#the guy I’m talking to actually started a poetry challenge with me 😀
dimsilver · 2 years
I ask him once about that coat he always wears -
holes and patches, faded elbows, dirt and grass stains
Dwarfing his thin shoulders, even in the summer heat.
He straightens, smiles a little, scrunches freckled nose.
“It’s Dad’s,” he says, “or was - before.” He stares too hard
At the cracked tiles beneath our feet. I do not ask
him to go on - I know too well the lump that rose
And choked him then, the love and grief too intermixed
To separate, the feeling that the world is just
An instrument untuned, and played quite badly, cast
Aside without a thought for little boys in coats.
But as these heavy feelings strike my heart, he smiles
Again, and squares his skinny shoulders, standing tall.
“Mom says I’ll grow into it soon. She says I look
Just like him.” Reaching then into his coat, he shows
The photo to me - laughing freckled face, the same
Tan coat, the same blue eyes. I study it. He laughs.
“Don’t I look like him now?” he asks, and in his eyes
I see the grief is mixed with pride, and courage grows.
The boy has learned his lesson better than I have -
I hear the sour notes. He hears the song that rings
Right through them, dissonance becoming harmony.
“You do,” I say. He nods. Away the photo goes.
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