#the insane plot armour the good guys have
a0random0gal · 11 months
Watching everyone somehow enjoy the ending while you sulk in the corner, cause you read the last chapter 2 years ago and have been hating it ever since:
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seithr · 2 months
scientists are calling the situation "like if cortana sucked and was a gay knight"
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vanderbilt-draws · 4 months
ur life of lux x star trek crossover is actually the greatest thing ever
oho, ty!! ive actually been drawing more of it (and rewatching all of life of luxurys videos/trying to catch up on luxury dark), and considering maybe making it into a short comic/fic if enough ppl are interested:D
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story stuff under the cut
OK SO my main idea for the story was that parker and chester were an engineer (chester) and stellar cartographer/some type of physicist possibly (parker) working in starfleet. (originally they were both gonna be from the same department but i thought it would make more sense for one of them to be an engineer in this au. i needed parker to be a blue shirt specifically so people would mistake him for a medical officer when really hes just The Stars Guy and we could have a scene like "you dont need a piece of paper to help people chester" sifjfjcj)
basically, its kind of a situation like the episode of tng where they have to go into a wormhole for Plot Reasons, but it turns out that one end of the wormhole is Unstable and they get STUCK super super far out of federation space in a tiny little shuttlecraft (well, the ferengi get stuck in that episode bc the humans have plot armour lmao)
basically the au would follow parker and chester as they try to get back to federation space, but parker is A Good Person so he keeps taking the shuttle off-course to answer distress calls to see if he can help. also occasionally they land on space-faring civilisations' planets just to like,,stock up on amenities or get some diversity in their environments so they dont go insane
every time they land on a planet, they end up in some crazy situation because theyre extremely unlucky. the lil drawings above are of two ideas i had (one of which is obviously the most recent luxurydark video but Aliems n with more of my storytelling style). i think the one with the romulan would be more like the life of luxury video where they were investigating the older brother who was neglecting his siblings? except they would be landing to try to answer the distress call of a crashed romulan ship with only one or two survivors and end up staying down there for multiple days to try to help
i do have a couple other ideas which ive been rotating in my head, if anyones interested in more of my insane ramblings shfhfjgj
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bibibbon · 7 months
MHA chapter 415 leaks
A lot of the problems I have with this chapter are already ones that I talked about in previous chapter posts which can be found here 👇
However I still wanna talk about things that I don't like in this chapter.
1) the memory sharing thing and how random it is. I stand by the point that this plot point came out of nowhere, is a speedy and cheap way to try and build up what little development izuku and shigarakis dynamic lacks. The memories that are being shared also seem very inconsistent like why did one memory trigger another? It makes no sense why Izuku's fight with todoroki would ultimately trigger the usj and why the fight itself would be triggered by a convo that stain and shigaraki have. In my opinion, this is also a very good way for hori to just show off how he has improved his own art and be like "oh look at how good my art is now" which kinda sucks because we don't get any story but just some cool looking manga chapters
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2) power of rejection?!?! Seems like a fancy plot armour for izuku not to lose all of his quirks to me🤷‍♀️. The power of rejection just sounds like such a cliche way to be like oh izuku won't lose his quirk to plot armour because he physically cannot lose his quirks since shigaraki is rejecting them. Like seriously what is it with Izuku not being able to keep his powers and we are just having him HAVE TO PASS DOWN HIS QUIRK FOR NO REASON?!?!?! you already passed down the quirk that caused the most distress aka kudos so won't izuku suffer even more if he passed down blackwhip which is the quirk that is keeping him both alive and is giving him the ability to move like why would izuku the and transfer that?!?! Seems stupid to me 😭 and low-key further reinforces the idea that the power of rejection is (A) there a plot point introduced to make it so that izuku doesn't lose his quirks and (B) so horikoshi can still create intense looking manga pages that he won't be able to create if izuku can't use his quirks anymore.
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3) The unnerving focus on the police officer who took Tenko home. This manga page low-key confirmed the one theory that was like the police officer is afo and that AFO gave tomura his quirk which if it is true just doesn't line up or make sense when it comes to canon. I see how this theory can help develop both the parallels further in fanon but in canon it just damages tomura's character and its like an excuse that we should pity shigaraki even more because this police guy who was supposed to help him was a villain who gave him a destructive quirk and made him go insane /cause his families deaths. This also takes away from the half baked plot point that the gene for quirks actually heavily influence behaviour but if this theory is true then shigaraki just wants destruction because he wants destruction 🤷‍♀️ nothing more and nothing less.
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4) Eri becoming relevant to the plot now? I have already said this and I will say it again Eri's quirk is too narrative breaking and too powerful. You literally cannot have the plot go on since we discovered that Eri can legit just rewind people to a time they were at their prime like she did with mirio. This brings up the question as to why she didn't do this with aizawa or all might and therefore her quirk could be used to make the series and characters have no long lasting concequences. Also how are the heroes so irresponsible thaT THEY COULD LET A CHILD SIMPLY RUN INTO A DANGEROUS AND TERRIFYING BATTLE FIELD LIKE WHATS WRONG WITH YOU ECTOPLASM DO SOMETHING YOURE SUPPOSED TO PROTECT THE CHILD ARENT YOU?!?!?!!? also this is such a shame Eri could of actually been a very good character who symbolised the traumatic events that victims of hero society faced and how young children could be kidnapped and exploited for powerful quirks however instead of getting anything like that we just get Eri BECOMING A TOOL FOR THE HEROES WHICH IS SOMETHING THAT SHE WAS Traumatised TO DO DUE TO OVERHAUL MAKING HER A TOOL FOR HIM AND NOTHING ELSE?!?!? talk about double standards. This is also making the Eri will rewind shigaraki into Tenko theory much more plausible and I hate that theory for so many reasons. However, it's either this or the theory that she will have to separate Izuku and shigaraki BECAUSE FOR SOME forsaken REASON THOSE TWO ARE SOMEHOW MERGING AND BECOMING THE SAME PERSON LIKE THAT MAKES ANY SENSE
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5) where did the damage that kudos quirk was supposed to do to shigaraki go? Is it me but I seriously don't see shigaraki getting any damaged or recoil from kudos quirk like I could see some of it from the last chapter where shigaraki was somewhat struggling but that's it nothing else. Shigaraki can now fight perfectly fine and isn't getting the recoil hit if a nuke something that izuku was suffering with the majority of the fight which just seems unfair at this point like?!?! Its also another example of how hori fails at show don't tell
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Seriously I still don't like the leaks but at least we got my girl hatsume and la brava that's the only good thing I can think about when it comes to these leaks.
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starlostlix · 3 months
ANIME REVIEW - Akame Ga Kill!
[This isn't a really formal review it's just fun for me to talk about the show I saw]
Also major HUGE spoiler warning I literally spoil all the character deaths and ending
- Released - 2014
- Episode count - 24 (1 season)
- Watched in - English Dub
This show feels very different from ones I've seen previous. Mostly because it's got much more fanservice aimed at men than any other show I've watched I think. But a general breakdown:
- Plot
So it's a relatively simple plot of a group of assassins fighting against a tyrannical ruler and its supporters. Sometimes the episodes can feel a little off in the pacing. My specific issues with pacing come in dialogue sometimes but it's not a huge issue imo. I also think that the show jumps around a lot plot-wise without spending enough time exploring its theme and more time on its characters or fights, so I think some improvements could be made there really.
I think the plot really gets very interesting with the introduction of General Esdeath and the Jaegers as a parallel to Night Raid. I think it's a very interesting narrative choice and the fights between them are really good (as are most of the fights in general).
A somewhat major issue for me is the way they present some of the romances in the show, specifically General Esdeath's obsession with Tatsumi and Lubbock's feelings for Najinda. These ones just feel kind of uncomfortable a lot of the time. Chelsea's seemingly romantic feelings for Tatsumi that kind of appear out of nowhere before her death are confusing to me really but there are romances that seem good, especially between Mine and Tatsumi. Also I think from the beginning this show is shown to be one of those ones where a large portion of the cast is romantically interested in the main guy anyway so I'm not sure I should be that surprised.
Another issue is that fact that a lot of the time Akame, our titular character, doesn't feel like the main character of her own show (but when she is focused on she absolutely shines I love her). I think some elements of that comes with an ensemble cast but I think it could have been done a bit better.
The role of the Imperial Arms is really cool and I like the variety of abilities they have. The lore behind them is really interesting and I think my favourites are Akame's sword, Kurome's sword, Balut/Tatsumi/Wave's armour, Esdeath's ice powers, Soosano, Mine's gun Pumpkin, and Run's wings (I wish we got to see him use those more). I have to give Ubiquitous' dog one a shoutout for creativity like that thing is insane.
- Characters
The majority of the characters in this show are quite likeable for me at least. Sure there's occasionally some jokes and stuff they do/say in weird or bad taste but not enough to where it's not fun to watch them.
My personal favourites are Akame, Najinda, Tatsumi, Soosano, Mine, Lione, Kurome, and Esdeath. I also lowkey had a bit of a crush on Najinda throughout the whole show but that's not that important.
I was also surprised by Bulat being openly gay in the dub, even if some of his moments felt distasteful (him flirting with Tatsumi specifically). But I don't know enough about the history of queer representation in anime to know talk in depth about that really.
In terms of ones I didn't like, there's not really that many. Prime Minister Honest is the antagonist and so we are meant to dislike him and I very much do. I also found Dr Stylish uncomfortable and his experimental creations kind of creepy (but yet I still think cool writing choices). Sometimes I found Ubiquitous a bit too intense but I didn't hate her for it, it just felt a bit annoying at times. No others really come to mine right now though. There was probably some other more forgettable ones that I disliked but like I said they aren't memorable enough.
I think the choice to make Tatsumi and Wave foils of one another is very cool and I like that about their dynamic. I actually like Wave a lot too and I wish we saw more of him. Another really good dynamic is Akame and her sister Kurome (I love sibling angst, I am a fan of Arcane after all). In terms of the romances Mine and Tatsumi are really cute together and I wish we got to see more of their relationship.
- Chararcter deaths
This gets its own section because frankly it's a pretty key part of the story on its own. Unlike some series, this one isn't afraid to kill characters from time to time. And there's a lot - until only Akame and Najinda are left at the end.
The first death, Shelle, was well done, as was the second with Bulat (I wish he got to stick around but Tatsumi needed to get an imperial arms somehow). The thing in common with the deaths is that they are all made to be impactful and this is shown in different ways for each death.
One death I have to point out for being particularly saddening is Bols. The imagery of him reaching out to his wife and child as he crawls and slowly gets weaker is honestly really heartbreaking (specifically because he is shown to have a very sweet caring side despite his crimes). I think his shyness and caring nature despite his appearance and criminal backstory made me really like him.
Other key ones - Tatsumi in the second to last episode, Lubbock being impaled, Mine passing by Tatsumi's side, Soosano :(, Esdeath (the entire Esdeath and Akame duel is awesome), Kurome (her going in for what looks like a hug from her sister and being stabbed makes me ill), Chelsea's head, etc.
The deaths are generally done pretty well even if sometimes the succession of them is a bit too quick (Bols and Chelsea died in the exact same episode for example).
- Animation
The style of the animation is pretty solid. It looks nice generally and there's the occasional more detailed frames for specific moments to create more impact which I always enjoy.
The character designs are also all very distinct and I really enjoy that, and the ones that are more similar are like that for a good reason (obviously like Akame and Kurome as sisters). Bulat's hair makes me think of Jojo characters (which I haven't seen the show of but i feel like I still know what they look like). The designs of all the imperial arms are also cool (Run's imperial arms is especially underutilised and i'm still kind of sad about it) and make them all distinct.
- Ending
I had heard that this was changed from the original manga ending but i'm going off the anime alone here. This ending sort of makes sense with Akame's character and her journey of carrying the weight of her victims with her (but now that also includes her friends). I think it's also a more realistic outcome of revolution than other shows. I'm happy that Najinda gets more time to be a girlboss even if it's not much. I would have really loved to see where Akame went next but I think it makes sense that we don't see that based on the plot and Akame's character anyway.
- Overall
So generally this is a pretty decent anime. I think it's got good ideas, fun characters and a decent episodic moments. It strikes a somewhat decent balance of fun and sadness for me, and is quite enjoyable overall. To give it a score, i'd probably say a solid 6.5-7/10. (Do not take this in relation to all anime i've only watched like 5 anime series all the way through, this is like a personal rating mostly based on enjoyment really).
[Its my first time trying something like this, since I don't have anyone to talk to about this show (my friend's bf introduced me to it but my friend still hasn't finished it yet) I thought it would be fun to post a review style thing here to talk about it! I may do more of these with new shows or seasons of shows I watch but idk yet. Also this has been in my drafts for weeks so I'm just posting it randomly now apologies if it's not written too well i forgot about it]
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barbiegirldream · 8 months
I wish there was more tension in jjk cause you start off with this insanely strong guy possessing a teenager and you think, okay hes got a fraction of his strength because Yuji only ate one finger but also yujis superhumanely strong and fast
But then they introduce Gojo, who's insanely strong. So now, gege has to come up with random ways to get Gojo away from his students so sukuna can fight and for there to be stakes.
Gojos so strong that the villains possess the dead body of his jealous bitter ex who went off the deep end to get the jump on gojo.
Then it all goes downhill and gege starts saying shit about cutting infinity in half (which doesnt make sense, give gojo an undefined level of power without calling it infinity). Like I cant take fights seriously when theres yuta and Gojo who are basically gods, facing off against a strong opponent who survives due to whatever plot armour gege can write up.
Anyway, give me more itafushi angst. Like they've both been possessed by sukuna and used to do heinous things, give me that. Idc about fights when I know sukuna wont lose because gege likes him to much, but also wont win because his villain and up against yuta
Yuta kinda my goat idk. Yeah I also will never be able to let go of "cut infinity in half" don't give someone space based abilities and then rewind it and be like nevermind it's not real space. yes it was you gave someone the powers to bend physical space, move matter, destroy matter, and create matter. for someone who goes on about it being math gege sure seems to think infinity is actually a quantity of something
I feel like if you missed the 250 leaks you're going to like the fact that Yuji is fighting right now purely to wake up Megumi and Yuta is just fucking up Sukuna so he can get in close and do it
I personally think that the tengen merger is going to be the real last arc. and that the sukuna fight will be wrapping up here which is why I feel like Sukuna is getting worn down in a natural way. And I also feel like it would be extremely cheap to have Yuta copy the cleave technique slice Sukuna up do well and the Gege copies the Gojo bs and just has Sukuna swat down Yuta in a one shot with a nonsense ramble explanation as to how he came up with an anti his own technique ability
But I agree when Megumi is saved I need a good solid talk with him and Yuji (cause everyone else is dead idk who tf they're gonna talk to besides each other)
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jess-emurphy · 2 years
Alice in Borderland Season 2 Episode 1 review
First of all, I loved the episode overall, it had some cute and sweet moments and parts that felt like it was ripped from the manga, but parts that weren’t and still felt like they were from the manga. I was really impressed with this episode of keeping the general feel.
As always, spoilers ahead, including some minor spoilers from the manga (nothing major that goes ahead of the current episode, I’ll attempt to keep my manga spoilers to what should have or shouldn’t have happened that episode)
The juxtaposition between Arisu’s shooting game back in the real world versus the King of Spades killing everyone around him was really well done, that was great.
I will say, I dislike the slight plot armour they have during this scene. In the manga it’s pretty much “the king is shooting, get in the car, let’s go, no time to think.” It fit the tense scene more. Also in the manga, Tatta is the one who knows more about the guns that the King of Spades is using, he learned it from watching a lot of movies, giving us a slight glimpse into what he did in his past. Chishiya got the lines instead.
Tatta finally gets a name drop, finally. Also i wrote in my notes ‘wanna kiss Tatta so bad.’
The pessimistic Ann and the optimistic Arisu isn’t something I thought they’d go into but I did like that a lot. I want more of that, more character building please oh my god.
Okay, so, King of Spades is an omnipotent God I guess now because how did he just end up on that fucking car???????????????????????
During the car chase, I noticed Usagi kept holding onto Arisu’s arm which was extremely cute.
Them getting separated by Ann felt slightly convoluted. The manga got to the point a lot easier.
The shop scene was similar to the manga but they added more, it’s always nice to see Chota and Karube again, they were super heart-warming. I think Usagi’s motivation to be that she actually wants to stay is nice, and gives her something new.
Tatta and Kuina iconic duo, their scene was cute. I like that Tatta is more of a car guy here, in the manga we know he fixes cars but that’s about it, we see here he’s actually into them a lot, I hope it’s mentioned in his flashback that his dad was a car mechanic. Also that line about how even with his debts, he wants to go back. I loved that so damn much, it fits his character so well. Despite all the characters having something taken from them or added that doesn’t make sense, they’ve done Tatta really well so far. This part wasn’t in the manga but I can see him saying that, considering his whole thing is wanting to pay off his debts for his mother.
Also Tatta being bitchless is canon.
I’ve said it on my blog but I’ll say it again, heavily dislike the change for why they go to Kyuuma’s venue (King of Clubs). In the manga Arisu notices he’s a super talkative guy, which means he’s more likely to spill secrets. I think it takes away from Arisu and his insane ability to read people so well, which made him the best at Hearts.
Niragi appearing, hate him, but the makeup looks great. The costume department is so good, I loved the King of Spades outfit a lot. Kyuuma’s friends all have great clothes that fit their past lives so damn well.
The small comment from Niragi about how he’s sure he isn’t the one who’ll bring the team down, foreshadowing what he’s going to do to Tatta. I think it’s really great, he can see off the bat who are the dominating personalities in the group and who isn't. I think it’s also great because he turns out to be wrong.
No criticisms for Kyuuma. He’s literally perfect. The actor portrays the character so well, you can see the charisma oozing off him. His mannerisms are almost dance-like, which is what the manga was trying to show off. The music really topped it off for me.
8/10, great episode for the characters. The plot armour was super noticeable this episode though. He had a small part but Kyuuma really was the star at the end.
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scoupsahoy · 4 months
random finale opinions that i need to get out there
1. i LOVE plot armour 🥰🥰🥰 i love bobby being saved by the narrative. that being said 14 minutes is fucking insane and they didnt even really give him the buck coma treatment.... they probably could have if they didn't spend three entire episodes on the cruise
2. tommy has been pretty consistently written as someone who does not understand or really attempt to understand buck since 7x5. more than the daddy kink joke (which was like idk in relatively poor taste but i can see that they were like. flirting) the "your father is alive" was REALLY pointed and completely shifted the conversation from something that could have been serious into something flirty (something something buck and his previous relationships having been very surface-level and falling back on this "comfortably" even though he's clearly aching for something else) it just. that pissed me off WAY more. BUT. that plus the outfit at the bach party and the fact that lou was instructed to call buck evan EXCLUSIVELY is painting a really obvious picture for me that they're going to have a more serious break up which i think is being framed as something good
3. i hate eddies parents as much as the next guy but i understand why they took chris and i think it will be good for eddie to prioritize himself for the first time in his entire life without worrying about emotionally scarring his teenager. again i think this sets up an opportunity for growth and is being framed in an understandable way TO ME. maybe im giving the writers too much credit but this is the found family show
4. chris calling his grandparents in the first place does not make sense to me however. he's never done that.
5. buck not hugging eddie makes sense to me as well. like id love if they hugged sure but every time theyve ever hugged has been eddie hugging buck for buck's sake. buck likes to hug. but he also respects eddie's space and i think he was just like. comforting him the way eddie is most comfortable (shoulder touch, thumb rub) and i don't think it was weird that that's all that happened. i think that this does give eddie room to hug buck when he's ready to
6. gerrard being there sucks but it's giving when bill hader became interim captain on brooklyn 99 in between seasons and then immediately had a heart attack at the beginning of the next season. here's hoping
7. i don't have a hot take about the madney henren stuff other than it should have gotten more time and the abridged season really fucked them for so many of these storylines. i understand the people who think it's bullshit and i understand the people who think it's sweet and i feel like if it was given more time and therefore care it would have been received better
8. cartel bad (everyone agrees)
9. athena. girl. (everyone agrees)
10. in general i think a lot of people hopped onto this show really suddenly expecting it to be something other than what it was. it is a network television show: there are going to be corny dramatic unrealistic storylines and that's baked into the dna of the thing. it's an ensemble television show: it's not the bisexual buck show it's going to juggle storylines that are quite frankly more important and especially in a new-network abridged season, it's going to fuck it up a bit. next season is going to be better because they had more time with it before filming. this season had big ideas and poor planning. idk. people are expecting this show to be the pinnacle of television and it is JUST a television show. i have fun watching and that's sort of the point
i'll let these thoughts marinate but i wanted them to sit somewhere
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rvb-happens-here · 3 years
Fuck it, RvB Harry Potter AU
Yeah this has been in my thoughts wayyyy too long for me to not give you guys some bs.
I know that Ilvermorny exists, but I know that people wouldn’t appreciate me writing about America when they realise that I’m using British English to write all my shit.
I’ve chosen Harry Potter purely because I can write about it better culturally, not just because I have no idea what Ilvermorny is.
AU under cut off:
A few hundred years after Harry Potter's passing, when Leonard Church was still a student at Hogwarts, he was bullied by Gryffindors for, well, being a Slytherin. One time when he was being bullied, his future wife, Allison McAllister, came in and just punched the bullies in the face. She's a muggleborn, sure, but Leonard doesn't care.
Fast forward, he's now the Headmaster (Director) of Hogwarts. Allison is dead.
Book 1 Characters + bit of plot:
Students (Reds n Blues):
Church, L. Leonard: First year, Ravenclaw (||spoiler||)
Tucker, Lavernius: First year, Slytherin (muggleborn)
Simmons, Richard: First Year, Gryffindor (pure blood)
Grif, Dexter: First Year, Hufflepuff (half blood)
Other Students:
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I've used the other characters and voice actors in RvB to supplement the characters. They have a little thought about them, I use Personality analysis on the fandom side when possible and I've used Voice Actors to replace nameless people. WHen the person doesn't have a name or VA I just call them by what they're referred to, which makes sense as you can only keep track of 150 people (or something like that)
Of course, some students will have sub plots and have a greater role in the main story than others, though you could probably tell.
Washington, David(Wash): Third Year, Hufflepuff/Gryffindor (muggleborn), Seeker,
Holy fuck the freelancers are giving me trouble, tried to take a quick buzzfeed quiz as Wash, and guess what I got:
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He was inteneded to be Hufflepuff anyways, but the more I thought, the more it seemed Gryffindor. It's not like I want to separate people based on armour colour... but...
McAllister, Carolina: Fifth Year (skipped a grade), Griffindor/Slytherin (absolutely a hatstall, she has ambition to be noticed by dad, but doesn't have the cunning to be in Slytherin) (insanely talented, she confused the fuck out of my sorting system) (half blood) Seeker, probably uses a time turner.
Maine, Joshua: Fourth Year, Hufflepuff, (half blood[of what, we don't know yet]), Beater
Charon, York: Fifth Year, Hufflepuff, pureblood, Keeper, Prefect
Thompson, Constance (Connie/C.T.): Fourth Year, Gryffindor, Chaser, betrayer
Dakota, Sebastian(North): Fourth Year, Gryffindor, Keeper
Dakota, Stacey(South): Fourth year, Slytherin, Seeker
Ohio, Vera: Third Year, Ravenclaw, Chaser
Idaho, Erza: Third Year, Ravenclaw
Iowa, Mike: Second Year, Ravenclaw (like a high wis low int Wizard, Mike keeps putting things in his mouth. Such as potions. hence, Mike is banned from potions and held
back a year. Also Herbology. Actually, just- everything.)
Texas, Allison: First Year, Griffindor, Beater (yeah she is that good), muggleborn (||?||)
Niner, Ash - Ravenclaw, Sixth year, Prefect
Kainat, Georgia: Sixth Year, Slytherin
Johnson, Utah: Ghost
Brown, Illinois: Seventh year, Ravenclaw
Sarge: Head of Gryffindor, Defence Against the Dark Arts
Flowers: Head of Ravenclaw, Charms
Kimball: Head of Hufflepuff, Muggle Studies (cuz her predecessros keep getting assassinated)
Wyoming: Head of Slytherin, Potions
Astronomy - Santa
Herbology - Lemons
History of Magic - Lieu
Care of Magical Creatures & Groundskeeper - Alabama
Divination - Doyle
Transifiguration - Felix McScouty
Ancient Runes - Spencer Porkensenson
Arithmancy - Sheila
Dark Arts - Locus
Alchemy - Delaware
Caretaker - Lopez
Nutse - Doctor Emily Gray
Price: Councillor/Treasury/Secretary (new position!!), Slytherin
Director Church: Headmaster, Slytherin
Board of Directors = Charon Industries
Malcom Hargrove, Chairman
Rhee Sebiel
Church: Hey asshole watch me start fucking crying
Now we get to things that are really plot relevant. Of course, as a RvB watcher you know it's got something to do about A.I.
But what about Horcruxes?
Back story, Part 2:
Allison Church died giving birth to a baby boy. Carolina was 4 that time. So utterly enraged and devastated with the death of his wife, Leonard Church shouted, "Avada Kedrava!" But the young boy didn't die. It seemed that as Allison felt that she was dying, She transferred over her last remaining magical energy to protect the newborn child.
But the attempt was so horrendous, that Leonard Church felt like his soul was splitting. Not enough to form a horcrux, but just maybe...
He somehow entangled his soul into Church Junior. And then cut off a full portion of the house, attempting to study, to reverse engineer Church.
He wanted to bring his wife back. He just- he had to. And no matter how much he searchers the forbidden forest, he could never find the Resurrection Stone. He's looked into how Voldemort was revived, and he was grasping to the thought that maybe he could... fragment Church's soul enough that the part that was Allison could come out.
So he did just that. He made Church commit horrible acts, and Crucioed him until he's forgotten himself and everything that this unknown wand did.
The first part of Church's soul that split off was Tex. He spent more time trying to bring 'her' back, but wasn't satisfied with the result. She was too kiddish for him.
So he kept splitting... and the more he split, the more he had to hide these 'children'. Most of them, he fashioned them into really high tech wizardry, and giving them to trustworthy individuals.
Gamma - pocket watch/timeturner, given to Wyoming. The strongest time turner.
Delta - Bacteria tester but it's for ailments and wounds, and it often gives the perfect antidote answer. No one knows why York bring an outdated muggle calculator to Potions, but it's been helping him achieve Outstanding even though Professor Wyoming really, really hates him.
Epsilon - Diary/Planner/Notebook, given to Washington after he had passedthe initiation at the end of last year. Starts changing him too.
Eta & Iota - Earrings, that are shaped like dream catchers. A minor enchantment for +1 speed and better dreams. Given to Carolina.
Theta - Border Collie, given to North Dakota. (offers a minor protego spell)
Sigma - Beater Stick / Metal Chain (improves wearer's strength, but also takes control), given to Maine.
Omega -(Deathly Hallow) Cloak of Invisibility, given to Tex, influencing her bad behaviour.
That's all for now, I'll post the plot later.
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haruhey · 2 years
chronological thoughts of twd 11x16
(i didn’t get cake, let’s see what happens)
- omg i fully forgot about leah omg
- omg r they gonna smoke maggie out
- lance is certifiably insane
- timeskip again omg
- are they calling it act of god because of leah’s cult past
- i have no subtitles i dont know what they’re saying omg hershel’s going somewhere he doesnt want to go to but IDK WHERE THAT IS
- aw maggie is sad :(
- hershel is so cute
- omg not the two face coin
- THOUGHT WE HAD A LOVELY NIGHT DIDNT WE oh they definitely had sex
- stfu i don’t want to think about physics
- stop eugene is actually so romantic
- omg they’re gonna try and ditch
- oh my god that guy punched through the walker
- wow he is so bald
- wait are they going to the commonwealth i don’t know what she said at the beginning I DIDNT HAVE SUBTITLES IM ESL IM SORRY
- literally what did maggie do to you she just didn’t want to join ur stupid communities jesus christ let it GO u white man
- omg elijah make your move
- omg maggie rlly went ‘thoughts n concerns?’
- wait hold on negan and maggie have a spinoff right how is that gonna work for negan and annie? is annie gonna die or smth?
- omg what she said before was RIVERBEND i couldn’t hear it through her accent i’m so stupid
- maggie rhee DOES have big balls. beach ball sized lady nuts, if you will
- i want annie and maggie to be gfs
- no ew not buzzing bugs ew i’m sorry i’m out
- gabriel is so fucking TIRED omg i feel you
- oh god are they gonna try and kill daryl and aaron and gabriel
- damn they really hate team family huh
- hes so fucking cool daryl give me a chance
- god theyre so fucking cool
- damn these stormtroopers really are storm troopers their aims r shit
- oh no hes going for the walkie talkie isnt he
- omg daryl fuck yes fuck up that bald headed guy
- “he ain’t here no more” WITH THAT ANGLE WAS CHEFS KISS
- i hate pamela idc idc idc idc
- that blue colour is fire tho
- they have so many pencils holy shit
- damn pamela rlly said fuck them kids its not my fault they’re poor
- is max gonna get caught
- please let her be the girlboss she is destined to be
- i forgot what she’s looking for omg 😭😭
- fuck it’s sebastian
- i hate sebastian so much
- is he drunk
- i hate this scene
- i hate him so much
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- literally what is this bug motif i do not get it
- damn leah rlly fucked that kid up huh
- is that jdm’s kid as a walker
- AHAHHAA LEAH SAID “damn that sucks ://“
- these bugs are making it hard for me to hear omg
- are they gonna kill hornsby
- omg the traps r reminding daryl of leah cause arent they the traps leah set up in 10x18 when he met her
- omg are they at leah’s camp
- oh oh oh oh oh nooooo
-i still don’t understand the importance of the bugs
- damn leah’s gonna have a lot of back pain from standing that way
- oh no maggie its a trap its a trap maggie oh no
- oh so it wasnt a trap?
- oh no no music means TRAP
- omg she got leah or what
- damn leah got her but its okay maggie has plot armour
- omg another cabin
- maggie’s eyes match her jacket
- hes just going around touching blood like that damn what if you have a paper cut or smth :/
- omg maggie fuck her up
- oh maggie is getting fucked up
- oh damn just a single gunshot
- good job daryl ilysm
- hornsby lowkey giving joker realness
- damn maggie really got fucked up
- hershel said fuck negan ✋ but annie is cool ❤️
- max’s table is so tiny
- never trust a white man fr fr
- omg they’re explaining the bugs
- omg angela kang said it’s pathetic fallacy idiot
- “that is a fight of pure hatred��
- okay but maggie was right it was fully leah’s fault
- “to him, there’s no choice to make. the choice is maggie” PERIODDDDDDT TEAM FAMILY ALL THE WAY
- “to hornsby, this is a no good very bad day.” stop angela is actually hahaha knee slap
- okay now that i finished season 11b what do i do with my life :(
- i miss carol too :(( </3
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thegreymoon · 3 years
Word of Honor
Poor Heartless Amethyst Fiend 😢
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Murder and betrayal are hard when they love you so much and you learned to love them too 💔
I love these two 😂
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LMAO, look at him causing a mess and then sitting back to enjoy the show 😂
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Uh-oh, boyfriend is mad 😅
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This doesn’t sound right 🤔 How much does A-Xu know about WKX anyway? He knows that he wants Gao Chong dead and the Jianghu dissolved into chaos. But does he know he’s a Ghost? Much less Ghost chief? 
Careful, king, your insanity is showing 😬
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Oh, shit, no! 😭
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Why do I always underestimate how brutal this show is going to get 😭 I thought he was going to get knocked about a bit so that we can mock him for getting beaten up by two senior citizens, but no, it had to be blood!
Wait... this loser actually came through for her?
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I still don’t trust him as far as I can throw him 😠 Waiting for him to turn again. 
Super creepy. 
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He looks like he and Chucky would be best friends 👇👇
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Oh, yes, become a monk and leave the sect in the hands of two children that are surrounded by vipers inside and out 🙄
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Fantastic plan! What could possibly go wrong?
God, I hope at least some of those kegs are filled with gunpowder instead of wine 🙄🙄
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There has been entirely too much talking and talking and talking in this episode and not enough fighting! 
Well. This looks unhygienic and like a good way to obtain blood poisoning and disease 😬
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OMG, Lao Wen, I’ve been yelling the same thing at my computer for the past 20 minutes! 😭😭
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LMAO, I love him 😂
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OMFG, please stop breaking up already 😫
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Must we go through this every two episodes? 😭
Mind control?? 
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Interesting 🤔🤔
Oh, so the Ghost Valley and Scorpions are collaborating!
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But it is the traitor Ghost, so not really? 🤔 Anyway, her disguise is laughable. 
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She should take classes from the rival Ghost ladies. I could paint on a better moustache than this! 
Well, shit. 
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This was brutal. 
I feel sorry for him. 
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I actually believe him that he is trying to do the right thing. IDK, I have nothing to base this on except for that one scene when he paid respects to his old friends and cried in front of their memorial tablets. Also, I feel like it would be too easy if WKX was to be entirely right about him being evil, plus I’m not even half-way through this show and plots need to be messy.
Fighting! Finally!
Oh, cutie, you are going to be so wrong, so many times! Listen to A-Xu! He seems to be way more level-headed than you! 
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Anyway, it’s about time his crazy ass got taken down a peg or two. 
Ahahahaha, smack him, A-Xu!! 🤗🤗
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I hate him so much. I know he hasn’t really done anything yet, but just look at his stupid moustache 🤢 He’s so smackable! Also, he betrayed Aunt Luo so he can just die. I bet he’s collaborating with the Scorpions and the the traitor Ghost to discredit Gao Cheng. Shen Shen is a jackass, but at least he seems honestly devoted to First Brother. This one is so fucking slimy. 
Oh, thank fuck. 
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Anyway, this has got to be some record for the shortest breakup in history.
LMAO, look at his stupid loser face 😂😂 Flee, Chengling! Flee!
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Suffer, asshole! He 100% had something to do with this whole mess. But why is everyone after Chengling now? He no longer has the Glazed Armour piece with him 🤔 
OK, don’t judge, don’t judge, but this guy is hot 🔥🔥
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Actually, I take that back, there is nothing to judge, he’s very, very attractive and I have excellent taste 🔥🔥🔥
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And down comes the monument.
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Eh. There goes my favourite colourful villain 🙁
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What wealth? Didn’t your sorry ass admit to squandering it all away? 
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It’s the other one! You should kill the other one!! 😭😭
LMAO, look at their stupid evil faces!
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Anyway, what are the odds that he destroyed the real Glazed Armour when WKX made dozens of fake pieces that are floating all over the Jianghu? My bet is on zero. 
What a horrible way to kill yourself 🙁
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This show just won’t let me thirst in peace 😠😠
Anyway, you have got to love how shocked and dismayed he always looks when his chaotic schemes end up hurting the wrong people 😕
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Did he learn anything when the senior citizen poly alliance ended up dead because of him? Of course not! We had to do a repeat. He deserves to have A-Xu yell at him a bit. 
Of course 🙄🙄
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When he’s a bloodthirsty dumbass, but he’s sad and you love him anyway 🙄
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LMAO, don’t hold back, A-Xu! Tell him what you really think! 😂
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Villain confirmed! 
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Thank you for validating me, A-Xu! He’s been giving off shady vibes from the very beginning! 
LMAO, look at him, back on his bullshit already 🙄
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Cutie, haven’t you had enough?
That’s right, A-Xu! He more than deserves the scolding!!
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Die. 💀💀
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I can excuse being a slimy sleaze ball but I draw the line at his stupid cartoon villain face with his stupid villain moustache 🤢
Scorpion, baby, I don’t know what your damage is, but please do better!
LMAO, Ye Baiyi is a gift that keeps on giving 😂😂
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Great minds think alike 😂😂
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I am living for the enmity between YBY and WKX 😂😂 Also, poor A-Xu, he now has two gremlins to defuse 😂😂
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Wait, he’s alive?
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I thought Gao Chong killed him??
So, is Scorpion and illegitimate son he’s manipulating into killing for him or something? 🤔
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Is this a Meng Yao situation? Am I getting this right? If so, I’m hoping for a similar outcome 💀💀 Go on, Scorpion, do it! End him and make me proud!!
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radramblog · 3 years
Halo Through its Guns: Halo 3
This and the last one were actually the articles I was least sure about when thinking this whole series up. A bit awkward, considering it makes it look a bit one-hit-wondery. Unlike the franchise it describes.
Halo 3 was another big step up in complexity from its predecessors. Everything gets to look and sound bigger and better, what with the shift in console generation increasing audiovisual fidelity and how much shit the game could be running at once. Processing power, that’s the term I was looking for.
This coupled with the grand finale to the Halo Trilogy, something that is kinda funny to think about this many games later. But because of that, Bungie wanted to make sure this game was more bombastic than ever, with so much more stuff going on, and much of this effort paid off.
However, Halo 3 also hits a bit of a stumbling block on account of all that new Stuff. It’s one that would be corrected, then perfected, and then doubled down on as the series progressed.
But that’s well and truly ahead of ourselves. This is Halo 3 through it’s gun: The Spike Rifle.
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If you’re somehow reading this and don’t know Halo 2/3’s plot, hello and also, what? But Halo 3 takes place after the Schism, a civil war within the Covenant in which the Jiralhanae (Brutes) replace the Sangheili (Elites) within the hierarchy and the latter start getting massacred. This means two things: one, you’re going to be fighting a lot of Brutes in this game. And two, you aren’t going to be fighting a lot of Elites in this game. Excluding Flood-infected ones, in fact, you don’t fight any.
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Halo 2 gave the Brutes somewhat of a distinct flavour, seeing as they had to be distinguished from the Elites who were also enemies you were fighting, sometimes in the same level. They soaked up automatic fire like a sponge, were vulnerable to headshotting once you popped off their helmet, and would occasionally get pissed off and barrel towards you, furry fists at the ready.
Their weapons carried this further, but in 2 there really weren’t very many of them. I’d argue the Brute Plasma Rifle doesn’t really count, though the parallel is fun (higher fire rate but it overheats quicker- it’s an “angrier” gun), and Tartarus’s own Fist of Rukt isn’t exactly something you get to play around with. There was, however, the Brute Shot, a huge grenade launcher with a wicked bayonet built into the stock, a relatively powerful weapon befitting the stature of the big monkes. It was the Brute Shot whose aesthetic carried over to the following game.
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The Spike Rifle (or just Spiker) is one of the new Brute-held weapons included with Halo 3. It’s an automatic, dual-wieldable projectile weapon whose spikes embed themselves in object and foe alike. Unlike the alien purple and pink of the Needler, the Spiker is a dull gunmetal and brown that feels akin to a human weapon, were it not for the twin bayonets and the, well, shooting fucking spikes at people.
The aesthetic of the Spiker and its companions in the Brute arsenal, the Brute Shot, Mauler, Gravity Hammer, and Spike Grenade (we’re just going to ignore the Firebomb) as well as the new vehicles they bring to Halo 3 perfectly suit the feel of the Brutes. These weapons are pragmatic and classless, with literally all of the guns having bayonets (including the Gravity Hammer!) and having magazine-based reloads. They’re simple, from both a design and gameplay perspective, but they server to seriously distinguish the Brutes from both the Elite enemies in previous games as well as the Grunt, Jackal, and Drone underlings they command over.
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The Spiker is a standby of the lower-ranked Brutes, much like the Plasma Rifle was of the Elites previous. From this, however, stems part of the first issue with their handling in Halo 3. As much as they were unique in 2, Halo 3 doesn’t have Elites to balance them off of, and it seems the development team wanted to maintain that core enemy deployment structure that worked so well in the previous games. What this means is that the Brutes in this game are kind of just Elites most of the time, seeing as they play very similarly and have been given energy shields. There are subtle differences- Brutes can’t regenerate their shields, and they’re much more likely to rush you and attack in melee. Higher-ranking members, such as Chieftains, can actually shrug off a headshot after their shields break as their helmets stay on, and the new Equipment system (we’ll get there) means they can pull some really interesting tricks.
But like. A Chieftain with a Gravity Hammer isn’t far off a Zealot with an Energy Sword, and a Spec Ops Brute with a Mauler (only one for some reason) isn’t that different to a Spec Ops Elite with…an Energy Sword. Both wield Carbines in H2 and H3, and the Spike Grenade and Plasma Grenade are pretty similar as well. The Brutes are effectively the parallelization of an entire enemy class to fit a mould that doesn’t even exist in the game they’re in.
And as thematically appropriate as the Brute weapons are, the simplicity is kind of their downfall. The Spike Grenade is just a Plasma, stickiness and all, but trading the sheer lethality for a bit of extra range that you aren’t going to notice when you’re attaching it to someone. The Mauler is basically only useful when dual wielding, since if you aren’t then you might as well just melee someone- it’s not like the gun has any more range than the average arm. The Spiker is basically just another Plasma Rifle/SMG, though with a slightly higher DPS. Did you know that? It actually hits harder.
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Arguably one of Halo 3’s biggest problems is weapon bloat. There’s simply too many guns and not enough room to let them all shine, such that a lot of them are confined to a single enemy subtype or a handful of multiplayer maps. The aforementioned Mauler only appears on the stealthy brutes that appear in maybe two levels, the returning Flamethrower and new Spartan Laser only show up in one each. And this is bad enough with the weapons that are actually cool and good, but when we get down to the Spiker? It just doesn’t matter.
The dual-wieldable weapons are pretty much universally bad in Halo 3, save maybe the Plasma Pistol. At this point, the drawbacks- not being able to conveniently melee, throw a grenade, switch weapons, or use equipment- just make them much too inconvenient to bother with. On top of that, for whatever reason, the game actually nerfs the damage of many of the weapons while they’re being dual wielded, so while you do technically get more bang for your tick, you certainly don’t get more bang for your buck, and the inaccuracy of a lot of these weapons means every miss hurts more. I think some amount of this is a result of the dominance of the Battle Rifle in just about every form of multiplayer, but very rarely will you see anyone deign to pick up anything short of an actual “power weapon”. Hell, most people never bother using the Assault Rifle they spawn in with, unless things get very desparate. The result of this is that weapons like the SMG, Spiker, and Magnum just get left on the dirt where they spawned in most of the time, unable to shine or make the game as interesting as they potentially could.
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Of course, the dual-wieldable Spikers and the like were not the only thing clogging up Halo 3’s sandbox. There was also the Heavy Weapons, four very large guns that had the same restrictions as dual wielding and also slow your character down in exchange for being able to hold 3 guns at once as well as raw power. These were honestly pretty okay, adding an extra dimension to the turrets that littered Halo 2’s maps, as well as the Missile Pod replacing the homing function of 2’s Rocket Launcher. But because of that speed drop, as well as other issues (not being able to zoom in, the third-person perspective being awkward, lack of range), they just didn’t end up being worthwhile either except as defensive tools in objective modes. As insanely powerful as the Flamethrower is (seriously, fire damage is absurd in this game, if you shoot it on the ground and walk on the flames you will die very quick) it doesn’t matter if you can’t reach the guy you want to use it on while he peppers you with bullets.
The other axis on this equation is equipment. Equipment are a fun and interesting addition to the gameplay! But a lot of them are niche, terrible, or both. I can’t say I’ve seen many people effectively use the Deployable Cover, and I don’t know if there are any maps where the Trip Mine is both available and relevant. It’s not surprising that this is literally the only game with them, frankly, though a few would be adapted into future games in the form of Armour Abilities.
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There is a lot going on in Halo 3’s gameplay. The game was ambitious with its additions to the franchise seeing as it was both the last of a trilogy and the first of a console generation. And while I don’t think any individual piece is bad per se, they frustratingly form less than the sum of their parts. It’s still a frankly excellent game, well-deserving of its long-time heritage and praise, but things like the awkwardness of some mechanics and the arguable needlessness of weapons like the Spiker somewhat weigh it down, much like the 12 grenades 2 guns many spare magazines and giant flamethrower Chief can carry should probably be doing to him.
The trilogy might have been over after 3, but the franchise certainly was not. Before we return to the Master Chief’s (hopefully) comfortable shoes, though, we’ve got a couple side trips to make. I hope to see you, reader, here for the next two entries of this article series, where we cover my favourite two Halo games.
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godsofhumanity · 4 years
all i have to say about this show, is that it felt like i was tripping the entire time.. this show is INSANE.. you HAVE to watch the show to know. or you can just read my spoilers under the cut >:)
wait also i didn’t say this, but this show is based on the chinese myth- Journey to the West
OVERVIEW:  Entering the mythical world of the Monkey King, where a young monk and his group of disciples are on a journey to collect scrolls of Buddhist wisdom. NOTE: Sun Wukong is known simply as “Monkey” in the show.
RATING: 4/10. but like,,, it’s so bad that it’s good.. rotten tomatoes gave this show 100% though so.......................... if you want a show that you’ll LOVE to hate on, this is the show for you <3
- costuming was pretty okay. i liked Monkey’s little crown thing that the monk (called Tripitaka, who is also actually a girl?? long story lol) can use to control him when he gets too out of control. also his armour was pretty cool.
- dialogue is absolutely UNREAL!!!!!!!!!! my favourite example (quick context- monkey has an evil twin who is like,, in love with him i swear):
Evil!Monkey: *wolf whistles at Monkey* fancy seeing you here~ i was just out for a walk in the forest, and i just... 
Evil!Monkey: .. i can’t stop thinking about you ;) 
Monkey: Go away!!!
Evil!Monkey: have you been thinking about me too ;) <3 xx
Monkey: no???
Evil!Monkey, flirtatiously lowering his weapon: i know this must be weird for you. last time i saw you, i asked you to kill your little daddy (referring to the monk)
^^^as you can see- WHO is writing this stuff??????????? AGHHHHHHHHHH you don’t need drugs to trip
- the demon lords are batshit insane. there is LITERALLY a demon lord called “Mothrax” and she is literally a woman with moth wings, and everytime there is a fire or light source, she goes INSANE................. literally she dies by going crazy and flying straight into the fire.
- insane moment #459. Monkey has to like,, fly into the sun in order to destroy the evil version of himself, and everyone thinks he’s dead, but then BOOM! eggman:
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- a brain blows up, and it is very green and gooey.
- Monkey has really good character development :)))
- hot demon villain guy who impresses EVERYONE with his looks. why am i so weak for white, long hair if u look like this DM me T^T anyway.. stop making villains look good challenge 2020
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- casting was a big no for me. first of all, the guy who plays Sun Wukong is Thai, not Chinese. similarly, the monk actress is tongan/scottish, sandy is australian, pigsy is tongan. there were literally no chinese actors in a tv series based on chinese mythology >:( it is 2020 guys c’mon we can do better!
- the “real” tripitaka. why was he such an asshole?????? he was so rude, and literally so useless. no point in having him. also his “resurrection” wasn’t explained i don’t think?????
- i feel like s1 and s2 were really different?? it felt like i was watching a completely different show. no fluidity :/ 
- in s1, Devari was a really bad villain. what was his motivation????? i’m confused.
- once again, this is a show that borrows the names from a preexisting work and then completely disregards the plot and key character dynamics. sandy was a bit of a joke honestly- firstly she was made from originally being a guy to this weak water goddess, and secondly, she literally never even uses her powers. she just too dumb to be effective and tis such a waste of character:(
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brittie-frog · 3 years
Riverdale 5x10
I'm really bored so I'm reacting to the latest riverdale episode. For explanation I haven't watched riverdale since the beginning of season 4 and all I know is that it's gone even more to shit with introduction of Mothmen. So let's see if I have a fun time.
- what are these new relationships?? Also Duran Duran - if you're gonna use it at least use it for longer than 30 secs for an awkward kiss.
- of course Veronica is dating a Chad.
- Nana being homophobic with the gay not allowed to be happy - it's literally in the label.
- Jughead works at Pop's, is he allowed/trained to be near children and teach?? Are any off them trained to do their jobs (other than Betty) or is Riverdale just that isolated that they'll hire anyone??
- Archie has survived a bear attack and a war zone where majority died - does he have plot armour?? Also he's meant to be an army recruiter when I thought he couldn't get worse.
- Jughead's me when I try to write to draw, just looking at a blank screen and no inspiration.
- why is his last name GEKKO??
- okay maybe Archie isn't that bad standing up and saying they shouldn't just follow orders coming from an authority figure if you believe its the wrong call.
- how old are the twins that they get a two tier cake each?? How big was the time skip??
- MAPLE MUSHROOMS?? Is that how episodes are written now? Can I try some to get over my writer's block??
- you can't access trauma - don't do drugs, go to therapy!!
- so bad thoughts manifest now?? That's so stupid, that's how you get stuck in an abusive relationship you guilt yourself into believe you caused the issues
- we love the gender norms of Juniper getting a pink bowl and Dagwood getting a blue bowl.
- already violent I see. Maybe being thrown in fire as babies and being part of a cult was harmful to them or is the fact that their entire family is fucking insane.
- Cheryl why do you still dress like a bitchy high-school cheerleader??
- that's fucked that he's writing a paper on her family without their permission?? And then trying to blackmail her? Who the fuck is this guy??
- why is Uncle Frank in jail and who is he??
- what were the photos of - her kissing someone else?
- I want to try a psychedelic burger now.
- a tour of the London dungeons would be the way to woo me, sounds like great date night to me.
- I'm 20 minutes into a 40 minute episode and I already just want to skip through to just see Jughead's high then leave
- why are you getting nostalgic and tipsy with the man you're getting a divorce from when he was so against it literal days ago??
- why is the general on the school tour like he wasn't wondering around the school that day.
- also you live in a town notorious for crime and you're going to let your - what 6/7 year olds - answer the door at night??
- they just escaped prison where'd they get the guns??
- also Charles is gay and wants to marry the maniac guy that pretended to be him
- these comical sound effects from like cartoon fights just made this more entertaining in a split second
- also why did a bunch of prisoners break into the school right after escaping?? That seems counter productive especially when the FBI are in town. Also where did the machete come from??
- completely understandable that the entire family family are like what the fuck when Glen arrives but like Chick no you don't count you aren't blood related.
- okay the enemy is always hiram Lodge can someone please just shoot him in the head to get it over and done with??
- general this isn't a war zone it's a town and you are holed up in the place that is going to be attacked by the majority of prisoners - you need to leave or you'll all die
- they're 9?? And also there isn't hope they already almost murdered a kid and they didn't have much to say about it
- you seriously still give a shit about Glen??
- Jughead's just living his best life in this bunker - or not, what the fuck is this nightmare?
- what the fuck was that thing and the comical man screaming at the end underneath the sound of the train blaring
- did none of them seriously not see the Grove burning to ground out of the window
- the look Cheryl and her mother exchanged when Nana suggested killing Cheryl's girlfriend? - absolutely comical the compete contentness with KILLING HER GIRLFRIEND!!
- then her girlfriend runs and she'd like wait as if you didn't just give her look that was like you are completely okay with murdering her for your fortune.
- also just that day you basically said the curse was bullshit and that praying was useless and now you're on board because Mumzie said so??
- the praying works - is that not an absolutely insane weather phenomenon that the entire town would be talking about especially cause that's got to be a strong wind to put out a forest fire??
- how did he actually manage to escape the handcuffs?? and the aliens are back I'm guessing
- who is this other guy living with Archie and why is he so chill with letting a former inmate live in the house??
- I assume that Hiram still wants to own all of Riverdale to do whatever it is he wants to do with it but the school, with inmates trashing it, does nothing but deprive teens of their education. What is he doing about the nurseries and Middle schools or does no-one but the Cooper family and that one other family have children under the age of 14??
- I'm sorry the prison hospital (I assume??) Is called Shankshaw??
- get justice how?? By driving around in a truck looking like the next highway killer??
- Oh he seriously injured himself to get out then left in an alien ship - good going Jughead.
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initiumseries · 5 years
CAOS Part 3 - review
Uh, okay, so I think by now, we all know this show is terrible. Netflix gives showrunners a lot of creative freedom, and I think, for better writers, you could get some really interesting content, but they just seem to keep giving these assholes who wrote the travesty called Riverdale, so many opportunities to make more shitty television, and I feel like they really deserve to be limited in their ability to create/write if not stopped completely and thrown into a well with Julie Plec.  Anyway, I’ll try to break this down as best as I can into different piles of shit and this will contain spoilers:
Prudence and Ambrose
So, to be really honest, I watch this show exclusively for Prudence and Ambrose. Because, well, look at them: 
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I wish they had more chemistry because they are super hot together, and I still ship it. A young Black couple? On TV? In this sea of shitty interracial relationships? I’ll take it. Anyway, of course, the progression of their relationship is ridiculous and frustrating. Ambrose decides at the last minute, not to kill Father Blackwood because he has a weird time egg thing that they don’t really understand, also he has the twins under some weird mind control for no clear reason, so they stay their hands. It doesn’t make sense, but it becomes clear, Father Blackwood has an insane amount of plot armour and ultimately would have to serve as a vessel for Satan. Father Blackwood uses the manipulated mind of the other weird sister to sic her on the coven, and she ends up killing Dorkus, whom Prudence finds. She then blames Ambrose for not allowing her to kill FB, and they break up. Now...this would kinda make sense, if not for the fact that they trapped one of the pagan witches and forced her to change everyone back, but no one bothered to do anything about the mentally ill witch who you all strapped up for a reason? Lol ok. Seems like an oversight on your part Prudence, but...okay. Clearly manufactured breakups are exhausting, especially since [young] Black couples with no serious relationship dysfunction are now an endangered species. It’s also frustrating because we barely got to see them....*be* together, especially after they returned home. 
Nick & Sabrina
So, I know from the beginning, we were supposed to believe that Nick and Sabrina had that kind of, Bad Guy, seduces the girl Good Girl, luring her into the dark side, hot, intense, passionate relationship. But their lack of chemistry and really shitty acting just made them really dry (which I get into here). I don’t believe them, and I definitely don’t believe that Sabrina would, once again, break a shit ton of rules to get Nick back. I just don’t buy that they had that kind of an intense, desperately in love, kind relationship, because they do not look all that comfortable around each other, much less in love. 
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I personally find Sabrina utterly unlikeable as a main character, largely because who IS she? She has no personality, she just does whatever the plot needs her to do in the moment, and the actress makes Sabrina appear smug and unremorseful while she fucks up everyone’s lives. There is a lot of exposition of everyone telling us she’s this power hungry, manipulative character, but we never see that. She just does stuff and everyone is all “Sabrina how could you?!” and there are never, ever any consequences. I would have liked to see her push so hard to get Nick back and the struggle being, sure she wants him back, but mostly she’s doing it because she can. But that’s not what happens. 
So Nick ends up in this weird drug addiction, alcohol, sex demon spiral because he has parts of Satan still in him and it all just falls so flat and lame, because this show is SO bad at pacing, and these actors suck, so nothing is believable. The idea of him scrubbing his club foot, having nightmares, suffering PTSD, is fine, the execution was trash. Nick sees Caliban and Sabrina have one interaction and he’s like WELL, GUESS I GOTTA CHEAT. And just ends up in some S&M situation with sex demons and heavily self medicating, but none of this has any weight, and we don’t really see him...spiralling. He just immediately resorts to these things and it has no real impact on anyone or even him really, and that’s it. 
Harvey and Roz
Uh, they’re probably the most confusing match here, because there is no lead up to their relationship, there’s not suggestion, there’s no pacing. Just BOOM, we’re into each other now. BOOM, Roz is the only sexually active person in her friend group (lol of course the Black girl is sexually active. Gotta maintain white innocence at all costs), so she’s just ready to jump Harvey’s bones any second now. So of course, the show punishes her by having the pagans turn her to stone. And as if that’s not bad enough...
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Which I talk about here and here, because honestly I’m just sick of this show’s antiblackness.  Theo & that other guy
So I was watching this unfold like, yeeaahh, they’re gonna make the trans guy get with the enemy aren’t they? And yes, they did. Cool, they didn’t kill him off, but I’m still perplexed at how Theo isn’t even a little upset that this guy was basically sent to infiltrate his friend group and sat by while his people harmed Theo’s friends, and also...used him? Like...we just...are gonna...gloss over that because he changed his mind? Lol ok. Sure.
Mambo Marie and suddenly Zelda?
I...I mean her name is Mambo Marie. I love the idea of Black witches finding Black spirituality and magicks through Vodun and a Hatian Priestess. But they quickly undo that, by ensuring that Mambo Marie only teaches Prudence in the presence of these white witches. And we see her...doing...an African drum circle (eye roll), only to be interrupted by the High Priestess of White Feminism, Zelda Spellman. It quickly devolves into thinly veiled racism where Zelda doesn’t trust Marie because she’s Catholic (says the woman who worships Satan, has an anti Pope and prays to Lilith with the same prayer for Mary mother of Jesus? LOL. Not even unpacking the fact that Vodun is an African spirituality having 0 roots in catholicism WHITE WRITERS). Then suddenly, out of nowhere, Marie and Zelda are a thing for no reason? After the way Zelda treated her? Why did Marie even stay? This isn’t her problem. This is a white witch problem. Okay. That’s too much to unpack. 
So, my biggest problem with almost all Netflix English programming is that they are so obsessed with aesthetics, and don’t pay enough attention to actual character chemistry, plot, story flow, details, pacing etc. Like...things that actually make stories interesting to watch. So they slap all these people together and throw them into aesthetically pleasing backgrounds, shake it up with so much exposition that nothing actually happens, and are like BEHOLD A STORY. And CAOS is *especially* guilty for this.
First of all those musical breaks were annoying as fuck. Musicals serve 2 story functions: advancing the plot or telling a story. These musical numbers did neither and were honestly ridiculously gratuitous, highly annoying and totally pointless.
What time of year is this? Why are we having pep rallies and how the fuck and when did Sabrina and Roz join the cheeleading squad, and why?
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for the aesthetics and not for any real plot reason. It just seems stupid because now I don’t know how much time has passed between Nick going to hell and this, because you’re all handling it like it’s been a few weeks and is still relatively fresh, but suddenly, Theo, Harvey and Roz are in a garage band? You’re a cheerleader? For what? Since when? Why? These choices introduce more questions than they answer and serve no narrative purpose. So much wasted time on shit that doesn’t matter. 
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Sabrina is supposed to be fighting Caliban (who is literally the only person she has chemistry with on this show and they killed him bc ofc they did), for her seat on the throne, and yet the trials only seem to come up when it’s convenient, and also seem to be directly related to her dealings with her coven, which is also convenient.  I’m so confused about Satan. His powers come from being a celestial being, and so, because his coven mistreats him he’s like...lol okay, well fuck you guys and goes through all these convoluted small motions to greatly inconvenience them and withdraws his powers? This is so petty and pathetic. Also, what’s the point? He could just wipe them out and start over, instead of skulking around inside FB then suddenly decides to track down Lilith. Again, convoluted. This plot is all over the place. Why does Satan need Sabrina to be Queen of Hell in the first place? He seems perfectly healthy. Why can’t he just rule it? Like...that makes no sense. What is he gonna do? Retire? WHAT is going ON?
How did Sabrina come back in time to herself stuck in stone? Is that trip to Pontius Pilate (lol) supposed to have created a loophole for her to save herself and everyone? This is giving me hardcore Twilight Breaking Dawn vibes, where, the show finally, FINALLY gets interesting, there’s real stakes, shit is actually happening instead of everyone talking about things happening (Hilda ending up killing her fiance was literally the only time I felt something watching this show because it was genuinely sad, and well acted, and Hilda coming through with that doll at the end was pretty disturbing, I’ll give them that), and ofc, Sabrina goes back in time and undoes it all. Lol. Okay. God forbid there be real consequences to anything on this show.
Final thoughts
Once again, the white feminism runs high on this show. They treat this Black Vodun Priestess Marie, like garbage, allude to her “foreign” magic, but Marie is sitting here like “we’re not men, we’re women, let’s work together.” This is why I hate white writers writing for Black characters. Black characters should have Black motivations, and a Black Vodun Priestess, should know that white women and Black women do not have aligned motivations just because they share a gender. Once they started with the bullshit right from her arrival, she should have handed Prudence her card and peaced tf out. Instead she tolerates the isolation, ostracization and thinly veiled racism...and decides to stay, and help. WHY? Marie has gained nothing by sticking around helping these ungrateful ass witches. I honestly would have preferred Prudence asking her to stay to learn more about Vodun, and them building a mentor/mentee type of relationship, especially since Prudence was the one who invited her and stepped to Zelda to defend her. I want(ed) to see that relationship go somewhere. The deliberate denial of healthy Black female friendships on tv is frustrating.
 These witches finally finding their power in their ancestors and I donno, some female creator or whatever, reminds me of white women “finding” wicca and praying to “Gaia”, (reminds me of BTVS s4 when Willow joins the wicca group) which is basically what happened but lol okay whatever. I guess they aren’t satanic witches anymore. Lol, I love how Harvey and Roz and Theo are teenagers, human teenagers, who have lead largely normal teenage lives up until this point, but see their loved ones tortured, deformed or murdered in hell, with basically no residual issues, and are all like, YES, let’s roll up on these adults with shotguns and swords and kill the FUCK outta these people!! That absolutely sounds normal! Like...what? Lol. God this is just so bad.
Also, I’m so confused by this aesthetic choice for Sabrina as Queen of Hell. Like what the fuck. Why is she dressed like a Victorian era queen, with shoulder and a broken rib bodice? What?!
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This show is truly awful, this season made no more sense than the last two and now that Prudence and Ambrose aren’t together, I might be done watching. 
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iwritethat · 5 years
Jason Todd: Walking Dead
A/N: I know some of the plot points aren’t factual in the DC universe but I got creative with Jason’s character, hopefully it’s a nice read though. 🎃
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Jason’s flatmate was weird.
He was never quick to judge someone and after all of the characters he’d encountered in his life , to reach such a label so fast was saying something.
In the beginning of the arrangement the two got along swimmingly, but soon enough the dynamic became rather ambiguous. (Y/n) was a friend of Roy’s and as such couldn’t be all bad - sure, they had their peculiar introduction but once out of the way it all seemed too good to be true. Roy brought up the proposal of living with one of his old friends when Jason needed a new temporary place to stay, he’d said (Y/n) had been there through his worst and helped him with recovery -?that no one was more loyal and reliable than them.
However, it grew considerably weird with the startled scream his sharer released when seeing him in the dark, now this was perfectly normal as maybe they weren’t used to having someone around quite yet - at least that would’ve been the explanation if they weren’t 2 weeks into their deal. Not only that but (Y/n) scrambled back to their room at record speed and slammed the door behind with no justifiable means.
Strange? Yes.
Next he noticed how they had an obsession with the heating, whenever he was around it always seemed to be on even if the weather of late October miraculously didn’t call for it. It had only begun after they’d cooked breakfast together, maybe they enjoyed the heat of the oven? He’d tried giving them blankets or even his hoodies and yet it wasn’t enough to break their odd habit. Again, weird.
Luckily he wasn’t staying for long...
Your new housemate was insanely weird.
Of course you had Roy Harper to thank for that, the only time he pays uninvited visits is when he wants something, your assumptions proven correct with his hinting text message.
[Katniss: U know how much u love me...]
Although his proposition was rather enthralling, his friend needed a place to lay low for a while and with your newly rented 2 bedroom apartment, you were his first choice and thus agreed.
He brought ‘Jason’ over a few days later so you could be introduced - and upon seeing him a vast sea of varying thoughts raced across your mind.
‘He’s hot.’
‘No he’s going to live with you.’
‘Is he one of those friends?’
But then another momentarily fleeting option halted your positivity - is he one of Roy’s older friends, the ones from his rough days of addiction and before you could even register your next actions you’d already subtly voiced such concerns.
“Please don’t bring any dodgy things here, I can’t have the police sniffing around.”
“Like what?” Jason turned to you, brow raised in curiosity.
“Oh no, I don’t handle that - I have people to do it for me.” Jason calmly replied, like it was the most normal thing in the world as he took in your kitchen whilst you shot a look that roughly translated to ‘you better be joking’ to a sheepish Roy.
“But I have guns and other weapons, are they okay?” Jason once again faced you with a serious expression, genuinely asking your permission and honestly you could not deny that beautiful man.
“Yeah, I mean sure. You’re not gonna use them right?”
“Not in the apartment. Unless someone breaks in obviously.” The ravenette was confident in his statement, now checking out your living room leaving you slightly baffled.
“Obviously. So um, why do you have them, and why do you have drug runners?” Intrigue burned in your veins, you couldn’t help but strive for answers given the causal circumstances of the contrastingly deadly topics.
“He’s a Crime Lord.” Roy smugly cut in, an immediate expression of concern shot at Jason who you’d hope would deny the allegations.
“Dude, way to sell me. I run a drug ring, you can never stop crime but you can control it so that’s what I do. None of my people sell to kids so that’s a start. So, what’s our rent?” He playfully punched his partner before elaborating and oddly enough it made sense to you.
It should’ve been a warning sign, what normal person makes a first impression by telling you he has people who handle his drugs so don’t ever worry about them being in your apartment. No one.
Although that wasn’t why he was so damn weird. No, far from it. You didn’t know what he was.
One night, you’d awoken to grab some water and tiredly walked out to the kitchen only to meet Jason who possibly just showered after patrol but as it was basically pitch black you couldn’t be certain. You met his gaze - his irises illuminated green - and you instinctively screamed, stopping short as he tilted his head slightly silently asking why you’d done so. Now you thought it was a misunderstanding, a trick of the light maybe, so you stared a few seconds longer and yet they remained dazzlingly bright like fireflies. It was then that you scrambled back to your bedroom slamming the door behind you and sliding down it to the floor with your hand over your mouth, water long forgotten. Safe to say you didn’t sleep that night, demons have vibrant irises don’t they?
It was unknown whether he knew about his glowing eyes, nor could you find an appropriate time to bring it up. You’d built up the courage to do so a few days later over breakfast which you’d opted to cook together.
He hovered over the oven, yourself standing beside him admiring his work until he turned to you with spoon in hand insisting you try some. You did so, holding his wrist steady - his skin beyond freezing - he’d been right next to the oven, how could he be so cold?!
You’d approved of the taste, even if he’d dabbed some on your nose simply for amusement and straight after you switched on the heating to hopefully warm him up a bit.
You continued this procedure whenever you felt he radiated unhealthily low temperatures and occasionally Jason offhandely mentioned that the weather wasn’t cold enough for such measures but you simply shrugged with a smile. Although he would throw a blanket over you, or even offer to lend you one of his hoodies to warm you up and yet you couldn’t understand why he thought you were cold when he was icy to the touch. Ghosts were inhumanly cold...
Plus, although the white streak was quite attractive on him, it was apparently a permanent characteristic but whose hair is naturally white in only one place at such a young age? Frankenstein maybe? But wasn’t he a zombie?
Luckily he wasn’t staying for long...
Halloween was upcoming so the TV stations traditionally broadcasted relating titles and it seemed the Sixth Sense was one of them.
Jason hopped through the window, fully clad in his Red Hood armour as the film was finishing, he’d gone to get changed and by the time he’d returned another horror was beginning. He’d joined you on the sofa, resting his legs over you purely for annoyance but you found entertainment in your playful dynamic.
“Hey (Y/n), do you think yelling at a guy holding an AK-47 is a stupid way to die?” It was a random but relevant start to a story he’d intended to tell.
“Oh god you don’t want me to solve cases with you do you because I’m not ready for that man. Like I thought I might be seeing dead people but this is too much.” That particular Sixth Sense related comment surfaced after he’d brought up vigilante related drama - of which he assumed you already knew about due to your relationship with Roy.
“Okay, what is with you? You’ve been acting so weird!” He finally needed answers, the unexplained oddities becomoning too much for both parties involved to the fact Jason was compared to a horror film character.
“Me? I’m not the one with glowing irises!” You sarcastically counter after Jason’s quizzical remark.
“Glow- What?!” He shut his eyes, fingers resting on the bridge of his nose before he looked up to again with a confused glance.
“Your eyes... they glow green in the dark sometimes, didn’t you know that?” Your tone was softer now, the sincerity in it making him want to believe your claims even more.
“No I didn’t... Are you sure? I mean it could’ve been a mistake if -“ Before he could finish, you turned off the lamp beside you and held your hand mirror in front of his face, low and behold they lit up.
“Lazarus green...” His voice was much quieter, tone holding a hint of pained disappointment as he spoke with an almost frustrated expression.
“A-what green?”
“Lazarus, like the Lazarus pits. It doesn’t matter (Y/n), you don’t need to worry about any of that, it will always haunt me by the looks of things.”
“It does matter, please tell me. I’m here for you, that’s what flatmates are for isn’t it no matter how temporary we may be.”
Surprisingly, after a long period of contemplative silence he began his turbulent tale of life, death, vengeance, villains and vigilantism leaving you rather speechless. It was certainly a befitting horror film script.
“...now I’m here, but hopefully one of my safe houses will be clear soon and I’ll be out of your hair.” He finished, shifting his feet that were now entangled with yours as you sat opposite one another on the couch.
“That revival pit, do you think that’s why your eyes glow? It would explain why you’re always cold, and your physical abilities too.” With a finger to your lips you calmly thought aloud, Jason also captivated by the concept.
“I’m cold too? That’s why you insist on keeping the heating on?” Despite his jest, he withdrew himself from you at the thought of affecting you with his apparent side effects of coming back from the dead.
However you shook your head, shifting forward and placing your hand against his, of course his own towered yours in comparison and he was a contrast of bemused and skeptical with your actions. You felt his skin warm up with your touch, the result bringing a smirk to your face.
“I don’t mind it. Your skin might be cold but your heart isn’t, and besides, I can always warm you up Jason.”
“Oh can you now?” He raised a brow at your unintentional suggestive statement, cocky but flirtatious smirk dancing across his lips.
“I - that wasn’t - I was trying - you know what, I’m just glad we’ve solved our differences.” As you attempted to justify yourself, Jason only laughed much to your feigned aggravation.
“True, I’m calling Roy over tomorrow. How could he not notice?” Jason managed, his he argument raising distinct confusion.
“This is Roy we’re talking about.” Was your only reply, though you would acknowledge just how incredibly smart and tactile Roy was any day of the week much like Jason would - but being apart the Outlaws meant subjugation to a few friendly insults.
“Point taken.”
Both Roy and Kori had dropped by the next morning to discuss your recent discoveries over breakfast which was a revolutionary one for all of you in some way.
“Glowing eyes? Ah, to be fair you usually wear your mask and helmet so I don’t normally see them and it’s not like I sleep with you so how the hell would I know? As for the cold thing, we’re always outside - if anything I just envied how Lian would always stop crying around you.” Roy calmly sighed, the revelations intriguing to him also and you suspected that he knew more than he was letting on. For a start, keeping such a thing to himself if only to freak you out once he moved in.
“Oh! They say that babies can see the supernatural, like when they just stare into space and people say they can see ghosts. It might be like that.” You laughed, although your comment caused the boys to consider the possibility as it would certainly explain why Lian ceased in her crying around Jason.
“I didn’t say anything as I thought you were trying to match me.” The goddess Kori giggled, her eyes aglow in emerald for demonstration.
“Anyway, is everything set?” Jason nodded to the alien, now concerned with leaving you in peace.
“Sorry Jaybird, gonna need another few weeks before you can leave.” Roy haphazardly shrugged, looking between Jason and yourself as he gazed to you with a sympathetic expression.
“You don’t mind do you? It’s already been 6 weeks, I can -“
“Jason, it’s fine. You’re too weird not to like, but we should stock up on food if you’re staying.” With a wave of your hand you cut him off and smiled, gesturing toward the cupboards as you mentioned them.
The Outlaws were all equally grateful, and soon Roy and Kori headed out meanwhile Jason began writing a shopping list.
“I thought that everything was in order for Jason to come back today?” Kori politely inquired once the pair had left, the previous information contradicting with her current knowledge.
“Shhh, it is but they get on so well, a few more weeks and they both might finally have a place they can call home for once.” Roy carefully explained, a hopeful glint in his eyes mixed with that of sorrow considering what his two friends had gone through.
“I see, as long as our friends are happy then I shall ‘shh’.” The Tamaranean joyfully agreed, all too chipper with the plan.
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