#the girl whose favorite subject in school was English literature is loving them all
otamotone-dnp · 6 months
still can’t believe dan and phil made a video for april fool’s day of all occasions that can be analyzed so thoroughly and has so many nuances and subtext that the girlies on tumblr are writing literary analyses about it. I love it so much. dan and phil gives us more content like this, i can feel it making me smarter just by reading all of these analyses
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daydreamrry · 3 years
No because I know there is no way for me to prove this but one of my friends was at a 1d concert back in 2013 (I was one of the young girls back the who thought I was too cool to be into a rising pop band whose target demographic was gushing teens) and before I start the story, I would like to mention that she is like really gorgeous till date, she's married now and still posesses a youthful spirit, deeply in love with her husband.
Anyways, back in the day, she was at the concert and she knew this backstage worker who she was close friends with at the time, and she had baked some deserts and the guy surprised her by telling at the end of the concert that she could meet the boy's if she wanted.
She said she was given a backstage pass but that Niall, Louis and Zayn had chucked themselves into the tour bus before she got there(they apparently did that every show)and she was disheartened about it as her favorite from the band was Niall.
But Harry was talking with a bunch of guys she didn't recognise in one of the halls and the guy my friend knew gave her a hat of his and said that Harry had asked for it and convinced her to give it to Harry herself(she now knows that it wasn't the case, the guy friend was just trying to set them up by giving her his hat that the workers had hidden backstage before the show with the help of some of Harry's close friends. Apparently it was an inside joke between some of them who knew my friend was the only girl coming that day and so they planned to strike something up between H and her).
So anyways, my friend, let's call her S, went there to give him the hat and he was apparently very pleasantly surprised to find it and asked her how she had it and that he'd been searching for it EVERYWHERE. She said something stupid like she was a fan of his style and wanted to steal his clothes(she later mentioned realising how creepy it was, but she was awkward at first lmao, it is THE Harry Styles) and he played along and said she could keep it.
My friend apparently felt very shy at first and opened up later, but continued the conversation and tried to hide her nervousness, she mentioned Harry was very sweet and polite and got so overly excited when he saw the pieces of peach pie she'd brought with herself(bless him! She said she could see his dimples) and that he went into a full rant about how rare peach was as a fruit and how nobody used it in deserts anymore, and S mentioned embarrassing herself majorly when she tried to pull an innuendo about what peaches looked like(ahem ahem) and if that was why he liked them so much.
It was stupid, but Harry was young and cheeky back then so he apparantly found it hilarious!
They then chatted a little bit, S loosened up and Harry let her stand there and rant about her interest in constellations, the myths behind them and how you could barely see them in the city skies anymore (she was into astronomy) and all that, and he probably didn't understand a thing but he ate the pie and listened.
He apparently asked her if she minded if he gave a little bit of it to the staff, joked that it wasn't because the desert was bad but only because the staff workers were working so hard and he was a gem!
Harry then asked S her age, and offered to sit down a little bit with her, she sat down while he talked with a bunch of people, disappeared for a while and returned in casual clothes.
Harry offered to take her to his hotel room because "it was late". He wasn't being pushy about it at all, and S said she agreed because this isn't the sort of chance you get twice in your life.
S is very talkative and knowledgeable about a lot of subjects, one of my most intellectual friends and I'm jealous till date, so she apparently sat with H in the car and went off about English literature (which apparently he seemed more educated about that he comes across as, didn't finish school my ass) and briefly and vaguely rambled about a little bit of "finding yourself" topics which H really seemed invested in apparently and joined in on the convo.
He mentioned having a mental bucket list that keeps shifting so much in his place in his career and life but he just can't let go of it and S was taken aback because Harry never apparently seemed lile the type of person to keep such things, but it was what it was.
They then apparently went into the hotel he was staying at, it was late and Harry attended a call and then gave her brief directions and left alone, and S followed thek and took assistance from the hotel staff and eventually ended up at H's suite.
Now it's where things get...interesting. S, you see, is a person of odd interests who is kind of hard of navigate as a person and that's kind of what people find interesting about her(speaking from personal experience) and so she was very adventurous at the time, 20 years in age and so was Harry I guess, the teen, like most teens are.
So they switched on the tv, S remembered Harry mentioning something about liking romcoms in an interview so she tried to win him over by bringing that up and H offered to do that, but then they ended up watching some stupid B flick movies instead and apparently laughed about the bad direction, acting and plot holes all night and had a blast. They shared champagne too apparantly, she keeps mentioning how kind Harry was and that's where his charm layed.
But then, S said she knew that Harry wanted more, so she wouldn't want to forget the night like that and suggested something kind of less vanilla and like, basically offered to try bdsm with Harry.
Long story short, I won't get into the details but he was kind of tentative about it but also eager to try it out she said, she also said that he looked like he was caught off guard when she was direct about it and laughed commenting positively on her boldness.
She asked Harry what she could use and apparently Harry seemed very prepared and immediately replied that there was a tie in his cupboard, which made her suspect that he'd had experience before, and she like restrained his hands to the headboard and so it goes. She said he was good, nothing extraordinary, said when you have THAT face, you don't need to compensate with great skills in bed. Idk.
She took off the next morning, he was courteous and had his driver drop her off to where she was staying, said he couldn't come because fans were swarming outside his hotel. He also signed the box where she brought the pie in. She had his number for a while but me and her weren't too much in touch back then, when I became a fan of Harry in 2017 I was about to kill her when she said he'd changed his number and that she wasn't in touch with him after that night.
I logged back into Tumblr after 2 years, things are much different now and most of the blogs I used to follow are dead or deactivated now. This one literally has the word "gossip" in it and Harry's name, and since I can't keep a secret to myself, I felt like I'd share it here.
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tblpress · 4 years
The day before James Spader won an Emmy for his portrayal of Alan Shore, the morally dubious lawyer on “The Practice,” the actor was at the Franklin D. Murphy Sculpture Garden at UCLA, admiring the statues -- especially the female forms. “Look at the beautiful curve of her back, right at the base of her spine,” he said, noticing a dancer at the top of Robert Graham’s “Dance Columns.” “It’s the most perfect curve in nature.” Then Spader felt a breeze and started ambling in the other direction. “I just want to walk into it,” he explained. “Oh, my God, that is nice.”
The sculpture garden, a favorite hideaway of Spader’s, brought out in him a charming mix of formality and earthiness. When Gaston Lachaise’s bronze powerhouse “Standing Woman” caught his eye, the memories rushed out. “My sons, when they were growing up, always enjoyed her rather ample” -- here he used a word not proper for this newspaper but that means “derriere” -- “and her rather ample breasts,” he said. The boys, Sebastian, now 15, and Ellijah, 12, would come here with their scooters. “So you come around,” Spader explained, “and lo and behold, you have that beautiful” -- that word again -- “over there. You can hardly resist scootering by and giving her a poke. She has nice calves too. She’s ample everywhere. She’s spectacular.”
James Spader, network TV star: To anyone familiar with the 44-year-old actor and his work, it sounds almost absurd. With the outre air of highbrow naughtiness and deep but slightly distracted intelligence he’s been known for since his 1989 big-screen breakthrough in “sex, lies, and videotape,” Spader could hardly have cooked up a more improbable career move. And yet starting tonight on “Boston Legal,” the new David E. Kelley show spun off from “The Practice,” TV viewers will get a weekly taste of the actor who has specialized in finding an endearing human side to wealthy school bullies, creepy cocaine dealers and sensuous sadomasochists.
Spader headed toward a section of the UCLA campus blanketed by California sycamores that he and his sons, he said, often climb and swing from. “See that?” he asked, pushing a branch down. “This is a perfect perching spot. I’d do it more aggressively, but there’s people around and it makes them nervous.”
Making people nervous is, of course, a Spader trademark.
“When we first went to the network about James, they shrieked in horror,” Kelley said. “James Spader is not a network face. They didn’t think he was the kind of persona American audiences would want to welcome into the living room on a weekly basis. But once we began to focus on him, he was the only choice. What James does so well is there’s a nucleus to this character that is humane and decent. He manages to let that nucleus shine through even when he’s committing egregious, contemptible acts. You don’t know if you like him or not, but you can’t wait to see him next.”
Kelley hired Spader to play the brilliant agitator whose dirty ways forced the firm of Young, Frutt and Berluti on “The Practice” to close its doors last year, after ABC slashed the show’s budget, forcing Kelley to fire half his cast. Spader, whose most recent television appearance had been a guest spot on “Seinfeld” in 1997, was supposed to play Alan Shore only long enough to shake things up.
“The goal in the beginning was to bring new life to the show, and the luxury we had as storytellers was that we didn’t have to protect the character for the sake of a long series run,” Kelley said. “You can only do so many things with a character that are overtly unlikable and still keep him redeeming and a character that people want to tune into and cheer for. Since we didn’t have that burden, we could swing away with him.”
The high-end firm of Crane, Poole and Schmidt might prove a better fit for Shore, who will be surrounded by other conniving legal eagles, including William Shatner as his boss, Denny Crane, and colleagues played by a cast including Rhona Mitra, Lake Bell, Monica Potter and Mark Valley. Alan Shore, Kelley promised, will “defy this law firm as he defies the conventions of regular characters on television.”
“When we watch James, there’s a lot of unknown complicated stuff in his mind, but we don’t know what that stuff is,” said Steve Shainberg, who directed Spader in “Secretary” (2002). “There’s something very unusual about him we can’t put our finger on, but that makes it more intriguing and exciting -- God help us.”
Yet for all the unpredictability that comes across on screen, Spader’s “Boston Legal” co-stars described him as meticulous, exact and particular on set.
“He’s always looking for the truth of the moment, and he gets fidgety when it’s not there,” said Shatner, who won a guest actor Emmy for his portrayal of Crane on “The Practice.” “He becomes as recalcitrant as a donkey until he can find the right way to deliver a line. He never says a word that doesn’t seem to come from the organic character. That’s because James himself is a little weird. But we love him for it.”
The Un-Brat Pack career
Two days after Spader nabbed the top acting award for a drama series, beating out television heavy hitters James Gandolfini, Martin Sheen, Kiefer Sutherland and Anthony LaPaglia, he was on the “Boston Legal” set at Raleigh Studios in Manhattan Beach. Three episodes of the show were being shot simultaneously, and he had found no time yet to contemplate his win. The Emmy, he said, was tucked away in a corner full of boxes as Spader, who recently separated from his wife, Victoria, waited to move into a new house.
“I was surprised at how quickly I lost the feeling of stunned confusion and ignorant bliss and how quickly it turned into work and pragmatism,” Spader said. “The award doesn’t mean anything to me -- and I don’t mean that in a derogatory sense. I just haven’t had time to go there yet. Even when my older son called to congratulate me, we moved rather swiftly on to the subject of an upcoming concert” -- the Pixies at the Greek Theatre -- “and the best way to score tickets, which is a much more constructive conversation for us.”
Like other actors who started taking shape in the ‘80s, Spader could easily have cultivated a Brat Pack aura. Instead, he went for a more original brand of alienation, playing seemingly WASPY characters with a devious air and an anti-WASPY erotic charge to them. The roles he took in movies such as “White Palace” (1990), “The Music of Chance” (1993), “Stargate” (1994) and “Crash” (1996) didn’t always hit big but always set him apart -- none more so than “Secretary,” in which Spader played E. Edward Grey, a lawyer who draws his self-mutilating young secretary into a joyful S&M; relationship.
“James is very formal and specific and respectful,” said Maggie Gyllenhaal, his costar. “I remember when we shot a five-page scene in which Mr. Grey asks me not to cut myself anymore, James noticed and responded to everything I did: every breath I took, every shift of my gaze, every movement of my hand. His work is very specific.”
And that, according to Camryn Manheim, who starred on “The Practice” for eight years, can be intimidating. “After you saw ‘Secretary,’ wouldn’t you be scared to go on a date with him?” Manheim said, laughing.
“I was scared of him,” she added. “He’s weird and strange and eccentric, and I mean a lot of that in the very best way. He plays all of these sexually charged characters. He looks at you too hard, like he’s got your number. But behind all of that, he’s a very simple man who is very thoughtful and insightful about the world and humanity.”
Confronted with the praise of his colleagues, Spader took a deep breath and looked skeptical. “Maybe this thing they are describing is just obsessive-compulsive. It just seems to be what the job is, to just try and get the right intention of whatever ... you’re saying. Who is to say if whether what you end up tumbling toward is the right place when you’re standing on your feet in the middle of it? I’ve had a lot of fun acting, and that’s been the only reason to continue doing it.”
Spader, who dropped out of the 11th grade to pursue acting in New York, attributes his interest in acting to the love of storytelling he inherited from his family. The son of teachers Todd and Jean Spader, the actor grew up with two sisters on the campus of Phillips Academy, a fancy Massachusetts prep school. “My father was an English teacher and he taught literature and poetry, and my parents would read aloud and my grandparents read aloud,” Spader said. “My grandfather would write stories and we would make up little plays to read and perform during the holidays. There was always a tremendous amount of humor in all the households I spent time in.”
But there were other reasons for wanting to become an actor. “I started doing theater when I started thinking of nothing but girls,” he said. “I can’t imagine that the two don’t relate. I don’t mean to be glib. In sports and in many other areas, girls and boys are separated. But in theater, you’re all mixed in together. How can it get any better than that?”
Being an actor, for Spader, has never been about celebrity. The press tent for interviews with winners at the Emmys came as a surprise and an “indignity,” he said jokingly. When someone at the Governors Ball on Emmy night remarked how rare it is that Spader has succeeded at being famous and simultaneously living a private life, the actor was incredulous.
“I don’t try to be mysterious,” Spader explained later. “I just protect my private life very carefully. I don’t go out a great deal. To see and be seen I could care less about. I don’t go to see movies at big premieres. If I go out, I go to a quiet place for a meal or I might go to listen to live music with a whole lot of people who are more interested in listening to the music than who is sitting next to them at the show.”
His new TV world
Spader may be on his way to television stardom, but he has never followed a television show from beginning to end -- the way he hopes viewers of “Boston Legal” will.
“That’s something I had no concept of,” Spader said. “Working on the show, I was experiencing the same anticipation for what was going to happen from week to week as the people who were watching it. When you do a film, you know what is going to happen to your character from start to finish. I knew very little about Alan Shore at the end of last season, and I still don’t. I like that constant shift because what I like the most about all of this is the telling of the story.”
What he likes the least is the fuss. He refused to hire a stylist for Emmy night, picking out his tuxedo and shoes himself. He did not prepare a speech. When his name was announced, Spader charmed the crowd by complimenting the women in the room: “You’ve all made wonderful choices in shoes and dresses tonight, and you all look absolutely beautiful.”
“I realized I was going to have to put together some sentences quickly and I wasn’t going to be yet another person to make a music joke,” Spader said. “It worked so well when the gentleman from ‘Arrested Development’ made the singing reference, but I knew that that couldn’t be used again, and certainly not by me. I really don’t have any idea what ... I was saying. Certainly, during the course of the four hours that I was there I had spent enough time admiring women’s shoes and dresses and how well they filled them.”
But as offhand as he may be about that trophy, it’s fitting somehow that Spader will be in the rare position of starting his new gig already having won an Emmy for the role. To his surprise as much as anyone’s, the TV gods have smiled on him. “Does anybody have any illusions about the fact that the Emmys come at the beginning of the television season? The timing seems precise to me,” he said. “And I think it’s grand.”
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widevibratobitch · 5 years
Was tagged (and called her little sunshine????? that was so hella cute????!!!? it totally made my day, i didn't even think you recognized me at all, thank you, ily) by @babinicz.
and we all know I love to talk about myself so here goes:
1. are you named after anyone?
Actually yeah. When my mom was a little girl, her mother had a friend from work (and they worked at PEWEKS which was like s u p e r fancy back then) whose name was Jagoda (literally "blueberry" in Polish, srsly) and she was the most beautiful woman my mom has ever known (and apparently had a mole like Marilyn Monroe lol) and she had decided that she was going to name her daughter Jagoda too. And 30+ years later, here I am, with a name that used to make me cry in kindergarten because other kids made fun of me and threatened to eat me.
2. when was the last time you cried?
Uhm, today. And like really hard, I can't remember the last time I cried like that. And it was in front of my voice teacher because I'm just a bag of trash lol
3. do you have any kids?
GOD no. And I hope not, for the next 10 years at least. I would actually like to have kids, but I'm too terrified that I won't be able to raise them to be good, happy people and so I think it's better if I never have any :(
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
Me? Never.
5. eye color?
Depens on the light tbh, gray/blue/green.
6. scary movie or happy ending?
Scary movie. Pretty much all my favourite characters either die horribly or end up miserable af, sorry.
7. special talents?
Hahahahahahahhahahaha none. Some people tell me I'm a good actress and have some musicality but that ain't shit.
8. where were you born?
Poland, Toruń (you know that ugly guy who said that the Earth goes around the Sun, and not the other way around? Yeah, that's our boi).
9. do you have any hobbies?
OPERA!!!(listening, singing, making memes, criticizing and finding queer elements everywhere), playing the piano better than I ever suspected I would but worse than my teacher expects me to, classic literature, collecting really old things or just looking at them with my mouth hanging open in awe.
10. do you have any pets?
Yup, a cat, my lil bitch whom I love so much but am afraid the feeling is not mutual...
11. what sports have/do you play?
Uuuuuuuhm sport? i dont know her. It if involves moving any part of my body though, please don't ever mention it to me.
12. how tall are you?
Uhm, 170cm? Maybe a little less.
13. favorite subjects in school?
I HATE SCHOOL AND EVERYTHING IT STANDS FOR but back when I still had any motivation to study whatsoever... I used to really enjoy Polish, English and History (also Music history and Music theory... Ahh good days when I had a teacher who made me love Music theory hahahha good days)
14. dream job?
Opera singer. Period. I don't care for fame or money, I just want to sing. I can't do anything else. I won't do anything else. I refuse to spend my life having to get up early in the morning to go to a work that I hate. I refuse to end up like my mother, who used to be an actress and that was the only thing she ever wanted to be, but who now works in a city hall. I refuse.
I'm tagging my own little sunshines: @tornaloadir @acepolish @carlodivarga-s @simone-boccanegra @donnaimmaculata @lessthansix @amynion have some fun if you want
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architectnews · 3 years
arch8 Re-Vision competition 2021
arch8 Re-Vision Design Competition, 2021 Contest, Architectural Prize News
arch8 Re-Vision Design Competition 2021
1 July 2021
arch8 Re-Vision Competition
We laughed, we cried, we raged against the dying of the light, which was the ending of our favorite shows. Sitcoms have been there since the dawn of tv… From a CRT television to a flat-screen to our laptops to all-powerful OTT platforms, sitcoms have come a long way. But there is always that one show, that one sitcom you can watch over and over. Whether it’s before you go to bed, during your meals, or after finishing the most boring assignment ever.
The one with a character you admire, the one whose dialogues are like your second language, you got the idea… Right! We’ve seen it so often that we are aware of all the details. So what if we tell you that now you can change it and show people your perspective. Show them how it could have been if these sitcoms were shot in this day and age with you as their interior designer. So now, you’ll have the same people as before but with the needs of today’s world.
Whenever we propose a design for our clients, we try to incorporate every requirement of them. But our ideas are based more on our experiences and less on the profiles of the users. Because well, for God’s sake we just met them!! So if we are provided the possibility of knowing our client inside out, can we now propose the best-suited design for them? (Of course, we can!)
Having said that, ARCH8 is here with yet another competition for you all, this time an interior designing competition. We shortlisted 3 most famous sitcoms of all time: Friends, Big Bang Theory, and How I Met Your Mother.
Re-design any one of the following apartments:
1. Monica and Rachel’s apartment 2. Joey and Chandler’s apartment 3. Sheldon and Leonard’s apartment 4. Ted and Marshall’s apartment
You can download the .cad files of floor plans at arch8.in
Character Sketch
A little something to help you out.
1. MONICA: Monica is a chef in her early 30s. She is obsessive about things being clean and in order. (‘ Things shouldn’t be just ‘health department’ clean, they should be ‘Monica clean.’) She likes to host gatherings and invite people over for dinners and parties. She is the ‘mother ‘ of the group and can be sometimes dominative.
2. RACHEL: She has switched jobs from being a waitress to an executive at Ralph Lauren. All her friends come to her for fashion advice. She likes to shop. Rachel is very careless (as she says,” I shouldn’t be allowed to make decisions anymore.”) She is funny, spirited but pretty self-involved. She does not easily get along with other women (“That’s OK, Girls tend to not like me”).
3. CHANDLER: Chandler is a funny guy (Jokes are his ‘thing’). Chandler works in statistical analysis and data reconfiguration but nobody knows where he works (he’s a ‘transponster’). Chandler’s generally embarrassed by his parents, his job, and his relationship status. His sense of humor helps him cope with all of these problems. He is notoriously sarcastic. He is the highest-earning member of his friends’ circle.
4. JOEY: Joey is an actor whose work can be seen in the show “Days of Our Lives”. He is a child at heart and a foodie (Joey doesn’t share food). He likes all the kitsch art. He never gets in a serious relationship. He is dim-witted but good-natured. He likes to play foosball and is a big fan of ‘Baywatch’.
5. SHELDON: Sheldon is a theoretical physicist. He lives his life with rules and regulations and is obsessed with logical reasoning. He is interested in comic books and science fiction. Sheldon comes off as a stereotypical nerd and really has no qualms about it (but he is not crazy, his mother got him tested). He is socially awkward and likes to spend most of his time at home and at work.
6. LEONARD: He is an experimental physicist. He is a huge fan of Star Wars, science fiction, and comic books. Leonard is extremely nerdy and mainly associates with people who fit this description (“12 years after high school and I’m still at the nerd table.”). He also plays the cello. He is lactose intolerant. He lives in the apartment by Sheldon’s rules and regulations.
7. TED: Call him an architect, a hopeless romantic, or a know it all, you can say that he’s the embodiment of it all. Since college, Ted has been in many toxic relationships where he was considered an outcast or “not traditionally cool” i.e dorky. Interests… telling stories, falling in love, believing in destiny, avoiding confrontation, Renaissance Faires, crossword puzzles, Star Wars, breakfast foods, show tunes, girls who play bass guitar, giving “the best” gifts, and reading serious literature. (Random girl: What made you want to be an architect? Ted: Well you know, the soul of an artist, hands of a master craftsman… it was inevitable)
8. MARSHALL: Though he is arguably the kindest member of the group, he never shies away from a spirited debate, usually shouting “Lawyered!” if (well, “when”) he wins. A lawyer who’s madly in love with his partner in crime, Lily (his fiance). Creator of a funk band called “The Funk, The Whole Funk, And Nothing But The Funk”, he is a 6’4, supernatural (i.e Bigfoot, loch ness monster, and ghost) nerd and a foodie with a passion for star wars and playing (and winning) board games.
The Proposal to be presented on One Landscape Oriented A1 Sheet. Proposals may be presented using any technique of your choice (sketches, diagrams, 3D visualizations, model photos, CAD drawings, etc.) Team code (UIC) to be mentioned on the Top Right-Hand corner of the sheet. The proposal MUST NOT include ANY INFORMATION (name, Organization, School, etc.) that may give away your identity. All text must be in ENGLISH, with a MAXIMUM of 150 WORDS for project explanation. All dimensions should be imperial or metric units.
841MM X 594MM Submit in .jpeg format of file size not more than 5Mb. Submit your entry at: [email protected] The subject of the mail: Your UIC (XXXXX) Name of the file uploaded: Your UIC (XXXXX)
*Participants Teamcode (UIC) will be provided by ARCH8 once you have completed the registration process.
Indian National / Foreign National
Early-bird Registration 1st July – 15th July ’21 350 Inr / 7 US$
Standard Registration 16th July – 31st July ’21 420 Inr / 10 US$
Late Registration 1st Aug – 15th Aug ’21 540 Inr / 15 US$
NOTE: A team can have up to 3 members. The amount is non-refundable. Late registered participants will receive 5 extra days for submission.
Anyone can participate irrespective of profession or qualification, and present their ideas. Participants can submit multiple entries but that would require multiple registrations. A team can have up to 3 members.
Registration deadline: 15th August 2021 Submission deadline: 20th August 2021 The submission deadline for all the participants who registered between 1st August and 15th August is 25th August 2021 Result announcement: 30th August 2021
*All the Deadlines are 23:59 – 24:00 IST (INDIA) The following dates can be a subject of modification, if necessary.
Total cash prize worth 15,000 INR.
Winner: Cash prize of INR 7500 + Acknowledgement on our website and social media + publication of the participants’ interview (Video) on website + 40% discount on your next architecture competition + certificate of achievement
1st Runner-up: Cash prize of INR 4500 + Acknowledgement on our website + publication of the participants’ interview (Video) on website + 30% discount on our next architecture competition + certificate of achievement
2nd Runner-up: Cash prize of INR 3000 + Acknowledgement on our website + publication of the participants’ interview (Video) on website + 20% discount on our next architecture competition + certificate of achievement
10 Honorable mentions: Acknowledgement on our website + 10% discount on our next architecture competition + certificate of achievement
Participation certificate for all the participants.
The competition aims to explore how participants think through the basic functionality of spaces of the house, meaningful conceptualization behind design, thoughtful aesthetics, and expressive presentation.
Entries will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
1. What is the nature of the competition? ‘RE-VISION’ is an open idea design competition challenge that is open for students, professionals & any individual with a creative mind.
2. Who can participate in the competition? Architecture students, Architects, Interior Designer, Civil engineers & anyone with creativity can participate in the competition.
3. How many members can be a part of a team? A team can have a maximum of 3 members. You can also participate individually.
4. Will every participant get a certificate of participation? Yes, every participant who submits a panel will receive an e-certificate.
5. What should be done in case a payment mode is not available in a particular country? We request the participants to write about the issue at [email protected] to get other payment options in such a case. We will send all possible payment methods.
6. How will a team get its Unique Identification Code? The Unique Identification Code ( UIC ) will be mailed to your registered e-mail address within 24 hrs after completing the registration process. There is only one UIC code for all the team members of a team.
7. What is the use of a Unique Identification Code? All the participants are requested to use their UIC at the top right corner of your submission as it is your identity for the competition-related processes.
8. What to do if a participant does not receive the UIC after making payment? In such cases, the participants are asked to mail their payment receipt [email protected].
9. Does the 150-word limit include legends & one-liners in the sheet? No, the 150-word limit is for the proposal explanation only and it does not include the legends & one-liners on the sheet.
1. In case you still have questions related to the briefs and the competition, please send them to [email protected] 2. It is possible to amend or update any information relating to your registration including the names of team members once registered, mail us your query at [email protected]. 3. Participant teams will be disqualified if any of the competition rules or submission requirements are not considered. 4. Team code (UIC) is the only means of identification of a team as it is an anonymous competition. Hence, a submission with its UIC will be disqualified from the competition. 5. The official language of the competition is English. 6. The registration fee is non-refundable.
arch8 Re-Vision Competition image / information received 300621
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CUBE Design Competition 2021 CUBE Design Competition 2021
REVERENCE: Memorial Structure Design Competition REVERENCE: Memorial Structure Design Competition
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kingyeoly · 7 years
Privilege : Chapter 4
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Synopsis: Kyungsoo lands halfway across the world in Seoul after his mother’s death. Cue the rich long-lost CEO father and a spot at one of the most prestigious boarding schools in The Republic of Korea. It doesn’t take long for Kyungsoo to get mixed in with a troublesome group of elite boys. Or, Where Kyungsoo finds out he’s actually the Korean Cinderella. Suho, the untouchable semi-evil stepbrother who rules the school with an iron fist. Sehun, the adorable little (big) brother who defends Kyungsoo at all costs. Jongin, the heir to a hotel empire and a LITERAL model (possible prince charming?) and Chanyeol, the best friend/volleyball star who challenges Jongin in winning over Kyungsoo’s heart. Who will win? Rated: R
Warnings: Fluff, Slow burn, Boy X Boy, Smut, Love triangles
Pairings: D.O & Kai, D.O & Chanyeol, Sehun & Chanyeol, Suho & Lay
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
“My name is Do Kyungsoo...you’re my roommate?”
Kyungsoo quietly entered the dorm closing the door behind him as the two made formal acquaintances.
Yixing sat on a stool near his bed looking intently at Kyungsoo as if he were examining him.
His eyes squinted and locked on him for a second before slightly sighing, looking back at the easel that sat in front of him.
“Yes,” Yixing replied as if something was just bothering him, “I’m sorry If I surprised you, Kyungsoo.”
He smiled, his attitude quickly changing, “I actually just got back from China today...my flight was delayed so I couldn’t make it here during move in day with the rest of you all.”
Kyungsoo nodded, “I thought for a second that I was going to be all alone.”
He laughed dryly trying to make conversation, “I see you paint?” Kyungsoo mentioned earnestly as he made his way over.
Yixing looked up from his painting to meet eyes with Kyungsoo. Something about his gaze was haunting yet suave and delicate.
“Mm, yeah,” He said nonchalantly, “My mother is a fashion designer in China and my father is a artist so I guess I get my talents from them.”
He chuckled as he continued adding some detail here and there.
Kyungsoo hid his amazement, instead he examined Yixing’s work in awe. It was an incredibly surreal portrait of a man, possibly a teenager, but it looked incredibly lifelike to the point where it started to scare Kyungsoo; it was that good.
“You’re incredibly talented.”
“You think so?”
Yixing rubbed his chin as he examined his painting, “I’m not sure if I like it or not...I feel like something might be missing.”
“Well, maybe it’s who you’re drawing...do you know him?”
“Yeah, I did know him.”
The tone in Yixing’s voice dropped, his words dripped in some type of pained secrecy that Kyungsoo wasn’t going to press any further.
He quickly felt the need to change the subject. He walked over to his drawer after an idea had struck him.
Kyungsoo really loved to draw himself, he wouldn’t consider what he draws true art like Yixing. It was more of a hobby for him if anything.
He’s never showed anyone his drawings, not even Chanyeol in fear of eternal teasing and harassment over his stupid little drawings.
“Uh, mind if I can get your honest opinion?”
Kyungsoo handed over his notebook which Yixing suddenly perked up to.
“You draw?!” He said in excitement, eyes beaming.
Kyungsoo laughed dryly, “I wouldn’t consider what I draw art. And I’ve never shown anyone my drawings, but, I’d love a professional's opinion.”
Yixing cocked a little grin as he opened the notebook, flipping through months of Kyungsoo’s work. The room fell silent as Yixing examined many of Kyungsoo’s drawings.
“It’s okay if you don’t lik-”
“These are really beautiful, Kyungsoo.”
The small boy’s eyes blinked hard as he became flushed by the compliment.
“You think so? Really?”
Yixing happily nodded, eyeing Kyungsoo more carefully now as he handed the book back to him.
“Yes, I do. You have a lot of potential; your attention to detail is polished and although it’s not the style I do personally, I think you have a really special gift.”
Kyungsoo grinned, “Thanks Yixing.”
“Yeah, of course,” he placed the notebook back in Kyungsoo’s hand as he yawned, “Oh, by the way, where are you from?”
“I’m from the States, why do you ask?”
Yixing grinned, “The Koreans here talk with this kind of accent I can’t describe,” he stretched before winking at Kyungsoo, “You sound a little different I guess.”
“A pretentious tone maybe?”
Yixing cackled, “Hm, I guess you could say that maybe?”
Kyungsoo sat on his bed, crossing his legs as he got himself comfortable.
“I’m pretty different.” He said dryly.
Yixing’s eyes locked on his new roommate, “That makes two of us.”
  The first day of school was surprisingly great.
And as the next couple of days came around Kyungsoo found himself adjusting to his new school life incredibly well.
Although Sehun was adamant about walking Kyungsoo to every single one of his classes the first week.
He went through the motions, made some friends here and there and before he knew it, it was Friday.
Kyungsoo made his way to his desk.
Literature was probably his favorite class and he was grateful he could end his day with a subject he rather enjoyed.
The classroom began to fill up as Kyungsoo casually grazed upon the room and the incoming students here and there.
Until his eyes caught onto something different.
Kyungsoo cocked his head, his eyes zoning in on a male figure sitting in the first row, hair black, broad shoulders, and probably a giant from the looks of it.
That’s new…
“Alright class settle, settle!”
His English professor called out as the bell called the class to order, students rushing to their seats and quickly getting adjusted.
“Yes, well, before we start today’s lesson I would like to introduce a new student that will be joining our class from now on. Please, introduce yourself!”
Within an instant their eyes locked, a small grin stretched across the students face as he casually spoke to the class.
“Hello, I’m Kim Jongin. I’ll be joining your class for the rest of the semester.”
His eyes were still locked on Kyungsoo as if he were really talking solely to him.
“I was actually in another class, but, there was a mix-up, so, I’m glad to finally be in the right place. Please take care of me well.”
The class returned formalities as Jongin returned to his seat, sneaking one last glance back at Kyungsoo who looked directly back at the model with his big doe eyes.
Yes, Kyungsoo was internally geeking out about the fact that they now have a class together. He’ll admit his shameless lust and weird attraction to the guy which he kind of hated since it was such a clique considering he was probably this hot shot fuckboy that everyone secretly lusted after.
Hell, just from a simple observation he could already see half of the girls in the class stealing glances.
“Alright, thank you, Mr. Kim, and…” Professor Oh’s voice cracked, “Oh, young man...I’m sorry you must be the other transfer, yes?”
The class began to shuffle, turning their heads toward the back almost as if all eyes were landing on Kyungsoo.
He shifted in his seat nervously, he was fucking here the first day...he wasn’t that unmemorable, right?
Kyungsoo went a little cold from all the unwanted attention.
Totally unsure of what to say considering the wide-eyed girls who were just eye fucking Jongin were now utterly restless and dead set in his direction which confused the fuck out of him.
“Yes, sorry I was running a little late.” The booming voice filled the room.
A warm voice who snickered at the end of his sentence out of embarrassment.
Kyungsoo’s eyes went wide as he followed the rest of his classmate's gaze to a tall, big-eared figure.
“Ch-Chanyeol!” Kyungsoo screamed out, totally surprised with how loud he yelped it.
It was like the sun, the smile he had missed.
“Oh my god, Chanyeol!”
Kyungsoo quickly got up from his seat practically throwing himself into wide open arms and the warm embrace he had missed terribly.
“What the hell are you doing here?! Oh my god is this real?!”
Chanyeol let out a hearty laugh, his hands placed gently on the sides of Kyungsoo’s beaming face.
“Hey, I made a promise didn’t I?”
“You big goof,” Kyungsoo chuckled as he playfully punched Chanyeol’s arm.
“Boys?” Professor Oh called out in confusion.
“Ah!” Chanyeol immediately apologized.
“My name is Park Chanyeol…”
His eyes darted downward as he broke out into a toothy grin that had at least one of the girls in the class saying ‘omo omo’.
“Buuut, I’m Park Chanyeol. Love playing volleyball and videos games. Also, I’m from LA and speak pretty good English so if anyone needs help in English Comp. just let me know. I charge fifty dollars an hour.”
Kyungsoo quietly nudged Chanyeol’s side in annoyance
“Also, yes, I’m sorry for that outburst. Kyungsoo and I here haven’t seen each other in a while...This is kind of like a reunion, I guess you could say.”
Chanyeol awkwardly grinned as all eyes were on him.
To which Kyungsoo definitely heard a cluster of girls either whispering of fangirling over his giant of a friend.
“Ah, is that so?” Professor Oh smiled, “Well, feel free to talk all you’d like after my class...?” He jokingly warned.
Chanyeol snickered at his smaller friend, sending him a quick wink before walking towards an open set near the right side of the classroom, ways out from Kyungsoo who sat in the back.
His attention shifted to a presence that felt as if it were almost begging for attention.
Kyungsoo locked eyes with the model who sat in the front seat whose skin was sun-kissed and lips plump and naturally pouty.
His sharp eyes unreadable and sexy. He cocked a slight grin as he glanced Kyungsoo up and down, rubbing the bottom of his lip as if he were thinking of something sinister.
A look that definitely didn’t make Kyungsoo mutter ‘omo’ under his breath.
No...definitely not.
  “Your hair!”
Kyungsoo stepped on his tiptoes in order to get a feel for Chanyeol’s new set of dark brown locks.
“Argh, yeah, do you miss the red?”
Kyungsoo huffed, “Yeah...I think I do actually.”
Chanyeol pouted as he crouched down in order for Kyungsoo to properly play with his new natural looking set of hair.
“Wow, I’m impressed it’s not completely fried.”
“Hey, don’t be mean!”
Kyungsoo rolled his eyes as he started walking towards the exit of the building, unaware of the set of eyes locked on him from the shadows.
“H-Hey wait up!”
Chanyeol chased after him, quickly wrapping his long arms around Kyungsoo’s small shoulders.
“You know...despite you being so small you’re a pretty big bully.”
Kyungsoo rolled his eyes, secretly loving the banter he’s missed out on for a good month.
“Yeah, well, I left sad valuable Kyungsoo back in LA, sorry big red.”
“Ya, I’m hurt.” Chanyeol gripped his chest playfully, “I thought you might've changed over a new leaf after you left but it turns out that was all an act, huh?”
Kyungsoo bit his lip, he realizes how much of a sap he was, but, considering the circumstances he thinks it was well warranted.
In that moment, all those weeks ago, he truly thought he was going to have to finish off his high school years without the person he started them with.
He grinned at the thought, happy to know that nothing was going to change after all.
“Well, you’re here now, right? Why do you want sad Kyungsoo...I thought you wanted me happy?”
“And I do!” Chanyeol choked out, coughing as he gathered his bearings.
“Wait, Chanyeol, how the hell are you here?” Kyungsoo asked completely dumbfounded.
“Ah, about that.” Chanyeol did that stupid old man snicker laugh that Kyungsoo hated but secretly loved at the same time.
“Well, you know my mom and dad are surgeons, right?”
“Well, they actually come from pretty important families here and graduated from this school way back when. As did my grandparents.”
“You’re lying, right?”
Chanyeol looked down at his short-statured gnome of a friend, showing off a toothy grin, “Heck yeah, Soo. Which makes me a Legacy.”
Kyungsoo squinted his eyes, “Wait, you know about that stuff?”
“Oh, well, my parents kind of filled me in. I was pretty much in the dark about it just as much as you were.”
Kyungsoo nodded, “Well, how did you know I was here exactly?”
Chanyeol began playing with Kyungsoo’s ears, something the short teen secretly welcomed.
“Dummy, you’re the one who told me, remember? On the phone?”
Kyungsoo cooed at the memory thinking back to those weeks ago.
“It took a very convincing powerpoint ang some slight begging to get my parents on board with it, and after my pretty convincing and A+ performance they spilled the beans on their past and our connections to the school.”
“No shit…” Kyungsoo muttered in awe.
This was too weird to be true.
“Yep, hey, wanna come over to my dorm? It’s so sick, Soo, you’re gonna freak!”
Kyungsoo nodded, following the giant onward as he chuckled noticing Chanyeol’s wide smile and how it beamed with goofy excitement. A sight that he’d missed seeing so much.
“What about volleyball!” Kyungsoo stopped dead in his tracks, “This was supposed to be your big year, how could you give that up?”
Kyungsoo’s brows furrowed, “You wanted to be captain for so long, Yeol, you worked so hard for that position!”
Chanyeol sighed, rubbing his chin almost acting ‘too cool for school’ which Kyungsoo also hated.
“Nah, the guys will be fine. I trust Minho, he’ll lead them to State no doubt.” He grabbed Kyungsoo’s arm yet again as the two began walking, “Besides, Soo, I can play volleyball here.”
“Hell yeah, my grandpa set up something with the coach. I have an individual tryout on Sunday.”
Chanyeol giggled, “I said hell yeah once already, right?”
Kyungsoo jabbed the giant's side at that sarcastic comment (which actually hurt his fingers considering Chanyeol’s core was hard as a damn rock)
“Gunna come and cheer me on from the side, Soo?”
“When have I ever not cheered for you, idiot.”
Chanyeol sighed, “I've missed your loving words. I really did.”
“Oh,” Chanyeol stopped right in his tracks, “Here we are! Casa de...or...del? Ahh, this is my home, I fucking tried.”
“Chanyeol, you were never good at Spanish I don’t know why you just didn’t test out of Korean and get the easy credits like I did.”
“Too easy, Soo! You know I like a challenge.” He slyly winked, which Kyungsoo annoyingly scoffed at, lifting Chanyeol’s arm off of him in playful annoyance.
Kyungsoo’s eyes narrowed in on the dorm and it was...marvelous.
The architecture was no joke. The dormitory looked as if it was taken right out of Rome and delivered to this very spot here in South Korea. There was lush greenery all around. An elegant fountain was placed in the courtyard as simple lounging areas and a small garden with hundreds of exotic flowers decorated the brim. Regal street lamps lit the way as they walked on the modern rocky path.
“Chanyeol this is…”
“Amazing, right?” He beamed.
“You live here??”
“Yeah, stupid, didn’t I just say that in Spanish?”
Kyungsoo rolled his eyes as Chanyeol ruined the moment, something he had a knack for doing.
A familiar voice called out as a set of long arms wrapped around his small body. A light scent of bourbon fragrance he’d become familiar with quickly filled his nostrils.
“Oh, Sehun!” He smiled at the surprise.
“Hey, hyung, I looked for you after class but you were gone! W..hy…”
Kyungsoo noticed his little brother catching a glimpse of his tall friend.
“Oh...yeah, Sehun, It’s because Chanyeol surprised me today and suddenly goes to school here now! I guess we got caught up in talking and I just spaced. I’m sorry.”
Sehun looked a bit shy before he remembered his manners and politely bowed, greeting Chanyeol properly for the first time in person.
“Oh, no no it’s quite alright, really.” Sehun’s voice was nervous, “I understand. Completely. Yeah, of course.”
Kyungsoo cocked his head in confusion before giggling at Sehun’s weird behavior.
“Ah..Oh! I see you made it to Privilege House, yeah??”
Kyungsoo’s eyes narrowed before turning his attention back to the big enchanting site that was Privilege House.
“Yeah...Chanyeol actually lives here.”
Kyungsoo said absentmindedly still taking in the scene.
“No kidding?” Sehun perked up.
“Wait, you don’t live here, Kyungsoo?”
He turned to meet eyes with his tall friend, “Nah, they filled up. That and Suho hates me, so, I didn’t exactly get an invite to the club.”
“Bullshit, my mom said you’d be living here too.”
“A-and he should!” Sehun interjected.
“I’m still trying to get him a spot in the house, Chanyeol. Don’t worry about it...I’ll fix it, okay!?”
  Kyungsoo made his way back towards his dorm.
Today was such a crazy day filled with so many emotions. There is just something about the feeling of genuine surprise that is so purely magical.
He smiled at the thought.
The moment he saw those big ears his heart basically ran out of his chest and onto the damn floor.
Chanyeol looked pretty cute in that blazer too. Too bad he didn’t get a chance to check out his butt.
Granted, Chanyeol doesn’t have much of an ass but Kyungsoo still appreciates it all the same.
He makes it halfway up the stairs leading to the dorms before he looks up to see a tall figure he’d already grown accustomed to seeing casually leaned over stone railing.
“Fancy seeing you here.” Jongin crossed his legs eyeing Kyungsoo with a welcoming smile.
“Well, yeah, I kinda live here, so..”
Jongin pursed his lips, “Ahaa, yeah, of course.”
Kyungsoo stood there looking up at Jongin, noticing just how damn handsome he was.
That and tall.
“English class was pretty eventful, that a friend from back home?”
“Chanyeol? Yea, we grew up together back in the states. He surprised me today, I didn’t know he was transferring.”
“Surprises are fun.” Jongin replied slyly as he perched himself up on the railing, “Wanna come sit? I promise I won’t bite...or scare you.” He grinned, “Scouts honor.”
Kyungsoo snorted, following the motions and getting comfortable next to Jongin as his eyes locked on a site that took his breath away.
His big eyes grew wide as he noticed the fall leaves changing colors upon the mountains that surrounded the academy. The sunset sat just perfect, causing the rich colors to truly glow.
“Beautiful, right?” Jongin leaned forward taking the sight in for himself.
“I like to come here some days to watch the sunset. Not a lot of people know about it, It’s kind of a secret.”
“It’s not a secret if you tell people about it, Jongin.”
He pouted, looking down at Kyungsoo before looking back into the sunset, “I guess it can be our little secret then...how does that sound?”
Kyungsoo liked that, he liked that a lot, actually.
Sunset watching with a cute guy was definitely somewhere on his bucket list.
Sunset watching with a legitimate model and the heir to a hotel empire probably wasn’t, but, he was sure it still counted somehow.
“Deal, pretty boy.”
“You think I’m pretty” His voice cocky as regret quickly filled Kyungsoo’s mind.
“It’s an expression, don’t let the nice words fool you.”
“Ahh...so...you don’t think I’m pretty?”
“I didn’t say that-” Kyungsoo paused before letting out a cynical laugh, quickly realizing he had just fallen into Jongin’s little trap.
He teasingly poked Kyungsoo’s tummy without any warning which obviously scared the fuck out of him.
“What?” Jongin teased, “I thought you liked surprises??”
Kyungsoo shook his head trying hard to hide the smile slowly stretching across his face.
“Surprise? No Jongin, the past few times I’ve met you you’ve managed to creep up and scare the hell out of me.”
Jongin bit his bottom lips, looking towards Kyungsoo as he noticed just how big and heart-shaped his lips were or how the sunlight illuminated Kyungsoo's big doe eyes which revealed just how rich and brown his irises were.
Jongin took in the site for a moment before Kyungsoo turned his head, their eyes meeting as the sunset fell onto them.
“Well, if it’s any consolation, Kyungsoo," He grinned, "You scare the hell out of me too.”
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nico-nightingale · 4 years
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Summary: Following an accident that involved her beloved younger sister, the crown princess of Arendelle grew to believe she was born cursed. At her eleventh birthday, however, she receives the visit of a man in strange robes, who invites her to study at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This story follows Elsa’s life in Hogwarts as she discovers that magic is no curse and starts learning how to love herself.
Characters: Elsa of Arendelle, Nymphadora Tonks, Arcadia Green (OC), Adam Howard (OC)
Rating: T (ages 13 and up)
Also found on: ff.net, ao3, wattpad
Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling. Frozen belongs to Disney. The cover photo belongs to nico benedickt and the font belongs to naharstd.
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Chapter V: The Space Between
Elsa must have been quite tired after the conversation with Professor McGonagall, because it hadn't taken her long before she fell asleep. As a result, when she woke up the following morning, the girl was well-rested despite the growing anxiety in her chest. Luckily, the nurse, a nice but strict woman called Madam Pomfrey, took pity on her after realizing how she was dreading the notion of eating at the Great Hall and allowed the girl to have her breakfast in the Hospital Wing.
Therefore, Elsa was well-rested and well-fed when she walked into the classroom and, at that moment, she realized how much difference it made to her. Despite her pounding heart and trembling hands, the girl was able to adopt an accepting attitude toward the fact that she couldn't walk away from the classes until she was able to convince her parents to withdraw her from the school. For once, the notion that she had no other choice caused a level of peace of mind.
Elsa arrived much earlier to class and, although some of her classmates were already there at the time, Adie, Tonks, and Adam were nowhere to be seen. Only a few minutes before the lecture started that the trio walked into the classroom and, relieved to see the princess, walked straight toward her.
Ignoring, for the first time, the girl's desire not to be touched, Tonks wrapped her arms around her waist in a tight hug that lasted a few tense seconds in which Elsa had been too surprised to return. Then, flushing a little for her impulsive hug, the pink-haired girl apologized profusely for her laughter on the previous day, explaining that she had found amusing Elsa's desire to please her parents while so far away from them, but wouldn't dream of thinking less of her for it.
Once that was explained, the three friends began questioning Elsa about her whereabouts on the previous day. While the princess felt overwhelmed and guilty about the concern they had felt, torn between her desire to explain and unwillingness to tell them about her magic, she was also having trouble finding the words in English that clarified what happened but still kept her powers a secret. After a few seconds, the silence started making the others even more anxious.
Luckily, Professor Scamander interrupted them by starting his class and, afterward, the three children came to a silent agreement of not inquiring any more so they didn't disturb Elsa further. While unsure about how her new friends could have been so understanding, the princess gladly accepted their generosity and promised herself to trust their good intentions in the future.
Thus, instead of questioning Elsa, the trio spent the break between the two first classes of the day telling the princess what happened after she ran. They explained how they had noticed that Elsa had been absent from lunch, McGonagall's first lesson, and supper. It was Tonks who told her how terrified they had been when she had also failed to return to their dorm before curfew and was nowhere to be found when they had woken up the following morning.
They had been feeling so bad that Tonks sought Professor McGonagall, who happened to be the girl's godmother, to ask for help. It was only then that they discovered that Elsa had been found on the previous night. However, the teacher had explained, she had been taken to the Hospital Wing since, although well enough to sleep on her own bed, the staff didn't want to disturb the other students after a long first day by sending her to the dorm so late.
The knowledge of what happened made Elsa even more conscious of the trio's kindness toward her. Once again, she vowed not to doubt their intentions in the future and promised herself to trust their friendship.
As time went by, Elsa found herself growing more and more comfortable around her Adam, Tonks, and Adie. Indeed, the princess soon discovered that, while it was difficult to keep her classmates from finding out about her powers, having friends around meant she had backup as well as mental, emotional, and physical protection. Whenever Elsa was tired or wanted to be left alone, the other three shielded her or covered her absence; if she had trouble with homework, they offered to help her before she exhausted herself trying to ask them.
Although Elsa was growing to enjoy the company of Adie and Tonks, Adam was the only person at school who she was capable of feeling completely at ease around. Despite his bright personality and energetic approach in life, his awkwardness and overall silliness betrayed how shy he was. Much like the princess had been close to Anna despite the different personalities and tastes, Adam and his twin brother Elliott were each other's confidants and playmates even though the latter was a muggle and much more of an athletic type. 
It was not only in his relationship with his brother, however, that Adam's life mirrored Elsa's. Since he had also been born as a muggle, the boy had the experience of childhood when he was the odd one out for reasons nobody could explain. Although the princess' powers had left no room for her parents to deny the existence of magic, the fact that the girl was the only human they knew who could perform it set her apart from other people.
The two muggle-born in the group also shared an astonishment toward every new experience in the magical world. Although Adam was much more receptive to witchcraft than Elsa, he was the one who came closest to understanding her reluctance since he knew how magic hadn't been natural in the world they had been born into. In addition to that, the boy understood and shared the princess' preference for certain muggle objects, such as pens and paper notebooks, as well as her long for electronic devices such as telephones. 
Adam also reminded Elsa a lot of Anna; they both had joyful and curious nature that often kept them in trouble. Much like her sister, her friend loved books and was artistic-inclined in a non-intellectual manner. They were addicted, actually, to the feelings that works of art and literature caused in them. The similarities often triggered her protective nature, putting Elsa in a position to shield him from the consequences of his clumsy and restless curiosity. 
On the other hand, Tonks, whose first name Elsa discovered to be Nymphadora, seemed to be a rule-breaker by nature. Unlike Adam and Elsa, she enjoyed being in the center of attention in order to have fun and make people laugh, which she considered being the right reasons. Although some of the more lenient teachers seemed to find her amusing and refrain from punishing her as long as she kept her pranks safe and outside the classroom, the other members of the staff—in special Filch, the caretaker, and Professors Snape and McGonagall—took turns filling the girl's nights with detentions.
Tonks, however, was the perfect balance between easy-going and hardworking, a restless trouble-maker who was also a talented student. Her grades were only matched by Harold MacDougal from Ravenclaw and Emily Stewart from Slytherin. Despite her abilities and close relationship with Professor McGonagall, the girl's best and favorite subject was Defense Against the Dark Arts, which she considered fundamental to fulfill her dream of becoming an Auror.
The desire to join the task force that combated dark wizards came from the connection Tonks' had with the Blacks, a family composed of witches and wizards who were very enthusiastic about the use of dark magic. Knowing that close relatives, such as her mother's sister Bellatrix, were responsible for killing hundreds of innocents created in the pink-haired girl a longing for giving back to society, to right the wrongs of the Blacks.
Not that Tonks had any contact with that side of her family since it was composed of blood-purists who despised muggles and hated muggle-borns. After her mother had married the muggle-born Edward Tonks, she had been disowned, which made Elsa think of her friend as something close to a disowned nobility. The Blacks were, after all, one of the oldest, richest, and most traditional families in the British wizarding world; they were as respected as nobles would be in Arendelle.
For that reason, Elsa felt nearly no guilt about hiding her royal status from Tonks. Since the metamorphmagus took pride in not being a Black, the princess was worried that her friend would see her in a different manner if she ever told her. Luckily, between classes, pranks, and detention, Tonks had little time to pay attention to whatever Elsa was trying to hide. 
When accompanied by Adie, she became a force no one was ever able to contain. While Tonks was an enthusiastic rule-breaker but capable of behaving enough in an important lecture even if only to be able to pass the exams, the blonde girl was talkative, restless, and absent-minded to the point of being unable to stand still in her chair for too long and, much to the teachers' annoyance, would often disrupt the classes by tapping her feet or her hands while mumbling a song to herself. 
The dreadful Potion Master, Professor Snape, was particularly impatient, which meant Adie wouldn't go through one single class without losing a handful of points for Hufflepuff or a week without getting at least a one-night detention. However, regardless of how many points she lost for their house, nobody could stay mad at Adie for too long. Joyful and full of energy, she would bring a smile from even the most sullen person. Her likable personality made her popular among her peers and even older students, some of which going through great lengths to protect her—and sometimes Tonks, since they were often paired in their mischief—from the staff's wraith.
Although Adie had, like Tonks, a pureblood and a muggle-born as parents, her upbringing had been much different. First, the blonde girl had never attended a muggle school; instead, as it was more common in the wizarding world, her parents took turns teaching her siblings and her their letters and everything that would come in handy once they started attending Hogwarts. 
In addition to that, no one in Adie's family thought much of marrying a muggle or a muggle-born and, as a consequence, she was close to all of her grandparents, uncle, aunt, and first cousins. Unlike the Tonk's pure-blood relatives, the Greens were not in the list of the so-called sacred twenty-eight due to the intermarriages and the birth of several half-bloods such as Adie.
However, much like Tonks struggled to keep it from her classmates and teachers at her muggle school, Adie suffered from having to hide it from her muggle cousins and more distant relatives. Therefore, although she hadn't told them about the accident with Anna—or the nature of her magic—,  Elsa was glad and relieved to know that there were people who had gone through problems similar to her own. Their slips were far from as extreme as the princess', but they still found themselves in trouble sometimes.
Having that in common, the relationship between the four friends grew tighter. Even though Elsa wasn't comfortable about revealing her powers and her status as a noble to them—and they seemed to know that she was hiding something—, she hadn't felt this close or comfortable around anyone besides her sister and parents.
Much to the girl's astonishment, the barrier caused by language and cultural differences didn't get in the way of their friendship. Noticing that Elsa was afraid that her customs would scare away her friends, Adie and Tonks had explained that they had been prepared by their open-minded parents to meet people who had been raised as muggles and had no previous knowledge of magic, thus coming from a completely different background from theirs. To them, some of Elsa's behaviors were as weird as Adam's.
When the three girls turned to the boy as if asking if the princess' habits bothered her, he only shrugged and responded that he found them as funny and strange as other wizards'. Adam, as well, had gone to the school with an open-minded mindset, aware that he would find himself in a world he wasn't used to. In many senses, Elsa was much more normal than Adie and Tonks; although he admitted that he found her behaviors a bit odd sometimes.
Elsa, on the other hand, was having some trouble adapting to some of the roughest differences between lives in Arendelle and in Hogwarts. While the language had been the strongest of the barriers in her first month as it made communicating with others quite a challenge, as she grew used to the usage of words and sentences, other issues became more prominent.
First, the lack of electricity and overall technology was disconcerting. In the muggle world, the electronics were changing the daily life of the people in Arendelle more and more. Her father had told her about the giant computers he had seen when he visited a university a few years before, and there was no question that the television and telephones were protagonists in the lives of most of the Arendellians. Elsa wasn't herself much into technology, preferring her books as entertainment, but she missed reading under a light bulb—much more powerful than the candlelight that was in vogue in the wizarding world.
She had never truly grown used to quills and parchments. Although her teachers measured the size of the essays they requested, which left her with no other choice but to use them on such occasions, the princess still preferred using the regular fountain pen and paper to take notes and write letters. While Tonks and Adie found great amusement in her resistance, Adam followed her lead by sending a letter to his parents in a request for more notebooks and a few ballpoint pens. 
Another point of great struggle for Elsa was the food. Arendellians had a diverse culinary based, in particular, on fish, lamb, and bread. While they had some heavy dishes, the princess had never been quite fond of them, having preferred light meals composed of salads, soup, fish, chicken, and bread. Her only indulgence was chocolate, which was the most important ingredient to her favorite desserts. 
In Hogwarts, however, the diet was quite heavy. Vegetables were only ingredients to meat dishes, bread was present during the breakfast or in meat sandwiches, and she hadn't seen soup being served in the Great Hall. Watching Elsa struggling with food and with the crowds during mealtime, Tonks shared with her a secret her father had passed on from his times at Hogwarts: the way to the kitchens.  From then on, the princess started taking all of her meals in the company of charming little creatures that were called house-elves. 
Contrary to most of the humans, they seemed to have a sixth sense to know exactly what she wished for and were eager to comply. So, noticing she needed a quiet place to eat, they settled a table on the corner and let her enjoy her food on her own, going as far as preparing the sort of meal she would have eaten at home. 
Elsa grew to love her time in the kitchens, but, even though the house-elves were respectful towards her desire to be left alone, they were still close-by. Therefore, as good as that hiding place was, it didn't provide her solace at the times she truly needed to be alone; which usually happened after she had spell-casting classes and was in great need to release her powers.
Since Professor McGonagall's words had been imprinted in her brain, Elsa made sure not to miss other classes. That meant that, whenever she had practical lectures, she was forced to spend a great length of time in empty places to release the magic that overflowed from her fingers whenever she held her wand. Soon enough, the girl grew to know by heart the exact classrooms where she could hide and, although they didn't understand why, her friends learned to respect her desire to be alone.
While Elsa found her physical refuges in empty classrooms and the kitchens, her mind met its solace in books. There was a beauty in the form of the tomes found in the Hogwarts library. Unlike muggles, who seemed to have lost most of the art of publishing when it became an industry, wizards were true masters, crafting some of the most beautiful volumes the princess had ever encountered. 
Elsa wasn't as enthusiastic about the content in the books as she was about the art if them, however. Even as she navigated through her favorite topics in magic, Elsa noticed that there was nothing in them that enticed her as much as a mathematical equation or a geometric diagram. Astronomy itself was a great disappointment as it covered only the name and position of celestial bodies, not much was said about their origin or composition, the subject also ignored all the physics, mathematics, and chemistry that involved the studies in the muggle world. 
Such was the princess' disappointment that she sent Tyr, the Northern Hawk Owl her parents had got her when they found out about the wizarding way of exchanging letters, to Arendelle with a request for books on math and astronomy. Two weeks later, she received her old copies of “The Man Who Counted” and “Ingenuity in mathematics” as well as the newly-published “Search of Schrödinger's Cat”. The books helped her feel closer to home and quieted her mind whenever the constant presence of people and the pressure of keeping her magic at bay for countless hours were too much.
Neither Tonks nor Adam, who had studied math before arriving at Hogwarts, could understand the girl's enthusiasm about it. The girl, however, noticed that the objective nature of the subject kept her mind simultaneously focused and at ease. In magic, there was often a level of uncertainty that she usually didn't find in her math problems—although the science was far less objective than people often thought it was.
Still in the early phases of their education, however, the Hogwarts first-years were much more interested in subjects such as Charms and Transfiguration, that were promising to involve some heavy wand work. Another favorite of most of them was Flying, a class they had started on their second week at Hogwarts and which they took with the Ravenclaw students. 
While broom flight was news to the muggle-borns, most of the students who had been raised by wizards were used to flying. Every one of them was excited for their first class, though, since first-years couldn't bring their own brooms to school and had to fight each other for the school's since there weren't enough to cover the number of students who didn't have their own. The class was an opportunity for all who were passionate about flying to have a go, even if the Hogwarts' brooms were far from efficient.
Funnily enough, despite how much time people who were born in families of wizards claimed to have spent flying, the only ones who hadn't needed any sort of prompt from their professor, Madam Hooch, were Adam and a Ravenclaw muggle-born called Lauren Thompson. The art of moving on a broom came as an instinct to both of them, much to the astonishment of their classmates who had been flying for the past ten years.
Elsa, as well, found herself at home in the air. Perhaps in a manifestation of her magic, the wind responded well to the happiness and freedom she felt on a broom, playing with her. Although she wasn't as skilled as Adam, the princess was fond of the Flying classes since they involved a very individual activity and most of the students were too focused on performing the movements Madam Hooch taught them to pay much attention to her.
Another one of Elsa's favorites was Potions, which was the exact opposite to how most of her classmates felt about the class. In fact, despite being one of the most practical subjects in their curriculum, Potions became one of the least favorite subjects due to the professor's methods and overall behavior towards his students. Severus Snape was the youngest member of the staff, having graduated only six years previous, but his short-tempered and resentful attitude made his classes a very particular torture to most of the Hogwarts students.
Far from discouraged by the terrible atmosphere caused by the professor's bad attitude, Elsa committed herself to pass unnoticed in the classroom by staying quiet on a corner and studying enough on her own to be able to perform well in class without the interference of the teacher. That plan, however, was deemed to fail since the man was quite pleased at her independent behavior; being the top Potions student in Hufflepuff drew his attention in a positive matter. She was, therefore, the only one to ever receive points from Snape or get Outstanding results from her homework, which he often praised for her methodical and straightforward approach.
It was a striking contrast from what he thought of Tonks and Adie, who had earned a large collection of detentions from him for the most diverse—and sometimes creative—reasons. Adam, on the other hand, was convinced that the teacher was a vampire and tried to stay on his good graces. Whenever someone tried to dissuade him from this idea, he only stated that if Dumbledore could allow a ghost to teach, he could very much hire a vampire. "Don't say I didn't warn you when he turns you into one of them!" 
Another class Elsa was growing to enjoy was Herbology. While the subject interested her only to a certain point, Professor Sprout never failed to make her feel safe and at home. On the second day of classes, she had sat with Elsa after her lessons to discuss the girl's anxiety towards her magical abilities. She had agreed with Professor McGonagall that her irrational fears were something the staff was ready and eager to help her with, but was much gentler and patient in her approach.
Professor Sprout kept that kind attitude in every contact with all of the students. She seemed to be the embodiment of what it meant to be a Hufflepuff, valuing the work of each one of her pupils and taking the time necessary to make sure every one of them understood her lessons. It was a refreshing attitude compared to the overwhelming strictness from Snape and the no-nonsensical approach from McGonagall.
After the first day of class, Professor Sprout was careful not to ask from Elsa more than she could handle. While she often encouraged each of the students to get their hands dirty—which she considered being a sign of good work done—, she allowed the princess to divide and conquer with Tonks, who was her pair in the class, knowing that she was scared of hurting the plants. Therefore, the Metamorphomagus usually tended to them while Elsa took notes and filled the exercises. 
To keep track of the girl's issues with magic, Professor Sprout arranged to meet Elsa at least once each two weeks to discuss it. Although she was wary about them at first, the princess had grown to enjoy them after a while since the teacher never went too far with her request and because the meetings usually involved some tea and chocolate. 
Later on, she found out that the Head of Hufflepuff often arranged meetings with first-year muggle-borns to make sure they were adapting well to life in Hogwarts. The professor also had regular meetings with trouble-makers from her house in an attempt to win them over, the Hufflepuff quidditch players to make sure they are taking their studies seriously, and all the students who showed a special affinity to the subject she taught. 
As much as she dreaded admitting it, however, Elsa knew that Professor McGonagall's approach had also been, in a way, effective. Like Snape, the Transfiguration teacher was straight-forward and admitted no non-senses in her classroom. While she pushed each of her students to do the best they could, she was kind and attentive to the ones who had trouble in her class by spending more time with them and repeating herself as many times as they needed her to. 
Professor McGonagall praised Elsa's theoretical work despite her failure in the practice of magic and, knowing of the princess' preference towards mathematics, tried to make her subject more approachable by lending her books that approached Transfiguration through a way that much resembled the geometry she had studied at home. 
She also offered Elsa the opportunity to discuss her trouble with magic by asking her to stay after class and, when the princess accidentally slipped how holding her wand often made her magic overflow, the teacher allowed her to free it in her classroom in the evening. Since the place would be empty, it was no trouble at all, as long as she didn't miss the curfew. 
It was helpful not only because it was a way for Elsa to release her magic in a rather safe environment without having to search for an empty classroom, but also because it made her trust McGonagall and realize that the teacher also trusted her. Even on the rare occasions when her magic damaged something, the teacher only brushed it off and fixed it right away.
McGonagall wasn't Elsa's only surprise. The girl was astonished when she found out that, although Professor Flitwick had never gone as far as scheduling biweekly meetings, the Charms Master was as kind and attentive as Professor Sprout. Much like the Transfiguration teacher, he didn't mind taking the time explaining and helping the students who had issues completing the exercises. When a student showed particular trouble with a spell, he asked them to remain after class to try finding the problem.
Like Professor McGonagall had stated during their conversation in the Hospital Wing, Professor Flitwick was very enthusiastic about working on Elsa's magic with her. Therefore, although self-conscious, she knew by then that the person to seek when all her resources dwindled was Professor Flitwick. The man was clearly a theorist, but his class had a strong practical approach that left no doubt that he valued the process of learning about magic by actually practicing it. In addition to that, she didn't truly want to discuss her magic with other people, preferring to learn it on her own. 
However, despite the fact how taken aback the princess was by Professor Flitwick's teaching method and scared that he would force her to talk about her magic if she was the first one to approach him with the problem, the only other option she could think of was looking aimlessly through the thousands and thousands of volumes at the library. So, gathering the courage to act despite her concerns, the girl approached the teacher's table after one class in her second week at the school to ask for guidance. 
It had been a difficult theoretical class entailing the basics of wand-usage: the right way to hold and keep it, some cleaning methods, and elementary wand-safety. They had to hold their wands and practice each of the exercises proposed by the professor. Although it had awoken her magic, it was much easier than whenever she was forced to practice a spell, which meant the princess was exhausted by the end of the class, but had some presence of mind to handle a conversation. 
Having asked her friends not to wait for her, the girl remained sitting by her desk until the classroom was empty. Then, with shaking hands and a deep frown, she headed to the front of the classroom, from where Flitwick was watching her with curiosity. She hadn't failed to notice that, despite the fact that he had only broached the subject a few times and just briefly, the teacher had been watching her throughout his lectures.
“Professor, hi— huh— I was wondering— I wanted to know if— may I ask you something about— an extra topic?” Her cheeks flushed in a deep shade of red and she refused to meet the teacher's eyes, but Elsa was glad to hear her own speech, more solid and clear than it had been in her first weeks in the castle. 
“Miss Kyrre,” the professor's voice, as well as the pause between her request and his response, betrayed his surprise. He recovered fast, however, and his delightment was evident in his next words,  “yes, yes, of course! What would you like to know?”
“Well, it is— on the subject of magic without a wand,” the princess swallowed hard. Would he ask her about her magic? Would he consider that an invitation to talk about the incident in the classroom or, worse, the accident with Anna? It was too late to back down, but she chose her next words carefully:  “I mean— I have noticed some magical humans use wands for spells, while other people— like Tonks or—” she shook her head, deciding against mentioning herself, “well, some people don't need it.”
As he was making sure she had finished her question, it took a few seconds before the professor started speaking. “Well, Miss Kyrre, I'm afraid wandless magic is a rather broad subject. There are those born with particular skills and certain spells that require no wand, but, albeit difficult to the average witch and wizard, wandless spells are a form of magic everyone can achieve and control. It is, indeed, taught in the seventh year Hogwarts if you choose to continue your studies in Charms or Defense Against the Dark Arts. Can you, perhaps, specify your question further?”
Elsa hadn't expected that, for sure. After seeing the affinity most people felt toward their wands, she had thought wandless magic was a rare occurrence—at least among the humans. “I— didn't realize all could do spells without a wand,” the girl finally looked up at the teacher, meeting his curious and delighted glance. “Professor Dumbledore told me—” she shook her head, still unwilling to talk about her magic. “I would like to know about people who were born with this— talent.”
Although she flushed throughout the exchange and was incapable of maintaining eye contact, the princess didn't find it difficult to keep her head up. The professor was smiling with interest, but, in a gesture of kindness, hadn't pressed the matter of her powers, “I see. Well, there are hundreds— perhaps even thousands of such talents, not all of them registered or understood. Miss Tonks' gift, for example, is rare— in a once in a generation level, perhaps— but has been widely studied. Parseltongue— that is, the ability to speak with snakes, is much rarer and hasn't been broadly researched due to prejudices, I'm afraid.”
The examples given by the professor enticed Elsa's curiosity, making her eyes grow wide and her mouth open slightly, although no sound came from it. For that reason, when Flitwick finished his answer and made a pause—perhaps in a silent request for her to elaborate her question deeper—, Elsa only looked wishful at him as if begging for him to continue talking. 
The professor must have understood the reason behind her lack of response since he giggled softly, stood up, and walked toward one of the shelves behind his desk. It only took a few seconds to locate the exact book he was looking for: a thin tome. “Here you go. The title is mouthful, I know, but the language is quite simple and straight-forward. It doesn't require much previous knowledge of magic, so I think you will have no trouble reading it.” 
Then, still grinning, the professor handed the book to Elsa, who studied it with an ever-growing curiosity. The golden inscription on its green cover said: “The Guide for the Most Common Magical Gifts in the Hogwarts' Archives, by Archibald Williams”. Yes, it was a mouthful for such a small volume, but that didn't discourage her at all. 
Smiling back and holding the book against her chest, Elsa thanked the professor and headed out of the room and to the kitchens, where she was planning to get some reading done during lunchtime. Eating, however, became a secondary concern once the princess started the book. Not only it had a rather easy vocabulary—similar to her school books'—, it also had some intriguing information that kept the girl's attention so fixed that the elves had to call her so she didn't lose the time for her next class.
In the following few days, Elsa learned the very basics about the six most common types of wandless magical gifts appearing in the Hogwarts archives from the Middle Ages to the year of 1949, when the book's author had deemed his research completed. Those were ink magic, precognitive sight, elemental, alluring, mind control, and shape-shifting.
Atramagi, the most common type of magicians gifted with wandless magic, were the ones capable of canalizing magic through ink by drawing figures or writing a text. While impractical in many situations, such abilities were useful to break curses and spells when the caster had enough time in their hands. They had also proved to have some interesting effects when brewing certain potions. Although there were those who were born with such a gift and had no trouble drawing magic even from regular writing, ink magic was taught to all the students who decided to take a class called Ancient Runes. 
The precognitive sight was also rather common, appearing more than once each generation in various degrees of power. Although it was a genetic trait that would usually appear just in the oldest magical families, there were cases of muggle-born witches and wizards possessing such a gift. There was an elective class in Hogwarts called Divination, that focused on teaching about that field. Archibald Williams was, however, skeptical about the possibility of learning such skill.
Alluring and other forms of mind control were, as well, not uncommon talents. However, wizards and witches who possessed it were quite scarce in Hogwarts' records due to the high death rate of such magicians. Parents usually preferred to keep the few children who survived to become adolescents safe at home to avoid the overall prejudice they suffered from the wizarding community.
On the other hand, while unbelievably rare, Metamorphmagi appeared at least once every two or three generations of students at Hogwarts' archives since the parents of such magical children were eager to have them learn how to control their magic. Although the author hadn't investigated it, he believed that most of the British Metamorphs had been enrolled in the school since teachers had usually more success helping these students to train the skill than their families.
Then, finally, the closest type of wandless magic to Elsa's was the one related to the elements. While there were not as many as Atramagi and Seers, Elementals were also quite common, figuring in the Hogwarts' records at least once every thirty or forty years. However, while some had more affinity to one element or two, all of the cases registered in Hogwarts' records were of those capable of controlling each and every one of them. 
Since her powers were related to cool weather, Elsa had an obvious kinship with the elements of water and air. However, she was only capable of cooling it to create snow and ice, being unable to transform it into liquid or gas. That, and the fact that she had no affinity with fire or earth, meant her powers weren't quite related to the elements as much as they were to the weather.
Since her magic had no relation to the ones that figured in the book, Elsa hadn't a path in mind when she returned the book to Professor Flitwick. He, however, was ready for her lack of ideas on how to proceed and lent her two new volumes after listening to her new interest: one regarding the role of Elementals in druidic magic by one Talon Scott and the other a published copy of the diary of a young Metamorph called Trinity Kane.
It was a clear attempt to figure out where her interests were lying without having to push a subject she didn't want to talk about. His knowing smile left no room for her to doubt that he was aware that her interests weren't purely academic, but he was willing to play the silence game with her. Although Elsa was concerned that he would grow tired of trying to figure out her wishes, she was relieved that he was trying to respect her boundaries for now.
As Elsa started her new readings, the reason behind Professor Flitwick's choices became clearer to her.  While the thick diary was a rather light reading since the author was only a few years older than herself, the much thinner book about the fundamentals of druidic proved to be harder due to the academic usage of the language by the author. Although Elsa was growing more and more confident about her proficiency in English, she was far from that level of understanding.
It didn't help that the author advocated in favor of a necessary connection between religion and witchcraft, an idea that the princess felt skeptical about. Although she was raised Christian and considered herself too ignorant to be able to deny the existence of a God, the knowledge taught in Hogwarts seemed to have no roots in religious practices, which made the book's argument quite unconvincing. Suspicious, Elsa had trouble focusing enough to fully understand the content.
Ultimately, the princess gave up, realizing she didn't care enough about the knowledge in the book to sacrifice the precious time she had to work on her research reading it. After all, she was reaching a breaking point as the classes were growing harder and the long periods in the company of others were becoming extremely stressful despite the time she spent alone in empty classrooms. Finally, Elsa realized that it was ridiculous to add a book full of what she considered to be nonsense to the equation.
Far from upset, Professor Flitwick was amused and refused to receive the book from her. “You don't understand why I lent you this one, do you?” The man asked with a tiny smile on his lips that only grew when the princess shook her head in response. “I figured— well, perhaps this will clarify it,” he drew his wand and pointed to one of the piles of books on a shelf behind his desk, muttering an incantation that sent the one on top flying straight on Elsa's hand: “Magic and Intent: A Theory, by Miranda Goshawk”.
“Oh!” The sight of Miranda Goshawk's name caused a relieved smile on the princess' lips; it was quite familiar to every Hogwarts student since that was the author of their Charms' textbooks. “Intent— Kane said that the details were more perfect when she shifted into a professor to sneak herself out of the school than when her feelings caused her to morph. She said— it was her attention to the details. Could it be— intent?”
Flitwick considered the question, “it's a theory we cannot discard. Intent is not everything, mind you, but you will realize in this class that it is important. In this work, Goshawk argued that intent is as important as visualization and proposes a few exercises to prove it. It is not a big revelation in the field, but I find the way she explains it and the activities she offers elucidating.”
Elsa had to think about the man's words before she realized she didn't know where he was going. How could a theory about intent help her understand the type of magic that people are born with, the kind that came naturally, instinctively? Yet, she could see how this could explain the importance of the book about druidic magic since religion is raw intention sometimes. Therefore, she took Goshawk's and Scott's books with her without further protest.
The following weeks, however, proved to be so eventful that there was little time for Elsa to work on her extra readings. Professor Flitwick started teaching the levitation spell Wingardium Leviosa, which presented a new level of challenge to Elsa. More stressed than she could remember ever being, the princess had to wear two layers of gloves on each hand to avoid freezing her wand and was required to spend hours alone in an empty classroom releasing her magic. 
McGonagall, on the other hand, asked them to perform as homework a series of complex exercises applying the transfiguration formula to transform a match into a needle. The activities weren't nerve-wracking to Elsa since they were theoretical, but they still demanded a long time to be completed and required the princess' full attention.
Another theoretical work that kept Elsa and her classmates occupied for a long time was Astronomy's. Satisfied with the students' progress with the basics of sky observation, Professor Sinistra asked them to draw a map of the sky through the course of the week. All of them were required to visit the Tower every night before the curfew to get a picture of what they should be drawing.
Finally, Professor Snape asked them to write a long essay listing the twelve uses of dragon blood in potions. Since the book only covered the basics—not nearly enough to fill the pages the professor requested—, the students were required to look for extra sources at the library under the severe gaze of Madam Pince, the librarian.
The work was so intensive and Elsa's level of stress was so high that there were a few times when the princess had almost lost control over her power in the presence of her friends. Luckily, the weather was becoming colder at the proximity of winter and the trio didn't think much of the sudden drops of temperature.
Before the princess realized it, Hallowe'en had arrived and, with it, a new set of problems.
0 notes
proxylynn · 7 years
Dreemurr Academy #4 (UnderFell Papyrus)
Dreemurr Academy, a prestigious closed-off college for monsters and humans alike of all ages and worlds.
This includes myself, though I'm sort of a in-between.
I'm Lynsie, the human anomaly. I'm a human, but I can do magic like monsters. I'm an oddball.
That's the thing about making a school that is open to multiple alternate dimensions. Weird things are bound to show up. Even a bunch of the same person. From what I saw on orientation day, the same faces are scattered around all around.
To fix these type of issues, everyone that has a multiple or doppelganger is given a school name so there's no confusion.
Other than that, it's fairly normal. The hierarchy is the simple.
The Deans are made up of the same people, skeleton monsters that go by the name of Gaster. One is a teacher of the Sciences, goes by Wingding. He's a kind and understanding man, but is known to pull a prank or two. They all speak in a typeface sign language but use telepathy magic so others understand. It's been said no one has ever heard their real voices and those that have are no longer at the academy.
Another Gaster dean teaches Home Economics, he goes by Wingy. He's a bubbly sweet guy that loves his work. Nothing makes him smile more than seeing the joy on a student's face when they take pride in being able to do something they first thought they couldn't.
Another Gaster dean teaches the studies of Magic, he is called Fall. At times, he can be cynical, malicious, and sarcastic. He has a commanding presence that exuded gravitas, authority and control, able to keep a class quiet without effort. Yet there is a kindness to him, it's rarely seen, but not unheard of.
Another Gaster dean teaches History, his nickname is Dings. A cold, bitter, and sometimes childish man. He tends to hold grudges against troublesome students and is extremely spiteful toward those whom he dislikes. Yet those that can take his punishments are rewarded with his respect. He is a teacher that commands respect and who's grades are earned with doom hanging over your head.
The Professors are also skeleton monsters, but not all are the same person. The Psychology professor is a guy named Papyrus but goes by Stretch. He's the favorite among students because he's so laid back. He chews a tooth pick in class to suppress his urge to smoke, but we all know he does so when on break. He's really good at reading students and helps out when able. All in all, he's the cool teacher.
The Literature professor is a Papyrus that is called Fell. He is the one teacher everyone dreads. Very strict and old fashioned. He does not tolerate interruptions and will humiliate those he feel need to be taken down a notch. Such things take there toll on him and often squeezes a stress ball that he keeps in his desk. But he is a very passionate man when it comes to his work and takes his subject seriously, even though this makes him into a bit of a grammar nazi which is why many students get low grades.
The Biology professor is a skeleton called Sans that sometimes goes by Classic, whatever that means. He is very cheesy and comes off as lazy, making puns that have people cringe yet secretly love them. He is very protective of his students and will go out of his way to help them. He does not tolerate bulling of any kind and can be quite scary. He's the second favorite among the students.
The Physical Education professor is also a Sans that goes by Pain. He is also a stern and old school type of teacher, only he tends to be more cruel in humiliation of students that are unprepared. While his scope is all around, he prefers the darker side of the study. Using borderline violence to weed out the weak that think taking his class is a easy A. There is mercy in his dojo, but it must be earned with blood, sweat, and tears.
The Students are broken into four groups based on which part of the four years they are currently in. The first years are called freshmen. Second years are sophomores. Third years are juniors. And fourth years are seniors. There are some variations on this topic, but this hierarchy of college students is still readily recognizable by everyone.
Me? This isn't my first rodeo but not my last. I'm a sophomore and have gotten the gist of who's who and what's what. I get along with students and teachers. I've always been a middle ground type of girl.
I didn't come looking for friends, but they just seemed to find me. Funny enough, my buddies are the brothers of the professors. Stretch's brother is a freshman, his name is Sans but goes by Rascal. Fell's brother, also a Sans, is a sophomore like me and goes by Edgy. Classic's brother is a Papyrus, a freshman that goes by Papy. And Pain's brother is a sophomore Papyrus by the name of Slim.
I've always been a tomboy. I prefer the guys company. They're different and fun, even if they can be a bit odd sometimes.
Rascal, as the nickname implies, is the school clown/prankster. He likes to test his limits and challenge authority, even dishevels his uniform to assert his individuality. He comes off as a slacker, but secretly very deep, clever, and loyal to a fault. He likes taking his brother's class so he can improve his skills with messing with people, mostly his brother as he disrupts his teachings when he sees a chance.
Edgy is shy around new people and slow to open up, enjoying a laugh with friends when able. Though he appears weak or even nerdy because of his glasses, he is far more tougher than he leads on. He doesn't take crap from anyone. When alone, he's angsty and borders on straight up angry. Getting a pissy attitude when annoyed. Like his brother, he is very passionate about literature and does his best to impress his brother, going so far as to become the teacher's pet.
Papy is easily the most loveable guy in the whole school. Very cheerful and optimistic, he tries his best no matter what. He doesn't like conflict and tries to keep his brother out of trouble when the teacher pulls a prank. I find it sweet of him to take his brother's class even though he doesn't particularly enjoy it, just so he can stay close to him. Like I said, this guy is a loveable soul.
Slim is easy going. He doesn't take things too seriously and never breaks a sweat over hard exams. The only thing that breaks his cool is his smoking, he really gets tense if he goes too long without his fix. He's incredibly smart and instinctual, good traits to have when dealing with his brother. While he does attend his brother's class, he merely does so as a request of his brother who likes to make sure he doesn't slack off due to not being challenged enough.
All of them are oddly related to each other in some form. Gaster's, Papyrus's, and Sans's are brothers. Yet I see them all as different people. I value them. They're helping me even if they don't know it. I am not so confident in myself. I tend to isolate myself, go at things lone wolf style. It's how I've always been. Then I met them and slowly my world began to expand bit by bit. I'm still not comfortable with others. But with them, I can step out from behind my mask for a bit, and really be myself around them.
Today is a typical day. Professor Fell has been lecturing us on the true meaning of the works of William Shakespeare for the last hour or so. Honestly I find his take on things to be very insightful, sometimes. Other times it seems he lets his own views on the matter bleed into his teachings, which is quite compromising.
"but that isn't the point."
All eyes go to Edgy.
"while romeo and juliet is sometimes considered to have no unifying theme, save that of young love. romeo and juliet have become emblematic of young lovers and doomed love. since it is such an obvious subject of the play, several scholars have explored the language and historical context behind the romance of the play. on their first meeting, romeo and juliet use a form of communication recommended by many etiquette authors in shakespeare's day: metaphor. by using metaphors of saints and sins, romeo was able to test juliet's feelings for him in a non-threatening way. this method was recommended by baldassare castiglione, whose works had been translated into english by this time. he pointed out that if a man used a metaphor as an invitation, the woman could pretend she did not understand him, and he could retreat without losing honor."
Time to throw my metaphorical hat into this ring.
"Not to mention Juliet, however, participates in the metaphor and expands on it. The religious metaphors of 'shrine', 'pilgrim', and 'saint' were fashionable in the poetry of the time and more likely to be understood as romantic rather than blasphemous, as the concept of sainthood was associated with the Catholicism of an earlier age. Later in the play, Shakespeare removes the more daring allusions to Christ's resurrection in the tomb he found in his source work: Brooke's Romeus and Juliet."
"GO ON."
"In the later balcony scene, Shakespeare has Romeo overhear Juliet's soliloquy, but in Brooke's version of the story, her declaration is done alone. By bringing Romeo into the scene to eavesdrop, Shakespeare breaks from the normal sequence of courtship. Usually, a woman was required to be modest and shy to make sure that her suitor was sincere, but breaking this rule serves to speed along the plot. The lovers are able to skip courting and move on to plain talk about their relationship...agreeing to be married after knowing each other for only one night. In the final suicide scene, there is a contradiction in the message...in the Catholic religion, suicides were often thought to be condemned to hell, whereas people who die to be with their loves under the 'Religion of Love' are joined with their loves in paradise. Romeo and Juliet's love seems to be expressing the 'Religion of Love' view rather than the Catholic view. Another point is that although their love is passionate, it is only consummated in marriage, which keeps them from losing the audience's sympathy."
"true. the play arguably equates love and sex with death. throughout the story, both romeo and juliet, along with the other characters, fantasizes about it as a dark being, often equating it with a lover. capulet, for example, when he first discovers juliet's faked death, describes it as having deflowered his daughter. juliet later erotically compares romeo and death. right before her suicide, she grabs romeo's dagger, saying “o happy dagger! this is thy sheath. there rust, and let me die.”."
"To be blunt sir...It’s not the story of a young couple rebelling against their parents. It’s the story of Juliet falling victim to Romeo. It’s a tragedy because of what happens to Juliet, not because their relationship doesn’t work out. We’re supposed to hate Romeo. This idea was proposed by comedian Jay Black, a former English teacher who was explaining his theory to a student at Edinboro University after a show."
"romeo & juliet was written around 1595 though there’s some debate and first performed soon after. i mention the date here because it’s important to why we're supposed to hate romeo. there was rampant famine in england in the 1590s among the poor. most of the audience showing up to a performance of romeo & juliet was probably hungry. they pay what little money they have to see a play to forget their misery for a few hours. then out saunters romeo, a little rich boy, whining about love. besides love, what’s one of the first lines out of his mouth? he asks benvolio: “where shall we dine?” imagine a theater full of starving people hearing that delivered by some beautiful rich kid. he has so many options for where he’s going to get his next meal that he can’t even decide. they’d have thrown tomatoes if they weren’t so hungry."
"It’s semiotics. The same way a filmmaker now might show a villain being mean to an animal to signal to the audience that this is the bad guy, Shakespeare included this line to incite the feeling in the audience that they should hate this guy. Besides talking about food when we first meet him, Romeo is whining about love, but really he’s just mad that Rosaline won’t sleep with him. When he meets Juliet, he doesn’t fall instantly in love, he sees someone he thinks he can have sex with. He uses the fact that Juliet has fallen for him to manipulate her. Romeo is a dick."
"black tells this theory as one he came to on his own in studying the play, but admits it’s probably not a particularly unique take on the idea. in researching this, one can find no shortage of theories and alternate interpretations of the text. beyond black’s thoughts on romeo, one can develop some of their own about paris to further support the idea that romeo is a villain."
"Paris tends to be seen as the guy that Juliet is having forced upon her by her parents, but his conversation with Lord Capulet makes it clear that Capulet doesn’t want them to be married for at least two years, and that although he likes Paris, the young man still needs to win Juliet over. Capulet tells Paris in Act I Scene II: “But woo her, gentle Paris, get her heart, My will to her consent is but a part; An she agree, within her scope of choice Lies my consent and fair according voice.”. Paris isn’t being forced on anybody. He loves Juliet. She is Paris’ dying thought at the end of the play after Romeo kills him: “O, I am slain! If thou be merciful, Open the tomb, lay me with Juliet.”."
"another theory on the subject is about juliet’s virginity. it proposes that juliet’s reluctance to marry paris isn’t because she’s so in love with romeo, it’s that she can’t marry him because he’ll know she’s no longer a virgin. there isn’t much in the text to support this directly, but most of juliet’s reluctance is about the idea of marriage, and not about paris specifically. whether juliet realizes the consequence of letting romeo up on that balcony or not, it’s still true."
"So Romeo, in an attempt to get laid, ruins Juliet’s prospects of marrying Paris, kills her cousin, gets banished, and drives a 13-year-old girl to suicide. Romeo’s the asshole here. Juliet kills herself because her love, Romeo, who's been manipulating her this whole time, is dead. Romeo offs himself because he’s screwed and got no other choice that he wants to take. He’s already been banished, killed Tybalt, and now Paris. What do you think happens next if he walks out of that tomb? The dude is royally fucked. When he finds Juliet “dead”, that’s the last straw. His whole world’s been thrown into upheaval over this girl, and now she’s dead. Romeo, already a desperate man in a desperate situation, doesn’t see any other option than death. Such a bitch move."
"exactly! so why then, do we see it as story about two crazy kids in love? probably because that’s what people want to see. we’d rather see two kids kill themselves because they’re so in love and the world just doesn’t understand than watch a play where a sex-crazed maniac drives a 13-year-old girl to kill herself."
Fell is shocked but impressed.
We are confused.
This has me nervous.
"Um...With all due respect sir...I don't feel that to be necessary."
He and the rest of the class are taken back by this. Normally I follow a teacher's instructions without question. So me trying to get out of obeying is like a lightning strike on a cloudless day, very odd.
"B-but sir..."
Fuck, shit, damn it, crap! I have performance anxiety. I turn into to a mess when in front of others. But damn it all to hell, Fell's not giving me a choice. Well...I could run away, but that'll only mess my grades up. So I reluctantly follow Edgy down to stand with Fell and already I can feel the butterflies in my gut going crazy.
"yes professor."
"Yes sir."
I feel ill. I can't get my eyes off the floor and I'm fiddling with my hands nervously. A stark contrast to my normal demeanor. And it is very noticeable.
He claps his hands and a chill shoots up my spine as Edgy clears his throat.
"*ahem* but, soft! what light through yonder window breaks? it is the east, and juliet is the sun. arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, who is already sick and pale with grief, that thou her maid art far more fair than she: be not her maid, since she is envious; her vestal livery is but sick and green and none but fools do wear it; cast it off. it is my lady, o, it is my love! o, that she knew she were! she speaks yet she says nothing: what of that? her eye discourses; i will answer it. i am too bold, 'tis not to me she speaks: two of the fairest stars in all the heaven, having some business, do entreat her eyes to twinkle in their spheres till they return. what if her eyes were there, they in her head? the brightness of her cheek would shame those stars, as daylight doth a lamp; her eyes in heaven would through the airy region stream so bright that birds would sing and think it were not night. see, how she leans her cheek upon her hand! o, that i were a glove upon that hand, that i might touch that cheek!"
Shit! My turn.
"Ay me!"
That came out a bit louder than I wanted and people are noticing.
"she speaks: o, speak again, bright angel! for thou art as glorious to this night, being o'er my head as is a winged messenger of heaven unto the white-upturned wondering eyes of mortals that fall back to gaze on him when he bestrides the lazy-pacing clouds and sails upon the bosom of the air."
"O Romeo, Romeo! W-wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy f-father and refuse thy name; O-or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn m-my love, And I'll no longer be a C-capulet."
Oh dear god, no, a stutter?! The looks I'm getting. I want to go curl into a corner and die.
"uh...shall i hear more, or shall i speak at this?"
That is both a line and a real question, but Fell lets it continue.
"'T-tis but thy name that is my enemy; Thou art t-thyself, though not a Montague. What's M-montague? I-it is nor hand, nor foot, Nor arm, nor face, nor any other p-part Belonging to a man. O, be some other name! What's in a name? T-that which we call a rose By any other name w-would smell as sweet; So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd, R-retain that dear perfection which he owes W-without that title. Romeo, doff thy name, And for t-that name which is no part of t-thee Take all myself."
"i take thee at thy word: call me but love, and i'll be new baptized; henceforth i never will be romeo."
"W-what man art thou that thus b-bescreen'd in night So s-stumblest on my counsel?"
"That's not the only thing stumbling!"
Laughter waves through the rows of students and I can feel the tears threaten to pour.
Fell's booming voice is like thunder.
No one seems to mind this.
To that the people groan.
Well I'm dead now.
"Yes sir?"
I reluctantly remain behind, only Edgy giving me any show of support by mouthing the words 'good luck and be safe' as everyone leaves the room and Fell shuts the door, locking it too.
I hang my head low.
"Because I disgraced the work of Shakespeare with such a shitty reciting."
He approaches me, his demeanor never faltering.
I rub my arm sheepishly.
"I...I can't function in front of multiple people."
He cocks his head in puzzlement.
"That's because I'm not in a spotlight like that was. If I know others are watching me, expecting of me...I get so messed up."
"*sigh* Honestly, him there was the only reason I was able to speak or recall my lines. Otherwise I would've ran out of the room. But still...It took ages to become comfortable to do that with Edgy. Don't get me wrong, he was sweet in helping me through my shyness. But he is only one person, and this was a whole classroom. I can't deal with so many at once, I just can't."
He looks off in thought for a moment before grabbing my chin so that I'm looking at him and not the floor.
I gulp a nervous lump in my throat and nod.
That has me look at him funny. I know sometimes Fell can word things in a awkward form, but that made me feel all types of weird.
Holy shit, this must be serious.
"Yes sir. These lips are sealed. *zips mouth*"
I do as told.
I don't have to try all that much, my imagination works wonders, and even though I know it's all in my head, the signs of a panic attack start kicking in. A sense of terror chills me. My heart begins racing. A numbness in the hands and fingers. My chest pains as breathing becomes difficult. My body feels weak and my head spins. Feeling a loss of control over myself and I sway ready to topple over. Luckily Fell gets to me before I can fall and holds me to his chest.
To further help sooth me, he rubs my back and rests his head on my own, which in my current state has me being lulled into his care.
I nod and give him a hug in thanks, which messes with him and he shoves me away. Both of us blushing.
He straightens himself up.
"But sir..."
I shiver and face his desk. I can still feel eyes on me even though I know it's just us. I open my mouth to speak, but I can't make any words come out. Fell notices and rolls his eyes. This was more of a challenge than he first thought.
He's...He's leading me into my next line?
"M-my ears have not yet drunk a hundred words O-of that tongue's utterance, yet I know the sound: Art thou not Romeo and a Montague?"
He slams his hand on the desk and makes me jump.
"H-how camest thou..."
He slams his hand again and I claw the desk to keep from panicking.
"How camest thou hither, tell me, and wherefore? The orchard walls are high and hard to climb, And the place death, considering who thou art, If any of my kinsmen find thee here."
My heart is pounding, my nerves on alert, and yet he smirks. He found a way to keep me focused on my performance, by distracting me.
"If they d-do..."
I flinch when I feel his hand on my back.
"If they do see thee, they will murder thee."
Fell nudges me to move and gets me behind his desk. There he stands behind me and holds my chin up so that I look straight at the empty seats.
"Sir, this doesn't feel right anymore."
"Okay...*sigh* I would not for the world they saw thee here."
Okay Lynsie, you can do this. Just focus and recite the lines. Then he'll stop and you can go to your place to take a nice long rest.
"By whose direction found'st thou out this place?"
He smiles darkly and removes his hands. I feel relief until his hands find themselves on my sides.
His hands slowly rub small circles into me and I squirm.
"What are you doing?"
"Sir...Are you enjoying this?"
"I guess."
That makes me blush more as I clear my throat.
"Thou know'st the mask of night is on my face, Else would a maiden blush bepaint my cheek For that which thou hast heard me speak to-night Fain would I dwell on form, fain, fain deny What I have spoke: but farewell compliment! Dost thou love me? I know thou wilt say 'Ay,' And I will take thy word: yet if thou swear'st, Thou mayst prove false; at lovers' perjuries Then say, Jove laughs. O gentle Romeo, If thou dost love, pronounce it faithfully: Or if thou think'st I am too quickly won, I'll frown and be perverse an say thee nay, So thou wilt woo; but else, not for the world. In truth, fair Montague, I am too fond, And therefore thou mayst think my 'havior light: But trust me, gentleman, I'll prove more true Than those that have more cunning to be strange. I should have been more strange, I must confess, But that thou overheard'st, ere I was ware, My true love's passion: therefore pardon me, And not impute this yielding to light love, Which the dark night hath so discovered."
"O, swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon, That monthly changes in her circled orb, Lest that thy love prove likewise variable."
His hands start to roam my body. Exploring my curves up to my chest before cupping my breasts and eliciting a sharp gasp from me.
"Sir, this doesn't seem appropriate anymore."
"This doesn't leave the room?"
"O-okay. But sir..."
"May I ask one question?"
"...Are you getting turned on by all this?"
"I'm not naïve."
"I...uh...I plead the fifth on the grounds I don't wish to to give self-incriminating information."
He presses his body against me, a large bulge resting on my ass and his hands softly grope my breasts.
A small shudder leaves me.
He smiles and presses harder to me as to make my head spin while I continue.
"Do not swear at all; Or, if thou wilt, swear by thy gracious self, Which is the god of my idolatry, And I'll believe thee."
"Well, do not swear: although I joy in thee, I have no joy of this contract to-night: It is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden; Too like the lightning, which doth cease to be Ere one can say 'It lightens.' Sweet, good night! This bud of love, by summer's ripening breath, May prove a beauteous flower when next we meet. Good night, good night! as sweet repose and rest Come to thy heart as that within my breast!"
I yelp at the end as he gives me a squeeze, earning me a devilish snicker and yet another squeeze.
He begins to rock against me, rubbing that bulge harder and harder to me. I'm slowly losing it and I lean my head back onto his shoulder.
"What satisfaction canst thou have to-night?"
He gives my neck some light nips and I swoon, purring into his neck.
At this point love means lust and we both are feeling it. As much as I was fighting it at the start, now I'm enjoying his advances, even to the point that I'm grinding back into his hypnotically moving hips much to his ego's delight.
"I gave thee mine before thou didst request it: And yet I would it were to give again."
His hands wander back down, feeling my thighs and daring to go under my skirt. I don't really care for the uniforms. Girls have to wear skirts, I hate it because of perverts taking up-skirt pics. But in this case the damn thing makes it easier for this kind of fun.
I reach down to hold his hands, guiding them under my skirt and letting his bony digits feel along my flesh, making him shudder through his teeth.
"But to be frank, and give it thee again. And yet I wish but for the thing I have: My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep; the more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite."
"*groans* YOU'RE SUCH A TEASE."
"And you're a kinky pervy teacher. What's you're point?"
He humps me harshly.
"Me drop them? That doesn't sound like something a tease would do. If anything, a tease would do this..."
I lean on him more, pressing my ass to his hard as hell bulge and slowly rubbing on it teasingly. This has him swoon, moaning in growing need before becoming aggressive and bends me over his desk.
"Honestly sir...You are one of the scariest teachers here. When you have a bad day, even Edgy and I tremble."
"Heh...Maybe you're not the only one that's enjoying this. Maybe the danger excites me."
I flinch feeling his hand on my ass, kneading it tenderly before suddenly yanking my panties and ripping them right off me with a surprised yelp.
He lifts me up more, making sure I'm set properly across his desk and I hear him undo his pants, letting his long blood red erection free.
"Do you aim to deflower me, Romeo?"
He lifts my skirt up then slides his member between my legs to my folds and glides it slowly on my sex. Starting a test rhythm and building up heat for us both, a hot need for more.
"Mmmm...A bit ironic in a cute way, don't you think?"
"You're the 'little' brother of three, and yet you are anything but."
"Then why are you smiling?"
"If you say so sir. But denial doesn't suit you."
He smacks my ass and I yelp a moan much to his interest.
"Still you sir."
He smacks me again and again I moan. He does this as his hips pick up speed. Excitement getting to him and pleasure building. Soon enough he groans and bucks particularly hard, shoving himself hilt deep inside me, making me scream in pain.
"Fuck you!"
He eyes me funny as I claw at his desk harshly.
"I wasn't joking with that deflowering line. *wincing* That fucking hurts!"
If skeletons could pale, he'd be doing it. He looks down at the point where we connect and pulls back slightly. I whimper as I bite my lip and feel him touch around my sex's entrance. He frowns when he looks at his red stained fingers and regret comes to his mind.
"I...I'M SORRY."
I look up at him in shock. I have never heard him apologize or speak in such a somber tone.
He attempts to slowly pull out and I grab his arm.
"Don't move."
"Don't you dare move. Do not flee from that which you have started. For to do so now would be a coward's act. And last I checked, you are no coward. Or am I mistaken sir Fell?"
He flinches. I dare his resolve with eyes set in a glare and swelling with tears.
"The damage has been done. There is no going back. So do not quake like some pitiful schmuck and see this through."
"Do not run away Papyrus!"
His name...Hearing his name used in such a way snaps him out of his daze and reverts his mind into a baser understanding.
"I think so. Just...Take it slow, okay?"
I merely nod, letting his arm go and he waits a moment before his hips start moving, though he pauses when I gasp sharply.
"*bites lip* Why are you so big?"
His ego soars.
"I'm...I'm trying..."
Moving slow to start, the pain in my body eventually fades off into the swell of pleasant feelings.
"Mmmmm...Ooooh Papyrus..."
He buries his face against the base of my neck, catching my shoulder with his teeth as he groans and slowly grinds within me. It's like a slow-paced pendulum. Neither of us find it necessary to rush. Every small thrust, every tiny jab he makes within me is met with a powerful response deep in my abdomen. Every inch of my skin feels as if it's lit up like fireworks, the blood running through my veins sizzle across my bones in an intense explosion, flaring within me like a blazing inferno. His hands grab a tight hold of my thighs, and I stifle the urge to scream as the head of his erection suddenly hits a bundle of nerves deep within me.
"So good...You feel so good..."
He chuckles wickedly.
"Please do."
He wasn't joking either. As intense as this was already, he pushes into me faster and harder. His thrusts gradually speeding up faster and faster, going deeper inside me to hit places I had no clue even existed. With each plunge he takes, the more unraveled I get, my face twisting in mind altering euphoria and he can't get enough of it.
"Ooh yes...yes...Ohnn...Papyrus...mnhnn...Aaaahn...don't stop...Don't stop Papyrus..."
Releasing my hips from his grasp, he loops his right arm around my waist while his left hand finds my own and laces his bony phalanges in my fingers in a gentle grip. The rhythmic thrusting of his hips, driving that hardened magic made member of his to my depths, eliciting his name to ring out of me over and over in the most heated of ways.
"Oohh...o-oh ahh...Papyrus...Hahnnhhnann...Oooooh...yeahhh...Papyrus..."
"O-oh P-pa...hnnm...Paaahpyrus...I-I'm...Hhahh...oohnn...I think I-I'm getting c-cl...oh I'm...hghnnn I'm c-cloosee...u-uahhn...hnnmm..."
"*shrieks* There! Ah! Papyrus! Please! There! There! Again! There Please!"
He centers his movements to hit into it, the hand around my waist dips down to rub his fingers against my clit, that pressure in my abdomen increases fiercely. The series of moans and cries coming from me, they're ushering him over his own edge.
He claims my lips in a heatedly deep kiss as he pounds as hard as he can into me and I feel everything getting so tight it's painful. Yet after so much building pressure I let out a high scream as my vision goes blank and I peak in orgasm of sweet release. Faintly he feels a warm gush from me coating his length, setting off the sparks inside him and letting him lose himself completely.
He groans out as he follows after me, spilling his essence well into my core in deliciously hot spurts and giving me this wonderful full feeling. Our left hands still laced together and tightening till it almost feels like we'll almost break the others hand. I'm shaking underneath him as he pants hard in my ear, lightly nuzzling into my hair as his hips slowly settle themselves down till they've stopped and he keeps our connection while holding me close.
"*purrs* THANK YOU."
"For what sir?"
"*snickers* Yeah. Why change a moment where you got laid?"
I'm stunned.
"For real? No joke?"
"Is that what we're calling foreplay now?"
I blink in realization.
"It...I honestly forgot all about it.
"Thanks sir. *pause* I wonder how much time has passed."
"That depends...Are your brothers joining us?"
"Good. Not sure I could handle a drive with Edgy or Fall after this."
"So...Wanna stay like this for while? I mean, I really can't feel my legs right now, so walking would suck."
I smile then bring our joined hands over to my lips and kiss his hand.
"Happy to be of service sir."
We continue to stay there for some time. Eventually, we leave the privacy of his classroom and go home, returning to our normal lives. We never speak of that day again, but the effects stay with us, and at random when the mood is right, we share passions once more upon his very sturdy desk. Whether we have feelings for one another is still uncertain. But that's fine with us for now. For never was a story tied in such a goofy bow...Than this of me, Juliet, and my skeletal Romeo.
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rachelweiszcraig · 8 years
On Her Birthday, 5 Reasons We Treasure Rachel Weisz
Born on March 7, 1970, Rachel Weisz fell in love with performing as a teenager, quickly developing a knack for portraying smart, passionate, and caring women, a perfect combination for a Pisces. She has graced two Focus films––The Shape of Things and The Constant Gardener––with her radiant talent and intelligence. Today, we salute her remarkable achievements by exploring five things that make her one of our favorite actresses.
She’s one of our Oscar winners
At the 78th Academy Awards, Rachel Weisz took home the statuette for Best Supporting Actress for her performance as the spirited Tessa Quayle in The Constant Gardener. Adapted from John le Carré’s novel about corporate corruption and conspiracy in Africa, Fernando Meirelles’ thriller casts Weisz as the wife of Justin Quayle (Ralph Fiennes), a career diplomat trying to juggle his staid job and his independent spouse. Still early in her career, Weisz brought to the part the complexity and dignity for which she would become renown. “She’s so human. I remembered when we first met, Rachel had the same passion that a political activist would have,” Meirelles tells film writer N. P. Thompson. To comprehend the film’s labyrinthine politics, Weisz flew to Kenya to talk directly with actual aid workers and political activists. As an artist, she wanted to realize fully the rich complexity of le Carré’s character. “I loved the fact that she wasn’t entirely sympathetic,” Weisz explains to the Guardian. “She was a lone warrior with all the contradictions that that brings.” And her hard work paid off. Variety’s Todd McCarthy applauded how, stepping “straight from the pages of the book onto the screen, she fully embodies the driven, lusty, unstoppable Tessa.” In addition to winning the Oscar, she also won a Golden Globe for her unforgettable performance.
She never forgets her first love, theater
Before stepping onto a movie set, Weisz had trod the boards of many a stage. At Cambridge, she started her own theater group, Talking Tongues, whose piece, Slight Possession, won the Student Drama Award at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. In 1994, she turned heads in Noel Coward’s Design for Living as, in the words of the Independent, “a devastatingly sexy Gilda.” Even as her TV and film career started heating up, Weisz stayed true to the theater. In 1999, she had to skip the world premiere of her first blockbuster, The Mummy, because she was due on stage to play Catherine in Tennessee Williams’s Suddenly, Last Summer. Focus Features’ 2003 film, The Shape of Things, gave Weisz the opportunity to bridge her two loves. Originally staged as a play in 2001 with, as the Guardian’s Michael Billingon put it, “a knockout performance from Rachel Weisz,” the drama was adapted for film by its writer/director Neil LaBute with the same cast. Weisz plays Evelyn, a smart, sexy grad student who transforms her dowdy boyfriend (played by Paul Rudd) into the man of her dreams––as well as the subject of her thesis––in this philosophical drama of love and change. Weisz transformed her theatrical role into a cinematic tour de force.
Weisz continues to garner applause and critical raves for her theatrical work. In a 2013 production of Harold Pinter’s Betrayal, Weisz, along with her real-life husband, Daniel Craig, and Rafe Spall were commended by The Hollywood Reporter as being “at the absolute top of their game.” Most recently she dazzled audiences in a revival of David Hare’s Plenty at New York City’s Public Theater.
There isn’t a genre she can’t conquer
Describing working with Weisz on The Constant Gardener, her co-star, Ralph Fiennes, tells the Guardian, “She’s not fearful, she’s willing to throw caution to the wind in order to get to the core of a scene.” Fearless also describes Weisz’s passion for tackling any type of genre, subject matter, or character. In 1999, appearing both in an epic historical drama, Sunshine, and a big-screen popcorn pounder, The Mummy, Weisz made it clear she was not going to be typecast. With sublime grace and dramatic agility, she moves effortlessly from a coming-of-age comedy, like About a Boy, to a serious drama like The Shape of Things. Or from a mega sci-fi saga, like The Fountain, to an international thriller like The Constant Gardener. Part of her drive comes from her being a movie lover first and foremost. “I just really liked stories,” Weisz tells the AV Club. “Film and theater are very powerful storytelling mediums. You sit in a dark room and enter another world. I love that as a member of the audience, and I sort of wanted to get on the other side.”
Celebrated for her beauty, but known for her brains
Starting a modeling career at 14, Rachel Weisz continues to shine as one of the world’s great beauties. She is on Empire Magazine’s list of the 50 sexiest female movie stars and was featured in Glamour’s “The 50 Most Glamorous Women of 2009.” In 2010, she topped an Esquire poll of the woman men would most like to marry. Fashion designer Narciso Rodriguez names her as one of his most important creative muses. But her beauty is definitely not just skin deep. After graduating from the prestigious St. Paul’s Girls School, she went on to take a degree in English literature from Cambridge University where she wrote a dissertation on the American writer Caron McCullers and the southern concept of femininity. A friend of the family and newspaper columnist, Matthew Norman, told the Guardian, “She could have become an academic, and often talked about how she might become a barrister. It feels like an accident of fate that she’s become a huge movie star.“
She honors her family by giving back
One of the reasons Weisz so poignantly captures women, like Tessa Quayle in The Constant Gardener, who fight for human rights is because social justice is part of her DNA. “Both of my parents were [Jewish] refugees from Eastern Europe,” Weisz tells People magazine. “My mom, she got out of Austria, the first country to fall to Hitler, in 1939.” Her father, George Weisz, left Hungary just before the Nazi occupation, moving to London to pursue his work as an inventor. “My father invented thousands of things—a metal detector which clears a safety path for land mines, an artificial respirator, [and] a milking machine so humans needn’t milk cows by hand,” Weisz told the New York Post. “I am very proud of him.” Her parents’ history and legacy has influenced her own desire to give back. After her Oscar-winning performance, she helped set up–– along with Ralph Fiennes, director Fernando Meirelles, and author John le Carré­­––the Constant Gardener Trust, which benefits the impoverished areas of Kenya where they filmed. And she wants her charitable work to provide an example for her own son. “Kids watch their parents closely,” she tells the Evening Standard. “Hopefully they grow up in a culture of caring about others, and it will be up to them to decide what they want to do, but hopefully it will rub off on them.”
Source: focusfeatures.com
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polkadotsockz · 8 years
I don't know why, but I've always liked these.
100 Things About Me 
1. What is your full name? Kimberly 
2. How old are you? 23 
3. When is your birthday? 12/12 
4. What is your zodiac sign? The charming and witty, Sagittarius 
5. What is your favorite color? Blacker than my soul 
6. What’s your lucky number? 12 (look at my birthday!) 
7. Do you have any pets? Two wonderful cats, Fuu (Fuu Kitty) and Archer (Archie) 
8. Where are you from? Connecticut 
9. How tall are you? 5′8" 
10. How many pairs of shoes do you own? Like 10, but I wear 3-4 of them regularly 
11. What did you last have for breakfast? Scrambled eggs and cold brew coffee
12. What was your last dream about? The last one I remember having was one in which I was in my high school cafeteria. For some reason everyone in my high school was invited to this wedding (don't know whose), and we all decided to get dressed at school. Now mind you, this took place in my high school but in the present day, meaning we were all adults. When I looked around, guys and girls were putting on their outfits, doing their hair, and doing their makeup. All the parents were there getting ready too. I remember getting upset because my parents brought the wrong dress for me. They brought the dress I wore to my cousin's wedding a few years ago, which is a beautiful dark blue gown. I was upset because I was afraid the dress would rip because of all the weight I've gained. (The dress actually did rip in real life when I wore it to my step-aunt's wedding a couple of months ago; causing me to have to borrow someone’s dress for the rest of the night). So after some complaining, I convinced them to stop back at home so I could get a different dress, and that's when I woke up. 
 13. What is the best thing about you? I always try to see the best in everyone, even if they've done me wrong. 
 14. Put shuffle on your iPod, what were the first 5 songs? 
      1. Part II - Paramore 
      2. ARTPOP - Lady Gaga 
      3. Dancing in Circles - Lady Gaga (really?! 2 in a row?) 
      4. But It's Better if You Do - Panic! At the Disco 
      5. Comedy of Errors- Alesana 
15. Favorite song? It typically depends on my mood, but the one that is most constant is “Born This Way” by Lady Gaga. It’s pretty much the perfect song because a. it’s fun to sing along to, b. it’s fun to dance to, c. it has beautiful lyrics with a powerful message about self-love and self-acceptance, especially for the LGBT community.
16. Favorite TV show? Game of Thrones, by fucking far!
17. Favorite movie? the Harry Potter series
18. Do you miss anyone right now? I miss my Sammy and I miss my friends who I don’t see nearly enough
19. Do you want children? I think so, but I have promised myself that I won’t have kids unless and until I work out my anxiety issues because I don’t want to pass this along to yet another generation in my family.
20. Do you want a church wedding? Nah, I’d probably burst into flames up at the altar.
21. Are you religious? Nah, I like Satan jokes too much.
22. Have you ever been to the hospital? The last time I remember going was when I was 6 and needed 10 stitches on my head.
23. Have you ever met any celebrities? Sadly, no. I hold out hope that I’ll meet Lady Gaga. 
24. Baths or showers? Both! I only really like baths when I have a bath bomb/bubble bar, though!
25. What color socks are you wearing? None. 
26. Have you ever been famous? Nah, I don’t have the charisma or personality to handle that much attention.
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? Nah, I like my privacy tbh.
28. What type of music do you like? Lady Gaga, Paramore, emo/screamo that I’ve been listening to since middle/high school, occasional radio hits
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? No :/ I totally should have when I was home alone when I lived at my parents’.
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? Two! My favorite is when I can lay my head on one, and hug the other one.
31. What position do you usually sleep in? I usually sleep on my side (fetal position)
32. How big is your house? Our apartment is a decently sized one-bedroom
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? Eggs or rolled oats with fruit
34. Have you ever fired a gun? Nope!
35. Have you ever tried archery? No, but it sounds cool
36. Who is your celebrity crush? Lady Gaga cuz she’s actually perfect
37. Who do you look up to? Lady Gaga, because she isn’t afraid to be who she is and inspires others love and accept themselves. She is an extremely talented and accomplished musician, but retains such a humility and love for her fans. So basically, as I said before, she’s perfect.
 38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? 22 hours. When I was a high school senior, I got hooked on World of Warcraft, and I would do raids until 2 am (Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays), and then wake up for school at 5 am. Thursdays were the worst. 
39. Do you have any scars? On my forehead from the 10 stitches I got as a child, and a few on my face from the chicken pox.
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? I don’t believe so.
41. Are you a good liar? I’m good at white lies (“I love that new haircut!”) but suck at lying about things that actually matter because I’m really bad at hiding my feelings.
42. Are you a good judge of character? For the most part. 
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? I like to pretend I can do a British accent, but it’s not all that.
44. Do you have a strong accent? Nah lol, just standard New England.
45. What is your favorite accent? British, Irish, Australian
46. Name all the countries you’ve been to? Not as many as I’d like! I have only been to Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, and I took a cruise as a kid that stopped in Aruba, St. Martin, and St. Thomas. So basically, I’ve been around the Carribean.
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? I don’t know, haha. I’m too broke for expensive clothes, I’m a grad student.
 48. Can you curl your tongue? Kind of.
49. Are you an innie or an outie? Innie!
50. Left or right handed? Right, my left hand is useless
51. Are you scared of spiders? Yes, I hate all of them.
52. Favorite food? You can never go wrong with pizza
53. Favorite foreign food? Thai food is heaven.
54. Are you a clean or messy person? I can be messy with clothes, but for the most part, I’m a neat freak. I get anxiety if things are too dirty around the house.
55. Most used phrase?  “I’m too tired for life......”
56. Most used word? “Fuck”
 57. How long does it take for you to get ready? Probably like 30-45 minutes on average. I varies depending on how long my shower is, how much make up I’m trying to wear, what I’m doing to my hair, and if shaving my legs is part of the process. 
58. Do you have much of an ego? Most of the time I tend to be very hard on myself, so I’m gonna say no.
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? Don’t eat many lollipops nowadays, but suck!
60. Do you talk to yourself? All the time! I’m a great conversationalist.
61. Do you sing to yourself? All the time! Every car ride is a concert just for me.
62. Are you a good singer? I’m not too shabby. 
63. Biggest Fear? Failure, rejection, judgement.
64. Are you a gossip? I can be. I enjoy talking about others, but many times it’s not in a negative way. For example, if I’m worried about someone who isn’t really saying much to me, I may ask another friend what’s going on with them because I’m concerned...not cuz I’m trying to talk shit. I guess I should get better at direct communication, tho.
 65. Favorite character in anything? Tyrion Lannister in Game of Thrones, ASOIAF
66. Do you like long or short hair? I like both, but I’m digging my ultra long hair right now cuz I had short hair for so long!
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? Probably, just don’t ask me where they all are on the map.
 68. Favorite school subject? English/literature all the way!
69. Extrovert or Introvert? Too introverted to handle.
70. Favorite hobbies? Reading, writing, watching movies/shows, make-up, spending time with my boyfriend and friends
71. What makes you nervous? Everything social, judgement, presenting in front of people, making decisions.
72. Are you scared of the dark? I used to be, but now I like it. 
 73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? Not really. I used to correct peoples’ grammar/spelling mistakes, but then I realized what an ass I was being. I only really point out mistakes if I think the mistakes will negatively impact the person.
74. Are you ticklish? Yes, extremely and everywhere.
75. Have you ever started a rumor? I don’t think so.
 76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? I guess I’m in a position of power/authority in my career. I never know what to do with that power, though.
77. Have you ever drank underage? Of course. 
78. Have you ever done drugs? I’ve dabbled in a few things. Weed is the only consistent one, and it’s hardly a “drug.” I’ve never done anything seriously addictive/dangerous like heroine or meth or something.
79. Who was your first real crush? This kid in my second grade class. He didn’t like me though cuz he was popular, and I was very unpopular.
80. How many piercings do you have? 5 - lobes, industrial bar, nostril, and navel. I want so so so many more though.
81. Can you roll your Rs? Spanish is my second language, so claro que sí!
82. How fast can you type? Pretty damn fast, actually.
83. How fast can you run? Fast if it’s for a very short distance. I have very little endurance, though.
84. What color is your hair? Naturally, I’m a milk chocolate brown. Right now, I’ve got about 2-3 inches my roots grown out, and the rest is a fading purple.
85. What color are your eyes? Dark brown.
86. What are you allergic to? Just pollen.
87. Do you keep a journal? I’ve always been bad at keeping up with journals. I wish I could find some old ones with my poetry.
88. What do your parents do? Dad: owns a little grocery store, Mom: works at a bank, Stepdad: works at an investment bank (stocks and such)
 89. Do you like your age? It’s okay. I’m getting old, though.
90. What makes you angry? Ignorance/ hatred: racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. It honestly makes no sense to me how people can’t just love and accept one another and mind their own damn business.
91. Do you like your own name? I think it’s a nice name.
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? I’ve had many thoughts throughout the years. I’ve always been partial to gender neutral names like Alex, Riley, Andy, etc.
93. Do you want a boy or a girl for a child? One of each would work.
94. If you had to have someone narrate the story of your life to you when you died, who would it be? This is an odd question, honestly, I’m not sure.
 95. What’s the best thing you’ve ever won? I don’t really win things.
96. How did you get your name? My mom and dad were thinking “Nelly” but then my grandma’s best friend talked them into “Kimberly.” I feel that this is more fitting. 
97. Out of the original 151 which is your favorite Pokémon? I didn’t watch Pokemon.
98. What browser do you use? Safari cuz I’m a Mac.
99. Color of your bedspread? I think it’s purple right now.
100. Color of your room? White cuz I rent and can’t paint the walls
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The History of Robert College
It may be surprising to many people today that the first continually running American college outside the US was founded in Istanbul, way back in 1863. Its birth was linked to major trends of the time, such as Western missionary activity in the Ottoman Empire. But there was also an element of coincidence: if philanthropist Christopher Robert had not traveled to Istanbul and seen a boat in the Bosphorus, this school might never have appeared, and perhaps the intellectual face of Istanbul and Turkey would have turned out differently.
The History of Robert College
The boat had come from the bakery of Cyrus Hamlin, an American missionary based at the Bebek Seminary. One aim of this bakery, as well as feeding the poor, was to raise money for the establishment of churches. Christopher Robert asked about the boat and decided to visit Hamlin. Together they formed the idea of creating an American Christian college in Istanbul. Despite this religious emphasis, the college was open to all. In his memoir “Among the Turks,” Hamlin calls the college “a great success in gathering students from eighteen nationalities, from twelve languages, and from all the religions of the East.”
In its original form, Robert College was an all-boys’ school close to the seminary in Bebek. Meanwhile, the American College for Girls was founded in Fatih in 1871, and by 1914 it had moved to Arnavutköy, close to Robert College. Following the spirit of the times, the two schools merged into a co-ed in 1971 on the Arnavutköy campus, keeping the name Robert College. The college’s first building in Bebek became the campus of today’s Boğaziçi University.
One of the reasons for these mergers and migrations was the school’s popularity, which forced it to find larger premises in the city. The refined families of the Ottoman Empire were eager to give their children a Western education with an emphasis on English-language tuition. And Robert College opened many doors in Turkey, creating the country’s first medical school for women and the first student council.
A glance at the list of Robert College alumni is enough to understand parents’ enthusiasm: along with two Turkish prime ministers, two Bulgarian prime ministers, and one Nobel Prize winner, the college has fostered countless businesspeople, academics, writers, and scientists.
The most famous of these internationally is Nobel Prize winner Orhan Pamuk, whose memoir “Istanbul: Memories and the City” devotes a chapter to his time at the college. Although he paints himself as an outsider, as is the experience of many writers, Pamuk also admits, “I loved getting lost in the low-ceilinged labyrinths of the library built by the American secular Protestants who had founded the college, breathing in the pungency of old paper”. But Pamuk was not the first Robert College alumnus to dazzle the nation with his literary talent. To take an early example, female student Halide Edib earned the Order of Charity from Sultan Abdülhamit II when she was only 15 years old, graduating from the American College for Girls in 1901. When Edib’s husband decided to take a second wife, she divorced him and wrote a novel about a woman who abandons her husband to live with the man she loves. Her pioneering of feminism among Ottoman woman coexisted with her support for Turkish nationalism. During the Allied occupation of Istanbul after World War I, Edib left to join the nationalist movement in Anatolia. Along the way she reached the rank of sergeant in the nationalist army and cofounded Anadolu Ajansı, which is still the state-owned press agency today. From 1950 to 1954, by which time she was in her 60s, she served as a member of parliament for İzmir, finally passing away in 1964. This remarkable figure left behind her a wealth of novels, stories, journalism, and memoirs, as well as a life story, fit for a Hollywood film.
Celebrating the 150th year
The college marked its 150th year in 2013, celebrating this milestone with an exhibition at the Istanbul Research Institute. Writer, translator, and Robert College alumnus Cem Akaş was the exhibition’s curator, and his book “Tepedeki Okul” (The School on the Hill) is set to be the first on the subject in Turkish. “I was a boarding student at Robert College from 1979 to 1986, and I can confidently say that it was more of a defining experience for me than university,” Akaş told The Guide Istanbul. “The facilities offered by the school were more modest in our day – though they were far above the average in Turkey – the campus and library still occupy an unforgettable place in my mind. The physics, chemistry, and biology labs were also very good, and I can say that I learned about scientific thought thanks to them.”
Akaş also sees a definite link between his school years and his current success in the literary world. “As for the English program, the literature curriculum went beyond language learning, which was satisfying for me. Robert College has been very helpful to me as a publisher, writer, and translator. I learned to be curious about disciplines there, and this made it easier for me to make different conceptual connections. Having such intimate contact with English also made many things easier in life.”
Another Robert College alumnus who made waves in the cultural arena is a theater actor and director Haldun Dormen. Being part of an active theater group at Robert College was a source of support in his early ambitions. “I have a very nice memory of the play ‘Campus Follies’ from that time. We had a very harsh disciplinarian, Professor Allen. His discipline was superb because he scared everyone stiff and when he got angry he would say, ‘You go home.’” But as Dormen explains, the strict professor was not without a sense of humor when on stage. “He was a fantastic hit. The boys were dressed in women’s clothes and singing the famous Andrew Sisters’ song, ‘I’ll Be With You in Apple Blossom Time’. He came on stage and said ‘You go home,’ and of course, there was wild applause. For a moment everyone thought it was real. That’s one of my favorite memories.”
Well-known for her cooking column in the Hürriyet newspaper, her television program “Mucize Lezzetler” (Miraculous Tastes), and the book “Refika’nın Mutfağı – Cooking New Istanbul Style”, Robert College alumnus Refika Birgül has made a successful career out of her passion for Turkish cuisine. For her, the college was a place of unparalleled learning both inside and outside the classroom. “When I think about Robert College, the first thing I see on closing my eyes is the wisteria on the main bridge at the entrance,” she told The Guide Istanbul. Birgül has also written about wisteria sherbet in her Hürriyet column. “It’s a drink whose smell captures those days, those feelings of first love, and has preserved them through my whole life.”
A common sentiment among Akaş, Dormen, and Birgül is the freedom and encouragement present in the college’s arts education. “Another memory is the theater. I prepared a 30-minute dance that actually shaped a lot in my life. I convinced 20 other students, and we practiced the whole winter, finally presenting a dance that showed an alternative theory of the earth’s creation,” she says. “The third thing I won’t forget is the art activities. Before I went to a state primary school and the teacher didn’t like anything I made. Then at Robert College, I won the prize for development in art, which was given to one student each year. While students from other schools were playing cards or having fun at leaving time, we went to the art studio and made paintings or sculptures and spent hours in the darkroom, forgetting the time and missing the bus home.”
Although she notes that Robert College’s spirit of innovation sometimes runs counter to the mainstream in Turkey, Birgül has no doubts about its positive effects. “If I had another thousand lives in this country, I’d choose to study at Robert College every time. When I have children one day, God willing, I’ll do whatever I can to have them study there,” she says.
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