#the lantern if the bearer believes that the ring has been recharged
rillette · 2 years
I’ve seen a few fics mention that the gls don’t have to eat/sleep Bc of the rings? Is that fannon or real ?
Well I have seen Hal go "oh boy im sleepy, time to take a nap right here, in the middle of empty space!" before, so i'm going to say that they still get tired at the very least! But the old GL rings have a built-in life support system, so even if they do need to eat/sleep, going without won't kill them.
The ring functions off willpower, so if the green lanterns believe that they don't need to eat or sleep, then they won't need to eat or sleep. The only limitations of the ring are the color yellow and the ring bearer themselves.
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wrecker-radioactive · 4 years
BNHA X Green Lantern
Hey folks! Radioactive here with some Au ideas. I’d would like to thank @kibastray for the inspiration from their Miraculous Ladybug fic. 
Now these are just some tidbits of ideas. I am working on getting out of my writing hiatus and maybe this will help.
Feel Free to use any of the ideas for yourself!!!! All I ask is a link or @ to read them! Thank you! Enjoy~
For these AUs the focus will be on Midoriya Izuku. Though it would be neat to use other characters, Izuku is the focus today. 
Green[WILL] Corp AU---normal amount of angst
>Midoriya is still quirk-less but doesn’t meet All Might. 
>Instead, He goes to mope on the school roof top after getting his notebook back from swimming with the koi.
>Not sure if this is where he starts contemplating anything suicidal like or other job/career prospects but
>He gets conveniently knocked over the head with the Green Lantern Ring
>Says the oath and gets dragged into space by the ring-after recharging it
>Meets up with the current Green Lanterns and gets some decent training in before he remembers his mother is waiting for him so they give him Earth sector’s Green Lantern’s number to discuss training and to just talk to for help.
>This AU follows the original plot with the differences being Izuku is more so focused on bringing Justice no matter what. He is more so Grey lining. Willing to learn the law and stand up for those mistreated by it. Izuku is willing to work to change it for the better. To improve the law.
>Personality wise, He is High Key Nervous but Willing and Ready to Punch(think greyhound in yellow sweater) Is EXTRA Creative and more focused on Analysis in defeating villains or preventing building collapses 
>He is closer bros with Momo in this one. Creation Friends all the way.
>His Creations/Projections are weird. Like they are Out-Landish choices for doing what ever to defeat the opponent(s). Kinda like Miraculous Ladybug.
>His outfit is the regular standard for Green Lanterns but under it is his Hero Suit that has ALL THE POCKETS. You need a bandage? He’s got twenty. Disaster Child is Prepared Child but still problematic
Blue [HOPE] Corps----mild angst
>Rescue Focused Hero
>BIG {Magic of Friendship} Speeches TM
>PRONE to Greater Injuries now that he has power but it is mainly to prevent others from harm. Lacks self preservation this one does.
>Still Nervous but it is more overthinking and about others. Even if he doesn’t know them, you chat with this kid for two minutes and he’s already worrying about your health, your family, your goldfish
>Most likely to be a Vigilante than actual hero due to his insight on Quirk Laws and the impact they have on society. He ends up saving people more and visiting hospitals to bring hope to kids. 
>He likes to knit and crochet hats for the kids. Sunshine child levels at Maximum
>Most likely to accidentally become a villain due to being vocal on the mistreatment of others at the hands of heroes or the lack of safety measures put in to protect kids from abuse ei from negative enforcement from teachers or bullies.
>Outfit is standard with a calm blue to help put people at ease around him. Difference is that he wears a helmet--motorcycle helmet. Maybe to hide his identity maybe for further protection.
Star Sapphire Corps--ALL THE ANGST 
>Izuku becomes a Star Sapphire at a young age. Right after being told he will never have a quirk, with teachers and other parents talking badly about Inko over having a quirkless child and Izuku who would be five at the time so is thinking Momma Midoriya doesn’t want him and that his dad doesn’t want him either since he left shortly after Izuku was diagnosed. Add in our resident angry boi telling Izuku he’s useless and basically breaking off ties. All leads to a sad kid
>This leads to Izuku’s heart witnessing the breaking of his soul bonds from all those he loves. 
>He gets turned into a giant crystal that transforms him into a Star Sapphire and the ring basically becomes his mentor. From there on, Izuku trains to become stronger. he doesn’t run away because he wants to fix the system. So no one has to hurt like he does. 
>So Izuku decides to change the system from the inside out. Become a top ranking Hero, and then start leading more positive changes to the laws and how people view quirks. 
>He is very lonely in this AU until he and Inko actually sit down and talk about what Izuku wants and Inko shows her support for his dreams. It is one of the few bonds Izuku allows to heal and mend. Up to the person if Katsuki ever mends fences or if Izuku’s dad does anything. 
>Izuku is a tired nervous. Very done with life but very much would like a hug. If you hug this sad kid he will never let go. 
>It isn’t until after USJ arc that Izuku finally meets other Lantern holders 
Izuku shuffled after Aizawa-sensi holding back the panic swelling inside him. The voice of his ring--loving dubbed Star--cooed and murmured support and reassurances that if anything he feared happened that they would simple run away to space. They often tried to get Izuku to leave Earth and take to the stars but he wanted to change things on Earth. To change himself for the better. Taking a fortifying breath, Izuku followed Aizawa-sensi into the meeting room.
Three people turned to face the new arrivals. John Stewart nearly fainted at the sight of the small green haired kid following Easerhead. He didn’t want to believe a child had been chosen let alone for a Star Sapphire. Stars went through so much pain and for a kid not even sixteen to go through that? It broke his heart. A quick glance at his companions Salaak whose nerves shown in the twitching of his four hands and Brother Warth of the Blue Corps. Brother Warth’s trunk scrunched up at the sight of the tiny human child bearing the pink ring and if his training wasn’t so strong his rage would have most certainly taken over. 
Izuku froze at the sight of the African American human in green and black, a dark pink humaniod with four arms, and a huge elephant like person in the blue version of the other’s outfit. They all had rings too. Does that mean he’s not alone? There are others who share his experinces? It was too much yet at the same time numbing after the whole facing a group of villains on a school field trip. 
“Midoriya, these are the Lantern Corp members currently available to talk with you about your powers and situation.” Easerhead introduced nodding to the three before taking a step back to allow Izuku room to move but keeping within eye sight of everyone. He was here to just listen since he was still in recovery. 
“Hello Midoriya, I’m John and these are my friends Salaak and Brother Warth.” With introductions out of the way, John stepped up to kneel in front of Izuku allowing a few feet of distance between them. “I heard about what you’ve been through, and I know what it takes to be a bearer of take ring. I’m sorry we didn’t find you sooner.” 
It wasn’t the best apology nor would it be the last. To have left a child alone with the powers of the ring was a grossly irresponsible act. They would do whatever it took to help Izuku heal and grow into a hero. no, Into a healthy kid. Izuku deserved to be a kid. 
Izuku couldn’t stop the tears from falling. After having teacher after teacher condemn him and never step up to protect him, after almost running away from his own mother based on misunderstandings and assumptions, and to the years consistently being told he deserved to suffer for not conforming to society thanks to the uncontrollable factors of genetics; to be understood. To have someone on his side outside of his mom. It was no wonder he threw his arms around John and bawled his eyes out. 
-End Scene-
>His outfit is the most different. From my research on the outfits, Star Sapphires have no care for modesty and is mostly female based so take that as you will. So, Izuku’s form will have gauntlets in a purple-black that go up to his armpits and leave his shoulders bare. A magenta halter top with black/purple edging that ends just below his ribs. Skin tight shorts same color as gloves that stop at his knees before becoming knee pads with multi point starburst in silver on the fronts with the background being magenta. Knee high boots in magenta and silver buckles. Standard face thing in either black or magenta. The tips of his fade into magenta. [this is the best I could come up with. im sorry]
Indigo Corps [Compassion]
>Not sure how this one would go about anything since the corp is entirely based on an alien tribe in another system. BUT Compassion and chains. 
>Basically Izuku slapping people with emotions to change their ways. I dont even know where this is going. Vigilante? 
That’s all I have so far folks. Hope you enjoyed it! Don’t forget to Stay Safe 
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seekthestarsrp-blog · 5 years
it’s time to wake up, THAAL SINESTRO, you’ve been in cryosleep for too long and the people of GREEN LANTERN miss you. when you went into slumber you were FIFTY years old, your pronouns are HE/THEY, and you WERE VOLUNTEERED for the expanse program. now that you’ve awoken, your position as SECURITY is waiting for you. remember, the expanse thanks you! 
NAME: Thaal Sinestro
ALIAS(ES): Sinestro
AGE: 50
FACECLAIM: Mark Strong (as Sinestro)
PERSONALITY: Let’s start by saying Sinestro is not an evil man. He doesn’t do things because he feels some satisfaction in being the bad guy. Rather, Sinestro is an extremely driven and self-righteous alien, following  his  own  vision  of  what  will create  peace  and order in the universe. (Admittedly, more order than peace.) He honestly and fully believes that his actions, though seen as evil by most, will eventually be realized as what they truly are- the best methods of protecting the universe. But he is not a stupid man, either. He understands why so many oppose him, and that his actions are seen as murderous and dark in the eyes of most civilizations. However, he doesn’t let that get in his way. It is his idea of sacrifice that he should be punished for doing what will ultimately save not only his own home planet, but every planet in the universe. Sinestro is a very charismatic character, with the ability to draw people towards him. His leadership qualities enable him to take charge of situations without hesitation, even when most would prefer he not get involved. Perhaps that is due, in part, to his very arrogant way of thinking- that he is the only one suited to lead regardless of the circumstance. Still, though he is indeed hard to work with, he will still show up to help if he feels a situation calls him to. Sometimes, an evil comes along that does not coincide with his ideals of ruling through fear.  Sinestro is a cold, formal alien with a militaristic ruling style. He doesn’t like weak people and he doesn’t like cowardly people. Similarly, he is impressed by those who have the ability to instill great fear- even those who seek to oppose him, like Batman, for example.The red-skinned alien has a sharp tongue and a habit of mocking people, though only because he finds them completely annoying and wants to make them look bad. Nothing wrong with that, right? His sense of humor can surprise those who only see him as an evil-doer, as he spends so much time with a straight back and his hands crossed over his chest that it might seem impossible that he even knows the meaning of the word ‘joke’. He has within him the ability to show compassion, love, and hope, yet he refuses these parts of himself. Being an intelligent, yet wildly unstable Korugaran, it always seems as though his mind is churning out the most diabolical of strategies. Within seconds of observing a situation, he seems to have a plan. Another important leadership quality, perhaps- an impressive ability to plan ahead, even when facing a situation without any prior knowledge. Recent events have turned his whole world upside down. He no longer understands himself the way he once did, and he wonders constantly what mistakes he made through the course of his life. He struggles to find mental footing.
BACKGROUND: Sinestro was an archaeologist who was given a Green Lantern ring when a dying lantern crashed on his planet. He grew to become one of the best Green Lanterns in the corps, until Hal Jordan discovered how he was creating peace through controlling his and many other worlds with an iron fist. He tattled on Sinestro and Sinestro was banished for his crimes. Enraged, he vowed revenge against Jordan and created the Sinestro Corps- lanterns who used the power of fear instead of will.  The sinestro corps and green lanterns were great enemies but also worked alongside one another more than once for the sake of the universe. Sinestro himself was briefly made a Green Lantern again, though soon returns to his own team. He did both good and bad, never truly falling into either category. Eventually, he managed to save the universe from the threat of the Paling, emotionless beings who sought to remove all feeling from life. but it came at a great cost and he was left weakened and near death, wounded in a way that could not be healed, his life force draining from him.  
KEY RELATIONSHIPS:  -- Hal Jordan (Friend and bitter enemy) -- Soranik Natu (Daughter) -- Atrocitus (Hated enemy)  -- Black Adam (Friend) -- Lyssa Drak (Minion, bed buddy) -- Arin Sur (Wife, deceased) -- Arsona (Love interest, deceased) -- Abin Sur (Mentor, best friend, deceased)
WEAPONS: https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Yellow_Power_Ring (for more info) Sinestro Corps Power Ring: Sinestro has a yellow power ring, and all the normal perks that come along with a ring of power. Basic functions include a message system to other lanterns and communication devices, the ability to record messages and things around them like a camera, a universal translator to understand and be understood in any language and a database on every recorded planet in the universe the ring comes from. It will also indicate its power levels, warn about imminent threats, and scan areas for different criteria at the will of the user. It grants him many fighting abilities too, including enhanced strength, the ability to fly and pass though glass like light, space capabilities (regulating body temp, keeping it protected from the elements, providing oxygen and allowing it to travel at high speeds), minor healing, barriers both of body and the mind, and the power to create constructs in various shapes from his thoughts.  Constructs are extremely powerful hard light creations and extremely difficult (but not impossible) to break, though they do depend on the will and stability of the ring bearer. Constructs can replicate materials and even things like fire and water and can feel like you’re touching/experiencing the real deal. The only real limit to what someone can create is the mind. Constructs are generally transparent and the color of the user’s ring. For example, Sinestro’s ring is yellow, so any constructs he makes will also be yellow! It is impossible to make a construct another color. Constructs have a finite lifespan and will dissipate eventually. Sometimes with time, Sinestro deciding to get rid of it, or if it’s broken. Yellow rings also have the ability to make people around him feel fear, as well as experience their worst fears as vivid hallucinations. Sinestro has a somewhat unique ability to restore previously destroyed things with his ring, and has used his ring to temporarily bring back the dead by reigniting synapses in the brain. This only lasts as long as the ring is in contact with the body- yellow rings cannot bring back the dead full time. It can, however, restore objects like buildings and bridges. Sinestro's power with the fear ring is second to none, being the original creator of the fear rings and the Sinestro Corps leader. With his deep connection to both fear and Parallax, he has attained an understanding of lantern rings that few could claim to match. He is the only known being to use the full power of Parallax without being controlled by it. Of course, the ring has its own weaknesses too and is not infallible, and doesn't work when his mind his addled by drugs, fatigue or too much pain.  He can also run out of ring energy without charging it regularly, which would leave him vulnerable. All rings come with a lantern to charge them, and no ring is without its limits. Without power, there’s nothing a ring user can really do until they recharge. Naturally, the more they use in a battle, the sooner they need to recharge. Given the massive amounts of power Sinestro puts up when using the entity, his ring often needs a recharge.  There are ways to drain a yellow ring of energy faster, like having a handy Blue Lantern around or an energy-draining item of some nature. Cutting his finger off it a pretty good method, too. If he’s disconnected from the ring in some way, be it magic, force or something else entirely, he will not be able to access its power. Likewise, if the entity is pulled from him, he will not be able to access that power, either. And sometimes the entity resists him, denying him a power boost. There’s also a Power battery he keeps in a pocket dimension to charge the ring with. It looks like a yellow lantern. 
POWERS/ABILITIES/SKILLS: In general, he is an extremely intelligent being, having been capable of creating his own power rings and corps after studying a ring given to him by a weaponer quite some time ago. He is excellent with machinery as well as biochemistry and extremely good at thinking on his feet. Being a war leader, he is also a very good, albeit somewhat under-handed tactician. His intelligence is not something he takes for granted, either, always thinking ahead or using his abilities to better understand his enemy or whatever situation he has been thrown into. He has the ability to know fears without them being spoken.
GREATEST STRENGTH: His endless will power and mastery over fear
GREATEST WEAKNESS/FLAW: Lack of compassion and empathy. 
OUTFIT THEY WOKE UP IN: His Sinestro Corps uniform
ONE FEAR: Failure.
ONE HOPE: He does not believe in hope- he believes in making what he wants happen. 
ONE HEADCANON: He enjoys human bakeries though he won’t admit pastries are his favorite food. 
How does your character feel about being dropped into the expanse program? Are they excited? Suspicious? Confused? Though confused at first, Sinestro now found himself more intrigued than anything else. Having just come from a devastating battle and needing time to recover, he really does consider this a bit of a vacation. He’s never been one to feel fear over the unknown, and a part of him would like to see where this takes him. Perhaps it would offer him something new, since he had more or less fulfilled his role back in his own universe and no longer knew what to do with himself. 
What does your character hope to see the most during the expanse 009’s journey? He has no great hopes of discovering anything- Sinestro is simply there to observe. 
If your character could bring one thing from home, what would it be? Sinestro lost his home planet to an evil being, so it wouldn’t really matter to him what he got from his home world. Any small reminder of the place he lost would be something he would grow to cherish. But there is nothing left. 
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youinmyhoodnowson · 6 years
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In truth, the opposite collection of battling boy turned widespread. To conclude on this topic, I believe it is an important idea to give our kids the funny comics created method-back-when, comics from your and my childhood. To learn a story in adventurous manner is quite exciting for all the children. You might have to overcome the restrictions of speech bubbles and the problem of telling a narrative body by body. Admit it you might have! I’m certain you may have heard this popular online store. Since Children's Graphic Novels are really simply an previous thought with a fancy new name, why should not you explore taking outdated profitable comicbook concepts and reinventing them for a brand new technology? The concept was to convey the same meaning with phrases that I recommended by means of colours, textures and pictures. Common Online Comics solidify a that means of a phrase as a result of pictures support which means to words. The nomination was a serious achievement for an artist who had - quite literally -began out small, drawing Submit-it note sized comics and hiding them in different people’s work in bookshops. The primary comic strips appeared in Germany in 1865. It was about two boys who are getting punished for all the time stepping into mischief.
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One of the greatest stuff that came from your creations of the numerous characters that were produced within this company is the memorabilia that's so desirable and collectable. There are so many products that you will get your hands on in terms of Marvel comics memorabilia. You can find T-shirts, hats, bags, posters, action figures, comic books, and a whole lot.
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They are known using their capability rings, regarded as the strongest weapon inside DC universe. They use their ability rings to generate green energy powered by the wielder's perseverence. The power ring enables its wielder or bearer a chance to make temporary constructs from Green energy. It also enables them flight as well as the ability to fly and breathe outer space. A power ring ring also offers its artificial intelligence which enables it to make conversation a reaction to its wielder. Before, an energy ring's energy lasts only twenty four hours. Later developments however indicates that it's energy lasts accordingly around the using its wielder. A power ring can be recharged by tapping it to an energy battery which then taps energy from the central power battery. While charging, a Green Lantern recites an oath. Also, previous accounts indicated that an energy ring includes a weakness on anything yellow, nonetheless it is now overcome if it's wielder has the capacity to overcome fear.
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