#the ideas i have are too long for a short story (10-12 pages) and too short for a short novel (60-90 pages) or full novel (over 100 pages)
britishchick09 · 2 years
i came up with a rewrite book title- fun in ‘91! B)
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slayingfiction · 2 years
What would your advice for just-starting-out young authors be?
I love new writers! I’ve never known a better way to escape my reality and live a thousand different lives.
I started writing when I was young, maybe 12 or 13 years old. I am now 25, and very much consider myself to be a child, but still, in my 10+ years of personal writing and classes, here are some of the best tips I can give anyone who is new to writing, regardless of age.
Read. Read. Read. Then read some more. The easiest and fastest way to learn how to write is by reading and studying how other people have written their stories. Study their balance of dialogue vs description vs action. Study the words they use and what they’re choosing to describe. Study the scenes that make you feel something, or pull you to the story even more, and dissect it until you understand how to do it.
Daydream. At night, in the morning, before and after school, during school, during work. When people are trying to talk to you, just daydream. Image worlds with populated moons. Imagine worlds with multiple human-like species all living in the same area. Image a boy who goes home and cries to his adoptive vampire parents, and girls who practices knife throwing every night to prepare for the apocalypse that no one sees coming. Dream of everything and anything because that’s how you keep and improve your creativity. Eventually you may even write something with it.
Write for yourself. Always start by writing what you enjoy, and love your characters and your stories. Everything about your first draft should be because you love the story, not what other people like. You will never please everyone, so start with yourself, and build a community with the ones who love your story as much as you do.
Do it on your own timeline. If you want to write a book in a month, edit the next and publish right after, do it. If you want to write the first five chapters of 8 books without finishing, do it. If, like me, you want to write your first novel at 18 years old, and 7 years later still not feel ready to publish, that’s ok! You are not falling behind anyone else, you are exactly where you should be on your own path.
Practice. Your writing will improve with practice, that’s how it works, it’s how it always works. No way to skip right to publishing a first draft and becoming famous for it. Practice and just keep writing, you will improve.
Challenge yourself. While you may love fantasy or romance, or maybe all your story ideas are too big for only one book and they all end up being series’, you need to try new things. Write a mystery short story. Write poetry on how you feel. Write one page on how you could survive a zombie apocalypse as long as you have your coffee in the morning, it doesn’t matter, just try new things. Trying new things is how I wrote this haiku: Take a deep inhale, Breathe fresh air into my lungs, I savorfreedom. Is it the greatest haiku ever? No, but it makes me happy, and reminds me that I can write, good or bad, and still be proud of myself.
Keep all your projects. Good or bad. Look back on them years later and think, yeah that was terrible, at least I’m better now. Or maybe think, this wasn’t as bad as I thought it was. It’s a progressive journey. You can take your time. DONT EVER SHAME YOUR YOUNGER SELF FOR THEIR WORK. THEY TRIED THEIR HARDEST AND WROTE AS BEST THEY COULD. WE ARE PROUD OF OURSELVES, NOT EMBARRASSED OR SHAMED. Whether the work is from years ago or days go. Be kind to yourself, no one else owes you that.
Compare. Compare to popular novels, compare to your friends stories or to people online. Compare and see if your character are developed enough, or if your story makes sense, or if it’s relatable. When comparing however, keep in mind that your written style will be different than all others writers. Your first novel will not be the same as an author’s 10th book that just went viral on TikTok. It takes practice and time. Compare for style, technique, structure and plot. Not for popularity, worth, importance, and don’t feel down thinking that someone writing at a higher grade level makes them better, it doesn’t.
Share your work. If you are embarrassed, use a pen name. That’s perfectly fine. Put your work out there and get feedback. Having one person saying your story is (negative criticism here) is going to happen, don’t freak out. It doesn’t mean your story is flawed and should be tossed. If most people are saying that, then maybe it’s time to revisit the story and plot. Getting feedback from people reading your story is important, you want to ask specific questions so you don’t get generic answers. Get real reviews from real people, the mean voice in your head doesn’t get a say.
Learn the difference between perfect and done. I know, I know. Perfectionists around the world just scoffed and thought ‘I would if I could’. Here’s the thing, it’ll never be perfect. A word won’t be right, you can’t find the right way to convey an emotion, your choice of vocabulary isn’t up to your standards, I get it. You want your work to be absolute perfection so that everyone loves it and no one can say a bad thing about it, but it doesn’t work that way. Instead make it to ‘complete’, then nitpick some details, then it’s done. Done is good, it’s where you want to be.
Self-publishing? Pay for a professional editor and a graphic designer. It makes a difference, I promise.
There’s lots of others, but I would say as a writer-starter-pack, these should get you started, then you will learn lessons all on your own, or find them as you’re writing later on. Truly, just have fun, and the rest will come with time.
Happy Writing!
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starwalkertales · 11 months
Fic Tag Game
Thanks for tagging me, @veloursdor!!! That is an interesting one! 😘
So, let's see...
How many works do you have on ao3?
9 at the moment, with one idea in a draft folder -- no idea, if and when I will post it.
2. What's your ao3 word count?
oh gosh, I need a calculator... 246.827, holy shit...
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Star Wars -- Obikin, definitely my OTP 😍😍😍 When I was younger, I wrote for Harry Potter (years ago!) and Sherlock
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1 Heal with 590 kudos... definitely my most popular work so far. Thank again to everyone reading it and leving kudos/comments. I love you guys. Oh, in this story, Obi-Wan can't leave Anakin behind after their duel in Episode 6 of Kenobi and gets to helping him out of that suit!
2 Missing with 397 kudos in which Anakin got amnesia and flirty heavily with Obi-Wan after Rako Hardeen incident.
3 What you wish for with 334 kudos in which Obi-Wan touches a Sith holocron and develops some (for Anakin, sexy) Sith-qualities 😉
4 There is passion with 306 kudos, some sex-spice makes Obi-Wan hot for Ani...
5 Krayt's son with 253 kudos, in which Anakin is raised a Sith and meets Jedi Obi-Wan
5. Do you respond to comments?
yes, yes, I always do! I love your comments and the chats that sometimes come with them!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
My fics tend to have a happy ending... I want fluff and happy in my imagination. Life is shitty and hard enough some times...
7. What's the fic your write with the happiest ending?
Mh, all have a happy ending actually. But I think Building Dreams was really fluffy!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Just for one fic; There is passion. One person once bitched about it being Obikin, accusing it of being incest.
Luckily, nearly all other replies are very nice. I love you all fic readers and comment-writers! 😍😍😍
9. Do you write smut? What kind?
I do, not in all fics, though. It's Obikin smut. Mostly not too kinky, but I feel I should venture into that field more often...
10. Do you write cross-overs?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I am aware of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Also no. I could translate them on my own, though, but English is more common among readers than my mother tongue.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Not with Star Wars. I've done that once, years ago with a Harry Potter fic.
14. What's your all time favourite ship?
Obikin 😍😍😍
15. What's your WIP you like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Well, my longest WIP (and also oldest) is What you wish for, but I do hope I will finish it eventually!
16. What are your writing strength?
Oh, I don't know... maybe the readers could tell me, what they like the most? For me it's hard to find time to write, so whenever I am in the mood, I can write pretty much in one sitting, but often, it's hard and it takes hours to finish a page.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Write short sentences. I tend to make them too long and too complicated -- my mother tongue is to blame!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Oh, difficult question. It makes it hard to follow and I find it not very elegant to have translations in the notes below. I find it cool though, if you have one part of the dialogue in, say, Huttese, and the other part in basic (English). That way, you can guess the meaning. So, yeah, for Huttese or Mando'a, I like that for half a dialogue. I don't like it much, when I have to scroll down all the way to see translation to know what's going on.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter -- many, many years ago
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Mh, I do love Heal, because I find it fascinating to explore Vader and the suit. But I also loved Tempestas -- in which Anakin (19) traveled back in time to meet Padawan Obi-Wan (25), lots of trouble!
21. What fic would you love to rewrite some day?
Thank you @wibzenadarksiderwithasoftheart for making up this great question and letting me use it, too ❤
Definetely There is Passion. I love the concept, the whole fic was born from the idea "if you ever had sex with a force sensitive, you simply cannot settle for any non sensitive person", which is really problematic for Ani to enjoy his time with Padmé after Obi... It was only my second fic and I got intimidated by criticism of it containing non-con elements. Now, I would be more confident with the whole topic and hope, I will come back to it some time and rewrite it.
Thank you so much for tagging me, I loved that!!!!
So, no idea: everyone who wants to do this and hasn't already, please be free. You are hereby tagged!
Aaaaaaaaand I am tagging people who liked this 😁 @grapenehifics @underacalicosky @wibzenadarksiderwithasoftheart @mischievouschan4
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purple-ant · 4 months
Twenty Fanfic Writer Questions
thank you for the tag @charmwasjess it was fun)
no pressure tags: @man-i-dunno @rochenn
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
24! but I think it's cheating a bit because half of them are translations so it's 16 fics in Russian and 8 in English
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
83,833 it's funny I just want to point out how word count gets bigger in English. Like the original fic length is 1385 words and the EN version is 1679, and you may think it's not so big until you go to a bigger story and BOOM the difference is like 3,000 words!!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Star Wars right now. I only have the energy to write only for one hyperfixation at a time
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Beat, Resonance, Unison I'M SO PROUD
Single Seers wow???? when did this happen??
Forgive My Inevitabilities the first translation UwU
do not pity the dead (pity the living) I should think about the sequel
Achilles Come Down listen this song!! it will kill you :D
5. Do you respond to comments?
YES I try at least👉👈
I enjoy every comment no matter if it is a wall of text or something short, they all are special to me and give me strength to write and post- the problem is I'm not confident in my English skills (even this post was checked by charmwasjess lol) and I prefer to reply from my laptop which it difficult because my vpn there doesn't work very good and I need it to open ao3 :c
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
HMMMMM Achilles Come Down
it's not totally angsty but doomed because they close this page and then don't talk about it and then they don't talk at all and THEN we know how it ends
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Single Seers! if I ever finish it.....
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I'm a little surprised that I didn't get any hate to Отражённый выстрел even on ficbook (Russian fic platform) but this is not an invitation :)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
It's good for mental health. Nothing of it is posted. yet? who knows. But let me see... There is some gentle sex, a/b/o, bondage, inappropriate use of lightsabers, dub-con, SO MANY HANDCUFFS- ahem
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
not really? unless we count a fix-it of Endgame ending with Agent Carter characters telling Steve to fuck off
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
no (unless I don't know about something? hm...)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
YES YES YES YES beautiful incredible wonderful sent to me by heaven and hell charmwasjess generously loves my stories and helps translate them. without them, none of my fics (or rare posts lol) would have seen the light of day
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I'm in the captivity of syku right now but codywan was in my heart for a long time. not enough to post something but I have few drafts with them.
I have few winterhawk fics and seeing them sometimes on my dash still warms my heart
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
all my wips???
there are too many of them but I think I have the most doubts about Войска самых светлых намерений (Troops of the brightest intentions) # Qui-Gon lives # Qui-Gon training Anakin # not a fix-it # grief # sith Obi-Wan
16. What are your writing strengths?
Descriptions? I really enjoy writing about paranormal things like the Force and visions. I don’t often manage to describe nature, but I think this also comes out well. And when I finally START writing, I can write half a chapter
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Seriously, there was a GIF recently with Tom laying down the rails right in front of this speeding train? It's me. I have a scene, I have a vibe, I have no idea what’s between these vibes
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'm not sure that translating and adapting dialogue = writing dialogue in this language, so I have no thoughts
19. First fandom you wrote for?
this was an isekai fic about an albino and I think that says enough. it can't be found anymore :)
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
between the stars I think. these idiots having fun and kissing and so stupidly in love- ask me again after I finish Single Seers and I Pray
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Hi! I love love love your Lukanette writing, it brings warmth to my heart 💛 I was simply wondering, if you’re comfortable answering, what drew you to writing fanfic?
I promise I was not ignoring this ask! I just require 5-10 business days to come out of the compliment induced mush puddle. It honestly makes me so happy to know that my writing brings warmth to your heart, because that's really what i want my writing to do is bring people joy 💖💖💖
I don't mind you asking at all! I love it when people ask me questions about my writing, and if it's something I'm not comfortable sharing I just let people know!
I've put it under the cut because the context that I feel is necessary makes it kind of long. 😅
I also want to, at this point, warn people that there will be mentions of workplace abuse. I'm not going into any detail, but it is relevant to how I started writing Lukenatte fanfic, so I wanted to warn anyone who might read this.
If you want the short version: I've always loved writing, and the Lukanette corner of the internet brought me great comfort in a time when I needed it. I started writing Lukanetts fanfic on a whim, and it was incredibly healing for me.
I have always loved and been fascinated by stories ever since I can remember. I would always make up stories in my head when I couldn't sleep and my book tapes had reached the end of their play time (I still make up stories in my head). I was pretty young when I wrote my first fanfic, though I use that term loosely because I was in grade three or four and I think I got two or three pages in before I got distracted.
But writing has been something that I have always gravitated to at every point in my life. Once I hit about grade 5 I started writing a lot of original short stories and a lot of poetry. In junior high I started writing longer stories, though I never actually finished them. I honestly can't remember if I read much fanfic when I was in junior high, I try not to think about my junior high years too much.
In high school I fell into reading fanfic, though I don't exactly remember how I fell back into it. High school was a super busy time for me, so I didn't write very much for fun during those years but I always had ideas for stories I wanted to write.
Once I started undergrad I was super busy and didn't have much time for writing, and very little time for reading fanfic. That didn't stop me from thinking of stories I want to write, both original ideas and ideas for fanfic for the various things I was interested in.
Then we fast forward to after I graduated from undergrad. Things were rough; my job was causing my health to suffer and I didn't have any time for any of my creative outlets, including writing. And then things got really bad.
I took up a teaching contract that absolutely destroyed me. I won't go into details of what the abuse looked like because that is rather personal and something I don't want to share. But for two months straight I was working 12-14 hour days (including on weekends) and I wasn't able to eat or sleep due to stress. When I finished that contract, I was barely functioning. I was not in a good place.
As I was trying to recover from the trauma of that experience, I rediscovered the Miraculous fandom, and specifically the lukanette portion of it. I started reading the fanfics, and they brought me so much comfort in a time when I really needed it. A few months passed of me lurking on the fringes, not writing and not really engaging on tumblr (I was too shy and unsure of myself). And then one day, I don't know what happened (though I do remember it was a day in June), I just opened a google doc and started writing. I entered a writing frenzy almost, and then I blinked, and it was two weeks later and I had a 60 000 and counting story in front of me. And it was then that I realized that for the first time in a really long time, I felt a bit like my old self.
So I kept writing. I spent that entire summer writing, both continuing that story and starting new ones. And every day, i felt a bit better. Looking back, writing those stories was the first thing I had truly done for myself in years.
By the end of that summer, I wanted to try posting some of my writing. I was absolutely terrified for a lot of reasons, but I'm really proud of myself for doing the thing that scared me. And I'm grateful because becoming an active member of this community has led me to make so many incredible friends and challenge myself in my writing, and it has helped me continue to heal.
And even though I write for myself, knowing that my writing brings joy, or comfort, or makes someone laugh honestly fills my heart, because as much as my writing is for me, I also hope my stories can provide some of the comfort those pics brought me. 💖
So that's the short (but still long) story of how I came to be writing Lukanette fanfic. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to tell me what my stories mean to you, and to ask about my writing 💖
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merouses · 2 years
Books Mero read, 2022 edition
As promised (to myself?) here’s a small review for all books and book series I read this year!
The Nightrunner series by Lynn Flewelling - This series. This FUCKING series. Its so fucking good. Its sooooo good!!! It’s 7 books in all (plus 1 collection of short stories) and they’re all at least very good. It can be intimidating since it’s a pretty long series BUT they’re all  pretty standalone still. My favourite turned out to be the 3rd book, as it best meshed the adventure and intrigue styles, which the other books tend to stick mostly to one of. My only critiques really are that some parts are really.... unpleasant to read, given the situation the characters find themselves in, and sometimes these parts reeeeally overstay their welcome. Book 4 Im looking at you(....I skimmed over like half of this book for this reason). Regardless of that though, these books are still great, the characters are amazing, and the many many times and ways Seregil and Alec were tastefully described as fucking was 100/10.
In Deeper Waters by F.T. Lukens - From great to bad. Ok maybe thats a bit harsh but this book is just uninspired and uninspiring, probanbly the most “young adult” of the books I read this year? Like, yeah its cute and all, and the romance is... fine? But nothing happens in this book. There’s one actual good moment that’s when the MC is kidnapped (not a spoiler, it’s in the synopsis) and that chunk of pages was actually engaging, but then... nothing. Or essentially nothing. The ‘mystery’ the book proposes is the barest of bones of one, and the ending absolutely sucked: a sudden problem solved by an even more sudden solution, all in less than 20 pages. Idk maybe this one really was just too juvenile for me, I imagine if I read it at like 12 or 13 I’d have liked it, or at least enjoyed it more.
The Fire’s Stone by Tanya Huff - This is another one that felt ‘young adult’, it’s very much a fantasy adventure book, if that makes sense. An unlikely band of heroes set out to defeat the bad guy, get the thing and save the land, yadda yadda. But... it’s pretty good! The unlikely heroes are all pretty likeable and their dynamic fun, the pacing’s pretty good, the setting interesting... Everything just clicked, really, this was a fun time.
The Last Sun, The Hanged Man & The Hourglass Throne (or, The Tarot Sequence 1,2&3) by K.D. Edwards - The harshest thing I can say about these books is that the author plans 9 of em and only 3 are out. I just. Really really loved these ones, the characters are great, the plots are fun, even if they get pretty dark sometimes (mostly on book 2)... They’re contemporary fantasy and, I’ll be honest, when I first picked up The Last Sun I thought I’d hate it. A lot of swearing, a lot of action-movie action, the mc loves his quips... honestly if I hadn’t known it was gay It’s not a book I’d pick up. But I was wrong! And everything works. The world created (where atlantis had revealed itself to the world and is now a modern day city with it’s own intricacies and conspiracies) is so engaging, it really shows its own culture and how it intertwined with today’s world. And very much today’s world, the 3rd book even brings up COVID. Really... I just can’t wait for the next books.
White Trash Warlock by David R. Slayton - I’m talking about this one right after the Tarot Sequence cause they feel very similar. Not really in terms of plot, but they feel both like offshoots of the same base idea of magic in the real current world, there’s probably overlapping inspiration there. And... it’s fine! I can’t really say why, but even though I liked this book well enough it just didn’t grab me like the other books I enoyed on this list did. Maybe it’s the pacing, maybe it’s my growing familiarity with gay fantasy (this is the last book I finished out of these) but it just... fell short I guess. Or maybe it’s the fact that really this book feels very.... “american”, in the sense that it’s really about some specific american things or experiences, I guess, and I’m not american. I can try and imagine everyone’s accent as described, sure, but it’s not bringing along the baggage that’s there if you know these places first or second hand. Can’t say I enoyed the very brief but unnecessary cliffhanger though ...but I’ll still read the rest of the series, and hope they get better.
Swordspoint by Ellen Kushner - This book is all intrigue, essentially, and I... liked it? I think? It has similar problems to In Deeper Waters, where nothing reeeally happens till it does all at once, but it managed that pacing much better than Waters did, first by having the nothing happenning actually feel like a buildup, slow as it was, and second by having the story be actually about politics and schemes and intrigue, so it warrants its own slowness. Most of these characters are assholes though.
The Watchtower by Elizabeth A. Lynn - Another slow one, but this time a proper slow adventure, rather than intrigue drama, I guess. I.... don’t really wanna talk to much about this one. It’s gay and it isn’t, it flows nicely, and everythings well painted but... it made me feel a lot of conflicting feelings which left me very down for several days, but I think that was because of personal feelings as to what happens here. So yeah. Idk. Can’t really say I disliked it but it doesn’t feel right to say I did, either. The title doesn’t really make a lot of sense though, that’s for certain.
Silver in the Wood & The Drowned Country by Emily Tesh - A duology of short books that can best be described as squandered potential. Man, I liked the first book. It’s short, its sweet, sure the pacings not that great and this  is definetly a fanfic that was repurposed into a book, but it’s good! It has a feel, the way the magic things, the wood itself is decribed is good, its intriguing, it made me think “oh thats a cool way to describe these things that are happenning!”. And then the second book just. Has the same characters, has the same magic things but. Does absolutely nothing with it. The interesting descriptions? Maybe a couple of passages but they don’t make up for the bad plot and pacing this time. There was the opportunity for a great ending, one which would actually made you feel things, but it dropped the ball so hard. Bleh.
A Marvellous Light by Freya Markse - This is the first book I read this year! And really, a great way to start. Its an edwardian fantasy with a veeery interesting magic system, a cool plot, good characters, if a tad tropey. I had a lot of fun reading this one! Part of that may be the posh englishmen suddenly talking about cock, and me getting sucker punched by eplicit sex scenes which I did exxpect. Either way, the sequel just came out and I’m excited to see if it can keep up with the first one. It’s apparently about lesbians, which is fun.
The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison - I think this is the only properly not gay book I read this year. That aside, I loved this book!!!! Like, a lot!!!!! The worldbuilding is really good, leaving a lot of space open for exploration, but it does lean heavily into fantasy mumbo jumbo, as in, boy does this book have a looot of hard names to remember. There’s a glossary of sorts at the end but most of the times I went to it for help, it didn’t have the word. That aside, it was enjoyable the whole way through. It’s another story of political intrigue and schemig, not a lot of action, but the pacing somehow still feels so fast!! It’s about the youngest son of the emperor, who had no training and no expectations of becoming emperor himself and surprise! The crown lands on his head, essentially, and then about how isolated he feels due to his new position and how he navigates his relations when there are so many epectations of him. Its really good. It almost seemed like unearthing treasure when I later found out that there are sequels and the sequels actually do have a gay main character. Read this book.
Small epilogue: I just got back into reading this year, after not really picking up a new book since around 2019? And man. Reading is great. Ive sincerely started feeling so much better, so much more creative since I got back into reading!! Im surprised I jumped right back into reading a book a week (almost) and honestly? Im surprised at how comfy it feels. Ah, reading. I’m sicerely glad that I did so.
And so the year ends! On to more gay stuff! If you read this, thanks!!
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vanillahub · 1 year
General RP style and preferences
Repost, don’t reblog. Bold what applies. Strikethrough what does not. Elaborate on any points you’d like. Please be honest, we all want to find the people who work best with how we RP.
Types of RP / How I do threads
| I don’t I just do whatever is on my dash when I’m online | Mainly asks | I do little short things  mostly | I do my threads on discord | Long running threads that slowly build upon the muses |  
Plotting Preferences
| Wing it* | Get a general idea ooc and then run with it & plot further if need be | Long expansive thought out story arcs |
* = Only at the start, at some point we will have to get plotting if we wish to go further with our interactions/muses.
Type of threads I do / Prefer
| One-liners only* | Whatever dash shenanigans I’m online for | Para or Multi para | Literal Novels |
* = only for crack/dash shenanigans
Reply Speed for Threads & Consistency & Keeping threads
|  I lose threads all the time & don’t usually get back to them | I  tend to lose threads but please tell me if I have and I’ll reply! | I  drop threads pretty easily | I’m really slow but I WILL get back to you |  I reply on a schedule/queue* | I usually reply  within a week | I reply every day | I reply almost instantly |
* = I dump the majority of my replies in the queue. I use threads tracker, to help me manage what I've across all my blogs. I tend to be quick to get to replies, then I use the queue system to space them out, this way me and my partner can manage it properly.
On discord things are a bit different, seeing how there isn't a queue system. I'm not a particularly fast replier, and I hate feeling like I have to rush to put out replies. Which means, I really won't bother my partners to respond to threads, I want things to be pretty chill for us when RPing there.
Romantic or sexual ships
|  I don’t do these ships (specify reason if you would like)* | I’m not  against them happening but it is not the main point of my blog | All  ships will have to be super slow burn & discussed a lot OOC, super chemistry based (specify reason if you’d like) | I love doing ships, HMU  I probably already ship it just ask!** | I ship really quickly | I  autoship or ship within a few interactions | I mainly RP for the cute  ship fluff or smut |
* = Each one of my muses about docs/pages has a Ship bias and "ships I won't write" section (they range from things that make me way too uncomfortable to write, to straight up NOTPs). I have 3 side-blogs in different fandoms, I won't be listing them here lol ** = I love shipping, but I NEED plotting/discussions. Even for ships I’m biased to and enjoy, I’m strongly against the idea of “collecting” ships. I want every verse to receive the same amount of attention/development, it deserves.
| I do NOT do smut at  all (specify reason if you’d like) | I’m very selective about it | I  only do it on a separate (blog/discord/specify here*) | I mainly only do  asks relating to the subject on Sundays | I I enjoy writing it |
* = I have a smut blog and can write it on Discord! With that said, I’ve been prefering to do it on Discord.
Active hours [Specify Timezone, if you’d like]
| Mornings 8-10 | Midday 11-1 | Afternoon 2-5 | Evenings 6-8 | Night 9-12 | Ungodly hours of the day 1-onwards | Do you guys keep track of this?
Brazilian timezone: UTC -3. That's all you need to know lol
Activity Schedule
|  SUPER slow and sporadic, like once a month or so | Slow and sporadic  week long gaps between activity | Bi-weeklyish activity | Weekly  activity (specify if there’s a certain time you have school/work/etc.  off that you are most active) | Daily activity | I’m online nearly all  the time |
| I don’t do starter calls | I want to do starter  calls but often don’t have time | I do selective calls (specify) | I  don’t do calls, but always fee free to ask me for one!* I do starter  calls rarely/regularly/often |
* = I haven’t had much luck with those kinds of calls, as such I prefer sending prompts or liking others calls (whenever I can).
| I don’t do AUs | My blog is an AU but  outside of that I don’t do them | I sometimes do them but only with a  lot of plotting | I have a couple of AUs already feel free to request  them! | I have AUs coming out of my ears please interact with them! | I  love making AUs HMU to plot if you think of one! | There are some AUs I  won’t do (specify here) |
Check out my muses about docs/pages, I list my AUs there!
| I  don’t do crossovers (specify reason if you’d like)* | I’m selective with  crossovers (specify reason if you’d like)* | I love crossovers! |
* = OKAY SO, I'm going to be bluntly honest. I'm VERY selective with crossovers, it's nothing personal. I just like being well familiarized with both fandoms I'll be doing the crossover. And even then, there are certain franchises, where I feel like a crossover just wouldn't be able to happen (that's why I never bothered to do a pokemon AU for my SW muses, or vice versa. Or even why I have no desire to make pokemon or SW verses for my Saint Seiya muses.). This sentiment only worsens, with franchises I know nothing about (my brain makes me feel like I should, in the very least, know one or two things about the other series. Even if the mun reassures me, that's not necessary for an interaction). In the end, I just want to do something that is fun, for both of us. **= The communities I outright refuse to follow/interact with are: Undertale, MLP, FNaF, Homestuck, Genshim Impact, League of Legends (this includes the spin-offs), Friday night Funkin', Disney, Marvel (especially the MCU) historical and real person fiction. Most well known series: YGO [season 0 & DM], Saint Seiya [classic], Star wars, Pokemon, Castlevania, Sonic and Tekken!
0 notes
rezdragon · 2 years
Anyways, here’s your current project list (things I am working on right now, February 12, 2023):
Normal I actually did work on it a little bit Friday afternoon. I was gonna work on it this weekend, but I’m almost done with cataloging my tapes, so I worked on that instead. Normal is about 85% done for the regular content anyways. There’s two “bonus scenes” I want to work on, and those require some additional foley work. I also need to redo my voice acting for both bonus scenes and one other scene because I sounded terrible. I might do that next week if work doesn’t call me in early like they’ve been doing for the last two weeks. I’m not gonna offer anymore predictions on when Normal will be out since that kept getting pushed back. So Normal will be out when it’s ready.
Ghost Stories of North Idaho A compilation of short horror stories mostly based on things that have actually happened to me. This will be an album and I have a lot of recording ahead of me for it hng. Looking forward to working on it though, should be spooky. I got some great ghost stories written up. I need to fine tune and edit them before I begin recording anything. Have no idea when this will be out.
Short Film This has been my main focus for the last two weeks or so. It’s another auto-bio affair, where I’m reflecting on my past work (and by past work, I mean work from 10 to 15 years ago). I haven’t decided on the name of it yet and I’ve been taking my very sweet time writing it. This will probably come out before the other two, and within the next month or so.
Projects that I have on the back burner for now, but have plans for:
The Trickster Need to finish the series outline and then start script writing it. Gotta get back into the mood to work on it. I suddenly lost it when I got caught up in the whirlwind of working on Tasukete haha.
Orintheous’ Revenge I need to light a certain someone’s ass on fire for lines, and I need to rewrite the scene where Orintheous and Co. are introduced because I hate the original (I have to get everyone to redo their voice acting anyways). I’ve been stuck on where to take the scene that feels the most natural. Sometime, I really need to sit down and work out the series bible for OR.
The Disaster Archives (other stories) Still working on TDA’s series bible too. I got a little writer’s block trying to think of how to describe the other characters (also felt bad because Rez’s section is 12 pages long, where as Myth’s will only be like 3 pages. I mean SHE IS THE MAIN CHARACTER but god). Like I said, next story is Everyday, but I am not allowing myself to touch any additional stories (aside from minor planning) until Normal is finished so I don’t abandon it.
Tasukete (title track) Music Video I REALLY WANT TO MAKE THIS, but I need to give myself the time to do so, and plan it out. Seriously, the title track is one of my favorite songs and I want a music video for it very badly.
Okay, that’s all for now!
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stilessderek · 3 years
BL Dramas I’ve Watched So Far
This is the order of watching, with my ratings and short reviews. The list is long - and getting longer the more I watch so I’ve put it under a “keep reading” tag. Ps! The “/” between two dates means I started the show at night time. Warning! The more I watch, the stricter I become with the ratings.
1. Still 2gether (Thailand Drama) Review: Yes you read that correctly. I had no idea that I had started season 2 of this series and ended up having to watch a recap on YouTube of s1 so I knew the couple and story more. That said, the series was adorable, so cute, and I couldn’t believe that I hadn’t know about the genre! Overall, while it didn’t have any sex scenes, well they barely even had a few kisses, it was still quite enjoyable to watch and Bright is B E A U T I F U L. A good start to my new obsession. I do wish there was more chemistry between Tine and Sarawat; as in Tine not moving away from Sarawat all the time... BrightWin is a nice ship. Favorite character: Sarawat.  Rate: 6.5/10 2. TharnType (Thailand Drama) Review: This was my second BL and I was taken by surprise. As I was fairly new to this genre I had somewhat expected them all to be cute and lovey-dovey after watching Still 2gether and got shocked by some of the heavy topics. I also liked that the language was a bit more mature and that it had more sexy times. It did however, had some warning signs that made me a bit uncomfortable such as: touching without permission (when Type was asleep for example) and violence, especially Type hitting Tharn. But still, there was just something about that series that got me so hocked and I thought of it for days, and I end up comparing this series to others and find them lacking. And let’s not forget about the chemistry between MewGulf. That said, season 1 is much better season in the sense of plot, but Type is the best in season 2. Tharn is too pushy in s1, but I could get over that, but he was just too whiny for me in season 2. Oh and I forgot to mention that I hated the LeoFiat ship simply because I couldn’t stand Fiat. Like at all. He almost ruined season 2 for me completely. I liked Leo but my dislikeness that was pretty much hatred for Fiat overshadowed it. Favorite character: Type.  S1: Second time: Started: 21.05.2022 - Finished: 22.05.2022 (Obviously Tharn has NO boundaries when it comes to consent. Like at all. And this was one of my problems with this show. I’m only on episode 3 so far in my re-watch, but damn.... my opinion on Tharn hasn’t changed at all. And that scene when they want to take Type’s picture... I get Type’s reaction. Especially with his background; yes he could’ve handled it way better, but at the same time, they shouldn’t have touched him without consent. They were really pushing. Currently on episode 9 in the rewatch and I just have to say I hate how Tharn keeps pushing Type; the thing with not telling him that they were going to his house? Not cool. Like Type has his bad sides such as anger issues and violence, but he’s not as bad as Tharn. Tharn doesn’t even know what consent means... Update: I’m now on episode 12 and I just have to say that Champ really owns the scene in that confronting scene with Lhong. Also the way he grabbed Techno’s neck at the end of that scene was hot. I could totally see him as a possessive dom when he’s in serious mode. I loved it and wish we had gotten TONS more of that. Also, that chocking scene was fake-as-fuck. They could’ve done that better, just saying. But Gulf deserves a lot of credit for his acting skills. Now that I’m rewatching and know who the bad guy is, watching Gulf’s reactions hits different this time. Love that. Btw, so good to see Saint, aka Pete, from Love by Chance now that I’ve actually seen that show too. I love Saint. Here’s the thing though, I’m not attracted to Mew, but I’m very attracted to his hands. Especially with the thumb ring. It’s so fucking hot. Gulf, on the other hand, is definitely my type. Overall, this re-watch wasn’t that successful but it was still enjoyable enough. It has some very strong red flags, some things that I really don’t like, but the chemistry is on point and I love Gulf.) S2: Second time: Started: 25.05.2022 - Finished: 12.06.2022 (I’m taking my time here as second rewatch of season 1 wasn’t that successful... Tharn is getting on my nerves with his pushing and whining... 30.05.22: Currently on episode 7 and I have to say that Type REALLY shines this season. Gulf has really stepped up his game, that’s for sure. As for Tharn... he’s still the same. I feel like he hasn’t grown up at all. He’s still pushing Type to do what he isn’t comfortable to do: in season 1 it was for them to become boyfriends and for people to know about said relationship, in season 2 it is pressuring him to get married and quitting his job. I’m at that stage where I feel like Type could easily find someone else to be with. Don’t get me wrong, I like TharnType as a couple and Tharn does treat him good, but the continuing pressure and whining from Tharn is really getting on my nerves. He keeps saying he’ll wait until Type is ready, but does he? No. Ugh. I’m really disliking Tharn this rewatch. Update: I had to episodes left by the 12th and I managed to finish it. Damn. This re-watch too ages to finish! A huge part of regret re-watching as I just didn’t like it as much. I start skimming; especially Fiat’s scenes, and I just got more and more annoyed with Tharn. I love Type though.) Rate: 8/10 (first time watching) Rate: 4.5-10 (second time watching)
3. TharnType Special: Our Final Love (Thailand Drama) Review: I LOVE Type’s development. That’s a true character growth right there and in this episode is when I truly felt Type accepting that he loves a man. However, this was also the proper start of me starting to get a bit annoyed with Tharn. He was a bit too whiny for me. Favorite character: Type.  Second time: Started: 23.05.2022 - Finished: 23.05.2022 (Type really shines here. Truly. I adore him in this special “episode”.) Rate: 7/10
4. TharnType 2 Special: The Wedding Day (Thailand Drama) Review: Cute. It really was, but I didn’t like how Tharn kept pressuring Type for marriage. Type has, of course, become my baby. Favorite character: Type.  Rate: 6/10
5. HIStory 3 - Trapped (Taiwan Drama) Review: This was such a disappointment. I could see others loving this series and I so wanted to love it as well, but I have to say... I didn’t. I just couldn’t stand the main character of Shao -Fei. He got on my nerves so bad and I could never take him seriously as a cop. He was like a kid of speed to be honest. While I liked the coldness and the mafia aspect of Yi Tang, Shao-Fei ruined it all for me. Favorite character: Yi Tang.  Rate: 3.5/10
6. Be Loved in House (Taiwan Drama) Review: This one started of good. I have a thing for cold, possessive and dominant men, and Jun Yu caught my eyes for a bit. But then I kinda lost interested the more we got to know him. It wasn’t that he wasn’t an interesting character, I just couldn’t find his traits attractive any longer. I felt he was getting weaker each episodes and I just love powerful men and I couldn’t help feeling this way. I feel so bad for saying this, but in shows/movies, I want powerful men who is dominant and not feminine. It’s just a preference. Shi Lei was nice enough to continue and finish the series. The beginning was good enough, but I wished it had a stronger hate turned love story, maybe that would’ve made it better for me? Favorite character: Shi Lei.  Second time: Started: 05.05.2022 - Finished: 05.05.2022 (I genuinely enjoyed this re-watch. I found Jun Yu and Shi Lei adorable to watch. I love the glimpse of the dominant sides so Jun Yu; they are hot as fuck and I wish we had gotten more. I feel that the scenes with Yi Zi Tong, especially the last episode, was unnecessary, but that might just be my opinion. I also felt that Hank Wang wasn’t all that comfortable with the kissing scenes; he seemed rather passive in those, but other than that he and Aaron Lai have awesome chemistry. I wish we had gotten to see them more as a couple though... Oh and Hank Wang reminds me so much of Saint Udomkaewkanjana = good thing!) Third time: Started: 23.06.2022 - Finished: 24.06.2022 (I wanted to see something light and quick and decided on this on. I adore Jun Yu and Shi Lei and I desperately want a season 2. I wan to see more of them act like a couple, and how their future holds. Please give us a season 2!) Rate: 5.5/10 - New Rate (after second watch): 6.5
7. Together With Me (Thailand Drama) Review: MaxTul has a good chemistry and that showed with their characters Korn and Knock. I was really interested in the theme of friends to lovers, and the first episode put the expectations high. I liked the angst and I liked the amount of sexy times (though who wouldn’t want for more or is it just me?), but I wasn’t all that much into the pressure Korn put Knock in. Now, Bright.... he... I don’t know how to say this without sounding mean but he just made me so damn uncomfortable. I couldn’t stand him and his behavior. Something about his disgusted me and I wanted to slap Farm so many times for letting all that happen. Favorite character: Knock.  Rate: 6/10
8. Together With Me: The Next Chapter (Thailand Drama) Review: This next chapter hurt this series so badly for me. I’m actually a bit mad at what happened in this one. Knock was the best here and Korn needs some slaps. And let’s not forget Farm and his behavior, and then Bright was back; YUCK. Favorite character: Knock.   Rate: 3/10
9. Where Your Eyes Linger (South Korea Drama) Review: Too short. Too damn short, I want more! There was something about this short series... really. While there was, what, one kiss at the end, I truly felt their chemistry and love for one another. I truly hope we get a season 2 here. I want to see their dynamic after being apart and now in a relationship, and no longer being bodyguard-boss. Favorite character: Han Tae Joo.  Rate: 7/10
10. Manner of Death (Thailand Drama) Review: After being so pissed of about Korn and Knock, I wasn’t completely ready to see MaxTul together again in a new series. However, after WYEL, I decided to give it a shot anyway, and I’m glad I did. I liked it. It has a more seriousness to it, though it was hard to picture Tul as a doctor. That said, there was some parts I didn’t like, such as their plans almost always going down the toilet; like, guys, plan better. But, they have a good chemistry and this one was at least better than TWM. Favorite character: Dr. Bun. Rate: 6.5/10
11. Bad Buddy (Thailand Drama) Review: Adorbs. I liked this one. Very much. Pat and Pran were adorable together, though I did felt like Pat was more in love than Pran. Pran kinda pulled away too much from Pat and I didn’t like that all the much. But they were cute and had good chemistry. I did not like the last episode though... Favorite character: Pat. Rate: 7.5/10
12. Not Me (Thailand Drama) Review: I was so disappointed. I had expected so much. Perhaps too much. I did not like White, nor did I feel ANYTHING between him and Sean. I ship a couple that wasn’t even a couple and one of the persons in said “none-couple” was in a damn coma. Yes, I shipped GramBlack. And based on everything said about Black, I frankly couldn’t WAIT to meet him, because I honestly couldn’t stand White or Sean. I also don’t like the potential of GramEugene. I wished for more of a brotherhood feeling, but honestly, White didn’t know crap about Black. White was boring and weak, and following him as a lead was not a good one for me. It has potential though and since there’s still 4 episodes to go, it might get better. Maybe. Hopefully. Eh. Favorite character: Black. Rate: 4/10
13. Sotus The Series (Thailand Drama) Review: It started out pretty nice. I liked how Kongpob stood up for his friends and against bullying, and he seems liked a good character to follow. However, the more he wanted Arthit, the less I liked him. And this has nothing to do with Arthit, but everything to do with how Kongpop made me uncomfortable with his behavior towards wanting Arthit. He just felt like a stalker sometimes to be honest. And then there’s the fact that Arthit didn’t seem all that interested, so it was hard to buy their potential relationship. That said, the series as a whole had potential. But I liked M more than the mains, and I shipped PremWad (why didn’t they go for this ship?!) more than KongArthit. Because of the lack of chemistry between KongArthit, I honestly wasn’t interested in continuing the series after season 1, and I have yet to watch Sotus S (season 2). Favorite character: None. Rate: 5/10
14. Dark Blue Kiss (Thailand Drama) Review: Since I wasn’t interested in watching Kiss Me Again as it’s not a bl series, I just watched PeteKao’s scenes on YouTube and immediately wanted to watch DBK. I’m glad I did, they are cute and I love enemies to lovers tropes. That said, I disliked how much Kao wanted to hide what Pete means to him and I loved Pete and his assholeness. He was jealous, possessive, sexy, cold and a jerk at times. But I genuinely want to see more of them so do give us a season 2. I do have to be honest and say that SunMork’s relationship didn’t really do it for me. I don’t like pressuring characters and Sun kept pressuring/pushing Mork. He was also very judgmental and didn’t listen to others. Mork was such a cutie and I wanted to hug him. UPDATE DAY AFTER FINISHING THE SERIES: I came across a fan video of PeteKao - Love Me Like You Do by Yin Ooistm and I smiled like a love sick puppy while watching it so I do have to say that I do really like their relationship and I hope we get another season to explore it more. Favorite character: Pete. Second time: Started: 08.05.2022 - Finished: ?.05.2022 (Here’s the thing; I do believe that Pete did overreact with the situation with Non, however, I feel like it was also valid (this might because Pete’s my favorite character in this show and I’ll protect him with everything I got) as Kao made him feel very insecure about their relationship. While I get that Kao doesn’t want people to know, he kept hiding Pete and that would make anyone scared and worried (and possessive), even angry at others approaching his boyfriend. Had Kao been more clear from the beginning with Non, things might not have turned out this way, but Kao was so scared that people would find out that - for me - he was rather underserving of Pete. He never should’ve gone behind Pete’s back. He should’ve just told him straight on instead of lying about Non. That’s just my opinion though.... I felt like Pete loves Kao more than Kao loves Pete. And knowing everything that happens for this rewatch just made me want to slap Kao and I got annoyed at seeing his face. Ugh. I’m protective okay. I can’t help it. I feel like Pete just wants Kao’s support but all Kao does is sigh and look dumb/bored/annoyed. This rewatch is really having me dislike Kao for some reasons :O Update: 15.05.2022: I gave up after episode 7. Kao just annoyed me and not even Pete could save this re-watch.) Rate: 6/10 (new Rate: 6.5-7/10 just for PeteKao ship)
15. Until We Meet Again (Thailand Drama) Review: Umm I finished episode one and I just wasn’t feeling the story. Maybe in the future I’ll give it another go, but for now I’m putting it on hold. Like I could’ve shipped WinDean but since that ain’t happening.... Rate: no rating as I’ve put it on hold.
16. Semantic Error (South Korea Drama) Review: I like it. It’s been 4 episodes and I really like it. I’m excited to see where it is going and what more the characters will do. There was something special about Jang Jae Young and he’s definitely catching my eyes a lot. He’s a little bit on the nutty side, but somehow I find him adorable. Cho Sang Woo is interesting as well and I can’t wait to get to know him more. I kinda like how they are warm (Jang Jae) and cold (Cho Sang). Update: 13.03.22: I have now finished the series and it’s so adorable but fuck, it’s too damn short! I want more! Are we getting a season two? That said, I liked episode 8 the most, to be honest, simply because of the extra scene we got at the end. Now I just need more. Lower rating because it was so damn short; I feel like it could’ve had more depth and development if it was longer. Favorite character: Jang Jae. Rate: 7-7.5/10
17. History 4: Close To You (Taiwan Drama) Review: Omg Teng Teng reminded me so much of Type (TharnType) when he looked down or smiled. Anson Chen and Gulf Kanawut has some similarities that Teng Teng immediately became the favorite of the show. That said, I adored MurenLicheng couple, though Licheng’s energy was sometimes too much. I was not a big fan of XingsiYongjie couple. Yong Jie made me uncomfortable, to be honest. That said, the show had some good scenes and it was a cute one. Favorite character: Teng Teng.  Second time: Started: 26.06.2022 - Finished: 27.06.2022 (XingsiYongjie makes me so uncomfortable. I’m mostly skipping their scenes; only re-watching for MurenLicheng. I have to say that I really liked Licheng when he was in serious-mode. That was when, in my opinion, he was his best self.) Rate: 6/10 (only for the MurenLicheng scenes)
18. Kissable Lips (South Korea Drama) Review: Okay, I cried. I’ll start with that. Kim Ji Woong is fucking beautiful. He reminded me a bit of Bright Vachirawit and Yoon Seo Bin reminded me of  Mitchell Hope. Jun Ho interested me as fuck and Min Hyun was a cutie that had some backbone. I really liked the plot, however, I do have some things that took the rating down quite a big. The main reason for lower rate is the timeframe. I understand that with short and little episodes it’s hard to get everything needed in it, but because it was so short, I didn’t feel/see JunhoMinhyun fall in love. Another reason is that there was no proper backstory to vampires. Was the only thing separating humans and vampires the need to feed blood and the consequences for killing? Jun Ho was over 500 years old, yet it didn’t feel like it at all. Then of course the last reason, the ending. What the ever loving fuck? Overall, really liked Jun Ho. Favorite character: Jun Ho. Finished: 28.02.2022 Rate: 6.5/10
19. Lovely Writer (Thailand Drama) Review: Just a quick update: just finished episode 7 and I do like this show. I hadn’t expected that twist so that was a surprised. I have to say that the child who played young Nubsib was a good actor for being so damn young. If he continued to act, I think he has a good future for him. Now, on to the shipping. ‘Cause you know... I’m a shipper. Anyway, am I the only one who thought Noppakao Dechaphatthanakun reminded me of Tawan Vihokratana from Dark Blue Kiss? While watching Lovely Writer I kept thinking of Gulf Kanawut (he’s still my favorite bl actor) and since Noppakao reminded me of Tawan I was like... I would’ve LOVED to see Gult and Tawan as a bl couple. This, of course, made me research and I found the ship of KaoGulf, the ship between Noppakao and Gulf and I was like; okay I can get on board with that since Noppakao reminded me of Tawan, but there is actually some content on TayGulf as well... Damn I’m a shipper. Back to Lovely Writer: Poompat Iam-samang was a cutie, though I wish he would talk more, and I do like the couple of SibGene. They are cute. Not a big fan of Aey, but I absolutely adore Tum. Ken Prarunyu Sooksamram is uhhh.. quite... uhh... good looking. I wouldn’t mind seeing him play the main lead for a bl... Quick update about episode 9: Nubsib is fucking hot in black. Just saying. And I fucking hate Aey. I just finished it. What a nice series. I loved that it wasn’t too cheesy and awkward, and I absolutely loved SibGene′s relationship because it didn’t feel one-sided at all. I liked that it seemed like both loved each other dearly. Tum is terrific and I want more of him. He was such a nice character. I’m looking forward to Ken′s The Theory Series where he plays a main part and a gay character. That said, I FUCKING hated Aey. So much. I even gave him the finger every time he appeared. I just couldn’t stand him. Overall, I wouldn’t mind a season 2 of this show.... Just saying. Favorite character: Nubsib. First time: Finished: 03.03.2022 Second time: Started: 25.07.2022 - Finished: 27/28.07.2022 (decided to re-watch this one to show my mom it as I remember it was quite good. Update: we have finished episode 9 and I just haaaaate Aey. And that one scene with Aey and Gene in the bar... I kinda wanted to slap Gene out of it. Update: we have now finished the show. I still wish that Gene showed more loved to Nubsib; I still feel like Nubsib loved him more. That said, my mom said that Aey was like a psychopath (had some traits) and I couldn’t agree more. At least like a bad brat. Aey is one of my most hated BL characters. I simply cannot stand him. Overall, I want my own Nubsib, and he and Gene are cute together.) Rate: 7/10 - Rate after re-watch: 5.5/10 (Gene annoyed me at time and Aey was unbearable this time around. Mom’s rate: 5/10 because she hated that people got so easily manipulated by Aey, but she did like the chemistry between Nubsib and Gene; favorite character: Gene even though he was at times an idiot. On second thought; she liked Nubsib the most because he didn’t give up.)
20. Why R U? (Thailand Drama) Review: Just started watching this series. I’m liking the potential of FighterTutor. But guess what? I’m on episode 2 and guess who showed up? MY BABIES THARNTYPE!! TYPE!!!!!! I fucking LOVED seeing them again and now I kinda want to do a re-watch. There was also a cameo for another couple from the series Make It Right: is it worth watching? Anyway, that was the quick updated. Just finished it and I adored this series. I really like FighterTutor; their relationship was so good and they looks so comfortable with each other, especially compared to other bl dramas. SaiZon was cute to some point, but if it were up to me, I would rather skip their scenes because Zon made me annoyed. At first I liked Zon, but he because too much of a child in my eyes and I just didn’t like it. FighterTutor was the best part of the series. Though I do wish we had gotten a conclusion to other couples such as DewBluexChamp. Overall, I liked this series and I do wish we had gotten a season 2. Favorite character: Tutor. First time: Finished: 05.03.2022 Second time: Started: 06.05.2022 - Finished: 07.05.2022 (I mostly skipped everything that didn’t have to do with Fighter, Tutor or FighterTutor, simply because I wasn’t interested in SaiZon’s scenes. I love the couple of FighterTutor. It feels so real and they seem so comfortable with one another compare to SO many other bl couples. I’m sad that so many have either forgotten this couple or dislike them. I don’t see why. Maybe it’s because they saw Saint with Perth in Love by Chance first...? I don’t know, I adore both couples either way.) Rate: 7/10
21. We Best Love: No. 1 For You (Taiwan Drama) Review: I liked this one. It was too short, but I still liked it quite a bit. I was a bit annoyed that Gao Shi De only tried to be friends; he didn’t even try to go further. That said, there were two specific scenes made my laugh my ass off and I really needed that laugh to be honest. I liked the concept, I liked the side characters, and I really liked Zhou Shu Yi and Gao Shi De. They were good characters individually. I wish we had gotten to see them more as a couple though... and I didn’t get the ending. Like what? At least we got a sequel so on to the next one. Oh and I should mention that YU is such a hottie. Favorite character: Shu Yi. First time: Finished: 06.03.2022 Second time: Started: 08.05.2022 - Finished: 08.05.2022 (I fucking hate second-hand embarrassment and this series got some of them. Luckily Zhou Shu doesn’t give a shit and that helps. Overall, this is still a good one to watch.) Third time: Started: 23/24.07.2022 - Finished: 24.07.2022 (Had to show my mom this one. Currently on episode 5. Update: we’re now finished and my mom really liked it. We immediately jumped to season 2.) Rate: 7/10
22. We Best Love: Fighting Mr. 2nd (Taiwan Drama) Review: Why did I feel like Shi De and Shu Yi’s story didn’t feel complete? The best part of this season was Shu Yi. He was adorable and I just wanted to hug him. Shi De in many ways felt a bit too weak, and Shu Yi needs a strong man. But they still has a good amount of chemistry and I liked their relationship. I do wish we had gotten more though. Shi Zhe Yu and Liu Bing Wei was cute, but I wish we had seen they actually act like a couple. Also I skimmed through Pei Shou Yi and Yu Zhen Xuan’s “relationship” because they didn’t really interest me. They had no chemistry at all. Overall, I liked this one, though season 1 was the best. I hope we get a season 3 that gives Shi De and Shu Yi more of a closure. Favorite character: Shu Yi. First time: Finished: 07.03.2022 Second time: Started: 08.05.2022 - Finished: 08.05.2022 (While I’m very invested in Shu Yi and Shi De’s story, I couldn’t care less for Pei Shou Yi and Yu Zhen Xuan’s story. Zhe Yu and Bing Wei were still a cute addition to the series overall. I wouldn’t have minded more scenes with them; as long as they wouldn’t take Shu Yi and Shi De’s screen time. Overall, I still enjoy this series but I do wish we had gotten more as Shu Yi and Shi De′s relationship doesn’t feel complete yet. Oh and am I the only one who missed Shu Yi’s accessories? Such as his rings... they were so hot!) Third time: Started: 24/25.07.2022 - Finished: 24/25.07.2022 (I adore Shi De and Shu Yi; I desperately want a season 3! Still don’t give a shit about Yu Zhen Xuan and Pei Shou Yi though.) Rate: 5.5-6/10 (my grade without Yu Zhen Xuan and Pei Shou Yi’s story would easily be 7.5/10 but those two ruin things for me) (my mom’s grade overall for this series was 12/10, though she was annoyed that they spent so much time on Jiang Yu Xin in s1, only to replace her with Yu Zhen Xuan) 
23. Love By Chance (Thailand Drama) Review: AePete was adorable. Their relationship was so damn sweet that I sometimes blushed for fucksake. I think that this series would be epic had it been more of a.... adult setting. The reason I first started watching series series was because of Saint Udomkaewkanjana from Why R U?, and I was curious to see if he would have just a great of a chemistry as he did with Pruk Panich with Perth Sukhumpantanasan, and I’m pleased to say that Saint is a very good actor who can obviously have chemistry with anyone. While FighterTutor was hotter, AePete was sweeter. It was strange seeing Saint acting so fragile and submissive when he’s so different as Tutor, but that just shows that he can act. What I don’t understand about the series is that they say that Ae isn’t handsome like the others and I’m like “WTF”!? He’s one of the most handsome ones there. Sure, he looks like a kid sometimes but he’s really good looking. So that was a strange one. I have to be honest though and say that I wasn’t interested in other one else’s relationship in this series. While TinCan could’ve been a great ship as Tin is quite interesting, Can ruined everything for me. He acted like a child and he made me stressed, so I ended up skimming their/his parts. TumTar didn’t interest me either, but that was most likely because I saw enough of them in TharnType. KengklaTechno was an odd one, and I didn’t really feel connection to their development. It was weird watching Pirapat Watthanasetsiri play a version of Type when Gulf Kanawut is my Type and baby. With all the bl series that I’ve watched so far, Type is still my number one, with Pete (Dark Blue Kiss) coming in second. Ae, Shu Yi, Nubsib are also some of the favorite ones. I definitely seem to have a type here.... Overall, the other couples besides AePete pulled this series down for me and I skimmed almost everything that wasn’t about them like a little more than halfway through the series. While I really liked AePete’s relationship, it wasn’t enough to get me properly excited. I wasn’t thinking all the time that I wanted to watch another episode, if you know what I mean. Oh and I should mention that it annoyed me a bit how they brushed over the fact that Pete was assaulted, and the beating he took was quite a lot, yet he didn’t go to the hospital and barely had any bruises... That said, I’m sad that the second season doesn’t contain Pete, and I was horrified of the reasons why. So much that Saint had to go through at such young age. I do hope we get to see Saint and Perth act together again. Favorite character: Ae.  First time: Finished: 08.03.2022 Second time: Started: 07/08.08.2022 - Finished: 15.08.2022 (Guess what I found myself wanting to watch again? I missed Saint, and Perth and here we are.... Saint is truly a great actor, guys. Truly. How he can play so submissive here, and the opposite in Why R U? is so awesome. The way he carries himself is so different. I want to see Saint in another BL so damn badly. Update: I finally managed to finish. We had a visitor (my brother) so we didn’t get to watch BL while he was here. Overall, I adore AePete, I really like Ae as a person, though if you look away from AePete then there isn’t much to go on: looking at you Kengkla.... and also Can annoys the shit out of me.) Rate: 6.5 (Only for AePete)/10 (my mom really liked Ae (found him really cute) and gives this one a 8/10)
24. Color Rush (South Korea Drama) Review: This was a strange one. It was nice, but strange. Choi Yeon Woo and Go Yoo Han was an interesting couple. Yoo Jun and Hur Hyun Jun had some chemistry for sure, but I felt like something was held back. Also that kiss......... can you really call it a kiss? Well, I guess you can call it a kiss, but not a passionate one. That said, it was a quick series that had some interesting elements to it, and I did like it. Did I love it? No. Still, it was enjoyable enough. Favorite character: Go Yoo Han. Started: 08.03.2022 - Finished: 09.03.2022 Rate: 5.5-5/10
25. Word of Honor (China Drama) Review: Just a quick update. Just finished episode 31, and I feel like I’m missing something between episode 30 and 31.... I finished the series... First off, episode 35 and 36 B R O K E me. Absolutely devastating. I truly broke down. I was also confused as fuck and I had to go to YouTube to have the ending explain, and thank fuck that I did that. Man if I hadn’t done that I’d be a mess right now. That said, this series was rather... beautiful. A bit predictable at some points, and there was some moments that annoyed me, but overall, a very good series. It did find some things weird like the flying and the close ups when fighting but eh, I got used to it. WenZhou was beautiful executed considering the censorship the show had to go through. I immediately fell in love with Gong Jun and his character Wen Kexing. Absolutely stunning and I do love an anti-hero. Hell, I wish we saw his evil side a bit more but just looking at his face is enough. Yeah, I know, I’m that shallow. Zhou Zishu was great as well. I loved his protectiveness and his love for Wen Kexing and Zhang Cheng Ling. But no one could beat my love for character Wen Kexing. He was just so amazing. I was talking about him to my sister and I showed her a gif of him and she was like “he looks like Legolas but in Chinese version” and I was like “holy shit! Why hadn’t I thought of that?!” And she was right, Legolas is beautiful as well and they are similar. I love them both, but there was just something about Wen Kexing that stole my heart; and he looked fucking beautiful in red. Wen Kexing and Gu Xiang’s relationship was so cute *wipes tear* and Cao Wei Ning was adorable *wipes another tear*. I am a bit broken right now so excuse my “review”, but this series gave me a bit of emotional damage. Good series; I wish for a season two, please. SPOILER!!!! How beautiful was Wen Kexing with white hair?! *Be still my heart* Shit I forgot to mention Prince Xie aka the Scorpion King. My heart did beat a little for him as well. I hated how he was with his “father” but he was a “good” bad boy. He was stunning as well and looked so damn good in black. Okay, I’m done now. Favorite character: Wen Kexing. Started: 09/10.03.2022 - Finished: 13.03.2022 Second time: Started: 27.04.2022 - Finished: 29.04.2022 (So much better this time around; I adored it! I still fucking cried my heart out in episode 36, even though I know there’s an epilogue (though a confusing one) and Wen Kexing is so goddamn beautiful. Overall, I really enjoyed this re-watch, though I did skim/skip scenes that didn’t contain Wen Kexing, Zhou Zishu and WenZhou. Oh and I’m still not over how this series managed to get in all those touches and flirting.... it was honestly a gift!) Third time: Started: 24.06.2022 - Finished: 02.07.2022 (Finally starting watching it with my mom, however, that means that the progress of watching is.... slooooow. Update: currently on episode 23... damn there’s so much politics in this show. Update: ****SPOILERS!!!!**** just finished episode 35 and I’m still confused at how Mo Huaiyang almost won.... Wen Kexing is supposed to be the GREAT Ghost Vally Chief yet.... Btw, is this how that battle ended/went in the novel? The more I re-watch, the more I want to read the novel.... Update: finally finished! God, Wen Kexing with white hair is god sent! So beautiful; perfection. I love it and would’ve LOVED to see it more. Overall, I liked the re-watch, just that the politics are a bit too heavy, and I wished there was a better ending for a certain scorpion... Also, which house/sect was Chengling in at the end?) Rate: 7.5-8 (lower because of the confusing ending)/10
26. The Untamed (China Drama) Review: O.M.G. This series... I was completely consumed by it. I couldn’t stop watching it. I finished the series of 50 episodes in 3 days. I got so obsessed! It was amazing. I loved it and I want more. Wang Yi Bo’s Lan Zhan/Lan Wangji was so beautiful. Perfect for Xiao Zhan’s Wei Ying/Wei Wuxian. They were quite epic together and as individual characters. The actors were terrific and the story itself was so good and interesting. The quality of the show was really high and how beautiful WangXian were together.... I desperately need more. My third favorite was Yu Bin’s Wen Ning. How adorable was he! I wanted to hug him all the time. I wished more cared for that poor boy. Look, I recommend this show to everyone. It’s almost perfect, to be honest. The music was so fitting as well. However, I wish it wasn’t censored, and the last 10 episodes didn’t live up to my complete expectations. Getting flashbacks often of side characters wasn’t all that interesting when I desperately wanted more of WangXian and Wen Ning. And I wasn’t completely happy with the ending. Overall, terrific show that I know in the future I’ll re-watch again. Beautiful. Update: Rewatched after a few days: right after I finished the Guardian. Favorite character: Lan Wangji & Wei Wuxian = Impossible to decide. First time: Started: 13/14.03.2022 - Finished: 16/17.03.2022 Second time: Started: 22.03.2022 - Finished: 25.03.2022 Third time: Started: 26/27.03.2022 - Finished: 28/29.03.2022 (what can I say; I’m obsessed, okay!? I did skip some scenes and mostly focused on WangXian). Forth time: Started: 31.03.2022 - Finished: 02.04.2022 (after I had finished the anime, I wanted to go back and start this one all over again - only the best parts though) I adore WangXian. I love them. I love the soundtrack. I love the story. I have some questions still, but overall, I still think that it’s one of the best tv shows ever created.  Fifth time: Started: 22.04.2022 - Finished: 26/27.04.2022 (I sadly had school work that took time but I still managed to watch it all. God I love WangXian. Episode 50 breaks me each time!) Sixth time: Started: 29.09.2023 - Finished: 12.11.2023 (My sister wanted to see if so we decided to see it together. She L O V E D it and has now fallen into the rabbit hole called BL. Good luck to her (she’s already obsessed). The reason it took so long to finish was not because of want and enjoyment, but because she has kids and could only see a few episodes here and there. Our mom also watched (most of the episodes) with us.) Rate: 9/10
27. The Yin-Yang Master: Dream of Eternity (China Movie) Review: Though this is a movie, I thought I’d add it to this list as it is a somewhat bl but censored. The thing with this movie is that it had potential but really lacked depth and development. I felt nothing for any of the characters, nor did I feel any chemistry. I think it was bad timing to watch it after the amazing series The Untamed, which had it all, because I just knew that I’d find anything after it lacking. But I had expected more from this movie. The effects were cool, but the timeline were too short to really get into the story; I think it was only based on a couple of days, and that’s not enough to build a meaningful relationship; romantic or otherwise. Also, it was rather anti-climatic. But at least I’ve now watched it. Favorite character: Bo Ya. Started: 17.03.2022 - Finished: 17.03.2022 Rate: 3.5/10
28. Guardian (China Drama) Review: Hmm I’m not sure how to write out my thoughts on this one. I think my big problem started with the fact that I was still VERY hungover after The Untamed and felt nothing was good enough compared to that show, so I immediately lost interested with this series. I still decided to continue watching it as I had heard so many good things about Guardian. However, I think my expectations were too high. The effects were bad, the plots were weak, the villains were nothing to write home about and to be honest, I felt more of a brotherhood between Zhao Yun Lan and Shen Wei than a romantic relationship. Which I guess was the meaning considering the censoring. I guess for me it was the lack of romantic chemistry. Perhaps it was because of the high expectations after Word of Honor’s WenZhou and The Untamed’s WangXian‘s perfection of romantic chemistry that made me not quite see it between WeiLan. The show also got boring for me and I found myself many times stopping just to watch clips of WangXian (I can’t seem to get my mind off of them). Only the last two episodes caught my interests enough not to look away, but then the ending confused me and I got annoyed. Overall, it’s a show to watch to make the time pass by, enjoyable to a degree as it had potential but boring at times with bad effects. I struggled many times to take things seriously and Zhao Yun Lan laughing at certain points kinda bothered me for some reasons. That said, it’s not the worst I’ve watched. Favorite character: Shen Wei. Started: 17/18.03.2022 - Finished: 21/22.03.2022 Rate: 4.5-4/10
29. Light On Me (South Korea Drama) Review: This was a very cute series. I adored it. I laughed and had many second hand embarrassments. Many. But it was still adorable. I liked Woo Tae Kyung. I liked his straight forwardness and his honesty. My problem was that I truly couldn’t decide between shipping him with Noh Shin Woo or with Shin Da On. Both were nice characters, however I wished they had more courage and bravery to do what they actually wanted. I felt like all the characters except for Woo Tae Kyung was too shy and nice (people pleasers) to do anything. Namgoong Shiwoon was a good friend and when I first started the show, I had forgotten that it was supposed to have a love triangle in is and saw some chemistry between Namgoong Shiwoon and Shin Da On. I was a little bit disappointed with the last two episodes as it felt rushed. I felt like we didn’t get a proper go with Woo Tae Kyung and Shin Da On. I do however, hope we get a season two were they’ll be more mature. Overall, I liked it quite well, it was funny and cute, and I’m still thinking of Woo Tae Kyung’s first meeting with Noh Shin Woo.... epic scene. Favorite character: Woo Tae Kyung (first time watching). Started: 25/26.03.2022 - Finished: 26.03.2022 Second time: Started: 29.06.2023 - Finished: 30.06.2023 (I got the idea that re-watching this would be a good idea. I had hoped that since I’ve seen it before, I might like it better the second time around (this has happened before to me as I’m then more prepared for what will happen) but sadly I still feel the same. At least that is how I feel so far in this re-watch: just finished episode 7. I honestly think my problem is that it focuses so much on building Woo Tae Kyung and Shin Da On’s relationship while Noh Shin Woo is for the most part just pining after Woo Tae Kyung. So I actually think I would like a season 2 where we get to see Woo Tae Kyung and Noh Shin Woo’s relationship without Shin Da On interference. Though I have to be honest and say that I think my favorite character this time around is Noh Shin Woo.... Update: I just finished it and it still feel the same as I did the first time around. I just can’t completely connect with the story for some reason. I don’t understand why. Overall, it still has its moments but I don’t think I’ll ever watch it again now that I’ve given it two chances. It’s still enjoyable enough to have on in the background... Oh and I cheered more on Woo Tae Kyung and Noh Shin Woo’s relationship this time around, so there’s that. Favorite character: Noh Shin Woo (second time watching).) First watch rate: 6.5/10 Second watch rate: 5/10
30. Mo Dao Zu Shi (China Anime/Donghua) Review: Quick update while watching: on episode 5 of the final season and damn, I was not expecting the tying up scene. Way to go Lan Zhan, way to go indeed. The romance is MUCH more present here than in The Untamed. The Untamed kinda feel tame compared to MDZS, just sayin’. They are so much more affectionate in this anime than the live one; Lan Zhan giving him food, Wei Wuxian jumping into his arms when Fairy shows up, or hanging onto his arm affectionately and telling people he likes Lan Zhan. Lan Zhan tying Wei Wuxian up and Wei Wuxian touching the headband in front of others. Making the antidote for the kids together and Wei Wuxian bluntly tells others Lan Zhan is his type.... Damn, FEEEEEEELS! Update: I’ve now finished the series. I like it, however, I couldn’t help comparing it to The Untamed as The Untamed has become one of - if not THE - my favorite series. I felt that UT had the best way of telling the story as it had more minutes and episodes to span the story. It also had WAY better soundtrack. I mean, nothing beats the theme song with the beautiful voices of Wang Yi Bo and Xiao Zhan (I shamefully wished they had been the voices of the anime as well), and let’s not forget the beautiful flute playing of Wei Wuxian. In the anime the flute playing was chaotic, which makes sense since what he is doing is creating chaos and destruction, but the live one was so beautiful to listen to that I many times had to close my eyes just to listen to it. Another comparing is the depth/development of relationships. I found that the anime lacked that quite a bit. I wish we had gotten more depth of Wen Ning and Lan Sizhui’s relationship with Wei Wuxian. Wen Ning also deserved more screen time. He’s a GREAT character that they could’ve used more (my baby deserved so much more). The anime also lacked the female character touch; though to be fair, it wasn’t overly needed. That said, the anime has some plus points - surprise - over The Untamed. I liked the brutality of it. It felt like the scenes were more serious; like the characters were in proper danger as the zombies would literally eat them. Another is, of course, the relationship of WangXian. I loved that we got more affection here, more touches and even a hug. More proper hints that this was ROMANCE and not BROMANCE. Honestly, I’m surprised that this got through the censorship. That said, WangXian in The Untamed is the best out of them as individuals and as a couple, I just wished we had gotten more affection there. The there’s the magic. The magic (and monster) scenes made more sense in the anime than the live version. It felt more ”real”. The last thing the anime nailed better was Wei Wuxian’s power. in the anime I truly felt why people feared him; he was so powerful before and after. Because of The Untamed, I hadn’t expected Wei Wuxian to do much, but he did so much magic and fighting. He truly lived up to his name. Live!Wei Wuxian honestly almost felt weak (though powerful in The Untamed universe) compare to Anime!Wei Wuxian. He was so amazing in both; but power-wise, Anime!Wei Wuxian wins by a long shot (he felt smarter and more wise in live). Other than that, The Untamed in unbeatable. Jiang Cheng was a bit the same in both, but again here, he felt more powerful in the anime version. I have a hate-like relationship with Jiang Cheng, especially in The Untamed were he got more screen time and depth. This is because I understand him and his reasons but at the same time I want to smack him. He loves his family, but is quick to judge and anger. He’s quite abusive with his words, and jealousy and the need for power/winning is his downfall/weakness. I hated how he treated Wei Wuxian and the Wen Clan, especially my baby Wen Ning. I wanted to hug Jiang Cheng at some points, but most of the time I want to tell him to grow up and open his fucking eyes. Oh and I should mention that I really liked the last season of the anime the most. It had the most depth and love between our lovely ship. I also loved the way their portrayed the final “battle” in the anime; more so in the anime than in the live. The last few episodes of the live one was a bit disappointing... That said, if you didn’t know it by now, Lan Zhan and Wei Wuxian are my absolute favorite characters - I don’t think I can choose between either of them, and Wen Ning and Lan Sizhui takes second place. I genuinely hope we get more from The Untamed and MDZS universe; 3 seasons of 35 episodes for the anime, and 50 episodes for the live clearly isn’t enough. Create more please! Btw why the fuck did they have to split up the family when things finally have settled down?! FAMILY IS SUPPOSED TO STICK TOGETHER! Also, is it just me, or did you find Nie Mingjue hot? In both versions, but mostly the anime? Like come to me daddy hot? No? Just me? Eh. Favorite character: Wei Wuxian. Started: 29.03.2022 - Finished: 30.03.2022 Second time: Started: 29.04.2022 - Finished: 03.05.2022 (One big question... why is this Wei Wuxian SO much stronger/powerful than The Untamed Wei Wuxian? That said, with this donghua you can actually FEEL the magnitude of each battle; the battle sequences are epic and the donghua really delivers on the scale of Wei Wuxian’s power and destruction. I really like the final episodes in this one compared to The Untamed; I still find the episodes 47-49 in The Untamed a let-down. Especially when it comes to Wei Wuxian. I guess with the censorship, they couldn’t have WWX too powerful? However, I love how The Untamed dealt with the depth of relationship and storytelling.Overall, this is a good donghua.) Third time: Started: 28.06.2022 - Finished: 20.07.2022 (currently re-watching to watch it with my mom (her first time; she enjoyed The Untamed), when Word of Honor becomes too much politics for our tired eyes; so far we just finished episode 4. Update: this is a slow process when watchign with mom. We're currently on episode 20. It's not because we're not enjoying it - we are - but we're talking our time, enjoying it. I have to say that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE how powerful Wei Wuxian is in this anime. Love it! Update: finally managed to finish it; I adore this donghua. I love how much more of Wei Wuxian’s power they show, and how, here, we got a WangXian ending we deserve. Am I the only one hoping for another season?!) Rate: 7.5/10
31. Heaven Official's Blessing/Tian Guan Ci Fu (China Anime/Donghua) Review: Lets just start with the fact that I’m confused. I honestly had no idea what was going on for the most part but I did still enjoy it. It was too short to properly build up depth in the story and characters, however, I enjoyed the main characters. Xie Lian was a bit... naive and seemed weak for the most part, but he was kind and loving. Now San Lang aka Hua Cheng, the Crimson Rain Sought Flower, a Ghost King, was hot as fuck. I enjoyed him immensely, and I wanted more of his badassery. I loved his fearlessness and his wit. He was smart, clever, sexy and powerful. If you know me, you know I L O V E powerful characters. He did give me a sort of a anti-hero vibe which I liked, but I wish we had gotten more of it. Overall, the confusion of the plot pulls down the rating for me, but I like the love of Hualian and I hope we get more from it. I’m guessing there will be a season 2.... Oh and I also liked the supporting characters of Nan Feng and Mu Qing; though I wish we had gotten to know them more. That said, I liked it, I enjoyed it and I sometimes felt I intruding on Hualian moments. Favorite character: Sang Lang/Hua Cheng. Started: 30/31.03.2022 - Finished: 31.03.2022 Rate: 5.5-6/10
32. The Emperor's Strategy (China Anime/Donghua) Review: I’m confused. Very confused. What kind of ending was that? Like, is there coming a season 2? Or is it completely done? But if it’s done, nothing was settled.... I’m confused.com here. That said, Duan Baiyue interested me. He seems liked a cool, badass character. I could kinda see him loving Chu Yuan, but it also does seem one sided. Chu Yuan cared for DB but didn’t seem like it was more than that. Which I guess is good, considering the ending... The animation wasn’t all that, the storyline wasn’t all that, and the depth was barely there. I did like CY’s General though. He was hot. Overall, this short anime was something that made time pass, but other than that, it was meh. It had potential, I’ll give it that, but compared to everything else I’ve seen, it’s lacking a lot. Favorite character: Duan Baiyue. Started: 02/03.04.2022 - Finished: 03.04.2022 Rate: 4/10
33. Scumbag System (China Anime/Donghua) Review: Oh wow this was great! I started it with a mindset that it was gonna suck and the anime wasn’t for me, but that quickly changed. Filled with humor and sexy characters I was hooked. I loved Shen Qingqiu when he was in character and Luo Binghe’s devotion to his Master was awesome. But that ending?! WTF?! I need season 2 NOW! That said, I really enjoyed this one. The animation was beautiful and it had a good storyline with great characters. I enjoyed Shen Qingqiu and Luo Binghe’s relationship, though I had hoped for a bit more... romance, even if it’s censored. Although, I bet that’s all gonna change now... I’m scared. We are getting a season 2 right? Favorite character: Shen Qingqiu. First time: Started: 03.04.2022 - Finished: 04.04.2022 Second time: Started: 15.04.2022 - Finished: 15.04.2022 (I just kept thinking of this series and suddenly found myself unable to resist re-watching it.) Third time: Started: 25.05.2022 - Finished: 25.05.2022 (This donghua is TOO good. Seriously, it’s fucking epic. I love it even after seeing it three times. I seriously can’t wait for season 2. One of the few reasons it don’t give this a full 9 or a 10 is simply because it’s too short. I am seriously considering reading the book....) Forth time: Started: 20/21.07.2022 - Finished: 21.07.2022 (Had to show this amazing donghua to my mom after watching MDZS. Unfortunately, my mom isn’t the best at understanding English subtitle (we’re Norwegian) so I had to explain a lot (no problem doing that) but she still struggled to understand. I, however, loved the re-watch. This donghua is epic and I need the season 2 N O W. It’s unfair that we have to wait so long after that horrible - in my opinion - ending. I’m now very ready to read the novel if I have to wait more.... Oh and I’m still a bit baffled as to why they waisted so much screen time on Liu Mingyan and Gongyi Xiao as they are minor characters....) Fifth time: Started: 30.07.2023 - Finished: 31.07.2023 (I just had to watch it again. Again, with my mom. I desperately need season two. Season one is too damn short!) Rate: 8/10  New Rate: 8.5-9/10 (after second watch)
34. Thousand Autumns (China Anime/Donghua) Review: This was awesome. How hot Yan Wushi was... damn. I loved him. He was quite the anti-hero. I love anti-heroes. And Shen Qiao was a great character as well. I think they balance each other out, though I do hope that in season 2 - which is thank god announced is coming - they’ll have a closer relationship. And that ending!?!?! Why am I left on such cliffhanger these days!? It’s like they want to hurt me. Now I impatiently have to wait for quite a few season 2′s. Gad I hate waiting. Overall, I really liked this one. I watched the whole thing in one go. The animation was great, the characters were terrific (especially the main two) and it had a good storyline. Now I just need more. Please don’t let me wait long... Favorite character: Yan Wushi. First time: Started: 04.04.2022 - Finished: 04/05.04.2022 Second time: Started: 16.04.2022 - Finished: 16.04.2022 (I mean Yan Wushi is so hot that it needed re-watching. I desperately need a season 2.) Third time: Started: 15.02.2024 - Finished: 19/20.02.2024 (I just adore this donghua. I love the animation and the main characters. I desperately want season two!) Forth time: Started: 21.02.2024 - Finished: 22.02.2024 (Now you might be wondering why I re-watched JUST after I had literally just finished it for the third time and the answer to that is.... my mom wanted to watch it after seeing a few clips and I thought "why not watch it again"? And that is how I know that this show is fucking amazing. I enjoyed it just as much even though I JUST WATCHED IT AGAIN. After the third re-watch I even started reading the book because I'm done waiting - I need to know what happens after this season ends. I truly recommend this donghue to everyone. Really. I have now watched it four times, and I honestly can’t wait to watch it again. Rate: 7.5-8/10
35. Legend of Exorcism (s1) (China Anime/Donghua) Review: This was also a good one. Though not better than the previous two. The animation was gorgeous, with beautiful scenery and characters. The magic elements and the fighting was awesome, though the fighting could at time be hard to keep following as everything happens so fast and all at once. Kong Hongjun was a nice and sweet main character, though he was a bit young and sometimes had quite the feminine voice and face. While Li Jinglong was hot, he doesn’t compare to all the other hot anime characters I’ve met recently (hello Yan Wushi and Shen Qingqiu). Mo Rigen was also quite hot, and I liked the werewolf gene. But the hottest characters were barely in this season and that was Chong Ming and Qing Xiong. They were stunning. So manly and beautiful at the same time. Give me them, please. As this was based on a bl novel, I tried to figure out who was supposed to be the bl couple(s) but I just couldn’t see it. I’m guessing it’s between Li Jinglong and Hongjun? Overall, I liked this, it has great potential and I’m looking forward to starting season 2. Favorite character: is it wrong to say Qing Xiong and Chong Ming? Started: 05.04.2022 - Finished: 05.04.2022 Rate: 6.5/10 Second time: Started: 22.02.2024 - Finished: 23.02.2024 (Decided to re-watch to show it to my mom. I didn't remember anything so I was curious if I still liked it and it was okay. It was funny and the animation is pretty. What I don't like it how.... almost weak the characters are, almost a bit... stupid? But then again, aren't they young adults? Overall, it's still enjoyable and I laughed here and there.) New Rating: 5.5/10
36. Legend of Exorcism (s2) (China Anime/Donghua) Review: Hmm not sure how I feel about this one. The pacing was odd and characters missing. I wish Chong Ming and Qing Xiong were more in it, but I wasn’t surprised that they weren’t. However Qiu Yongsi and Ah Tai were barely in it as well. And while I liked the new character, Lu Xu, Mo Rigen’s love interest, I still missed the other two members in the team. Mo Rigen was super hot this season, but I still think Chong Ming and Qing Xiong are the hottest ones in this series. Li Jinglong was better this season, with epic fighting, and he and Hongjun were cute. Though is it just me that think that Hongjun and Mo Rigen could also work out....? No? Just me? Alright. Overall, I liked it, however, for some reason I felt like this season didn’t feel complete. And then of course, it ended on a cliffhanger. Fingers crossed for a season 3. Favorite character: Hongjun. Started: 06.04.2022 - Finished: 06.04.2022 Rate: 5.5-5/10
37. Dinghai Fusheng Records/Dinghai Fusheng Lu (China Anime/Donghua) Review: This one was an odd one. It’s not that it was bad per se, but something was missing and I think it was depth; in both emotions and storytelling. The way the story went felt like a mess and incomplete. With the characters it just felt like they had caring for each other except when Xiang Shu protected Chen Xing. Speaking of Chen Xing.... he was so damn useless. Not only couldn’t he fight, but he barely knew anything. The best thing about this whole show was Xiang Shu the dog, and I’m so saddened by his storyline. It shouldn’t have happened. I was confused most of the time of what was happening. Like why did Feng Qianjun have powers? DFR was just a weird one. Even the fighting scenes didn’t feel up to date. This might because of the other awesome anime’s I’ve watched lately, and DFR just didn’t live up to those standards. Overall, I do want a season 2 in the hopes of getting a conclusion. Also it’s supposed to be a bl (though censored) but I felt nothing of the sort. Favorite character: Ziang Shu, man and dog. Started: 07.04.2022 - Finished: 07.04.2022 Rate: 4-4.5/10
38. The Defective/Can Ci Pin: Fangzhu Xingkong (China Anime/Donghua) Review: Let’s just start off by saying Lin Jingheng was hot as fuck. Seriously. So hot. He was such a badass, grumpy, ruthless, cold and I loved him. I really wished we could’ve seen him without the censorship. The second hottest character was actually Lu Zhan. There was something special about him that drew me in. I guess it’s because he and Lin Jingheng were really similar. Lu Bixing was cute and optimistic. I liked him. I especially liked him in the last episode where you could see he really cared about Lin Jingheng. I hope we get a season two as things were left on a cliffhanger. That said, even though the main characters were awesome, the plot felt a bit... weird. I don’t know how to explain it. It might be because the episodes were so damn short that I felt like nothing was settled. Who knows. Overall, I liked it. The animation was alright: not the best, but certainly not the worst. The character’s faces were beautiful after all... Favorite character: Lin Jingheng. Started: 08.04.2022 - Finished: 08.04.2022 Second time: Started: 14.11.2022 - Finished: 01/02.12.2022 (I suddenly wanted to see Lin Jingheng again. He’s got that attitude and look that just bring you back for more. I truly hope we get a season 2! That said, I just managed to watch 6 episodes when I started re-watching but had to put it on a break because I had to travel to UK for my graduation. Update: I finally managed to finish the re-watch. Lin Jingheng is so hot; he’s a cool character that just draws you in. Just my type. Reminded me so much of Lan Wangji from The Untamed. I desperately wish that China didn’t have their ridiculous censorship but I take what I can get. Now I just hope that there will one day - and hopefully soon - come a second season because I need more of Lin Jingheng.) Rate: 5.5/10
39. Drowning Sorrows in Raging Fire (China Anime/Donghua) Review: Hmm a modern take on a fantasy/supernatural world. I liked it. The anime was good and I liked the storyline. I even liked the characters. Sheng Lingyuan was a sexy demon, and Xuan Ji was a fierce protector. I seriously hope we get a season 2 where we can see them get closer, and hopefully more protective towards each other. Xuan Ji seemed more into Sheng Lingyuan than the other way around. He even questions himself as to why he cares... I liked those scenes. Now I just need more. Favorite character: Sheng Lingyuan and Xuan Ji; can’t choose. Started: 08.04.2022 - Finished: 08/09.04.2022 Rate: 6.5/10
40. Theory of Love (Thailand Drama) Review: To be honest, I was more invested in the side couple than the main one. Two and Un were cute and I wish we had gotten more from them. We didn’t even get a kiss. As for KhaiThird... I get it but I didn’t ship it all that much. I liked Third. Gun Atthaphan Phunsawat is a great actor with adorable smile and you kinda just want to protect him. But there’s something about Off Jumpol Adulkittiporn that I just don’t like. The first time I saw his acting was in Not Me and I did not like it, and I think it translated to here as well. I really struggled to like Khai. He hurt Third way too much; for me he wasn’t a likable character. I don’t know what it is. In Not Me, I did not feel any chemistry between OffGun at all. In this one, you could see that they did have chemistry, but I just wasn’t feeling it simply because I didn’t like Khai. Overall, it was watchable, it made time pass. But I wasn’t invested. I think I have a problem getting invested with anything that isn’t The Untamed or something.... Fuck, I’m fucked.  Favorite character: Third. Started: 09.04.2022 - Finished: 10.04.2022 Rate: 4.5-4/10
41. Blueming (South Korea Drama) Review: This was a nice one. I was worried it was gonna be another second-hand embarrassment drama again like bl tends to be, but it wasn’t. Thank god. I get so damn embarrassed some times that I can barely look at the screen. So this was a nice change. I liked how smoothly the two main characters became a couple. There was not back and forth, no drama... they just became. I liked it. I wished the series was longer, but since it didn’t have much happening, it worked being short. I watched it in one go and found myself smiling a lot. This was a good one.  Favorite character: Cha Si Won. Started: 17.04.2022 - Finished: 17.04.2022 Second time: Started: 21.02.2023 - Finished: 16.03.2023 (Felt like starting this one again so I did. However, I only got to episode 6 and then some personal problems happened, in which I couldn’t finish the show right away....) Update: 11.0, I finally managed to finished episode 8. This show is still a good one, but I’m afraid that because of everything happening in my personal life, it’s affecting my enjoyment. Update: I finally managed to finish the last few episodes. I have to be honest, this show is somewhat depressing. That said, I hope we get to know Hyeong Da Un more in season 2 as we barely get to know him in this season. I still enjoyed this re-watch even if I had to go too long between episodes/finishing. Overall, I don’t regret rewatching, I do, however, regret the timing.  Rate: 6.5-7/10  Second rate: 5/10 (it’s not a fair rating, but that’s how I feel RIGHT now)
42. Killer And Healer (China Drama) Review: Technically this is not categorized as a bl but it should. It’s like Word of Honor and Guardian; very strong bromance that should be bl. Like how did this one even get passed the censorship? It’s insane how much they managed to get it. All those touches and looks... Anyway, just finished the show and I got opinions. First off, what the fuck is up with all the killings of characters?! Like what the hell?! Too many died. I get the message of this series, which is even though you win, you fucking lose. That said. Jiang Hong Yue and Chen Yu Zhi has awesome chemistry. You could practically feel their love for each other. Zhan Jun Bai and Yu Tang Chun also had good chemistry. I also felt a bit of a love triangle without it being a love triangle between Chu Ran, Jiang Hong Yue and Chen Yu Zhi. Though one could easily feel that it was one-sided for Chu Ran as Jiang Hong Yue obviously loved Chen Yu Zhi above all. Now for the ending: if I hadn’t already known before starting it that there was two endings, I never would’ve started it. I hate sad endings so I’m glad it had an alternative one. Overall, I liked it just fine, but it had too many deaths for my taste - some not even mournered that took a beating to the story. But it was enjoyable enough to pass the time so there’s that. Favorite character: Chen Yu Zhi. Started: 18/19.04.2022 - Finished: 21/22.04.2022 Rate: 5.5-5/10
43. The Tuxedo (Thailand Drama) Review: First off, I really liked the second episode. It was hilarious; the bathtub scene and then Nawee’s reaction afterwards. He was so awkward. NaweeAiaoon was a cute couple that actually had some good chemistry. I wish that the series was longer, - or at least the episodes - so that we could’ve gotten more depth and development in the relationship. That said, it was still pretty cute and I didn’t want to end. I liked them, and this series. The side characters, such as Aiaoon’s brothers and Nawee’s assistant, were a nice addition. I hope we get a season 2 where Nawee get back at his father and his new family. Just saying. Overall, I laughed and smile and got some second-hand embarrassment, and I found myself caring very much for Nawee; I just wanted to protect him in the end. Favorite character: Nawee. Started: 09.05.2022 - Finished: 09.05.2022 Rate: 6.5-7/10
44. The Tasty Florida (South Korea Drama) Review: This was a nice one. Sure it had some second-hand embarrassments - which I hate - but it was cute and had sweet characters. However, it was too short and had little depth and development. I liked the show itself, and I feel like it had potential to be great had it either had longer episodes or more episodes. Also, the last episode didn’t make sense at all. Do we get a season 2 or? Oh and Cha Ji Soo was quite handsome, and Seo Hae Won was a bit of a weird one, but overall, nice cast and a nice, cute short show that made the time pass. Favorite character: Baek Eun Kyu, I think. Started: 10.05.2022 - Finished: 10.05.2022 Rate: 6.5-6/10
45. Oxygen (Thailand Drama) Review: Let’s start with: I liked how honest Beer was, he was a good friend. I was a bit unsure about Jay; he’s too submissive for my taste. I can definitely see something happening between Khem and Dr. Perth. I was not interested in Dr. Petch and Khim, and I think this was mainly due to not liking Dr. Petch. Solo and Gui Jirayu were cute; they had a somewhat realistic feel to their relationship, even though it went a little fast in the beginning. But what took up most of my attention was Kao Ashira and Phuri Drake. I was practically begging my screen for a kiss between them. I desperately wanted more of them, and I would not mind them having their own series at all. In fact, I want it. Give it to me. There was just something special about Phu, and I loved that Kao seemed to be the only one to get emotions out of him. And we should really give Kao credits for not giving up on the cold Phu. Overall, I liked this show. It was a nice; not the best but entertaining and I watched it all in one day. Favorite character: Phuri Drake/Kao Ashira (I know Phu doesn’t do much, but I like cold and broody characters; I did want more from him though... like possessiveness.... that would’ve been G R E A T.) Started: 11.05.2022 - Finished: 11.05.2022 Second time: Started: 19/20.08.2022 - Finished: 24/25.08.2022 (I don’t know why I found myself re-watching this one. Solo and Gui aren’t exactly my type of couple; they are rather boring. I think Kao and Phu were the main reason I decided to re-watch as I remember I found the cute and wanted more. I do believe I have a thing for cold characters. Update: I finally managed to finish this one. Felt like it took me ages which was weird since I skipped everything that didn’t have Kao and Phu in it. I desperately wish they had been the main characters because the main couple is actually pretty boring. While Kao and Phu could’ve had MUCH more depth, I see the potential between them and it makes me want more; I also feel like we were robbed of a kiss.)  Rate: 6.5-6/10 New rating after re-watch: 4.5/10 (only for Kao and Phu)
46. To My Star (South Korea Drama) Review: Why are these South Korean bl’s so damn short?! I want more episodes, or at least LONGER episodes. That said, I enjoyed this one. I liked that it has a more mature feel to it. I just wished for more development, especially in the relationship, but I guess we can’t expect too much considering it’s so short. Overall, I enjoyed the episodes and it was entertaining enough to watch it in one go. Kang Seo Joon and Han Ji Woo were cute. I just learned that we’re getting a season 2 which is good news. Favorite character: Didn’t really have one... Started: 12.05.2022 - Finished: 12.05.2022 Rate: 6.5-6/10
47. Addicted Heroin (China Drama) Review: First off, what the fuck? What kind of ending was that? Like what? I’m so confused. Also this show was a strange one. Gu Haia and Bai Luo Yin had chemistry sure, but it did feel like Bai Lou Yin wasn’t truly interested in being more than friends or comfortable with Gu Haia. Gu Haia was a odd character who sometimes went a little too far. While I liked his protectiveness and his possessiveness, it sometimes made me uncomfortable because Bai Luo Yin was uncomfortable. Also Gu Haia was a bit reckless. Oh and I adored Bai Luo Yin’s relationship with his dad. Overall, I still liked it and felt it was entertaining. I’m shocked - but glad - that China allowed a bl like this be published. But again, wtf was up with the ending?! Can someone explain please?! Favorite character: Bai Luo Yin, I think. Started: 12.05.2022 - Finished: 13.05.2022 Second time: Started: 17/18.08.2022 - Finished: 18/19.08.2022 (Decided to just re-watch this one in the hopes that I would like it more this time around. I desperately want more Chinese BL but that is something we’ll probably never get again (cryyyyy). The other reason I started this one again was because I wanted the time to pass and I figured this one was a good choice. I just finished episode 7, and while I do liked it to some degree, I still can’t forget why I didn’t like it to begin with; like cheating. Btw, I’m so baffled over the fact that everyone is fanning over You Qi... Is he like the standard “pretty/cutie” boy in China or something? Because I don’t find him attractive at all.., but that might just be me? Update: I just finished it. I liked it alright the second time around. Gu Haia was A BIT more endurable now; probably due to already being prepared for his personality. That said, I still stand firm on Bai Lou Yin not being fully interested in Gu Haia.... Overall, this show deserved a proper ending instead of getting cancelled mid-through. The ending was just an awful way to end it. Stupid censorship; I just want more BLs from China, guys! Especially in Wuxia world. Those stories are just so amazing.)  Rate: 5.5-6/10 - New rating after rewatch: 5.5-5/10
48. Love Is Science? (Taiwan Drama) Review: Hmm I don’t think I’m ready for M/F couples as the main romance yet. I found myself skimming/skipping through it to get to Dai Ou Wen and Mark’s parts. That isn’t to say that Yan Fei and Wang Hsuan Yu wasn’t cute or didn’t have chemistry because they did, but I just wanted BL. So obviously the timing wasn’t right to watch this show. Dai Ou Wen and Mark’s relationship with Qiao An Na was adorable and I really liked those scenes. Cho Nai Hui and Wu You Fu were cute as well; such nice characters. I really liked the development of Mark. I liked that he grew up through-out the episodes, going from a playboy to a devoted boyfriend. I also liked Mark’s friendship with Wang Hsuan Yu. Mark’s a good friend, there’s no denying that. Overall, this show had some really good relationships with tons of chemistry. It was sweet and nice and had some second-hand embarrassing scenes. I liked it, even though I skimmed through much of it, especially the M/F scenes. Favorite character: Dai Ou Wen. Started: 13.05.2022 - Finished: 14.05.2022 Rate: 5.5-6/10 (for Mark x Ou Wen scenes)
49. Cherry Blossoms After Winter (South Korean Drama) Review: The romance between Seo Haebom and Jo Taesung was cute. Very cheesy and... cute. I was a biiiiiiiit uncomfortable with their relationship in the beginning considering that they had grown up together in the same house, however, I started to get okay with it once I realized that even though they grew up together they never saw each other as siblings and rarely hanged out in their puberty years. I mostly preferred the last couple of episodes when they were done with high school as they matured more in their relationship. Haebom felt more comfortable and sure then and that made it easier to watch. That said, it was entertaining enough but definitely not the best I’ve seen. Also, am I the only one who has to be attracted to the characters to fully enjoy the show? No? I guess I’m just that shallow....Also was I the only one who felt like Haebom looked like a child beside Taesung sometimes? Favorite character: Jo Taesung. Started: 14.05.2022 - Finished: 15.05.2022 Rate: 4.5/10 
50. Enchanté (Thailand Drama) Review: Omg I actually like this one. So much. I just finished episode 7 and I don’t want to stop. Sadly, sleep is calling and I can’t keep my eyes open. But I really like this show. The chemistry between Kasidet Plookphol and Force Jiratchapong Srisang is amazing. Their relationship feel so comfortable and beautiful. If Theo and Akk would just continue to be friends and Theo would have another love interest, I would NEVER accept that other love interest. Never. No one but Akk. Just saying. Now, off to bed. Update: I’ve now finished it. I adored it. Love the relationship of the main characters; there’s just something pure there. I love that there was barely - if any - second-hand embarrassments (you know I hate those) and the main characters just made me smile all the time. So cute. That said, the first 7 episodes I kept thinking “why are they making such a big deal about this Enchanté thingy when there was barely any communication between Theo and Enchanté but with the plot twist - which I had not seen coming - I understood much more. Overall, I really enjoyed this show, it’s easily become one of my top BL dramas. PS! Episode 10 was the least favorite episode; too much happened and it just didn’t feel as the other episodes. Favorite character: Akk Itsara. Started: 15.05.2022 - Finished: 16.05.2022 Second time: Started: 28/29.07.2022 - Finished: 31.07.2022 (figured I might as well show this one to my mom as well. Though we just finished second episode, I started to remember what I didn’t like about this show and now I’m anxious for that part.... which doesn’t happen until later on. That said, I really enjoy Force (Akk) and Book (Theo)’s chemistry. Update: just finished. My mom pointed out that Theo doesn’t actually call Akk his boyfriend; Akk is the only one who does... Also, Theo is a bit of a hypocrite with the lying thingy. Oh and episode 10 is still my least favorite.) Rate: 8-7.5/10 New rate after re-watch: 6.5/10 (mom’s rate 6/10)
51. Advance Bravely (China Drama) Review: Gong Jun... Gong Jun.... Gong Jun.... why are you so damn pretty?! That said... the drunken ear biting thingy was weird, the leg thingy was weird. But I did enjoy this show. Xia Yao, while sometimes being a spoiled brat, was a ray sunshine that you couldn’t help but like. He’s adorable. Though when screamed and acted like a child, he did sometimes annoy me, but I easily forgave him. He’s just that adorable. Or it might just be Gong Jun. I mean, have you looked at the guy? Damn. Anyway, that scene in episode 25... I had expected something different. Something more... serious. But oh well. Same with episode 30. I just couldn’t FEEL the danger of the situation. That said, what kind of ending was that? It felt so incomplete but overall the show was entertaining and had some cute and good moments. I didn’t necessarily care for the side “couples” but I liked the friendship between Xia Yao, Xuan Da Yu and Peng Ze. I wouldn’t mind more scenes them. That said, even though this show was censored, you could definitely feel and see the love between Xia Yao and Yuan Zong. They had some good chemistry and I felt like they balanced each other well; with Yuan Zong being the more serious and caring character, while Xia Yao being more childish and joyful. Wish we had gotten more of a conclusion but other than that, it was worth watching. So weird to see Gong Jun as a..... not necessarily/completely submissive (but you’d know he’d be the “bottom” in that relationship”, when he’s such a top in WoH. I want Gong Jun in more BL series! Favorite character: Xia Yao. Started: 16.05.2022 - Finished: 19.05.2022 Rate: 6.5/10 
52. Utsukushii Kare / My Beautiful Man (Japan Drama) Review: Let’s just start with HOLY FUCK Kiyoi Sou is fucking beautiful. I understand Hira Kazunari’s obsession with him. However, as Kiyoi said... creepy. Hira was rather creepy and the way he behaved sometimes made me uncomfortable. I liked the last two episodes the most, though I had wished we had gotten to see Kiyoi and Hira as a couple around others. I want to see how they would act. I liked the show, but it wasn’t all that. I just liked looking at Kiyoi. I want to see Yagi Yusei is more BLs. Just saying. Favorite character: Kiyoi Sou. Started: 19.05.2022 - Finished: 19.05.2022 Rate: 5/10 
53. Men With Sword / Ci Ke Lie Zhuan (China Drama) Review: First update 19.05.2022: Okay I just started this series and let me just tell you that I feel like I’m watching a Chinese version of Game of Thrones... I mean, two characters I thought would be main characters are already dead.... what? Who? I’m.... I’m so confused. What? Favorite character: First I need to figure out who’s the main character.Second update 20.05.2022: Look, this whole show looked really cheap and plastic. Especially the swords and the costumes. However, I could overlook that eventually, - even though I kept comparing it to The Untamed - but my problem became when I managed to spoil to myself that my favorite couple dies. Xiao Qi (probably because of Ian Yi after Killer and Healer; I have a soft spot for him) & Jian Bin was the main ship on this show for me. Those two also became my favorite characters in the show, along with Murong Li. But when I found out that they killed off my favorites, I just couldn't keep going. I need a somewhat happy ending. So this show is now dropped for me. I can't handle my favorites getting killed. I just can't. Also, this show had too many main character and the politics became really boring after only 7 episodes. So while I hate giving up, I don't feel THAT bad either knowing what I now know. Favorite character: Xiao Qi or Murong Li. Started: 19.05.2022 - DNF: 20.05.2022 (stopped after 7 episodes) Rate: No rating due to not finishing.
54. Tinted With You (South Korea Drama) Review: Hmmmm, first thing: too short. Way too short. I wish it had many more episodes to give it more depth, character - and relationship - development. I was also conflicted as to who I was supposed to ship;  Heon with Eun Ho, or should I ship him with Geum, or both? I mean, this could’ve been a poly sort of relationship here. Just saying. But I think it was too short for me to truly ship someone. And those two kisses.... the kisses lacked heat, that’s for sure. However, the show was still entertaining and very cute. I was a bit confused with the ending though, like was Geum put into the future as well, or was he reincarnated? If so, why did he smile? Did he have his memories? Are the “three musketeers” back together (sorry I just had to put that in there, it just popped into my head right now)? Favorite character: Eun Ho? Started: 23.05.2022 - Finished: 23.05.2022 Rate: 5-5.5/10 
55. Beloved Enemy (China Drama) Review: Gu Qing Pei reminded me of Jin Yu Zhen from Be Loved in House. Both looks very good in suits. As for the story itself; boring. That’s the first word that comes to mind. Considering that this is based on a BL story, I am shocked at how LITTLE I felt the BL. Like, they must’ve censored it so much that there was barely ANY friendship even between Gu Qing Pei and Yuan Yang. Seriously. I didn’t even feel a HINT of bromance between them, let alone romance. I don’t even know where the BL would come in at this point. I also felt like the ending was rushed, and the last episodes were wasted on fillers instead of giving it a proper ending. Hell, Gu Qing Pei was barely in the last episode. As for Yuan Yang, he annoyed the shit out of me most of the episodes; I still haven’t forgiven him for what he put Gu Qing Pei through. Overall, this was not a successful show for me. I had expected so much more. I typically love a enemies to lovers trope, but this just didn’t work for me as I felt they didn’t even reach the proper friendship zone. Favorite character: Gu Qing Pei. Started: 28.05.2022 - Finished: 30.05.2022 Rate: 3.5-4/10 
56. Ultimate Note (China Drama) Review: Before I start the reviewing: this is technically not a BL, however, the “bromance” is real and reminds me of other censored Chinese BL dramas. Now to the review: Is Zhang Qi Ling hot or what? Damn I like this character. Such a badass, sexy man. More please. Update: I’m currently on episode 16 and finally they are getting out of the desert/forest. Holy shit that was a long “mission”. Update: I’m now on episode 35 and it was funny how Wu Xie priority was why Zhang Qi Ling had taken off his clothes in the picture :P Possessive much, Wu Xie? Haha. Love it. Sad thing is though, that Pingxie is more apart than together in this series :/ Update: now I’m finished with the show. Here’s the thing, Pingxie is worth watching the 37 episodes. Really, they are. However, there’s so much mystery and confusion that it makes it hard to get truly invested in the show. I ended up being just invested in Pingxie, to be honest. Wang/Fatty Pangzi was a good character, and I absolutely loved the loyalty between the Iron Triangle. That was the thing I kept holding on to as loyalty is extremely important to me. This is why I couldn’t get completely invested in Xie Yu Chen and Hei Yan Jing/Shades/Mr. Black. All Shades seems to care about was money, and while I get that’s a part of his character/personality, I easily got tired of it. Another thing is that I hated how much Pingxie was apart! Zhang had more scenes with Fatty than with Wu Wie. Also that ending.... such a fucking cliffhanger. Wtf. And based on the information I’ve found, a season 2 is VERY unlikely to happen, and that’s just a bummer. Ultimate Note definitely deserves a season 2. I get that there is some continuation of the story with different actors, but I only want with Joseph Zeng, Xiao Yu Liang (especially him) and Cheng Fang Xu, along with Liu Yu Han as the cast. I need more development between Wu Xie and Zhang. Already you can tell they are really close, but I want them even closer. That said, while I understand that this is a adventurous mystery show mainly focused on solving the mystery, nothing was really solved and left me feeling confused and unsatisfied. So please just give us a season 2 with these guys, please! Favorite character: Zhang Qi Ling. Started: 30.05.2022 - Finished: 05.06.2022 Rate: 5.5/10  (Zhang and Pingxie makes this (too much) mystery worth it)
57. My Sweet Dear (South Korea Drama) Review: This is the second BL show that I’ve watched that had BITING in the ear when drunk character. Yoon Do Gun wanted Choi Jung Woo’s “Jelly”. So odd. Is this a thing? Anyway, the show was sweet and very short. It’s what, 8 episodes spanning over 15 minutes? So yeah, very short. Too short to really create a depth to the relationship and story, but still, it was cute enough. Not the best I’ve seen. For some reason I got some second-hand embarrassment. I don’t even know why. Overall, it was watchable because it was so short. Oh and also, is it just me or is the kissing scenes - especially in South Korean ones - really... awkward? It’s like “spin the bottle” kisses; you like press your lips together, hold it there for a few seconds and that’s it. Like, there is no passion in the kisses... just saying. Favorite character: Yoon Do Gun. Started: 06.06.2022 - Finished: 06.06.2022 Rate: 4.5-5/10 
58. Because of You (Taiwan Drama) Review: Wow I actually like this one. It was quite interesting with cool and different characters. Yuan Jun Cheng was probably a little... sociopathic (I think that’s the word to describe him) but I kinda digged it. He definitely had some screws loose, that’s for sure. Lin Xun was a cute match for him (was it just me or did Hsu Mu Ji SOMETIMES remind you of Xiao Zhan?! Though nobody beats Xiao Zhan in the looks except Wang Yibo in my eyes). Yuan Jun Dao and Yang Xiang were adorable. I love how possessive Yuan Jun Dao was over him. Yuan Jun Ping and Yan Yue Rong were cute as well, though I wish Yan Yue Rong had a bit more... backbone? Overall, this show DESERVES a second season. Truly. We got three couples that were actually pretty well written considering it only has 10 episodes spanning over 15 minutes. It was way too short and when the final episode was done all I wanted was MORE. Like, please give me more. Funny how all three Yuan brothers ended up with men. I did suffer from some second-hand embarrassment but it was worth it. Some of the scenes were funny and I loved the last episode. I just feel like they can definitely give more story and depth for a second season. Favorite character: Yuan Jun Cheng. Started: 06.06.2022 - Finished: 06.06.2022 Second time: Started: 08.02.2023 - Finished: 08.02.2023 (Yuan Jun Cheng is like me; "like why the fuck is my chest pumping because of this!?" sort. I can relate to him in that area XP I really need season 2 for this. Really. I'm obviously one of the few who actually enjoy this show, but for me it's worth watching. I want a s2 because I want to see the relationships grow, get more depth and so forth, especially seeing the brothers getting closer. Just one season AND a so short one at that is not enough. That said, I also have to say I laughed AGAIN at how Yuan Jun Cheng is protective over his brothers; “ARE YOU SAYING HE’S NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU?!” Also so naive with love and sex... he’s so straight forward; I love it!) Rate: 6.5-7/10 
59. HIStory3: Make Our Days Count (Taiwan Drama) Review: I’m on episode 8 and I just fucking saw a spoiler!!!!!! FUUUCK! Anyway, ehem, so I like it, I do. Yu Xigu/Shigu and Xiang Haoting are adorable as fuck. I adore the friendships in this show, and I like Xiang Haoting’s relationship with his sister, and his bestie Sun Bo Xiang. One thing that I’m a bit conficted about is Lu Zhi Gang and Sun Bo Xiang. This is because Sun Bo Xiang acts so immature with Lu Zhi Gang that I sometimes get a bit uncomfortable. Maybe it’s the age difference? Who knows. We did get a hot sex scene there, which surprised me. Also Lu Zhi Gang reminds me of Sun from Dark Blue Kiss, who didn’t like all that much. They have similar characteristics. I do like Lu Zhi Gang’s brother relationship with Yu Xigu/Shigu though. I actually really like how comfortable all the characters are with each other. Update: I’ve now finished and I wish I had NEVER started in the first place. The last episode B R O K E me. Literally. I could not stop crying. Never EVER do I want to even think of this show again. But knowing me, it’ll probably stay in my mind for quite some time. Jesus, that plot that they gave us was pure heartbreak and evil. Let’s see if I can get some fucking sleep after this. Dammit, my heart is hurting and so is my head. Fuck why did I start this show?! Why didn’t I stop at episode 9? Stupid, stupid girl. I find that it’s really hard to rate as I overall liked this but now.... all I keep thinking about is that ending that ruined EVERYTHING. My heart feels really heavy right now. It actually hurts. Favorite character: Yu Xigu/Shigu. Started: 06.06.2022 - Finished: 06/07.06.2022 Rate: Episode 1-9: 6/10 Episode 10: 1/10 (though Wayne Song’s acting was phenomenal!) 
60. Long Time No See (South Korea Drama) Review: This was an odd one. It had potential: two (enemy) assassins falling in love theme, BUT the story was too rushed and the falling in love part was too soon. Also, when I think of assassins, I think of stone cold, badass killers, not cry babies. Overall, I couldn’t wait to finish it. Luckily it was only 5 short episodes. Favorite character: Didn’t have any. Started: 07.06.2022 - Finished: 07.06.2022 Rate: 2/10  
61. Till Death Tear Us Apart (China Drama) Review: Ummm, it’s alright. Though I don’t understand how this one passed the censorship. There’s handholding (not just grabbing the wrist like in the other Chinese Drama’s but literally handholding), carrying bridal style, sleeping in the same bed, hand-feeding.... Then there’s the quotes such as “I don’t just want your body, but your heart as well” (or something like that), though that was said by the side-couple. Or “you are my heart”, said by Zhou Yao Hua. It’s cute. Though, I’m struggling to take any of the main characters seriously as they are so young. Also, I’m on episode 10 right now, and so far, the relationship between Liu Yu Sheng and Zhou Yao Hua seem quite one-sided. As in, Liu Yu Sheng doesn’t seem to give a shit about Zhou Yao Hua, but Zhou Yao Hua seems to care A LOT. Update: I’m now done with the show. Let’s just say, I actually want more. I really wouldn’t mind a second season with Liu Yu Sheng and Zhou Yao Hua as the main characters again. With the ending left pretty open, I’m sure they have lots more story to tell. I really liked A Yan and A Kuan as characters; I like loyal people and those two were loyal to their master (A Yan to Zhou Yao Hua)/friend (A Kuan to Liu Yu Sheng - though this could’ve develop more on Liu Yu Sheng’s side). It seems like Liu Yu Sheng is a man who does not show emotions clearly, so this could’ve been a nice thing to see in a potential sequel. As for Liu Yu Shao.... well, I mostly just felt like he got in the way, or ruined plans. He also wanted A Yan, but I wanted A Yan only to be loyal to Liu Yu Sheng. I’m shallow like that. Overall, it was enjoyable enough, with some twists here and there (though not all were surprising), with nice characters. I wish some where more mature, but that said, it was still a watchable show. I think it actually would’ve been even better had it not been censored, to be honest. Favorite character: Liu Yu Sheng and Zhou Yao Hua. Started: 07.06.2022 - Finished: 07/08.06.2022 Rate: 5.5/10  
62. Love is More Than a Word (China Drama) Review: First off, What The Ever Lovely Fuck?! What kind of ending is that? I’m so confused. So confused. TaoMo and GuShe is an interesting couple; one barely shows emotions though intelligent, and the other is naive and at times rather stupid. I think one of the side characters, Mu Chun, stole the show for the most part. I was really interested in knowing more about him. I don’t even know what to say about this show. There’s 12 episodes that lasts about 30 minutes, yet I felt like nothing was resolved. Also, again, the ending? *Scratches head* That said, it was interesting to see the cast from Till Death Tear Us Apart in this genre. I have a thing with historical Chinese dramas (The Untamed and Word of Honor anyone?!) so I liked that. But I think the plot was all over the place and they didn’t have enough time to give it depth and a proper conclusion. Overall, I wish TaoMo wasn’t that naive. I got embarrassed for him most of the time. He was like a kid with no education in a position of power, and it just was too much. I actually would’ve liked for this show to have a second season where we could see TaoMo’s growth, becoming more mature, and to see TaoMo and GuShe being badass and in love. That said, I read some reviews that revealed the ending of the novel so I’ll just stick to that one. Oh and I prefer Yan Zi Dong’s character GuShe over his character in TDTUA (I have a thing for broody and commanding characters (Ehem, Lan Zhan...)), but I prefer Jiang Zi Le’s character in TDTUA over TaoMo. Favorite character: Mu Chun or GuShe. Started: 08.06.2022 - Finished: 08.06.2022 Rate: 4.5/10  
63. Dear Doctor, I’m Coming For Soul (Thailand Drama) Review: I don’t know precisely why but I just couldn’t get invested into this story. I think, perhaps, it was the characters themselves? Prakan annoyed me with his back and forth, and how he always blamed Tuaphee for just doing his job. Then there was the ending itself which I just didn’t like. I had actually thought that it would end differently; (**!!!!!MIGHT BE SPOILERS!!!!!** that Prakan would also become a soul reaper). Because with the way it ended, it just felt like a vicious circle. Also, one of the reasons I might’ve struggled to get invested might actually be because I had expected more from it. When I think of soul reapers, I think of if not badass, at least cold and dark characters, not as how Tua was. I think I also struggled with Tua’s expressions; they weren’t the best, and I felt like the character lacked personality. As for the side characters/couples.... I just didn’t care for them either; some of the characters were unlikable. And even though there was a serious matter to their job, I still couldn’t take it seriously (also; this show really liked car accidents). I had expected a more grown up feeling to the show, with more depth (some parts really felt shallow) and darkness to it. Instead, the opt for the typical Thailand BL feeling. Prakan and Tua had some chemistry, though mostly in the last few episodes. This show was VERY slow burn for all couples btw. One final thought is that I also think that one of the reasons I couldn’t quite love the main couple was because of their past. Overall, it was still watchable; it made time pass at least, and it had potential to be great. I found myself sitting on my phone more than I liked throughout the show but oh well. Favorite character: Kheeta. Started: 09.06.2022 - Finished: 09/10.06.2022 Rate: 4/10  
64. DNA Says Love You (Taiwan Drama) Review: This was one adorable. I really liked how comfortable the characters were with each other, and Pu Le Chien and Amber had good chemistry. I have to admit though that the first three episodes were boring and made me consider giving up, but after that it picked up. I wasn’t that interested in Li Ching Lung and Guan Yu Chen‘s relationship; Li Ching Lung was a bit too childish for me (I really like mature characters) but they were cute. I liked Pu Le Chien’s friendship with Hsieh Yu He, and Hsieh Yu He with her brother. Pu Le Chien��s mother was cool too. I mostly liked the last two episodes; they were good. I actually wouldn’t mind a season two with LeAmber as main characters again. As for the story, it was a refreshing one compared to all the other BL’s. I liked it. Also, the song mostly used in the show PoLin - Butterfly is beautiful. PoLin’s voice reminded me of Xiao Zhan; it would’ve been amazing had he covered PoLin’s song...just saying. Favorite character: Amber. Started: 10.06.2022 - Finished: 11.06.2022  Second time: Started: 02.08.2022 - Finished: 03.08.2022 (Decided to show this to mom as well. I adore Amber; he’s such a cutie. Li Ching Lung annoys me. Just finished episode 7. Mom isn’t all that into it; which isn’t surprising since we watched Cupid’s Last Wish right before DNA Says Love You and it’s very hard to live up to that one. Update: just finished it and I adore it still. Amber and Pu Le Chien makes me smile so much; especially in episode 12. They are adorable. I would really not mind a s2 OR another BL with Erek Lin (Amber) and Lukas Huang (Pu Le Chien); they have really good chemistry and look very comfortable with one another. I just adore Amber; I keep looking at him and I want to hug him all the time.) Rate: 6.5/10  (my mom’s rating: didn’t like the first two episodes and Li Ching Lung got on her nerves, however, the series for her is technically a 8/10)
65. Dark Blue and Moonlight (Taiwan Drama) Review: Hmm I’m on episode 3 so far and it’s a bit odd. Yan Fei has said twice now that he was to break up with Jimmy AND Yan Fei cheated on said Jimmy in the first episode by making out with Su Hai Qing. I hate cheaters... Not sure how I feel about this show. Warning: this DBaM is not for people who don’t like cheating. I hate cheating so I’m struggling to keep watching. Also, I’m not liking the characters, especially Su Hai Qing; he’s rude, self-centered, mean, selfish, childish..... Chen Pin Jun deserves better. Overall, I honestly did not care for the characters or the couple. How am I supposed to cheer on any of them?! Also, Yan Fei is this rich man, yet drives an old car... doesn’t make sense? That said, I think the cheating ruined the show for me in the first place, and once that happened, everything just went downhill. Then with the main character, Su Hai Qing, being just... awful, pretty much destroyed any liking to it. Oh and let’s not forget that it was impossible to see Su Hai Qing as a 18-19 year old; Aric Chen didn’t have the looks for it, at least in my opinion. Chen Pin Jun was the best part in the series, Su Hai Qing did NOT deserve his love at all. Let just finish this review with say that it had a ridiculous ending as well. Favorite character: Chen Pin Jun. Started: 11.06.2022 - Finished: 11/12.06.2022 Rate: 2.5-2/10  
66. First Love, Again (South Korea Drama) Review: It seems like I’m on a bad roll when it comes to BL. I just couldn’t get invested here as well. The main character, Yeon Seok, wasn’t my type; I just couldn’t get invested in his story, or his personality. In fact, I didn’t like his personality. Jeong Ha Yeon was cute, but not enough to make me enjoy the show. Jeon Chang Ha (J.A.Y) reminded me a lot of Zhu Yi Long; like a younger version of him. But Yeon Seok just annoyed me. Also, he gave lots of second-hand embarrassment, which I don’t like. At all. It might be because I’m having a bad day - full of migraines today - but I just don’t think this show is for me. Overall, I like the idea of it, but not the execution. Favorite character: Yoo Sin Bi or Jeong Ha Yeon. Started: 12.06.2022 - Finished: 12.06.2022 Rate: 3/10  
67. Kieta Hatsukoi (Japan Drama) Review: Okay this was absolutely adorable. Sure, it gave me MAJOR second-hand embarrassment but it also gave me quite the smile. Aoki and Ida were cute; I liked them as individual characters - their personalities was interesting. Aoki being open and honest, while Ida being clueless about everything, yet so damn calm all the time. Aoki actually reminded me of Stiles Stilinski to some degree. Hashimoto was super cute, and Aida was the cool friend. Overall, I enjoyed this one even if it made me so damn embarrassed. However, I wish we’d get a season 2 to see Aoki and Ida’s relationship develop and actually feel like a relationship, with them being more mature and stuff. The story itself is VERY tame, first crush/love trope, and it only gives you a hug and handholding.  Favorite character: Aoki for his openness, and Ida for his calmness. Started: 12/13.06.2022 - Finished: 13.06.2022 Rate: 6.5/10  
68. Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice but to Kiss! (Japan Drama) Review: Just a quick update after first episode... I had not expected THAT ending of the episode!! Yaaaasssss please, keep going! Second hand-embarrassment if very high, but so far, very worth it. Update: I finished the show. It was too short but still very watchable. I absolutely LOVED Naoya; he was the perfect man - calm, caring, protective, loving, possessive.... yes please. Kota on the other hand was more on the exhausting side. He had a bit of a schizo personality, and his back and forth was not that enjoyable. Perhaps when he was acting kind, he was too much of a cute puppy, but when he was his true self he was angry; and his angry was so weird. I just wanted to laugh AT him when he was yelling because of the look and the voice he gave. I don’t know, there was just something about him that just didn’t sit right with me. He reminded me a bit of Aoki from Kieta Hatsukoi, but lacked the depth and strength that Aoki had; Aoki was at least enjoyable and entertaining with his dramatic attitude, but Kota was... second-hand embarrassment that I didn’t want to watch, if that make sense. Overall, I WISH it was a more mature show. That either they were older or that they - as in Kota - were more mature for the age (Naoya did it perfectly though). For me, Kota was the let down, because other than that, I liked it. So I actually wouldn’t mind a season 2 where we’d get a more mature and more settled into the relationship version of Kota. I also want to see them be a couple. Favorite character: Naoya. Started: 13.06.2022 - Finished: 14.06.2022 Rate: 5 (though if I was only rating Naoya, I’d give it a 7.5, just saying)/10  
69. Pornographer/The Novelist (Japan Drama) Review: This was a strange one. It was short, maybe too short, but at the same time, I liked the pacing to some degree. However, I didn’t like the ending, the show lacked some depth and foundation, and I didn’t completely connect with Kijima; he was weird and felt rather.. ‘stiff’ with his personality. I don’t like liars... Kuzumi, on the other hand, was a cutie with vivid imagination. Overall, I know the story continues but I’m not sure I want to continue. I like the concept though; thought it interesting and different from the other bl’s, but I had wanted more, to be honest. Favorite character: Kuzumi. Started: 14.06.2022 - Finished: 15.06.2022 Rate: 5/10  
70. The Novelist: Spring Life (Japan Drama) Review: I know I said I wasn’t use I’d continue with the story, but I thought since it only had one episode lasting 12 minutes, I might as feel watch it. However, when the episode was done, all I could think about was “that’s it?” I felt very let down, to be honest. Favorite character: Kuzumi. Started: 15.06.2022 - Finished: 15.06.2022 Rate: 3/10  
71. Method (South Korean Drama) Review: This movie was so sooooo odd. I didn’t get anything, and the characters made me uncomfortable. But I guess Jaeha got a taste of his own medicine. Overall, didn’t really need to waste my time watching this movie. Favorite character: Youngwoo, I guess. Started: 15.06.2022 - Finished: 15.06.2022 Rate: 2/10  
72. 2 Moons 2 (Thailand Drama) Review: Just a quick update, I’m on episode 8 so far and I’m more invested in Ming and Kit, and Forth and Beam than the main couple Phana and Wayo.... PhaYo are cute, but for some reason I’m more focused on the other two couples who are yet to become couples. That said, I think I’m over the very innocent and naive, too scared/shy to show any affection for your partner characters.... I need more mature ones. Update: Hmm I’m on episode 9 and Ming is giving me crazy stalker vibe. Also, he has no respect for Kit’s family, nor Kit’s reservations... Hmmmmmm.... Update: episode 10 and I just have to say that the sounds is AWFUL when they are screaming or just speaking loudly. Update: now on episode 11 and I’m not liking Wayo in this one. Btw, it’s so odd seeing Kaprao Pongkorn act like such a creep when he was so adorable in TharnType.... Just saying. Also Forth is hot. Love the tattoo on him. Update: I’m now finished with the show, and what I’m left is: what the hell?! What kind of ending is that? Also, the drama in the last episode didn’t feel real, but I like Pha’s (mostly) maturity; it’s a big contrast to Yo being rather childish. That said, we didn’t get enough of ForthBeam and MingKit as a couple, and sadly I don’t think we’ll ever get it with these actors. From my understanding, season 3 will have different actors :/ Overall, the show has potential, but it does have a bit too much stalking that’s for sure. I’m just in the mood for more mature content; at least, mature characters. Favorite character: Kit and Forth. Started: 18.06.2022 - Finished: 21.06.2022 Rate: 5/10   73. Behind Cut (South Korea Drama) Review: I actually liked it. It was cute and had huge potential. Problem was that it was way too short and episode 7 & 8 was just... a bit rushed and confusing. I wish it had like 12 episodes that lasted over 45 minutes; that way it could’ve gotten the depth and development it deserved. I have to say that Bum Jun has a very good look from the side (the front too, but especially the side), and I liked his character Kim Ki Jin. I just wish we had gotten to know him more. Same with Yeong Woo; we barely got to know them, to be honest. Overall, I liked it, but it sucks that it could’ve been SO much better. Favorite character: Kim Ki Jin. Started: 25.06.2022 - Finished: 25.06.2022 Rate: 5.5-6/10  
74. S.C.I (China Drama) Review: I started this series as a ‘break’ series for when my mom isn’t able to watch Word of Honor (which I’m watching (re-watch for me, her the first time watching) with her). I just finished episode 4... so far I’m not overly excited about it... Update: I’m on episode 15 and I have to say I’m a little disappointed in the lack of chemistry between the two main. Bai Yutong and Zhan Yao has potential, I guess, but I honestly barely feel bromance; if anything it almost  feels like a working-relationship. Bai Xintang and Gong Sun Zhe’s relationship feels unnecessary; might be because Bai Xin Tang, for me, is an unlikable character. Bai Chi and Zhao Zhen (hello pretty boy; you remind me of Hyunjin from Stray Kids) on the other hand... I’d be interested in a romantic relationship here (though that’ll never happen because of the censoring). Update: I’ve now finished the show... I’m frankly not sure how I feel about this one. On one hand, it has potential and I like the adult feel to it. On the other, it feels cheap and some of the “danger” scenes doesn’t really have any impact on me as a viewer; I never felt the danger. Also, I felt like nothing was really resolved either. I’m still left very confused. I do hope for a season 2 to get more closure to the story and characters. I liked Luoyang; I really wouldn’t have minded if two certain characters had adopted him... just saying. Overall, I wish there was more chemistry between the two main leads; as it is based on a BL novel. But I don’t know why, but I barely felt ANYTHING between them, which was a very sad thing. That said, it truly has potential, but it was disappointing that it didn’t live up to it. Favorite character: Bai Yutong. Started: 27.06.2022 - Finished: 01/02.07.2022 Rate: 5/10  
75. Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?! (Japan Drama) Review: This was one cute. However, based on the fact that the characters were (mostly) 30(+) years old, I had expected a more... mature feel to it. While Adachi was cute and all, he was a bit immature as well. Also, he sometimes took ages to actually say something.... that annoyed me a bit. Kurosawa, on the other hand, I really liked. He was a good man and he deserves the world. Minato was adorable and I wish he had gotten to know him more, BUT Tsuge was.... a bit weird. He made me uncomfortable, to be honest. Overall, the show was cute, but I had expected more from it considering the age of the character. But then again, it’s from 2020; we’ve come a bit further in BL now, especially when it comes to kissing. Still, not a bad show and while it game me lots of second-hand embarrassment, it also made me laugh. Favorite character: Kurosawa Yuichi. Started: 02.07.2022 - Finished: 02.07.2022 Rate: 5.5/10  
76. Old Fashion Cupcake (Japan Drama) Review: Omg I just binged the first four episodes and duuuude, please give me more! I want more, I need mooore!! I can’t believe we’re only getting ONE freaking more episode!?! I would’ve loved like... at least 10 more. At least. I really like how comfortable Togawa and Nozue is with each other, and no one should be surprised if it turns romanic. Also, that kiss..... GIVE ME MORE! That said, I like the adult feel/maturity to it and  Kimura Tatsunari (Togawa) is quite hot. Update: I just finished the last episode and I have to say that I’m a bit disappointed with the ending. I don’t know why, but I had expected more for some reason. That said, the show overall was a nice one and I liked it. I wonder if we’d get a season 2 where they act like a couple and not boss-employe, but boyfriend and boyfriend. Favorite character: Togawa. Started: 02/03.07.2022 - Finished: 04.07.2022 Rate: 6.5/10  
77. The Silent Criminal (China Drama) Review: Update: I’m currently on episode 7, and it seems like this show wanted to re-create the chemistry between WangXian with its characters Shi Jingyao and Long Yao. While Long Yao is a good one, and can be on the radar of being reminded Lan Wangji with his badassness, coldness, high position, good looking and all that jazz, Jingyao does not live up to being anywhere close to what Wei Wuxian; he’s simply too useless and kinda dumb. Wei Wuxian is the complete opposite of that... Update: I just finished episode 12 and I have to say that after episode 7, everything went downhill. It had so much potential, but for some reason destroyed its own potential. ******SPOILERS!!!!!****** The fact that Long Yao lost so quickly ruined everything. On top of that, Lihuang Wu being between the two main leads just got my nerves. I had previously seen Long Yao as a character that reminded me of Lan Wangji (my favorite character) but after episode 7 that notion went away, and for me, ruined my enjoyment of this show as he was my favorite character here. With one episode left, I honestly don’t know how the show will end, but now I’m at the point that I just want it to end. Everything is confusing and becoming more and more of a letdown. Update: I’m now finished and I have to say that I’m very disappointed. I had expected so much more, especially from the ending after reading reviews that got me wanting to start the show in the first place. I almost regret it. While this isn’t tagged as a BL, many considered it a censored BL based on the bromance between Shi Jingyao and Long Yao, however, they didn’t live up to what I’ve read about them. Jingyao seemed more interested in Lihuang than Long Yao, and while Long Yao seemed more interested in Jingyao, it wasn’t enough to carry a potential ship. Because that’s the thing; the show, the plot, the characters, the relationship... all of it had such potential that it’s annoys the living shit out of me that they didn’t reach the full potential. The last few episodes were a complete mess, a lot didn’t make sense and I wasn’t satisfied at all. Overall, I could’ve liked it, but the episodes from 7-13 ruined everything. 1-6/7 was alright and enjoyable enough (if you look away from Jingyao being completely useless). The ending was so anticlimactic that it overshadowed the few things that the series had going for it. I’m also gonna be shallow and saw that the scene I mentioned above with the spoiler warning was were I lost faith in the show. At the end of all things, this show, for me, is considered more as queerbaiting than anything else. Oh and lets not forget the wasted potential of revealing Long Yao’s true identity; man that scene made me so pissed!  Favorite character: Long Yao (at least the first 6-7 episodes). Started: 03.07.2022 - Finished: 03/04.07.2022 Rate: 3.5-4/10 (it had potential and I liked Long Yao in the first part)
78. To My Star 2: Our Untold Stories (South Korea Drama) Review: Finally I can binge this show in one go! Just finished episode 4 and I have to say that I I don’t like how cold Han Ji Woo is towards Kang Seo Joon. Sometimes it feels like he barely cares for Kang Seo Joon at all. And how he broke up with him was just... not nice. I have this feeling that I can’t let go off and that is that Han Ji Woo can’t quite accept Kang Seo Joon and their relationship. Lets hope that episode 5 and onwards shows how much he actually cares. That said, it’s still very enjoyable but sadly I need sleep before I can continue. Update: ouch, the end of episode 6 hurt. Just saying. Update: I just finished it. The ending was so cute. Is it bad that I actually want a season 3? Overall, I enjoyed this one. I love the mature feeling to this show, even if Kang Seo Joon sometimes acts like a kid (not childish, but like a kid), and even if he can be a bit too much (I would’ve given up long ago, btw... he also sometimes made me “uncomfortable” with the way he kept pushing; though not necessarily a bad thing here), even if I wanted to Han Ji Woo a couple of times, I still liked it. I didn’t quite understand why Han Ji Woo ended things, but I think I got the gist of it. Btw, Ho Min is very good looking and I want to know him more; I wouldn’t mind seeing him in a spin-off where he’s the focus. Han Yoo Ha and her mother had an adorable relationship that was a good addition to the show. Favorite character: Kang Seo Joon. Started: 03/04.07.2022 - Finished: 04.07.2022 Rate: 6.5/10  
79. Seven Days: Monday - Thursday (Japan Movie) Review: I started this one right after Absolute BL replied to my ask about this movie who had said it was one their favorite BLs of all time; this got me curious after all and I don’t necessarily regret watching it. I like it, it was entertaining, though awkward at times. It didn’t have much depth or a huge storyline, but it was cute. I’m not fully on board with Seiryo/Seryou Toji and Shino Yuzuru’s relationship just yet; the chemistry feels too much like friends at the moment. I hope part two will clear that up. I liked that we got some kisses, though almost innocent-like. I absolutely loved the jealousy and I really hope that more of that will happen in the sequel. That said, strange looking hair; I don’t mind long hair on guys (Hwang Hyunjin anyone? So gorgeous it shouldn’t even be allowed) but there was something about their hairs. Good thing Absolute BL had warned me about that. Btw, how old are the characters? I only know that Shino Yuzuru is two years older than Seryou Toji and that they are in high school... Overall, the story didn’t exactly standout in anyway, but it was watchable and made the time pass. Favorite character: Seryou Toji, perhaps? Started: 05/06.07.2022 - Finished: 05/06.07.2022  Rate: 5/10  
80. Seven Days: Friday - Sunday (Japan Movie) Review: The thing is, I understand why people like it. I myself might’ve liked it if I was a few years younger OR if I had watched it in the beginning when I first started watching BL. But now, the story was too slow, the communication was horrible, the constant silence between saying a few words really got on my nerves. I even ended up yelling at the screen for the guys to fucking answer or say something. It felt immature in some sense, I struggled with connecting with the characters. I wish I had liked it as so many does, but I guess it can’t be for everyone. Also, then there’s the fact that I sadly wasn’t attracted to the boys. I’m sorry. Not my types. But I do like the jealousy, the possessiveness, and I definitely like that Seryou is open about the fact that he likes to be controlled by his lover. Oh and I liked the kissing scene. It was cute. That said, I just need better communication than this. Favorite character: Shino Yuzuru, perhaps? Though technically no one.  Started: 06.07.2022 - Finished: 06.07.2022 Rate: 3.5-4/10  
81. HIStory1 (E3): Obsessed (Taiwan Drama) Review: Here’s the thing, I like possessive characters, even obsessive ones, but there was something about Jiang Jin Teng that I just couldn’t get on board with. He, for the most of the time, creeped me out. Shao Yi Chen was just meh; didn’t have much depth to him. I did, however, like the domestic sort of scenes between the two, but for the most part, Jiang Jin Teng practically forcing himself on Shao Yi Chen was a turn-off. Usually I would love a controlling and dominant character, but Jiang Jin Teng hit the wrong buttons with me. Overall, I was terrified of starting another show in the HIStory franchise because of Make Our Days Count disaster but at least this one didn’t break me. I am considering watching HIStory1 (e1): My Hero because of Aaron Lai buuuuut I’m not sure I’m ready to see him with anyone other than Hank Wang. Also, I haven’t heard the best of things about that one. That said, this one was recommended and look how that turned out. It wasn’t that it was really bad, but it lacked a whole lot of foundation, depth, plot and character development. I think, maybe, if it had more of a build up, it could’ve been better. It seems like I’m having a bad week with BLs... Oh and this one reminded me of Addicted Heroin and I didn’t have the best of luck with that one either; though better than this one.  Favorite character: No one. Started: 06/07.07.2022 - Finished: 06/07.07.2022 Rate: 3.5-4/10  
82. HIStory2 (E1-4): Right Or Wrong (Taiwan Drama) Review: Update: just finished episode 2. I don’t know why, but these days I’m just not finding anyone in the BLs I’m watching attractive. That’s the case here as well. I’m not attracted AT ALL with Shi Yi Jie (31) or Fei Sheng Zhe (19), and if you know me, I’m a shallow person when it comes to what I’m watching; I need to be attracted to at least one of the main leads to be interested in the story. I was more attracted to Zhou Shao An (a barely there side character) than the ML. Which is why I’m struggling a bit these days. But that said, I still like the concept. I don’t mind the age gap, nor the teacher-student dynamic as Fei Sheng Zhe is over 18, and Yo Yo’s adorable. Update: just finished it and I can understand Shi Yi Jie reaction and anger at his ex-wife. I saw some people disliked his treatment of her. I didn’t mind that. She abandoned them after all. Overall, I don’t mind the plot itself, just the characters. There was something about them that I didn’t like. Especially Shi Yi Jie; yes I’m that shallow. Though I have to admit that they didd have some chemistry; they at least seem comfortable with one another. Favorite character: Yo Yo. Started: 06/07.07.2022 - Finished: 07.07.2022 Rate: 4/10  
83. HIStory2 (E5-8): Crossing The Line (Taiwan Drama) Review: Update: Had to stop in the middle of episode 2 (6) because my mom suddenly decided to come home and watch a little with me before going to bed, (she needs naps because of illness) and then she had the audacity to say that I can’t watch the rest without her because she needs to know what will happen as well. Damn you mom :P Anyway, I’m actually liking this one. Qiu Zi Xuan and Hsia Yu Hao has chemistry and ding ding dong, I’m somewhat attracted to them. Qiu Zi Xuan the most... there’s just something about him. Overall, so far it’s good. Update: I’m now finished with and I liked it. It was one of the better HIStory shows. It didn’t have too much depth but at least it didn’t have second-hand embarrassment either. It was enjoyable, nice pacing and actually left me wanting more; especially with the ending, I wanted more. I hope we get a season 2 (which we probably won’t since it’s from 2018). Favorite character: Qiu Zi Xuan. Started: 07.07.2022 - Finished: 07/08.07.2022 Second time: Started: 07.09.2022 - Finished: 07/08.09.2022 (I found myself wanting to re-watch this one so I did (though I had to stop before last episode to go to sleep because my day/night is completely turned upside down). I still found it adorable and I wished that we had gotten a full length show of it.) Rate: 6.5/10  
84. My Engineer (Thailand Drama) Review: Update: currently on episode 2. I started watching it while waiting for my mom to wake up so we could continue watching HIStory2, and since I really liked that show, it was hard to get invested in this one. So far it’s pretty meh. Update: just finished episode 4 and I’m not sure how I feel about it. I think I’m more invested in the side-couples rather than the mains to be honest. Duen is a bit too... naive and immature for me. Had he been like Aoki from Kieta Hatsukoi I probably wouldn’t have minded so much, but Duen just makes my eyes roll for some reason. While Bohn is kinda good looking, I keep starring at his eyebrows that moves all the time. King does interest me though... Update: just finished watching episode 8 and I just have a question: is there something wrong with Mek’s voice? Is it the recording or some sort of voice over? It just sounds weird compared to the others. Also, King is definitely my favorite so far, but his obsession with plants is, for me, weird. I’m allergic so I stay clear from plants. Nor do I ever talk to them... but then again, I guess that is how he’s able to connect with Ram. Update: just finished episode 12. I really enjoy King and Ram’s relationship. I hope they will get together. Boss and Mek are cute as well; though Boss did annoy me up until now with him constantly trying to get a girlfriend. As for Bohn and Duen... I honestly don’t care for them and that is mainly due to Duen. I don’t like him. I feel like Bohn deserves better. Duen is too childish and immature. I think I prefer much MUCH more mature BLs. Had I watched this in the beginning of starting watching BLs then maybe I would’ve like it better, but this is way, way too tame for my taste. Luckily I have King to look at. I really enjoy his character. Mom like Ram (yes she came in when i was in the middle of the show and now I can’t watch the last two episodes because she’s going to bed; she wants to watch them as well). Update: I’m now done with the show and I desperately need a season 2 for King and Ram. Like now. And for Frong and Thara. As for Bohn and Duen.... I dislike them and that’s mostly due to Duen. I can’t stand him. Overall, King was awesome and I adore him. I want more of him. As for the show itself, while it wasn’t groundbreaking or anything like that, it was still enjoyable enough because of King, Ram, Mek, Bohn, Thara and Frong. I have to say that the theme song, on the other hand, was awful and didn’t fit the show at all. I wish everything was more mature; Duen was so immature that it almost ruined the show for me. Favorite character: King. Started: 07.07.2022 - Finished: 10/11.07.2022 Rate: 5/10 (King stars)  
85. Fish Upon the Sky (Thailand Drama) Review: Update: I’m currently on episode 7 and Pi is ruining the show for me. He’s so rude, mean and unlikable. I feel sorry for Mork, to be honest. Meen is adorable though, and it’s cute to see Duean fall in love more and more. I also like Mueang Nan. So much so that I’m watching Mix Wongratch’s A Tale of Thousand Stars after this. Update: ****SPOILERS**** I just finished episode 8 and Mork thought to himself that the reason he fell in love with Pi was because of his kind heart.... what kind heart? Pi’s rude and selfish?! Am I missing something here? Update: I’m now finished. I laughed a couple of times, mostly Duean’s scenes. He was exhausting but funny sometimes. I also liked his protectiveness over his brother. Mork was a good man and I liked that he was mature and kind. Again, like in My Engineer, there was an immature character that almost made the show unwatchable. Overall, it was still entertaining enough that I watched every episode but sometimes the second-hand embarrassment was too much, and Pi sometimes made me want to slap him. I did like it when MorkPi was together together, but that was too short. On to Mix’s own show. Oh also, I was somewhat attracted to James, Duean’s friend. My eyes kept going to him when he was in the scene... Favorite character: Mork, maybe? Started: 11.07.2022 - Finished: 12.07.2022 Rate: 5/10 
86. A Tale of Thousand Stars (Thailand Drama) Review: Update: just finished episode 3 (watching with my mom) and so far so good. I like Tian Sopasitsakun (21) and Phupha Viriyanon (30?). I’m starting to seee some chemistry between them. I had - still am - been really worried about Phupha’s relationship with Torfun Chareonpon; that it’ll become some sort of a love triangle. This can still happen so I’m a bit anxious, same with the potential reveal of the heart. I guess I just have to wait and see what will happen, though a part of me wants to spoil so I don’t get a big surprise... Update: I’m half-way through episode 4 and I’m starting to feel the worry I had for the series before I started it: that the reason Phupha starts to feel anything for Tian is because of Torfun’s heart. I honestly hope that Phupha wasn’t in love with Torfun. Also, for some reason, I’m worried that Tian caused the accident that killed Torfun... is that even possible? Didn’t he faint/passed out at the same time/before Torfun’s accident? Ugh all these worries... Update: just finished episode 6... damn my anxiety is high here. I just keep waiting for the shoe to drop, if you know what I mean. Update: Mix is my baby. I adore him. I really like him. I’ve now finished the show and I kinda want sequel. After finishing this one and Cupid’s Last Wish, I’m really hoping for more BLs with EarthMix; they have this good/comfortable energy between one another and it makes it quite enjoyable to watch. Overall, this show was a good one. I desperately wanted a kiss between them, but even if we only got one, you could still feel the love/adoration between them. Both me and my mom enjoyed it. Favorite character: Tian Sopasitsakun. Started: 12/13.07.2022 - Finished: 14/15.07.2022 Rate: 6.5-7/10 - Updated after thinking about it: 7/10 
87. Cupid’s Last Wish (Thailand Drama) Review: Update: starting this one while my mom is sleeping and I can’t continue with A Tale of Thousand Stars without her. I adore Mix Wongratch, so I thought to give this one a try as well. I am scared of one of the main characters though; the female. How will this story even end?! Here goes nothing... Update: I just finished it. I watched it all in one go. Yup, you read that right, I binged. It was good actually. I was worried in the beginning, but it turned out alright. I actually want a sequel of Korn and Win. I really enjoyed them. The story was a bit different too, which was enjoyable. While Win had a tendency to yell and be mean, I still couldn’t help but like him. I think it’s the Mix Wongratch magic. I adore him. Also, I understood his reasons. He was hurt and jealous; we always end up getting hurt by those we love most, right? And that statement is absolutely true for the last episode. Mix and Earth Pirapat W. should definitely make more shows together; they have this comfortable aura around them that you can’t help but to get sucked into. I liked Jan Ployshompoo Supasap’s portray of Mix’s character, that was well done. However, I actually didn’t like her own character, Lin; she was rather weak. Overall, I really enjoyed this show and I want more. Those episodes about periods was awesome, btw. I laughed. Might be because I was tired as fuck, or it was genuinely funny. Also, I’m a bit confused as to how the title and the plot connects...? Favorite character: Korn, though I also liked Win when he wasn’t yelling/had his outbursts. Started: 13/14.07.2022 - Finished: 14.07.2022 Second time: Started: 31/01.07/08.2022 - Finished: 02.08.2022 (I had to show this one to my mom as well. Earth (Korn) and Mix (Win) have great chemistry and I love and adore how comfortable they are with one another. Even though Win is a brat and has anger issues, I can’t help but to love him. Also, in this re-watch I was more aware of details such as Korn not being straightforward with Win, and making Win confused about Korn and Lin. ***SPOILERS!!!*** I absolutely hate the mom though; wish they hadn’t forgiven her so easily. Overall, I adore this one. I’m VERY much looking forward to EarthMix’s new show Moonlight Chicken; hope it comes out soon, and I hope more shows with these two as main character will come! Rate: 6.5-7/10 - Updated after thinking about it: 7/10 New rating after re-watch: 7-8/10 (mom gives it 8/10)
88. I Told Sunset About You (Thailand Drama) Review: Hmmmmmmmm.... I liked Oh-aew; wanted to protect him so much. Such a cutie. As for Teh, on the other hand.... didn’t like him. I knew the second he appeared on the screen that there was something about him that I didn’t like, and that feeling just got stronger the more episodes I watched. Then there was the fact that there was too much damn crying. I don’t mind people crying, I don’t, but when they almost cry all the time? No, just no. Though credits to the actors. That said, I liked that Billkin Putthipong Assaratanakul (Teh) and PP Krit Amnuaydechkorn (Oh-aew) seemed comfortable being in each others personal space. I liked friendship becoming a relationship. One was struggling with grades, while the other was struggling with understanding his feelings for a guy. Overall, it had potential, but didn’t live up to it. I kept looking at my phone while watching, especially the last episode. It was boring and I just wanted it to end. Is there coming a sequel for it though? As the ending part 2 was coming? Not sure I would want to watch it though... Favorite character: Oh-aew. Started: 14.07.2022 - Finished: 14/15.07.2022 Rate: 4.5/10 
89. My Ride (Thailand Drama) Review: Update: just finished episode 7 and I just have to say that they have spent way too much time on Tawan and Por. Too much. Mork is the best part of this show, but Por creeps me out. Tawan is nice but too consumed with the relationship with Por. They’ve barely spent any time together, yet he loves him? Naah. Update: just finished the show... I adore Mork, but I don’t really care for Tawan. Fame Chawinroj Likitchareonsakul (Tawan) almost seems uncomfortable being in a BL show (?). I definitely wouldn’t mind seeing Fluke Pongsakorn Wongpian (Mork) in another BL in the future. Overall, I liked Mork and the maturity he brought along, Tawan was just meh, Nadia and Mayom bothered me as Nadia was rather mean to Mayom, and Boss and Toy were just ok. I had expected more from the series as it aired in 2022 (thought we had come further than fish-kissing), and the doctor aspect didn’t bring much to the story. I did annoy me that there was a lot of attention to Boss being scared of loud noises but we never got an explanation for it. That said, it was watchable (thank you Mork) that I - and mom - managed to finish it, though in the beginning I did skim over Por’s scenes. Oh and Uncle Cheep and Uncle Dej were a nice addition to the story. Favorite character: Mork. Started: 17.07.2022 - Finished: 18.07.2022 Rate: 4.5-4/10 (Mork stars, though 3 stars if it weren’t for Mork; my rating. My mom gave it 5/10) 
90. Oh! Boarding House (South Korea Drama) Review: Why is South Korean BL show so short?! I want more, always. That said, they do make a nice and entertaining story, with interesting characters. Moon Seol Won was a bit... obsessive with wanting to please Kim Cheol Soo in the beginning for saving his life, but other than that he was a cute character. Kim Cheol Soo was the most interesting one; I wish we had gotten more episodes to get to know him more. That also goes for Moon Seol Won. Overall, I wouldn’t mind a season 2 where we’d get to see them more as a couple. The side characters wasn’t taking up too much time from the main couple; they too had some appeal to themselves. Wang Ye Min and Kim Hee Soo were cute, though I’m not really interested in MF relationships. They didn’t do much to Park Jae Woo character other than making him the lazy student who loves food, and Cha Bong Deok was mostly there to create tension for the main couple. But the show was entertaining; I watched it all in one go. I liked the mature characters; which more BL shows had that! Favorite character: Kim Cheol Soo. Started: 17/18.07.2022 - Finished: 17/18.07.2022 Rate: 5.5-6/10 
91. Love Mechanics (Thailand Drama) Review: Update: just finished episode 5. This series isn’t bad, though a bit stupid sometimes. As a person who’s never been in love, I don’t understand Vee’s actions towards Ploy. I could never be with anyone like that (Ploy), though I might act different if I was in love myself. Guess we just have to wait and see if I ever do fall in love. I also struggled a bit with Vee considering he cheated in the beginning of the show with Mark (drunk or not), so while I felt sorry for him with everything he went through with Ploy, I still remembered that. That said, Mark is growing on me; I didn’t like him in the first two episodes. I immediately got a creep vibe from him when he tried to get Bar, but he changed after that. Yin Anan Wong and War Wanarat Ratsameerat has some chemistry; it’s not the best I’ve seen but they are cute. Update: I have now finished episode 6 and I'm starting to feel sorry for Nuea... Is he getting his own love interest? Also, I hate that I've started this show when it's still running... I absolutely HATE waiting. Update: I finally got to finish it and I’m adoring YinWar; they have good chemistry. I like the ending for this show, though I wouldn’t mind a season 2. I’m probably one of the few who actually like Vee; yes I wanted to slap him sometimes but I got his reasons. I didn’t want Mark hurt, I really didn’t, but Vee was my bias. I think it happened in the first episodes where I struggled to like Mark, and I think that continued on for quite a few episodes and I sided with Vee easily. My problem is that I’m very loyal so once I start liking a character, I can make ALL the excuses in the world for said character (Klaus Mikaelson anyone?). Overall, this was a good one - not the best mind you, but an enjoyable one.  Favorite character: Vee. Started: 19.07.2022 - Finished: 15.08.2022 Rate: 6-5.6/10 
92. Triage (Thailand Drama) Review: Update: I’ve now finished episode 6 and at least some things are starting to make sense. Dr. Tin doesn’t have much of a personality so I don’t really get to know him much, and Tol is pretty, seems kind enough but then the story with adorable "Rit" Varit Boonwilai shattered that. Hope that gets fixed. I want more of Rit.  I kinda want to slap Mai. I get why she did what she did but still.... Update: just finished episode 7 and I’m scared I’m losing a bit of respect for Tol... shiiiit. Rit is super cute though. I’m a bit unsure about Art, but after this episode I got some more respect (though is Mild Jinna Pichit-O-Pakun’s only talent in playing the funny, talkative side-kick?). Now let’s talk about Tin... I get why the “kids” are so cold towards him; I mean, who wouldn’t? Tin is kinda acting like a creep.... Update: just finished episode 11 and I miss the previous loop. They way the character were, and the relationships. I’m not liking this new one. That said, the twist wasn’t expected so there’s that. Update: just finish the last episode.... I’m a bit confused about the ending. I missed the personalities of the second to last time loop. I wanted to hug Tol so fucking bad, and I wanted to see Rit more. I understand that the moral of the story is faith but still... I got a bit lost in the last episode. Too much happened and I wasn’t overly satisfied with the ending. That said, the plot was different from other BL which was a nice change. Even though you got to see things over and over again, it didn’t necessarily get boring. Overall, I liked it - I didn’t love it - but it was different and Rit and Tol were characters I didn’t mind seeing. I also liked Dr. Sing in all the loops, though the last one was the least favorite. It was very nice seeing Dr. Bun and Tan again; I did a little scream when I saw them (second season for them, anyone?). Btw, with the way this ended, will there be a season 2? Favorite character: Tol or Rit. Started: 21/22.07.2022 - Finished: 22/23.07.2022 Rate: 4.5/10 (the ending and I wasn’t completely invested in Tin - rating from both me and mom)
93. Star and Sky: Star in My Mind (Thailand Drama) Review: Update: I started this while waiting for my mom to wake up from her nap (we’re currently watching Triage together) and it’s not bad. Though when I’m scared that there will be a second-hand embarrassment scene I immediately pick up my phone and start doing something with it so I don’t have to witness it. Luckily, it’s just my anxiety that’s scared for every scene, but this show hadn’t had that bad second-hand embarrassments, if any at all. My mind is a bit fried right now so I can’t remember. That said, it’s watchable. It’s nothing new but it keeps my attention and makes me smile here and there. Update: currently on the last episode and I keep thinking that I can’t be the only one who kinds ships Sean and Maithee together? Also, this whole show is about miss-communication or/and lack there off. Oh and it does makes me curious about Prince and Khuafah’s story simply because hellooooooo Prince! Update: I’m now finished with the show. Daonuea annoyed me to some degree; while I understand him being confused, he acted a bit like a child sometimes. Also, Daonuea and Khabkluen didn’t have the best of chemistry; I’ve seen better. I think Joong Archen Aydin did a nice job playing a quite character who struggles to express his emotions and just keeps them inside instead; I can relate to that. Overall, it’s not a bad show; it makes the time pass and it had some cute moments. Was it good? No. Was it alright? Sure. Not the best, nor the worst BL I’ve watched. Favorite character: Khabkluen. Started: 22.07.2022 - Finished: 23.07.2022 Rate: 4.5-5/10 
94. My Secret Love (Thailand Drama) Review: Update: I just finished episode 3 and I’m still not sure how I feel about it. The first episode didn’t do much for me; I found myself on my phone a lot instead of paying attention. I think this is mostly due to Mek’s immature nature. I like mature characters, and he’s pretty much the opposite of that. I think I’m shipping TimMai, and ParkLee is adorable. Not fully on board with BearBomb and MekKim. I like Earth Teerapat Ruangritkul way more in this one than his character, Wayo, in 2 Moons 2, so at least there’s that. The Chancellor, though, is WAY out of line. Update: just finished episode 8 and I have to say that the actors suuucks at crying scenes. I guess they want to be dramatic and not proper serious crying but still... Also, ParkLee is the main reason I continue with this show. Daniel Cheng Yu Chang (Lee) is eye-catching. Update: I’ve decided to wait until all of the episodes are out before continuing as I absolutely hate waiting and only watching one episode at a time. Update: damnit I couldn’t help myself with not continuing before all episodes where out and now I have to freaking wait for the finale. That said, TimMai has good chemistry but for some reason I had expected a more of a climactic scene with them; though when that one scene with the hit was nice. ParkLee is a stable relationship that I’m pretty sure many are aiming for; they are so calm and nice. For some reason Bew Sitthikarn Akkarapolawat (Park) reminded me of Tay Tawan (who I adore btw) so that was a plus. I really like seeing Mek being mature; that fits him much more so I’m liking him in these last episodes. !!!***SPOILERS***!!! The time-jump though I’m not so sure about. Update: I finally managed to finish this show. For me, MarkLee stole the whole story and I hope that we get another BL with Daniel (Lee) and Bew (Park); they have great chemistry and there was something comfortable with watching them. I did like that we got to see them all as adults, dealing with the adult life and how it affects relationships, thought the time-jump could’ve been smoother. Overall, this was a cute one that I enjoyed watching (mostly due to ParkLee) and liked seeing the characters becoming more mature (I prefer them like that; especially Tim and Bear), however, I wasn’t happy that I certain proposal happened at another’s wedding. So happy we got that wedding though. Favorite character: ParkLee. Started: 23/24.07.2022 - Finished: 22/23.08.2022 Rate: 5.5-6/10 
95. YYY (Thailand Drama) Review: This was just ridiculous. What the hell did I just watch? I had no idea what I was getting into; I just wanted to see more of Lay Talay Sanguandikul (Pun), but I definitely should’ve researched this show before getting in because I regret it so much. Ridiculous. The worst part was that it had so much potential if you take away the ridiculous “comedy”; the show was at this best when it was serious. I like the trope of pretend boyfriends, and roommates to lovers but sounds and laughing machine just made everything weird. This sort of show is NOT for me. It’s one of the reasons I don’t like watching for example Modern Family. Overall, not even Lay Talay Sanguandikul was enough to save this show. Though I wouldn’t mind seeing him and Yoon Phusanu Wongsavanischakorn (Nott) act together again in a proper BL. Also that ending?! What the hell was that? And those special episodes after? Didn’t make sense so I gave up. Favorite character: Pun. Started: 25/26.07.2022 - Finished: 25/26.07.2022 Rate: 2/10 
96. What Zabb Man! (Thailand Drama) Review: Update: omg I’m currently on episode 3 and I’m enjoying this one so much! I just wanted to put something on that would pass the time before I went to bed, unfortunately I like this one so much that I don’t want to go to bed but it’s 07:30 in the morning already and I need sleep. Also I did not see that twist coming; Mayom and Tengnueng has MAJOR chemistry. And Athip’s hot. When I was done with the episode my first thought was “that’s so evil, they should’ve given it to us”. If you’ve watched it, you’ll know what I mean. Update: how dare Thaenkhun hurt Tengnueng? I adore that man. Also, I’m getting a bit annoyed at Poon for pushing Athip away all the time. I really want to keep watching but I’ve decided with a heavy heart that I’m gonna save the last two episodes for when I wake up. Such a hard decision but it deserves all my attention after all. Oh and btw, one of the food competition judges, Bas, was kinda cute... He caught my eye. Update: just finished it. Damn I wish it was longer. Like at least 8 episode more. I think this show is badly slept upon; more people should watch it. I like the maturity of it in general is good; though I definitely wished for more... spice, if you catch my meaning. I desperately wanted a proper kiss between two certain characters..... Overall, Athip looked really good in suits, Tengnueng was adorable, Mayom was the perfect boyfriend material, Poon was a hard-working but stubborn man, Thaenkhun was a bastard, Amy was annoying, Phipop was showed that first impression isn’t always true, and Bas showed me how hot he looked in leather/black. Bank Toranin Manosudprasit (Mayom) and Bonus Tanadech Deeseesuk (Tengnueng) had very good chemistry, and Peter Chonpachara Jeepetch (Poon) and Boss Thawatchanin Darayon (Athip) had some as well, though Poon’s character doesn’t seem rather into touching except hands; don’t know if that’s the actor or the character. Boss seemed more... comfortable with “being” with a man. To sum it up: I liked this show. It made me smile and I’m already looking forward to the re-watch I know I’ll have in the future. Favorite character: Mayom or Athip. Started: 26/27.07.2022 - Finished: 28/29.07.2022 Rate: 6.5/10 
97. Love Class (South Korea Drama) Review: South Korean shows are short, straight forward and entertaining. While I would love a more depth and more fulfilling story, it makes the time pass while being enjoyable enough to keep your attention. Was it the best South Korean show? No. But it was still cute with a bit of action. I wish there was more build-up, but I wasn’t expecting much when it’s only 6 episodes with duration of 20 min.  Overall, I didn’t love it, but liked it enough to watch them all in one go. Also, am I the only one who thought that Kim Tae Hwan (Lee Ro A) looked a bit like a combo of Jared S. Gilmore, Wang Zhuo Cheng, and Liu Haikuan? No? Just me? Anywaaaay, he’s very tall though, compared to Han Hyun Jun (Cha Ji Woo). Favorite character: Lee Ro A, I think. Started: 30/31.07.2022 - Finished: 30/31.07.2022 Rate: 4.5-5/10 
98. You’re My Sky (Thailand Drama) Review: Update: just finished episode 3 and I’m liking it so far. I’m not on board with the main couple just yet, but I’m really liking Vee. So much so that I immediately went on MyDramaList and search for Porsche Tanathorn Charoenratanaporn (Vee) to see if he has more BLs where he’s the main character; sadly he didn’t. But he seems pretty new to the acting world so hopefully we’ll get more of him in the future. That said, I enjoyed the basketball game; it was funny. Update: we just finished episode 5 and I’m actually enjoying this show. The tension between Vee and Dome is high, guys. I’m waiting for it to blow up. I’m more invested in them than the main couple, though that isn’t to say that I don’t care for them; they are cute too. But Tupfah lacks a bit of personality, to be honest. Aii and Saen is interesting too. Looking forward to see where this is going... Update: I could finally finish this show after having to wait all weekend (we got a visit so we couldn’t finish while they were there). I get what people meant with the time jump; it kinda ruined things, especially for Vee and Dome. I’m kinda pissed at how little Vee was in the show and now I badly want a sequel of this one where Vee is the main character. It is very needed; there was just something about Porsche (Vee) that intrigued me and made me want more of him. Overall, this show was a good one. I liked the sports part of it and I liked the character (most of them). I wish the characters were a bit more comfortable with one another (especially Fah and Torn; they didn’t have the best of chemistry and that kinda ruins things as they are the main couple + they are supposed to have been friends since they were kids. At times they felt more like friends rather than potential boyfriends. Torn grew on me the more episodes that went (looking away for the time jump episode - though I’m actually on the fence one who’s side I was on as I could relate to Torn), but Fah was a bit meh for my taste. They were cute though. Aii and Saen were the cutest, but Vee and dome had the best chemistry and tension. That said, I enjoyed this one, but I'm annoyed at Vee's ending. I wanted more and I didn't get it. Favorite character: Vee. Started: 02/03/.08.2022 - Finished: 8.08.2022 Rate: 6-6.5/10 
99. Plus & Minus (Taiwan Drama) Review: Update: I’ve been putting this show on the back of my to-watch list simply because of the reviews I’ve read about it, but now I’m actually glad I decided to give it a shot anyway (because I saw some intriguing gifs of it). I’m about to finish episode 5 and I’m enjoying it. Fu Li Kung really caught my interest; he’s very good looking. I’m trying to rack my brain to figure out who he looks like; I swear I’ve seen him somewhere and apparently he was in History 3: MODC. I can’t remember, but that’s probably because that show traumatized. But even still, he reminds me of someone else and I can’t figure out who?! At first I thought “maybe he reminds me of Hank Wang?” but I don’t feel like that’s the one I’m looking for. Damn it. I need to figure out! Anyway, Kato Yuki has much prettier hair than me. That’s for sure. Cheng Tse Shou is a bit too childish and loud for my taste, and Jian Ying Ze, while adorable in his shyness, is not my taste. Fu Li Kung is though.... Update: ommmmmgggggg I just screamed out loud; my babies (I have many babies, okay....) just showed up!!! Too bad they are getting a fucking divorce. BUT MY BABIES ARE BACK ON THE SCREEN! More please! Update: I just finished episode 7 and it was really good seeing Aaron Lai and Hank Wang again. I desperately hope we get another BL with them, or a season 2 of BLIH. That said, I still haven’t figure out who Shi Cheng Hao (Fu Li Kung) looks like.... it’s annoying the shit out of me. Oh and I’m still enjoying this series and I really don’t want to stop watching, however, I sadly need sleep. One last thing, Kato Yuki and Jian Ying Ze’s relationship... I’m not feeling it. They are technically cute, but it also feels somewhat forced. Update: I just finished episode 9 and I’m still trying to figure out who Shi Cheng Hao looks like. Is he a mix between Justin Long/Hank Wang and Gong Yoo? Or am I completely out of my mind. That said, Yuki and Ying Ze... still not on board with them. I don’t know why. I’m just not feeling them. Fu Li Kung and Cheng Tse Shou have great chemistry though and look very comfortable with one another; which I like. Too bad I can’t continue with the show because of the stupid need for sleep. Update: I just finished it... Yuki and Ying Ze is still making me uncomfortable for some reason, and that separation was unnecessary; if the reasoning was a good one, then I would’ve understood it but the reason here wasn’t good enough. However, Max Lin (Cheng Tse Shou) and Shi Cheng Hao (Fu Li Kung) have good chemistry; I like how comfortable they are with each other, and they had many nice and cute kisses. Overall, I enjoyed this show more than I thought I would. I believe it was because of the reviews I had seen of it before that clouded my judgment, but I’m happy that I still managed to enjoy it. That said, it was nice to see Wayne Song, Huang Chun Chih and Charles Tu again. I desperately want Wayne Song and Huang Chun Chih to fix my traumatized mind after their own show... Favorite character: Fu Li Kung. Started: 03/04/.08.2022 - Finished: 05/06.08.2022 Rate: 5.5-6/10 
100. Senpai, Danjite Koidewa! (Japan Drama) Review: I am frankly not sure how I feel about this one... It’s lacking something but I’m not sure what it is... Is it chemistry? Is it depth? Is it proper communication? I really don’t know, but whatever it is, it is making it hard to invest in the story and characters. Yanase Jun is nice enough, but I’m finding Kaneda Yuki a bit hard to like, and I don’t know why. My guess would be his lack of communication skills? Update: I’m now done with the show... I like Yanase, but I never got onboard with Kaneda; there’s just something about him that was weird. !!****SPOILERS****!! Also I can’t remember properly, but we never got a kiss did we? And we never got to see them as a couple. The more I write this review, the more flaws I find so I’m gonna stop here. Overall, it had potential but I’ve seen plenty other BLs that are way better than this.  Favorite character: Yanase Jun. Started: 07.08.2022 - Finished: 15/16.08.2022 Rate: 3/10 
101. Secret Crush On You (Thailand Drama) Review: Look, I knew this was gonna be an odd one but damn it became too much for me. While it was LOVELY seeing Saint again (omg he looked so gorgeous! I need a new BL with him, pretty please!), his short cameo wasn’t enough to save this show for me. I knew 10 minutes in that this was NOT for me. Seng Wichai Saefant seems to be a good actor, but his acting is not for me, especially with this character of Toh; he hit me the wrong way (stalker/creepy much?!). And while Nuea seems interesting (and nice to look at), he wasn’t enough for me to continue with this show. Not even Khaojao and Sky’s potential relationship (I haven’t seen enough to know if they are gonna be a thing or not, I’m just guessing based on their encounter). Overall, I DNF after episode 1. The amount of embarrassment was too much for me, and Toh was such a weirdo I couldn’t wrap my head around. Favorite character: Thep. Started: 10/11.08.2022 - DNF: 10/11.08.2022 Rate: ./10 (no rating as I did not finish)
102. You Make Me Dance (South Korea Drama) Review: Look, South Korea BLs knows how to make a good story, their problem however, is that they are too short. Too fucking short and duration is too short as well. I need more to properly build up my relationship with the characters and to get fully invested. That said, it’s still enjoyable and I really like their stories so hopefully they’ll either start making more sequels (Where Your Eyes Linger, anyone?) or making their episodes longer/make more episodes. Overall, I enjoyed this one (for some reason I wanted to see Song Kang in this one after seeing "Navillera” stills of him as a ballet dancer), the story was cute, fast/straight forward and Song Shi On and Jin Hong Seok looked good together. Bonus points for nice kissing scenes (we didn’t just get a dead fish kiss, guys!). But I would’ve loved more development, which I believe is due to the lack of time the story and the characters had. I do have to say that the beginning was very funny, and they have some nice chemistry (though not the best I’ve seen but still nice enough). Favorite character: I’m honestly not sure so I’m just gonna say both. Started: 19/20.08.2022 - Finished: 19/20.08.2022 Rate: 5.5/10 (too short)
103. Let's Wait For The Rain To Stop (China Short Movie) Review: Oh how I wish this was a series of at least 10 episodes or a full length movie rather than a 14 minutes one. It was too short but it was still so interesting. The actors were really good looking and they actually had good chemistry. I wish this was a proper BL as well but you know how China is with BLs, but it was still an enjoyable watch. PS! It’s not on MyDramaList though, which it should be. Favorite character: Liu Wen. Started: 22/23.08.2022 - Finished: 22/22.08.2022 Rate: 5.5/10 (too short)
104. My Esports Genius Brother (China Drama) Review: I so, so, so wish this was a proper full length BL drama. It has so much potential. There’s just something about Chinese “BL”s that hit you different compared to other countries’ BLs. I hope that I one day wake up (and soon) and China has become more open to BLs (this is something I fear will never happen) as their BLs has so much potential and I like their stories (especially their Wuxia and Fantasy genres). That said, the first 5 episodes were the best; we were robbed in the last episode; just saying. Overall, it was cute but WAY too short. Like waaaaay. It reminded me of Advance Bravely (but with amateur actors - they really weren’t that good but enough to be entertaining for this one and with a pretty low budget: the fighting scenes were ridiculous); they show you the potential, but refuses to give in and reveal the full picture. In the end, it was almost bad, yet I liked it. Favorite character: Can’t decide. Started: 24/25.08.2022 - Finished: 24/25.08.2022 Rate: 5-5.5/10 (too short)
105. Mr. Heart (South Korea Drama) Review: Omg this was so adorable. I really liked it. I wished it was longer!!  Go Sang Ha was absolutely a cutie and I adored him. I wanted to protect him. For some reason, the actor for him, Han Se Jin, reminded me of Stray Kids’ Lee Felix and that made me instantly like him. One thing I did not like, however, was a certain hit. If you’ve seen this show, you’ll know what I’m talking about. Overall, Korean BLs hit differently (same as Chinese ones); even though they are short (way too short), they still manage to give a story with depth and enough development to make it “believable”. I really enjoyed this one. Oh and it was nice to see Jang Eui Soo (Where Your Eyes Linger) even it if was way too little we saw of him (only for a few seconds). Also Lara, who played Hyo Ri, is very pretty. Favorite character: Go Sang Ha. Started: 25/26.08.2022 - Finished: 25/26.08.2022 Rate: 6.5/10 (too short)
106. Wish You: Your Melody From My Heart (South Korea Drama) Review: This was a cute one. It wasn’t the best Korean BL I’ve watched, it was far from the worst. I liked it and enjoyed it. I wish it had had more depth and story but other than that, it got the time to pass with a nice soundtrack. I have to mention that Kang In Soo had a fabulous body; it’s definitely worth mentioning. Also, while watching this one, I kept thinking of Where Your Eyes Linger; maybe it’s time for a rewatch. I desperately want a season 2 for that one. Overall, it was nice, but it didn’t get me fully hooked. Favorite character: Kang In Soo. Started: 26.08.2022 - Finished: 26.08.2022 Rate: 5/10 (too short)
107. My Gear And Your Gown (Thailand Drama) Review: Update: I just finished episode 8 and Fiat (Pure) is such a cutie. I really, really liked him in Triage and I hadn’t known he was in this until I started it so that was a pleasant surprise. I had expected Pure and Waan to be a ship but as the episodes kept going and they were going nowhere, I felt a bit disappointed as they were my favorite characters in this. While Itt and Pan are cute, I’m struggling to feel more than friendship between them. Pawin (Pan) is also pretty handsome. So far I don’t get all the bad reviews it has gotten as it is entertaining and makes the times pass; plus it has Fiat. Oh and I’m liking JJ Chayakorn Jutamas (Waan), would actually be interested in seeing him a main lead in a BL. Update: currently on episode 10 and while Pure and Folk is cute, I think they missed a chance of Waan and Pure being a couple. I’m not quite liking how little the interact after going to university. Update: I just finished it and I’m still a little disappointed that they wasted Waan and Pure, butt Pure and Folk does work as well. I am glad that they brought up safety and consequences of unprotected sex, though they could’ve gone more into that. Same with the loss of a parent; they just showed grief one episode then it was over. Didn’t make sense. Then there was the main problem; Itt and Pan; where was the chemistry guys? Overall, I liked the first half of the show, but after that it lost its appeal for me. Oh I should mention that I went into the series with the dislike of Waan before I even met him because of how the actor played Non in Dark Blue Kiss (I disliked him so much and I ended up not being able to stand his face), only to stupidly realize that JJ Chayakorn Jutamas (Waan) is the IDENTICAL twin brother named to AJ Chayapol Jutamas (Non) and are two completely different actors. #Facepalm. At least JJ save the image I had of the actor(s), so there’s that. I really do want JJ in his own BL, not as a side character, nor as a straight guy. That said, the show made the time pass and it’s not the worst I’ve seen. Favorite character: Waan or Pure. Started: 26/27.08.2022 - Finished: 28.08.2022 Rate: 4.5/10 
108. Craving You (Taiwan Drama) Review: This could’ve been a nice one, however, they focused way too much on the side couple of Soda and Noah than the main one. We got flashbacks of Soda’s past (including his past with Kane). I would rather had known about Sung Yi Fan’s past, why he fears the dark and his none existent family. Hell, I would even want to know Kane’s story, if he has one. But when they focused too much on the side couple - especially Soda - the development of Kane and Sung Yi Fan got hindered and ended up barely having any depth. Overall, it had potential, but compared to other Taiwan BLs this one was a bit lacking. Favorite character: Sung Yi Fan? Started: 28/29.08.2022 - Finished: 28/29.08.2022 Rate: 4/10 
109. Nitiman (Thailand Drama) Review: Update: currently on episode 2 and I was just introduced to Wen (Ultra); heeelllooo there. He was good looking (so far that I can see), I like you. Who are you?! I’m guessing you are Winner Tanatat Kunaneksin? That said, it’s actually an interesting show. Sometimes when I think it’s about to be boring, I start scrolling on my phone only to loose focus on said phone because things just got interesting on the show, so it’s keeping my attention at least. Oh and am I the only one who thinks Jom Thanathorn Khuankaew (Jin) sometimes resembles Song Kang? No? Just me? Update: just finished episode 3 and I’m actually really liking this one. I do have a problem though.... I’m seeing different ships and I don’t know who I’m rooting for (not love-triangles); I like Jin with Bbomb BUT I can also see Jin with Keam. But I think Keam is supposed to be for Ball right? I’m also liking Jay (he’s hot) who I’m guessing is for Song? They better become a thing, just saying. I can also see Jin with Jack, and Jack with Singh. And then there’s Tong (great seeing Boss Thawatchanin Darayon, I got a sweet spot for him after his series What Zabb Man!), who I can ALSO see with Jin (WTF!?).... you see my dilemma? Then there’s also the potential of U and Wen as well... shit, I’m fucked. Orgy, anyone? No? Alrighty then. Update: I just finished episode 7 and damn another guy has entered that I can see with Jin; Mark. Also, is Keam in love with Jin or not? I can’t read his face. That said, if Keam is supposed to end up with Ball, something must happen soon considering the show is soon to be finished. Also, what about Song and Jay; is there anything there? That said, what’s up with all these foot hurtings? It’s too much, and too many. Update: I’m just about to start the last episode. I’m not super happy about the stuff the guys put in Bbomb’s drink; that was uncalled for. Also, Keam... something is bothering me with him; I like him but he confuses me. I don’t understand him. Also I keep waiting for something to happen between Jay and Song. Oh and almost in every BL there’s thee drying of hair that is supposed to be wet. Can’t they just WET it for the sake of said scene? It just annoys me. Update: just finished it. I liked this show, I did. Bbomb and Jin were cute, they just had trust issues. I also think that Bbomb were the more affectionate one in the relationship. That said, I felt likee the show ended before we fully got everything resolved. I think that they definitely could continue the show for a season 2. I wouldn’t mind Song and Jay, and Wen and U as the main character. Overall, I actually enjoyed this one quite a bit. It’s not the BESt I’ve seen, but it’s it there with those I wouldn’t mind re-watching as I enjoyed it so much. It also didn’t hurt that the actors were pretty good looking as well. I was a bit biased toward Mark simply because of who the actor is; I need him as a main lead in another BL. Favorite character: Bbomb or Jay. Started: 29.08.2022 - Finished: 30.08.2022 Rate: 5.5-6/10 
110. Kimi no Koto Dake Mite Itai (Japan Drama) Review: Update: just finished first episode and I have to say that I liked the confession scene. It was so straight forward. Update: I just finished it and my only thought was “why is it over so soon!?” It’s too damn short! I could’ve easily watched 10 more episode of these two; Nagase Yuma and Asakura Sakura were ADORABLE. This whole show was adorable to be honest. I just want more! So... season 2 anyone? Favorite character: Asakura Sakura, or both. Started: 30/31.08.2022 - Finished: 30/31.08.2022 Rate: 6.5-6/10 (too short) 
111. His - Koisuru Tsumori Nante Nakatta (Japan Drama) Review: When I saw that Kura Yuki from Kimi no Koto Dake Mite Itai had another BL I knew I had to watch that one as well. And while this one wasn’t as good as the other one, it was still cute. However, I wish we had gotten to know the characters more, and felt more development. For this one, more episodes were needed to properly build up the relationship. Also, I wasn’t completely satisfied with the ending. Overall, I liked it - not the best, but still watchable and enjoyable. Favorite character: Hibino Nagisa. Started: 31.08.2022 - Finished: 31.08.2022 Rate: 5/10 (too short) 
112. Unforgotten Night (Thailand Drama) Review: Update: I just finished episode 5 and while I liked the concept of mafia and BDSM, I’m struggling a bit with seeing Yoon Phusanu Wongsavanischakorn (Kamol) as a Dom... It might be because he has such a... cute face that something just feeling odd in my mind. I still like him as an actor, but for this, it wasn’t the complete right role for him. At least not now? Who knows. I’m a sucker for anti-heroes so in theory I should love Kamol; I also like dominant and controlling/possessive (in shows/movies/books - not real life) so he should be a favorite. But so far, I’m not sure who my favorite character is. Kim is a cutie and I like that he’s giving Kamol a run for his money; he doesn’t give in easily. Which is a good thing as I don’t like dormant characters. I think another problem I have is that the chemistry between Kamol and Kim isn’t all there. I had expected the sex scenes to be high on tension and sparks, but I ended up chuckling at their first sex scene. The facial expression of Kamol’s face when he whipped Kim was not doing it for me. That said, I keep waiting for someone to betray Kamol. Oh and I I liked that they suddenly spoke Korean; I like the language. Update: just finished episode 10 and I have to say that the one sex scene surprised me (***!! SPOILERS !! *** threesome anyone!?). That said, I feel like Yoon (Kamol) is more comfortable with doing BLs than Ton (Kim) as Kim seem so “stiff” sometimes when Kamol wants to get close to him. Kissing him and such. Also, their kissing isn’t the best either. Which sucks because I like the story itself but the main leads’ lack of chemistry kinda ruins it. I want proper passion and tension, not this. Hell, is it just me or does Ton have more chemistry with Khopkhet (Day)? I feel some tension when Kim and Day are around each other, which is probably why I feel uncomfortable when Kim is with Day and Itt. Khom and Baiboon is adorable though, I’m rooting for them. I also like Kamol’s team of bodyguards; I like loyalty and they are pretty badass as well. Danai is annoying as fuck and I hope he disappears soon. Also, a certain someone retiring is such a cliche thing. I don’t want that. I like anti-”heroes”. Oh and Kamol is supposed to be in his 30s which I can see based on his attitude and the way he handles himself, but Kim’s age is unclear. I’m guessing he’s in his late 20s based on the fact that he has his own business and the way he treats Baiboon, but sometimes I feel like his attitude doesn’t match said age. Especially not with how he is with Kamol; I understand that not everyone is interested/likes to show PDA but he’s the same when they are alone as well. That might just be me who thinks that way. Update: just finished episode 11 (hate that I have to wait before seeing the last episode) and I’m a little pissed at Kamol; he didn’t want to know so he has no right to be angry. That’s all I’m gonna say about that. As for Cherry, she’s stupid. Danil is like an annoying child that I want to slap. I did however like that Kim was more affectionate with Kamol in this episode. Update: just finished the last episode. At least here we got some action. Overall what annoys me the most is the potential. Maybe different casting would’ve aced it? Who knows. The lack of chemistry was what ruined it for me; Kim had more chemistry with Day than with Kamol. Kamol (Yoon) did look good in his suits though. At least Danil did better in this episode. That said, wasted potential, lack of chemistry and silly little things here and there downgraded the show majorly, but it still made the time pass. Favorite character: Kamol? Started: 31/01.09.2022 - Finished: 08.09.2022 Rate: 4.5-4/10
113. Check Out (Thailand Drama) Review: Update: I just finished episode 3 and I don’t necessarily understand the hate for the show. So far, it’s actually entertaining. The first episode was cute, then I got a bit confused with both main leads having other love interests than each other. Which is of course how I figured out that there will be cheating, and probably a lot of it. I’m guessing that from now on it’ll go downhill for me as I HATE cheating. Let’s see where this goes... Update: I just finished episode 4 and how dare that b**** slap sweet Candy? Update: episode 6 is now finish and I’m not sure if I like Candy anymore. She’s very confusing; telling Nine to not be in a relationship with someone he doesn’t love in one second, then the next she’s telling him to reconnect with his girlfriend. While I understand her position with being friends with both, she shouldn’t want her friends in a bad relationship either way. Also, is Boat stupid? Oh and I can’t stand Praew. Update: I’m currently on episode 7 and there’s 2/3 things I can’t stand about Nine: 1) he’s a bad friend (especially to Tee), 2) he says with a woman he doesn’t love, 3) he’s a cheater. The cheating part is what really gets to me because I can understand the relationship with Praew and why it’s hard to end it. The guilt and fear that she’ll do something, and the bad friend I can also get as he and Tee hadn’t seen each other for 3 years so are they truly friends or just co-workers. But the cheating.... can’t stand it. Tee does deserve better, but then again, he had his chance once before and he blew it. Daonuea, however, shouldn’t have given the relationship another go because it’s clear he doesn’t love him anymore. Update: I just finished the episode.... this show is a clusterfuck. I like it, but I also dislike it. I’m starting to dislike Daonuea; why was he even crying at the end? He’s dating someone else!? (you have no right to be angry!) Fucking decide dude! Same with Nine. I’m starting to feel sorry for Tee. Also, the more Praew is in the show, the more I hate her. Update: currently on episode 8 and turns out that Nine wasn’t the only bad friend. Tee, I’m looking at you. Guess now I can understand why Nine doesn’t think of you as a good friend. Also, again, I’m on the fence on whenever I should feel sorry for Tee or not. On one hand, Daonuea should be honest with him, on the other hand, Tee blew it the first time and he knew Daonuea wasn’t feeling it the second time so the answer was there... Update: just finished episode 11 and omg Daonuea is soooo... whiny. I’m glad we got to see Nine and Daonuea being all lovey-dovey, but I kept waiting for something to happen and I was right. That said, while episode 11 was cute, I still lost a bit of interest because it didn’t surprise me. Update: I just finished it.. I honestly don’t get why this show is so hated. It’s not the best I’ve seen, but it’s not the worst either. There’s some chemistry between the leads; good kissing scenes. Sure it has some unnecessary drama, cheating and lying, but which BL doesn’t have that? Surprisingly thought, the last two episodes were the worst. They were boring, even if they were a little cute. I did find myself smiling here and there, but I also found myself scrolling through my phone a lot. Overall, it was alright. Far from the best, but at least it made time pass. Oh and is it just me or does Chahub Marut Ghoummeddin (Nine) have a small face? He’s still a cutie (sometimes even attractive) but it’s a small face right? Also, I like the soundtrack. Favorite character: Didn’t really have one; Daonuea was too whiny and undecidable, and Nine was a cheater. Started: 02.09.2022 - Finished: 05/06.09.2022 Rate: 4.5-4/10
114. Star and Sky: Sky in Your Heart (Thailand Drama) Review: Update: I got 20 minutes in before hitting pause. I don’t know why. I’ll finish it after Gen Y. Update 14.08: just finished episode 5 and so far the show is alright. I like the small clips we get of Khabkluen and Daonuea; they feel and look much more comfortable now than in their own series. I love when the actors look comfortable with one another; it’s an important aspect for me to like a ship/show. That said, I wasn’t all that happy with the pig situation; they could’ve skipped that. Other than that, I hope we get to know Prince a bit more on a personal level and not just his personality. So far we don’t really know him. Update: I have now finished it. It was cute; not the best but it made time pass. Kluen and Dao were the best parts of the show for me though. Also the whole falling ill... I couldn’t take it serious; I don’t know if it was the directing or the acting but I ended up laughing instead. And why does almost every single Thai BL have someone singing and playing guitar? Oh and I absolutely HATE public love confessions; I get so damn embarrassed and my anxiety gets so high that I immediately pick up my phone and start scrolling. I do have to be honest and say that I was on my phone quite a bit while watching it so it didn’t managed to have my full attention. I also didn’t feel the NEED to watch episode after episode. It wasn’t very exciting, just cute. It was alright but nothing special. Favorite character: Prince and Khabkluen. Started: 08.09.2022 - Finished: 16.09.2022 Rate: 4.5-5/10
115. Gen Y (Thailand Drama) Review: Update: just finished episode 6 and I’m getting annoyed about the Pha storyline. We don’t even know who he is!? That annoys me the most. I wonder why they decided to do it this way... I do like Mark and Yu’s friendship though. Update: episode 8 is now done and I’m confused... am I supposed to ship Yu with Thanu? Or Thanu with Kit’s brother, Phai? Are either of them even a ship? Oh and Mark and Kit do have some chemistry, but it’s not the best I’ve seen. Also Padbok annoys the shit out of me: why aren’t his friends standing up against him?! He’s a dickhead. Update: now that I’m done with episode 9, I have to say that I rather have Yu and Thanu together than Thanu and Phai. I think that Yu and Thanu can make it work, just up the... heat a bit. Mark and Kit are still cute, but I’d like more from it. Update: they did this show dirty by adding the fate/destiny vision thingy. Also, poor Yu. While I understand why so many called Yu a damsel in distress in the reviews, I more see him as vulnerable. I’m at the point where Thanu doesn’t deserve him. A part of me thinks that the only one who deserves Yu is Mark, but Mark is taken. This is me being annoyed after episode 10. Imagine the embarrassment Yu feels... My anxiety is high, dude. Update: I just finished it. The “kissing” scenes with Pok and Tong is awful. Yes they haven’t kissed on the mouth but the kissing on the body was so... terrible. You can literally see that they aren’t touching. I know Bank (Pok) and Bonus (Tong) has chemistry as seen in What Zabb Man!, but where is that here?! Also, why the fuck aren’t Yu and Thanu kissing?! They just keep teasing us and it’s actually quite annoying. Maybe one of the actors aren’t comfortable with it? Who Know. Oh and why did they leave the Padbok and Thanu situation unresolved? Same with Padbok and Saeb; they started something with Saeb annoying Padbok at the cafe, right? Or am I just seeing things differently? And what about Jack and Koh? They should just get together rather than competing against each other all the time... Anyways, I hate love triangles. On to season 2. Favorite character: Mark. Started: 08.09.2022 - Finished: 10.09.2022 Rate: 4.5-4/10
116. Gen Y 2 (Thailand Drama) Review: Update: just finished episode 1 and at least they picked up where they left off. The Pha situation was unnecessary and I’m guessing just added to create drama. Hopefully Phai and Sandee will get together here so Phai can get his own happy ending; even if Sandee is a little... evil. Update: I’m now done with episode 4 and is Sandee an evil little shit because he’s in love with Phai or what? Why is he causing so much trouble? Also, I wish Bank (Pok) had acted a little better in that scene towards the end; Bonus (Tong) did a good job at least. And those “sex scenes” could’ve been done better too. Still entertaining though... Update: just finished episode 8 and I have to say that this season is a mess. Yu is actually pretty annoying this time around, he doesn’t deserve Thanu, yet Thanu doesn’t really stand up for himself either. They had more chemistry in season 1 than here and I’m getting really tired of them teasing a kiss only to pull back. Then there’s Mark and Kit; what are they doing? They were cute in the beginning but now they are ruining everything; they started out pretty good in season 1 with biting of lips but now there’s barely anything. And last but not least, Pok and Tong... what are they doing to them? One thing I do like though, is Bank (Pok) getting longer hair and it’s soon similar to his other show. It’s a good hairstyle for him. Update: episode 9 is now finished and I’m a bit surprised. I hadn’t expected that ending for a certain character. However, it was hard to take it seriously because of the settings and lack of family (did make me cry though). That said, I’m rooting for Pok and Tong, and we FINALLY got a kiss from another couple. Oh and Yu looked good dressed up as an elven prince. Update: I’m finally done with this mess of a show. It took ages to force myself to finish but finish I did. I don’t know what happened this season (not that season 1 was good either) but all of the characters fell flat: like dormants. The plot was - for me - that there wasn’t any plot, which is probably why it was boring af. Mark and Kit had no spark; the separation was the stupidest thing ever (did the actors hate each other or something?), and Yu was turned into... well nothing. He was just there. And his relationship with Thanu was... bad. Thanu at least looked like he wanted Yu, but Yu looked like he was forced to be there. Then there was the whole Padbok and Thanu situation that they just put at the end when it was a huge plotline in season 1. Pok and Tong... I know they can do better which is annoying me but I guess they can only do so much with poor direction and script. Jack and Koh was the only couple that had anything going for them. They were cute. Then there was the idiocy of Pah. That whole clusterfuck was the stupidest thing ever; that stone?! Laughable! They truly didn’t give a crap about this season, even less than season 1. I kinda wish I had never seen it, to be honest. On mydramalist jpny01′s review: click and cdvmty’s review: click pretty much sums up my thoughts. Favorite character: Mark. Started: 11.09.2022 - Finished: 14.09.2022 Rate: 3/10
117. Minato Shouji Coin Laundry (Japan Drama) Review: Update: I just finished episode 10 and this show is adorable. It has very likable characters and nice chemistry. I even laughed a lot; not because of second-hand embarrassment but because it’s funny. I like it; I don’t even care about the age difference. Shin is the best though. I love how possessive and jealous he is. Minato Akira... can’t help but feel sorry for him; Shin is everything he wants but then there’s the fact that his a minor with over ten years of difference. Also am I the only one who think that Kusakawa Takuya (Akira) looked like Lee Know from Stray Kids sometimes when he smiled?! Update: just finished and this show was a cute one. I liked it. Is it the best? No, but it was entertaining and sweet. Did it have a lot of depth? No. It wasn’t deep at all, but it had good characters with personalities and good looking actors. Asuka was also pretty likable and I wouldn’t have minded seeing more of him. I actually want a season 2 where we get to see Akira and Shin actually being in a relationship where Akira doesn’t hold back. As for the ending, I liked it but **!!SPOILERS!!** I had expected more for that kiss... Overall, I liked it. Nishigaki Sho (Shin) is very handsome. Just saying. Favorite character: Katsuki Shintaro. Started: 17.09.2022 - Finished: 17/18.09.2022 Rate: 6.5-6/10
118. Coffee Melody (Thailand Drama) Review: I’m gonna start with saying that this show was NOT for me. I knew immediately that it wasn’t working in the first 10-15 minutes of episode 1. Duean Yi seriously hit me the wrong way; I really didn’t like his personality, it was rather awful (getting mad because someone was close to a person you JUST saw/met is not a good trait; he was rather bitchy to him). After I just continued having it on in the background while I played Heroes of Might and  Magic; meaning I didn’t follow along AT ALL. I just didn’t give a shit. Though almost every time I looked up at the TV someone was crying, and it’s a bad sign when you don’t even care to figure out why, not even slightly bit curios. So after episode....5? I took it off and decided that that was enough. No way I’m gonna see more of that, or even HEAR about it as background sounds. Duean Yi just ruined everything. I think they tried to have him be like Pete from Love by Chance but where Pete was cute and submissive, Duean Yi was rude and too in your face. Ugh. Overall, I didn’t like it. If you did, please tell me why? Favorite character: The guy with the pink hair I guess? None? Started: 18.09.2022 - DNF: 18.09.2022 (stopped after 5 episodes) Rate: No rating due to not finishing. Though I want to give it a 1.
119. About Youth (Taiwan Drama) Review: Omg this one made me so damn happy. I was smiling all the time: Xu Qi Zhang and Ye Guang was fucking adorable and I loved them. They had the cutest chemistry. Jyun (Xu Qi Zhang)’s smile lit up his face and he completely captured me with it. I desperately need a season 2 because 8 short episodes was NOT enough. About Youth is HIGHLY recommended. I have a very strong feeling that I’ll re-watch this; it gave me a good feeling and I can easily see it becoming a comfort show. I was even somewhat invested in the side couple of  Ah Jian and Ray; they were cute too. But Zhang and Guang was the best part of the show. The way they looked at each other... MORE PLEASE! Also. I hated Guang’s parents. I wanted to strangle them so many times. Overall, this was a very good one. I really liked it and I’m gonna make my mom watch it now. I should also mention that I didn’t get embarrassed over the music part of the show; rarity. Oh and am I the only one who thinks that Li Zhen Hao (Ye Guang) looks a bit like Wayne Song from Make Our Days Count? Also, I like the soundtrack: Slow Motion and Take It Away are awesome. Favorite character: Xu Qi Zhang. Started: 21.09.2022 - Finished: 21.09.2022 Second time: Started: 30.07.2023 - Finished: 13/14.09.2023 (I wanted to watch something easy and cute and this one came to mind as I remember I quite liked this one. While it’s not as good as I remember, it’s still enjoyable. Update: Finally managed to finish the last four episodes. It’s not because it’s not entertaining, I just had a lot of things going on in my personal life that I took so long to finish it. Overall, it’s still enjoyable and cute.) Rate: 7.5-8/10 New rating after re-watch: 6.5/10
120. 21 Days Theory (Thailand Drama) Review: Update: I just finished episode 1 and one thing I cannot stand is second-hand embarrassment. Why can’t they make a show that doesn’t center around the main character making a fool out of himself? And it’s not even in that cute sort of way like Aoki in Kieta Hatsukoi. Not feeling this show so far. Update: just finished it. Not sure how I feel to be honest. The ending was rushed and anti-climatic. I did, however, like how Frank and Mind’s relationship developed. That was a nice one as it’s not something they do in BLs. Q and X had potential to be cute but I think they had too little episodes AND time (21 days to make someone fall in love is too short; I hate insta-love) to make a properly developed relationship with depth. Overall, it was cute but I found myself scrolling through my phone instead of keeping attention to the show. Favorite character: Mind? Started: 22.09.2022 - Finished: 22.09.2022 Rate: 4.5-4/10
121. On Cloud Nine (Thailand Drama) Review: I have to start off by saying that I was confused for most of the episodes. Like I got it, but then I didn’t. And I think this kinda ruined the whole process of it. Like the concept is actually interesting and it was a new for BL (for me at least), but when I got lost I was more focused on what I couldn’t understand or what I was confused about than the actual point. I was actually like OH SHIT when that twist came and thought oh shits about to go down but then that thing on the bridge happened and I got confused again. That said, the show did make me shed some tears in the last two episodes. Lets just say that I hadn’t expected this plot when I read the blurb so it did take me by surprised. ***!!!SPOILER!!!*** Luckily it wasn’t written like Make Our Days Count that ended up traumatizing me but it was still a sad story. But that bridge moment ruined it for me because why walk away in the first place? And what happened in those three years? I was either stupid or very stupid which left me confused and that effected the overall rating of the show. Anyway, it was still an interesting concept and I liked Tiew and Mork together. They were cute; especially in the last episode. Oh and am I the only one who SOMETIMES thought that Rossi Nonthakorn Chatchue (Mork) looked like Kim Ji Woong (Kissable Lips) in some angles? Favorite character: Tiew Started: 24.09.2022 - Finished: 24.09.2022 Rate: 5.5/10
122. Vice Versa (Thailand Drama) Review: Update: just finished episode 1 and I have a feeling there’s gonna be a bunch of second-hand embarrassments. Not the biggest fan of those. That said, great to see Ohm (Tess) and Nanon (Tun) again; I really want them in a new BL series with them as main leads. That said, we got so little of Taley and Puen that I’m still trying to feel their vibe. I did like their interactions so far so I’m looking forward to seeing them more. Update: just finished episode 6 and honestly, I like it, I do, but am I the only one who feel like I’m intruding Taley and Tun/Puen’s scenes? Like I sometimes feel like I should look away.... Update: I screamed. Episode 8 and TWO favorite BL actors showed up: Tay and Perth. LOVE! Update: I’m on episode 9 and my BABY SHOWED UP!!! I screamed even more!! MIX I LOVE YOU! That said, there’s one thing that has been bothering me during this show, and that’s Taley (Tess)’s treatment of Tess’ friends Kita and Fuse. They just wanted to hang out with Tess, but Tess’ either too busy or hanging out with Tun’s friends Up and Aou; who are very likable as well. It’s just that Kita and Fuse deserves more from Tess. So I’m glad they are now finally getting some more screen time. Oh and they have chosen quite attractive actors to play Tess and Tun’s friends. Oh and am I feeling something between Aou and Fuse? Update: just finished episode 11 and I have to say that my eyes leaked a little. Also, I’m a bit concerned about the fact that there’s one episode left and everything doesn’t feel resolved. Oh and Tay and Perth in the same scene? I so wanted more. And then I started thinking that I would’ve LOVED seeing Perth and Mix together....... Update: just finished it and I actually like the ending, though I would’ve wanted to see more of the other universe’s characters. Especially Aou and Fuse.... can they get their own spin-off guys? Overall I liked this show. It had a good flow and good characters with chemistry. I did feel though, that Tun/Puen loved Taley more for some reason. That might just because Puen showed/expressed it more, who knows. Anyway, I liked it. It’s not the best I’ve seen (still far from the worst), but it was entertaining and different from other BLs with it being in another universe, and I really liked how comfortable the actors seems with each other; it makes it more enjoyable to watch. **!!SPOILERS!!** Warning though: it's really slow-burn (2 years in fact). Favorite character: Puen. Started: 26.09.2022 - Finished: 02.10.2022 Rate: 6-5.5/10
123. The Eclipse (Thailand Drama) Review: Update: I’ve watched 6 episodes so far. I like it. It had good characters and chemistry between them. I adore First (Akk); his puppy dog eyes makes me want to hug him and protect him at all cost. Also, that man has chemistry with everyone. I can literally see him acting opposite Neo (Khan) as love interest and not just friends as well. Speaking of Neo... I absolutely LOVE seeing him play a more serious character. It really fits him and made me really like him as an actor. His character Khan is a good one and I like him with Thua. Akk and Ayan has an interesting relationship and I’m curious as to where the plot will go. I’m not the biggest fan of the curse plot-line they are going for but oh well... Update: I’m not sure I like this one...  I just finished episode 8 and the plot is rather dragged out, the pacing is slow, I feel like they’re not going anywhere. I’m just not feeling Ayan’s character for some reason. Sometimes I like him, then he suddenly annoys me for some reason. But he’s not the problem: the stupid, idiotic curse plot-line is. Chadok, and the rest of the teachers acts like robots sometimes, and I’m sure Namo is actually the “bad guy”. I also don’t understand why it feel like they are doing Akk dirty. He’s literally doing his job, but the problem is the job itself that is bad. But all I keep thinking about is why the students themselves won’t just change schools if they hate it so much? Anyway, I’m curious how they are gonna keep viewers attention going forward... Overall, so far, Khan is kinda stealing the spotlight for me. I’m more invested in him and his love story with Thua than Akk and Ayan. Update: currently on episode 11 and I’m kinda annoyed. I don’t get Ayan blaming everyone without proper proof, I also lost respect for Thua after what he did to Akk, and the seriousness of the show doesn’t fit what it’s serious about... That said, First is a really good actor. Update: I’m finally finished with the show. Akk, Wat and Khan made the show bearable; for some reason I didn’t like Ayan. Like at all. I don’t like how he pushed and pushed. Overall, I’m glad I’m done with this one; if it had had more episodes I would’ve struggled. I hope to see First in another BL soon, though I kinda want him with Tay Tawan, also wouldn’t mind seeing him with with Neo (Khan) as a love interest. Both Tay and Neo would’ve been interesting choices.... That said, this one was not one of my favorite BLs; I liked the bloopers way more than the show itself and that is saying something. Favorite character: Akk (I feel like I’m very biased towards First, just saying...) or Khan. Started: 30.09.2022 - Finished: 13/14.12.2022 Rate: 4.5/10
124. Once Again (South Korea Drama) Review: It’s been a while since I’ve watched a BL (at least for me) as I’ve been obsessed with watching everything Stray Kids. That said, the crying scenes in this show deserves an award; way to make me feel. I was sobbing by the end, to be honest. It was like I KNEW what would happen but hoped that it wouldn’t. Overall, I didn’t like the ending. I just didn’t. It’s unacceptable. ***!!!SPOILERS!!!*** Like I knew you don’t mess with time traveling: you don’t change things but I was still hoping for it. I did, however, like Joo Hyung Jin. He was that somewhat annoying friend but still so likable. I would’ve loved to see more of him; especially him as a lawyer. Also, Boss... how? I don’t quite understand when it came to her. To summarize, I liked it. It wasn’t my favorite, but I liked the adultness to it. Oh and what I also didn’t like was the fish kisses; thought we were passed it by now. Also, the song Other Side by RUNY was gorgeous and got added to my Spotify list immediately. Favorite character: Kang Ji Hoon and Joo Hyung Jin. Started: 17.10.2022 - Finished: 17.10.2022 Rate: 5.5/10
125. Takara-kun to Amagi-kun (Japan Drama) Review: This one is cute. It is. BUT for me, it’s a bit too.... innocent, if that makes sense? Maybe it’s all those racy books I’ve read that just makes this almost seem like a kids show for some reason. Also, I’m not attracted to either of the main leads which makes it less interesting for me (I know, I’m shallow af). Though Takara Shun's friend, Tanaka, is interesting. I like him, and I wouldn’t mind seeing him as the main lead in a BL. Overall, why does it seem like almost all the characters are dead inside; they barely have any expressions. That said, I did enjoy it somewhat, but it’s not the best, far from it, and I found myself giffing others shows while watching it so it didn’t manage to keep my full attention... Favorite character: Tanaka. Started: 18.10.2022 - Finished: 19.10.2022 Rate: 5.5-5/10
126. Roommates of Poongduck 304 (South Korea Drama) Review: Update: just finished episode 4 and I’m liking it. I love seeing Kim Ji Woong (Ji Ho Joon) and Yoon Seo Bin (Seo Jae Yoon) again and the characters they are playing. It’s vastly different from their Kissable Lips characters. And on top of that; they’ve gotten even more handsome. So far, it’s making me laugh and I’m looking forward to finishing the rest. Update: I have now finished it and I have to say that I liked it. Was it the best? No, but it was entertaining and fun and I liked the characters. Did I want more depth? Sure, but this way it made it more easy and nice to watch. Overall, I like it. It wasn’t dragged out and didn’t feel too short either. I did wish - sue me - for more steam but I wasn’t surprised we didn’t get it. Favorite character: Ji Ho Joon and Seo Jae Yoon. Started: 12.11.2022 - Finished: 13.11.2022 Rate: 6/10
127. Eien no Kinou / Eternal Yesterday (Japan Drama) Review: Update: just started episode one and I’m terrified of how this will end. Considering how it started... I’m expecting to cry at the end? However, I started it because of Komiya Rio as he interested me in ‘Takara-kun to Amagi-kun’, so let’s just see how it goes... Update: I just finished the first episode and WTF? How can the first episode end like that?! How are they gonna continue make 7 more episodes....?! Update: I have now read the blurb and I understand more now. Damn, took me by a surprise though. Way to start a show.... Update: just finished episode 5 and the question for today is: why did I start it before every episode was out?! I hate waiting. That said, a little disappointed in the “kisses” (if you can even call them that), but it’s still interesting enough to continue to watch. I do wonder how it’ll all end... Update: I finally got to finish it. While I had expected the ending, I’m still sad that it wasn’t a happy one. Japan BL’s really like to hurt us. That said, I had read some comments about the ending and thought then that it would crush me so I prepared for it, but color me surprised when I wasn’t that...... crushed by the end of it. It might be because I was prepared or it was the way the show executed it. It would’ve had more impact that we seen his body found, his family’s reaction and so forth but because they didn’t do that, it didn’t kill me. Not like a certain HIStory BL did.... Overall, it was a bittersweet story where the character got to have some time that others normally wouldn’t have. Favorite character: Both, I think. Started: 20.11.2022 - Finished: 12/13.12.2022 Rate: 5.5/10
128. Big Dragon (Thailand Drama) Review: Update: umm so far I’m not feeling it. I’m on episode 3 and I’m barely paying attention. Update: just finished episode 5 and this is getting a bit ridiculous. I honestly can’t understand the depth they are pretending to have between the two mains. I just can’t see it so I can’t take it seriously; when one of them is crying and singing about giving up your love...? I felt awkward as fuck, because when the f did they get serious? Anyway, still not sure if I’m interested in continuing. Update: I’ve finished episode 6 and I still don’t FEEL the seriousness between the two male leads. It’s like the show it pretending to have depth between them, yet I see none. However, I’ve come this far so I might as well finish the whole thing. Update: I have now finished it and I can’t believe I managed to finish it. The last episode was barely bearable. The reunion was so stiff, and I’m just not feeling the love between them. In fact, I have to be honest and say that they (Mangkorn and Yai) don’t really have much chemistry. I also don’t like Yai as a character so I struggled to connect with the characters and the story but it didn’t work at all. And apparently there’s gonna be a season 2.... don’t think I’ll watch that. Ever. Favorite character: Mangkorn. Started: 21.11.2022 - Finished: 28.11.2022 Rate: 3.5/10
129. The Devil Judge (South Korea Drama) Review: Update: Technically this isn’t a BL HOWEVER the chemistry between Kang Yohan (Ji Sung) and Kim Gaon (Park Jin Young) is insane that this should’ve been a BL. Like seriously, insane chemistry, then on top of it is the storyline between the two with all the looks and touches. I honestly wish the directors (?) had the courage to give the show its full potential by making Gahan canon. While Kim Gaon and Yoon Soohyun (Park Gyu Young) were cute, I saw them more as best friends; also weird how kinda manipulative she was when confessing her love only when Gaon is vulnerable (crying). And between Kang Yohan and Jung Sunah (Kim Min Jung)... I feel like it’s one-sided obsession; Sunah is craaazy. Gahan was what made me want to watch the show in the first place but I always put it off because I feared the M/F relationship that I’m just not interested in these days (after I got deep into the rabbit hole called BL). That said, so far, this show is pretty good. I’m on episode 9 and me and my mom both agree that had it had BL it would’ve been top-notch. Still, it’s very good with good storyline and twists everywhere. Nothing is black and white here.... Update: I have now finished it. This was a good one. With BL this would have been amazing, without it, it’s still quite great because you can read between the lines (Gaon and Yohan LOVED each other and you can’t deny it). I now desperately want a season 2. Ji Sung was a great actor and Park Jin Young surprised me at how well he acted. Sunah was an interesting character that kept people on the edge and I liked the battle of being the smartest between her and Yohan. Overall, this was a great show with awesome characters, a plot that kept you on your toes and an epic romance story that has to be read between the lines. Favorite character: Gahan. Started: 20.11.2022 - Finished: 25.11.2022 Rate: 7.5-8/10 (mom’s rate: 10/10)
130. My Only 12% (Thailand Drama) Review: Update: I just finished episode 3 and omg this is a hard one to force myself to continue watching. I’m a big fan of ‘(VERY comfortable) friends to lovers’ theme but Seeiw is not a character I can like. He’s whiny as fuck and it’s getting on my nerves. I was afraid of this since this is - for me - a usual thing with Earth Katsamonnat Namwirote’s characters; a reason I sadly try to avoid shows that contain him as a main lead. I don’t like whiny characters, never did, and from what I’ve personally seen with Earth, that’s his thing. When I saw the trailer, I had hoped for a different side to Earth, but soon as episode 1 started I knew that wasn’t happening. And frankly, Seeiw just got worse as the episodes went by. I could get on board with Cake’s character; he seems nice and likes to take care of you. So if I were to continue, it’ll be for him and maybe Kung too. I am very unsure if I want to continue, however, on the other side... I am a bit curious as to how they’ll get forth the ‘romance’ between Cake and Seeiw, because right now I can’t feel any romantic love from them. Favorite character: Cake. Started: 27/28.11.2022 - Finished: ?.12.2022 Rate: ?/10
131. Weak Hero Class 1 (South Korea Drama) Review: Update: Wooooooah I am really liking this one! Technically it isn’t a BL BUT the bromance and the chemistry between Yeon Shi Eun and Ahn Soo Ho it could easily be one. Holy fuck though, it’s pretty good. Me and my mom just finished episode 4 and sadly she has to go to sleep so I can’t continue watching. Yeon Shi Eun is a great character. That scene in the bathroom was terrific! He’s a weirdo but such complex character, not to mention how good looking he is. WHEN HE SMILED HE KILLED ME, and I’m sure he also killed a certain Ahn Soo Ho. Ahn Soo Ho was really trying to steal my heart, and he and Yeon Shi Eun just makes everything even better when it’s already so good. Not so sure about Oh Beom Seok; he has his moments. Like I like him, but he’s so weak sometimes, yet when episode 4 ended I just wanted to help him (if you’ve watched it, you know what I’m talking about). Now let’s talk about Jeon Seok Dae... there’s something about him that catches my eyes and I don’t think it’s just his hairstyle that I love (I got reminded of Hyunjin from Stray Kids). I hope we see more of him, but not as enemy but as a friend of Yeon Shi Eun and Ahn Soo Ho. Jeon Young Bin on the other hand... I want to strangle him. Fuck him. Update: just finished episode 5 and this was my least favorite episode so far. While I understand Oh Beom Seok’s actions and emotions, I’m getting a bit annoyed at him. Hopefully that changes soon. Update: just finished it and wow. Just wow. Park Ji Hoon (Yeon Shi Eun)’s acting was terrific. He could truly act and in episode 8 he truly shined. Like holy fuck. Also, I fucking HATE Oh Beom Seok now. He is not redeemable AT ALL. Fuck him. Hope he’s miserable for the rest of his life. My baby Ahn Soo Ho though.... I love you. I love him and Yeon Shi Eun, and I just want a happy ending for them. Overall, this was a great show. It had awesome fighting scenes, and I love how bullies gets what they deserve. I desperately need a season 2 for Yeon Shi Eun and Ahn Soo Ho. They can’t go breaking my heart like that. Favorite character: Yeon Shi Eun and Ahn Soo Ho. Started: 30.11.2022 - Finished: 01.12.2022 Rate: 8/10 (mom’s rate: 12/10)
132. Beyond Evil (South Korea Drama) Review: Update: While this isn’t a BL, it is said to have a very strong bromance similar to The Devil Judge and that is why it’s on this list. That said, I’ve finished episode 6 and so far both me and my mom haven’t seen anything of that so call bromance. While they like to get close and whisper in each others ears, nothing else is felt between them. To be honest, I’m not seeing much chemistry here... Update: we have finished episode 9 and where is the bromance that so many were talking about?! I don’t see it, nor do I feel it. Also, I’m finding it a bit hard to be invested in the show. While Shin Ha Kyun's Lee Dong Shik is an interesting character, I can’t exactly relate to him nor do I find him attractive (as you know, I’m shallow as fuck and I need to be attracted to one of the characters to actually want to continue), and I find Yeo Jin Goo's Han Joo Won rather lacking. He feels like a one dimensional character with little growth. I’m not even rooting for anyone here, and I’m honestly wondering where this show is going from here on out.... Update: mom and I have managed to pick up the show again (28.12) after some break but it still doesn’t really interest me. I honestly think it’s because there’s so much back and forth and too many names here and there. I’m struggling to keep up with what is what. Also, I went into this show with hopes of a good bromance that I’ve seen so many people talk about, yet I can’t see what they see or feel... Update: we just finished it. The last 2 episodes were - without a doubt - the best ones. That is when I could see the bromance that everyone was talking about, however, I wish I could’ve seen it from the start. Overall, it wasn’t the best K drama I’ve seen but it wasn’t the worst either. The last 2 episodes saved the show for me. Especially for Han Joo Won’s character and his development. Favorite character: Lee Dong Shik. Started: 04/05.12.2022 - Finished: 29/30.12.2022 Rate: 4.5-5/10 (mom’s rate: 6-8/10 she liked that she could’ve find out the bad guys straight away. Said it was a clever show.)
133. Love in the Air (Thailand Drama) Review: Update: Currently on episode 1 and holy hell, Payu is so fucking hot. I absolutely understand Rain’s reaction to first meeting him. Not sure how I feel about Rain’s character though... somehow I’ve been expecting something else. Update: I’m watching episode 7 and I have to say.... it’s a bit ridiculous. Especially the (***!!!SPOILERS!!!***) beating scene. The acting wasn’t all there, to be honest, and the “villain” was horrible. I was laughing rather than taking it serious. I don’t know why, but I had expected Payu to be badass and beat the shit out of the ridiculous dude, or his friend, Prapai, - who we are seeing too little off btw - to come and save the day. Also, I’ve noticed that whenever Sky appears, he grabs my attention... me likey. Overall, while I like the adultness of the kissing and ehem, sex-scenes; PayuRain’s chemistry is on point there and I love how comfortable they seem to be with one another, I do find it a bit too... cheesy and lovey-dovey. Now I just need something badass to happen. That said, am I the only one who thinks Prapai looks a bit... young? Childish? Also, Rain’s a bit a child as well when I think about it. Update: I just finished episode 10 and for some reason I’m not all that invested in Prapai and Sky :O I don’t know why, I really don’t. It might be because Prapai is hard to take serious as an adult because he looks like a kid when he smiles? I don’t know. Maybe it’s because I want to see Payu instead? Also, Sky also acts like a child when pouting.... Update: I’m almost done with the last episode and I keep thinking that this show would’ve been so much more interesting had it focus on the illegal racing and the action from that, rather than ONLY on lovey-dovey moments from our two couple. That said, Payu and Rain’s part more entertaining, while from some reason I couldn’t get invested in Sky and Prapai. I think it’s because Sky became such a pouting baby when he was around Prapai, and while I get many viewers like characters like that, I actually don’t. Payu is more my taste. I like the ‘manly’ ‘let me take care of it/you’ characters, rather than the man who acts like a child who’s so naive that it becomes stupid instead of cute. I dunno, it’s just a preference, I guess. That said, Prapai and Sky’s moments were cute, and I liked how comfortable these two actors were with each other as well, but I just didn’t care....? I just missed Payu throughout Prapai and Sky’s episodes. I didn’t even miss Rain (again too much of a ‘naive borderline stupid’ (in Rain’s case) child for my taste). I wanted a badass scene of Payu though, I didn’t get it. Update: I’ve now finished it all, including the Love in the Air: Special Episode. I loved that we were getting to see more of Payu, but other than that... it wasn’t particularly necessarily. However, I do have to mention that he looks terrific in costumes... I hope we’re getting more of Boss Chaikamon Sermsongwittaya (Payu) in the future (BL). Would love to see him acting in a more action/grown up BL. Overall, this show was cute, lovey-dovey, sometimes hot, but didn’t have a any plot except love, which in return made it a bit boring. However, Payu was hot and worth the watch. Though I don’t see myself ever wanting to re-watch the whole show, I might re-watch just for Payu’s scenes. Favorite character: Payu. Started: 06/07.12.2022 - Finished: 09/10.12.2022 Rate: 5.5-5/10 
134. My Tooth Your Love (Taiwan Drama) Review: Update: Currently on episode 3 and so I’m not feeling anything for it. Let’s see how it goes... Update: just finished episode 6 and it’s alright. Makes time pass, but I’m struggling to keep focus. That might have to do with the fact that I need sleep so I’m gonna continue tomorrow. Update: just finished episode 8 and miscommunication is like the main plot here. Still not invested in anything the show has to offer... and what’s up with all the English speaking? Update: I finally managed to finish this one. For me, it was boring af and I struggled to actually watch it. The only reason I finished it was because I hate giving up. Also, as you all know by now if you’ve read my ‘short’ reviews here that I’m shallow as hell and need to be attracted to - or at least connect with - one of the characters and here I just couldn’t. At all. On top of that, every episode was so boring. What was good however, was that both main actors seem comfortable with one another so that’s a plus. Overall, I didn’t like this one, but good for those that did. Favorite character: Jin Xun An. Started: 14.12.2022 - Finished: 08.01.2023 Rate: 3/10 
135. Zero Supporter (Thailand Drama) Review: I only watched episode 3 "Zero Supporter" with Korn and Win. I just wanted more EarthMix and it was wonderful to see them again. I love that they are so cute and seem comfortable with each other. They have great chemistry, though the problem here is that 1) no kissing... why?! 2) the mentioning of too much eating. Didn't feel right to me. That said, this episode just proved that we need more EarthMix. Favorite character: Win (I just adore Mix). Started: 14.12.2022 - Finished: 14.12.2022 Rate: 5.5/10 (for cuteness of EarthMix) 
136. Oh! My Assistant (South Korea Drama) Review: Okay this was adorable. And funny. It made me laugh quite a few times. However, the timeline confused me a bit. Like I wasn’t sure how much time had passed within the series in the span of the 8 - too short - episodes. And while I could actually feel the chemistry between the actors Song Seung Hyun (Seon Ho) and Ko Chan Bin (Gu Mu Yeong), the stiff hugs and the fish kisses kinda... ruined it a bit for me. That said, I would love to see both in another BL together, where they’d hopefully be more comfortable with one another. Overall, it was cute, funny and filled with miscommunication; all they had to do was TALK with each other. In the end it was still good but it could’ve been better... when there’s such clear potential it’s sad it didn’t quite read it. But I’m very glad I watched it as I needed that laugh. Also, am I the only one who felt like Song Seung Hyun SOMETIMES looked a LITTLE bit like Seo Eunkwang from BtoB, just more handsome? No? Just me? Eheh. Favorite character: Seon Ho. Started: 09/10.01.2023 - Finished: 09/10.01.2023 Rate: 6-6.5/10 (it was really funny)  137. A Shoulder to Cry On (South Korea Drama) Review: Update: currently on episode 4, and omg it’s been so long since I’ve watched a BL and that is mostly due to the fact that there was so much that has happened in my personal life that I wasn’t able to watch it. That said, I was glad that A Shoulder to Cry On was my start up again as it’s been quite enjoyable so far. I like both characters, though Da Yeol seems a bit... judgmental. Let’s see where this show takes me! Update: currently on last episode.... did it just skip YET another 2 years? Anyways, I liked almost all the episodes. Almost. Episode 7, the last one, was actually a disappointment. I had expected more from it, to be honest. I also didn’t get the 4 years time jump. They should’ve gone more into depth there for it to work for me. Overall, I still enjoyed this one. The actors had chemistry and the story was enjoyable enough. However, I still wished we had gotten more. Favorite character: Tae Hyun. Started: 08.06.2023 - Finished: 08.06.2023 Rate: 5.5-6/10
138. Love Mate (South Korea Drama) Review: It’s not the best I’ve watched, but it wasn’t the worst either. It was nice enough but easily forgettable. Lee Jun annoyed me a bit; I got a bad vibe from him from the beginning so that didn’t start out well. Jeong Ha Ram saved the show however. He was the main reason to continue the show, tbh. Overall, it had its nice moments and it did have some chemistry between the two. Favorite character: Jeong Ha Ram. Started: 09.06.2023 - Finished: 09.06.2023 Rate: 4.5/10
139. The Eighth Sense (South Korea Drama) Review: Update: This is a strange one. I’m not sure I actually like it, or enjoyed it and I don’t know why. I’m currently on episode 7 and so undecided... Maybe my problem with this show is how it jumps. It doesn’t have a nice flow? Update: I finally managed to finish the last 3 episodes (it took me a long time to make myself continue the show). While the show wasn’t bad per se, it’s not my favorite, nor will it ever be. It had potential but I just couldn’t connect with the story or the characters. I just didn’t feel their pain, their joy... and if you can’t connect then it’s hard trying to actually pay attention to what is going on. Overall, while I don’t necessarily regret starting it, I know I wouldn’t have missed out on anything had I never seen it in the first place. Favorite character: Seo Jae Won. Started: 12.06.2023 - Finished: 29.06.2023 Rate: 4/10
140. The New Employee (South Korea Drama) Review: Update: Just started episode one and I’m not sure I like the vibe. Kim Jong Chan is like a child in an adult, from what I can see so far. That’s not really my thing. But I’ll keep on watching and see if things changes.... Update: I just finished it. I didn’t really like it. Couldn’t connect. Started to not pay attention. Overall, it’s a show that is easily forgettable. Favorite character: None, really. Started: 22.07.2023 - Finished: 22.07.2023 Rate: 3/10
141. Our Dating Sim (South Korea Drama) Review: Update: Just finished episode two and I'm curious as to where it is going. Are they just gonna pretend they don't know each other? Shin Ki Tae seems interesting, but Lee Wan seems like a scary-cat... not sure if I like that. Update: I just finished it. It was cute, had chemistry and potential. What it lacked what proper depth. More build up. But then again, it is a SK BL so they don’t exactly have all the time in the world with the short episodes to create in depth episodes. Which is why the chemistry between the two male leads are crucial to make the story work ,and I do believe they had good chemistry. We even got some kisses, - even though they weren’t the..... best I’ve witnessed, but still cute enough - and some hugs, which is more than we get in most of the SK BLs. Overall, I liked it enough to finish the 8 short episodes, but not enough to want to re-watch it later on. It would’ve been nice to see the actors Lee Seung Gyu (Shin Ki Tae) and Lee Jong Hyuk (Lee Wan) do another BL together to see if they would make more progress, create more emotions and depth out of the story and characters (if that made sense? I’m tired okay, I need to go to bed). Favorite character: Shin Ki Tae. Started: 30.11.2023 - Finished: 30.11.2023 Rate: 5/10 (I am being strict here...)
142. My Personal Weatherman/Taikan Yoho (Japan Drama) Review: Update: Watched episode 2 on the 26th of December. Ended probably on the 29th of December, I lost track. I started the first episode sometime before I managed to pick it up again to watch ep2 but I just couldn’t get into it. However I’m someone who hates giving up so I decided to just finish it. I liked it just fine, it makes the time pass by but it was nothing special. I hate miss-communication so the back and forth.... I hated it. I do like the grown-up setting, but they act like kids sometimes with not talking and Tanada Yoh is so naive sometimes that I got more annoyed with each episode. That said, I did like the possessiveness and the chemistry. Overall, I don't regret watching it but it's not something to write home about either. I've watched better shows. Now that they are together though, I would like a season 2 just to see how they'll function KNOWING they are together. Favorite character: Segasaki Mizuki, I believe. Started: ?.11/12?.2023 - Finished: 29.12.2023 (?) Rate: 5/10 (maybe I’m too harsh but...) 143. Kiseki: Dear to Me (Taiwan Drama) Review: Update: I just finished episode 6 and the age of the main characters bothers me. I did not like that Bai Zong Yi is only 17, nor that Ai Di is just 18, with Chen Yi being 21 and while I don't know Fan Ze Rui's age, it is stated he is older than both Ai Di and Chen Yi. The reason that I don't like Bai Zong Yi's age should be obvious considering his love interest is more than 3/4 years older (age gap is not a problem as long as everyone is above the age of 18....), but Ai Di and Chen Yi is supposed to be these badass gang members.... doesn't really fit. Nor does their Boss fit. None of them seem badass at all. It also doesn't help that I'm kinda cheering for the bad guys, does it? I mean, I'm bised because I'm happy to see my boys Xiang Hao Ting (Song Wei En) and Yu Xi Gu (Huang Juan Zhi)  again! But if you look away from the ages... it's still entertaining and I do like it. Even if I sometimes look away because I'm scared of secondhand embarrassment (I'm full of anxiety okay?!) Update: I just barely managed to force myself to continue after watching 10 episodes...Starting episode 11 was hard... the letting your boy go to jail for a murder you did, sleeping with a boy underage...., skipping over the fact that someone was killed, suddenly 4 years has gone... Also... bad acting anyone? Especially crying scenes. It's literally a show about a bunch of young adults/kids trying to be badass.. Oh and I'm also not invested in the side couple. While I love a possessive and overprotective man, Chen Yi just looks like a kid in my eyes - pretty on eyes but looks aren't everything and he acts kinda stupid. Ai Di can be a wildcard but not a good one. He just acts like a brat in my eyes. I liked him more when he was acting serious. Maybe I would've liked this show better had I watched it in the beginning of my BL journey but now I know what I like and don't like and I simply did not like this one. Update: I just finished it. Thank god I'm done. I'm still annoyed that they killed off Zhang Teng, but that might be because I'm biased. That said,  I'm glad I'm done. I partly regret watching it, but then again, it was good to see all the other Taiwan BL couples show up even if Wayne Song and Huang Chun Chih barely had any scenes, and the scenes they had weren't all that. And Aaron Lai and Hank Wang again was so nice! I seriously hope that we get them in another BL as main characters again. Their chemistry is on fire! Overall, on to forget about this show.  Oh and I have to mention that the kissing scenes weren't all that, nor was the chemistry between the two main couples. Just my opinion. Favorite character: None. Started: 25.01.2024 - Finished: 31.01.2024 Rate: 3/10 (while I loved the cameos of other BL actors, the show itself wasn’t for me)
144. Jazz For Two (South Korea Drama) Review: Update: I just finished episode 1 and so far... I'm not feeling it. Hopefully it'll pick up, but first I need to find it in me to want to continue and not just read a book instead (I'm into danmei these days)... Update: just finished it. My sister recommended it to me and sadly it wasn't my kind of thing. Maybe a year ago it would've been a good one for me, but as of now, not really. I struggled to connect. I felt it in the first episode so I wasn't surprised that I struggled to want to pay attention for the rest of the episodes. Thank god it was only 8 short episodes or I probably would've given up. The thing is, there wasn't really any plot. There was no goal (what even happen to the father story?!). I also didn't feel much chemistry between either couples. As for the side couple.... I also didn't connect with them. Maybe I would've if they had more screen time but what they got wasn't enough to draw me in. In fact, I felt a bit creeped out by the bully. Overall, I had expected more from a show from 2024. I'm kinda disappointed. Favorite character: Han Tae Yi? Started: 02.04.2024 - Finished: 02.04.2024 Rate: 4/10 (I'm being kind here)
145. The Spirealm (China Drama) Review: Update: Just finished episode 3 (aka 6 short episodes) and so far I'm liking it. I like the flirting between the two main, and I like how smart Ruan Lan Zhu seems. I wonder what he is and how this all will resolve itself. Ling Jiu Shi seems like an alright character, and they seem to have good chemistry so far. I'm watching with my sister so it'll probably be a while until I finish it. Update: just finished episode 8 (16 short episodes?) and my sister and I are really liking it so far. Update: we finished it. I'm so fucking sad. I didn't want it to end! I will miss them so fucking much. I cried so damn much the last few episodes. I was terrified even though I could foreseen something like this happening. BUT 50 YEARS!? They had to wait 50 fucking years to reunite?! I have read the novel - I finished it last night (21.05) so I knew how that ended but I must say that I MUCH MORE prefer this show over the novel. I can't wait to rewatch it. This is definitely one of my favorite shows. The chemistry between Huang Jun Jie (Ling Jiu Shi / Lin Qiushi) and Xia Zhi Guang (Ruan Lan Zhu) was insane - up there with WangXian from The Untamed, aka YiZhan (Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan), which is also one of my favorite shows ever. I've watched it so many times. Overall, I don't want this story to be over. I adored it. I adored the love between the two; NanQiu  is now easily one of my favorite ships. I adore the built family. Chen Fei (so pretty) and the twins were great assets along with Li Dong Yuan. I'm gonna repeat: I much more prefer the show over the novel. It has much more depth, more feelings and more family love. I love the love that you can just feel between the two main leads. I seriously hope that we get to see them acting together again in the future. Update: after sleeping on the show, I have to say that I feel empty now. Just like I felt with The Untamed when I finished it. I adore The Spirealm and I much prefer this to the novel. Though I hate that the ending is a bit bittersweet. Yes they got reunited BUT it was a Titanic ending, if you really think on it. Was it really the real Ruan Lan Zhu that Ling Jiu Shi got reunited with? Or was it an imagination, or a version of him that Ling Jiu Shi created anew? And Ling Jiu Shi died right? He died when he finally saw his man again, finally touched him and became his young self again. So yes, it was bittersweet. I do wish we had gotten at least a hug. I so wanted a hug but I'm still overjoyed with everything else we got. The reason I didn't give it a full 10 stars was simply because some episodes were a bit boring (more in the middle of the show) and considering I have read the book, some of it were too changed, though some were changed for the better as well.  Then there's the fact the episode 38, the ending, was rushed. Come on, the ‘50 years later’ was stupid. It should've been explained more. To summarize, I adored this show and I'm looking forward to rewatch it., something I'll probably do soon. Favorite character: Ruan Lan Zhu. Started: 08.05.2024 - Finished: 22.05.2024 Rate: 8.5-9/10 (this is up there with The Untamed - absolutely loved it and recommend in highly. My sister’s rate: 9/10)
146. Unknown (Taiwan Drama) Review: Update: I'm currently on episode 6 and honestly? I'm uncomfortable. I can't help it. Wei Qian basically raised Wei Zhi Yuan / "Xiao Yuan" since he was what... 7 years old? That's 11 years until Yuan turned 18. They feel more like brother in my eyes so it's hard to see the romance. Here's the thing, I'd probably like this IF it weren't for that, so I'm struggling here. It reminds me a little bit too much of HIStory4: Close to You with Ye Xing Si and Fu Yong Jie.... they made me so damn uncomfortable. Luckily this one here isn't that bad compared to that one... Update: I'm currently on episode 9 and I knew there was something about the doctor - It's Sam Lin from We Best Love!! He has lost so much weight that I didn't recognize him at first. I'm glad he's back in BL shows even if he's a side character not doing anything bl. I hope this means that we'll eventually get to see him with YU. Fingers crossed for that. Overall, I'm glad that Yuan got to spend some time away from Qian, that he got to grow a bit for himself. Even though the 4 year time jump was a bit much considering not much changed except a hair style on Yuan. I'm a little better with not being THAT uncomfortable with the romance - maybe that's because there's barely any. I do like that it seems like the two main actors are comfortable with one another, the little touches are nice. That is a plus at least. The ridiculousness of the gang showing up again is, like I said, ridiculous. I was kinda expecting it though. That said, the knife scene was funny. Update: I just finished it. Look, I liked it just fine. It made the time pass. Did I love it? No, I've seen better, but they had chemistry and seemed comfortable with each other, which I like. But it wasn't anything overly special, but yeah, I liked it just fine. Maybe I was just too tried when watching? Favorite character: Xiao Yuan, maybe? Started: 28.05.2024 - Finished: 28.05.2024 Rate: 4.5/10 (it was too boring in the long run and I felt a bit too uncomfortable)
147. Stay With Me (China Drama) Review: Update: I've currently watched 6 episodes and while the two main leads are cute, they are a bit young for me. It is something I've noticed recently with BLs is the I can't really enjoyed/get into a series if the actors are too young. Also, I'm not sure which of the adaptions of this novel I like best... Update: I just finished episode 13 and I'm struggling. I don't really feel any romance. Yes they are cute, but that's it. I honestly think it's too childish for me... Update: Look, it's cute, but the episodes from 10-19 is fucking boring. It has its moments but overall with the 24 episodes, it barely got anything. The lube scene was funny, and they do hint that they are together, but I'm struggling to feel it. Update: I'm now done with it. To be honest, it's cute. A few years ago I might've really liked it, now however... I don't. It's alright. It made time pass. BUT I'm left feeling like I kinda wasted time as well. It had its moments, not gonna lie, but if you put everything together, it wasn't much for me. It didn't do much for me. I do want a season two were we can - hopefully - see Mo Yi get his karma. It was pretty obvious that he would do something shady. I don't like that we didn't get to see the parents' reaction to the incident, nor get to know Wu Bi's status. To summarize, it was cute but too young and sometimes immature for my taste, and probably the worst thing was that for me it didn't have that much chemistry between the two leads (I often times felt like Wu Bi loved Su Yu more than Su Yu loved Wu Bi. It was only towards the end that you could see that Su Yu want him back). I've seen way better, but I've also seen worse. It was ok. That said, I'm glad we got a Chinese BL - though censored - and hope this means we'll get more in the future.. Favorite character: Wu Bi, I believe. Started: 29.05.2024 - Finished: 30.05.2024 Rate: 4/10 (lacked enough chemistry in my opinion, too many dragged-out scenes and too immature at times)
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xxsycamore · 3 years
- The kids are asleep - [SIRIUS/RAY SMUT]
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Rating: E
Word count: 1,710
Relationship: M/M; Sirius/Ray 
Tags:Smut; Power Dynamics; Power Play; Making Out; Biting; Choking; Mutual Masturbation
Part of @voltage-vixen ​ ​‘s Summer of Smut Content Creation Challenge 2.0.
✦ Day 14 - Sexy Summer Fling ✦
[DAY 1] [DAY 2] [DAY 3] [DAY 4] [DAY 5] [DAY 6] [DAY 7] [DAY 8] [DAY 9] [DAY 10] [DAY 11] [DAY 12] [DAY 13] 
A/N: I refuse to let go of summer yet! Or at least until I’m done with this challenge. I just got the idea of these two together I had to write this. Have you seen the lines of their suited pair gatcha card? The one where they’re bathing together? Yeah. You can check out the lines here as provided by this lovely person @sortaotaku
Check my masterlist here! 
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Ray looks up from the papers he's been arranging on his desk, as the sound of someone entering the office gets to his attention.
Sirius walks up to him, dropping his weight on the nearby couch as he would at the end of any exceptionally busy day. Which would fit for a description of today - first a big workload, then something came up on the black territory border which Ray wouldn't have the luck of missing to attend personally. His visit is planned for early on the next morning, much to his dismay. The monthly black army banquet just had to be on the night before it.  
"The kids are asleep."
Ray, being halfway back to business, stops on his tracks to look again at Sirius, and gives him a rich laugh. By "the kids" Sirius refers here not to some army recruits, but to Fenrir, Seth, and Luka, who were caught raising a ruckus at the banquet, likely under the influence of alcohol. Not that Ray would be too minding of it - given that he himself could be placed in the work hard play hard category just fine. It has more to do with the fact that he couldn’t get to join them in having more than one drink due to his planned engagements. Sirius is somewhat on the same page as him, aware of his own low alcohol tolerance, having spent the better of the night refusing people from pouring him a drink, mostly Fenrir. Long story short, Ray and Sirius ended up being what could safely be considered the only two remaining sober people in headquarters.
Ray's laugher quiets down with one last chuckle as he puts away the rest of his documentary.
"The kids, huh? When you say it like that, it reminds me of the rumor that we are the army's parents, me and you."
Sirius kicks off his shoes and puts his long legs on the table, something he would hate being caught doing in anyone else's presence. He hums lowly in answer, being painfully aware of that rumor- yet he can't help but crack a smile. He tries to push off the image of a drunk Seth clinging to his legs to prevent him from leaving early - because ignoring it, it almost sounds cute that he and Ray look after the bunch of them.
He lets his eyes rest for the time being, catching a glimpse of Ray shoving his prepared folder into a bag, most likely getting it ready for tomorrow morning. He then senses the place next to him dip slightly with Ray's weight, as the man takes a seat next to him, sighing under his breath.
Sirius lets out a sigh of his own, wanting to add something to their idle conversation. "Those brats, having fun without us."
"Yeah, I know. Hey Sirius?"
Ray helps himself to a half-full glass of water earlier left by him on the table, while he waits for Sirius to finish his yarn and pay him attention.
Ray smirks, catching the taller man's gaze boldly. "I don’t think they should be the only ones having fun. It's not fair."
Sirius looks straight at him for a good few seconds, but doesn't even slightly falter from Ray's implication.
"It's not fair." he nods. In a matter of seconds, they are kissing.
Ray's hands ghost on Sirius's torso, untucking his already not-so-neatly tucked-in shirt, noticing Sirius shivering under the touch. Ray has discovered Sirius to be a good kisser, having had his mind blown away so fiercely and with such ease under his ministrations. It is honesty a shame that they'd never went further than making out.
The king of spades makes quick work of Sirius's shirt, leaving the tie hanging from his neck in a playful manner, wrapping it around his fist to tug closer as Sirius would withdraw for air. Soon his own coat and shirt join the pile of dark blue fabric on the floor, hinting at where things are going. Sirius lets himself be pushed down on the couch, his vision blocked by Ray's frame as the man attacks his neck with kisses and mostly bites. Sirius hisses, distantly hearing Ray unbuckle his belt and the noise of more clothes coming off. He curses himself for having such a sensitive nape, just as Ray's low voice takes his attention anew.
"Aww, seems like the team mom really needed to blow off some steam, eh?"
Where he expects a moan or at least a chuckle instead, Ray receives a push on the shoulder, forcing him to take off his mouth from Sirius's skin. He looks down at the man's expression for cues, wondering if he went too far with the teasing or maybe the reason rests elsewhere.
"I thought I was the dad?"
Ray looks so deeply at the serious gleam in Sirius's eyes as if he refuses to believe it's there altogether, along with the spoken words.
"You- What?"
"Aren't you the mom figure?"
"No? I'm the King, so I'm the-"
"But they call me Papa. Haven't you heard how annoying they are? Papa Sirius this,"
"No I-"
"Papa Sirius that,"
"Hey, hey. Listen." With a pinched expression, Ray shifts backwards to a sitting position, stealing a glance of Sirius's proudly standing cock that has no place in this silly conversation. Or, maybe this silly conversation has no place inbetween their hard cocks. Either way, he has to do something about resolving this.
"Let's forget about the brats and enjoy ourselves." He suggests lasciviously, dipping his head downwards again. His lips pucker for a brief moment, a small emission of blown air coming out in order to brush his pestering hairlocks off his sweaty forehead.
In their next portion of heated kisses, Sirius's hands get more and more confident in exploring the body of the man above him. At one point his firm grip on Ray's ass is enough to break the trance just as Sirius opens his mouth to speak his warning.
"Stay still, Ray."
Before Sirius can do anything that clearly wasn't in Ray's plans, the king grabs a fistful of Sirius's hair, tilting his head backwards and forcing eye contact on him.
"I don't think so. The team daddy should be the one to top."
Sirius grunts at the stimulation in his scalp and tilts his head while speaking, secretly enjoying the additional pull it gives. 
"Ray, you could just say if it's too big for you to take. I thought we were over with playing house?"
"And give myself over without a fight? I'd be putting my name to shame if I comply."
It's Sirius's turn to narrow his eyes in annoyance, wondering why the otherwise perfect air of understanding that lingers around the two of them couldn't stay for that much longer. The years of working together should aid in smoothing out their contrarieties.
"If you want a fight, I'll give you a fight. It's been some time since we last sparred anyway." Even with Ray's weight pinning him down, Sirius finds purchase into the soft cushions of the sofa on each side and pushes against Ray.
Not expecting him to get on with it so soon, Ray tries not to show how badly this excites him as his teeth scrape and bite into Sirius's shoulder while he finds his wrists in order to try and pin him down by them. He who has never put the reliable queen of spades' strength to doubt, allows himself this brief moment of indulgence to test his boundaries. It ends with him being practically in Sirius's lap, restlessly shifting around and one foot scraping against the flooring between the couch and the table in an attempt to gain the lavage to break away from the hold. The more he struggles, the harder Sirius's nails bite into the skin of his hips and waist, deep voice cursing in his ears to get him to listen.
Instead of trying to pry Sirius's hands off him, Ray changes his strategy, remembering where Sirius has shown weakness in the earlier stages of what they got romped into. One hand shoots between their bodies to find purchase into Sirius's neck, the other follows, lower, much lower until it wraps around his cock.
Sirius sucks on air like he expects it to be the last large portion of it that Ray would allow him. His hold is not too strong to actually get in the way of his breathing, yet it's firm enough to make him reconsider egging the man further, be it on the cost of victory or something else. In his current position, Ray's strokes are sparkling his lust to great lengths as a result of the long neglection.
The least he could do is remind Ray of the surely shared feeling. He gives up trying to manhandle Ray's muscular frame and instead puts his hands around Ray's cock, bringing the two of them together to grind along. From hereon, it gets easier, vengeance no longer on their minds as they start chasing each other's release.   
With a tirade of barely hidden grunts, both of them reach their peaks, none domineering over the other in the pure bliss that follows. Although Ray lets himself get a little too cocky soon after, playing with the piercings on Sirius's left ear, which earns him a jolt of overstimulation brought by Sirius's hands.
It's Ray's cue to finally get up from the couch. If anything, because of the strong desire to at last get to the window and open it. He could hope that the night's air would be so kind as to offer a cooling to the aftermath of their overly heated exercise.
Sirius gets to his initial position, sprawling his long form on the couch and the low table, seemingly satisfied so far with their activities.
"We should pose the question about our… parental roles, and next time resolve our conflict based on what reply we get."
Ray turns back towards the couch, muttering a little "Oh?", and crossing the room again to get to Sirius. He should immediately let him know his positive opinion about the idea, but before thinking of next time, he has to make the best of their shared tryst tonight.
aglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @leonardoism @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran @thehappycat123 @pumpumnnnp  @thesirenwashere @theuwuisunreal @ravenarld @kyokirigiri-22 @kimmy-banana @btarinana @animeworldsposts @randomanimatedhusbandoseeker @galaxyprison @trishtori @sadshaxk @starshards26 @pro-cat-stination @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @judgemental-seal @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou​ @toxiicmoron ​ Please let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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[just saw post on pockets of fluency] I'm curious to hear your advice when it comes to comprehension as opposed to production. I like reading, but novel authors use so many flowery words that I find myself needing to look up often to just understand what's going on. However, I hate the idea of interrupting myself to add words to Anki that I might never use (I'm kinda a perfectionist myself though—it's a struggle). I've heard of people just writing down new words, but what's your philosophy?
(Have you heard of this website? https://www.vocabtest.com/ I recommend Level D and E for better novel (or any other “advanced” piece of writing) comprehension.)
Read about pockets of fluency here
Hey! Thanks for the ask!
Reading novels in your second or third language might be challenging. A long time ago, I decided that I wanted to study English with the LOTR books. I got a copy and started reading. One page of the book contained approximately 12 words that I couldn’t understand. 5 pages? Around 60 new words. The reading process got easier around volume 2, but the beginning was tough. I took notes, marked all the words in the book, and then transferred them into my little hand-made dictionary, checked the pronunciation for each… It took me about a year to read volume 1 and half of volume 2 (it was like 10 years ago)
I marked around a thousand of words…. I remembered just one! “Oddities.” It was on page 6 at the top. I don’t know why I remembered this one, but yeah, I will forever associate “oddities” with LOTR. After that, I decided to grade my reading materials and looked for books that were on my level. Upon completing levels D & E of Vocabulary Workshop, my reading pace and comprehension sped up tremendously. The first book I picked up just to see if I would be able to read it without any help of a dictionary was “Lost Boy” by Christina Henry. It took me four days to finish the story. The story is amazing and lots of words from both of these levels could be found inside.
So, what’s my advice, then?
Don’t take notes and don’t write down new words.
I’ve noticed that people memorize vocab more effectively when they connect words with certain events, emotions, or people. Reading is a passive activity that isn’t shared with other people unless you want to discuss the book. You might feel some emotions, of course, while reading a book, but you’re still a passive bystander who observes everything. You’re more likely to memorize words from a random Tumblr post because you choose the content that you’re interested in, and later you discuss it with other people.
That random post doesn’t disappear from your life as soon as you log out of Tumblr. You keep recalling the post, for example, you use it as an example in your conversations, or you comment on it in your own post. You, in a way, practice vocabulary from that post and add something of your own to it.
Words from the books, unfortunately, disappear once the story is over. The influx of vocabulary that books offer is just a bit too overwhelming, and you need to make a choice,
Am I reading for pleasure? or Am I learning new words this time?
I strongly recommend asking yourself these two simple questions. Telling yourself what exactly you want, helps determine your goals, working pace & style, and it also helps your brain focus on the essentials. If you want both, your brain is more like, “Should I enjoy this passage or memorize it?”
Also, that flowery language you talk about is mostly found in books. Everyday conversations are rather simple and short. So, do you need to know all those words? Probably not.
I read solely for pleasure, and I look up words only when I REALLY don’t understand a sentence. Like REALLY, REALLY, other than that, I just ignore new words and move on. It’s so much easier, and each year I consume over 30 books written in English.
So yeah, to sum up:
It takes time to get used to the fact that you don’t need to know every single word in a book.
You either read for pleasure or for vocabulary.
Flowery language is there for you to help you feel emotions, boost your imagination, etc. In real life, people prefer to be concise and to the point.
Levels D & E may really help you with your reading skills.
And yeah…. "words you might never use" then why bother?
I hope it helps!
All the ideas come from my own experience, my students’ experience, and my teaching practice. They aren’t universal truths whatsoever.
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grogusmum · 3 years
Tumblr Writer Q&A
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for tagging me 💚 Thank you@oonajaeadira
1) How many complete fics/one-shots do you have that you have not published (yet)? None. I only sat on one that was really close to being finished, because I wasn't sure if I'd ever share it... but I post them when they are "done".
2) How many WIPS do you have right now? I have 4 open series that have varying stages of next chapter progress... and I have a Frankie one-shot and a first attempt at a Whiskey "one-shot" (in quotes because invariably they all become a series) sitting in my docs so... 6... no, 7 sort of. *sighs
3) Do you take writing requests or write original ideas, or both? Original ideas, I got one idea given to me from a friend, so it wasn't much of a request, as OH YOU KNOW WHAT YOU SHOULD WRITE ABOUT... (it was Grogus's first day at preschool and a favorite of mine so, thank you Jessie!!) I'm open to requests and have done some milestone celebrations that have offered requests. No takers.
4) If you do take requests, how many do you currently have? 0
5) How many fandoms do you write for? One, it's all Pedro Pascal characters with an offshoot of it, Grogu pov fics
6) Are there any fandoms you wrote for in the past that you no longer write for? I've never really written fic before starting a year ago. As close as I get, is what I guess at the time I called parody (maybe some would define it as fic) it was a mash up of time/dimension travelers with Jack Skellington, it was a 100-page novella, for a themed Halloween party invitation ... the other was an OC insert, Indiana Jones short film script. one was a million years ago the other was a gazillion years ago.
7) Do you write for ships, reader inserts or other? Reader inserts. The occasional OC.
8) Niche fandoms/characters you write for? I'm not sure... like I write a fair amount of fantastical characters like selkies, merlings, hedge witches... if that's what that means...
9) Do you read fics as well as write them? You bet!
10) What is your favorite genre to write for? Romance, hurt/comfort, ffflllloooofff, is the internal monologue of nonverbal characters a genre?
11) What is your favorite trope (to read/write)? I write lots of idiots in love... is that a trope? For reading though, my favorite is fluffy slow burn friends to lovers...
Here I will basically cheat off Adira's homework because same) BUT against my will, I've become a fan of sex pollen, a/b/o, monsterfucking...
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Yall know who you are!! Making me fall for your monster maxes, your minotaur jacks, naga oberyns, oh and the Alpha Dins and Frankies and wookies, and I do not know what all is next!
12) What do you do to get motivated to write? Watching the source material mostly. I have music and sometimes I put moodboards together
13) Is there a trope/genre you like to read, but not write? (here again, I'm just going to cheat of Adira's paper)The aforementioned a/b/o, sex pollen, and monsterfucking for sure. I leave the smut in far more capable hands. (that last bit is not from Adira's homework because she can bring the spice!!)
14) Any characters/fandoms you want to write for that are never requested? Again I dont get requests. I have the very beginning of a Jack Daniels fic, and I want to write a Javi Gutierrez fic... I can see me falling into the Dieter pit too
15) How long have you been writing fan fiction? A year on March 16th.
16) Did you read fan fiction before you started writing? Like a month before hahaha (I still don't really know how all this happened)
17) Do you only post on Tumblr, or any other sites as well? Only tumblr
18) What do you personally consider the word counts of "Drabble", "One shots" and "fics"? Drabbles are around 500-700 words. One-shots are anything that isn’t multi-chapter and can include drabbles. Fic is all. (Again cheating off Adira)
19) Which do you prefer to write more? HC, drabbles, oneshots/fics, multi chapter stories, other? um... a lot of my one shots grow. I think I should probably stick with one shots though.
20) Are there any stories you have discontinued? If so, why? No. If they haven't been updated I may be stuck but they are not abandoned.
21) What is one of your main "pet-peeves" as a writer on Tumblr? The anon hate for sure, and non-smut struggling for space at least it's a problem in this fandom (Reminder as previously mentioned, I read smut, I like it very much.) Some of the anon hate is directed at writers who don't write smut telling them there's no point to their fics without it... smh
22) Do you write a particular time of day? Anytime the mood strikes really, but early morning is pretty quiet at my house so that is when I will write.
23) Do you listen to music, ambiance/noise, etc to write or do you need silence? Quiet is good, but I do have playlists for some of my fics to set the right vibe. Sometimes nature sounds like the ocean etc.
24) Do you outline your fics at all before writing? Hahaha that implies planning! Bold as brass!
25) Do you post your writing as soon as you finish it, or do you schedule it to come out at a specific time/day? Nope, those babies get pushed out of the nest as soon as they are ready.
tagging (with no pressure a request to start a new post if you partake💚) @seasonschange-butpeopledont @firstofficerwiggles @jessie-writes-things @quica-quica-quica @whistlingbirdie @scribbledghost @radiowallet @ezras-channel-rat
(if you want to play, join in and tag me so I can read it!)
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blood 11 - Strange/Stark!Reader
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Relationship: Dr. Strange/Princess!Stark!Reader
Rating: M
Warnings: Adult Themes, smut, adult language, implied sexual violence, general violence
Synopsis: Reader is the daughter of the legendary King Anthony Stark, Uniter of Lands, The Iron Defender, and leader of the realm. When the king disappears during battle, hope is lost and he is presumed dead.
When the late king’s uncle, Obadiah, takes the throne until your brother Peter is of age, he quickly arranges a marriage for you with a wicked king in a neighboring kingdom.
With the realms politics in question, and rumors of an upcoming siege to overthrow Peter’s rule before it starts, you quickly learn who is loyal to the crown and who is not.
part 10 - part 12
Chapter Playlist
11 - a battle cry
“Good as new,” Wanda helped Stephen sit up, her arm wrapped around his torso, his arm sling over her shoulders. 
“I feel like a horse ran over me,” he grumbled, pressing a finger to his temple. 
You’d long fallen asleep, though you’d been too stubborn to leave his side and sleep in a proper bed. Instead, you’d curled up in one of the ornate chairs and passed out, hand draped as close as physically possible to the injured sorcerer. 
“It was an herb from Brock’s kingdom that stopped the blooding from clotting,” Wanda explained, summoning the book she’d read the antidote in. “It’s rare, even for that kingdom, and she wouldn’t have had enough to cover all the arrows.”
“Someone must be bitter,” he commented dryly. “I don’t know why, I’ve been nothing but nice to the old witch.”
“You weren’t exactly subtle in your romancing of the princess,” Wanda reminded him with a knowing smirk. 
“Not a good enough reason to try and kill me,” he decided, standing and giving his arms and torso a stretch. The wound still tickled slightly when he shifted, a side effect of the magic used to seal the cut. “Now, do we have any idea why the princess is a homing signal of magical energy?”
Both of their eyes fell on you. Your seidr had spread, making gentle waves of violet light over your skin as you slept. It was almost overwhelming how powerful it felt to the magic users. Stephen felt almost suffocated and he didn’t miss how Wanda skirted the edge of the room, avoiding direct contact with you. 
“Loki sent a raven to Asgard,” Wanda supplied. “Hopefully Frigga has a suggestion.”
“It won’t matter if Amora keeps her wards up,” he huffed in frustration. “There’s nothing at Kamar-Taj on the subject that I’ve been able to find. The ancient Asgardians were effective in their campaign.”
“I’ve solidified the wards around the keep as best I could, but this is going to break through and Amora will know,” Wanda warned, chewing her bottom lip anxiously. 
Stephen tried reaching for your hand but the seidr snapped back at him like a guard dog ready to fight. He ran a tired hand over his face, shaking his head at the situation. This certainly was not ideal.
“We maintain our plan of attack,” Peter instructed, pouting around the base of the castle. “We’re going to use the tunnels.”
“The wards are all around the castle,” Loki protested. “There’s no way in.”
“My sister, Gods rest her soul, had snuck past every ward that every Master had put on the castle,” he pulled up the map Sam handed him and drew his finger across the page. “They’re outside the boundary lines and protected by older runes. The wards don’t effect them.”
“The problem is, we can’t bring enough men to thoroughly attack their forces from within,” Sam continued, eyeing Loki. “We have to take down Amora and break down the wards so our men can get through.”
“That’s a suicide mission,” Loki frowned. “She’ll kill anyone on sight.”
“And you trained under your mother as well,” Peter noted. “You know her tricks and capabilities. If anyone is getting close to her, it’s you.”
“Peter, I appreciate your enthusiasm but I’ve tried killing her numerous times in the past,” Loki replied tersely. “We’re evenly matched. If she has any other magic users with her, that’s it.”
“We need something more powerful then,” Thor reasoned pointed, looking to Loki with a knowing stare.
“Short of a miracle, we’re limited in what we have until more Asgardians arrive,” Peter countered. “We need to get inside and take back the castle.”
Loki had fallen silent. 
There was a way. A force of magic more powerful than any known user could imagine.
It was risky to say the least, and he knew at least one person would disagree.
“Absolutely not,” Stephen snapped throwing his hands up. “Have you lost your mind?”
“She’s going to be found regardless,” Loki directed the statement to Tony. “And intrinsically, her seidr will lower Amora’s defense enough for myself or one of us to get a move in edgewise.”
“It isn’t entirely unreasonable,” Wanda voiced, earning a glare from Stephen. “We send in the guard with her to protect her from a physical threat... certainly she would be able to handle any magical ones.”
“She’s untrained,” Stephen stressed again, looking to Tony for support. “What if, Gods help us, the seidr stops doing whatever it’s doing? We don’t know. It’s too unpredictable and unreliable to make a plan centered around it.”
The trio had tasked you with helping some of the wounded men while they debated Loki’s suggestion after he’d returned from the battle front. The general agreement had been that you would have immediately volunteered and that didn’t bode well for some of the logistic issues that needed to be brought up ahead of you charging headfirst into battle.
“It defeats the point of faking her death,” Tony agreed, looking to Loki for a rebuttal. 
“It doesn’t,” he insisted. “Amora won’t see it coming. Not until it’s too late.”
“That’s rubbish and you know it,” Stephen snapped back. “She could be across the kingdom and anyone with a speck of magic in their system would sense her coming. She’s a storm of uncontrolled energy.”
“Is she?” Loki asked innocuously, quirking a brow. “I certainly don’t feel anything in here... isn’t she only the next room over?”
Stephen froze. 
The Asgardian prince was right. 
He couldn’t feel your seidr anywhere in the room, outside of it, or within the castle walls at all. 
“What did you do?” he asked, dumbfounded. 
Loki held up a small amulet and he heard Tony suck in a breath of surprise. 
“Where did you find that?” the king demanded, standing from his chair and reaching for the necklace. Wrapping his fingers around the amulet himself, he ran his fingers around the edges while he listened. 
“Your late queen entrusted it to my mother,” Loki explained. “It arrived an hour ago with her written incantations to seal the seidr temporarily. It had to be taken by Lady Sif to the Asgardian border, then transported to Kamar-Taj by Mordo, and delivered to me by Wong. A lot of trouble went into getting it and I would hate to see it go to waste…”
Tony clutched the the chain of the amulet in his fist and held it up for Stephen to better see. 
It was definitely old, with weathered metal and jewels embedded in the ridges that had long lost their luster to time. 
“If there’s a chance, it would be in this,” he stated firmly in agreement. “Alexandra used it while she was still training her abilities with Frigga. It saved a lot of trouble while she experimented and on her death bed, when her powers were in a frenzy, this protected the kingdom from harm.”
He turned it over and showed the sorcerer the rune on the back. Stephen was, admittedly, unfamiliar with the symbol. It resembled old Asgardian, but the way the letters curved suggested another origin.
“Vanir,” Tony explained when Stephen flickered his gaze up curiously at the king. “She found it in an old temple on the outskirts of Asgard near the old Vanaheim border.”
“The princess keeps it with her, and we slip in undetected,” Loki continued. “We ambush Amora, and Peter’s troops break the siege and the castle is once again under the proper Stark royal.”
“I don’t see why the princess can’t remain here, with the amulet, undetected and safe while we deal with Amora?” Stephen seethed. 
“Stephen, it’s as best a plan we have,” Wanda urged, watching him with a steady gaze. “You knew the potential outcomes. It isn’t ideal, but this isn’t unexpected.”
“What?” Tony looked to her, furrowing his brow. “What do you mean? Was there more than you told me?”
“Nothing has changed in your destiny,” she quickly assured him. “But your children... their paths have been sporadic.”
“Explain, now,” Tony shot back. “Are they in danger?” 
“Your majesty, it’s best not to dwell on potential futures,” Loki cut in, slipping between the king and the sorceress with an arm. “They’re possibilities, not guarantees. Tampering to avoid certain outcomes is how you end up in a worse scenario than anticipated.”
“I want to know,” Tony snapped, looking to Wanda. “What else did you see?”
She looked up at Stephen uneasily and he finally relented, holding up a hand in her direction and taking over the explanation for her. 
“They were cloudy,” he replied. “The princess was in the throne room during the siege. Prince Peter was nearly overwhelmed by a wave of Northern Kree. They were vague and not necessarily connected.”
He left out the part where you were stabbed. 
Stabbed through the heart, more specifically, but Brock Rumow’s sword. It’d devastated him for days after Wanda had shown him the visions. He’d worked so hard to keep you out of the castle, to move you t safety, and avoid the very outcome. 
But it seemed the fates were not done with your part of the story. 
“You told me this ended with me by the throne,” Tony turned on Wanda. “My children out of harms way. Peter’s coronation.”
“Nothing is certain,” Loki caught him by the arm and spun him back toward him and Stephen. Tony from, fixing up the prince who dared touch royalty so directly. “The visions are murky. They’re not clear and if they were to be solidified by the decision we make, we would know.”
Tony looked to Wanda who nodded slowly in agreement. His boyd language softened.
“Is this truly the only chance we have at taking the castle?” he looked between the trio. 
Stephen saw something in the king’s eyes that begged for one of them to disagree. 
But even Stephen could see the inevitable. 
Amora was too powerful and too evenly matched against any or all of them.
Using your seidr was the only way to overwhelm her and kill her.
He hated it. Gods he hated it so much and had prayed, despite not necessarily being a religious type, that someone would have a better plan. Loki and Wanda were among the strongest after himself, after all. 
The room remained silent at the kings question.
When no one objected, Tony swallowed hard and nodded to himself. 
“Bring her in then,” he murmured. “We must move quickly.”
Stephen offered to retrieve you, quickly filling you in on the idea. 
And to no surprise, you readily agreed and volunteered your help in whatever capacity you could manage. Stephen sighed, weaving his fingers through yours while stopping outside the meeting room.  
No seidr was fighting back at his touch. 
Loki’s amulet was working. 
“I’d hoped you would put up more of a fight,” he confessed, lifting your hand and seeing none of the violet glow that once emitted from your body.  
“You nearly died,” you reminded him tersely. “I have a bone to pick with Amora. Not to mention, there’s nothing more I loved to see than Brock’s body skewered on the top of one of our men’s swords.”
There was a venom to your tone that seemed almost unnatural considering your usual caring personality. Never had Stephen seen you so determined to cause harm to another human, but perhaps he’d underestimated the fury you felt toward the enemy king. 
“Right,” he murmured, giving your hand a squeeze and pulling away. He opened the doors, ushering you inside while the others began detailing the plan. 
Peter was directing his men when a portal opened up and Loki stepped through with Stephen and a cloaked figure. 
“We need a distraction away from the base of the castle,” Stephen explained briskly, maneuvering his body so Peter couldn’t get a good look at the third figure. 
Assuming it was just Wanda, Peter turned his attention to the battalion nearby.  
“I can have them make a move for the western wall, but it’d be pointless if Amora’s sorcerers have up their barriers,” he explained, running an anxious hand through his hair. “They’ve barred us off.”
“We just need attention diverted long enough to slip through the tunnel system,” Stephen supplied, sending a knowing nod in Peters direction.
Three powerful magic users? Going in undetected? 
They were going to break down the barrier, Peter realized and immediately started rallying more men. 
“Thor! We need a distraction,” he called to the Asgardian prince. Thor reached for the large hammer on the ground next to him and lifted it to the air. 
The sky began to crackle above them, and Thor’s expression filled with an excited glee.
“That, my friend, I think we can manage,” he bellowed, grinning between Loki and Peter, turning to wake the Asgardian soldiers who’d been sleeping in the camp nearby. 
“I’ll start the first wave, give us thirty minutes to start an approach before trying to breach the tunnels,” he instructed, again trying to catch the eye of the cloaked figure. 
He couldn’t be sure, but he almost thought the person’s eyes were glowing violet, not red. 
Chalking it up to a lack of sleep, the group started toward the castle in the darkness at the edge of the forest, and Peter focused on readying his men. 
What Peter didn’t know was what his father had planned for after the shield fell. 
The Wakandans had finally arrived and in greater numbers than King T’Challa had originally promised. 
They’d remained discreet and undetected by Rumlow and Obidiah’s forces, and once the shield was down, they were prepared to storm the castle with the entire combined armies of Tony, Thor, T’Challa, Carol, and Peter. 
The final key was taking down Amora and her circle of magic users. 
Ultimately, once she fell, the others would quickly fall in turn and that was exactly why you were trudging through the forest with Loki and Stephen toward one of your preferred tunnels to the castle. While Peter and his men readied their attacks.
“Natalia and James are still inside posing as servants,” Stephen explained. “They have agreed to lead us to Amora. They sent a message through one of the kitchen maids’ sons.” 
“No one recognized them?” you asked in surprise. 
“We both know how talented they are at blending in,” he hummed with a sly smirk. “In fact, I seem to recall Natalia being the one to show you the tunnels in the first place. They didn’t garner their reputation for nothing.”
You let out a small breath of relief. Of course he was right. If anyone had a penchant for survival and adaptability it was Nat and James. Still, they were your friends and beloved companions, you were going to be worried about their well-being assassins or not. 
At least Peter was still in one piece. And Morgan and Pepper were in good spirits in Asgard, at least according to Loki. Your family was safe, but even so, Stephen had insisted upon accompanying you and Loki into the belly of the castle. 
You’d protested significantly. He was healing. He was a target. It was too dangerous with Amora, and he’d countered backwith similar arguments. 
In the end, your father made the final call, sending you both and joking the two of you would do well to protect one another. 
“Perhaps when this is over, you and your sorcerer can come to Asgard to train,” Loki murmured while Stephen scouted ahead for any stray troops. 
“And here I thought the offered had been rescinded after Stephen showed up and started to tutor me?” you teased, recalling the conversation you’d had with the prince at the ball honoring Stephen’s arrival all those years ago. 
“It was always there, you know that,” he replied, glancing you over. “You forget I was tasked to look after you. My mother would be pleased to see you both. When Strange studied in Asgard briefly, she had nothing but high praise.”
You could tell the compliment bristled your old friend and you set a hand on his shoulder. 
“Everything has changed, hasn’t it?” you asked quietly, watching Stephen’s darkened form maneuver the wilderness ahead. 
“The dawn is going to rise on a new kingdom,” he agreed. “My father will be disappointed in your selection of a groom.”
You felt your cheeks warm at the off handed comment, though you didn’t bother to object. Stephen was the one. Your heart couldn’t even consider another. Not now. Not after all you’d been through together and how he so lovingly knew you mind, body, and soul. 
“And your mother?” you asked lightly. 
“She’ll be thrilled regardless,” he hummed. “You’re the daughter she never had. She adored your mother, you know that, and promised to take care of you. Marriage or not.”
You paused, carefully selecting your next words. 
“What about you?” 
He stilled. You must have taken him by surprise, or maybe no one had ever asked him directly. Loki looked forward at the tree line ahead, taking a few moments longer than expected to give you an answer. 
“I’ll be fine,” he said quietly.
You were about to open your mouth to ask him if he really meant it, when Stephen reappeared in the shrubs in front of you. 
“The areas clear and I can hear Peter and Thor have started their attack. We need to move now,” he waved the two of you over and you sent a final glance to Loki who flashed a small, reassuring, smile before following shortly behind. 
One step at a time, you reminded yourself, your heart giving a small throb of guilt at his reaction. Marriage, betrothal, none of it mattered until your enemies fell. 
12- a memory 
TAG LIST (message to be added!):
@ayamenimthiriel @ladynothing
@im-a-bi-disaster-help @idkwhatthisislol
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franeridart · 4 years
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Anon said: [Spoilers for non-manga readers] opinion on Baku's hero name?
Very Bakugou, honestly don’t mind it at all! Mostly just surprised it’s, like, legal in the bnha universe for heroes to call themselves stuff like explodo-kills (and also that there isn’t a character limit for hero names??) but that Bakugou would stick with it is pretty damn in character for him so I like it xD still, I’ll probably just call him Dynamight if I’ll ever need to use his hero name lmao
Anon said: not to be the most romantic sap but uh just a kiss by lady a is killin me
Nothing sappy about letting romantic songs get to you!!!! I say, as I’m constantly crying over romantic songs so this mindset benefits me as well lol
Anon said: i may or may not have stumbled across some of your older kiribaku art, the stuff with akane, and she's the best child oc tbh. i actually like her and i tend to not be a fan of child ocs but she's just the cutest darn thing 🥰
I’m so glad you like her!!!!! She was a lot of fun, what a good gremlin ;;;
Anon said: uve heard of dragon!kiri w his hair spikes up, now get ready for dragon!kiri w his hair dowm lookin like the softest boy
AW HECK I think I’ve drawn him in the past, actually!!!! Spike-haired Kiri will forever be my fav Kiri, but there’s just something about hair down Kiri isn’t it!! What a cute boy ;;;; all sharp edges and soft curves, what a lovely sight
Anon said: can i just say your itafushi art is so cute? these two already make me feel and then your art just (つω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
THANK YOU SO MUCH I really need to draw them more, don’t I! goge kinda monopolized my attention there, but the way itafushi makes me feel..........boy the way they make me feel ;;;;
Anon said: good day, poké au thought: 12 y/o bakugo somehow catches a dreepy as like his 2nd pokemon and never questions it
WHY NOT WHY NOT I have a whole team in my mind for the boy tbh but dreepy is so cute ;;;; and anyway, I like my poke!bakugou with as many dragon types as he could possibly get his hands on hahaha
Anon said: Please know that, amongst other factors, you were one of the maon reasons I stsrted Jujutsu Kaisen two days ago and there isnothing more to say except thank you and I'm absolutely in debt with you for that, thank you so much 😍
I’m so so SO glad you’re liking it!!!!!! It can get kinda heavy but it’s such a great story.... honestly I’d been wanting to start it since I saw the first pv for the anime all the way back last year but I was like, you know it’s a mappa anime! so I wanted to watch the anime as a new thing, cause I love mappa, but three episodes in I couldn’t hold back and just binged it. It’s kind of story that just makes you wanna drink it all in one go, isn’t it? so good so good
Anon said: makeup artist kirishima and model bakugo or makeup artist bakugo and model kirishima? :0c
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm can’t say I see either of them much into fashion tbh, but if I had to pick probably model Kiri and artist Baku? I just don’t think Baku would be able to stay still enough to get photographed, and he wouldn’t like the photographer bossing him around anyway, and catwalks would be impossible for him to stomach imho, he’s too restless for it! At least it’s the way I see it haha
Anon said: fdgdhdkfhdafs i had a thought, what if bakugo prefers dogs and kirishima prefers cats and when they meet each other and become friends it's like, "oh." because they have some striking similarities to their fave animals
That’s been my headcanon for a while now, actually!! I think for me it came from two characters in a manga I like that are a lot like a dog and a cat but have inverted fav animals and when I read about that I was like “oh, right, makes sense since they like each other” and then my brain turned it krbk because when does it not lmao
Anon said: your art is the soothing balm to my soul recently, thank you for posting so much beautiful content. i hope you have a lovely week. ♡
sob thank you so much, I’m glad my doodling can help you feel better ;; <3
Anon said: Friendly reminder anon from last time: that post I left last time I had only eaten 7 gingersnaps that day and hadn’t drank any water. So that encouraged me to actually self care. Thank you.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well I hope you’re taking care of yourself today too! And as fair trade, I’ll do the same myself! <3
Anon said: Hi! I'm an artist and I'm thinking of making a sideblog for my art. Do you have any tips?
Ah man, I’m sorry but I’m not the best person to ask this to! I started this sideblog cause I had too many followers on my main and I didn’t want my stuff to be seen by that many people at first, so whatever I did probably isn’t what you’re looking for :( but really there isn’t much to it, just post whatever you like to draw, tag it as best as you can (but remember that only the first five tags appear in the search page) and be patient, since whatever you do at first you won’t get much attention anyway - the only real advice I can give is to draw something that makes you happy and that you’d draw anyway even if no one were to see it, it’ll make keep posting despite a possible lack of activity a lot easier!
Anon said: Your goge art🥺🥺
I just love them so much ( TT’’’TT)9
Anon said: how the fuck have i not been following you? I remember seeing your bakushima art in the bnha tag and always thinking it's so cute. Now you're into JJK too??? and the satosugu art??? fuckin, diabetes incarnate. I love it. I love you. Your art 10/10. I'm tired lmao.
WELL thank you for the follow!! And for thinking my stuff is cute!!!!! I do my best with that, I want all the soft things for my favs 😌
Anon said: Are you gonna draw Gojou/Getou comic?? 👉🏻👈🏻 WOULD LOVE TO READ IT
you mean an actual doujin? I don’t think I will, sorry! I’m really no good at long projects orz but thank you so much for wishing to read something like that from me!!! ;A;
Anon said: Hello! YOUR ART IS SO FREAKING GORGEOUSSSS!!! I love them so much!! If I may ask you one question. Between Getou amd Gojou, who do you see as top/bottom? Just curious
THANK YOU!!!!! And I honestly don’t care as long as they’re happy and together!!! please let them be happy and together 🙏🙏🙏
Anon said: i want you to know!!! i followed you for your kiribaku art but!!! i love your art so much that idc what you post because it's all just!!!! incredible and wonderful and stunning!!!
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!! this means a lot to me so seriously thank you so much!!!!
Anon said: d'you think bakugo has like headaches or migraines after training or battles because of how loud his quirk is? like, i listen to music slightly too loud and my head is sending me to hell. (unless you go with the hoh hc which is also 👌)
I like to think Baku’s body is attuned enough to his own quirk that he wouldn’t get drawbacks of the kind tbh, though that wouldn’t be a bad thought for when he just starts to increase the output/width and strength of his explosions............ well, I myself suffer from chronic headaches and migraines so I’m always up for projecting on my favs ngl lmao
Anon said:  so like... dragon kirishima's eyes glow right? like, if we equate his dragon-ness to unbreakable his eyes glow? they also glow when he's half shifted? honestly i just live glowing eyes
Oh hell yeah I’m all for that, definitely definitely, I love glowing eyes with my whole heart and Kiri’s eyes in unbreakable are just so!!!!!! NGH *chef kiss* the more of unbreakable there is in his dragon form the happier I am ( TT^TT)9
Anon said: me, scrolling through your blog: ah shit guess im gonna have to start watching jjk
!!!!! hope it won’t hurt you too much, anon!!
Anon said: dragon!kiri and bakugo having a tug-of-war match over a piece of meat. both have it in their mouths. both are determined to win.
Kiri is turned into his dragon form and Baku still wins, hell yeah
Anon said: your satosugu is top tier!! it's hard to find stuff for them that isn't straight up angst so your art has been super cool and also very very cute!! (tho if you went with angst, it wouldn't be a bad thing obviously)
AH I’m so happy to hear you like them!!!! but also happy you wouldn’t mind angst, as I do like them the best happy and soft but my brain, my brain has been throwing sads my way for a while now 👀 I got some ideas
Anon said: What program/device do you use??
Easy Paint Tool SAI and a wacom intuos!! Though I got myself an ipad+procreate just yesterday and I’ve been messing around with it, let’s see how that one goes!
Anon said: *inahles* i am simping for mohawk man please tell me everything about your ocs immediately or i will detonate
THANK YOU FOR LIKING HIM HE’S CALLED DAVIDE Dav for short, he’s a cat of a man and a music instrument enthusiast (mostly string ones, but he’s very good with the piano as well) - he works in a music instruments store, and he’s a uni student majoring in philosphy! He doesn’t like bothersome things, he isn’t very good at taking anything seriously or putting effort in stuff, but he’s very chill to spend time with and generally a nice chat both if you want mindless thoughts or deep conversations (he’s a philosophy major after all). He can’t sing for shit, he’s got two cats (tago and schelly!), and he just wants a quiet life to laze around but all his friends are hurricanes in human bodies, but then again, he picked them himself so he can’t complain. He’s a good boy!! I’m planning a comic for him and his boy Ross >:]
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Title: Kismet {12}
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Henry Cavill x Famous OFC Aliya Taylor
Warning: Plot, Slow Burn, Mild Cursing, Dialogue Heavy
Words: 4.2k
Summary: Aliya is a singer turned model turned actress. Since she was fifteen, she’s been creating her empire in the entertainment world. As the daughter of a famous fashion model/designer and Hollywood director, you’d think life is easy for her, but her past has been anything but easy. Due to past trauma, she’s forever changed and no longer trusts any man that is not in her family and a select few in her team. She’s sworn off love and serious relationships and has planned never to fall again, but love isn’t something that can be planned. It just happens when it’s meant to. Can Aliya outrun a love that seems hellbent on holding tight to her, a love that is Kismet?
Note: How are you guys liking the pacing of this story? I think this might be my slowest burn of all.  😬😬
If you enjoyed this please LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG!! 😘  
As always, thank you so much for reading. ❤️❤️
***Loosely Edited/Proofread***
Previous Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
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When one thinks of a vacation, you think of beaches, sand, salty ocean water that you can see right through, a blazing sun that is a joy to be burned by, tropical drinks, lounging by the pool in a hammock with an endless supply of bathing suits. When one thinks of the quintessential French vacation, you could think of waking up the smell of flowers from the countryside and the ocean salt, the warm caress of the sun as you sip your French coffee, lounging on the beaches, touring the countryside by day, feasting on the best authentic French cuisine, sipping the best of wine country offered all the while soaking up culture and relaxation. In other words, live like the French.
 Your vacation, though it started awkwardly, didn’t remain that way for too long. You and Henry had made it a mission to take relaxation and freedom to the max and, by doing so, you had created somewhat of a routine. Usually, either you or Henry would make breakfast and coffee then have it outside. After breakfast, you’d both lounge by the pool for an hour or two. That was before you found out he liked to work out first thing in the morning. Though you weren’t much for working out, you vowed to do it with him. which led to you having your coffee and then out for a run through the fields. He often went four miles out then four miles back, but when he realized you were not a runner, he cut it down to two and two. Even that was torture for you.
 Then once you’d returned and showered, whoever came out first would make a simple breakfast that you’d have out back and then to the pool. After you’d take a drive, often going miles and miles checking out neighboring towns seeing sights. On each day, Henry always had something planned. One day it was a tour of a vineyard where you learned all about the winemaking process, helped harvest grapes, and even did the traditional squishing grapes with your feet. That was the day Henry had the brilliant idea to play up your ticklishness, which led to you falling in the barrel staining your white shorts ensemble red. He laughed his ass off to that. By the time you left the vineyard, both of your outfits were ruined, but you had plenty of pictures and a crate of the wine you’d made.
 Another day it was sailing around the Mediterranean in a boat that Henry manned himself. You couldn’t help but watch in awe as he steered it like a pro and taught you the proper terms for things on the boat. When he’d found a good spot to drop anchor close to some rocks, you lounged on the hull soaking up the sun, then taking a dunk in the ocean when the heat became too much where you snorkeled around the reef. On a particular day, he took out a speedboat to St. Tropez for shopping and spa treatments that really had your entire body feeling like jello.
 While he liked to spoil you with luxurious options, he also liked the rugged things too. He taught you how to fish and took you on multiple nature walks. While you enjoyed nature, you realized you didn’t like it as much as he did. According to him, he would choose to be out in nature as often as he possibly could. You were slowly beginning to enjoy it as much as he did. A few times, you took him to a club where you saw firsthand that he was a real party boy in another life. You liked the club nights because it showed you a whole other side of him. The side that was carefree, able to cut loose and not take himself seriously. It was a side you made a silent vow to bring out as often as you could.
 To round out the experience, he did as the French and took advantage of France’s natural romance. There were plenty of romantic dinners at romantic restaurants that overlooked the ocean or the cliffs or the city lights and even a few at romantic vineyards with the view of the rolling hills and a sunset. The romance was not something hard to find, and it wasn’t always in going out. You spent plenty of nights in the villa lounging together with candlelight in the room and a gentle breeze wafting through the opened doors while watching something on tv together. While it was awkward before, you were becoming more and more comfortable around him. 
This comfort also helped you feel closer to him and though you teased each other often, said sly things to one another, and even flirted shamelessly, nothing else of significance had happened. Henry didn’t make any moves to kiss you or cuddle or even hug you, really. The most he’d done was hold your hand at the most sporadic moments, for the shortest amount of time. It made no sense, and it drove you crazy because you could feel the attraction between you in everything you did. You could sense the desire in the air was strong, but everything remained lukewarm.
 Though your comfort level rose, your insomnia never subsided. When Henry had gone to bed, you often remained up just writing music, journaling, or making things with the pictures you’d taken throughout the day. Your sleepless or low sleep nights gave you the chance to either reformulate your plan or think about your progress. A lot of times, thinking about the progress had you thinking about him, and if you did that, it was only a matter of time before your mind drifted to your want for him.
 It was funny to you that before him, you could push affection, intimacy, and sex to the side and act like they were not even actual things, and it never bothered you or had any effect. Since Henry, it was damn near impossible. You thought about his touch at every turn, about his lips more times than you could count, and imagined him between your thighs at least once every other day.
 One night it had gotten so bad from remembering him swimming in the pool in slow motion. Everything he did was in slow-mo like he was posing for some men’s porn magazine. That was the night you had to please yourself to thoughts of his wet lips, memories of his voice, and body as it moved through the water and muscles as he hoisted himself up out of the water with it dripping off of every inch of him. that night, it was the quickest you’d ever come. You wondered if he was struggling the way you were, but throughout the days, you saw no evidence he was, and that made you more insecure than you’d ever felt in your life.
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-Nine Days Later-
 The night was young—well, young for you. While Henry slept, you found yourself in the back yard with the breeze brushing against your bare skin. The glow of the moon beamed down on you, bathing you in its pearlescent illuminance, making you feel like a goddess of the night. It could have been the moon, the fact you were naked under it, or the 2nd bottle of wine you were on. It didn’t matter what it was; you felt good. The wine made your thoughts flow more freely, and where your thoughts went, your pen in your notebook mapped. You got your best writing done at three in the morning when you were naked and feeling wine-nice.
 With your pen hooked on your bottom lip, you looked over the new lyrics you’d written for a song that Henry had inspired. The notebook was filled with at least ten more from the same muse. This song was the night’s second one. The first centered around your anxious thoughts about making the first move and how to do it in a way with little to no risk, and your worries of being in the friend zone the second was drastically different. This one focused on you admitting your attraction, the possibility you were falling for him, and your fear of him making you feel out of control. It was raw and real, the realest you’d been in a long time when it came to your feelings.
 The words across the page were sensual and painted a clear picture of arousal and desire. As you hummed to yourself the way you imagined it flowing, you began replacing your hums with words. You quickly got lost in your process and zoomed through putting everything down on paper. Once your brain sparked off, it never stopped until it finished the mission.
 You turned to the sound of Henry’s voice, forgetting your state of undress. Almost immediately, you gasped and grabbed the blanket holding it to your breasts.
 Henry was already turned away, his back facing you.
 “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. God, I—shit.”
 Henry snorted then slowly released a breath in a loud huff.
 You rearranged the blanket then spoke, “You can turn around.”
 Slowly and cautiously, Henry turned to you again. With your lips pressed together, you gave him your best apologetic face.
 “I’m so sorry. I thought you were asleep. I didn’t think you’d come out here,” you explained.
 Again, Henry snorted then chuckled to himself as he nodded his head. You were so embarrassed that you covered your face.
 “I’m sorry,” you whispered one last time.
 “No need for sorries,” Henry began trying not to make eye contact. “It’s um—it’s okay.”
 The awkwardness had returned.
 “I didn’t see anything. Don’t worry.”
 You didn’t believe him one bit but pushed any remaining awkwardness deep down and fought through it.
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“Don’t you sleep at all?”
“Not really. Remember, insomniac.”
 “I know you said that, but usually insomniacs can manage something,” Henry said.
 “Um, well, since I was diagnosed, I can on occasion get three or four hours tops.
 “Wow. We’ve been sharing this house for a little over a week, and I didn’t know that much.”
 You smiled and took another sip from your glass. “You’re off the hook, you actually sleep, and it’s great.”
 “How long have you had it?”
 “Since I was maybe eighteen,” you explained.
 “So what do you do when you’re not sleeping?”
 After finishing your glass, you moaned and leaned back in your chair. “Walk around, find a good spot to sit, write, sometimes go for a drive, online shop, work. Usually, it is mainly work,” you confessed.
 Henry gave you a stern daddyish look. “Are you working now?”
 You bit your bottom lip and scrunched your face. “Guilty but only sort of. I’m writing music. That’s not work for me. For me, it’s a component for my sanity.”
 Henry nodded. “So you sit up all night naked writing music?”
 The way he put it had you laughing out loud.
 “Wow, pretty much. Fuck, when you sum it up like that, you make me sound like an insomniac exhibitionist.”
 You laughed together for a few short moments. “Can’t they prescribe something?”
 “They have, quite a few things actually. When I was eighteenish, I was on several sleeping pills. I was the guinea pig, and I must have tested at least twenty brands and formulas, but none of them seemed to work well with me. Of course, they had to monitor my intake to make sure I didn’t become addicted, but after a few years, I said, forget it let’s not try anything anymore. I just stopped taking the pills and sucked it up,” you clarified.
 Henry looked impressed. “So you function on three hours of sleep?”
 “Pretty much.”
 He whistled then bowed his head. “Wow.”
 “it’s not bad. Honestly, it might be a blessing in disguise. I get so much work done they wouldn’t believe.”
 “You literally make money while others sleep,” Henry joked.
 You softly snickered and nodded.
 “Do they know why it started?”
 He was asking all the right questions, you thought to yourself.
 “Yeah, we know.” You really didn’t want to say anything else, and you had a mini internal fight. Groaning, you continued. “Trauma.”
 You could feel his eyes on you, and you rearranged your things on the table and picked off invisible lint off the blanket, all in an effort to not look at him. Though you were physically naked, you felt emotionally so as well. Taking a risk, you glanced at him and held his gaze. He was unreadable.
 “Here,” Henry said, holding out a spoon to you.
 “A spoon? What’s this for?”
 Henry smiled and took a step toward you. “Close your eyes.”
 You scoffed and wrinkled your nose before you closed your eyes and waited. You didn’t hear anything and wondered what he was doing.
 “Uh—hello? Henry, are you there?”
 The sound of Henry clearing his throat told you he was in a different location that was somewhat closer.
 “I’m here. Open.”
When you did, you looked around expecting something but not sure just what. When your eyes landed on the ice cream before you, you smiled.
 “For your massive sweet tooth.”
 You couldn’t help but giggle. He’d learned a few things about that sweet tooth over the last week. This was him being cute about it.
 “This Is my favorite flavor and brand. You don’t play, huh.”
 “Of course not. I pay attention.”
 “Thank you.”
 Henry nodded, then pulled another spoon from behind him. “Cheers?”
 You knocked your spoon against his and said the same thing. Henry sat beside you while you opened the ice cream, then both of you dug in. the first spoonful had you moaning so loud it echoed around you.
 “That good?”
 “Mmmm, so good, better than sex,” you joked.
 “Then I am sorry, Ms. Taylor, you are having sex with all the wrong ones.”
The spoon paused at your lips as you quirked your eyebrow at him. Henry wasn’t backing down, though. He held your gaze almost like he was challenging you. Damn, you thought before you looked away first.
 “So you write all your own songs?”
 Nodding, you put another spoonful of ice-cream in your mouth. “All by myself.”
 “Impressive. I know artists try, but not a lot do it alone. There will usually be a few co-writers,” Henry added.
 You were a little surprised he knew that. “You’re right. More and more try to get on it for the added profits that being a writer brings in. for me, I do it for far more selfish reasons.”
 Henry quirked his brow, silently asking you why.
 “I need an outlet, something to get everything in my head out. I’m up for twenty to twenty-one hours a day, and I have a lot going on in there. So, I need to be able to get that out to start fresh the next do, that means---I write.”
 The way Henry’s eyes rested on you made you feel like he had so much to say, but he was holding back with doing so.
 “It’s good to have an outlet.”
 “What’s yours?”
 His goofy smile made a return, and you couldn't help but smile back.
 “Don’t judge me, okay, but it’s video games.”
 You smiled and raised your hands. “No judgment here, ever.”
 “I like video games, Warcraft, Witcher, Call Of Duty, HALO. Anything bloody, I’m there for it. I also use exercise a lot. I have to work out, have to.”
 “Have to?”
 Henry took another spoonful of ice cream and sighed out. He looked like he was thinking about something, and you gave him the time needed.
 “Yeah, when I was a kid, I was heavy--,” he began sighing. “I was a fat kid, and it meant I got teased and bullied a lot. My nickname was fat, Cavill.”
 “Oh no, that’s horrible.”
 “Yeah, plus I was at private school. Let’s just say—it was hard, really hard. I had some dark times, and I’d be lying if I said it didn’t stick with me some even to this day.”
 You bit your bottom lip, reached your hand out, and rested it on his knee. Your heart sank thinking about what he’d gone through. You knew how painful words could be, especially as a child. “I’m sorry. Kids can be such assholes.”
 Henry snorted and gave your hand a gentle squeeze. “They sure can.”
 “Plus, I could tell working out is a joy for you. I’m not blind, and neither is the female population of the world and some of the male.”
 Henry’s laugh was unexpected but welcomed all the same. You liked his laugh, and the more you heard it, the more it was becoming one of your favorite sounds.
 “Seriously though, I’m sorry you went through that. I know it couldn’t have been easy to work through.”
 He looked down at your hand that was still on his knee and nodded before he cleared his throat.
 “You mentioned you’re close with your grandmother?”
 Taking your hand back, you rearranged the blanket again and nodded. “I did. Yeah. She’s my mother’s mother, and she is—she’s my world.” With a soft smile on your lips, you quickly went through your fondest memories with her.
 “I don’t think it’s healthy to depend on her as much as I do, but--.” You shrugged. “She helps me with so much, like being forgiving, being more open, being a better person in general. She gets me and doesn’t judge me or make me feel like something is wrong with me. In her eyes, I’m—Corrin, my middle name, and it’s great. All the pressure I constantly carry around is gone.”
 Talking about how much your gramaw meant to you made you emotional, and the sting of tears in your eyes told you just how emotional you’d gotten.
 “That’s great to have at least one person in your life that can do that for you. you’re lucky.”
 “Yes, ha, she’s—uh, she’s the reason I’m here,” you confessed. Henry looked very interested to know what you meant.
 “How so?”
 “She uh, she just reminded me of a few things and pointed some other things out to me,” you said, giving him the CliffsNotes version. You could tell it wasn’t going to cut it, though, so you continued. “She pretty much made me think from a  different perspective, the one that I was desperately trying to ignore.”
 Henry still looked interested, but he nodded. “I have to thank her because I’m glad she changed your mind.”
 You studied him for a little while as you put another spoonful into your mouth. “Are you?”
 Henry didn’t look away or give way to any emotion on his face. He just nodded. “Yes. I’m glad you’re here.”
 You didn’t see any indication that he was lying or stretching the truth. You did notice that the pull between you was still there. Henry was the first to look away this time, and the two of you continued to share the half-gallon container of ice cream while chatting. He told you more about his private school days and painted a clearer image of what he was like as a boy, and the image you got was absolute adorableness and tenacity.
 By the time you both walked back inside, two hours had passed, and the beginning of the sunrise was peeking out behind the mountains. You stood in the long hall that separated your room from his clutching the sheet wrapped around you and your notebook.
 “So, in the morning—or a few hours we’ll catch a flight out,” Henry confirmed.
 “Still won’t tell me where to?”
 Henry smiled, rubbed the back of his neck, and shook his head. “You don’t like surprises, do you? This is the fifth time you’re trying to pry it out of me.”
 You pinched your lips then groaned. “No, no. It’s not that I don’t like surprises. I love surprises—well, good ones. I just like to know every detail. I like--.”
 “Being in control,” Henry finished, hitting the nail right on the head. You knew it was the loss of control that was making you antsy.
 You closed your eyes and slowly breathed out.
 “Yes. I guess I might have a control problem.”
 Henry looked very amused. “Might?”
 The two of you laughed together, and you couldn’t believe the call out.
 “Shut up.”
 “It’s okay. I get it. I like control too, a whole lot, and I don’t usually like when control is taken from me, but I’ve gotten better with it. Now, I won’t die if my control is taken. Then—it felt like it.”
 You nodded at yet another thing you had in common. It was becoming more than you could count on your fingers.
 “Good for you, but I—I might die.”
 Henry laughed again, this time not with you, at you.
 “I’m going to make you a promise. By the end of this vacation, you will be better at giving me control,” Henry said, his voice so deep and commanding that your spine tingled. When the tingling traveled around to your gut and moved downward, you clutched the sheet tighter.
 “Oh, will I?”
 He smirked; it was a cocky one. “Yes, you will. I don’t break promises. Never have.”
 Your eyes locked, and that tingling intensified, making your lady parts beg for some attention. He was downright captivating, and it was so hard staying on your side of the hall.
 “All you have to know is that I won’t abuse my control. You can trust that. You can trust me.”
 You almost made the yikes face hearing the T-word. You knew he remembered you saying that trust was a tricky thing for you, and you also knew this was probably a test. You were in between a rock and a hard place. After sighing out, you spoke.
 “But, you do have to say these five words, though,” Henry said with a smirk.
 With every word, his voice got deeper and deeper, his eyes more and more focused on you. It was so easy to get lost in them, and he must have known it.
“Uh—no. I can’t say that.”
 “Sure you can. I know it’s not easy, but I promise you will not regret it.”
 Your nose flared, heart raced, mouth went dry, all points of your anxiety. You hated feeling backed in a corner, and you hated giving away your control even more.
 “Will you relinquish control to me?”
 With a grin, he spoke, “I will.”
 “One day,” Henry said, that grin still on his face.
 Of course he’d say that you thought. “How about, I will try,” you appeased.
 “Nope. Not good enough. I want it all, Aliya.”
 You groaned and ruffled your curls, still clutching the sheet with one hand. He was not going to let up.
 “God, Henry.”
 He didn’t say anything, just waited. He didn’t even look pressed like he was worried you’d say no. He looked confident, commanding, and in complete control, and it called to you. There had never been any other man who you’d ever thought about giving control to. None of them felt like him. He felt different.
 “I,” Henry perked up but kept his eyes firmly on yours. another thing you loved about him. “Relinquish—control,” you paused again, feeling the full weight of the words you were going to release. You weren’t just saying that you were giving him control to make the decisions. You were giving him control, period. That was when the panic picked up. “Control to,” you rolled your eyes then hissed. “You.”
 The silence stretched, but the longer it went on, the less anxious you felt. Yeah, there was some residual panic lingering, but the look in his eyes only comforted you.
 “Thank you. I know how hard that was for you,” Henry softly said.
 You looked down and took a shaky breath. “You have no idea.” When you looked back at him, he was still staring at you. “Okay. Well, good night, Henry.”
 “Good night, Aliya.”
 A visible shiver ran through you, but you ignored it and turned around to walk to your bedroom door. After a few steps, you stopped and smiled as an idea formed. Instead of walking forward, you turned around and walked back to him. Once close enough, you tiptoed, threaded your fingers into his hair at the nape of his neck, then pulled his head down to yours. It was then you pressed your lips to his.
 From the second your lips touched, it felt like you’d been standing out in the rain and gotten hit but a lightning bolt. Your moan was loud, and once it slipped out, Henry grabbed you, pulled you flush against him, and held you there. The hand on your hip squeezed while his right hand sneaked around your back to press his palm against your tailbone. That was when you realized you wanted more—a lot more. You sucked his bottom lip into your mouth, then nibbled, sinking your nails into his curls. You were second away from dropping the sheet, so you pulled back, grasping to the fraying threads of your self-control. Henry’s eyes were still closed, giving you a few extra seconds to admire his beauty. He still had the same effect as the first time he’d kissed you. 
 “Good night, Henry,” you said again, pecking his lips once more before walking away again.
 Though you’d given relinquished control, you just took a little of it back. It felt good.
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reddeadreference · 2 years
Blog Progress Update (Low-Honor Travel Blog 😈 #3)
Drafts: 75 - Queue: 66
New thing I’m working on:
I’ve started working on recording cutscenes and I’m going to transcribe them all and make each mission it’s own post with a video and the typed out transcript. There’s different lines some cutscenes have depending on your honor level so I’m going to get those as well. This idea is definitely a long way away from getting posts up because right now I’m focused on locations, story missions, Points of Interest, and Newspapers.
Queue as of 4/23/22
(before posts for the 23rd are up)
Missions: 33 
POI: 7
Locations: 12
Stranger Missions: 3
Journal (Chapters): 3
Newspapers: 10
Other: 1
😈 Low Honor Blogging! 😈
In this “entry” I get through chapter 4, 5, and almost all of 6.
Okay so the thunder accompanying Dutch’s speech at Jack’s party IS scripted…
I’m making Kieran uncomfortable because I’m following him around camp (after standing next to him all night while he slept) because I need photos of him doing ANYTHING at Shady Belle and if I take my eyes off him he might despawn.
There’s a letter for me? HOW? I didn’t help Mary, there shouldn’t be a letter right??? Damn you Mary…
Following Kieran around camp … BOI! Where the hell are you going?! It’s no wonder they snatched you, you keep going to the edges of camp! Eats and drinks coffee at the edge, brushes the furthest horse, the scout fire is also on the edge… jeez..
Alright so I went into Saint Denis… I’m cracking up, I insulted a guy “Why would you say that?!” and now Mary won’t let me do her mission due to my “recent crimes” … okay I may have also killed the eugenics supporter but hey the cop saw and didn’t stop me or arrest me so I don’t see it as a crime. 
Mary, I can see you up there! Don’t ignore me! Come down here so I can say I won’t help you!
… I realized I could greet/antagonize her… I insulted her so much she called the cops on me… WORTH IT. 
So I remembered I can climb the bank… to get to the roof of the hotel… but she despawned. Well.. had to do a test run of the bank roof chase ^^”
I DIDN”T REALIZE JACK RUNS TO JOHN. I thought Jack was in the way and John brought him to safety but Jack RAN OUT TO JOHN. OMFG hearing Abigail “Jack no!” broke my fucking heart AHHHHH I’m not okay. Okay I also didn’t know that if you don’t immediately go to leave the balcony Dutch pushes you inside. O-o
Apparently you fall down dead if “you [don’t] retreat inside Shady Belle” well I’m sorry I was shooting people..
Why… why did I never realize the journal entries are different for low honor???? I mean they’re the same written down but the scenes where Arthur reads them aloud are different. The one after Horsemen, Apocalypse was (I’m sure the one after a short walk was too. I just don’t remember anything besides the images being darker) because in high honor Arthur says the line about Kieran saving him but he couldn’t save Kieran. Low honor he says the… gruesome bit. 
I’m gonna have to make a post for ALL low honor journal entry cutscene lines and All High honor and point out what changes … oh boy… that and I need to put down opposite choices (I fixed/added pages to the journal posts that are already up but the page is still down cause I need to do the other chapters still.)
Uhhhh Sadie is just casually still covered in blood…
This game is so hard to do quickly because I wanna see certain cutscenes. I mean I love it cause the game is huge but also I hate it cause I need to get certain posts done DX
I’m going to make a second post for each mission with the cutscenes from those missions along with the transcripts of dialogue (way more work but I wanna get as much stuff up for people as possible.) It’s really just me recording the cutscenes and typing the subtitles while occasionally typing actions/settings. Which means I’m going to get certain recordings done now and others during a THIRD playthrough for this blog. Cause I do need both versions of dialogue for the scenes and when you do certain missions before others there’s more dialogue about those missions in other missions
But anyway now I’m in Guarma so I can do the opposite mission order than last time, get Javier first, and see where he is in the “camp” for this chapter. Plus I’ll hear the low honor version of the Gloria scene. Not a big difference but enough.
WOLF SCENE =D neat. I’m so used to the deer it’s weird to see the other version.
Jeez the captor guy is like the WORST interrogator he doesn't give him a chance to say anything.
Whatever instrument plays during the fight after saving the three men… immediately makes me think of Austin Powers… idk what the instrument is.. But it’s the same noise… doo-doo-doleedo
Alright time for a musical horse ride to bring in emotions…
NO IDEA if it’s because I’m low honor or If i took too long upstairs trying to record Arthur calling out for people at Shady Belle but the Pinkertons showed up early before I even got the letter and I HAD to take them out. Like the game told me to. Curious. I’ll double check on my next high honor run.
Okay yeah so both Javi and Micah got here before me then Dutch then Bill then the Pinkertons >.>
I’ve noticed that when things are REALLY bad in camp like low morale in Colter when we’re worrying about freezing and starving, in Guarma, and in Lakay that Arthur only ever Greets he can’t antagonize. It’s like the game is saying Okay even Arthur isn’t so heartless as to antagonize right now.
Well it’s a good thing I haven’t done outfits for chapters 5 and 6 cause Grimshaw suddenly has one I haven’t seen before.
Jack is breakin’ my heart “I’m scare uncle Arthur” DX
Let’s see if I can shave before getting heart breaking news.
“Is there any blood?” DOC Do you SEE my face… T_T 
Doc tells us we have TB then proceeds to light a PIPE and blow smoke at us… wtf XD
Wolf was smaller than I thought it would be
“Delicate flower” 
Sadie: *Spits*
When the alarms kick off John is the only prisoner to LAY on the ground, the rest just kneel.
Ah shoot… forgot since I’m recording the scenes now… I gotta watch Molly die (hurts extra cause I just wrote a scene for my fic with her with my OC helping her UGHH)
Ya know.. I think she DID tell them about the bank BUT after it happened and while she was drunk. I don’t think she lied about talking to them cause they mentioned trying to get info from her. 
Alright back in chapter 6.. WOLF long wolf scene… chills O__O OOF.
Hey! The song during visiting hours  when we row there and the ride back to camp is the song that plays for the PS4 menu theme.
Got ambushed by the Broods and I got one and one goes “He got Droopy!” … so now I’m just imagining they all have similar names that are just 7-dwarf-type adjectives. 
I’m finish this run tonight and get the other things I need for the POI posts I have left. 
The noise I made when he DIDN’T say “be loyal to what matters” to John…
I think the train cart is glitched XD 4 times before I could do it XD normally it takes one fail
I’m excited to make the posts with the difference in honor lines
It’s weird to have Rains Fall explain who Monroe is…
OH YEAH I forgot we see Swanson instead of the Sister if we don’t meet her. Swanson got me tearing up….hoo boy… Q-Q 
I’m helping her I.. I can’t not help her…omfg… “You, me, and John” instead of “John, Abigail, and Jack” OMFGOMFGOMFGOMFG I can’t handle low honor Arthur…
I love how subtle the dialogue changes are for low honor level and I love how many there are
Okay, I thought I’d be able to get this run done tonight but it’s nearing 4am and I’m getting tired. I only have King’s Son and on to do so I’m almost done with chapter 6.
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