#the gif I  first used became crunchy for some reason so hehe
ericxaquino · 2 years
          for @wae-teeth​,
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          They’ve long since nullified the innate aversion to Jamie’s presence, a minuscule tick that Eric had learned to ignore, a dull scratch that they now could hardly pay much mind to. All the same, it allows for Eric to perk up, sensing Jamie long before he came into view, “Aren’t you supposed to be holed up with the Senate? Trying to figure out which way is up after everything?” They toy mindlessly with their own hands as if to remind himself that whatever modifications to his typical transformation were long absent from his form, despite their memory plaguing his mind incessantly. “Or do they only call... you in,” eyes take obvious note of Jamie’s lithe frame, almost curious to know what inherited strength hid underneath deceitfully boyish looks, “—when they need you to rough someone up?” A roguish smirk smeared across waxen countenance in finality. 
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