#the hirsutism is permanent though i hate to say
ptsd-tiger · 8 months
How did you lose weight with pcos, fasting ? Bc nothing seems to fucking work for me
well in my first attempt i lost 70+ pounds bein on keto and using a stationary bike 30 minutes a day
gained a good amount of it back after my ex fp betrayed and traumatized me
now in attempt 2 i don't follow any diet. my appetite is just suppressed by my adhd med. also bc it gives me the energy to walk around I do that a lot
the pcos i've got is without the cysts tho. my T is high but not above 100. it literally goes into remission when im at a lower weight so im probably not the best advice when it comes to this lmao
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growup-gloup · 5 years
Okay, so I have hirsutism and it's very embarrassing and i hate it. Do you have any inexpensive ways to get it to go away permanently because I can't afford electrolysis. I know some people say that some type of tea works but I've never tried it.
Unfortunately, electrolysis seems to be the only certified permanent solution, and it works better for smaller areas since it aims one follicle at a time.
There’s also laser, which can be just as expensive, but can target larger areas of hair. It’s not as effective because the hair does occasionally come back, but it’s reported to be lighter and thinner than before.
Beyond that, you may need to stick to shaving or waxing in terms of hair removal, which, I understand, aren’t permanent like you wanted. I don’t suggest creams or gels though because the chemicals are too strong, but that is also another option.
However, sometimes hirsutism can happen for certain reasons, which you can clarify with your doctor and see if they can help you minimize the effects.
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