#the heartbreak of no dlc is real
csphire · 6 months
Some headcanons about Dammon that I use in my fics or keep in mind when writing him.
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His favorite food is pizza. He makes really-really-REALLY good pizza and lasagna too. But given that he's a tiefling he needs to make both with larger amounts of meat than what is usually found back on Earth. Wanna try meatza, anyone?
He only makes lasagna on special occasions as it takes a bit more time to prepare it before putting it into the oven.
He likes baking more than stovetop cooking due to the precise measurements and the fact he can put something into an oven, and he's free to do something else.
He doesn't think to invest in installing a kitchen into his home until around a few weeks after the Absolute Plot has been resolved. Before then he would frequent the Blushing Mermaid for a bite to eat as needed or use his forge to grill or warm something up.
On his days off he'll usually go into a full-on baking and meal prep frenzy. He plans out his meals for the week so all he needs to do when he gets done working is take a dish out of the ice box and heat it up in a stove.
Aside from pizza, he lives on a variety of casseroles, sandwiches, and roasts. Breakfast is usually eggs and bacon. Yep, no worries about cholesterol in Faerûn. He strikes me as a real meat and potatoes kinda guy but, I would not be surprised if he indulged in spices to put some heat into his meals too.
He knows about Earth-correction, he knows a lot about Earth. To the point he will nerd out over our world's technology and other marvels if the topic is ever brought up. This is due to there are few people whom he can talk to about that place. Fewer still whom can wrap their heads around a world that lacks any magic and where all inhabitants are humans who have managed to come up with a variety of ways to harness lighting/electricity to adapt and thrive.
When it comes to his tools he's a little particular over who touches or moves them. His favorite hammer he's especially not keen on anyone else using. His tools, after all, are his livelihood. And once he gets better ones in Baldur's Gate his possiveness over them only eases up a little bit. Due to the fact, he can at least afford to get a backup set. He takes great care of his tools and likes them arranged and put away just so. It's not a good idea to use or borrow them without asking unless you want to start an argument.
He's always on the hunt for better tools and methods to further perfect his craft. Making basic weapons and armor he can do that in his sleep to pay the bills. Repairs and sharpening don't take him long at all too. But deep down, he would rather make something special and keep challenging himself.
I like to think he's got a love/hate relationship with infernal machinery and iron. He's awed by anything powerful. But like most, I don't think he likes the terrible cost most infernal machinery demands, which is the complete destruction of souls.
He can get sucked into what he's working on and completely lose track of time. As a result, he might stand someone up on a date or be late for an event. Sometimes he might need someone to remind him to take a break. Yes, he's prone to neglect his needs and others when hyperfocused on something.
Like most tieflings, he's ambidextrous and rotates his hammering from one hand to another to minimize strain on his arms. Still, there are times when he pushes himself too hard and needs a long soak in an Epsom salt bath.
Most of the time he smells like a mix of matchsticks (sulfur), coal dust, and the tang of whatever metal he's working on, which is mostly iron. Due to his infernal biology, he doesn't sweat nearly as much as a human or elf would. But at the end of the day, like most, he needs and takes the time to wash up.
He's more of a listener than a talker. Idle chit-chat and small talk he struggles with a little. But bring up Earth or anything related to making things with metal, not just weapons and armor, he's fully locked into the conversation and enthusiastic.
He's not just a blacksmith but a budding Artificer if he's not already one. Dammon after all literally knows how to make explosives and could easily subclass into an Armorer, Artillerist, or Battle Smith.
Both his parents are alive and well to his knowledge. Details I've come up about them are here. His father still lives in Elturel and did not want Dammon to leave. He suggested Dammon hide his true appearance with spells in order to pass as elven and stay in the city. This led to them parting on some disagreeable terms and hurt feelings. At this time, Dammon has no idea where his mother is and has not seen her in a few years. He's not greatly concerned by this and is used to it.
Dammon's childhood was a little lonely especially after his mother left. An only child and only tiefling during his school years he struggled to socialize with others. Did he get bullied for being the only kid with a tail and horns? Of course. But not all of his peers were jerks and he managed to make a few friends.
I like to think once Dammon was old enough to attend dances, balls, and other social functions he started crossing paths with Rolan who was struggling to work himself into the wizarding circles in Elturel. Rolan may have been motivated to befriend Dammon to open more doors and snag social invites but only at first. In the end, they do have a genuine friendship. Thanks to Rolan, Dammon was introduced to more tieflings outside of his father's uptight social circle. Being among his mother's people was healing and helped him come out of his shell if only a little.
That's all I got for now. I wish we could have gotten to know him better and gotten more content with him in a DLC. No hate towards Larian over that, my ire is solely over Hasbro for laying off the staff at Wizard of The Coast who were working with Larian for years. Shattering that working relationship was an extremely stupid move on Hasbro's part.
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dykedvonte · 5 months
Thinking about how in OWB the think tanks’ houses are all messed up implying that despite succeeding in basically creating immortality they lost their ability to do the things that made them happy and realized it all to late.
Hate how we know this was still the point were they would have remembered their past and knew exactly how much they had lost.
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dukeofqueers · 2 years
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i think solomon and hadern explored each other’s bodies
mortal shell sketches from last year that i made while rocking a high fever for several days. i love these sad guys waaaaay too much
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romeoows · 2 years
going to a taylor swift concert in a month so im binge listening to her albums and.
the baxter dlc is going to be so red era.
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thesilliestofgals · 9 months
Something I find really ironic about Pokémon Scarlet and Violet is how, when the games were initially released, a majority of the audience ragged on them (fairly) for being all buggy and rushed; it was obvious that, at the time, Game Freak cut corners in order to get the games released at the promised date.
And then the updates/patches came out, and then the DLCs... And you know what? Honestly? Pokémon Violet has taken Moon's place of my favorite Pokémon games.
You may be wondering why and my answer is simple: the characters- specifically, our "rivals". They have so much personality and depth to them, it's hard not to fall in love with their stories, and those stories had me feeling genuine sympathy for them.
Listening to Arven, Penny, and Nemona's back and forth on our Area Zero trip was just so... endearing, you know? Like it felt like I was listening to real people have a conversation.
Don't even get me started on Kieran and how fascinating and heartbreaking his arc was... ouuughhh my boy. My baby boy. I adore him!!
TL;DR: In my opinion, the character writing in SV was really well done, and I hope it continues improving in the next Pokémon game(s).
P.S. Have two memes because I was having a really hard time figuring out which one was funnier.
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miquella-everywhere · 2 months
Lately, I've been thinking about the story of the DLC, And trying to Ratonalize what From is going for with Miquella and what is overall going on. I wanted to just kinda put my thoughts forward to you and know what you think.
Maybe Godwyn would make sense if the whole story and shattering was so soon after his death, when Miquella was actively mourning him and trying to find ways to bring him back from the dead, or, if that couldn't happen, then have a way for him to die for real. That's the real issue whenever I think of like people saying that it should be Godwyn, Miquella was already pivoting in one direction or the other, and it's REALLY hard to tell what happened in which order.
There's the eclipse in Castle Sol, which could theoretically bring Godwyn back, but the sun was not swallowed, meaning that it didn't happen. Then there's the Golden Epitaph which most certainly involves Miquella, but this time he wants Godwyn to fully die. So personally I have no idea if he wanted to bring Godwyn back first and THEN when that didn't work he wished for him to fully die? No idea.
I will say that the Radahn thing is definitely odd. But I might have an idea as to how it may have possibly started. The original Council of demigods shortly after the Elden Ring was shattered. Miquella and Malenia had attended that council, and so had Radahn. We don't know how long the council lasted or when it broke down, so there might have been opportunities for Miquella to decide that Radahn may have been a choice for Consort.
The ending Cutscene of the DLC might even corroborate this, as we see him kneeling in the ground right in front of one of the council thrones. This is apparently where that vow was also given. This means there might be a non-zero chance that Miquella had interacted with Radahn during the time of the Council and before things broke down.
I hear you and I've been trying to find a way to rationalize this weird story direction myself, but the biggest issue that I will never let go of is that there is zero evidence of a vow or even Miquella's supposed "relationship" with r*d*hn in the base game, hell there's even nothing in cut content, so I can't help but see this stunt as a rewrite or a retcon and it just breaks Miquella's whole character, relationship with Malenia and Godwyn, and base game motives in the most heartbreaking way for me :(
There was like... a handful of different ways they could've made Miqs story satisfying and it genuinely feels like they went this direction because of Promised Retcon r*d*hn, and that they wanted to try and showhorn him in there at the cost of Miquella's character. I can't say if it's because fromsoft saw how popular he was and wanted to jam him in there to please his "fans", if r*d*hn is actually mikalzakis uber special gary-sue, or if they legitimately forgot all that base game stuff that was built up regarding Miq and Godwyn...
​But regardless of their reasons, I can't help but see this as undeniably horrible writing and I mourn for Miquella's nuked character all so r*d*hn could be propped up as cooler than he actually is. 😞
So as I have been saying: I will die mad
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thewrongsacrafice · 1 year
words can not express how bone chilling it is to hear the candy cadet story when you know about the mimic already. had to just stop when i heard it
also roxy's last lines to cassie imply some really interesting things about both of their characters, "im sure your friends will come this time" is so ahebfnkdjdj as someone who got deserted at several birthday parties it just feels so familiar and so heartbreaking to hear it about a fictional character and to hear it said in that way just makes me feel like collapsing into sobs and roxy feels so much more like a character you would meet in an establishment like the pizzaplex and it just makes her feel so much more real (same with the eclipse/daycare segment)
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elvhenmage · 3 months
doing the descent and the jaws of hakkon dlc before what pride had wrought is so fun. nailah has the worst time of her life in the deep roads because being underground scares her, then she has a fascinating but heartbreaking time learning about ameridan and the history involved, then she gets to wander around the temple of mythal and be completely in her element, and THEN she gets dumped by her boyfriend after he tells her the well she drank from to be closer to her goddess was a terrible idea and that her vallaslin honoring said goddess are actually slave markings. just a real shit couple of weeks for poor nailah
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promscamera · 8 months
You know, I really like how they did the story of Prompto being separated from the group for a while. I like this for all of them, btw, but specifically for Prompto.
It would've been so easy to make it his mistake. He's the one with the least training, who joined the last, and who gets the most comments on 'coming a long way', 'stay on your feet', etc. And he himself has a lot of doubts about belonging and tries so hard to fit it and 'be worthy'.
And then he gets separated to go on his solo adventure (DLC). But it's not his fault. He is badass! Standing up to Ardyn (even though let's be real Ardyn let him but still), and it's Noct who pushes him off the train.
Which is super sad and heartbreaking, but I just like how it's not something Prompto did. It was clearly Ardyn who caused it, but it was Noctis who 'did' the final push.
I just like it, because it shows that Prompto is capable. It doesn't put extra focus on 'we need to rescue him, as a damsel in distress'. And he did well on his own, too! (With the best girl, of course)
Anyway, main point. Prompto is cool and capable, and I like how it wasn't him messing up and then needing to get him out of his own mess, having to go out of their way because 'the youngest/least trained needs saving'. It's nice.
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lovebirdgames · 1 year
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It is my birthday.
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I MADE IT ALL THE WAY TO 30! And wow, this year is flying by! I figured I should give you guys an update on the latest.
First of all, Alex wrote a blog post on the making of Band Camp Boyfriend's soundtrack. It's a really cool read! Check it out here!
Second...as it turns out, it's tough to motivate to work on a game that's already out! I've been making the most of my summer, too, but once the cold weather sets in, I'll buckle back down and finish fixing up some of the bugs. All that's left to do is put in the few voice clips that were missed and figure out the font problem, which seems to be spawning more bugs from messing with it. My goal is to update the game before the year is over.
I actually did try to sit down and do the voice clips this past weekend so I would have some good news for you, but my back is killing me and sitting in a chair makes it worse. (TT_TT)
Once the game is updated, our next goal is to release a digital artbook/soundtrack DLC. I've never put together an artbook so I may have to do some research first! Initially, I wanted to accomplish this by the end of the year, but my secondary goal is to get it out before Band Camp Boyfriend's one year anniversary.
Beyond that...comes the difficult conversation of whether we can justify a sequel for Band Camp Boyfriend or if we move onto our next project. I've already agonized over what to do, the choice is gonna be a real heartbreaker either way, but we definitely need to wait longer before making our final decision. And we'll keep enjoying our time off from game development as well!
Hope you're all having a fun year and thanks for reading!!
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niriaveil · 12 days
I just finished rannoch and all the geth quests and I'm trying to create a graph in my mind of hayley's stress levels because I have Thessia next and the shepard/joker argument is coming up and I'm trying to visualize the steady graph of stress that was engineered since joker calls back to shepard's stress levels on akuze.
more than likely, edi has the statistics of shepard and simulated the scenario of akuze to test where shepard's stress levels would be at according to all the data edi has on hand. which makes perfect sense why akuze would be a lot lower than say, the suicide mission or the entire fate of the galaxy on hayley's shoulders since she was sent to stop saren.
it really puts into mind how long people have spent worrying about since even in the me1 intro you had anderson, hackett, and udina questioning shepard's capabilities to be a spectre. which says a lot. shepard was already an n7 operative which already demands a specific mindset in order to compensate for the missions and choices you have to make, but it wouldn't surprise me if shepard had a shadow team of health professionals analyzing the data and statistics of her armor to wonder how qualified she is to be out in the field
which makes anderson's recording in the citadel dlc more heartbreaking already because, "a lot of people back home lose sleep over shepard" or similar (I can't remember it off the top of my head and I haven't played the dlc in a long time + haven't started it yet) which like. yeah. you've turned your prodigy / child figure into a real life atlas not because you wanted to, but because circumstances forced you to and now you are left to watch the crumble piece by piece under the pressure you placed on them. you want to make it easier because you want to stomach it. you don't want them to suffer but they're the only ones who can save the galaxy.
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givemethepage · 1 year
Layers of Fear 2023 Initial Playthrough Impressions, Part 1.
[SUPER LONG POST AHEAD, LIKELY FULL OF SPOILY BITS] (All my posts in this blog probably will be.)
Obviously I love it and my obsession with this world has been reignited, burning twice as hot as it did the first time around. So far I've played through Painter's Story 3 times, Daughter's Story twice, and I'm about to start the Musician's Story. Meanwhile in story mode, the Writer is about to sit down and begin writing the Actor's Story after a harrowing return to the lighthouse during which she's made an attempt to reject her earlier pact with the Rat Queen. I know. I tend to do things in weird sequences. I just want to see everything there is to see before I finish.
I love love love the additions and changes to the first game and its DLC, insofar far as I can remember the details of the original. The completionist in me is sad I can't find the Dust Mice sketch or whatever is meant to be behind the pipe on the secretary near the front door, and there may perhaps could possibly might be another whisper object that goes on the upstairs table.
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But THAT'S not important. What's important is the story and the creation of the story! This new ending seems like it's missing a cutscene, but I really like that before you walk out the door, you're still surrounded by messages of failure. The intrusive thoughts don't disappear just because you've opened a path to healing. I'm not sure if I liked seeing what was beyond the front door, or maybe I just wasn't pleased with what they chose to put there, especially given what I did after I turned the game off.
For the first time in however many playthroughs since the original game came out, I stopped to examine the origins of the house's design. I came across Steep Park House/Potter's Manor. So many urban explorers have documented and photographed this mansion. Must remind myself to make a full post about it! This place seems to be just one of the inspirations for the couple's house, but an important one, given not just how close the architecture of the house's common areas are mirrored (literally) by the Painter's mansion, but also how many of the basic narrative details of LoF are shared with the former owners of Steep Park House, i.e. the painter who abandoned his home after the death of his wife, leaving behind many portraits of her, himself, unknown subjects, still life, etc., along with countless notebooks, letters, publications, and other possessions that provide clues to the lives they led. Seriously that's all actual circumstance from the real life house. I really want to ask the designers about it since all I can find right now is Reddit speculation about whether it's even the right house. But even green tinge of the wife's diary pages and the font on some of the mail can be found in the photographs of Steep Park. It HAS to have been instrumental in dreaming up the very concept of Layers of Fear. At least I choose to believe it is.
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Gonna save the full spread for a Steep Park/Potter's Manor post.
Back to the game, though, the growth of the Rat Queen's role for the 2023 version doesn't sully the universality of the game's allegory like I was worried it might based on some Steam reviews. She remains a symbol of the despair that accompanies memories of trauma, and explicitly making a pact with her seems to me to be a commitment to using that despair as a wellspring for creativity, at the expense of any ability to see truth. The despair will only further twist your memories and warp your perspective. We see all 3 members of the family fall prey to the subjectivity of their memory, even moreso in this version with the addition of voiceovers and I think a few more notes(?). And choice still carries just as much weight in the new game, even with a supernatural force pulling strings from behind the curtain. One heartbreaking thing the Rat Queen has said this time around was that the Daughter was "mine from the moment of her birth." Wow. I went straight for the True Ending, so that statement did turn out to be true for me, but what of the Forgiveness and Resentment endings? Do those also necessarily reflect a Daughter trapped in the Rat Queen's grasp? Are these messages from the Rat Queen, (which I presume are spoken to the Writer,) set in stone? Are they reliable? Are they true? So many implications. One of which is:
What will happen to the Writer??
Will she have multiple endings like the others? Will she be able to break her pact with the Rat Queen? And will that depend upon the outcomes of the other stories along with which collectibles I found during her scenes in the lighthouse? That might be a problem because I am just scooping up everything and devouring every bit of lore my cursor passes across.
Other questions:
Have any works of art been added to/subtracted from the family's portion of the game? I want to do a symbolic analysis of all the real works within the context of the timing of each painting's appearance during gameplay. I know that's a huge task with what, 38 works? But that's a future post and it's why I made a whole separate blog for this in the first place. To be honest I'm shocked that I haven't found anything like this online in the 7 years since the original Layers of Fear when there are a million channels dedicated just to deconstructing the lore of one Zelda game, (which I also love.)
Are there any easter eggs in the family's stories? It's been fun to read real critiques of the first game planted all over the lighthouse, but I wonder if anything like the lemons or the ouija board event are going to pop up in this.
Is the Musician more culpable than I thought? I also went back and did the Dad ending in Inheritance and I don't remember Mom being quite as paranoid or short tempered. It made me see her writings in a new light, and it makes me excited to go through her new story a few times. I must see everythinnnnnnnnngggggggggg.
What does the writer mean by "bring him back" in Chapter 3? Did her son die? Did they have a falling out? Does she believe the Rat Queen or her agency has the power to fix this? Do they?
And then ultimately, is the Rat Queen an invention of the writer? Is her fascination with these stories and the mysteries behind them only leading to flawed adaptations tainted with themes of insanity because she has projected the insecurities of her own fragile mind into the events she's depicting in her books? (Nah)
I dunno I dunno I dunno I dunno I dunno
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vaguely-concerned · 2 years
Happy healing post-DA:I things for my Hawke and company
because if anyone ever deserved that soft epilogue it's these guys
Hawke giving Merrill a griffon feather from Weisshaupt
Hawke getting a new mabari puppy (maybe also kittens? can we work kittens into this as well?). Hawke and companions playing with and petting said puppy. said puppy falling asleep in people's laps. it dozes off on fenris' head once and he just lies there and lets it with great equanimity until it wakes again. varric and isabela try to teach it wicked grace. it's better at it than anders was.
Bethany can live at home now ;_______; the last of the Hawke family finally getting to actually live in their ancestral home together, after all their hopes and hard work in act one ;_________________________________; she could get married if she wanted to, she could have kids, she could have whatever part of a 'normal life' she feared she never would and her magic, not having to hide anymore ;__________________________________________; (a big thank u to leliana the murderpope my best homie <3)
Bethany bringing some of the apprentices she's taken under her wing and Merrill bringing some of the alienage kids who're in extra tricky circumstances, and the big empty house is not so empty anymore
Hawke training Bethany's apprentices and Merrill's wards in physical combat -- "My father always said that the real trick of magic is knowing when not to use it. Doesn't mean you can't throw a punch about it tho". the kids sometimes gang up on him when they're playfighting and bethany looks on like :') because he pretends to be vanquished & defeated, alas proud warriors your strength combined is too great, in exactly the same way he did with her and carver when they were little
Fenris and Hawke friendly sparring! Isabela watches while drinking rum.
Hawke hanging around the Viscount's office, pretending to be there just to make fun of Varric (and annoy Aveline let's not forget) but actually helping out unceasingly. don't tell anyone tho he has a reputation to uphold as a rich idiot with no day job even though he's been doing every fucking job in kirkwall for like a decade now, ssssh he has to feel like he's still fooling someone
First Wintersend party at the Hawke estate where most of the gang is together again. (My canon always has Hawke send Anders away at the end of DA2 and sometimes there's a romance involved for double heartbreak too so y'know. bittersweet there but at least the rest of the family gets to be together again.) Varric and Hawke mutually pretend they don't notice the other one getting teary-eyed during the dinner because sometimes that's what friendship is
kirkwall book club? kirkwall book club. fenris hasn't gotten to read a lot of books yet, so it sort of starts as people giving him recs, evolves to a covert war among the gang to get their fave books/series read first, and then it keeps escalating from there until they're all fully in it. isabela frequently derails it into friendfiction night.
what if merrill got to do some gardening. huh. what about that. I just think that would be nice.
varric writing some black fox stories just because he knows hawke likes them ;__; (you find the black fox codex entry in DA2 in Hawke's mansion and one of the DLC outfits you can get for them is said to have belonged to him as well, so I like to think Hawke has a weak spot for that Robin Hood/Zoro-esque thing deep down lol it would explain a lot about his life)
just varric and hawke hanging out honestly. varric writing while hawke lounges around in his room. every time he has to name a character or something and gets stuck he throws out the basic concept and hawke provides a name without missing a beat or indeed looking up from whatever he's doing. it's always brilliant or awful or brilliantly awful. varric does his shitty little he he he laugh and/or offers hawke his hand in marriage yet again and goes back to writing. all is right in the world, if only just for a while.
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pixies-and-poets · 1 year
in hindisght it should have been real obvious Beep-0 insulting Phantom's voice was foreshadowing lol
Between that and the gramophone on the Rayman DLC promo image, they really were just telling us! Honestly in the face of such clues, it's impressive how restrained we all were, in refusing to declare he was coming back for sure. Who knew the screaming bunnies fandom was full of such reasonable people, lol. (We were all afraid of being disappointed... he's a heartbreaker after all!)
Well! We can all scream now :D
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peepee-magee · 1 year
I genuinely love this DLC so much? For years I’ve been indifferently keeping up with the lore of the games for fun bUt not really caring because it was convoluted and the games were repetitive up until SB but with this DLC I think I’m fully reinvested.
The mimic is a genuinely terrifying concept when placed in our modern era, and it works well to fill out the plot holes in security breach that were lost in the transition to a more open world concept. It’s left me with a lot of questions (like did Cassie n Gregory’s parents work together n that’s why they’re close?) , but I’m glad to see OG villains like Afton finally put out of their fucking misery (at least as the main, hopefully, please stay gone) n replaced with something legit horrifying. I mean look what they did to my boy Freddy! They literally swept Monty at the legs; I appreciated them drawing on old classics like amnesia to create more interesting and diverse game play.
I’m still not 100% convinced the real Gregory was ever apart of this DLC (if he’s real at all anymore) but that betrayal was certainly a sucker punch. I haven’t genuinely felt bad for an antagonist in this series since the first game so to see Cassie get tricked like that n have her only main options be being betrayed or become so panicked she shuts down mid chase scene is heartbreaking! (I saw some endings about a scooping but idk what leads to that one or if she can even leave afterwards) I hope it that scoop ending is legit once she’s safe Roxy comes n scoops her up cuz this poor kid.
I’m so intrigued by this new villain n im super curious to see what they’ll be doing with it next.
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dragon-tamer-1 · 1 year
I just finished the Ruin DLC, or at least one of the endings(?). While I want to do all endings, I can't say I know how to get them. (That is if there are multiple endings, I've heard there are, but at the same time idk. But I'm definitely in the clear to watch playthroughs of it now.)
My thoughts and spoilers beneath the cut
This was fun and scary at the same time. A fun scary, to be sure, but at the same time I don't think I got that scared. I died a few times, sure, but half(or more) of them was because I fell off a ledge to my death lol. Eclipse was fun, but it felt too short a section. But hey, he's cool, no longer attempting to kill you in the dark. At the same time, he didn't really feel like a threat, in my opinion. The Moon section in the base game definitely seems scarier than what happened in Ruin. But that's not to say it was bad, I enjoyed it a lot. The atmosphere was really spooky, and overall a good time.
Next thing, finding out that Roxy is Cassie's favorite animatronic was cool. Sure, you can argue that it was obvious, but Cassie picks up the Roxy Talkie(the name of the thing she uses to communicate with Gregory) inside the Pizzaplex, so it wasn't with her prior. Also there's one scene where Roxy actually remembers Cassie, mentioning the last time she had a birthday there, and that was so sweet. Kinda heartbreaking cause I had to deactivate her. And that one scene that was shown in the trailer when Roxy grabs you, she lets go and says sorry after Cassie yells 'Let go!', possibly when she recognized Cassie's voice?
Poor Monty, didn't really do much beyond showing up a couple times, one time pretty much submerged in water, that was cool. Guy doesn't even talk anymore, just growls and stuff.
Chica, though. She's had better days, man. Missing half her head(or at least the exosuit(?) covering her endo head) and partly melted.she barely seems to move, but in the sections where she's active, she has killed me a couple of times.
They definitely threw me off a bit with Freddy, missing his head and his chest cavity now has teeth(it definitely looks like that). So that possibly means that it's going off the Saving Vanny Ending in the base game, where you beat all three Princess Quest games and Gregory repairs Freddy's head and Vanessa is no longer Vanny(unless you headcanon Vanessa and Vanny as separate people). He's barely there though, only a short chase scene then he's gone. Kinda feels like they just went 'Oh, you know how he was always there in the base game? Well now he's there for like, 5 minutes and disappears forever.'
The mini Music Men were a bit creepy, and have a different jumpscare, they pretty much swarm you. Granted, there wasn't a whole lot of them, but definitely more than I would think there would be. No DJMM though, bummer. Big guy is one of the cooler ones.
The whole AR stuff they did in the game was really cool, too. And trying to avoid Glitchtrap was interesting in itself, which kept me from just having the Vanni mask on the whole time. It also let me turn off the Wet Floor Bots for some reason, maybe that's tied to something? Or it's just a weird thing that they added, who knows.
That ending though, what a ride, but also kinda confusing in a way. So in finding "Gregory", we actually find a robot mimicking Gregory's voice, revealing that Cassie was tricked into freeing it. Now, I have heard some predicting that this was a possibility, so not too much of a surprise, but it was still interesting. We then hear from "the real Gregory"(probably, the reveal that it wasn't Gregory that was telling us to come save him already happened, so it might be him) that he was trying to reach Cassie from the beginning to tell her not to go down there or something. But as she escapes, Gregory(or maybe the fake Gregory) shuts down the elevator and she dies. Oh, but before that, Roxie comes back and saves Cassie from the robot pretending to be Gregory(though how she found her way down there when she's blind is a mystery to me).
Overall I had a good time. Also from the few actual collectibles I found, it seems like Gregory doodled some of the endings from the main game. One comic doodle was of the fire ending, and one was the Burntrap ending. There was another one but I forgot what it was. There were likely others as well, but I didn't find those.
Oh, also Candy Cadet was there, and some gifts that had Faz Tokens that you gave to Candy Cadet to let it tell you a story. Which was basically a metaphor for you being lured down there to let the monster out.
The DLC felt like it was a bit short, but then again, it's free and honestly that's fine with me. As for any glitches, there weren't really any, except for maybe the one mini Music Man in the one vent that somehow killed me when I had escaped the vent, but whatever. There was quite the long load each time I had to respawn after dying. And a bit of a load to new areas, but honestly not that bad. None of it negatively impacted my experience with this DLC. Definitely going to play it again, it was definitely fun. Good job, Steel Wool Studios, you did good with this one. Especially since it's not a buggy mess Security Breach was when it came out(still kinda a buggy mess, but not as bad. And I still enjoyed playing it when it came out and recently).
Now to watch others play it and see what they think about it.
Also now debating on whether or not to have some of these points explored in my fnaf au with the animatronic ocs. I guess it depends on 1. If I can make it blend together with what I already had planned, and 2. If I like the result of seeing if they can be somewhat combined.
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