#the hex murder mystery au
elemom · 4 days
okay i caved and decided to draw a little bit of my three sides au. Specifically, the side that i think is the most unique, the side where Euclid and Scalene Try To Avoid Being Jailed For A Murder They Did Not Commit And May Not Have Even Happened. Have fun!
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“In today’s news, the mysterious disappearance of a young child casts a shadow on beloved detectives. Citizens are left asking: Did They Do That? Here’s Lexy Hex with the story.”
[The screen changes, showing a green hexagon holding a microphone. ]
“Thanks, Tetra. I’m currently standing in front of the scene that’s left the people of Euclydia scratching their points and asking themselves, just who could be responsible for this?
Just last night, a child was reported missing from this very location. Bill Cipher was only three years old when his parents claim he “suddenly disappeared.”
[Footage of Euclid and Scalene Cipher plays.]
“Our son was sitting in the middle of the room when he started acting strange. I believed it to be his visions acting up again, until a bunch of circles suddenly materialized and surrounded our poor Billy!”
“Six, there were six of them.”
“Thank you, dear. It was downright peculiar. Impossibly, the group of six circles started to grow. My wife and I tried attacking the intruders, to no avail. Just as quickly as they’d arrived, they vanished again.”
“And Billy…”
[The screen changes back to the hexagonal news reporter.]
However, not everyone is convinced. Chief Officer Pointe Pentagg of the EPD seems to doubt the Ciphers’ story:
[The screen shows a red square in a police uniform.]
“Kids don’t just disappear into thin air. That’s just not possible. And to claim that this was the work of not one, but six circles? It’s outlandish at best, and treasonous at worst.”
[The screen shifts back to the hexagon.]
“Their possible motives are unclear, but some suspect that their son’s birth defect could have contributed.
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The Cipher family is currently being detained at the Central Euclydia Detention Center until further investigations are completed. Tetra, back to you.”
[The screen changes back to the newsroom.]
“Thank you, Lexy. This has been Tetra Abcde with Euclydia News Network.”
[ Complete transmission. ]
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Hiya!! I was wondering if I could request a Hex Girl! Like reader (Hex girls from scooby doo, particularly the main one, Thorn) with Yan!Giyuu and Yan!Sanemi, also, I saw that you wrote for JJK, so i was wondering if you could also do Yan!Naoya and Yan!Toji if thats okay-! Thank you for your time💗💗 -💗💗 anon
Oh! I’ll have to do some research since I’m not that familiar with the Hex Girls! But I’ll try! And yes, I do JJK too since JJK rocks! First ever JJK request, thank lord! Somewhat Modern AU if you don’t mind!
Yandere! Tomioka Giyuu
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He finds your whole demeanour, gentle goth style and passionate musical taste very cute and intriguing. Only a pure bean like you could can mix dark and light for something so amazing
Giyuu doesn’t mind trying to help you with your supernatural investigations. He finds them interesting as the tales of ghosts aren rarely spoken off back in his hometown
Giyuu is defensive over your fashion sense and gets hyper aggressive over your tastes. You can do whatever you want and he’ll happily silence whoever tries to harm you, in anyway. Because you’re his! And nobody else’s
Yandere! Shinazugawa Sanemi
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He originally thought all goths were bland, boring walking depression pods but you’re so much different that he has fallen off his rockers for you in a instant. A beautiful case of polite and mysterious
To Sanemi, your whole mystery is so fascinating. He wants to know more about you so he tries his best to sly pry information out of you, only to fail. He doesn’t mind, being around you is a blessing
Sanemi will slice open necks if needed. People trying to hurt your cause for protecting nature will have him hunting down his newfound enemies and disposing off them so he can better help you. That way you’ll become his
Yandere! Zen'in Naoya
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Normally, women are absolutely despised by this young Zen'in for their incompetence but you are the black sheep of them all. The interesting and the different one, one that makes his eyes pop out in surprise
Naoya is very manipulative and twists your words and ideals onto their heads so you’ll simply agree with him and listen to him blindly. It’s cruel to you, he knows but the best way for him to make you leave your friends behind is to bend your point of view
Naoya’s limits are basically nonexistent. He doesn’t mind threatening and/or harming anybody that comes into your way, that tries to break down your confidence or your courage. Those make you you and he won’t lose that
Yandere! Fushiguro Toji
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Immature is his middle name. Any pranks or tricks you try on him is thrown back in your face as he can always sense where you are and what you have. You’re immature nature underneath all that dark makeup is something he loves
Toji has always been a fan of rock-punk so he shows up to each of your gigs and rewards you for your performance with gifts and flowers. To him, you deserve to be spoiled and he’ll run to the end of the earth to get what you want
Toji is definitely not above murder, it’s his job as a assassin after all. So if anybody merely touches you, he’ll take the time to throw their bodies off the cliff and bring back something they own you’d like as a gift
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scover-va · 2 years
Gimme the what ifs, I just played a bit of the hex (on the Bryce part) and I need that awesome what if scenarios in my head
Apologies in advance for how fucking long it is, but I have several thoughts on these scenarios
So, this is all under the assumption that almost everything that happens pre-game (so in the memory/flashback bits) still happens, and that Reggie and Jeremiah are just simply not out for revenge. Maybe Reggie used some critical thinking skills or something, I don't know. Only backstory differences would be 1. Lazarus' backstory/flashback (if the flashbacks happened) would be about something else, since The Artifact mission never would've happened. Likely fleshing out his feelings on what happened after SOL failed, and having a similar situation to that one scene from the first trailer. With some calmer/dialogue-heavy bits including Junior and Jay ofc 2. The 'Lionel wants this' incident would not be shown in FPP's chapter due to technically being irrelevant. If this were in the format of the game, it'd just be an easter egg
With that out of the way, here's some other important notes:
Reggie and Jeremiah would never be the murderers or the victims. Jeremiah does whatever Reggie tells him to, and would never act out of his own free-will, despite Reggie's protests otherwise. Reggie, on the other hand, would get the final say in everything, like what happens to the killer. Well, the player has some input in that, but still. Reggie and the player are, essentially, the judges in the case. No one has any real reason to target these two, either.
The murders cannot be prevented. The murder will happen at some point, and all you can do is catch who did it
Like as hinted at in the og trailer, the POVs would jump around out of order. In a game-style format, you could switch around as pleased post-murder, and the flashbacks would be triggered by certain things. What triggers the flashbacks? I don't know, depends on the victim-killer scenario, but likely some sort of reminder for each of the characters
Sado and Irving never show up in present time. They may be mentioned for different reasons, but they'd never be the murderer or victim in these scenarios
Everything Lionel did still happened, and he and Carla still have their issues, but again, they're less important in this au
The what-if scenarios might be connected via game resets. This will be fully figured out if I write a fic, but for now, it is merely a possibility.
Now, for whoever the killer is, what happens to them after being caught is dependent on how the cast feels about the victim and said killer, and also just their overall personalities. Again, Reggie gets the final say in the matter, but the inn patrons do get to argue about what should happen to the killer. But the four outcomes are:
Being reported to the Gameworks: The only reason Irving would show up. The killer would be reported for killing another game character, and considering how hurting an innocent npc leads to a permanent game ban, I can't imagine punishment for killing a playable character would just be a slap on the back, and punishment would be permanent deletion. It's relatively painless, but you get my point. Lazarus, Chandrelle, and FPP are aware of the cruel punishment. Weasel Kid, Rust, and Bryce are not aware of the punishment and assume it leads to imprisonment.
Being executed at the inn: Obviously, this is quite the extreme compared to the other three choices, but sometimes you need to take matters into your own hands to ensure they don't hurt anyone ever again. Chandrelle and Rust are more in favour towards execution. Weasel Kid, FPP, and Lazarus are neutral towards execution. Bryce is more against execution.
Being locked away at the inn: Not entirely sure where someone would be locked up at the inn, given the rooms and stuff, but if the storyline was a genuine murder mystery I'm sure there would conveniently be a place to lock them up. This is definitely more of a neutral punishment, not resulting in anything harmful, but also not being too kind hearted. Weasel Kid, Bryce, and FPP are more in favour towards imprisonment. Rust and Lazarus are more neutral towards imprisonment. Chandrelle is more against imprisonment.
Being kicked out of the inn: The most kind-hearted of the four choices, leading to no punishment for the killer. This one is more likely for if someone kills in self-defence, since most of the patrons are at least somewhat reasonable. Rust and Bryce are more in favour towards banning. Weasel Kid and FPP are more neutral towards banning. Lazarus and Chandrelle are more against banning.
Suicide: Upon being caught, the killer takes fates into their own hands and kills themself. This is not a punishment option, and is purely situation dependent. May occur before or after everyone decides on a punishment.
Impulse kill: One character acts without the input of the others, and executes the murderer by their own hand. This is not a punishment option, and is purely situation dependent. May occur before or after everyone decides on a punishment.
Reggie never decides based on personal opinion. In case of a majorly favoured opinion, he will go with that. In case of a tie, he will choose the more logical choice.
Now then, with all that stuff out of the way, I'm gonna list off the possible victim-killer scenarios! All will be further explored if I write proper fics for each scenario, and punishment choices would be more dependent on what happens in each scenario between the characters, both before and after the murder takes place.
Weasel Kid kills Bryce: Due to his game failing and being abandoned by Lionel due to Lionel signing a contract with Gamefuna. Weasel Kid might choose to take it out on someone who is associated with the Gamefuna contract. He would choose Bryce due to an assumed favouritism, since Bryce was one of Lionel's favourite game characters growing up, and take his anger out on him. Would sneak into Bryce's room and surprise-attack him. He would not use a murder weapon, just simply using his teeth.
Weasel Kid kills Chandrelle: Similar situation as listed above. He would choose Chandrelle due to her being the first known character Lionel created and fleshed out after Weasel Kid, due to other Combat Arena X characters not being present, and Bryce being purchased against his will. Similar to Bryce, he'd sneak up on Chandrelle to get the element of surprise. He would once again use his teeth, but may bring a physical weapon as a back up option due to her ability to use magic.
Bryce would only kill out of self-defence due to holding no grudges and having no motive for murder. Location and weapon are victim dependent.
Chandrelle kills Weasel Kid: Chandrelle has a tendency to react violently if upset, annoyed, or angry, as shown when she kills Moji without a second thought due to him being 'tedious as ever'. Due to their egos clashing and them constantly bickering and angering each other, Chandrelle may eventually take her anger out on Weasel Kid. She would attack Weasel Kid outside or in the basement, so no one can overhear as easily. She would not use a physical weapon, instead only using her magic.
Chandrelle kills Bryce: Due to past experience in Combat Arena X, Chandrelle knows she can overpower Bryce, and he wpuld be an easier option in case of murdering someone. As for a legitimate motive, it might be something Vallamir-related, due to her and Bryce having a positive relation. She would attack Bryce in the kitchen, where she knows he will inevitably go. She would use her magic, but hide Lazarus' sword in her inventory as a backup option, due to the fact that Bryce has dodged her spells with ease before, and the sword is easily available to her and harder for Bryce to block.
Chandrelle kills Rust: Rust, despite his weapons, is practically the most harmless in the cast in her eyes. Why, you may ask? Simple. He's simply not all there. He isn't aware of what's happening around him, everyone thinks he's delusional, everyone either distrusts him or is weirded out by him which would therefore cause him to be alone, and overall, Chandrelle is pretty certain that he would never even realize what's happening until it's too late to stop it. He's an incredibly easy target. She would lure him to a secondary location where no one else is, or possibly find a way into his room. She wouldn't even bother with wasting her mana, simply sneaking up behind him and using her trusty dagger to kill him.
Chandrelle kills FPP: Another easy target, due to FPP being unable to speak. They can't scream or call for help, can't keep someone closeby via a conversation, and has no weapon to defend himself with. Only issue is that Chandrelle can tell FPP does not trust her specifically, but cannot tell why. Location would be dependent on where FPP goes, since Chandrelle can't lure him anywhere. She would use her magic, but have her dagger handy just in case.
Rust would only kill out of self-defence due to holding no grudges and having no motive for murder. Location and weapon are victim dependent.
Lazarus kills Chandrelle: Listing this one first, but in this scenario, he'd want revenge for what she caused him to go through, and due to all the people he had to kill during his time in Vicious Galaxy 2, what's one more? He views what she did as a full betrayal after all, and despite his rpg programming telling him not to hurt her, his emotions get the better of him. He'd lure Chandrelle to a secondary location due to her trusting him, and would shoot her dead, likely execution style.
Lazarus kills Bryce: Following the same revenge plan as above, in this scenario, Bryce finds out about the murder plans, and tries to peacefully confront Lazarus to prevent anyone from dying. However, Lazarus panics and kills Bryce instead, worried that Bryce will report him to someone, causing him to either have to go back to his game, or be deleted by the Gameworks. Bryce would likely bring Lazarus to the kitchen to talk things out, and Lazarus would shoot him dead.
FPP kills Chandrelle: Knowing exactly what she did, FPP plans on almost playing God, mirroring how Lionel is basically the group's God. They know that Chandrelle's actions led to the deaths of lots of others, ruined Lionel's game (which FPP has heard about too many times to be okay with), and it led to Lionel stealing money from his employees and possibly Carla turning Sado into a purely hostile, satanic entity. So, FPP decides to punish her themself for these reasons, using the fact that they're seemingly powerless and innocent to his advantage. He'd try to lure Chandrelle to a second location, but would be able to figure out a way to get her alone no matter what. They'd either use a kitchen knife or one of the weapons locked away behind the kitchen/bar.
Future scenarios might get added if I get more ideas, but for now, those are the scenarios I've got in mind. Obviously, random murders could occur without need for any sort of motive, intention, or reasoning, but. Those are incredibly boring. Other than that, that's what I've got figured out so far! I really enjoy murder mysteries so all these possible scenarios are scratching a certain spot in my brain. Feel free to overanalyze these or come up with alt. scenarios because murder fun when it's fictional
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inamindfarfaraway · 3 years
Peter Pan in Ever After High
Years ago I made some rough draft Ever After High OCs for Peter Pan years ago but then deleted them because they were too cringey. This was before I learned to EMBRACE THE CRINGE (you know, online and anonymously). They were exchange students from Neverland. I can’t remember much, but from what I do I have reconstructed this AU fanfic concept and accompanying OC cast.
Peter Pan is the Peter Pan. His whole character is the Boy Who Never Grows Up. He wasn’t planning to grow old, let alone have kids, anyway, and once the legacy system was implemented he was bound by destiny not to too. So while the Hooks and Darlings and (made unisex early on) Lost Kids and his fairy sidekicks come and go, Peter never changes. At least, he’s never supposed to. So he’s just been reenacting the events every generation for hundreds of years (the system has to be a good few centuries old) and doing whatever in between, and he thought he was fine with this because the thing a lot of adaptations forget about Peter is he isn’t a straightforward good person. He’s childhood incarnate. Eternally immature. In the original story he doesn’t understand the weight of death; not just his own, simply saying dying will be “an awfully big adventure”, but others’, thinking nothing of murdering pirates and risking the Lost Boys’ lives in battle on a regular basis. He ambiguously ‘thins out’ the Lost Boys who grow up on him, unable to stand them becoming what he so hates. In the darkest versions he kills them, in others including this one he just expels and disowns them, but either way it gets the point across. It’s all a game to him. That’s why the Darling kids need to leave him and face the future in the end: the harshness and responsibilities of adulthood come with a much more sophisticated theory of mind, sense of empathy and general grasp of reality. It isn’t that he’s malicious, he just can’t really understand that his actions have consequences and sees everyone as side characters or antagonists in his story. Peter doesn’t have good and evil, he has fun and boring. The closest he comes is ‘nice’ and ‘mean’. This is all JM Barrie’s characterization. Barrie explicitly says young children are ‘heartless’ by adult moral standards and gain hearts as they grow.
Were Peter to evaluate the legacy system for a few seconds, with all the decidedly un-fun strict repression and burdensome duty, he’d absolutely despise it. He distantly remembers life pre-scripting and it was fine. He’s pretty sure Ever After was fine. He should realize more than anyone how artificial it is. The trouble is that he’s a hyperactive, selfish, impulsive preadolescent boy to the power of a thousand, thus very easily distracted and bribed by Ever Afterian authorities into compliance before he can do that. All he needs to do is keep living his dream life and act out what he essentially already saw as a game over and over, after all. They even let him throw in a couple of small twists each time! Another factor is that he signed the real Storybook of Legends way back when the first signing event occurred (he doodled little stick figure Lost Boys and pirates on the page). And based on how it gave Raven access to the full depth of her magical power, this book, unlike the one Apple signed, is supernaturally effective. So Peter’s inability to learn from his experiences or emotionally mature has partly been enforced by the book. He doesn’t think too hard and stays stagnant in his childishness.
What changes is that the current Captain Hook sees an opportunity. Though he hates Pan, he hates the thought of his daughter Scarlet losing her hand and being tormented by a crocodile for the rest of her days even more. Peter is naive and malleable enough to be swayed against the legacy system and powerful and influential enough to possibly get their story removed from the list. Give him a selfish investment in rebellion, and not even Milton Grimm and Snow White may be able to stop him. Hook doesn’t care for Peter or anyone else outside his family though. Well, maybe the Smees. But he’s still a villain. Swallowing down the urge to stab the boy on sight, he encourages Scarlet to become Peter’s friend at a young age. The island is pretty insular between the retellings of the story, so he gets away with it. For comedic effect, he instructs Scarlet on how to hide her heritage, painfully aware that Peter is cleverer than he looks, and then Peter just never asks her last name. She’s soon practically a Lost Girl. She eventually starts to wear pirate clothes again and phase in pirate slang and lead sailing trips around the bay and expertly fend off jealous mermaids with her cutlass. Peter never bats an eyelid.
Until Scarlet is called for the generational transfer of story-important kids to Ever After High for their legacy year.
Peter: You’re a Hook?!
Scarlet: You didn’t know? I just thought you were being cool and non-judgmental!
Peter: How was I supposed to know? You didn’t say anything!
Scarlet: I do pirate stuff all the time! I literally wear a smaller version of the Hook heirloom coat every day!
Peter: A lot of pirates like that kind of coat, I assumed you were some average, background pirate’s daughter!
Scarlet: But you still made me an honorary Lost Girl.
Peter: I’m pert - perpetu - purpley - I’m innocent for forever, duh! Why would I not like you because of how you look and where you’re from? That’s a stupid thing grownups made up.
Scarlet: Then… why do you care?
Peter: (crying) Because now we’re gonna have to not be friends anymore!
Scarlet: Why?
Peter: (furrows brow and stares in intense thought) Because… well… the grownups from the mainland…
Scarlet: Because they said so?
Cut to Milton sipping tea in his office, ready to commence the school year.
Milton: I suddenly feel something is terribly wrong.
So the requested Neverlandians arrive and, to everyone’s surprise, living legend Peter Pan tags along! They convince Milton that he’ll be a positive influence on the students. Who knows more about following the script than him? He’s actually lived every rerun! The inherent PR boost of the fabled Pan approving of the school and students’ excitement to meet him don’t hurt. Peter is given lodging and exemption from most school rules and, at least on paper, social norms. Unbeknownst to anyone else, this is all according to Operation: Get Scarlet Off The Hook. Raven Queen is meanwhile having defiant ideas of her own that set her on a collision course with both Milton and the conservative students and Peter and Scarlet’s personal agenda. From there, things spiral. A lot.
Peter Pan, professional chaos gremlin. Biologically, he appears to be about ten, it’s kinda hard to tell. Mentally, he’s… complicated. He has tanned, freckled skin and brown hair matted and spiky with mud, full of leaves and twigs. He will not wash. That’s both a statement and a threat. His forest green eyes are wide and bright and almost always have a smile in them. His outfit resembles a crude green, brown and black scout leader uniform, cobbled together out of rough organic fabric and fur, complete with a sloppy Lost Kids insignia badge (his teammates have their own, each insignia a unique, unrelated design). He’s a force of nature, capable of being stopped only by emotional tactics and his own hubris. Freedom is his most fundamental and initially basically sole value. That and friendship. As impatient and temperamental as he may be, with push coming to shove for the first time in centuries he ultimately proves an incredibly loving and loyal friend. He has never been formally educated, so though his intelligence is sharp it manifests as cunning, disarming social skills provided whoever he’s talking to humours his quirks, and borderline supernatural intuition. He loathes school with a passion. Move over Hook, Milton Grimm is his new nemesis. He’ll make him beg to just have his hand cut off. Unless you’re branded a villain in his story, which you do have to be actively, repeatedly cruel to earn, Peter genuinely doesn’t have a mean bone in his body and is quick to trust and forgive. Part of the reason the harm he causes doesn’t register at first is his assumption that everyone shares his lighthearted worldview and is playing along with him. Over the course of the story he’s dragged kicking, screaming and in utter horror into being able to take things seriously; properly listen to and empathize with people, even when they oppose him; understand philosophical nuance; respect others’ perspectives and judgements; and admit when he’s wrong and work to fix it. All the while he must overcome the devastating identity crisis of ‘I’m the Boy Who Never Grows Up! If I grow up, who am I?’ and learn how to preserve the good qualities of childhood and balance them healthily with his new maturity.
Scarlet Hook, daughter of Captain Hook. She’s fifteen years old. She has light skin, the Hooks’ trademark long black curls in a high ponytail, piercing blue eyes and wears stereotypical pirate attire, sometimes with a modern twist, mostly in red, white and black with gold accents, e.g. a white T-shirt with a ruffled neckline, red jacket with gold buttons, short, brown rigging-like mesh skirt, crimson shorts, and black leather trainers with gold buckles. She’s a Rebel. Her stated reason is that she doesn’t want to get dismembered and all that, and being a talented athlete who would be set back by the loss of her dominant arm helps, but less vocally she couldn’t bear to betray her playful, teasing yet strong bonds with her friends. She’s a big sister to Peter and his accomplice in morally neutral self-serving chaos. She has a shrewd pragmatism that offsets his fancifulness. Her favourite sports are fencing (obviously), tennis, British football and hockey. She loves her father, who’s a really good parent if you discount his teaching her ruthlessness and spite, and the thrill and power of a pirate captain’s life. The more violent aspects of it do secretly disturb her, having inherited the family fear of the sight of only her own blood. Plus having a conscience and empathy deep down. But overall, taking the Jolly Rodger’s helm someday excites her. She admires Raven Queen for her courage in directly challenging the legacy system, whereas Scarlet is more comfortable working from the shadows, using subterfuge, pulling strings and manipulating people. She learns to value others’ rights and fight for the overarching Rebel cause to give all free will, coming into her own as a leader. She simultaneously gradually loses her aversion to open displays of affection.
Meghan Sylvia Beatrice Darling, daughter of Wendy Darling. She’s fifteen years old. She has fair skin, straight, dirty blonde hair in a neatly combed bob and brown eyes. Her clothes are in light shades of purple, pink and white, and their style, soft fabrics like cotton, relative lack of shaping and common themes of lace trim and solid colours or geometric patterns/animal prints (she’s particularly associated with deer) imitate pyjamas. She has several younger siblings affectionately nicknamed the Darling Horde, busy parents and is widely expected to be mature due to her destiny involving becoming a mother figure to the Lost Kids and later turning down endless youth. This has made her responsible and caring to a fault. She’s on the surface an archetypal ‘mum friend’, but a very exasperated one and actually rather sick of carrying others’ problems. Her overzealousness is just her trying not to let that show. Her de facto supporter status has left her highly sensitive, easily stressed and with fragile self-esteem - she isn’t as levelheaded as people assume she is. To compensate for her worries, she’s developed an escapist side. This is why she’s a Royal in the destiny debate, because she can’t wait to visit Neverland and have unbridled, fantastical childish fun, even if she knows she’ll need to leave afterward. She hopes her experiences there will give her whatever the key to proper maturity is that she doesn’t currently have. Meghan is friendly and sociable and tries to show kindness to everyone. She’s also an academic bookworm and massive nerd on the topic of magic, especially magical wildlife and nature. Her favourite subject is Science and Sorcery. Her growing romantic feelings toward Fire Lily stress her out at first, but she comes to embrace them just in time to see the destiny debate resolved.
Fire Lily, son of Tiger Lily. He’s fifteen years old. He has light brown skin, long black hair in two braids and blackish brown eyes. He wears traditional Navajo clothes primarily in blue with orange details, and silver and turquoise jewellery. He is quiet, reserved, dislikes expressing anger and is often misunderstood in Ever After; however, in Neverland he stands out for being sensible and logical (it’s notably different from Wonderland eccentricity, but mainlanders agree that there is something off about most Neverlandians). The truth is that he simply has a steady enough core of self-confidence that he doesn’t feel much need for social validation. At his worst, he can be prideful. That said, people usually either listening to him blindly because of his status or dismissing him as a side character without bothering to get to know him does grate on him; he wants to earn every ounce of respect he receives and is a Rebel out of distaste for judging people based on the roles they’re supposed to play rather than their individual personalities. He’s intelligent and perceptive. Being the heir to the Native American community, therefore an important figure in the island’s internal politics, Fire Lily’s life has thoroughly exposed him to human and supernatural drama, leading to a sharp sarcastic streak and expecting himself to be able to take new information in stride. When he can’t understand or adjust to something, he tends to panic and want to avoid it. He has a creative spirit and loves to paint and draw. This is when he’s most content. Another childhood friend of Peter’s who’d previously lost touch with him to focus on his duties, he ends up being a second sibling figure to him and Scarlet - the responsible variety, to their dismay but reluctant respect. He slowly reciprocates Meghan’s feelings and they get together at the concluding party of “Way Too Wonderland”.
And here’s some extra worldbuilding, because I’m fanatical! Neverland has a series of small port towns spread around the coastline for the pirates to sail between, visit and casually raid (everyone knows the stuff will be returned by the Lost Kids or someone else eventually; it’s no big deal, pirates gotta pirate). And of course, the people that get raided, run the inns and taverns the pirates stay in and supply the other inhabitants with seafood actually live there, having a much better relationship with the rest of the population. These people collectively have an uneasy peace with the merfolk. Merfolk can be found anywhere off the island’s coast, but their permanent underwater settlement is in the appropriately named Mermaid Bay. For reasons of a matriarchal culture, most merfolk that have the time and freedom to come to the surface at least of this community are female, so in the past it was believed there were no mermen. There are, they just tend to be shyer. Merfolk are mysterious, temperamental and unpredictable - their morals mostly don’t align with humans’, much like Peter’s, so caution is advised lest they suddenly try to drown you. Further inland is the Native American tribe, which I’ve made specifically Navajo here to avoid a vague stereotypical depiction. It has stable relations with everyone except the pirates and mermaids. But those two groups are always the antagonizers and the tribe has won impressive battles against them. It’s well-respected and its members can travel pretty much as they please. Then right in the heart of the landmass, nestled deep in the densest, wildest forest, is Peter and the Lost Kids’ hideout. They are ungovernable. They can go anywhere and do anything they want. The rest is all forest and wilderness, with some hills and dells and clearings here and there. This does contain many miniature fairy towns and cities (unlike Farrah and Faybelle’s kind, Neverlandian fairies are truly tiny), but they blend into the natural surroundings. Pollution and ecosystem disturbance is kept to a minimum. One of the benefits of the island’s seemingly mystical disinclination to major change.
Search ‘peter pan au’ on my blog for more!
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goodolreliablejake · 2 years
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Random AU-a-day: Day 2
The thing: Star Wars/The Hex
The twist: Concept Trade
The story: A Murder at Toshi Station
On a dark and stormy night, six videogame characters meet at a bar. Before the night is through, a murder will take place. Do you have what it takes to unravel the mystery of Toshi Station?
Explore six in-depth backstories and unique gameplay experiences as you journey across genres and generations with:
Chewie: Everyone’s nostalgic, retro-platforming fave! His unique grapple-bow traversal mechanic used to be innovative, but ol’ Chewie’s gotten a little long in the tooth. Still, he’ll always be there for you, ready to run, hop, shoot, and swing with a smile on his big, hairy mug.
Captain (your name) Rebel: The biggest badass in the galaxy and legendary hero of sci-fi action FPS. Captain Rebel is a brave leader known for her sharpshooting skills. Lately, though, something has changed. She sees a bigger foe looming than just the infinitely respawning Bug Empire and longs to be more than a puppet, replaying the same battles over and over again.
Old Kenny: A fighting game veteran who has long since fallen from grace. Now he has a second chance at redemption as a DLC character, but he still longs for the elegant meta of a more civilized age.
Lucas Skye: the wide-eyed protagonist of a mobile game rip-off of Tapper where you really do an awful lot of tapping. It’s his first day serving frothy blue drinks to thirsty customers in The Moisture Farm!
Sinn Solo: Wandering outlaw from a postapocalyptic multiplayer survival-crafting game known for its cutthroat PVP. Dodging griefers has made him slow to trust and quick to shoot before getting shot.
Dark Vater: The final boss of the forgotten first installment of a popular turn-based fantasy RPG. The demon lord is at once dangerous and debilitated, as his crude pixel animation severely limits his mobility.
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galesh · 4 years
Wish fulfillment au of Severus who was born in Albus' Dumbledore's time. I just wanted to post it as a reply on a discord server but then it got out of hand. So
- Two clever swots duking it out... in academics!
- Debating each other of old spells and whether or not they're dark and the librarian jinxing them out of the library with hexes for being too loud
- Albus and Sev rubbing their stung bums and arguing about the hexes the librarian used
- Albus and Sev both discovering they're poor halfbloods and railing against the arswholes in charge who think they can sting their bums and get away with it
- Them stinging each other's bums because it's a fascinating body part and maybe rubbing them with a different set of hands because maybe it'll help, and they're experimental
-Albus viewing the fascinating kid with so much dark potential with new eyes.
-Sev keeping an eye out for the twinkly eyed twit because it's unnerving, really, and because he always found the goodness in others fascinating. He doesn't believe he can emulate it, but maybe some would seep through him in osmosis. That's what that muggle book said anyway
- His ma always said he had a thing for redheads. He's starting to suspect her of practicing black magic
- Albus and Sev working on potions and transfig together because none of them can tell the other they're bloody brilliant and that they're fascinated, and could we just get to stinging bums and rubbing out the soreness please
- Sev visiting the Dumbledore's on summer break because his father is dead and his mother as good as, meeting the creepy girl creature because he's nosy and of course he'd look at the one room Kendra told him not to
- Abe running to Ariana's room because she screams bloody murder. It's only when he gets there that he realises that that bloody snake they let into their house is being accosted by a happily shrieking Arianna who wants to meet this strange new black haired scarecrow her brother likes
- The older one
- Sometimes, Arianna suspects
- Sev being horrified by Ariana's sad tale, and not wanting her to waste away, working with Albus to make sure she can get out
- Abe (begging to) help them because he really wants to, and because he doesn't trust the snake
- Sev learns Abe can't bloody spell after the third time.he has to squint if the bottle has fluxweed or filchweed (Dyslexia is not recognised yet, but it will be, in the muggle world) amd tries to help. It's more insulting than helpful, but he tries!
- Albus feverishly searching for a way to fix what those muggle boys and their mother's imprisonment and his neglect have wrought. Searching in the darkest grimoires, because really, what is honor and goodness if it can't even help his sister?
- Ariana getting her father's silver signet, carved with the runes of protection, family, forgiveness and renewal. They can't fix her magic, but the magic she once loved has caused her loved ones only harm, and really, it's time to stop listening to the voice inside her, who wants to rip her mother to shreds and burn the whole world down
- In the end it's abe, who comforted her when her mum looked at her with hate and Albus ashamed who puts her ring on as she says the words the runes describe. It's hard to forgive her mother and those muggle boys, but Arianna thinks they've suffered enough (it'll be years later that she realises that she left one person, but as she watches her daughter's delightful coo as she Dan's her nose with a glowing goden finger, she is only thankful that her lack of forgiveness didn't take all her magic away).
- She kisses her brother-in-law to be on the cheek, as is only proper for a member of family.
(Ariana has a very feeble grasp on social niceties. She tries, okay! You try learning everything from books while trapped in a cottage like a demented princess, with a brother who even she knows has an unhealthy fascination with goats who'd talk to her normally)
(Arianna's husband and her daughter, who she names Severus --because every universe must have a second child with a severusly controversial name -- would really come to fear her social skills, or lack thereof. Severus blames her godfather and her uncle with a the raging hate of a 10 year old who's been denied Uncle Sev's sweets)
- Sev and Albus competing for the top spot in the classes with professors and the bottom in the classes without
- Albus meeting Gellert in the evening he's supposed to leave for France and noticing the same dark charm. Severus noticing, but wanting to taint it than emulate it
- A black owl pooping on Gellert's golden hair because he Does Not Share!
- Albus sharing his plans to Change The World which would kill a girl with beautiful, uncontrolled magic and put a vengeful father in a prison of his own despair
- Sev agreeing to them and adding some rather inventive and cruel revenges he'd have on the Wankers who disowned his mother for following her heart
- Albus crossing out those points with eyes that twinkle in gentle admonishment, because really Severus, where would you even get a fully grown basilisk, and ignoring the calculating glitter he gets in return
- Abe following the idiots because Ari orders him to help the idiots and he can deny her nothing
- Gellert becoming a Light wizard after being at the wand end of a particularly dark spell (they teach *that* at Hogwarts, the light school!?!?!?!?) By a vengeful gargoyle after he drunkenly kisses*Bruder* Dumbledore
(years later, Headmaster Dippet can't figure out why his newest Dada teacher is so militant about students knowing everything about Dark magic and why some magics should never be studied, or why flinches everytime he sees a mistletoe. He has enough experience at 300 Not To Ask)
- Albus learning the most beautiful healing spell at the hands of a scowling-dark-phoenix with moist, angry black eyes after the 12th use of a dragon's claw soon after he discovered the 12th use of their blood
(Fawkes could never forgive Severus Snape for stealing it's thunder. Also he smells owl. They're the worst!)
-Severus stealing the Flamels' thunder by creating a philosophers stone after being at their home for a month.
(Perenelle suspects it's because Nicholas, who can be really old fashioned about these things, forbade their apprentice and that brilliant boy with no thoughts from rooming together)
- Severus lacing Albus' lemon drops with the elixir of life because clearly, that imbecilic martyr thinks dragon claw wounds are amusing
- Albus lacing Severus' tea with it because it would be such a horrible thing to live alone
(or without the one person who matters, no offence to his family. Oh, alright Abe, you're definitely not it!)
(the elixir of life prepared yearly mysteriously dissappears into tea and lemon drops. Albus stops worrying over Severus getting killed by vampires while he gets their teeth in exchange of galleons like a demented tooth fairy, and Severus stops worrying about Albus getting nicked by antsy Dragons or Phoenixes or Nifflers, or whoever Albus scraps with in his spare time)
- Albus putting his demented convoluted plans in motion by destroying wizarding currency through inflation. It somehow leads to a goblin revolution, equal rights for magical creatures, and the adoption of muggle currency. Don't ask
(Rumour has it that Gellert, Wizarding Britain's champion one look at the the scowling face of a Severus Snape and proposes negotiations.
Muggle currency was great, really. Made mathematical sense, easier to handle, and twinkly eyed not quite evil overlords can't dependably reproduce all the identifiers. They hope
Quite coincidentally, as Severus will assure you, all the pureblood families --including the Princes, coincidentally-- lose all their accumulated money in the resulting changeover.)
- Albus rules everything from behind the iron curtain with gentle fists and an open smile. Everyone learns to agree with him because behind him stands the spectre of DEATHOMgWatdidyoudo that you want to always keep happy)
- An excited Tom Riddle learns about magic from a charming Professor who's really interested in how he speaks, and who agrees that muggles are awful but keep it down will you?
- Tom Riddle learns to confide in and trust the person who introduced him to the magical world; and tells him when he accidentally discovers the chamber of secrets while hissing open at one of the taps in the girls loo that just wouldn't dispense water (he was under a lot of pressure okay! No, he's not a creep!)
- Tom Riddle grows up to be a politician with a particularly hard view on those muggles. Being backed by the Headmaster of Hogwarts helps. The society has made great strides in the concept of equality and democracy however, and most creatures really don't like him for some insane reason. Albus Dumbledore wins the elections by a landslide again. Tom is tenacious, and plots for when he'd get the position after the old man dies
(On his deathbed, Professor Emeritus of Hogwarts, Professor Tom, curses todgy old men with unnaturally long lifespans)
-Harry Potter, who grew up loved and a headmaster who didn't want to train him in any way, shape, or form (Harry was glad. Headmaster Grindenwald was nice and all, but he really didn't want to know all about the Dark arts and why not to use them kplzthnx). He went on to work at the ministry because his mother instilled in him values of fairness, kindness, and Get Out The House And Go To Work You Bum!
(He named
- Ariana's first kid is named after Abe. Her second is called Severus. Severus being a girl, never forgives her, and years later, when her son is born, names him Ariana with a vindictive gleam in her eyes.
(Ariana never really learned a the social niceties. They're horribly ineffective, and Abe tells her she's always charming in any case)
(Severus Smith is comforted by the fact that her godfather is a immortal wizard who gives her the best sweets)
- Severus and Albus never really fall out of love, even though they fall out of bed many times. They are a different breed of men, really. Eternal devotion means eternal devotion, as they find out. The Flamels' are happy they finally get to go on what the muggles call double dates.
- They also never stop stinging each other on the bum, but that is a rather more mature tale.
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wincestbigbang · 4 years
2020 Master Post
Title: Because You Don't Need Me Author: dwimpala-67 Artist: tx_devilorangel Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: AU – Without monsters, Sibling Incest, Heavy Angst with a happy ending, Mpreg, kid fic Summary: Sam Winchester is happy. He works as a lawyer in one of the best firms, has a small but beautiful house in the suburbs and he has a wonderful girlfriend. The whole nine yards. Until, one fine day, he wakes up to someone banging at his door. He opens the door to find no one at the door. Annoyed, he’s about to slam the door shut when he hears noises and follows his ears only to watch in horror at the small parcel at his door. It’s a small basket, filled with blankets and a stuffed toy. Surrounded in them, is a baby, with wide green eyes. Just when Sam thought, he couldn’t be more surprised, he finds a letter, asking him to take care of the baby, which is signed by none other than his brother, Dean. Art: Live Journal | Ao3 Story: Ao3 Title: Hazy Hunter’s Moon Author: twobrothersfuckingeachother Artist: nisaki Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: raised apart, they don’t know they’re brothers Summary: Sam saves a hunter who got attacked by a werewolf, knowing exactly what trouble he’s inviting into his home. The hunter, Dean, is predictably less than thrilled owing his life to a witch. Art: Tumblr Story: Ao3 Title: It’s a Match Author: notfunnydean Artist: leafzelindor Other Pairing: Sam/Dean/Cas Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: Polyamory, Online Dating, sexting, soft!Dean Summary: When Dean suffers from his feelings for his brother and the angel Castiel, he decides to do something about it. He tries to matchmake them on a dating app. He gets the app himself, only to look if those two really get it on of course. But somehow he starts flirting with them anonymously and falls even harder for them. Is there a way out without hurting anyone? Art: Tumblr | Instagram Story: Ao3 Title: Burn It Out of My Veins Author: emberthrace Artist: soluschees Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: None Summary: While chasing a case of mysterious deaths, Sam and Dean manage to find themselves trapped in a pocket world they can only leave during a full moon. Staying in one place never did a Winchester much good. Art: Tumblr Story: Ao3 Title: The Cabin In The Woods Author: runedgirl Artist: sarasaurussex Rating: R Warnings/Spoilers: Outsider pov Summary: Essa has been coming to the cabin since she was a little girl; she’s made it her home for many years now, far away from prying eyes and camping vacationers. The men she knows as Sam and Dean have been coming to the cabin down the road that used to be Rufus Turner’s for almost that long, since they were shaggy-haired, lanky young men. Little by little, Essa understands. Art: Tumblr Story: Live Journal Title: Playing Author: jdl71 Artist: ncdover1285 Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: Dark Fiction, Blood, Incest, Murder, Bottom Sam, Top Dean, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Torture, Minor Character Death Summary: With Dean’s help, Sam finds another toy to play with. Dean puts Sam’s need to play first, but he does everything he can to keep them safe. Art: Tumblr Story: Ao3 Title: Some Other Place Author: amypond45 Artist: bluefire986 Other Pairing: Dean Winchester/Other!Sam Winchester/Other!Dean Winchester Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: Threesome - M/M/M, Alternate Season/Series 15, Episode 15.09 AU Summary: When Dean goes through the rift to Purgatory, he finds himself some place else instead. It’s one of Chuck’s worlds, and there’s a Sam and Dean there who have figured out a way to trick Chuck and save their world. They just need a little help from Dean. Art: Live Journal | Ao3 Story: Live Journal | Ao3 Title: Scales Author: hit_the_books Artist: twobrothersfuckingeachother Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: Fantasy AU, unrelated Sam/Dean, minor character death - Lucifer, implied Mpreg Summary: Dragons are just something in books and tapestries. Until they’re not and one, green-eyed, Dean Greenscale is Sam’s only hope of getting his family and kingdom back. Art: Tumblr Story: Ao3 Title: Welcome to Your Future Author: klove0511 Artist: ncdover1285 Rating: PG-13 Warnings/Spoilers: Angst with a Happy Ending, Time Travel, Pre-Series Dean Winchester, season 9/10 Sam Winchester, Mutual Pining, implied unrequited sam/cas, Show level violence, Demon Dean Winchester, Implied/Referenced Suicide (no actual suicide) Summary: When Dean is suddenly pulled through time, he’s confronted with a broken little brother a decade older than he should be. With Sam determined to send Dean back to his own time, will Dean be able to figure out where his present day counterpart is and fix things for Sam? Art: Tumblr Story: Tumblr | Ao3 Title: Sticking With You Author: smalltrolven Artist: thegoodthebadtheart Rating: R Warnings/Spoilers: N/A Summary: Sam’s soul has been stretched to the limit after being attached to Chuck via the damn bullet in his shoulder. But now he has something to decide: whether or not to fill Dean in about what had really happened to Sam while Dean was off hunting on his own and killing his old buddy. It takes him the whole drive to Alaska, and nearly the whole way back to work up the courage to spill the whole story. Art: Tumblr Story: Live Journal | Ao3 Title: Canis Ex Machina Author: raving_liberal Artist: leafzelindor Rating: PG-13 Warnings/Spoilers: Hellhounds, Men of Letters Bunker, Some Unspecified Point of Time During the Later Seasons (post season 9), First Kiss, Light Angst, Happy Ending Summary: Sam accidentally acquires a hellhound puppy and spends the next few months trying to hide it from Dean. Dean thinks Sam is keeping a different kind of secret. Sally is a very good girl. Art: Tumblr Story: Ao3 Title: Love Potion Number 9 Author: laughablelament Artist: angeltortured Other Pairing: Sam/OFC (offscreen) Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: Season 10, consent issues Summary: Dean thought he had a handle on the Mark of Cain’s murderous impulses. He thought he had his wrong feelings for Sam safely suppressed. Then Sam got hexed. Art: Tumblr Story: Ao3 Title: The Taste Of Your Blood In My Mouth Author: womanoflettersinthebunker Artist: kingstoken Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: Season 10, Semi dub-con, suicide, character death Summary: All demons knew who the true ruler of Hell was, but only the Knight is unwaveringly loyal. As a demon, Dean knew that his sister belonged on the throne of Hell with the crown of thorns on her head, but Sam is adamant on curing and getting her brother back. However, the Knight is loyal to the throne and true Queen and is willing to do whatever he needs to to get his sister to embrace her destiny. Whether she wants it or not. Art: Ao3 Story: Ao3 | Fanfiction.net Title: Nightmare Author: wincest_whore Artist: angeltortured Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: Dubious Consent, Insanity, Bottom Sam Winchester, Top Dean Winchester, Dark Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester, Obsession, Hurt Sam Winchester Summary:Dean loves Sam. Dean has always loved Sam. So when Sam leaves him for Stanford, Dean has no other choice than to go get his brother and bring him back to where he belongs. Art: Tumblr Story: Ao3
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incorrectsdkquotes · 4 years
More SDK AUs!--Hogwarts AU
[honestly, feeling kind of drained at the moment, so have another AU!]
Hogwarts AU--basically, everyone’s now going to magic school!
Yuya is a recent transfer student to Hogwarts after having some Family Troubles and having to move. She’s sorted as a Gryffindor because go ahead and try and tell her she can’t do something. Go ahead. We’ll wait. Upon entering the school, she finds out that there’s a specific group of troublemakers who seem to get away with murder--or at least, don’t seem to suffer any serious consequences for their actions and hijinks. Since she’s looking for some pointers on how to Get Away With Shit like them so she can help her family, she decides to befriend the group--or at least, learn a few pointers.
Enter Kyo and the Four Emperors, named because they come from and ‘rule’ all four houses. There’s Kyo, the leader, who’s from Gryffindor as well. He’s up for any challenge, any duel, and knows a surprising amount of high powered spells that don’t seem to be taught at Hogwarts--the legality of these spells is questionable at best, but no one can really find any real justification to expel him. There’s rumors that he’s related to the headmaster, a mysterious man who appears to favor Kyo over the rest of the students. Despite this rumored relation, Kyo is actually the adopted son of the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Muramasa (the actual source of Kyo’s knowledge of high-powered, dangerous spells).
Joining Kyo in Gryffindor house is Hotaru, a pretty chill young man who only really seems to show interest in duels--predominately with his half-brother Shinrei over in Ravenclaw house, but he’s not too picky with who he fights. Hotaru likes to gloat that he’s the only one in the Four Emperors who’s in the same house with Kyo--when the group’s not together, Hotaru can routinely be seen either getting exceptionally lost around the castle, following Kyo around, getting into fights with Shinrei, or discovering secret passages and rooms all over the school. He’s a frequent visitor of the Room of Requirement, though he wouldn’t be able to tell you how he got there.
Akira, Kyo’s self-appointed right hand man, belongs to Slytherin House. A muggle-born, he exemplifies the house’s trait of ambition--he’s the top of his year and his go-to move whenever anyone tries to use his heritage against him is to humiliate the other person at something that ‘only pure-blood wizards’ could do. When he first met Kyo, it was when some sixth years were trying to pick on him as a first year for ‘not knowing his place.’ Kyo came across the fight and joined in on Akira’s side since the others were ‘in his way.’ He didn’t pity Akira and instead commended him on his ability to hold his own against the others. Since then, Akira has held Kyo up as his image of what an ideal wizard should be and has worked hard since then to match his idol.
When Bontenmaru was sorted into Hufflepuff House everyone initially thought that the Sorting Hat had made a mistake. How was this big, buff eleven year old, already covered in scars from his many, many fistfights, a Hufflepuff? Bontenmaru set them straight when he punched out an upper year for bullying someone in his house. He then proceeded to taunt and chastise his housemate for giving the upper year the opportunity to bully them in the first place. Bontenmaru straddles the line between actively helping those weaker than him from being bullied to taunting and teasing his fellow classmates just for the fun of it. He decided to follow Kyo because he thought the other teen was fun to hang out with, and even more fun to tease and fight. By the end of his first year at Hogwarts, everyone knew that Bontenmaru fully embodied his house’s mascot the badger.
Rounding off the Four Emperors is Akari, known throughout the school for her knowledge of everyone’s secrets. Gifted with a particular aptitude for magical healing, Akari is more than willing to help heal anyone who has an injury, curse, or hex too embarrassing or compromising for the school’s nurse to handle--for a fee. In exchange for her magical healing, Akari demands secrets and knowledge in return. It’s said that she even knows some of the school’s founders’ most well kept secrets. After deducing that Yuya has an important secret she’s trying to keep from everyone, Akari becomes determined to find out what the secret is--even if she has to be friends with the admittedly charming and friendly girl to do it!
Joining Yuya in Gryffindor house and befriending her almost immediately is Benitora. Enamored by the feisty new girl who made a name for herself quickly for standing up for herself against the various bullies in their year, Benitora decided he wanted to help his new friend get to know her new school better. Yuya’s confidante, he’s not quite sure why she wants to know so much about that Mibu Kyoshiro guy who suddenly dropped out of school, or why she seems to know so much about the famous divination expert and prophetess Sakuya. Benitora is a proud member of the Gryffindor house Quidditch team, playing as one of the team’s Chasers. He’s in a not-quite-one-sided rivalry with Akira.
Yukimura is a charming upperclassman in Slytherin house, a mysterious young man who seems to know just as many secrets as Akari--with twice as many secrets of his own. Yukimura is determined to bring back glory and honor to his pureblood family no matter what kind of dark paths he has to go through to reach his goal. He has many helpers and followers in both his own house and in others, though no one’s quite sure who all of them are. Yukimura routinely clashes with and joins in the fun with Kyo and his friends. The two are openly rivals, though only Yukimura is willing to refer to them as ‘friends,’ and only then when he’s sure he’s alone and drunk. It’s more fun to keep everyone guessing, right?
Sasuke is a prodigy in the Second Year class and one of the few Named ‘helpers’ of Yukimura. He claims that he follows Yukimura out of a sense of pride and in return for a debt that he owes the older teen, but you can’t help but notice how fond of the eccentric upperclassman he really is--something that Benitora loves to tease the lowerclassman for. Sasuke is also in Slytherin house--all the better to keep an eye on Yukimura, he says. Despite his age, Sasuke is one of the more formidable duelsts at the school.
Okuni is a member of Ravenclaw house and a rival in more ways than one with Akari. Okuni is in love with Kyo and has devoted her time at school to helping him in whatever way she can--be it finding gossip on their classmates, bribing teachers into looking the other way when Kyo and the Emperors’ antics go too far, to even framing other classmates for Kyo’s misdeeds. When she’s not openly helping Kyo, she’s also helping his enemies in the hopes that that will get him to notice her more. Initially, Okuni was cold towards Yuya though she started warming up when Yuya rushed to help her after a misfired spell hit Okuni during a duel gone wrong. Now fond of the new girl, Okuni is looking for the information that Yuya wants while also keeping this a secret from Kyo and the others--a woman should keep at least a few things secret, right?
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def-initely-soul · 5 years
Burn The Witch {2}
Tumblr media
pairing:  yoongi x reader (f.)
genre: supernatural; angst; mystery; magical society AU; magicals!AU
rating: PG-15
warnings: violence; emotional abuse; blood; bullying; mentions of murder; mature language
words: 5.5k
↠ {a boy who keeps running away, a girl who can’t seem to no matter how much she tries and a series of murders caught all in between of the cracks spread through what appears as a quiet little town…} ↞
or alternatively, not everything is always what it seems
previous part: {1}
Your alarm clock rings, successfully waking you up from your peaceful slumber.
With a loud grunt, you force yourself to sit up, covers shuffling in the process as you rub the tiredness off your eyes, causing your familiar to stir awake.
The corsac fox, Alistair, slowly uncurls himself on top of your bed, his grey-white fur shining under the morning light as he looks at you with a slightly annoyed stare.
You get out of bed, giving him an apologetic smile. “Sorry, Ali, didn’t mean to wake you…” you explain, moving to scratch his ears and you realize his mind must still be in a state of sleep as you fail to hear his characteristic voice in your head and instead you’re met with an appreciative hum.
“Go back to sleep…” you murmur as you move towards the hall.
Your feet feel cold as they make contact with the bare wooden floors of your house. They echo in direct contrast with the usual silence that hangs in the air, the only thing filling this otherwise empty home.
You’ve been living alone for almost 11 years now and still, you can’t get used to the hollowness draping the walls and furniture.
This house used to be filled with life once upon a time. Friends, family, your parents. It used to be a “home”. Now it’s just a place standing like a ghost in the ruins of what used to be.
Not feeling in any particular mood to look through your clothes before going to work, you close your eyes and whisper a summoning spell. Instantly you feel your night attire being replaced by some jeans and a black T-shirt. You don’t bother looking yourself in the mirror, instead moving to the kitchen to grab a quick bite before heading off.
This is your daily life. Aside from uni on weekdays. But since today is Sunday, you only have to go to work at Selkie’s Place as a waitress.
It’s mostly a lonely life, you admit. Just one friend who spends most of his time reading, so not exactly a friend. Only school, work, home, and repeat. It’s been like this for a while. Since you were twelve to be exact.
You shake your head as you munch into your cereal. It’d do you no good to think about that now. Plus the anniversary is getting closer. You’ll have time to be miserable then.
To be honest, you only got to work after you became nineteen. Actually, no one sane in this town would hire you, given your history and reputation. You don’t blame them though. You probably wouldn’t want someone that only brings misfortune to their peers in your business either. Half the town believes you’d set those fires. Which you didn’t. And the other half believes you were simply cursed.
For that, you’re not so sure. Maybe you are.
Anyways, it’s best for everyone to keep their distance. You’re fine either way. It’s safer for everyone.
Except for Mona, that is. She wouldn’t keep her distance even if you hexed her.
Mona, the owner of Selkie’s Place and your boss, used to be friends with your parents before the incident. She and your mother, Beatrice, were best friends since school and when you were born Mona became sort of your godmother. You’ve grown up with her and when you lost everything she was there to pick up the pieces and take care of you, in place of your parents.
At first, she wanted you to move in with her, but you were not ready to leave this house. It still holds so many memories of a carefree childhood, of your family, of times that you used to be happy. You were not ready to say goodbye to that yet.
So instead, she moved in with you for a few years, but having a pub to run and a child to take care of didn’t exactly go together. So when you turned eighteen and she found you mature enough to take care of yourself living in a house on your own, she moved back into her place, even though she still tried to come by as often as she could.
You’re not complaining though. Mona really did try her best to take care of you and raise you as your parents would’ve wanted. But a shapeshifter can’t be too much of a help for a young witch.
When you became nineteen you begged her to let you work at her pub. You felt indebted to her for accepting her help all those years and wanted to pay her back in some way. Though she was furious when you suggested working as a volunteer, as a token of appreciation. So instead she let you work for her, but like everyone else. That meant you were growing up suddenly, deciding it was time to take care of yourself on your own for real this time, so Mona’s frequent visits came to an end.
Now, she only stops by once a week, to check on you over a warm cup of coffee.
You break your reverie when it’s time to leave for work. Whispering another summoning spell, suddenly your teeth are brushed, breath as fresh as ever, and hair combed thoroughly. You grab your satchel bag and with a snap of your fingers, you disappear.
You reappear a block away from the pub, blowing some hair out of your eyes as you begin walking. You refrain from teleporting straight into the pub as Mona has already reprimanded you one-too-many times about it. Apparently, it creeps some people out.
If only they knew that’s one of the few basic spells you know. Every witch’s rite of passage includes the finding of a mentor at the age of 12, to help the young witch grow into their individual powers and unfold their potential. But since you weren’t even twelve when the accident happened. You never found out what your power is and there was no way for you to get a mentor. Not in a town where you’re the only witch left.
But you manage. You don’t mind the gossip, the talking, the stares, and the harsh words. You don’t care for the suspicious glances some of your coworkers still give you or the sneers from the students from the academy.
Because you have a plan. All you care about is going through college and getting your diploma as a potion master so you can get out of this hellhole. To go somewhere else, somewhere where no one knows you, no one cowers at the sight of you, no one bothers you and just let you be.
Your next step brings Selkie’s Place into sight.
You sigh, letting air flow into your lungs as you let a mechanical smile take over your lips.
One day closer.
Most of your shift goes by smoothly. There is, of course, the weird glances from some of your coworkers, magicals that believe the rumors or humans simply because you’re a witch. But really you can’t get rid of those glances and after some point, you don’t mind them at all. So it’s another usual day.
Until a certain group of sirens walks in.
You can hear their loud, piercing laughter all the way to the storage room, the sound annoying, ringing through your eardrum.
And yet they say witches cackle.
You fix your apron before entering the dining space and approaching their table. Hoping their group is incomplete.
But as you get closer and their voices become clear and distinct instead of the crumbled mess of sounds, you know your hopes were in vain.
“Welcome to Selkie’s Place”. What can I get you for the evening?” your voice comes out almost robotically as you take out your notepad, already mentally preparing yourself for what is about to come.
And as you rest your eyes on the group, currently shooting daggers out of their eyes, you do your best to avoid looking at the girl in the middle.
But, alas, the girl groans theatrically with a smirk gracing her lips as if it’s her favorite jewelry.
“Ugh, you can get us a new waitress ‘cause there’s no way in seven seas I’d let someone like you serve me.”
You press your lips tightly together, fist clenching the notepad between your fingers in an attempt to not talk back to her.
“Even if that’s the only thing you’re good at,” Sunmi gives her final blow with a triumphant, overly saccharine smile as her friends giggle and agree.
You swallow down the words you actually want to throw to her face before another mechanical smile appears. “Of course. They’ll be with you shortly,” you answer before walking away towards Lisa, the other waitress that usually works the same shift as you. But not before getting to witness Sunmi’s less than satisfied look in her failure to get a reaction out of you.
The siren girl has been your own personal tormentor ever since the accident. Or more particularly ever since her species lost their status and privilege because of it. Which she inevitably sees as your fault.
And she doesn’t fail to show that through various methods. Water-filled lockers, seaweed covering your books and gymnastics uniform, broken seashells on your seat, “accidental” tripping due to a pond of seawater that came out of nowhere, resulting in broken bones you had to heal more than once. And of course the mildest of interactions, the verbal attacks.
Which some times hurt more than practical pranks.
The sky is grey, looking ominous and moody as you make your way through the academy grounds the next day. To be fair though the weather has been like this since forever. You don’t remember a time when the sky was blue.
You suppose it matches you in some way.
Going through the great hall used to frighten you some time ago. Walking through crowds of students that practically hate you, all alone like a moving target? Yeah, the experience was bound to be nerve-wracking.
But you’ve grown used to it by now. Every single loathing glance that used to send shivers down your spine has nothing on you now. You’ve grown numb to them, indifferently making your way down to the dining hall.
The founders of the academy first built it not only as an educational institute but as a safe haven for magicals all around the world that were hunted, disowned or simply had nowhere else to go. So aside from the learning premises, there are also sleeping quarters, the kitchen and of course the dining hall.
But as years passed and the need for magicals to hide from humans slowly dissipated, the dorms emptied out as they were no longer needed. But the kitchen and dining hall are still functioning.
You step into the enormous dining area, eyes already finding your designated spot, just beneath the stained-glass windows. Thankfully no one seems to occupy it, not that they would though since it’s your spot we’re talking about.
Anything to avoid the witch.
Your boots boom against the wooden floors as you reach your table, sitting down with a huff. Your hands are already at your notes, opening the notebook to quickly go through them before your Advanced Potions class.
“And of course, she puts aside breakfast for the sake of her studies,” a familiar voice says, its tone kind and gentle as its owner sits down across from you, holding a tray with two bagels and two cups of steaming coffee.
Your eyes rest on the tall, blond elf boy and you smile thankfully.
“I can’t waste time on breakfast if you recall…” you joke and Namjoon smiles, his dimples appearing before placing the tray between the two of you.
Namjoon is the only person in the academy that actually talks to you like a normal person would. He’s never been prejudiced towards you, not since you shared your chocolate bar with him one day in high school when he simply forgot to pack lunch. Although his parents wouldn’t be exactly thrilled with the idea if they knew. But as he once said, “what they don’t know, won’t hurt them.”
And, of course, he helps a bit with classes as well.
To put it lightly Namjoon is a genius. You’d think being born an elf, into an extremely wealthy and respected family and incredibly handsome would be enough but no. To top all that, he’s also a prodigy. AND one of the kindest people you’ve ever met.
Which usually results in him lecturing you about your lack of self-preservation instinct.
“Eat,” he says sharply as he points at the bagel closest to you.
You sigh. “This conversation is taking too much of my study time…” you complain lightly and Namjoon just smiles.
“And it would’ve been avoided altogether if you just ate,” he replies with a winning smirk and you huff in fake annoyance as a smile threatens to spill all over your lips. If you’re honest you really enjoy it when he’s being this caring with you.
“Fine…” you mutter begrudgingly, “but I’m not letting you pay for them like last time!” you open your bag to pay him back.
“Whoever said I paid for them?” he mumbles behind the rim of his paper cup.
You turn to him with wide eyes, before. “Kim Namjoon did you flirt with the lunch lady again?” your voice incredulous even though really it’s been already more than twice that Namjoon charmed his way out of paying for breakfast.
He simply giggles, pushing his glasses further up the bridge of his nose.
“I can’t help it if I’m just this incredibly charming,” he winks at you and you almost double in laughter, before grasping your cup.
“If only she knew you were gay…” you mumble above the steaming beverage before taking a sip and an appreciative moan rolls off your tongue.
“Oh, she knows, I’m thinking she wants to set me up with her nephew.”
You almost spit out your coffee.
You leave Namjoon outside of his Runes class feeling a little lighter before you make your way down the hall and onto the next floor for your class.
A group of shapeshifters walks down the stairs as you ascend them, books on your hands, trying to fish out your phone from wherever you’ve thrown it into earlier in the day.
You ignore their voices, as you usually do, knowing it’s the safest way to go by unnoticed.
Although, sometimes even this doesn’t work.
An “accidental” hand pushes you to the side, not enough to have you tumbling over your feet, but enough to make you lose your grip on the books and for them to spill all over the stairs and reach the floor beneath.
Giggles reach your ears as a mocking “oops” echoes through the corridor, before the group disappears around the corner, the sound of laughter trailing after them, leaving you once more alone.
Your eyes remain glued to the floor and a slight tremble takes over your body as you stand still in the same position as before when the sound of thunder rings like a whip across the sky.
You close your eyes, willing the trembling to subside, forcing the raging thoughts in your mind to disappear before you do something you’re gonna regret.
You’re only aware of your clenched fists when you relax your fingers and inevitably crouch down to pick up your books. There are worse things that could happen, you try to remind yourself. At least it wasn’t you falling all over the stairs.
The incident though managed to put a dump on your previously cheerful mood and you gather your stuff with a frown, trying to keep yourself together.
Footsteps reverberate through the corridor as another student walks down the stairs while you pick up the last of your stuff. You stand up, deciding to wait for whoever it is to leave first before you attempt to go up again.
But when your eyes rest on the vampire girl who stares at you from the middle of the stairs, your heart clenches unpleasantly and you can’t help but stare back.
Chungha’s stare is indecipherable as she just stands there, eyes on you, her frame frozen as she most likely realized why you were currently picking up on your books.
You gulp anxiously. Before taking your eyes off her, putting on the most indifferent face you can manage and walking up the stairs, “playing safe by letting her walk down first” long forgotten.
So you walk up to your next class, leaving the vampire girl behind with a heavy heart.
At the end of your classes, you’re already tired for the next month, you can’t wait to go home and rest for a couple of hours before you have to leave for work again.
On your way to the front gate, though, another pair of students pass by you, bumping into you and your books once more spreading across the floor. This time you can’t contain the tired sigh that escapes you, as you crouch down to pick them up.
But then something unexpected happens.
A person, who surprisingly isn’t Namjoon, crouches down to help you.
The gesture is so unprecedented, you don’t even register what they say to you, and instead, you freeze and stare at the person with wide, baffled eyes.
The unknown boy across from you gathers your stuff calmly, not at all bothered or disgusted at your sight, his black hair falling in front of his eyes, framing his pale face, giving him an otherworldly aura, one that makes him seem almost as if he’s a figment of your imagination.
If you weren’t shocked by him helping you, you’d certainly be by how handsome he looks.
Once he realizes you’re frozen on your spot, he also stops and raises his eyes at you, and for some reason, his expression matches yours. 
Is this a prank? Will someone appear with a bucket full of pig blood while someone captures the entire thing on their phones?
Your eyes move quickly to distinguish any possible threat only to see Jimin, the fae boy behind the handsome stranger. Looking at you like you just killed someone.
Your eyes widen, suddenly terrified this might be a prank, fear immediately taking over your bones, even though you know Jimin would never do something like that, no matter how much he’s afraid of you.
The other boy must have sensed this because he starts talking.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
But once his voice reaches your ears, you feel like being woken up from a spell, reminding you of where you are.
Of your place.
You grab your books from the black-haired boy’s hands before you make a run for it.
Eyes glued to the floor as you walk away towards the gates, already trying to forget the way the boy’s eyes bore into yours.
You try not to dwell too much on the events of the day as you try to survive your way through your shift, although you can’t help but catch glimpses of a conversation between some of your clients, commenting on the new vampire boy that Jimin has seemingly taken under his wing.
But as you said, you don’t let yourself think too much about it.
When another one of your assigned tables gets taken by a group of students, you make your way towards them.
As you stand before their table, pad and pen ready on your fingers, your voice already carries out the rehearsed words.
“Welcome to Selkie’s Place. What can I get you for the evening?” you raise your eyes to the group.
Instead of their orders, you’re met with side glances and uncomfortable fidgeting.
You sigh.
Thank god Lisa is a relatively rational person and is willing to help you out every time someone asks for a different waitress.
It happens more often than you’d think.
Not often enough to see a significant drop in Mona’s income but still.
So, in return for Lisa taking one of your tables, you’ll have to look out for a table at her side.
And not long after that, another group of three steps into the pub, heading for a table at Lisa’s side. Once you see Sua as one of the people in the group you turn around to let Lisa know you’ll take this and she nods appreciatively.
As you make your way towards them you try to figure out who you’ll be serving. You see Sua talking animatedly to Jimin but you couldn’t make out the face of the third person.
But at least you know they’re not gonna ask for a different waitress. It’s one of the reasons you let Lisa know you’ll serve them; Sua never has asked for a different waitress. She never seems to have a problem with you and well, Jimin might be afraid of you but she never let him ask for someone else. You just hope the earlier incident today didn’t affect Jimin this much that he wants a different waitress regardless of what Sua says.
As for the third person you just hope Sua has the same effect on them too.
She orders first, then letting Jimin order before you turn to the third person.
Who is currently hiding behind the menu.
Sua’s polite smile falters for a second. She smiles again apologetically at you before turning to Jimin. “Isn’t he gonna order?”
You smile back knowingly. Maybe Sua’s words won’t be enough this time and you’ll have to change tables with Lisa. Again.
Jimin completely avoids your eyes, mumbling a weak “sorry” to Sua before turning to the boy in question. You don’t let that bother you though so you turn your focus to the guy behind the appetizers.
“Uh, Yoongi? The waitress is here…”
Yoongi? Weird, you don’t know anyone with that name.
A headless voice coming from behind the menu clears their throat. “Ugh, I’m fine…” the person mumbles, still holding the piece of paper firmly in place.
Sua chuckles uncomfortably before leaning closer to that Yoongi guy, as you remain in your spot, unsure of what to do.
“Come on, you’ve been out all day. Sure even you would be hungry or at least thirsty!” she insists and you suppress a chuckle at the unwilling grunt coming from behind the menu.
But it seems the words of the fae girl finally take action and the man brings down the menu at last, as you ready yourself to take down his order.
Although as the impromptu partition disappears and the man looks at you with apologetic eyes, a hand rubbing awkwardly at the base of his neck, you admit you’re not at all prepared.
It’s the guy who tried to help you earlier today. The black-haired boy whose eyes you tried to forget.
“Um, I’ll have just a pint of whatever stout you have…” he mutters with a low and yet polite voice and you’re left to stare at him for a moment too long before realizing what he said.
Your eyes widen before you drop them to your pad to write his order down.
“Uh, yes… Sure, uh… I’ll, I’ll be with you shortly, thank you!” you stutter, cheeks reddening, already mentally berating yourself, before moving away.
Trust you to make yourself look like an idiot.
After serving them their order while trying your best to avoid the boy’s eyes on your face unsuccessfully, you take your spot on one of the vacant seats on the bar next to the cash register.
Mona is currently behind it, making sure everything is in order. You’ve decided to keep her some company now that things are a bit slow.
“So how’s today going?” she asks as she counts some of the bills.
You shrug nonchalantly. “Eh, same old, same old. People looking at me weird. Asking for a different waitress. Nothing I haven’t handled before…” you joke with a dismissive wave of your hand.
Mona though stops to look at you or more precisely scold you. “Haven’t we talked about this already? Whenever something like that happens, just let me handle it!”
An involuntary sigh escapes you at her stubbornness. “And I told you no because you’ll most likely throw them out.”
She gasps, faking offense. “When have I ever? I’ll just have a nice little conversation!”
You smile at that. “Which will result in you throwing them out.”
She smirks. “Maybe.”
That makes your smile fall, though. Sometimes it feels as if she’s the child and you're the responsible adult in your relationship. “Mona, come on, just think this through. You can’t lose customers because of me!” your voice turning serious, hoping at least now she’ll listen to the voice of reason.
“Well, if they’re being douchebags maybe I don’t want them as my customers!” she retaliates and you fondly shake your head. It’s one of those times you know she’s not gonna listen to you, no matter how much sense you’re making.
“Anyways, I can handle it myself very well.”
Another ding is heard across the pub, signaling the entering of another customer and you turn around, ready to go if they need you.
Only to see Chungha walking in.
You freeze in your seat (damn your natural instinct of fight or flight for not existing), hand stuck in your apron where it reached for your pad. Eyes glued to the vampire girl’s form as she moves across the room to find her company.
Only to sit down at the table where Sua, Jimin and that boy Yoongi are seated.
A soft curse leaves your lips before turning around and taking a deep breath.
Fuck, you should’ve known she’d sit there. She and Sua are practically inseparable now.
Mona, having watched the scene, looks at you with sympathy hiding in her eyes. “I can call Lisa if you want…”
Honestly, that sounds idyllic right now. You’d rather go talk to Sunmi than walk back to this table.
You take another breath, before fixing your hair and clothes and putting on a brave smile on your lips, one that doesn’t certainly doesn’t reflect your inner feelings. “No, I’ll go, it’s fine!”
Mona doesn’t seem convinced. “Are you sure?”
But in her defense, neither are you.
“Yeap!” you say instead with an extremely cheerful voice before departing for their table.
You try to subdue the shaking in your hands and to keep your fake smile from falling as you near the group as well.
The group seems deeply immersed in their conversation, Sua and Chungha laughing at something Jimin said as Yoongi takes a sip of his beer.
Though everyone’s eyes are focusing on you when you stand in front of them.
“Was everything to your satisfaction?” you ask politely, hands hanging awkwardly at your sides as you struggle to make eye-contact with the newcomer, without appearing totally hung up on your shared past.
You see, once upon a time, when your life was much simpler and happier, you and Chungha used to be friends.
And not just any kind of friends. The best kind. Stuck together from the first day of daycare, all through middle school, as if you were both born to be in each other’s lives. Less than sisters but so much more than just friends. It was perfect.
Until the accident happened. And then it wasn’t anymore.
Sua’s answer interrupts your short-lived reverie. “Oh, yes, everything is completely perfect!”
Jimin simply smiles at her, the gesture small yet endearing, given he’s also casting you side-glances. Chungha looks at Sua as well, successfully ignoring your presence as if you’re nothing but a fly.
But that isn’t exactly right. A fly would get more attention than this, it could probably fly away or maybe someone would smash it with a newspaper or something. 
Which both sound much better than what you’re currently going through.
Then you hear a small chuckle in response to Sua’s words, so quiet you almost missed it, coming from the boy next to Jimin. You cast a curious glance towards him, seeing him take another sip of his beer. The hints of a smile hanging from his lips.
But then his eyes are on you again, so you refocus on Sua’s voice.
“And also could we get a glass of - what was it that you liked, AB negative?” She turns her attention to Chungha midway through her sentence and you try to not let your eyes widen at the sudden request.
Chungha’s eyes fidget nervously. “Sua…” she complains stiffly.
It’s not uncommon for vampires - or werewolves, or sirens - to ask for a glass of blood to quench their thirst. But usually, you serve such beverages in a secluded area for magicals only, to save humans from a possible freak out at the sight of them.
You’re sure Mona doesn’t really mind but the request itself is kind of a taboo.
“What? I thought you were starving! I’m just looking out for you!” Sua reiterates, eyes wide as if not seeing the problem in such a demand.
But due to that, Chungha turns to look at you for the first time tonight. Her stare on you makes you feel queasy, especially when her entire focus is on you.
Your palms are sweating, fantastic.
“I’ll have an apple cider and some mashed potatoes, thank you,” she announces calmly before her eyes return to her phone.
And here you are, silently panicking over her and she seems perfectly fine. As she always seems to be whenever she’s around you. Like all those years meant nothing. God it’s been more than ten years already, why are you still so hung up on her?
You take another breath before you jot that down.
You clear your throat. “Great. I’ll be right back.”
This time your voice is steady as a rock, and yet somehow you feel worse than before.
And as you walk away, you miss the way Yoongi’s eyes curiously follow your figure.
After that interaction that you’re better off not remembering, the rest of the evening goes by uneventful.
Well, if you forget almost scaring Jimin to death when you just tried to help him.
It wasn’t your fault though! You just happened to see him forget his jacket at the coat rack outside the men’s bathroom and simply run after him to give it back.
Only he couldn’t hear you calling him so when you jumped right in front of him to stop him, he was scared shitless.
Which would’ve been okay, if it wasn’t for you. Because, really, these things could happen to anyone. It was the way the fear re-entered his eyes once he realized who was returning his jacket. Like he would’ve been completely okay to be accidentally scared out of his wits from someone returning his jacket, unless that someone was you.
You swear he took a step back, almost unwilling to take his jacket back as if he was afraid you might’ve hexed it in the short span it took you to reach him.
And it hurts. It hurts seeing one of the most liked, most kind people of this town being fucking repulsed by you. You admit there are times when you think you and Jimin would’ve been great friends. But life never works out the way you want it too. How can you hurt over the loss of something you’ve never had?
And as if the day wasn’t awful enough, bad news reaches the pub when you’re about to take your break.
The dining space is full of life when a demon guy, Baekhyun, storms into the building, eyes wide, breathing heavily. Did he run on his way here?
At once all the conversations seize, eyes drawn at the boy standing in the middle of the floor. Baekhyun has the reputation of the Xuma’s gossiper. He’s sure to know first about any hot gossip so it doesn’t strike you as odd that everyone stopped whatever they were doing in favor of listening to another one of the demon’s rumors.
But as his eyes stare nowhere in particular as if he was still trying himself to come to terms with what he must have heard, the hair on your arm raises. Getting this terrifying feeling of dread right down to the pit of your stomach.
He swallows once. Then-
“The First Fae Kims are dead.”
The atmosphere is stiflingly quiet.
A few soft gasps echo through the room but aside from that, there’s no other sound daring to break the insufferable silence.
The Kims are dead? They’re the first family of Fae in this town. The most prestigious clan among your peers they’re suddenly dead.
And then the onslaught of questions begins.
“What? When?”
“You’re joking right?”
“All of them, what the fuck?”
“How is that even possible?”
“This isn’t funny Byun!”
You know their youngest daughter Solar, she’s in the same charms class as you.
Then another question pierces through the voices, loud and clear.
And once again, everyone stops talking in favor of focusing on whatever Baekhyun’s answer is gonna be.
And for some reason his eyes find you. You can’t decipher his stare and it gives you a great deal of confusion as to why he’s staring at you.
And now it’s not just him staring.
next part: {3}
47 notes · View notes
tempesrature · 4 years
*which will change according to what WIP I’m working on, sorry!
Communication Degree  Summary: Ellie has never been good with properly communicating her negative emotions. So Logan is there to help her out. 
Of The Standard of Taste: Logan and Memes  Summary: Logan has a terrible taste in memes and Ellie wants to help him.
Dedicated Emotions: Part I * Part II * Part III * Part IV Summary: An imagining of the events after RoD1 with the theme of separation and coming home. An accompaniment of the Colt Series with the same name.
50 WORDLESS WAY TO SAY “I LOVE YOU” Summary: A highlight reel of the most important moments of their life.
Book&Pairing: Ride or Die (AU) x Platinum  Logan x Ellie Wheeler (major) M!Raleigh Carrera x Cadence Dorian (minor) [UNFINISHED] Idol: Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 Summary: A Ride or Die (AU) x Platinum Crossover. 
Panic Attacks, Important Facts and Delicious Snacks Summary: Ellie experiences a panic attack while she’s visiting Colt. So Colt is there to help her out.
The Charm of Lost Things  (Oneshot Follow-up of The Case of the Murdered Witch Doctors) Summary: Ellie gets the closure she needs for her mother who was abducted by the fae five years ago.  
Dedicated Emotions: Part I * Part II * Part III * Part IV Summary: An imagining of the events after RoD1 with the theme of separation and coming home. An accompaniment of the Logan Series with the same name.   
The Case of the Murdered Witch Doctors: Chapter: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 Creative Process Note Commissioned Art Piece Summary: Ellie Wheeler, a witch-detective from the Agency, is given a case that will lead her to work with one of the most notorious vampires in LA: Colt Kaneko. Now, they must unravel the mystery behind the death of two witch doctors before the case gets hexed. All while they navigate the constant push and pull and attraction they undoubtedly feel for one another.
50 WORDLESS WAY TO SAY “I LOVE YOU” Summary: A highlight reel of the most important moments of their life.
Fire in His Eyes Where the Golden Child Rises (Teppei Kaneko) Summary: Teppei’s perspective and thoughts in Chapter 13 as he drives his car into the police blockade.
Starry Night Summary: An add-on to the scene with the stars.
8 notes · View notes
Cinderella AU! Part 6
Previously on Supernatural: Reader is being held at the hands of 3 evil witches. The Winchesters come to town just before a meeting of the coven. The head witch has a plan that could kill reader. With the help of Rowena, she could finally be free. Or will she?
“Try to kill me, huh? Rowena, you’ve lost your touch.” Druscilla, looking disheveled, stood in the doorway with Drizella and Anastasia flanking her. Rowena stepped forward to begin a spell but Druscilla did something that broke me. Druscilla lifted her arm and from the trees next to the building, branches shot out and impaled Rowena back into the wall. She was dead before she hit the wall. Before I could react to her, Druscilla lifted her other arm, shooting out a powerful blast that blew me back across the parking lot and landing in the windshield of a car. I squeezed my eyes shut. The fear I felt made my whole body seize up, this is where I died. I felt helpless and alone at the hands the three woman that had made my life hell. Druscilla came up to my side, grabbing the necklace and ripping it from my neck. 
“You are nothing. And you will always be nothing. After tonight, you will be nothing more that a scorch mark in the asphalt.” 
That’s when I felt it. The rage. But this time it was truly my own. Anastasia watched as I suffered, pretending to be on my side. Drizella tortured and tormented me. And Druscilla, who looked at me now like I was nothing, took my mother, my father, and now she’s taken the only person who has ever believed in me, treated me like I belonged. My heart beat was so loud in my ears that I could hear anything anymore, only the sound of my own pain. 
Druscilla held out her hand and opened her mouth to begin a spell, I looked away from her and to the building, there were doves roosting in the roof top, watching. Waiting. 
“I forgive you, Druscilla. You and your daughters.: I said, catching her off guard.
“But I can never forget.” I closed my fists, and like angels descending from heaven to smite the wicked, the doves flew down from the roof top, attack Drizella and Anastasia. Pecking and clawing at their faces. Their screamed pierced my ears but the horror that should have filled my body wasn’t there. Druscilla screamed, running to her daughters, trying any counter spells that she knew, but they didn’t work. Druscilla watched her daughters die, their eyes plucked and pulled from their heads. As their life left, I felt a surge of power course through me, like a part of me was returned. Like Druscilla, Drizella and Anastasia had been feeding off of my magic.
Druscilla was on her knees, holding Drizella’s corpse in her arms, glaring back at me as I made my way out of the windshield and back to my feet.
“How dare you-” Driscilla went to stand on her feet to attack. 
“Stay down.” My voice was no longer my own. The power that was coursing through my body made my voice echo through the night. Druscilla was being forced back to her knees, an invisible force holding her down. I pulled the burner phone Rowena had given me earlier out of my pocket, flippinf it open, I pressed three buttons. 
“Who are you calling? The police? When they see what you’ve done to my daughters, you will be the one going behind bars.” 
“Speak the truth.” I said just before the 911 operator answered asking what the emergency was. 
Druscilla began to speak, only this time her words were no longer laced with poison and lies, she spoke the truth, “I, Druscilla Tremaine, confess for the murders of my husband, his ex wife, and the seventeen missing hikers. I drained their bodies of their blood and bathed in it. You will find evidence of such in my house. Their bodies are buried in my backyard. I can no longer live with my guilt as I have killed my daughters for their part in the killings and now I will take my own life along with the lives of those who are inside meeting house on Dryar road. You will never find the remains of my stepdaughter, I threw her body into the river by the falls.” Druscilla looked at me in horror at her new words, her voice never wavering, “I am evil.” She paused, hearing the operator trying to speak over her, “The devil will punish me for my crimes because this mortal plane could not punish me to the degree to which I deserve.” I hung up the phone. 
In Druscilla’s hand, a knife materialized and wouldn’t leave her grip. I looked at her in the eyes as she slit her own throat. She couldn’t hurt me anymore. 
The sound of groaning broke me out of my trace. Rowena had made her way to my side, looking down at the state of herself. 
“I really liked this dress.” She sighed, looking down at Druscilla’s body, “Horrid bitch.” I stared at her in shock, my mouth wide. 
“Close yer mouth, dear. I’m not leaving this plane any time soon.” She smiled, lightly closing my mouth with her hand under my chin. 
“Rowena!” A deep voice called from the building that was beginning to go down in the flames. The hunters had left the building and were standing in the parking lot and staring at the two of us. In the distance, sirens grew closer. 
“Time to go, dear.” Rowena took my hand and was leading me into the woods, I could see the hunters staring at the dead witches on the ground, then back to us as we fled. The man with the green eyes watched as I left, a small smile on his face. 
Dean and Sam hurried to the impala after watching Rowena and the mystery girl run off into the woods. 
Dean heard Sam gasp and looked at him, “What?”
Sam pointed at the windshield of the impala, or more accurately, the lack of windshield. Glass was everywhere inside the interior of the classic car. 
“Son of a bitch!” Dean shouted into the night, cursing as they both got into the car, brushing any glass off their seats to sit and speeding away before the police and fire department made it onto the scene. 
6 Months Later 
After the events that took place, an investigation finally took place. The bodies of the hikers were found in the back of the house, drained of blood, just like they were described. My parents were exhumed and it was found that they were poisoned. Druscilla Tremaine was found guilty postmortem for the deaths of the hikers, my parents, her daughters, and me. The local police department has been dragging the river with no results. The lot was bulldozed over, any part left from my old life was gone now. And I think that was for the best. Lucifer was taken to the local animal shelter where their behavioral trainers are baffled at how big of a douche he is. After the media got a hold of the news, there was a candlelight vigil at the empty lot where my home once stood. There were pictures of my mother, father and me surrounded by flowers and stuffed toys and little notes praying that we had found peace. It was odd that I was dead to the world. I could never show my face again in this tiny town, but I was used to that. 
In the months since then, Rowena and I had found a cottage in the woods a few states over. It was a stereotype for sure, but there was something appealing about living in the wood, being taught magic by a couple hundred years old Scottish witch whose son was the King of Hell, just causal things. 
Rowena also told me more about the hunters that were at the party were referred to by the supernatural community as The Winchesters, a name that strikes fear. Sam Winchester was the boy with the demon blood who was supposed to bring about the apocalypse. But Rowena says: “Would you believe that boy has the more precious puppy dog eyes?”
Then there was Dean. Dean was the more intimidating of the two according to Rowena. But I never had that experience with him, not even from the start. He had those green eyes that stared right through my shield and into the deepest part of my soul that day they came to my door dressed as Mormons. The day I attacked his brother, he should have shot me on site. But he hesitated. Sam and Dean saved me from the hex bag and they wanted to keep me safe. Dean wanted to keep me safe. 
It would be a lie if I didn’t think he was attractive. It would also be a lie if I didn’t think about the way we danced in the meeting house every night before I went to bed. Even practicing spells could never feel that magical.  His hands were soft and warm and his cocky smile when he would flirt, it made me smile just thinking about it. 
“If you could be a dear an’ stop fantasizin’ about Dean Winchester an’ make sure the pasta doesn't boil over, a’would really appreciate it.” Rowena’s voice brought me out of my thoughts and back to the stove top in front of me where the pot of bowtie pasta was near boiling over. I cursed and moved the pot to a different burner and turned the original burner off. 
“And just a little heads up, the Winchesters will be arriving in about, hmmm, five minutes.” Rowena’s words made my heart jump into my throat. 
“Why didn’t you say something earlier?” I panicked and ran into my bedroom off the kitchen in a desperate attempt to find anything nice to wear and to make myself look presentable. 
“If you’ll recall, I told you that Fergus was bringing them here to discuss a matter of spellwork and payment. You just nodded along thinking of ole green eyes.” I could hear the smile in her voice. 
I was just getting finished brushing my hair when I heard the rumble of an old car out the window. 
“Son of a bitch.” I made my way back out to the living room area where the three new occupants stood. 
Rowena smiled as I entered, “Fergus, I don’t believe you’ve met my newest pupil, (Y/N).” At his name, the King of Hell chuckled to himself before looking me over. 
“I’ve heard a few things about the girl, Mother. And again, I insist you call me Crowley.” I only nodded, “Where’s the booze?” He asked before taking it upon himself to find the alcohol himself. 
“Dean, you’re good in the kitchen, why don’t you help finish up the pasta. Samuel and I need to discuss the spell.” She made her way back into her study, Sam following behind him after giving Dean a nod. 
Instead of the awkward silence that I knew was going to follow I just came out with what I was thinking. 
“I’m really sorry about... ya know, attacking your brother that one time...And thank you for... not killing me.” I said, trying to keep my voice from shaking. 
“Hey, it’s in the past.” He said, “Now what are we making?” 
Later after dinner and been served and eaten, Crowley was passed out of the couch and Rowena was still explaining the spell to Sam. Dean and I were out of the porch, talking about our lives and how crappy our childhoods were. We had come to the conversation about the night I had last seen him, where the town’s coven had been destroyed in a matter of hours. 
“I didn’t even recognize you until I saw the scar.” He said, recalling the scar on my arm that served as a reminder. Not of what she had done to me, but my survival. 
“I wondered if you would if you were done flirting.” I smirked. He grinned and took a swig of his beer. 
“Can you blame me?” Realization dawned on his face and he dug inside his jacket pocket, “Speaking of.” He pulled a chain from his pocket. It was the necklace I had worn that night, the blue goldstone that had given me power before I could take my own back. 
“Where did you find this?” I asked, watching him place it in my hands. 
“Found it on the floor of my car. Must have fallen off when you landed in my windshield.” 
My breathe was caught in my throat. Rowena said that Dean and his car were like two in the same, he loved that car. I glanced at the black beauty out of the corner of my eye, she looked that same as when she was driven off the lot. 
“I’m so so sorry, I had no idea-” Dean laughed, making my cheeks hotter than hell. 
“Don’t worry about it. I’ve fixed her up from worse.” That just left us staring at each other, not knowing what to say but left in this comfortable silence. He had his half smile that just told me that everything was going to be alright.  I closed my eyes for a moment, a vision of our future filling the picture. He was the man who would keep me safe. He was the man who would love me. Take me on adventures around the country. There would be fights and heartache. But at the end of the day we would have each other. How did I know? 
Well like they say, if the shoe fits: wear it. 
Finished with another Disney series! I’m leaving this one up to the imagination. Mostly because I have killed off any opportunity to follow the sequels. 
Thank you to everyone for reading, liking, and commenting! 
A new survey will be posted shorty to pick the next story for this series.
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goldenzingy46 · 4 years
so i found i regulus black as potions master au
...and whilst it’s (unfortunately) anti-snape, it’s also fucking funny.
and if that didn’t convince you, read below for some extracts:
And he goes home to his creepy obsessive mother and says, “Hey mom, guess what, the Dark Lord just tried to off me,” which is debatably true but guaranteed to piss her off, And suddenly the Official Black Viewpoint on Voldemort is that he Needs To Be Dead (which dismays Bellatrix but is actually something of a relief to Narcissa), Unfortunately Sirius is a bit busy being a covert operative for the Order of the Phoenix and doesn’t hear about this, and also he’s still basically disowned on account of being a reckless Gryffindor idiot
But because he’s there, Snape does not manage to get the job, which doesn’t help at all with his ‘everyone is out to get me’ worldview, and then Lily Evans is murdered by Voldemort and everything goes to hell and Snape doesn’t have Dumbledore’s backing and ends up in Azkaban just like everyone always knew he would, the greasy bastard (says everyone who has the time to think about it). Amusingly enough, he ends up across the hall from Sirius Black, who has been tossed unceremoniously in Azkaban for betraying his friends, murdering Peter Pettigrew, and blowing up seventeen Muggles. This has the somewhat unexpected side effect of causing the Dementors to avoid that entire hallway, because there are Absolutely No Happy Thoughts available, on account of Snape and Sirius being so busy hating each other. Like seriously, they basically come up with a schedule: up at seven, bowl of gruel, sneer at each other for two hours, have a screaming fight, bowl of gruel for lunch, three hours of furious glowering, another screaming fight, bowl of gruel for dinner, nasty sniping insults until bedtime. The Dementors have never found two humans so perfectly suited to torture each other before.
Voldemort was wrong and also had created Horcruxes and yeek, dude, those are so evil even the Black Family Library only has one book on them and it’s How To Not Create Horcruxes.
Incidentally, Grimmauld Place has been renovated, because after Regulus’s mother died, he looked around and went, “Wow, this place is creepy as hell. Kreacher! We’re going for a new aesthetic,” and Kreacher went, “Yes, wonderful Master!” and now the whole place is in white and green with silver accents and actually looks like a place you might want to spend time for reasons other than “on the run from the law and haven’t any better choices.” 
He does still end up mixed into the whole mess with the Stone, because this is Harry we’re talking about, but the Trio pretty much figures out the problem is Quirrell from the word ‘go,’ because Professor Black is not sweeping around being Gratuitously Evil all over everything and therefore is not the immediate target of suspicious eleven-year-olds.
Regulus Black hates Lockhart, because no one ought to be more fabulously dressed than Regulus in his own school, you flamboyant fucker, I will out-magnificent you if it’s the last thing I do
Malfoy is still a prat. Some things never change.
Sirius Black breaks out of prison during the summer, for reasons no one can figure out, and the only person to see him go is Severus Snape, who is found laughing hysterically and raving about a black dog, and has therefore clearly been driven mad by Dementors, ah well, no great loss, moving on, nothing to see here. 
If anyone is going to be able to master the Animagus transformation without any training, in Azkaban, for no reason other than Pure Spite (™), it’s going to be Severus Snape. 
Regulus is like, “werewolves are not supposed to be this calm and likeable, I do not even know what is going on, am I friends with a werewolf? I might be friends with a werewolf. Or allies. I can be allies. Allies is a good Slytherin term. We are both on Team Keep Potter Alive Until Voldemort Is Dead.” 
So then Sirius grabs Ron (to get to Peter) and everyone ends up in the Shrieking Shack and there is a lot of shrieking, which includes Sirius yelling “Get behind me, Harry, Regulus is a Death Eater,” and Regulus yelling, “Get behind me, Potter, Sirius is a Death Eater,” and Remus putting both hands over his face and going, “Oh Merlin, two of them, there are two mad Blacks in my life, what even the fuck.”
Unfortunately Sirius is still technically an escaped convict, so he turns back into Snuffles before they get to Hogwarts proper, and Regulus in a moment of Utter Glee (™) is like, “Oh, this is my dog, he’s very devoted to me,” and Sirius has to fawn doggily on his brother. 
Which is actually hilarious, because he walks in for the first time in fifteen years and goes, “Wait, do I have the wrong house?” because everything is light and airy and open and really quite pleasant, and there’s no screaming portraits anywhere, and even the house-elf heads have been relocated to Kreacher’s room. 
So anyway Ireland wins but Krum gets the Snitch and Harry and Ron are having the time of their lives, and honestly Sirius is too because he gets to cadge food from everyone and he gets ear scritches from Remus whenever he wants them and he gets to growl at that supercilious fuck Malfoy whenever he likes. 
Sirius is...not known for his Tactical Planning, and rushes off to Confront the Fake Moody, which honestly goes better than it ought to, because Barty Crouch Jr is not expecting Professor Black’s enormous dog to suddenly turn into Sirius Black and hex him senseless 
When the Lord of the Ancient and Noble House of Black rips off his own sleeve and screams, “Does my Mark look fucking gone to you, you incompetent asshole?” at the Minister for Magic, and said Lord is also one of the most well-respected Professors at Hogwarts, the Minister’s approval ratings tend to tank. 
Regulus is a Slytherin, he’s supposed to be cunning and sneaky and fly under the radar, he shouldn’t be number two on Voldemort’s hit list, this is frankly embarrassing. Sirius is kind of indignant that his brother is higher up Voldemort’s hit list than he is. Really, Sirius? Remus says. That’s what bothers you about this situation?
And after the third nightmare which is pretty clearly a vision not a nightmare, Sirius goes right down to Regulus and is like, “So Harry is having visions in which he’s seeing through Voldemort’s eyes,” and Regulus is like, “Well fuck, that’s what that Horcrux does.” 
Sirius learned Occlumency from his father, who had a lot of things to keep from his mother, and then later from the Department of Mysteries after he became an Auror. His version has a lot of “setting traps in your mind so your enemies really regret trying this.”
Regulus learned Occlumency from his mother, who had a hell of a lot of things to keep from his father, and then later from being servant to a batshit insane Dark Lord. His version has a lot of “hiding everything important under lots and lots of obfuscating facts and memories.”
Voldemort does try to convince Harry that his godfather is being held in the Department of Mysteries. Since Snuffles is asleep on Harry’s feet at the time, that doesn’t have quite the intended effect.
1) Sirius stops following Harry around as a big black dog and starts following him around as a human
2) ...and then realizes that’s not going to work so well at Hogwarts and goes back to following him around as a dog.
3) Sirius formally takes custody of Harry, his godson, and declares that Harry never has to so much as see a Dursley again
4) Regulus points out that since Sirius is the elder son, this makes Sirius Lord Black
5) Sirius has a fit of the screaming meemies at the thought of politics and formally abdicates the title in favor of his brother, who’s been doing a pretty good job so far
Voldemort spends the summer moving into Malfoy Manor, which the Order of the Phoenix figures out after Sirius gets very drunk and flies his motorcycle to Malfoy Manor in order to “glitterbomb those pretentious wannabe-Blacks.” Glitter apparently does not register as a threat to the Malfoy wards, even when it’s been spelled to be unremovable. Not that glitter really needs to be spelled to be unremovable. Sirius figures out who exactly is in residence when a rainbow-glitter-covered Voldemort comes out of the Manor at speed and tries to hex him off his motorcycle. In retrospect, it wasn’t Sirius’s brightest idea ever, but he did learn where Voldemort was!
Harry’s sixth year is the year that Severus Snape, fuelled entirely by Pure Spite (™), reinvents the Animagus transformation from scratch and escapes from Azkaban as an extremely angry bat.
At this point, Snape is rather dubiously sane, on account of fifteen years in Azkaban, which even if he didn’t have to interact much with the Dementors was fifteen years of either solitary confinement or confinement across from the man he hates worst in all the world. Snape therefore has two driving obsessions right now:
1) Voldemort killed Lily Evans and must therefore die.
2) Snape has to outdo Sirius Black, or die trying.
So about a week after the news that Severus Snape, Death Eater, has escaped Azkaban, Hagrid goes out to open the main doors and discovers a dead Death Eater on the front step of Hogwarts with a neat little note that says, “For Lily.” General consensus is that this is Weird.
The night that Malfoy was supposed to get his Great Duty from Voldemort, which was going to be Killing Albus Dumbledore, was the night Sirius decided to glitterbomb the Manor. And Voldemort, whose Priorities can be skewed by Utter Wrath, decided that Malfoy’s Great Duty was going to be Killing That Fucker Black, How Dare He Disrespect Me, I Want His Head. Malfoy is actually sort of okay with this at first because his hair is covered in shiny red glitter and he looks like an off-brand Weasley, which is Not Acceptable.
So what he does is call Sirius in and say, “Hey, brother, do you want to fake your own death and have an enormous funeral so I can kidnap Cousin Narcissa?” Draco is in the corner trying to figure out when his life took an abrupt left turn into Weirdville, Population Him. Sirius is like, “OMG enormous funeral can I come as a Grim and frighten everyone? Please?” Regulus, who is only the practical one if you ask him, is like, “That is a great idea, it will give me a perfect opportunity to kidnap Cousin Narcissa, truly we are tactical geniuses.” Sirius wants there to be So Much Glitter and is rather put out when Regulus vetoes that plan. Harry, when told about this, decides that Amateur Dramatics on the theme of My Godfather Is Dead And Everything Is Terrible sound like a lot of fun, and wants to be chief mourner at the funeral. Hermione is So Done with all of these people. Remus declares that he will go to the funeral in ashes and sackcloth and rend his clothing dramatically at appropriate points for extra pathos. Hermione is Even More Done and goes off to write to Viktor, who can be relied on to talk about sensible things like spellcrafting and also say nice things about her hair. Albus decides that having Sirius be Officially Dead might actually be a good tactical move in the war, and authorizes the use of Hogwarts grounds for the Epic Funeral, but adds some... tactical revisions to the Kidnapping portion of the show. Minerva joins Hermione in the corner of Done With Everything. Sirius designs his own fake corpse, because of course he does. The Epic Funeral goes off without a hitch, somewhat to everyone’s surprise, and Narcissa is exceedingly surprised to be invited to Post-Funeral Tea by her Cousin Regulus and given a Portkey to a secluded and well-warded villa in France, to be used when necessary. Snape, who watched the whole funeral upside-down in a tree, is Delighted. He has Outlived Black! He has Won! Take that, Black! Voldemort is also Delighted. Tiny Malfoy is just as useful as Larger Malfoy!
Albus looks Wise and Cunning and strokes his beard thoughtfully. Regulus does not say Rude Things about Albus’s overblown sense of the dramatic, mostly because he knows perfectly well he doesn’t have a leg to stand on after the Epic Funeral
Albus hatches a Plan (™)
The first bit of seventh year is actually pretty uneventful, and Harry spends it waiting for the Other Shoe to drop, but the only things that drop are another large handful of dead Death Eaters, who show up on the doorstep every week like clockwork 
The Battle of Hogwarts ensues, Highlights include:
1) Ginny Weasley being cornered by Bellatrix Black and nearly killed, except that a fucking enormous bat interposes itself between them and takes the Killing Curse meant for Ginny, and dies with what everyone swears is a look of utter satisfaction on its face
-Literally no one ever figures out what the fuck was up with that, but the bat is buried in Ottery St Catchpole with full honors
2) Neville Longbottom drawing the Sword of Gryffindor out of the Sorting Hat (delivered courtesy of Fawkes) and beheading Nagini
3) Regulus Black being cornered by about eight furious Death Eaters and being rescued by his brother, who surprises the Death Eaters by appearing abruptly behind them and yelling, “Back from the dead, fuckwits! Eat that!”
4) Remus ends up facing off against Pettigrew, who has a silver hand which is poisoning him to death on account of the lycanthropy and Voldemort being Terrible. Pettigrew ends up dead. Eyewitnesses report he may have thanked Remus for the mercy.
5) Ron, Hermione, and Viktor Krum (a late and rather surprising addition to the Order) being a really quite effective team (“Er-my-own-nee is brain, I am brawn, you can be good looks,” Krum is heard to say. Ron spends the entire battle blushing furiously.)
6) Harry and Albus and Hedwig taking Voldemort on together
It turns out the Power the Dark Lord Knows Not is that of a really pissed off snowy owl doing her damnedest to claw his eyes out, during which rather chaotic interlude it’s surprisingly simple for Harry to trip Voldemort off the main dais. Landing on one’s head on a stone floor is liable to break even the most Dark Lord-y of necks. A whole bunch of historians have despaired of making the Battle of Hogwarts sound properly heroic when the Chosen One just tripped the Dark Lord and he broke his own fool neck by landing wrong.  Nonetheless it’s remarkably effective.
The most interesting thing to happen to Harry for the rest of the year is testifying in front of the entire Wizengamot that his godfather is, in point of fact, Not Dead and that the whole thing was an elaborate act for the purpose of fooling Voldemort.
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ficswithluv · 5 years
The Luv Library: Bookshelves
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It had been a stroke of luck, a miracle - or maybe even fate, when you stumbled upon the old, decrepit building. It looked unseemly, nestled between two old buildings - but something about it had called out to you. So, like the ever-curious wanderer you were, you found yourself entering the dilapidated building. What lay inside, however, had completely shocked you. Towering shelves stacked with never-ending various volumes and tombs lined walls. Above each of the shelves, and engraved in fading, dusty gold plates, were the names of each bookshelves’ genre. Something deep within you called out to you, compelled you to seek them out and lose yourself in the different books that littered the walls. In particular, however, none called out more to you than six shelves.
This post is an extension of the Luv Library Project. Within this post, you will find out what genre each admin is running, along with the criteria for the category.
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A flash of flame, the sizzling of meat on a grill, wafts of spice and seasoning filling your senses. Whether a professional kitchen in rush hour or home baking on Christmas morning, there’s something magical about food, something that brings us all together. Flavour combinations are infinite, you could stay here forever just trying every single one, experimenting and revelling in perfect pairings and surprising contrasts. It’s so easy to get lost in the focus of perfecting a culinary delight, and the best part yet is getting to enjoy the delicious reward. So; are you going to join us as a sous chef? Find out more information below.
ღ Head Chef: Sora; @honeymoonjin​​​
ღ Genre: Culinary & Cuisine        ↳ Stories centered around comfort foods, bustling cafes, the perfect bake, flavour sensations and mouthwatering concoctions.
ღ Requirements:
⏤ Fics can be SFW or NSFW.
⏤ Fics can either be set in a food-related location e.g. restaurant, cafe, etc; or based around food/drink e.g. baker!au, barista!au, etc.
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Rose petal covered floors in the honeymoon suite, champagne sitting in a bucket of ice, silk sheets against heated skin. A frenzy of limbs ripping clothes apart in a moment of heated passion; muffled moans intermixed with the sounds and actions of bodies moving as one in a tale as old as time. The focus of so much attention, the centre of a million controversies, the place so many seek as a way to escape, for just long enough. A tangle of lust, desire, and greed, something so gluttonous that only the proud partake, while others look on in envy or glance away, ashamed of their interest. The only question now is: will you be the one looking in, or would you like to be at the centre of the pleasure? Find out how below.
ღ Duchess: Ellie; @hobisgorgeousass​​​
ღ Genre: Erotica       ↳ Stories centered around steamy showers, lingering touches, passionate embraces, and any number of compromising positions.
ღ Requirements:
⏤ Authors must be over 18 to be accepted into this category.
⏤ Smut must be included. PWP is more than welcome, but a story with 1 or more explicit smut scenes works too.
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In a secluded forest, sequestered from the rest of the world and brimming with the vibrant essence of magic and wonder, live the fairies. Wandering through the forest, they simply look in on the different lives of the people and creatures who inhabit in the forest. From the knights who come to save their princesses from their towers and the dragons that protect them; the mermaids who lurk in the deep, to the witches who would enchant or hex you; the fairies observe them all. And sometimes, if you wish it hard enough, the fairies will tell you the story of a life they have witnessed. Want to become a fairy? Please read below.
ღ Fairy Queen: Nell; @jamaisjoons​​​
ღ Genre: Fairytales & Fantasy          ↳ Stories centered around fairytales, folklore, myths, legends, and all manner of fantastical stories we cherish.
ღ Requirements:
⏤ Fics can be SFW or NSFW.
⏤ Fics can either be based on original fairytales; i.e. cinderella, little mermaid, sleeping beauty, or they can be completely original fics with fairytale/fantasy tropes.
⏤ Fics must be written and read like fairytales; whether this be as the newer age happy fairytales or the original style of fairytales by Brothers Grimm is completely up to the author’s discretion.
⏤ Fics must include fantasy elements such as witches, dragons, fairies, princes/princesses, goblins, mermaids etc.
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The tinkle of soft melodies with fingers dancing across ivory keys and thin strings to let resounding music reach the air. Handwritten heartbreaks, promises, dreams and aspirations in the lyrics of songs meant for one or millions. You can entrap a soul within a song, a heart in a melody, and a dream in a lyric. Wish to let the music speak to your soul? Read below.
ღ Producer: Anna; @jungtaeyoongles​​​
ღ Genre: Music         ↳ Stories centered around songs, compositions, lyrics, artists and the magic that music contains.
ღ Requirements:
⏤ Fics can be SFW or NSFW.
⏤ Fics must be based around: a song, an album, an artist or have music as a central focus of the plot.
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With a fast-paced life, we encounter good and bad people in our everyday lives. Barely thinking of the consequences that can affect the people around us. That’s where the good guys come in, protecting and shielding everyone from the dark world. Twists and turns leading you to uncover the truth. Will you be satisfied in the end? Are you willing to investigate? Receive more clues below.
ღ Detective Inspector: Fran; @franklytae​​
ღ Genre: Mystery & Thrillers       ↳ Stories centered around whodunnits, suspense, plot twists and mysteries solved and unsolved.
ღ Requirements:
⏤ Fic can be SFW or NSFW.
⏤ Must have mystery/thriller tropes such as: detectives, criminals, type of crime, murder mysteries, etc.
⏤ Can include fight. blood, or death scenes (must be tagged).
⏤ Victims must have some type of closure e.g. acceptance, treatment, therapy.
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A sickly sweet scent of roses in their garden. The gentle crash of waves against a sandy shore. Softly flickering candlelight in a dim room. The quiet cries of those who have loved and lost, intermixed with the joyous shouts of the ones yet to face that particular heartbreak. Dramatic tension paired with that unmistakable passion, all to shine the spotlight on what matters most: romance. Would you like to bring a flush to someone’s cheeks? Be the cause of the smile they try to hide away? Join the ranks of the other cherubs bringing love into someone’s life? Read below if so.
ღ Cupid: Bette; @ddaenggtan​​​
ღ Genre: Romance        ↳ Stories centered around whirlwind romances, star-crossed lovers, love at first sight, and every type of love in between.
ღ Requirements:
⏤ Must focus on romance. Can be an AU of popular romance novels, feature popular tropes that are found in romance novels, or read like a romance novel.
⏤ Can be SFW or NSFW, but must ultimately be focused on the romance plot above all else.
⏤ A fluff fest. The fluffiest. There can be angst, because what romance novel is without angst, but it really should be the softest, sappiest, most disgustingly fluffy thing you’ve ever had enter your mind.
⏤ Absolutely must have a happy ending.
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Want to apply? Luv Library Project Post | Application*
*Only for those who have read the main ‘The Luv Library Project’ post.
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dramioneasks · 5 years
looking for fics that have some sort of adventure in them (can be full fledged adventure fic) some banter, and not too much angst (so they get together by at most halfway through the fic) I've checked the tags, and am looking for new recs! Thanks!
Title: Smittenly BittenAuthor: lezonne Rating: MGenre(s): Romance, AdventureChapters: 31Word Count: 153,364Summary: When Draco’s failing marriage causes his son to run off and become hurt, he can’t seem to get past the fact. Now with something unknown lurking in the woods behind his home, one would think people would only wish to help. But not everything is as is as it seems. Rated for language/possible lemons/violence. Dramione in future. Not fluffy. EWE
Title: Stare Author: RZZMGRating: TGenre(s): Adventure, Angst, Drama, Fluff, Humor, RomanceChapters: 4Word Count: 3,958Summary: With his keeper, Hermione Granger, asleep at her work bench, Ferret!Draco finds he has options at long last: to escape out the window, to steal some sweet treats before escaping out the window, or turning back and staying put in his cage. What should he do? A ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ style story, with three possible (and very different) endings.
Title: Stealing TimeAuthor: hiddenhibernianRating: MGenre(s): Romance, AdventureChapters: 6Word Count: 14,274 Summary: Weasley’s Wizarding Wheezes have figured out how to turn back time – but they’re doing it wrong. Unless someone steps in before it’s too late, the whole fabric of the universe might tear apart. Luckily, Draco is on the case.
Title: Summer of the DragonAuthor: Lena PhoriaRating: MGenre(s): Adventure, Romance (also contains fluff, action, angst)Chapters: 41Word Count: 203,782Summary: 3 years after the war Hermione takes a break from Ron & accepts a summer job collecting supplies for Ollivander’s wands. What she doesn’t expect is having to work side by side with Draco Malfoy, who might be exactly what she needs.
Title: Time Will Tell Author: Punkindoodle Rating: MGenre(s): Romance, Adventure, HumorChapters: 27Word Count: 128,867Summary: Draco, armed with the knowledge that Hermione will be murdered in the future, must find some way to prevent it. Time travel, action and romance! Nominated at Quill to Parchment, Dangerous Liaisons, He Had it Coming and The Dramione Awards.
Title: To Catch a CriminalAuthor: Bex-La-Get Rating: MGenre(s): Romance, Adventure Chapters: 33Word Count: 87,194 Summary: Top Aurors Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger are sent to New York to catch a serial killer. But just as they come to terms with their feelings for each other, they’re confronted with more than they bargained for when they’re betrayed by someone close to them. Now, it’s no longer business; it’s personal. All rights belong to JKR.
Title: The Sight of A WarriorAuthor: Rosella BurgundyRating: MGenre(s): Romance, AdventureChapters: 8Word Count: 21,756Summary: Viking AU: All young Vikings are taught the stories of Norse history. But what happens when a young pair stumble into an epic situation of their own? Written for In Another Life Fest
Title: Pride and Prejudice and LeprechaunsAuthor: RefictionistaRating: TGenre(s): Action, Adventure, Fluff, RomanceChapters: 16Word Count: 24,234 Summary: by Jane Austen and Refictionista. War Heroine Miss Hermione Granger and the Honorable Mr. Draco Malfoy, son of Lord Malfoy, never got along. Yet, they must work together to end the illegal trade in cursed four leaf clovers. Their investigation of the mystery leads them to discover that sometimes the last person on earth you want to be with… is the one person you can’t be without.
Title: Rewriting DestinyAuthor: mayawrites95Rating: TGenre(s): Romance, AdventureChapters: 76Word Count: 327,788Summary: They thought after Voldemort’s fall that the world would get better. But they were wrong. The Death Eaters are still ruling, using politics instead of hexes. With the dwindling Wizarding population and no one left to fight, they must go back in time to before Voldemort rose to power to fix what broke in the past. Nominated for Best James and Best Peter in the 2018 Marauder Medals!
- Lisa
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kagehinataboke · 5 years
OMG PLEASE HOGWARTS AU, PLEASE. Can you do it with tdbk and platonic bkdk? (it would be interesting to see where you put them, bc i personally can't decide whether bakugou is a ravenclaw, slytherin or gryffindor. like, he's just SO smart but also ambicious -in the good way- and also brave and loyal so WTF, he can be EVERYWHERE) (deku is definitely a gryffindor imo and todoroki idk... maybe a raven? or sly? hmm) (IF YOU ADD SOMETHING WITH QUIDDITCH I WILL LOVE YOU MORE THAN I ALREADY DO)
ohhh yes!!! okay i was hoping for this one huhu, i have a million HP bnha headcanons ╰(✧∇✧╰) and wow um ily too uwu
tdbk: [18] Hogwarts AU
“What the fuck are you doing?”
“What does it look like I’m doing?” Deku replies without looking up from his smoking mystery potion.
“Being an idiot, like you always fucking are,” Bakugou deadpans. “Are you trying to explode the common room?”
“He’s focusing,” Kaminari replies from his spot across the table. The words don’t mean much considering he’s wearing safety goggles. “Let him work, Bakugou.”
“First of all, shut up. Second of all, who the fuck let you in here, Hufflepuff bastard?”
“That’d be me!” Deku chimes happily, wincing a second later when his potion hisses. “Oh, it’s not supposed to do that.”
“What the hell is it supposed to do?” Bakugou grumbles, taking a seat a safe distance away from the inevitable disaster-in-progress. “Actually, don’t even tell me. I just came to relax before the match—which is what you should be doing instead of playing potions professor.”
“You should be thanking me,” Deku replies. “I’m making this just for you.”
“I don’t even know what it is!”
“Amortentia with a fun little twist. Oof!” Deku jerks his head back when the potion lets out a stream of black smoke. “It’s supposed to be a major improvement, but I guess I really messed it up.”
“And it’s for me?” Bakugou wrinkles his nose at the awful smell—like sugar and burning roses. “Ugh… When did I fucking ask you to make me a love potion, huh?”
Kaminari and Deku both snort, plus several other nearby Gryffindors. “Please,” Kaminari says, “you’re so in love, it’s like there’s a sign on your forehead. If a Flutterby bush was around this century, it’d lure you with the smell of Todoroki Sh—“
“Shut your fucking mouth,” Bakugou hisses, pulling out his wand threateningly. “I swear, Kaminari…”
“Okay, okay: calm down. You know it’s true.”
“Everyone calm down,” Deku says lightly, pushing his potion into the nearest trash bin—ignoring the little mushroom cloud that puffs up around it. “You said we should get ready for the match, right? Kaminari, please go.”
“Geez, you jerks. I’ll go hang out with Shinsou instead.” Kaminari gets up with a dramatic flick of his robes and flips them off on his way out. “Gryffindors are supposed to be nice!”
“Where does it say that, huh? Fucking nowhere!” Bakugou yells before taking the now vacant seat across from Deku with a murderous glare. “Did you fucking tell him?”
“You know I would never do that. Like he said, it’s just really… obvious?” Deku shifts nervously under Bakugou’s glare. “You were clearly pining for him at the Yule Ball, and you even set his date’s hair on fire. I’m pretty sure the only one who doesn’t know you like him is, well, him.”
“That’s bullshit,” Bakugou protests irritably. “I’m not obvious! I treat that bastard worse than anybody.”
“That’s its own type of obvious.” As always, Deku changes the subject before things can get too heated: “Are you ready for the match? It’s against Slytherin, and… you know…”
His attempt to diffuse the situation is pointless because they’ve circled right back to Todoroki. He’s the Seeker for Slytherin, which means Bakugou will be spending most of the rainy afternoon stuck in a quidditch pitch with him. Not that he hasn’t done that before, but the idea is growing more torturous as his stupid feelings persist. Maybe he could use that Amortentia, after all.
But no: ignoring it is the best solution. He’s done it before, and he’ll keep doing it. “Obviously I’m ready. Let’s fucking go.”
“Shinsou Hitoshi scores! Ten points for Slytherin!”
“Dammit,” Bakugou swears under his breath, righting his broom after Shinsou’s rough check. They’re already behind, and the game’s barely started. Not for long, if he has anything to say about it.
“Wonderful goal by team captain Bakugou Katsuki, quickly earning back those lost ten points for Gryffindor!”
“Nice one,” Deku praises when Bakugou passes him the quaffle. “I’ll get the next!”
He races off, tailed by two Slytherins, and Bakugou pauses to think of a strategy. He’s gone against the Slytherin team a thousand times and picked apart their weaknesses, but they just overcome them again and again. It’s impossible to—
A green blur shoots past. He’s quicker than a bolt of lightning, but Bakugou sees him as if he’s traveling in slow motion: Todoroki. He keeps his focus on the Snitch, but Bakugou is still shaken by his presence.
“Todoroki Shouto is hot on the Snitch’s tail, and Gryffindor’s Seeker is nowhere in sight! Will the game be won right here, folks?”
Damn that beautiful, shitty bastard… Bakugou can’t stop him from catching the Snitch; he probably can’t even try. All he can do is watch him. Well, actually, he can try to rack up points—he should be trying right now. Even if Todoroki is faster than lightning, Bakugou is more ruthless than thunder.
Fuck, okay, that sounds lame. He’s definitely never saying that out loud. He needs to keep his head in the game.
“Bakugou Katsuki scores another ten points for Gryffindor!”
“Got it!” Deku yells, putting his broom into a tailspin to catch the falling quaffle. “Just keep those guys off my back, Kacchan.”
“Don’t fucking tell me what to do,” Bakugou grumbles, rushing off to stop Slytherin’s Chasers anyway. Todoroki is somewhere far above him, fighting to grab the Snitch. It feels like a race between the two of them, even though they’re leagues apart.
Fuck, he’s supposed to be focusing. Maybe Deku and Kaminari were right when they said he’s too obvious about his feelings… Not that he’s trying to be, but still—
“Watch out!”
“What?” Bakugou mutters. He has just enough time to look up before the rogue Bludger hits him in the chest, The breath is knocked out of him, and he goes flying straight off his broomstick.
So much for keeping his head in the game.
“When he wakes up, you guys are so dead.”
“What? It wasn’t our fault the Bludger went rogue.”
“One of you could’ve hexed it. It wouldn’t surprise me.”
“You wanna say that again, you little—“
“You kids are being too rowdy! One of you can stay, but the rest have to go. Now.”
It suddenly becomes much quieter, and Bakugou carefully peels his eyes open. He expects to see a worried Deku or Kirishima, so for a second, he thinks his eyes must be going bad. Todoroki is sitting in the seat beside his bed, silently reading a transmutation textbook.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Bakugou mumbles, struggling to form the words. God, he better not have a fucking concussion.
“I came to see how you were doing.” Todoroki sets down his book, expression as annoyingly unreadable as usual. “…I didn’t catch the Snitch, in case you were wondering.”
“Good to know. You make it sound like it’s my fault, Half n’ Half asshole.”
“It is. Technically. I got distracted when you fell, and I couldn’t focus afterward.”
“Oh really?” Bakugou has to swallow back his surprise that Todoroki was worried about him enough to throw him off his game. He’s supposed to be pissed right now. “Still not my fault. The fucking Bludger went rogue on its own.”
Todoroki doesn’t say anything for a while, catching his lip between his teeth. Dammit, is he trying to give Bakugou a heart-attack? “I was worried,” he mumbles eventually, studiously avoiding eye contact. Another pause. “Sorry… You’re always watching me, so it’s… strange for our roles to be reversed.”
“I’m not always watching you, asshole. Who the fuck said I was?” He knows. He knows, and Bakugou isn’t even sure why he’s pretending anymore, but it’s probably for the sake of his pride. Todoroki definitely isn’t buying it, though.
“You thought I didn’t notice? It’s rather obvious, Bakugou.”
Again, those fucking words. These bastards are all sharing the same thesaurus or some shit. Bakugou really wants to lose it and snap at him, but he knows Todoroki isn’t trying to start something: he never is. “If it’s so damn obvious, shouldn’t you be staying away from me?”
“What? Why would I do that?”
“Well, you should hate me now, right? Aren’t you disgusted that I like you?”
“Who said I hate you?” Todoroki frowns in his stupid, idiotic, cute way. “I don’t hate you at all. I thought you hated me. You always pick fights, so when I started to notice that you like me, it was a shock.”
“Fuck… When did you notice?” Bakugou grumbles in defeat, wanting to sink into the covers until he suffocates. He clicks his tongue. “God… I was even being shitty to you on purpose, dumbass. I didn’t want you to know.”
“I was suspicious for a long time. When someone stole my herbology textbook, I saw you looking for it after class. That’s when it finally clicked.” Todoroki fidgets with the edge of his quidditch uniform: he must’ve come straight from the pitch. “I only came here to say that I… I can’t exactly say that I don’t have feelings for you. That’s all.”
“Fuck.” Bakugou closes his eyes. His head is spinning. “Shit. I must really have a concussion.”
“…Please don’t say that while I’m confessing to you.”
“Well say it fucking properly, then. Give me a reason to believe you.”
“I…” Todoroki hesitates. “…I like you.” His fingers brush against Bakugou’s arm gently, lighter than a feather. “I’m in love with you. Is that what you wanted to hear?”
“Honestly? For as long as I can remember,” Bakugou sighs, marveling at the simple action of holding Todoroki Shouto’s hand. His skin is soft as hell. “Fuck. Guess I don’t need that Amortentia, after all.”
God, he really hopes this isn’t a dream. Or, well, it can’t be a dream, can it? It would be much nicer and less confusing if he was dreaming, and Todoroki would definitely be kissing him right now. Instead, he scoffs. “Amortentia? You were going to use a love potion on me?”
“I was going to, but apparently I don’t need to anymore.”
“…I can’t believe I fell in love with you.”
“Trust me, pretty boy: the feeling’s mutual.”
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the-prince-of-pigs · 5 years
Horror fans and Good Omens fans hear me out
Cigarette Burns AU (below the cut tl;dr long post)
Crowley is a rare antiques finder (human) tasked with finding an incredibly rare film, that of course being the infamous La Fin Absolue du Monde. Crowley needs the money to get his theatre up again and to pay off some rather nasty folk he invested with (namely Hastur and Ligor). He hears about the deal from an aged (also human) Gabriel, whose greed has driven him to be obsessed with the film, said to have only been shown once and ended up causing a riot. Crowley debates, because he has standards and Gabriel is a sleaze, but then Gabriel shows Crowley his prized possession, a set of unnervingly realistic angel wings said to be a prop from La Fin, and the being that went with them. And Crowley can’t help but gasp and feel rage, rage towards Gabriel, and a desperate need to help. Help the poor, shivering creature (man?) on the pedestal, shackled by the wrists and spared nothing but a wrap for clothing, a crude mockery of a robe. A being that seems to glow without a light source, whose pale blue eyes plead with Crowley, whose pale blond curls seem withered with mistreatment and abuse. Gabriel prattles on about how much the film means to him, how much he’ll pay Crowley, how proud he’d be to own the final piece of his collection. Crowley cuts him off. He’ll take the job, he says. He tells Gabriel that he wants double the pay. Gabriel agrees without hesitation, and the deal is sealed. Crowley goes on a quest for the rarest film ever created, with no other thought in his mind anymore but to use the opportunity to save the suffering being. He tracks a journalist to his reclusive home, a journalist who, since viewing the film, has found himself under a curse to destroy any mechanical device he touches. Crowley discovers a long list of everyone ever involved with the movie, all dead. Everyone seems terrified of this film, and nobody will talk to him about it or help him find it. Everyone who has ever searched for the film, they tell Crowley, has gone insane. From country to country he looks for clues, haunted by images of the pale man with beautiful eyes, and sometimes he swears he can hear the being screaming at him, screaming for help, pleading with Crowley to stop before he dies, crying out for the safety of humanity that follows the film staying forgotten. His cries only spur Crowley onward. He no longer cares what happens to him; he only wants to free the divine being from the cruel collector. He gets closer when he’s attacked by a group in France, who reveal themselves as fans of La Fin Absolue du Monde, who idolize the director and wish to create a film of their own. They show him printed shots of the movie, and Crowley suddenly understands the violence the film caused. An angel, held captive, mutilated and tortured on camera. Such a divine and pure being put through pain and torment and filmed raw and uncut, it would cause any mortal to go ravenous and scream for murder. Barely escaping with his life intact (the film fans attempted to murder him for their own snuff film, but somehow Crowley got away... could it have anything to do with the being—the angel—‘s image appearing to him the moment the blade swung at him? Was he being helped?), Crowley finally tracks the whereabouts of the film to its current owner, Anathema Device, the daughter of the long-dead director. She keeps the film from harming her with spells and hexes, and pleads with Crowley not to take the film. Not to show it. Never to watch it. She tells him, that once people start seeing the angel’s image and hearing his voice, their death draws near. That the producers were death, famine, pollution, and war. They caused what they created and allowed the mutilation of the innocent divine to happen on the mortal realm. No! Crowley argues. He’s not like the others! He doesn’t care about the film, doesn’t want to harness its power or whatever. He only wants to help the man, to free him! Anathema looks doubtful, but once she hears of Crowley’s escapades, and how the tortured creature seemed to be helping him instead of harming him... perhaps Crowley’s motivations are pure enough? Perhaps he’s truly not like the other seekers, greedy and hungry and corrupt and bloodthirsty. Perhaps if he took the film, he could truly end the curse attached to this film. Cautiously, she hands him the film reels, and asks him to promise that he’ll end the suffering. Crowley says he’s already promised that, to himself and to the pale creature. When Crowley returns to the collector, he tries to bargain with him. Let the creature go, and he’ll have his film. Gabriel laughs him off, and muscles him away. Betrays him, throws him out. Furious, Crowley tries his damnedest to break into the mansion, and after succeeding, realizes he’s too late. Gabriel has watched it, and is dead by his own hands, self mutilation leaving his blood and horror everywhere. As the film plays on, Crowley shuts his eyes and screams, screams to drown out the chorus of terrors booming through the speakers. Blindly, he gropes his way towards the trophy room, and finds the hands of the pale being, still bound in irons. He pleas for help, he begs for the angel to forgive him for even seeking the movie in the first place. He feels the trembling hands grip his own, hears a soft but weak voice hush him and tell him it’s all right now, that he’s done nothing wrong, that he knew Crowley wanted to help, and his righteousness won out over his greed. He softly tells Crowley that he’s forgiven. Crowley sobs, clings to him, while the gentle angel strokes his hair, until the awful sounds in the other room die away to nothing. It takes a while for Crowley to undo the shackles around the angel’s wrists and ankles, but he manages, refusing to return to the theater room for the proper keys. Once they’re off, Crowley throws his coat over the shivering being and tries to lead him away, but the angel refuses to leave without the film. As long as it’s in his hands, he tells a quavering Crowley, no human will ever be able to show or see it again. He collects the reels, and Crowley brings him back to his own place. Gently, he tends to the poor creature, bathing him and dressing him and tending to his wounds. His wings, which have long been cut off, are naught but scabbed stumps. Will they ever grow back, Crowley asks. The angel admits he doesn’t know, but it doesn’t matter now, since the film can now be destroyed. Crowley points out that he’ll be trapped in earth forever, to which the angel smiles thinly, replying that he’s been trapped here, and it isn’t so bad. If you are in the company of the right people. Crowley has no idea where to go from here, no idea what to do with his failing theatre, and feels such a devoted attachment to this lovely angel. But, he thinks, as the angel recovers and protects him, and his theatre mysteriously wins a grant big enough to stay open, and the angel smiles sweetly at him, and squeezes his hand while they sit together in the theatre and share popcorn over classics, and shyly gives Crowley his name as Aziraphale, and gently calms him after nightmares about La Fin Absolue du Monde, and presses soft kisses to his forehead while ethereal whispers praising Crowley’s deeds dance in his ears, that maybe things will be all right in the end.
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