#the ironic monster originals
the-ironic-monster · 6 months
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Numi in the snow. i can't choose between a blue or red coatb for him.
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dead-obsith · 1 year
Added 2 more mobs that won the poll on Twitter :D
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garr9988 · 2 months
Monster harem romance where the "self-insert(?)" human protagonist is actually a hugely manipulative and terrible person. They may get manhandled by the big strong monsters, but they know how to manipulate them and cut them to the quick to keep them under their heel. Maybe the monsters are tricked into seeing them as defenseless and sweet, or they're attracted by their savagery and capacity for cruelty. The monsters get a cute little plaything to own, and the human has a pack of lovestruck loyal pets under their control to use to their own ends.
A human, but yet another monster all the same.
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monstatron · 2 months
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“the city moved to me and i want out desperately.”
cowboy dan by modest mouse has big obasi vibes tbh
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simplegenius042 · 1 month
WIP Wednesday, My WIP as Stock Photos and OC NSFW Chart
Tagged by @noodlecupcakes @direwombat @socially-awkward-skeleton @voidika and @imogenkol
Invited to participate if I so wished by @la-grosse-patate for the WIP as stock photos.
Tagging @inafieldofdaisies @cassietrn @adelaidedrubman @shellibisshe @aceghosts @josephseedismyfather @icecutioner @derelictheretic @shallow-gravy @strangefable @rhettsabbott @josephslittledeputy @cloudofbutterflies92 @skoll-sun-eater @carlosoliveiraa @g0dspeeed @wrathfulrook @afarcryfrommymain @strafethesesinners @turbo-virgins @raresvtm @softtidesworld @starsandskies @ladyoriza @florbelles @minilev @yokobai @thewanderer-000 @omen-speaker @justasmolbard @alypink and @thesingularityseries + anyone who'd like to join.
WIPs for The Silver Chronicles and Life, Despair & Monsters and a stock photo recreation of my original WIP Wings And Horns. The specific WIPs I'll be looking at for the former two is the main FC5 fic Silva's Hope and my HOTD fic The Thorned Crown Of Iron Thrones. Also NSFW chart for Nadi Sinclair. Read below the cut:
It would be an understatement to say that Silva has a rocky and complex relationship with many characters in Silva's Hope. From her disdain towards Joseph to the overall romantic tension between her and Faith. However, the most complicated comes with her closest allies; that being Kamski Neon (the closest she has to a living remnant of her Tumultite past and Irene's father) and Gavin Turquoise (a lawyer she had befriended as one of her first friends in Hope County). Kamski, while he definitely considers Silva his top priority and cares for her, also doubts her decisions on numerous occasions, gaslights her and has gone out of his way to go behind her back or even outright sabotage Silva for "her safety". Gavin on the other hand doesn't really consider her a friend and more as a little social and psychological study he wants to keep around to pick apart, intentionally applying pressure on her triggers (without outright setting them off... yet). Here we'll focus on Gavin, from his POV when meeting Silva at the Jail in the Henbane:
When he stepped outside, the blaring sun blinded him with its shine and hounded him with its heat.
Once his eyes adjusted, he analyzed the state of the jailhouse courtyard. He grimaced at the damage, a frown set on his face at the bodies of the deceased and wounded, both allies and enemies, strewn about the dirt and grass.
Gavin had half-a-mind to be thankful to Charles for his permission to leave Schrödinger in the doctor's office. No child, especially his charge, should witness the results of a war.
He exhaled through his nose, wearily stepping over the bodies. Most would be burned anyway, especially the Angels, the poor bastards. A few Cougar fighters might get buried, though it's more than likely they'd be sharing a pit alongside a Peggie. He'd have to keep Schrödinger inside when that came to pass.
He expertly strode past the fighters that were doing head counts, singling out the dead from the unconscious. Deep blue scanned the scattering crowd, until he locked onto two figures out by the open gate.
One was Sheriff Whitehorse, the man he's been co-leading with ever since they picked him up from one of Faith's herds walking the "Path". Quite the advantageous decision, as his authority and trustful demeanor, combined with Gavin's charisma and organization skills, put a stop to the constant treachery.
The other was a surprise; Silva Omar, a suspicious and unordinary woman, now deputy, who consistently sought him out for companionship ever since they met. A rather unique opportunity he took advantage of, to gain her trust and dig out her secrets, while under the guise as her "friend". A tenuous process, but not unsatisfying. Though not enough.
If only I could get that close to Joseph Seed. However, Gavin had already buried his grave there when he targeted Eden's Gate. Not that he hadn't enjoyed the slander.
He noticed Silva was struggling to walk straight. Her dark hair tied in a loosened braid tail, the telltale slivers of silver dye running down the appendage. Her attire covered her skin, gloves not showing an inch of flesh. Dirt stained her clothing, Whitehorse dutifully supporting his deputy's side, guiding her towards the jail.
She was also dazed and unfocused. He decided to adhere to the role of a concerned friend, and paced up into a jog towards both sheriff and deputy.
Gaining closer, he could see the exhaustion written on Silva's face, breathing ragged and grey eyes fighting a familiar glaze. There was a bruise already darkening above her brow.
"Sheriff is she al-?" Gavin cut himself off as he put on a mask of shock, "Silva?"
Silva squinted at him, and familiarity etched into her expression, and weakly uttered out, "Gavin? You're here?"
Her speech seemed slurred, too soft for the likes of her. It wasn't her neutral low nor was it her recognizable bluntness. He angled his head in a tilt to better see her eyes as they struggled to remain open.
He was alarmed by the green glazed sparkles that shined in her eyes. She's met Faith, he deduced. Silva was a cautious person, and intelligent at that. He doubted she went up to smell a Bliss flower in spite of the cult's frequent use of them.
He attended her unoccupied side, glanced to Whitehorse and stated, "Let's get her inside for treatment."
Whitehorse nodded in agreement, "My thoughts exactly."
Supporting Silva, Gavin and Whitehorse were able to work swiftly in getting Silva past the gate. He gave a signal to Virgil, who gave a quick nod in understanding as he started to call out to two Cougar fighters to get the gate closed.
Gavin took note of the state of Silva's attire. He furrowed his brows when he noticed the dark bloodstains that seeped into her coat. His eyes wandered over her body, concerned over the potential loss of his favorite person to study, searching for any dire wounds.
His eyes laid on the stained knife strapped to her belt and the handgun splattered with specks of red. He internally sighed, realizing the blood didn't belong to her, and that she must have joined the fight at some point while he had been inside.
Chatter came their way, the crowd of Cougar fighters out in the jail's courtyard as their attention shifted to them. Or rather Silva.
Gavin raised a brow, listening in to the indistinct words that circled around the fighters as gossip ignited like a wildfire once again.
Here's the stock photos I have for my House Of The Dragon fic The Thorned Crown Of Iron Thrones and my original work, Wings And Horns:
Rules: describe your WIP in stock photos, the dumber the better.
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And have an NSFW chart for Nadi Sinclair from my Far Cry 5 and Call Of Duty Modern Warfare WIPs:
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Template below:
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ohjeeztrains · 10 months
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Have a little sketch of Maximus being absolutely covered in snow and miserable based off of this meme I was sent
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ragrfisk · 1 year
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gummy-sharks666 · 6 months
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Project HADES MKII - “Myriad Hades”
An artificial “evolution” to the HADES model that would increase mobility. Its moving parts close together to create a ball shape in monster form that allows it to roll and maneuver easily, and its feet contain jets which allow it to hover. While it retains the blaster cannons within the chest and gains a tail that can generate an electrical field for immobilization of an enemy, its firepower had to be cut back to make room for more moving parts. It was scrapped as King Zenoheld deemed it an “insufficient evolution”.
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benk52 · 4 months
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My children
Bunch of random doodles of my OCs.
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grandmaskisses · 2 years
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*putting lizzie valenstein on a pedestal labelled "oc im the most normal about"* (any pronouns, drawn in 2021)
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suckmybussy · 2 years
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Iroon blood nation from azur lane has best designs of characters in all gachas, and i will fight you on this
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the-ironic-monster · 4 months
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Suuuper old character of mine.
heres the original from waay back then lol.
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i used to draw the most luscious eyelashes back then (blame shojo manga lmao) and i thought id let Him keep them haha.
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radarsteddybear · 2 years
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The Iron Monster Raid - Assorted Thoughts
*Note regarding page numbers: the story starts on page 11
Hitch concusses himself on the jeep on page 23*, so you know it's going to be a good book.
This author really, really wants to make sure that you know everybody's first and last name. And rank. And the last thing he wants to do is use the same configuration of a character's name twice in a row. Which leads to paragraphs like, "He passed the glasses to Pettigrew. Keeping in a low crouch, Tully worked his way up through the rocks..." (17).
...and sentences like, "I'd hate to meet up with Capt. Hans Dietrich again with no more firepower than that" (12).
...and also Troy addressing Moffitt as Jack for no apparent reason, which makes me vaguely uncomfortable.
...and Moffitt addressing Troy as Sam, which is even worse.
Don't worry if you didn't catch where Moffitt's from. He's referred to as "the Englishman" at least every other dialogue tag.
Same goes for Tully and Hitch, though it's slightly less frequent.
I don't know if we get any reminders about where Troy's from, but by golly, you'll know he spent time in Australia.
Troy re: Dietrich: "'That guys is the wiliest tank company comander Rommel ever trained'" (12).
"Although [Troy and Tully] had been together on at least fifty raids, [Troy] could never tell for sure when Tully was joking" (19).
"It was so black that Moffitt grabbed Troy's pistol belt to keep from getting separated" (25). This is such a funny image.
"Sam took the grenade Hitchcock handed him and started running forward himself" (31). I am having a visceral reaction to this name weirdness.
Dietrich gets to be the one testing this new giant monster tank. I was starting to wonder if he'd show up.
Troy gets half-buried in a small landslide (36), which seems to really do a number on his lower half (42).
So, naturally, a couple of pages later, Troy tries and fails to climb the side of an abandoned mud-brick farmhouse (46), "hit[ting] the ground hard. It was a sickening fall for his body was already bruised from the punishment he had taken when the wadi bank caved in on him."
And then Tully immediately tries to do the same thing, only to fall and crash into Troy when a German starts to shoot at them (47).
"'Okay,' the Englishman said. The American slang sounded strange spoken in his clipped British accent" (52) ???
Dietrich: "'And they are good soldiers. The very best.'" (ok, this tracks) "'So good, in fact, that I'll never rest until I see them buried!'" (...who is this guy?) (56)
Dietrich and this other German captain keep calling each other by their first names. I don't think this author knows a whole lot about the military.
A German soldier aims his gun at Hitch. Hitch tries to run...and slips in the mud and falls flat on his face (60). ...And then Tully immediately does the exact same thing (61).
Lucky, Troy is there to throw his knife at the guy, and Tully tackles him only to receive a gun butt straight to the head (61). Concussion count: 2
Troy's now calling Hitch "Mark," and I continue to be uncomfortable (63).
So d'you think these authors they hired to write these tie-in novels had any access to the episodes? Or at least the scripts? Like, how much extra effort is it really to run off extra copies of a bunch of the scripts for the guy? Or set him up in a projection room with the already-aired episodes? Or even just give him a basic cheat-sheet of who each character is and what they all call each other?
"The Kentuckian was the worrying type when nothing was happening, but once things started to move and he foresaw action, his spirits bubbled" (145).
The word Hauptmann isn't used once throughout the entire book. However, "Kapitan" is used four times (?, 153, 154)
"Moffitt noted that Dietrich did not return the 'Heil, Hitler!' of McCuster's. This did not surprise him. Most of the Wehrmacht officers in North Africa detested the Nazi madman. They felt he was destroying them by sending matériel to the Russian front that was urgently needed to stop the Allied push in North Africa." Fascinating.
Troy: "I sure miss our jeeps. I know now why the old-time cowboy loved his horse" (159)
Some friendly fire: "A steel slug came so close it drew blood from Sam Troy's ear. Another knocked part of the heel off Moffitt's shoe" (162).
Tully sees Troy about to get it from a trio of Germans. He's too far away to shoot them, so, "Instead, he cupped his hands around his mouth and screamed at the top of his voice" (167).
"A bullet struck the wheel axle near his head. It ricocheted off an an angle and cut across Tully's temple" (168). Concussion count: 3.
"Tully touched the cut on his temple. It hurt unmercifully. His head clanged like an off-beat bell, but he struggled to hide it. "'I've cut myself worse shaving,' he said (169). I love these internal thoughts that are the exact opposite of what comes out of their mouths.
"Dietrich scrambled up to come to his aid, but went down as Tully hit him from behind with a football tackle" (176). This is the second time that Tully has specifically "football tackled" someone.
We don't see what happens directly after this, but Dietrich winds up unconscious, so I'm counting it as concussion #4.
"'Hurry, Dummkopf!' Moffitt snarled in imitation of an impatient German officer." Ah, yes, my favorite trope: impersonating-a-German-officer-by-yelling-at-everybody-so-they're-too-nervous-to-question-who-you-are.
"The car hit the wall again with a numbing shock. For a moment Troy was dazed" (186). Might this be concussion #5? I'm leaning towards no, but I'm not entirely convinced.
"Troy darted forward and caught the driver of the first vehicle in line with a hard blow that knocked him unconscious" (207). It's not one of our boys, but that's certainly a concussion.
"'That is the good captain's major fault,' Troy said. 'He always thinks we will do only the sensible things. But we don't!' "'Sometimes it pays to be crazy!' Tully said with a grin" (209).
Final concussion count: 5--Tully: 2; Hitch: 1; Dietrich: 1; German soldier: 1
Final verdict: The story was fine, the characterizations were ok, the name thing was weird, and the whole thing was jam-packed with action. And 5 concussions is nothing to sneeze at. With a bit of cleaning up, it could have made a good two-parter. 3.5/5 stars.
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monster-noises · 1 year
I started writing another post that did More Details but I lost steam on it but I also don't Don't wanna post about it so I'm gunna talk about some silly Vile things in the Tags that I just spent like 40 mins in front of the mirror coming up with
#monster noises#for those who don't know or have forgotten#Vile is the current title for my ongoing attempt to write/re-create Flesh and Hot Iron as an original work as closely as possible#without simply being resi8 but with fancy new shoes on#I've made some headway#trying to focus more on the things I can be Excited about changing than worrying over what I may Loose in the process#and hoping that will reveal to me ways I can Preserve the things I'm worried about loosing#but long story short the main thing I want to talk about is I think#while no one Else is gunna be 'Related'#(the Mother part of the Mother Miranda narrative is no more here.. I mean generally that whole narrative is gone#but Specifically the 'lords' aren't Siblings anymore)#I Do think Karl and Donna are gunna be Actually related#I just think that would be Fun and Complicated#and I love Fun and Complicated#also think her Re-name is gunna be Dahlia..#Dahlia the Horticulturalist...#though That's one of those things that i feel is going to Immediately give away the source material here if I leave her like#Plant Lady#Alcina (Marian? possibly?) is getting morphed and maneuvered into being a Biologist cause I think that's a reasonable fit#but even with that throwing things off I think#Engineer Artist Doctor Horticulturalist Biologist is Still gunna read as Village to someone with a Keen eye but who knows...#long way to go still... long way to go#and still No idea what I'm gunna call Karl because not calling him Karl and putting him next to Lazarus feels So so wrong#but I'm sure we'll stumble into something#anyway I'm sure this reads only as total nonsense cause it's like#ten pieces I've put together of a 10000 piece puzzle but heY
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jonathanlamantia · 2 years
Reorganizing the original art in my portfolios and I figured I'd give you a closer look at a few of the pieces I have available right now. Hit my site to see them all! jonathanlamantia.com
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Howdy, Post-Apocalyptic Partner 😼.
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