#the ineffable countdown
*banging pots and pans in the distance* THREE DAYS, PEOPLE! THREE DAYS TILL SEASON 2!!!!
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cliopadra · 1 year
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 1 year
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ourtubahero-blog · 1 year
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We’re officially in the Wait and See era for the third, and final, time.
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goodomens-memes · 1 year
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10 days left !!!!!!
But for now just look at him :
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He so "what the fuck angel, are you cheating on me ?"
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gos3-countdown · 1 year
Only 12 days until Good Omens season 2!
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ineffably-good · 1 year
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elinordash · 1 year
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I just didn't want to see you embarrassed.
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veganineden · 1 year
But will I be able to sleep!?
Crowley art by Kyra 💕
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julesodd · 1 year
Crowley explaining the plan to Aziraphale:
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mistyrolls · 1 year
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they’re taking their kid out for sushi dinner 🍣
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cliopadra · 1 year
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IT! IS! TIME!!!!
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idreamofsleeping · 1 year
I think that once season two actually comes, the fandom will just explode because we don’t actually know what it’s like to See after the Waiting
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clarcced · 1 year
An Analysis of the Good Omens 2 Title Sequence and Trailer / S2 Theories
(Edit: Almost all of these theories about S2 turned out to be wrong, but some deductions can pave the way to S3. I added edits so certain parts are clearer after watching S2. If you're still curious, let's jump right into it.)
I have some theories I would like to share. This is going to be a long one, so buckle up.
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The title sequence starts off simple: Crowley climbs his way up and Aziraphale flies down to earth, meeting each other.
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On this shot two tombstones can be seen: "HERE LIES THE FORMER SHELL OF BEELZEBUB" and "Here lies... ADAM" ... so hold up. We know that there is going to be a timeskip between GO1 and GO2... But Adam died? The antichrist who singlehandedly beat the devil by shouting at him that he's not his dad, is dead already? Something's definitely up.
[Edit: I have been informed that Adam on the tombstone is not Adam Young, so, no.]
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In this shot Aziraphale and Crowley are in what seems to be Hell by the pentagram on a cave wall on the top right side of the shot, with people (presumably dead, since this is hell) following them, also a desk with an old monitor by a chair on narrow rocks stacked on top of each other... Let's come back to this later.
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While a reenactment of the Blitz plays out in the sequence, a big poster can be seen on the right side. The upper left side of the poster which includes one of the seeming love interests is... shot? Broken?The poster belongs to a 1946 movie by the title "Stairway To Heaven". Here's a part of the synopsis wirtten on the showtimes.com website: "A World War II RAF pilot who is forced to bail out of his crippled plane without a parachute. He wakes up to find he has landed on Earth utterly unharmed...which wasn't supposed to happen according to the rules of Heaven. A celestial court argues over whether or not to claim Carter's life or to let him survive to wed his American sweetheart." If I were to theorize "anything" based on the plot of the movie, I'd say after Crowley disguised as Aziraphale leaves heaven unharmed by the hellfire heaven is confused but keeps tabs on him, as we see Muriel visiting Aziraphale's shop in the trailer. Remember in the trailer when Aziraphale asks Gabriel why he's come to his shop and Gabriel answers "You know when it's like you don't know anything at all and that you're totally certain that everything would be better if you were near just one particular reason." well it is in my opinion %99 right before the beginning of the sneak peek and the sneak peek begins with "...So anyway, that's how I felt that so long as I came here, that something terrible might not happen to me." It was shown in the trailer as if while Gabriel was giving the before mentioned speech almost Aziraphale was thinking about Crowley - well Gabriel may somehow (coming back to this later) think of Aziraphale the same way by how he felt safe coming to his bookshop.
[Edit: Carter is Gabriel, the American sweetheart is Beelzebub.]
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Crowley being Crowley possibly having watched this movie after whatever happens the Blitz between him and Aziraphale, he's gonna spiral to compare the American sweetheart in the Stairway To Heaven (1946) movie to Gabriel. Thus the lashing out.
Oh and Blitz in German means lightning, so this theory could make sense with Crowley producing lightning or Blitz. Not sure about this specific lashing out theory, but I thought I'd just throw it out there.
Moving on!
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First screenshot is from the title sequence with two posters "The Fabulous Ladies Of Camelot" written on them. In the latter screenshot we can see the Ladies Of Camelot and one other person standing behind Aziraphale.
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In this scene in the title sequence Crowley and Aziraphale on stage - Aziraphale being in his Ladies Of Camelot stage costume. The curtains unveil.
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In the title sequence right after the curtains unveil Aziraphale and Crowley fly around each other - which is quite romantic, two hypothetical worlds with a bridge is seen - then the bridge breaks in half and the camera spirals sideways. In the background a type of space phenomenon is seen, which I interpreted with some doubt as a reconstruction by the Good Omens animators/graphic designers of the Hubble Space Telescope's photograph of The Pillars of Creation (Source: NASA). Or it could be a space photograph of something else entirely, but let's entertain this idea.
[Edit: Turns out this specific space phenomenon used in the title sequence is called "Elephant's Trunk Nebula". Pillars of Creation also consist of Elephant's Trunk nebulae, but alas, I was wrong. Thanks to @burbuur for the info!]
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If we take this interpretation and make it into a theory, with the bridge between Crowley and Aziraphale's worlds torn, which are heaven and hell, and what bridges these two worlds is death - who can't be killed (or can they?) as we've seen in the first season - with the metaphorical pillars of creation also being present in the scene, death... dies? Or vanishes? And creation gets out of control? Let us examine this theory.
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In the title sequence after the scene where Crowley and Aziraphale enter a cave, a delivery man with either grey or white wings can be seen carrying a box (0:10).
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Next time we see this exact box is when Crowley and Aziraphale are leading everyone to an old movie theater - the box is reflected on the screen. The only remaining Horseman of the apocalypse - which these boxes were delivered to - is death, so why hasn't it been opened? We saw the winged person carrying the package (presumably after their death, again) but couldn't deliver it maybe? I say not possible, since The International Express Man can deliver anything anywhere anytime, so the reason the package hasn't been opened is because the recipient is either dead or doesn't want to be found.
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Then the audience is transported from two dimensional third person perspective to a third dimentional first person perspective, the screen rips and we the audience walk the bridge through statues left and right - on the left side are winged statues with a warm yellow light barely shining on them, on the right side also stands a winged figure, but a colder white-ish/blue-ish light shining brightly on the statue. This imagery of warm and cold is represented in Good Omens as angels and demons. If we take the "everything is falling apart because one of the pillars of creation is gone" arc and apply it to this shot, it can be said that not even heaven and hell and heaven breaks, but the fourth wall breaks as well - which could be what Gabriel was meant to warn Aziraphale about.
Remember the computer and the chair in hell? Who would have a computer and a chair in hell? Well...
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Also remember Death playing an arcade game in season one? By their style choices regarding clothing, motorbike and games it seems likely that Death is an old fashioned entity, which suggests that old monitor could also be his. In an unreachable spot, the stones stacked on top of each other barely hanging on the verge of falling apart, no one would bother them. A perfect spot, which is now empty.
Also have to point out something I hadn't realized before, but on the left arcade the player with the highest score is Sir Terry Pratchett and even Death couldn't beat his score. Rest in peace legend.
So Death goes missing. Heaven and hell don't care since they're immortal supernatural beings. To make them care, because he wants war, Gabriel goes to Earth to "warn" Aziraphale.
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By his eyes changing color it is safe to assume that his amnesia is controlled by someone or some angels in heaven. Aziraphale and Crowley realize this eventually and lock him up in his own angelic grave.
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Angels coming down in their elevators, demons being thrown off into the sky in the shoots, "It's a getting closer" being thrown out in the trailer a lot (newspaper held by Aziraphale and the song playing in the background)... What does all this mean? Well fellow reader, I'm glad you asked. See that tiny little poster?
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It's Armageddon vol. 2 baby! (Though it can be argued that this poster is a reference to this being the second season.)
[Edit: I have been informed of what The Second Coming actually is. In the following paragraphs, the mention of "Armageddon vol. 2" should be taken as the Second Coming, as I didn't know what it was and used the nane Armageddon 2 in its place.]
Adam is dead, remember? So who is to stop another armageddon? We know that in the Good Omens universe one can be ressurected (Aziraphale after the birthday party reviving the dove in his pocket) so Satan could have been resurrected by Death themselves, which is why they have been missing. [Edit: Satan isn't dead. He was simply beaten in battle. My bad!]
Gabriel is a messenger angel in Christian theology - so his original purpose could be to warn Aziraphale of Satan's revival [Edit: return] but the amnesia factor plays in this case. How would an amnesiac angel warn them? Well he couldn't, so they keep Gabriel away. Heaven teams up with hell (who have no idea what Gabriel wanted to warn Aziraphale about) to find Gabriel. Which heaven knows exactly where he is, but keeps that knowledge to themselves as to stir up the war. Since Death is gone and no one ever dies anymore, Armageddon vol. 2 would be much more destructive.
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Heaven could have much more up their sleeves, such as literally making love rain on humanity. With the world's population rapidly increasing making people fall in love with each other could lead to chaos, since there are too many people to love. Coming back to Gabriel "somehow" feeling safe by Aziraphale, when he arrives at the bookshop his eyes are humanly, which suggests that some angelic knowledge is present in his amnesiac mind, but his body is human. Heaven could have made his human body love and feel comfortable around Aziraphale, but not his mind.
To summarize this theory: Death is gone, population is increasing. Love, which is what makes humanity human, is going to destroy humanist values and bring about the downfall of heaven, hell and earth. A second Armageddon.
Thank you for reading this far, I hope you enjoyed reading!
[Edited August 2023]
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goodomens-memes · 1 year
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I want to say somthing : RIP CROWLEY'S HAIR IN SEASON 1.
35 DAYS LEFT !!!!!!! (5 weeks)
His hair was so good now it's so red !!!!
But he still handsome 🥲👍🏻
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