you have anything better to do?” Mirage asked, don’t want to talk with anyone. “Oh, come on. You clearly need someone to talk with. Plus, everyone is pretty busy, if you ask me.” Mirage looks around the house and sure enough, everyone is busy.
“Fine. Sibling hybrids were bonded to be together. It didn’t matter what type of hybrid you are, as long as you’re a sibling or a family member, you could always share your magic.” Mirage answered his question.
“And if other hybrids don’t have magic?”
“Then you share them your strength. I don’t have magic but I share my strength with my siblings. Any other question?” Mirage asked, clearly wanting to be alone. “Well, back in the mall, Danny and Annesa ran straight toward you after we got back. Mind tell me what’s that about?” Oh boy. How does he explain this to him? Let’s see… “You know how dangerous the defend mode will be if we can’t control it?” Crusher nods and gives him a thumbs-up.
“Hybrids who can’t control their defense mode will be taken over by their anger. Like an evil side of you takes control. The only way to stop it is when your loved one is near you to comfort you. It doesn't matter if it is your family or friends. Mine is Danny and Annesa." Mirage finally finished explaining as Crusher hums. Since he has no siblings, he could bet Danny is the one to comfort him if he is in his defense mode. "OK, everyone! It's time to eat!!!" Scottie yelled from the kitchen as Crusher and Mirage stood up, walked into the kitchen, and started eating. Cameron and Amelia start fighting again and Scottie is the one who shuts them down again. Amelia almost, ALMOST, started a food fight.
After eating, everyone starts heading back to their home. Once Amelia opened the door, Danny made a beeline to the kitchen and put away the stuff in the fridge. Mirage and everyone else start heading to the bathroom and take a shower, calling it for the day. Once Mirage was ready to sleep, he saw a glow in his pocket. He walked over and took out the yellow feather. Surprisingly it wasn't ruined since it has been in his pocket for a day. Mirage completely forgot about the feather. He then turn back to other two feather, which didn't show any sign of glowing.
Mirage sighed again and put the yellow feather near his pillow again. The light yellow reminds him of Danny when he uses his magic. Mirage turns and faces the ceiling. 'Today is a tiring day.' Mirage heard a knock on his door. "Come in!" Danny opens the door and closes it, sitting at the end of Mirage's bed. "What's wrong?" Mirage asks. "I just want to talk about what happened during the mall. Crusher told me everything." Mirage feel himself froze a bit.
"Mirage, I know I wasn't there but whatever that lady said or did, don't think too much about it."
"No, I don't want to hear it. Whatever happened is not your fault. I don't want you to think too much about it." Mirage didn't say anything and moved toward Danny and hugged him. "Danny, fratellino, After our father and mother passed away, you had been taking care of us for so long. But please, don't over work yourself or put too much stress on you. It won't be healthy for your health." Danny touched and hugged Mirage back. "I will try..."
"Aww... Cute and whatever. Can we now sleep?" Danny's cures asked. 'Shut up and let us enjoy this moment.' Mirage and Danny continue to hug each other and finally let go after 2 minutes. Danny then saw the yellow feather next to Mirage's pillow and the other two were on a table beside his bed. "Um... should I be asking why do you put that feather next to your pillow?"
"Why not?"
Danny didn't say anything but chuckles. "OK, whatever. Let's go to sleep. It's getting late." Danny stood up and went back to his and Crusher's room. "Night." Mirage waves and lay back down to bed, slowly falling asleep.
First Next
This is chapter 2 of my 'Hybrid Au' story. I hope you guys enjoy this. If you have any questions, ask right away! Fanart accepted!
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thatonebirdwrites · 7 months
Korrasami Ficlet: Maroon and Blossoms
Asami walks in Avatar Korra park, where apple blossom trees line the paths. It is early morning, the sky still a violet-black hue, and the stars are only starting to fade away as the sun approaches the horizon with a faint maroon glow to the east.
When she first designed the park, she thought suggestions of a tree-lined path is silly, but the more research she did, the more she realized that the blossoms are a wonderful herald of her love for Korra. They bloom near the date of an important anniversary for them, and their maroon and violet coloration fill the air with a plethora of color when they fall after their brief week in existence.
She refuses to view the blossoms as a sign of Korra and her connection being fleeting, but more that the blossoms are a sign of the commitment to her love, where each year she redoes that commitment in the rain of color. That is her hope made manifest in these lined paths.
So she walks the paths that curl through the trees that only bloom once a year. Today is a special day, one she wishes would last for much longer, if only out of her fear of what may come next. In her arms, she holds a bouquet of flowers, and although she knows this is silly of her to do, she finds herself drawn to the statue at the center of the park anyway.
She pauses before the statue that she had commissioned nearly two years ago. Or is it three now? Time loses meaning when she's caught up in her long hard climb out of near bankruptcy. Now Future Industries barely makes even, but the city has been reshaped. Like her mother before her, she has placed her thumbprint on the city. Beltways curl above vines and shattered former roads, buildings once broken are rebuilt. She aids the Air Nation in keeping the Spirit Wilds protected, but also, building safer passage to the outskirts of those wilds. People no longer go homeless or hungry with her homeless housing projects and soup kitchens. Lower income people learn engineering with her forums. The public's view of Future Industries has never been better, and it is all due to her hard work.
All of this she has shared with Korra in her letters.
She rests her hand on the pedestal and looks up at the regal stance of Korra, her fist upraised as if challenging the world. The idea of the statue came on a whim, when she'd overheard Ikki and Meelo arguing over whether Korra would get a statue someday and how big it'd be.
Perhaps this statue isn't as big as Ikki and Meelo imagined, but Asami finds too large a statue would ruin the aesthetics of the skyline, so she chooses a size that works well with the surrounding area, but is still large enough to be epic in scope. It is only prudent that such a statue showcase her courage and determination. Those parts of her is one of the many reasons Asami fell in love with her.
"Today is our anniversary," she says to the statue, her voice quiet. There are little people in the park at this hour, since it's early morning and only determined fitness people are out running the paths. This is why Asami chooses this hour, though she knows Korra would never be awake for it.
Asami climbs onto the pedestal and sits between the legs, the bouquet of flowers in her lap. "This is the day I met you for the first time," she says to the statue. "Do you remember, Korra?"
_ _ _
Asami is frustrated and angry at her father, but she cannot show it. He demands she attend this… gala by Councilman Tarrlok, a bender that she absolutely abhors mostly due to his blatant discriminatory attitude toward nonbenders. Unlike Tenzin, who is the fairest and most open to making sure voices like hers is heard, Tarrlok sometimes mocks nonbenders with quips she finds tasteless, yet her father always laughs. Why she doesn't know.
She knows her father will punish her if she doesn't go, though whether he will follow through on his threat any time soon is unknown. Sometimes the punishments come unexpectedly after a few weeks of quiet between them, but they always come.
Their most recent set of fights has perhaps been the most intense yet. Asami believes he is failing her mother's legacy with the slow firing of benders, especially when more and more come to her quietly to confide their worries in hopes she will listen. She always listens, especially since she goes to the factory to assist with the engineering there. She enjoys the work fixing the lines, repairing engines, and learning tricks from the more experienced engineers. She finds comfort in them that she has lost with her father.
It is these whispered confessions to her that sends her to her father's factory office. She chooses the date and time for when she knows he will neck-deep in meetings, and picks the lock to his office. A skill she doesn't let him know she has, mostly because how else would she ever learn anything?
The ledgers are locked in a cabinet, but it takes her nearly ten minutes of searching each of the six cabinets to find the employees rosters. She carefully locks each one and hides evidence of her perusal, but the ledger from the current year is the one that catches her eye. There are discrepancies she finds odd. When she hears a sharp whistle three times, she realizes that her father must have returned early from his meetings. Three whistles gives her only a few minutes to exit. She hurriedly locks the cabinet and the office, and shoves the ledger into her jacket.
The employee that gave the signal glances at her and then looks toward the side. She nods and hurries in the direction of his gaze. She barely ducks behind a line when her father enters the factory with one of the councilmen's aides. He is boasting about their vehicles for the police force, but the fact he is back earlier confuses her.
She quietly leaves and spends that evening alone in her room, taking her dinner to her bed and citing feeling ill to avoid dinner with her father. Asami doesn't wish to believe bad of her father, but the more she examines the employee rosters, the more her spirits sink.
When he confronts her over the missing ledger the next day, she finds she can't lie to him.
"Yes, I took it." She holds her head high. It's best to have confidence in one's work, and she is quite proud of how effortless it is to break into his offices.
"Is this a joke to you?" Her father snaps. He holds out his hand. "I have worked hard to get us to where we are today, and yet you still fail to see the larger picture. Instead, playing games and mingling with commoners."
"They're our employees, father, and they do great work. I don't mind working with them…"
"You are my daughter, and as such, you will hold yourself to a higher standard." There is practically spit flying from his mouth, his anger far more intense than she'd ever seen it prior.
Asami clenches her fists and decides she might as well go all in to advocate for those unjustly harmed in her father's practices. "Father, I think perhaps, you need to hold yourself to a higher standard. That ledger I found is proof you've been firing only benders and hiring only nonbenders. Whatever happened to the clause you and mother wrote before I was born? A company for all people to build their dreams?"
His face turns maroon. "Everything I do is for your mother and for you. I have done my best to raise you with a heart set on justice, and this is how you repay me? I expect the ledger back on my desk before dinner. We are Satos, Asami, we must see the larger picture."
Asami doesn't want to hear this lecture again. She is tired of this 'bigger picture' especially if it means him dragging her to more galas. Him telling her what to say to the older men she abhors. She wants to work in engineering. She wants to work on her own designs and build the airship idea she has so carefully crafted. Instead, she lives in his shadow, never fully in his circle but never allowed off his leash.
So she pivots and sprints out of the mansion. She storms to the garage, jumps on her moped, and leaves the mansion angry and frustrated. She feels helpless, especially as she has failed those employees that confided their worries in her. They are likely to be next on the firing block, and she has no hope that anything she says will stop her father's unjust practices. Not if he is so enamored with whatever his 'bigger picture' is.
Because of this, her thoughts are far too occupied and she fails to pay attention to her surroundings. This causes her to literally run into Mako, one of the Fire Ferrets. An amazingly interesting coincidence that she simply must take up, and thus invites him on a date right away. It gives her time away from her father, time to get home late and secretly make copies of the ledger before she returns it, and time to have a little fun away from the pressures of being a Sato.
It is partly because he's a firebender that she chose to date Mako, but also because she's terribly lonely. Mako is kind to her. Willing to listen to her. Cuddle with her.
Most importantly, he's willing to go to this wretched gala with her. She invites him mostly because it will annoy her father. She only feels excitement when he admits to personally knowing Avatar Korra and how the gala is in her honor. Meeting the Avatar sounds amazing to her, especially as she has been reading of prior Avatars at night, when her father is least likely to bother her. She knows he doesn't like her reading such books, so it's a thrill of defiance.
The day before and day of the gala, she peppers him with questions, eager to learn anything and everything about this elusive Avatar. For Avatar Korra to pop up during a time of unrest in Republic City is strange timing in Asami's eyes, but it's also a chance for her to meet someone that is truly a hope for the future.
The Avatar is meant to be harmony and the balance. Surely she can bring harmony between nonbenders and benders.
Their entrance to the gala is, as expected, full of annoying old men eager to kiss her hand. She finds this distasteful, boring, and too overwhelming. Mako is steady at her side to her relief, and dotes on her in a way no other date has ever done. Asami finds this quite endearing.
Her father's barely concealed irritation at his presence is a wonderful balm to her soul. This is her payback for the punishment from her ledger theft prior.
On the second circuit, Asami sees a teenager about her age, much shorter than her and Mako, standing near Tenzin, one of the few kind benders on the council.
The girl is tapping her foot, looking very annoyed, and like Asami, she obviously doesn't want to be here at this gala. She wears the blue water tribe colors, a dress of sorts, but its stitches are definitely well crafted. Her pendant has the water tribe insignia on it, the colors match the deep cerulean of her eyes.
It's when the teenager looks up that Asami finds herself breathless. She is absolutely beautiful. Her brown skin has copper undertones, her square jaw has a soft curve to her chin, and she has an adorable little nose. Despite the slight scowl she holds, she embodies herself with a confidence Asami has never known.
Asami can pretend to be confident. She's quite good at it when called upon, but quietly, she struggles with whether she can ever live up to her father's increasingly impossible demands. However, tonight she wears that confidence cloak the best she can. It helps to have Mako on her arm steadying her.
To her dismay, Tarrlok approaches and exchanges greetings with her father. He looks even more styled up, like a bucket of grease had been upended on his ridiculous hair, and the cut of his attire is far too sharp on his broad shoulders. She molds her face into a smile.
Thankfully, her father walks ahead of her and Mako, talking with Tarrlok about something she can't quite hear. She treads after them with a stifled sigh.
"Oh, hey, i know that person," Mako says, brightly. "You should meet her!"
Asami follows his gaze to the water tribe teenager. She tugs him in her direction, now certain that this is the Avatar who he works with often.
As they walk up to her father's side, Hiroshi gestures to herself and Mako. "This is my daughter Asami."
Asami smiles. Despite the frown on Korra's face, she is still so beautiful. Asami almost forgets Mako is still holding her arm. "It's lovely to meet you. Mako's told me so much about you."
"Really? Because he hasn't mentioned you at all. How did you two meet?" The disdain in her voice and the scowl she makes doesn't deter Asami. In fact, she finds it endearing. It ignites a curiosity, and she decides that she will befriend the Avatar even if it's the last thing she does.
_ _ _
Asami wipes away a tear at the memory. "Oh, how you hated me at first. But that racecar ride really shook things up, didn't it?"
She smiles at the memory of how effortlessly she defeated the other driver and how much Korra had enjoyed it, calling her way cool.
"Your arrival in my life sure upended everything," she says, quietly. "My father tried to instill in me a sense of justice, but it was you who reminded me that justice cannot be won through violence alone. To see my father take the route of only violence, but you take route different from both my father and Tarrlok? It's why I turned against my father for you. You, the embodiment of harmony, and despite the twists and turns we've taken, you've proven that you have a heart bent toward justice and harmony like me. A kindred spirit."
It feels obvious now how much Asami likes Korra from the start, and she feels sad at how long it took them to truly to get to know each other. How Mako's indecision and betrayals kept getting in the way, but now, she has hope. A hope that things will be different this time.
For one, they get along so well during the boat rides to and from the South, during the airship travels, their adventures escaping Zaheer, and the letters.
Secondly, her letters might have been one-sided for two years, but then Korra replies only to her.
That is hope enough. Asami takes what she can get.
"I'm not sure when you will return," she tells the statue. "But your last letter implied you knew of a way to find your Avatar state again. I hope that is what you find, Korra. That it will lead you back to me."
She lays the flower bouquet she has been holding between Korra's legs, like she has done since the statue was erected a mere week before the anniversary.
"Be safe," she says quietly. She climbs down to the ground and bows her head.
Only to feel an intense kick to her spirit.
Abruptly, the memory of her and Korra lost in a desert flutters into her mind. They'd taken the Earth Kingdom airship, except Korra's overzealous airbending breaks the controls and leaves them temporarily stranded. Asami is an engineer, however, and she quickly repairs the airship. Only for the sand shark to devour it, but Asami is, if anything, undaunted by the setback. She simply constructs a sandsailer instead, and together her and Korra navigate the desert as a seamless team. It is perhaps the most joy she's ever felt in her life.
Yet, this time, as she stands in Avatar Korra park, Asami has a sense that she's walking with Korra, directing her somewhere, but the moment as sudden as it comes, vanishes.
Startled, she turns. Not to her surprise, the area around the statue is empty of people. The sky still burns a deep violet-blue as the sun slowly rises.
She is alone.
She sighs.
Asami intimately knows the interior workings of being alone. People in her life never stay for long, and loss is something that she understands far too well. Sometimes the grief threatens to tear her to pieces, but she's made it this far. She can keep going a little longer, especially since Korra had promised in her last letter that she would return to Asami. Asami wonders if perhaps her fate is about to change. Perhaps that is why she felt that odd kick to her spirit, that comforting sense of Korra.
Or perhaps it's all her overactive imagination, but it reminds her of her next big task of the day.
It's time to pay a visit to Naga.
There she will whisper of her sorrow, loneliness, hope, and joy to the polar bear dog, who always listens so patiently. Naga has been steadfast in these six months, and their time together has grown more numerous. She visits the island several times a week to play with Naga. At least once a week, she has ridden Naga through the city. Partly because Naga needs a good run sometimes, but also because she knows it annoys President Raiko. (She is quite happy to annoy him as much as viably possible. He is far too stuck-up his own ass and needs to be taken down a notch sometimes. Plus, Naga is excellent at scaring off reporters, who are determined to harass her for their gossip-y stories. She's had quite enough of interviews for a lifetime and wishes she to never do another again.)
In her pockets, Asami has some dog biscuits. She hasn't dared to bake any herself. The last time she tried, Naga barfed them back up, so she buys them at a local pet store that specializes in exotic pets.
The owners, a month ago, had begged her to bring Naga by. Although Asami knows Naga isn't hers -- Naga is Korra's animal companion -- she finds herself racing Naga past the place a few times, just to delight the owners. Naga adores the attention. The biscuits they bring out when Asami stops Naga at their door excites Naga so much, that Asami can't help but drop by to pick up an order for Naga. (She hopes Naga isn't gaining too much weight. But how can she resist those fluffy ears and soulful brown eyes?)
Asami smiles at the thought of Naga. Perhaps today she will take Naga here to the park and race through the tree-lined paths.
Several maroon and violet blossoms fall from the trees as she walks toward where she had parked her precious blue satomobile. They land quietly around her, a herald of her undying love for Korra. Asami holds out her hand to catch a blossom, and brings it to her lips. "I hereby commit my heart to Korra," she says quietly into the soft petals, "in hopes that Korra may one day be open to receiving it."
She releases the blossom, and with it, her hopes soar high into the air.
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abellaheart-blog · 1 year
"Valentine's Surprise" (Atem x Chubby Reader)
This was requested by @hevexns-realm thanks so much for the patience. So close to Feburary too! This was so cute and all my thicc queens deserve love.
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@noaltbruh @xxmobiumshipperxx @puzzleshipping-princess-1989
Taglist info here if you'd like to be apart of it.
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Valentines day is near and you couldn't wait for it to pass any sooner. You've dealt with enough of your classmates picking on you then gossiping after when you defend yourself. Rumors flew by and your reputation sunk along with them. They were no doubt started by those who's actions you didn't stand for. Before you knew it you've been known around school for being rude and chubby. You didn't pay them any mind since you knew the truth would come eventually. You'd be sure to speak the truth as well.
Valentines day is near and you couldn't wait for it to pass any sooner. You've dealt with enough of your classmates picking on you then gossiping after when you defend yourself. Rumors flew by and your reputation sunk along with them. They were no doubt started by those who's actions you didn't stand for. Before you knew it you've been known around school for being rude and chubby. You didn't pay them any mind since you knew the truth would come eventually. You'd be sure to speak the truth as well.
You can ignore their words and actions but it didn't make you feel any less saddened. Words do hurt and you're human. You felt yourself walking to your locker with an upset expression. Upon opening your locker you see two beautiful pink-white roses and a bunny plush. A smile blooms across your lovely features as you take the fluffy bunny plush into your arms.
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You smell the roses wondering who would give you such a wonderful surprise. You look around and don’t see anyone, so you take the bunny and the roses and walk off home. The walk didn't feel as long today since you looked forward to the next. Would the person reveal themselves to you or leave you a note next? You're not sure what to expect with Valentine's being a week away.
The next school day your day is mediocre and you don't have much to look forward to. After school you're greeted by another surprise from your secret admirer. This time your locker has a heart shaped box of chocolates. It's small but the packaging is very adorable. You place it in your bag for later. Your curiosity got the better of you and you think about who could possibly be leaving these gifts for you. It would be on your mind the entire way back home and for the rest of the week for that matter.
The rest of the week you received various gifts. From flowers to plushies until Friday. You were let out early and decided to use the restroom. On the way there you noticed someone in front of your locker. You recognized him all too well. It was Atem and he was sneaking a necklace and some red roses. He's in a couple of your classes. He's a big name on campus for holding the title as king of games in the dueling community.
“So you’re the one doing all this, huh?” You say, standing behind him.
He faces you with a confident smile. His red eyes hold admiration and affection for you. You notice in his hands he not only holds a bunny necklace but a Tiffany's bunny charm bracelet as well.
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"I think you're very beautiful and I desired to make you feel special on Valentines week at school." He gives you the bunny necklace and charm bracelet.
"Thank you.." You're somewhat speechless since you're so used to not being liked at school.
"I would like to take you on a small picnic. If you'd like."
His red eyes are glowing the same color as his cheeks at this point. He looks so cute and his handsome smile makes your heart swell. You smile, clearly flattered but you frown. It will be windy and rain soon. You also have a lot of homework.
"I'm sorry Atem but the weather wouldn't be suitable for a picnic and I have a lot of homework. Maybe we could go on a date some other time?" You respond hopefully.
You're given a kind nod from him. He wasn't disappointed in the least. Almost as if he knew what your answer would be. He kisses your hand before bidding you a good day.
You made it home before it became too windy. You're thankful to be home since it was dark and cloudy out. In your room you noticed someone seated at your balcony. It was Atem with a picnic set up for the both of you. Red roses and a big blanket perfect for a picnic. He had a basket with food, you're sure he spent quite a bit of time preparing at home. He would be thankful to Anzu and Shizuka for teaching him.
"How did you do all this so quickly? It's so beautiful. It's perfect." You look around noticing some red heart shaped balloons as well.
Atem looked incredibly amused as he answered your questions. He mentioned his friends giving him a ride and being good wingmen. You chuckle taking a seat beside him. He places his hand over your own. Going over your Japanese you remember some words that can be best used in this moment.
"Itoshi teru." (I love you) You boldly said with a sweet smile. You were hoping for a flustered response but he quickly replied in Japanese as well.
"Usagi mo daisukidesu." (I love you too, bunny)
His smile mimicked your own. You two went on to enjoy the lovely little at home date. You both ended up cuddling and watching the sun set over the city. His arm was affectionately wrapped around your cutely chubby frame. It was the best Valentines you could ever ask for.
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silverryu25 · 8 months
I know this prompt isn't exactly on the list, but would you consider doing a lamia AU with the confession under sakura/cherry tree prompt? I think it would be really cool. -Mystery
This one is so freaking good hun!! QwQ I loved writing this one~! Hope you enjoy it @mystery-fic-anon ❤
DAY 6 - Absolute Randomness: Anime/manga (Love confession under Sakura trees) + Lamia AU
It's a beautiful day outside, flowers are blooming, birds are singing and the Sakura are blooming.
Finally, spring was here. The forest was starting to come alive again. Small creatures waking from their winter slumber, birds coming home from their long travels south and the trees donning their finest gowns of gentle greens, whites and pinks. The Sakura trees, unusually abundant in this part of the forest, stood out even amongst all the other beauty of the early spring forest.
Their flowers sparkled in the gentle sunshine, petals slowly falling and covering the mossy forest ground. It was almost like another winter came, but this one filled everything with gentle scents and sights. It almost looked magical. Unreal. Beautiful beyond the reality of the world.
But none of that interested Red as he sat between the roots of an old Sakura tree, probably the biggest and oldest one in the forest. He knew the sights were something many would give a lot to see, but he had something a lot more beautiful in mind. Something that had mesmerized him for a few seasons already. Something he held close to his soul and wanted to see after the long, arduous winter.
His crimson eyelights flitted around, catching even the slightest motion. He could feel his nerves slowly fraying at the edges as his mind raced, panic slowly but mercilessly building up as the object of his quarry failed to show up.
The winter had been unusually harsh, and he wasn't sure that the one he was waiting for endured it. Every moment that passed made him hate himself a bit more.
If only he had offered his house as shelter.
If only he persisted in finding a better and safer place to wait the winter out.
If only he tried harder to say what he felt.
If only he confessed before.
As his mind spiraled inwards, he failed to notice the slight rustling of petals as something big approached him. He would have completely missed the behind the sound if he wasn't their intended target. The sound kept coming closer and closer, the rustling seeming to get even less noticeable as it approached.
Red sat there, frown deepening as a shadow loomed over him, and just as he noticed the change in the gentle light that passed between the flowers, it was too late! A pounce and he was buried under something huge! His breath forced out both from the new weight and surprise.
But before he could panic and call his bones or blasters, he noticed a flash of blue and went limp, relaxing as all his worries and shock melted away.
'sans,' the thought ran through his mind, making his soul skip from pure joy at finally seeing his friend. It was hard to express his delight at seeing him again, so outloud he said "wha' da heck are ya doin' ya overgrown noodle?"
The pressure eased from him as Sans pulled back enough so they could look at each other. The big lamia, his blue tail slowly wrapping under Red as he lifted him into a more comfortable position, grinned smugly at Red. They both knew Sans had caught Red by complete surprise and that he was very much enjoying Red being flustered about it.
The lamia had been playing tricks on Red since they met. Mostly by hiding when Red came to see him and then spooking him in many different ways. Or using some strange combination of flora and magic to make whoopee cushion sounds. Or when he made Red trip up and caught him before he fell and hurt himself on the uneven forest floor. Sans was a lamia of many pranks and Red was sure he tried them all on him.
But he had something important to say today and he wasn't going to let Sans prank him and make him laugh and forget.
"yea, yea. be smug ya noodle but i ain't gonna laugh at yer pranks today." Red mumbled out as he straightened his ruffled clothes, trying to get some confidence before speaking about what he had been mulling over the whole winter.
"what wrong? hurt?" Sans asked, trying to move Red's clothes away to check if he hurt him accidentally, only to get his phalanges slapped away by the small flustered bundle of bones sitting in his coils.
His speech was still a bit choppy and sometimes hard to follow, but he was learning pretty fast. When they met Sans could only use a simple kind of sign language, and even that only to describe simple concepts of where to hunt or sleep. It wasn't that Sans wasn't smart enough to learn spoken language, it was just that he never had a chance since he lived alone with only one clutch sibling since they were very little. And even that didn't last long since lamia were mostly solitary beings, at least until they mated.
Since they met, Red has been teaching Sans how to talk, but the winter was long and some progress was bound to be lost. Still, Red understood what Sans was asking, and he could feel a pang in his soul over the thought of making Sans worry after they hadn't seen each other in so long.
"nwa, ain't hurt just wanna say somethin' 'mportant..." Red quickly reassured Sans, grabbing his hands both to stop them from fretting and to help him ground himself. "i've been worried fer ya, sans. da winter was... bad an' i didn' know if ya were ok or not. and i couldn' find ya cause th're was too much sno' and i-"
Suddenly, Sans arms snapped up and around Red, cutting the panicking words from overflowing even more. Red froze for a moment, surprised by the sudden movement, but he quickly melted into the embrace and hugged back, phalanges tangling into the bigger monsters ribs. He hid his face into the wide ribs in front of him, trying to breathe slowly, so he wouldn't cry do something stupid.
"sssssssssssshhh, am ok. no hurt. red no hurt. me no hurt." Sans' gentle words, a little hiss following each sentence as he shushed him, helped Red calm down after a fem more moments of clinging to Sans.
When he was sure he had complete control over himself, Red untangled his phalanges from Sans' ribs and pushed on his chest to get Sans to let him lean back enough to see him.
"i was worried."
"yesss. know."
"... i missed ya."
"missssssed red too."
Sans tried leaning forward for a nuzzle, but Red's hand in his face stopped him. Confused, Sans pulled back, head tilted to one side. Red understood his confusion, he never stopped Sans from showing affection. But he still needed to say the most important thing and didn't want to risk chickening out missing out on the opportunity.
"wait, i need ta tell ya somethin' first," Red said as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. It was now or never. He had to do it. He had to say it now. He couldn't leave Sans alone again, not after the horror this winter was. Even if the next winter was a long way away, he couldn't risk the time slipping through his phalanges and losing Sans to the next winter.
Sans, as patient as his magic coulour hinted, sat still and watched Red collect himself. Only the tip of his tail twitching showed that he wasn't as calm as he appeared, but Sans paid it no mind, all his focus on the small skeleton in his lap.
"sans...," Red started, taking one more deep breath, then he opened his sockets, expression full of determination as he looked Sans directly into his eyelights. "i love ya."
Red could feel his cheeks warming up as he stared at Sans. The lamia's sockets widened for a moment, the words slowly processing as his barely awake brain trying to understand the words he had only learned about once.
They stared at each other for a few soulbeats, Red already starting to worry the other would reject him when, suddenly, Sans started leaning down, eyelights fixated on Red's. Sans slowly tilted his head, never breaking eye contact, as he leaned closer and closer. At first, Red was confused about the other's actions, but as their teeth almost touched and Sans paused, Red's brain caught up with the situation. He could feel his blush intensify, his magic travelling down his cheeks and his neck, even his joints started glowing slightly. But Sans didn't move an inch more... he was waiting. Waiting for Red to cross that last barrier between them.
Without missing another soulbeat, Red leaned forward, their teeth touching and magic sparking, both of their sockets closed as they could finally enjoy the closeness their souls had been longing for, even if their words and minds wouldn't admit it.
They both sat there, under the oldest Sakura tree in the forest, legs and coils tangled up as they indulged in each other. Pink Sakura petals gently falling, almost as if they wanted to help hide the two from the world, so they could enjoy each other to their souls content.
No more words were said.
None were needed.
They finally had each other and that was their everything.
.... does anyone have a leash that works on plot bunnies? A short one? Like 500 words max? I'm asking for a friend ._.
I promise this was supposed to be short like it was yesterday... like max 500 words short... why am I like this?!?!? Someone help me!!! I need an intervention!! QAQ!!!
Sans spent the winter hibernating in a cave somewhere, but Red didn't know exactly where since usually Sans was the one that found him when they met up. The winter was bad (frick global warming DX) so Red was super worried it would be too cold for Sans to survive. But Sans is a very smart snek and took good care of himself :3
Btw, wanna know how Sans, a forest living lamia, knew about whoopee cushions? Weeeeell... Red brought one to prank him and let's just say Sans is a quick learner and Red has many regrets XD
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Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Date with Sakamaki
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ー The scene starts in the classroom
*Ding dongー Ding dongー*
Yui: Phew...Finally it’s the end of the day...
( I don’t have any after-school duties to take care of today, so I suppose I’ll head to the limousine early. )
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: ( Let’s see...Textbook goes inside the bag, now just to put away my pencase as weーー )
Reiji: Is Komori Yui present?
Yui: Eh? ...Reiji-san!? 
( What brings him to my classroom...? )
ー Reiji walks up to Yui
Reiji: Aah, this is where you’ve been. 
I have been looking for you. Now come with me. 
Yui: Eh? ...With you? What do you mean!? 
Reiji: Exactly as I said it. Now hurry. 
Yui: O-Okay...
( I wonder what he wants from me...? )
ー The scene shifts to the outside of the school
Yui: ( I just followed him for now but... )
Ah...It’s raining...
( I forgot to bring an umbrella with me. However, I guess I won’t need one since we’re going home by limousine. )
Reiji: Yui, what are you doing? Let us get going. 
Yui: Eh? ...Where are we going...? Besides, I don’t think that’s where the limousine is parked... 
Reiji: Why don’t we go home on foot today? 
Yui: Eh? ...On foot!?
( Why would he suddenly suggest that...? )
( I wonder if he needs to talk to me about something after all? )
Ah...But I don’t have an umbrella...
Reiji: That is no problem. I happen to have one prepared right here. 
ー Reiji opens his umbrella 
Reiji: Come on, get underneath. 
Yui: Eh? ...But that’s your umbrella, isn’t it? So I shouldn’t use it, right...? 
Reiji: ...Hm? What are you saing? We’re going to use it together, obviously? 
Yui: Together? ...Wait, eeh!? 
( Is he asking me to...share an umbrella!? (1) )
T-That’s a little...
Reiji: Come on, off we go. 
Yui: Wah...!
Yui: ( In the end, we actually ended up sharing an umbrella. )
Reiji: ...Is there something on my face? 
Yui: N-No! Nothing!
( I’m kind of nervous because there’s less distance between us than usual...! )
Reiji: ...
Yui: ...
( I should strike up a conversation, or else it’s kind of awkward... )
Um, Reiji-san? Is something up today...? 
Reiji: No, there is nothing in particular. There is simply something I want to show you. 
Yui: Something...you want to show me? 
Reiji: Yes. It is something we cannot reach unless we go on foot. 
Yui: I see...
( I wonder what that could be...? )
ー The other students start to make a fuss
Yui: Hm...?
( Ah...The people around us are looking our way...I guess it makes sense since the two of us are walking together like this... )
Reiji: What’s the matter? You suddenly went quiet.
Yui: Ah...Well...I was just scared that walking together with me like this...might cause issues for you as well...
Reiji: Hm? Aah...Are you referring to the surrounding students?
Fufu...You’re such a silly girl. No need to pay any mind to them. 
It does not matter what they say or think. I want to walk with you, it’s as simple as that. 
Yui: Reiji-san...
Reiji: I hope that I’ll be able to turn that frown of yours into a smile...Well then, we’ve arrived. 
Yui: Eh...?
ー The scene shifts to the school’s backyard
Yui: ( This is...the backyard...right? )
( I don’t think I’ve come here very often. )
Reiji: ...These flower beds are what I wanted to show you. 
Yui: Eh...? Woah!
( There’s a bunch of pretty flowers blooming! )
Reiji: Aren’t they lovely covered in raindrops? 
Yui: Yes! I had no idea these were growing in the school’s backyard!
Reiji: I found out only recently myself. 
I invited you over here because I wanted you to witness this sight as well. 
...I hope it made for a positive experience.
Yui: I’m happy! Thank you for bringing me here!
Reiji: Fufu...I suppose it was worth taking you here then. 
*Ding dongー Ding dongー*
Reiji: ...
Aah...Is it already this late? 
Yui: Reiji-san...?
ーー Achoo!
Reiji: Oh dear, is everything alright? Seems like you stayed in the rain for a little too long. 
I suppose we should head home soon? 
I cannot let you get cold. 
Yui: I’m sorry...
Reiji: Please do not look so sad.
We can always come back, right? I’d love to visit again on a sunny day next time. 
Yui: ...Yes!
Reiji: Let us head home then. I shall pour you a cup of hot milk tea once we’re home. 
ー The scene shifts to the road back home
Yui: Reiji-san, thank you so much for today.
Reiji: No, as long as you enjoyed it, that is all that matters to me.
I was a little worried about having to walk back home in the rain like this but...Surprisingly enough, it isn’t that bad. 
...Although that might just be because you’re here next to me. 
Yui: Eh...!? 
( ...! His face is right next to mine...! )
Reiji: ...I was only teasing you a little. Come on, you’ll get wet if you move too far away.
*Rustle rustle*
Reiji: Scoot a little closer. 
Yui: R-Reiji-san...!
( Uu...How embarrassing... )
Reiji: Haah...It honestly feels like a shame to just head home now... 
Yui: Eh? ...Reiji-san, what did you say just noーー 
ー A car gets close to them
Reiji: ...Watch out!
Yui: Eh? ...Kyah!?
Reiji: ...!
ー The vehicle speeds by
Yui: R-Reiji-san! Are you okay!? Your uniform got wet...
Reiji: ...It was just a little splash. More importantly, are you alright? 
Yui: Yes, I am. Because you protected me...
Reiji: That’s good. However, the issue is...
That it was our limousine who splashed muddy water all over my uniform...
Yui: Eh? ...Ah, you’re right...! 
( W-Who could have...? )
ー Shuu gets out of the car
Yui: S-Shuu-san...!? 
Reiji: Shuu! I had a feeling it would be you...
Shuu: Oi, you...What are you spacing out for? Hurry up and get in the car.
Yui: Eh...? Are you talking to me...?
Shuu: Who else? It’s cold...Could you please hurry up? 
Reiji: Shuu! Did you even hear what I said!?
I cannot believe you would not even apologize after staining my uniform...
Shuu: Hm? Aah...Did some water get on there? I wasn’t the one driving though.
Reiji: That is not the issue!
Shuu: Haah...Buzz off...Whatever. Just hurry up and hop on in.
Yui: Kyah...!
Reiji: Hold it, Shuu! I am not done talking to yーー
Shuu: ...It’s my turn now, isn’t it? 
Reiji: ...Well...
Yui: ( ...? )
Shuu: ...Oi, start driving.
Reiji: ...
ー The scene shifts to the inside of the limousine
Yui: ( Ah...Reiji-san is disappearing into the distance... )
Shuu: ...What?
Yui: What is this about?
Shuu: Nothing. All you have to do is keep quiet and follow me. 
Yui: S-Sure...
( I don’t have the faintest clue as to what’s going on... )
( Also, he said it’s ‘his turn’ earlier, but what did that mean...? )
Excuse meーー
ー The car comes to a halt
Shuu: Haah...Guess we’re finally here. 
Yui: Eh? Where, exactly...?
Shuu: It’s too much trouble to explain it. Just come with me and you’ll see.
Yui: Ah, Shuu-san...!
ー The scene shifts to the shopping mall
Yui: ( A clothing store...? Also, it looks like an expensive one... )
Shuu: Well...I’m passing the baton to you now. Go ahead and pick out any outfit you like. 
Yui: Eh? N-No way...!
( He said I could choose anything I like but...How am I supposed to make a selection from such fancy clothes...!? )
Shop employee: Welcome. What are you looking for today?
Yui: Um...
( What now...!? )
Shuu: ...Haah...What a drag...Oi, go show her some clothes which might look good on her. 
Yui: Shuu-san...
Shop employee: Understood. Well then, dear customer. Please follow me this way.
Yui: O-Okay...
Shuu: ...Nn...
Yui: ...Sorry for the wait...
Shuu: Pwaah...Hm? Why are you still wearing your uniform?
Yui: Well...I actually couldn’t decide which outfit to go for...
Shuu: ...If you can’t make up your mind, you could have just bought both, right? What a pain...
Yui: They’re very expensive clothes, I could never...
Shuu: Hmm...You’re a weirdo. 
...Whatever. So, which clothes are you conflicted about?
Yui: These two...
Shuu: ...
Yui: ...
( Uu...He went quiet... )
( I guess I should have expected this much. I’m sure picking out clothes is too much trouble for hiーー )
Shuu: ...Go with the right one.
Yui: Eh?
Shuu: Once again, the right.
Yui: Ah, this one!?
( To be honest, if I had to choose, I would have probably gone with the right one too... )
( He actually shares my opinion...! )
Shuu: Well then, wrap this one up for us. ...Pwaah...I’m sleepy...
Shop employee: Understood. 
Yui: T...Thank you very much. But are you sure it’s fine? These are very fancy clothes...
Shuu: Shut up...It’s fine, so let’s just get going. 
ー Shuu starts walking away
Yui: Ah, wait, please! Shuu-san...!
ー The scene shifts back to the inside of the limousine
Yui: Shuu-san, thank you very much. 
I can’t believe you bought me such an expensive outfit...
Shuu: I didn’t do anything, really.
Yui: But you picked it out for me, remember...?
Um, may I ask what made you select this one...?
( I wonder if he liked the print...? )
Shuu: My reasoning...?
Well...The wide collar would make it easy to suck your blood.
Yui: Ah...So that’s why...
Shuu: Is there any other reason I should have?
Yui: No...
( I feel embarrassed for even expecting anything in the first place... )
Shuu: ...Say.
Yui: Eh? Yes!?
Shuu: ...Are you having fun right now?
Yui: Eh? ...Ah, yes...!
( Although I’m even more so embarrassed... )
Shuu: Hm...
Um, Shuu-san! Todayーー
Shuu: ...
Yui: ( Hold on, he dozed off while resting his head on my shoulder...!? )
( H-He’s so close...! )
Um...Wake up, please...!
Shuu: Nn...Nnh...
Yui: ( What now? It doesn’t seem like he’ll wake up any time soon...! )
( Although...I guess I shouldn’t wake him up right now, huh? )
ー The car comes to a halt again
Yui: ( Ah...Seems like we’re here already. )
( Shuu-san is still asleep...I can’t carry him by myself either, so what should I do...? )
ー Kanato enters the car
Kanato: ...Yui-san. So this is where you’ve been. I was looking for you. 
Yui: Ah, Kanato-kun...!
Um, Shuu-san fell asleep and...
Kanato: I can tell that much. Shuu! Hurry up and wake up! It’s my turn!
Yui: ( ‘My turn’...? )
Shuu: Nn...Shut up...What? Aah...Kanato...?
Go ahead and take the woman with you then...I’m still sleepy...
Kanato: I will do so so either way.
Well then, Yui-san. You’re coming with me. 
Yui: Ah...S-Sure...
 ー The scene shifts to the balcony
Yui: ( We came to the balcony straight away...I wonder if we’re going to do something here? )
Kanato-kun...? What did you bring with you...?
Kanato: It’s the telescope I used when I was a child. We’re going to use it to look at the stars. 
Yui: ...The stars?
Kanato: ...Do you have a problem with that?
Yui: Oh no! Not at all!
Kanato: I’m sure that watching the stars...would be very fun.
Please help me put it together.
Yui: ( No wonder he talked about using it in the past, it has an antique feel to it... )
( However, I have to agree that it must be fun to watch the stars through such a stylish telescope... )
Kanato: Ah...
...I can’t...figure out how to assemble it...
Yui: Kanato-kun, let’s start over one more time? I’ll help out too!
I’ll hold the bar, so can you fix the clasps in place? 
Kanato: ...Okay.
Yui: I guess this should do...?
Kanato: Yes, thank you very much. You gave it your best shot.
Well then, shall we take a look right away? 
Yui: Yes!
( The rain stopped at some point, so there’s a pretty starry sky...! )
( I’m sure we’ll be able to spot plenty of stars. )
Kanato: You can get the initial look.
Yui: Are you sure...? Well, allow me to go first then.
ー Yui looks through the telescope
Yui: Wow...! Kanato-kun, I can see a bunch of stars!
Ah...That one large star shining brightly in the distance...What was that constelling called again? 
Kanato: Which one? 
Yui: ( Wah...He’s peeking through the telescope alongside me...! )
Kanato: Hey, which star where you referring to?
Yui: Ah...Um, the one shaped like a triangle over there...
Kanato: Aah, that constellation. I know that one. 
Yui: Eh? Really?
( Could it be he looked it up beforehand...? )
Kanato: It’s formed from three stars creating a triangle so...It’s ‘The Shortcake’ (2). 
Yui: ...Eh!? The Shortcake!? 
Kanato: Yes. And next to it, you can see ‘The Pudding à la Mode’. 
Beneath that one...The round one, that’s ‘The Cream Puff’.
Yui: Um...
Kanato: Aren’t you glad? You gained some valuable knowledge today.
Yui: ( ...He took the time to teach me, so I guess I’ll leave it at that. )
Thank you for teaching me, Kanato-kun!
Kanato: Fufu...You’re welcome. 
Yui-san, it’s fun watching the stars, don’t you agree? 
Yui: Eh? Yeah, of course!
Kanato: ...I’m glad.
ー He steps back
Kanato: Victory is as good as mine. Fufu...
Yui: Hm? Did you say something just now?
Kanato: No, nothing at all. Anyway, why don’t we look at the stars one more time? 
*Rustle rustle*
Kanato: ...Ah!
Yui: W-What’s wrong?
Kanato: Clouds...
Yui: Eh? Clouds?
Kanato: The stars are hidden behind the clouds!
Yui: ( Ah, he’s right...There weren’t any clouds earlier though... )
Kanato: Uu...Uu...How could they...So mean...! I even went out of my way to prepare a telescope...!!
So why did these stupid clouds have to appear...!
Yui: C-Calm down, Kanato-kun...!
Kanato: How am I supposed to keep my cool!?
How come you seem so calm!? 
You can no longer watch the stars with me, do you understand that!?
Yui: I mean...That’s true, but...
However, I already had plenty of fun when you told me about the constellations earlier...
Kanato: ...Really?
Yui: Yes!
Kanato: ...Then, will you join me for dessert now?
Yui: Eh? Sure. I don’t mind. 
Kanato: In that case, hurry up and come with mーー
???: I don’t think I can let that happen, Kanato-kun~
Yui: ( This voice... )
Laito: Heya, Bitch-chan~! Your beloved Laito-kun is here~ Nfu~
Kanato: Laito...
Laito: It’s not very nice to of you to try and abuse the situation to steal Bitch-chan away, Kanato-kun~
It’s my turn next after all. 
Kanato: ...Could you not word it in a way that makes me sound like a criminal?
I will let you have her. ...It’s already clear that victory will be mine after all. 
ー Kanato walks away
Laito: Kanato-kun sure sounds confident. I’m excited for this now.
Yui: Hey, Laito-kun. 
Laito: Yes, Bitch-chan?
Yui: You said it’s your turn earlier but...What does that mean? 
( Now that I think about it, they all said something similar. )
( I wonder if they’re up to something...? )
Laito: Hmー? Aah, you don’t need to worry about it. 
More importantly...
ー He moves closer
Yui: ( Wah...!? )
Laito: Why don’t we have some fun together? 
Yui: Fun...?
Laito: Yes, exactly. Something fun which makes you feel really good~
Well then, let’s go~? 
ー The scene shifts to the dining room
Yui: Um...Laito-kun, what are we going to do in the dining room?
Laito: Nfu~ ...Something fun. ...!
Yui: Kyah...!? 
( H-He pinned me down...!? )
H-Hold up, Laito-kun...! We’re on top of the table...
Laito: Ah~ A plate shouldn’t be getting up from the table, you know? 
There, gotcha~
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: ...What do you mean, ‘plate’!? 
Laito: What? I thought I was pretty clear? Nfu~
You’re going to be my plate for what’s to come. 
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: Eeh!?
Laito: Once again, don’t move, okay? If you squirm around too much, I can’t put anything on top of you, can I?
Yui: What are you going to put on me then...!? 
Laito: Well, of course...
*Rustle rustle*
Laito: My favorite food, macarons!
However, it wouldn’t be fun to simply line them up on top of you, right? Therefore...Just like this...
Yui: ...!?
( He smeared...whipped cream on my lips...!? )
Laito: Listen closely, Bitch-chan. I’m going to doll up these pretty lips of yours, so don’t speak, okay?
Yui: ...Nn...!?
Laito: Now I just gotta place a macaron on top of this bed of whipped cream...Voila.
Laito: My very own combination of whipped cream with macarons is complete. Nfu~
Yui: ( Uu...I can’t talk properly because there’s cream all over my lips...! )
Laito: No need to grow impatient Bitch-chan. I’ll make sure to devour you, so rest assured? 
Yui: ...!
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: ( I never said anything about that...!? )
Laito: Well then...Time to dig in~
Nn~ ...I feel like this macaron enjoyed from your lips tastes even sweeter than usual.
Yui: ...! How mean, Laito-kun! I can’t believe you’d suddenly do this to me...
Laito: Eh~? There’s nothing mean about it now, is there? I could tell you were enjoying it as well...
Yui: T-That’s not...!
Laito: Hey, be honest with me? It actually got your heart racing and you had fun as well, didn’t you? 
Yui: ( ...I mean, it did make my heart race but...Still. )
...Well...It’s because you leant in so close...
Laito: I mean, I couldn’t eat the macaron without doing so, could I?
Personally, I wouldn’t have minded if it ended with a kiss instead~
...But I guess I have no other choice today.
Yui: Eh...?
Laito: Oh no, nothing. More importantly...
ー He moves closer again
Laito: It seems like simply decorating your lips didn’t quite satisfy you. 
Yui: Eh!? W-What are you saying!?
Laito: I mean, it’s written all over your face, you know?
Yui: It isn’t...!
Laito: I wonder~? But no need to worry, Bitch-chan.
I’ll apply it to a different place this time.
Yui: ( And where could that be...? )
Laito: Nfu...
Subaru: ーー Hold it!
Yui: S-Subaru-kun...!?
Laito: Ahーah, what a shame. Guess my time’s up already.
Subaru: Get off her already!
Laito: Yeah, yeah. I know. ...Ah, Subaru-kun. 
Subaru: ...What?
Laito: Personally, I wouldn’t be against changing the plans and having some fun with the three of us together~?
Subaru: Che...Shut up! What makes you think I’d do that!?
Oi! You shouldn’t be layin’ on that damn table forever either! Hurry up and get your ass over here!
Yui: Kyah...
Subaru: Ugh...
Laito: Ahー That’s no good, Subaru-kun. You have to be a little more gentle with the ladies.
Subaru: ...Che, shuddup. I know that much...
Oi, no need to give that guy another second of your attention. Let’s go. 
ー Subaru walks away
Yui: Ah, wait for me, Subaru-kun...!
ー Yui runs after him as the scene shifts to the shopping district 
Yui: ( We made it all the way to the shopping district so I wonder just for far Subaru-kun plans to go... )
Subaru: Shut up. Just shut up and follow me. 
Yui: S-Sure...
ー The scene shifts to the shopping mall
Yui: ( When I was here with Shuu-san earlier, we went into a different direction, so I wonder where we’re headed this time...? )
( Huh? ...Isn’t this cafe...? )
Subaru-kun, this is...
Subaru: ...Can’t you tell? 
Yui: I mean, I can but...
( It caught my attention even before the opening, but I had given up on ever being able to come here because of how popular it is... )
One of the girls in my class said it’s almost impossible to get a seat because of the insane amount of reservations? 
Subaru: None of my business. Let’s go. 
Waiter: Welcome. My apologies for the wait. Please folow me.
Subaru: Hmph...
Yui: ( I wonder if he made a reservation for us...? )
Subaru: Oi. Don’t be spacin’ out. Hurry up. 
Yui: Ah, my bad! I’m coming. 
ー They enter the cafe
Yui: ( There’s an open terrace...It’s lovely but also a little embarrassing because the people outside can see us... )
Um, Subaru-kun...Why did you take me here today...?
Subaru: ...I don’t want to come to this place but...Girls love this sorta stuff, don’t they? 
Do you have a problem with that!?
Yui: Not at all...! I’ve been wanting to come here after all...!
Subaru: ...Hmph. Is that so? 
Waiter: Have you decided on your order? 
Yui: What should we go for?
Subaru: I don’t need anything, so just order whatever you like. 
Yui: Eh? ...Really...? Um, then...
Yui: ( ...Ah, it says they recommend this fruit juice...I guess I’ll go for this one. )
Excuse me, I’d like one fruit juice. 
Waiter: Understood. I will bring your order shortly. 
ー The waiter walks away
Yui: Subaru-kun, are you sure you shouldn’t have ordered something as well? 
Subaru: Yeah...
Yui: O-Okay...
( Subaru-kun...He doesn’t seem to be enjoying this very much... )
( I’d feel bad if I’m the only one having a blast... )
Subaru-kun, listen...
ー The waiter returns
Waiter: My apologies for the wait.
Yui: T-Thank you very muーー
( This glass...There’s a heart-shaped straw in it...!? There’s even two ends to drink from... )
Waiter: We served the drink in a way for the two of you to enjoy it together. 
Subaru: ...The fuck is up with that embarrassin’ straw...? 
Yui: Yeah...I think they might have mistaken us for a couple...? 
Subaru: Haah!? What are you sayin’!? 
Yui: I-I mean...Seems like there’s a lot of couples around us as well...
Subaru: Che...
No way in hell I’m takin’ a sip from this thing. It’s all yours. 
Yui: O-Okay...
( I’d be way too embarrassed to drink from this straw together with Subaru-kun anyway... )
Yui: ( ...Hm? Huh...? )
Subaru: Oi, what’s wrong? You’re not gettin’ any at all. 
Yui: Huh? How strange...? I’ve been sucking on the straw the whole time though...
Could it be...?
Subaru: What?
Yui: Perhaps this doesn’t work unless you drink at the same time...?
( Seems like the couples around us are doing the same... )
Subaru: ...!
The fuck...? Drinkin’ at the same time? There’s just no way!
Yui: But it doesn’t seem like there’s another way to try it...
Subaru: ...
Yui: ( I’m sure he doesn’t want to do that... )
I won’t force you butーー
Subaru: ...Ahー Fuck! Gimme the damn straw!
Yui: Eh? But...?
Subaru: Shut up! I decided I’m gonna do it so I will!
I didn’t bring you here to see you sulk after all...
Come on, hurry up and take the other end of the straw!
Yui: O-Okay...
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: ( Uu...I expected it but this is still embarrassing...! )
Subaru: Here I go...Nn...
Yui: ...!
Yui: ...
( We somehow managed to finish the whole thing but...Subaru-kun won’t face me now... )
Um, Subaru-kunーー
Subaru: ...Was it good? 
Yui: ...Eh?
Subaru: You heard me. I’m askin’ if you enjoyed your drink just now.
Yui: Ah...Yeah. It was good! I can tell why this cafe is so popular...!
( To be honest, I was too embarrassed to fully enjoy the taste... )
Subaru: I see. That’s good then. 
There’d be no point in having taken you here if you didn’t enjoy it after all. 
Yui: Eh...?
Subaru: You’ve been wanting to come here, right? That’s why...You know...
Yui: ( I mean, I did, but... )
...Did I ever mention this store to you...?
Subaru: Hmph. It’s not exactly hard to figure out when you leave a magazine featurin’ this place layin’ ‘round in the living room. 
Yui: ( Uu...Actually, I might have read a magazine like that the other day... )
I can’t believe you actually took me here...Thank you, Subaru-kun. 
Subaru: ...Don’t thank me over every single lil’ thing. It’s annoyin’. 
Che...Oi, we’re headin’ home now.
Yui: Ah, Subaru-kun. One secoーー
???: Chichinashi, I finally found you!!
Subaru: Che...That guy’s here, huh...?
Yui: A...Ayato-kun!? 
Ayato: Oi, Subaru! You just clicked your tongue at me, didn’t you!?
Subaru: I didn’t. Don’t get on my case. ...Why are you here? 
Ayato: Fuck. You’re way too cheeky despite bein’ younger than me. Whatever. I’m here for Chichinashi, not for you. 
Yui: M-Me...!? 
Ayato: Do you see anyone else ‘round? Oi, stop dawdling and come here already!
ー Ayato tugs her his way
Yui: Hold up, Ayato-kun!? 
Ayato: See you, Subaru! It’s my turn now. 
Subaru: Che...
ー Ayato takes Yui to the park
Yui: Ayato-kun...What are we going to do here...? 
Ayato: Aah? Shouldn’t that be obvious? Here!
Yui: Kyah...What’s this...? Could it be, a basketbal...?
Ayato: Well duh. 
Let’s have a lil’ match together!
Yui: Eeh!? There’s no way...!
Ayato: Yes there is! You get to play with me. You should feel grateful!
That’s settled, so let’s get this match started right away!
I’ll praise you if you can somehow get past me. Well, pretty sure it’s impossible though. Hehe. 
Come on, start dribblin’!
Yui: ( Why do I have to do this...? But Ayato-kun seems excited so I’d feel bad about rejecting his offer... )
( I have zero confidence I’ll be able to pull this off though... )
Well then...Here I come, Ayato-kun...!
ー Yui starts dribbling, trying to get past Ayato
Yui: ...Ugh...!
Ayato: Hehe...You’re just as clumsy as I thought you’d be...There!
Yui: Wah...!?
Ayato: Too bad, Chichinashi! I win!
Yui: Haah...
There’s no way I could ever beat you...
( He’s way more athletic than I am after all... )
Ayato: What’s wrong? You’re done already? Borin’ー...
Guess I have no other choice...I guess I gotta go this route with you instead...Up you go!
Yui: Eh...? Kyah!?
( He lifted me up in his arms...!? )
Ayato: ...Hang on tight...!
Yui: ...Kyaaah...!? 
ー Ayato leaps into the air as Yui closes her eyes
Ayato: Oi, Chichianshi! We’re actually flying through the air so whatcha closin’ your eyes for!?
Yui: I-I’m scared...!
Ayato: There’s nothing to be afraid of while I’m holding you, right?
Yui: ...Uu...
ー She slowly opens her eyes
Yui: Wow...!
( The night sky...! )
Ayato: What do you think? 
Yui: Yeah...! What a lovely view!
Thank you, Ayato-kun!
But shouldn’t we head back home soon...?
Ayato: Ah? Nah...Hehe. 
...Hey, Chichinashi? Why don’t I speed up a little while you’re enjoyin’ the nice view?
Yui: Eh...? Ayato-kuーー
Yui: Kyaaah!?
Ayato: Haha! What a pathetic cry!
Yui: G-Geez! Stop playing around and put me back down...!
Ayato: Oh? You want to go back to the ground that badly? In that case, I wouldn’t mind dropping you right here, right now?
Yui: You can’t do that...!
( If I were to fall down from here, I’d get more than just a little hurt...! )
Ayato: You’re so borin’...Oh well, whatever. Guess we should head back down soon.
Yui: ...
Ayato: Oi, Chichinashi. Can you hear me? 
Yui: ...Ayato-kun...
( Ah...What should I do...? Suddenly I’m feeling faint... )
Ayato: Chichinashi? 
Yui: ( I’m sorry, Ayato-kun...I... )
ー Yui loses consciousness 
Ayato: Oi, Chichinashi!? Why are you passin’ out...!? God, you’re such a handful...
*Ding dingー*
Ayato: Che...Time’s up already?
ー The scene shifts to the living room of the Sakamaki manor
Reiji: Ayato! Explain yourself! Why is she unconscious!? 
Ayato: I dunno. She’s the one who fainted on me out of nowhere. 
Kanato: Fainted...you say? Could it be...Did you suck her blood? Unforgivable...
Laito: Eehー!? Is that true, Ayato-kun? In that case, you should have called me over as well~
Reiji: I cannot believe you. We made it very clear not to suck her blood...
Ayato: Shut up! I didn’t!
Subaru: Then why is she out cold!?
Ayato: Not my problem!
Shuu: ...It was probably due to fatigue, no? She’s been dragged around from one place to another by six different people after all. 
Reiji: You do have a point...I suppose we might have asked a little too much from her. 
Ayato: It’s not my fault that she got tired. I guess you guys just sucked? 
Laito: Hmー ...But Bitch-chan seemed to be really enjoying her time spent with me. Her cheeks were flushed bright red~ 
Subaru: Are you sure that it wasn’t just you gettin’ a kick out of the situation...?
Laito: Oh geez, Subaru-kun! No way! Bitch-chan gave her consent as well. 
Kanato: She was smiling with me as well. 
Ayato: Heh, she said ‘Thank you, Ayato-kun’, to me, you know?
Subaru: In that case, I got a thank you as well...!
*Clap clap*
Reiji: Okay, that’s enough. We won’t know the true answer until we ask her personally, right?
Instead of wasting our time getting into trivial discussions, we should discuss the elephant in the room. 
Subaru: And what would that be? 
Reiji: How we are going to explain the situation to her...once she wakes up. We have to think about it, no? 
Laito: Say, in that case, I happen to have a very good idea. 
Kanato: We’re listening? 
Ayato: Your ‘good ideas’ give me shivers up my spine...
Shuu: ...Agreed. 
Laito: Goshー You’re all so mean. However, I’m pretty sure it’s worth the listen at least.
Reiji: If you are that confident...
Shuu: Hurry up. 
Subaru: I’m sendin’ you flyin’ if it’s some random bullshit. 
Laito: You all say that, but I bet you’re all curious~
Kanato: Did you say something? 
Laito: Oh no, nothing? Anyway, I’ll announce it now. 
The plan I came up with isーー 
Yui: ( ...Hm...Huh...? What happened to me? )
( If I recall correctly, I visited various places with the guys...And then I was flying through the air together with Ayato-kun... )
( But what happened afterwards...? )
???: ーー Oi, ...nashi...
Yui: ( ...I can hear someone...This voice is... )
ー Yui opens her eyes
Tumblr media
Ayato: You finally woke up, huh? 
Yui: Ayato-kun...And the others too...
( A-Anyway, where am I...? Are we on top of the water...!? )
( How did we get here!? )
Laito: Geez, Bitch-chanー We were worried because it took you so long to wake up~
Yui: Eh? I...What happened to me? 
Reiji: You lost consciousness while with Ayato. Then afterwards, you slept soundly for a whole 24 hours. 
Yui: A whole day...!? T-That long...
Um, anyway, there’s a lot I’m not grasping about this situation...
It must be somehow related to what happened yesterday...right? 
Reiji: Exactly...Before explaining the current situation, I suppose I should start by telling you about how it all started. 
Yui: How it started...?
Reiji: The other day, Ayato...
Laito: ...suddenly blurted out: ‘Chichinashi seems the most happy when spending time with me!’, correct?
Yui: ...Eh!? 
Laito: That’s how all of us got into an argument, trying to convince the others that we’re the one who makes you the happiest. 
Reiji: Exactly...Honestly, I can only assume that I must have been out of my mind back then to let myself get talked into the whole ordeal....
Anyway, it eventually led to us agreeing that we should decide by each of us taking you on a personal date. 
Kanato: We were competing against each other...To see who could give you the most enjoyable time. 
Shuu: In the end...Ayato messed up and you fainted before being able to give us an answer. 
Ayato: Oi! Don’t make it sound like it was only my fault!
Subaru: ...But it’s the truth, isn’t it? 
Ayato: Excuse me!?
Reiji: Come on, you two. Calm down.
Yui: ( I see...They were all trying to give me a good time... )
Laito: So, since we dragged you all over to the point of you collapsing. 
We actually felt just a teeny tiny bit sorry, you see? 
And that’s how we decided to make it up to you by treating you to something nice~!
Kanato: We rented a boat and settled on taking you out on a cruise. 
Yui: A cruise!?
Ayato: And you get to enjoy Reiji’s cooking on top of that! Sounds like a great deal, no? 
Reiji: Please do not talk about me as if I am but a mere servant! Good grief...
If you continue to spout such nonsense, all you will be getting for tonight’s dinner is a glass of water. 
Ayato: Haah!? Fuck that!
Yui: ( Now I understand why everyone seemed to be acting a bit odd yesterday but... )
I feel like I need to say sorry...I would have never thought you’d all go this far for me.
Subaru: ...I don’t think you need to worry about it that much? 
Yui: ...Subaru-kun? 
Subaru: It’s us who decided to make a big deal out of it and got you involved without you knowing.
Laito: Exactly~ Besides, you always tend to us in various ways...Get it~?
Kanato: ...We could thank you every now and then. 
Ayato: None of this would have happened if I didn’t say that back then so you better be grateful to me, Chichinashi? 
Shuu: ...Well, there you have it. As long as you have fun in the end, isn’t that what matters the most?
Reiji: It is a shame it had to be Shuu summing it all up but...He is correct. 
All that matters is that you have a good time. Today is all about you after all. 
Yui: ...You guys...Thank you so much...!
Reiji: Fufu...Seems like we can finally wrap up this conversation. 
Ayato: ーー No, hold up. 
Kanato: What’s your problem, Ayato?
Ayato: Who succeeded at giving Chichinashi the best time in the end? We never heard her answer. 
Yui: Eh...?
Laito: Hmー You do make a point. We have to make that clear.
Or else there’d be no point in having competed in the first place, right?
Hey, Bitch-chan? Which date did you enjoy the most? 
I mean, I know it was ours obviously...but I’ll ask you just in case~
Subaru: Haah!? When was it decided that you won!? 
Kanato: Exactly. Please stop talking nonsense.
Hey, you had the most fun watching the stars with me, correct? You did, right!? 
Yui: Y-Yeah...That was fun...but...
Shuu: ...Heh...You’re clearly putting her under pressure so anyting she says is irrelevant. 
...Hey, listen. You haven’t forgotten what I did for you, have you? 
You seemed quite pleased as well...So you don’t need me to tell you who you should pick, right? 
Yui: W-Well...
Subaru: Oi, hold up! You’re clearly putting her under pressure as well!?
To be honest...I rather never set foot inside that cringy shop again...
But if you want to go...I wouldn’t mind joining you. 
Yui: ...Uu...
Ayato: Shut up! You should just live up to your reputation as a shut-in!
Oi, Chichinashi! You’re obviously going to choose Yours Truly, right? If you pick any of the other dudes, I’m gonna have to punish you, understand? 
Reiji: Good grief...I deliberately remained quiet on the topic because I predicted this would happen...
Although, I suppose there is no way back now. You, there is nothing to think about, is there? 
All you have to do is follow your heart. If you do that...Then the answer should be clear, no? 
Yui: ( Their dates...While they often left me baffled, I still had fun amidst all of it. )
( That’s why...I can’t pick just one. )
Um...They were truly all fun in their own way so...I guess I can’t choose one...
I’m sorry...
Ayato: ...
Kanato: ...
Laito: ...Nfu~
Subaru: Che...
Shuu: ...Haah.
Reiji: ...
Yui: ( Uu...They’ve all gone quiet... )
( But these are my honest feelings... )
Reiji: ...Good grief...I guess it can’t be helped. It’s you we’re talking about here. 
I knew from the very beginning that you wouldn’t be able to choose the best one. 
Laito: Yeah, I kind of had that feeling as well. 
Kanato: Then...I guess we have to call it a draw...? 
Subaru: Che...That’s how it ends!? 
Reiji: Oh well, what is so bad about that? Our initial goal was to give her a good time after all. 
Well then, I should probably get to cooking soon. 
Ayato: We’re finally gonna eat? I’m starvin’...
Yui: Ah, Reiji-san! Is there anything I can help with...?
Please let me...As a way to thank all of you. 
Reiji: While I appreciate the offer, I am afraid I will have to turn it down this time. 
Did you not hear me earlier? Today is all about you. 
Yui: Reiji-san...
Reiji: Come on, you lot. Get to your posts and put everything reaーー 
Shuu: ...Aah, I’d like a meat dish.
Reiji: ...Hah? What are you saying, Shuu? You were in charge of fetching the ingredients alongside Ayato and Subaru, remember? 
Shuu: I’m way too tired since I had to come all the way here today...I’m gonna leave that up to the two other guys.
I’ll be over here taking a nap...Just wake me up when the food’s done, okay? ...Pwaah...
Reiji: Excuse me! I will not let you!
Kanato: Hey, Reiji. Can I roast some marshmallows on here?
Reiji: ...! Wait, Kanato! We’re going to grill the vegetables on the barbecue in a bitーー
Reiji: Aah! What have you done!?
Laito: Hey! I’ve polished the silverware enough like this, right? 
Reiji: Hm...? Seems like you’ve not quite gotten the hang of it yet.
I believe I told you to polish it until you could clearly see your own face reflected in it?
Laito: Ehー? This is still not good enough? My hands are tired already...
Yui: ( They’re as whimsical as ever... )
( Must be rough on Reiji-san... )
( Hm? Over there...Ayato-kun and Subaru are fishing...? )
Ayato: ...Oh, could it be I got a bite!? 
Subaru: Oi! Keep your eyes on the rod! If it’s actually a fish, it’s gonna get away!
Ayato: Shut up! Don’t order me around! If you’ve got time to do that, go fetch me one of those nets instead!
Subaru: I don’t need you tellin’ me what to do either!
Yui: ( I’m pretty sure they’re in charge of the food supply as well...I wonder if that’ll end well...? )
( But... )
Reiji: Ayato! Subaru! What are you two doing!?
Ayato: Shut up! Subaru is the one who knocked it over!
Subaru: Don’t put the blame on me! You’re the one who lost control over your rod and bumped into the desk, remember!?
Shuu: Haah...Pipe down...
Reiji: Shuu! If you’re awake, hurry up and lend those two a haーー
Laito: Reiji, my bad~! I broke one of the tableware sets. 
Reiji: Excuse me!? Which one did you break!? 
Kanato: Wait, Reiji! Do something about these burnt marshmallows first. 
Reiji: ...
Aah, god! You lot...!
You! My bad, but could you perhaps help me out a little?
At this rate, I doubt there will ever be any food on our plates. 
Yui: Ah...Yes, of course!
( But in the end...I guess it’s these times we spent all together which I enjoy the most? )
Ayato: Oi, Chichinashi! Don’t be standin’ there and help me out already!
Yui: Yeah, I’ll be right there!
( I guess it’s nice to have a day like this every now and then...! )
ーー THE END ーー
Translation notes
(1) 相合傘 or ‘ai-ai gasa’ is a term which has recently gained a lot of popularity, referring to (usually couples) sharing an umbrella.
(2) In Japanese, the names of all constellations end with the character 座 or ‘za’ which literally means ‘seat’. In English, there is no such system when naming constellations, so I just wrote the word in capital letters to indicate that it’s the name Kanato gives to the constellation.
166 notes · View notes
allylikethecat · 3 months
January OTP Prompts
Literally had crawled into bed to go to sleep when I realized I forgot about todays prompt. Then I had to get up and get my laptop back out and write it. But we did it! Here she is. Prepare to be underwhelmed (I was so focused on finishing up the Ducklings chapter that this totally slipped my mind!)
22. Walking through the park
“I love you,” said Matty, giving George’s hand a squeeze as they made their way through the park. He felt like he was living out some kind of romance movie montage, holding hands with his partner, the sun shining down on them as the flowers began to bloom around him. He took a sip of the coffee he held in the hand not intertwined with George’s and smiled. He never thought that he would be here. He had never even let himself even hope and dream for it, not wanting to be let down, having spent his teenage years desperate for love, but feeling undeserving of it. He didn’t let himself think about the way he sometimes hadn’t even thought he’d make it to twenty eight, let alone thirty five. 
“I love you,” said George, putting emphasis on the word and squeezing his hand back, flashing Matty his own crooked smile. He held tight to Mayhem’s leash, the dog trotting happily beside him before pausing to sniff at a patch of grass. George and Matty stopped as well, letting him sniff to his heart’s content. They weren’t in any kind of rush, they didn’t have anywhere to be. The entire day was just for them to exist, enjoying each other's orbit. 
“Your dog is so cute!” said a girl walking towards them, she looked to be somewhere in her late teens and early twenties. Matty couldn’t help but wonder when people that age started looking so young. 
“Thanks,” said George, smiling back at her. “He’s a menace.” 
“No,” said Matty, unable to help himself. “He’s Mayhem.” 
Mayhem looked up at the sound of his name, fixing Matty with his dark gaze. George snorted in amusement at Matty’s bad joke. The girl looked between them, confused. 
“His name is Mayhem,” George explained, “and he lives up to it.”
 Matty opened his mouth to explain that he was actually named for the Norwegian metal band, but thought better of it, choosing to lean into George’s side instead. 
“Can I pet him?” she asked. 
George nodded, “yes of course, he’s very friendly, probably too friendly if we’re being honest,” George said with a chuckle. The girl bent down, and gave Mayhem a pat on the top of his head. 
“Thank you so much,” she said, giving them both a smile. “Have a great rest of your day!” 
“Thank you,” said Matty, “you as well.” 
George gave a slight tug on Mayhem’s leash, encouraging him to start walking again as they continued their way across the park. Matty let go of George’s hand to take a few steps to the side and throw away his now empty take away coffee cup, his phone buzzing in his pocket as he did so. 
“You two are disgusting,” sent Adam in their group chat and Matty frowned, before clicking on the link he had included and breaking into laughter. 
“Hey George,” he said, returning to the path, “that girl knew who we were.” 
“What?” George asked and Matty shoved his phone into George’s face, still chuckling. There was a photo, taken from an interesting angle as if the photographer was trying to be discreet, their hands intertwined, Matty’s head resting against George’s shoulder. 
@ 75fan99 Just met Matty and George. I managed to play it cool AND they let me pet Mayhem #bestdayever #evenifMattymadeadadjoke 
“That was a pretty bad joke,” George said, bumping Matty’s hip with his own.
Matty huffed, “yeah well, you love me anyway.”
George smiled, leaning down to kiss his cheek, “that I do.” 
Day: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21
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