#the last enemy: dark marks by ch darling
memebijin-love · 5 months
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Me imagining Wolfstar scenes in TLE but knowing that maybe not even one will exist... sigh 😭. (Btw I dreamed with new chapter again.)
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curseofaphrodite · 2 months
I want The Last Enemy to show up on every I've-read-ATYD-and-wanna-read-another-marauders-fanfiction-just-as-great person's doorstep so we'd have a bigger fanbase so I could be unhinged with more people.
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ginevraweasley-potter · 2 months
It has been years since I have engaged in the Marauders fandom. I’m trying to get back more into the “classic” Marauder fanfics such as All The Young Dudes and The Life and Times but they all missed a certain element of “something” for me this go around. Anyways, I’ll try and read through them again to see if I’m being unfair. I do like their premises.
But none has captivated my imagination and interest as CH Darling’s series The Last Enemy (TLE). It’s currently ongoing but I admire the nuanced take on Lily, how she’s not portrayed as this wholly perfect character. She’s got flaws. She’s got ambition. She’s so well written that I am so in love with her. No one’s Lily Evans has captivated me as much as CH Darling’s Lily.
Additionally, the fact that CH Darling started the narrative on the 5th year, meant that the story didn’t shy away from the arrogant toe-rag James Potter and I believe that CH Darling brought justice to Severus Snape’s character. Genuinely, I hate Snape but the multiple perspectives of TLE story - which does include Snape - has provided me with a far better understanding of his character than any internet annotation or analysis has done.
The characterization and growth of both James Potter and Sirius Black was handled well and not unrealistically. They were described as brilliant students and chronic pranksters, which CH Darling highlights and integrates into this series (something that I find is greatly missed by a lot of the earlier fanfics that depicts them as pranksters solely and not academically inclined which I disagree with). I love it! James still holds his prejudices towards Snape and Sirius toes that line between what he has been taught and what he has learned.
Remus and Peter are also given their own spotlight. I love how CH Darling explored the ramifications of Sirius’s betrayal and that it’s not just an “I’m sorry” and it is all better. I suspect that, if the author continues this series until the inevitably tragic ending, they will utilize that event as an important inflection point. I do hope they go on to write till that point because I want my heart to be thoroughly crushed. Peter’s character exploration borders on uncomfortable and resigned pity because dramatic irony understands where his character will go on to be and so you try to read between the lines of his perspective, waiting for that inevitable shift of his character.
What I believe really sets this series apart is the way CH Darling portrays the geopolitical climate of the Wizarding World as Voldemort comes into power. It’s all too familiar with our current state. The author makes the story relatable beyond the romantic themes and intrapersonal relationship dynamics.
I do have my fair share of criticism but for now, I must recommend this series because (while a WIP) it is sure to become one of the Marauder “classics.”
You can follow the author @chdarling and @chdarling-tle
The Last Enemy: The Howling Nights by CH Darling (complete)
It’s 1975 and war is simmering beneath the surface of the Wizarding world...but at Hogwarts, it’s magic as usual as the fifth years prepare for their O.W.L.s amidst politics, pranks, and other poor choices.
Severus Snape wants to prove his worth.
Lily Evans wants a fresh start.
James Potter wants Lily Evans, though no one is more surprised by this than him.
Sirius Black wants to write himself a new story.
Remus Lupin wants to survive the next moon.
Peter Pettigrew just wants to keep up.
But as tensions bubble over, sides will be chosen, friendships destroyed, families parted, and paths forever altered.
The Last Enemy: Dark Marks by CH Darling (on going)
It’s 1976 and the events of the past term at Hogwarts have left their mark on all involved. But it’s a new school year now, with new teachers, new rules, and new regrets. Yet as the war clamoring outside the castle walls grows ever louder, the students inside will learn that some marks are impossible to wash away.
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Back with the first chapter of the Last Enemy: Dark Marks by CH Darling. Listen now on AO3!
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An ode, in moodboard, to the masterpiece that is The Last Enemy Series by @chdarling
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chdarling-tle · 3 years
I think I accidentally deleted the ask from @islanderess that I’d been sitting on for ages (and now I can’t tag you either?? 😫), but they had asked if I would share a TLE2 snippet from Sirius’s POV. I procrastinated because I wanted to space out spoilers but also because I couldn’t settle on an appropriate Sirius snippet that didn’t give too much plot away...
I still haven’t settled, as technically this is from a Remus chapter, but...Sirius is in it! It counts! (okay fine I cheated.)
Anyway, for reasons unbeknownst to god or man, I decided to do an audiopost for this. Idk, it's late on a Monday night and I am bored/creatively blocked/an insomniac, so why not. This is also the last TLE2 spoiler I'm sharing before I begin posting the story in June, so I figured I ought to do something slightly different. :)
Enjoy round 2 of awkward phone voice spoilers!
(transcript under cut)
The Shrieking Shack sat lonely on its hill as sunrise crept across the mountains. It was a howling night — or it should have been — but the night had come and gone and not a single cry had disturbed the village’s slumber.
The residents of Hogsmeade had noticed that their haunted house had grown quieter over the past year…but not silent. Though it was true you were less likely to hear the howls and horrors that had plagued it for ages, these days, if you listened very closely at the cock crow of morning, you might just hear a few melodic bars of piano, soft as snowfall — a sound which many felt was far more unsettling.
The music drifted in upon the wind just at the moment toes flexed under sheets and eyes blinked open to a fresh day. Some mornings the music was wispy and funereal — exactly the sort of tune you’d expect a ghost to play — but other dawns were disconcerting in their enthusiasm, a ragtime trill of syncopated notes and — if the wind was just right — laughter.
This morning was a quiet one, the cold wind of November’s end stuttering against windows and sneaking through cracks. It curled its way across high street, past the pub and the post office, until it whistled through the boarded-up windows of the Shrieking Shack, sending dust eddies swirling and ruffling the hair of the ghost who played the piano.
He was no ghost, of course, but a teenage boy, who sat straight-backed and proud at the piano, as though he were performing in a grand concert hall, and not a derelict shack. His cheeks blossomed pink from the cold, but his expression was dreamy and distant as his fingers coaxed soft notes from the keys. Quiet, soothing, almost a lullaby.
For not far from his feet, another boy was sleeping, curled into himself under someone else’s cloak, cheek pressed to the crook of his chapped elbow. Dawn cut through the slats of wood in golden shafts, one of which fell inconveniently across the sleeping boy’s face. He stirred, groaned, scrunched up his face in displeasure — and then Remus Lupin opened his eyes.
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thewildomega · 3 years
Star in the Sand Ch.23
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Sitting on one of the rocks you winced as Chopper treated your injuries, letting out a deep breath as he cleaned the one slice on your shoulder. 
"...You need to be more careful Y/n..." 
Grinning slightly at the reindeer you nodded, "Yes doc." He had already checked on your baby, assuring you and Crocodile, who had not left your side that your little one's heart was still beating strongly. 
As soon as the animal doctor had finished treating his little star he had requested a word with him. While he didn't normally care if people feared him this time he tried to sound a little more reasonable so that the 'Chopper' would agree to tell him everything he needed to know about the health of his soulmate and unborn child. When he nodded his head he kissed the crown of his darling's head and looked into her eyes. "You stay right here and rest while I speak to the... doctor." he told her in a firm voice, removing his coat once again and placing it over her thinly clothed body to keep her warm. Seeing her nod tiredly he looked to Daz and Bentham. "Don't let her out of your sight." 
"Of course Mr. Zero." Bentham smiled as the ever imposing man turned away. Looking to his old co-worker he smiled even larger and clung to his arms for a moment before doing a spin, "It's it exciting Mr. One, We are going to be uncles!"
Giggling as both Daz and Croc rolled their eyes you looked down to your belly and rubbed it gently. You couldn't think to describe the weight that had been lifted from your shoulders nor the dark cloud that seemed to disappear now that you were back with your soulmate again. Your child would have their father in their life, they would have a family, looking up at the straw-hats you smiled softly to yourself, and plenty of friends as well. 
"So you are the granddaughter of Big Mom and Kaido huh?" 
Snapping your head to the side you saw none other than Law come walking over to you. Blinking you looked the man over, his voice and whole demeanor was everything you thought it would be. "So I've been told." 
"That means that the child growing inside of you is also of their bloodline. Anyone that has anything to do with Kiado is my enemy. "
Noticing that the name of your Grandparents had caused heads to turn your way you licked your lips before looking back to the warlord. "I have no ties to either of them beyond blood. As far as I'm concerned all the family I have is here with me now." 
Finishing up his conversation with the blue nosed Reindeer he turned back to see Trafalgar Law standing close by Y/n. In a flash he was materializing in front of her, staring down the man. "Do you have a problem Law?"
"He won't stop coming for you, he knows you exist now, both of them do. Sooner or later you will have to make a choice." Law spoke, continuing to address the woman behind the famous Crocodile. 
"I've already made my choice." 
Hearing this he nodded and looked o Crocodile now, "Doflamingo will no doubt be coming here himself, I would make sure she was far away by the time he gets here."  was all he said before turning around and walking away. 
Glaring at the man's back for sometime he finally turned to looked down at his woman as he stepped over to her. Stroking the side of her face with his hook he saw her smile lovingly up at him. 
"Y/n princess I cooked you some delectable food packed full of proteins and vitamins." Sanji spoke. 
"And I brewed you some lavender green tea with a hint of honey, just like you like it." Brook added, rushing over to hand the woman the steaming cup of tea. 
"Yeah well I made her favorite vegetables as a side..."
"You are trying to win her over with vegetables, Who does that?!" 
"I don't have to win her over, when it comes down to you and me there isn't even a competition."
"Yeah that's because she would pick me!"
Noticing Crocodile's lip twitch and seeing the vein in his forehead poke out you grinned slightly and grabbed his hand before he could use it to make both of your friends a pile of dust. After eating all of our food you were left even more exhausted than you were before. You had tried to stop halfway but Crocodile quickly told you to finish eating. As it came time to say goodbye you quickly gave your gator a pout and your best puppy dog eyes before he growled out and gave a small roll of his eyes. 
"Bentham. " he called out, noticing Daz shaking his head from behind the flamboyant man. "...you are coming as well, I at least know you will help keep an eye on her." he spoke and saw Daz's shoulders drop in defeat. 
"Of course Mr. Zero! I shall protect Y/n and little Croc with my life." Bentham declared with a over the top bow. 
Smiling you hugged Crocodile's waist, feeling his hand rub your back. Looking to the Straw-hats you glanced up to Croc before moving over to your friends. Standing in front of all of them you smiled, "I don't know how to thank you all, I wish I had something to give you or... or something..."
"Don't mention it Y/n. We're friends right? That means we help each other." Luffy smiled and everyone else nodded in agreement. Although you coudl always name the baby after me..."
"Not a chance in hell." Crocodile grunted as he moved over to stand by his love. 
Chuckling Luffy rubbed the back of his head. "Worth a shot." 
"Here's your bag, I put the gift from Neptune in there as well."
Nami told you, handing over the small bag with the little bit of clothes she had bought you and some other things it looked like. 
"There some other stuff as well, thought you might want something to remember us by." 
"Oh yeah..." Taking off his hat Luffy ripped off a piece of paper and handed it over to his friend. "Here's my vivre card, that way you can come see us and we can meet little Luffy."
Hearing Crocodile growl you grinned and took the card from him. "Thank you Luffy, for everything." 
Smiling he placed his hat back on his head. "Maybe next time we are together you can make that one dish as a thank you... you know the one with the meat and sauce and cheese..."
"Lasagna." you smiled.
"Yea that one." 
Nodding you looked to the captain. "It's a deal, until then though I did make you something." seeing his confusion you smiled softly and tilted your head. "It's in your locker. I didn't really have all the details but maybe it will suffice." 
Smiling he perked up. "Really?! Is it food? Is it meat?" 
Giggling you looked to him, "I guess you'll just have to see." 
"All Right! Oooo I hope it's those cookies with the nuts and..."
Watching hi run towards the ship you smiled. "Bye Luffy!" 
"See you later Y/n... you too Gator!" Luffy yelled back.
Finishing telling everyone else goodbye you were lifted up into Crocodile's arms as he carried you back to the ship. Looking at all the familiar faces you smiled softy, especially when you saw Maverick smiling largely at you. 
"Good ta 'ave ya back lass." the old man spoke in his thick accent. 
"Alright get us off this block of ice." Crocodile spoke, giving the command to set sail. Going to take his darling into the cabin he stopped when he heard a loud yell. 
Turning back when he heard the Straw-hat yelling Y/n's name he watched as an arm stretched over to the railing beside them. As the boy was pulled over to his ship he watched as he instantly wrapped his arms around y/n in a hug. He was about to step over and yank the his off but stopped when he noticed the few tears rolling down his cheeks and the picture frame in his hand. Glancing to the picture inside he saw a drawing of what looked to be three young boys. 
"Thank you." Luffy said in a thick voice. 
Smiling you hugged him back "Don't mention it." you spoke, repeating his words. As he pulled back you gave him one last smile that he returned. 
"Don't you worry Y/n I'm going to take down Kaido and then Big Mom then there won't be anyone that wants to hurt you or your baby." 
Giggling you nodded. "I'll hold you to that." 
Standing behind her in the shower he felt his cock harden but grit his teeth, now was not the time. Watching some of the water running down her body and down the drain he noticed the slight pinkish tint and swallowed hard. He knew she was tired, both her injuries and everything else taking their toll on her. Seeing her leaning against the wall he stepped up behind her and let his eyes take her in. It had been six months since he had last seen his soulmate. She was skinnier than when they had been separated, not as thin as she was when she had first joined up with the straw-hats though according to the doctor. Noticing the light scar running down her back from shoulder to the top of her left ass cheek he furrowed his brows, that was new. Lifting his hand he gently traced the thin mark with his thumb. As if knowing what he was thinking she spoke in a quiet whisper. 
"Wouldn't hand over my locket." 
A whip then. Clenching his teeth he took a deep breath before leaning down to kiss the scar. From what Chopper had told him her shoulder and forearm had been broken while she was imprisoned, neither of them healing right which now caused her slight pain occasionally. She had been subjected to the cold for months, her body would be sensitive to the cold now for the rest of her life. Basically starved she had lost a tremendous amount of weight, both her and their child now requiring extra proteins and vitamins. The reindeer had also told him that their child would likely be born smaller than it should be, that it would be underweight for a while. Chopper had spoken to him about many things he coudl do and he planned on seeing them through. He would care for her, massage her, keep her warm and feed the best of food. She would rest, grow their child while her own body healed.
The small creature's words rung in his head, making true fear fill him. "If she was to give birth now, in the state she is, she might not live through the birth." 
He couldn't loose her, he wouldn't loose her, not again. Or their child. No he would make sure to take the very best care of them both. 
Pouring some of the shampoo into her hair he placed the bottle back up before he started washing her hair. It wasn't an easy task, not with only one hand but when she went to take over he grabbed her wrist in a gentle grip and move it back to her side. Carefully he started washing her hair that was now longer than when they had last seen each other. He made sure to get as little soap in the fresh injuries on her shoulder and palms as he next started washing her body. Turning her towards him he saw a bruise forming on the side of her face, going up her temple before disappearing into her hair. Why was it she seemed to always be hurt one way or another. How he grew tired of seeing her beautiful body littered in bruises and blood. Glancing down to her breasts and slightly swollen stomach he again felt his arousal spike but pushed it away and finished bathing her. "Go get into bed little star." he told her, placing a kiss to her forehead. 
Drying off you moved into the cabin and pulled on one of his shirts, leaving it only partially buttoned as you crawled into the large bed. Snuggling down into the comfy bed you sighed as his scent overtook you. Closing your eyes you turned your nose to the pillow and listened as he showered himself. By the time he was out you assumed you must have drifted off the movement of the bed starling you.
"It's alright." he spoke n his deep voice, moving to lay down beside her. Opening his arms for her as she moved to cuddle up to him he grinned softly, his eyes closing.
Cuddling up to him you felt his strong arms wrap around you, felt his one hand rub your back under his shirt. Hearing the sound of his heart made it all real, you were so afraid you would wake up and all of this would have been a dream, that you would still be slowly freezing and starving to death in Impale Down. As his lips softly pecked your head you nuzzled deeper into his chest, your eyes filling with tears and your lip trembling.
Hearing her sniffle and feeling the his chest become damp with her tears he continued rubbing her back while his left arm pulled her closer if it was possible. "Why are you crying little star?" he asked in a low voice.
"I'm scared your going to disappear again... that I'm going to wake up and you'll be gone." you whimpered.
"I'm not going anywhere darling." he promised her. Rubbing his hand around to her belly he stroked over the bump there. "I don't know how you did it, how you kept our child alive in that hell, how you even managed to stay alive yourself. You were there longer than I was and still.... everyday I woke up and expected to feel that emptiness take over, for you to have..." he couldn't even finish. Swallowing thickly he continued stroking her belly and side. "I am so sorry starlight..."
"No, I need to say this." he told her and heard her become quiet. Taking a deep breath he started again, "I failed you yet again. It seems that is all I ever do, that I am unable to protect you. You are my soulmate, it is my responsibility to care for you... Not a day went by that I didn't think of you, that I didn't miss you. You don't know how worthless I felt knowing that the woman I love, the mother of my child was sentenced to that place."
It was strange hearing Crocodile become so emotional, something he always kept locked away but you wouldn't say a word. His hand stayed on your belly, stroking your skin softly.
Taking another breath he kissed gently at her forehead again. "When I got your letter I at first thought it was some trick, that someone was playing some cruel joke on me, I didn't want to believe it because I was so afraid of it being false but it wasn't." smiling a little he continued holding her close. "All the horrible things I've done in my life I can't imagine why fate took mercy on me but I will be forever grateful to have you in my arms again. I may very well never let you leave my side again." Feeling a light kiss to his throat he hummed. 
The both of you stayed silent for a while, just basking in one another's embrace before he spoke again. 
"Darling..." hearing her sleepy hum he continued rubbing her head and hair. "Earlier with Law, you told him you had already made your choice what did you mean by that?"
"You, I choose you Croc. I will never join Big Mom or Kaido because even though they are blood you are my family. You, me and our little Caiman." 
Feeling his lips turn up into a smile he moved his hand to turn her chin up towards him so he could press his lips to hers. It was a long, slow kiss, there was no desire to take it further they were just simply expressing how much they had missed one another, how much they loved one another. When it came time to breath he pulled away but kept her chin tilted so he coudl look into her alluring eyes that he adored so much. "You believe it's a boy then, that we will have a son?" he asked, the soft smile staying on his face. 
Nodding lightly you saw his eyes twinkle a little. Rubbing his bare chest you grinned softly and turned some to lay a bit more on your back but still enough to stay in his arms and look up at him. "A son just as handsome as his father and probably just as cunning."
Chuckling he moved his hand to unbutton the few buttons she had holding the shirt on her small frame. "A little boy with his mother's stunning eyes and temper." 
Giggling you sighed as he rubbed your belly, "I don't think this world knows what it's got coming." you told him and heard him let out a small laugh. As his hand passed over your lower abdomen you felt a strange sensation and flinched, your eyes snapping down to your belly. 
"Was tha..." another jolt hit the palm of his hand and he stared down at her stomach in awe. Grinning he rubbed his hand again slowly and felt his child kick at his hand. 
"He knows we're talking about him." you smiled. "That's the first time I've ever felt him move." 
Humming he smiled and looked back to her, "See he is already a daddy's boy."
Rolling your eyes some you smiled and reached up to stroke his jaw. You stared at his face until your eyes became to heavy to hold open. 
Feeling her hand fall against his shoulder he looked back to her and saw her sleeping peacefully, a soft smile on her face. Grinning he pulled he blanket back over them and settled down beside her, placing a kiss to her temple. "Sweet dreams little star. I love you..." Feeling another hard kick to his hand he smirked, "And you, my son." he spoke in a low deep voice before joining her in the first peaceful sleep in months. 
He could only grin a little as she looked around confused but he didn't say a word. Keeping her tucked close to his side he led her down the correct street, thankful it was nighttime so not many people were out. As they came up on the home he saw her brows knit a little before she again looked to him. Paying her no mind he walked up to the front door and glanced down to her before opening it and smiling softly, "Welcome home darling."
Blinking your eyes went a bit wide and you looked back towards the large home that was more like a mansion before snapping your eyes back up to him. 
Seeing shock on her face he chuckled some and led her inside, shutting the door behind them and locking it.  Removing his coat from her shoulders he hung it on the coat rack and continued watching her as she just stood there looking around but not moving. Sighing softly he took her hand and moved her throughout the place. "I settled on this island a few months ago, took over the black market position here."
"Took over?" you asked but saw him raise a brow. "Never mind I probably don't want to know." 
Humming he grinned and showed her room after room. "Truthfully there are more rooms than I know what to do with but at least now we will have a room for the baby." he said and saw her smile sweetly up at him. "You are free to decorate it however you please and anything you need you let me know and I will see you get it." 
Smiling you leaned into his side. Ever since the other night when he had felt the baby kick he had seemed rather thrilled of the idea that he was going to be a father. Daz who you had spoken to when Croc had to talk with Bon on something said that it was likely that Crocodile had feared he would never see you alive again, that he would never get o meet his child but now that the both of you were reunited he wasn't taking it for granted. 
"This is the kitchen, although I did have chiefs cook for me I was quite fond of your cooking and perhaps if you are willing and up to it we may share one of your delectable meals again." Seeing her nod quickly and smile he grinned but then thought of something. "I don't want you pushing yourself though, if you do not feel like it or you are too tired then I will get the cooks to make you whatever it is you want." 
Next he showed you the two living room, the courtyard that had soft green grass and a few trees. Croc had quickly led you to one of the small plants and pointed out that it was your apple tree that you had sprouted on the ship. He told you how you were free to garden all you wanted. After that was the spare rooms, his office that homed many books. You could only smile like a child in a candy shop as you looked over all the books, not knowing he was watching you smiling. 
At the end of the tour he led her down the hall to the large wooden door, opening it he checked it over for safety before turning on the lights and stepping to the side to allow her in. "And this is our room." 
Walking inside you looked around the large room. There was the massive canopy bed in the center of the room with a matching dresser and side table on each side. A little sitting area was in the right corner with what looked to be a private door to the courtyard behind it. On the other side of the room was two more doors, closet and on suit most likely. The bedding and chairs were all done in a grey color that complimented the dark wood. "It's beautiful, all of it." you told him, turning to face him as he came to stand beside you. 
Grinning he looked down at her, stroking her lightening bruised cheek with his knuckles. "I am glad you like it." Feeling that spark of arousal he swallowed and cleared his throat. "Come let me show you to the bathroom, I am sure you like a shower before bed." 
The bathroom was no less grand than the bedroom or rest of the house for that matter. A huge soaking tub that would fit you, croc and probably another person set in one corner with a equally large walk in shower on the other. Crocodile had quickly started the shower for you, adjusting the temperature before saying he wanted to check something, asking you if there was anything you wanted or needed before he left you to bathe. You found it strange that he seemed to always have something to do anytime you needed to be naked. That over emotional side of you kept saying it was something with the way you looked now, maybe you were no longer attractive to him. While you tried to see reason you couldn't help but be hurt a little.
Removing your clothes and then the bandages you glanced up to the mirror and looked over your body. Bruises spotted your skin along with the healing sword slash across your shoulder. Injuries were here and there and you felt your lip twitch as your eyes moved to your breasts. They were still much smaller than when you had first went into Impale Down. Looking down to your small baby bump you sighed and rubbed your abdomen. 
Taking a long shower you got out feeling much more refreshed than you had before. Drying off something caught your eye and you grinned when you noticed your silk pajama set folded on the bathroom counter. You were sure they weren't here before, he must have brought them in. Pulling on the shorts and shirt you brushed your hair and teeth before walking out to the room. Seeing Crocodile sitting in one of the chairs you moved over to him and curled up in his lap when he held his arm out. Humming you grinned and nuzzled into his neck. 
Grinning himself he wrapped his arm around her, kissing her head. "I missed this." 
"Me too." you told him, closing your eyes as his warm calloused hand rubbed your thigh. 
Closing his eyes as his hand creased her soft skin he adjusted his legs as his pants grew tighter. Damn he wanted her, he craved her, so much it was taking everything he had to keep from carrying her over to the bed and taking her like the deprived man he was. He should have made her wear the pants. Not that it would have done any good. She coudl probably be wearing a burlap bag and he would still feel as horney as a teenage boy. He had to wait though, wait until she was healed. It had been six months and his body was aching for her but he wouldn't risk hurting her or his child. No he would just have to resist. Glancing around the room he saw her bag sitting on the table and rose a brow, a distraction is what he needed. "The Straw-hat woman, Cat burglar Nami I believe her name is, she mentioned something about packing you other things she thought you might want, what s it?" 
Sitting up you smiled and grabbed the bag from the table, not realizing your dear Gator was staring at your backside, his hand trembling as he resisted grabbing it. Sitting back on his lap you felt him move your legs to rest over his other knee as you started picking out items to show him. "Pappag gave me these, well more like Nami talked him into letting them get anything they wanted." you smiled. 
Glancing over the clothes as she pulled them out of the bag he saw she had a pair of shorts, a t-shirt with a star on it and the word 'Crimin' on it along with a black two piece bathing suit with the same design on one of the cups. Humming he rose a brow and leaned back some. "And who is this Pappag?"
"Oh he's a starfish that designs clothes. He's a really big deal on Fishman Island." 
"A starfish." he asked and saw her nod. Grunting he listened as she told him about her time in Fishman Island with the Straw-hats. He had been surprised to find out that Jinbe and her father had been friends. While he didn't much care for the shark he was grateful for him helping his love send him the letter. Next he watched her show him the music box that King Neptune had gifted their child. As he listened to the soft tune he couldn't help but grin a little at the soft smile on her face as she talked about how they coudl play it to help their little Caiman go to sleep. When he saw her face light up he watched as she pulled out tangerines. 
Looking to him you grinned, "Your child seems to like fruit just as much as you." Thinking of something you tilted your head. "You know these are from a tree Nami brought on the ship with her, from Conomi Islands, your home." 
Raising both of his brows at that he looked to the fruit as she peeled it. 
Taking one of the sections into your mouth you grinned and held another to his lips. As he parted his lips you placed the piece on his tongue and saw the corner of his lip turn up as he ate it making you smile. 
"Still the best tangerines in the world." he said and saw her smile before offering him another. 
For the next few minutes the two of you sat in the chair talking and snacking on a few more tangerines. You were quick to save the seeds, hoping to grow a tree of your own. Soon however though you were covering a yawn and he was standing. 
Carrying her over to the bed he pulled back the covers and laid her down. He coudl tell she was sleepy based on how heavy her lids hung over her eyes. Tucking her in he kissed her brow before going to take a shower himself but only after making sure both the balcony door and bedroom door were locked. Getting out he glanced over to her sleeping form and sighed at the feeling. Quietly moving over to the dresser he pulled on a pair of pajama pants while staring at the neatly folded scarfs beside it. Reaching under them he grabbed the small velvet box hidden underneath and pulled it out. Flipping it open he stared down at the ring he had picked out over six months ago. It was beautifully crafted, only the best for his little star. The plan had been to give it to her that night in the hotel after they ate dinner but then she had felt ill and then that Charlotte had shown up. The whole night he had planed out had been ruined in an instant. Raising his chin he closed the box. This time everything would go right. Placing it back under the scarfs he closed the drawer, hiding it away for only a few days more. 
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hookedonapirate · 5 years
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The Princess and Her Sultan
Summary: Crown princess Emma of Misthaven is second in line to the throne, her brother Leopold ll being the first, but her parents see her with a future as a great ruler. King Rumpelstiltskin of neighboring land, strikes a deal with King David, promising to uphold the peace between the kingdoms if Emma marries Prince Baelfire. With the promise of his daughter becoming future queen of the Dark Kingdom, David accepts reluctantly.
Before her wedding day, the princess is kidnapped and taken overseas. She is sold as a slave to a palace where Crown Prince Killian of Neverland ascends his father’s throne and is sworn in as Sultan. Meanwhile, Killian’s mother pressures him to sire a prince and presents him with gifts for his birthday, one of them including a blonde princess from Misthaven. Dazzled by Emma’s charm, intelligence and beauty, he summons her to his bedchambers every night and eventually finds himself casting aside his harem and centuries of tradition.  
Author’s Notes: Thank you all for your patience! I didn't even realize it's been a month since I last updated.
*TRIGGER WARNINGS - Please read the warnings before proceeding!!!!* This chapter contains graphic depictions of a slave being tortured in multiple ways, enacted by Killian as Emma watches, and also death by execution. For those who do not wish to read, I have added asterisks before and after these scenes. If any of the above makes you squick, I beg of you PLEASE skip the aforementioned marked section.
Thank you @gingerchangeling for your wonderful suggestions and ideas for this story, and also @ilovemesomekillianjones for gifting me with your wonderful editing skills. I also want to give a shout out to @onceuponaprincessworld for being my sounding board, constant cheerleader and good friend, thank you, darling! This story wouldn’t be the same without these lovely ladies!
And all of you have been so supportive and awesome, thank you all for following along and for your feedback!
Rated: Explicit
AO3 l FF.N I Prologue l Ch 1 l Ch 2 l Ch 3 l Ch 4 l Ch 5 l  Ch 6 l  Ch 7 l Ch 8 l Ch 9 I Ch 10 I Ch 11 I BTS
Chapter 12
The Hall of the Divan is the hub of the Empire. For eighty years, in this small chamber under the watchtower of the Second Court, Neverland Sultans had held court four days every week, receiving petitions, resolving legal matters, meeting foreign envoys and deciding foreign and state policy. Every decision, from the most humble legal dispute between merchants to the declaration of war, had been announced in this room. 
 On the mornings of the Divan, a long line extends across the garden outside as petitioners wait their turn to bring their case before the Sultan. Killian sits on a cushioned dais opposite the door with the Grand Vizier on his right. Generals, military commanders and legal experts sit in their proper order of rank on either side; secretaries and notaries record the imperial decrees and judgments. Only the Sultan may speak. Others are allowed to offer their opinion only as requested, or when speaking out on a particular point of secular or religious law of their specialty. The Sultan’s decree in all matters is final. 
 On this particular day, they are planning to go to war. In the past, Neverland had constantly faced west in their conquests, but Killian has chosen to head further east for his first war. He wants to go after a country that supported his father and is currently embattled in a civil war. The best time to strike is when your enemies are weak and they are very much divided. He cringes at the idea of leaving Emma and their baby, who will be a newborn, behind, but he knows the soldiers are getting restless, itching for the chance to bloody their swords. It’s been a while since they went to war, and Killian has known since he took the throne, war would be inevitable.
 When they’re finished for the day, the Sultan and his Grand Vizier part ways so they can tend to their significant others. James and Ruby’s baby is due any day now, so he checks on her every chance he can. Meanwhile, Killian dearly misses his lovely Swan and their baby and longs to pay them a visit. 
 When he enters the harem however, he can immediately sense chaos. Panicked Eunuchs are scampering about and there is a group of maidens upstairs, gathered outside Emma’s door, wide-eyed and whispering; some of them are concerned and others are clearly only there to see what’s happening. A large lump forms in his throat as he looks up at them and he swallows thickly, quietly climbing the stairs to see if he can hear anything indicating what the commotion is about.
 “Come, ladies!” Mother Superior claps her hands, trying to wrangle them up with Nemo's assistance. “There is nothing to see here.” 
 When the maidens turn and head toward the staircase, they see the Sultan ascending the steps. They immediately stop and bow their heads.
 Killian reaches the top and moves through them as they skitter back to make a path for him. He spots Elsa, the most concerned of the women, and approaches her, gently lifting her chin. “What's going on, lass?” 
 She looks up at him, shaking her head. “I'm not sure, Your Majesty. A scream came from the garden, and Emma was brought back to her room, but they have told us nothing.” 
 Fear stabs him, his face paling as he releases her chin. “She was outside?” he asks, his mouth suddenly as dry as a desert.
 Elsa nods. “Yes, Your Majesty.”
 But why? She was on bed rest, and he’d instructed her bodyguards to make sure she’d followed the doctor’s orders. But knowing his Swan, she was probably too stubborn to listen. 
 He nods at Mother Superior, silently instructing her to dismiss the maidens. She does so, herding them downstairs to their dormitories and Elsa disappears into her apartment as Killian continues toward Emma’s double doors. 
 He is immediately blocked by Lancelot.
 “I’m sorry, Your Majesty, but no one is allowed in the apartment.”
 Anger is added to the mixture of emotions he already feels. “I demand to see my wife,” he orders gruffly, his jaw ticking slightly as he tries to remain calm and collective.
 Lancelot bows his head. “I’m sorry, Your Majesty, but something has happened. Only the physician is allowed inside.”
 “What happened?” he demands, growing irritated. If he doesn’t receive some answers soon, he might explode. “Is she okay? Is our baby okay?”
 “I’m not certain yet, the doctor is still examining her.”
 “What happened?” he asks again, more quietly this time, the concern he feels for her evident in his voice. “Why is Emma being examined?” Killian can see the fear flickering in Lancelot’s eyes like a flame as he lifts his head, and it scares the hell out of him.
 “She was attacked, My Lord.”
 Killian is unable to form words for a full minute, even though his mouth is hanging open, a million questions and thoughts racing through his mind.
 Who attacked her and why? Was it Regina, or did she have something to do with it? He knew he should’ve sent her away months ago.  
 “What do you mean she was attacked?!” he asks, both angered and confused. “It is your and Faraji’s job to protect her! Why is he not with you?!”
 Lancelot swallows hard, his Adam's apple bobbing heavily. “Faraji is the one who attacked her, Your Majesty.” With a shaky intake of breath, he leans in, speaking more quietly to keep out prying ears. “He tried to rape her. He tried to murder your child.”
 Breath leaves Killian’s lungs like the wind extinguishing the lamps. Something inside him snaps. He can’t even describe the intense, blinding rage and emotions coursing through him, his blood bubbling under his skin. 
 Another man touched his wife, hurt her and tried to murder their unborn child?! No, not a man. He cannot consider anyone cruel enough to carry out such injustice a man.  
 “Where is he?!” Killian roars, his menacing tone causing the burly guard to flinch.
 Trying to recover, Lancelot shifts uneasily, his eyes full of fear and apology. “He’s in the harem garden. The Sultana injured him badly. He lies in a puddle of his own blood.”
 The only thing holding Killian together right now is the hope that Emma had successfully protected herself and the baby and that the examination confirms they are both okay. She is not some damsel in distress; she is strong and brave. She’s his beautiful queen, and there’s something deep inside him that knows she and the baby are fine. Or so he hopes. “Is he dead?” he mutters through clenched teeth.
 Lancelot shakes his head. “He wasn’t when I left him.”
 Though he now despises Faraji in every sense of the word, Killian is glad to hear he’s not dead.
 He turns to Nemo and orders him to wrap Faraji's wounds so he doesn't bleed to death, and then bring him to the dungeon. Death is not a cruel enough punishment for him. No, Killian has other plans for Faraji. But first, he has to make sure his wife and child are okay. Pulling out his sword, he returns to Emma’s doors and points the tip of the blade at Lancelot, threatening him with it when the guard remains in front of the doors. “Your job is to protect her from other men, not me, you imbecile! Move aside!”
 The guard raises his hands in surrender and steps aside. “I’m sorry, My Sultan. I told her not to wander off to the garden, but she did not listen. If I’d have known Faraji would attack her, I would have done more to stop her.”
 “And yet you failed on all counts,” he snarls. “I will deal with you later.” Sheathing his sword, he yanks the doors open and bursts into Emma’s apartment. 
 His heart shatters into a million pieces. His wife is lying on the bed, holding her belly and there are tears streaking down her cheeks. Guilt rips through him as he looks at his lovely Swan. How could he have been so stupid to have bought Faraji? By doing so, he put her and their baby in danger when he was only trying to protect them from it. Once again, another one of Emma's guards betrayed her and Killian feels responsible. His chest aches as he thinks about the damage this incident has caused, and not just physically, but also emotionally. 
 The doctor finishes up and gathers her supplies, putting them in her bag before heading toward the door.
 Killian swallows as he stares at his love, tears swarming his eyes. “Is she okay?” 
 The doctor nods. “She’s fine, only some bruises and abrasions. Her attacker didn't quite penetrate her before she fought back.”
 Killian twinges, the thought of someone trying to… defile her, especially against her will. The thought of her struggling against him while she feared for their baby’s life pains him physically, makes him sick to his stomach. The only thing keeping him from finding that piece of scum and murdering him in cold blood is the need to be by her side. Hold her in his arms if he can. “And our baby?”
 The doctor smiles. “I felt the child moving in the mother’s belly. The baby is fine.”
 Killian sighs in relief. He’s not sure he's ever been this relieved in his life.
 The doctor looks at him more seriously as he blows out a long breath. “There’s something you should know, though, Your Majesty. The attacker gave her a fertility potion. There’s no telling if it harmed the baby, though I’m sure it will have no effect since it was a fertility potion and requires the seed of a man to work.”
 Killian furrows his brows in confusion. “A fertility potion? Why would she need a fertility potion? She is already pregnant.”
 “According to the Sultana, Faraji was trying to implant his own baby inside her.”
 Killian’s anger spikes through the roof as he tries to process the doctor's words. “What?” he whispers angrily, trying not to disturb Emma. “How is that even possible? He’s castrated.”
 The doctor shrugs. “He wasn’t before. But he is now.”
 “What does that mean?” he demands, thoroughly confused.
 The doctor leans in closer, whispering, “She took his manhood.” 
 Killian’s eyes widen. He is astounded and overwhelmed by everything he has heard so far. He’s not even sure he wants to hear anymore. 
 “That’s all I know. The Sultana was too emotional to press for further details. Besides, I’m only a physician. My only concern is the wellbeing of my patients.”
 “Of course,” he mumbles contemplatively, still trying to process everything. “Thank you. You may go.”
 The doctor leaves as Killian hurries to Emma’s bedside. She lies silently, staring at the ceiling, her cheeks still wet with tears. With a quivering breath, he reaches out to wipe her tears from her face. “Emma…” Killian holds back his own tears as he gazes upon her. “I am so sorry,” he whispers gently.
 Emma blinks, slowly turning her head to face him. “Sorry for what? You did nothing wrong. I am the one who did not listen.” Her voice is weak as she tries to smile, but her lips fail to curve that way. 
 “Shhhh, my love. You need not speak. You only need to rest,” he murmurs, swiping her hair from her delicate face. He bends over, pressing his lips to her forehead and lingers there for a few seconds, his breath shaking as he pulls away. 
 He reaches for her hand and brings the back of it to his lips, placing a gentle kiss there. Emma closes her eyes, relishing her Sultan’s touch. Words cannot express what he feels at the moment. He is fraught with emotion; he trembles at the thought of losing her or their baby. He wants to hold her and tell her everything will be okay, but he doesn't want to hurt her.
 “Will you lay with me?” she asks, her stark green eyes looking up at him.
 “Aye, of course,” he answers with a frail smile. “You need not ask twice.” He goes to the other side of the bed and climbs in next to her. He doesn’t want to hurt her though, he doesn't even know where she’s hurting or how much pain she is in. Emma can sense his uncertainty and takes his hand in hers. He shifts to his side, facing her as she places his hand on her belly. He leans in and drops a kiss to her belly through her gown before laying his head beside her, burying his face in her hair. “I love you, Emma,” he whispers in her ear. “I love both of you.”
 “We love you, too.”
 He doesn’t ask any questions even though his mind is still dizzy with them. Why had Faraji attacked her? Why did he want her to mother his child? Why did he lie about being castrated? Why did Killian not see it coming? How could he be so trusting when his precious treasures were involved? A million other questions cross his mind, but he is too weak to ask them. Sultans are not supposed to show their weaknesses. Sultans are supposed to be brave and strong and conquer all that stands in their path, but at the moment, all he can do is hold his loved ones close and whisper prayers to his God. 
 Killian is not entirely sure what had been holding him together before, but now that he can smell the scent of the slave who tried to attack her, now that he can feel her warm body shaking in his arms, the emotions burst through him so violently he doesn’t even see it coming. Sultans are not supposed to cry, but Killian sobs uncontrollably into Emma’s hair as he holds her tight. “I’m so sorry, Emma,” he whispers through choked tears.
 “It's not your fault,” she tells him repeatedly, but he can’t help but blame himself. Ever since Emma came here, she’s been in danger, and it’s all because his mother wanted him to sire an heir. There is not one single part of him that regrets choosing Emma, but what price will he have to pay for loving her? What price will they have to pay?
 Emma wakes the next morning feeling extremely sore and tired, as expected, but somewhat at ease knowing Faraji is locked in the dungeon and can no longer bring harm to her or her child. Killian had stayed with them the entire night, never leaving their side. 
 He is gentle with her, like always, rubbing her belly, covering her in his sweet kisses, singing soft lullabies to their baby that his mother had sung to him when he was a young prince. He makes Emma feel loved and cherished, giving her the strength to tell him what had happened. How Faraji sought revenge, how he'd wanted her to have his child so Killian would think she betrayed him.
 Killian goes wild upon learning the details of what her attacker had done to her. He transforms from a kind, loving man to an enraged vengeful Sultan who wants to tear Faraji’s head off. And she’s not opposed. 
 He wants her to stay in bed while he deals with the prisoner, but she refuses. She wants to accompany the Sultan, and after what happened, he does not dare refuse her wish. So he carries her down to the dungeon in his arms and gently lets her down. He enters the dungeon and she follows cautiously behind him, shuddering when she sees Faraji shackled in irons. The memories of what he’d done to her come rushing back, but she faces him, showing no fear. 
 He sneers at her with a spine-chilling smile, one the Sultan quickly wipes off his face with his fist, leaving the prisoner's mouth full of blood and a broken tooth which he spits out on the floor. 
 “You will pay gravely for what you have done to my wife... for what you tried to do to our child,” Killian assures him in a sinister tone. He appears to be calm, but there’s a storm brewing inside him. Emma can see it in his eyes. 
 The prisoner smiles, blood and saliva dribbling down his chin. “Please, after what your father did to me, death shall be my savior.”
 Killian chuckles darkly as he wraps his hand around Faraji’s neck, pinning him to the wall. What the prisoner hadn’t considered was that first he would be brutally tortured. “Don't worry, your death wish will be granted... eventually. Until then, you will beg me to kill you quickly, but unfortunately for you, death will not be so simple.”
 Traditionally, Killian’s executioners carry out this task, but Killian wants nothing more than to do the deed himself. He temporarily removes the wraps from his wounds and examines the damage his wife had done to him, grinning proudly. Though, in his eyes, she was far too kind. 
 The Sultan first extracts information from Faraji to find out if there is anyone else who is after Killian out of revenge against his father. He also questions him about the potions and demands to know how Faraji procured them. When he doesn't speak, the Sultan slowly removes Faraji’s toenails with red-hot pincers, eliciting blood-curdling screams and cries that could wake the dead. He shrieks out praises to his tribal gods, sweat pouring down his body. Killian uses several torture devices until Faraji is mutilated and many of his bones are broken. 
 Emma watches the entire time, sitting stoically in the Sultan's throne which was brought down for her. She's wearing a dark green, silk gown and a matching cap on her head, clutching at her cloak to keep out the dampness and bone-chilling cold of the dungeon.
 Killian whips the prisoner and tortures him for hours, even after Faraji insists he knows of no one who is after Killian. He also tells the Sultan he stole the potions from Regina, who had hoped to use them to bear a child. 
 Of course he’d procured them from her. The doctor told Regina she’d never be able to conceive. So it makes sense she would find a way. The question is, who did she planning on using the potions with?
 Her green eyes never leave Faraji's, the two empty voids revealing nothing but hate as he mocks her with a dark smile and reminds her what he'd planned on doing to her. “It's too bad it didn't work out between us,” he says cruelly, licking his lips as he leers at her. "Our baby would have been a true beauty."
 Another tooth falls out when Killian punches him in the face to silence him. 
 "You would not have lived to see it," Killian snarls, his eyes black as he glares at the prisoner in repulsion. 
 "And nor would she. You would have executed her for betraying you."
 Killian grits his teeth, and the silk of his robes ripple in the light of the oil lamps as he swiftly moves behind the prisoner, the crack of the whip echoing through the dungeon as he works on Faraji’s back. “Emma would never betray me.” Whop-eesh.
 Her lips twist into a slight smile. He trusts her. He knows she would never lay with another man.
 “Yes, it's pretty pathetic how loyal she is to you…” Faraji spits out, “a Sultan. It will only be a matter of time before you toss her away and take another wife.”
 Killian doesn't bother to waste any more words on him. Instead, he finds new ways to torture him, making sure to remind Fariji the reason why he’s carrying out the particular torture. He removes each of Faraji’s fingers for putting his hands on Emma, he cuts out Faraji’s tongue for kissing her, and with the blade of his dagger, he pierces through the skin of his penis for trying to penetrate and rape her.
 “I would remove your testicles, but it looks like my wife did already,” Killian smirks darkly, pressing the tip of the blade into Faraji’s wound, causing him to squeal like a pig.
 When Killian is done with him, he has the executioners carry Faraji outside to the decapitation stone, barefoot, battered, dripping blood behind him, with shackled feet and fingerless hands cuffed behind his back. James, his generals, imperial guards and counselors are all dressed in their ceremonial robes as they assemble around the stone. Killian remains inside, behind a latticed window, holding Emma in his arms, a soothing hand on her belly as they watch.
 James looks at the prisoner in disgust. He’d wanted to behead Faraji himself when he’d discovered what he'd done to Emma, who knows her uncle is doing his best to maintain some sort of semblance so Killian doesn't grow suspicious. James turns to look at Killian for his approval to carry out the execution.
 Emma is surprised when Killian seeks her consent. “Is this what you want, love?”
 A tear slides down her cheek as she gently rubs her belly above Killian's hand and gives him a nod. “He tried to murder our baby,” she mutters through a choked sob. “Get rid of him. I never want to look at his face ever again.”
 Killian briefly squeezes his eyes shut as they redden and well up with tears. He pulls her closer, tightening his arms around her. She peers through the window with her head against his chest as he nods and makes a quick motion with his hands to give the order for execution. 
 The butcher is a deaf-mute so he cannot be swayed by screams of pain or supplications for mercy; in this case, verbal pleas are impossible since Faraiji does not have a tongue. He shoves Faraji to his knees and forces him to bend over the decapitation stone. He grabs his killic, swinging it a couple of times in the air to warm up his arm muscles, before approaching the prisoner from behind. The blade glitters in the sunlight as the executioner raises the killic above his head, and with a single, expert swing, he severs Faraji’s head, sending it flying to the cobblestone, blood spurting over the decapitation stone and the pavement as a fountain of blood gushes from the neck. Faraji’s eyes are fixed on Emma through the window, as though he's intentionally taunting her, even after his death. 
 She gasps and buries her face in Killian’s shoulder. He caresses her hair, whispering soft endearments in her ear. “He's gone, love. He can't hurt you anymore.”
 Emma can tell by the way he strokes her hair, by the shaky breaths he takes that he still blames himself for this. When she lifts her head to look at him, she can see the shame and regret swarming his sea blue depths. “It’s not your fault,” she murmurs, running a gentle hand over his stubbled cheek. 
 “I'm the one who brought the guards here. If I hadn't, you wouldn't have been attacked.”
 “Faraji was hellbent on revenge after what your father had done to him. There was no way you would have known. But Lancelot did nothing.”
 “But that is a problem, love. He did nothing to protect you,” Killian mutters bitterly.
 “He tried to stop me from going to the garden but I was too stubborn to heed his warning. He didn’t know Faraji would attack me. Besides, I can protect myself,” Emma states adamantly, a small smile finally tipping her lips as she recalls the sounds he’d made as she had taken his manhood from him.
 Killian smiles in return and lifts his hand to her face, the pad of his thumb stroking her cheek. “That is true, my love, you are capable of looking out for yourself.” He expels a frustrated sigh. “I’m just sorry it took me almost losing you to figure that out. But that doesn’t change the fact that Lancelot did not perform his job properly, and therefore he must be punished accordingly.”
 “Please don’t, Killian,” Emma pleads, her eyes welling with tears. “He’s a good man. Please leave Lancelot be. Let him be free.”
 Killian raises a brow, taken off guard by her request. He’d known she didn’t want to bring Lancelot punishment, but relieving him of slavery? It’s the last thing he would’ve considered for the bodyguard. Lancelot hadn’t done all he could to protect Emma, and though she shows him forgiveness and sees no wrong in him, when Killian’s loved ones are concerned, he cannot ignore carelessness. He surely can't let it go rewarded. “You want me to free him?”
 She nods, cupping his cheeks in her hands. “I think my history with bodyguards is proof that they’re only more harm to me than good. Please release Lancelot, do not punish him for Faraji’s sins.”
 Killian closes his eyes, relishing her touch. He takes a contemplative breath and opens his eyes, peering into those sparkling emerald orbs staring back at him from behind her long dark lashes. Freeing Lancelot it is the last thing he wants to do, but he will never be able to forgive himself if Emma ends up resenting him for it. If Killian carries out his punishment and sells him to another a slaver. He only wants her to be happy. “If that is what you wish, I will make Lancelot a free man.”
 Emma gasps in surprise, her eyes widening as she searches his face for any indications that he might only be only saying that to appease her. But she finds none. “Really?”
 He nods, gracing her with a small smile. “Really. I want you to be happy and if that means freeing Lancelot, then I will obey. I will release him before our baby is born. You have my word, my love.”
 Emma smiles happily and kisses him, a tear sliding down her cheek. “Thank you, Killian. Thank you,” she whispers.
 Later that night, Killian helps her out of her garments, gently pulling off her chemise. Emma is embarrassed at first and covers herself, one arm draped over her breasts and the other over her stomach.
 Killian’s heart cracks as she tries to shield herself from him. “Love, you don't have to hide from me,” he assures in a soothing tone, reaching out a hand to caress her cheek.
 “I don’t wish for you to see me like this, Killian.” Her eyes fall to the floor. “I am ashamed of how I look.”
 Killian’s features cloud with sadness as he lifts her chin, urging her to look at him. “You have nothing to be ashamed of,” he murmurs softly. “Remove your hands, please. I wish to see you.”
 Emma nods, unwilling to refuse his command. She slowly drops her arms, revealing her entire naked form.
 Killian steps back so his eyes can drink in the full view. Bruises cover her body, and though he’s angered she had to endure them, his breath is taken away by her beauty. Her stomach is big and round and gorgeous, carrying what he can only imagine is just as beautiful and perfect as his wife is. “Stunning,” is all he can say, his mouth watering as his eyes scroll down her body.  
 Her cheeks color with a slight blush, her eyelids fluttering as she looks at him. “Only a man as good as you is capable of flattering an expectant mother in this position,” she says playfully, a small smile curving her lips.
 “It’s the truth, my love,” he whispers, stepping closer to her, his hands itching to touch her. He does just that, his hands gently caressing her curves, her pregnant belly, her swollen breasts, coaxing soft murmurs from her lips. He kneels before her and places kisses over her belly, whispering soft nothings to their baby as she runs her hands through his hair. “Killian…” she coos, her eyes locking with his when he looks up at her. “If My Sultan does not stop, I may beg you to make love to me.”
 Killian closes his eyes and rests his forehead against her stomach, having to restrain himself immensely. He does not want to risk harming their wee one. So he rises, cupping her cheeks in his hands as he softly kisses her lips. He covers her in a white, silk robe and leads her to his bath where he bathes her from head to toe, making sure to kiss every bruise and mark on her body to let her know he loves every... single... part of her. 
 When she is thoroughly cleaned, he helps her into her robe and carries her to his chamber. They slip into bed, underneath the covers, and he holds her tightly in his arms, his mind weighing heavy with thoughts. 
 He’s still upset with himself for what had happened. He still blames himself. As Emma lies next to him, her angelic face buried in his chest, he can't help but wonder if she would be better off in Misthaven. Her parents could take care of her and give her the parental love she craves and deserves. The thought saddens him, it makes his heart hurt so bloody much, but he wants his Swan to be safe. Even if that means he has to let her go.
 “Emma…” he murmurs softly, getting her attention. 
 She slowly lifts her head to look at him. “Yes, my love?”
 He gets lost in her eyes as she awaits an answer. She’s so enchanting and lovely and intelligent, he doesn’t wish to let her go, but he knows he has to. He has to let her and their baby go. He has to accept his fate. His fate of eternal loneliness and darkness. Because that’s all he deserves.
 “Emma…” His voice cracks, so he clears his throat as he caresses her cheek. “Emma, I think you should return to Misthaven.” 
 Her face falls in confusion. “What?”
 “I think… I think you and our baby will be much safer there.” As he says the words, his eyes fill with tears and his heart physically hurts.
 Emma pushes herself up, shocked as she stares at him in disbelief. “You… you want me to leave?”
 He shakes head. “God, no. But you were almost…” he swallows thickly, unable to finish his sentence. “And our unborn child could be dead. Neither of you is safe here, Emma.”
 Her eyes glisten with tears and she shakes her head furiously. “I am not going anywhere. I did not endure what I did to be tossed away.”
 “Emma, I would never toss you away,” he says, tears falling down his cheeks. “I only want what is best for you. For our child.”
 She shakes her head again and raises her voice. “Leaving you is not what is best! Our child will be without a father! And what if he is a boy? The Sultan’s prince cannot be parted from him!”
 More tears fall from his eyes as he cups her cheeks in his hands. “So we fake your deaths. You’ll both escape and no one ever has to know you’re both alive and well. No one will be able to hurt either of you again.”
 Her eyes widen. She’s completely appalled he would even suggest such a thing. “That’s absurd! I will not go! You cannot make me!” She breaks down into tears and he sits up, holding her tightly in his arms. “I refuse to leave you,” she mumbles into his chest through her tears.
 His heart crumbles into a million pieces. There’s nothing in the world worse than seeing his Swan cry, unless her tears are happy ones. But these are definitely not. “I don’t want you to leave,” he whispers, rubbing her back. “I don’t want to lose you. Which is why I will not force you to go if you are against the idea. But just know, you can leave if that is your wish.”
 Emma lifts her head, her eyes puffy and red as he wipes her tears away with his thumb. “I would never wish to leave you.” She cups his cheeks in her hands, capturing his lips, which are wet with his tears, and now hers as she mumbles against them. “I love you, Killian, and I will be by your side for as long as you can stand me.”
 Killian smiles weakly as he presses his forehead against hers. “Then, I’m afraid you will be stuck with me for eternity.”
 She laughs for the first time in days, and the gentle chime of her giggle revives his heart. It makes him smile.
 “Mmm, my favorite sound,” he murmurs, causing her grin to widen. “I love you, Emma. I love you both,” he adds, affectionately caressing her belly. “I will always love you.” 
 “Good,” she whispers, her eyes falling to his mouth.
 He catches the movement of her eyes and seals his promise with a long, searing kiss. He lifts his hands, sliding his fingers into her hair as they tumble onto the bed, their lips still latched. Despite the earlier events, they both fall into a deep, peaceful slumber in each other’s arms.
 They have breakfast the next morning in his apartment before he leaves to visit his mother to fill her in on what had happened. Though she's most likely already heard about the execution. But it’s important for him to have his bonding time with his mother. 
 Emma decides to stay in his chamber for a while longer before she grows restless and decides to return to the harem. She’s sure her friends are worried sick about her and she misses them, even though it's only been a few days since she’d seen them. She dresses and leaves, making her way down the golden road, still feeling a bit sleepy from the nap she’d taken. 
 She thinks about what Killian had offered her last night. Though she misses her family dearly, she could not bear to leave her Sultan wife-less and childless. She hates being away from him, she hates how little she sees him as it is, but the thought of never being with him again, never seeing his handsome face, never feeling his strong hands on her soft skin or being blessed with his tender kisses, never feeling the warmth of his body next to hers makes her ache all over. He is her family now, and so are her friends and uncle. She can’t bear to leave them. She does wish to see her parents and brother again and let them know she’s okay, but a Kadin leaving the empire to visit them would be impossible unless she found a way around it somehow. Even if she did, her parents wouldn’t understand her lifestyle here. They wouldn’t understand her love for a Sultan who rules a land where women count for less than animals.  
 Emma rubs her belly, which is fairly hidden underneath her layers of clothing as she wobbles along the corridor. She’s not as sore as she was yesterday, but still not able to move very fast, so it feels like everything is in slow motion. 
 She spots James emerging from a hall, and she's about to call for him, but something about him seems peculiar. He’s wearing his usual robes, but he appears to be lost as he looks in the direction opposite of her. He starts to head that way, but then stops and scratches the back of his head before he gets very far.
 Lifting a brow, she continues toward him until he's only a meter away. When he suddenly turns around changing directions, Emma stops frozen in her tracks.
 He pauses as well, donning the exact same, gobsmacked expression she does.
 She can’t believe it. But she can. The eyes, the face, the walk. How confused he is. How unfamiliar he is with the palace. She knows without a doubt it’s him. The question is how? Is she dreaming? 
 She steps up to him, reaching out to touch his cheek which does not hold a scar. Which feels pretty real to her.
 He lifts his hand to hers and with a broken smile and a broken whisper, he speaks, “Emma… I knew I’d find you.”
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clown-bait · 7 years
29 Neibolt ST (Monster Roommate AU) CH 19 NSFW
This was a fucking struggle to write. It is also like one of the biggest chapters but here it is the big showdown! Its finally time for the Trashpire to fight back! Also prepare for some angst. Shits about to go down
CH 19
Rock of Ages
“ADAM! ADAM YOU SON OF A BITCH WHERE ARE YOU?” the young vampire tore through the rather nice apartment claws drawn ripping the modern furnishings.
“Is it necessary to destroy the rug?” Penny had appeared in the bedroom where Leech was going to town on a faux fur rug.
“I always hated his stupid yuppie style. So yes, its absolutely necessary”
The clown rolled his eyes and began poking around himself. He opened a drawer on the nightstand to find a photo album of Leech and Adam in happier times the picture on the cover showed him kissing her cheek with Leech’s signature toothy grin. Seeing this other give his mate the same joy he did now filled him with uncontrollable rage. Pennywise snarled proceeded to destroy the offending object shredding it with his teeth and claws. The clown grabbed Leech and shoved her up against the wall.
“Pen what are you-” she glanced down and saw the remains of photo album she had given her former lover on their 3rd anniversary. The vampire felt a sour taste in her mouth at the memory and pulled Penny closer to her.
Pennywise’s warm tongue dragged across her face and neck. “MINE” he snarled gripping her possessively. Fire danced in Leech’s eyes and she pulled her clown off the wall and onto her ex’s bed crashing her lips into his. All she wanted was for Penny to take her right then and there. Their tongues twirled together and grabbed at each other with ferocious need. Pennywise pushed up Leech’s shirt and ground his hips against her raking his claws on his mates skin to mark her. “Say you want me slut!” he growled into her ear. “I don't want anyone else Pen. Ever again.” she kissed him hard. “That’s my girl. Pennywise is going to mark you all over this others bed and make you mine all over again.” the clown snarled sliding his hand into the front of her pants. “Would you like that my precious?” Leech gasped when she felt a finger push into her dampening slit “Fuck yes! Remind me I'm yours Pen!” He began to push into her. “mmmm look at you! You're dripping. Bet you're getting off on this aren't you? I love your dirty little mind.” he giggled. Leech moaned like a bitch in heat. Pennywise had just begun removing her pants when the door to the bedroom opened and a man in a delivery uniform stood in shock at the moonlit scene going on in his bedroom.
“Uh heeeeey how have you been?” Leech laughed nervously noticing Penny had one claw in her panties and the other tugging on her bra.
“Well this certainly isn't how I imagine this confrontation would go down but uh anyway Adam this is uh Pennywise. He's a shape shifting clown, and uh the love of my life. Say hi penny.” Leech babbled nervously under the 7ft feral clown that was now drooling while letting out an alarming hate filled growl.
The clown looked back at his mate his eyes blood shot and glowing in the dark. He released her and Leech stood to pull her shirt back down cracking her neck and knuckles. Pennywise roared and charged the man in the doorway leapt back with inhuman speed scrambling through the apartment as the killer clown attempted to rip the challenger apart. Leech causally walked out into the living room where Adam was holding Penny back with a curtain rod that was being crushed in the clowns jaws.
“Alright wheres the book Adam?”
“You cant stop me Lucy you cant stop me from destroying you like you destroyed me! Then you’ll fucking see how good you had it! You'll regret leaving, I’ll fucking make you regret!”
“Oh were going for the drama queen angle here. Fine, we can play that way I can show off the claws you gave me when you turned me into a monster isn't that exciting?”
the nosferatu laughed and drug her talons into the building as she walked creating long scratches in the dry wall.
“WHERES THE FUCKING BOOK” she shrieked in her demonic monster voice her eyes glowing so bright you could see her fang filled grin on her skeletal face. Adam kicked Pennywise in the gut as he bit through the rod and stabbed both pieces through the clowns chest. Penny roared in pain causing leech to shriek in alarm. She lunged at her ex in full rage who was chanting something out of the necronomicon. A demonic creature with wings smashed through the window grabbing Adam and flying off with him. Leech screamed in frustration tearing curtains and furniture in a fit of rage. A claw on her leg broke her frenzy and she spun around suddenly remembering her lover had two large metal poles in his chest. “Shit Pen you ok?” the clown grunted pulling one of the rods out blood floating up from his wound. “WiLL… bE.. eVenTUalLY.”
“Here let me get the other”
“carEfuLly LeEcHIe”
“Hold still.” the nosferatu pulled the pole out and Penny howled in pain. Leech immediately hugged the clown close half for him half for herself she began to cry quietly hoping her clown wouldn't notice. Pennywise grunted at first growling from the pain but found himself softening a bit when he sensed the worry and frustration radiating off his mate. He was pissed sure but there wasn't anything he could do at this point. Fixing one problem at a time was the only option for now. He began to purr and make his soft love growl to her in a last ditch attempt to calm his vampire down enough for her to be able to help him out of his new enemy’s home. “I’m sorry Pen….I feel like this is my fault” she whispered. “Not mad at you kitten. We’ll make him pay love, that I can promise” he finally said bringing a large hand to stroke her fake hair. She melted into him wanting to shower her clown with as much affection as he'd allow. “You’re hot when you attack like that by the way.” she mumbled. Pennywise chuckled “Well aren't you just the sweetest little thing. You flatter me darling” the clown kissed the top of her head taking her blood soaked hands and cleaning them for her “I like the way blood looks on your skin” he tried returning the compliment. It wasn't quite Shakespeare and sounded mildly threatening but for Leech it might as well have been a sonnet. “I love you so much” she said burying her face into his ruffles Pennywise nuzzled his mate planting little kisses on into her wig while drinking in her sweet smells. “Love you too little hunter.”
“Wow you guys took forever” Ash folded his arms in annoyance.
“What happened to you Jingles?” Chucky said eyeing the bloody holes in the clown’s outfit.
“Ran into our guy, Pen got stabbed” Leech strolled into the room rubbing Penny’s back affectionately.
“And the uh claw marks on the back of your blouse there?” Freddy laughed.
“Uhhhhhh” both monsters said in unison.
“Wow you guys couldn't even wait to get home could you?” Tiffany giggled and winked at the couple who were both a bit pink in the face.
“It was an emotionally charged moment ok?” Leech grumbled.
“Also its not a blouse!” Penny snapped.
“Alright options, obviously lover boy got away” Ash set his chainsaw on the table.
“We could just try to find him in the sewer?”  Leech suggested
“Why didn't we do that in the first place?” Chucky snapped at the the group.
“You really want to deal with a bunch of un-killable demons?” Ash asked.
“Well we don't have much of a choice” Tiff agreed with the young vampire.
“Do we just go in there guns blazing or what?” Leech asked
“I’m not really the offensive type fangs” Freddy clicked his claws on the table.
“Yeah if you haven't noticed Tiff and i aren't really built for hand to hand combat. More of a stab and run fan myself.” Chucky set some knifes on the table and began sharpening
Freddy threw up his hands giving up choosing to pick up a guitar hero controller and turn the game on.
“Fred is now really the time for this?” Ash grumbled.
“What else is there to do?”
Leech glanced at the guitar and back to the gang. An idea quickly formed in her head.
“Wait…guys, what if we create a distraction? Like the ABBA incident?”
“We promised never to mention that again” Dracula rubbed his head at the memory.
“It worked though. Look I’ll be the bait you guys can do what you do best long enough for Ash to get the book.”
“I’m not letting you do that Leechie” Penny grabbed the vampire and growled.
“Pen nows not really the time to have feelings. I'm gonna die anyway let me at least make up for bringing this down on all of you.”
“And how do you know this will work?” Uncle Penny asked.
“Adam hated when I blasted music. Always told me to turn that racket off. They'll come I know it”
The clown growled in displeasure.
“You gotta let me do this Penny its me he's after anyway” Leech turned to Pennywise who seemed at war with himself.
“Alright lets plan then.” Ash put his remaining hand on the table.
The sewers were eerily quiet save for the dripping and shambling noises from the corpses stumbling around the cistern.
“STEP RIGHT UP FOLKS STEP RIGHT UP!” a blaring sound coming from the circus cart broke the quiet. The Deadites turned around in confusion.
“KNOCK EM DEAD LEECHIE! HEHEHEHEEEE!”  fireworks exploded and an unusual amount smoke filled the cistern Leech snapped and pointed off stage “Hit it Pen!” Def Leppard’s Rock of Ages started to play.
As soon as the guitar made its entrance Leech spun around holding the guitar hero controller. She strummed the buttons and played air guitar lip syncing the lyrics.
All right
I got somethin’ to say!
Yeah its better to burn out
Yeah than fade awaaaaayyy!
The vampire rose her hand into the air taking some steps forward and swaying her hips.  
All right!
ow gonna start a fire!
She stood on the edge of the stage as the Deadites approached her though the fog.
Rise up gather round
rock this place through the ground
burn it up, lets go for broke
watch the night go up in smoke
rock on rock on!
drive me crazier, no serenade
no fire brigade just pyromania (c’mon)
One of the Deadites was yanked back into the mist. Leech grinned and danced more pulling off the best rocker moves swaying her hips from side to side. She caught a flash of yellow eyes in the darkness and winked humping the air a little while staring into them. The eyes grew brighter and vanished.
What do you want, what do you want?
I want rock ’n’ roll yes I do
Long live rock ’n’ roll
Oh lets go, lets strike a light
Were gonna blow like dynamite
I dont care if it takes all night
I gonna set this town alight c’mon
More deadites were cut down and a new figure was approaching from the pipes. Leech’s eyes flashed white and she pulled out her best distractions moving her hips and feed to the music.
What do you want what do you want?
I want rock ’n’ roll alright!
Long live rock ’n’ roll
Rock of ages rock of ages
Still rollin’, keep a-rollin’
Rock of ages, rock of ages
Still rollin, rock'n'rollin'
We got the power, got the glory
Just say you need it and if you need it
Say yeah
Heh heh heh heh
Now listen to me
Adam came into view and shouted at her his voice being drowned out by the music and the Deadites who seemed to be enjoying the performance with evil grins on their faces.
I'm burnin', burnin', I got the fever
I know for sure, there ain't no cure
So feel it, don't fight it, go with the flow
Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme one more for the road
Leech power slid to the edge of the stage where the Deadite Mandy tried to grab her. The vampire grinned nervously and walked back climbing to the top of the cart. That was close.
What do you want?
What do you want?
I want rock 'n' roll, You betcha
Long live rock 'n' roll
A large chunk of Deadites were gone there were still 3 more trying to get to her plus her ex boyfriend who looked absolutely furious. Leech could see her adopted family surrounding them in the back and leapt back onto the stage going full rockstar for the solo kicking one Deadite to the ground that had managed to get onto the stage.
Rock of ages, rock of ages
Still rollin', keep a-rollin'
Rock of ages, rock of ages
Still rollin', rock'n'rollin'
We got the power, got the glory
Just say you need it and if you need it
Say yeah
Say yeah
We're gonna burn this damn place down
Down to the ground
Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh
She finished lighting a cigarette and blowing smoke into the air a manic grin worn on her face as she panted and bowed. The fog began to dissipate and three Deadites plus Adam stood in a sea of dismembered body parts.
“Wait Leech THIS is the guy?” Freddy cackled.
The sharp dressed vampire in the center stood with fantastic posture his skin like porcelain and his hair gelled up perfectly. He looked like a Twilight vampire rip off.
“He doesn't even feast on human blood thats pig blood in his cup!” Dracula laughed
“Well Jingles, looks like you got nothing to worry about competition wise! Leechie got a massive upgrade” Chucky yelled over to the clown.
“I’m a massive upgrade from anyone doll.”
“Dont get too cocky kid remember what happened last time” Uncle Penny laughed.
“We’re not talking about that in front of my newest nemesis and my mate. She doesn't know and I prefer to keep it that way”
“Doesn’t know about what? Peeennyyy? What are you not telling me?” Leech turned to her clown smirking.
“Haha! Remind me to tell you about it later fangs” Uncle Penny flashed her a toothy grin.
Adam loudly cleared his throat. “AHEM!”
“Adam, shut up don't interrupt us.” the nosferatu snapped.
“Yeah man, don't be fuckin rude” Freddy said cleaning his claws off.
“Wow your friends are all terrible Lucy.” Adam growled.
“Well yeah were all murderers you think we’d be upstanding members of society?”  Leech shrugged.
“Excuse you apprentice I happen to be a gentleman and a count!” Dracula snapped.
“Dracula you totally left a horrible mess in the living room the other night when you had that chick for dinner” Chucky shouted.
“I-I hit a bad vein”
“At least like clean it up though! Even I did that earlier and I'm a lazy piece of shit!” Leech complained.
“Good to see you haven't changed much Luce.” Adam deadpanned pulling out a dagger with a bone handle and sharpening it.
“DONT TALK ABOUT MY MATE LIKE THAT! But I agree you are lazy dear.” Pennywise shouted.
“Wow thanks Penny so nice of you to defend me and insult me all in one breath”
Pennywise flashed his fangs and held up his hands in the shape of a heart.
“So are we done roasting me now? I came here to kill my ex and so far all we've done is chit chat”
“You say that so casually. You're a murderer?” Adam looked horrified.
“Well yeah you made me into a vampire?”
“It was never my intent to make you…this!”
“Honestly I should be thanking you. I think I'm starting to like the new me.” Leech’s eyes flashed white while she bared her fangs. The Deadites turned to the other monsters and charged as the  severed limbs climbed towards them. “Leech get the book!” Freddy shouted. “I’m working on it!”
“You were supposed to come back! I gave you immortality!” Adam shouted slashing the dagger at her. leech leaped out of the way and growled back at him.
“YOU FUCKING FORCED THIS ON ME! Just like you forced everything else on me! You were ashamed of who I really was you tried to change me!” Leech began to morph her limbs cracked and stretched as her claws flexed.
“MAYBE I LIKE BEING A TRASHPIRE AND NOT YOU” she shrieked with her demonic voice and skeletal features beginning to push forward.
“I gotta say ya cant change a chick to fit what you want bud! Take it from a guy who's been married for 10 years!” Chucky shouted before getting punched across the room by Deadite Harry.
“Chucky no one asked you!” Freddy yelled.
“That thing is hideous why do you hang out with it? Also been meaning to ask since when did you have a clown fetish?” Adam shouted between leech’s claw swipes one of which caught his knife and tossed it to the side.
“See this is why I left. You wanted to change me, you never fucking listened, and you sold MY GOD DAMN RECORD COLLECTION” Leech charged her ex claws out screeching. The two vampires clashed together Adam holding off the nosferatu with a rusted metal fence spear.  
“Wait you've always been into clowns?” Pennywise turned around after ripping off Deadite Daniel’s arm.
“PEN NOT THE FUCKING TIME” Leech screamed tossing the pole out of her ex’s hands.
“I’ve given you your chance Lucy you can come back and forget this. You can leave this sewer creature and these horrible monsters behind! Live a normal life a privileged life you won’t have to kill again!” her ex backed up against the sewer wall.
“Adam.” the nosferatu stood long limbs shrinking back to their usual spot “I like my life, I like my friends, I like the murder, the rundown house, the sewer, and I absolutely LOVE my monster sewer clown. Money, power, luxury mean nothing to me. I want this. I ran away for this. Its over and you're fucking dead.”
“How fucking dare you say no to me! After all I gave you. I gave you a home, a future, I gave you immortality for fucks sake and this is how you repay me? You were nothing! You always were! I’ll kill you, I’ll fucking take it all away you don't deserve my gifts! You're trash and its time for you to rot like it!”
The nosferatu screamed snapping a wooden baseball bat in half and charging with the jagged piece of wood pointed at her former lovers heart.
Pennywise heard the roar and the shriek first. There was a loud crack and a wail of pain the clown quickly ripped the Deadite Daniel in half and spun around frantically to his mate who was collapsed in a ball next to Adam. Penny’s charge slowed as the nosferatu rose from her position her arm hanging limp at her side. Adam lay still as the grave, the broken wood sticking deep in his chest. The standing vampire grabbed an ax howling in pain as she did so, swinging it down onto her ex’s neck until the body and the head were separate. Leech picked up the book of the dead out of Adams hand and whistled for Ash who was punching a disembodied head that had clamped down on his leg. “Say the words Williams!” she shouted turning to her clown who looked on with a mix of pride and relief “Hey” Leech smiled at Penny in exhaustion “How was your fight? I think I won mine.” she laughed weakly. Pennywise couldn't help but grin at her. As he took a step to embrace his love, Leech jolted and the smile faded from her face. A headless body stood behind her and Adam’s demonic looking head cackled on the floor. “Who’s laughing now Leechie!?” Leech looked down at the long rusted metal spear sticking out of her abdomen. “Huh I thought it'd hurt more” she mumbled and dropped to her knees as blood spilled out of her mouth.
“NO” the clown screamed. He rushed forward shredding the offending headless Deadite like paper and scooped his mate carefully into his arms. “Pen? Why am I cold?” she coughed.
“HUMAN SAY THE WORDS” the clown roared. Ash began to try to say ancient phrases struggling with the last bit the deadites dropped to the ground and a presence sucked its self out of the cistern. “Hold on little one just wait for old vampire to get here don't leave yet.” Penny had never felt fear like this in his life the threat of loss making him act in sheer panic.
“HURRY OLD MAN” he screamed. “H-hey Pen, I’ve been meaning to ask what'd you think of the show? Was it good?” the nosferatu wheezed and coughed up more blood. “You were perfect darling, I may have to make you a permanent part of my act.” he stroked her head tenderly.
“I-I’ll try to throw in some juggling n-next time. It'll have to wait though I think my arm’s broken.” she laughed and cried out in pain. “Shhhh just hold still” Pennywise was struggling hard with this for the first time in his long life he didn't want someone to die.
Dracula had finally reached them moving to get close to the dying Leech only to be met with a protective snarl from the clown. “She needs to be condemned if you want her back” he snapped at him. Pennywise reluctantly let him near. “We don't have much time she's dying as we speak. I shall begin immediately.” the elder vampire placed his hand on the top of her bald head. “I condemn you Lucy Smith to living death. To eternal hunger for living blood.”
“Pen? Final request while he does this.” Leech rasped.
“What is it love?”
“I don't want Adam to be the one who kills me I want it to be you.”
“Please for me Penny, send me into the dark and don't you dare let go till I'm gone.”
“It needs to be now clown!” Dracula shouted.
“F-for you.” Pennywise cupped his mates face feeling her warmth for the last time.
“Make it spectacular” Leech smiled at him tears running down her face.
“I love you kitten.” she heard him whisper as he kissed her. Leech could have sworn she felt tears fall from him onto her cheeks.
“Love you too Pen” she rasped back. Pennywise gently tilted his mates head back and painfully extended his fangs. With a roar of anguish he sunk his teeth into her throat holding himself there until her grip on his hand went limp. Her scream echoed in his head long after she was gone, the one scream he never wanted to hear. The clown gazed down on her lifeless face and the red gore filled carnage that he left on her. She made a beautiful corpse. Pennywise closed the captivating blue eyes that once danced like cold fire whenever they looked at him. Those same eyes that were now hollow and absent of life. He let out a shaky exhale and held her empty shell close. “I’ll see you soon kitten.” He whispered into her pale skin as the last of her warmth left her body.
SHES DEAD! And Penny had to kill her. I love sudden angst feelings in the middle of my comedic horror romance. And yes Leech used to live in Washington and yes Adam is a narcissistic vegan Twilight sparkly vampire. He only gets blood from ethical cruelty free sources. Thats partly why he kept his looks. Leech however eats the flesh and the blood and because of that her appearance reflects what a horrible creature she is. But even evil deserves to be loved. I miss my girl already friends. Don’t worry this ride isn’t over yet!
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sinningwithoppa · 7 years
Retrograde - Chapter 01
Description: Famously titled ‘The Grim Reaper’, you were one of Seoul’s ruthless assassins capable of entirely wiping a person’s existence without a single trace, since to the outside it seemed like you didn’t have an identity, to begin with. But just as you’d finally found your place in this world, it wasn’t long before you realised you had a target on your own back.
Pairing: Hoseok x Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Word Count: 5.7k
Warnings: Violence, Mentions of Death, Swearing, Scars, Suicidal thoughts, Blood, Mentions of Abuse, Light Smut kinda???sorta???maybe??? Filthy Descriptions
A/N: Here it is! Our very first fic! I’m so so happy with the direction this fic is going to go in, so I hope you will enjoy it too~
Masterlist || Playlist || Aesthetics || Ch 01
In an otherwise peaceful and ghost-quiet night only you heard the deafening thuds of your heart nearly beating out of your chest with excitement, having pinned one of your more unruly client’s henchmen against a wall in the shadows beneath a bridge on the outskirts of Seoul, not a soul in sight. You’d caught the bastard while he was heading back to their HQ, you assumed, not far away from where you’d intercepted him.
“You’re going to be a good boy for me and you’re going to tell me where your scumbag of a boss is hiding his sad ass, yeah?” you purred with a pleased smirk and hooded eyes as you hiked your knife up the man’s throat, pressing the blade a bit harder into his flesh. If it wasn’t your weapon or reputation that intimidated him, it was your eyes darkening with a practiced murderous glint. You knew he’d be capable of taking you out in the blink of an eye if you let down your guard and fear bubbled angrily in the pit of your stomach but for now, you had to keep up your fearless facade.
“H-He’s handling a deal at The Vibe,” he managed to choke out from his unfortunate position, glaring daggers down at you.
“Atta boy,” you relented and released the pitiful goon, returning his glare as you hid away your knife. His hand shot up to his neck, tracing the irritated skin with a grimace while stepping away from you, eventually turning away and muttering what you suspected to be some variation of the degrading terms you’d heard during the course of your career, before vanishing into the night. You kept your hand poised on the gun hidden on your person until you’d made sure he wasn’t following you. Now to collect what’s mine. You thought determinedly while making your way to one of the many nightclubs the infamous ganglord owned. God knows what less than legal and horrid things happened within their walls but it didn’t phase you.
At least you liked to think that none of it did anymore.
Out of the many millions of people that roamed Seoul, it had to be you, whose life revolved around gripping the cold steel of guns, relentless in taking care of your marks. You were unpredictable, merciless and possessed great prowess wielding a weapon, earning you the title ‘The Grim Reaper’ along with the pleasure of serving those willing to splash tens of thousands on eliminating rivals, occasionally even millions just to watch their backs.
It was just the way it was.
Society ran its cycle, the city bustling with people as they went about their daily lives earning a living and living on what they earned. It was normal, nothing out of the ordinary, nothing unexpected. And then there was you, slamming people’s heads into walls hard enough that tiles cracked on impact, wielding deadly weapons, knuckles dried with blood and fighting to live another day; the underworld hidden in plain sight. There were organizations after the exact same things, and with competition came rivalry, and with rivalry came your purpose; evening out the playing field for those affluent enough to afford it. Of course, you had your own personal share of enemies but they hadn’t proven to be anything more but bumps along the road.
What a shame for them that you worked with the best.
Ironically, you hadn’t chosen this life yourself, but you were forced into it, just like so many others. You’d lost your parents to crime and your new home had found you wandering the streets. A gang had taken you in as one of their own but definitely not from the goodness of their hearts. It had been more of an investment than anything. They trained you in combat to later use you to deal with rival gangs and send you on missions they didn’t dare to send more valuable members on, which you, unfortunately, excelled at. You needed to shine in order to live another day.
How disgustingly ironic.
The only benefit you reaped from it all was finding a purpose for your once meaningless life along with your first love, Jimin. He’d given you the affection you’d craved all your life and a reason to live. You’d piqued the ganglord’s interest and soon a passionate romance had blossomed between the two of you, lasting until that one fateful night. Now he was dead and your home had been destroyed. They’d all been killed. Living out in the open forced you to put your skills to use to survive but it lead to you creating your current reputation as one of the best assassins out there.
You grimaced at the suppressed memories of your early years. You didn’t have to scrape by anymore and you didn’t have to deal with people using you against your will. Not anymore.
Soon you’d arrived in the center of Seoul; all you had to do now was find The Vibe in the vibrant clubbing district. The distinct scent of alcohol and pheromones drifted through the air as you maneuvered your way around the drunk, lustful people outside either smoking, switching clubs or heading to their apartments with their one night stands. Something about the way human nature was lured out on nights and in places like these had always drawn you in. The best thrills of your life had taken place in these settings. Your sour memories were wiped away by a particularly bright one that had marked the beginning of a better tomorrow. Years ago you’d met the man that had revived your purpose in a milieu very similar to the one tonight.
With your spirits lifted and your mind refreshed, your eyes landed on your destination. The club looked as packed as ever with people waiting outside to get in, along with the scrutinizing bouncer, whom you specifically remembered despising, doing his job of checking IDs and turning absolutely wasted people away. Why is it never the nice one?
You completely ignored the now irritated clubgoers you’d cut in front of, tilting your head up as a silent greeting to the familiar figure. “I’m here to see Jay,” you muttered to which he responded with a curt nod. “In the back,” he let you in and you immediately started narrowing in on your target.
“Hey, Hoseok,” you smirked as you found him standing in the ambiently lit area outside the room where he liked to conduct business, looking as handsome as ever dressed in his usual tailored suit with perfectly shined boots. His bright orange hair stood out in contrast to his mostly black and white ensemble but not as much as his blaringly luminous smile.
“My my ___ I wasn’t expecting you so soon,” he glanced at you grinning his cheshire smile and drinking up your appearance before returning his gaze to his bloodstained fingers which he was in the process of wiping clean. Looks like I’m not the only one collecting debt. “How can I help you, my darling assassin?” he smiled almost innocently before soiling such an image by bringing your attention back to the bloodied handkerchief being slipped unphased into his suit pocket.
“We might be friends but I still expect to be paid on time,” you pressed, approaching his figure. His hands immediately found purchase on your waist, sinfully kneading the flesh beneath your dark shirt. You both savored the intoxicating sensation of being pressed so close together as the bass thumped in the background, distracting you two from your own pounding hearts. Fuck, he smells like sin incarnate. Even with the distinct odor of death wafting through the air, his signature aroma ravished you.
He leaned down to whisper in your ear, his words almost lost in the music blaring outside the secret room, “Ever considered the thought that I missed you and wanted to see your beautiful face more often?” he purred, his lips brushing against your ear as he spoke, drawing a pleased groan out of you. You hummed with satisfaction as you felt one of his hands lift from your waist and slip into one of his pockets.
“You could just ask, you know,” you sighed with a smug smirk as you felt his nose dragging along your neck, his stifled breaths making the hair stand up on your neck.
“Fair enough,” he murmured, bringing his lips back to your ear before placing a feather-light kiss onto your lobe. “I slipped in some extra to make up for my tardiness. Buy yourself something nice for our next job,” he cooed, breathing in your scent, which he found absolutely irresistible, and you could’ve sworn you heard him groan in the back of his throat as he slipped the wad of cash into the back pocket of your jeans, letting his hand linger a bit too long for your taste.
“I’m still not one of your whores, Hoseok,” you asserted with a breathy chuckle, pushing him off of you, cutting your shared moment of indulgence short. You were convinced that your relationship with him was controlled by baser desires more than anything. Over the years you’d grown to like his company in a strange way. He offered you the thrill that you used to numb the fear and let yourself go. Of course, it could prove fatal one day.
“Mm maybe… But it doesn’t stop me from wanting you,” he grinned at the double meaning, eyeing you with a suggestive glint in his eyes. “Such a shame that you’re so damn stubborn about joining Bangtan. We’d take really good care of you, princess,” he purred, cocking his head to the side.
Not much stood in the way of bending to his desires; you were close with a couple of the members, he offered you gratifying missions along with the undeniably intoxicating cocktail of chemicals released by having his tempting lips caressing your skin or his salacious tongue imparting a silent promise of bliss but truthfully speaking, the only way he could get you to join, was to hire you as a bodyguard or earn your loyalty. Problem was you’d most likely decline since you didn’t like to associate with specific gangs. Too risky. As for your loyalty; you found it difficult to give, especially to ganglords. The fewer ties you had, the safer you were. Everything could be ruined again by trusting the wrong people. The last time you’d given your trust blindly was when you had absolutely nothing to lose.
“You’ll take me up on the next hit I texted you about, won’t you?” he pouted, deciding to test the waters a bit by stepping in closer, biting his lip and looking into your eyes, knowing full well how he could play with your heart but you held the key to his. You couldn’t blame him for being so fond of you. You’d never let him down, so you became his favorite assassin. His wish was your command with the right price tag.
“If you keep paying me as generously, as usual, consider me at your disposal,” you smirked and nodded.
“Aahhh, that’s my girl. I’ll need you tomorrow,” he winked and licked his lips, “then on Friday for the job. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get back to my guest. See you, sweetheart,” you barely managed to scoff at his racy advances before he had vanished into the room he’d presumably stepped out of for a moment, blood pooling beneath the door as he closed it.
You breathed in the fresh air as you relished in the tranquility of nighttime. You were in your element and you savored peaceful moments like these when you didn’t have to worry about work. Of course, anyone could attack you and many had reasons to do so, but the handgun hidden beneath your black bomber jacket brought you an extra sense of security. In your position close to the top of the food chain though, many didn’t dare touch you, in fear of you living up to your title. In addition, your services were sought after and crossing you usually ended in deals going bad and blood being spilled. You’d worked hard on creating your guise of a fearless killer along with building yourself from the ground up after losing what you’d called home. You had absolutely nothing. And now you were willing to fight tooth and nail to maintain the web of ties to various gangs employing your services and paying handsomely. As ‘The Grim Reaper’ you felt invincible.
[23:49] You:  I’m on my way home
You smiled down at your phone, thinking back to a night similar to this one. Little did you know at the time, that your life would be changed forever by a boy initially sent out to kill you.
You’d left Busan, the memories of abuse and violence haunting you every step of the way. You decided to flee to Seoul, knowing you’d find opportunities to use your unfortunate ‘talents’. In the outskirts of the city, even the most dull-witted of people wouldn’t dare to put their lives on the line by going through an arms deal with a completely unfamiliar ganglord to whom you had absolutely no ties. You weren’t stupid, of course, but considering you had nothing lose at this point, there you were, pulling the hood to your jacket over your head and fixing your face mask to further conceal your identity as you silently left the gritty apartment complex with nothing but disappointment weighing down your shoulders. You’d been to the same guy countless times, and the countless times you’d been there’d fortunately never been a problem except him voicing his unneeded opinion about you being a young girl. The moment you realised he wasn’t there your instincts moved you out the door, your mind creating likely scenarios of his disappearance. You ended up at dead but didn’t bother to wonder how.
You didn’t mind the cold, no matter how much it threatened your muscles to stiffen because all you were thinking about was where you were going to spend your next night, just as you had so many nights before. You managed to convince yourself that the clothes on your back kept you warm enough and that you weren’t weak enough to submit to climate. The only thing you had to do was to find somewhere even remotely comfortable to sleep in, or on, and without the imminence of being forcefully dragged out of your slumber, and your eventful day would end.
It was a quiet evening as you walked aimlessly, mentally marking different places as you passed, and it wasn’t until the sudden rush of footsteps behind you that your mind suddenly went into overdrive. In normal circumstances, it could have been a normal citizen strolling behind you, but you were in a gang-infested area and a citizen strolling through here would be far from normal. Part of you told yourself to ignore them, but the realist in you told you to put your guard up while not drawing any unnecessary attention. You almost let out a sigh of relief when you saw a shop window coming up because it meant that you could see who was supposedly stalking you, how big they were if you could possibly take care of them or just accept your inevitable demise. Just as the window came up you discreetly tilted your head up.
Your eyes widened as you made eye contact with your now apparent stalker. Shit. Gotta find a way to lose—
Before you could finish your thought, he had lunged at you, covering your mouth with his palm to trap any sounds you might’ve dared to make. “Shhh…” he soothed mockingly as your hands flew up to grab onto the assaulting arm just as he wrapped his other arm around your waist before nearly effortlessly carrying you off into a nearby alley veiled by darkness to cover up whatever atrocities he was about to commit.
He twisted around and slammed your body against the wall, forcing your arms behind your back and holding them still with one hand, his fingers painfully digging into your wrists as he tore off your hood and gripped your hair with his other hand unrelentingly. You felt his body pressing against your own as he leaned in and whispered, “Awfully late for a girl to be out, isn’t it? You don’t seem to be going clubbing, babe.” He tightened his grip as a silent threat to keep you quiet. “Something tells me you’re who I’ve been looking for,” he hummed into your ear. To his unfortunate surprise, you weren’t going to give up so easily. With your head and arms immobilized, you had one weapon left; your feet, so before he realised it you’d rapidly brought your foot down onto his with all your might. He grunted in pain as his grip loosened enough for you to whip around and send your elbow straight to his nose, the space between the two of you opening up as he stumbled back. To your surprise, he just chuckled breathily while bringing a hand up to wipe away a bit of the blood that had started to trickle out of his nose. “Looks like you’ve got some fight in you. Too bad I need to take you out,” he cooed huskily while looking you in the eyes with a mischievous glint in his.
“Fuck you,” you spat with a smirk. Might as well put up a fight before biting the dust.
You’d always had no choice but to rely on taking down your opponents not with brute strength, but by using their weak points against them, so you lunged forward and aimed for his nose again, but he managed to block your attack and used the small window of time and his advantageous position to knee you in the stomach, causing you to wince in pain. Of course, his next aim was to smash your face into his knee but you anticipated it and it was your turn to block his attack, grab his leg and shove him off his unstable stance.
Both of you met the concrete but it was you who was on top and nothing but anger fuelled your punches as they rained down upon his face. You were breathing heavier, moving faster, and your face mask had become a hindrance at that point, so you elected to rip it off while elbowing him in the jaw. In the process of removing your mask, however, you’d slowed enough to give him an opportunity to catch your next blow and land his own on your cheek.
Pain spread throughout your entire face in waves of excruciating fire. It clouded your mind enough that it left you vulnerable to his hand curling around your throat. You’d been left in such a daze that you hadn’t realised that he’d managed to flip you over until you’d registered the concrete chilling your skin. Your hands flew up to his, trying to pry it off desperately as precious oxygen failed to reach your burning lungs but his grip was so incredibly tight that your eyes began to sting, and you barred your teeth to fight back your tears.
Something in his eyes softened though. Whatever it was, you felt his hold slacken a bit but not enough to let you breathe. Having you on your back with more light shining on your face revealed your features to him and something in him clicked. He suddenly collected your wrists and pinned them above your head, gazing into your eyes intensely, clearly fighting an internal battle while you heaved, trying to regain your breath and refusing to look away from his puzzled features. You were painfully aware of the extensive bruising forming on your face and neck, hell you didn’t even want to think about what you might’ve looked like at that point, but your pride nearly had you smiling. You marked him alright, his right eye swelling, nose possibly broken and still dripping blood and bottom lip split just as bad. Is that a light sheen that’s glossing his forehead? You, a walking shadow to most, were such a challenge that your attacker was sweating?
“Just kill me! End me!” you started laughing at the ridiculousness of your situation, your body practically trembling beneath him from the rush of endorphins engulfing you, “What’s stopping you?”
He hesitated for a moment before speaking, “What if I told you I could give you a place to stay.”
“And why the fuck should I trust you? You’ve been trying to kill me this whole damn time!”
He leaned in and whispered, “I’ve been tracking you for a while now. I know you don’t have anywhere else to go and nothing to lose. I’ll train you too just to sweeten the deal, babe,” before leaning back out, having the audacity to smile down at you almost admiringly. Unbeknownst to you, your face had revealed your secretive past to him and he couldn’t be more delighted. Given what you’d had to go through by trusting all the wrong people, you were still skeptical of his proposition but he was right. You had absolutely nothing to lose but your life at this point. You’d lost a lover, a home and at this rate, you’d eventually die in the streets.
“And where will you take me, hm?”
“With me,” he smiled sincerely, “to my apartment.”
You narrowed your eyes at him but strangely, you wanted to trust him. You desperately wanted something or someone to save you from this hell you’d ended up in. At this point, you’d had enough of life. With a gun on you that you hadn’t been mindful enough to use, though you knew that he likely possessed one as well and if you couldn’t take him out, at least you could end your own miserable, meaningless life. You worried your lip between your teeth for a moment before replying.
He slowly released your wrists and to his and your surprise, you didn’t try to fight or escape. He carefully got off you and held out his hand for you to take, to which you obliged and he helped you up. Out of habit, you repositioned the facemask you’d left hanging by your ear. The fear of being recognized after leaving Busan ate away at you each and every day.
“I have a ride,” he spoke softly, almost as if to lull you into a sense of safety. “You don’t have to worry about anyone seeing us,” he assured you as he looked over to you lifting your hood back over your head to which you just nodded curtly, relieved that you’d be able to give your aching legs a rest. The effects of adrenaline were wearing off and your body burned dully from exhaustion. You noticed him limping slightly as you walked in silence for a moment before reaching a sleek black car parked in a secluded area. Damn bastard was probably gonna drag my body here. You snorted to yourself but he didn’t seem to notice.
“Ladies first,” he chuckled, opening the car door for you. You hesitated for a moment. If I’m going to escape now’s my last cha— “I promise I’ll take care of you,” you looked at him startled. “It’d be a crime to waste your talent,” he elaborated, smiling sincerely at you.
“Hand me your weapons,” you demanded, “then I’ll trust you.”
“If it’s that simple then here,” he took the handgun from within his jacket without hesitation and placed it in your now bruising hands. “You can pat me down too if I haven’t convinced you enough,” he winked and laughed when you scoffed and got in the car, shutting the door yourself stubbornly. You took off your mask and managed to catch a glimpse of the damage he had dealt you in the rearview mirror as he circled around the car. Not the worst I’ve seen. You noted as he got in the driver’s seat and started up the car.
“Here’s my proposition,” he said calmly as he pulled out of the alley, unphased by you taking the safety off of his gun. “I’m going to train you to be a proper assassin,” he took a turn and paused to think for a moment, “And you won’t ask questions,” he gave you a small but dazzling smile. Yet something inside you wanted to rebel against your suave abductor if only to test your luck. You were the one with the loaded gun after all.
“When do we start?” you smirked and a matching one spread onto his lips.
“Feisty, huh? I like it,” he cooed and stepped onto the gas, speeding up the car and laughing as you yelped in surprise.
Soon you’d arrived at his apartment close to the center and he’d given you a brief tour. It became evident that your exhaustion was catching up to you since he was yawning after every couple of sentences and your thoughts were slowing down. The open space which contained the kitchen and living room was the first thing you saw in the humble accommodation. There was a hallway which lead to what you presumed were the bathroom and his bedroom.
“I’ll go get you something to sleep in,” he murmured and headed to his room. He looked absolutely wretched with that black eye. Soon he came back with a stack of neatly folded clothes.
“Here,” he spoke softly as he handed you what you presumed to be one of his shirts and sweatpants. “Bathroom’s the door at the end of the hall. Take a bath if you feel like it and use whatever you want in there,” he looked into your eyes with more care than he’d care to admit and something inside you stirred at his genuine concern for you. Maybe it was your shared exhaustion but he was gradually chipping out a cozy little nook in your heart to settle in. Instinct kicked in and you couldn’t help but hug him. He smelled almost like lavender; a comforting and relaxing fragrance.
“Thank you,” you murmured before vanishing to the bathroom, leaving him stunned.
You’d drawn your first bath in weeks. Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, you couldn’t help but study your worn body. Scars, and now bruises, littered your once smooth skin. What did it even look like back then? Some were from fights, some from the people you thought you could trust. But it didn’t matter now, you were safe from them.
You slowly dipped into the water and were enveloped by a comforting warmth you hadn’t felt in ages. You took your time bathing, savoring the warmth your body had craved yet your mind was riddled with questions. What will happen to me after this? Will I stay here forever? Will my heart still be beating…? Will he keep his promise? You tilted your head to the door, staring at it blankly, knowing that he was somewhere on the other side. Waiting. With either malicious intent or tender compassion. It could all be a facade he had set up.
You sank down in the tub, letting the surface of water reach your cupid’s bow, and exhaled through your nose, the surface rippling as you closed your eyes and shoved aside your fears. What do I have to lose? Absolutely nothing. It’s all gone now. You pulled the plug and watched the water drain with dull, glossy eyes. The air felt cool against your heated skin. You reluctantly braced your hands on the edges of the tub, wincing from the sharp throbbing in your knuckles and shakily stood up, stepping out of the tub carefully. If you were going to die now at least you’d had one pleasant experience before it and the two guns you’d taken with you. You dried your hair slowly, fixating on your refreshed features in the mirror. His clothes felt like a protective embrace wrapping you in his now strangely comforting scent. You silently opened the door and padded your way down the hall. He wasn’t in his bedroom.
“In here.”
Ah. You padded your way to the living room, finding him making a makeshift bed out of his couch. He had changed into a large cotton shirt and sweats, looking almost identical to you and admittedly more adorable and innocent than before, though the dried blood on his bottom lip and ice pack he was holding to his eye clashed with his appearance. “You’re sleeping in the bedroom,” he chuckled as he noticed your dazed state and offered you his hand which you took with less hesitation than before.
He quietly led you to the bedroom you’d passed on the way to the living room, never easing his gentle hold on your hand. They still ached.
“Get some sleep will you?” he whispered as he pulled you into the dimly lit room, tossing the ice pack onto the bed and he turned around to face you. A small lamp enveloped the room in a warm and soothing glow. You averted his gaze and nodded faintly. “You have nothing to be afraid of, okay?” he spoke as he gingerly brought his hand to your chin, avoiding the bruising, and tilted it up so he could see you, the corners of his lips lifting up slightly. He looked like an absolute mess yet he was still smiling.
“Use the ice pack to ease the swelling. Good night,” and with that, he was gone.
You’d slipped into the most peaceful slumber you’d had in a while when he’d silently slipped back into the room, unable to sleep as thoughts raced through his mind.
[00:37] You:  Thought this one would be more useful alive rather than dead
[00:38] You:  (JPG.1)
[00:38] You:  Put up a strong fight too
[00:38] You:  Beat my damn ass up pretty badly
Looking over at your sleeping figure, he smirked softly as he touched his split lip. “You’ll be the death of me,” he muttered with a smirk and shook his head, his phone eventually vibrating with a notification from his boss.
[00:51] ₩bag:  Definitely.
He’d hired the assassin to deal away with you since you’d been disrupting business in his territory by roughing up some of his members, yet something inside the ganglord stirred as he struggled to believe his eyes. You’d been very advantageous to him after all.
[01:04] ₩bag:  Oh and Jeon
[01:04] ₩bag: Take good care of her.
You finally arrived at the condo in the center of Seoul you and Jungkook had managed to purchase with the income from the empire you two had built together. He had kept his promise and let you live — no, thrive. You pulled out your phone and unlocked the smartlock with it and soon the gate clicked, letting you step onto the grounds. Following the small paved path, you reached the entrance to your extravagant home. You paused for a moment before unlocking the door; you still didn’t know exactly what prompted him to take you under his wing that fateful night and he refused to tell, but frankly, you didn’t mind; you kept your own secrets from him. You had found salvation in Jeon Jungkook and that fateful night had been the first since leaving Busan that you hadn’t had a single nightmare and a proper night’s rest. Your ‘apprenticeship’ quickly grew into something much more valuable to both you and him.
Unlocking the door, you were greeted with the smell of takeout and Jungkook’s head turning your way, a toothy smile stretching onto his lips at the sight of you. “About time, ___. I was getting worried, you know,” he chuckled, tilting his head to the side with his grin stretching even further.
“Geez, don’t get your panties in a twist,” to which he snorted. “I was dealing with Hoseok’s habit of paying me late,” you smirked as you shrugged off your jacket and made your way to the living room, where he had sprawled out boxes upon boxes of takeout on the small coffee table, presumably waiting for your arrival. In many ways, Jungkook had become almost like a brother to you. He always had your back and he’d helped you put yourself back together from the tattered state you’d met him in. You’d speculated his generosity to stem from both curiosity and reverence. You’d managed to deal your fair share of damage to him that night after all.
“Still doesn’t mean you can run around the city at this hour without telling me where you’d gone,” he pouted playfully and tilted his head to the side, earning a chortle from you.
“Gah, you’re so needy, I hope you know that,” you grinned as you sat down on the floor with him. He scoffed and looked at you with his hand on his chest, pretending to be offended.
“You’d treat me this way after all these years?” he pretended to wipe away a tear and you snorted, leaning over and grabbing a lamb skewer from the container in front of him.
“Sorry, babe. Should’ve gotten used to my candidness a long time ago,” you laughed and gave him a smug look as you took a bite, causing him to drop his facade and snicker.
“You win this time,” he narrowed his eyes at you as he picked up a skewer of his own, “but mark my words, I will have my revenge, babe,” he quipped while motioning at you with the skewer.
You scoffed and it was your turn to express your faux distaste yet you couldn’t help but mirror the grin spreading on his lips and with that, you two began eating dinner and summarizing of the day’s events to each other. You discovered he’d carried out the mission posed by a longtime client; a millionaire who got tired of one of his mistresses. Clean shot too apparently. You yourself had discussed the logistics of your next operation with Kim. He said he’d hand over the prospective weapon for it tomorrow after your workout with Jungkook. Ah, shit, I should get the outfit— After the meeting…. You couldn’t help the yawn that slipped past your lips and had you stretching your now stiffened body while you brought a hand up to stifle the involuntary action.
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thegreatmercutio · 7 years
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“The Jasmine Prince” ch. 2: Dead Birds
A Malec fanfic, Magnus Bane eccentric. It’s fanfic inspired by the books and show. Author’s original characters are included.
Summary: A series of events will change everything.
(I am terrible with summary, but I don’t want to give so much away. Taking the thrill out of a thriller…isn’t my game).
Theme: Psychological thriller/ horror/ romance
Rating: Mature
Chapter 1: http://thegreatmercutio.tumblr.com/post/165613798714/chapter-1-the-lovers-long-night-the-forgotten
****************************************************************** Chapter 2:
Dead birds.
The ground is cover in dead birds. Magnus stood in complete awe and shock. When he arrived to Fin Milton’s home, he was unprepared and unexpected. Fin’s call left no clues or spoils. He screamed and cried on the phone, his words transferred into gibberish and were incomprehensible. When he suddenly hang up with no answering after Magnus repeatedly redialed. Magnus dressed quickly and portal himself to Fin’s home. Leaving Alec worried and confused. Magnus told him as he had rushed out that he will call him soon.
Fin, was a warlock. An old friend of Magnus since the 70s. Fin spoke very little and kept his affairs and his problems to himself. He lived alone Upstate, where he built an isolated bird sanctuary in his greenhouse, for the injured and the lost. Catarina and Magnus were only a few select individuals that he would even acknowledged and that was already a rare occasion. So, a frantic call from Fin was alarming.
The house was quiet when he arrived, no signs of disruptions. Magnus repeatedly called for him, no answers as he searched the house. When he approached the backyard and entered into the greenhouse, where Fin kept the birds. It was cold. Usually, the greenhouse is set at a particularly humid temperature, warm with a few open windows to circulate fresh air.
He found Fin, standing like a statue in a forest of greens and blooms and in his hands was a small dead yellow canary. He was still dressed in his sleepwear with his bare feet exposed. On the ground surrounding Fin, were the dead birds. The smell was sour, bitter, and sharp.
Magnus approached him carefully.
“Fin?” Magnus called, he remains unmoved. Fin was a slender man, reddish strawberry blond curls and a face filled with scars and freckles. “Fin…it’s me.” He gently placed his hands on Fin’s arm.
Fin turned his reddish and tearful eyes at Magnus. He looked broken, pale, and empty.
“Fin, what happen here?” Magnus turned to face him. Who was no longer looking at him. His eyes returned to the small bird in his hands. “Fin?” Magnus shook him a little.
“F…Fall…Falling” he said softly, struggling to gasp for air.
“Like…like a hail storm. I..I…I…I heard them falling…falling. My friends. Outside my window, I saw it. I saw them…them falling. Each one of them falling.” His voice was breaking. “…They fell…fell there, here…here.” He looked down at the canary.
“Fin, let’s go inside.” Magnus reached for him, nudging him towards the house. It wasn’t hard to move him. He felt like air, weightless. Fin followed as Magnus led. His eyes still glued to the canary.
“They all fell, from the sky.” Fin mumbled.
Magnus called Phillip, his assistant. He texted Alec, telling him that he was on a case for a friend in desperate need and that he will call him later. And he reminded him, to rest. Alec replied, asked if he could possibly help.
Magnus: Darling, it’s best that you rest. Phillip is helping me.
Alec: Still is there anything I can do?
Magnus: Rest. I will call you later.
Alec: Please, call me if you need anything. Please be careful.
Magnus: Darling, of course. I will call you. Go back to sleep.
“Well, this is ominous.” Magnus turned to see Phillip standing beside him. He has just arrived.
Phillip was a young Warlock, 82 years young. He was tall and medium built. Born and rise in Manchester. He had an internal warlock mark, a heart that is literally on fire.
Phillip discovered his power late. Known as the late bloomer warlock. He discovered his power through a common cold that led to a fever, that turned his body into a furnace. He was melting objects and living things that stood near him. He had no control until he met Magnus. Since then, Phillip has vowed a loyalty and bond to Magnus. He became a student and an addition to the Magnus’ family circle.
“Where’s is Fin?” Phillip kneed down, studying one of the flycatchers.
“Inside, he isn’t saying much.”
“Did he say anything?”
“They fell from the sky, repeatedly,” Magnus replied.
“Is it just here?” Phillip walked deeper into the greenhouse, passing the collections of foliages, plants, and roses.
“Yes, mostly here and near his home.” Magnus answered and followed. He carefully watch his steps. Stepping above and around each bird. Examining each one as he passed.
“Poison?” Phillip stopped, looking back at Magnus. “Magic?” Magnus shook his head. Unsure what to answer. He walked pass Phillip, keeping his eyes on the birds. “…Damn, is it airborne?” Phillip looked nervous.
“Fin never caged any of the birds, it is free to come and go. The greenhouse is open, circulating fresh air.” He pointed at open windows. “If it’s airborne, then…there should be more. I have already ruled that out, in my first assessment but to be sure…”
“Who will do this Fin?” Phillip sighed. “Does Fin have enemies?”
“Fin has lived a few hundred years, it’s possible…but he’s Fin. He doesn’t hurt anyone…they hurt him.” Magnus voice grew soft, he kneed down staring at a dead sparrow.
“Look at their eyes?…They’re open…each one of them.” Magnus pointed.
“What should we do?”
“We need samples of the feed, the water, and we need to take a closer look at the house…at the plants, the flowers…but first, we need to gather all the birds.”
Philip exhaled, he looked exhausted. He nodded and stepped towards the house, leaving Magnus alone. Magnus felted a cold chill at the tips of his fingers. It must be the early morning cold. He snapped his fingers and examined gloves appeared and wrapped around his hands. He inhaled, trying to hold his breath–the smell was foul. Magnus noted, the quick decayed smell was strange. The birds looked untouched and the air was cold and preserved. He walked around carefully observing the ground for any abnormalities until it hit him, another smell; a familiar one.
Arabian jasmine, the sweetness of its floral scent was captivating and bittersweet. He found it, growing at the far corner. White tiny blooms in the mist of lavish dark and lime color greens. It was beautiful and it reminded him of her, the second time in one 24 hours span. A small grin appeared as he stood still in its allure.
Suddenly, his heart jumped and crash of glasses fell on the jasmines. It was a large raven, wings spread wide and dark eyes staring directly at Magnus as it gasped for air. It struggled, flapping it’s wings against the tiny white flowers and greens. It was trapped and it was dying. Magnus stood still watching as the helpless bird’s last breath reached. The raven’s eyes left open, still had Magnus in it’s hold.
It felt forever, standing there. Watching it die.
“Magnus…Magnus…” his body shook. “…You’re bleeding.” He felt hands on him. It was Phillip. He looked worried reaching his hands on Magnus’ cheek. Magnus felt the trance broke, he could feel the cool liquid on his left cheek. It must have been the falling glass. “…Cat’s here.” He stood back, studying the new scene. “Are you okay?” He looked back Magnus.
“What happen?”
“It fell from the sky.”
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