#the language is so concise and conveys so much :O
monthofsick · 8 months
Day 12 - Group Sickfic
fandom - SHINee
sickee - Ot5
caretaker - Jonghyun
summary - Illness hits the SHINee dorm and Jonghyun's the only one healthy enough to take care of everybody.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: emeto, nausea from food, anxiety, scat (non-graphic), real person fiction
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sometimeslapine · 3 months
It's not about quantity, it's about quality. Even if they arent the same scale, I'm sure I'm not alone in saying they would be appreciated.
And I'll be honest, engaging in a dialog about kink that is just ping ponging ideas back and forth sounds fun. Sometimes you don't need one massive work to lay out like a blanket to cover all the reasons and facets and quirks you like about a certain kink. Sometimes you don't even need a patch work quilt that you build upon. Sometimes you've earned the Worlds Worst Bonus from your job at the Cotton Ball Factory and you're just throwing little ball after ball at the topic, not caring where they land or if you've hit the same aspects again and again, and then you look back and see you've done a pretty good job covering the topic anyway.
Even if you aren't writing a novel, with your art you do a great job of making kink... I hesitate to say Feel Real but you make it Make Sense in a Real Way. Like of course if you lived in a world with Boob Growth Lotion, you can't just rub it in with your hands or else you'll get Boob Hands and that's Fun because Of Course that would happen. And I just kinda wanna see what you can cook up if you didn't have to find a way to visualize and show and make it look good.
bit of a delayed response to this one while turning over possible replies in my head... struggling to explain a few more conceptual blocks. writing's always been a weird subject matter for me, in one way or another. pls bear with me
so like. comparatively, inflation kink fics span back a good two decades, at least. there's an established pool of tropes, visual metaphors, ideal pacing or story beats to hit, tones or themes that set the mood, key phrases that really get at the brain, and points of finality that overall mesh really well for a good story. not to say there's no originalities to be had in this space anymore, but there's a lotta prior work to draw from, were i to need assistance filling a void in a sentence or two.
but the thing is, with the more nonsensical stuff like That Comic Thing You're Referring To, there isn't a lot of pre-existing stuff i can reference! i often find that i completely lack the language framework needed to put those weirder scenarios into words. i'm just making it up as i go, after all! and so drawing it out in some loose manner becomes infinitely easier than trying to capture all the nuances of it in a paragraph or two, because i get to lean a bit heavily on the storytelling mechanic of "Show, Don't Tell" as support.
though these scenarios being physically sketched-out-on-paper may end up leaving them a bit more concise than intended in their delivery, i'd like to think the concept i'm exploring's still getting conveyed effectively (even if i can't put the scenario to art in the way I'm /fully/ hoping to, whether due to the limits of my artistic skill, or just other general constraints of anatomy & form in a physical space) because ironically, despite a "concise" delivery, a drawing still remains open-ended enough to have its blanks filled in by the viewer's own preferences/themes/biases in enjoyment (in the same weird way the sketch of a piece can sometimes look more visually interesting & carry more emotion than that piece's finished lineart would) with the open-ended nature guiding one's thoughts to what potential fun lies outside the final panel. as you experience art, art experiences you, etc. etc. etc.
as for making it feel "real", honestly sometimes it's less about realism and more about exploring the fun and wild "consequences of over-indulgency" (said with as much love and appreciation as possible, just so we're clear!!); it's acknowledging the dangers of going wild with a Topical That Changes You without hesitation, it's of not thinking it through before leaping directly into in the path of that TF raygun beam, it's of playing with dangerous and ancient magicks because the spellbook had funny drawings that poked at the kinky parts of your psyche, it's of getting too lost in the sauce to have an escape plan.
consequences, for lack of any better word, can help ground fantasies into something more tangible! makes it feel more Real, despite very much being weird fantasy nonsense at its heart
anyway. run-on-sentences and streams of consciousness aside, i appreciate that my weird brand of nonsense is enjoyed all the same
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arisawati · 11 months
Face challenges and look for opportunities: the role of the writer in the digital era according to Denny Ja
Introduction In the current digital era, the author's role has become increasingly important in conveying information to the public. In his writing entitled "Facing Challenges and Looking for Opportunities: The Role of the Writer in the Digital Era According to Denny JA", Denny JA talks about the challenges faced by writers in the digital age, as well as opportunities they can find. This article will discuss the role of the author in the digital era and how they can face these challenges. Face challenges The first challenge faced by writers in the digital era is increasingly fierce competition. With the internet and social media, anyone can easily share their information with the world. This makes millions of writing available on the internet, so it is difficult for writers to distinguish themselves from others. To face this challenge, the author must be able to develop the uniqueness and authenticity in their writing. The author also needs to involve themselves in the author's community to share experiences and learn from fellow writers. The second challenge is a change in the reader's preference. In the digital age, readers tend to prefer content that can be accessed quickly and easily. They don't have much time to read long and complicated writing. Therefore, the author must be able to present information in an interesting and concise way. They need to use language that is easy to understand and avoid using confusing jargon. In addition, the author must also pay attention to the writing format so that it is easy to read on the electronic device screen. Facing the third challenge is a change in the publishing business model. In the digital age, many traditional publishers have decreased physical book sales. Conversely, the popularity of electronic books and online reading services is increasing. This requires the author to be able to adapt to this change. They need to learn how to optimize the sale of electronic books and use an online platform to promote their work. In addition, the author must also be active in building a network with digital literacy publishers and agents. Looking for opportunities Although there are various challenges faced by writers in the digital age, there are also many opportunities that they can use. One of these opportunities is access to a wider audience. With the internet, the author can achieve readers around the world. They are no longer limited to local or national markets. This gives them the opportunity to expand their reach and increase their influence as writers. The second opportunity is the ability to build a personal brand as a writer. In the digital age, the author can use social media and blogs to build their online presence. They can share their thoughts and ideas with their audience, strengthen relationships with readers, and build loyal fan bases. By building a strong personal brand, the author can attract the interest of publishers and digital literacy agents, as well as getting a profitable cooperation opportunity. The third opportunity is access to broader resources and information. In the digital age, the author can easily access various resources and information to support their writing. They can do research on the topics they write quickly and efficiently. They can also get feedback and suggestions from readers through online comments and reviews. All of this helps the writer to continue to improve the quality of their writing and develop better writing skills. Conclusion In his writing entitled "Facing Challenges and Looking for Opportunities: The Role of the Author in the Digital Era According to Denny JA", Denny JA conveyed the importance of the author's role in the digital age. Although there are challenges that must be faced, the writer also has many opportunities to grow and develop in this digital age. By facing challenges wisely and take advantage of existing opportunities, the writer can achieve success and greater influence in their career.
Check more: Facing challenges and looking for opportunities: The role of the writer in the digital era according to Denny JA
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elaz-ivero · 4 years
The Worldbuilding Diaries- Chapter Five; Fantasy Languages Part One
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Languages are an integral and crucial part of how we as a species connect, communicate and is susceptible to cultural evolution, it develops with the people who carry it and can be built on an already established language or be sprung out of a desire to teach beyond simple mimicking. 
It’s important to understand that implementing a fantasy language into your work isn’t as easy as mixing up the English alphabet and trying to find a word that sounds nice, your readers will be able to gauge whether your language includes things like unique phrasing, conjunctions and vowels. What you should aim to create is a conlang, a constructed language, elvish is an example of a conlang, a real language created through artificial means. 
First here are some important definitions; 
Language; the words, their pronunciation and the methods of combining them used and understood by a community. 
Accent; an effort in speech to stress one syllable over adjacent syllables 
Dialect; a regional variety of language distinguished by features of vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation from other regional varieties and constituting together with them a single language.
Jargon; The technical terminology or characteristic idiom of a special activity or group. 
Language is a large topic hence why this diary entry has been split into two parts, here we’ll discuss how languages originate and how you can evolve your culture and language simultaneously through understanding the process, sound theory and how to charecterize a group of individuals using their language and how biology can affect how language is spoken. 
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Language originates when people, or intelligent life forms need to pass on information or discuss concepts beyond simple sounds, imitation and hand gestures, it’s important to understand that there must be an observable and instant benefit to your group if they use language for modern humans it allowed us to perfect tool making and make plans before executing hunts, leading to more food and an increased rate of survival. If your fantastical group is nomadic and isolated, hardly coming across another of their species they may not have ever needed proper or intricate communication and hand gestures and simple phrases might have worked just fine. 
Langauge is also diverse and I encourage you to listen to music and audio of the hundreds of spoken languages around the world, you’ll hear distinct differences in tone and pronunciation, for example, you might notice that a lot of northern languages use more rushed breaths, the mouth opens wider when speaking some African languages use clicking sounds as a substitute for words and these differences could help inspire some raw and new originality in your work.
For example, in one of my own fantasy languages, Nyefis , every word is spoken in two parts, Nye...Fis because the cultural group it originates from had to because of the protective gear in their mouths protecting them from the harsh arctic winds could only keep their mouths open for so long, words had to be spoken in two breaths and the words tend to be quite short until cultural evolution occurs and the group’s ancestors travel down the mountain to a warmer climate and explore literature and art more, later words associated with these things are longer and more romantic. 
By understanding how language originates you can also explore how your society originated and understanding how language dies will help you establish how fragile/well preserved the language in your story is. Has a language been outlawed due to war, is slang allowed or frowned upon, is everyone allowed to learn the language or can only a select few speak it? What birthed your language and what could possibly kill it?
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Now you have your origin, what exactly is the language, if you choose to make your own alphabet (good luck making up over 20 new sounds) or use a pre-established one understanding how sound can indicate a culture or personality is interesting. I split my languages into three main types, light, harsh and medium. Light languages are built on soft sounds, H’s and S’s, whispered through pursed lips and delicately spoken, a lot of romantic languages play with lighter sounds, using o’s and frequently a persons’ pitch gets higher as they near the end of a word. By formulating a language using softer, sweeter, song-like tones and sounds the reader might already associate it with, civility, education, history, royalty.
Harsh languages are formulated with harsher sounds, k’s, t’s and q’s, it snaps on the tongue and you might notice a lot of ‘villainous species’ languages are either very huffy and low or sharp and loud this is because these sounds immediately convey anger, hostility and harshness. 
Medium Languages are a middle ground with both harsh and soft tones, it can be kind sounding or cruel and is open to interpretation. I like to choose the primary sounds of my language based on its origin, if the language originated from a hot climate it’ll likely be softer and shorter whereas if it originates from a harsher, survival against mother nature type climate it’ll be colder with stronger tones and sounds and include longer words. 
Treat your language like an art piece, chose the tones and shades carefully, did your people have the time to sit and chat and have long conversations or did planning have to be quick and concise and long words that mean several sentences had to be created. 
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Biology is...important, human mouths are structured in a way that allows us to create a variety of sounds and yet some people struggle to roll their r’s or pronounce languages outside of their own, is their mouth structured differently? Nope, when we speak our mother tongue we cycle through muscle movements and tongue placements natural to us, pronouncing something differently forces us to figure out how to replicate the sound this is what leads to original accents poking through. If your society involves unique species that aren’t human clones with horns or longer ears think about their biological makeup, if they have fangs does that affect how they can open their mouths, can they whistle through one side of their mouth and that is a stand-alone letter in their language? For example, in my story I have a fantasy race that have black teeth which are shaped in a way that they have diastemas (gaps in their teeth) they can whistle through, a long whistle is a calling the equivalent of ‘come here’ or ‘follow me’, a short whistle is the equivalent of saying, ‘uhhhhhhhh’ its a thinking sound, a, please give me a moment I’m thinking. This is because they talk so much and so quickly they use this as a quick easy way to communicate to others without having to fully open their mouths. 
Think about other ways your species could communicate and how they could integrate that into your language, is a breath through the noise a way to breathe out after speaking for a long-winded period of time, is your language a mix of verbal and physical ques like signing or facial expressions. In order to avoid menial ‘small talk’ do the people wear necklaces with their name, parents and occupation on it so that they and a stranger can talk about what’s more important? 
Part 2 coming soon; 
Enjoy creating, there are so many amazing resources out there including the official conlang website https://conlang.org/resources/ 
Bye for now, -E
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midnightmarginalia · 5 years
Ho fuck this is long
Ok so like. I made a fucking mistake. I wrote an essay for my creative non-fiction class. We had to write a Lyric Essay. simple enough. it's whatever. I transcribed parts of my journal. it was fun. HOWEVER, I made the mistake of telling the class that I did some heavy editing to get rid of some unconventional grammar I use cuz internet, ya know? this was 3 days ago. jump to today. I wrote a 7-page essay trying to briefly explain SOME of the grammar conventions that have evolved alongside the internet. I had to explain this to a group of 40+ year-olds. so NOw I present this to you, o Tumblr. for the love of god let people read this and add to it, I spent eternally too much time on it 
So "Internet English" or "New English" is a linguistic phenomenon that centers on conveying tone and different connotative meanings through informal writing. Linguist Gretchen McCulloch actually released a book on this called Because Internet: Understanding the New Rules of Language.  Her book actually is really interesting (I highly recommend it) and covers some of what I'm going to be talking about today. In the first section, she compares the process of learning literacy to be similar to learning how to talk solely through exposure to formal writing like speeches, screenplays, audiobooks, etc. You miss all the nuances of informal speaking. Well, the same is true for written language. Before the Internet, informal writing was extremely hard to come by and even harder to study; even letters, postcards, secretive notes and the like were still written fairly formally because there were no mass text-based communication practices. Now, we have this vast intangible library of infinite knowledge and human interactions, making the necessity of informal writing more prominent. As such, internet users, especially people from my generation, have evolved a subset of written English to better express connotative meaning through the use, abuse, and misuse of capitalization, spacing, spelling, punctuation, incomplete sentences, and more. Let me show you a little of what I mean.
Capitalization is a common convention used to convey emphasis, although which type of emphasis that is changes based on how the capitalization is used.
Random Capitalization is meant to grab Attention and express that Something is Very Important or should be Stressed by Your Inner Voice when reading.
CaPiTaLiZiNG a RanDoM AsSoRTmEnT oF LetTerS ConVEyS SaRcAsM oR a MOcKinG TonE.
I cannot really articulate why but this, thIS, tHIS, and THIS are all different. This is called Varied Capitalization and can apply to any word, though I most often see and use it with articles.
not capitalizing anything in a sentence is an excellent way to express a monotone voice that seems very apathetic towards everything and everyone. "oh look. john and i went to the store. how exciting."
Spacing Conventions are less common, and ultimately there is only one that I find noteworthy. Spacing out letters in a word like r e a l l y conveys that the word is significant. It takes up more space than really and thus needs to be stressed. It is also important to note that this convention is often coupled with full capitalization. There is a significant difference between "I am really hungry" and "I and r e a l l y hungry" and "I am R E A L L Y Hungry"
Spelling, like Spacing, is less varied than some of these other conventions. The most common spelling convention you are likely to encounter is the Intentional Misspell. This is used to express one of two things; you can discern which by the context of the rest of the message. It can be used to display excitement. The misspell conveys a kind of excitement that interferes with dexterity, like how your hands shake after a jump scare: "gyus I just swa A Quiet Place  an d it s one f thr svsriest movis I've ever seen." The other emotion the Intentional Misspell can convey is much more subtle and complicated. It is the sense of false apathy. it is nit uncommun to putf a typo in everyr other werd or so to shwo yu don't realy give a fukc but yiu actually do. This is much harder to discern and your best bet on understanding this half of the convention is context clues.
Punctuation and Lack Thereof
Punctuation is, in my opinion, the best, most diverse option for conveying a specific kind of tone. There's a lot to cover here, so I will do my best to keep it brief.
A full stop is a short sentence with a period. It is meant to be read in a scolding tone. The usage of this is especially important in text message and chatroom settings because you can signify the end of a sentence by sending the message. A good rule of thumb for the tone is that the shorter the message, the more scolding the tone.
Putting. A. Period. Between. Words. Conveys. That. The. Matter. At. Hand. Must. Be. Taken. Seriously. This is simply the act of emphasizing each word with a full stop.
not having any punctuation or capitalization at all makes for a very fluid reading experience yes the sentences can get mixed up but those who read and write this way regularly can discern separate trains of thought if you've noticed the lack of capitalization you may recognize one of the earlier discussed conventions it is important to note however that the monotone voice of that convention disappears with the punctuation
Question marks now signify an upturn in the voicing of a statement rather than forcing something to be a question. now you may be asking yourself "why would they do this." The only answer I have for you is "it just seems right?" the upturn signifies a tentative statement while the flat delivery of the question signifies frustration or bafflement.
Punctuation Frequency is meant to signify the amount of severity accompanying the statement. This is exclusively used with question marks and exclamation marks. A common example is extending the simple “what?” to “what???????” Notice the difference? The same thing can be done with exclamation points. Note the increased excitement between “The baby was born today!” and “The babe was born today!!!!!!!!!!!” These, of course, can be amplified even further by incorporating some of the other conventions we’ve discussed previously.
Exclusive Punctuation is a convention most commonly found in messaging systems, but it is still important. “???” is an expression of pure confusion. If you were to receive this message, that whatever you sent the person prior has left them amazed, confused, flabbergasted, awe-struck, bewildered, and more. On the other hand “!!!” is an expression of pure excitement and glee. The best description I’ve seen for this is that it is a noise of happiness.
While there are dozens more grammatical conventions, these are the primary ones that a vast majority of people will use. It is time to move on.
Yes. This is punctuation. But it elicits its own category. Ellipses are great tools for signifying that there is more to this statement than meets the eye. However, there are now multiple types of ellipses that have different meanings.
Periodic Ellipses or Hard Ellipses are just that. Hard. Say I were to text someone “Hey can we talk after class...” The ellipsis generates a cold tone that has some worrying connotations. Something important to note here is that the length of the ellipsis can signify severity, though after a certain point it becomes superfluous and silly. The only friendly usage of a Hard Ellipsis is the Two-Dot Ellipsis. “Hey can we talk after class..” is far far less sinister than “Hey can we talk after class…”
Commatic Ellipses or Soft Ellipses are just that. Soft. Instead of being composed of periods, these ellipses are composed of commas and have a vastly different meaning. These are meant to convey either worrying or flirtatious tones. To go back to our previous example, “Hey can we talk after class,,,,,” is going to be read in a flirtatious manner. However, “Hey can we talk after class,” is going to be read worryingly.  The trick to discerning the different tones is the length of the ellipsis. Three commas or less conveys a worrisome tone, whereas five or more conveys a flirtatious tone.
Sentence Structure
Look! We’re almost done! There are many people who will play with sentence structure to convey meaning but the most widespread practice is the Incomplete Sentence. This one is actually fairly straightforward. Leaving a sentence incomplete expresses exhaustion (either emotional or physical) and adds a sense of trailing off in the speakers voice. I mean, have you ever started a sentence and then just
Noun/Verb Dichotomy
Ok last one. This one is also pretty straight forward, though still quite complex. The Noun/Verb Dichotomy is simple the act of using a noun in place of a verb to get your point across. For example, a more expressive (and in my opinion more accurate) way to say “I like to get a midnight snack at 2 in the morning” would be “I like to velociraptor around my house at 2 in the morning.” The second conjures such a specific image that it can more concisely convey the actions and emotions being done. The possibilities are endless. This opens up the door for someone to sentence how they want. Although many people will get a headache and want to clothesline into a wall. These all make sense to a native speaker of this kind of english because, while our brains do brain logically, english doesnt logic englishly so the brain brains by itself to logic the english!
So that is my mini-lesson on Internet English. please remember I haven't even begun to scratch the surface of what’s changed.
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Prompt: could i ask for some headcanons for aizawa, fatgum, mirio, and toshinori with a crush who doesn’t speak much japanese ? (is this an okay request ? m’not too sure if this violates the rules or not bc idk if it’s too specific ;; please let me know if it is !)
Requester: Foreigner Anon
Notes: Nope! No rules broken~! They’re always at /rules if you want to take a look though c:
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○ He’s a bit conflicted with his thoughts. On one hand, he’s finding himself falling more and more for someone who doesn’t even speak the same language as him which is illogical. On the other, he definitely likes them and not all communication is verbal anyway
○ In the beginning he focuses on trying to communicate in these non-verbal ways. He isn’t trying to make his feelings clear, and he wont just yet, but he does want to have some way to communicate with s/o instead of admiring them from afar - he can’t help it
○ Sitting with them during shared lunch breaks, sharing things with them if they’re in need, walking next to them, nodding or even smiling when they pass him - they’re small gestures but they do make s/o a bit more comfortable
○ Once they’re a bit closer he offers to help s/o learn to speak Japanese a little better. He’s not pushy and does earnestly want to be helpful, but he can’t help wanting to be able to speak to them a little more too
○ He’s actually a great help. While he’s not full on teaching s/o the language he is still an incredible instructor. He keeps at their pace and helps them learn in a way they actually understand. S/o picks up a lot quickly if they accept his help
○ No matter what stage of learning Japanese s/o is in Aizawa is very patient. He’ll wait as long a s/o needs if they can’t find that word they’re looking for, and never gets annoyed when he needs to slow down or repeat himself
○ He’s actually fairly easy to understand too, a slow and concise speaker himself, so he’s a great person to talk to as s/o starts to understand the language better
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○ Even if he and s/o can’t speak very well he still likes to be around them. Even quietly he becomes a pretty steady presence in their lives. He’s a friendly one though, all smiles and hearty waves so s/o doesn’t mind
○ He also tries to communicate with s/o however he can, like Aizawa. He’s much warmer and friendlier about it though (it’s just his nature) constantly inviting them to sit or stand with him, waving when he sees them and always offering warm smiles. He offers them food all the time as well
○ He often uses a mix of basic Japanese words that s/o may understand and the few basic words of their language he knows to try to speak to them
○ If s/o doesn’t speak English he’s going to try to learn some of what they speak just for that purpose. He wants to be able to communicate after all! He does know a little English because he’s a public figure and it’s a widely-known language, but he’ll brush up for s/o’s sake
○ While a great many of these efforts are because Fatgum fancies s/o, he also really wants them to feel welcome. Since they don’t speak Japanese he figures they’re very likely a foreigner far from home and he wants to make them feel as at home and unisolated as he can
○ No matter what language s/o is speaking he likes to listen to them talk. He just really likes hearing their voice
○ Because of this s/o will sometimes get caught up speaking and wont realize that he has no idea what they’re talking about because he’s still listening with such rapt attention
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○ Admires them from afar for a while. He sometimes worries about coming off as a bit unsettling but he really can’t help it. He can’t just stay away from s/o but he’s not sure how to approach them if he can’t speak to them
○ His friends likely help him come up with something after he’s spoken about s/o so much over a few months. It’s hard not to want to help someone like Mirio out anyway, but it’s impossible not to when he’s pining this hard
○ He probably tries to learn a few simple sentences in s/o’s language so he can speak to them. When he’s sure he has them mastered he’ll approach them. Unfortunately between his nerves and lack of skill with the language things don’t go as smoothly as planned. Hopefully s/o appreciates the effort. At the very least the ice is broken
○ He’ll probably keep trying learn to speak the language a little better if he can anyway, wanting to impress and surprise s/o. He’s not so good at academics on his own though, so he likely gets Tamaki’s help on this
○ If s/o’s language is English he probably asks them to help tutor him for their class as an excuse to spend more time with them. Even if it’s something else, though, he still probably asks them about it for the same reason
○ Leaves s/o small notes, sometimes with a very simple word in their language and sometimes with just a happy face or thumbs up. It’s his way of trying to communicate, even through the language barrier
○ Super encouraging as s/o tries to learn Japanese. He doesn’t hesitate to point out their successes and will always celebrate their achievements with them
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○ Toshinori’s English actually isn’t bad. He’s no expert and it’s broken, but he’s decently understandable at least. He probably wouldn’t have as many problems communicating with s/o in this case and would speak in English to them much of the time unless they wanted to try having a conversation in Japanese. He knows a tiny bit of some langauges from nearby countries (Chinese, Korean, ect.) but if s/o speaks something else he’s unfortunately out of luck
○ Their first meeting would be incredibly awkward. He’d likely try to make small talk with them and worry that he had done something wrong when they didn’t say anything to him, despite having heard him. When he realizes that s/o didn’t understand him he’s immediately apologizing. It’s very confusing for s/o and embarrassing for poor Toshinori
○ S/o would likely have to initiate any contact after that because Toshinori would otherwise be too busy beating himself up about that first meeting every time he saw them if s/o didn’t. Even something like a genuine smile or a little wave will set him a bit more at ease
○ If s/o indicates that they know who he is Toshinori will be incredibly flattered - maybe a little flustered. It’s likely that they would, seeing as he’s the number one hero and likely at least known in other countries, but it’s still a bit of a surprise to him to hear that s/o appreciates his deeds despite growing up so far away
○ At first he finds spending time with them a little awkward because he feels like he should be saying something but he can’t. However, as time goes on and he gets used to s/o being around, that silence actually becomes soothing to him; he doesn’t have to worry about saying the right thing, or saying anything at all, and finds himself able to recharge with them
○ Even if they can’t communicate super well verbally Toshinori starts doing little things to show that he appreciates them. Making them tea when he makes some for himself, leaving snacks on their desk if they look particularly tired - those kinds of things
○ S/o and Toshinori probably get so used to each other that they manage to get an idea of what the other is trying to convey even without words. Communicating does of course get easier as s/o’s Japanese improves, but a good foundation is already laid for them by that point
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Doctor Who: What Each Actor Brings to the Role of the Master
Sometimes you’ve just got to look at the general vibe of 2020 (the furnace bit in Toy Story 3 but half the toys are drinking lighter fluid) and decide to write something positive. On my way to nursery, another dad was telling me how he found Sacha Dhawan’s performance as the Master in Doctor Who a high point of the last series, so inspired by that, let’s celebrate what was good about each actor to play the role on television. If nothing else, it’ll probably be good for my mental health and give someone a chance to type ‘Of course Roger Delgado was the original and best’ in context, so hopefully that’ll make them happy too.
Roger Delgado (or to give him his full name ‘Roger Caesar Marius Bernard de Delgado Torres Castillo Roberto’ – which is Spanish for ‘Of course Roger Delgado was the original and best’) originated the role, playing the character regularly from 1971 until his death in 1973.
‘Terror of the Autons’, his first story, has the Master hypnotically influence people and murder them in a variety of nasty, convoluted ways. The character developed as an inversion of Jon Pertwee’s Third Doctor. Pertwee insisted on a few “moments of charm” sprinkled into the scripts, but his Doctor was also curt, loud, arrogant, and antagonistic. Delgado’s Master, on the other hand, was charming, pleasant and witty.
Delgado’s performance reminds me of a Christopher Nolan film: there’s a sense of confidence, almost elegance present that makes something potentially ridiculous feel contextually sensible. Of course the Master is allying himself with someone who will inevitably betray him; he has a series of incredibly realistic face masks he can generate seemingly at will, and of course he’s decided to pose as a legal official for no obvious reason. This is his great skill: the poise to carry off the ridiculous and terrible as perfectly reasonable.
The Master’s Masks
The character returned in 1976’s ‘The Deadly Assassin’. With Delgado having passed away and writer/Script Editor Robert Holmes planning on leaving Doctor Who, he wrote a Master who could easily be written out by the next production team: a skeletal creature, born of pragmatism, with ambitious plans and nothing to hide his sadism. This Master would destroy Gallifrey and hundreds of other planets to cheat Death, whom he evokes in appearance.
The Master was planned to be the villain in Holmes’ final story, ‘The Talons of Weng-Chieng’, directly placing the character into the territory of Jack the Ripper. This version of the character was accordingly vicious, and what Peter Pratt brings out is bitterness. Working from behind a mask, Pratt’s voice and body language are at their best when the Master is operating from the shadows, the strained whispers of a dying man bent on vengeance. The Relationship is no longer playful, it’s sadistic.
Geoffrey Beevers’s Master in ‘The Keeper of Traken’is in another emaciated transitional state, playing a role taken by an original character in earlier drafts. Beevers’ performance is reminiscent of Ian McDiarmid as Grandad Palpatine: clearly untrustworthy yet simultaneously immensely persuasive.
The Master becomes a punchline
Anthony Ainley – who takes over from Beevers in ‘The Keeper of Traken’- clearly had a lot of fun playing the Master. Fans of computer game Destiny of the Doctors may recall how infectious Ainley’s enthusiasm for the role could be. Visually, his Master is reminiscent of Delgado, but he rarely has the same poise. Bluntly, there’s less dignity to the character. The chuckling, smooth façade is masking desperation, not anger. The quirks and regular mistakes Delgado’s Master made are now writ large in writing and performance. There is more than a hint of Alan Partridge as the Master scrapes through a series of ill-conceived low-stakes plans, somehow bouncing back. He becomes a punchline, an understudy, before again being reduced to mere survival. On a purely camp level, Ainley is great and memorably arch, but his incarnation unravels before us without explicit logic.
Read more
Sacha Dhawan’s biggest pre-Doctor Who roles
By Louisa Mellor
Doctor Who Series 12 Ending Explained
By Chris Farnell
Eric Roberts is much simpler to deal with. For most of the 1996 TV Movie, his Master is written as an Americanised Roger Delgado and then, towards the end, we have both the camp and desperation of Ainley. Roberts may not be the most invested actor to play the part but he’s still having fun with it, playing the character bigger and broader than he’d ever been (and, we thought in 1996, as big as he’d ever get).
Before we talk about John Simm, Derek Jacobi is the final of the mayfly Masters. As Russell T. Davies observes on the DVD commentary for ‘Utopia’, Jacobi’s eyes convey so much of the character in his short screen time. Now we have Delgado and Ainley’s confidence, but the anger and sadism of Pratt’s Master is to the fore. It’s a handy and concise amalgamation of a lot of the character that leaves you wanting more. Jacobi also has a tiny, thespy outburst of ham to complement what’s come directly before and what’s about to arrive.
Mirroring the Doctor
John Simm’s Master, aka Harold Saxon, is not like Delgado’s in characterisation, but is also written as a comment on the current Doctor. This Master is, rather than an inversion, The Doctor as “The Big Bad” of the series in a post-Buffy TV landscape and so, given the Tenth Doctor, he’s fast-talking, quippy, mercurial (He sells himself as a messenger from the heavens at one point) and dangerous. The difference is that the Master embraces the latter.
Because these Doctor Who episodes were event television in 2007, we have the Master delivering on huge, complex plans that destroy millions of lives: beyond Delgado-level competence with beyond Ainley-level camp. Russell T. Davies is a big fan of tonal dissonance so we get the violence against women that Holmes hinted at with the Jack the Ripper connection, but in the same episode the Master prances along to The Scissor Sisters.
It’s important to make the distinction with Simm’s performance between personal taste and realisation of the scripts the actor is given. In terms of the latter, Simm delivers a big, cartoonish performance with a nasty edge because that’s what he’s been asked to do. Having carved a reputation with serious roles in Life on Mars, The Lakes and Cracker, Simm played against reputation. The character is written and performed big enough to make Eric Roberts seem the build-up rather than peak of the crescendo, managing to out-Tennant Tennant while baiting slash fiction writers.
A warped friendship
Continuing to explore The Relationship further results in Michelle Gomez’ Missy coming in with a finale-scale plan, with the reveal that the traditionally complex scheme is actually a warped gesture of friendship.
Missy’s character development builds on aspects of her predecessor – the nods to a deeper friendship are developed, but the crucial difference is when faced with a choice between death and being shackled to the Doctor for centuries, Missy chooses the latter and Saxon chooses death. This gives Gomez more to play with than Simm and she delivers on both the mania, as you’d expect Green Wing’s Sue White to do, but also brings out more enigmatic qualities.
While the gender-flip of the character coinciding with their softening is questionable, Gomez delivers the most poised performance since Delgado’s and also has a grumpy Doctor/fun Master inversion. And as for her final scene, it’d be a brave and/or foolish showrunner to return to the character soon after that.
Thirteen episodes later and mild-mannered Agent O turned out to be the Master in ‘Spyfall’. To be fair to all involved: hardly anyone expected this. Sacha Dhawan absolutely nailed the contrasts necessary for the reveal to work. His performance continues the manic rage and glee, but he has to do a lot with dialogue like ‘It’s red because it’s drenched in the blood of our people’ – a zinger that has all the rhythm of someone dropping crockery down an escalator. Dhawan’s Master doesn’t drive the story, instead being inserted into it to fulfil and explain story beats, and so he hasn’t had as much to work with.
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Looking back, the Master has only really settled as a character in their last three incarnations, and while Roger Delgado’s incarnation is influential it’s in small ways. In fact Delgado’s incarnation is now something of an anomaly. While the basics of the character are largely intact throughout – evil and complex schemes that involve the Doctor – the character hasn’t been convincingly debonair since 1973. Instead the character has become more intense and manic. What connects the fan favourites is they’ve been asked to play interesting contradictions – unflappable despite their failures, vicious and violent despite their clear affection – so there’s more to them the peculiar tragedy of a recurring villain who never wins.
The post Doctor Who: What Each Actor Brings to the Role of the Master appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2GmQVAy
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anangelicday-mrwolf · 4 years
Wolfsbane: Noblesse Fanfic (post-ending)
Chapter 1 -  The Werewolf Lord’s Offer
Drip. Drip. Drip.
The remnants of chemicals that once filled the crystal-clear pipe slowly dropped onto currently flask-free stand, brewing faint echoes of liquid sound. Reacting to the noise, a finely sculpted hand fingered the end of the pipe with an untainted piece of cloth.
The blonde man who unknowingly betrayed one of his old habits as a scientist had his eyes fixed on the document in his other hand throughout the activity.
Not long after, however, he sighed upon self-confirming that there was nothing he could make useful from the document he was reviewing. Again. Without hesitation, he pushed away what was now no different from a random scratch paper for him. Hence he destroyed the topmost levels of the building of papers he already deemed worthless, making the said building at last shorter than an average five-year-old.
He clicked his tongue in annoyance and rose to recollect the papers, not at all expecting what he would be against.
Beep. Beep.
The sound he did not even dream of hearing so soon broke the silence of the room, causing ripples of alertness and disbelief in his oceanic eyes. He checked the origin of the signal to double-check, and as a result he lost the grip he had on the documents he just picked up. Allowing no second thought on the fact that he just made his short labor useless, with a serious face he took a seat before the monitor and proceeded to accept the incoming communication frequency.
<I hope everything has been going well with you, Frankenstein, sir.>
“My appreciations. What can I do for you, Dr. Adne?”
<Please forgive me, but I believe I told you a number of times – you can just call me Adne.>
“I’m afraid I cannot do that. You are charged with a sacred duty, with more than dozens of lives in your hands. So I would say you deserve a proper treatment.”
Apparently humbled and pleased by Frankenstein’s remark, the werewolf doctor scratched at the back of his head, studded with very few remainders of his brownish hair.
<I apologize for the sudden call. But there is this urgent request we have for you.>
“And what would it be?”
Instead of drawing out the subject, Adne glanced at his side. A breath later, it hit Frankenstein that his party was not simply avoiding eye contact.
<To tell you the truth...>
<Aaaaand time out – do you mind? I’ll take it from here, thanks.>
Goddamn it. It’s him.
Frankenstein barely managed to hold down his sigh, as he realized that the aforementioned “we” was not referring to the group of researchers in the new speaker’s possession.
<How’s it going, Frankenstein?>
A man with long silver hair, vivid with unrefined, unreined touch of the wild, merrily waved his hand in the monitor.
<Man, how long has it been? First time ever since you suggested me to stay a day or two only out of courtesy, isn’t it? So... It’s been only 4 days. Huh, it hasn’t been that long after all!>
As Muzaka conveyed the biggest smile he could pull out in an attempt to break the ice, Frankenstein kept his mouth shut.
<So how are ya doing? You look a bit tired.>
Frankenstein kept his mouth shut.
<Hey, now. I know we’re not close enough to invite each other for a cup of tea or exchange Christmas cards. But you don’t have to stare at me with such a straight face, do you?>
Frankenstein kept his mouth shut.
<What’s the matter? Don’t tell me something’s up with you, too.>
As Muzaka slowly exhibited concern, Frankenstein finally unsealed his lips.
“I am simply wondering what kind of reply would save my behind, though I know it’s to no avail. If I tell you I’ve been doing well, you’d obviously say something like, ‘Is that so? Then I’m sorry, but I gotta ask you a favor while you’re still on the ‘okay’ side.’ And if I tell you I haven’t been doing well, you’d obviously say something like, ‘Is that so? Then I’m sorry, but I gotta make things a bit worse for you.’”
Rendered temporarily speechless by Frankenstein’s acute jabbering, Muzaka soon revealed all his teeth as he roared with laughter.
<I gotta admit – you really are gifted at making me flabbergasted.>
“For your information, I’ve never asked for a reminder of the obvious. Anyways, what do you want? Based on your choice of words back there, I’m assuming something more than just something is up with you.”
<And my man is shrewd – as always! Hey, don’t give me that look. I was about to cut straight to the point.>
Muzaka quickly added when Frankenstein glared murder at him for dubbing him “my man.”
<Frankenstein, I’d like you to check my body.>
Frankenstein would have kept his face from scrunching up in return for Muzaka’s concise revelation, if only what Muzaka was asking for did not trigger his annoyance. The blonde human very willingly displayed his nuisance on his forehead.
“I don’t recall telling you that you can use my coordinates to book a walk-in examination. And I thought I did everything I could in my lab when you returned with my master that day, to find out if that nuclear missile left anything that could prove lethal on your body.”
<Yes, but you only ran regular procedures for us. This time, I’m asking for a long-term examination to wait for and discover any flaw in my body that has yet to become conspicuous.>
“I’m sorry, but I decline. I happen to be busy myself, and it’d be much more convenient and reasonable for you to entrust your own medical-slash-research staff with the job.”
<Unfortunately – and no offense, Adne – not even my entire staff can match par with you, Frankenstein. I’m sure you’re well-aware of the fact.>
“Oh, yes. I am. Still I see no reason why I should take the job. It’s a waste of time and personnel for you to ask for my help, O just-returned-lord of the wolfkind.”
Though Frankenstein reasserted his decision, Muzaka did not concede. Without further ado, he started pushing the blonde man, as if trying to demonstrate that persistence is the best weapon.
Little did Muzaka know that stubborn Frankenstein is basically the Great Wall of China, in whose presence persistence is no sharper or deadlier than a needle.
<Aww, but you know that when it comes to cost-efficiency, it’d be best for me to turn to you. With your help, I’d get to witness the best progress and result.>
“Oh, sure. But personally, I wouldn’t recommend expecting good progress or result so soon. Yes, probabilities and statistics do exist, but I’ve lived long enough to see exceptions rising upon every breath, especially when non-human races are affiliated.”
<Aww, fine. I’ll be honest with you – there’s a reason why I can’t leave this in my staff’s hand. And I’ll let you know what this is really about once you take my offer. All you gotta do is to say ‘okay.’ Well? Don’t you wanna know what I’ve got for you?>
“Oh, please. If you actually had a reason that would serve legitimate and inevitable for both of us, you would have told me about it in the very beginning.”
<Aww, come on. I know you’re busy. Of course you’re busy, since you resigned from your office at that treasured school of yours. But please, be a pal. Just this once. Please?>
“Oh, not a chance. You’re right. I’m busy – in fact, I’m so busy I can’t even afford to be a pal. Not to mention there’s no telling when I can stop being a pal for you.”
<Aww, don’t you have a heart? Now I’m about to get sore lips, you know?>  
“Oh, I do have a heart. The thing is, it’s not reserved for you. So why don’t you now go see your staff? After all, you just complained about sore lips.”
After a prolonged banter of oh’s and aww’s, Muzaka admitted defeat.
<Aww, hell... I did prepare for the worst, but you can be such a pain in the neck with those language tricks of yours.>
“Oh, you haven’t seen the last of my tricks. And trust me – you don’t want to see the last of my tricks.”
<And I don’t need a reminder, either. Geez...>
Exasperated groan escaped from Muzaka’s clenched jaw, which (to Frankenstein’s surprise) was soon replaced with a smile.
<Fine. So be it. I didn’t want to go this far, but you asked for it. I’ll make an offer you can’t refuse.>
Muzaka flaunted remorseful yet pregnant grin, which compounded Frankenstein’s fear as he observed the changes in the werewolf lord’s countenance.
<What if you might get to find a clue to your master’s mysterious return by checking my body?>
For a moment, Frankenstein considered examining whether the communications are working flawlessly. However, it took only a second for him to stay flustered, and it took less than a second for him to escape his fluster.
“Care to explain?”
<You know how things went during that missile incident, right? You know, me and Raizel did stop the missile, but we ended up being scattered to naught as a result. At least that was the case for Raizel. But not me.>
“...What are you talking about?”
<Simply put... My body saved me. I guess.>
Frankenstein did not realize that his entire body has become rigid with expectation and curiosity, with his torso bent over towards the monitor. To his dismay, Muzaka decided to show that he does have a knack for timing, sometimes in an annoying way.
<I’ll give you more details if you take my offer.>
Instantly, Frankenstein’s face was marred with the foulest scowl Muzaka has ever seen.
“You DARE to bargain with me on a potential clue that could enlighten the secret behind my master’s miraculous return to life and could possibly be directly related to my master’s well-being?”
<Which is why I didn’t want to go this far. I’m dying of guilt as we speak.>
“Not convincing. ‘Cause your hide is actually thick enough to exploit my master like this.”
<I’m sorry. I know this is a dirty trick. But as you’d know, I am now in charge of the wolfkind’s throne. My top priority from now on is my people’s welfare and secure future. However, we’re busy staying alive every day. Plus, we recently discovered that we’ve got at least hundreds of survivors from Maduke’s rotten lab experiments. So I can barely assign my research staff tasks other than tending to those survivors, which is part of the reason why I’m trying to negotiate with you here.>
“...But I’m sure you know that I happen to be serving someone. Not that you and your kind’s safety is an unimportant issue, but I cannot put it above my duties as my master’s servant. So why not make your staff look over you whenever they can spare some time?”
<Damn, and I hate the fact that I kind of expected you’d retort like that. Which is why I figured it won’t be a good idea to bring my people into this...>
In spite of his complaints, Muzaka seemed much more at ease, for he noticed how Frankenstein permitted delays in his words and loosened the angry curves on his face as he came up with his latest excuse.
<Then how about this? Let’s make a deal. I’ll pay you back in whatever way you want in the future. You name it, you got it.>
“I thought you’d be smart enough to figure that one of the many factors that influence my wishlist happens to be my temper.”
<Consider it my last resort to convince you that I AM DESPERATE.>
With an audible sound, out from Frankenstein’s lungs rushed a huge ball of air he had been holding. Although he fought bravely, Frankenstein already knew he had lost the moment Muzaka decided to make Raizel his weapon of choice for this battle.
“...You’d better keep your words, or I WILL make every bone in your body pay for it.”
<And I would’ve thought you’re joking, if only your name didn’t happen to be Frankenstein. Anyways, thanks. First, send me the geographic coordinates for your exact location, will ya? Tomorrow I’ll send my “secret agent” with the files and details for the job.>
“Fine. And how many people know about this?”
<Four, including you, me, and Adne. I want to keep this strictly confidential, made public to only a very select few. And my secret agent will tell you why.>
“I can see that you already planned things way beforehand, judging by how fast you are processing things.”
<I’m afraid I can’t say no to that. Oh, and by the way, be nice to my agent. My dear child has been running here and there, doing this and that all at once. Busy would be an understatement, but my little warrior gladly accepted my request. Which I’m so, SO grateful of. Though I’m guessing it’s partially because we both knew that no one else in the clan would be able to handle you and your devilish temper.>
“At least I’ll make sure not to treat this agent of yours as your clone and spare him-or-her from standing at my door for hours upon arrival. That I can promise you.”
<Are you saying it would’ve been otherwise if I were the one to visit you? That’s pretty mean, but it can’t be helped. I’m the bad guy here. Anyways, thanks a lot, Frankenstein. I owe you one.>
Frankenstein gave no reply. He knew that Muzaka would be thankful just for the fact that he finally withdrew the daggers in his eyes.
The following day, Frankenstein waded through grass under the twilight, trying to deduce whom he should expect as Muzaka’s “secret agent.”
‘First of all, this werewolf warrior must be experienced enough to have Lord Muzaka personally appoint as the personnel solely in charge of the duty as a messenger and a secret keeper. Since he also mentioned that this werewolf is busy visiting all sorts of places and running multiple errands at once, it’d be a werewolf warrior who recurrently comes in contact with exterior parties or sites. And if this werewolf is actually capable of coping with my temper... This fella must be either a reincarnation of a saint or someone used to me.’
He stopped short as his hypotheses pinpointed one werewolf warrior in his head. Although he had not met every single werewolf currently existent, Frankenstein could swear that as far as he was concerned, there is only one werewolf who could meet all the demands he just listed.
The moment Frankenstein hoped he was wrong, a sound of footsteps slowly treading towards him made his ears prick.
Frankenstein’s face was momentarily enveloped with recognition upon identifying the visitor creating noises only a very poised walker would produce. He soundlessly sighed as he muttered,
“How come I always get things right when I least want to...?”
“Well, what did you expect? When it comes to stuff like this, I’m the werewolf for the job, don’t you agree?”
In response to Frankenstein’s very-far-from-common-or-courteous welcome, Lunark jokingly countered, as if cooing a child throwing a tantrum.
(next chapter)
Yay - finally! Chapter 1 of my fanfic is up!!! :D
Like I said on my earlier post, this fanfic will center on Frankenstein x Lunark shipping, which means it would include stories about other characters as supporting plot.
Btw, Dr. Adne introduced in this chapter has actually made an appearance in the Noblesse webtoon. There is this werewolf doctor with brown hair who often features on chapters that show werewolf territory, especially werewolf lab. I decided to make him one of my supporting characters, so I gave him a name that I came up with. Hope it clarifies! :)
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Rhetoric to Me
At the beginning of the term, I defined rhetoric as “the conveying of ideas and opinions to a specific audience.” After experiencing these class readings, lectures, and group discussions my definition of rhetoric has both stayed the same and expanded in interesting ways. Now I understand that rhetoric is still the transfer of ideas and opinions to an audience, but I now understand that there is so much more than just the transfer of ideas there are a multitude of different aspects that go into rhetoric and the message that is being conveyed. aspects like intent, cultural background, and especially in the way in which the message is transferred. Rhetoric can be used in many ways for many purposes, but I believe that rhetoric in its truest most ethical form is not always easy to find. in terms of course work I really enjoyed the ancient philosophers and their ideas o rhetoric. I specifically enjoyed Plato's take on rhetoric in the sense that it is not always a good thing saying that rhetoric is often used for lies and deceit to push one's own personal agenda. However rhetoric is not all bad like Plato seems to hint at but good rhetoric does exist. The ancient philosophers seemed much less biased by modern times and modern way of life, their concepts, and ideas were much simpler than the modern rhetoricians, yet I could relate to those concepts thought of thousands of years ago as opposed to the ones introduced and discussed in the modern era. For example, the basic concept of rhetoric as persuasion and its different forms was interesting to me and greatly affected my view of rhetoric because now I see those concepts used in everyday things like television ads and in public speakers.
The Rhetorical artifact that I believe best represents pure and ethical rhetoric is the group discussion that I created and lead earlier in the year. This small group discussion is rhetoric in its purest and most ethical form in many ways. This form of rhetoric is unique to the academic setting, it is an environment whose sole purpose is the discussion of ideas and concepts to further all of our understanding of it. There is no persuasion there is no personal gain over another, only the academic and intellectual gain of an entire community. this is rhetoric at its best, being used to better the world and the ideas contained within it, as opposed to one’s own personal gain which is so much more common.
Rhetoric in its most pure and ethical form would be this basic transference of ideas but, the rhetorician must respect his or her audience's cultural values backgrounds, and experiences. Rhetoricians always have a purpose or agenda behind their rhetoric. It is important that this agenda be open to the public so that they can make a decision whether or not to be persuaded, or what kind of bias might be behind the information being presented.  Also, the rhetorician must not mislead or tell lies to the audience in order to persuade them to make a decision that is not in their best interests. The rhetorician should be clear and concise, and free of technical language that the audience could not understand. In summary, a rhetorician must keep the audience's best interests at heart when persuading or informing, also they must not be misleading in any way and they must effectively portray both their intent and their message to the audience.
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foodoliplife · 5 years
The Oxford English Dictionary (premium), from Oxford University
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Bing Timer, from Bing
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I love to utilize timers whenever I’m writing, to help keep me concentrated and also to break my writing session into brief chunks. Around 30 – 45 minutes is effective. (you can always set the timer for another writing burst straightaway) if you’re on a roll,. Even though the timer’s you’re writing that is running!
A timer for X minutes” – e.g to set a timer in Google, simply search for“set. “set a timer for 10 minutes”. The timer will be from the display and commence immediately. WriteToDone includes a bunch more recommendations on time administration for authors.
Tools that will help you Modify Your Essay
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Hemingway (free), from Hemingway App
The Hemingway software works in a way that is similar Grammarly, though with a concentrate on design and readability in the place of on spotting typos and misused terms. It’s named after the US novelist Ernest Hemingway, who had been recognized for their clear, concise writing. You have access to the application without logging in, by simply visiting the site: content or type in your selected text.
It encourages one to avoid extremely complex terms and phrase structures: don’t feel you need to alter most of these (particularly in a essay that is academic where a specific standard of complexity is desirable!) – but do check always any flagged terms or sentences to ensure you’re happy that you don’t want to switch to a simpler alternative with them, and.
Thesaurus.com (free), from Dictionary.com
Do you battle to find quite the word that is right? It occurs if you ask me a great deal: i understand the thing I desire to state, but We can’t think about ab muscles simplest way to state this. Or, I’ll purchased a specific term currently and I also like to stay away from it all too often (the principle of elegant variation).
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webart-studio · 6 years
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What would you like me to do?
The place do I do it?
How a lot will it value?
By having a transparent focus this allows you to know what your most vital web page parts are – generally known as name to actions – and what content material ought to be in your pages / web site homepage to bolster and entice folks to observe your essential objective.
Sit down together with your internet designer to work out what your objective ought to be and at all times maintain it on the forefront of your thoughts when testing and valuating design concepts.
All the time be asking your self “The place’s my essential name to motion? How simple is it too see? Is it clear? Is it constant?”
Focus: It’s greatest to focus your homepage in your essential name to actions similar to the primary motion you need folks to take after they go to your web site.
A variety of companies that undergo the online design course of need to record all the pieces on their homepage – Who they’re, what they do, their awards, contact kinds, telephone numbers, open hours, all of the providers they provide, all of the methods to contact them, maps, images of the staff and no matter else they’ll consider.
The very fact of the matter is – that you need to have a spotlight – all these parts have their time and place however not vital all on the homepage.
A pleasant easy homepage that designate who you might be what you do and a name to motion for the following step is a superb begin.
Additional down your web page you could need to showcase a few of your merchandise/providers and once more reinforce what it’s that you really want your customer to do subsequent with a name to motion.
Some homepages provide newest information and different bits of knowledge – One factor to remember is that not your whole guests will scroll down this far down your homepage, so its bets to maintain it targeted and concise and supply the important thing data/information required to get your web site customer know who you might be and get them to the following step in your funnel.
Write for people not Google: One of many issues quite a lot of web site house owners do is write their content material for Google as an alternative of writing for people.
The considering behind it being that in the event that they write and optimise their content material for Google that it’ll rank them increased in Google.
This was true a number of years in the past, however Google has wised as much as this and with the introduction of Rank Mind and on-page metrics it’s extra vital than ever that your web site content material is partaking, talks to your customer and retains them in your web site for so long as potential.
Whenever you write for Google you may typically find yourself offering no worth and saying the identical factor 5 alternative ways – This gives no worth to your customer.
It will in flip trigger your web site guests to go away your web site, Google rank mind will see this and will even decrease you within the Google rankings!
Do sprinkle in your key phrases as vital.
Key phrase Analysis: Intently linked to planning, you should definitely analysis your key phrases correctly. Don’t simply have a look at the key phrases your rivals are optimising round – do your individual analysis with a software similar to Ahrefs and discover the most effective key phrases that give you the results you want and your viewers.
Actually analysis your key phrases. Certain, there are cash key phrases that get all of the visitors however utilizing a software similar to Ahrefs you could find all of the related key phrases and attain a wider viewers.
Chances are you’ll even discover a possibility for a distinct segment key phrase that your competitor doesn’t rank for.
In case you are an online design firm, for instance, and base din Birmingham don’t simply presume that internet design birmingham goes to be your greatest key phrase – Use that as you start line to your website positioning key phrase analysis, however search for the opposite group of key phrases associated to it that won’t provide a lot visitors on their very own however as a bunch provide an honest quantity of visitors.
Name to actions: These are the little buttons that take your customer by the hand and information them to the following stage.
Your name to actions will tie in closely together with your essential intention to your web site as they principally take your customer by the hand and to the following stage in your funnel.
Consider your name to motion as a well mannered directive, that guides your customer in the proper course.
Your name to motion is a key space to give attention to to enhance your web site conversion charges.
The textual content that you just use in your name to motion can have a huge impact on the result of your CTA effectiveness.
Use direct & particular language in your name to motion buttons and check them typically. A easy phrase change might give a 10-15% or extra improve in conversions.
For some inspiration on CTA language to make use of, take a look at this useful information: 25 Confirmed Name-to-Motion Phrases to Maximize Conversions
Additionally bear in mind to give attention to the color of your Name to motion buttons. Use a contrasting color to the remainder of your web site in order that it stands out.
By testing completely different colors, you may see which buttons get probably the most consideration, which distract, and which of them merely get misplaced amongst the remainder of your website.
By maintaining the above in thoughts: beginning with a plan and core focus, writing for people and testing your name to motion color & language you might be positive to see your web site conversions growing.
!function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) {if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function(){n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments)}; if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window, document,'script', 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); fbq('init', '2149971195214794'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); Supply hyperlink
source https://webart-studio.com/easy-methods-to-enhance-your-web-site-conversion-charges/
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buzzmic-blog · 6 years
30 Hilarious Notes Left For Badly Parked Car
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Problems Created By Car parkers Terrible drivers are hard to deal with as is, but terrible car parkers are worse. They are on another level of existence where they think that the whole parking lot is their playground and they can park as they see fit. So something must be done to put these painfully horrendous car parkers to put them back in their place. And nothing spells out passive-aggression better than a note left on the windshield!
What A Superstar
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A note written in all caps means serious business. And this particular offender has clearly crossed the line of tolerance to be the target of a letter in all caps! Although this might cost the writer the luxury of feeling like a movie star, a well-worded note will help the offender do a better parking job next time.
A Pinch Of Spite
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Sarcasm is probably the language of the irked and offended all over the world. This particular offender actually took the time to move out their neighbor's trash cans to do their awful parking job. With the level of irritation dripping from that single note, we hope the offender never actually gets to meet the writer, for their own sake!
Grammar On Point
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Imagine coming across a parking job so appalling, that you start to lose your grasp on grammar due to the amazing bouts of anger you feel. That was the case with this particular writer, who was equally mad at the bad parking, as well as the time wasted writing their note. Don't make people doubt their grammar!
Nobody Likes You
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This particular writer must be at the height of their anger to actually go out of their way to print out the note! Can you imagine how many times the offender must have done it to take such special measures this time around? We hope they shape up, to benefit from the society, as well as not be attacked by mountain lions. Just saying.
Grumpy Cat Doesn’t Like You
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Seems like the famous Grumpy cat himself came down to tut-tut at the disappointing parking job. He's also very possessive of his parking spot. Although he was generous enough to not call the towing services this time around, the offender might not be as lucky the next time around!
The Hellen Keller
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Sometimes, a parking job is so ghastly that not even a note would suffice for the opportunity. Notes would fall on deaf ears, so something more concrete needs to be done to drive the message home. This particularly aggravated writer had to bust out their spray paint can to make their point.
Personalized Spot
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This car parker felt that no parking space available was good for their car. So they had the ingenious idea to park it on the division of spaces itself. Of course, such originality seldom goes unnoticed, so someone had to outline this special parking spot in chalk. Way to go for ingenuity!
What A Jag Off
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When one doesn't have access to paper on hand, what does one use? A pad of course! When one has this much overflowing anger at the improper parking job, that it has to be conveyed one way or another. In this instance, it is a pad. You have to give them points for their very original use of a pad.
Rich In Parking Spots
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As rich as you can become, it does not guarantee you get common sense accompanying it. This was the case for the owner of this particular blue BMW, who just had to take up two parking spots. But this inflamed writer wasn't simply going to let it go, not if it was going to inconvenience their grandma!
Come On Dogg
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Props to this next guy, who just wanted to get back his parking spot in the most amicable manner. Unlike a sarcastic or a passive-aggressive note, he put his simple request in a straightforward manner. On the windshield. With paint. He was good enough to even put a 'thanks' at the end!
Sincerely It Is
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This agitated driver had had enough of the offender's horrendous parking skills. With a straight-up threat, the writer was giving no more chances to this repeat offender. We suggest the offender keep this threat in mind the next time they're about to do a half-baked parking job and leave other car locked in.
A Meme-tactic Parking Job
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Have you ever seen a parking of car job so bad, that you had to unearth a dead meme from the 2000s? This enraged writer had to go out of his way to print out the famous 'Y U NO' meme to get his point across. A perfect mix of nostalgia and sarcasm!
PB & Jelly
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Towing costs are quite expensive, not to forget, inconvenient. This writer was considerate enough to spare the offender the charge of towing but still had enough spite to not let go of the chance to make their point. Smearing peanut butter and using it as a canvas to write their qualms is equally innovative and inconvenience at the same time.
It’s That Simple
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While the previous one used smeared peanut butter as their canvas, this writer used the gift of mother nature to articulate their thoughts. With the plentiful snow come winter, this writer used the built-up snow on the car to write. Props to them for not wasting paper!
Season's Greetings!
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Shoveling the snow from your parking spot in winters is a hassle as is, but more infuriating when someone takes advantage of your hard work! This good Samaritan had just cleared out out the snow from his parking spot, but some rude driver decided to take advantage of it and park there. The writer wasn't going to let it slide so easily, and wrote a not-so-kindly worded letter.
No Mixed Messages
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There's something fundamentally wrong with your parking skills if they inconvenience even the pedestrians. This skilled driver went out of his way and parked in such a way that it blocked the pavement. But this calm pedestrian wrote a straightforward and concise letter pointing out the offender's fault. If only everyone in the world was concise...
Mr. T-Rex
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This is perhaps one of the most politely worded note on this list. When a hapless driver's alarm system was going off without their knowledge, a Mr. Tyranasauras rex took it upon themselves to bring it to their knowledge. With a top hat and a wine glass in hand, Mr. T-Rex is the epitome of a gentleman.
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A classic passive-aggressive note with some threats to boot. This writer had had enough of this offender's terrible parking job and decided to dole out out some appropriate parking wisdom. Can't help but agree with their point though, it is quite lousy to park in front o someone's driveway!
Park Well Maybe
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This grieved writer used the words of Carly Rae Jepson's 'Call Me Maybe' to make his point. With a parking as bad as his, it elicits pop songs!
Oh So Gentle
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This writer was annoyed to the highest degree for him to spout so many swear words. He was fed up beyond belief with the obnoxious parking skills the offender displayed that he could not stop dropping f-bombs! Offenders beware!
Stop Ruining My Life
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Fed up with getting so many parking tickets already, this poor driver had to actually plead the ticket man to not give him any more tickets! We sympathize with him, we'd be distraught too if we got three tickets too!
Poor Stevie
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A snarky and short note is the way to go when dealing with parking offenders. This person's parking was so bad, that it triggered someone to draw a comparison between the music legend, Stevie Wonder's eyesight, and the offender's. And if you've been living under a rock, Stevie Wonder is a critically acclaimed musician who is blind.
What A Jerk
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It is aggravating as is when people take two whole spots while parking, but it is immensely inconsiderate when they take up parking spots reserved for handicapped people. To what lengths does your inconsideration extend to? However, one vigilante took it upon themselves to write an illustrious note to the offender.
Resort To Public Transport
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When one encounters so many parking offenders regularly, these cards are the perfect way to go! NOopoint in wasting your time writing a note, but rather just stick this card and be on your way!
Who Even Are You?
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Channeling their inner Liam Neeson from the 'Taken' franchise, this disgruntled driver had to borrow the words of the actor himself and outline it to them in explicit terms about the level of their annoyance and the consequences of it.
Honorary Member
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Annoyed with the skills (or the lack of) of this Beetle owner, he was immediately made an honorary member of a club for people who park awfully! At least we know his parking skills will be appreciated there!
Worst Neighbor Award Goes To…
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Broken security alarms in a car are a pain to deal with, especially when they endlessly play through the entirety of the night. But failure to get it fixed and subsequently ruining everyone's goodnight sleep afforded this offender the title of 'Worst Neighbor of the Year.'
Office Joe
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Sometimes, a simple stick figure conveying your feelings is enough to get the point across. This writer seemed more inconvenienced than angry, so a simple note sufficed. At least, for this time.
It Was For The Fam
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Who wants to shovel snow for hours on end only to return and see that someone else has parked in that shoveled space? Not only is it bad manners, but it is also highly inconsiderate. Shame on you, the person who parked that car!
Sincerely, Everybody
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Sometimes, a bad parking job can baffle many a person. This note perfectly summed up the feeling of the general public in just a few words. It is almost an art, to convey so much, with so little words! Read the full article
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jazzrei · 7 years
On Becoming a Digital Person, Technology not only changes the world but it also changes us.
 This semester starts off as about the evolution of technology and how it affects us.When it comes to technology, we cannot deny that we Filipino are making our own way to cope up and adapt to what is trends nowadays.
Technology has had the greatest impact on the Millennial Generation.
Millennial Generation were magnified because millennials were able to see what many generations did not see: photographs and footage, in vast quantity. Every so often, an invention appears that no other generation has had access to. These times are very interesting because it is usually the youngest generation that fully accepts these inventions. For the Millennial Generation, this is modern technology: personal computers, smartphones, and the Internet. personal computers and technology were invented, an example of a historical event. Then, it was the millennials’ parents who wanted the best for their children and gave them computers and the Internet. The Internet was so new, no one knew how to use it and if there were any Internet rules or etiquette. Millennials were left to their own devices and taught millennials how to use the Internet. Instead of confiding in their one best friend, millennials went to the Internet and confided in many groups of people that may or may not geographically live near them. Technology and the Internet have promoted three qualities among the Millennial Generation: the rise of groups of friends, globalization on a personal level, and online politics.
The impact of technology on us may be much more far reaching and elusive than we imagine. Consider our common view of how “likes” work in social media and online shopping: we make choices that shape how our technology behaves. Our internet searches narrow the field to what we think we want. The more people like particular products-people-experiences, the more we desire them. The customer, after all, is always right. But could it actually be the other way around? That technology shapes us. We make choices in response to the digital context in which we operate, and are thereby affected. My identity is not just an expression of my online choices but a result of them.
 Due to how active millennials could get, there are circumstances where we get to be more open publicly. Posting here, and there; could be on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, etc, neglecting all the possible outcome of a simple post. Good to know that we have list of guidelines about Internet Security and Internet Etiquette rules.
·         Identify yourself:
o    Begin messages with a salutation and end them with your name.
o    Use a signature (a footer with your identifying information) at the end of a message
·         Include a subject line. Give a descriptive phrase in the subject line of the message header that tells the topic of the message (not just "Hi, there!").
·         Avoid sarcasm. People who don't know you may misinterpret its meaning.
·         Respect others' privacy. Do not quote or forward personal email without the original author's permission.
·         Acknowledge and return messages promptly.
·         Copy with caution. Don't copy everyone you know on each message.
·         No spam (a.k.a. junk mail). Don't contribute to worthless information on the Internet by sending or responding to mass postin gs of chain letters, rumors, etc.
·         Be concise. Keep messages concise—about one screen, as a rule of thumb.
·         Use appropriate language:
o    Avoid coarse, rough, or rude language.
o    Observe good grammar and spelling.
·         Use appropriate emoticons (emotion icons) to help convey meaning. Use "smiley's" or punctuation such as :-) to convey emotions. 
·         Use appropriate intensifiers to help convey meaning.
Avoid     "flaming" (online "screaming") or sentences typed in     all caps.
Use     asterisks surrounding words to indicate italics used for emphasis (*at     last*).
Use     words in brackets, such as (grin), to show a state of mind.
Use     common acronyms (e.g., LOL for "laugh out loud").
Cybercrimes also made its way to the picture.Though not all people are victims to cyber crimes, they are still at risk. Crimes by computer vary, and they don’t always occur behind the computer, but they executed by computer. The hacker’s identity is ranged between 12 years young to 67 years old. The hacker could live three continents away from its victim, and they wouldn’t even know they were being hacked. Crimes done behind the computer are the 21st century’s problem. With the technology increasing, criminals don’t have to rob banks, nor do they have to be outside in order to commit any crime. They have everything they need on their lap. Their weapons aren’t guns anymore; they attack with mouse cursors and passwords.
Before we could post on to our social media accounts, we surely want to make everything in accordance to what we want our post to look like. And to make sure that it will turn out to be great, we have this principles or tips on making presentation that we could follow. the presentation should be minimize, has a clarity; making sure that the font is readable, should create a visual that is simple, or has a presence of simplicity, contrast and consistency.  We’re also  fond of posting pictures, leaving us with the decision of what kind of photo format we’d like to choose. It could be the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), Graphics Interchange Format (GIF), or the Portable Network Graphics (PNG). and of course when we talk about photo format, it definitely relates to how we manipulate the image.
 And most important thing that this semester opened for us, is the Online Collaborative tools. We we’re introduced with the different tools we could use whenever we would like to express our thoughts and ideas without being known to everyone.  This semester opened a great opportunity to us student about knowing and understanding more of us being a “Millennials”.
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smartworkingpackage · 7 years
Learning From the Feynman Technique
They called Feynman the “Great Explainer.”
Richard Feynman (1918-1988), an author, graphic novel hero, intellectual, philosopher, physicist, and No Ordinary Genius is considered to be one of the most important physicists of all time.
He pioneered an entire field: quantum electrodynamics (QED).
In the 1940s, his invention of the Feynman Diagram helped bring much-needed visual clarification to the enigmatic behavior of subatomic particles.
His work helping scientists understand the interaction of light and matter earned him a share of a Nobel Prize in 1965.
His work has directly influenced the fields of nanotechnology, quantum computing, and particle physics.  
In 1986, his research and explanations were critical in helping to understand the cause of the space shuttle Challenger disaster. 
In addition to his groundbreaking research, Feynman was brilliant, eloquent, and an exquisitely passionate thinker. In the world of science, he stands unequivocally for his ability to synthesize and explain complex scientific knowledge. His lectures are the stuff of legend —Albert Einstein attended Feynman’s first talk as a graduate student, and Bill Gates was so inspired by his pedagogy that he called Feynman, “the greatest teacher I never had.” Gates purchased the rights to his lectures and made them publicly available on a video portal nicknamed “Tuva” in honor of Feynman’s famous failed quest to reach the Russian region later in his life.
“I do think that making science cool to people when they’re young and therefore getting more people to go into it in an in-depth way, I think that’s very important right now,” Gates said, when announcing the purchase.
Feynman’s lectures, many of which were delivered during his time at California Institute of Technology, were aimed at students who had no previous knowledge of particle physics or deep science. Taking the mystery out of complex scientific principles was Feynman’s forte. His lectures were underscored by a conviction and passion for science.
If Einstein created the ‘beautiful equation,’ then Feynman brought an unparalleled sense of beauty and romanticism previously absent in the world of scientific research. A vast majority of Feynman’s life was as vividly eccentric and illustrious as the unpredictable movements of the atomic particles that defined his life’s work. When he wasn’t in the throes of researching particle physics, he spent significant time dabbling in the arts, sketching, and even playing the bongo.
The Feynman Technique
Have you ever had a coworker who used business-speak, or had a teacher explain something with language that was difficult to understand?
You’re not alone. The Feynman technique for teaching and communication is a mental model (a breakdown of his personal thought process) to convey information using concise thoughts and simple language. This technique is derived from Feynman’s studying methods when he was a student at Princeton.
At Princeton, Feynman started to record and connect the things he did know with those he did not. In the end, Feynman had a comprehensive notebook of subjects that had been disassembled, translated, and recorded.
In James Gleick’s biography of Feynman, Genius: The Life and Science of Richard Feynman, he recalled his subject’s technique. “He opened a fresh notebook. On the title page he wrote: NOTEBOOK OF THINGS I DON’T KNOW ABOUT. For the first but not last time he reorganized his knowledge. He worked for weeks at disassembling each branch of physics, oiling the parts, and putting them back together, looking all the while for the raw edges and inconsistencies. He tried to find the essential kernels of each subject,” Gleick wrote.
You can use this model to quickly learn new concepts, shore up knowledge gaps you have (known as targeted learning), recall ideas you don’t want to forget, or to study more efficiently. Taking that concept further, you can use this technique to grapple with tough subject matter, which is one of the great barriers to learning.
Feynman’s technique is also useful for those who find writing a challenge. Feynman had an interesting relationship with writing. Instead of committing his knowledge to paper like many other scientific figures, he chose to use speech as the foundation for many of his published works. He dictated most of his books and memoirs, and his scientific papers were transcribed from his lectures.
“In order to talk to each other, we have to have words, and that’s all right. It’s a good idea to try to see the difference, and it’s a good idea to know when we are teaching the tools of science, such as words, and when we are teaching science itself,” Feynman said.
Feynman relied heavily on verbal and spoken communication, and when he turned to his cartoonish diagrams of highly scientific principles, for example, he could tap into ideas with shapes, squiggly lines, and drawings. It stripped away clunky language and allowed the power of verbal storytelling to take root.
Explaining the essentials of particle physics is extremely difficult. Before Feynman’s diagrams that earned him a Nobel Prize, there wasn’t a clear way to explain their meaning.
Attribution for Feynman diagram: By JabberWok at the English language Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, http://ift.tt/2vsCaSx
This is the first-ever published diagram by Feynman helped scientists track particle movements in illustrations and visual equations rather than verbose explanations. What seemed almost improbable at the time is now one of the greatest explanations of particle physics — the squiggly lines, diagrams, arrows, quarks, and cartoonish figures are now the established nomenclature and visual story that students, scientists, and readers will see when they learn about this field of science.
Essentially, the Feynman Technique is this:
Identify the subject
Write down everything you know about the topic. Each time you run into new sources of information, add them to the note.
Teach it to a child
If you can teach a concept to a child, you’re way ahead of the game.
Start with a blank note and write the topic or subject you want to teach. Then, below that topic, write everything you know about it. But, the trick is to write it plainly and simply —so that a child can understand what you’re talking about.
Doing this takes into consideration a few things:
Speaking in plain terms: Children don’t understand jargon or a lexicon of dense vocabulary. Science is full of complex terminology, which is the reason Feynman’s diagrams became so valuable. His charts illustrated things that other scientists delivered marathon lectures about.
When we speak without jargon, it frees us from hiding behind knowledge we don’t have. Big words and fluffy “business speak” cripples us from getting to the point and passing knowledge to others.
Brevity: The attention span of a child requires you to deliver concepts as if you were pitching a business idea during one short elevator ride. You better get the concept out before those doors open. Children also don’t have the ability — or mental capacity, to understand anything longer than that.
If you had difficulty putting thoughts into your note, that shows you have room to improve. This is also where the power of creativity can help you reach new heights in learning.
For Feynman, much of the pleasure in science was in this first step —unraveling his levels of understanding.
Identify your knowledge gaps
This is the point where the real learning happens. What are you missing? What don’t you know?
Highlighting knowledge gaps will help you when you collect and organize your notes into a cohesive story (which is the next step.) Now you can call upon your source material (lecture notes, ideas, etc.) when you run into questions about how much you do know about your topic.
If you don’t know something, hit the books. Go back to the source material and compile information that will help you fill in the cracks.  
Organize + simplify + Tell a story
Start to tell your story. Piece together your notes and begin to spin a tale using concise explanations. Bring the most vital pieces of your knowledge about the topic together.
Practice reading your story out loud. Pretend to tell the story to a classroom of students. That way, you’ll hear where language stops being simple. Stumbles could indicate incomplete thoughts.
Use analogies and simple sentences to strengthen your understanding of the story.
This sentence, written by Feynman, encapsulates the power of this technique. What started as a question about our existence has been translated into a single sentence that can be understood by a middle school student.
“All things are made of atoms—little particles that move around in perpetual motion, attracting each other when they are a little distance apart, but repelling upon being squeezed into one another.”
Basically, Feynman says that if you know nothing about physics, the most essential scientific knowledge to understand is that everything is made up of atoms. In one simple sentence, Feynman conveys the foundational existence of our universe. It’s a master class not just for scientists, but for writers of any stripe. Get to the hypothesis in as few words as possible. Avoid clunky, verbose language.
Drawing on passions
Feynman was a believer in a multi-disciplinary approach to learning and found connections to his work in creative outlets like drawing and music. He never stopped asking questions—who, what, and why?
Einstein had his violin. Werner Heisenberg played the piano. Richard Feynman had bongos. And a passion for art. He was able to eloquently communicate, but he could also see the beauty in art, and the stories that art tells. It was as much a distraction as much as it was an unending source of inspiration he could connect to his work in particle physics.
“I wanted very much to learn to draw, for a reason that I kept to myself: I wanted to convey an emotion I have about the beauty of the world. It’s difficult to describe because it’s an emotion. … It’s a feeling of awe — of scientific awe — which I felt could be communicated through a drawing to someone who had also had that emotion. I could remind him, for a moment, of this feeling about the glories of the universe.” — Feynman discussing the intersection of art and science.
Making things stick forever
The next time you stare at an empty notebook page, think about turning that page into an opportunity.
As Feynman illustrates in his mental model, learning can be a lifelong pursuit. This technique is designed to help you study for exams and learn new subjects, but it can be easily adapted to pursue deep work. Dedicating a notebook to a place where your knowledge can grow and evolve your ideas and provide inspiration to continue following a path of ongoing learning critical to the fundamentals of deeper, meaningful work.
Today, researchers are still parsing through Thomas Edison’s notebooks and are constantly learning about how he cataloged his ideas and innovations. For Feynman, after he was done cataloging his knowledge with his technique, he had a comprehensive record of his knowledge that became a notebook he was incredibly proud of.
Armed with the Feynman technique and Evernote, anything is possible. How could you use this technique in your work? Share your story in the comments.
from Evernote Blog http://ift.tt/2tx7Jgv via IFTTT
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UX Writing: How to do it like Google with this powerful checklist Notes from Google I/O 2017 on choo…
UX Designer. Writer. Ex-Entrepreneur. Dad to Inty & Luna. Husband to Sandrita. Scotsman with an English accent. Living in Australia 😜
Writing is easy. All you have to do is cross out the wrong words. (Mark Twain)
These are my notes from a Google I/O 2017 talk by three UX Writer’s. It’s a great resource to start creating a UX Writing process within your organisation. Useful for anyone involved in putting words on interfaces.
Topics covered:
1. Introduction to Content Strategy
Maggie Stanphill, UX Director, Content Strategy, Google
2. Three UX Writing Best Practices
Alison Rung, UX Writer, Google
3. Building Brand voice for your new Product
Julian Appenrodt, UX Write, Google
4. Your UX Writing Checklist
Maggie Stanphill, UX Director, Content Strategy, Google
1. Introduction to Content Strategy
Google follow the principle, focus on the user and all else will follow. Focusing on the user starts with the content.
Content strategy is the crafting and development of all product messaging. UX writing is a speciality within this discipline. It focuses on helping users achieve their goals with language.
Language helps the user get where they want to go. By focusing on what the user wants to achieve content strategy builds loyalty and trust.
How Google incorporates UX Writing within UX
Writers work with Designers to think about information hierarchy on the page. This then guide user actions. Writers work with researchers to test hypothesis about language and inform our insights.
When you have the foundation of UX writing and you add brand voice, something amazing can happen. UX writing can survive with the fundamentals but it can thrive with brand voice.
Oh don’t use big words. they mean so little.
(Oscar Wilde)
2. Three UX Writing Best Practices
1. Clear
Often words used are software problems and not people problems. Pay attention to verbs. A verb is an action word. It tends to be the most powerful part of your sentence. In a perfect world it will relate some action to the user.
For clarity we remove technical terms and we put the action in the context of the user.
This is especially important when you’re writing a product announcement or an app update. Currently focus is on the technical specs of the new feature you’re releasing. Instead focus on the new action that people can perform. Jargon free offers context.
2. Concise
Concise doesn’t only mean short, it means something closer to efficient. When we are writing with concision we look at our message and we make sure every word on the screen has a distinct job.
The above is a common problem in product writing. Here we don’t need the header. This is typical in interfaces. Because the design field shows some pre-existing text field, we feel we need to fill it in. You should avoid this. When you can instead practice content first design.
Content first design makes sure your visuals are inline with what you’re trying to say. Not the other way around. So try not jam your message in boxes that weren’t meant for them.
Try to have designers work in parallel with writers.
Here we’ve removed the header. As you know we don’t read every word on screens, we scan.
We know that peoples eyes follow an F shaped pattern as they read over the screen. They read the first line. Then the second line. Then they start skipping down the page, catching only the first or second word of each sentence. For this reason we keep our text not only concise but also frontloaded.
Frontloading means to put your important concepts first. This is so people’s eyes catch those important words as they skip down.
Above most of the words are at the end of the sentence. We can fix this by flipping it around with the below
You won’t always be able to do the above. The principle will always hold true and you can use it anywhere you are writing for screens. Keep the most important text up front and then ruthlessly edit what comes after it.
3. Useful
The call to action (CTA) guides people to there next step. You want your text to help people get where they want to go. For that reason the call to action needs to resonate with what they want to do. Here OK is not a good call to action.
Try again is a good option instead, but this isn’t all we need. We need to give them an option if they’ve forgotten their password. If you forget your password and your only option is to ‘try again’ then you’ll be frustrated.
Paying attention to writing and the people you’re writing for is so important. It can uncover some of the basic functions that your app or website needs to offer. So if you don’t think of those edges cases and write for them you might see some drop off in the usage.
Best practice wrap up
If you pay attention to these three principles you’ll connect better with your users.
Good UX writing is not a science.
These three principles are not always in harmony. There is a kind of tension between them. They are competing with each other.
When we made the text clear it is still pretty long, and not so scannable. When it made the text concise it made it shorter but at the expense of some clarity. Finally when we made the text useful it became longer again and became less scannable.
Consider your user context and you’ll find the right balance between these principles. Think about what they want to do in the moment.
You can also look towards your products brand voice. Your brand voice should create the right balance of clear, concise and useful. This should be true to your products character.
Think about your products core function. Then you’ll begin to find the elements of that character. Then think about what makes it special, how it’s differentiated.
Below is what Google would do inline with their own positive brand voice. We don’t like to lead with a negative words like wrong. We are also ok to have a the text a little longer, a little less concise, to be friendly and chatty. Now this sounds like Google. It doesn’t mean it’s right for your brand. It’s up to you to build your own brand voice for you own product.
Make the most of your words.
(Claire Savage)
3. Building Brand voice for your new Product
Brand principles
Start with a set of brand principles. These can be 3 or 4 adjectives that embody your brand, and how you want people to perceive it. To come up with these adjectives you can do a brainstorming exercise.
Imagine you are signing up your product to a dating site.
What words or info would you put in your products profile. What is about your product that you think would make it stand out or seem most interesting to people.
What would make them want to swipe right and want to learn more?
You can then distil these qualities into descriptive words. These will then will become your brand principles.
With Google Pay the principles were: fresh, empathetic and approachable.
Now you have your brand principles. The next step is what these principles will sound like when you apply them to you writing. These will then become your writing guidelines.
You can then take it one step further and think about what your voice will sound like in different contexts. This is tone.
An easy way to remember the difference between voice and tone, is to think about like a person. A persons voice stays the same. The tone they talk to you in may change, depending on the situation or what they’re saying.
In an app this might be like talking to users in a different way for different circumstances.
Tone spectrum
For Android Pay we mapped these different moments on a user journey. We did it in a tone spectrum ranging from serious to whimsical. This makes sure that we are using our voice in a consistent way across the entire user experience.
For your product the two ends of the spectrum might called something different. Your tone might range from informative to inspiring or direct to humorous. Once you have created your two ends you then need to determine what moments in the user journey you’re going to map.
A good way to do this is to think about the distinct milestones or interactions in your user experience. These can be thing like on-boarding, education or troubleshooting.
To help you decide were these will fall on the spectrum you can then think about:
What the users goal is
What they might be feeling in that moment
What you’d like them to feel
Now do some UX writing 🤓
So you established your voice and you have mapped your tune. Now it’s time to apply both of these and do some UX Writing.
It’s time to decide what words will go in your user interface. That ends up being a combination of everything we’ve talked about today.
To be successful your interface text needs to be:
As well as reflect your brands natural voice
To show you how we get there we can walk through how the UX writing process looks like.
As an example lets try to see what we say to the user, the first time that they use Android Pay. We can guess that they’re curious. So we want to tell them what we can do with the app, as well as give them reason to move beyond this screen and set it up.
Step 1
At the beginning of the process we start with something descriptive like the below.
Step 2
We then think about the three principles of good UX Writing. This text is clear and useful but it’s not concise. We look at what pieces of information are essential. What parts could use visuals instead. We edit it to something like.
Step 3
For this we’ve ticked off clear, concise and useful and need to think about one more part. Tone. We’d ask ourselves, does this text convey our brand? Not too much, it fells pretty generic.
So going back to our brand principles we think about how we can make it fresher and more exciting. Even whimsical as this might be our first impression on the user.
In our final iteration we end up with something like this.
A/B Testing
It’s a little longer than before, but adding a little personality can do this. It’s up to you whether infusing this personality is worth the words. This is not always a clear decision. If you’re not sure whether some words will be more effective than others then A/B test it.
When trying to find the right words for your product never underestimate the power of A/B testing.
We ran an A/B test on the start screen on Android Pay. We changed the button from ‘add card’ to ‘get started and it resulted in a 12% increase in click throughs.
testing is a great way to confirm a hypothesis you might have. Or to decide between two different version of text, you’re not sure which will connect more with you users.
Bad writing slows things down. Good writing speed them up.
(Ken Roman)
4. Your UX Writing Checklist
With this checklist, you’re on your way to make your product stand out with language.
Standout UX Writing Checklist
User First: Focus on your users
Clear: Write in a language free of jargon, and with context
Concise: Write in a style that’s efficient and scannable
Useful: Write in a way that directs the next action
On Brand: Define your brand voice and apply an appropriate tone
User First: Choose language that performs, proven by research and A/B testing
Bringing writers in at the end of the creative process, is like trying to put toothpaste in to a tube.
(John Steinbeck)
If you enjoyed this, have a read of my other UX articles:
UX Design For Your Life
24 Ways to Look Like an Awesome UX Designer
51 Research Terms You Need to Know as a UX Designer
53 Tech Terms You Need to Know as a UX Designer
How to become a UX Designer at 40 with no digital or design experience
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t-baba · 8 years
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Declutter Your POJOs with Lombok
I have a love/hate relationship with Java. On one hand, it’s a mature programming language with a diverse number of frameworks and libraries that make development relatively easy. On the other hand, it’s very verbose and requires writing massive amounts of boilerplate code for common tasks. The situation got better with the introduction of lambdas and streams in Java 8, but it is still sub-par in some areas, like writing plain old Java objects POJO. In this post, I'll show you how to rewrite POJOs in only a few lines of code with Lombok.
Verbose POJOs
Take a look at this regular POJO class with just three fields: name, surname, and age. It has elements that are common to POJO classes: getters, setters, equals, hashCode, and toString method.
public class User { private String name; private String surname; private int age; public User(String name, String surname, int age) { this.name = name; this.surname = surname; this.age = age; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public String getSurname() { return surname; } public void setSurname(String surname) { this.surname = surname; } public int getAge() { return age; } public void setAge(int age) { this.age = age; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; User user = (User) o; return age == user.age && Objects.equals(name, user.name) && Objects.equals(surname, user.surname); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(name, surname, age); } @Override public String toString() { return "User{" + "name='" + name + '\'' + ", surname='" + surname + '\'' + ", age=" + age + '}'; } }
It took us 59 lines of code just to implement this simple class with three fields. Sure, an IDE could generate it for us, but remember that code is read much more often that it is written. So what is even worse than the sheer number of lines it takes to represent this simple concept is that the code fails to clearly communicate the implementation's intent. How long will it take for you to answer these questions:
What fields don't have getters/setters?
What fields are not used in equals/hashCode/toString methods?
What fields have non-standard getters/setters?
What getters/setters have non-public modifiers?
It's not impossible to get these answers, but it is much harder than it should be. The signal-to-noise-ratio is just too low!
The situation gets even worse if we need to implement the builder pattern. Besides all the POJO code, we need to maintain similar boilerplate for one more class - roughly doubling the amount of borderline useless code. As if this is not bad enough, when we need to add a new field, we have to update both the builder and the POJO class in multiple places. This makes it is easy to miss something and introduce a bug.
Introducing Lombok
Gladly there is a better way. Lombok is a library that allows us to define POJO classes using a set of straightforward, but powerful annotations. These annotations specify if a particular field should have getter/setter, if it should participate in equals/hashCode/toString methods, and so on. Lombok has been around for a few years and has been used in many commercial and open source projects.
So let's add Lombok to our project. It's very straightforward, just add the following dependency to your pom.xml file:
<dependency> <groupId>org.projectlombok</groupId> <artifactId>lombok</artifactId> <version>1.16.10</version> <scope>provided</scope> </dependency>
After this, your Lombok code will compile without issues, but if you are using an IDE you will be in trouble. Since Lombok annotations generate new code (see below for how Lombok works), the IDE should be aware what methods are implicitly added by what annotation. Fortunately, there are several plugins for different IDEs, so you can pick your favorite.
If you use Intellij IDEA, you need to download a third-party plugin for Lombok support. If you use Eclipse, you need to download the lombok.jar and just execute it. It will install the Eclipse plugin. For NetBeans, you need the same JAR and have to enable annotation processing.
Now we are ready to improve our code with Lombok.
Using Lombok
Lombok provides a few basic annotations to define if a particular field should have an accessor method or if it should be used in equals/hashCode/toString methods:
@EqualsAndHashCode @ToString @AllArgsConstructor public class User { @Setter @Getter private String name; @Setter @Getter private String surname; @Setter @Getter private int age; }
As you can see, we have five basic annotations. @EqualsAndHashCode and @ToString instruct Lombok to generate equals, hashCode, and toString methods that will use all fields in the class. @AllArgsConstructor will create a constructor that has as many arguments as there are fields in the class. @Getter/@Setter annotations are applied to every field and will create getters and setters.
Now we can use this class just as a regular POJO class:
User user = new User("John", "Doe", 32); user.setAge(30); user.equals(new User("John", "Doe", 30)); // true
If you don't want an annotation to use all fields, you can provide an optional parameter that specifies what fields should be used for generating a method. So if we do not want to use the age field in the toString method you can do it like this:
@EqualsAndHashCode @ToString(of = {"name", "surname"}) @AllArgsConstructor public class User { @Getter @Setter private String name; @Getter @Setter private String surname; @Getter @Setter private int age; }
I would argue this code is already much better than what we've started with, but it still does not look concise. What about these repetitive @Getter/@Setter annotations? It's handy to use them like this if you need to expose only a couple of fields in your class, but if you need to generate accessors for all your fields, it becomes annoying.
To make this case even more concise, Lombok allows using these annotations on the class level. If @Getter/@Setter annotations are used on the class level Lombok will generate getters and setters for all fields in the class.
@EqualsAndHashCode @ToString @AllArgsConstructor @Getter @Setter public class User { private String name; private String surname; private int age; }
This does not change the behavior of the class, but now the code is even more succinct.
Implementing Builder
At the beginning of the post, I argued that builders add another level of boilerplate. Lombok turns the exercise of writing a builder into a one-liner. To do this, just add the @Builder annotation on top of a class, and you will have a builder with a fluid interface at your disposal:
@EqualsAndHashCode @ToString @AllArgsConstructor @Getter @Setter @Builder public class User { private String name; private String surname; private int age; }
Now we can create an instance of our class using a builder:
User user = User.builder() .name("John") .surname("Doe") .age(32) .build();
Reducing Lombok Boilerplate
The result code is more readable, but what about this repetitive set of annotations? Most POJOs have all these methods, and it is still cumbersome to use the same annotations again and again. Lombok provides two annotations that can make this even simpler:
@Data - an annotation that replaces @Getter, @Setter, @EqualsAndHashCode, @ToString and @RequiredArgsConstructor
@Value - same as before but generates an immutable class with no setters
@Data and @Value annotations got their names from so-called data classes and value classes. Data classes are mutable classes that expose their fields through getters and setters. Value classes on the other hand, are immutable and usually have no logic except equals, hashCode, and toString methods.
So we can rewrite our class with just two annotations:
@Data @Builder public class User { private String name; private String surname; private int age; }
Not only is this example much shorter, but it also conveys the meaning of this code much better. It is clear that this class has three fields, all of them have getters and setters, all of them are used in hashCode/equals/toString methods, and there is a builder class for it.
Defining Custom Methods with Lombok
One question you can ask is, what if you need to define a custom getter or setter? What if you need to add a custom boundaries checking for the age value?
Lombok has quite a straightforward behavior in this case: If a method Lomobok is going to generate is already in the class, it does not generate a new one. Therefore, it never overrides your methods and only adds new methods to a class.
How Lombok Works
Continue reading %Declutter Your POJOs with Lombok%
by Ivan Mushketyk via SitePoint http://ift.tt/2jjKcsX
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