#the glitz blitz
cagliostrohq · 1 year
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Sunlight glints off the silver tickets fluttering down from a zeppelin that coasts through the Selphian skies. The curious crowds gathering below catch the paper slips in their hands. Its magical ink scrolls across the ticket like words on a teleprompter, inviting them to a combat tournament known as The Glitz Blitz. The competition had ceased running following the disappearance of Princess Calista nearly a century ago. Now, the royal family is holding the tournament to celebrate her miraculous return. ( With a furious scowl, Murray Wheatbelly pokes his head out from the windows of The Daily Grail’s editing room. What perfect timing to bring on the bread and circuses, isn’t it? Soon after his paper leaks the news about sacrifices, a distraction with royal backing is trotted out to appease the public? He’s already made his move, and now it seems the palace is countering it. ) On Whale Island, a gladiatorial colosseum has been built overnight with the help of friendly golems, gargoyles, and dragons. It is inside this arena where the magical battles will be held, knockout tournament style over the course of two weeks. The updated elimination bracket will be posted in the Selphia Plaza by an officiant after each day of battle. Anyone is welcome to sign up, though the competition has been historically dominated by spirit warriors. To enter, you must officially represent either one of the three houses or your hometown from within the kingdom. Unofficial betting on the island already has strong contenders from Roytale, Selphia, and Orre as frontrunners. They have historically produced the best warriors for the tournament, to the point the jeering gamblers call anyone representing elsewhere in the kingdom as mere fodder.  The winner is promised a one-of-a-kind, magical weapon of rare materials to be forged by Rizzetheus, The Blacksmith of Orre. In addition, the royals are offering a small fortune that could be life-changing for the tournament’s winner.  Battles are fairly simple: the flashier the combat, the more engaged the crowd becomes which may feed into your personal fame should you have a business or cause to promote. If a fighter is on the ground or out of the ring for more than ten seconds, they lose the match. The count only begins for those with gifts of flight if they are touching a solid surface outside of the ring. Enchanting your opponent into an animal or object incapable of combat is an automatic disqualification. All is well, until trumpets sound through the town square. A public announcement decrees: “To celebrate The Glitz Blitz’s return after over a century, a new rule has been added to the games. For the very first time in the tournament’s history…contestants are now able to be nominated by others to compete! If the tournament officials approve of the nomination, you will automatically be entered into the running and are required to pay the one billion phil penalty for cancellation. <3 Suddenly, a show of magical sportsmanship becomes a way to ruin the lives of your enemies. Nobody has ever been punished for an accidental death inside The Glitz Blitz, of course. And with the hefty penalty fee, there are few outside the royalty family who can afford not to fight.  (LEGAL DISCLAIMER: The royal family is not responsible for any injuries or damages The Glitz Blitz tournament may incur. Submitting the name or the name of your nominee into the enchanted entry boxes located around the capital means you agree to these terms.)
OOC: The Glitz Blitz is an event which is held in-game for two weeks, with multiple battles occurring each day. The first phase of this event will conclude IRL on August 6th! 
Read below the cut for instructions on how to participate! 
Comment below the names of which muses are participating! Please use the following format: "Seymour Beasts (Paul Rudd FC), representing Rigbarth City"
Create a self-para where your muse either wins or loses against an NPC. This is your character's chance to become a crowd favorite, so please showcase your muse's combat style, personality, tactical prowess, personal storyline to win the public's favor (similar to storyline in wrestling!) and so forth. This will be their in-game first round (round #1) of the competition and therefore, the most memorable way to introduce themselves to the public! These self-paras will be used later in a "survivor" style voting game to determine who the public finds deserving of a second chance at victory, even if they are knocked out.
If you decide your muse will win against the NPC, they can move on to the next round! They may have up to TWO optional fights with other muses within the roleplay! These are rounds #2 and #3. When plotting out these match-ups, please make sure both parties are on the same page about the planned victors/winners before moving onto the dash.
Comment below the victor/loser of each round below in the following format: "Round #3, Seymour Beasts (Paul Rudd FC) VS Nicholas North (Danny Devito FC), Winner: NICHOLAS NORTH"
Everyone still in the running will be placed into a hunger games generator.  We will post the computer randomized match-ups/results of the tournament! the outcomes will be posted, which will allow muns to contact each other & write the aftermath should they desire! Once these results are posted, we will provide instructions on how to participate in the voting game! 
Names and any round outcomes MUST be given BEFORE August 5th to be put into the generator. Character names or matchup outcomes not commented by this time will NOT be put into the generator. Once the generator has gone through, we cannot change the results.
Please tag any event posts as "cag: event 003"!
HOW VOTING WILL WORK: More details to come later! To make it fair, we will announce a voting period where each muse must post themselves writing a name they’d like to save from elimination and a short, in-character explanation as to why. The minimum amount of content required will only be one or two sentences, but you may write more if you feel muse! This will come later, so you don’t need to worry about this just yet! In addition to the public vote, the in-game royal family will also select their own favorite underdogs to be given a second chance at victory. Have fun!
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fizzierolli · 5 months
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alastor-simp · 11 months
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Helluva boss new episode has me squealing like crazy. Not only that but the songs from this episode were BANGING, I'm gonna be listening to Glitz and Glam song plus Fizz song on repeat XD. So happy FizzxOzzie were able to come out as a couple with no one judging them. This was hands-down the best episode of Helluva Boss (second best being Oops)
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twizzie-lairs · 4 months
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The "Helluva Boss" cast has been all dolled up in some fun new looks!
Who was your favorite?
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crucian-tador-hb · 2 months
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art by lilivae_art, 0_cha3, and official merch
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spookyghostbunny · 11 months
@miyakuli made a tweet talking about @/remtix please go and boost it!!!
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My Helluva Theory
(AKA mixed characters in Helluva Boss)
So, my friends and I were hanging out and discussing Helluva Boss over a call. I had Google Images open and something struck me looking at Blitzø's family photo.
His mom is a succubus.
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Her horns struck me as weird. All other imps have the striped horns with the white bands indicating gender difference. I started looking up crowd shots and confirmed so. However, guess who has the thin, all black horns?
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She also, notably, has no white features as imps do. Succubi lack these white freckles and whatnot entirely. Most of all, she has their pupiled eyes.
This sent me down an insane rabbit hole of digging deeper. There are PLENTY of mixed characters throughout the show that I think have flown under the radar, and I really want to talk about them. Some might really surprise you.
Following this, I started looking into Blitzø (and Barbie by extension). This post helped point out lots of features on Blitz:
It reiterates lots of the points I just made, and adds some. Blitzø has lots of unique features that make him very un-imp-like. His feet and eyes, namely, along with a heart theme in lots of his objects. He is also canonically stated to be AMAZING in bed.
Next, my friend pointed out that Fizzaroli has the same eyes as Blitz. At first we were scared this broke the theory, but looking into it, Fizz has some of the same characteristics as Blitz that makes me think they might've been childhood friends partially because they are both half succubus.
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The pupiled eyes are our best piece of evidence since his adult form is mostly robotic, but the sharp boots on a child stick out to me still. Fizz also grows up to be a sex icon in Hell despite his shtick clearly being a clown. Fizz is probably also a half succubus.
Also, why is the circus symbol clearly a heart? Could it be because notably both succubi and imps worked there, along with their mixed children?
I had also heard talk of Striker being half something. I think his design speaks for itself: the distinct snout, the ringed eyes, his long and spiked tail. I thought he might be a loan shark at first, but this is a half-imp-half-snake.
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He is clearly different from Butch, the half imp loan shark who has the smaller imp stature and lacks the two large fangs.
Striker's attempt to connect with Blitz, another half-imp who climbed up the ladder, makes lots of sense now.
Those are those in the main cast I could pick out, but there are minor characters I wanted to pick apart. To start off, Glitz and Glam.
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These are not loan sharks. They lack key features all loan sharks appear to have. They do not have tails nor the distinct snouts. Their eyes are not ringed. However, the aquatic theme is still very apparent, and their skin is pale. I figured they are probably succubi-sharks. Their horns (which the sharks DO have) have the black pattern on the tips that some succubi have, and the shapes match. They have wings, another distinct succubus feature.
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Their song is about transactional sex, a combo of both the themes of loan sharks and succubi.
A wrench was thrown into my theory, though: Stu, the loan shark, is canonically a half succubus. Also, this background character from episode 4.
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They are very different! The pink, the heart tail, the present snout, the ringed eyes. They look nothing like the other pair.
So, Glitz and Glam are not sharks. They are part possessor, which are eel-like demons. Marcella has similar glowing spots in her hair and this background character has the same eyes as Glitz and Glam.
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I do not think Glitz and Glam are full possessors, though. Their horns are succubi horns and, as far as we know, only succubi usually have wings. Their faces are also still very flat.
The Ozzie bouncer MIGHT be a succubus mix.
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He has white features that are too pale to be scars, the x's which may or may not be clothes, the striped horns, and no irises. However, he has the wings. This could be mitigated by the fact that imps can earn a pair of wings, so he may simply be an accomplished imp.
But if Blitz and Fizz are half succubi, why does this one look so different? The answer is in the parents. Ligers and Tigons are different depending on which parent is which.
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Similar, but clearly different.
I have no idea how to end this, but it was most of what I have figured out after lots of digging. I think it's really fascinating! It makes me appreciate Vizi and the team's designs a lot.
I have a few people to thank in the comments that pointed out some problems which I've amended, such as how imps can get wings. Thank you guys!!
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knightofarcane · 9 months
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A crossover between Helluva Boss and Spider-man that has a random story and reason it exists
Video they're from HERE
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cagliostrohq · 1 year
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Glitz Blitz Results!
The kingdom's first, royal-sanctioned combat tournament has come to an end! Listed below are all all muses who commented under the event post and/or have published a self-para. They were placed into an online tournament simulator, in order to get computer randomized match-ups and their results. The following results are what happened after the first three "freebie rounds" where muns could write the outcomes of their own match-ups. The combatants of each fight are listed first, followed by the randomized winner bolded in all caps! If you didn't comment in time or have recently joined, your muse can still have participated in the Glitz Blitz. They could have fought NPCs in each bracket until they lost a round. (The highest bracket these muses could've canonically reached without participating in the event is up to Bracket 5, where they must have lost to an NPC to avoid skewing the event's results.)
PARTICIPANTS: Val, Min, Jeb, Gabs, Skeet, Daeneryn, Renato, Petyr, M. Offman, Jackie, Ulysses, Bishop, Elia, Dottie, Khione, Simon, Danny, Elrich, Rook, Ludmila, Wallace
Bracket 3 Jeb VS Val: JEB Dottie VS Rook: DOTTIE Elia VS Min: ELIA Khione VS Gabs: KHIONE Ulysses VS Renato: ULYSSES Bishop VS Daeneryn: BISHOP Danny VS Simon: DANNY Elrich VS Moffman: ELRICH Petyr VS Jackie: PETYR Ludmila VS Wallace: LUDMILA
Bracket 4 Dottie VS Jeb: DOTTIE Khione VS Ulysses: KHIONE Bishop VS Danny: BISHOP Elrich VS Elia: ELRICH Petyr VS Ludmila: PETYR
Bracket 6
Elrich VS Bishop: ELRICH
Elrich Speedwagon, last one standing!
However, the royals interrupt what is believed to be his hard-earned victory to add a twist: an underdog knocked out from the previous rounds may be brought back by the people’s choice, and may duel him for the championship title.
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heyjay177art · 15 days
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Somewhere Worse Pages 1-2
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theangelinyourimpala · 8 months
In OOPS Fizz was on his way to the Pageant rehearsal when he got nabbed. He told Blitz he was just supposed to pick up some milk and practice his juggling. In Mammon's episode, Fizz fucked up in the juggling round and Glitz and Glam came out on top. Do you think it was cuz he missed juggling practice? Do you think he was still thinking about where he was when he was supposed to be at practice? It was only a week ago. I think about that alot
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goga-honey · 10 months
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I want them to be friends so badly 💕
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lunchtimebedamned1997 · 2 months
Glitz and Glam WIP (pt. 2)
(+ other Helluva sketches under the cut)
Hadn't picked this up since may, and I needed a break from my big Hazbin Summertime Painting so here we gooooo!
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Original update from back in may lmao
It's fun to be working on something bigger from Helluva tbh, I haven't done a digital piece for HB since my Verosika Human Disguise Redesign - just some traditional sketchies of The Best Boys™
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Sorry the pic of the Stolas drawings is kinda crappy lmao, I drew him in green pencil and it did NOT wanna show up on camera :(
I already shared these Blitz and Fizz pages in my Cosplay updates post from June I think? Yeah I did - but they're cute so have them again XD
ANYWAYS hope y'all are doing well. I've been having Big Emotions lately so I've just been making art to try and move though some of the feels. Mostly sketchbook art, which has been nice. Touched copics for the first time in years to doodle Astarion and I haven't really put them down since >:3
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tourmelion · 11 months
Glitz from the glitz and glam duo hell of a boss episode gives me trans vibes
She flashed the audience in the newest episode in their song, and forgive my creepy soundingness, but she had way more under there that should have been showing through , but could it be she was wearing a binding shirt to look more like her sister. But for them to do that, they'd need a binding shirt in the beginning, my theory is that glitz's shirt was her own and she's some sort of not not cis. Imagine the strife of finding out your trans and dealing with dysphoria after aquiring fame, it gives her an interesting struggle.
Also, I'm thinking of making fanart of this alternate persona of glitz, maybe named rocket or something
Also, blitz and glitz rhyme, it'd be cool to have them get more screen time l, of only a fighting scene or something, their flowey hair would look so good in styalised shots back to back with someone shooting something
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applecherry108 · 3 months
I just realized how actually fucked up Fizz facing off against twins at the Mammon pageant was.
Y’know. Because he spent his whole childhood in direct competition with twins. 🙃
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