#the handsome male lead won't let me log out
waaanderingluna 1 year
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馃 饾暱饾枍饾枈 饾暢饾枂饾枔饾枆饾枠饾枖饾枓饾枈 饾暩饾枂饾枒饾枈 饾暦饾枈饾枂饾枆 饾杺饾枖饾枔'饾枡 饾暦饾枈饾枡 饾暩饾枈 饾暦饾枖饾枌 饾暫饾枤饾枡
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mylimoji 8 months
well, i for sure hope that she will end up being fucked up in the head and the constant reminders how she kept killing herself over and over won't end up being pushed aside. i don't trust it enough tho
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mylimoji 8 months
love when otome isekai manwha just straight up puts a homage to rgu.
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