#the gm was queer and by god was he picking up what i was putting down re: sigg and ireena
ravnloft · 9 months
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don't know if i'll keep this playthrough BUT i made sigg as a dark urge and god. i love her. 7' killing machine who could rip your arms off with her bare hands. all she wants is to make banana bread for her wife
+ her wife:
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masonjar191 · 5 years
ThorBruce AU
Changed canon- Loki does not cause the battle of New York, it’s all Thanos.
Everyone is born with two letters on their wrist- the initials of their soulmate. Not every soulmate is a romantic partner, many are best friends, the kind you want to spend every waking moment with, and when you are apart you feel as if you’ll never be happy again until you are in their presence. Most are the same age, born days, weeks, or a few months apart. Rarer are the pairings in which the soulmate in question isn’t even a thought. Even rarer yet are when soulmates are decades or centuries apart in age.
Thor, the Asgardian prince, would live over a thousand years before his soulmate, a Midgardian by the name of Bruce would be born. It would be longer still until they met while saving the world from an alien attack.
 8-year-old Thor snuggled into bed as he begged his Mum to tell a story. “About the soulmates, Mummy!” he thought to his own mark, displaying the initials “RB”. He wondered what their name was, what they looked like, when he would meet them and on what Realm…
“Well, Thor,” Frigga began. “Since the beginning of time, there have been soulmates, whose souls were torn apart during the Big Bang that created the Nine Realms. Every being ever born had and will have a soulmate. My soulmate is your Father, yours is RB, Loki’s is GM. You will know when you have met them because you will be engulfed in light and your marks will change color to match their favorite hue. After you meet, you will feel their pain, albeit muted.”
Thor smiled, dreaming of the day he gets to meet RB.
 Bruce Banner was born Rebecca Alice Banner in 1969, a little over 1,000 years after his soulmate. From a young age, he never felt right in his body, leading to him declaring he was a boy at age 12.
“What the fuck do you mean you’re a boy?” Brian Banner screamed that night. “This TO man on your wrist isn’t going to want to be mated to a faggot. God damn it, Rebecca, I won’t raise a tranny!” Brian hit Bruce over the head, knocking the pre-teen unconscious.
When the young boy awoke, he cried, knowing his father would never accept him. Why would Brian? All Bruce had known was abuse from the alcoholic, hell, Brian had killed Bruce’s mother in front of him just a few months prior. Bruce knew if his mom was still alive, she would accept him, she had always been kind and accepting of the “Queers” he saw on television sometimes. Bruce knew he was a queer, liking boys while he knew deep inside, he was one as well. He knew TO was a man as well, although how old, he didn’t know.
 “When will I be king?” the now almost-grown Thor asked Odin. He was physically a grown man. Hel, even his little brother was in his late adolescent years and Thor was 500 years older than Loki!
“When you meet your soulmate, my boy,” Odin grumbled, becoming used to the question being asked from both of his sons. Hela had asked when she would be Queen, as well. At one point she had taken the thrown forcefully, only to be banished. Odin was thankful he had raised his sons to be peaceful rather than seek war. Or at least he thought he had until Thor went to Jotunheim to fight the Frost Giants that had interrupted his coronation.
Odin was to be entering Odinsleep soon, so he temporarily named the boy King, even though neither boy had met his soulmate. Truth be told, Odin had put it off so long that he was afraid the stress would kill him, but he could not force either boy to meet their soulmate. A temporary arrangement would be enough. Until Thor disobeyed him.
“Damn it, boy! This is why I put this off for so long! You are a foolish, cruel, vain boy!” Odin screamed when he rescued Thor from Jotunheim.
“And you are an old man and a fool!” Thor retorted.
“You are unworthy! Unworthy of the crown, of your power,” Odin cried as he stripped Thor of his Asgardian strength. “I hereby banish you to Midgard!” Odin hoped Thor would meet his soulmate on Midgard. He set upon two terms to end his banishment- either Thor gets over his selfishness, or he meets his soulmate.
 After Bruce left home in 1990, he immediately began transitioning. The twenty-year-old scraped together enough money to start hormones, get his breasts removed, and change his name to Robert Bruce Banner. He knew his soulmate would be looking for an RB, so he reluctantly kept the R initial. He had gone by Bruce at school since he entered senior high. Then, he poured himself into his studies, earning seven Ph.D.’s- in Gamma radiation, sexual health, astrophysics, Nuclear physics, philosophy, biochemistry, and medicine.
Bruce had taken up a teaching job at Culver University as Professor of Biochemistry. After the 9/11 attacks, he dedicated his life to helping others, which led him to be recruited by Thaddeus Ross. Unfortunately, it had the side effect of turning the young scientist into what became known as Hulk.
While Bruce had once, and still, hated himself because he was born female, he now hated himself because he turned into a green rage monster if he got angry. He went on the run, sacrificing his testosterone for his safety. Eventually, he was found, but not before he attempted suicide to rid himself of the monster. Looking back, Bruce was thankful he had failed, knowing TO would never forgive himself if Bruce had died before they met.
Years later, after Bruce got back on T, although still on the run from the military, he was focused on providing medical care for others, deciding that even if he could turn into Hulk, he could use his normal, less-of-a-freak self for good rather than the destruction Hulk brought.
Thor didn’t meet his soulmate- in fact, RB was on the other side of the country, but he proved himself worthy by sacrificing himself to save his friends on Midgard.
“Did you meet RB?” Loki asked excitedly when Thor returned.
“What do you think, brother?” Thor snapped, shoving the still black letters to Loki’s face. “Did you meet GM yet?”
“Nay, though I hope I meet them soon, I’m tired of being a child by Asgardian terms,”
“Loki, as the Midgardians see it, you’re a child there too. I am barely an adult.  If RB would hurry up and enter my life, that would be grand!”
“I am sure we will meet our soulmates soon. Now, guess what our dear father bestowed upon me during your absence! I am Jotun! Yeah, I know! He picked me up as a babe, but hey, I can do ice magic now!”
 A few months after Thor’s banishment ended, he and Loki were sent on a quest to Midgard because a group called The Black Order were planning on stealing the Tesseract.
“Perhaps you’ll meet your soulmate!” Loki cheered as they departed from the Bifrost. “We are long overdue, us being over a thousand years old.”
“What about you, dear brother? Don’t you want to meet GM?”
“Yes, Thor, we all want to meet our soulmates. But, let’s face it, you’re older, you are going to inherit the throne first. You proved your worthiness, I haven’t, even if we have not met our soulmates.”
 Bruce was pissed. He had been whisked off from India, where he was doing good for once in his life, back to the United States, back to New York, to find this Tesseract thing. But Bruce knew better. This SHIELD organization just wanted to experiment on Hulk, they always did. Why couldn’t Bruce have been born into a loving family, as a boy, and not turn into a monster?
“H-Hey I’m Bruce Banner,” Bruce stuttered when the quinjet landed and he met the team he would be working with: Tony Stark, Nick Fury, Phil Coulson, Erik Selvig, the Norse Gods Thor and Loki, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, and Natasha Romanoff.
 God damn, Thor thought when he laid eyes on Bruce. That guy is stunning!
“Good to meet you, Dr. Banner,” Tony said as he shook Bruce’s hand. I hope that wasn’t weak. “Your work on anti-electron collisions is unparalleled, and I’m a huge fan of the way you lose control and turn into an enormous green rage monster.”
“Thanks,” Bruce replied sarcastically. At least no one here cared, or hopefully even knew he was trans.
“Dr. Banner is only here to track the cube,” called Fury. Thank you! “I was hoping you might join him.”
Captain Rogers spoke up. “Let’s start with that stick of his, Thanos I mean. It’s magical but it works an awful lot like a HYDRA weapon.”
“I don’t know about that, but it is powered by the cube. And I’d like to know how Thanos turned two of our sharpest men into his personal flying monkeys.”
“Monkeys?” Thor questioned. Bruce wondered. TO? Could that stand for Thor, Son of Odin, or Odinson?
“I understood that reference!” Steve smiled, while Tony rolled his eyes at the recently defrosted Soldier.
However, before Bruce could test his Soulmate theory, Tony whisked him away to do research.
 Thor decided to do research on Dr. Banner and found out his first name was actually Robert. “Loki! I think Dr. Banner is RB! Look, his first name is Robert!” he cheered.
“Now to get close enough for the soulmate bond to recognize. You have to be touching, right?” Loki asked for clarification.
“Yes! At the end of the battle, I’ll give him a celebratory hug!” Thor hugged Loki for reference, in his signature rib-crushing style.
“Ouch, brother, do you want to kill your soulmate? He is merely mortal!”
“Alas, soulmate Banner is tougher than he looks.”
“He looks like an anxious mess,” Loki pointed out. “I have a point; he is especially fragile! Look at how he stood, playing with his sleeves and picking at his fingers.”
“I will teach him that he does not have to fear, that I will always be there, his soulmate.”
 “That’s my secret, Cap. I’m always angry,” Bruce calmly said as he transformed into Hulk to take down the Chitauri and the rest of the Black Order.
That’s my fucking soulmate! Thor thought as he continued battling. Eventually, Thor cut off Thanos’ head with a sword he had taken from one of the dead Black Order… creatures. It was official, there was no remaining child of Thanos. They had won.
Thor threw the sword to the side and charged over to Hulk, who was transforming back to Bruce. He was glad his armor that day was sleeveless, he wanted to see his mark change. He didn’t care that Bruce was naked, he was going to hug his soulmate, damn it!
The two were engulfed in a flurry of light for a mere moment, but their arms stung as Thor’s mark changed to purple, while Bruce’s turned red.
“Holy shit,” Bruce swore, then realized he was naked, and moved quickly to hide from the Avengers and SHIELD agents. “Please, don’t look at me!” he yelled as he pulled on some discarded clothing.
“My soulmate! What troubles you?” Thor thundered, causing Bruce to flinch.
“What happened to your penis? Blown off in war?” Steve asked curiously. “I knew a few guys in my time who had that happen.”
“Uh, yeah, I can’t afford the surgery to get a new one.” Bruce lied. The man was from the 40s, who knew how he felt about queers?
“And those lines on your chest?” Bruce blushed, hard.
“Friend, Captain, do not worry my soulmate! He will tell us about his traumas when he is ready, and it is obvious he is not ready!” Thor explained as he held Bruce’s hand to stop him from running. It also served to calm the man.
“Thank you,” Bruce sighed. He’d never had anyone stand up for him like that.
 Thor was back on Asgard. ‘How did I get here? I was with Bruce.’ he thought, several theories firing up as he waited for whatever had him home.
“So, you met your soulmate!” Odin called out, walking over to Thor and patting his son on the back. “Have you completed the final part of the ritual?”
“W-what ritual? We hugged and then our marks changed. Is that not it?” Thor asked with confusion. In all his years, in all the times he had asked about his soulmate and what happened when you met the, neither Odin nor Frigga mentioned a ritual.
“Nay, my son. The final part of the ritual allows you to feel their pain and emotions.”
“Then tell me what it is so I can complete it!” Thor chuckled. Why was Odin keeping it a secret?
“Alright, my boy, I cannot keep this from you forever. To complete the soulmate ritual, the two souls must combine, so to speak.”
“Combine? How the Norns?”
“Thor, you are a young man, surely you have had sex!” Odin laughed as he patted his boy on the back. Thor’s face flushed.
“Yeah, definitely!” he lied. “So, all I have to do is bed my soulmate?”
“Yes, my boy. Now, you need not lie to me, son. It’s fine to wait for your soulmate.”
“Did you, Father?” asked Thor, feigning innocence. He may not have had much action, unlike his little brother, but he knew enough from Loki’s bragging.
“I would be lying if I said I waited,” Odin admitted.
 Bruce almost Hulked out when he realized he and Thor had to have sex if they wanted to fully activate the Soulmate Bond. If he could have been dysphoric about his lack of a penis at only one moment, this would be it. ‘Does Hulk have a dick?’ he wondered, never taking the time to check, or perhaps he never had the thought. Would Thor want to fuck him even if he had… that?
 When Thor awoke, he was glad to find that he had not left Stark Tower, where the Avengers had set up a temporary living space. Much of the building was covered in debris from yesterday’s attack, but Tony’s apartment was safe, and he ha a few guest rooms. Clint and Nat had shared, as they were soulmates and had already bonded. Tony paired Bruce and Thor up, though thankfully their room had two beds- soulmates or not, they had just met. Tony had his own room, leaving Steve to the couch.
He staggered to the kitchen and decided to look for food. Pop tarts! He exclaimed when he saw the delightful treat. He popped two into the toaster and poured a cup of coffee.
“You’re up early,” noted Bruce as he walked into the kitchen soon after Thor sat down.
“A warrior always rises early. That, and I couldn’t sleep any longer. I’ve been thinking about this soulmate bond,” Thor said.
“Yeah, me too. I’ve had one-night stands before, but it feels different when it’s with my soulmate. Especially when he’s as handsome as you,” Bruce paused. “I want to get to know you in other areas than the bedroom before we do that. I’ve always had an interest in mythology, and it’s not every day one of the figures you’ve spent your whole life reading is your soulmate. I’ve only read your stories; I don’t know the man behind them!”
“Which story is your favorite?” Thor asked with enthusiasm, he loved recounting his adventures, now his soulmate was well versed in them. This was a dream come true.
“Probably the one where you had to dress up like a bride to get Mjolnir back!”
“Ah, yes. Now that was awkward. I had never felt such shame in my life, not until Odin banished me to Midgard after I attacked Jotunheim because they ruined my coronation.”
Bruce looked at his soulmate in wonder. “I never read that myth!”
Thor laughed. “That is because it happened last year.”
“It happened last year?”
“That is what I said.”
“Damn, I was, uh, tearing up Harlem at the time.” Bruce blushed as he remembered the last time he had been in New York. “Anyway, can you tell me the story?”
“Why, yes, Banner. So, me and my brother, Loki, have always been extremely close. When my coronation was interrupted by the Frost Giants, Odin forbid me from attacking them. In rage, I disobeyed my father, and me, Loki, my friends the Warriors Three, and Lady Sif traveled to Jotunheim, where we were attacked. Odin found us, and he was pissed that I had started a war with the Jotun. Long story short, he saw me unfit to be king. I must admit that I was arrogant and said some things I regret. He put a spell on my hammer that said only those worthy could lift it, and if they could, they would have my powers. He sent me to a place called New Mexico, where I met a young scientist by the name of Jane Foster.”
“I’ve heard of Jane, she’s a genius on the field of astrophysics! I’ve wanted to work with her for years, you know her?”
“Yes, she helped me to get my hammer back! I saved her from being killed by a being known as the Destroyer. He nearly killed me, but my selfless act proved me worthy and I was saved!”
‘He’s so fucking brave’ thought Bruce as he listened intently to Thor’s story. Of his adventure in New Mexico.
“What about you? Do you have any adventures?” Thor asked.
“N-not any that I would be able to tell, bad memories,” Bruce admitted quietly. “Whether it’s my mom being killed, my dad being abusive, being trapped in this hellhole of a vessel I call my body and my mind, being the Hulk,” he listed, every bad thing that had happened in his life flashing back to him. The only good times he had were in science labs, studying science.
“What’s wrong with your body? You’re incredibly handsome, Bruce. I don’t care I you have a penis or not. You’re still a man in my eyes.”
“It, uh, wasn’t blasted off in war. I never had one. These scars on my chest?” Bruce started, pulling his shirt off as he pointed to the thin lines lining the bottoms of his pecs. “Were from when I had my chest tissue surgically removed. Thor, I was born female.” Bruce’s eyes burned with the beginnings of tears, he could feel Hulk thundering in the back of his mind, begging to be released.
“HULK SMASH” he yelled in Hulk’s voice, before slipping back into Banner-mode. He threw his fists down onto the bed as he flopped onto it. His skin turned green but otherwise, he was still Banner. Hyperventilating, the years of ridicule he had faced at the hands of his father, and later Ross, flashed before his eyes.
“Bruce, you’re okay. I’m totally fine with it! These feelings are common on Asgard! If I could pass as a woman to a Giant, you sure as Hel can as a man. And you are a man, you aren’t pretending like I was pretending to be a woman.”
“Thanks.” Bruce took the compliment, not quite believing it. He hasn’t properly accepted a compliment in years, knowing from experience that trust would lead him to betrayal in the end.
“I mean it, Bruce. I would never lie to you; you have my word.”
  Bruce spits blood as he takes yet another punch. “God damn it, Becca, how many times do I have to beat it into your head that you ain’t a boy?” Brian snarls, before punching Bruce again.
“Gee, why don’t ya punch me again, see if that does it?” Bruce yells, sarcasm dripping from his busted lips. Brian follows the request, breaking his child’s nose. Bruce’s head snaps back, hitting the concrete floor, knocking him out.
Except he doesn’t. Instead of going unconscious, Bruce transforms into the Hulk, growing in size until he stood, seven feet tall, green, still bleeding. “What the hell, girl?” Brian swears before Bruce snaps, forcing his father into the concrete. SMASH. SMASH. SMASH!
“Y-you punch like a girl. Oh wait, you are one, even if you’re a fuckin monster inside.”
 Bruce wakes suddenly. He never was present for his father’s death, being deep in research at that point. He hadn’t even gone to the funeral, knowing his relatives would still see Bruce as the little girl he had always been in their eyes. Even if his curly locks had long been cut, and he had stubble along his jaw, and he had recently gotten top surgery, they would still call him Rebecca.
Yet, his mind, since he had turned into Hulk, liked to show scenes of him Hulking out on Brian, killing him, even though the man had died in real life from old age. Even in death, the man still hated his child. No, hate wasn’t strong enough a word. Brian despised Bruce.
Bruce didn’t realize he was crying until he couldn’t breathe, his sobs choking him, sending him into a panic attack. “Thor! Thor!” he managed to scream, throat dry, closing up, his fingernails clawing at his forearms.
“Banner?” Thor mumbled as he awoke, exhaustion still in his bass voice. “What’s wrong?” he reached over to turn on a light, only to see the smaller man shaking and scratching himself. “Hey, hey, hey, it’s fine. I’m here, you’re not in danger!”
Bruce jumps back at Thor’s fingers touching his bare chest. “Don’t hurt me!” he cries. “Dad, no! Okay, fine, I’m a fucking girl, I’ll never be a man!”
“Shhhh, the sun’s getting low, I won’t hurt you, you’ll never be hurt again. Your father is dead.” Thor reaches out to calm the man the way he used to calm Loki when the God of Mischief woke from nightmares. At first, Bruce flinches but then accepts the soft touch of Thor rubbing his back and brushing his hair from his face. Thor allows Bruce to cry into his chest, let the tears fall as his panic attack fades. “Bruce, my love, are you okay?”
“N-no. My dad,” he stutters. His face burns even harder than it was from his panic attack.
“Is dead, sweetheart. He won’t hurt you; I won’t allow it. If anyone hurts you, I will kill them. I’ve slain more enemies than the number of years I’ve been alive, that bastard won’t be the first nor the last.”
Bruce looks down at his wrists, skin torn and bleeding. He frowns, feeling the sting of his tears and sweat mixing with the wounds.
“Ah, I shall kiss them better,” Thor remarks, before running his lips over each and every mark. To Bruce’s amazement, the blood stops running, and each line turns white before disappearing completely.
“Can soulmates just do that?” Bruce asks.
“No, I don’t think so. However, I can. When Loki and I were small, my mother would kiss our battle injuries away, and by that, I mean the wounds from when Loki stabbed me. I guess I inherited her magic. Ironic, since Loki is the one of us that can perform spells.”
“Kiss all of my pain away,” Bruce smiles as he pecks the God on the lips. Thor quickly deepens the kiss as the two lean back so Thor straddles Bruce.
“Are you okay, my love?” Thor asks with concern. He feels a massive pleasure course throughout his body like lightning, but he can stop if his soulmate is too uncomfortable.
“I’m okay,” Bruce whispers. “I’ll tell you if my dysphoria gets to be too much.”
 Bruce wakes the next morning and smiles at his soulmate, his naked form covered by their comforter. They had officially completed the soulmate bond.  
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the-firebird69 · 4 years
and he says weak and he is terribly weak..and they wont run they say debris like star treck d he has the idea they try to fire goddamit and while flying ok lol...tons go and die..heard it and are gone...God bless them mac daddy says this is nt what i wanted nor my plan for them he says...it is not.  mac daddy says...no mac doesnt watn this for his we admit too Thor states...nope..not.  and qe is testimonial to that her efforts louder...they fly there...fast and hit no...it is huge they are whiped out and it is a beam...and it is fun no it is deadly keen work they fly earth behind and tried when it was not aimng there...tons saw and they di it now...tons...other planets are not up...but he says no no ithink they are...jesus escaped...and to Gamemede i dont have one..nope he is here lost...tons say it probably Jupiter godamndit and the girls to venus shit...and they went there took the girl there and wehave wht damnit...wow this is terrible and the robots too..cover.wow weare daft billiumhave intel  and we say it that is sohug massive and athousand mile swath no contest..weworknow and invstion commences robots and more...and you my freind are a wanted mac he says wooooowooo and we laugh so what youfailures and warrants willbe pulled by all youtorturous idiots macs Wie adds your  faggots harrased himfor this we are screwed and are..they kil you liek we do and it is brilliant he is genius and we are bad at ityour nothung t him this is horror wie adds. horror. and yesi am emperoro of china and it is huge and harder now..terrible...tons say it wow wow wow  this is horror the horror of this litle boyes mind hell gross too sebulba sepulvida and bja your dead you faggot this stuff sucks not necessary for you plan it is if we only letyou and yournot allowed you are not by macs orders we have them and obey. he is our Lord not yours...we fire youthen bja says ...wie adds. fu bja youask for my torso you dead queer...your gone we asisgn hitmen squddsofours and find you all here and all over earth jerk off bja,,,i say..and i add youare terminated bja we send in robots now tons and after you and your boss see youworking side by side adn lauging how grand it will be we hit you allnow you suckbacgs and we move in a Dark Tower in the north and you wont resist itis so powerful shitheads f u bja your a crass child and macyourtime isup gross idiot your gross gained nohting but pain and we are not ghwb not small. Thor Zues enjoy your deaths bja and mac you are insanely annoying and mine will NOT tolerate what issues forth fromyouidotic pie holes wont. Thor seldom expresses it did and you cant hear and yo udont want to shoudl have the whole time, my anger andhostility peaked years ago held...you are doomed and a while back this laser aside.  so dream ok..it is all you have left and pelaseplease please mac have bja maekthat tasteless...as he does all things Zues Hera we will. youdead faggot bja out you faggot your done you idiot you issueoneorder in my nameyou go now...faggot and i send out my orderson bja..this is terrible  he is a whore and a man whore and called mewhore man to hit me and is a piece ofshit in public and all hate him...jacket back to himand much much more your a loser bja...loser...and for christ sake i want to say this you are an abhorrant opponent caa adn cannot help it the fact you told mehonorable as bja was in fact out ofline all the timehe is a bitch too and we admire it that you told us fortrying and supporting you. he is so far out of line you should be commended and we shall. we hate hi ad his and he stresses youout tons more than thought allday actually any day...breazes in and out and tuoches base with his asses and insturctt themto give you hell makeyoutriop fall get bent hate and more and you wont crack for them at all...you aere so ahted by all bja you caused htis and it is easy to see we outline it sen it out clearly and point out daily life stuff his see it allanyways your pushy ankelasours...killed tonsof loved ones. wives to cancer and other and husbands and kids trained slavedover for melenia and sent away to die..he did itfor kaiju fighting wehad him sleepy..and youfd itupor a parallel he was poor you  blew it to makehim actually poor  what shit you are bja ad i issue a public statement trumpoutand you are on your own let free from it you may fight along side us vs this abhorant retard cork and his...we accept and thank you caa and it was hard but nottoo hardhewas seasoned,older...and we will obey our Lord now Mac Daddy. too many died at the hnads of bja and co his kids are imbiciles and caa did a number it is so rich i cannot stand..used us and tons and gross or ghwb...hates due to bja...he lost it in westboro too many times,,,and saw it and ten hesaid  i can lose it cant i of course....anger though can leed to prosperity..angre is real...and he does it it is a superpower and he saw ghwb do it and thought it free nope a massive illusinog bja your fired. mac daddy Zues Hera we salute you too caa for survivoing th is great hug orgthat was all pitted against youl little you bja did it and he is a venomous snake loser and we fill himful of holes we start it up and we have a wager other one sup too wihthe bja and this one allhim too nearby...and we hangyou and he suggests webut out and ask Wieto hang bja  we say no but need to..he is hurt badly and he shall but notlet him run about stockades bollard and let your womenpick of yours mac daddy donttell me as it is always bja and his say for youand bla bla and we see ok  we pick they say we do...and your bitches f this we do it and pick too totheir bitches and we see wepickhe says  and we shall.  it s on we hang crucify and do it now and bja we take your torsos and use them to infiltrate you did allday as you mouthe off about it...heated itwe took tn times the number  we will wint hte pile and mac daddy promised...a grand to caa...ken and i can play a pit of scrtch off 100 dollars adn we make it work...we need to see you ok...they do go after any money and yes..otns of gms wehave it tons...all thestuff firebird and money adn willie wonka and more and the casinos and hq and otns...huge gmaes allours to toss himon as kindling we shall ok great scott it is good needs to the boy is a tear jerker...tons see no humanity..nolove hatred...his women scared but are meanhateflu vile ones often  wehitnow Thor she said yeh you will see and we seeher load a canon fireup no she fell over  it comes down and hits her smack on the shoulder...pow ritht  through. fastupand down yes...and is aerodynamic he made it waiver for her to see...and we argued no no the shooulder and good..and a splinter smack the knee hedoes it and we hit him smack onthe houlder standing up...dies...wehithimagain and again now.all of thediots...and we are on we pile high Uriel will assist a time limit and it is like skinnin pigs wehear chuckling  fn bad this is bad they are dumb..  we say Thor Freya we had them makethe Pyle radio and it is good and trump says he wil eget the one grand to yu and vader can ssist and thenew one no made it heard it to hug moved fast and we shall for the bet today only Bitol cant get it here...haha thissucks lol looks like vader isnt he says.  and we hit them corks...and i agree he has been good for what crok does the croaking ass h e is htis huge pig to him faggot and armed today no. not anymore ever i decree it Qe we second and our clans submit and we sned out orders and a meeting formal dining and scns and protection, and we hear it good. finaly.  and w hold a memorial to all those lost to corky and he wants arn and dee on it....andiwant my momonit she died...no butok Hera says and vomits  we see why  she is back yes and this is good but ok not really but way way way better than cork no sublteies andnopralelle only bend break andbow...nope no deal...cant so welcome back mom...ok hon wesee your the Stardust Girl we agreeit is your name and we shal hve parties and more and kdis hopefully we are useful...cork hates us so...Stardust dolls and after Bo and we see lol...she is stardusty and glitter ish and we follow it....we see ..and i see they are creative Stardust white glitter nad it is gold phones alloer earth find them jobs help him he ishomeless and garht who never gave up and was beaten so badly by cork inour name find him a place now..qe moves to.  and isee why...we see ti too helpd...and she is a hienous asshole... we hear it too gone who needsthis lucifer here and they toughed it out and can but hardship...they agree shelterprotection and likescouts and permanet quarters...we try  mac daddy says and qe and carmen...we see you fighting themhrrid ceratures and demand damage and wehithtem now stop them. carmen says we areon and i wnat out of this and we say this help biden take him in they  beaton him trump has no choice he isgross to him...and we hear him and advice is dont cork you only die.  but now we back itup macs ok  and we say help dave we did nad stopped him took himhome and our way...for a beer and turkey and he felt good..you made it ok we are safe yes brother...this will hielp you more...thank you Chris i see your work what his this nono more anthere him this one...and at thhouse..he was anass after nad tlked smackbout you said it out loud and woudlnotstop beradedhimhe bled itout reallly said it is bad ok..bad and talked bout it all the way home..we laughed wwow itis theaffect and we learned hts incenscent are commies...and told he got windof it and hit ours..and we hit back and need a biggergroup....takeing from mc theives...they dontlikeit and we tried it and itworked put di on his stff showed mac and they were all happy...and recnetly they are iditos hand wavers and talkfuny so you see these outlines of hands brightly lit and spaztilcy flying aorund signing he is dead for htis and meaning me and we cant gt it off in sigh ghoug they could speak then we heard this weare on a monitro and they signed yourdead to us macs and it was anigthemere ad madei t big fast and tons sw the shits and we heard this this is how it goes swefidnd himkillhi and i saidno wehurt you...and he ifsful of ti adn we hit himbdly im out and im mac daddy out of the german museum and hit by anakin aka luke aka bja aka danny garland and warrants are issued..he pointed isnt that danny g and we had it out wit him smashed his car tookhimout and boooked him...and caa says i wont pay the txes adnd lauhged oh i dont dont make money and winfall yes is taxable so save it yes he says  shall list in my nogteboook ken hikped me getok tired eatnow mac daddy
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