#the halo ask game
fionnaskyborn · 10 months
🖥️,🚢,🥊,🎉,⭐,🎧 for the halo ask?
HEYA PIOTR!!! Sorry for keeping you waiting! ^^"
🖥️ - favourite AI?
Basic answer, Cortana. Honest answer, Virgil (if the combination of the Superintendent AI and Quick To Adjust counts as an answer) and Isabel. Those two are incredibly dear to me. And, of course, I can't leave out my beloved Auntie Dot. I get all in my feels about her because of how much emotion she shows for a "dumb" AI at times. It's not much, and it's very subtle wherever it *can* be seen - outside of her Firefight voicelines, anyway - but it's there, and it matters to me a lot. In a world where your class is severely stunted in the Having Feelings Of Any Kind department, especially when compared to your "smart" peers, imagine being the one urging your commander to get help despite not being... *wired* to do so. One warning is sufficient, yet you warn multiple times. Sorry, in this house we love Auntie Dot. Her firefight voicelines are also quaint and full of charm and I implore anyone reading this to give those a listen if they haven't.
🚢 - favourite UNSC ship?
Oof, this is a hard one. I'll be answering these by subclasses since that's the only way I can start singling out stuff - if you told me to pick an Ultimate Favorite Ship, we'd be here forever. Let's start with the dropships, for example. I *adore* the Albatross' design, and- oh, wait, this is about *singular* ships, isn't it. Oh, well, I won't be erasing my previous words. I am partial to the Spirit Of Fire due to it being a retrofitted colony ship. Reminds me of the Titans in Titanfall, who were used to help with terraforming planets and gathering vast amounts of crops and such before they were turned into war machines.
🥊 - who are you beating the shit out of?
Huh. Another difficult one, but in a different way. If you asked me at the very beginning of my Halo journey, my answer would've been Dr. Halsey. I've seen the light since, though. Halo is a bit of a strange case for me because if we ignore the obvious answer of Captain Ingridson and non-answers like everyone who has ever worked at ONI, there aren't many people that I can name from the top of my head I'd want to throw hands with. Maybe it's time for a re-read of some books or Halopedia pages. With that said, the final answer is Jun. And that one guy from the latest Flood short story who didn't listen to his ship AI. He's pissed me off so bad I don't even remember his name, but fuck 'im in particular.
🎉 - share your favourite character headcanon
Here's a very mundane one, and a personal favorite - Noble Six is very fond of cats.
⭐ - share your favourite piece of halo lore
I'm grateful I got this question twice because I get to discuss various things. At the risk of it being too broad of an answer, I will say that one of my favorite aspects of Halo lore is the politics of future humanity. I haven't seen a lot of people talk about the Koslovics and Friedens and the Interplanetary War in general - though, granted, before the Mythos came out in 2016, they were only mentioned on Bungie's site and the Halo timeline on Xbox.com. I'm glad Mythos gave us some names to work with, but I can't help but yearn for more pre-Human-Covenant War political lore outside of the "Innies vs the UNSC" struggle. Do not get me started on the Colonial Military Authority and how the UNSC absorbed and dismantled them and the differences in the ways the two organizations operate.
🎧 - song you associate a halo character with
My custom tag for Noble Six is "Unknown Soldier". Yes, like the Breaking Benjamin song. Six and that song go hand in hand for me.
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gordon-freeman-phd · 3 months
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me (on the chair) and my super soldier friends, im 6 foot 2 btw
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turtletoads · 7 days
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*astro bots your microsoft ips* (and some extras)
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splatoongamefiles · 7 months
Once you get side order stuff working, can you rip the Octoling statue? It was the first thing I noticed playing the DLC
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Screenshot to show what I'm talking about
this is the first ever side order ask i got (after it released)
and i got it here!!! i love them :)
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andromeda-vita · 5 months
okaayyyy first on the list of designnsssss,,, rayman !! yeah incredible , ik ik just. stay with me here
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a brief rundown of it is taking that whole "guardian of this world" concept, and being an embodiment of dreams, bravery and light.. then making it into a silly forest spirit,,
some inspos are sky children of the light, over the garden wall, adventure time, and zelda . again , weird mix , i knowwww . but!!!
i would need an entire doc to list all the things i've written on him thus far but i'd love asks/questions (and perhaps suggestions!)
im gonna be real here... most of the changes have to be the fact he has a cape and, messy hair, with flowers/leaves caught in it (ever heard of a brush???)
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holy--milk · 2 months
Xie Lian/Any MDZS or SVSSS character for 5 sentence fic 🫣
Luo Binghe could almost believe that the kind stranger who'd fished him out of the icy Luo river, drifting lifelessly down the stream as he passed out from exhaustion after finally clawing his way out of the Endless Abyss, was some sort of divine being.
He had the most beautiful face Luo Binghe had ever seen on anyone in this life, his voice soothing and calming like a balm, and his hands were so soft and gentle as they dressed his wounds that Luo Binghe couldn't help squeezing his eyes shut and getting lost in the fantasy of resting in his mother's safe and loving embrace, back before everything went wrong.
The illusion shattered the moment the man brought a foul-smelling bowl of soup to his lips, gently coaxing him to eat and replenish his strength.
... When Luo Binghe regained his senses two hours later, his body still shaking uncontrollably with the effects of the bizarre concoction that made even his heavenly demon blood freeze and boil in his veins, he turned to gaze at the man and found him spluttering apologies with a mix of shame, embarrassment and anxiety clearly written on his handsome features.
"It's fine, daozhang-gege," Luo Binghe mustered a smile despite his bafflement. "I'll be doing the cooking for the both of us from now on."
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cathartic-crypt · 10 months
✩ halo-based ask game will probably add more eventually :)
🌌 - what made you interested in halo? 🤍 - favourite halo character? 🖤 - least favourite halo character? 💘 - favourite canon/fanon ship? 💞 - favourite moment in a game? 💗 - favourite halo game? 💔 - least favourite halo game? 👽 - favourite covenant species? 🖥️ - favourite AI? 🚢 - favourite UNSC ship? 🗡️ - favourite weapon? 🛡️ - favourite armour? 💉 - flood, covenant, prometheans, or the banished? 🤖 - orion project, spartan IIs, spartan IIIs, or spartan IVs? ⚙️ - marines, odsts, spartans, or oni? 🏳️ - do you like rvb? 🥘 - who are you taking out on a date? 🍺 - who would you have a drink with? 🥊 - who are you beating the shit out of? 🎉 - share your favourite character headcanon ⭐ - share your favourite piece of halo lore 🎧 - song you associate a halo character with 📷 - 'aesthetic' photo you associate a halo character with
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sexy-weapons · 6 months
the Needle Rifle, Halo Reach?
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ageless-aislynn · 5 months
Angst! 16
Fluff! 13
Misc.! 16
And… for characters I’m going to throw out Kai, Alenko, and Soap. Do whatever pairings or friendships you’d like. Also I’m not gonna die if you choose not to use those characters. Or prompts. I dunno, I just wanna read your stuff man.
*glee* Thank you SO much for sending some prompts my way! These are all pretty short but mark my first time writing 2 of the 3 characters, so I'm just carefully dipping a toe in the COD and ME pools, lol!
Thanks so much again! 😎👍
Angst 16. “Are you hurt?” “No.” “Then why are there bruises all over your face?”
Sergeant John "Soap" MacTavish & Lieutenant Simon "Ghost" Riley, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
"Are you hurt?"
"Then why are there bruises all over your face?"
"You ought to see the other guy, Lt," Soap said with an unrepentant grin, unmarred by the fact his left eye was nearly swollen shut and he had a prominent cut on his lower lip.
Ghost sighed slightly behind his skull balaclava. "Sure I'll recognize him by all the bruises on his knuckles," he said dryly.
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Fluff 13. Are you flirting with me?” “You finally noticed?”
Kaidan Alenko/Commander Shepard, Mass Effect (reader's choice as to whether it's male or female Shep 😉)
"Are you flirting with me?"
"You finally noticed?"
Kaidan squinted, several Commander Shepards swimming in front of him in the dim bar lighting, all wearing fondly amused expressions.
"You are flirting with me!" he stated as if having uncovered a core secret of the universe.
Shepard's smile broadened. "Think it's time to take you home and tuck you into bed."
"I'm going home with Cmdr. Shepard," he proclaimed loudly to the crowd around them. Several people raised a glass in good-natured salutes.
"Yeah, they know." Shepard got an arm around him, sliding him off the bar stool and onto his feet. "Most of them were at our wedding, after all."
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Kai-125 & Vannak-134, Halo the series
John heard Kai's shout from the hallway outside of the Spartan quarters and shoved the door open to see—
He blinked. For a solid moment, he wasn't quite sure what he was seeing, actually. Kai vaulted over her own bed, being pursued hotly by Vannak.
"That wasn't honest," he said grimly. "You're just being mean."
"Look, it's not my fault that that penguin documentary was kinda lame and—"
"IT WAS NOT!" Vannak bellowed back and took a swing at her that would've definitely put a marine in the infirmary for a month, if not in the ground, permanently. For Kai, it would've at the very least mussed her hair. "Those penguins are adorable and—"
"Lame. Laaaaaame," she singsonged, ducking a flurry of punches, then doing a very impressive parkour run up the wall into a backflip that sent her soaring over the enraged Spartan's head.
John looked over at Riz, who was calmly sitting at a nearby table, reading something on her padd. She met his gaze, shrugged, and then went back to reading.
They crisscrossed the room rapidly, with Vannak coming close to getting his hands on her but, ultimately, Kai would manage to slip away at the last second. The entire time, she continued to issue penguin insults that, for some reason, the other Spartan took extremely personally.
John opened his mouth, about to say… something. Then he gave a slight shake of his head.
"I have paperwork to do," he announced to no one. "Don't I, Cortana?"
"I can find you some, Chief."
"That would be great," he said and just turned around and walked away.
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Sentence Starters
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empresskadia · 7 months
Could you imagine fighting side-by-side with the Master Chief from Installation 04 all the way to the end of the war, and meeting him again on Requiem. "I wanted to be like you, Chief."
YES, I can. I just adore these asks, gets my creative juices running. I really said we're making a short-fic with this.
The first thing that comes into mind is a Marine or an ODST that fought side by side with John through the ring. Someone who he ends up trusting considering they went through all this with him, the halo, the flood, and all that ‘fun’ stuff between. Honestly, he’s impressed they haven’t been killed yet but also how you had the ability to keep going despite everything you had faced and seen. John can think of commanders and captains who didn’t have the same resilience as you. He might even make a brief comment that you would be a good squad leader or commanding officer much to your delight.
So when he first goes MIA, it’s hard to believe that the Master Chief is gone and there is a lot of denial, but the years press on, and time doesn’t wait on anyone. I also think you would not only be grieving John’s ‘death’ but also Sergeant Johnson’s as he would’ve been your commanding officer during the war and a role model. Ultimately, you take John’s words to heart and climb up the ranks into command.
There isn’t much surprise when you are scouted out for the Spartan-IV program as one of the newest generation of Spartans by Musa Ghanem. It is surprising when he starts talking about John in an almost familiar tone and how he heard about the battles the two of you faced together on the halo. You are sold on the idea of the program as soon as Musa brings the Master Chief into the picture, what else was there than to be like him? And that maybe, if he did somehow come back, you could even have John’s back and fight for him.
As you delve into the Spartan-IV program with five others, you progress through the augmentation process, and enhancements reshape your body which lasts nearly three weeks. When it comes to training and field exercises, you and Sarah Palmer wipe the floor with the rest of the candidates. By the end of the program, you took the position of lieutenant commander as Sarah's right-hand Spartan. [Note: you and Sarah are probably besties after bonding by kicking ass. Also, Sarah has to stop you from committing something that might get you court marital a multitude of times on the UNSC Infinity, aka you almost punching the daylight out of 'captain' Andrew Del Rio.]
By the time Requiem rolls around, your reputation as a Spartan-IV and a capable leader has grown. So when you hear the distress signal, you know it's Cortana by voice alone and you are demanding to investigate, which almost prompts a fight between the captain and yourself that Commander Lasky has to intervene and side with you.
Conversation snips-
[Lasky] "I know you don't like Del Rio, Lieutenant, but I almost thought you were going to punch him."
[You] "I was this close."
[Lasky] "Your fingers are touching."
[You] "Exactly."
[Lasky] "I've never seen you lose your cool like that."
[You] "I-If there is a possibility the Chief is alive, it's our job to investigate it."
[Lasky] "I feel like there is more than you're letting on."
When the UNSC Infinity crashes on Requiem, you manage to round up a squad of Spartan-IV and go scout the jungle area. It's the flash of metallic green that had you holding up your hand to stop the others from firing.
"Chief?" You call out in disbelief, your gun lower just a bit. You knew there was a possibility he was still alive but seeing him in the flesh, if it wasn't for the Spartan training, you would've started crying.
"No way...[Y/n]?" The feminine voice rang through your helmet and the sound of her on TEAMCOM had a grin touching your lips.
"'Tana! Long time no see." You gave your team a signal to hold off while you approached the Master Chief, he almost seemed to be scanning you up and down.
"You're huge! And wearing MJOLNIR."
"Ma'am yes ma'am," You chuckled. "Hi, Chief. It's good to see you up and causing trouble." This time around, John didn't seem to tower over you, he was still taller but it no longer felt like you had to crank your neck up.
"You became a Spartan?" It was a question, the first words to hear him say after all these years and you were grinning to the point your cheeks hurt.
"I wanted to be like you, Chief." You gave him a shrug. "I got scouted and here we are."
"I feel like there is more to the story than just that." Cortana quipped and you could absolutely imagine her with her hand on her hips, giving you that pointed look she did back on installation 04.
"Tell you what, we make it out of here, I buy drinks and I'll tell you everything that's happened in the last four and half years." The Spartan-ll tilted his head ever so slightly before giving you a curt nod.
"I think we would like that very much." The teasing tone in Cortana's voice didn't miss you by much and there was certainly a smile in her tone. Was she teasing you? That would have to be figured out later as several blips appeared on your radar. "So, just like old times?"
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benoits-neckerchieves · 7 months
Daniel Craig feeling bad about playing GTA because of the virtual crimes he’s so cute what
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Source: kdhnews
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fionnaskyborn · 10 months
🎉 ⭐ 🤍
PATER!!! Hello and welcome, and sorry I'm two days late! Life got in the way of me infodumping about Halo, sadly 😔
🎉 - share your favourite character headcanon
This is a headcanon I've had for a long time that may have been made slightly less plausible if not outright inaccurate with the release of the Winter Contingency audiobook, but Rosenda and Emile are homies. There is no bad blood between them, and while they don't go *way* back, they did get to know each other quite well between swaps. (For context, Rosie was sent on missions with Noble Team in Emile's place whenever they were tasked with dealing with an Insurrectionist threat due to Emile's... disdain for the Insurrectionists.) Emile is much more *outwardly* friendly when Rosenda is around - he can be an amiable guy when he tries, it's just that the nice parts of him are mostly reserved for private conversations. (See: IWHBYD interactions with Six.)
(Also, Winter Contingency doesn't make a lot of sense in this regard because it implies that neither Rosenda nor the rest of Noble knew Emile before he came in as a replacement before the Battle of Fumirole, which... completely contradicts the previous canon in which Emile was a core part of Noble Team and Rosie was the one who would come in as a replacement when needed. Ugh, Halo.)
⭐ - share your favourite piece of halo lore
Here's one I found out about recently - sometimes, ODSTs will give tattoos of the kanji symbol for either "bastard" or "badass" to officers they greatly respect. Allegedly, if the tattoed commander reveals it to any ODST, not just whichever squadron gave them the tattoo in the first place, they will aid that person, in combat or elsewhere, without any second thought!
🤍 - favourite halo character?
I'm gonna cheat and put two here, because Noble Six and the Rookie are my absolute favorites and I'd rather walk barefoot on lava than pick one over the other.
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gordon-freeman-phd · 2 months
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hungry-skeleton · 4 months
and what is halo?
Everyone unfollow me I wanna be alone with anon so I can enter their world
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splatoongamefiles · 9 months
Hi!! I've been looking everywhere and can't seem to find the model for the fuzzy octolings squid forms. Could you show it, if possible? ❤️
ok so, the fuzzyness of the mammal models hasnt really been figured out yet, so here's all i have:
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sorry its not great lmfao
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tiredarts-sketchbook · 9 months
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Halo, Lancer, ULTRAKILL, D2, Kenshi, and a random OC doodle
I think I’m improving my mecha + armor skills (newest to oldest, descending z)
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