#the ginger juice also has like honey and lemon and black pepper
scooterfish · 6 months
listen i’ve always been a sucker for the placebo effect but i just mixed ginger turmeric juice with orange juice and i swear i can feel my immune system replenishing like a healing potion in an RPG. the little green plus signs are floating around my head and my health meter is rising.
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rainbowbarnacle · 6 months
Please make a tea post so I can save it especially the pineapple ice cubes I need more info
Oh, like, different teas I like to make? Okay! :D
🍍Pineapple Tea🍍
The way I do it is really simple:
Buy a giant jug of already-made tea (I like gold peak!)
Buy a carton of pineapple juice
Freeze the juice into cubes, pour a little of it in the tea for extra flavor
And that's it. That's aaaall you gotta do.
There's all kindsa ways you can dress it up, but nine times out of ten I just do this and drink it by the gallon when it's hot out.
If you wanna get fancy with it, feel free to cold brew your own black (or green) tea, add actual hunks of pineapple fruit in there, add some orange juice, add some honey, add some coconut milk or sweetened condensed milk, whatever sounds good! (Also, pairing pineapple tea with coconut cookies? SO GOOD.) Put mint in the pineapple cubes if you like mint! Add a bit of boiled ginger root or some brown sugar and cinnamon for a little kick! Heck, last summer I used blue peaflower star-shaped ice cubes just because they were pretty.
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(Peaflower petals don't taste like much, but they make a GORGEOUS blue, and if you put something acidic in there like lemon juice IT TURNS PINK. :D)
🍓Strawberry Tea🍓
I find this stuff sort of difficult to find where I live, so often I go the same route as the pineapple tea: grab a jug of black tea, grab a jug of strawberry juice, (ocean spray has a really nice cran-strawberry one I like) freeze the juice, mix, and enjoy. Super simple.
If I can't find strawberry juice, I dice some strawberries up and put it in a jar with some water and a bit of sugar for a few hours, then add *that* to the tea. (heck, it's really nice all by itself!)
What goes with strawberry? ANY DANG THING YOU WANT. I am particularly fond of lychee. Jasmine tea and rose petals pair really well with it too. Again, if you like mint, it's *really* nice with strawberry. And you know how if you put black pepper on strawberries they taste even strawberrier? (If you haven't tried this, go do it, it's magic.) Same goes with the tea, add some peppercorns or a teeny bit of chili powder or some ginger.
If you wanna drink it hot or cold brew a batch of your own, here are some brands that are also nice:
1. Strawberry Sensation
2. Adagio Strawberry Tea (this is also where I got the peaflower petals)
3. Any of Lupicia's Strawberry Teas they are HEAVENLY
🍏Apple Tea🍏
As with the pineapple and strawberry teas, it's totally fine to just go find some ready-made tea and mix it with some apple cider or apple juice for tasty low spoons fun. If you drink it iced, a bit of sugar and lemon juice brings out the apple flavor nicely!
I prefer drinking this stuff hot though. You know that Fall Drink post that was floating around? IF YOU HAVEN'T YET, TRY IT, IT'S AWESOME.
☕Chai Tea☕
So here's the thing about chai for me personally: I don't tend to drink it iced or sugary, but if you do like it iced and sugary, there are a couple of really nice chai tea concentrates:
Oregon Chai Latte
Tazo's Chai Latte (Forget the "skinny" nonsense, I just wanted to include an option with no milk so you can add whatever you want to it)
Pacific Chai isn't concentrated, but you can use it to make hot or iced chai and it's really lovely, not too sweet and super easy to work with. As for dressing up chai, I don't tend to! There's already so much going on with all the flavors, I just drink it as-is most days. Play with milk-to-tea ratios or sugar amounts all you like, figure out what's your jam.
I do know that mixing chai and coffee together (or chai and chocolate together) is guaranteed to make a feeling groovy kind of morning, at least if you have two thumbs and you're me. Iiii think that's all the tea blather I can think of for right now. Thank you for asking, anon, it was fun! Anybody reading this, feel free to add your own favorite things to do with tea. :D
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zildelaaw · 1 year
🥤Daily Detox Drink🥤
So I'm all for doing as much as you can that's beneficial for your well-being that isn't medicine. That said, homeopathy is not the answer to every medical condition and you should definitely consult your doctor before integrating homeopathic remedies to your health regimen. I am not a professional. Please, dear Lord, don't take my word as gospel.
Anyway, here's a budget friendly detox drink with a bunch of health benefits. You can find the ingredients at your local supermarket. Nothing fancy. This isn't really a cure for anything in particular, just a general keep-you-healthy beverage. 👍 Health benefits per ingredient are listed at the bottom (plus, if you're interested, the magickal properties as well).
Turmeric powder 15ml
Apple Cider Vinegar 30ml
Ginger (chopped) 1 tbsp
Black Pepper 1 tsp
Lemon Juice 60ml
Honey 30ml
Cinnamon (chopped or powdered) 10ml
6 cups WARM water (not boiling!)
Dump all the stuff in the warm water and mix it round. Store it in the fridge. This makes enough for a week's supply, ingested daily in the a.m.
Here's what it should look like once bottled. I tried to make it look palateable. I warn you now, it is not. It IS, however, good for you.
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These are some of the benefits when the ingredient is ingested:
Turmeric - boosts your metabolism, aids with symptoms of hayfever, depression, inflammation, high cholesterol and osteo-arthritis. Also helps with the build up of fat in the liver and mild itching. It has strong cleansing properties, along with encouraging prosperity, love, spiritual growth and wisdom.
Apple Cider Vinegar - helps regulate blood sugar, good for gut health (bloating & indigestion), helps with relaxing leg cramps, helps ease coughs & colds, aids with high cholesterol and increases energy levels. Strong cleansing and banishing properties, enhances romantic connections, encourages prosperity and intution.
Ginger - relieves nausea, vomiting and headaches, reduces inflammation, eases joint pain and symptoms of osteo- and rheumatoid arthirits, menstrual pain, risk of heart health and high cholesterol. Helps regulate blood sugar, boosts your immune system and gut health, and helps improve brain function. It's also said to have anti-cancer properties. Ginger encourages vitality, protection, love and romance, healing, prosperity and psychic awareness, and courage.
Black Pepper - good for gut health, eases symptoms of inflammation, depression, and helps regulate blood sugar levels. It also aids in brain function, collagen production, nutrient absorption and dental health. Similar to ginger, said to have anti-cancer properties. It encourages emotional strength and opens spiritual pathways; promotes healthy personal power, self worth, courage, stamina, and self control.
Lemon Juice - rich in vitamin C, anti-oxidants and citric acid (preventing kidney stones). Aids in hydration and digestion. Used to call in longevity, purification, unity, uplifting, clarity, friendship, happiness, rejuvenation, awareness, love, fidelity, new beginnings, cleansing, and protection.
Cinnamon - Packed with anti-oxidants. Helps reduce inflammation and protects against heart disease, as well as regulates blood sugar levels. It is said to aid in neuro-degeneration like in Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, have anti-cancer properties and aid in bacterial and fungal infections. Can be used to draw money, protection, stimulating psychic powers, success, lust, love and to raise vibrations.
Honey - Another anti-oxidant gold mine, helps regulate blood sugar and blood pressure levels. It's overall great for heart health and cholesterol and can soothe a cough and sore throat. Honey is symbolic of fertility, community, prosperity, diligence and work ethic. 
To make a greater use of the esoteric properties, you can integrate this into a larger ritual/ spell.
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anamedblog · 2 years
Turkish Delights, Macun, and more Sweet Treats…
Beate Böhlendorf-Arslan, ANAMED Senior Fellow (2022–2023)
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Fig. 1. Photo by author.
Turkish cuisine is versatile, and Turkish desserts are especially versatile. What is commonly known as “Anatolian sweets” in Europe, and called “Turkish honey” or “Turkish nougat,” is only one of the sugary offshoots of the delicious dessert in Turkey.
Almost every foreign visitor to Istanbul tries baklava, the delicacy made of thin layers of dough, nuts or pistachios, and sugar syrup, which comes in various shapes. By the way, fresh baklava with pistachios is especially delicious if served with a portion of damla sakız dondurma (mastic ice cream). On a particularly hot summer day, I recommend having it with a slice of kesme dondurma (“sliced ice cream”), an ice cream so firm that it must be eaten with a knife and fork.
Dessert lovers should also try other pastry specialties that come in a variety of shapes and flavors. The numerous and sometimes very old shops on Istiklal Caddesi sell specialties with flowery names such as bülbül yuvası (nightingale's nest), hanım göbeği (lady's belly), sütlü nuriye (nuriye—a woman's given name—with milk), vezir parmaği (vizier's finger) or kadayif. Commonly known and loved as a typical souvenir is Turkish delight (Fig. 1), lokum, made with nuts or fruit juice, or rose water. As delicious as these sweet treats are, Anatolian cuisine has much more to offer.
If you are looking for a more exotic souvenir, try the macun from Manisa, a soft candy that is a bit sticky on the palate but tastes very aromatic (Figs. 2 and 3). Manisa mesir paste is made out of spices mixed with various herbs such as cinnamon, black pepper, pimento, black cumin, mustard seed, aniseed, coriander, ginger, turmeric, coconut, fennel, cubeb, cassis, fructus, myroba, vanilla, piper longum, cardamon, galingale, fructus cassiae fistule, saffron, cumin, rose hip, myrrh, licorice, rhizoa zeoariae, lemon peel, orange peel, thistle seed, linseed, locust, opium poppy, stinging nettle, white pepper, grape seed, chaste berry seed, dried rosemary, erica leaf, melissa, fructus myrobalani nigri, and hibiscus. The consumption of these candies is said to have a healing effect. According to legend, the wife of the Ottoman sultan Yavuz Selim, Hafsa Sultan, fell ill during her stay in Manisa. As there was no cure, Merkez Effendi, the head of the madrasa of the Sultan's mosque, prepared a paste of herbs and spices. After eating this paste, Hafsa Sultan recovered. Following her recovery, she ordered this paste to be spread from the minarets of the sultan's mosque. This tradition has been maintained in Manisa since 1539.
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Fig. 2- 3 Photo by author.
The traditional lollipops that can be bought fresh in the streets of Istanbul, but also in villages like Behram/Assos and many other places in Turkey, are prepared in a similar way. However, they do not contain a variety of herbs and spices but only fruit juices or tree resin (damla sakiz or mastic) and a lot of sugar (Fig. 4). The seller dips a wooden stick into the sugar mass and turns the stick several times so that the gluey mass wraps around the stick. Now the lollipop is ready!
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Fig. 4. Assos excavation archive, Aykan Özener.
Other than these sweet souvenirs and shelf-stable desserts, Turkish cuisine has equally tasty creamy desserts to offer that you should not miss out on.
Milk dishes are especially delicious. Even something as common as rice pudding (sütlaç) has a special Turkish twist to it. It is prepared with regular rice, not the round-grain rice used in other countries. Turkish rice pudding is not firm but rather creamy. Most importantly, it is placed in the oven in a second step after cooking, causing the top layer of milk to caramelize (Fig. 5). Tasting it is highly recommended!
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Fig. 5. Photo by author.
The more adventurous Istanbul travelers should definitely try tavuk göğüsü (a dessert literally called “chicken breast”). Tavuk göğüsü consists of finely pureed chicken breast cooked in sweetened milk and rice flour as a starch to thicken the milk (Fig. 6). The dessert is usually served with cinnamon. Sometimes it is grilled in the oven, resulting in a caramelized top and tasting almost more delicious than the unbaked version (Fig. 7). This preparation is called kazandibi (“bottom of the pot”). I often had the pleasure of treating foreign visitors who were not vegetarians or vegans to a tavuk göğüsü and then having them guess what the dessert was after the meal. Nobody had any idea that there was meat in the dessert!
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Fig. 6-7 wikimedia
Regarding possible historic roots, tavuk göğüsü bears no resemblance to the pullus tractogalatus (chicken in milk porridge) described by the Roman cook Apicius in the 3rd or 4th century CE. In this dish, the chicken (or fish) was first cooked in white wine and olive oil, boned, and then the mouthfuls of chopped meat were doused in a porridge made from chicken broth, milk, honey, and grape juice. It is possible that Europeans brought the white meat and milk dish back to Europe during the Crusades, having learned it from the Arabs. A similar dish to tavuk göğüsü, blanc mange, was eaten by nobles and wealthy people in the European Middle Ages. In the oldest German cookbook from around 1350, the Buoch von guoter spise, there is a recipe that calls for rice ground into flour, milk, and a chicken breast to be cooked together. Other recipes used fish instead of chicken. For the nobility, however, blanc mange was not a dessert but a main dish.
Another famous dessert, aşure, has different roots. According to the legend, when Noah saw the land again with his ark, he cooked a pudding from the remaining supplies, namely cereals and dried fruits. In the ancient Greek pantheon, wheat symbolized the earth goddess Demeter, pomegranates represented her daughter Persephone, queen of the underworld, almonds were sacred to Aphrodite, and raisins were sacred to the god Dionysus. Interestingly, the eastern Romans, as inhabitants of Byzantium, also knew of such a pudding, which they called kollyba (or kolivia). It is said that kollyba was the food that the Virgin Mary was fed as a child in the temple by angels from heaven, as depicted on a wall mosaic in the Chora Church in Istanbul (fig. 8). There are different recipes to prepare kollyba, whose main ingredient is boiled wheat mixed with various dried fruits. It is served as a common Lenten food and was therefore commonly eaten in monasteries. Kollyba was also prepared as a dish for the commemoration of the dead. For the Greeks, aşure is also known as barvara (Βαρβάρα), named after the feast of Saint Barbara that is celebrated on the 4th of December. During this festival, it is cooked and shared with neighbors.
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Fig. 8. Photo by author.
The ingredients for aşure (but also for varvara or kollyba) are wheat grains, white beans, and chickpeas, and sometimes also rice and barley, that are cooked until soft. After draining, the aşure is sweetened with honey or sugar. In addition, aşure also contains some or all of the following: sesame seeds, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, pine nuts, cinnamon, sugar, pekmez, pomegranate seeds, raisins, sultanas, dried apricots, figs, dates, grated orange or lemon peel, cardamom, cloves, black cumin, mastic, rose water, or even anise (Fig. 9). Every family in Turkey (as well as in Greece, the Balkans, and the Middle East) has its own recipe, but the one thing they have in common is that they always make a big pot to share with others. So, if you have a chance to try a homemade aşure, do not miss out on it. Otherwise, try my favorite Anatolian sweet at one of the many muhallebecisi (pudding maker) in Istanbul!
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Fig. 9. wikimedia
Afiyet olsun!
Further readings/bibliography:
Apicius, De re coquiniaria
Anagnostiakis, Ilias, ed. Flavours and Delights. Tastes and Pleasures of Ancient and Byzantine Cuisine. Athens: Armos, 2013.
Baş, Nejla. Mutfağımızdaki Tehlike. Istanbul: Ser Kitap, 2019.
Papanikola-Bakirtzi, Dimitri, ed. Byzantinōn diatrophē kai mageireiai/Food and Cooking in Byzantium. Athens: Museum of Byzntine Culture, 2005.
Waksman, Sylvie Y., ed. Multidisciplinary Approaches to Food and Foodways in the Medieval Eastern Mediterranean. Lyon: MOM Editions, 2020.
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brookpub · 2 months
Drinks That Elevate Indian Veg and Non-Veg Thali
Diverse tastes, aromatic spices, and bright colours are hallmarks of Indian food. Thalis, traditional Indian meals consisting of multiple courses on a single plate, are among the country's most lauded gastronomic experiences. In traditional Indian cuisine, the "Thali" (meaning "plate" in Hindi) is the centrepiece of a balanced dish that showcases a variety of flavours, textures, and nutrients. The correct beverages can take any Thali to the next level, whether it's a vegetarian version with a choice of lentils, breads, and curries made with vegetables or a non-vegetarian version with meats and seafood. To balance off your Indian vegetarian or non-vegetarian Thai meal, this article discusses the Top Drinks That Elevate Indian Veg and Non-Veg Thali.
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Drinks That Complement Veg Thali:-
Classic Indian Drinks -
Spiced Chai:
A traditional accompaniment to Veg Thali, this spiced tea combines black tea, milk, and a variety of fragrant spices such as cinnamon, cloves, and cardamom. The bold tastes go well with the spices used to make Thali.
Lassi is a yoghurt-based drink with various flavours, such as mango, salty, and sweet. When eaten with hot curries, the cooling impact of lassi can alleviate some of the heat.
A tart and refreshing beverage, Chaas (or buttermilk) is prepared by combining yoghurt, water, and spices such as coriander and cumin. It complements the savoury Veg Thali and helps with digestion.
A combination of water, lemon juice, and jaljeera powder—a spice blend including cumin, ginger, black pepper, mint, and others—makes this acidic and fiery beverage. As a palette cleanser, it works wonders with a Veg Thali and brings out all the different flavours.
Modern and Fusion Drinks -
Aromatic Herbal Teas:
Veg Thali goes well with herbal teas like mint, ginger, or chamomile, which are light and pleasant. These teas balance the spices and cleanse the palette.
Water with Fruit Infusions:
Water infused with slices of lemon, mint, and cucumber is a hydrating and refreshing drink alternative that complements the Thali flavours without dominating them.
Cool Green Tea:
A contemporary spin on traditional green tea—iced with a touch of honey and lemon—goes nicely with the vegetarian entrees and provides a welcome change of pace from the heavy fare.
Alcoholic Beverages -
Light Beers:
To avoid masking the subtle flavours of the vegetarian dishes, try Veg Thali with a light and crisp beer like a lager or pilsner.
White Wine:
To elevate your Veg Thali dining experience, pair it with a dry or semi-dry white wine like Riesling or Sauvignon Blanc.
Sparkling Wine:
Try a glass of sparkling wine, such as Prosecco, which has a natural fizz, to balance out the heavy, flavourful Veg Thali meals.
Drinks That Complement Non-Veg Thali:-
Classic Indian Beverages -
Masala Chai:
The combination of Masala Chai with Non-Veg Thali is similar to that of Veg Thali. The robust tea flavours complement the luscious meat curries.
Non-veg thali pairs well with Mango Lassi because the sweet and tangy flavours cut through the spicy meat.
Perfect for washing down a hearty Non-Veg Thali, this tart drink also helps digestion and cleanses the palate.
Aam Panna:
Aam Panna is a pungent mango drink made from raw mangoes. It is seasoned with mint, black salt, and cumin. Its distinctive taste is a welcome change from heavy meat meals.
Modern and Fusion Drinks -
Iced Lemon Tea:
A delightful interlude between meals, the sharpness of iced lemon tea pairs well with the rich and spicy flavours of Non-Veg Thali.
Coconut Water:
The naturally sweet and nourishing coconut water enhances the spicy and savoury flavours of Non-Veg Thali, giving them a tropical twist.
Lemonade with Spices:
The meaty dishes are balanced by the refreshing and acidic lemonade, which has a hint of spices like cumin and black salt.
Alcoholic Beverages -
Strong Red Wines:
When paired with Non-Vegetarian Thali, particularly red meat, a full-bodied red wine like Shiraz or Cabernet Sauvignon brings out the dish's full-bodied flavours.
Dark Wines:
Stouts and porters, as well as other dark brews, bring out the full flavour of the meat curries and make for a more nuanced meal.
Cocktails using Whisky:
Whisky-based cocktailsWhiskey cocktails, like the traditional Old Fashioned or Whisky Sour, complement the smokiness and heat of Non-Veg Thali.
No matter your dietary preferences, the Indian Thali is sure to please with its mouth-watering variety of dishes and aromatic spices. Elevate your dining experience by combining spices and rich flavours with the perfect drinks for these dishes. To complement the Thali, try traditional Indian beverages such as Masala Chai, Lassi, Chaas, or Jaljeera. Herbal teas, fruit-infused water, spiced lemonade, iced green tea, and other modern and fusion beverages provide a welcome change of pace and flavour. Sparkling wine, whisky cocktails, light beers, white and red wines and other alcoholic drinks add refined sophistication to any dinner. Along with Biryani, we also serve some of the best Biryani in Cambridge at the Brook Indian Gastro Pub.
Our Indian Biryani at The Brook Cambridge will indulge in a complete and unforgettable dining experience that pays homage to the brilliant flavours. It shows a storied history of Indian cuisine by picking out the perfect beverages to accompany your Indian Thali. 
For those who love to eat meat, we serve Grand Authentic Non-Veg Thali spread with delicious chicken curry, pulao, curries and fries. People who are vegetarians can enjoy our  Grand Authentic Veg thali, especially the paneer curry, which is mouth-watering when eaten with Naan or roti. You may improve your dining experience with the ideal drink to accompany every Thali, whether you choose modern and inventive beverage pairings or the classic tastes of India.
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suhanataste · 5 months
7 Healing Spices for a Healthy Winter Season
Winter is when all your allergies might start acting up. It’s essential to stay healthy and also combat the cold this season! You always have over-the-counter medicines to help you fight these, but what we have at home gives an instant remedy!
Here’s what you can do with those ingredients available in the kitchen to boost your immunity! Stay healthy during winter by using these seven spices.
Turmeric reigns supreme in natural medicine, as it’s commonly used in curries and gravies. The compound curcumin found in it is a potent anti-inflammatory that helps ease pain, swelling, and even chronic conditions like arthritis. Turmeric boosts immunity, protects against Alzheimer’s, and has potential anti-cancer properties. It’s also known to promote gut health, as it helps improve from bloating and gas. Apart from curries, you can also use turmeric in these ways.
How to take Turmeric during Winter?
Turmeric Tea:Add a teaspoon of Suhana Turmeric Powder to water and bring it to a boil. Add a tablespoon of honey to it and have it when you feel bloated. You can add crushed black pepper and ginger when you suffer from other digestive issues, cough, and cold.
Turmeric Water: Add turmeric to warm water, which you can have on chilly winter mornings. This will help you with inflammation, and digestive issues this season.
Garam Masala
Garam masala, a warm blend of spices containing pepper, cloves, cinnamon, and cardamom, offers several health benefits. It aids digestion, promotes heart health by lowering cholesterol, and fights off infections with its antibacterial properties.
Uses of Garam Masala
You can add garam masala to naan, soups, curries, and snacks like samosa. If you like dosa, add a dash of garam masala while making hot dosas. Pair it with ghee, and it tastes out of the world!
With its fiery taste, ginger warms your palate and your body. Ginger is a natural nausea fighter, easing motion sickness and morning sickness. Its expectorant properties clear congestion and soothe coughs, while its anti-inflammatory properties combat headaches and muscle aches. Ginger also reduces inflammation, colds, and coughs, naturally helping the stomach and digestive parts.
How to Consume Ginger in Winter Season?
If you are on a weight loss journey, you can have ginger tea with lemon in the morning.
Ginger Tea: Grate a little ginger and add it to boiling water. Take it from the stove and remove the tiny ginger bits, as you need only the essence and add a tablespoon of tea powder. You can have it as such or add a little honey. If you like lemon, you can add lemon juice, but remember to have lemon ginger tea in lukewarm water.
Ginger Water: Grate the ginger in boiling water and simmer it for two minutes. Remove from heat and have the extract either directly or with some honey.
Ginger Milk:You can also add ginger to milk and have it before bedtime.
Black Pepper
Black pepper, the king of spices, isn’t just a taste enhancer; it’s a potent anti-inflammatory agent. It aids nutrient absorption, boosts digestion, and fights respiratory issues like bronchitis. It can even relieve muscle aches and pains. It also helps you lose weight, detoxifies your body, cleanses your stomach and prevents constipation.
How to use Black Pepper in Cooking?
You can add corn, tomato, or spinach to any soup you make.
You can make ghee pepper roast with mushrooms, chicken, and mutton. Vegan dishes taste amazing with extra pepper, and you can try making roasted sweet potato with pepper, spicy black bean burgers, and more.
You can also add it to your omelette and a variety of egg dishes to maintain the spice levels and a healthy body!
Saffron is more than just luxurious; it’s a mood booster! Saffron’s antidepressant properties combat stress and anxiety, while its antioxidant power protects brain cells. It also eases menstrual cramps and exhibits anti-cancer potential. It keeps depression in check and relaxes the mind.
How to Use Kesar at Home?
Saffron can be added to either hot or cold milk.
You can add saffron water to your biriyani to enhance colour and taste. Your badam milk will taste fantastic with saffron.
Your badam milk will taste fantastic with saffron.
You can add saffron to sugar syrup if you make gulab jamun or rasgulla at home.
Suhana Kesar can be added to your tea and you can’t imagine how refreshing it is!
Kesar can be added to any kheer for a unique taste. If you want the kesar taste to be concentrated, boil the milk till it is halved and add sugar, kesar and cardamom to it. Your kesar kheer is ready!
Kasuri Methi
It aids digestion, regulates blood sugar, and promotes milk production in lactating mothers. Fenugreek tea soothes sore throats and coughs while combating skin infections, aids in constipation and digestive issues, and lowers cholesterol.
How to use Kasuri Methi?
You can add crushed Suhana Kasuri Methi to all your gravies for roti, naan and parathas for the extra aroma and unique flavour.
You can add methi seeds to the dosa batter while grinding.
Add a little kasuri methi to the mix if you make pakoras on rainy evenings.
It gives out an aroma and tastes excellent! Kasuri methi elevates your dal tadka and dal makhana to another level when you add it during tempering.
Tea Masala
For colds and coughs, ginger, clove, and cinnamon have antibacterial and antiviral properties, which may help eliminate the cold. Having hot tea for sore throat can be satisfying, as you get relief from the heat produced by ginger and clove. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties, which may reduce inflammation in the body, especially pain around periods for women.
It also acts as an excellent immunity booster during rainy seasons. Ginger in the tea is a natural digestive aid, so if you feel heavy after any meal or experience any other discomfort, you can have masala tea. Since masala tea is black tea, it has lots of caffeine, instantly boosting metabolism and energising you. Hence, it’s a great drink to begin your day or for a slow afternoon!
Masala tea is the most preferred drink during winter, since it alleviates cold and cough. Have a cup of Masala tea to feel better as soon as you wake up on a chilly morning.
How to Use Tea Masala at Home?
You can use it to make masala tea.
You may also bake a cake with tea masala as the main ingredient, with the rest of the regular items used.
To stay safe this winter, try Suhana’s garam masala and Kesar, which are 100% natural and have no preservatives. Head to our website and fill out your cart!
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badbitchrecovery · 11 months
Flu / Cold Season </3
When Flu and Cold Season come's around we all try to stay healthy. Tea has for a very long time been considered a unreal cold remedy and treatment for the worst symptoms of both Flu and Cold. All types of teas with Turmeric, Ginger, Lemon, Honey, always seem to be the best remedies. I came down with a nasty cold and thought It best I post my favorite teas that soothe sore throats . . . lets get Into It!
Bronco Tea
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THIS TEA IS A MUST! When you are sick with a sore throat, drink this! I always add half a lemon and a tablespoon of honey to a 6.0 ounce cup full of Bronco Tea. Continue taking throughout the day, as much as needed! My mother always gave me this as a child and continue to take It today. I've given this to countless friends and all swear by It to. . . Do not sleep on this!
Ginger Tea
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Ginger Tea has many benefits and we must also get into the many benefits Ginger Carrie’s! From upset stomach, nausea, detox cleanse, even a rejuvenating reset, Ginger Tea Is a must In daily routine. When treating the cold and flu Ginger Is effective because It contains analgesic, antipyretic, and antibacterial properties, which are Increased by the honey, turmeric and lemon. This helps to reduce cold and flu symptoms quickly. Every few days or once a week Incorporate Immunity shots to your morning routine too boost your Immunity. You can find Immunity shots In Jamba Juice or Juice It Up, but best If made at home!
To a blender add:
3 pieces of ginger
3 pieces of turmeric
1 lemon
1 tsp cayenne
1/4 tsp black pepper
1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
500ml of coconut water (or filtered water)
Blend until fully combined than pour through a nut milk bag or mesh colander to separate the liquid from the pulp. You may also do this In a juicer and won't need to separate the liquid and pulp.
Echinacea Tea
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Evidence has shown that Echinacea stimulates Immune activity to shorten bacterial Infections and viruses. Very much like Green Tea, Echinacea Is high In antioxidants. This beautiful flower reduces the risk of getting a cold and cough by 58% If taken as a supplement. It contains anti-inflammatory properties that help strengthen your Immune system and shorten your flu and cold symptoms.
Brewing yourself a nice warm cup of tea certainly Is a tasty way to get better and healthy.
There are plenty of different teas In the market but drinking the right tea may help you recover fast. Hand pick them carefully and google Is just a pant pocket away. Stay healthy, sober, happy and always SAFE. <3
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recentlyheardcom · 1 year
The Golden Turmeric Juice: One of many predominant elements of the Golden Turmeric Juice is the spice Turmeric Turmeric belong to the ginger household, and has been used extensively within the Center East and India amongst different nations for hundreds of years. It’s at the moment thought to be probably the most prized spices discovered on this planet. The well being, magnificence and medicinal qualities of turmeric have inspired lots of people to include this surprise spice of their each day life. Right here, we’ll take a look at the liver-cleansing properties of turmeric! Additionally, we’ve got a fantastic recipe to make a juice including turmeric! Why is liver-cleansing vital? The ‘To-Do’ listing for our livers is considerably enormous! The liver is thought to be probably the most vital organs in our physique because it performs quite a lot of roles to maintain our physique wholesome. It metabolizes carbohydrates, maintains sugar ranges within the physique, shops and makes use of nutritional vitamins and likewise regulates the perform of hormones in our physique. However an important perform of the liver is to provide ‘Bile’ – a greenish coloured fluid that breaks down the fat we eat in order that the vitamins in them can be utilized by the physique. It removes toxins by way of our digestive system and acts as a ‘DETOXIFYING AGENT’ Within the intestines, bile transfers the toxins to the fiber current which helps the toxins to be excreted from the physique! So, a detox routine is incomplete with out the detox of the liver! Some of the fun-yet-healthy methods to make use of turmeric is to make this juice!!! Associated studying: four Wonderful Juicing Advantages For Well being Let’s see what we have to make this glorious Golden Turmeric Juice! Also read:7 Amazing Health Benefits Of Turmeric Components: Half a teaspoon of turmeric powder A small knob of ginger The Juice of half a lemon Half a cup of water Honey to style Black Pepper powder (non-compulsory) Right here, Black pepper powder is added to facilitate the absorption of curcumin by the physique. Black pepper has ‘Piperine’ a part that’s believed to assist absorption of Curcumin. The perfect time to have this juice can be within the Mornings or an hour after meals. The issue that provides turmeric its golden saffron like shade comprises CURCUMIN- a robust phytochemical part. Curcumin is understood to stimulate the manufacturing of Bile within the gall bladder. Since, bile is used to DETOX and CLEANSE the liver, curcumin aka Turmeric performs an vital function in treating digestive and dwell problems! Not everybody likes the style of a pungent spice equivalent to turmeric of their meals. However since the advantages of a brilliant meals equivalent to turmeric are enormous totally different methods and preparations to incorporate turmeric in ones weight loss program ought to be used. Among the finest methods to have an consumption of Turmeric is in liquid type, and the most effective liquids containing turmeric is the Golden Turmeric Juice! We assure you’ll fall in love with it!
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One of China's Four Famous Honeys: Acacia Honey
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Honey is a natural sweetener that has been used for thousands of years in China. Among the many varieties of honey, acacia honey is one of the most popular and prized ones. It is also known as one of the four famous honeys in China, along with jujube honey, linden honey and vitex honey. Acacia honey is made from the nectar of acacia flowers, Acacia honey is mainly produced in northern China, especially in the provinces of Hebei, Shanxi, Shandong, Henan, and Shaanxi. The flowering season of the black locust tree is from late April to early June, depending on the weather and location. During this period, beekeepers place their hives near the acacia forests and collect the honey after the bees have filled the combs with nectar. The honey is then extracted, filtered, and packaged with minimal processing to preserve its natural qualities. Acacia honey has a light golden color and a clear and transparent appearance. It has a mild and delicate flavor, with a hint of floral and vanilla notes. It is also very low in acidity and high in fructose, which makes it less likely to crystallize. Acacia honey has many health benefits, such as: - Enhancing immunity: Acacia honey contains various antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that can help boost the immune system and fight against infections. - Improving digestion: Acacia honey can help regulate the intestinal flora and prevent constipation. It can also soothe stomach ulcers and gastritis. - Relieving stress and insomnia: Acacia honey has a calming effect on the nervous system and can help reduce anxiety and improve sleep quality. - Beautifying skin and hair: Acacia honey can moisturize and nourish the skin and hair, as well as prevent aging and wrinkles. It can also be used as a natural mask or shampoo. Acacia honey is a versatile ingredient that can be used in various ways, such as: - As a sweetener: Acacia honey can be added to tea, coffee, milk, yogurt, cereal, bread, pancakes, etc. to enhance the flavor and nutrition. - As a dressing: Acacia honey can be mixed with vinegar, lemon juice, olive oil, salt, pepper, etc. to make a delicious salad dressing or marinade. - As a sauce: Acacia honey can be combined with soy sauce, garlic, ginger, chili, etc. to make a savory sauce for meat, fish, tofu, vegetables, etc. - As a dessert: Acacia honey can be drizzled over ice cream, cake, fruit salad, cheese, etc. to create a sweet and satisfying treat. Acacia honey is processed in modern factories that follow strict quality standards and hygiene regulations. The honey is tested for purity, moisture, color, flavor, acidity, and other parameters before being bottled or packed in bulk. The honey is also labeled with information such as origin, batch number, expiration date, and certification marks. Deli Foods is one of the leading manufacturers and exporters of acacia honey in China. It has more than 20 years of experience in the honey industry and has obtained various certifications such as ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System Certificate (QMSC), HACCP Food Safety Management System Certificate (FSMSC), HALAL Certificate (HC), Kosher Certificate (KC), etc. Deli Foods not only offers high-quality acacia honey but also other types of honey and syrup products such as multiflora honey, linden honey, buckwheat honey, date syrup, maltose syrup, rice syrup, etc. Deli Foods also provides OEM & ODM services for customers who want to customize their own products according to their specifications and preferences. Deli Foods can design and produce different packages, labels, flavors, colors, shapes, sizes, etc. for different markets and occasions.Deli Foods has a modern factory with advanced equipment and technology, as well as a professional team of experts who ensure the safety and quality of every product. Read the full article
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nicsofcharlotte12 · 2 years
A Guide To The Best Things To Do In Charlotte, NC
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Charlotte, NC has a lot of things to offer. It's home to the largest airport in the Southeast, and it is one of America's fastest-growing cities. But did you know that Charlotte, NC also has some great museums and parks? We've put together this list of things to do in Charlotte, NC that will keep your kids busy for hours on end!
Discovery Place Science
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Discovery Place Science is a hands-on science museum located in the heart of uptown Charlotte, NC.
The museum also hosts events throughout the year including live shows, lectures, and workshops for kids who want to learn more about science while they play! The staff here is friendly and knowledgeable—they'll happily answer any questions you may have about any object on display or program happening during your visit (and they can help you plan your next outing!).
Charlotte, NC Museum of History
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The Charlotte, NC Museum of History is a must-visit, especially if you are interested in history. The museum has several different exhibits that relate to the city's past, including one on the Civil War and another on African-American history. It also houses an art gallery with pieces from artists like Georgia O'Keeffe and Edgar Degas.
Carolina's Aviation Museum
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The Carolina's Aviation Museum is located at Charlotte, NC Douglas International Airport and is a Smithsonian Affiliate. The flight simulator lets you fly through the skies in an F-16 fighter jet or other planes from around the world. There’s also a gift shop where you can buy souvenirs from around the world!
The museum is open from 9 am to 5 pm daily except for Wednesdays when it opens from noon until 6 pm (closed on Thanksgiving Day).
Whiskey Warehouse Bar and Grill
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Whiskey Warehouse Bar and Grill is located in South Park, right by the light rail station. From there, you can hop on the train to go anywhere in Charlotte, NC or use their shuttle service to get around town—or just relax at this awesome spot!
The restaurant has an atmosphere that feels like you’re eating dinner outside on your patio with friends. They have live music every night from 6:30 p.m. until 11 p.m., so it's easy to spend some time here before heading out for dinner elsewhere in Charlotte, NC (or even further!).
The menu offers plenty of options for those who love bar food as well as more formal dining options including steakhouse fare such as lobster tails and filet mignon wrapped in bacon or shrimp tempura served over rice noodles accompanied by miso soup or salad with Asian dressing served on the side alongside shishito peppers roasted red peppers mixed greens tossed with lemon juice vinegar olive oil oregano basil cilantro mint parsley rosemary thyme scallions garlic ginger soy sauce sesame oil peanut butter honey mustard Worcestershire sauce hot pepper flakes Tabasco Sriracha Mustard black pepper
U.S. National Whitewater Center
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The U.S. National Whitewater Center is one of the largest outdoor water parks in the world, and it's located right here in Charlotte, NC. It's home to a variety of activities for all ages, including kayaking, tubing, and rafting on their man-made rivers as well as an impressive collection of rides that you can take in your own boat or raft.
There are also several bars at this facility—including one where you can get lunch or dinner—so if you're looking for a break from your day trip there are plenty of options available! Plus being open year-round means that this place will never be closed due to inclement weather like many other attractions do during certain seasons since we don't have those kinds of fluctuations here in North Carolina where everything tends toward being sunny most days anyway unless something comes along that throws us off course like say...a hurricane hitting us unexpectedly? Or maybe just bad traffic jams caused by some big event happening nearby? Either way, it'll probably still be worth visiting because these types of things happen once every few years so why not enjoy them while they last?
The Cellar at Duckworth's
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The Cellar at Duckworth's is located in the EpiCentre and has been an anchor tenant for the development. This family-friendly spot serves up great food and drinks, including cocktails created by local bartending pros, as well as some of Charlotte, NC's best wines. It's also open late every night of the week (except Monday nights) so you can enjoy dinner after a long day at work!
The Comedy Zone Charlotte, NC
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The Comedy Zone Charlotte, NC is located at the corner of Trade and Tryon, in the heart of Uptown Charlotte, NC. It's a small club that hosts a variety of comedy shows and events, including open mic nights on Tuesdays, hosted by Chris Woods. On Wednesdays the special guest comedian takes over; Thursday nights feature their featured comedians, and Saturdays have an open mic night as well as Headliners Night (featuring some big names).
The Comedy Zone boasts free parking (instructions are posted outside), valet service for $3 per vehicle—which is great if you're trying to avoid street parking—and free Wi-Fi throughout their space!
Rush Hour Karting
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Location: The Rush Hour Karting location is located at the Charlotte, NC Motor Speedway which is located in Concord, North Carolina.
What to expect: Rush Hour Karting offers a variety of different karting experiences for both young and old alike. You can also explore their newest attraction called “The Lightning Lap Experience” where you will experience driving on very tight corners while racing against another driver who has already completed their lap before yours begins! If this sounds exciting then try it out today!
How much does it cost? Prices vary depending on what type of package you purchase but most include race entry fees along with unlimited miles per day for two days total during peak hours when traffic tends to slow down due to inflammation between lanes causing accidents."
The Bear-Stone-Carolina Raptor Center
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The Bear-Stone-Carolina Raptor Center is a great place to see live birds of prey. You can see hawks and falcons, eagles and owls, as well as a bald eagle up close. They also have an educational exhibit about the lives of these birds in order to learn more about them.
You can take a nature walk through their grounds or go on one of their guided tours where you’ll get to learn more about how these animals live and thrive in their natural habitat. If you want something more hands-on, they also offer bird-feeding programs for guests who want to feed some of these beautiful creatures!
These are all fun things to do in Charlotte, NC.
If you’re looking for a vacation, here are the best things to do in Charlotte, NC. You can find out more about these places on TripAdvisor and Google. You can also check out Yelp if you want to see how other people have rated them!
If you're looking for a fun weekend in Charlotte, NC, then check out these places! We hope that this list of things to do will help you to decide which ones are the best for your family.
At NICS of Charlotte, we know that your home is more than a place to sleep. It's an important part of you and your family's safety, health, and well-being—so when you're faced with a flood, it's important to know the steps you can take to make sure your home is safe and ready for what's next.
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5 Wayanad Delicacies You Can’t Miss
Wayanad cultivates coffee, pepper, tea, banana, paddy, cardamom, ginger, and a variety of vegetables, including tapioca. The ripening crop is a feast for the eyes if you are fortunate to tour Wayanad during the harvest season. Although Wayand is away from the coastline, there is an abundance of fresh fish caught at Banasurasagar dam.
Visiting some of the best restaurants in Wayanad serving authentic Kerala cuisine is a must. The tantalising aroma of food cooked in coconut oil and fresh spices will make you want to try everything on the menu.
The best resorts in Wayanad have multi-cuisine restaurants, and that's where you can try the five best dishes at Wayanad.
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Puttu and Beef Curry
If it is breakfast in Wayanad, it has to be soft grainy puttu with a rich coconut gravy laden with spices. The main ingredients of the cylindrical breakfast treat are rice and coconut. Layers of rice batter and coconut are filled in a cylindrical mould and steamed. 
The right combination is the beef curry comprising pieces of Beef simmered on a slow flame until succulent in a curry. Tomatoes, onions, garlic, and flavourful spices like bay leaves, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, black peppercorns, and star anise are the main ingredients of the delicious curry. The people of Wayanad also eat beef curry with parotta, another must-eat combination when at Wayanad.
Another great combination with Puttu is the Beef fry or Beef Ularthiyathu. The bottommost layer of the cylinder or coconut shell has beef, and the top layers have alternate layers of rice and coconut. 
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The people of Wayanad also serve Puttu with Kerala's famous Kadala (chickpeas) curry. Black chickpeas simmered in gravy.  Keralites primarily use shallots, spices, and coconut milk to make the curry.
Puttu tastes equally good with a ripe banana and grated coconut and is ideal for people who like a light and not-so-spicy breakfast.
Appam and Stew
Appam with Stew (pronounced as Ishtu in Kerala) is another must-try breakfast at Wayanad. Stew is a variation of the European stew and comprises chicken or beef pieces and pieces of carrot, potato and green peas. The primary ingredient for the curry is coconut milk, and cardamom, green chillies, shallots and onions combine to make it flavorful and delicious. Some chefs also add raisins and cashew nuts to give the stew a rich taste.
Wayanad also serves vegetarians an equally delicious stew minus the meat.
The chef combines fermented rice flour, sugar, milk and coconut water to make appams. The sugar in the batter caramelises, giving the appam its crusty sides. The centres of the appam are soft and delicious too. 
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Karimeen Pollichathu
Karimeen Pollichathu is a typical Syrian Christian delicacy. Karimeen (Pearl Spot fish) is a high-priced favourite in Kerala and is available in plenty in the backwaters. The fish is first marinated in spices and lime juice and wrapped in a banana leaf with sauteed chopped onions, tomatoes, ginger, and other ingredients. They steam the fish. The fish absorbs the spices and the banana leaf's unique flavour, and it is one dish to try before you leave Wayanad.
Fish Moilee
Fish Moilee is another popular Syrian Christian delicacy readily available in the best restaurants in Wayanad. It is cooked in a manchatti (clay pot in Malayalam). It is also a variation of beef stew served with appam. 
The marination for fish (generally seer fish) is oil, turmeric, red chilli powder, and lemon juice. The shallow-fried fish in coconut milk gravy has a subtle flavouring of spices (pepper, cinnamon and cloves).
You are probably surprised that you did not find payasam here as the best dessert to sample when in Wayanad. Payasam is popular and a must-have dessert in Kerala, and you can order pumpkin, rice or milk payasam. However, since we are stating the best from Wayanad, Nellikai gets the top slot in the best desert category in Wayanad.,
Nellikai is nothing but a gooseberry. However, in Wayanad, it is soaked in wild honey and served as a dessert, 
It is a typical tribal dessert. The sweet and tangy dessert can be the highlight of your trip to Wayanad.
Some of the best resorts in Wayanad, like the Raindrop Resorts, serve authentic Nadan (Kerala) Cuisine and several multi-cuisine dishes. However, the diners in the best restaurants in Wayanad prefer the local cuisine and are happy to try the Beef or chickpea curry with appam, puttu or paratha or even with red boiled rice.
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zhlrajasthan00 · 2 years
ZHL Rajasthan - Keeping allergies in check during festival season
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With increased pollution levels and firecrackers during Diwali, there will inevitably be more smoke in the air. When this is combined with the oily and rich foods served at celebrations, many of us are bound to develop allergies. The use of large quantities of flowers, which can easily release pollen into the air and cause a variety of skin and respiratory allergies, is another factor that contributes to an increase in allergy cases during festivals.
 One of India's top providers of healthcare services, Ziqitza Healthcare Ltd., lists down some home remedies for dealing with allergies and keeping them at bay during the holiday season.
 Vacuum your carpets and furniture with steam
 It's likely that a lot of you are cleaning your homes for Diwali. Cleaning for Diwali has never been easier, thanks to the abundance of cutting-edge tools. Cleaning the house, on the other hand, can be a difficult task for allergy sufferers. They are covered with a lot of tiny dust mites that could be the source of your allergy. There are visitors from outside who may be bringing in allergens by sitting on your furniture or walking on the carpet. Always steam vacuums your carpets and furniture.
to take
 For Sinus and Colds
 Greasy food, puja smoke, and firecracker smoke almost always cause allergies. But there are some strategies you can use to keep them out of your home this holiday. According to Ziqitza, drinking herbal or lemon tea frequently will help to clear your sinuses and ward off the common cold. Both black tea and ginger tea with honey are great choices for easing dry coughs and chronic sneezing. Ziqitza Healthcare claims that doing this clears your throat and flushes out toxins. Steam or warm baths are also beneficial. Dehumidifiers reduce humidity, which can occasionally irritate your sinuses. Purchasing one is a good idea.
 For Boosting Immunity
 Diwali is synonymous with rich food and ghee-laden sweets. Ziqitza Rajasthan advises taking it easy on the delicacies and being mindful of what and where you eat. Due to its antiseptic qualities, lemon juice is recommended by ZHL Rajasthan to be added to salads and other foods. It also suggests drinking vegetable soups this season to stay away from calorie-laden foods and boost your immunity. Other seasonal foods to boost your immunity this season include til laddoos, nuts, bajra, and nachini roti, dates, lentils, and sprouts. To avoid allergies, Ziqitza Limited recommends flavouring our foods with herbs and spices such as garlic, pepper, and cinnamon.
 For Skincare & Skin Breakouts
 Our immunity is not the only thing that suffers during this season. Our skin, too, necessitates special attention. The experts at Ziqitza Limited Rajasthan recommend using a gentle face wash, body wash, and moisturiser. Using malai (cream) or aloe vera gel on your skin is also a good option, according to Ziqitza. To reduce the possibility of inflammation, splash rose water or cold water on your face as soon as you come in from outside. At Ziqitza Healthcare, we recommend always wearing sunscreen with at least SPF 30.
 This season is prone to zits and acne due to pollution and smoke. Ziqitza Health Care Limited recommends treating it with sandalwood or turmeric paste. You could also use anti-inflammatory orange juice or papaya extract. ZHL also suggests a face mask made of masala dal powder, milk, and turmeric. Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes before washing it off. Ziqitza recommends using honey as an astringent for irritated skin. Honey has tightening properties as well.
 For Respiratory Issues
 The amount of air pollution significantly increases during Diwali. Asthma attacks as well as allergic reactions in the skin, eyes, and nasal cavity are triggered by these high concentrations of residual and suspended particulate matter. According to Ziqitza Health Care Limited, people with bronchitis and asthma should take more medication during this time to lessen the negative effects of the dust, smoke, and chemicals in the air.
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psflavor · 3 years
The Well-Stocked Pantry
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If you struggle to eat well, you are more than likely among the nutrient-deficient majority - and you aren't getting what it takes to live fit, fueled, and satisfied. Here's the bottom line: We will only eat well and cook well if we fill our pantries with the right foods. Keeping your kitchen stocked with simple, inexpensive ingredients will make weeknight cooking much easier (and more fun!), and makes the difference between quickly and efficiently putting together healthy flavorful foods vs. a meal-time-blues headache or a fast-food nightmare. These are my go-tos for adding a healthy advantage to my shopping cart - and keeping my kitchen pantry, fridge, and freezer ready to prepare a delicious and nutritious meal.
Spice Cabinet Musts
P.S. Flavor!™ Spice Blends, pure vanilla extract or paste, cinnamon or cinnamon sticks, coarse ground black pepper, black peppercorns, Diamond Crystal Kosher salt, and Sugar in the Raw.
Red wine, white balsamic, rice wine, and apple cider vinegars will cover you for salad dressings and balancing dishes. Reduced balsamic is great for a drizzle and flavor pop.
Hot Sauce
Keep a few on hand and add a dash (or two!) into soups, salsas, sauces, sandwiches, and eggs. I especially love Cholula and Sriracha.
I use extra virgin olive oil for most all my cooking, a more exquisite one for vinaigrettes and drizzling, and a little less expensive one for cooking. Grapeseed and canola oils are good for baking, and nonstick spray makes life so much easier.
Honey and Real Maple Syrup
Add a quick drizzle when you're craving a little sweetness in things like your oatmeal, vinaigrettes, or sauces.
Dijon Mustard
For so much more than sandwiches, it adds a special flavor punch to marinades, rubs, crustings - and is the time-tested emulsifier for salad dressings.
Dried Fruits
Craisins, dried blueberries, and tart cherries bring a touch of sweetness and nutrition to salads, chutneys, and sautés or roasts.
Nuts and Seeds
Toasted pumpkin seeds, almonds, pecans, pistachios, and pinenuts add satisfying crunch and healthy fats to salads, grain dishes, and crumb toppings.
Canned Beans
Keep a few different kinds of canned beans in your pantry. I keep black beans, chick peas, cannellini, red kidney beans, and black eyed peas. Drain and rinse to bulk up soups, salads, or mix with rice and grains.
Brown Rice and Whole Grains
Some grocery stores now stock them ready to heat, but it's easy to do yourself. Cook a large pot, cool completely, and freeze in re-sealable bags. Thaw as needed.
Lower Sodium Chicken, Beef, or Vegetable Stock 
Easy to make on your own, and great to have handy for cooking vegetables and soups.
Pre-cut Vegetables
Look to see if your grocery store has these available in the produce section. They're wonderful to have on hand to steam, stir fry, or microwave. You can also buy veggies whole and portion them into your own personal blends.
Root Vegetables
Red onions, garlic, shallots, and ginger.
Think of citrus as a two- for-one. The zest can be used in marinades and the juice can be drizzled over cooked vegetables and used in vinaigrettes. Use a lemon or lime squeezer for easy juicing!
Whip up a quick omelet, poach eggs in tomato sauce, fry one for a sandwich or grain bowl topper, or hard-boil a few for quick snacks.
Nonfat Plain Greek Yogurt
Perfect on its own as a snack with fresh berries or the base for a smoothie, overnight oats, or healthy, creamy dressing.
Milk (of your choice), light sour cream, and unsalted butter.
High Quality Cheeses
Invest in a microplane cheese grater and add Parmesan into salads, soups, and more. Remember a little goes a long way. We also love to throw pieces of the cheese rind into simmering soups for an umami boost. I keep feta, sharp cheddar, and ricotta on hand as well.
Panko, olive oil mayo, low sodium soy sauce or tamari, whole wheat flour, Worcestershire sauce, salsa, and canned Chipotle Peppers in Adobo Sauce.
... and don’t forget your Freezer! 
A powerful resource for keeping fresh food on hand is your freezer! I keep mine well-stocked with whole grain breads, salmon and shrimp, soups, and a variety of meals that I’ve made and saved leftovers from. 
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IkeVamp Bar
No, not about who is the most likely to pass the bar, that would be me. (☞゚∀゚)☞ This is about what drink they would be if I ran a bar and had to name my card after them. 
Aka: Rif/Nemo has a history of mixing drinks (drinking age here is low and ye, no one really checks if you’re of age yet if you’re the one pouring the drink). (• ▽ •;)
Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Characters: All
Prompt: What alcoholic mixes would the characters of Ikemen Vampire be. Very much a crack post. Trigger warning of mentions of alcohol, but if you still haven’t gotten that one yet... ಠ◡ಠ
Lemme know what you would order. Vladiwhoops is my fave of this bunch, though Basking Mozart is also a good one... (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
Disclaimer: No, I haven’t actually tasted any of the drinks myself. I just... mixed. People liked it tho and no one died. (๑•﹏•)
Nopeleon Bonasoir
Port (red)
Warmed with cinnamon, nutmeg, anise & black pepper
Some orange skin to garnish
Serve in specialty cocktail glass
Basking Mozart
Shot of brut champagne (or replace with sparkling water)
Limoncello (or lemonade)
Some ice cubes
Fresh mint and a slice of lemon
Serve in longdrink glass
Leonardo da Vintage
One shot Amaretto
Two shots cognac
Ice cubes
Serve in rocks glass
Arthot Coffee Dope
A cup of espresso (cold)
One huge ice cube, or three smaller ones
Two shots of gin
A shot and a half of tonic
Serve in rocks glass
Vincent van Gooo
Shot of Grand Marnier
Shot of Bailey's
Shot of espresso
Garnish with orange skin and some whipped cream
Serve in snifter glass
Isaac Hiccups
Two shots apple cider
One shot brut (or replace with sparkling water)
Dash of red lemonade syrup
Serve in cocktail glass
Theodorkus no Bark
Half a cup of syrup (maple or other)
A shot of whiskey
A scoop of ice cream (preferably vanilla)
Drizzled with some condensed milk
Topped with a crown of whipping cream
Serve in rocks glass
Jean d'Argh
One shot Benedictine
Two and a half shot cognac
Dash of lemon juice
Serve in snifter glass
Two shots of mead
Warmed wine spiced with cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, etc…
Serve in wine glass
Dizzy dazzy Dazai
Two shots sake
One shot brut champagne (or replace with sparkling water)
Dash of lime juice (yuzu preferred)
Ice cubes
Serve in rocks glass
Comte not so Santé
Black tea (iced or warm, but strong)
One shot Grand Marnier
Fresh orange slice
Fresh elderflower
Serve in teacup
Shot of sake
Hot water
Shot of Amaretto
Fresh lemon
Serve in rocks glass
Chopped fresh strawberries macerated in sugar and lemon juice
Water (hot or cold, sparkling or flat)
A shot of vodka (optional)
Freshly chopped mint
Serve in long drink glass
Yoho von Faust!
Black coffee
Ratios dependent on need of buzz or buzz
Serve in coffee mug
Charlie sans on
Three shots mead
One shot Benedictine (optionally: warmed)
Two shots apple cider
Some extra honey
Serve in wine glass
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abruzcadabra · 2 years
My grocery list
I’m putting my grocery list in a blog post so that others can get a specific picture of how the things I buy help save me money and simplify my life. You may notice that some things are in odd categories-I’m not a nutritionist. Also, you’ll probably notice that there is very few premade items, mostly sauces. Hope it is somewhat interesting. There is a copy and paste-able list at the bottom. I have also written a blog post with recipes I commonly use these ingredients in.
I buy meats that have multiple uses. My regulars are: flank steak, chicken thighs, ground beef (80/20), eggs, and fish. I use flank steak because it is lean and a good cut, but still inexpensive. I like chicken thigh because they are less expensive and more moist than breasts, but just as versatile a protein. Ground beef is good for tacos, burgers, and adding to dishes. I like 80/20 because it isn’t too dry to cook on its own and it is cheaper. Eggs are a great source of easy protein and fairly inexpensive. The kind of fish I get depends on the prices. I always look at the prices so I know when there’s a deal. I don’t buy if there are no deals. I like fish, but it can be very pricey. Especially for meat I would recommend going to a Costco business center or Chef Store. I buy in bulk and portion it into reusable bags. 
Veggies and fruits
Staples: Avocado, Banana, Tomato, Romaine, Apple (Fuji or Gala), Potato, Garlic, Onion, Brussel Sprouts, Asparagus, Broccoli (frozen), Peas (frozen), Corn (frozen) 
Variable: Sweet potato, Blueberries, Grapes, Raspberries, Mango, Cauliflower, Zucchini, Spaghetti Squash, Mushrooms, Sweet Peppers, Carrots, Turnips
Seasonal/Occasional: Ginger, Cherries, Grapefruit, Watermelon, Artichoke, Celery, Pineapple
Spices accumulate over time and do not need to be purchased frequently. I will list them according to how important/versatile I think they are.
Staples: Cumin, Paprika, Thyme, Rosemary, Salt, Pepper, Cinnamon, Garlic Powder, Onion Powder
Good to have: Turmeric, Fennel, Nutmeg, Cloves, Chili Powder, Cayenne, Red Pepper, Parsley, Chives, Oregano, Sage, Montreal Steak Seasoning, Sesame Seeds
Used sparingly: Cardamom, Seasoned Salt
I don’t eat wheat-it just disagrees with me. I substitute pastas with mung bean noodles. We eat a lot of tacos with corn tortillas. I occasionally use rice. I keep walnuts, pecans, almonds, cashews, peanuts (in-shell), and sunflower seeds on hand for snacking, adding to salads, and grinding up to make breadings. 
I have a lot of sauces since they keep well. Those include, but are probably not limited to: ketchup, mustard (deli, yellow, sometimes honey), mayo, soy, oyster, Worchester, A1, peanut, sweet chili, tapatio, crystal, lemon juice, lime juice, teriyaki, BBQ, jelly, peanut butter, maple syrup, vanilla flavoring, 
Oils and vinegar
Avocado oil for high heat, olive oil for not so hot, coconut oil, lard for seasoning the cast iron, balsamic (which I also make a glaze from), apple cider vinegar. I keep white vinegar under the sink for cleaning and crafts. 
Heavy whipping cream is delicious and can be used in anything calling for milk-watered down if necessary, but milk cannot be whipped. Occasionally fancy cheese for cheese and meats date nights. Dried non-fat milk. Sour cream. Greek yogurt-plain or honey flavor. Butter.
Soups, tuna, spam (for musubi), beans (black and refried), enchilada sauce, spaghetti sauce, artichoke hearts, pickles, jalapenos, olives (black and green/Kalamata)
Corn starch, baking soda, baking powder, cocoa powder, chocolate chips, bouillon, tortilla chips, salsa
I just replace these things as they run out. It is a diverse enough list to make many recipes, but small enough that it isn’t too costly nor strenuous to maintain. As I run out of things, I add it to my list. When the list is long enough, or has items that are of greater importance, I go shopping.
Just Lists
flank steak, chicken thighs, ground beef (80/20), eggs, fish,  Avocado, Banana, Tomato, Romaine, Apple (Fuji or Gala), Potato, Garlic, Onion, Brussel Sprouts, Asparagus, Broccoli (frozen), Peas (frozen), Corn (frozen),  Cumin, Paprika, Thyme, Rosemary, Salt, Pepper, Cinnamon, Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, corn tortillas, mung bean noodles, rice, walnuts, pecans, almonds, sunflower seeds, ketchup, mustards, mayo, soy, tapatio, lemon juice, lime juice, teriyaki, BBQ, jelly, peanut butter, avocado oil, olive oil, apple cider vinegar, heavy whipping cream, sour cream, butter, tuna, beans, enchilada sauce, spaghetti sauce, pickles, jalapenos, olives, corn starch, baking soda, bouillon, tortilla chips
Sweet potato, Blueberries, Grapes, Raspberries, Mango, Cauliflower, Zucchini, Spaghetti Squash, Mushrooms, Sweet Peppers, Carrots, Turnips, Turmeric, Fennel, Nutmeg, Cloves, Chili Powder, Cayenne, Red Pepper, Parsley, Chives, Oregano, Sage, Montreal Steak Seasoning, Sesame Seeds, cashews, peanuts,  oyster sauce, Worchester, A1, peanut sauce, sweet chili sauce, crystal hot sauce, maple syrup, vanilla flavor, coconut oil, balsamic vinegar, dried non-fat milk, Greek yogurt, canned soups, spam, artichoke hearts, salsa
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officialleehadan · 5 years
Fire Soup
 Hello darlings and welcome to a strange, random post that I, well, I think will be helpful. As everyone knows, the world is in a state of crisis. We have a pandemic rampaging over our planet. This is particularly pertinent to me, as I’m Seattle-based, and we’re pretty much Ground Zero for Covid-19 in the US.
Scary stuff.
Now, before we get into this, I am a writer, not a doctor. If you’re sick, go to the doctor if you can, and take the best care of yourself that you are able.
That said, this might help a little. At least, I’ve always found it does.
Whenever I was sick as a kid, my parents would make this for me. Now, they didn’t do it from scratch, they would mostly add spices to canned soup, because it was easier. A few years ago, I found this recipe, and it’s amazing. Also, not difficult.
So here it is, Fire Soup!
 You will need:
4-5 large chicken breasts (frozen is fine)
1 large bunch organic carrots with the tops still on. (they taste better. I will die on this hill. I’ve done it with peeled baby carrots and they work, but it’s not as good.)
4-5 large garlic cloves (I’m being nice here. I usually use more, but I like garlic more than a human reasonably should.)
4-5 stalks celery
1 medium onion (white or yellow, but it’s good with about 4 shallots too.)
1 TB cayenne pepper (More is good. The fire will heal you. If you don’t like spicy, this is the wrong recipe for you.)
3-4 large sprigs of fresh rosemary or 1/3 cup dried rosemary
1 TB garlic salt
1TB whole peppercorns (or 1 TSP ground black pepper)
2 TB grated ginger (the stuff in the tube is fine)
2 TSP powdered oregano
1 TSP powdered sage
1 TSP powdered thyme
2 TB flake salt or 2 TSP regular table salt
(You can replace the oregano, sage, and thyme with 2 TB regular Italian seasoning)
½ package egg noodles. (Eyeball this. It depends on your liquid content. More on this later.)
2 cartons chicken broth. (Organic is good. Regular is fine. You can do it with water and bouillon too, but I don’t really suggest that.)
¼ cup soy sauce
4 TB butter
2 TB sesame oil (olive works too, I just like sesame better)
Preheat your oven to 400f. Put all your chicken breasts on a baking sheet, drizzle with sesame oil (or olive oil) and season liberally with salt and cayenne pepper. Stick the whole thing in the oven for 1 hour or until the chicken is cooked through. You can do most of the rest of this while it bakes.
Chop the onion finely, chop the celery coarsely. Cut the tops off the carrots, wash, and peel, (In that order) and chop those into big  chunks. (about 1in or 2cm)
Empty one of your cartons of broth (or 4 cups of water) into a large pot and turn the heat on high. Add butter and oil, all your seasonings, salt, and the soy sauce, along with about half of your celery and all of your onion.
Boil the bajeezus out of it for about thirty minutes or until your chicken is done. (Boil on medium-high, stir occasionally. Add a cup of water if it seems to be boiling dry.)
Taste it here. Add salt if it needs it, and more cayenne if it doesn’t make the back of your throat burn. This is Fire Soup. It should be as spicy as you can handle for maximum effect.
When everything is about the same shade of whiteish grey, and soft enough to smush with a spoon, strain the broth through a fine sieve into a large, heatproof bowl. Watch out. This stuff is REALLY hot at this point. Set the broth aside, and rinse the rest of the debris out of your pot. Add the broth back into the pot, and bring it back to a rolling boil. Discard the debris. You don’t need it.
(Side note, if straining it out seems like a lot of work, or you don’t have a sieve, you don’t have to strain it. I do because my husband has strong feelings on debris in soup, and because I think it makes the soup taste a little cleaner.)
Your chicken is done, so pour the drippings (juice and fat) into the pot before you chop the chicken into bite size chunks and dump that in too. Add your carrots and the second carton of chicken broth. Cover with a lid, and boil until the carrots are soft but holding their shape.
Add the noodles and the celery, check to make sure that there’s enough liquid to completely cover everything and add another cup of water if it’s not. Cover again and cook until the noodles are soft (about ten minutes)
Serve with bread or crackers. I know it’s tempting to have this with milk, but don’t do it. Milk encourages mucus in the throat, and if you’re making this, you probably already have more than enough of that. Have herbal tea instead. Lemon and honey are throat-soothing and hydrating.
Eat this until you run out and make more, or until you feel better. It freezes well if you want to make it ahead of time for Future Sick, and is so yummy that I often make it because I just like it that much.
Darlings, I hope you’re staying safe and healthy, and that this recipe brings you some joy, whether or not you’re sick.
As always, happy reading!
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