#the kind of movie that stays with you. goddamn bro
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katiekatdragon27 · 10 months
To my other followers: I am so sorry.
To my two new followers: *comes out with silver platter* Here! Eat uuuuupppp~~~~
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This! *slams fists on table then slams face on table* This GODFORSAKEN MOVIE HAS ALTERED MY BRAIN CHEMISTRY I'M NOT JOKING.
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Most stuff below. Lots of rambling.
So. Flatland. It's a good book, and an amazing f*cking movie. I love this goddamned movie so much bro. It's not even like a "good" good movie I just really like it for no reason.
Some lore I have with this book, since I want to talk about it.
I watched this movie the first time when I was in 6th grade. It scared me so bad that I had nightmares about it for a week. I hated the style of the 2D world and was so scared about the amount of murder that I psychologically blocked it all out.
Now in the present (as an adult in college), my friend brought up the movie for us to watch during a movie night. I was way more excited to watch it than I thought I would be (cuz of my previous encounter with it and wanting to "reclaim" the movie), but we only got 4 minutes in before my other friends got bored and decided to watch something else. I sorta dropped it for a bit after that before @/goosesartblog posted their ONE - Flatland crossover and 10000 emotions flew over me. I then proceeded to watch it with my siblings, who also did not care about the movie.
Now, it has become a lifestyle of watching it every single day. Every. Single. Day. It's bad. I can't stop.
And it's on YouTube for free.
AND the book is on YouTube as an audiobook AND the actual PDF book is just there to read.
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Anyways, actual relevant doodles. These characters are A. Sphere (the objectively best character idgaf) and Carlton Cube(?). I saw something about them being John-locked and thought it was really funny. Also, I saw a meme about the two getting Starbucks or smth during the week I lingered, so here lol.
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Some more doodles of concept stuff. Actual A. Square art and some style testing, Hex doodle, and more A. Sphere bc I love him so much. His ass is gay idk if you think I'm wrong just look at him.
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Silly little idea I had about if Spherious *(the sphere from the other Flatland movie) and A. Sphere were in the same universe. It's unlikely, but I think Spherious would be the Messiah of 2000 and A. Sphere is the Messiah of 3000. They met at some point where their lives overlapped, and Spherious tried to give A. Sphere advice, to which he was completely ignored. A. Sphere's a bratty teen here and Spherious is a grandpa. They treat their apostles very differently.
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Another silly idea I had was that when A. Sphere "died", he was actually picked up by a 4D being named A. Tesseract. He stays with her until the war is over in his dimension, and he is able to see A. Square one last time during his hallucination (that's why A. Sphere's innards are seen). Also also, A. Sphere learns how to treat people better b/c of A. Tesseract and the 4th dimensions' more liberal views on expression and gender. Development for the stupid shiny solid.
Thank you for looking at this mindless rambling. If anyone knows of more Flatland media, please send it to me I'm starving. Expect more, and have a great day :)
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chainoftalent · 3 months
I genuinely wish your yan kokichi was the standard im sick of gorey or physical punishment focused yan kokichi because it completely goes against the whole idea of DICE and likeee i get that he's a yan in this and all but not all yans are violent, if i search for yan kokichi i do NOT want to be called a kitten then stabbed in the thigh
A lot of yan (character) content is just insert anything and call it a day but yan content like yours? It feels like I'm actually reading a canon live version of the character if they were a yandere since you include their past, principles, nature into the writing and it's just chef's kiss🙏if you ain't got no fans I'm fighting in my grave bro
Yooo I'm so thrilled you'd say that. I get the appeal of the more violent stuff, it's really just the fact that I got into yandere content when i was an early teen, and now im in my twenties. I've seen the violent stuff a million times by now and its kinda lost its thrill. Like there was some really nonsensical gory kankri yandere stuff a loooong while back that i saw and I fucking loved it as an edgy teenager. However, when you get as much exposure as I have, you start craving other things. Like how horror movie fans get desensitized to certain tropes.
Honestly I don't even dislike gory yandere content now, I still rather like it honestly I love fucked up pregame fics because it's just fun to read what are essentially fun little horror stories. It's just not something I personally really want to play with in my own space.
I however have always been fascinated by obsession in media, whether it be over a person, or an item, or just anything. Psychology is a huge interest to me and obsession tropes tie into that nicely. So when I approach yandere content I make, I always try to play into how and why they would start showing these kinds of behaviors and how i think they would react to it. Kokichi is terrified of losing people and not having power, Shuichi is neglected and desperate, Mukuro never was really taught better, they're not just cliches they're fully fleshed out characters I enjoy exploring.
Which seems like "oh that's obvious you should do that" when I say it but its really really not, it takes a lot of practice with a trope to understand how to make the trope fit the characters instead of the characters fit the trope. If youre someone newer to writing with this trope, you're going to go "oh yanderes are all kidnap murders who have no other interests, so if i want to make fav character a yandere i need to make them a kidnap murderer with no other interests" and that's pretty normal.
Then only by doing that for a few years do you start realize that the trope can have a lot more nuance and flexibility and you can pick and choose what elements you want to use. Your first time knowingly playing with a trope will basically always be a stereotype of that trope, that's how we learn.
Honestly even if it can frustrate me at times to see yandere content so wildly out of character, it's all part of the process. Some may eventually learn to lean away from being overly gory, while others will learn to lean in to gore and violence but make it more personalized and nuanced.
Like there's a fun yandere kokichi fic of kokichi taking kiibo apart and keeping him deactivated to try and make sure he stays with him, which while not bloody, is a pretty violent act if you think about it, but it fits kokichi because technically hes not hurting him! It just takes practice to learn the more subtle stuff.
So while I don't disagree that I much prefer my version, I don't want to like actively put anyone down and be like "im so much better then all the other yandere blogs" like nah this is just my personal niche of preferring psychological horror to physical horror and I've been doing this niche for like a goddamn decade so I have a good eye for the details on it, and even then my own version is still inspired by other yandere kokichi stuff. It's all a circle! Which is why i dont mind if people do things inspired by my kokichi
Not to say you can't be really annoyed or anything obviously, I'm just a nerd who really likes this kind of stuff and finds all of it so so fascinating, I was super fixated on this trope as a teenager so I still love analyzing it. It can definitely be frustrating, and it's honestly half the reason I made this blog was because I was annoyed at how no kokichi yandere content involved dice despite it being such an interesting concept. It really does mean a lot to me that you like it so much, anyone I can convert to the cult of "psychological warfare based yanderes are underutilized and cool" is a welcome recruit mwahaha
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hymemena · 11 months
The Quarry Sentence Starters
Feel free to change pronouns as necessary, and remember to specify muse for multimuse blogs.
CW: Swearing, violence, injury, animal attack mention, suggestive
"Swarm of bears?"
"Fine… Okay. Once again, -muse- puts themself in mortal danger for the sake of their 'work friends.'"
"Just… How can you be so certain?"
"If I let my conscience slow me down, now, everything gets a lot worse for everyone. Believe me."
"Ah-ah, you'll have it when I say you'll have it."
"Alright, huddle up boys, this is how we're gonna do this."
"There's a half naked girl/boy waiting for you back there, -name-, what are you doing?"
"It was… It was okay."
"They seemed pretty insistent we stay in the lodge."
"I'm just desperate to stay afloat in a world where everyone wants to be different."
"Sometimes things just don't make sense."
"Son of a binky-bonky!"
"Well, at least I don't look and smell like a butt."
"Podcast, huh?"
"Family is very important."
"Does this look like the Goddamn Harbinger Motel to you?!"
"Maybe they don't check their voicemail."
"How was I supposed to know that?"
"I saw it online."
"I don't know! This was my first cop!"
"You're a horrible person."
"You shot me?! I'm telling mom!"
"You stabbed me. That really hurt."
"Goodbye, cruel world! The final curtain is calling and there's no time for an encore…"
"Who should we call?"
"Ninety-one one."
"You mean nine-one-one? Who says ninety-one-one?"
"Okay, well, just because you're using 'logic' to 'make sense' doesn't mean that I'm totally into it."
"Hey, you're singing off-key."
"We are being hunted by literal monsters and this is what scares you?!"
"Oh my God. You are so childish."
"Yeah, if they made a podcast called 'How To Look And Smell Like A Butt.'"
"-Muse-, what's your position?"
"Uhm… Standing?"
"I just can't wait to see who they choose to play me. In the movie about how brave I am."
"Maybe you should have asked them out on a date?"
"Damn it! I missed my shot!"
"P-A-R-T… Why the fuck not?"
"Check out my huge melons!"
"There's been a horrible accident--Attack. Some stuff's bad here."
"I'm not gonna fuck a bear."
"Why didn't you tell me there was something out there?!"
"I don't know what I saw!"
"Oh my God, -Muse-, you won't believe this! It's… Nothing."
"Yeah, well… Worse things have happened this summer."
"You beefed it."
"Ah, not this time, motherfucker!"
"And what? Risk another run-in with Captain Deliverance?"
"Well, that bodes ill!"
"Whoa, watch your step!"
"Why'd you do that?"
"You told me to!"
"That was a bad idea."
"Huh. Rude."
"They get kinda hot when they're bossy, huh?"
"I'm always hot, pencil dick."
"It's my beer-dar. Helps me dar for beers."
"It's not a secret room! It's just hidden… By stuff…"
"Yeah, that's what a secret is!"
"I haven't ever been stabbed before."
"Why is there what I can only hope is strawberry jelly on your face?"
"Oh, yeah, no. I'm pretty sure it's blood."
"You can't hide from me in my own house, fucker!"
"You're a fucker!"
""Oh, so now I'm blind, too, you motherfucker!"
"Why does everyone blame everything on bears?"
"Okay, so for the sake of argument, what if that 'bear' that cut our phone line and just cut out all the power-- What if that bear is waiting for us out in the hallway?"
"What's wrong with this thing? It's just closing!"
"Sorry, bro!"
"Double skill!"
"Ow! Mother… Hubbard!"
"No… They're funny!"
"Moment's gone."
"…But not forgotten."
"No… -Muse-… Don't do it… Stop…"
"Herd of bears."
"Yeah, I've heard of bears."
"I can try to encourage them."
"Go for it! You guys can do it! --it's not working."
"You know that's kind of a movie-only thing, right?"
"I mean, you bang someone on the head you're more likely to kill them or leave them with permanent brain damage… Not just 'knock 'em out.'"
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givesmeyourteeths · 6 months
Just watched godzilla x kong and whoo boy, it sure was a movie
Good one tho, i had a blast, it was so much fun
Spoilers :3
I did not expect the movie to be so violent though, like WHAT
We just have kong casually ripping apart a dog thingy, i forgot their names but mam are they ugly.
And then in skar kings lair, there were just 3 severed heads on spikes, like bro, chill, we know you're evil
Shimo is just a puppy and i love her for it :3
Not the ice queen we were expecting but i still love her
Personally i always loved goji's new evolved or rather half-evolved form because that shit is done. Bro is literally malnourished so he will get his roundnesd back. I'm pretty sure his dorsal plates are also just straight up missing a layer of skin, like deer antlers probably, you could literally see veins in there, that shit's seethrough.
I absolutely ship berny and trapper, they were lovely. Obviously the humans are just plot devices but they were still character enough for me to enjoy. A lot actually, i really don't have anything bad to say here. A bit more of them would've probably even helped the movie because it kinda just rushes past you at a million miles an hour. That probably my only real critique point here, i just had so much fun :3
Another obvious plot device was mothra but just like the humans i did not care what so ever, i loved mothra, fucking slaayyyy QUEEN, HELL YEAH. She so pretty uwu
This whole thing was really a kong movie with godzilla just kind of there being fucking awsome and it was glorious!!!
I love kong so much, i wanna hug my baby. I also wanna pet shimo but that's besides the point. I really don't mind the beast glove, it's just a glorified bandage that just happens to Also boots his strength a little, it is not here to stay for long. He's probably gonna get rid of it by the time of the next movie and someone better call him King kong because my boy is now King now, hell yeah!!! He's gonna be so good for those poor apes down there, they suffered so much abuse at the hands of skar.
I heard some things that the next movie in the probably wingard trilogy will be more godzilla focused which, yes please, baby needs some characterization goddamn it. I'm not saying i don't like monsterverse goji, far from it, i love this overgrown lizard but his character is not explored as thoroughly as kong's was. He's got so much potential and i can't wait to see that and his finished evolution. See you guys in 2 or 3 years then for next one >^w^<
I'd probably give it and 8/10, will rewatch at least 8 times >:3
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harpieisthecarpie · 6 months
Harp's Kongzilla (Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire) Thoughts
(Update ??? 6: [Mission log. I can't tell if it has been 6 minutes since I lost contact with the outside world, or 6 years. Time doesn't move the same in this space. Will I ever be home again, or will I have to make this hellscape my "home"?] Even if you don't care about Godzilla this might be fun to watch the ✨ chaotic progression of my mental breakdown✨! Who needs Kongzilla, when you can pop some corn and watch a ✨ timelapse of Harp's kaiju-inspired demise✨?)
Just got back from seeing Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire in a really nice, really big theater and I have a torrential hurricane of thoughts I MUST get out RIGHT NOW.
(Edit: [kind of an edit I haven't posted this yet] It has been an 1hr and 1/2 since I started typing and I haven't gotten through my spoiler-free review. Kongzilla was only 1hr 55min bro. I am so fucking lost in the sauce bro.)
(Edit 2: [still haven't posted] sorry about the colored text and the bolding and the effects. It is the only way I could keep myself sane. Yes it will continue into the spoiler reblog.)
Usually the first thing I do after seeing a movie at the cinema (not including rambling about it with whoever went with me to the theaters) is look up what other people are saying on the internet. Reviewers, Tumblr, general internet surfing (I'm a nosey bitch who likes to see who I disagree with, sue me).
But I COULD NOT with this one. I turned all my notifs off. They are staying off until I fucking finish this post.
(Edit 3: [I'll post eventually] YES I intend to keep that promise until I finish the spoiler-filled reblog. I took an extra of my ADHD meds to stay up this late. I HAVE to expend that energy somehow.)
Also, I am going to refer to Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire as Kongzilla going forward. I still haven't checked tumblr so it's probs a ship name but it's what I've been calling the movie in my head since I was told I was going to watch it in theaters.
Big Godzilla and Kaiju buffs PLEASE take all my commentary with a grain of salt. I don't know goddamn ANYTHING in depth about Godzilla movies or lore.
Also this is a sequel! I haven't seen the first one!! But I didn't even need to see it bc there is just the right amount of context that you don't have to have seen the 1st to watch this one! So, truly not a point against me. Rather, a point TOWARDS this movie.
The only reason I've seen so many Godzilla movies in theaters is because my brother has been OBSESSED WITH and ENAMORED BY classic kaiju movies and their successors since before my brain was able to make long-term memories, probably even before I was born.
So I go to all the big Kaiju blockbusters with him because he is my big bro and I care about his interests (and also because no matter the movie quality, I didn't pay for the ticket and I probably also got free popcorn). Pretty much ALL of what I know about Godzilla lore is from him and also manga that have kaiju (or are at least kaiju inspired).
Okay, I am gonna ramble all my thoughts. BUT!!!! If you are like me and end up checking Tumblr to see if you'll like a movie, I'll leave something for you. It starts at the TL;DR in purple and goes past the read more.
(Edit 4: [This rambling review I initially wanted to make for the tumblr interaction for fun has turned into my own personal Purgatory/Saw trap. Free me.] Moved the read more cutoff further up because I rambled MORE during my read through. I also ended up removing most of the purple emphasis coloring, bc if people don't read this fucking thing because of too much color I'm EATING THIS FUCKING LAPTOP.)
I was gonna do my spoiler rambling here too but I have been going for over and hour and several paragraphs, so the spoilery rambling will be in a reblog of this post. If you're even interested. IF YOU EVEN CARE.
Even if you're not the biggest Godzilla or kaiju buff, even if you haven't seen the first movie in this series. WATCH IT.
Also, once more I am a Godzilla layman. The lore is my brother's zone. I do not speak for what Godzilla and kaiju buffs would think. Please Godzilla Tumblr fandom don't kill me!!!! If I say I thought Kong and Godzilla were kinda hot ( I mean this in the monster fucker way NOT the furry way [not that I'm bashing furries. I'm not a furry tho.]) will that make you like me more or less?????
It is fucking fun!!!!! And also the WEIRDEST whiplash between heartwarming and funny that I have never seen work before. BUT IT WORKS HERE!! SO WELL!!!!!
Even if you are jaded about seeing movies (especially franchise films, reboots, and actions) I recommend it. I am also jaded, it's been so long since there has been something I wanted to see in theaters.
And as of 1:26 AM my time, about 1hr and 30min since I left the theater (please let me ouuuut) I AM 100000% WILLING TO SEE IT AGAIN. I'D PAY FOR MY OWN TICKET !!!!! (I never pay for my own ticket! People have to bribe me into the theaters!)
The only other recent one I've enjoyed has, funnily enough, been Godzilla Minus One. And for similar(???) but also very different(!!!!) reasons.
Godzilla -1 was very thoughtful and painful and it made you sit in the despair the characters felt as their lives were razed to the ground. I also 10000% recommend you see Godzilla -1, but only if you want to experience a story that flays open a lot of the devil-may-care destruction that action (and monster) movies revel in.
Kongzilla didn't give me any fucking time to think (I mean that in the BEST way). It was 1hr 55min long (very refreshing) and it was batting me around like a fucking pinball in a Godzilla-Kong-FoundFam pinball machine. I was just along for the ride, but now I am left bereft in my many many thoughts. Which is why we are here.
Jesus I am rambling more than I expected okay uh uh. Now for a DO WATCH IF vs DON'T WATCH IF, in case my words have failed to compel you.
Pros Coloring Code
Pink = Emotional reasons to watch Blue = Action reasons to watch Orange = Horknee reasons to watch (hey, it happens) Green = ????
DO watch if:
You are a sucker for found family
You are a sucker for big monster found family
You have been looking for a heartfelt, yet funny (and fun) action that actually feels like it has a heart (I am subtly critiquing you superhero movie industrial complex)
Pretty ladies!!!!! (I could see the main lady's shimmery gloss and freckles in hi def it was a spiritual experience. God shes gorgeous I'm gonna reblog so many gifsets)
Pretty men!!!!! (Australian vet weirdgirl [but man] was treated as the seductive hottie by the movie and goddamn they were RIGHT. Also conspiracy theorist dude was so fucking handsome too. I don't even LIKE men!)
A cute kid dealing with the loss of her entire world and thrust into a place she doesn't feel she belongs.
That cute kid being the DAUGHTER of the main lady. They communicate in sign and it is so fucking heartfelt and genuine!!! (more l8er)
Unexpected (to me) polycule???? Not ACTUALLY canon but bro it felt like it (even more l8er). Idc if some element was queer/ship bait. I fell hook, line, and SINKER. Get that kid 2 extra dads with her order of mom!!!!!!
Silver fox (ba dum tss) grizzled GILF Kong???? I was not expecting that the wet meow meow of the movie would be KONG, but... here we are
Seriously an alt title could be Kong and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Godzilla destroys a nuclear facility in France.
Bro this got so long I had to go back and fucking color code.
(Edit 5: You have no fucking idea bro. Your rambling [and emotional state] gets worse!)
DO NOT watch if:
You have photosensitive epilepsy or if you feel there is ANY chance flashing or flickering lights might trigger a seizure. It fucking sucks how few movies are safe for people dealing with photosensitive seizures (or any photosensitivity issues) but this IS one of the ones that'll fuck you up. Do NOT risk your health for GILF Kong. He would want you to stay safe and healthy!
I'm 10000% serious about the warning. There is a scene where they were warping into Hollow Earth and the flashing and flickering and general sight fuckery got bad enough to make ME have to look away. It lasted for at least a minute too. Jesus.
In a similar vein, if you experience vertigo or really bad motion sickness this movie will be hell. The story deals with gravity and spacial fuckery and the cinematography reflects that. The opening shot was REALLY COOL but it was dizzying. You could probably get away with watching it at home, but it'll FUCK YOU UP at the cinema.
You just in general don't like back-to-back always bumping action. If you wanna see a newer Godzilla movie but don't fancy the roller-coaster movie feel, look into Godzilla Minus One.
Okay!!!! I think this is finally fucking it? For the spoiler-free discussion at least. God. Whatever is happening to me is unholy.
If i wake up tomorrow (today) and I'm still as fucked up about this movie, if this isn't just the fucking extra ADHD med, if it turns out my newest hyperfixation is a fucking Western Godzilla x Kong movie series????
I think I'll have to toss myself into a panic chamber, in case I am suddenly overcome by the impulse to buy kaiju models worth hundreds of dollars (I know there are more expensive ones but I am poor enough to know my own limits) for ME to keep instead of for my brother.
Oh Jesus, I won't even be able to ramble with him about it because I'd become fixated in a queer/monsterfucker way and either he wouldn't at all understand or I would be forced to reckon with a reality where I know my brother's romantic preferences and those preferences are giant monsters. I couldn't take that man it'd be joever for me.
That's it for the spoiler free section! Either I will pass out as soon as I hit post or I'll end up writing for like 3 more hours regarding spoilers.
SO CHECK THE REBLOGS (not right away give me time) FOR MY SPOILERY THOUGHTS!!!!!!
I am NOT allowing myself to look this fucking thing over again. I need to have self control.
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babyangelsky · 7 months
Now that Anti Reset and Perfect Propose have soothed my salty little soul and I've had some time to sit with the finale I just wanted to get some thoughts out.
I'm...unsatisfied, to say the very least. I know we got that "to be continued" which hopefully means we get another season or a special or a movie or something to tie up all these loose ends because I need them tied. Cliffhangers by nature are meant to leave at least a couple of loose ends untied but Den. Bro.
Even if what we saw was a season finale and not a series finale, that doesn't really help because even season finales give a little bit of closure. Here there was no closure. None. Anywhere. That finale didn't leave me with the anticipatory kind of frustration that season finales have been leaving me with my whole life, where I'm excited to see what happens next. It left me with the frustration of needing answers but not knowing whether I'm actually going to get them.
One, because there's no guarantee we'll actually get a continuation. How many series have we seen announced that just never get made? (Wish Me Luck and Love Puzzle, I'm still waiting for you) And two, because Den has lost my trust as a writer.
I've been writing for eleven years. Not in any sort of professional capacity, just as a hobby, but even so I feel qualified to say that we tell on ourselves a little bit through our writing. Through any creative medium really. Part of the artist always goes into their art, they're reflected in their art.
I remember @heretherebedork saying in a post that Den's hangups about kink, virginity, and sex within and without the context of a committed relationship were coming through in his writing choices, and they did. Especially when you compare Playboyy to Only Friends which you can't help but do because there's so much overlap. Echoes of Only Friends were always present from the very beginning.
Den said himself that what he didn't get to say in Only Friends he said in Playboyy, and to an extent I do think that's true. I do think he touched on a lot of things he wanted to touch on, but that's just it. He merely touched on them. Commentary about sex and sex work was there in Playboyy and when it was done well, it was done really well.
When it wasn't, it stayed very surface level at best and at worst, it hindered not only the development of the characters and their relationships but also the plot.
I enjoyed Playboyy. All I ask of the media I consume is that it entertain me and I try not to look at it through the lens of a writer. If a piece of media I consume entertains me, it has done its job. Playboyy did its job but I am so dissatisfied with that finale and that dissatisfaction is deeply rooted in my lens as a writer.
I can't just see it as a piece of queer media about sex. I can't help but see all the things I would've changed or done differently or excluded all together. Stories about sex have the right to exist. Stories that talk about and include sex have the right to exist.
But if you set out to write a holistic story about sex that runs the gamut of experiences on both an individual and societal level, which is what Den intended, how then can you demonize the aspects of sex that don't conform to your worldview while idealizing the ones that do?
That I think is my biggest beef with Playboyy and with Den's writing. If I can't trust you to do what you said you were going to, how can I trust you to tie up the entire tassel of loose ends you left in your plot?
Who knows if that all made sense but I just needed to get it out of my system so I can rest. I hope we get some sort of continuation for this story because I have so many goddamn questions but I'm honestly wary of hoping for it.
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orange-waterfalls · 3 years
Unnecessary Feelings
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The Host x gn!reader
ty anon for the request
A/N: BRO. Bro. Bro I. I am so proud of this one don’t even look at me. Also happy spooky month! Might do something with that, idk though. This is more of another character study with the Host, I’ll be honest. I still think it’s pretty cute, though. I didn’t read back through this, lmk about any mistakes. Enjoy!
Word Count: 2.4k
Unnecessary Feelings
Host isn’t particularly looking for a relationship, of any sort. Not necessarily. It would be nice, but it isn’t at the forefront of his mind. It’s not that important. Change is weird. He’s been in his same office, writing the same kind of stories, with the same kind of people. That’s fine. He likes that. He likes his novels, his protagonists, and his office.
He explained all of these things to Wilford and Darkiplier, but neither was having it. That’s how he ended up staying at the manor for a while, while his place was being “renovated”. He didn’t know how much he trusted Wilford to “renovate” correctly. 
Wilford likes pink. A lot. Host doesn’t. He can't see it, but he knows it. Pink was loud. Pink smelled like raspberries and icing and cherry blossoms and shrimp. It sounded like fair music and joyful screaming and chalk scraping on the ground. It felt smooth and soft and squishy. It tasted like sugar, sugar, sugar, too much to be healthy. Pink made his brain hurt. He doesn’t like pink. Wilford likes pink. Wilford… Wilford fucking loves pink. And Wilford will say it’s pink, and Host will know it’s pink, and even though he can’t see it, he’ll be upset that it’s pink. He doesn’t like pink. He doesn’t know how to say it. So he doesn’t. And he copes.
He takes the opportunity to talk to the others staying at the manor, which was pretty much just Dr. Iplier and… you. Dr. Iplier was a… reasonable man. He was boring. Very boring, really. He directed every conversation to discuss your health or a weird patient he had recently, neither of which really interested the Host. He didn’t enjoy talking to Dr. Iplier too much. 
You, however…
Were also kind of boring?
Well, you mostly just wandered around, reading, cleaning, sleeping, not doing much else. He didn’t initiate conversation and neither did you. If you sat next to him on the couch and he sat a little straighter and breathed a little faster, that was simply a coincidence. And the urge to talk to you about his novel for hours was simply boredom. And the desire to listen to you talk for hours was… it was none of your goddamn business is what it was. He didn’t like you, but he didn’t dislike you either. He felt nothing. You made him feel nothing. This didn’t mean anything.
It didn’t.
But, entirely too fast, Dark and Wil were done. Or rather, whoever they hired was done. Which was good. Host bid you two goodbye. Dr. Iplier told him to drink plenty of water but not too much, and you told him you’d keep an eye out for his newest novel. He felt like he should be blushing right now, he felt it in his face. Nobody commented, so he assumed he didn’t. He felt a thing happen in his chest as he looked at the two of you. 
He didn’t like either of you, and if he kept telling himself that, maybe it would come true.
He received a new office. It was much cleaner and brighter, and he actually had room to think. There was an espresso machine in the corner atop a pink table, a “dandelion” yellow couch next to it, a pastel pink desk against the opposite wall, and a few “motivational” posters on the baby blue walls. At least from what he’d heard. Wilford did his best to explain the room. He appreciated that the walls were not, in fact, pink like he expected.
He had to walk around a few times, keep track of his steps, and get used to the new layout. It’s a good room. Clean. No nails sticking out of the floor, no rats scurrying around, no cobwebs, no holes, no nothing. Clean and quiet. Clean. And. Quiet.
He fucking hates the goddamn room.
Who likes silence? Who enjoys that? Who wants to be stuck in a suffocatingly clean office with nothing but their thoughts for hours at a time? Homicidal people, that’s who.
Ignore the fact that he has homicidal tendencies and has almost killed/has killed several people, that doesn’t matter right now.
He can just sit and deal. He can take the office, try to coax the rats into coming back, buy some spiders, and write. No big deal.
Except what if he didn’t deal? What if he told them he hated it and couldn’t work in these conditions? What if he was forced to stay at the manor again? What if he could… talk… and interact with people? Without anything barring him from doing so?
He’s… not lonely. 
He’s not lonely. 
He’s not.
But if he stays in the manor again while Wilford talks about how he has no taste and Darkiplier decides to be in charge of the renovation now, that’s not his fault.
Bim, Eric, and you were staying at the manor when he had to. For the second time. Bim had a thing for rom-coms and dramedy movies, and Eric had started to pick that thing up. You and Host also watched the movies, but whether you actually liked them was beyond him. Usually, you made fun of them together. He couldn’t see them, but he could hear a lot of the ridiculous dialogue. He could drop two random people in a closed-off room together and they’d have more chemistry than half of these Hallmark Christmas Movie couples. You were very quiet during “To All The Boys I Loved Before”, however, so either you loved it or you hated it. He couldn’t really tell.
You two talked a little less than before, you being preoccupied with Eric. Host was fine with that. He could just… talk to you whenever you were done. But you apparently had a low social battery and trapped yourself in a room whenever you were done talking to Eric. That was fine. Host didn’t need to be happy anyways. 
He may or may not have showed up at your door first thing in the morning sometimes to get the chance to talk to you. You didn’t know, so it was fine.
But Eric and Bim were smart. They picked up on the Host’s… “feelings” and desire to talk to you. If either were in a room with you and Host, they immediately left so that you could talk. It worked, and Host was happy, but he felt kind of bad.
No. No he didn’t. He felt no emotion towards anyone or anything. The suit he bought for Bim and the journal he bought for Eric meant absolutely nothing. It was a business transaction. You can’t prove anything.
Somehow quicker than before, the room was fixed. Again. And you, Eric, and Bim saw him off. Eric’s voice sounded wet and Bim sounded a little sad as well. You sounded… fine. But he had a suspicion that you knew you were going to see him again soon. And Host was not upset, of course not. And if he was thankful his eyes weren’t exactly working properly because otherwise he might have shed a few tears, it was completely unrelated. You can’t prove anything.
The new room was completely black and white. Black laptop and a white desk with a black chair. White walls and a black floor. A white couch against the wall. No espresso machine this time, which slightly disappointed the Host. 
Darkiplier sounded proud when he explained the room. Host could see why, it sounded very pretty. Which he tried to say when he turned to Darkiplier. But his traitorous mouth instead said:
“Host asks if this room is meant for the Host or you?”
The Host was teleported back to the manor this time. Wilford was standing out in front, Host knew because he heard the man’s distinct yell of surprise. He also smelled gunsmoke and wine.
“Host. What are you doing here?”
“The Host asks what you are doing here?”
“... I asked you first.”
“The Host asked you second.”
“... business. You?”
“... business.”
“Ah… well, cheers.” Quick footsteps get quieter as Wilford runs away. Host stood for a moment,  debating whether or not to apologize to Dark. Before he could decide, the door opened.
“Host?” You asked. Host instantly felt himself straighten up and ball his fists.
“Hello.” He said stiffly.
“Another renovation?” He heard the smile in your voice and forced himself not to smile back.
“Host assumes so.” He nodded.
“So…” You sighed.
“So?” He tilted his head.
“Are you coming in?” You asked. Host let himself smile as he walked into the manor.
He didn’t see you all too much for the rest of the week, and he was severely disappointed. There wasn’t really anybody staying there, just a few people visiting over a few days. Yancy, Illinois, and maybe Bing, if the sound of a skateboard at 3 in the morning was any clue. He was pretty much alone. And that was fine. He was usually alone. He was used to it. This was fine.
Maybe he should stop lying to himself so often.
All too soon, he was on his way back. Again. You were the only one to see him off this time.
“Well… um…” You started. The tension between you two was like a punch to the gut. You were perfectly fine before. What happened?
“Host bids you farewell,” He nodded politely and turned around. Maybe if he left quickly, it wouldn’t hurt as much.
“Wait, Host!” You called. He froze. “I’m, uh… I’m coming with you.” He spun around to face you.
“Host… asks what you mean?”
“I wanna… see your office. I mean, if I’m… allowed to visit?” You said meekly. Host felt his heart quicken.
“The Host would love-like that,” He coughed as he corrected himself. 
“Ok, good,” He could hear the smug smile in your voice. Damn him and his… feelings.
The commute to his thrice-new office was almost silent. Neither of you said anything. You most likely wanted to wait for the Host to start the conversation, but he didn’t want to bother you if you didn’t want to talk. It was a little awkward. But after a while, it became comfortable. He liked just being in your presence.
He thought that was what he would miss most about the manor.
You both stood outside of his office door when you arrived.
“Well… here we are.” You whispered. Host nodded solemnly. “Do you want to do the honors.” Host lifted his hand to the doorknob, feeling himself shake. He clutched the doorknob, not moving an inch. He could feel your eyes on him. You were worried. This was fine. 
You could visit. But what if you didn’t want to? What if you saw his stories? What if you thought he was cruel? He was, but not to you. He would never be to you. He could stop. He could write different stories. He could write a romance! It would still affect people’s lives, but for the better? At least until the story ended and he had no control over it. What if you wanted him to stop? He couldn’t just stop. Would you give him an ultimatum? You wouldn’t… would you?
“Host--” You started. He whipped around to face you.
“The Host does not want to enter the room.” He said, voice wavering a little. He cleared his throat. Embarrassing.
“What? Ho-”
“The Host wants to talk to people. The Host… wants friends. The Host wants to stay with you and the others.” He grits out. God, this was pathetic. Was he begging? 
“Host, open the door.” You sighed. The Host froze. What? Why were you… what?
Oh. So that was it. You were seeing him off… for the last time. You didn’t… you… didn’t like… 
Right. Yeah. You were a polite person. He should’ve known.
“But…” He trailed off and faced the floor.
“Host, I really think you should open the door,” You said, the smile clear in your voice. His eyebrows furrowed. Well, you didn’t have to be so eager about it, Jesus.
The Host grabbed the doorknob and threw the door open with a crack against the wall.
“Jesus, man!” Bim’s distinct game show voice sounded from inside the room. Left front corner. “What’s got your boxers in a bunch?”
“I always thought he was a boxer-briefs man.” Dr. Iplier said from the opposite side.
“I can confirm that he is, in fact, a boxer-briefs man.” Google said from the same place as Dr. Iplier.
“I honestly would’ve thought commando.” Eric’s voice was muffled, as if he was facing away from everyone else.
What… What the fuck?
“What. The fuck.” He said loudly. You clapped a hand on his shoulder, making him jump.
“Surprise! We’re invading your office. Please don’t resist.” He could, again, hear the smirk on your face. He almost wanted to be mad. Almost.
“What?” He turned to you. You let go of him and stepped in.
“We fixed your room! You got your bland-ass beige walls, your hardwood floor, cobwebs, dust, and I think there’s a rat somewhere in the walls…”
“His name is Remy!” Eric said happily.
“Sorry, Remy is somewhere in the walls.” Host didn’t move, still processing this whole situation.
“The Host… doesn’t understand…” He rubbed his temples.
“Well, you seemed… lonely. And we like spending time with you. So… we’re gonna spend time with you!” Bim explained.
“You don’t have to do things alone anymore. Just… call someone up and we’ll come hang out.” Dr. Iplier said.
“Only if you ask, though.” Eric added softly. Host didn’t move for a long while.
The others began to fidget, thinking they did something wrong. Eventually, he took a breath, and everyone else held theirs.
“Is… is the Host’s equipment still here?” He asked.
“Your writing stuff? Yeah, it’s on the desk.” You answered. Host went quiet again, thinking.
“Do… You guys want to help the Host write something?” He mumbled.
“Hell yeah we do!” You clapped your hands once. Host made his way over to his desk. All the others, including you, crowded around him as soon as he sat down, pushing each other to get a good look.
This was slightly claustrophobic and pretty uncomfortable… 
It was perfect.
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Title: The Friend Scheme
Author: Cale Dietrich
Genre: YA Fiction | Romance | Friendship | Drama | Crime | LGBTQ+
Content Warnings: Homophobia | Death | Guns 
Overall Rating: 8.0/10
Personal Opinion: If you’ve ever wanted to read about fluffy star crossed lovers with the mafia as the backdrop, then this is definitely the book for you. Don’t let the cover fool you. It looks serious and grimdark but it’s actually not. Most of the time. It’s about two boys who are always pressured to be things they’re not learning to be themselves and fighting for the things they want while also falling for each other.
Do I Own This Book? Nope.
Spoilers Below For My Likes & Dislikes:
- That fucking plot twist at the end of part II completely and totally wrecked me. I didn’t see it coming at all. I assumed that Jason was the son of the patriarch of the Donovans, not that he was a junior cop! All of the signs were there though and that’s the crazy part. It’s not out of left field, I just totally forgot about the law as an entity. So I give that plot twist a round of applause because goddamn, it got me good.
- Matt and Jason have some really good chemistry and easy dialogue too. The amount of things they have in common is just so cute and I love how they could relate to each other on a deeper level because of their oppressive upbringings. Matt’s constant gay panics around Jason was adorable too and honestly, overall, I just love that they felt like authentic teenagers to me. Even with their… unusual circumstances
- Matt’s inability to trust Jason completely is warranted. And I agree, Jason wasn’t giving as much as he was demanding from Matt so it was unfair. So this was one of those conflicts in a book where I can find no fault in because yeah, it’s a lot.
- Luke is a surprisingly great character and big brother. He looks out for Matt so well. I do wish that since he knew Matt was gay, he didn’t ride Matt so hard on the girlfriend thing. It just makes it harder to come out. But I’m glad he took it well and that he had Matt’s back when Matt wanted to go to LA.
- Cassidy is a great friend too. Not only because she readily agreed to be Matt’s beard when he was caught in a lie but because she made him feel normal by talking about boys so openly. When he gestured to the waiter with muscles and tattoos at the dumpling place as being his type and she replied, “You, me, and the rest of the male-loving species. But trust me, they’re a bad idea,” I felt that. I kind of wish we knew where she and Matt stood though after the funeral. It’s implied that she sort of dropped him when she realized he would never be in charge of the family and that sucks but I wish she would’ve stayed friends with him anyway
- The pop culture references are exquisite. By which I mean, of course, I understood them. I have a bias and that bias is Nintendo, specifically Smash Bros and Pokemon. But there were also mentions of other movies and games that Matt and Jason were both into that I didn’t get but I like seeing the two of them share the things they have in common and then proceeding to pursue those things they’re passionate about in the epilogue. Film for Matt and game design for Jason.
- The writing is fast-paced and easy to read which lends itself well to creating the sappy scenes of Matt getting closer to Jason. Their easy conversations, their hangouts, their dates, it all felt good to read because they were just exposition and dialogue. It was nice.
- Okay, so the blurb and the monochrome cover makes this book seem like it’s going to be a grimdark story and for the first hundred or so pages, it’s not. It is cute and fluffy and that is jarring to me. That’s not necessarily a bad thing but I got serious whiplash when we saw Ryan Donovan and Uncle Vince die. We have all these cutesy scenes and then bam! Bullets, knives, and molotovs just to remind us that this is about criminals. It’s… not negative so much as just not for me. But I also think that the easygoing, romantic style of writing does not lend itself well for the grimdark scenes (few as there may be) of this book. 
- Jason’s mom. Is it even legal to have your son do undercover work like this? It seems extra dangerous too given that the Millers torture and hurt people. I don’t know, I just don’t like that she forced her own son into this situation and made him befriend an innocent kid just to get to said kid’s family.
- I don’t like Matt’s dad either. I know he’s supposed to be a good guy (or at least better than say the Donovans) but he just rubbed me the wrong way throughout the whole book. The way he treated Matt at least. “You frustrate me sometimes” really? Of all the things you can tell your own kid. I don’t care that you were taking out your anger at your wife’s death on him, he’s your son, get the fuck over yourself. 
- Also, I feel like Matt should’ve gotten to come out properly to Jason and told him that all that girl talk makes it harder for him to come out. And Matt should’ve also had the chance to properly come out to his dad.
- The implication that Cassidy wanted nothing from Matt except his position as the son of the leader of the Millers does not sit well with me. Mostly because it was slimy.
- We had all these grimdark scenes but in the end, they didn’t mean much to the overall story. It wasn’t about that, it was about Matt and Jason falling for each other. But with the blurb that we were given, it feels almost like a letdown. Like, okay, if you want to read about a romance with the mafia as a backdrop, then great, this is for you. But the blurb, the cover, the mismatched scenes, it sort of gives the book an all-over-the-place feel.
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marcholasmoth · 3 years
OSRR: 2787
i stayed home last night, so i had to wake up early this morning to compensate for the driving time. but i also got up early enough i could stop at starbucks, which was much needed and a good idea.
i picked up joel, brought him to work, and went up to the school to go to work myself. i had an appointment scheduled for 9am and one for 12pm, so i wasn't expecting to be busy.
i walked in and was bombarded with "welcome back"s and "oh my god how have you been"s.
my first appointment was great.
but then problem students 1 and 2 came.
one came over and bitched about how another tutor couldn't help him. he's the one who follows me around like a lost puppy. i'm like "bro, she don't do this shit, man, she do biology, not finance." and he talked my ear off for a while. i could tell he missed me when i was gone.
the other came over after he left and pulled out her shit to start working. she asked if she could make an appointment to come talk to me, so i said sure. to talk. not to work on these assignments.
so i had to tell her i couldn't help her.
and since she's old and doesn't speak english well i had to explain it like six times.
and then problem student 1 came back, and i explained that i'm not tutoring for classes i'm not specifically listed as because i can't keep doing it. it's not sustainable. i took time off for my mental health because i couldn't take it. plus, socializing puts holes in my cup, and teaching shit i don't know takes it and dumps it the fuck out.
after that, the lady (PS#2) sat and tried to get me to do things for her still, and i said "i cannot do that." i fuckin stood up for myself and the boundaries i made. and i'm still impressed.
but the fact of the matter is that i was not emotionally or mentally prepared for that confrontation to happen on a goddamn monday morning, so all day i was even more exhausted and i ended up actually hurting, physically hurting all over because of it. by the end of the day, i had a headache, my eyes were sensitive and they hurt, my neck hurt, my back hurt, my knees hurt, it really just felt like i'd gotten hit by a truck. not to mention my patience was totally gone.
(thank whatever gods there are that my student who came at noon is a sweetheart and bright as fuck, because i could not have handled another problem student.)
anyway, i took the time after the appointments were done to sit for a bit, and then i went and got food. i sat a coworker over in the cafeteria and he ended up telling me to get mozzarella sticks because there's nothing mozzarella sticks can't fix. and yknow? the man was right. i got mozzarella sticks and a turkey club and some pink lemonade and i enjoyed my lunch, and i also got to meet my friend's new girlfriend (who is just fuckin adorable and i totally understand why they like each other so much, they're literally adorable), and i told her about diogenes and a bunch of random facts about things like the opal earrings she was wearing, and blah blah blah. she's super cool.
after work i went to get joel and i brought him home, and i was just feeling miserable. i brought him back, and i needed to go home anyway to grab shit if i was gonna come back, so i stopped for gas and went home, and i almost burst into tears on the spot i was so relieved to be home and i was so stressed about everything. on the way home i wore sunglasses and had the sun visor down and it still hurt to see. i was puzzled at every driver except for a kind looking old man i was behind maybe five minutes before i got home. everyone else could die in a hole for all i cared. i was not in the mood. i got home and put on my bathrobe and grabbed blooper and flopped on my bed for a bit.
went downstairs, had dinner (shepherds pie because it's delicious), watched movie, (half-) watched an episode of ncis, and came upstairs. i read a fic and now i'm gonna pass out because i'm still fucking exhausted and i gotta be up early again tomorrow. i fucking hate mornings.
i just want joel hugs. like forever. i partly wish i had gone back, but i was in no shape to drive and i sleep better at home. :/
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pxningfo0l · 4 years
Craving for more.
Fandom: MHA
Ship/Pairing: Kirishima/Bakugou
Genre/Rating: kinda angsty? not really? it’s just fluff and stuff. Also jealousy.
if you wanna read on Ao3:
Katsuki huffs, staring at the ceiling and willing his mind to just shut the fuck up already. It does nothing to help him.
It’s way past his bedtime, Katsuki doesn’t need to know what time it was to know that. He’d been exhausted, ready to collapse onto his bed and sleep for eternity, but the second he got comfortable in his bed, his mind decided now was a good time to think about everything, and nothing.
It annoyed the fuck out of him. He tossed and turned, and growled to himself. He just couldn’t sleep.
Eventually, he groans, more loudly and dramatic than necessary. He bolts from his bed, shoving his duvet roughly. Pressing the heels of his hands into his eyes tightly, then running a hand through his messy blond locks, he paces around his room.
He considers working out, then decides he’s not bothered enough for that. Watching videos and movies until he falls asleep? Nah.
Katsuki stops pacing, gazing at the door. Maybe a cup of tea could help.
He opens the door slowly, careful not to make too much noise. He slowly makes his way to the kitchen, but freezes in his tracks when he hears something.
Voice. Hushed voices.
Feeling the strange need to be unseen, Katsuki tiptoes to the kitchen. He stops at a safe distance, and cranes his neck to see-
Red hair. Kirishima.
And he’s talking to someone. Someone with annoyingly bright green hair.
Something twists in Katsuki’s gut. He leans closer, trying to hear what Kirishima and Deku, of all people, were whispering about. Gritting his teeth when he can’t hear them at all.
Then, he registers Deku’s pale body tremble, and Katsuki immediately knows that the nerd is crying. He’s proven right when he hears a pitiful sniffle.
And Kirishima- stupidly supportive, friendly, caring, Kirishima Eijirou- smiles wistfully, and pulls Deku into his arms.
The twist in Katsuki’s gut worsens. Liquid fire rushes through his veins, and the need to seperate the two overwhelmed him suddenly. It didn’t make it any better that Deku was so short he reached Kirishima’s collarbone, and it certainly didn’t lessen the feeling when Deku’s arms came to wrap around Kirishima’s middle.
Hugging. They were hugging. Deku’s face was buried in Kirishima’s chest and he was shaking and crying, and Kirishima was humming softly, moving his hand in an up and down motion on Deku’s back.
Katsuki felt sick. He felt nauseous. He was going to fucking puke. He needed them to seperate, and he needed it now.
He considers exploding something, preferably Deku’s stupid face, but then, he blanks when Deku moves out of Kirishima’s grip, and his teary eyes flicker to him.
Feeling himself go stiff, Katsuki doesn’t say a word. He narrows his eyes, daring Deku to say anything.
Deku does end up saying something, but he doesn’t mention Katsuki, much to his great relief. Katsuki knows this because the green-haired boy smiles at Kirishima, something that makes Katsuki feel slightly sicker. He pats the redhead on the shoulder, saying something along the line of “goodnight,” or whatever. Then, green eyes flicker to him again, and Deku starts walking towards his direction.
He stands completely still, not moving but glaring daggers at Deku, who offers him a small tired smile, eyes crinkling in a way Katsuki considered knowing, and he hated it. It made him feel exposed, like Deku knew everything about something Katsuki didn’t even know himself.
Deku leaves. Katsuki finds himself staring at Kirishima, who’s back is turned to him. He watches Kirishima sigh heavily, shoulders slumping, and Katsuki has barely enough time to react because Kirishima in then turning around.
Garnet eyes meet his. Katsuki’s heart skips a beat.
Kirishima blinks at him. Katsuki blinks back.
“Dude.” Kirishima breathes, running a hand through his red hair. Katsuki briefly wonders if it’s soft. “You scared me.”
Katsuki scoffs and rolls his eyes. He steps into the kitchen, walking passed Kirishima and dutifully ignoring the remaining twist in his gut. He gathers the things to make the tea, ignoring the way he felt eyes drilling into his soul.
“How long were you there?”
He doesn’t face Kirishima, but his movements falter, just for a brief moment. “Not that long. Why do you care?”
It’s more a demand than a question, but Katsuki’s curiosity is blatantly obvious. “No reason.” Kirishima hums softly. “It’s just- uh.” He trails off.
Katsuki looks at him then. Kirishima is looking down, chewing at his bottom lip in thought. He wonders how the redhead hasn’t broken skin yet.
But, no rational thought except one remains in Katsuki’s mind. Kirishima doesn’t want him to know what happened with Deku.
The realisation causes the feeling in his gut to increase tenthfold. This, along with an ache in his chest, one he can’t recognise.
(Or maybe he doesn’t want to.)
He sighs, looking away from the other boy, instead choosing to stare at a spot on the floor. He knows what this feeling is. Has felt it too many times to count. And for some stupid, fucked up reason, it always has something to do with Deku. Deku, and his new quirk. Deku, and his quirk that he got from All might. Deku, and his victories. Deku, and the way he was just in Kirishima’s arms, somewhere Katsuki would kill to be-
Suddenly, there’s a grip on his arms. Katsuki snaps his head up, and is face to face with Kirishima.
Close. Too close. He’s standing way too close.
“Bakugou?” His breathe wafts over Katsuki, and makes his shiver. He hopes Kirishima can’t feel the rise of goosebumps on his arms. “You okay?”
He scoffs and looks away. “Obviously. Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Can you look at me then?”
Fuck. Katsuki doesn’t think he can do that. Nonetheless, he turns his head slowly and meets Kirishima’s concerned gaze. Something skips in his chest. He can’t look away.
Kirishima’s eyes are pretty. Really pretty. Red like his Katsuki’s own, but a different kind. Red like the shimmering sunset, red like rubies or garnets, red like candied apples. Looking so closely, Katsuki notes the barely there flecks of golden-brown in Kirishima’s eyes. 
“You’re my friend too, Bakugou.”
Katsuki barely realises that Kirishima had spoken. He blinks rapidly, processing the words. “I’m friends with a lot of people, and you’re one of them.” He continues, still gripping at Katsuki’s arm. The touch burns. “Maybe even my best friend.”
And Katsuki forgets how to breathe. Kirishima is so so close, and he’s smiling, and it’s different from this close.
He hates himself for thinking beautiful, and he especially hates himself when he finds that the twist in his gut- jealousy - has still not disappeared. Lessened, yes, but it hasn’t disappeared. Rather, it’s being replaced with a different emotion.
He longs for more. He wants more from Kirishima. He doesn’t want to be just friends. Katsuki wants more.
More of what though, he doesn’t know. He doesn’t want to know. Not now. Probably not ever.
It’s selfish as fuck, but he craves for it. Still, he finds himself nodding, and Katsuki immediately feels his knees go weak when Kirishima’s smile widens.
He can’t help the way his eyes drop, just for a moment. He wonders what it would feel like to kiss that smile.
Fuck. What? Kiss? Where did that come from?
But there’s no time to consider why he just thought about that, because then his mind is swirling with more thoughts about what it would feel like to kiss Kirishima. To feel his lips against Katsuki’s, to feel his sharp teeth scraping his mouth, to feel his hot breathe waft over him.
Katsuki can’t think, can’t breathe. He needs to get away, because if he stays this close to Kirishima any longer, he might actually kiss him.
“You’re tea’s gone cold.” Kirishimsa says, like Katsuki it totally not having a goddamn mental breakdown. The redhead steps away then, much to Katsuki’s relief and disappointment. He feels cold suddenly.
He sighs and grabs his tea, downing it in three large gulps. Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he turns to Kirishima.
“I’m gonna head back.”
The other nods, smiling softly. Fuck, why does he always have to smile? “Alright. Goodnight then.”
Katsuki lets himself stare for a few more seconds, taking in the sight of Kirishima at this late hour, then nods, muttering a “‘night.”
He makes his way back to his room, exhaustion settling into his bones. Crawling into his bed, Katsuki sighs and closes his eyes.
The last thought before he falls asleep is Kirishima, and his stupidly pretty smile.
There’s a yelp, too loud for a time like this. Eijirou winces apologetically, stepping towards Midoriya and patting his shoulder a few times.
“Kirishima.” Midoriya breathes, hand at his chest.
Eijirou chuckles softly. “Sorry bro. Didn’t mean to scare you.”
“It’s alright.” Waves the green-haired boy dismissively. “Why’re you awake at his hour?”
“Should be asking you the same thing.” Eijirou leans back onto the counter, noticing the paleness of the other boy, and the dark bags under his eyes. “You okay?”
He receives a too-fake smile in response. Midoriya opens his mouth, presumably to say something along the lines of “I’m fine.”, but then he closes it, sighing heavily.
After a brief moment of silence, Midoriya shakes his head. He avoids eye contact with Eijirou.
Hesitating for a second, Eijirou asks, “You wanna talk about it?”
“I don’t-“ Midoriya cuts himself off, running a hand through his messy green hair and sighing in frustration. “I don’t know.”
“You can if you want to.” Eijirou comforts, crossing his arms and leaning back onto the counter. “Swear I won’t tell anyone.”
The freckled boy smiles, but it’s small, so unlike his normally enthusiastic smile. “I know you won’t.” He chews at his lip, staring down at the floor. “I…Sometimes I can’t sleep.”
Eijirou nods in understanding, waiting patiently for the other to continue. “Nightmares. I get nightmares about so many things, and I know it’s not real but it’s still so scary. I don’t…I don’t know what to do.” Inhaling a shuddering breathe, Midoriya hunches in on himself. Eijirou struggles to stop from smothering the other in hugs, allowing him to keep speaking. “I’ve always wanted to be a hero, and I knew there was going to be pressure, but I wasn’t expecting this much.”
Eijirou now notices the tremble in Midoriya’s body. The second he sees the tears, he reacts without moving and pulls the small boy into his arms, rubbing his back in a soothing motion.
His own eyes prick with tears of empathy. He knows very well what that feeling is, but this isn’t about him, so he hums and continues his actions, ignoring the growing dampness on his shirt.
Eventually, Midoriya pulls away. He smiles softly, seeming relieved. Eijirou’s shoulders slump in relief too, happy to see his classmate- his friend- feeling a better, even if it’s a bit. 
“Thanks, Kirishima.” Midoriya says, smiling and patting his shoulder. Eijirou opens his mouth to reply, but he couldn’t. The boy had left quickly, almost like he was in a hurry. Strange.
Eijirou sighs, suddenly finding himself really tired. He turns around and-
Crimson eyes. Staring right at him. Eijirou’s heart skips a traitorous beat.
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buckybeardreams · 3 years
Chapters: 6/11
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Characters: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Brock Rumlow, James "Bucky" Barnes, Clint Barton, Harley Keener
Additional Tags: Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Alpha Steve Rogers, Omega Tony Stark, Service Top, Dominant Bottom, Post-Serum Steve Rogers, Virgin Steve Rogers, Brock Rumlow is a Good Bro, Sam Wilson Is a Good Bro, Romantic Soulmates, First Meetings, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sappy, Romantic Fluff, Awkwardness, Drinking to Cope, Self-Worth Issues, Insecure Tony Stark, Insecure Steve Rogers, Age Difference, Harley Keener is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Bonding, Claiming Bites, Claiming, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Mpreg, Non-Explicit Sex, Light Dom/sub, Mutual Masturbation, Coming Untouched, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Wordcount: 10.000-30.000, Knotting
Series: Part 1 of Second Chances
Steve is a soft Alpha and Tony is an in charge kind of Omega with no desire to find a mate. He doesn't want to find his soulmate and when he does meet Steve he's determined to stay away from him.
That is until he realizes just how right they are for each other.
Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4 Ch 5 Ch 6 Ch 7 Ch 8 Ch 9 Ch 10 Ch 11
Can also be read here
Words: 2,125
"Can I dry you off?" Steve blurted out.
Tony raised a brow at him.
"Excuse me?"
"Your hair... it's wet," Steve said lamely, touching the end of one of the curls that framed Tony's face.
"Yeah, I guess," Tony said, because he didn't know what else to say to the odd request.
Tony grabbed Steve's hand and tugged him down the hall and into the bathroom. Steve shifted awkwardly on his feet and Tony hopped up on the counter.
"Towels are in there." Tony pointed to a built-in cabinet.
Tony blushed bright red and bit his lip as Steve rubbed a towel over his head. There was something so tender about the way he did it that made Tony feel strange. It was a good kind of strange, but strange nonetheless. When his hair was as dry as it was gonna get Steve set the towel down and they just stared at each other for a moment.
"Thank you," Tony breathed out, feeling all fuzzy inside.
Steve nodded, clearing his throat and blushing.
"Um, yeah, of course."
Tony licked his lips and jumped down and Steve stumbled backwards, caught off guard by how close they suddenly were. Tony just giggled and headed off to raid Brock's closet for dry clothes, running his fingers through his hair in an attempt to tame the mess of curls.
Steve couldn't stop staring at Tony during dinner and Tony kept blushing and squirming which just made Steve blush and squirm too. Brock just rolled his eyes at them.
"I'm glad you both stopped being stupid, but you need to stop being so damn awkward."
Tony narrowed his eyes at him before smiling a little too innocently.
"Would you rather me bend over the table and let him knot me?" Tony asked sweetly, batting his eyes at Brock.
Steve choked on the bite of pasta in his mouth, coughing and pounding his fist on his chest.
"What?" Steve wheezed.
Tony and Brock burst out laughing and Sam reached over to thump Steve's back.
"You okay, man?" Sam asked him.
Steve waved him off.
"Yeah, fine," Steve managed.
That seemed to break the ice at least. Tony and Brock started chatting after that, teasing each other, all laughs and smiles. Steve and Sam were mostly silent, watching their Omegas like they were celestial beings sent down from the heavens to grace them with their presence. When the night ended Steve offered to walk Tony home. Tony just laughed at that.
"Nah, I can get myself home just fine," Tony said, smiling.
He pressed closer, slipped his hand into Steve's back pocket to pluck out his phone and pouted when he realized it was locked.
"0-8-1-0," Steve offered up unprompted.
Tony blinked up at him in surprise before smirking. He added his number and handed the phone back.
"Text me, yeah?" Tony ran his hands up Steve's chest.
Steve couldn't believe his luck. Why someone like Tony wanted someone like him, Steve would never know, but he was thrilled to have the opportunity to prove himself to his Omega.
"Yes, sir," Steve whispered, feeling breathless like Tony had reached inside his lungs and stole the air from him.
Tony giggled and shook his head in amusement, close enough to Steve for his curls to bounce across his chest. Tony leaned his weight against him.
"You can call me Tony."
Steve nodded, hesitating only briefly before running a hand down Tony's spine. Tony shivered, rubbing his face against Steve's pecs which were remarkably soft for how ridiculously defined they were.
"What about pretty Omega? Can I call you that or will you go off about being an independent Omega that doesn't need an Alpha's validation to know you're pretty?"
Tony rolled his eyes, smiling softly.
"Yeah, whatever. I guess I can allow it. As long as you know I don't need your compliments to know just how hot I am."
Steve chuckled.
"You're gorgeous, Tony, but for what it's worth, I love that you know what you want."
"Yeah? Because you like being bossed around?" Tony teased.
Steve blushed, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Yeah, I do," Steve mumbled shyly.
Tony grinned at him, standing up on his tiptoes to press a kiss to his cheek.
"Text me when you get home, yeah?" Tony said with a smirk.
Steve nodded.
"Yes, si-- Tony."
Tony just shook his head again in amusement, his eyes sparkling.
How did he possibly end up with someone so perfectly suited to him?
It clearly was a match made in the heavens.
"Good boy," Tony purred.
"Can I text you on the way home?" Steve blurted out, blushing bright red when he realized what he'd asked.
Tony raised his brows in surprise.
"Clingy much?" Tony teased.
He regretted it instantly when Steve's face fell.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked that--"
Tony cut him off before he could continue to apologize, cupping his cheek and shushing him.
"Hey, no, I was just teasing. You can be clingy. It's cute."
The smile Tony got from that was blinding and his heart fluttered in his chest the whole way home.
They texted back and forth as they headed to their separate locations and Steve told Tony the moment he got home. Tony told Steve when he got home, too, and Steve felt like he was going to melt into a puddle on the floor of his apartment. He was desperately in love with Tony and really that wasn't a shock. That's just the way it was supposed to be with soulmates.
Tony was just as hopelessly lost on Steve, his sweet, blushing Alpha. Tony fell into bed that night with a sigh, a grin on his lips. He just couldn't seem to stop smiling. Unfortunately, his smile did fade when the loneliness kicked in. He spent an hour tossing and turning restlessly before giving in and calling Steve. The phone only rang once before Steve picked up, sounding just as awake as Tony felt.
"Tony?" Steve asked, like he couldn't believe that Tony was really calling him.
There was also a squeak to his voice that made Tony suspicious.
"Why do you sound guilty? What are you doing?" Tony demanded.
Steve stumbled over his words for a moment before managing to form a full sentence.
"I was t-touching myself," Steve confessed, his voice barely audible.
Steve still had a hand wrapped around himself, but the fingers that had been inside of him were now wrapped around his phone.
"Oh really?" Tony said, his voice shifting to teasing, slower, smoother, thick as honey. "You being naughty, Alpha?"
"Um, yes?" Steve squeaked uncertainly.
Tony had never told him he couldn't touch himself, so he hadn't even thought to ask permission first. Tony giggled and Steve loved the sound of it right in his ear. He groaned, his hand squeezing his base, applying pressure to try and find some kind of relief to the sheer amount of horny this Omega was inflicting upon him.
"Okay, here's what we're gonna do. I can't sleep anyway, so we're gonna play a game."
Steve was immediately interested, holding his breath as he waited for Tony to continue.
"You like to finger yourself, Steve?"
Steve swallowed hard.
"Y-yes, sir."
"Good, I want you to get your hand off your dick and finger yourself. We're both gonna finger ourselves and come untouched," Tony told him. "Sound good?"
Steve nodded, whimpering.
"Tony, I'm not sure I can come untouched."
Alphas didn't have a g-spot like Omegas did, but this just made Tony coo at him.
"Aw, are you worried that you'll get all frustrated, Alpha?"
Steve whined high in his throat at the thought.
"If you don't get a release, Alpha, that's really not my problem, but if I don't get my release, then we're gonna have a real problem. So why don't you be a good boy and get some fingers inside of you? Open yourself up and make pretty sounds for me to get off on."
Steve moaned at the thought of his Omega getting off on his sounds. He wanted that so badly.
"O-okay, sir."
Tony bit his lip.
"Put me on speaker," Tony instructed, putting his own phone on speaker and setting the phone next to him on the mattress.
He could hear the shuffling as Steve did the same and then he heard the groan when Steve shoved his fingers back inside of himself, one hand holding his cheek, his fingers trying to dig in as far as they could go. Steve really wanted more. It wasn’t nearly enough, but Tony had said to use his fingers. Steve wasn't about to disobey his Omega.
If Tony thought that Steve made pretty sounds, moaning and groaning, whining and whimpering as he got closer to his release but struggled to push himself over the edge, then Steve thought Tony made the prettiest goddamn sounds in the world. Tony whined and whimpered and Steve could hear the rustling of his sheets as he squirmed on the bed, damn near sobbing as he got close.
"Alpha, Alpha, 'm so close, so close," Tony whined.
Steve whined back, sounding distressed because he didn't think he would get a release and the thought of staying frustrated all night, maybe even longer if Tony didn't give him permission to come in the morning, was just too much.
When Tony came though, crying out for his Alpha, it was enough to push Steve over the edge and he lost himself for a blinding moment, pleasure overwhelming him and relief flooding through him. It was when they were coming down from their highs, panting heavily and barely able to talk, that Steve groaned out,
"Fuck, I love you."
There was a beat of silence where Steve realized what he said and Tony's heart froze, before speeding up until he thought it might burst out of his chest.
Tony didn't know if he loved Steve. He knew he should, because they were made for each other. He thought that maybe he did, but it was too soon. He couldn't admit it to himself, let alone to Steve.
"Go to sleep, pretty Alpha. You did so good for me," Tony murmured instead. "You sound so damn pretty when you're all frustrated."
Steve bit his lip.
He wished he hadn't said I love you. Saying it and then having his Omega not say it back dulled his high, brought him back to the ground painfully quick. The sun that had just been shining on him disappeared and the gray crept in around the edges, threatening rainstorms.
"Night, Tony," Steve managed, hanging up and rolling onto his side. He curled in on himself and the tears poured down his cheeks.
Tony swallowed hard, his eyes shutting, sleep evading him as the hours stretched on.
Steve felt like shit when he peeled himself out of bed the next morning. He went through his morning routine, but he might as well have been a zombie. All he could think about was Tony and how he hadn't said I love you back. Steve was startled out of his stupor by a knock on the door. He frowned as he opened it.
"Tony?" Steve said, shocked by the unexpected sight of his Omega, his hair disheveled and sticking up all over the place and a pout on his lips.
Tony wrapped his arms around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss.
"I love you, Alpha. I should have said it last night, but I was scared."
Just like that the sun was shining again and Steve grinned at his Omega.
"Shh, it's okay. I'm just happy you're here."
Tony huffed.
"Don't shush me. I'll shush you, stupid Alpha," Tony grumbled. "Shhhh."
Despite his grumbling, Tony pressed closer and purred happily.
"I love you, pretty Omega," Steve murmured in his ear.
Tony couldn't help the blush on his cheeks and the grin on his lips, but he hid his face in Steve's chest so his Alpha wouldn't see.
"Shut up," Tony mumbled into his shirt.
Steve laughed and pressed a kiss to his hair.
"You're cute, you know that?"
Tony lifted his head to glare at Steve.
"Make me some coffee. I haven't had any yet."
Steve's lips twitched.
"As you wish, my pretty little Omega."
Tony rolled his eyes at him, pulling away to plop down on the couch and kicking his shoes off. Steve shook his head in amusement, shutting the door and grabbing Tony's shoes to place on the shoe rack, before heading off to the kitchen to fetch some coffee for his spoiled Omega. Steve made pancakes, too, and all of his domestic work was made worth it when Tony smiled at him and murmured good boy.
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pan0ramy · 3 years
re8 thought dump because YE
i feel like this was almost inevitable but idk where else to talk about resident evil village so i’m just going to rant about it here!!! i have,,,, a lot of thoughts on this game after being so excited for it for so long
obviously, massive spoilers if you haven’t finished the game. i feel like i have thoughts on pretty much everything so please please please stay clear of this post if you’re trying to stay blind
otherwise, let me just rant about this game for a bit - mainly the story and characters - because i have Thoughts™
(also i feel like it goes without saying but this will be probably be quite long, so. strap in, ig)
okay SO. the whole intro was pretty interesting - even though we’d seen bits of it in trailers, it was still pretty unnerving and felt like it came out of nowhere. but the first thing that really stood out was the first village section with the hordes of lycans; i didn’t expect this game to start freaking me out so quickly but JESUS my blood pressure went up fast. 
there’s so many of them coming at you at once, and not only have you just lost half your damn hand, you’re not really used to the gunplay at that point AND you don’t have that many weapons at your disposal. so it’s basically just “hey we’re throwing you into this ring of death, good luck surviving!” which... now that i think about it, that really sums up the whole game lol
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but for the most part, the early parts of the game are what we saw in the demos, so there’s nothing too new - it was nice getting to see the scene with all four lords and mother miranda, though. i wasn’t sure how the whole chase scene with the lycans would work - i thought heisenberg’s area was going to be some sort of mine, and that the chase would take place there - but it didn’t, and it was interesting regardless of it being so short. 
but the castle. THE CASTLE. 
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i would be lying through my teeth if i said i wasn’t excited for dimitrescu like everybody else; i’m firmly in the camp of people who both meme about how attractive she is, and then also the people who legitimately find her attractive, soooo i kinda had high expectations going in? 
and sure, the castle section is only part of the game, but if there’s anything that makes me nervous most, it’s stalker enemies. resi 2 remake was actually pretty tough for me to get through because of how anxiety-inducing mr x was, and even though i don’t feel like she was as present as mr x was, lady d was still great! there were a good few times where you could hear her walking around and you just knew she was searching for you, which was really damn cool.
also, i know capcom had a lot of hype to live up to with lady dimitrescu, but goddamn they did such a great job with her. she’s so imposing but badass and just... really damn cool? like i honestly found myself being excited for her to show up rather than being scared. i just think she’s neat! I MEAN LOOK AT HER.
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(also yes i know the whole internet has talked about how attractive she is, but can we just. appreciate that for a second???? she’s gorgeous and yall can’t tell me otherwise. like. bro ik the pronunciation is wrong but the way she says dimitrescu made me GASP i love this powerful vampire woman)
if anything, though, i... actually felt really bad that her story ended up the way it did. i mean, think about it: you break into her house, kill the three people she’s grown to consider her daughters, rob her shit, and then kill her? she technically goes through the same kind of parental grief that ethan does, in a way, which is a really interesting parallel. grief seems to be a theme that capcom really pushed for this game, and it works. 
also, her boss fight design is badass. she’s literally a dragon, how is that not incredible
so the castle was great, where could the game go from here? oh, i don’t know, how about gOOD OLD FASIONED FUCKING TRAUMA.
jesus christ the dollhouse GOT TO ME.
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i’m pretty used to horror in general; i love horror games, movies, books, you name it. i’ve gone to horror movies where people have ran out because of fear all while i’ve sat there giggling the whole time. but the dollhouse? that dollhouse is FUCKED. i can’t remember the last time i watched someone play through a horror game and was so... on edge the whole time. the fact that they keep you waiting for so long with nothing happening just... makes the atmosphere incredibly uncomfortable, and then when shit does start going down, it goes down fast. in other words, jesus fucking christ that baby will haunt my nightmares until the end of time
basically capcom managed to make the n*zi baby joke from south park: the stick of truth legitimately terrifying, and i was glad to see donna die. moving on.
moreau’s section is the one i... actually don’t have as many thoughts on. it’s cool, sure, and the whole idea of him turning into a fish when he hits water is neat - it’s definitely a good callback to re4 - but idk, it didn’t really scare me that much. i can see it scaring those with a fear of water or the ocean, for sure, but eh. i thought the designs were cool, but i kinda tuned out a little here.
heisenberg, though, was anything but. the entire time leading up to village’s release, this guy has fascinated me for some reason. i don’t know if it’s because he’s the most normal-looking of the four lords, or the fact that he has telekinesis, or his amazing voice acting (seriously i know some people have shit on his VA but oh my god i adore it) or what, but this guy stood out to me from day one. i even went into the game expecting him not to die tbh. but no, he does, and his fight is pretty damn cool all things considered. only in a resident evil game could you have a mech fight and have it not feel out of place lol
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also this line ^^^ legitimately made me laugh so hard i almost choked on my water. THE FACT HE TURNS AROUND AND APOLOGISES SO MEEKLY its fucking hilarious to me
but anyway.
similar to alcina, though, i was left with one big question about heisenberg - what did mother miranda do to him to get him to join her impromptu familly? he said himself to ethan that he didn’t want to join, so what did miranda do that didn’t give him a choice? did he have a family at some point? is he grieving too? what did miranda take from him? i can only hope this gets answered in the dlc, because it’s by far one of my biggest questions surrounding all of this. i may very well have missed it somewhere, and at least we know he has his telekinesis abilities thanks to miranda, but it’s a question that’ll definitely be on my mind going forward.
at this point, though, the story REALLY gets insane. it’s really nice how village decided to just continue on straight from what 7 did, and i’m very glad that everyone’s theories about chris being a werewolf were wrong - it’s a really nice spanner to throw in the works. if anything, the whole revelation of mother miranda disguising herself as mia the whole time since rose’s birth was really cool, and ethan being Mold™ the entire time was pretty neat too - it made a lot of things both in 7 and village make more sense.
what i’m still digesting, though, is the ending.
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...man, capcom, you put poor ethan through all of that and then you have the balls to actually kill him? i mean shit, you made us think he was dead for a whole 20 minutes but then nope! he’s alive! but then nope! he’s dead again! i did see someone point out that at least ethan got to go out on his own terms, but dammit i would’ve at least liked for him to get to see mia one last time. i think it would’ve softened the blow a little more. but i guess that ties into the whole grief theming this game has going for it, and like i said, i probably just need some more time to digest it. 
i don’t dislike the ending, it’s just a very big culture shock - it’s definitely a ballsy move, and i really respect capcom for going all out the way they did. they really held back on nothing in terms of this game’s story and i absolutely love it. it was so, so worth the wait in that regard. 
and tbh that’s kinda how i feel about the whole game in general; it was super super good, very much worth the wait, and i absolutely cannot wait to see where resident evil goes from here. i have a gut feeling this’ll end up being one of my absolute favourites in the series, which i know is very high praise, but i really do love it that much. i wasn’t disappointed with much in this game, if anything at all. it’s just a super fucking good video game man idk what else to say at this point
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planetjisungie · 4 years
détester- l.dh
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characters; slytherin! haechan x gryffindor! reader ft. gryffindor! mark (its just a given at this point) and slytherin! jisung
summary; enemies to lovers, you and donghyuck had always just hated eachother. you dont know when it started, or why it started but it was starting to get annoying.
an; i WILL finish my hogwarts series tonight we only have chenle left but now we have more fluff than actual crack because simon says is playing
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congratulations you have reached gryffindor level you lucky prick
only the finest gryffindor
you are the embodiment of courage, literally if there was a ditch and someone fell down while everyone was too scared to help them, youd dive in before they could even say ‘dumbledore’
and you just so happen to be the younger sister of mark lee
the infamous mark lee,, that is
lucky prick part 2
but one thing made you seem not so lucky
your sworn enemy, lee donghyuck
or haechan as he liked to be called because apparently all evil villains needed a fake name
thats what you said anyway, he just liked the name haechan for its meaning
but he was also the emodiment of a slytherin, ambitious, cunning, resourceful and he was a pretty damn good leader
hence him being the captain of the quidditch team (no we are not going down the jisung route)
you didnt actually know when you started hating him, in your first year he had just decided to tie your poor, poor cat like a pig for roasting (he was in his second year already)
mr snuggles was traumatized
after that day it was small things to annoy you
like when he put hair dye in your conditioner bottle, resulting in your hair turning out a seafoam green colour
which you actually didnt mind so the joke was really on him, you pulled that shit off
or when he put spiders in your school shoes
that was unpleasant
and he also put a cockroach in your pocket, scaring your poor best friend who was terrified of the creatures
jisung was shaking, he hates cockroaches
to this day you still didnt know why he was a slytherin, but you guessed it was because he was a pureblood, very ambitious and resourceful but not so scary
but today was no exception
you walked towards the gryffindor table, robe billowing behind you as if you were walking in a movie
you were a lee sibling, you were both good at literally everything and deserved all the praise on earth
you fucking go girl, i stan
jisung sat at your table, the gryffindors appeared not to mind, especially as he was actually super nice
"y/n haechan told me to give you this"
ah there it was
the small hufflepuff girl handed you the letter before scurrying off back to her table
"y/n im scared"
jisung was already frightened of what that letter would hold
and you were a good friend, who knew no good would come from that letter
so you shoved it in your pocket, letting it crumple up before turning back to your breakfast
rip donghyuck
that was a fat L for our boy
he just wanted your attention
at first at least, he just wanted to be noticed by you so he pulled the cat stunt, making sure he didn’t actually harm the creature because he is still a decent human being and the grey furry animal did nothing to him
but now he had taken things too far
and he realised that after the stunt he pulled which resulted in you
yes, you, the brave, courageous gryffindor, crying
yeah he fucked up
he casted an illusion spell that infiltrated your sleep, creating nightmares with your deepest fears
and he regretted that
prank gone wrong *nearly killed her* (not clickbait)
you were still pissed at him for that
but that letter in your pocket was no ordinary letter
it was a confession letter, because he; yes him, the infamous slytherin, was too scared to talk to you about it in person
yet you literally just crushed his heart
which he kinda deserved to be fair
but jisung sent you a grateful smile and you went back to your conversation of which cereal brand was better
the answer is obviously lucky charms or frosted shreddies pengers mate
so our baby slytherin needed to find another way to get his feelings across because he was failing
and brother mark was: not happy
mark was a friend of haechan but despite his complaints every goddamn time that he needed to stop his stupid jokes that weren’t actually jokes, he didnt listen
maybe he shouldve listened
mark knows best
apart from jenos fic, mark was a real bitch but this is mark 2.0
mark really doesnt know best
anyways moving on
its time for innovative hyuck™️
so its back to the drawing room, sitting next to yuta (his head boy) to discuss the next plan of action
cutie yuta felt that haechan opening up to him about his feelings was the biggest achievement during his time at hogwarts
so right, the next plan
it was to leave flowers on your bed and then when you turned around to see who put them there (hypothetically) he would be there and he could make his outstanding apology
but of course, this isnt some fanfiction where everything goes right
who do you take me for?
so later that day he gathered his flowers, tying them in a cute dark green ribbon
staying with the slytherin theme
and he put them on your bed
they were some seriously nice flowers
you noticed them as soon as you walked in and your heart swelled
unfortunately that wasnt the only thing that swelled
you were allergic to pollen, and your eyes had puffed up slightly, itching a little and you had some sniffles
that was another L for hyuck
and he ran, he fucking booked it out of his little hiding spot back to his common room aka the dungeon
"how the fuck do you fail giving someone flowers hyuck?"
"shes fucking allergic"
so you never found out who gave you flowers
but you did keep them, despite your obvious physical irritation to them
they were pretty :(((
so you pressed them into a random notebook you found, because seriously you couldnt just chuck them out
unfortunately for hyuck, he was not so slick to mark who narrowed his eyes on the boy
he knew something was up
what kind of torture device was flowers ?? this was too soft
and so he found out that the same boy who had been making your life a little
how should i say
s p i c y
had a fat crush on you and was just a pouty baby who wanted your love and attention
mark didnt know whether to support this?? like ?? he knew that underneath your front of disliking the long legged boy, you had some feelings, maybe small but they were there
you wouldve called it fondness
i promise youre not a sadist or masochist
but you would see him in class
he was very focused and had a beautiful smile
and laugh
he may come across a little... stand offish and arrogant at first but hes actually a kind soul
from how he made a mess in the grand hall but when he thought everyone was gone, he stayed behind to help clean it, having fun conversations with the staff (elves? who tf cleans the great hall??)
that goddamn melodious laughter constantly ringing in your head
shawtys like a melody in my head
but moving on
you noticed the pranks he pull decreased
and that was because he was spending time with yuta and mark, planning the perfect, foolproof (unfortunately not jeno this time) way to confess
and he sent you small smiles ?? what ??
this is so unlike the hyuck you knew
like he did a 180
i did a full 180 baby crazy
i said this was gonna be less crackish but when regular comes on and you hear jaehyuns queso line you cant not feel qUirKy
okay so the next plan
you loved quidditch too, mainly because your brother was the captain for the gryffindor team
so the plan was for you to attend the slytherin v gryffindor match and
mark somewhat willingly agreed to have a friendly match so that hyuck could show off his skills
this was an awful plan
because it was raining the day of the match
so you and jisung huddled together for warmth, shivering as you watched the match
and hyuck couldnt feel worse, he felt like you were now going to be sick because of him
damn, you really couldnt catch a break
the groan of pure frustration yuta let out was amusing at least
he was just as invested in this as haechan at this point
like he was germinating a seed??? he was fathering this relationship
so with another L, haechan felt super super bad
and this baby cooked for you
he got his best friend jaemin to teach him how to make chicken soup
because you were actually not a herbivore
(thats the category i put vegans and vegetarians in)
omnivore tings
so he carried his little pot of soup, his fingers kind of burning as it was piping hot
he legit walked right past a suffering jisung in the slytherin dorm, the pot of soup still in hand not even sparing a thought about taking pity on the poor kid and giving him some
so he walked to your dorm, being let in by mark who was being big bro™️ and looking after your sick ass
you looked dead
pale skin, eyes closed, lips tinted blue, your body was shivering but you felt fucking boiling
peak peak times
but haechan still thought you looked gorgeous
mark vacated the dorms, leaving to his lessons so hyuck could look after you
this wasnt a plan ?? but hyuck rolled with it
setting his lil pot down he sat in a seat next to you, staring at your asleep awake form with closed eyes
his eyes held so much love and adoration for you, you really are lucky
he took off his robe, just sitting there in his shirt, trousers and green tie and watching you sleep
you were actually awake, just vibing and breathing to stay alive
and he had a lot on his chest
"i know ive been a massive prick to you and im really sorry. i know you’re asleep right now but im too much of a coward to say this to your face. i really only just wanted your attention because i seem to have feelings for you and i am sincerely sorry for going about it the wrong way"
your ears were {}
wide open
boy were you listening and taking this all in
oh shit
realizashun xx
so you fluttered your eyes open gently, watching his face morph into an expression of pure terror from his previous one of literal love
*whipping noise*
"youre awake!" he squeaked out, eyes darting around the room to look at anything but you
which you couldnt help but smile at
shifting to the side in your bed slightly, you lifted the covers, lazily patting the now open space
your voice was kind of croaky and hoarse
that made hyuck feel guilty
baby it wasn’t your fault
but he complied, kicking off his leather school shoes and sliding besides you, staying as far away from you as possible
not to offend you, his heart was just going a million miles a second and there was no way you wouldn’t be able to hear it
this boy was like blushy sausage face part 2
arrogant hyuck has left the chat
you pouted seeing him shuffle away from you, shuffling to move yourself closer instead
power move, he either had to cuddle with you or fall off the bed
"can we just forget what i said earlier?"
that made you frown
the fuck?
hell no
"hyuck wait-"
"no dont bring it up its embarrassing"
whiny baby is back
"hyuck i-"
"nope nope nope nope"
he had no choice but to listen
your voice sounded strained already and he didnt want to make you feel worse
"i have feelings for you too you big baby"
double take
you what now?
haechans mouth just kinda froze open
so you shut his jaw gently
cant let him get jaw ache
"wait what?"
his soul has returned
he felt elated, completely happy, dare i say like he was high on a drug and said drug was not THC it was your TLC (LMAO GET IT IM PROUD OF THAT)
and so thats how mark returned to your dorm room to see you and hyuck cuddled in your bed, your head laying on his chest as his chin rested on your head, nuzzling into your hair (which was still half seafoam green might i add)
hyuck wasnt awake to celebrate, so yumark had their own small celebration, counting this as their success
you only found out he had put the flowers on your bed about two months after you started dating
a month after that you read the letter he gave you
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365days365movies · 4 years
January 29, 2021: Mad Max (1979)
I’ve made it no secret how much I love the movie Mad Max Fury Road.
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It’s a chase movie through the dystopian Australian desert featuring guys in souped-up, tricked out cars and motorcycles, and Charlize Theron has one metal arm and is a bad-ass, and also this shit.
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Look, I’m not exactly a testosterone-fueled basic bro, but...COME ON MAN THIS MOVIE ROCKS. I just love it SO MUCH. So, why the hell haven’t I seen the other movies in this franchise, all of whom are directed by the same person? Well, my answer to that is the same as it always is.
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I genuinely don’t know. I just never have. BUT THIS IS ACTION JANUARY! What better time to fill in this missing blank than RIGHT GODDAMN NOW?
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So, it’s “a few years from now,” in Australia. Given the past year, this has become slightly more realistic, but anyway. A cop-killer named Nightrider (Vincent Gil) is on the loose, and the cops are on the case. Soon, an entire platoon appears to be chasing the Nightrider and his girlfriend. All the while, we get a glimpse of another policeman, gearing up to join the chase.
We get some car chase action, crashes included, with a couple of cars destroyed, a phone booth tipped over, half of an RV demolished, and one cop possibly dead. All the while, a car labeled Interceptor pulls onto the road, ready to join the case.
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The driver of the Interceptor is none other than Max Rockatansky (Mel Gibson), who, uh...intercepts. Also...Rockatansky? Is...is that silly or the best last name I’ve ever heard? I genuinely do not know, and that disturbs me. 
They drive right into a construction zone, with Max right behind, and Nightrider’s car explodes, and Max stops in time, and we get our first full look at him as he stares on, surprised.
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Max goes home to his wife and son, who are totally gonna be alive by the end of this movie, probably throughout the whole franchise. He heads to work the next morning to meet with a colleague, Goose (Steve Bisley), a motorcycle cop who broke his leg in the chase. With a friend, they’ve put together a new car, a Pursuit Special.
This, however, appears to be some kind of plot by two high-ups, Commissioner Laboutache (Jonathan Hardy) and “Fifi” Macaffee (Roger Ward). Seems like they’ve provided the car to keep Max on the force, as he’s their top cop, and yearns to quit the force. I can only assume that it’s because of his wife and kids, who will definitely be alive by the end of this movie. The proof of that just KEEPS PILING UP.
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Max appears high in demand today, though, as a group of motorcycling nomads ride into a small town, looking for the body of Nightrider. They’re led by the TOTALLY SANE Toecutter (Hugh Keays-Byrne), and they wreak havoc on the town and its citizens. A young couple try to escape the town, but they soon find themselves chased by the gang, their car is destroyed, and they are...well, they aren’t killed, but it’s not good.
Their fate is soon discovered by Max and Goose. The young man is seen running away, the girl is rescued, and a drugged-up gang member is discovered screaming “Nightrider!” Max and Goose now have an idea of what’s going on.
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The gang member, Johnny the Boy (Tim Burns), is arrested and brought back to HQ. Toecutter’s right-hand man, Bubba Zanetti (Geoff Parry), is sent back to get him. To be specific, he sends his attorneys to fetch Johnny. On the day of his trial, nobody shows up, including the young couple. Therefore, Johnny’s allowed to walk. Goose is NOT OK with that outcome, and assaults Johnny and his attorneys.
Back with Toecutter, Johnny Boy is almost killed, as the group find some surveillance devices planted on a...manakin? Yeah, they have this weird sexual fascination with a realistic shop manakin, and the cops bugged it. Not sure what else to tell you, that’s just what happens.
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The next day, Goose leaves home, and we see that Johnny Boy’s figured out where he lives, as he’s waiting outside. Goose rides to work, but the wheels of his motorcycle look up, and he FLIES off the highway.
He’s...completely OK? Yeah, like, he’s totally fine. No idea how the hell THAT happened, and the guy that picks him up shares my sentiments. Goose borrows the man’s truck, and heads out, but Johnny Boi intercepts him with a well-thrown brake drum. HA! He stops him with brakes.
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The truck crashes, and Goose is still surprisingly alright as Toecutter arrives. Toecutter, violently ant-cop, orders Johnny Boy to set the truck and Goose on fire, as it’s leaking fuel. Johnny doesn’t want to, but Toecutter gets it done anyway. Geez, what is it with action movies and guys named Goose? LEAVE GEESE ALONE, MOVIES!
At the hospital, Max arrives to see his critically injured partner, who’s badly burned and on a respirator. Max is VERY affected by his old friend’s massive injuries, and heads home. He quits, for good this time, although Fifi insists otherwise. Max insists that he’s scared that he’ll begin to enjoy the danger of it too much, and would rather stay rational for the sake of his family. Fifi convinces him to simply take a few weeks off, and think about it further.
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So, Max takes the time off, going on vacation with his family. He talks to his wife Jess (Joanne Samuel) about his father, and his feelings for her, and they’re toooootally gonna live until the end of the movie.
They stop in a town, and stop at a shop to fix the car. Jess takes her son to a beach get some ice cream. And also staying at the beach is...Toecutter and his gang…yup. Yup, here we go. They obviously assault, since ME WANT WOMAN OONGA BOONGA, and she escapes with their son. She picks up Max, and they take off. 
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Feeling unsafe, the family heads to a friend’ s farm to stay safe and fix up their car. Jess goes down to the beach near the farm...and so does Toecutter and his gang. On her way back through the forest (how much property do these people OWN), she finds herself followed by the gang. And then, she…
...makes it back to Max. Huh. I was sure she was a goner. Anyway, Max gets their friend to take her back to the house, and he goes hunting for them. However...their son is still out there. Shit.
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Jess, a devoted mother, goes to find him, only to find him in the hands of Toecutter and his men. But damn, they’re SAVED by their friend, May Swaisey (Shiela Florence), who comes with a gun in tow. She fires it, alerting Max to the trouble, then grabs the baby alongside Shields. They flee, with Toecutter’s gang eventually escaping.
Unfortunately, Max never finished fixing the car, and it dies on the highway, with the gang in hot pursuit. Despite May’s best efforts…
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Sprog’s dead. And Jess is in a coma, and they say that she’s going to recover. But, uh...yeah, that doesn’t matter to Max. After Goose, Jess, and HIS SON? Toecutter’s DEAD. And Max goes and gets his car at the police station. First stop is the mechanic from earlier, who told Toecutter where they were. And Max ain’t playing around at this point.
Turns out that the group hangs by the beaches in order to intercept fuel trucks, and siphon off their fuel. With that intel, Max goes hunting. And OH BOY, he’s out for blood.
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He runs four of them off a bridge, then heads to find more.  He goes after more, then sees someone downed in a field. Unfortunately, it’s an ambush, and Johnny, Bubba, and Toecutter shoot him in the leg and run over his hand. Bubba tries to run him over, but gets shot in the process. Johnny and Toecutter take off, as a...falcon begins to eat Bubba?
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Yeah...yeah ABSOLUTELY not how falcons work, but OK then.
Max runs Toecutter down in his car, then causes him to ram into an oncoming truck. We get some CRAZY ASS EYE SHOTS (they are weird), and Toecutter bites it...in a really unceremonious fashion, considering that he was the one to kill your son. Anticlimactic, but OK.
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Still gotta find Johnny, though, and Max drives all night in search of him, only to find him having killed a man and driven his car off the road. Max meets him at gunpoint, and cuffs him to the downed car as be begs for his life, claiming his own innocence. Doesn’t matter at this point, though.
And that...is Mad Max. Huh. That was...interesting. And somehow, very different than I expected! But here’s the deal...
No Epilogue.
Yup, I’m tackling ALL of the Mad Max films at the same time! See you tomorrow for the next one!
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January 30, 2021: Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (1981)
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gildedmuse · 4 years
ZOLAW CONCEPT: hanahaki disease, but instead of being fatal it's more like having allergies and whoever has it acts like someone with lactose intolerance where they just don't care about the cons of their actions
I have to admit that I had NO idea what this was and had to look it up.
My first thought was just...
Internet: However, Hanahaki Disease is particularly popular within fandom due to its potential for angst, hurt/comfort, pining, and general romantic tension.
Me: Yep. That's just about me.
Me: You throw some jealousy and possessiveness and there and that nails it to a tee.
Me: Hey, it turns out jealousy (sub: possessive behavior) angst, h/c, pining and grt are NOT family recipes
Me: They're just generic internet memes
(This all makes more sense if your mom is an intense baker)
I do quickly want to stay that I might not understand the full breathe of this but I DEFINITELY understand people who are lactose intolerant and just want a normal tasting latte (not your fault they sugar/vanilla all those alt milks). So I pretty much feel I have this troop down.
My only question would be who would be the infected? It would be so much easier if one of them had a sword attack to feature flowers, but the only one I can think of is Cavendish.
(Seriously, does that guy grow roses in his spare time? Like... Is 90% of his life dedicated to Rosales horticulture? If so, I respect that he's found his true passion in life. Go for it, overly pretty but broken dude. Grow them roses.)
I mean, if it were blood we have an obvious western metaphor for me to better understand. It's call Dying At The End Of A Romancic/Gothic movie from Tuberculosis. That always ends in tragedy though so I'm gonna go with the flowers.
But also of it's blood instead of flowers... Pretty sure it's be Zoro. Okay, yes, they have definitely both coughed up blood at some point but I feel like in Laws case it was, "cause, physically, my body is sick and must die" where as Zoro was like:
Zoro: *Sees Big Bubble Of Pain For Someone He Loves* Oh, I'm walking into that.
Me: Zoro, are you sure? Because you will be straight up sacrificing yourself when they COULD potentially pull out of this no pro-
Me: Fuck. You're already gone.
But that would unfortunately lead to Zoro drinking lattes not caring.
Zoro, At Punk Hazard Because Torao at Saboady And Then Cutting An Island In Half? Won't Even Drink Soup With Them. And Yet, Yes Please: *Coughs up cherry blossoms, obviously*
Zoro, To Crew: I'm fine.
Zoro, In Dressrosa Where Law Works To Save His Captain And Fights Mingo Even After Having His Arm Cut Off Yet Gets Mad At The Celebration When Zoro Grabs Him: *More Cherry Blossoms Obviously*
Zoro, To Crew: I'm FINE.
(I'm not sure what Law's flower is, so I'm just going to go with Zoro's)
(And yes technically both of them would be the thistle. Because all spiky on the outside and *motions to Zoro* Sword.)
(Can't really cough that up in a cool way)
Zoro, In Zou Where Torao Does The Most Romantic Thing Yet: Get All Angry About Something His Crew Loves And Yet Still Kinda Flirty Pissy With Zoro: *Just obviously sick*
Despite how everyone would know it by then ("He gets suck everytime he looks at Torao!" / "Ahh, that's SUPER sweet though! He must be in love!" / "Yeah, but it's never great to be I'll, Franky-bro!" / "It IS a wonder he continues to deny it, Franky, when he could due something daring." / "... Robin, what would bet that he'd do just that?") Zoro still manages to insist he's fine.
Even once they're trapped on a goddamn submarine - Zoro didn't actually understand what being on a submarine meant so thank God you're not here captain, he'd hate to have to fight you over sending him in this trip to hell - Zoro INSISTS on denying it. Insists. Insists. Insists.
Insists to all sort of medical professionals and even Law himself. Who has him practically backed into a corner at some point when Zoro is openly sick. There are flower petals at their feet and yet this idiot is saying he's fine. Like, sure, he's fine for now, but does he know the unwanted complications this could have with later medical problems? It's not as if Law cares if he's in love with his captain or not. Or maybe that creepy woman. Or... Who knows? The whole crew is weird. Point is, he thought Zoro was enough of a grown up to take this seriously but since he won't even admit it when he's being sick on front of Law.
In which case, there is nothing Law can do to help.
He did think, Mugiwara-ya was the kind of man who at least CARED about his crew, but even after telling the captain of the Straw hats he gets nothing. Which is crazy because Law's seen him sick since almost the day...
Robin: Strange how our swordsman never seems to show signs of his illness in front of our captain.
Law: He's likely holding back the worst of the attacks.
Robin: Yes, that seems very possible. So they'd only appear once a blue moon. About how we've met you on our route, Torao-kun! *Smile*
MedTech: Our calculations actually showed very similar dates...
Law: You're referring to...
MedTech: *Sinking in his seat* I mean... look.... when he met us with us, sir.
Law: Right, so obviously....
Law: *Based on the staring* Right
Law: Shit.
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