#the hounds
soapkaars · 3 months
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scanned a page from my sketchbook of a design I had banging around in my head for a while. I've seen these figures off and on in my dreams, and I've started calling them 'the hounds'. They're like stagehands, except reality is the stage. If you look closely enough, you'll see them rearranging the world around you: they replace the leaves to show the seasons changing, they roll in curtains to have the night fall, that car is replaced by a wreck, that person flying through the air is held up by them... I imagine that people who can do magic simply know how to instruct these hounds better than anyone else.
While they may be literal faceless goons, they have individuality like anyone else. For them, this is just a job, and they've been doing it for a long time. Don't try to talk to them - you're part of the act, you're not supposed to break character. Bad things happen when you break character! You're allowed to break the fourth wall, that's fine, but never break character. I suppose someone may become a hound when they die.
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brosif40 · 8 months
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was in an aggie sesh w some friends yaaay so heres some OFF stuff
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iclosedoors · 7 months
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marcaeltonox · 1 month
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The boys and the hounds!
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dlight98 · 4 months
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We should all keep Dr Wily Protomen's words in mind in this age of social media
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tomicscomics · 1 year
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When all else fails, attack the heart.
JOKE-OGRAPHY: This story is a fictionalized version of St. Catherine of Siena's childhood.  She was known for giving her family's wealth away to charity.  I've hyperbolized her compulsive compassion so it includes stealing her brother's socks to give to the poor.  This time, however, Catherine was caught in her kind-hearted crime.  Now she's forced to change strategies.  Sometimes the symplest path is sympathy.
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yachaer · 7 months
"I want to steal the scroll", that's moment they knew they fucked up...
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clydemendacium-ii · 1 year
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percy-ils · 2 years
Season two means that this is all gone now
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No one left to remember…
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thelongestway · 4 months
in honor of the Canaries' appearance have the theme song of a similar team from a different anime
the Hounds of Psychopass and the Canaries of Dungeon Meshi are literally the same picture
they would get along swimmingly
Mithrun would figure out Makishima's whole deal very quickly as he's probably immune to latent criminality by virtue of his state
the rest of his team fit the Hound profile to a T
i fucking need a premise for this
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houndpitspub · 1 year
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hi everyone, look at my dog
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tonguethulhu · 5 months
When I say he was a monster,
when I set fire to his name,
it does not matter where you hear it from,
whether truth or lies, it gets said all the same!
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bi-astolfo · 2 years
The Hounds really are the “Gatekeep, Gaslight, Girlboss, Gaybait” squad, huh?
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marcaeltonox · 19 days
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chequerootlurks · 1 year
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“We is training!”
Training for what? I don’t know. But we are being a very good puppy about it.
This was her first day out in the young-dog harness. She’s finally big enough for it.
She barked at a person on crutches, a novel thing, but I hushed her and explained: “That’s just a gentleman getting some assistance.” I apologized for her woofs.
He was totally cool about it.
So was Edgeworth; she settled back down and relaxed.
I like to socialize my dogs by taking them out and teaching them that life is full of different things that can be noted and ignored.
“Exposure” is probably a better word than “socialize,” because we’re not being social. We’re being politely reserved and sipping tea on a patio.
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skriite · 1 year
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rwby oc designs done on roblox free draw
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