#the house is sentient though so it counts
izzystizzys · 3 months
TW: discussion of something approximating suicidal tendencies but with the usual crack programming of this blog
“Ah, High General Windu”, says Fox, pleasantly. “So we meet again.”
High General Windu raises an unimpressed eyebrow at him, Fox thinks, though it’s getting hard to tell with all the blood rushing to his head. “If I let you go, will you try to throw yourself out of another window?”
Fox makes a vague shrugging motion - or tries to, anyways. It’s hard to tell where any of his limbs are going, hanging upside down in the air as he is. “I am willing to discuss terms.” A bridge will do just fine.
Impossibly, the High General’s eyebrows climb even further up his forehead. “A compromise, then, esteemed Commander.” And so, he righths Fox the head way up in the air, but leaves him floating just above the ground, at which point several painted shells come skidding around the corner followed by billowing robes and screeches.
“You’ll short out your helmet mic”, Fox advises him, sagely. Fondly, he thinks back to decimating his own on only his second time in the newly-christened official Coruscant Guard Scream Closet. He’d just received the comm about the Zillo Beast being transported to 000, and made sure to take his bucket off thereafter to improve the quality of his closet time.
High General Windu’s face does something complicated between sympathy and constipation.
Because the Galaxy doesn’t hate Fox enough already and Cody wasn’t enough on his own, Wolffe elbows his way through their batch to plant himself in front of him, shoulders squared and shaking with repressed rage. “If you try that again, dickhead”, he begins, in a low growl that quite frankly sounds more cringe that intimidating, “I’m going to resurrect you and then kill you again.”
“Ah, Wolffe”, Plo Koon says, in his deep, shivery timbre, “Remember our conversations about effective conflict resolution and communication of needs?”
Wolffe’s eyes narrow at Fox, because all non-Guard are sweet summer children who walk around buckets off on 000 like absolute lunatics. Fox prays they never have to find out why that’s a bad idea. “I feel”, his ori’vod presses out between clenched teeth, “that if you make me watch you throw yourself out of another window, I’m going to jump after you and strangle you on the way down, you little bitch.”
“That’s fair”, says Fox, and watches High General Kenobi bury his face in his hands. Wolffe twitches in place and makes an aborted groaning noise, the hypocrite.
“Excuse me, High Marshall Commander Fox, but I fail to see what’s so dire about this situation that the Jedi High Council and your brothers cannot help you solve”, says Windu, the only sane one left on this Force-forsaken bloated corpse of a planet. Behind the gaggle of Jedi and ori’vode already gathered in front of Fox, the rest of them come veering around the corner in a commotion that’s quite frankly embarrassing. High General Yoda is mounted on Skywalker’s back like he’s a race-Eopie, which is Fox’ only consolation.
He got up this morning at 0300, bleary-eyed and with a pounding headache as always, and all was right in the world. And then Fox got called into the Jedi High Council’s chambers and was ceremoniously informed that in the wake of Chancellor Palpatine’s unfortunate demise (hah), and through the emergency state of the Senate, as well as several invented promotions foisted on Fox to make the delegation of any and all paperwork less shady, he was now next in the chain of command and-
Well, Fox is the acting Chancellor, in short.
Haha, he had said, and been meet with several seconds of silence, until it got both awkward and exceedingly painful. Wait, he’d said. You’re kriffing serious.
Kriffing serious, we are, had said High General Yoda, and thus Fox launched himself out the first best window with a maniacal cackle of, you’ll have to catch me first!
And catch him, High General Windu sure did.
“The will of the Force this is”, Yoda interrupts Fox’ train of thought. He scans him thoughtfully from beneath his wizened brow, and hems to himself. “Shake things up, this will. Determine the fate of the Galaxy, this shall. A feeling, I have, that a good Chancellor you will make. A better one, hmmm.”
“That’d be high praise, if not for the fact that a dead lemming would make for a better Chancellor than the last one”, says Fox, drawing and indignant gasp from Skywalker. He doesn’t bother with either that or the green goblin’s cackle, lost in the deep sense of resignation that settles over his shoulders like a suffocating blanket.
“Alright, then, get me Thorn on the comm. As my first act in office, I’m firing all the Jedi. No offense, but you’re kind of a disaster. Then, someone get me to the Chancellor’s office, I’m calling Dooku to let him know the war’s off. And please get me Judicial, they’ll be up all night working on my datafolders - I’m having the Senate arrested.”
“Who - is - arresting - “, Bly pants, hands on his knees from where he’s just come sprinting around the corner with his Jedi.
Underneath his bucket, Fox smiles a smile that’s all teeth. “The Senate”, he says, sweetly, wondering if he’s just imagined the shiver that’s gone through the room. “I’m suing the Senate, and taking them all into temporary custody for abuse of sentient rights.”
#commander fox#corrie guard deserves better#sw tcw fic idea#look fox has been planning this coup for a while okay he just needed to adjust and get over the initial reaction of Fuck No#if they’re sentient enough for their signatures to have authoritative quality on military reports and to be promoted to chancellor on a#technicality then they’re sentient enough for everything to be victims of systemic oppression and abuse#fox still does not want this position and will yeet it the literal second bail organa isn’t watching his step religiously#a custody battle ensues between Corries and GAR ori’vode for who grts to tackle him (affectionate)#it is solved by getting a bigger room so they can all do it at once#thorn makes a point of jamming his elbow in some soft places. cody and co are disgruntled but accepting of this#he has a bit of a point admittedly and wolffe has to promise not to threaten murder again#plo makes him go to another Effective Interpersonal Communication Seminar (it’s the fifth that year)#anakin is initially outraged on padme’s behalf but she could literally not be happier#fully supportive of being arrested in the name of Fox’ Good#we can still do book club though right she asks. visiting hours don’t apply to chancellor probably#fox shrugs. it’s his next act as chancellor#count dooku: live slug reaction#the systemic issues fuelling the war cannot be solved with a phone call but in absence of someone with two braincells to rub together#the whole thing loses steam and strategy steadily#look it was always a sham that house of cards of a republic/confederacy was waiting to be blown over by literally any light breeze#general grievous implodes from pure rage. legend has it his last word was KENOBAAYYYYY. wipes away tear#thorn laughs so hard when he hears all this he cracks a rib#another day another post of utter nonsense#ponds makes sure to give his fox’ika a hug as soon as he’s floated down bcs ponds is the best#which is why he didn’t get it in the last ficlet for anyone wondering#the only functional one#much like mace windu
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thebuginyourwalls · 2 years
Trying not to put sizey stuff in my non-gt project challenge: Impossible Difficulty
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confused-wanderer · 1 year
It would be hilarious if villains loved Nightwing and were terrified of Officer Dick Grayson.
Dick Grayson- who is used to open spaces and adrenaline- being stuck in a boring bleak office, surviving on shots of coffee and red bull with caffeine that would make Tim concerned.
The thugs soon realised that unlike most of the other cops - Dick was from Gotham.
No one fucks with Gothamites.
Villain *shooting at Dick with machine guns*
Dick *appearing from the shadows behind him*: Boo.
Thief *throwing a counting down bomb at Dick*
Dick: *catching and tossing the bomb at a safe distance before turning round and shooting it so it explodes mid air while running after thief*
Thief: .. what the actual fuck
Dick: Gee look at all that time you had! Shame you threw it away :D
Dick: I’m from Gotham
Thief *realising they fucked up* : Please don’t steal my bones
Shooter: *sets elaborate booby traps throughout the houses in an active hostage situation*
Dick *using his training as robin and inhuman flexibility to surpass them with ease*: Ah been a while since I got to have a nice stretch thank you.
Dick: .. Hi :)
Shooter: Are you Satan?
In interrogation room
Murderer: I think I’ll take your eyes and add them to my collection
Dick *running on spite and caffeine that could give Superman a sugar rush* : Funny.. I was going to say the same thing to you
Murderer: .. what
Dick: I wouldn’t take your eyes though.. they look like the inspiration behind the whole Medusa’s “look at it and you turn to stone” thing-
Murderer: Hey! Take that back before I gut you
Dick *smile stretching wider without blinking* : oh? Or what? I know everything about you. Who says I can’t kill you and walk out with everyone being none the wiser? I know how to kill someone too..you aren’t special.
Murderer: I’m scared for my safety.
Because the thing is, Nightwing is who Dick really is. It’s who he can be free as, be himself as without red tapes and regulations. Where he can give as good as he gets, and he’s kind and empathetic. He gets to help the downtrodden and goes easy on most of them if they give up right away, not to mention the fact that he never causes permanent damage.
But officer Dick Grayson is a different story. He runs on sleepless nights and no self preservation. Seeing an officer with an uncanny skill set they’re scarily good at, not to mention the cheery attitude he always has scares the shit out of criminals. Cuz no way in hell is a smiling Gothamite not a deranged one. He chases crimes like a bloodhound, and isn’t afraid to make good on threats he makes to ensure they never hurt anyone again.
Bonus if the batfam doesn’t know about this.
Red hood: Shit I can’t believe we ended up in Bludhaven
Red Robin *tying up the corrupt politican* : Since this is a sensitive case, we need someone we can trust to make sure it is seen through.
Red hood: .. So we paying a visit to Officer Grayson?
Red hood: .. is he fucking serious?
Henchmen: Sir he is. And we agree. Please take our bones and kill us but don’t take us to Officer Grayson.
Red Robin: Wait what did he do?
Henchman 1: He asked boss if the hat was sentient.. and said that if it was would it make that hat the top and boss the bottom.
Henchman 2: Last time we met I tried to shoot him but suddenly my gun was blank and he raised his hand and let the ammo drop
Red Hood: Well even I could do that-
Henchman 2: They were my bullets. I had selected the colour personally.
Red robin *growing concerned*
Henchman 3: He sang a lullaby to a child when we were holding the station hostage, and replaced the people with my family members. He even sang their social security numbers!
Henchman 4: He’s the most dangerous of them all. I ain’t shitting ya when I say he’s as scary as the bat from Gotham.
*all nodding in agreement*
Red hood:
Red Robin:
Red hood: Nah that doesn’t sound like Dick
Red Robin: Agreed. Let’s go there Hood.
*villains’ sobbing intensifies*
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teojira · 28 days
[Click Click Boom] [Shadow x Reader short stories]
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Summary: You're set to be Shadow's companion to keep an eye on him and keep him in line, a courtesy from the goverment for him saving the world with Sonic and the others.
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: Can be read as platonic or romantic! Shadow/reader romance is implied though! You're human in this, age is vague but you're meant to be in your 20s.
Disclaimer: Shadow is an adult, and as for the furry debate, he's literally an adult who can consent and is sentient, don't like? Don't read!
A/N: I've literally been obsessed with this fucker since I was a literal child and it's the first time I've written for him!! The trailer yas me going insane. This is written well before the movie has come out, literally all I got to work with is Shadow in the trailer and the bits and pieces of info I psychoanalized so I don't wanna hear shit about it not being accurate tbh, this is self indulgent!!
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Shadow isn't the worst task you've been assigned, you both are more akin to awkward roommates more than anything.
I'm talking randomly lingering in the corners of the room, his bright red eyes glowing and they always seemed to be locked right onto you.
You screamed the first dozen times, but now you just glare at the black hedgehog and spit out a "fuck you." and go about your business.
He'll never admit that it brings him infinite amusement, it's hard to tell, but the huff he lets out is evidence enough.
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Shadow will never admit he cares for you, he loses everyone he cares for, and humans don't live that long. It's terrifying to think about how much he's come to like you.
He's not nearly as slick as he thinks he is.
You're sitting down at the dinner table, typing away on your laptop, editing the mission report from the other day when Shadow makes his way towards you. Sending him a nod in his direction, you don't think of anything when he moves in close.
A huge slam takes you off guard though, jumping damn near out of your skin as you twist your head to look at him.
"What the fuck-"
"Take it."
It's one of Shadow's guns, his emblem being engraved along the stock.
"What? No, I have guns." You raise an eyebrow at the hog, his face is perfectly still, eyes locking onto yours as he waits for you to grab the heckler.
"Your guns are worthless, you need something better."
"Well excuse me, I so happen to like my guns." You try and joke back, but the offense is taken.
Shadow rolls his eyes so hard you're scared that he's gonna blind himself. Jutting his chin towards the table once more to get your focus back onto it.
"If you have one of mine, I know you're safe." He doesn't elaborate. Not that he needs to.
"...Thank you, Shad."
All you get is a grunt in response, and he's on his way back to his room.
Gingerly picking up the weapon, you take in how pristine it is, a thumb caressing your small initials that you missed on the other side of the stock.
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With Shadow saving the world, the reeking of havoc makes it to where he's limited to what he is allowed to do in the public eye.
Not that he listens, he isn't supposed to be out after curfew. But to be fair, it is extremely hard to keep a teleporting hedgehog confined to a meager two-story house.
You can hear him teleport above you, he's on the roofs of the nearby building, leering down at you.
It was a small errand you were on, simply stocking up on the essentials for the house.
Namely, snacks for Shadow, he doesn't ask for a lot other than coffee beans and Doritos.
You are choosing to ignore the fact that he eats the coffee beans straight up, the crunch echoes through your head and it sends a shudder down your spine.
He was adamant against you leaving the house this late, standing in front of the front door.
"Fuck you mean no?"
"I said no."
"....I don't listen to men."
And you weaved around him to leave the house, ignoring his shout of disapproval.
That leads you both to here now, you pretending you don't see him trailing you from the rooftops as you walk your way back home from the small shopping center.
You feign surprise when he opens the house door for you, begrudgingly sticking a hand out to help you with your bags.
"Oh! Thank you my knight in shining armor~"
"Shut it."
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He's never told you his birthday, which you can understand, living for 50 years and not having your family around must be hard. No matter how he may fake that it doesn't bother him.
That doesn't stop you, not in the slightest really. You damn near kick him out of the house for the day, shoving him over to Tom and Maddie's house so he can be with the others. Despite how much he protested.
"I don't want to go over there. Not with that blue fake."
"You don't really have a choice bub, I need you out of the house."
"I don't understand why I have to-"
"Keep arguing with me and I will make it a point to not buy you shit next grocery trip."
It's an empty threat, but he grunts nonetheless.
"That's what I thought."
When he finally gets home from his long and admittedly overstimulating day with the Wachowskis, he's ready to recharge in his room.
He teleports through the house door, sighing and rubbing at his temples as he moves to kick off his shoes, knowing that if he doesn't, you'd chastise him for not doing so.
Something about tracking dirt and rocket fuel into the carpet.
After trying to massage his brain through his fur, he opens his eyes up to see a colorful banner strung across the mantle.
'Happy birthday!' It screams, in its disgustingly neon color palette.
Shadow wracks his brain for any information of it being your birthday, he knows for a fact it isn't today. A friend you're throwing a party for? Well, that makes no sense, he knows very well you don't have many friends, especially any that you'd invite your house up for.
You're antisocial to a fault, not that he has absolutely any room to talk.
He hears you before he sees you, turning the corner into the living room, carrying some balloons in your hands. A stupid little party hat on your head.
"Shadow! What are you doing back so early?"
Kicking off the last shoe, he stands at his full height, staring into your eyes with a shrug.
"I wasn't aware I had a time."
"....fair enough, anyways, fuck, goddamnit. Stay here. Okay?"
And you're off, running into the kitchen, his ears flick at the slamming of the fridge door, followed by the cabinets being no doubt, hip nudging it shut way too forcefully.
He's awkwardly standing there still until you yell for him to come in.
Shadow has half a mind to ignore you and go into his room, but curiosity kills the cat, so he takes in a deep breath and makes his way to you.
He finds you sitting at the little kitchenette, a nervous smile spread across your lips as you gesture to the plate in front of you.
The smell is apparent, it's a coffee cupcake.
The hedgehog feels his ears flick again, staring down at the desert, then trailing his eyes back to meet your own. Wordlessly asking you what was going on.
"You've never told me your birthday, but it's been a year since you've been here, with me. After the whole trying to destroy the world shit. So since you won't tell me, we can kinda treat this as it?" You keep rambling, eyes flitting around the room, very clearly nervous as to his reaction.
Shadow doesn't say anything, or move even. Just staring down at the cupcake.
It looks amateurish, the frosting is lopsided, and the toppings on it look messy. But you made it for him. You even added a big black "1" candle in the center.
He doesn't know what to say, he can feel heat rush through his body, rushing to his ears and his face, and his fur feels constricting.
What the fuck.
What the actual fuck.
You go to open your mouth again, no doubt to apologize, but he beats you to it.
Moving to scoop up the treat, he gently sniffs it before taking a cautionary bite.
A beat passes between the two of you.
"...it's good."
Shadow does his best to ignore the smile that blooms across your face, not wanting to remember just how pretty he finds you like this.
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Shadow doesn't like touch, you know it, he knows it, and everyone knows it. He's threatened to break Sonic's wrist for even so much as patting the older hedgehog on the back. Baring his sharper fangs and hissing out to not touch him ever.
He avoids group hugs from Team Sonic, avoids Tom and Maddie like the plague, dodging every invitation to be a part of the family, it makes him sick to think about it.
With you, it's a little different.
You're not like them, you don't push him to change, you don't have a problem with how closed off he is, giving him space, never once pushing his very strict boundaries.
Something churns in his chest at the sound of you crying in your room, you probably think you're being incognito, holding a pillow to your face to drown out your sobs.
The internal debate is heavy, Shadow used to be able to comfort, to provide warmth, but he hasn't done so in years. Flashes of memories where he would comfort Maria on her bad health days, letting her run her fingers over his quills, to lend an ear to Gerald when he was frustrated about treatments not working.
It's not to say he is replacing you in their place, but it's scary. To open himself up like that again. He can feel his anxiety rising as he goes over the pros and cons of crossing this line. Eyes squeeze shut forcefully as he tells himself he doesn't care about you, that you're an adult, and you don't need to be babied.
His ears twitch when a pathetic little whimper drops from your lips, and his resolve cracks.
You don't look up when he makes his way in, too stuck in your bubble.
Startling a little when two, much stronger and larger hands grab at your own, peeling them away from the pillow. Your puffy bloodshot eyes looking at the hedgehog in front of you, his face set as it usually is, stoic. But his eyes are different, and his body language is different, when has he ever looked at you so softly? It's jarring.
Oh, he's moving closer. Okay. Weird.
"Shadow? Uh, I'm ok-"
You try and lie, it's a pitiful attempt. Your voice is scratchy and the tear tracks down your cheeks aren't helping your plight.
"No, you're not."
He shuts you down immediately, hands sliding up your arms to drag you into him.
The instant your bodies touch, you feel a fresh wave of tears well up in your eyes again.
Shadow has you resting against him, your head resting on him as he wraps himself loosely in your arms, giving you the space to move away if you so choose.
It's the first time he's allowed you to hug him, the first time he's ever initiated contact with someone in years. A fact that you both are well aware of.
A sob works its way up your throat, immediately tightening your grip on the hedgehog, curling into him as you shake.
Shadow doesn't say anything, doesn't make fun of you as snot pours from your nose, doesn't point out that your mascara and eyeliner are getting everywhere, just sits there and lets you cling onto him like he's your only lifeline.
He thinks that this is okay, he's strong enough for you both, and you don't need to worry when he's here.
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synopsis// both of you stuck in a time loop until you can accept each other. you can not make it out alone no matter how hard you try.
pairing// katsuki bakugo x gn!reader
word count// 9.6k
contents// no quirks, angst, fluff ?, they r idiots, slow burn-ish? at least at first, profanity. like a lot. i stg they cuss every other sentence, it’s like i was a middle school boy who just discovered cuss words writing this, ooc bakugo probably, ages aren’t specified but they r adults, pure cringe but its mha and coming from me so did u expect anything different..?
notes// my last mha draft... im finally free.... anyway i wrote this ages ago but i rlly love this and it may or may not have been inspired by a fnaf song..... (it totally was)
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You wake up with a gasp, sitting up quickly to find everything in the room in the same place it was the last hundred times you woke up.
You throw your legs over the side of your bed and reach for your phone, hoping for something different but getting nothing. There are no notifications, no services, and no matter how long you stare at the time, it never changes. You would know considering you’ve done this routine a hundred times. You throw your phone back onto the nightstand and slip your shoes on, the repetitiveness of it all making your head spin. You’ve got to be going insane; what other logical explanation could there be for reliving the same day over and over again?
"I don't know what I did to piss the universe off, but now it's pissing me off," you mumble as you walk out of your empty house—you'd know because you've checked every nook and cranny for the past hundred times. The minute you step outside, you shout at the air, the sky, the universe, the gods, whatever put you here, “Is this what you wanted? pay back? You fucking got it!” 
You stand there half hoping that something would happen, whether someone appeared or a voice would say something to you, but nothing; it’s just complete silence apart from the wind whooshing by. though that’s not to say people weren’t here. If you went far enough into the city, there were crowds of people walking around with no destinations; they seemed like NPCs. The only difference is that you can interact with NPCs, whereas the shells of humans you see in town don't talk, at least not to you. They don't even acknowledge you. It’s almost as if you’re a ghost, which is ironic considering how, when you were alive—no, that's not the right word, sentient maybe? Whatever the point is, when you were a productive member of society, you longed for something exactly like this. To slip by people like the wind, like a ghost, yet now that you have it, you wish for anything but this.
"God, if this is what the afterlife is like, I don't plan on dying anytime soon,” you mutter to yourself as you walk deeper into the city. “Maybe this is the afterlife? or maybe this is hell.”
You stare at your feet as you walk until you hit the point where there are empty husks of humans walking past, and at this point you lift your head, starting to wave at them and standing directly in front of them in a futile attempt to get their attention. Of course it serves to be useless when they walk right past you... just like they have the last hundred times you’ve tried. After a few more futile attempts, you begin walking past them toward a forest. This has been your routine for the entire time you've been trapped here, wherever here may be.
You check your home, walk outside, curse a higher being and ask what you've done to deserve this, contemplate life—or lack thereof?, walk into the city, try to catch someone's attention, and when that doesn't work, you walk off into the forest, spending the whole day there— or you would if time worked properly here—and eventually finding yourself at some random, poorly placed door deep into the forest. You stand right in front of the door; it mocks you, and you imagine yourself tearing it to shreds if it weren't for the fact that the minute you touch it, you're back at square one. You opt to sit in front of the door, just merely studying it; it’s not like there's really much else for you to do.
You don’t know how long you just sit there going back and forth between staring at the door and tearing out the grass from under your hands; had time worked properly here, you’re sure that the moon would have been out by now. You finally admit defeat—for the hundredth time. You stand up and wipe your hands clean of the dirt now laid upon them before you look around the door once more, hoping for something new to appear behind it or beside it, but nothing—the only thing behind the door is more empty forest. So with a sigh, you begrudgingly touch the door handle, and you immediately find yourself waking up with a gasp, sitting up quickly, with everything in the room in the same place it was the last hundred times you woke up again.
This time, though, you don't get up immediately; you lay back down in your bed with a sigh, pulling your blanket up to your chin. You’ve always been alone. This wasn't new to you, but at least before it was your choice. It wasn’t like people didn’t want to be your friend; you just didn’t want to be theirs. In some fucked-up way, you saw your hyper-independence as superior to how other people seemed to need and want friends. but now? Now you want nothing more than to be annoyed by your coworker; you want nothing more than to walk outside and run into someone who will acknowledge you; even if it isn't a positive interaction, it's still an interaction. and after being stuck here for ages, you would kill for an interaction. You throw your blanket off of you as you begin your routine, finally having enough of your pity party.
Check phone? Check.
Put your shoes on? Check.
Search every inch of your house? Check. 
Step outside and curse the universe? Check. 
Find yourself surronded by people where you cant tell if you’re the ghost here or if they are? Check! Wait—Is that a new person?
You've been here long enough to have memorized or at least vaguely remembered every single person in the crowd, but this new face in the distance isn't one you've seen before; it's unique, you'd remember it, so who is this? Is this a sign your time here is coming to an end? In a frenzy, you push your way through the crowd, ignoring all your thoughts. You stop a few feet in front of him; he’s still a bit away as you study him. His brow furrowed in a scowl, and he's muttering something under his breath that you can't quite make out, but you can tell he's frustrated by his facial expression and the way his hands are curled into tight fists at his side, knuckles paper white at this point.
He finally reaches you but ignores you as he walks past you, and you sigh, wondering why you thought he'd be the one to acknowledge you.
you frown, mumbling aloud to yourself in disappointment, “Do I really need any more NPCs here?”
suddenly though, he stops dead in his tracks like he heard you and he turns around to face you. Holy shit, he heard you?
“What the fuck did you say to me?”
You stare at him blankly before looking to the sides of you and even behind you. “Uh, are you talking to me?”
He looks at you like you’re stupid as he takes a few steps toward you, and subconsciously, you take a few back. “Of course I'm talking to you; who the fuck else would I be talking to?”
You put your hands out in front of you in a stop motion briefly, your face scrunching up in disdain. "Chill the fuck out, asshole, it was just a question."
“Chill the fuck out?” He repeats in disbelief and takes another step forward, while you stand still, tensing up to appear tougher. “I'm stuck in some weird ass place where, up to this point, no one except for your dumbass has even acknowledged me and you’re telling me to chill the fuck out?”
You roll your eyes at his outburst and ask curiously, “You just got here, didn’t you?”
“What the hell do you think? Where even are we?”
"A time loop of some sort,” you say nonchalantly as you shrug, though everything you’re feeling right now is anything but nonchalance.
He scoffs. “Time loop? You expect me to believe that stupid shit?”
You narrow your eyes at him. “Believe what you want, either way, you’re still stuck here, idiot.”
“Oh, Im the idiot for getting stuck here? What about you?”
“Me?” you scoff.
“You seem like you’ve been here longer than I have, and you’re still not out. So who’s the real idiot?”
You cross your arms and look away, grumbling, “Maybe I like it here.”
He looks you up and down before rolling his eyes and shoving his hands in his pockets. “Yeah, I doubt that.”
Your gaze returns to him with a glare. “Fuck you, I was going to help you.”
“I don't need your fucking help,” he sneers. "You obviously have no idea what the fuck you're doing in the first place."
You walk away, flipping him off, and he does the same, both of you going your separate ways. Though once you hit the edge of the forest, you turn to look back and see if he’s anywhere near, but it’s like he never existed at all. back to the routine.
Enter the forest and walk for an unreasonable amount of time? Check. 
Reach the out of place, uncanny door deep in the forest? Check. 
Stare at it and imagine ripping it to shreds until it's nothing but dust? Check.
Finally sit down and accept your fate for a bit? Check. 
You sigh as you poke at the dirt, the patches of grass you pulled out last time returning to normal as if you had never ripped them out in the first place. Remember what you said earlier about wishing for human interaction? You changed your mind after meeting that random guy, who quickly reminded you why you disliked it in the first place. Although you’ve made up your mind about hating him, you can't help but wonder what he’s doing here in the first place. Obviously, you have no idea why you’re here either, but why did he just pop up after doing this a hundred times or more already? Why is he the only one who can suddenly acknowledge your existence? Maybe there was a glitch in your eternal hell; maybe this was an accident, and he’d be gone by the time you did this all over again. Back to the routine.
Stand up and clean your hands of dirt? Check. 
Touch the door handle and wake back up in your bed with a gasp? Check!
You groan and grip your head slightly; the action of being in one place only to suddenly be in another never fails to give you a slight headache. Today, you go through your routine quickly in order to get into the city faster. You want to know if he's still here so badly that you almost seem desperate. much to your dismay, and his—he’s still here and groans at the sight of you.
"What the fuck did you do?" he demands angrily.
You narrow your eyes at him. You regret coming here. “excuse me?”
“One minute I'm walking, and the next I'm back here."
“It’s called a time loop for a reason, idiot.”
“I don't fucking care what it’s called, just stop doing it," he snaps.
“Oh yeah, like I fucking control that! Let me just stop this whole time loop while we’re at it, huh?”
He says nothing; he merely flips you off and walks away, and you do the same.
Just like every other time you find yourself back at the door in the forest, this time you don’t wait to touch it; you immediately go for the handle and restart the time loop in spite of him snapping at you. He comes into your time loop and has the audacity to complain? No one told him to invade your eternal hell. The first handful of days (if you could even call them that) go the exact same way. Wake up, check phone, slip on shoes, check house, curse the universe some more, go into the crowd, argue with the blond-haired boy who seemed to piss you off beyond words, go your separate ways, go into the forest, find the door, think about tearing down said door, sit on the floor for a bit, and then finally go to touch the door only to do it all over again.
The next handful of days were similar, except you and the invader of your eternal hell eventually stopped arguing; you two still acknowledged each other, but only with a scowl and a flip of your middle fingers, walking straight past each other to do your own thing. You can't say you were upset with the arrangement because at least you didn't have to listen to his whining any longer. You just hated how something was added to the time loop yet it seems like nothing has changed at all. you're still stuck, and the door still won't budge. What exactly are you even supposed to be doing? How do you escape? Can you even escape?
You wake up with a gasp for what now seems like the thousandth time, and you're starting to feel the effects of being here for so damn long. You’re exhausted, your bones ache, and you feel like you could drop dead at any moment. Then again, who’s to say you aren’t already dead? You lazily go through your routine; everything is as it should be until you get into the city. The crowds are still there, but someone is missing. The only person who has acknowledged you is missing. Part of you is happy that he’s gone; it’s not like you two have had a productive conversation in the time he's been there; if anything, he was hindering your escape. but the other part?
The other part is a tad bit disappointed, for two reasons. that one, he managed to get out before you, and two, you’re all alone again. As you begin walking toward the forest, you groan. Who cares? It’s not like you needed him or wanted him here anyway; you could get out on your own. Sometime lost in thought, you finally made it to the entrance of the forest, stopping and resting against a tree. You wonder if the longer you stay, the worse you start to deteriorate, like whatever this place is doesn’t want you here in the first place. You frown, it’s not like you want to be here anymore than this place wants you here; you didn’t ask to get stuck in some stupid ass time loop.
“I’ve had enough of your games! let me out!” You scream into the woods, half expecting someone to respond, and someone does.
“Do you have to be so loud?” A deep voice comes from beside you, tone full of annoyance.
You jump slightly as you turn your head to the side to see the owner of the voice, and you’re almost disappointed to see it’s the blond boy with a permanent scowl and jaw clenched tight.
“What the fuck, you’re still here?” You ask breathlessly, still trying to calm your racing heart from his slight jumpscare.
He rolls his eyes and leans against a nearby tree to mimic you. “Where the fuck else would I have gone?”
"I thought you got out or something..."
"Clearly not," he says, tsking. “What is this?”
“A forest. What does it look like, idiot?”
“No shit, I mean, why are we here?”
You stare at him as blankly as your voice comes out, "We? How the hell did you even get here?”
“Followed you,” he says as he crosses his arms. 
“You... followed me?” you repeat curiously.
“That’s what I said, isn’t it?”
"Why?" you ask softly, catching him off guard. You almost miss how his eyes widen at the sudden shift toward him.
He sighs and looks away, preferring to take in his surroundings, which mainly consist of the seemingly endless forest. "I've looked everywhere else and there's nothing, so I'm assuming you've found something if you keep coming here."
You hum, so he’s not just an angry idiot after all; he’s an observant idiot too.
“So?” he asks with a small bob of his head. 
"So what?"
He scowls, which takes you by surprise because you thought he was already scowling... must just be his face then. “So, did you find something?”
“Oh,” you say. "Yeah, I did, kinda.”
He seems to perk up, impatiently asking, “What is it?”
You go silent briefly, unsure of how to explain a random, uncanny door deep into the forest. "uh- it's difficult to explain," you admit sheepishly.
“Just spit it out already, idiot.”
“No, because you probably won’t even believe me!” you snap in frustration.
He rolls his eyes and pushes himself off the tree. “Then show me.”
You stare at him with wide eyes as he walks into the forest. “What?” 
“Show me dumbass!” He barks back at you, not pausing to slow down.
You push yourself off the tree in a hurry, yelling as you run after him, “Can you fucking wait! You don’t even know where you’re going!”
He stops, but not without groaning dramatically, which makes you roll your eyes. You caught up to him quickly because he wasn't far away, but that didn't stop you from bending over and placing your hands on your knees as you breathed heavily in and out.
He looks down at you in slight disgust. “You didn’t even run that far, why are you acting like you're dying?”
“Because,” you breathe out heavily. "It takes a toll on you when you've been stuck here as long as I have!"
“Whatever, just hurry up.”
After a moment, you stand back up fully and jerk your head toward the forest, silently telling the boy, “Let's go.”
The walk is quiet; awkwardness hangs heavy in the air as you sluggishly lead the way. It makes you wish he had escaped, because then you wouldn’t have to be dealing with this.
“How long have you been here?” He asks, breaking the silence, which takes you by surprise, but you’re sure anything he does that isn’t just him scowling or yelling could take you by surprise at this point.
You clear your throat. “I dunno…. long.” 
“You don’t know?”
"I stopped counting after the hundredth time the loop reset," you shrug.
“Jesus christ, you’ve been here that long?”
“Unfortunately,” you sigh. 
Another moment of silence lingers between the two of you as you walk through the forest, but at least the awkwardness has subsided. Though how slowly you're walking is starting to irritate him. 
“Can you walk any faster?” he asks harshly. 
“I’m tired.” 
“Not my problem.”
“You know what?” you say, stopping dead in your tracks. “I think I’m actually gonna take a break.”
“What?” he asks as he watches you sit down on the floor, leaning back against a tree.
you smile up at him mockingly. “Yep! I’m super tired; I need a break.”
He scoffs. “Fuck you, get up.”
You shake your head. “Nah, I don’t think I will. If you wanna get there so bad, find it yourself.”
He glares at you, his lip twitching with the threat of turning into a sneer. “Fine, I will,” he says through clenched teeth.
You’re still smiling at him as you wave goodbye and watch him walk deeper into the forest. He won’t find it. You know that because the door is still a ways away—you've done this walk over a hundred times—he has no chance of finding it without you, so you'll just sit here and relax until he comes running back to you. Lord knows you need it.
Sometime during your relaxing, you ended up falling asleep. Which you didn’t even know was possible here, but nonetheless, it was well appreciated. You would have continued sleeping if it hadn't been for something softly kicking your legs. You frown and try to swat whatever is kicking you away without opening your eyes, wanting to sleep more, but the kicking doesn't stop. You finally, and begrudgingly, open your eyes to find the boy (who you knew would come back) is the one kicking you.
"Oh, you're back already," you yawn, rubbing your eyes.
He stared at you curiously. “Already?” 
You nod as you stand up. “I knew you’d come back.”
“Fuck you, you don’t know shit.” 
"Then why are you back?"
He tsks and looks away. “Whatever.” 
“That’s what I thought,” you say triumphantly. 
He says nothing; instead, he waits for you to start walking ahead so he can follow you. Your walking is much faster now, and although you're still exhausted, it’s much more tolerable now. It's as if the fog around your head has lifted, and you can function normally now. If time worked properly here, it would have been about an hour or two after you guys resumed walking when he finally decided to break the long silence.
“Jesus christ, do you even know where you’re going?” he asks in frustration.
You roll your eyes. “Of course I do. I'm not an idiot.”
“Debatable,” he mumbles under his breath.
You decide to ignore that and sigh. “We’re almost there chill out.” There's another lull of silence before you ask, "What's your name?"
He turns to look at you briefly with narrowed eyes before settling his gaze back in front of him. “What? Why the fuck would I tell you that?"
"We're stuck in a time loop together, so I thought it would be nice to know your name, but if you just want me to keep referring to you as an idiot, I'd be more than happy-"
"It's Bakugo," he cuts you off, clearly annoyed.
“I'm y/n,” you say with a grin—wait, you’re actually smiling at getting to know someone? That's odd; you would never... But you guess you could allow it just this once, considering the circumstances.
“Didn’t ask.”
You ignore him. “We’re almost there, by the way.”
“Fucking finally, what even is it?”
You’re close enough that you can see it in the distance. you point at it as you speak, “a-“
“A door?” he erupts, cutting you off and beginning to run off toward it.
You quickly run after him. “Bakugo wait, don't t-“
You suddenly awake with a gasp.
“Don't touch it,” you say to yourself with a groan. "Fucking idiot," you mutter as you roll out of bed, ignoring your routine and simply slipping on your shoes and running off into the city to find him again.
Once you arrive, like yesterday, you can’t find him, and you frown as you start walking toward the forest, because if it’s anything like yesterday, he’d end up there. At least you're hoping he’s there, because if he actually managed to get out before you by doing the same thing you’ve done for a hundred plus times, you would be furious. You arrive at the forest to find him already there, leaning against a tree, and you sigh out in relief as he stands up straight once he sees you.
"What the fuck happened?" he asks when you reach him.
You exhale heavily, slightly frustrated, a dull pain in your head adding to your frustration. "Well, if you had let me explain, I would have told you that touching the door resets the time loop."
"Oh,” he says blankly. “Sorry.” 
“You’re apologizing?..” You ask in slight disbelief, he doesn’t seem like the kind of person who would, but then again, you don’t even know him. Who are you to judge him? Wow, you’ve been here so long that you’ve actually gotten to the point of not judging people; maybe you are going insane.
“You don’t seem like someone who would.” 
He shrugs. “I wasn't, but, uh, I’ve been trying to work on it or something.”
“I’m not either,” you confess. “But, uh, for the record, I guess i’m sorry too… for you know, yelling at you?” 
A range of emotions seem to slather themselves onto Bakugo’s face. first anger, then confusion, and then disgust before his usual scowl returns. “Whatever. What now?” 
“Now we go back to the door.”
“And do what?”
“Stare at it? I don't know,” you sigh. 
“I’m sorry?” he says in confusion as his eyes immediately narrow in on you. “Is that all you’ve been doing? Staring at the fucking door?”
You throw your arms up in the air dramatically as you defend yourself, asking, “What the fuck else am I supposed to do? If I touch it, the time loop restarts!”
His eye twitches. “So we’re just gonna stare at it. Until what? We fucking die here?”
“Who’s to say we aren’t even already dead?” you mumble under your breath in annoyance. “Besides, do you have any better ideas?”
Bakugo stays silent. 
“Right, that’s what I thought.”
He tsks and starts walking into the forest. “Whatever, let's just go.”
You find yourself biting back a smile at what you consider a win, even if this wasn’t a challenge; you just have a terrible habit of seeing everything as a challenge... but nonetheless you find yourself walking with him side by side quietly. The walk was, of course, long, but not as long as last time considering you didn’t stop to sleep this time, so the two of you quickly found yourselves at the door. Both of you just stand there staring at it.
“Maybe it’ll actually do something this time,” Bakugo says, tilting his head at the door as if trying to look at it from a different angle.
You drop yourself to the ground, sitting down with a soft groan. “Try whatever you want in a little bit; doesn’t the time loop being reset hurt your head?”
Bakugo looks down at you and shrugs. “Haven’t noticed.” 
You laugh, though it comes out more like a huff of air. “You will eventually.”
Bakugo stares at you curiously, what you said having piqued his interest, as he plops himself down on the ground next to you. “How long have you been here?” 
You raise an eyebrow at him. “You’ve already asked me that.”
He rolls his eyes. “I’m asking again.” 
“I don’t know. My answer's still the same.” 
He nods slowly. “What was it like?” he asks. "You know, in the beginning, all alone?"
“You actually care?” you ask, wide-eyed and in slight disbelief.
He tsks and returns his attention to the door in front of him. “I don't,” he says harshly. “I’m just trying to make conversation; what the fuck else are we supposed to do?”
"Fair enough," you say, nodding slightly. "At first, I kinda liked it here."
“I liked being alone.”
“That’s fucking stupid,” he spits out. 
You frown. “You don’t look like the type to enjoy other people’s company either.”
“I don’t.”��
“Then what the fuck?”
"I don't like people, but I also don't like being alone," he says softly.
“You’re an idiot.” 
“Whatever,” he says. “So what? Do you not like being alone anymore?”
you shrug. “If being alone meant I didn’t have to deal with your dumbass anymore, then yes, I still like being alone.”
“Fuck you; you just complained about being alone,” he grumbled.
“I did not complain,” you explain. “I’m just saying I like being alone when it’s on my own terms.”
He hums. 
“And you?” you ask. 
"And me what?" he asks, his eyes narrowing at the door.
"What was it like when you first got here?"
“Oh,” he says before he thinks for a moment. “I don’t know; annoying more than anything. I have shit to do in the real world; this doesn’t help.”
You pull your knees in toward your chest. “Where do you even think we are?”
"Fuck if I know," he says, shrugging. "I just want to get the fuck out; if I was stuck here as long as you, I'd probably go insane."
You stare at him blankly. “You’re already insane, and I'm already insane.”
Bakugo side eyes you. 
“What other logical explanation is there for us being here? We’re obviously crazy.”
He huffs and you almost find yourself mistaking it for a laugh. "Yeah, I guess so.”
You feel your heart race a little, and although you two still bicker a bit, you can’t deny how much you're starting to appreciate his company. It's an odd feeling, really, appreciating company for a change instead of immediately trying to get rid of it. As you push yourself up onto your feet, you sigh. “Round two?” 
He nods as he copies your actions by standing up. “Guess so.” 
You take a deep breath before touching the door, only to gasp as you awaken, but this time there's another gasp. You look beside you and discover Bakugo in your bed, which causes you to fall out of it from shock.
"Jesus, why are you in my bed?!"
“Why are you asking like I fucking know?!”
You immediately rose to your feet, rubbing your head because, if the headache from the reset wasn’t enough, you also hit it when you fell out of bed. “What the fuck is going on…”
Bakugo quickly gets out of your bed and tsks. “Why’d it change?”
“Maybe the time loop likes us working together?” You ask rhetorically because it's not like Bakugo has an answer either.
“Yeah, or it hates us working together.”
“Whatever it is, at least something changed finally. Maybe other things changed too?” you wonder as you go to slip on your shoes.
“Do we plan on just going back to the stupid ass door every time?”
"It's not like we have any other options, Bakugo. Are you ready?”
“I fucking guess.”
The two of you venture off into the city, with nothing seeming out of place or changed, and it becomes obvious that the only thing that changed was Bakugo being in your bed when you end up reaching the door.
"So much for something changing," mutters Bakugo, frustrated.
You drop yourself to the ground again. “This is annoying.”
He mimics your actions. “No shit.”
A moment of silence falls between you two before you speak up. “Are you even real?”
Bakugo’s face scrunches up in annoyance and confusion. “What the fuck do you mean am i real?”
“I don't know! Maybe I have gone insane and just made you up!”
He rolls his eyes. “Yes, I'm real. I have a whole fucking life outside of this place,” he turns his attention to you, “Are you real?”
“Yes, I also have a whole fucking life outside of this place,” you snap back.
He hums, almost like he doesn't believe you, but he doesn't outright say it, and you quickly respond with a hum of your own before laying yourself down on the grass, looking up toward the never-changing sky. It's so blue and there are so many clouds that it almost looks fake, which makes sense given that this entire place appears to be fake, an empty husk of the real place that exists somewhere else outside of here.
"How was your life?" you inquire, seemingly out of nowhere.
Bakugo looks down at you. “Boring,” he says with a sigh. "It wasn't as boring as this place, but it was still fucking boring; at least I had friends and could do shit there."
You can't help but giggle. “You had friends?”
He scowls at you and flips you off before turning away and nodding. “Unlike you, I'm sure.”
You shrug, though it looks more like a jolt. “I prefer being alone.”
“You say that, but you’re not all that convincing.”
“Oh, fuck off and tell me about your imaginary friends,” you snicker and ignore his very wrong—very right— comment.
He bit back a smirk in response to your jab at him. Normally, Bakugo would despise anyone who dared to fight back, but right now? It was actually nice? which, the feeling within itself, made Bakugo want to hate you even more.
“Bakugo?” you ask after a few moments of silence. 
“Shut up, I'm thinking,” he snaps. "There are only three people I consider to be my friends."
You laugh. “What?”
“The rest are just.. acquaintances.”
You hum in content, your hands behind your head. “Tell me bout em.”
“There's this nerd; I've known him since we were kids,” he begins to explain. “I was a douche to him.”
"I can believe that."
Bakugo gives you a look that either says he wants to murder you or for you to shut up, and you merely grin up at him.
"He somehow forgave me, and yeah, we've been friends since."
“And the other two?”
“Some dumbass with shitty hair and another dumbass with pink cheeks,” he explains vaguely.
"Wow, I'm sure they really enjoy being called a dumbass," you state flatly.
He shrugs. "They should if they want to be my friend."
“Those are your only requirements? Tolerate being called a dumbass and anyone can be your friend?” you tease. 
“Shut up, at least I have friends.”
“I already told you, I like being alone!” you defend with a pout.
He hums as he lays himself down. “And I already told you I don't believe you.”
"Believe what you want," you say as you turn to face him, only to find him already looking at you. “Besides, what do you care?”
He shifts his gaze to the sky. “I don’t.”
You follow along with him, looking back up at the sky, mumbling, "Sure you don't."
Bakugo doesn't bother replying, and you don't bother trying to keep the conversation going. The two of you just lay there, staring up at the sky and listening to the trees sway in the wind.
You suddenly find yourself being woken up with small kicks to your legs, and you groan. You try to open your eyes only to be blinded by the sun.
“Jesus Christ!” you wince.
Bakugo groans as he places his hand over your face to shield your eyes from the sun. You finally get them to open, and you mutter a small thanks to him.
“Did I fall asleep?” you ask as you stand up. 
Bakugo shoves his hands into his pockets with a nod. “Yeah.”
"It's fine," he says, shrugging. “Round three?”
You nod as you stretch, which is a pointless action when you're about to be thrown into your bed, but you do it anyway. Bakugo touches the door, and you find yourselves immediately waking up with a gasp in your bed.
You jump straight up and rub your temples. “God, I will never get used to that.”
"Yeah, because the day you get used to that is the day you lose your mind."
You slip your shoes on and roll your eyes. “Ready?”
He stares at you blankly.
"Stupid question, my bad, damn," you quickly add, realizing he's not going to say anything.
When the two of you walk out of your house, Bakugo's steps are loud, and you can tell he's annoyed just by them. Bakugo tries to walk into the city only to be stopped by something.
"What are you doing?" you ask, watching him stagger backwards.
"It's not me," he snaps as he extends his hand in front of him, only to be stopped by something that isn't there, he kind of looks like a mime.
You hold back a laugh as you join him by his side, reaching out only to be stopped by an invisible wall of some sort; this makes your face drop. “What the fuck?”
“So what? We aren't allowed in the city anymore?”
"I guess not." Bakugo groans, annoyed. “Is there another way to the forest?”
You don't even get the chance to reply when the two of you hear rumbling. Both your heads snapping toward the noise only to see a newly carved out path to the forest in the distance.
You swallow hard, blinking at the scene in front of you. “You, uh, you saw that right?”
Bakugo nods slowly. “I did.”
You laugh nervously and extend your hands as if to show off the new path. “After you.”
“Fuck no, after you.”
“What are you scared? Coward.”
Bakugo glares at you. “Fuck you,” he says before starting to walk toward the path, and you smile in triumph.
The two of you are silent the whole walk, taking in your new surroundings for anything suspicious. This walk seems longer than the one from the city, but it's not like you expected anything different, and it doesn't matter when you finally get to the door.
"Why are things changing so suddenly?" you wonder as you stare at the door.
"Hell if I know," mumbles Bakugo, joining you in staring at the door.
“Do you think we’re doing something right?” you ask as you turn your head to look at him.
“Or something wrong.”
“God, this is so weird,” you sigh in frustration as you take a few steps back and sit down. 
He turns to look down at you, perplexed. “Oh, now it's weird? It wasn't weird the first hundred fucking times we stared at this door?”
"You know what I mean."
He rolls his eyes as he sits down a few feet in front of you. “Whatever.”
You both sit there in silence, your minds racing with confusion. Why are things changing now, and are they changing for the better or for the worse? You sit there picking at your nails while he sits there staring at the door like he’s trying to make it explode with his mind. After a while, Bakugo sighs, and this catching of your attention makes you look up at him. When he speaks up, you're about to ask if he's okay.
“What was your life like?” He asks out of nowhere, and you certainly were not expecting that to come out of his mouth.
“Oh,” you say in slight confusion. “Um, fine? I don't know; I mean, I didn't have friends-“
“Knew it,” he chimes in with a smirk. 
“Fuck off.”
"So, what did you have if you didn't have friends?" He asks flatly, not as if he really cares but as if he's just trying to avoid silence, which could be him caring in some ways.
“I had a job at a little coffee shop,” you recall with a small smile.
“I thought you would've worked from home or something.”
“Because you hate people and like being alone?” He says it almost condescendingly, like you should have already known the reason why.
“Huh,” you say flatly. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Maybe you were subconsciously yearning for social interaction?
“I'm always right.”
You hum and lay yourself down. “What’s your full name?”
He lays down with you. “Why the fuck do you wanna know? You gonna stalk me?”
“You wish.”
“Katsuki Bakugo.”
“That’s a nice name.”
He closes his eyes. “I know dumbass.”
“You could’ve just said thank you.”
“Thank you,” he says harshly, like he's mocking you, but you ignore it and smile. “What’s yours?” he asks quietly.
“Y/n L/n.”
“My name is better, but yours is alright, I guess,” he says under his breath, like this is his best attempt at a compliment.
You laugh softly, and the noise causes Bakugo's cheeks to warm, which he tries to ignore and blames on the sun. You don't bother responding and close your eyes. Both of you are just laying there with your eyes closed, enjoying each other's company, or at least you're enjoying his. Which is odd; it makes you slightly nauseous to think that for once, you’re actually enjoying someone's company.
Had someone told real life you that you'd be enjoying someone's company, you would have laughed in their face and probably insulted them for not being as “independent” as you are. But despite all of that, you can't actually say you hate it—not at all, actually. but for the time being, you're blaming that on the circumstances. After a while, you find yourself opening your eyes, slightly wincing at the bright sun, but turning your head to look at Bakugo, who is staring up at the sky without a scowl on his face. Huh. You thought that scowl was permanent, though he actually looks surprisingly nice without one?
“Are you dead?” you ask out of nowhere.
Bakugo flinches slightly, taken aback by your voice. “Being dead would probably be better than this.”
“Rude,” you huff.
“I mean the situation, not you.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” you tease. “Round four?”
He sighs defeatedly. “Yeah, I guess.”
You nod as the two of you stand up and quickly dust yourselves off. You step toward the door and find yourself hesitating.
“What are you waiting for?” Bakugo asks impatiently.
You shake your head and touch the door. You both wake up with a gasp, but you're not in your room; instead, you're back on the forest floor where you were just moments ago.
“What the fuck?” you exclaim aloud.
"Did you touch it?" asks Bakugo, looking down at the ground beneath him.
“Of course I did!” you explain. “I don't understand?”
Bakugo quickly stands up and offers a hand out to help you out. You hesitate to take his hand, making him shake his head as if to silently ask, “What's the problem?” You sigh as you accept his help.
Once your up, Bakugo pulls his hand away and asks, “Should we try to go back to your house?”
“Uh, yeah, sure, that's a good idea.”
Bakugo nods back, and you find yourself walking out of the forest, a strange feeling given that you're always walking in, never out; it's eerie in a way. You’ve only been walking for, what you assume, a few minutes when he speaks up.
"Is that actually your house?" he wonders. "Like in the real world, I guess."
You shake your head. “Nah, I just call it that considering how long I've been here, you know? I actually live in an apartment.”
He hums. “Me too.”
"You too?"
“Yes? Why the fuck do you sound so shocked?” he asks with a confused shake of his head.
"I don't know... I guess you seem like the type of person who would say they're too good for an apartment," you explain with a shrug.
“It’s cheaper, and because I have a roommate that makes it even more cheap.”
“Oh!! Let me guess!” you speak up excitedly. “Is it the nerd? Or the shitty hair? Oh or the pink cheeks?”
He finds himself chuckling at your use of his nicknames for them, and the sound goes straight to your stomach. Butterflies immediately begin to grow there. “It's the nerd,” he says once he’s finally composed himself.
You nod with a smile. “My roommate is a cat.”
He hums, and before he can respond, he walks straight into something, just like the last time, except this time it's not the invisible city wall he walked into but the middle of the forest. You immediately find yourself frantically grabbing at the invisible force.
“Are you serious?” you fume. “Now we’re trapped in the fucking forest?”
Bakugo finds himself walking toward the sides, only to find that those are blocked off by nothing as well. “So what? we can’t leave?”
“It doesn’t want us to leave,” you correct him. 
“Who the fuck is it?” Bakugo asked with a confused glare.
“Whatever the fuck is doing this.”
Bakugo sighs out in defeat as he places his hands on his hips, letting his head drop as he just stares at the floor. “Now what?” he mumbles.
You rub your face in frustration. “We go back to the door, I guess.”
He lifts his head and tsks. “Great.”
The walk back into the forest is tense, but since you two had only made it halfway before being stopped, it wasn't that long. Still, the air between you two had become suffocating from your respective frustrations with being trapped here, his more so than yours. Finally, you two arrive at the door, and Bakugo collapses to the ground with a loud groan.
“This sucks,” he seethes.
You shrug as you take a seat in front of him. “It could be worse.”
“What?” he asks harshly. “Please, please, please enlighten me on how this could be any worse.”
You keep your gaze on the ground, nervously pulling out the grass as you speak. “Well, I mean, yeah, of course it sucks! like, really bad! and like, yeah, sure, the universe seems very against me right now, but at least I have you?”
"Huh," he says blankly before remaining silent for a moment, and you grimace; you should not have said that. Why the fuck would you say that? “Yeah.”
Your head shoots up to see him already staring at you softly. “Yeah?” you repeat. 
"Yeah, you're right," he says slowly, almost painfully so.
You can't help but break out into a wide grin. “Bakugo? Are you actually starting to care about me?”
He bites back a smile as he rolls his eyes. “Oh fuck off.”
You laugh and lay yourself on the grass. “Lay with me.”
He hums curiously at you yet listens, laying himself right next to you, leaving only a small space between you two. You ignore the strange urge to take his hand in yours.
“Do you think we would’ve been friends in, like, real life, I guess?”
“I never agreed to being your friend,” he points out flatly, ignoring your question. 
“Shut up, Bakugo.”
He snickers. “Probably not though.”
You feign offense, or you feign feigning offense, because that does actually hurt your feelings slightly. “Rude…”
“Shut up. I don't mean it like that,” he reassures. “I mean, you even said it yourself—you don't like people, and I only consider like three people my friends.”
You frown. “I guess you’re right.”
"It's futile to think about that shit now; I doubt we'll ever go back," he mumbles, disappointed.
You ignore how much you’re not disappointed that you might not ever go back anytime soon. “Round five?”
Bakugo nods as he stands up. “Yeah.”
You try to get up, but he stops you. You stare at him curiously.
“If we’re just going to end up lying back down when it restarts, maybe if you’re already lying down, your head won't hurt as much?” he questions thoughtfully. 
You ignore how warm your cheeks feel at his concern and lay back down. “Yeah, maybe.”
Bakugo nods at you before touching the door, and still, both of you end up waking up with a gasp in your positions from a moment ago, but your head doesn't hurt this time.
Bakugo ignores the disappointment swimming in his stomach and turns his gaze to you, who appears shocked. “Did it work?”
You nod slowly before looking at him with a smile. “Yeah, it did! Thanks Bakugo..”
He presses his lips into a tight line as if to stop a smile or ignore how hot his face feels. “Yeah, whatever. Uh, should we go see how far we can make it out?”
You stand up and extend your hand to him, and he quickly accepts it. “Yep!”
The two of you don't even make it ten feet away before being blocked by an invisible wall. The two of you stumble back and stare at each other wide-eyed before both of you immediately start walking out toward the sides, only to be stopped again.
"Oh my fucking god, it boxed us in," Bakugo barks. 
You laugh out nervously. “Um, so, like, is it just gonna keep getting smaller?”
Bakugo's head snaps toward you in concern as your voice shakes, and he notices you beginning to tremble.
"N-not that it's a big deal; I'm not claustrophobic or anything, I'm just curious." You panic, your chest heaving up and down.
Bakugo immediately runs up to you (not that he has to run far) and places his hands on your shoulders, roughly gripping them in some poor attempt to ground you, which works slightly because now you're staring at just him, getting lost in his eyes.
“It’s fine, It's gonna be fucking fine,” he says harshly. “I’ll get us out of here, okay?”
You just stare at him, blinking at him blankly.
He shakes you gently. “Y/n?”
you swallow harshly. 
You flinch. “Y-yes?”
"You're going to be fine," he assures, softly smiling at you.
And although you know he can't guarantee that, he can't guarantee that you'll be okay or that he’ll get you guys out of here, you still believe him.
you nod. “Okay. I trust you.”
He nods and returns his hands to his sides before walking back to the door (not that he has to walk far) and sitting down, patting the ground in front of him to invite you to join him. You two sit in comfortable silence, but you can't stand it; you need to talk about something or you'll start spiraling at the thought of the invisible walls closing in on you.
“Do you think we’re supposed to be learning something?” you inquire, pulling your knees into your chest.
He leans back on his palms as he stares at you through furrowed eyebrows. “What?”
“Like a lesson?” you elaborate. "Isn't that why most people get trapped in time loops?"
He gives a half-shrug and thinks for a moment. “I guess? Do you think you’re learning a ‘lesson’?” 
“Maybe?” you say as you place your head on your knees.
Bakugo stares at you, and when you don't say anything, he bobs his head as if to tell you to go on.
“I don't think I like being alone as much as I say I do.”
"Oh?" he says, tilting his head at you with a cocky grin.
You roll your eyes at him through a smile. “Shut up… I'm just saying you’re not so bad; your company is actually enjoyable?”
“Of course it is; It’s me,” he boasts. 
“I regret saying anything.”
“I get it, though.”
“You do?”
He nods. “I mean, I get it through my lesson?”
You bobbed your head at him in the same way he did at you.
"Maybe I don't hate having or making new friends as much as I say I do," he admits quietly.
“Of course you don't; it’s me,” you mock with a shit-eating grin.
He stares at you just smiling fondly, not even a laugh, or a fuck off. No, he's just staring at you as if you're the best thing that's ever happened to him, as if you created the universe—no, scratch that, as if you are the universe. But before you or he can say anything, you hear something rattling, specifically the door handle rattling.
Both of your heads turn toward the door, watching it rattle before looking back at each other and slowly rising in unison.
“Get behind me,” he whispers harshly. 
“I can take care of—“
“Y/n,” he snaps through clenched teeth in an attempt to hush his voice.
You sigh and begrudgingly agree, placing yourself behind him as you two walk toward the door.
He takes a deep breath before whispering, "Round six?"
You nod slowly. “Round six.”
You gasp and sit up quickly, instinctively looking to your side for Bakugo, but you're met by your cat.
He paws at you, and you just stare blankly at him, your chest heaving up and down rapidly. Your cat climbs onto your lap, and you begin to pet him as tears sting your eyes and you take in your surroundings. Though your moment of realizing you're back home is ruined by a phone call. You immediately pick up.
“Bakugo?” you say breathlessly. 
Your coworker clears her throat awkwardly. “uh what? It’s mina, y/n. Where are you? I mean, I know you don't like me, but at least come to work!"
You exhale heavily and rub the tears from your eyes harshly. "I'm so sorry, Mina- I'll be there as soon as I can."
“Oh, uh, it’s fine. Take your time. See you soon!” She says it softly, obviously taken off guard by your apology and lack of hostility.
You hang up quickly and sniffle. “Shit,” you mutter under your breath. How long has it even been? Has any time even passed here? When you look at the date, it is the same as it was before you were thrown into the time loop. It could have been months there, but here? It had been merely seconds, if that. You feel your heart break at the lack of Bakugo here; you had been stuck with him for probably weeks, and now you’re... not. And you’re supposed to just go back to being a productive member of society like nothing happened? Like he didn't just single-handedly change your view on being alone? You sigh and shake your head as you pick your cat off of you, now is not the time to have an existential crisis, you have a job to get to. You set your cat down and practically dash to get dressed, not caring enough about even looking presentable as you grab your things and run out the door, getting to your job in record time.
Mina is surprised to see you almost break through the door. “I told you to take your time,” she says with a frown.
You shake your head and bend over as you catch your breath. “No, it's okay,” you say through ragged breaths.
She just stares at you silently until you calm down and approach her behind the counter. “I'm sorry,” you say once you've reached her.
She laughs. "It's fine; being late isn't such a big deal."
You frown; god, she's really gonna make you say it, isn’t she? “No, I mean, I'm sorry about, uh, always being an asshole towards you and stuff,” you start mumbling toward the end, of course you mean it but you still find it quite embarrasing. 
“Oh! Thank you? Um… Did something happen?”
You let out a breathy laugh that almost sounds sad, if that's even possible, and if it isn't, you're making it so. “Uh, yeah, you could say that.”
Mina notices how your demeanor has wilted and places a comforting hand on your shoulder while giving you a small smile.
You return her smile before sighing. "I'm gonna go put my things in the back."
While in the back, you hear the shop bell ring, indicating that a customer is approaching, so you hurry and put your belongings away to assist Mina. Once you're back out there, you don't notice how the customer is waiting by the counter, where you would hand them their coffee. Your main focus is just on making the drink as Mina hands you the cup with what they want written on it. You make quick work of it as Mina starts taking other orders from people beginning to walk in, and in record time you finish the drink, walking to the side of the counter where people pick up coffees. You turn the cup around to look for a name and feel your heart drop when you see it.
Your brow furrows as you mumble, "Bakugo?"
When he hears your voice, Bakugo's head snaps up from his phone, and he doesn't even try to hide the smile that has now appeared on his face. “Y/n?”
"Holy shit!" you exclaim excitedly as you lose your grip on his drink and it splatters everywhere, Bakugo laughing at how half of it is now on your clothes and you can't help but laugh along with him.
“You plan on remaking my drink?”
You nod quickly and hurriedly speak, “Yes! but, um, can you stay after?”
He smirks. “What, was our time together not enough for you?”
You roll your eyes playfully at him. “If I agree, will you stay?”
You sigh. "Yes Bakugo, our time together wasn't enough for me."
Bakugo chuckles softly. 
“Yeah Y/n, I’ll stay.”
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604to647 · 21 days
What Was I Made For?
3.1K / Frankenstein AU Tim Rockford x fem!reader
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Summary: Left on his own, Tim learns a new way to live.
Warnings: None! Age gap cause Tim’s like hundreds of years old 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 Semi-sentient woodland creatures that meddle, I guess 🤭
A/N: Inspired by @almostfoxglove’s beautiful AU moodboard below - if you haven't already, check out that post and the tags, along with all her other AU moodboards! Thank you so much for sharing them with us 🥹🥰
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Title by Billie Eilish / Dividers by @saradika-graphics as always 🥰
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For a very long time, Tim did not go outside during the daytime.
Father said not to.
And even though Father has been gone for many years, Tim still heeded his words.  His being the only voice Tim had ever heard.
He still doesn’t know why Father left.  He’s even less sure of why he never returned.
Merge Mansion remains dark, even during the day.  Its halls empty, its candelabras unlit.  If anyone was to pass through the ivy choked iron gates and listen at its door, and no one ever did, they would hear only the skittering of mice and the occasional heavy footstep, so slow and deliberate it could be mistaken for the heartbeat of a slowly dying house.
Only ever at night, Tim goes out to the woods behind the now dusty and crumbling mansion.  Those same woods where Father would have him lift, throw, break - repeatedly.  And Father would write furiously in his notebooks.  Tim thinks maybe that’s what he was made for.
For more years than can be counted, enough so that he passes into legend, Tim continues to do what he knows.  He uproots trees and plants and heaves them over knolls and into streams.  He rolls boulders and smashes rocks.  He haunts the forest alone until the dawn threatens to pierce through the thick overhang of the old growth trees; hiding within the moss-covered stone walls of the only home he’s ever known until night brings cover once again.
Until one night after so many nights, he just… doesn’t.  Instead of his nightly exertion to prove something to the darkness, Tim just sits and bathes in the pureness of the moonlight.  He breathes in the earthy musk of the forest’s damp soil and the sweet scent of pine mixed with bark sap.  Instead of his own laboured breathing, Tim finally hears the babbling of the brooks, the hooting of the owls, and soft breeze whistling between the low berry bushes and the high tree tops.  Tim doesn’t know if he was made to be at peace, but he finds that he can do it all the same.
He teaches himself to read.  At first using words Father would say and the signs he would point to in the room Tim lived in: Lock.  Unlock.  Hot.  Cold.  On.  Off.  Danger.  Stop.
Then from books about nature that he finds in the library, remembering words that Father would use to describe their surroundings when in the woods that Tim now knows so well.
Tree.  Rock.  Hill.  Hole.
It takes a very, very long time.  But Tim has nothing but time.
He’s not even sure if he’s doing it right - he has no one to ask.  Not that he could even if there was.  He says the words in his head the way he thinks they sound, but with no voice, never out loud.  He wasn’t made for that.
It’s no matter.  Even if he isn’t sure he’s sounding them out properly, Tim thinks he’s assigned the words to the pictures in the books of animals and landscapes correctly.  There are other books, as well.  Ones with illustrations that are foreign to him and where the words denote meaning that he doesn’t think he will ever understand, but he learns them anyways:  Music.  Dance.  Laugh.  Feast.  Love.
In his woods, Tim no longer destroys: he clears, builds, tends.  Tim carves out paths that feel softer on the bottoms of his lumbering feet.  He removes dead branches from healthy trunks and uses them to sweep the forest floor.  He rolls away dead trees, some fell by age or disease, others by his own hand in the olden days when he thought that was what he was made for.
He still only does these things under the cover of night.  Father had said to be afraid of the village at the bottom of the looming hill upon which Merge Mansion perched.  He warned Tim that if he was discovered, the villagers would come and hurt them both.  Tim wishes that he had known the words or had the voice to tell Father that he would have protected him.  That perhaps it was the villagers who should have been afraid of him. Father’s notebooks say that he was built to be fierce. 
The bunnies in the woods do not seem to think so.  Nor the foxes, or the badgers, or the mice.  The deer do not find Tim to be fearsome, and the birds readily to flock to him.
He supposes it’s because he starts to help them build their nests; his long legs easily carry him to the farthest corners of the woods where the best nesting materials can be gathered.  He volunteers his big, pawlike hands to dig their burrows and holes.  His strength he uses to drag logs and branches to where whole furry families reside, breaking the thick wood into smaller pieces to help them expand and fortify their homes for their growing broods and the incoming weather.  He’s tall enough to lift baby birds back into their nests when they fall out before they’re ready to fly.  He forages and shares all his bounty, himself having no need for sustenance. 
Tim would not mind if this is what he was made for.
The years continue to pass.  The village at the bottom of the hill gets less busy, smaller, and is eventually gone.  Tim only knows because he witnesses the number of tiny square windows illuminated by bright candles during the night, dwindle until there is only darkness.
From the now dilapidated walls of Merge Mansion, Tim watches as what remains of the village rots and is reclaimed by the Earth.  It looks less frightening to him the way it stands now, wild and lush - much more like his beloved forest where he’s only ever known friendly creatures.
It’s the bunnies who convince him to come out in the daytime. 
It had been an especially abundant year for the rabbits, with baby bunnies almost overrunning the forest floor.  The mamas plead with Tim using their big brown eyes to help round up their little ones and keep them safe, making sure none of them strayed too far from the safety of the woods.
Little bunnies are hard to see in the dark.
The first time Tim steps outside during the day, he’s so blinded by the sky’s brightness that he thinks perhaps his eyes were not made for sunlight.  His forest is so green in the daytime.  A richness of browns with the occasional pop of red, blue, even lavender.  In the winters, the snow is so white during the day it appears almost clear.  Once the snow has melted, the streams splash with fish that jump during the day – something that never happens at night.  The sun’s beams warm Tim’s rough skin in a way the moon’s cold, comfortable ambiance never has.  The sounds of the forest are so much louder, cheerier in the day than they are at night – it strikes Tim as odd given it’s the same forest but he supposes he feels more alive during the day as well.
The deer are the ones that lead him out of the forest and to the front of the house.  The overgrown grass on the Merge Mansion hill begs to be grazed on, and with the village gone, Tim and the deer while away many days unseen and unbothered amongst the soft green blades – looking out to a splendid view of rolling plains and sprawling forests stretching all the way to the horizon.  He never strays far from the house - still heeding Father’s words of caution even though the dangers he warned against look to be long gone.
Tim doesn’t even know that another village has sprung up somewhere on the other side of a low mountain that he considers to be more than a fair distance away until you.  The first time he sees you, you’re but a little girl and you come with your own father to the cemetery that rests at the bottom of his hill, where it once bordered the old village.  The same cemetery from which Father gathered the parts that make up Tim as he is, if Father’s notebooks are to be believed.  The deer scamper away before you or your father see them, but Tim stays and hides, watches.
He hears your father tell you that these graves belong to your ancestors who once lived in the old village that’s now gone and that even though you live on the other side of the mountain, you should still pay your respects.  Tim listens to your cheery chatter and the hum of your father’s merry tunes as the two of you clean the gravestones, pull the weeds, plant fresh gardens.
You and your father come every week and Tim begins to look forward to it.  He watches you grow into a beautiful woman and your father into an old man.  He listens to the musical lilt of your voice and the gentle teasing of your father as the two of you care for and nurture the plot of land at the base of the Merge Mansion Hill so that it grows vibrant and fragrant with flowers that he’s only ever seen in Father’s books.  He hears your father tell you stories he heard as a child about the house that Tim lives in – the legend of a mad scientist and a terrible monster.  Tim doesn’t know why, but he feels relief when you laugh at these stories and call them ridiculous.
When your father stops coming with you, Tim watches over you in his stead.  You continue to do your duty in the cemetery joyfully and your sweetness is like an invitation.  The bunnies and the foxes and the mice and the deer all come down to join you.  You laugh and share your food with them and they enjoy your company as much as you do theirs.  Music.  Dance.  Laugh.  Feast.  He thinks he finally understands.  When his furry friends turn their soulful eyes up to the house, Tim knows they’re looking to him to come down but he shakes his head no.  He’s not made for this.
He doesn’t know that you see him anyways.
You’ve known he was there since the days you would come to this cemetery with your father as a little girl.  Most times as just a shadow on the Merge Mansion grounds, but once or twice you had seen Tim’s handsome, haunted face in one of the cracked windows.
You don’t know who he is or what he is, but some how you know that you have to pretend that you’re unaware of his presence.  As if for some laughable reason, he finds you to be frightening.
So, you try to make yourself to be as nonintimidating as possible.  You wear soft flowing fabrics that lie prettily over your equally soft skin in pleasing colours that compliment the hue of your hair and the brightness of your eyes.  You keep your voice gentle and the sound of your notes harmonious when you sing or hum your favourite songs of love and fantasy.  When your father tells you the old stories of the Merge Mansion Monster, you make sure to loudly decry this characterization.  Your unseen friend is not a monster, and you want to make sure that he knows you know that.
Your woodland friends who proclaim to know him best seem to say, give him time.  So you do, waiting patiently for a sign.  For what?  You don’t know.  Just a sign for more.
It comes one summer day, many, many years after your weekly trips to the cemetery became solo trips.  For two weeks, you’ve been in a state of mild panic, unable to find the delicate gold chain necklace that your father gave you - his last gift to you before he passed.  A part of you fears that it may have come unclasped and dropped onto the path some time during your weekly trip to the Merge Mansion cemetery; your heart clenches – if that was the case, your treasured necklace is surely lost.
Your surprise when you find your necklace waiting for you on top of a gravestone next to a small tied bundle of lavender is palpable.  Your eyes threaten to overflow with tears as you look up the hill to the house and mouth, thank you.
You don’t know that you had actually lost your necklace next to this very gravestone and that one of your bluebird friends had carried it up to Tim in its beak.  Tim spends two weeks practicing making the small bouquet of lavender – his large and clumsy hands unused to the precise and delicate movements required.  He refers to the instructions in the book he found so many times he can see the diagrams in his sleep.  But he keeps trying until he gets it right – wanting to offer you something more than just your returned necklace as a token of his appreciation for all the work you do.  Holding the delicate chain in his oversized hand, he can’t stop looking at it glittering in the moonlight and admiring its intricate craftsmanship.  It’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen.  Well, second.
The next week, Tim discovers a large and fragrant bouquet of the cemetery’s best and biggest blooms laid outside of his iron gates.
Three weeks later, on the same gravestone, you find those flowers dried and pressed, then laced together in a pretty flower crown.
You weave your own from new fresh flowers and leave it in place of the dried one you take home.  The following week, the crown you made is gone, and in its place, a large pile of fresh wild berries that must come from the forest behind the mansion.
The squirrels had objected, but Tim promised that the reduction of berries from their weekly hoard would be for a good cause.  You helped prove him right the following week when he returned from the hill with a jar of wild berry jam which he happily shared.
This continues for months.  Each week a small, thoughtful trinket exchanged - neither you or Tim having much to offer except your consideration and time.  The giddy anticipation and resulting awe a gift in itself.
The day you bring a blanket that took you six weeks to knit, you’re imbued with a bravery (the source of which is unknown even to you) that brings you all the way to Tim’s doorstep.  The heavy door opens when you push against it, but no one answers when you call out.
While Tim is in the woods assisting with the birth of a newborn deer, you’re wandering the dark, musty halls of Merge Mansion.  You find where you think Tim must sleep: in a room that looks like a lab - electrical wire equipment, gurneys, restraints and medical utensils long since pushed against the walls of the room and abandoned.
You read the notebooks left behind by the scientist and seethe on Tim’s behalf.  To call him a Creature!  To experiment on him and put him through trials of endurance and strength as if he was merely an instrument for violence!  You’re grateful that Tim’s creator must be long dead by now, else he might not be able to escape the vitriol you feel rising in your chest at the mistreatment Tim endured at his hand.
You leave the blanket and the mansion in a hurry.
When Tim comes back into the house, he knows immediately that you were there.  He smells you.  The sweet floral perfume from your garden and the sticky scent of fruit from your jams hangs in the air.  Nothing in this house or the forest smells quite so lovely.  You were here. 
With growing distress, he finds your thoughtful gift in the room where he sleeps and knows that you’ve read Father’s notebooks.  You know the truth of what he is now.  He’ll never see you again.
But you come back.
You leave him a letter and for three weeks, he reads it every day. 
It’s a letter that tells him about yourself and your family, and how you came to be his weekly visitor.  You tell him how you’ve always known he’s been there but you were afraid to scare him away so you never let on that you saw him.  You tell him that now that you’ve calmed down a bit, you’re not quite so angry at Father but you do think that he didn’t understand Tim’s true nature, or perhaps, you concede, he simply wasn’t gifted enough time to understand. 
You tell him what you think of his nature.  In your experience, men who are strong are rarely gentle and those who harness power are hardly ever giving.  But Tim is.  His hands, arms and muscles may be sewn together from much lesser men, but he, Tim, wields his strength to protect and look after others.  His heart may not be able to pull down trees or break rock, but it’s tender and pure – and where his true power lies.
You write that even though you’ve never met him face to face, you only ever feel safe and cared for knowing he’s around.  And you hope that even if he never forgives you for trespassing in his home and going through his personal belongings without his permission, he will take your words to heart.
Every week you come back to the doors of Merge Mansion bearing a small gift and a big apology, but Tim is nowhere to be found.  You’re starting to fear that you’ve crossed an unforgiveable boundary and ruined your indescribable but cherished connection, when the most wonderous sight awaits you as you near the top of the hill nearly a month after you left your letter.
Impossibly large and broad, a hulk of a man is sitting on the front steps waiting for you.  His face is hard, lined from time and worry, but his eyes are soft and vulnerable.  You see some trace of old scars along his forehead and neck, and down the worn skin that stretches over the corded muscles of his forearms.  His clothes are outdated and entirely the wrong size, but somehow it works on him.  He looks formidable.  Wild, yet tame.  Handsome.
You run to him, beaming.  Tim stands when you come to a stop in front of him, towering over you as he holds out a bouquet of wildflowers picked from the forest lands behind his home that he tends to so carefully.
When you reach out to accept, your small fingers brush his larger calloused ones, and the jolt of electricity that passes between the two of you feels like pure joy.  And although Tim can only offer a quiet grunt, unable to say the words that he wishes he could sing with his whole chest, you understand him perfectly.  Your incandescent smile and hopeful expression reassure him that you too, recognize the simple, unspoken truth: Tim was made for you.
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🎶Obligatory Billie Eilish, What Was I Made For lyrics🎶:
'Cause I, 'cause I I don't know how to feel But I wanna try I don't know how to feel But someday I might Someday I might
Think I forgot how to be happy Something I'm not, but something I can be Something I wait for Something I'm made for Something I'm made for
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ironstrange1991 · 7 months
A Very Busy Sorcerer
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Pairing: Doctor!Strange x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: Stephen has been very busy the last few days and the reader decides he needs a moment to relax.
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: SMUT: Handjob and some dirty talk. Use of the word daddy one or two times. Mostly fluff.
A/N: Working two jobs I haven't had much time to write, but I managed to finish this one for you guys and I hope you like it.
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One of the things you tried not to do was disturb Stephen when he was working. You were still getting used to the idea of ​​living together, even though you had been dating for almost 2 years and you were used to him sleeping in your apartment or you sleeping at the Sanctum almost every day, but actually living together was completely different and you wanted to show him that you knew how to respect his space and that you understood how busy he was.
However, since Stephen had set the date for the next mission with the Avengers he was always stressed, always worried and barely left the library, always reading and preparing for whatever he had to do. - As time went by, you stopped asking him to explain his missions to you. Today was no exception, Stephen was in the library, he was there all day in fact and even though it was Saturday, Wong was still wandering around the Sanctum instead of going back to the Kamar Taj like he normally did on the weekends, and you were bored and upset at being left aside and knowing that soon you would be alone in that huge house.
But you weren’t worried about yourself, you were worried about Stephen. He had barely been eating the last few days and when you brought it up he always said he was fine, but all that nervousness and stress couldn't be further from fine. You just wish you could find a way to make him stop and breathe for a minute and perhaps relax a little bit before going out on his mission. If you could just get him to talk to you a little, or eat something healthy, you'd feel less worried.
You found yourself searching for Wong to make sure he wasn't in the library too and found the Sorcerer Supreme in the Window of Worlds room doing who knows what. Having decided, you went to the library and found Stephen at his desk reading a huge book. He was so absorbed in his reading that he even noticed you approaching, even though Cloaky broke free from his shoulders and flew towards you.
He only noticed you when you were already at his side, asking so that the sentient relic could leave your both alone for a moment. Cloaky flew away happily and you smiled feeling a warmth in your heart. Sometimes you caught yourself thinking it was weird to have so much affection for a piece of clothing, but Cloaky was so much more than that you end up telling yourself every time.
Stephen sighed heavily as if he expected you to complain to him, even though he knew you never complained. Maybe he simply knew he had crossed the line today.
 "Sweetheart, I know its Saturday and I know I should be spending some time with you, but I really need to find this specific spell..."
You shushed him wrapping your hands around his shoulders and positioning yourself right behind him. "I know. I didn't come here to complain, Steph. Do what you have to do." You said in a honeyed voice and began to massage his shoulders slowly. "I just want to spend some time with you while I can, if that's okay. I promise I won't disturb you."
He sighed heavily as you started working on a knot on his right shoulder and you could feel him melting under your touch and that was one of the things you loved most in the world.
"You could never disturb me, sweetheart. Hmm, this feels so good. I don't deserve you, Y/n."
"Shh. Enjoy it."
You smiled to yourself and continued with the massage and Stephen did his best to turn his attention back to his book which from what you could see was all written in runes.
It wasn't your intention to distract him, but you couldn't help but feel a little proud when you noticed how much he was melting into your touch, the slight moans he made every time you put more pressure on an area of ​​his shoulders that needed to be worked on more carefully and – of course – it didn’t took long for dirty thoughts start to creep into your mind.
As the minutes passed, your hands began to become more daring, going down his defined chest covered by his blue robes and he sighed contentedly when your lips began to place little kisses on the back of his neck, going up to bite his earlobe and finally whispering into his ear.
"Does it feel good?"
He groaned, lolling his head back and closing his eyes and resting it on your chest.
"It's perfect. I'm so tired, sweetheart. You have no idea."
You nodded "Yes I do. I’ve been worried about you all day. That's why I'm here. I wanted to make you relax a little bit."
He hummed positively, "God, it's working. I love the way you work your hands, Y/n. They're delicate, but firm at the same time. Perfect."
You felt your heart flutter in your chest and decided to dare a little by running your hand down his chest until you reached his belt. "Yeah? What if I use them here. Do you think I can make you relax even more?"
Stephen almost purred feeling your fingers ghosting over a growing bulge. He let out a low moan when you held him over his pants, rubbing your hand against him to tease him and then you dedicated yourself to unbuckling his belt.
You placed a kiss on his neck and walked around his chair, placing yourself between him and his desk. Stephen moved the chair back, giving you more space and watched you kneel in front of him with a big and warm smile.
You unbuttoned his pants and quickly took his cock out. He was already half hard and you couldn't resist giving him a little kiss on the head as he moaned a little louder this time but quickly tried to compose himself.
"Sweetheart...Wong is still at the Sanctum."
You smiled mischievously, licking your hand and started pumping him up and down slowly.
"I know."
Stephen let out a nervous chuckle, but his cock quickly hardened in your hand. "You know he could come in here at any moment, then.” Though his words should sound like a warning, his voice broke with sweet moans and you thought they were really cute.
“Oh fuck... these hands... devilish."
You giggled, stopping just for a second so you could spit on his cock and go back to stroking him. The wet, lewd sound only adding even more to his pleasure.
Stephen bit his lower lip hard to try and suppress a loud moan at which you tsked.
"It's okay, let me hear you, Steph. Wong is up stairs, it's just you and me here. You know I love hearing your moans, they make me so wet. Sometimes I touch myself just thinking about it, replaying the sound on my head."
Stephen gasped as you held him tighter twisting your hand while moving it up and down. His legs shook a little and he moaned loudly for you just the way you loved to hear.
"So fucking dirty, sweetheart. Oh I love it! I love when you work your hands in my dick. The best handjob I ever had."
You smiled proudly. "Yeah? You're flattering me just because you want me to make you cum."
Stephen moaned even louder this time.
"God yes, please. I need you to make me cum, sweetheart. But it's not only because of that. You're perfect. You know I always say this. You’re always so good to me."
One of the things you loved most about Stephen was how controlling and rough he could be in sex and at the same time be sweet and affectionate. He was always so sweet when he let you have control over him like that, and you loved it.
You spat on his cock again and started working with both hands, rotating one from the base to the tip and the other massaging his balls. Stephen let out a groan and caressed your face, his thumb pulling your bottom lip down.
"Why don't you put that little mouth to work for me, uh? I'm dying for a blowjob."
You smiled mischievously, but even though his voice sounded so pleading and sexy, broken by small moans, you didn't give in. You know he would take back control to himself if you let him fuck your mouth, and you were loving that little submissive moment of his.
"I want you to cum on my hands, Stephen. You just told me how much you love them. They are not enough?"
"Yes I do.  Shit! They’re more than enough, sweetheart. I could cum just from thinking about them as I did so many times. " He whispered between moans and his thighs trembled under your hands and his cock throbbed. "Fuck… but I need it faster, need more."
You bit your lip holding back a moan of your own. Seeing your man in that state was a huge turn on for you.
"Fuck Stephen... I'm so wet right now. Pussy is begging for you, and I know you want me too. So badly. You wanna put your cock inside me, don't you? Fell my pussy stretching around it..."
"Fuck yes." Stephen groaned and his cock jumped in your hand.
You started to work both hands on his cock, feeling him throb beneath them. He was so close, all he needed was a little push.
"Come on then, Steph, show me how much you love my hands. Cum all over them, make a mess for me. I just want you to feel relaxed, you deserve it. Have been working so hard these last few days. I just want to make you feel good."
"Oh yeah, sweetheart..." He moaned loudly. "Keep talking to me."
You smiled, satisfied now that you had him the way you wanted. "Give me your cum, daddy. Love you so much. I just want to be a good girl for you, wanna make daddy cum in my hands. I know you love my hands, Stephen. Show me how much. Give it to me."
Stephen let out a loud groan and started to cum. Warm and thick ropes of cum spurting from his cock and spilling onto your hands.
"There you go, Steph" You praised.
"Oh fuck... oh sweetheart. God, I love you, sweet girl." The words escaped his trembling lips as his body shook. His cum running down your fingers, some soiling the top half of his robes. A delicious mess.
He caressed your face, laughing softly, the sound making your heart jump in your chest.
"Such a good girl for daddy. Love you so much, Y/n."
You smiled sweetly at him watching as he conjured a cloth and began to clean himself as best as he could, but you knew it would take a lot more than that to get the smell of cum out of his robes.
He took your hands and began to gently clean them and then got rid of the dirty cloth and buttoned his pants and belts again with a flick of his fingers.
"I'll let you get back to work now." You said, getting up and threatening to leave, but he was faster. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to sit on his lap.
"Do you really think I'm going to let you go that easily?" He threatened with a smirk.
"I don't want to disturb your work, Steph."
He buried his face in your hair inhaling deeply.
"Too late for that, don't you think? Or did you really think I could go back to work after a handjob like that?"
You let out a small giggle "I didn't mean to."
He pulled your hair to the side and purposefully rubbed his goatee across the crook of your neck making your skin prickle. "Well, I think that was exactly your intention and now you got what you wanted."
"And what exactly did I want?" You asked, feigning innocence.
Stephen bit your earlobe "Making me hard for you, wanting to fuck you senseless until you ask me to stop."
"That’s not true." You said petulantly, turning to look at him and pulling him to your lips. "I never ask you to stop." You said biting his lip.
Stephen held you tight in his lap, standing up and opening a portal to his room. Work would have to wait.
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Reblog please! Leave a comment if you liked it. Interact! I will love to read all of your comments and opinions. It inspires me to keep writing ;)
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hellaversity · 6 months
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See, this is what happens when people don't count important details in storytelling just because it's not being said outright, but rather shown through character expressions without dialogue. There were hints from the beginning that Stella was always meant to be a bad person and an obstacle to Stolas' feelings for Blitzø.
Don't believe me? Watch Loo Loo Land again with more open ears and eyes. Stella is shown throwing stuff at Stolas, including his sentient plants which he values highly and she was likely aware of that. That imp butler she threw at him means she not only abuses Stolas, but her own servants too, especially those of a particular lower class race.
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Octavia's expressions here imply that this isn't an isolated incident either. That's the look of a girl who's heard this same type of arguing from her parents everyday. With how annoyed she looks, Stolas and Stella might as well have been fighting like this for years. It'd be more surprising if they didn't.
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Octavia's lack of a reaction to her mom throwing a plant that almost hit her implies that this is far from the first time Stella has thrown things around the house. That is a concerning thing to get used to. Stella is also heard yelling about Stolas sleeping with an IMP, in THEIR bed. Notice the emphasis on "imp" and "our" bed. Even Stolas' only response to that is "I didn't have time to go to a motel!" It's pretty clear here that Stella is more concerned about about Stolas cheating on her with an imp specifically and ruining her reputation than the fact that he cheated at all.
If she was truly upset about the cheating itself, she would've said something more along the lines of "I can't believe you slept with someone else!" or something like that. Throwing their imp butler and him saying "You wanna fuck this one too?" and calling Stolas "pathetic, imp-sucking face" is all you need to know that Stella is making it more about WHO Stolas cheated on her with than the fact that he cheated. Keep in mind that this argument was going on right in front of Via, who didn't even say anything or try to stop it.
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Octavia here says "You two done screaming for the day?" with little emotion, and Stolas' reply basically amounts to "Yup" without hesitation. More and more proof that his marriage with Stella was NEVER happy and never something that he wanted.
Later in the episode, Via does say that her parents used to love each other, even though we as the audience know it's not true. Stolas even tries to explain to her that he and Stella were never in love to begin with, but he didn't have the words. Because how exactly can you explain to your daughter that you and your wife were in an arranged marriage since you guys were kids for the sole purpose of producing a child, without offending her and making her think she was only born for one purpose? Or better yet, what reason is there to assume that she'd actually believe you?
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People have looked at this picture on the wall and somehow came to the conclusion that Stolas and Stella used to be in a happy, loving relationship based on this picture alone, just because Stella is smiling in it. But if you look cloesly, you'll see that smile on Stella is barely there. She's very obviously faking it to keep up an image. She's forcing it so people won't get suspicious. This is the vision of Stella that Octavia remembers from her youth, which is exactly why she was naive enough to believe that her parents genuinely loved each other before Blitzø came along for a one night stand in hopes of getting the grimoire. Sure, she had seen them arguing and fighting with each other before that, but that's mainly because most if not all parents have gotten into nasty arguments at some point that their children were more likely than not to witness.
Stella is barely looking at Stolas there, clearly rolling her eyes and just wanting the picture to be overwith already. Stolas is genuinely happy there, but that's because his "little owlette" is there with him. He's not looking at Stella at all. Another picture in their house with just Stolas and Stella together has both of them frowning and looking at the camera, not each other. Octavia is the only thing to come out of Stolas' marriage that ever gave him any real happiness. She was the only reason he stayed at that house.
That scene where Stella ignores Octavia's cry for help when she's having a nightmare and tells Stolas to go check on her instead is more evidence that Stella had never been a nice person or a good mother. You could argue that she was just too tired to do anything about it, but look again. Stolas was just as tired as she was, yet he still went out of way to comfort his "little Starfire" when she was having a bad dream. Octavia may have called for both of her parents, but she said she had a bad dream about her father disappearing. Not her parents, just her father.
Also notice the drawings in Octavia's bedroom when she's a child. Look at how many of them are of her and Stolas together, but Stella is nowhere to be found in those drawings. That shows how close Via is to her father, especially when she was a little girl, but was never really close to her mother at all. Sure, those drawings are no longer in Via's room when she's a teen in the present, but remember that her and Stolas gradually got less close to each other as the years went by and their relationship got more flawed, to the point that Via questions if her dad even loves her anymore and literally listens to music about hating dads. But the fact remains that there were never any drawings of Stella in her daughter's room and there still isn't now is pretty telling that Stella was never a good mom, still isn't now and likely never will be.
Now look at The Harvest Moon Festival. If Loo Loo Land didn't convince you that Stella was a bitch, then this episode sure will. Stella's only scene in the episode is her screaming into a phone while she's talking to Striker about wanting Stolas dead. Right in front of him and Octavia. While Via is listening to music that's too loud for her to have even heard the screaming, Stolas heard it pretty clearly. But he had no reaction to his own wife screeching about hiring an assassin to kill him. Him being completely unphased by something like that is surely a sign that Stella had always hated his guts and he knew about it. He likely heard her shouting at the top of her lungs about wanting to murder him with her own bare hands. If he's not reacting to Stella talking to Striker on the phone about planning his death in front of him, he might as well have been hearing shit like that from her for years.
Not counting the pilot, those are the only two scenes with Stella in season 1. Both scenes depicted her in the same light. A loud, violent bitch in a loveless marriage. Therefore, her reveal in The Circus about always hating Stolas from the get go is not a retcon. Not that there was even much known about her character for there to be retconned in the first place, but her few scenes before that episode showed her doing and saying nothing BUT horrible things.
As for Stolitz, Blitzø is more than once implied to return Stolas' feelings for him. He just never said it out loud and is in denial about his own feelings. He's not even aware that Stolas' love for him is genuine because between their reuniting at the Not Divorce Party and their fumbled fake date at Ozzie's, Stolas has only ever talked to Blitzø with sexual innuendos. So Blitzø had no reason to assume that Stolas was legitimately in love with him and didn't just want him for sexy times, because Stolas hadn't really been helping his case. Blitzø ranted to Fizzarolli about Stolas "acting" like he cared about him outside of sex.
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Everytime Blitzø talks about Stolas treating him like his own personal fuck toy, he looks and sounds pretty upset about it. I doubt he'd care all that much about his relationship with Stolas being transactional fucking if he didn't like him back. Right after the fake date gone wrong at Ozzie's, Blitzø is looking at several pictures saved in his phone, one of them being a photo of him Stolas laying together in bed. Blitzø looks genuinely happy in that photo, he's even smiling. He DOES enjoy being around Stolas. When Loona comforts him after Bee's party, he can be heard whispering the names of all the people he cares about and is close to. Those people being Loona, Moxxie, Millie and.... Stolas.
In Seeing Stars, Blitzø blushes when seeing Stolas in his human form and you can see his pupils dialating for a few seconds before he changes for a few seconds. I don't know about you, but I don't blush at anyone i'm not in love with when they get a new look. Pupils dialating are also a commom indication that you're looking at something you love. Later in that episode, Blitzo nervously sweats when Stolas whispers into his ear with a seductive voice, smiles at Stolas specifically when he causes the whole audience to laugh, and holds his hand while they run out of the burning building. Blitzø did not need to hold Stolas' hand. He could've just said "Hey, let's get the fuck outta here," and Stolas wouldn't have hesitated. On top of that, they are still shown holding hands long after they escaped and only let go once they see their daughters.
Now, onto the most complicated scene involving the Stolitz relationship, during Blitzø's ball tripping hallucination where he sees Stolas on top of a staircase and is being pulled towards him with chains. Already not a good sign. But Blitzø was already climbing the staircase before the chains appeared. Even when he saw Stolas above him, he didn't run away. He briefly walked towards him before being dragged towards him. He's seen blushing once he reaches the top and Stolas caresses his face. Also notice how the art style in Blitzø's ball trip sequence was completely different from how the show normally looks, but the moment he saw Stolas the art style changed back to normal. Meaning that Blitzø feels the most like himself when he's around Stolas.
He just wants to be in a legit, healthy relationship with Stolas out of love, not the transactional fuck buddy situation he's in right now. He wishes that Stolas would stop calling him degrading nicknames like "impish little plaything" and is bothered by the power imbalance between the two of them.
"Show, don't tell" is an important writing tool that isn't respected these days. If a story isn't being anvilicious and spoonfeeding you information with heavy-handed exposition and infodumps left and right, then foreshadowing details get dismissed and ignored, with some people straight up saying they don't count because it's not being spelled out to them every 5 seconds. This is why some people still insist that Stella's villainy was retconned and that Blitzø has no interest in Stolas despite evidence to the contrary. They were paying more attention to their headcanons than what the show actually presented, and got mad when their headcanons were contradicted by canon.
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technobrain · 23 days
My Zero Day Au!
this AU started out as a list of headcanons but eventually I got carried away and it evolved into an AU!
A quick warning, this list includes NSFW, some violent mentions, and Caldre! be careful!!
Cal is taller than Andre
keep in mind these are made up as I go, so they're a tad bit sloppy! Please excuse any minor typos!! English also isn't my first language 😭🩷
ftm Cal
subdre. no comment.
Cal has dissociation problems, he never feels like he's centered and mentally *there* when he's around people, but when he's alone or with Andre he's able to ground himself and actually think
if they were to have the option to escape after zero day and live their lives afterwards as a different identity, Andre would take it, Cal wouldn't.
Andre has a HUGE soft spot for animals. Cal is indifferent. Cal doesn't view animals as sentient, living beings. He's not heartless, though. He still had love for animals, especially Mel, he just has a hard time comprehending that they're conscious.
Andre has chronic pain, it centers in his waist down and eventually gets a service dog for mobility and emotional regulation. He had to quit all sports he was in because of it. He still has a hard time coping with it.
Andre is embarrassed of his sd, often telling it to lay down and then walking away. He eventually realizes why he has it, and goes back to get it. He never goes far in the first place, mostly just meanders around the room, area, or house for a bit before going back.
Andre has anger issues, consistently has outbursts in class and storms out.
When Andre walks out, his adrenaline makes him more mobile, so he often forgets to get his sd. his sd trails behind him, poking him with it's nose and pawing him, trying to calm him down. Andre walks for a while before getting to a private area, sitting down, and only then letting his sd help him.
Cal walks absurdly fast, Andre hates him for it.
Cal cuts his shirts at the neck, and then never wears the shirt again because he hates how it makes him more feminine. Andre beats him up over it, saying how if he just didn't want the shirt, he could've gave it to him. Cal says something about how he wants the shirt still, it's a good shirt that he likes, he just doesn't like how it's cut at the neck now. Wording it like it's a design choice. Andre drops the conversation before he has an outburst.
Andre fell for Cal first, Cal fell for Andre around 3 months later.
They never really established a relationship, their friendship just slided from being platonic, to being slightly more than that, to "Hey are we, like, dating?"
Cal likes pda, Andre doesn't. Cal is also into exhibitionism, Andre isn't. Cal never acts on it, just highly praises it. Andre doesn't even entertain the idea.
Cal got Andre started on za, Cal admits he's got a *small* problem, while Andre mostly just doesn't care either way.
Cal is more of a smoker, Andre is more of a drinker.
Cal is on 7 million medications, always switching them up. Even his doctors can't keep up on what he's on, what dosage, etc.
Andre, on the contrary, is on maybe 2 medications, one of which being Advil. he just counts it as a medication because he wants to relate to Cal, failing miserably.
Cal listens to Lana Del Rey. Guilty pleasure.
Cal texts with about 10 million emojis, Andre uses proper grammar. Capitalization, punctuation, the whole nine yards.
Cal has a pet tarantula named Spike after the my little pony character.
Andres sd is named Sascha, and she's a girl. Despite Sascha Konietzko being a boy.
Cal and Rachel are cousins. Rachel often playfully threatens Cal with "IM TELLING YOUR MOTHER" if she doesn't get her way. Cal takes her a bit too seriously and gets genuinely mad at her over this, yelling at her.
Cal has bpd and adhd.
Andre has flat foot, scoliosis, and chronic pain. nomatter how many tests they do, they can't find out where the chronic pain comes from.
Andre is a germaphobe. Cal is the opposite. Cal will touch a bathroom door handle and lick his hand. Andre goes through two bottles of bath and body works hand sanitizer per month.
Andre has HFA (high functioning autism). this often causes him to not understand social queues, making it even harder for him to make friends. Another reason why he has Sascha.
Both Andre and Cal have paranoia, always scared someone's listening in, reading their minds, planting hearing devices on things they own, etc. They feed off eachother, making eachother even more paranoid.
Andre has mild visual hallucinations, Cal has mild auditory hallucinations.
Cal has vocal stims. he likes repeating things. he'll repeat something Andre said a million times., he meows randomly, he clicks his tongue, hums, etc.
Andre and Cal play in the rain together all the time, i stole this from someone sorry, only difference is Andre HATES wet dog smell, so he'll leave Sascha on whoevers porch has an overhang so she doesn't get wet. She sits and watches them play, watching Andre very closely. When he starts doing something she knows will hurt him, she'll start barking at them and pawing at the air. Andre coos at her and gives her a treat.
Cal HATES Sascha. With a passion. He says she's big, dumb, gets in the way, and is a collateral for audio trackers. Andre gets extremely mad at Cal over this and has yelled at him multiple times for dissing her.
Sascha and Mel get along really well and often cuddle with eachother!!
Sascha is a Golden Shepherd, all black, with a couple gold spots on her hips. Cal calls them her cutie marks.
Rachel loves Sascha, having to hold back from petting her every time she's around Andre.
Andre is known as "the guy with the dog" in school, he hates it. He can't wait for Zero Day so he's not known as that anymore.
Sascha hates guns. When the boys would take Sascha to their shooting spot, Sascha would circle Andre and growl at Chris, or anyone really, when they were holding guns. When Andre would get his hands on one, she would go back to normal, but continue snarling at other people with them.
Cal's younger siblings love Sascha, cuddling with her and holding her all the time when she's off-duty
Andre was a party animal, Cal was a home body. Andre fucking *loved* parties, always dragging Cal along to them, before the Zero Day plan really fell into play. after that he kinda died down and muted his interests, becoming more dull and flat as the day got closer. In the end, Andre was a pure ball of anger and frustration. Cal never changed.
Cal enjoyed living in the moment, Journaling, listening to more whimsical music, sitting by the creek and watching the water.
Cal got dysphoric really easily. He'd end up in tears over how his shirts fitted him, if they showed too much chest. Andre bought him a binder after his parents were skeptical, always scared of the side effects.
Cal was actually really popular, he was just really odd and peculiar and when he started to get close to people, he started to freak people out with stims. He was more of a drifter friend that way.
Cal LOVES roller-coasters. especially small fair ones. He loves the danger. Andre loves roller-coasters but in a safe way.
Andre likes romcoms. Cal found out and never leaves him alone about it.
☆Andre falls for internet bait WAYYY too easily.
Both of them secretly sleep with teddy bears and can't sleep without them or without eachother. They never told eachother.
The Gabriel's made sure to bury Cal with his teddy in-between his hands. The Kriegman's were actually very civil with the Gabriel's and agreed to have them buried next to eachother, but refused to have them share a headstone. (in death Andre and Cal were fucking FUMING over this.) Andre's mom snuck Andre's teddy into his coffin.
Andre and Cal swapped dog tags before Zero Day. Andre wanted to trade with Sascha's, but Cal said "it's not the army of three it's the army of two"
Andre would always joke about Sascha being included in the army of two and often had to correct himself from saying the army of three instead of the army of two.
Andre never turned down a dare. He did it, nomatter how outlandish and dangerous it was. He got hurt multiple times.
Andre and Cal are both blanket hogs and often wake up to them fighting over the blanket.
Cal can do really cool flips on a trampoline. Like, it's absurd.
Andre didn't know how to bond with Cal's siblings at further so he just showed them a bunch of magic tricks and then acted like he'd known them forever.
☆ - inspired / stolen from Caldrea
Cal and Andre would talk so much shit about people it was like a middle school girls sleepover.
♧ Cal is also a huge metal head. Been to every metal concert in the area, even if he didn't know the band. He used to drag Andre around to them, but when Andre got Sascha he had to stop going.
Cal has a doodling problem, will doodle anywhere and everywhere. He's amazing at graffiti. Andre will often spend hours at the sink washing off Cal's doodles. not before he got a video of them though. Cal stick n poke's so many tattoos into his body that he couldnt wear shorts anymore.
♧ inspired / stolen from bottledkriegman
♤ Andre would play the knife game in the back of class when he was in middle school.
Andre was actually very popular in middle/elementary school, he only got picked on by the older kids.
Cal heavily procrastinates his school work, and ALWAYS copies off of Andre. Andre doesn't really mind, and even takes notes specifically for things he knows Cal would need.
♤ 4792beretta inspired / stolen ones lol
Andre would stomp up to his room but close the door really quietly. Cal would do the same thing but he'd just slam the door.
Andre always closes doors by turning the handle, closing the door, then twisting the handle back. Andre got mad at Cal all the time for "slamming doors". Really, Cal was just closing them normally.
Andre is a fucking whiney bitch. he'll bitch and moan and complain about something FOREVER. He also holds grudges.
Before Andre got Sascha, he was HUGE into sports. He loved track, he loved swimming, he loved soccer. Him and Cal actually met while playing soccer.
Andre and Cal are in an established relationship, but they don't act like it. They think it's 'cringe'.
Anyway, Cal is a horrible kisser. He ends up giggling or kissing with his teeth or something and Andre gets extremely mad at him over it, but never expresses it.
Cal is surprisingly good at giving head though, in contrary to his kissing skills. Andre asks him how the fuck he can give better head than he can kiss.
Andre is so awkward in bed. It often doesn't work out because Andre makes it so awkward it's a turn-off. He'll just start talking and eventually they're just sitting there naked on the bed having a chat about spaghetti or something.
Sascha gets anxious when Andre kicks her out of the room to have sex with Cal. She'll scratch at the doors, whimper, and eventually just lay there with her back to the door all sad.
Sascha doesn't go off-duty necessarily. She's always by Andre. She alerts him on or off duty, and refuses to leave his side unless commanded to.
Cal is hypersexual, Andre is demisexual. Cal will often initiate but Andre will just tweak the fuck out and shut down for a bit. Cal is always guilty about it. Andre will also never initiate anything, so Cal HAS to initiate it. Andre has told him to initiate it. It's really just a 50/50 if Andre will reciprocate or tweak the fuck out.
Neither Andre or Cal put labels to their sexualities, but Andre is a cis man and Cal, as labeled before, is a trans man.
When Cal and Andre met, Cal wasn't out yet. They met playing soccer in elementary. They only got close after Cal came out in middle school.
Andre didn't know Cal was trans until they first had sex. Andre, being oblivious, just thought Cal was really feminine when he was younger. Andre was VERY shocked. Cal was very confused on how Andre didn't know beforehand. Andre had to take a break and contemplate for a bit, sitting on the edge of the bed holding his face in his hands. Cal thought he wasn't going to accept him, but after a minute or two Andre just turned to face Cal, and acted like nothing fucking happened and still took him to pound town lmfao
Cal has suggested the idea of having sex while high or drunk, Andre refuses because he deems it to be rape, doesn't matter if their in a relationship or not. "Intoxicated people cannot consent."
Andre is the definition of the ☹️ emoji sometimes.
Andre and Cal fake role play. Cal will just say some shit like "eats your toe." and Andre will reply with "DUDE WHAT THE FREAK!! THAT WAS LITERALLY MY hashtag TOE!!!!!"
Cal will FaceTime Andre crying because he dropped a bagel on the floor and is sad about it.
Cal will also FaceTime Andre when he doesn't know how to do something.
for example; He'll call him and Andre will pick up on the most peculiar predicament. Cal will look into the camera, tears streaming down his face, flip the camera onto whatever is his grievance now, and Andre will sigh and explain it to him. Cal will then fumble with the phone for a second before flipping the camera again, millennial pausing, and giving him a thumbs up with a toothy grin, tears still streaming down his face.
Cal used to pick his nose and eat it as a kid.
Andre either loves or hates being touched. Cal is a big toucher. Drake levels of touching coming from Cal and occasionally Andre. when Andre doesn't like being touched but Cal wants to cuddle, him and Cal will lay side by side as a form of bonding that'll still put them in close proximity, and keep both of them in their comfort zones.
Cal does this thing where during class activities that involve whiting things on white boards, he puts the edgiest thing ever on it and waits for the classes reaction. Nobody knows it's him that does it.
These were written before I decided Zero Day hasn't happened yet.
Andre took Sascha with him to Zero Day. She followed him around during the shooting, jumping occasionally at the loud noises. Cal goes to shoot her on multiple occasions, but changes his mind before the trigger was pulled on her because, a, what if Andre needs her, and b, Cal is still an animal lover in the end.Sascha almost stopped Andre from shooting himself at the end of Zero Day. he had to send her to a bookshelf and lay her down in order to get her out of the way. Cal asked him, "can I shoot her now?" and Andre replied "Abso-fucking-lutely not. Don't even try."After Zero Day, Sascha unlearned all her training from the ptsd, retired, and is now the Gabriel family dog, along with Mel. the Kriegman's didn't want her or Mel after the shooting. Sascha is mostly deaf, but if she does hear a loud noise she'll run to Cal's room and curl up under the bed for hours.Mel, after police came to investigate Andre's room and Andre nor Sascha came back, stopped leaving Andre's room. Not even to go to the bathroom or eat. The Kriegman's had to gut Andre's room afterwards. Not like they wanted to keep anything anyway. Nobody got to inherit anything from his room. No reporters were allowed to see his room, only police.When police got into the library, they found Sascha beside Andre, cuddled up to him between him and Cal. they thought she was dead until she lifted her head to look at them and snarl at them. when Paramedics came in, one handled her and brought her out of the school. She had unlearned her training at that point, the only hassle with her was getting her away from Andre's body.Sascha was planned to be put down before the Gabriel's came to collect her. the Kriegman's wanted nothing to do with her. "wasted money."Cal's death was taken with a lot more emotion from his family than Andre's was with the Kriegman's. Cal's parents were on site in the span of 30 minutes. the Gabriel's mourned with all the other families before it got out that Cal was one of the shooters. After that, some of the other families turned on them and started to isolate them. Others continued to mourn with them, encouraging the others to do the same. They all lost children that day. the Kriegman's didn't even show up. They knew it was Andre the second they found out there was a shooting. His mother was more emotional than his dad in the grieving process.
this is getting wayyyy too long so I'm gonna stop here and make a part 2 later!!
Thank you for reading!
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akechiguro · 1 year
how hogwarts legacy boys would react to meeting your parents 💗
headcanons / imagines
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Synopsis | various of Hogwarts Legacy’s boys reactions and scenarios to meeting your parents for the first time.
Included | sebastian sallow, ominis gaunt, garreth weasley, amit thakkar.
Word Count | 1217.
Content Warnings | gender neutral reader.
Author’s Note | please let me know if you would be interested in a female version <3
sebastian sallow:
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“Hello! I’m Sebastian Sallow. I’m sure you’ve heard of me?”
-he’s very respectful and makes a point to show up with some sort of gift. he believes flowers are too impersonal, so he makes a point to get something that feels more homey than flowers that will inevitably die.
-he brags a LOT, not obnoxiously, but to prove to your parents that you’re in good hands. your father is very proud that you’re dating Hogwarts’ best duelist and your mother is very impressed that, despite being from Feldcroft, he’s a very polite boy.
-he offers to help with cooking dinner. solomon usually cooked for him and anne, but after she was cursed, he helped as much as he could— meeting your parents is no different. if all worked out, these would hopefully be his parents by law in the future, he needs to show them that he’s capable of more than dueling and adventuring.
-if you have little siblings, he’s very kind to them, even playful. after helping with dinner, he offered to watch the little ones, despite not being…amazing with kids. he showed them Levioso and Revelio as long as they promised not to tell anyone, and continued to answer any questions they had about magic; granted, with a bit of an exaggeration.
-after dinner, he bid farewell to them and brought you out of the house for a bit of late-night fun. an adventure was due after such a big event, even if it got his nicest suit dirty.
“Your parents are lovely! It’s no wonder you turned out to be such a gem.”
ominis gaunt:
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“Hello, Mr. and Mrs. [L/N]. I’m Ominis Gaunt of House Gaunt. It’s lovely to meet you.”
-contrary to Sebastian’s beliefs, he insisted on bringing a magnificent bouquet of flowers. his parents have money and he’s fully making the most of it. the flowers he chose consist of daffodils, yellow roses, sunflowers, and yellow tulips. all to symbolize the new, positive relationship between him and your parents.
-he keeps his conversation respectful and professional. he doesn’t ask anything too personal of your parents and tends to deflect any questions regarding his family. they’re apprehensive due to the rumors of the dark arts they use, but his silver tongue eases their worry.
-though his disability prevents him from being able to help with anything around the house, he still entertains any requests your parents make— within reason. if whoever is cooking needs an ingredient they forgot, he’ll grab it for them. same with any tools or miscellaneous items they may need.
-he’s very awkward around little siblings. they’re too high energy for him, but he still makes an effort to keep them entertained. his near-sentient wand fascinates them, so he plays it up like there is a wizard trapped in his wand and he’s just keeping him hostage for his own service. he also tells them about the mermaids outside the Slytherin common room, in the event any of them get sorted into it. they find this all very, very entertaining.
-his parents are so sad to see him go, and make a point to tell you how lucky you are to have him after you leave, saying that inheritance money is going to be life-changing. you roll your eyes at this and leave to hang out with ominis before he officially has to go home. he says he loves your parents, and that you won’t love his; but he’s enjoying the moment while it lasts.
“I adore your parents. I’m looking forward to what the future may hold for us.”
garreth weasley:
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“Hey, I’m Garreth! Garreth Weasley? Have they talked about me at all?”
-he brought sparkling cider for dinner after you convinced him not to bring a potion of his own concoction. he explained to you that the potion was supposed to make any food item taste better than anything you’ve ever eaten in your life, but after he said he’d never tested it, you concluded it was a bad first impression present.
-your parents fell in love with him immediately. they’re obsessed with his charisma and his overall energy and listen very attentively to his tales of potionmaking. they do worry about your safety, especially after hearing about how many of his potions end in disasters, but he assures them it’s nothing to worry about and he would never do anything to harm you.
-he’s actually very bad at cooking! he tried his hardest to help whoever is cooking with dinner, claiming he knew a “probable shortcut” (his words), and almost burned your house down. he lost favorability with your parents but made up for it by covering the cost of buying dinner from a local market…his aunt Matilda was not happy about this.
-this boy is a wizard with kids. your little siblings are naturally drawn to him and he’s excellent with them. he has a whole bag of tricks and treats to entertain them with if his already childlike personality isn’t enough. your siblings argue with you about sitting next to him at dinner because they like him so much.
-your parents invited him back home as soon as he left. your little siblings cried and begged him to stay. he came back after 10 minutes because he forgot his wallet. all is well.
amit thakkar:
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“Hello, Mr. and Mrs. [L/N]! I am Amit Thakkar. I have heard so much about you!”
-like Ominis, he also brought flowers, but rather than fully putting thought into the bouquet, he brought stargazer lilies as an immediate icebreaker; “I’ve brought you stargazer lillies because my favorite hobby is stargazing!” your parents love his dorky charm right off the bat.
-though his initial conversations with your parents are very awkward, he doesn’t say anything to make himself look bad. your parents were mostly interested in his story of how you met and asked to see the famed telescope that brought you two together. they’re entranced with the thought of him being fluent in gobbledegook, and since neither of your parents have had an authentic encounter with the language, they’re very impressed.
-he cooked beforehand and brought a side dish, Scottish Rumbledethumps. he was so nervous to make a good first impression that he didn’t want to overcrowd your kitchen while cooking that he went ahead and made his own. your parents, once again, fell in love. your mother told you that this boy is a keeper immediately after he revealed he brought food.
-your little siblings do not like him. he’s far too awkward to do anything that will make them like him and they’re far too ruthless to even try and get along with him. putting them in a room together led to a couple minutes of excruciating silence followed by panicked screaming from your boyfriend and the distinct sound of war-cries from your siblings. you had to go in there and save him– though, some relationship between them was salvaged when he started to point out constellations.
-of the boys, your parents love him the best. he’s very respectful and very smart, and absolutely adorable, ultimately just the perfect boyfriend. before you left to finish the date with a bit of stargazing, they joked that if you didn’t marry him, one of them would.
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dreamwatch · 2 months
Disenchanted Lullaby
Written for @corrodedcoffinfest
Day #16 - Prompt: Struggling | Word Count: 1000 | Rating: T | CW: depression, chronic pain, referenced drug use | POV: Eddie | Pairing: None | Tags: Eddie Munson, slice of life, introspection, the comedown after touring, loneliness, ennui
In all my universes Eddie has Bipolar type 2. Make of that what you will. :)
Technically no pairing... technically...
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Eddie opens the apartment door, a rush of stale air meeting him in the hallway. He steps inside and drops his bag, toeing his sneakers off. The curtains are still closed, dust motes decorating the room; there are upturned dishes by the sink that are long since dried. The sofa is a mess of clothes and books, discarded when he was packing. The place is just as he left it four months ago.
He sorts through weeks of unread mail, bills on one pile, junk on another. Starts a third pile when he recognises the handwriting on some letters; Dustin, Mike. Steve. He sticks that one into a pile of it’s own. No overdue notices because he cut off the cable and sent checks from the road for the rent and utilities. Probably confused the hell out of them with all the different post marks.
There’s a lingering smell of himself in the bedroom, an echo of him, and he wishes he’d changed the bedding before he left for the tour. He unpacks his bag, checking for clean clothes, but there’s road-stink on everything so he takes it all down to the laundry, trying to get four months of sweat and cigarettes out of the fabric.
He had the good sense to empty the fridge before he left; he forgot once and came home to find food so rotten it was almost sentient. But that means he has nothing to eat. He’s been living off pizza and Taco Bell for sixteen weeks; there was a venue in Denver that gave them fruit and vegetables among the usual subs and pizzas. He never realised eating a carrot could be a spiritual experience.
The aisles of the local supermarket are filled with women and their offspring, an old lady hits the back of his bad leg with her trolley, doesn’t even say sorry. 
The harsh fluorescent strip light flickers above him as he stares at the deli meats. There’s fifty cents off pastrami. He needs to get bread. 
The strip light hums. 
Maybe some mayo. Should definitely get some oranges. 
He blinks and looks as the girl behind the checkout.
“Sorry, what…?”
She sighs. “$26.55.”
“Right. Yeah, sure.”
He hands over three tens and walks out as fast as he can. As he loads up the car he notices the twin six packs of PBR at the bottom of the trolley.
The stairs finish off the job the old lady started, he feels flayed and raw, but he ran out of Vicodin about eight shows back. The apartment is quiet enough that he can hear the whistling of his tinnitus. He thinks about calling Wayne but it’s lunchtime in Indiana and the old man will be sleeping. He’ll catch him another time.
He’s in pain and exhausted, so he slides out of his jeans, climbs on top of the dirty bed and sleeps.
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Wayne used to say that his mother ‘suffered with her nerves’, and Eddie could never make any sense of that until he started high school. They didn’t see it for what it was at first, teenage boys and their angry moods, but Wayne recognised it eventually. Eddie’s been on and off meds ever since.
Right now he’s off. But they numb him, dial him down when he needs to be dialled up, so he doesn’t take them when he tours. It’s not smart; the last few weeks he’s felt it creep back, insidious tendrils grabbing him, pulling him down. His ‘nerves’. He needs to call his doctor.
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It’s amazing how many people think everyone in a band lives together like The Monkees, all trapped in one big house. They did, when they first moved to Indy and found a two bedroom shitbox. Now, though, they can’t wait to get the fuck away from each other the second the tour ends. Weeks trapped on a bus with no privacy and very little hygiene doesn’t do much for long term friendships. By the end any camaraderie has begun to curdle. 
Gareth and Matt live with their girlfriends now, Jeff with his wife and baby. They have solid families, good reasons to not be in the same room as one another until they have to get back into the studio. Eddie has his books, his records and a television set. He considered getting a dog for company but there’s nobody to look after it when he inevitably goes back out on the road.
He doesn’t verbalise it because it’s painful to admit, even to himself, but he’s lonely. He made some friends in LA, just for him, never to be shared. An actual boyfriend once. Or maybe just a lover, Eddie’s never sure where the line started and ended. But he has a habit of pushing people away, doesn’t even know why he does it. Hurts just to hurt.
He glances at the letters on the table. The letter from Steve. 
The red light of the answerphone blinks at him, telling him the tape is full.
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He sits down with a beer and a bag of pretzels and switches the television on, flicking through the channels until he finds the Wheel of Fortune; he and Wayne used to watch that together. 
He really should call Wayne.
It’s nearly eight o’clock. He’d have finished his vocal warm up by now, finished his stretches, gone for a piss before drinking more water, drinking more beer, finishing up with a line of something. Roadie hands him his guitar, the black Flying V, he runs some scales. Hears the chanting as the crowd get antsy while their techs do the last mic check and clear the stage. Jeff is always first so the wall of sound has already built before Eddie walks out. A crushing roar that rumbles deep in his chest before he even strikes the first chord.
The crowd applaud as Gary from Sioux Falls solves the phrase: There’s No Place Like Home.
Eddie gets up for another beer. Comes back with two.
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A Long Rant About The Koffin Trio
Note: So, this is my first (really) long post about this fangame, and to be honest, I was debating whether or not to even publish it. I still decided to do it since not a lot of folks talk about ts!underswap, and I wanted to give my two cents regarding my three favorite characters.
More important note: If you think it's gonna trigger you to read about Harry/Larry and Harry/Larry/KK as a found family, better click off this post. Maybe it's my inner aroace speaking, but I personally don't see the romantic appeal at all. Good for you if you do! I'm not trying to invalidate anyone's opinion; diversity is great after all :)
For those of you who are still here, I will start off by saying this:
Harry and Larry depend on Count Koffin-K for so much. I'm tempted to say EVERYTHING.
He genuinely feels like their father figure. I mean, this sentient fedora gave them a job while they were both living lives that were... bad.
He isn't cruel when they do something stupid and instead just looks deadpan. Sure, Koffin-K's not a perfect boss; he yells at the two of them and insults them (dude really needs to work on his temper), but I found it sweet how both Harry and Larry felt safe enough to tell him the truth here, which to me counts for something (pun intended) ↓
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He even pranks them sometimes ↓
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Koffin may not be perfect (he's gotta keep up the "evil" persona) but at least he 1) tries to give Harry and Larry a hint that he cares for them (has them both secretly do his laundry without them telling each other) 2) actually admits that he cares for them both equally (in his own way) 3) attempts to solve their disagreement despite him not gaining anything out of it
How they met is also interesting to me.
Based on their backstory, Harry and Larry were clearly hesitant to work for Koffin, but when they actually started the job the next day, I imagine that their conversation went something like this (either during the first day or at some point early on in their career):
H: "Larry, he could be like the dad we never had and provide for us and we could have all da money that we never did, see?"
L: "Huhuhu, yeah! Don't forgets da food!"
...and that's how the parade float came to be. I think Koffin secretly appreciates they made it, even though he says how he wanted the thing "as far away as possible" right after saying this line ↓
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He also makes this face later on at the festival when he sees the float again cause it reminds him that the three of them are a family despite Harry and Larry getting on his nerves half the time but I can't include the screenshot bc of the picture limit
Heck, the two even built their house outside the keep, which to me suggests that they don’t ever plan on leaving Koffin.
Harry does mention his mother, and we learn that he's into embroidery (both making me think he's a a 'mama's boy'; maybe she taught him how to embroider)...
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...but even on the ts!us wiki, the only relationship dynamic the two have is with Koffin-K himself.
Weirdly enough, we only know that Harry has a mom, but not a dad
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Even though he was definitely unaware of this, Koffin liked Harry and Larry FOR BEING THEMSELVES. This is really important to me.
He saw something in them that others did not, even if it was initally just "your names rhyme and you give me the 'goofy henchmen' vibe." He sees them both as useful for what he needs them for. It may not be much, but it's exactly what Koffin's looking for.
In other words:
THE WAY HARRY AND LARRY ARE IS ENOUGH FOR COUNT KOFFIN-K. I mean, why look at resumes of competent potential employees when you can hire two idiots who are just as goofy as you
Exactly why Harry and Larry are so loyal to Koffin-K is unknown, but based on my interpretation, it has to do with 1) them desperately needing a father figure/someone to rely on 2) Koffin giving Harry and Larry a home, food, money, and a job that also allows them to slack off and finally enjoy life, and 3) him making them feel needed. Maybe not appreciated, even though he subtly tried to, but definitely needed. Serving under him became their purpose.
In other words, I think they're so loyal because Koffin "chose" them, even if he did that subconsciously.
Harry got the chance to be more than just a janitor. Imo, he was hesitant to work for Koffin at first because he was afraid that he would lose the only sense of security he had. I think he lived with his mom at the time, considering his low-wage job This explains why he wants to be rich (to make up for all the things he couldn't afford).
It also explains why Larry loves food so much (he literally slept under a dumpster bag and if he was both homeless AND unemployed, it would mean that he had to either be a beggar or eat from the trash. Either way, eating good food was out of the question.
It's also possible that Larry had a janitor job just like Harry (but unlike him, nowhere to live). I say that he might have been a janitor, since Koffin mentions how they could both do better than mopping floors forever, but maybe it was just an assumption on Koffin's side.
Whatever the case, their lives sucked.
There was also this one moment I wanna talk about, where Larry called Koffin-K stupid, and Harry pretty much agreed. So I asked myself why they reacted this way.
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Maybe because it was easier to convince themselves that they didn't care about their boss than deal with the fact that he (maybe) always saw them as nothing but 'lowly servants'.
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Seriously, Harry said out loud what they both wanted most of all. And that something was for Koffin-K to value them. This was more important to them than money and food COMBINED, considering their entire arc was about learning that Koffin needed them both equally
Maybe they were worried about getting fired, but I honestly don't think Koffin ever wanted to do that to them, no matter how many times they messed up.
Maybe they didn't want to be honest and admit to Koffin that he's a total dumbass so they wouldn't get in trouble with him. I mean, they did want to gain his validation/appreciation/approval/love, so it makes sense that they would do anything to get and remain in his good books.
I think the third scenario is the most likely one, tbh.
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Might be a nitpick, but notice how Harry and Larry are walking next to each other here, but Koffin-K's at the back, just sorta... isolated, like he's not their equal? This is why I'd rather see him as their father figure than an older brother. The way I look at it, the oldest sibling is usually in charge, yeah, but there's still a level of closeness and familiarity between the siblings, whereas Harry and Larry hardly know anything about Koffin-K, ESPECIALLY how lonely he really is. Koffin's the one who gave them a purpose, became their boss, and as a result, they began looking up to him. In contrast, the two spend 24/7 together, bicker, and are practically inseparable, like brothers
Larry also explains how Koffin-K doesn't like leaving his study, but clearly neither Harry nor Larry reflected on why that is and just assumed it's because Koffin's 'stupid.' This reaction kinda rubbed me the wrong way at first, but then I remembered both of these dudes are street rats who don't know any better.
Look, I know the Boogiemen were supposed to fit this common "goofy villain's sidekicks" trope, but both of them clearly grew up in poor conditions, have daddy issues (imo), and feel worthless/useless.
That's why they want Koffin-K's attention so badly.
They need a father figure to reassure them that they're useful, important, and loved.
All this makes them three-dimensional and relatable, just like most UT/DR/UTY characters. It feels like everyone in these games goes through some kind of deep arc, and I feel like this is supposed to be the Boogiemen's
Sure, Harry and Larry are funny at first glance, and they're great at being comic reliefs, but at their core, they are misguided guys who come from poverty/homelessness. I kinda wish the feisty four from uty had more going for them just so I could psychoanalyze them all
Even though it's probably been a few years since they joined Koffin, at least some part of Harry and Larry doesn't seem to believe that they can finally enjoy themselves, even if it means doing hooligan stuff and boring chores. That's why they're 'superficial' and goof off and will grab any opportunity to act childish and materialistic.
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A typical case of age regression
What lies beyond the surface is incredibly sad to me.
Now, this is sort of like a bonus section bc I want to explain WHY exactly I see Harry & Larry as brothers, and WHY I think they see Koffin as a dad again, maybe it's bc I'm aroace and I see family relationships everywhere, but the stuff below REALLY REALLY reminds me of these types of dynamics:
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They threw insults at each other and had a literal fistfight over which one of them Koffin appreciated/liked more
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They cried HARD (of joy) when Koffin told them they're both equally useful and useless, so they no longer had to be at each other's throats. He also said how he recognized that they're passionate about being his lackeys, even if their teamwork needed, well, work
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I think it's sweet how they built the float 'within their first days of henchmenry,' according to KK. They could have easily NOT included him, but had apparently warmed up to him pretty soon
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Harry wanted to call Koffin to save them + I love how he's CERTAIN he'll do it
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Both yelled for Koffin (reminds me of Axis calling out for Chujin for some reason)
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Larry called Koffin Keep their home (could have easily said that they left it at the keep...reminds me of the times Starlo called The Wild East Clover's home I really need to stop with the uty parallels)
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They cheered for him (and got hit in the face with books)
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They get in trouble with him
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They apparently copied two of his attacks these 3 are so similar except that Koffin is a more 'head in the clouds' kind of goofy while Harry & Larry are more grounded... but still goofy
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And this line... "And quit arguing, you two!" sounded so parental, istg
I forgot to mention some stuff:
After Koffin tells everyone to go to the festival, Harry and Larry quickly look left and right, like they're wondering where he is and/or what to do now that he isn't there. Poor guys really are dependent on him and like to be in his presence
They talked about Koffin a LOT throughout this game. Their conversations are either about 1) Koffin and what they're gonna do to please him, 2) Them bickering, or 3) Some shenanigans they get themselves into. Larry even remembers how Koffin-K always says: "If you're slacking, put some hustle into it"
Koffin doesn't treat any other lackey the way he does Harry and Larry, and none of the other lackeys seek his admiration like the two do
Harry and Larry were both jealous af of Chara for getting all the attention (right after they got into Koffin's study Harry said "Now whaddya need us in here for, see?" and I immediately thought that he wanted to add "you have a new favorite child lacky now so why don't assign more chores TO THEM")
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Like I'm not sure if they were meant to come across to us players as a family but for some reason that's how they came across to me since day 1
The actual reason why I see them in this light is not just bc I love found family (even tho I do. a lot), but bc I feel like it would give Harry & Larry more depth than a romance between any of them
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thebirthofvenusfly · 8 months
Now that I've finished In Stars and Time, I wanted to do some writing on my thoughts and favorite detail of the game, especially regarding the relationship between the Protagonist (Siffrin) and the player:
So, if you're reading this post, you've finished ISAT.
One detail I really wanted to explore was the player's experience as Siffrin. From the beginning, you're often treated as a typical player-protagonist relationship; you have one consistent character you see the story through the lens of, and interact with other characters and items in the universe through their hands and interactions.
Though at first, you as the player see chat notifications/text boxes (Memories, tutorials, etc.) that only you can see and that pertain to gameplay mechanics that wouldn't necessarily be deemed as canon-narrative things rather than just skills purely for the gameplay; it'd fourth-wall breaking and meta for the character to know what you as the player knows.
This is then immediately shattered by the character Loop, who reveals that they're the one talking to you when you see the text boxes about the Memories.
From then one, one detail I initially was iffy on but ended up loving was Siffrin developing as a character and individual separate from the player. Examples: Text options can be limited. Often at times, I found the only options there in a conversation to be things I never wanted to say, or there being no option at all other than one choice because Siffrin already knew what he as an individual wanted to say and what he was feeling at that time.
Siffrin had his own trains of thought on the loops. Can I be honest? I had caught on to the idea that perhaps Siffrin's wish and internal feelings of never wanting to separate from the party had been causing the loops far before your last run through Dormont and the House. By this point, you've seen Siffrin loop due to death, to being frozen in time, to scaring the party from wanting to travel with him by the way he killed a Sadness, to talking to the House Maiden after defeating the King and everyone declaring they'd go separate ways-- The only common denominator was every result ended in Siffrin being unable to continue on with the party for one reason or another.
Despite this, we still see him struggle to come to terms with any reasonings for the loops other than being hellbent that everyone wishing for a Savior for Dormont locked him into the cycle to begin with and because Mirabelle was dealing the killing blow on the King--not Siffrin--the defeat didn't count as his and he had to do it himself. Loop (the character) was very insistent that this wouldn't work and tried several times to get him out of this logic, but Siffrin had their mind set. You as the player cannot choose to stop Siffrin from this, at this point.
Funnily enough, despite all this marking Siffrin as an individual who is very sentient and independent of you, I found his emotional plight to be the same: I hate when games force you to lose your found family. I hate when you've spent 10-100+ hours building relationships and confiding in these people who you'd otherwise be lost without and have formed loving dynamics with, only to lose all contact or connection with them just because your journey is over. I understood his fear of change and abandonment and loneliness perfectly, and quite honestly, I felt the same every time the King was beaten--the reminder that damn, this is all just minutes from being over, if not for the loops.
So in the end, despite the writing very much turning Siffrin into his own character and individual whom we end up having minimal direct control over, he still ended up perfectly mirroring my sentiments.
And to be honest, I'm more attached to him than I have ever been to other protagonists because I've gotten to know him more individually than just use him as my marker or representation of myself in their universe.
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suzukiblu · 1 year
disappointed missing fearless
Cut for weird alien biology kinky porn but mostly just for length. Also, I don't know if there's an actual established ship name for Slobo/Kon but this is technically from a YJ polyam fic either way, so idk if it actually matters right now, hah.
Pretty sure I posted at least some of this excerpt before, but this SHOULD be the extended edition.
"The Boy Wonder just had to be our token straight," Kon grumbles, folding his arms. Which is whatever, fine, preferences are preferences and the dude's still his friend and he would still very literally die either for him or on his say-so, but is the idea of letting Kon go down on him every now and then and maybe also making out a little somewhere in there really that unappealing? Like, seriously? 
Bats are the freaking worst. 
"What's it matter?" Slobo asks, wrinkling his nose at him. 
"I mean, it doesn't matter-matter," Kon says with an exasperated sigh. "But also I just want to finally score some dick for once, man, and I still can't actually keep up with Bart's and Suzie only has one when she's in the right mood and Rob's isn't even into me, and I don't wanna go knock over a civilian for it, that's just–" 
"And that'd be all the options for dick currently available to your picky ass, yeah," Slobo cuts in dryly, leaning in towards him with a pointed look. Kon turns red. 
"Actually I kinda figured you were straight too," he says, glancing sidelong at the guy. "And very solidly monogamous, given all the time that you and Anita spend ignoring the rest of us in favor of rooms with doors that lock." 
"We ain't monogamous, she just don't like gettin' interrupted when she's in the mood. Though yeah, you're right about the straight thing," Slobo agrees with a dismissive shrug. "But also, look, I'm Czarnian. Which literally none of you bastiches are. And gonna be frank here, you and Anita got a lot more biological similarities to each other than Anita and a Czarnian chick would, so at this point I don't really give a shit what kind of hole I'm fraggin' so long as whoever it belongs to's got somethin' interestin' to say about the process." 
"Huh," Kon says, frowning to himself. "That literally never occurred to me as a thing that might be a thing, actually." 
"I mean, what, are you attracted to Branx and Bolovax Vikians and Karnans and Martians?" Slobo snorts dubiously. "Or frell, even Czarnians?" 
"Well, just the ones I like, but yeah," Kon says, a little puzzled by the question. They're all sentient species with free will and also he would absolutely let that one very specific Green Lantern just fucking step on him whenever the guy felt like it, so yeah, why wouldn't he be attracted to them? And . . . Kilowog, he's pretty sure said Green Lantern's name is? Kilowog's built like what a brick house wishes it could grow up and be. So Kon would definitely let him step on him. "Is that like . . . weird or something?" 
"Galactically speakin', yeah," Slobo says wryly. "Though I guess you're already a hybrid so I probably shoulda expected you to be less discriminatin' than the rest of the universe tends to." 
"So what, are you calling me a slut?" Kon snorts. "Like on a genetic level?" 
"Depends how many people you've screwed, galactically speakin'," Slobo says. 
"Not enough," Kon replies frankly. 
"Then yeah, pretty sure you're a slut," Slobo says with another shrug. "Especially if you miss dick bad enough to get in a snit on the couch over it." 
". . . I mean, okay, I haven't actually socialized with another dude's dick before," Kon admits grudgingly, making a face. "Unless watching gay porn counts, and to be honest I usually get bored if there's only one style of genitals onscreen so I don't do much of that. Just I just finally figured out that I fucking want dick and my options for getting it are frustratingly limited right now." 
"Then wanna actually socialize with mine?" Slobo suggests, which is an approach that Kon appreciates the straightforwardness of. "Seein' as it don't belong to a picky control freak or a hyperactive speedster or someone with a real fraggin' inconvenient tendency to turn intangible when they come." 
"Suzie does that?" Kon asks. 
"Accordin' to Anita," Slobo replies with a shrug. "And since I trust her with my literal fraggin' life at this point, I'm assumin' this ain't the thing she's picked to lie to me over." 
"Huh," Kon says. "Weird, but noted for future reference. And yeah, fuck it, let's socialize. Room with a lock, or . . . ?" 
"Naw, give Wonder Girl the chance to walk in on us, she wants to see your indestructible ass get wrecked real bad," Slobo says with a smirk, then sticks with that straightforward approach that Kon so rightly appreciates and immediately yanks his belt open and whips his dick out right there on the couch. It is not remotely proportionate to his build, and Kon definitely means that as a compliment. 
"Oh, is that the plan here?" Kon says, as someone whose mouth just went dry and who would also admittedly like to see his indestructible ass get wrecked for once. Like, that's a thing he'd like to get to do before he dies, that's all. 
"Damn right it is," Slobo says, smirking wider at him and giving his cock a meaningful squeeze. Kon glances down at it speculatively, wondering exactly how Czarnians fuck. Said cock is currently actively rising to the occasion, and also getting increasingly disproportionate to Slobo's build. 
Like. Very increasingly. 
"What'dya think? Wanna come on it, bastich?" Slobo asks with a leering grin and a very unsubtle tug. Kon flicks his eyes back to his face and just eyes him. 
. . . then he eyes his dick. 
It's actually, like, a very appealing dick. It might be a little smaller than Kon's own is, he thinks, but it's definitely comparable and still plenty damn big either way, all long and thick and heavy-looking, and it's got, like . . . ridges. Bumps. Textures. Like, Bad Dragon wishes it could design such a dick. 
. . . Jesus, actually, is that a knot at the base? And–
Oh. Okay. 
"Is your dick prehensile," Kon asks, officially just staring at it. 
It waves at him. 
"Is it?" Slobo asks with a smirk. 
"Fuck," Kon says as a downright vicious stab of arousal goes through his gut, and then he very suddenly feels very weird. Slobo cocks his head, looking surprised. 
Kon looks down at himself, because again, he feels weird. "Himself" is not there to be looked at. 
Well, like, it is. Just not in very . . . "him"-type fashion. 
"Huh," Kon says to the very nice pair of tits currently sitting all cute and perky under his S-shield. He blinks in absolute bemusement, and Slobo's expression lights up hungrily. 
"Shit, you really do like me, huh," he says, letting go of himself and reaching out to put his hands around Kon's suddenly very, very narrow waist. Like . . . way too far around, actually. That's . . . an experience. Wow. "Never had Kryptonian pussy before." 
Yeah, well, you're not the only one, Kon thinks only slightly hysterically.
"You can't get knocked up 'til you go through a full cycle, right, so can I stick it in raw?" Slobo asks like this is all just perfectly normal, which admittedly for all Kon knows about Slobo's life experience and alien biology in general it could in fact be. He thinks of several thousand reasons to say no, but given both who he is as a person and also how bad he really, really wants to finally score some dick for once . . .
"Yeah," he says, then half-reflexively flicks his eyes back down to Slobo's cock and licks his lips. Slobo grins. 
"Nice," he says. 
Anyway, Kon's suit lasts about five seconds after that. Which–it doesn't fit him quite right at the moment anyway, so it's whatever. It's very weird to see tits and ass and a statistically improbable amount of curves when he looks down at himself, but it's weirder feeling Slobo's hands and mouth roaming greedily all over said statistical improbabilities as the other pushes him down against the cushions. The prick hasn't even kissed him, which: rude much? 
Not that Kon's really complaining, because if he wanted "polite" that bad he wouldn't be socializing with Slobo at all, much less his dick, and Slobo is currently making his way down his body and clearly on a mission to kiss him somewhere. 
So yeah, the "weird" feelings are very rapidly losing out to the "holy shit, do that again" feelings. 
"Holy shit, do that again," Kon says. Slobo grins sharply up at him and then Kon meets his clit and his clit meets Slobo's very eager tongue and anyway Kon now officially and intimately understands why people who've got one bitch so damn much when a partner ignores it. Like wow, does he ever. "Ohhhhh my god. Oh my god oh my god oh my god–!" 
So that's pretty distracting, for at least a couple minutes there. 
Not that Kon's brain is in any condition to be noticing the passage of time right now. 
"Frag, you're already dripping. Wanna get off on my tongue a few times or just get straight to the main attraction?" Slobo asks as he hooks his hands around Kon's currently statistically improbable and also badly shaking thighs and licks his own very slick and shiny lips. Kon remembers the sight of the guy's big fat disproportionate dick very, very vividly, then immediately spreads his thighs as far as he can without the back of the couch interfering. 
Possibly he damages said back of the couch just a little bit in the process. 
Like, just barely. 
"Main attraction," he says firmly. Slobo grins at him again. 
"Damn, rolling out the red carpet here, ain't we," he says. "Gonna make a guy feel downright appreciated like this." 
"Put your dick in me right the fuck now or I will put you through the fucking wall, asshole," Kon threatens, and of course it's Slobo, so he just grins all the wider. 
"Fraggin' flirt," he says with obvious approval. 
Then he puts his dick in him. 
Kon's vision very literally whites out at the way Slobo feels sliding into him so big and hard and big and deep and big and good and he jerks up instinctively underneath him and makes some really, really undignified noises as his body seizes up. The couch might suffer a little more damage. Kon doesn't give the slightest bit of a fuck. 
"Holy shit, did you just fraggin' come?" Slobo asks in obvious delight. 
"Shut the fuck up," Kon barely gets out past the aftershocks making his whole damn body twitch and tremble under Slobo's, and Slobo laughs and sort of . . . rolls his hips, kind of, and Kon moans. 
"Shit, you're tight," Slobo says, sounding approving again, and this time in a way that makes Kon shudder even harder than he already is. "And soaked. Feels like I just stuck it in somebody's sloppy seconds. What do you think, bastich, want the whole thing in your snatch? Think you can take it?" 
"Yes," Kon chokes desperately, and Slobo does the only gentlemanly thing that Kon has ever seen him do, which is immediately just thrust into him balls deep. 
That is definitely a knot, yeah, Kon notes. 
And definitely Slobo's dick is prehensile. 
The literal only reason that Kon doesn't fucking scream is because they're in a building full of active superheroes and god fucking forbid somebody come and "save" him right now. Like, Cassie can watch if she really is into that, but if anybody in any way tries to fucking interrupt he is gonna straight up just become a supervillain. 
Unless it's a supervillain interrupting, he guesses, in which case he's just gonna take a page out of Wonder Woman's book and give them the Maxwell Lord special. 
Either way, he emphasizes deeply with Anita and her locked doors. 
Real deeply.
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kodared · 1 year
☆ Welcome home Neighbor~! ☆
Human Reader x Welcome Home!
Something is wrong with this House, and it wasn't the atrocious color scheme.
Chapter 7/?
Word Count: 3,762 Out of 20,428
Julie quickly abandoned brushing your hair, practically throwing the brush on the couch as she lept off of it, taking off in the direction of where you assumed her room was. 
You moved to pick up the brush from the couch, scooting yourself to be more comfortable as you brushed through the back of your hair on your own, 
You had to admit, Wally and Julie did do a good job of getting most of the knots out, but some were harder to get than others sadly. 
Seeing as Julie was absent from the couch, Wally moved closer to you again, both of your arms practically touching as he stared at you, the buzzing behind your eyes suddenly didn't feel comforting anymore. 
Wally stared at you for a minute or two longer as you brushed the knots out of your hair, struggling with a few of them before he spoke, 
“are you excited to meet home?” 
You tried desperately to focus all your attention on your hair, pleading internally for him to stop staring at you, your hands shook as they held the hairbrush. 
“I mean yeah, They’re Julie's friend, and Julie seems nice so,” 
Your words felt clunky and scattered as they left your mouth, Wally staring made you anxious, and you didn't know if it was because of your normal anxiety, or the fact he might be the reason you were here to begin with. 
“they're my best friend too,” 
Wally leaned back on the couch, breaking his stare for a moment as he sunk into the soft plush of the sofa. 
“there was this one time me and julie were painting, and home, being the trickster they are, moved one of their shutters to splash paint on me!” 
Wally broke out in his monotone laughter again, if you had any comfort from Wally looking away from you it just left. 
“Wait, Home is an actual home?” 
You put the hairbrush in your lap as you, regrettably, made eye contact with Wally again, you knew you were currently living with talking puppets, but a sentient house? That was a whole new world of insanity. 
“ha ha ha, yes, of course, i live with them after all.” 
Suddenly it all clicked in your brain. Home was the red house in the center of the Town with large eyes, and worst of all Wally lived there. 
“neighbor? are you alright?” 
Wally waved his hand in front of your eyes, you must have dissociated and never noticed. 
“Haha, uh yeah Im alright Wally. Sorry, this is all new to me,” 
A pathetic excuse, but it seemed to calm Wally. Your hands busied themselves with picking at a few loose threads on the clothes Sally gave you, they shook as you tried desperately to calm yourself. 
“So, your hair…” 
You tried to busy your mind with more questions to Wally, you didn't know a whole lot about him after all, and he still had his hair curlers in, though he began pulling a few out. 
“Do you have to style it in the morning? Or is it just like that?” 
Wally hummed lightly as he thought before speaking, 
“well, i take a shower, then i curl my hair, then i have to gel it and sometimes i use hairspray..” 
Wally seemed to enjoy talking the most about his hair routine, you zoned out until Wally was finished going into detail on his complex hair routine in the morning. 
“Wait, you have a shower? I thought you guys were felt and didn't really.. Need those,” 
“ha ha ha, what a silly silly thought neighbor,” 
Removing the final curler from his blue hair, he set them all on Julie's table before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a makeup mirror, moving his hair into the proper spots before he would need to gel it, 
You had to admit, he looked nice with his hair down, 
“what are we supposed to do if we get paint on us? leave it? we need showers just as anyone else would,” 
…You would have to ask Howdy when you got home later to use his then. The feeling of dirt on your skin became very irritating very fast. 
“Well, that's good to know I guess,” 
You pulled your legs up on the couch, curling in on yourself while you picked at your nails, removing any dirt that may have been stuck from the previous day. 
“what are those?” 
Wally once again was back to breathing down your neck to your dismay. He practically leaned on you as he hovered his hand over your arm, almost as if he was asking to touch you, 
You allowed him, not seeing a reason to not let him as you moved your arm to his hand. You could swear his smile got wider. 
“wow, you humans really are intricate,” 
Wally moved from your arm to your wrist examining your hand, focusing his attention on your nails specifically. 
“why are the tips of your hands harder than your skin?” 
He tapped at your nails with his finger, and you couldn't help but giggle at his childlike wonder at how you worked, all of the neighbors acted excited to know more about you it seemed.  
“Well those are nails Wally, they're kinda like.. Claws, and they grow a lot, so does my hair,”   
Just as you finished speaking with Wally about your nails and hair, Julie came running back into the room, holding various cans of paint in her small arms,
“C'mon, cmon!! I can't wait to give Home a good ol’ Spa Day!” 
Wally stood from the couch to help Julie with the various paints she was holding, he tried desperately to flip his hair out of his eyes, and he failed, miserably. 
So being the kind and anxious person you were, you quickly pulled his bangs from his face, trying to not think about it too much as you walked to the door to hold it for them. 
Wally seemed to appreciate your kind act as he gave you a friendly smile that was somehow brighter than normal. He walked beside you and Julie as you walked to Home, and oh boy you were not excited to meet home anymore. 
You moved one of your hands to hold the bridge of your nose, feeling the hum behind your eyes pick up in frequency as you approached the red house. 
Desperately trying to console yourself before you would be forced to speak and interact with Home, you took a few deep breaths, composing yourself as you approached the red house. 
Julie was walking to a song in her head as she walked with a bounce, it reminded you of how a cartoon character would walk, she turned to you, her eyes practically sparkling.
“Are you excited to meet Home? I'm excited, that's for sure!” 
Wally turned around too, you suddenly felt very pressured to feign excitement. I mean it would be rude to not, Julie was friends with Home and Wally lived with… in…? 
With. Wally lived with home, 
“Uh.. Yeah, I am..!” 
You forced yourself to smile, the corners of your mouth twitching in betrayal to the joy you were feigning. You just hoped neither of them noticed,
Julie smiled and went back to walking at her upbeat and charismatic pace, while Wally's eyes lingered on you a while longer, You looked anywhere but at him. 
It didn't take long to approach Home, with Wally calling out to them as Julie practically dropped the paint she was holding to run and hug the side of the house, 
“Home!! It's been too long..! We have this amazing idea..-” 
Homes shutters creaked as they waved them in a fond greeting to Julie as she continued to ramble, Wally smiled fondly as he walked past Julie to the front of Home, 
You followed behind Wally reluctantly, trying to convince yourself Home might be chill, maybe you were being too anxious, after all this was a world full of puppets. 
You couldn't be more wrong, unfortunately.
The trees and flowers surrounding it did nothing to distract you from its eyes. They were big pools of black emptiness, with no pupils.
 A faint black ink seeped from the bottom of the windows, leaving an uncanny valley to creep into your head the more you stared. 
If Wally was talking, you weren't paying attention. He set down the various cans of paints as he waved his hand in front of your face, 
“neighbor? it's rude to stare..” 
You snapped out of it as Wally focused his attention directly on you, 
“Oh, sorry Wally, it's.. nice to meet you... Home,” 
Home waved the front door, clicking and shutting it a few times as Wally smiled,
“they say hello,” 
Julie made her way to the front of the house, the paint cans clinking together as she focused on not spilling them. 
“You can understand them?” 
 To you all that Home sounded like a series of clicks and creaks, but maybe it was Morse code..? 
Wally let out a laugh, 
“haha, of course i can silly, me and home talk quite often actually,” 
Surprisingly that didn't creep you out as much as you thought it would, it only made sense for Wally to begin to understand Homes way of speaking after a while. How long had Wally lived here anyways..? 
“well! ill be back soon neighbor, i must gel my hair before it dries,” 
Wally walked to the door and Home politely opened it for him, Homes eyes going cross as they tried to look at Wally before closing the door behind him. Leaving you and Julie alone with Home. 
“As i was saying Home! I have sooo many blues that I think would look darling on your shutters!” 
Julie sat criss-cross on the ground in front of Homes… eye? As she popped open a few cans of paint. The smell reminds you of when you had to paint your old room. 
You tried to desperately shake off the feeling of being out of place, sitting down didn't calm you either. You still felt like you were being analyzed and picked apart, but Home wasn't even looking at you. 
Oh but when they did... It was a whole different story. 
Your hair stood on end as Home took its attention off of Julie. Staring at you. You suddenly felt small as the smell of the warehouse somehow hit your nose. 
Visions of Homes' old Rusted eyes that were forced shut from years of wear and abandonment danced across your vision. This all felt too much. 
You lightly stimmed your hands as you desperately tried to calm down. You were fine, Julie wouldn't let anything bad happen to you after all, right? 
Looking up at where Julie once was, you saw nothing. Julie was gone. Leaving you alone with Home. 
You stood quickly, tripping over your feet as your vision became more spotted, Black spots pranced around your vision as you swear you could have seen Red strings attaching themselves to nothing in Homes eyes. 
An empty void. Filled with nothing but swirls and Red, you were its next victim. 
Your legs shook, and the ground beneath you somehow felt uneven and like it would collapse at any minute. 
You had to get back to Howdy. 
You took off in the direction of Howdys shop. Who cares if Wally and Julie would look for you later, you needed to get somewhere safe.
Before you could get far, however, you felt the hum behind your eyes increase. Feeling like a swarm of bees behind your eyes, no. Wasps.
 Stinging at your brain as you tried to think of ways to escape. 
You collapsed. Your heart felt as if it was practically beating out of your chest. 
Your hands gripping desperately onto the soft grass, trying to get your bearings as your eyes felt like they were swirling. 
As the pain amplified in your head,  you gave up. Laying down on the grass as you felt something faintly grasping sharply at your Ankles, you had no energy to fight anymore. 
Before you slipped under the warm blanket of unconsciousness, however, Your brain was quickly snapped out of the spell it was under as Homes door swung open. 
You turned around, your head feeling faint as you saw Wally standing in the doorway, his hair faintly in the position of its usual Pompadour, stray hairs fell in his eyes as he panted. 
“Neighbor! Are you Alri..-”
You didn't give him a chance to respond. Practically crawling away from him before you could kick yourself back up on your feet, Running straight to Howdys. 
You could faintly hear Wally yell after you as you picked up speed, barely brushing past Eddie as he walked to his Post Office. If he said anything to you it was Ignored. 
Practically falling onto the glass door of Howdys shop, you gripped firmly onto the handle. Scared of your shaking legs collapsing. 
Howdy was nowhere to be seen. Tears prick at the corner of your eyes as you could hear Wally and Eddie yelling after you, You slammed the door shut without care and took off to Howdys Office. 
You run to the bathroom and click the lock shut with inhuman speed. This was the only place with a lock that you knew of, and you needed space. 
You wanted to go home. You collapsed onto your butt, pushing yourself away from the bathroom door as you felt a cool breeze hit your skin. 
You shook as your hands slammed over your ears and a ringing picked up in them. You were scared, and as much as you wished Howdy was here, you couldn't keep burdening him with your issues. 
You could now hear Wally outside the door, oh how you wished it was Eddie instead. 
“Neig…bor? If you can hear me, say something,”
As he spoke his voice sounded.. Different. It no longer held a calm tone to it, he sounded worried. 
You stomped your foot in response, you didn't feel verbal as of now but you wanted to hear what he had to say. 
“Good..! good, i know you must be.. scared.” 
Understatement of the year ladies and gentlemen! You rolled your eyes to no one.
Wally sighed before continuing, 
“would you mind if i came in? it will only be me, eddie went to franks,” 
Again, you wished Eddie was here instead. The kind mailman wouldn't hurt a fly, Wally, however, you didn't know. 
…If he lived with Home he may know something though. 
You scooted closer to the door, pressing your back against it, 
“I'd rather talk with the door closed... Your staring is creepy.” 
You didn't feel like sugarcoating right now, your anxiety would normally do so if you weren't so amped on adrenaline, and probably hunger. 
Wally laughed an airy laugh, this laugh felt different from his other ones though, he sounded.. Normal. 
“Haha.. what if i promise to keep my eyes on the floor?” 
A thump hit the door as you felt something push against it, seemed like Wally was getting comfortable. 
You heard shuffling, 
“what if i say please?” 
You lay your head on top of your knees, groaning at Wally's poor attempt to persuade you into opening the door. 
“....if you open the door.. i can tell you what happened with home.” 
Your head snapped up from your knees as you almost hit the door in shock, you quickly stood and unlocked the door on shaky knees. 
“You need to tell me everything you know.” 
Wally looked up from his spot on the floor as he flailed to stop himself from falling as the door opened. 
Suddenly his smile didn't seem that forced, and his messy hair looked natural, 
It took you and Wally a few minutes to settle in the bathroom, it was a bit awkward sharing the small space with someone you once held distaste for, but here you were. 
“So, spill puppet man.” 
You stared at him with hopefully the same intensity he once did to you, it seemed to be working as he averted his gauze. His hand raised to fidget with a few loose strands of hair, 
“you must understand, home is good at heart.” 
“I didn't ask that.” 
Your posture went rigid as Wally went to Homes defense. If Wally was going to act like Home was a good guy after what just happened you would go back to sulking. 
“right, sorry.” 
Wally met your eyes again as he stopped fidgeting and clasped his hands in his lap, 
“home wants us all to be happy, this place is made to be happy,” 
His eyes met the floor again as he continued, 
“so, sometimes when home meets someone who… isn't. happy,” 
Wallys' hands picked at a few loose threads, looking as if he was reminiscing on a bad memory. 
“they try to fix it. they bring them here, or they try to fix you” 
Suddenly you couldn't breathe. 
“So Home brought me here?” 
Wally looked at you, his nonexistent eyebrows creasing in worry and sadness,
“yes and no, see-” 
You stood, all feelings of anxiety practically flooded into the floor as you became angry, 
“What do you mean Yes and No.” 
Wally grew nervous, feeling the tension rising in the small space you both occupied at the moment, 
“dont get the wrong idea Y/N..! i didn't know this would happe..-!” 
“You didn't know this would happen..? What do you mean You?” 
Wally grew more anxious. He looked like he was about to cry, which is when you started to try to calm yourself down. Taking deep breaths and dropping the fists that your hands had formed impulsively. 
“Wally, I need you to be honest, did you have something to do with how I got here?” 
Wally didn't need to say anything, you already knew from the way his pupils shrunk to pinpricks. He kept trying to form a sentence, only to fail. 
“Wally. I need to get home, how did I get here?” 
Wally let out a nonexistent breath that he seemed to be holding, 
“i.. i don't know much myself. Home, in a way to protect us, blocks our memories.” 
Of course he didn't know, this was just your luck. 
You slid back down the wall holding your head, your fingers digging into your various locks of hair as you groaned. 
“Wally you need to tell the others. This isn't right, they deserve to know.” 
“what makes you think they don't?” 
Your eyebrows furrowed as you looked at Wally, feeling anger bubble in your chest, 
“Because who would be okay with this? This... This is inhumane! Having memories wiped..? All in the vain attempt to be happy!?” 
Wally sighed as his head drooped, a few stray hairs falling out of the loose pompadour he once had. 
“neighbor you must understand, this place is safe. there is nothing to worry about here, everyone is friendly, why wouldn't you want to stay?” 
Wally had you there, this place did seem miles better than the life you lived in your town. 
“Because I have a life at home, Wally. My Home. And I don't exactly fit in here. Yknow, because I'm not a puppet” 
You raised your hand to point a finger at him, 
“By the way if I turn into a puppet, the nonexistent crime rate here is gonna skyrocket.” 
Wally again let out a genuine laugh before speaking, 
“no, no you won't turn into a puppet, honestly i don't know where home found you, your nothing like we’ve seen before.” 
You groaned and dropped your pointing hand, 
“Great so I'm basically still as lost as I was yesterday. This is getting nowhere.” 
Wally stood and moved to sit beside you, putting his hand on your shoulder,
“if it makes you feel any better frank may be able to help, i can ask if we can speak with him tomorrow,” 
“That seems to be the best bet sadly,” 
You both flinched as you heard knocking at the Bathroom door before a familiar voice spoke, 
“Y/N..? Are you in there?” 
Wally stood quickly as he dusted himself off, straightening his cardigan before attempting to fix his hair the best he could, you tried to stifle a laugh at the man's obsession with his vanity.
“Yeah, me and Wally are in here Howd’s,” 
You walked to the door, unlocking it and opening it widely to show Howdy you and Wally were, in fact, in the bathroom. 
Howdy smiled and gave Wally a fond smile, before focusing his attention on you, his eyes going wide with worry. 
“Y/N! Are you alright, your looking pale..” 
One of his hands shot to your head while the others gripped onto your arms, he seemed scared that you were going to faint at any moment, 
“Ah.. I'm alright Howdy, just had a bit of a panic attack, Wally helped me though,” 
Wally walked beside you and gave a smile to Howdy, 
“it wasn't any trouble at all, just helping where i can,” 
Howdy finished analyzing your face and holding a palm to your forehead to acknowledge Wally fully, 
“Thank you Wally, I must have been too busy organizing the Stock to notice Y/N enter the Shop,” 
Howdy stepped away from the door to give Wally and you room to exit, Wally walking ahead of you, 
“again it was no problem howdy..! happy to help,” 
Howdy laughed before jabbing his elbow into Wallys' arm, 
“You're also happy to help yourself to some apples..! Isn't that right Mr.Darling?” 
Wallys' smile curved mischievously as he walked out of the Office, leaving you and Howdy alone in his Office, 
“..What happened to get you so shakin’ up Honeybee..?” 
You met Howdys eyes again and he looked concerned as always, you wished you weren't such a bother to him. 
“The usual, Wally talked me through it though, but I'm still nowhere closer to getting home.” 
Howdy walked closer to you, putting a comforting hand on your back, 
“If it makes ya’ feel any better, Poppy made you a blueberry cupcake, Her baking always makes me feel better at least,” 
You giggled as your anxiety ebbed from your body at Howdys comforting gesture, 
“Sure, can't wait to try the Towns famous bakers cupcake,” 
Wally stepped into the dark living room. His hands still fluttered around a few loose threads before Home shut the door behind him. 
A flurry of Slams came from his bedroom door.  
“Wait..! Im happy..! They didnt do anything, i promi..-!” 
Woo!! Another chapter ʕง•ᴥ•ʔง im happy to have this one out before the Weekend begins!
Don't forget my Requests are open for Oneshots and Headcanons!
Keep an Eye out for This weeks Oneshot!
Howdy X Reader (Angst)
Psst.. hey you... Do you wanna get Chapters the second they come out? Check out my Ao3!
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klaissance · 7 months
Do you have any dad klance headcannons?
Thank you so much for asking dear sweet asker I appreciate you so much. I actually,,, lowkey don't? Dad!Klance is not something I think about that much, I think bc as a teenage girl in my 20s I am not in a parent/family space that often BUT FOR YOU IMMA TRY HERE WE GO:
for starters I think they're really good at it let's get that straight from the jump
Lance always wanted to be a parent I think--comes from a big family, has watched his siblings become parents, is obsessed with his cool uncle status, has always seen parenthood ahead as something to look forward to
Keith is the opposite, never in a million bazillion years thought that was in the cards for him
he's gay so that came with its own list of things to be worried about that would be difficult in terms of, like, acquiring a child, plus he just sort of had a shitty time as a kid, has a funny relationship with the words "parent" and "dad" and hasn't had the time to hash that out with a therapist because he's been in space
really truly Keith is a feral desert child and when presented with the thought of turning a small being into an adult suitable for society his brain shorts out
...until they get together
actually, both of them flip on this while they're in space OKAY NOW WE'RE COOKING
Lance, my poor sweet darling prince, is a little less sold on children. He grows up hard and fast and violent in the intergalactic war they're thrust into, sees terrible things happen to good people all over the place, sees kids left parentless and parents lose a child, sees himself nearly die more times than he can count (oop that one time he did die lol), and suddenly the idea of kids in the future isn't tinted golden and sparkling with the memories of his childhood. He's an adult and anything could happen and it's terrifying and hard and he knows he loves what he does--loves helping people, loves interacting with children, wants to teach or something later for sure maybe--but the actual parenting is soured by the thought of his mom back home thinking her son is dead and not even having the closure of a burial or anything. He learns that nothing is certain in the way he used to think it was, and stops expecting specific things for his future
Klance gets together [how?? girls idk any infinite number of ways that is every post I'll ever make until the end of time but not this one--trust though it was juicy] and they stay together while they're fighting the space war, and slowly and then all at once Keith "Lone Wolf" "Not A Family Man" "Feral Desert Orphan" "Kids What Are Those" Kogane is, like,,,, thinking about his life and his future beyond like,,, the next hour,,, and is imagining kids in the picture??? trust it shocks him too
This actually is a version of their relationship that I really like thinking about! Lance pivots on all of his hopes and dreams that he'd had all his life about certain milestones for things--marriage, kids, the white picket fence and all that jazz--and throws it all out the window. Because piloting magical sentient lions in a space war is fucking crazy and life is nothing like what he thought and what is important to him reshapes; it isn't the milestones it is the feelings they represent, the security and companionship he is seeking, the fulfillment he can find from interacting with others in different ways. Keith is the opposite; he never thought any of the milestones were important because he assumed they were for other, non-broken people. People--not him--who could have nice things like spouses and houses and children to raise in their image or whatever. And to make a long and introspective story short he gets to hold Lance's hand and suddenly all of those nice things are back on the table and he gets to want them and finds out that he does
I guess this is where it gets fuzzy for me I've seen some things where they space adopt and that's really fun and fresh
Or they wait until they get back to Earth after having the Cool Uncle Era with Lance's nieces and nephews which is my shit i love cool uncle klance
I do think I subscribe to them adopting older children out of the foster system as opposed to however infant adoption works
but any way you slice it Keith is So Pressed About Getting It Right he's reading books he's asking Shiro and then wanting to die because Shiro is So Cringe about his caretaking advice UGH
and Lance is back in a comfy phase about it now that they've decided to do it, regaling Keith when he freaks out with tales of times he and his siblings totally almost died or that crazy shit happened or that his parents did x y z totally sideways--his point being: and look how well it turned out anyway
the important thing is that when they do have children they love them more than anything and demonstrate a positive healthy relationship for them and they try to meet them where they are and also give them opportunities to grow and be happy and therefore it all works out perfect :)
Also as an added bonus here are some of my favorite depictions of dad!Klance for your perusal:
deerstalkerdeathfrisbee's True Love or Something ok these were like my earliest favorite fics ever when I tell you this raised me and reset my brain chemistry I am being so serious. They aren't dadding until later in the series [THIS ONE] but actually the whole thing is so excellent
that,,, actually is the only one coming to mind right now but people SOUND OFF IF YOU HAVE ANY MORE PLS <3 i will return to this post with more if i find any
I hope this was good for you obviously I just stream-of-conscious dumped into the text box but it was super fun to do, if anybody has any other prompting thoughts I would love to ideate more I just,,,, love thinking about them so much,,,, ok everybody have a great day!!
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