#the layout is awful!! no balance at all it’s all over the place
whiskeyswifty · 1 year
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agentnatesewell · 8 months
Happy Valentine’s Day, lovely person 🌹
I always love reading your thoughts on UB, they are so well-thought out and insightful, and your writing is simply lovely. Above all, you’re a wonderful and sweet and uplifting presence in this fandom! 
Here’s a romance-themed OC question for any OC(s) of your choosing (no pressure to answer on Valentine’s day itself, or at all):
What combination of random objects would your OC use to describe their LI? What do they represent? Bonus question: What would their LI use to describe them?
Hello my friend! What a lovely and sweet message, and thank you for such nice compliments - you all make it so much fun to be here in this space. I hope you are having a lovely day filled with just that, love and happiness 💕
I’m going to answer for Nate x Suri, Adam x Layla
Anyone, really, can memorize the layout of a room, following an order to create a space to give the detective some semblance of home, a safe place in this world which is so new to them. An alternative reality which may be more real to any they’ve known before.
An armchair here, a vanity there, the right headboard to fit against the bed frame. It’d been a rewarding challenge to find a replica of the wallpaper, or rather wall stickers in the shape of large and fully bloomed peonies.
When he sees her now, in this room as an overnight guest - not a guest, he hopes she finds this to be a home, a secondary home - the crystal vases aren’t just filled with pre-designed bouquets but rather sweet roses or dramatic lilies, fully opened tulips when he can manage to find them.
She turns and the lingering fog of centuries of needing and wanting another lifts, her smile - dark and satin and deep, more purple than red, lipstick that will eventually smudge onto his mouth or the tip marker she uses for that board in her office as she mulls over the latest mission or case - it is radiant. She is radiance.
Surina leaves that fray edged, well read book of poetry on the vanity - consulted the previous night for a sonnet she’d recited against the heating skin of his neck. She sets down the perfume bottle - white jasmine an aura - and attaches the tennis bracelet around her wrist. Her first purchase, her first indulgence for herself, a rainbow of diamonds.
The familiar click of her heels is quieted by the plush carpet, sleek black and red bottomed, another indulgence. Nate and Adam had looked, in awe but really worry and confusion, her running over sidewalk and cobble stone and even through thick forest grasses, light and agile, balanced on the three inch high stilettos keeping her upright. Adam had called it impractical, Nate had commended the skill, and Surina stated that it was simply a return on investment.
He reaches for her when she nears, her hand further from him holding a worn silver and teal blue keychain, he will ask her the significance and she will tell him. But now, she takes his hand, and leads him out into the hallway. They have a date.
Since becoming an Agent, the usually well planned, down to a quarter of an hour well planned, Layla had mentioned a few gaps in her daily planner schedules.
And though he’d been quite serious in his response. Adam was still quite surprised when she’d agreed to train with him. After all, she knows where her deficiencies lie and needed to learn how to strengthen them. Where Adam thought she could and would do better, well that would keep her schedule full for the foreseeable future.
Waiting, arms folded at his chest, trying to keep his attention out the window for any sort of emergency or surprise threat, his gaze betrays him by taking note of what she’s placing in her cross-body satchel. No, not a betrayal, he really should be taking stock of how she prepares. To use for future missions.
An extra pair of glasses. Good. He’d recalled her frustration with their last ambush by trappers, the twist of the frame. Also remembers the deep blue of her eyes, dark and sparkling even in a moment of frustration while he righted the metal.
He clears his throat. She tells him she needs a moment longer.
Back at the window, he sees the reflected image of her, a tie, one of the many hair ties that seem to hide in every cushion and surface, around her fingers. Quick fingers work through the soft curls of her dark hair, plaiting and braiding before securing. Smart. Out of the way. Clear sight.
Adam rubs his hands together, stepping closer to her, they’ll be training in the forest again. Quiet. Soundless.
He groans, knowing that Layla has just stuck a piece of that insidious gum between her teeth and started to chew. How many times has he reminded her of a choking hazard?
Adam looks to her, eyes sharp, and she shrugs. Promises to spit it out before they start, and says - for the hundredth time since he’s met her - that tooth care is important, and she has dentist-sanctioned bubble gum. He should fact check.
She picks up her denim jacket, her signature he thinks, and slides it over her shoulders and over her arms. Today, he’ll tell her to keep the stiff materialed - actually, quite pleasantly worn - garment on today. Even for someone as well prepared as her, one cannot always dress appropriately for a fight.
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remycroft · 5 months
Cross my heart, hope you die || Heimdall X Reader
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Chapter 7 - Awakening
I woke up with tears dripping down my eyes, from the fact I cried in my dream I suppose it was the same in real life. I had the right to, I dreamt of a Utopia.
I get up, changed and decide to explore what is my temporary place of residence. I know the layout already from when I looked down from the wall but that's it. I could also see if I can find Atreus, find out where he's staying. I leave my room and focus my vision to search for him. I look around the lodge first and can't find him, I then move to the entirety of Gladsheim and find no sign, but Thrud in a training ground. She'll know where he is, and I can also apologise and try to bury the hatchet till I have to kill her come Ragnarok.
I make my way down and find her slicing at a training dummy aggressively with no form. "Do you want to talk about it?" I ask, revealing my position. She puts her sword to her waist and I jump down into the pit where her, Einherjar, and Valkyrie are training. "Not with you." The malice in her voice was clear.
"Look, Thrud -"
"Loki is with the All-father." That wasn't surprising. "That was one reason I was here, yes. But the other is to temporarily bury the metaphorical hatchet, I'm sorry. I hope you can forgive me and also understand my initial feelings." She looks me over and holds out her hand again, "You're forgiven." I let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you. What are you training for?"
"To become a Valkyrie." I smile, I see a way to make it up to her. "You know, my mother was the initial Valkyrie queen, She tought me a lot. Maybe I could help, if you'd allow me?"
"She's also a traitor but, at this point, I'd really like some." I take Thrungva in my hand and extend it. "You have to see the sword as an extension of yourself, you are to help it with it's use and it will allow you to control it. It's similar to magic, there needs to be a balance. You use fury and rage, which disrupts that balance. If you focus," I twist my arm ready to perform a strike, "and don't see it as an object to be wielded," I make the strike into the dummy, cutting its torso in half, the upper part falling to the floor, "you can get what you want from it, and the weapon gets what it wants."
I put Thrungva back in it's scabbard and see her face filled with bewilderment and awe. I make her face towards another training dummy, "Now, you try." She takes a breath and strikes with her sword, following what I did, apart from I see her tense her muscles when she follows through. It's better than what she did do, it cuts halfway through and is deep.
"Good effort, it'll take time. You've been taught strength and fury, patience is learned, not acquired." I hear a slow, taunting, clap from above and before I can look to who it is my attention is brought towards a Valkyrie landing, her sword hanging at her side, her hand on the grip. Shit. This couldn't be good.
"You think you're better than my teachings?"
"I mean, probably, she seems to have improved with what I've shown her." A laugh comes from the person above me, and I instantaneously know who it is, Heimdall. I don't allow my eyes to run to the Aesir and try and smack the smirk, I know is on his face, off it. "Alright, then. Fight me, and we'll see how effective you are."
"You don't have to fight me for it, you can see it in Thrud's improvement. I go to turn and leave the pit, past Heimdall and to the Great lodge. As I turn my back I feel a difference in the air, a higher density, something moving closer to me. I draw my sword and block the attack from the metal wing. "I know you're a valkyrie and that means you're good, but you can allow other interpretations. It allows a better education." I push her off and get into a defensive stance. My mother prepared me for this.
2 years ago...
"In your life and adventures, you may encounter adversaries from any opponent. Creatures, even without my help should be no problem for you, the real challenge will be people. The most fearsome are the Valkyries." My mother was queen of them, trained them, and was betrayed by them. If I was to fight one it would be like fighting her. "You will fight me and I will attempt to defeat you. Do not worry, my sweet, I will not harm you, much." I gulped, I knew this was the harsh truth of training, that I'd get hurt but I was scared at what she was becoming. I ready my sword, "Let the duel begin."
Present day
I got knocked on my ass in that fight, and the hundreds after. But that was fighting my mother, and she progressively went harder on me as I improved in the art that was sword fighting, this was the third Valkyrie queen who needed to learn not to piss me off.
The second I pushed her she rose up into the sky and attacked me with her metal wing, not as beautiful as my mother's, it was violent, made for killing. My mother told me they were meant to be elite warriors, protectors of Asgard, but they weren't. Corrupted by Odin, they became trained killers. I dodge the strike, not efficiently, as I was rewarded with my failure by a long cut across my calf. I winced and groaned in pain, but I stabilised myself and swung at her, slicing into her polished armour. "[N], you need to surrender. You can't fight a valkyrie, let alone it's Queen." I heard Thrud shout at me. Queen? I think back to a conversation I had with my mother and Sigrun, this was Gnà. She was originally Vanir but betrayed my mother, betrayed her home.
I was angry, there was this well of rage created when I learned of my father's death and it was wanting to burst to the surface. It wanted to be used, to help me take vengeance for everything my family lost. I looked around me using my peripherals not talking my eyes off my opponent who was taunting me, waiting for my next move. I saw the beauty of Asgard, something entirely logical and perfect, I saw Heimdall, not just my factional enemy but someone I wanted to give a slow death, and Thrud, a girl who has been, clearly, so intensely manipulated by Odin. I shifted my stance to an offensive one and allowed the rage, the hate, the sorrow, to fuel me. It forged me into something beautiful.
I waited for her to move, she did.
She flew up into the air her sword posed to strike and did a spinning motion into me. This time I dodged with ruthless efficiency and she fell into the wall. She attempted to push herself off and impales herself on my sword through the back of her spine, she let's out a scream and tries to move forward. I leave the sword in her back and grab my two of my knives to put in the tips of her wings. She uses this time to turn and charges at me, I put my arms up to flinch, a cowards move, but she is pushed back by something, maybe it was the wind, she'll be weak at the moment with a sword through her back.
I throw the knives into the tips of her wings, sticking her to the wall, and I pull the sword out of her back. I aim it at the space between her ribs that will impale her heart. "Last chance, surrender or I'll kill you, you traitorous bitch!" A song of vengeance was ringing in my ears, I wanted to kill her even if she surrendered. Screw honour, screw morality, impale her on my sword and let them find another queen. "[N], don't!" Atreus pleaded. My concentration broke and my sword lowered.
A flood of ravens appeared and I stepped back. I'm so dead.
"What is the meaning of this?" Odin yelled, "All-father!" Gnà screamed in pain, she was trying to get the daggers out of her wings but couldn't. Odin beckoned the daggers to him and they flew into his hands, freeing the valkyrie. He then turns to me, "Having a valkyrie at sword point is a commendable feat, [N]. Your mother taught you well." He then holds out my daggers to me which I go to take but he hold them back, "I understand you were defending yourself so there will be no punishment, so if you're scared, don't be. There's no need. Although, if you harm another person of asgardian citizenship there will be consequences, do you understand?" I nodded and he placed the daggers in my hand, "Go, relax for a bit. You've earned it." I happily obliged, I was so tired. I walked past everyone at the training ground, my eyes set on my path. I don't even realise Atreus was trying to talk to me, or Heimdall was giving me a look saying he knew something that I didn't.
I just wanted to cry and return to my mother. I'd been here one day and I was already getting into fights and almost killing people. My brother was the God of light and beauty, maybe I'm the Goddess of darkness and logic. Baldur was the son my mother doted on, while I was the one she couldn't look at for ten years. He, according to my mother, was kind as a child, outgoing, while I was isolated and since I had no one but my mother and the creatures, alone and miserable.
I walk into the great lodge, my sword and tunic still covered in Gnà's blood from when I stuck my sword into her back. "You look like you just came back from a battle. You already killing Asgardians or have you decided to give the All-father a chance?" Forseti jibes, I just push past him to my, no Baldur's room. I wasn't in the mood for talking to anyone. I notice his footfalls behind me as I continue walking, "Look, I'm sorry, do you want to talk about it?"
"I'm not in the mood for talking, especially to the enemy." I slam the door and sit down on the bed, combing my fingers through my hair. I've been here a day and I've already pretty much failed at my mission to protect Atreus, instead I'm just causing problems which will get me or him killed. I wanted to scream, I did. I let out a howl that I wished the other realms could here, that my mother would know I'm in pain and come help me. That my scream would open a gate to the realm between realms and bring me back to her. Instead I just cried.
The door silently opened and Forseti laid his sword at the side. "What part of saying I didn't want to speak and slamming the door in your face did you not understand?"
"I understood it, I just didn't want you to be alone. Word travels fast, I know what happened. It's pretty awesome you could take her on. I also understand how you feel, I know you feel alone, and lost." I rolled my eyes, "is there going to be a point to this?"
"I'm not your enemy. You are my kin and I'd like to know you. And you need an ally."
"I have an ally."
"What, the kid? You'll barely get to see him, with all the training he has to do and your patrols with Heimdall, you'll only have minutes a day." I'm sure that was intentional on the All-father's part, he just can't say that out loud. "Face the reality, [N], you're way out of your depth here, enemies in every corner. Just let us be temporary allies, until a battle comes where we may have to kill eachother." His logic was sound and I felt a relaxation wash over me. "I'd like to know you too, nephew." He smiled, and so did I.
The girl had power, I could admit that. Admitting it made me frightened, my dream of Asgard in flames, in her flames, seemed more like a premonition. She could see the logical path, making her perfect for the rebellion in terms of strategy. Her senses were almost as good as mine, making her an adversary to my own strength, especially since she could block me out. She was a skilled fighter, especially if she could take on Gnà and win. She couldn't miss a shot, even on me.
Then there was the wind that pushed Gnà back, I could feel the breeze of it myself before hand, it was blowing the other way. She redirected it to push her into that wall, I'm sure of it. The girl could control the flow of air, she didn't know it but I'm sure she could and if my dream was correct she had power, raw, unbridled power. I wanted her dead, I wanted the All-father to listen to me and allow someone to put a sword through her rotten heart.
I walked into the All-father's underground office, he proceeded to excuse the boy who was taking up all his attention now. He'd replaced favourites, first Baldur, now Loki. Thor could never be the favourite, he was too drunk and emotional, but me, I was the best, I've always strived to be the best. And the thanks I get is a Vanir girl who should have been thrown off the wall. I don't understand what I've done wrong. I give the boy a glare which made him recoil a bit as I walk down.
"You need to lay off of him, a little, you'll scare him." Good, he deserves it, "Of course, All-father."
"The girl, what do you think of her?" If I said what I thought of her, we'd be here all day and I have a realm to defend. "I think she's insubordinate, violent, and a threat to the security of the realm." He laughs, "I'm glad we agree, my son." My heart fluttered, "it seems Freya wasted no time in training her to the best of her ability, it doesn't help the girl doesn't miss a shot. It also doesn't help that she can block you out." I didn't tell him that she could block me out, "For Ymir's sake, Heimdall. Don't think I didn't know. I don't think less of you for it." I breathed a sigh of relief, not knowing what the girl was thinking was a sign of weakness for me. I'm glad I was the only one who saw it.
"I'm actually quite impressed with you. You've started to form a rift between her and the boy, sowed seeds of doubt in her mind. I'm trying to progress that with having the boy in as much as I can, but you, my precious son," the flutter returns, he values me, he just said he values me, I felt elated beyond compare. "You need to get close to her, the closer to her you get the more the boy will resent her." I was opposed to the idea of spending more time with her than I had to but I would do anything to appease the All-father, it was my purpose, my calling, I was born to serve him. "What do you suggest?"
"She's assigned to patrols with you, whatever missions you have, she will join you." I was going to despise this, I wanted to voice my disgust, that I had more precious matters to attend to such as guarding his realm than babysitting some demi-goddess, although I suppose if I had oversight of her then I could stop the destruction she'll bring. "I want you to use the time I give you with her against him. You have fun taunting him, I now give you my express permission. Emphasise on the point of her though, I want him to think less of her not us."
"Is that all, All-father?"
"Yes, you are excused." I go to leave but he catches me again, "And Heimdall, stop whining about dreams. They mean nothing." If it was an inconvenience to the All-father I suppose I had to. I'll not discuss my dream, but I will watch her like a hawk.
I walk through the Great Hall with the intention of returning to the wall but instead I find her, Thrud, and Loki. Oh, this is perfect. They were all smiling and she was laughing at something one of them had said or done, I don't care particularly. I go up to them on the end of the table and they all scowl, "I think we should move somewhere else." [N] suggests, "Oh, don't move on my account. I'm just here for you, sweetheart. We have patrol, let's go." She stays where she is and pretends like I'm not there, "Now. All-father's orders. The only exception of you staying is if the runt takes your place." I had said he would betray her on the way down from the wall, I also called him selfish and this gives me a way to prove it. She takes a deep breath and steps up, "I won't give you any opportunity to harm him up there or harrass him, I'll go with you." in the time between her getting up and us leaving the great lodge, the half-breed never goes after us, he doesn't offer himself up. Like I said, selfish.
When we leave the lodge the night was littered with stars, entrancing as always. Asgard truly was perfect in every way, the witch and the half-breed were lucky to not be killed on the spot. I continued walking to where Gulltoppr was, and I mounted the beast. She took a second to stroke him before mounting which was received by a soft purr from the Gradungr, she laughed slightly and he licked her in response, she then mounted behind me.
I didn't exactly know what to think of that interaction, it was strange to say the least. I do know that I was angry, how dare she attempt to domesticate Gulltoppr? He was meant to be a creature bred and controlled for war, not some house cat to be played with. "Don't touch my mount."
"Is this the part where you say he was bred for war and therefore I can't give Gulltoppr any sense of love?"
"Yes, exactly. Now stop or I'll push you off the wall and call it an accident." I'd be allowed to too, the All-father wanted her dead, the only person who needs to be lied to is the half-breed and perhaps my wretched niece and nephew. "Heimdall, I understand creatures and while I'd never heard of Gradungr before I came here, I understand Gulltoppr. He feels alone, he has you and yet he feels so isolated. He wants to protect you but is afraid of you. I see it in his eyes. I just want to help a creature, he won't become demosticated by knowing real care, only if you let him." Normally words or actions of others have no affect on me, for some reason this did, there was truth to her words I could sense it and I could also sense that she relates to how Gulltoppr is apparently feeling. I suppose I'd learned something of her life, she feels completely and utterly alone and that can be used to my advantage.
I then told Gulltoppr to move to the wall, holding the reins gently instead of tightly. When I got off at the wall, I held my hand onto his fur for a second longer than usual. I noticed, she didn't. I saw into Gulltoppr's mind, he'd noticed too and was happy about it, and what I said yesterday was even more true, he did love me the most. The witch was right, I would never admit it but she was. I still wanted her dead and will be so happy when mine and the All-father's plan comes to fruition. I make a note to listen to some of the things she says though, she may be slightly useful when it comes to trivial things.
I'm under the strong impression that when - if I leave Asgard the sight from the wall onto the plains of Ida will be the only thing I will miss, and I will miss it dearly. "Before you closed off your mind to me," An agonizing voice started, breaking my dream-like state and the happiness I felt at seeing the sight before me. "You said you couldn't let me see something and then blocked me out, what big secret are you hiding, sweetheart?" I turned round to gaze from one beautiful thing to another, annoying, but still beautiful. "Don't call me sweetheart." He took a step closer, I took a step back. "What are you going to do to stop me, sweetheart? You can't harm another Asgardian, or it's your head. " He emphasised the pet name, smirking, I felt the rage start to swell up inside me, "I suppose I can't stop you physically, but I can annoy the shit out of you if we're stuck together on your patrol."
"You still didn't answer my initial question?" Good, he stopped. "I'm not going to." And that's when I felt it, a sharp pain go off in my head. It felt like a sword running through me constantly trying to pierce my mind, Heimdall was forcing his gift on my own, trying to break me. I brought my hands to my head and dropped to my knees. "This can stop, only if you open your mind to me, sweetheart." That bloody nickname again, I don't know what strength came over me but in a flash of hot, blinding fury I was able to end his intrusion by grabbing him by his shirt and dangling him off the wall. "Stop this now!"
"You broke my concentration, it has stopped." His voice sounded desperate, afraid but he was right. I threw him back onto the wall. The rest of the night was a blissful silence, I reveled in it.
Heimdall didn't try to intrude again and I tried my best to feel free, not grossly violated. I failed in that and held myself in a ball the rest of the night. I walked back to the great lodge and I didn't fall asleep, I couldn't. I hoped I could avoid Heimdall as much as I could, I doubt that that would be the case.
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artmuseinterior · 2 months
Beyond Aesthetics: Can a Home Interior Designer in Singapore Help Improve Functionality Too?
Imagine this: you step into your dream home. It's stylish, impeccably decorated, and boasts all the latest design trends. But as the initial awe fades, a nagging feeling creeps in. The flow feels awkward, storage seems nonexistent, and everyday tasks become frustrating obstacles. This scenario highlights a common misconception about home interior designers in Singapore. While aesthetics are undeniably important, a skilled designer brings much more to the table. They possess the expertise to transform your living space into a haven of not just beauty, but also functionality.
Function Over Form? Not Quite!
Let's dispel the myth: a good home interior designer in Singapore doesn't prioritize function over form. Instead, they achieve a beautiful balance between the two. A stunning living room is great, but if navigating it feels like a game of Tetris, it quickly loses its appeal.
The Power of Smart Design
So, how can a home interior designer in Singapore improve the functionality of your space? Here are a few ways:
Space Planning: A designer can assess your home's layout and identify areas for improvement. They can help you optimize traffic flow, create designated zones for different activities, and maximize space utilization in even the most compact apartments.
Storage Solutions: Storage woes are a common problem in Singaporean homes. A home interior designer in Singapore can incorporate clever storage solutions that blend seamlessly with your design aesthetic. Think hidden cabinets, built-in shelves, and strategically placed furniture with integrated storage compartments.
Multifunctional Furniture: Limited square footage often necessitates furniture that pulls double duty. A home interior designer in Singapore can suggest space-saving furniture solutions like ottomans with built-in storage, sofa beds, and expandable dining tables.
Lighting Design: The right lighting scheme can dramatically improve the functionality of a space. A home interior designer in Singapore can create a layered lighting plan that caters to different needs – bright task lighting for work areas, warm ambient lighting for relaxation, and accent lighting to highlight specific features...read more
0 notes
openlyweird · 9 months
A Cozy Corner of Magic: Creating a Warm and Merry Christmas in a Living Room
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The twinkling lights, the scent of cinnamon and pine, and the joyous melodies all signal the arrival of the holiday season. When it comes to celebrating Christmas, one's own living room can transform into a little haven of warmth and love. This blog post will provide you with all the necessary elements to create that perfect cozy Christmas atmosphere in your living room that will leave your family and friends in awe. (The warmth and joy of Christmas can come alive in your own living room by following these simple steps)
The Heart of it All - The Christmas Tree
The Christmas tree is the heart and soul of any festive living room. This is where it all begins. The first step is to decide on the tree itself - whether you'd like a natural or artificial one. Both have their own sets of advantages and disadvantages. The sweet scent of a natural tree invokes feelings of home and nostalgia, but it also requires more maintenance. On the other hand, an artificial tree is less messy and can be re-used every year.
Once you have chosen the perfect tree, it's time to consider the décor. The ornaments, lights, and tinsel must complement one another to create harmony in the living room. To achieve that, it is important to decide on a theme for your tree. Have a subtle or vibrant color scheme in mind, and let that steer your choices of decorations. Be cohesive and consistent as you hang the baubles or weave the garland around the branches.
Inviting Comfort - The Seating Arrangement
The seating arrangement is crucial in making your guests feel welcome and comfortable during the festivities. With Christmas in a living room, you need to strike the perfect balance between aesthetics and coziness with your furniture layout. Experiment with different variations and decide on the most practical and inviting setup.
Apart from the placement, also ensure your seating is comfortable, welcoming, and dressed up for the season. Draping soft, festive blankets over your sofas and chairs add a touch of warmth and charm. Bring in cushions with festive designs that complement your room's color palette. Ultimately, you want your guests to feel welcome, invited, and surrounded by the spirit of Christmas as they settle into your living room.
Lights, Camera, Christmas! - Illuminating your Living Space
Illumination is key to creating that picturesque Christmas atmosphere. Strands of twinkling fairy lights, warm glow of candles, and the flickering flames of a fireplace can instantly make your living room feel magical. Cleverly place twinkling lights around the room: around windows, mantles, or even woven into garlands placed along bookshelves or stair railings.
Candles, when used safely, offer a sense of intimacy and warmth to the living room. Opt for scented candles that bring in festive fragrances such as cinnamon, gingerbread, or spiced orange. If you have a fireplace, lighting it on Christmas evening brings an unparalleled coziness to the room, inviting your loved ones to gather around and share stories.
Christmas in a Living Room - Unforgettable Table Settings
A beautifully set table adds a touch of elegance to any Christmas celebration. Choose a color scheme and tablecloth that matches your overall living room décor. Layer your table with decorative placemats and elegant chargers to create a foundation for your dining experience.
A thoughtful centerpiece can enhance the atmosphere and serve as a conversation starter. Consider using a seasonal floral arrangement, pinecones, ornaments, or even a beautifully decorated gingerbread house. Complete the look by adding festive napkins, glassware, and candleholders to the table setting.
Sounds of the Season - Christmas Music and Entertainment
Christmas tunes are the perfect way to envelop your living room in holiday cheer. Curate a playlist of your favorite Christmas songs, from classic carols to contemporary favorites. It sets the mood and brings a touch of nostalgia to your event.
In addition to music, consider creating a dedicated space for other forms of entertainment. Make a cozy reading corner, where guests can flip through holiday-themed books or magazines. You can also set up an area for playing board games or watching festive films as a group.
Festive Treats and Tidbits - Food and Drinks
Christmas in a living room wouldn't be complete without a delicious spread of treats and beverages. Have a mix of savory bites and sweet treats like cheese platters, holiday-themed cookies, and a chocolaty yule log. Keep the drinks flowing with classic Christmas beverages such as eggnog, mulled wine, and hot cocoa.
Keep the food and beverages easily accessible, so your family and friends can enjoy them throughout the evening. Set up a festive food station, allowing guests to serve themselves and mingle with ease.
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global-education · 10 months
Revealing The Unknown Facts About Chichen-Itza 🌄
Chichen-Itza, one of the most iconic archaeological sites in Mexico, has long captivated the imagination of travelers and historians alike. Known for its stunning Mayan ruins and rich history, this ancient city holds numerous secrets waiting to be unveiled. In this exploration, we'll delve into the depths of Chichen-Itza, uncovering some lesser-known facts that will leave you in awe. 🏛️
Mayan Wonder:
Chichen-Itza is often hailed as the ultimate expression of ancient Mayan civilization. Its name translates to "At the mouth of the well of Itza," hinting at its unique geographical significance.
Kukulkan's Pyramid:
The most famous structure at Chichen-Itza is the pyramid dedicated to Kukulkan, the feathered serpent god. This pyramid is not just a marvel of architecture but also an astronomical wonder. 🌞
Equinox Phenomenon:
During the spring and autumn equinoxes, an astonishing optical illusion occurs on the pyramid. As the sun sets, a series of triangular shadows cascade down the stairs, creating the illusion of a snake slithering down the pyramid, symbolizing Kukulkan's descent.
Ingenious Acoustics:
The Pyramid of Kukulkan is designed with exceptional acoustic properties. Clap your hands at the base, and you'll hear an echo resembling the chirping of a quetzal bird, which was considered sacred by the Mayans.
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Ball Court Mysteries:
Chichen-Itza boasts the largest known ball court in Mesoamerica. The game played here, known as Pok-ta-Pok, had profound religious and cultural significance, often leading to human sacrifices.
Temple of the Warriors:
This grand structure features a thousand columns that create an awe-inspiring sight. It's believed to be a place for warriors to gather before battles, and its carvings tell tales of their valor.
Sacred Cenote:
The Sacred Cenote, a natural sinkhole, held tremendous spiritual importance. It was used for offerings to the gods, including precious objects and even human sacrifices.
Astronomical Observatory:
El Caracol, an ancient observatory at Chichen-Itza, was used by Mayan astronomers to study the movement of celestial bodies. Its spiral staircase and unique architecture are truly remarkable.
Mayan Calendar Connection:
Chichen-Itza's layout is intricately linked to the Mayan calendar system. The number of steps, platforms, and the division of the city into 9 sections all correspond to Mayan timekeeping.
Mysterious Decline:
Around the 10th century, Chichen-Itza mysteriously declined and was abandoned. The reasons for this remain a subject of debate among historians.
Architectural Influence:
Chichen-Itza's architecture shows a mix of Mayan and Toltec styles, suggesting a significant cultural exchange.
World Heritage Site:
In 1988, UNESCO declared Chichen-Itza a World Heritage Site, recognizing its cultural and historical significance.
Restoration Efforts:
Extensive restoration work has been carried out over the years to preserve the site's integrity. This has allowed visitors to witness its grandeur in its near-original state.
Challenging Preservation:
Chichen-Itza faces challenges like erosion, pollution, and the impact of mass tourism. Efforts are ongoing to balance the preservation of its heritage with sustainable tourism.
Hidden Chambers:
Recent research using advanced technology has revealed the existence of hidden chambers and tunnels beneath the Pyramid of Kukulkan. The purpose of these chambers remains a mystery.
Avenue of the Dead:
The main road leading to Chichen-Itza is often referred to as the "Avenue of the Dead," drawing parallels to the famous road at Teotihuacan in Central Mexico.
Artifacts and Treasures:
Many valuable artifacts have been unearthed at Chichen-Itza, shedding light on the daily lives and religious practices of the Mayans.
Sacred Geometry:
The layout of Chichen-Itza is believed to adhere to sacred geometrical principles, with buildings aligned to celestial events and natural features.
Role in Trade:
Chichen-Itza served as a central hub for trade routes connecting the Yucatan Peninsula with other Mesoamerican regions.
Legends and Myths:
The city is steeped in legends and myths, including tales of its creation by the god Itzamna and its eventual abandonment due to conflicts.
Modern-Day Celebrations:
Chichen-Itza is still a place of celebration during important Mayan festivals, where descendants of the ancient civilization gather to honor their heritage.
Cenote Exploration:
Divers have ventured into the Sacred Cenote to uncover ancient offerings and gain insights into the Mayan rituals held there.
Chichen-Itza in Pop Culture:
The site has made appearances in various movies, books, and video games, cementing its status as an iconic archaeological wonder.
Conservation Challenges:
Balancing tourism with preservation is an ongoing challenge. Sustainable tourism practices and responsible visitor behavior are crucial for its survival.
Intriguing Future Discoveries:
Chichen-Itza continues to be a source of fascination and a place of ongoing research. Future discoveries are likely to reveal more about its mysteries.
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techblogspot · 1 year
The Enchanting Splendor of Howrah Bridge: A Symbol of Kolkata's Magnificence
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Spanning across the mighty Hooghly River, the Howrah Bridge stands tall as an emblem of Kolkata's grandeur and architectural marvel. This iconic structure, officially known as Rabindra Setu, has been an integral part of the city's landscape since its completion in 1943. In this blog post, we delve into the captivating beauty, historical significance, and cultural symbolism of the Howrah Bridge, a true masterpiece that continues to awe visitors and locals alike.
Architectural Brilliance:
The Howrah Bridge is an extraordinary display of engineering excellence and artistic finesse. Its cantilever design, devoid of any nuts or bolts, is a testament to the ingenuity of its builders. The intricate network of steel girders and rivets creates a mesmerizing visual spectacle, showcasing the bridge's structural strength and architectural elegance.
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Majestic Presence:
As one approaches the Howrah Bridge, its towering pillars and impressive towers command attention. The symmetrical layout of the bridge exudes a sense of balance and grandeur, further enhanced by its massive steel structure. Whether witnessed from afar or up close, the bridge leaves an indelible impression, reflecting the spirit of a city that is both vibrant and resilient.
Illuminated Splendor:
The beauty of the Howrah Bridge reaches its pinnacle as dusk descends upon Kolkata. As the sun sets, vibrant lights illuminate the bridge, transforming it into a mesmerizing spectacle. The bridge's radiant glow reflects off the tranquil waters of the Hooghly River, casting a captivating aura and creating a magical ambiance that enchants all who witness it.
Cultural Icon:
Beyond its architectural magnificence, the Howrah Bridge holds deep cultural significance for the people of Kolkata. It has served as a backdrop for countless films, inspiring poetry, and becoming a muse for artists. The bridge has seamlessly woven itself into the city's cultural fabric, representing the spirit, resilience, and vibrancy of Kolkata and its inhabitants.
Historical Timelessness:
The Howrah Bridge has stood the test of time, witnessing the evolution of Kolkata over the years. It has survived natural calamities, urban development, and the passage of countless lives. The bridge stands as a silent sentinel, preserving the memories of the past while embracing the present, acting as a living testimony to the city's rich history.
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The Howrah Bridge, with its architectural splendor, cultural significance, and timeless appeal, encapsulates the essence of Kolkata. It stands as a symbol of the city's magnificence, capturing the hearts and imaginations of all who encounter its grandeur. A visit to Kolkata is incomplete without marveling at this iconic structure, as it transcends its functional purpose to become a true embodiment of the city's soul. The Howrah Bridge, forever etched in the collective memory, remains a cherished symbol of Kolkata's grandeur, resilience, and unwavering spirit. apart from this there many more countless best places in india to visit in india.
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esoutherngolf · 1 year
Juniper Preserve Resort: Experience the Serenity
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Experience the Serenity of Juniper Preserve Resort Experience the epitome of golfing bliss at Juniper Preserve Golf Club, where nature seamlessly meets championship-level golf. Located in the high desert of Bend, Oregon, Juniper Preserve Resort offers unparalleled amenities and awe-inspiring vistas of the Cascade Mountains, making it the perfect destination to unwind and escape. Pronghorn Golf Club at Juniper Preserve Pronghorn Golf Club boasts a unique golfing experience crafted in collaboration with renowned golf course architects Jack Nicklaus and Tom Fazio to create a one-of-a-kind golfing experience that beautifully captures every aspect of the game. Prepare to be captivated by the meticulously manicured greens, strategically placed bunkers, and undulating fairways that make every shot a thrilling challenge. Both courses offer a unique and challenging golfing experience that will impress even the most seasoned golfers. Take in the breathtaking scenery around you and allow it to inspire you as you play on either of these championship courses. The Jack Nicklaus Signature Course The 7,460-yard par 72 championship golf course with views of the Cascade Mountains, Smith Rock, and numerous buttes offers a challenging yet strategically designed course for enjoyment at all ability levels. The Jack Nicklaus Signature Course at Juniper Preserve is a testament to the legendary golfer's expertise and vision. The course provides a challenging yet enjoyable experience for individuals of all skill levels, with breathtaking views of the Cascade Mountains, Smith Rock, and various buttes. Seamlessly blending with the natural beauty of Juniper Preserve, utilizing the existing contours and features of the land to create a visually stunning and strategically engaging layout. With its well-placed bunkers, undulating fairways, and thoughtfully designed greens, the course demands precision and strategic thinking from golfers, rewarding skillful play with a sense of accomplishment. Enjoy a unique golfing experience with a "desert-style" twist at the Nicklaus course, with its impressive 7,460 yards and par 72. Allow the breathtaking scenery to inspire you as you play on one of the 100 best public courses in the U.S. The Tom Fazio Championship Course An exclusive, one-of-a-kind course designed by Tom Fazio is 7,462 yards and par 72. It fits the terrain of the high desert and the juniper trees very well while challenging players of all levels. The Tom Fazio Championship Course at Juniper Preserve showcases the brilliance and artistry of renowned golf course architect Tom Fazio. With a career spanning over five decades and countless accolades, Fazio's creations are known for seamlessly blending with their natural surroundings while providing a captivating and strategic golfing experience. The exceptional Tom Fazio Championship Course at Juniper Preserve showcases the designer's brilliance, bringing the game to unparalleled levels of excellence. The beautiful display of nature and design perfectly harmonizes in this 7,462-yard par 72 course carved into the rocky high desert landscape with abundant juniper trees. The course also features strategically placed bunkers and water hazards, adding aesthetic beauty and challenges. These hazards require golfers to make calculated decisions, ensuring an exciting round of golf. Fazio's design philosophy shines through, striking a delicate balance between playability and difficulty, making the course a true test for golfers of all skill levels. Juniper Preserve Resort Accommodations When you stay at Juniper Preserve Resort, you'll be treated to a range of luxurious accommodations that perfectly blend comfort, sophistication, and the stunning allure of the natural surroundings. Every detail has been carefully crafted to cultivate an atmosphere of tranquility and comfort, ensuring guests feel completely at home during their stay. Private outdoor terraces and expansive glass windows offer breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes, allowing guests to immerse themselves in the beauty of Juniper Preserve. Whether you choose a cozy room or an expansive suite, you can expect impeccable service and attention to detail throughout your stay at Juniper Preserve Resort. Juniper Preserve Resort Dining Juniper Preserve Resort offers an exceptional dining experience that caters to every palate. With various culinary options, guests can indulge in various delectable dishes crafted with locally sourced ingredients. The Cascada provides an elegant setting where expert chefs create culinary masterpieces, showcasing the flavors of the region. You should check out the Trailhead Grill for a casual atmosphere. This eatery serves seasonal dishes made with fresh ingredients, microbrews, and specialty cocktails - the perfect accompaniment to summertime fun. No matter where you choose to dine at Juniper Preserve Resort, expect impeccable service, a warm and inviting ambiance, and a culinary journey that will leave you craving for more. #juniperpreserve For more information, visit juniperpreserve.com Read the full article
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chut-je-dors · 1 year
How is your dog taateli doing? And you afther the house fire
Aw <3 surprised you remember his name, I don't think I've mentioned him over here in a while! he's doing very well thank you (actually he's just bothering me cos it's his dinner time, haha), and me included! It's been... it's been, well, really rough, for some time, but I'm now finally doing really well! I'm finishing up my studies, I have a steady job as a graphic designer and book layout designer, and two months ago we moved to a lovely flat that feels like I could stay here for years to come if all goes well. It's spacious enough for the two of us...
... or the three of us, 'cos I'm getting a second dog! This time it's a puppy, a "sporty" French bulldog that has been bred to have healthy lungs and snout, and a healthy back, still retaining that lovely personality that they have. I'm getting the puppy from my friend and they were born about a week ago! So from the beginning of July me and Taateli will NOT be doing fine since there's going to be a MONSTER living with us, hahah. Tbh i can't wait!!
But yeah! I'm doing very well, finally feel like I'm healing properly and can lead a normal life, and Taateli has enjoyed this new place a lot too, we have our own yard and the forest is just a minute away by foot, so walks are easy. He's still suspicious and anxious around new people but other than that he appears as a calm, well-balanced housedog. A little passive at times since he doesn't really know how to entertain himself and instead of asking me, he'll just... lie somewhere and stay passive, but I'm betting the puppy will change that! It'll be good for the both of us in the long run, I hope, otherwise I'm making a huge mistake haha
(taateli has proceeded to lay down at my feet and whine like he's dying so imma go and feed him now haha)
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upcloseandchaotic · 4 years
Girls’ Night
This idea has been bouncing in my head for a while mostly as a distraction from doing my other WIPs. It was also originally supposed to be short.... I don’t know what happened 🤷🏼‍♀️
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Summary: After helping Bucky with a rough round of nightmares, you decide that you need to have a Girls’ Night with your friends.
One Shot; 2,478 words 
Disclaimer: Bucky, Natasha, and Wanda are not my characters.
Characters: Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanova, Wanda Maximoff, Female!Reader
Relationships: Bucky x Female!Reader
In the sunlight his hair was a soft chestnut color, but now as you ran your hand through it and wrapped the silky locks between your fingers, the night seemed to darkened it to where someone could mistake it for black, almost as dark as the night sky. You hummed to yourself, imagining what his hair would look like filled with falling stars and circling planets, but then quietened down as you heard his voice start rumbling in his chest, a pained groan building in his throat.
Soon Russian words started falling sharply from his lips. His arms and legs started twitching, his brow furrowing. You quickly grabbed your phone from the side table, pressing the button to open your notes app and started writing down everything that seemed important, like names or locations. It looked as if his nightmare from a couple of hours before was coming back, but this time his dream went more in depth. You were able to pull some ideas of where this “vault” was located, names of people, random words that you think were once used to help program him. It hurt for you to watch him twisting and turning, crying out in pain, it left you feeling helpless even though you knew from experience that waking him up would just make it worse.
The longer it continued you felt a rage start simmering down in the pit of your stomach. It burned as if a coal had finally caught a flicker of a flame and grew until your hands were shaking and you were silently fighting with yourself to stay there with him and not go find the people responsible for his pain. 
Once his murmurs turned into more like whimpers and his twitching started to slow, you started whispering sweet nothings into his ear and gently combing his hair back from his sweating face. Slowly, without waking up from his dream, he started to relax back into the bed and eventually you can hear light snores signalling that he has fallen back into a dreamless sleep. Before you slide back into your spot beside him you grab your phone and send a message to Wanda and Natasha. Girls’ Night soon?
Wanda was probably still asleep, seeing as it was around five in the morning, but you weren’t surprised to see three dots flashing. Natasha seemed to have an uncanny sense of when Bucky was having nightmares and always seemed to be awake.
Yes! I’ll bring the nail polish! 💅
You smiled and sent back a gif before turning your phone off and threw it back onto the nightstand. Reaching out to Bucky, you smiled as he unconsciously moved to accommodate you; his arm wrapped around your shoulders and when you tucked yourself into his right shoulder he turned, curling up around you and throwing his metal arm around your waist. You could feel the warm huffs against the top of your head and his usual scent of spice, leather and gunmetal surrounded you. With the sound of his heartbeat in your ear and the warmth of his body seeping into you you close your eyes and drift off into a deep, dreamless sleep.
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You were standing in the kitchen putting together a cheese and cracker plate when you felt two hands circling around from behind you, one warm and soft and the other cool and hard. They wandered under his shirt you were wearing and started creeping upwards slowly with gentle caresses.
Smiling softly, you put the crackers and cheese down to place your hands over his, halting his movement and . “What are you doing, Buck?”
Bucky’s chin dropped onto your shoulder and he whispered into your ear. “Do I really have to go, doll? You know I don’t care about what you all talk about. I’ll even let you and the girls paint my nails.”
You sighed and twisted around so you could stare into his aquamarine-colored eyes, which were trying to pretend to be charming but actually belied his nerves. He always required some more physical reassurance after having a bad bout of nightmares, and as much as you wanted to allow him to stay so you could comfort him you knew that this Girls’ Night was necessary and that he couldn’t be here. To ease some of his discomfort, though, you pulled him towards you and reached up to cup one cheek. He sighed and leaned into it and you watched as some of the tension in his jaw relaxed.
“Baby, I wish you could. If it was any other night it would be fine, but tonight it really has to be just us girls.” Bucky gave a dejected huff and closed his eyes, leaning a little bit more into your hand, “But I will take up your offer to paint your nails. I have a really pretty blue color that would match your eyes.”
When he opened his eyes again you could see a glint of mischievousness flash briefly and before you could blink he had a grip on your thighs and had you up in the air. You squeaked and quickly wrapped your legs around his waist. He laughed and sat you on the counter next to your half-done cheese and cracker plate. You gave him a mock glare and lightly smacked his chest.
“Don’t be like that, Doll,” Bucky crooned. He stepped forwards so that he was standing between your legs, pressed up against you. Leaning forwards, he hovered his lips so that they were a hairsbreadth apart from yours. You got a clear whiff of his favorite cologne and the mint toothpaste he used. “I was just havin’ a bit of fun. We both know how much you like it when I pick you up like the babydoll you are.”
“That’s true, but the girls are going to be here any moment and I still have a lot of stuff to finish getting ready. Also don’t you have to meet Steve and Sam in about 20 minutes anyways? You still have a 15 minute drive, Buck.”
He hummed, pulling your wrist off of his face to read the time on your watch. When he saw that he was going to run late he grumbled but backed off, allowing you to hop down from the counter but close enough that he could keep his hands on your arms in case you lost your balance.
You hurriedly finished up making the plate of appetizers while Bucky begrudgingly went and collected his wallet and keys and then you both met up at the doorway.
“Have fun with Steve and Sam, baby. Call me if you need me,” You say, leaning up to give him a chaste kiss. Before you could step back, though, he snuck a hand into your hair, keeping you close as he proceeded to deepen the kiss. After a few minutes though someone knocked loudly on the door, startling both of you into separating. When you and Bucky gathered enough braincells to answer the door, Natasha and Wanda were standing there, smirking and giggling at the dazed look on both of your faces.
“Come on, Barnes, it’s our turn with Y/N. You can have her later tonight,” Natasha joked, pushing past you and Bucky to place the wine bottles she brought with her on the living room table. Wanda snuck past too, dropping her bag onto the couch before starting to search for wine glasses in the kitchen.
Bucky chuckled, ignoring the two girls as he dropped another kiss onto your lips. “Yeah, yeah, I hear ya. Bye, babydoll, I’m countin’ down the seconds until I come back to you.”
You rolled your eyes but smiled as you heard a mixed chorus of fake gagging and awe-ing behind you. “Go on, Buck, I’ll see you later.”
“Don’t use all of the nail polish, ladies! I look forward to my manicure when I get home!” he shouted as he walked away, smiling brightly as you laughed. You stayed there, leaning against the doorway to watch him until he disappeared on the stairs.
“Hate to see him leave?” Wanda asked as you closed the door and stepped back into the apartment.
“But love to watch him go,” You sighed dreamily. Natasha groaned and threw a pillow at you, causing you and Wanda to break out into laughter.
“Okay, okay! Truce!” You cried, throwing your hands up.
“Fine,” Natasha conceded, “You live to see another day, Y/N… Now, what information did you find the other night?”
As Wanda opened the bottle of wine and set it to the side to let it breathe, you pulled up your notes and explained what Bucky had said during his latest nightmare as well as what you had been able to find from an initial search. Natasha stayed quiet during your explanation, responding with nothing but the occasional nod, and Wanda pulled her laptop out of her bag, starting it up and opening the files you all had compiled and sent them.
At the end of your report Natasha poured the wine into the glasses and took a quick sip. “This place sounds familiar to me, but I’m not 100% sure I have been there. I think maybe they used it as a threat in the Red Room? What were the names he mentioned again?”
When you repeated them, Wanda chimed in with “I think I’ve heard about that place, it’s in Siberia. Pietro and I were almost sent there a couple of times, they told us it was their top training facility.”
“Could you point it out on a map, Wanda?” You asked, quickly pulling up a map of Serbia on your phone.
“I think I could…here let me see.”
Wanda looked over the map and you bit your lip, twisting the wine glass between your fingers, anxious to see if you guys would have a break through.
“Here,” she said, pointing at a spot in the Balkan Mountains, “It’s closer to Serbia and it’s hidden deep inside one of the mountains.”
“I’ll try and see if I can pull some layout plans from the upload you did, Nat,” You said, reaching for Wanda’s laptop. As you did your deep diving into the files, Natasha and Wanda made a quick order for food from the Italian place around the corner.
Right after the food came in and Wanda had refilled all of the glasses, you gave a short cry of triumph and flipped the computer around to show them the layout of the Hydra base, as well as the information needed to get in. The three of you smirked while raising your glasses in a toast, celebrating that for once you were able to get all of the information needed..
The rest of the night was spent making a plan of attack and then double and triple-checking to make sure everything would go as planned.
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You slipped into your apartment silently, placing your heels next to the door and padding softly down the hallway. The whole apartment was dark except for the lights of the busy New York street shining through the window. Using the little bit of light and muscle memory you managed to weave around the furniture, setting your jacket and purse gently on the living room table on your way to your room.
You could see Bucky, sprawled on his side of the bed, body facing the door as if he had tried staying up so he could make sure you got in all right. You sighed, letting your body sag against the door frame briefly even though you winced as your sore muscles ached, a reminder of what you had gotten up to tonight. Even though, originally, it was supposed to be just Wanda and Nat infiltrating the base, you had had to go in to hack some computers. It was just bad luck that those computers were guarded by some giant, beefed up Hydra goon who seemed to be immune to effects of a fucking taser. Needless to say, it was extra satisfying when he did eventually succumb to Natasha’s famous thigh chokehold.
Bucky was snoring lightly, but it seemed as if his sleep would be undisturbed tonight, almost as if his body sensed that one more nightmare was no more. You stepped forwards and cursed loudly as you tripped over his combat boots and went sprawling across the floor. As Bucky startled awake and flipped on the light, you sat there hissing and briefly wondered how satisfying it would be to just throw them in the trash right in the moment.
“Babydoll?” he asked, his voice rough and low as if he were still half asleep, “Is that you?”
“Yeah, it’s me,” you huffed, wincing as you climbed back up,, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you. Go back to sleep, Buck.” 
“Don’t worry about it, I was waiting on you anyways.” Bucky pushed himself up the bed and sat back to watch as you started to gather all of your supplies to get ready for bed. “How was your Girls’ Night? Did you get some free drinks tonight?”
“You know it,” you shot back, winking over your shoulder. You heard his breath hitch as you drew your dress up and off, revealing your black lace thong and push up bra. You turned around and before he could say something you know would lead to both of you not getting any sleep that night, you pointed a finger at him and said, “Not a word, buster.”
Bucky raised his hands in the air with an innocent expression on his face that was quickly overtaken by a charming smile, “I wasn’t goin’ to say nothin’, doll….but now that you mention it, that set does looks stunning on you.”
“Ah ah!,” You cried, wagging your finger once more, “It is 2 AM, James Buchanan Barnes, and we are both exhausted. We’re getting some sleep before anything else, ya hear?” Bucky laughed but agreed, sinking further into the bed the closer you got to finishing your nightly routine. By the time you were climbing into bed yourself his eyes his body had sunk into the bed and his eyes were slowly blinking. Once you were comfortably resting on your side facing him he tucked an arm across your waist and pressed his hand between your shoulder blades, pulling you closer to his body until you both were unable to figure out where one started and the other ended.
“I’m glad you had a fun night with the girls, babydoll,” Bucky whispered into your hair groggily.
“Thanks, baby,” You whispered, smiling as you heard the soft huffs of his breath above your head. You kissed the shoulder closest to you and sighed as you sank into the warmth of his body, the bed, and the knowledge that Bucky was now safe from one more nightmare.
tags: @babiiface95
Dividers by: @whimsicalrogers
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strawberrylemonz · 4 years
Strictly Business
Part 3
Part 4 [CURRENT]
Part 5
DT: @lynnarts @snapdragonfirefly @artistconk
Techno was busy today. Tommy couldn’t help but notice that the king was becoming more and more busier as the days turned to years. He couldn’t really complain, he was busy too. He was a big man, after all! Big men have big men things to do! Besides, Tommy was eight now! He had big man classes to take! He had to be the cool one and attend to his princely matters. Life was great, but it was also boring as days went by. Don’t get him wrong, he enjoyed his time in the castle. The only downside was his repetitive schedule whilst he grows older. Going into his daily lessons was starting to become boring and lonely, no matter how many instructors and guards were around him. As much as he cared for and appreciated everyone, he desperately wanted friends. More importantly, he wanted friends his age.
“Prince Theseus, you did wonderfully! That concludes today’s lesson! Be sure to go over all of the study material for testing. Have a nice afternoon.”
His instructor didn’t even wait for him to answer, packing up and leaving the room. The young prince sighed, boredom already filling him. Peeking out the room, he took note that his usual guards weren’t there. Slowly creeping out, he peered over the corner to see them conversing with each other. Peeking over to the nearest clock, he realized that his instructor had dismissed him early. Smiling to himself, he quietly slipped away. Once he was sure that he wasn’t being watched, he slipped behind a pillar. Crawling into a small hole behind it, he stood up into the secret tunnels. He had discovered the tunnels after his seventh birthday. He spent so long in them, cleaning and decorating them, that he had the entire layout of the castle memorized. It was the answer to how he managed to never miss a class so far, which impressed everyone. It was his little secret, one that he loved. Making his way down the tunnels, he swapped his princely coat for a brown cloak he left in the tunnels to work as a backup disguise. He had successfully changed into his casual shoes as he finally came across a wall. Moving a bit of stone out of the way, he peered into the cellar of the castle. After confirming that it was empty, he crawled out and returned the stone. Scrambling to the cellar doors that led outside, he carefully opened them. He suppressed a giggle as he made it outside, unseen.
“Are the carts ready to go?”
He heard people approaching, their voices growing in volume as they walked closer to his direction. Looking around, he hummed as he climbed into a cart of hay. Squeezing himself into the hay as a hiding spot, he suppressed his laughter as he felt the cart move. After a few minutes, he peeked out to see that he was out of the castle walls and in the city. Wonderful. He waited until the cart stopped at the edge of the city before getting out. Smiling to himself, he happily set off to search for adventure in the unexplored parts of the city.
The water looked beautiful. Tommy happily watched the fish swim about the docs, a bundle of flowers in his hand as he studied their colors and forms. He was content with just sitting there, listening as the citizens went about their day. His smile faltered, however, when he heard yelps. Peering to the right of him, he saw some older boys follow two boys into the woods. The two boys, who appeared to be around Tommy’s age, seemed nervous. Puffing his cheeks in anger and annoyance, Tommy stood to his feet and stomped over to the group. He watched as the older preteens pushed the two boys to the ground, laughing as they teased the two. Tommy had enough of it. Putting the flowers in his knapsack, he stormed up the older boys, anger fueling him. These pricks didn’t have the right to be such jerks!
“Hey! Leave them alone!”
The older boys turned to face Tommy, who stood behind them in a confident stance. He crossed his arms in annoyance as the older boys barked out in laughter. They couldn’t see the anger that was filling the boy’s eyes, eyes hidden beneath the hood of his cloak.
“Aw, da wittle baby came to save his fwiends?”
“What are you gonna do, brat? Cry?”
Tommy was fuming! He wasn’t a baby! He was a big man! As prince, it was his job to take care of the people of the kingdom! Picking up a large stick, Tommy pointed it at the boys with confidence.
“I’ll fight you!”
And he did. Despite his size, he was able to do pretty good damage to his foes. Despite the lack of experience due to Techno just now putting him in lessons, he held his own for a good amount of time. But a stick in the hands of a child could only do so much. As he swung at the knees of another boy, he was intercepted. His stick was snatched away, causing him to momentarily lose his balance. He couldn’t help the yelp that escaped his lips as he was snatched up by the collar of his cloak.
“Aw, is the baby scared now that he’s been stopped? You really shouldn’t have done that, brat. Now, we’re gonna make you regret it.”
Tommy gave no shits. Screaming a string of curse words he picked up from the guards who were off duty, Tommy reeled back his foot. Using all his strength, he kicked the boy in the crotch with all his might. The boy cursed, doubling over in pain. Tommy used this chance to try and run to the terrified boys he was helping, but he was stopped. A friend of crotch boy pulled him into the air.
“You little shit! You’re gonna pay for that!”
The next thing Tommy knew, he was pummeling towards a sharp rock. That was the moment that Tommy realized he had been thrown to the ground. Remembering the safety lessons he was taught, he covered his head as he hit the ground, the sharp rock cutting his cheek. Anger and hurt filled him as tears filled his eyes, head swimming with many thoughts as laughter filled the air. Wiping away his tears, Tommy returned to his feet, turning to face the older boys. The laughter instantly stopped. Tommy was confused by their widened eyes, fear filling their gazes. He reached up to wipe the blood that was trailing from his cut, only to realize why they were acting weird. His hood was off.
“The prince!”
“Shit! Run, quick!”
“Fuck, the king is gonna be pissed off! Scurry!”
Fucking cowards. Huffing, Tommy frowned at his dirtied clothes, along with his bruises and scrapes. Pa was not going to like this.
“You were so cool!”
“Yeah! Thank you!”
Tommy turned to see the two boys happily yapping about how cool Tommy had looked when he stood up and fought against the older boys. He blinked a few times, a small smile finding its way to his face.
“Yeah! Very cool!”
“Cool! Cool!”
“I guess it kind of was. They were cowards, though.”
“You’re bleeding! Oh no!”
The two boys began to panic as they began to realize how injured the boy really was. Much to their relief, the cut on his cheek was the only injury to break skin.
“I’m Luke, this is Bitzel. Thank you for saving us!”
“Er, I’m Tommy. It’s no problem, big man.”
“C’mon, we know someone that can help with the bleeding so it doesn’t get infected!”
Tommy hesitated for a moment, but only a moment. Nodding to the two boys, he followed them to a small cottage on the edge of the city. He snorted in amusement as the two barged in, uninvited. Following them in, he took off his shoes and placed them besides the shoes of the boys. Taking off his cloak, he let Bitzel hang it up as Luke called out into the house.
“Deo! Your bestest buddies are here! We have someone who needs help! His name is Tommy!”
Tommy tilted his head in confusion as Deo entered the room. He had expected an adult or guardian of some sort, not an eleven year old boy. Deo took one look at Tommy, only to sigh as he faced the other two boys.
“Luke, Bit, why is Prince Theseus here?”
“He saved us!”
“Pf, your real name is Theseus?”
“That’s one of my middle names, my real name is Thomas. That doesn’t matter, I told you guys to call me Tommy!”
Before anyone knew it, Tommy got into a playful banter with the other two children his age. Just as he was about to start cursing, a hand stopped him. Peering over his shoulder, he watched as Deo flashed him a genuine smile.
“Alright Tommy, let’s get you cleaned up. Want something to eat while you're at it?”
“Uh, sure. Thanks, big man.”
Deo just snorted as he ruffled the younger boy's hair, motioning the three kiddos to follow him. Tommy felt warmth squeeze his heart as he slowly touched his hair, feeling the spot where Deo’s hand once was. Giving himself a smile, Tommy laughed as he followed the three into the dining room. He may have just found what he was looking for.
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chatonne-rousse · 4 years
Three Kids and a Hamster
This was my contribution to the @adrienettezine.  I joined the zine as a beta and ended up as a pinch hitter - this sweet little fluffy story was the result.  I hope you enjoy it!  I just love these two so much.
Read it on Ao3 here.
The same full moon that lit their way over rooftops and across the Seine an hour before shines through the hatch above the bed, illuminating their entwined legs in its gentle glow and casting shadows on the room below. Even if she weren't tucked beneath his arm with her cheek against his chest, this would be a place of perfect peace, awash in a sense of rightness and comfort and home. It makes his chest constrict all of a sudden, his next inhale a sharp shudder that rouses her immediately from near-sleep.
"You okay, Chaton?" she murmurs, eyes wide and worried.
He reassures her with a soft, genuine smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just...thinking."
Bending forward to press a kiss to her forehead, he pulls her back down to his chest and starts up a purr for her. The breathy giggle he gets in return is always worth the twinge of embarrassment and the weird tickle in his throat.
"About what?"
The purr dies down, replaced with a contented hum. "How much I love you, of course, Princess. What else?"
As expected, she swats him playfully and laughs, but a moment later he feels her hand stretch across his torso as she cuddles closer into his side.
"I mean it," she whispers into his shirt. "Your breathing got all weird. What's wrong?"
"Bugaboo, you know you take my breath away!"
Her voice is all no-nonsense Ladybug, but it just makes him grin wider.
"I'm actually not kitten, Marinette."
She groans and lifts her head again but when she meets his gaze after an exaggerated eye roll, her features soften in response to his. She begins to duck her head shyly before changing course and pressing her lips to his instead, soft and sweet and warm. His eyes slip shut and he melts beneath her, his ever-romantic heart singing her name over and over in a three-beat cadence.
"I love you, too," she whispers against his lips, finally breaking away after a long, slow kiss that leaves them both breathless.
After a quick kiss at the corner of his mouth and another on his jaw, she settles back into the crook of his neck, her breath warm and tickly and perfect against his skin.
Logically, he knows he needs to transform and head home, but the stark difference between his bedroom prison and Marinette's warmth is enough to keep him here just a little longer, stretching time and tempting fate.
Wouldn't it be wonderful, he thinks, as the sleepy calm drifts over them once more, to stay here forever, just like this?
He imagines waking up this way, morning breath and snoring kwamis and a warm tangle of limbs illuminated by a new day's dawnlight instead of the quiet moon. Perhaps there would be a purring cat asleep on the bed with them. And one day, maybe, he'd wake to find a toddler who had crawled up onto the bed and wriggled between them in the night to be close to maman and papa. A family. His heart squeezes with emotion again, but he keeps his breathing steady and Marinette doesn't seem to notice this time.
Dreaming of what the future might hold seems like an extravagant luxury in a world where a supervillain regularly terrorizes Paris and threatens to rend the very fabric of the universe and its delicate balance. Then again, isn't that all the more reason to dream?
Even with the freedom being Chat Noir grants him, the responsibility of avoiding that fate is a heavy weight across his shoulders, and a far more cumbersome yoke on his Lady's. Imagining a day when they can transform for fun instead of necessity, cook dinner together, fall asleep just like this, and not have to wonder if an akuma alert will rouse them before the sun—well, that just makes him fight each battle harder and despise Hawkmoth that much more. After all, the fate of humanity includes the fate of Adrien Agreste and Marinette Dupain-Cheng, too.
Her fingers glide feather-light at his wrist, so he knows she's still awake, and before he can think twice about it, he's murmuring a question into the dark.
"Hey, Bug?" He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. "Do you ever think about...the future?"
Her hand stops its gentle, soothing motion against his arm, and he misses the feeling immediately.
"After we defeat Hawkmoth, or...?" she trails off.
"That could happen tomorrow, so let's start with tomorrow and go from there."
She resumes her caress, though this time her hand trails higher, up and under his t-shirt sleeve to the warm skin of his bicep. He smiles against her hair and hugs his heat-seeking little bug tighter.
"Well, tomorrow we have a calculus test, then you have a piano lesson after school. I really didn't plan anything beyond that, but if we're going to squeeze in an epic final battle with Hawkmoth, I suppose I should work on my history project at lunch to get ahead."
"Cheeky bug!" He tickles her in retaliation, and she giggles into his chest. "I was being serious!"
"I know, Minou." She laughs for another moment but says nothing more.
He waits through one deep breath, then two, before he whispers her name, questioning, against her hair.
She cranes her neck to look up at him, her gaze shy but warm. "It's just...can I be weird?"
Ah, that explains her reticence. The delighted half-smile that crosses his face is pure Chat Noir, but he can't help it. He loves this.
"Of course, My Lady. Always."
Five months and four days ago (yes, he's counting—it was the greatest day of his life, so far), after more than three years of superhero partnership and civilian friendship, an unplanned reveal, and the awkward nine day aftermath (yes, he counted—it was awful), they'd finally made it official. Adrien and Marinette had, at least. Ladynoir was still under wraps for now to avoid suspicion, but he looked forward to the day when a real kiss they could both remember would grace the front page of the Ladyblog.
At the beginning, between blissful kisses and timid touches, they'd taken the time to really get to know each other—with no secrets between them, a whole, beautiful picture emerged. It was amazing and thrilling and freeing. It was also a bit embarrassing.
She'd seen him in his Ladybug pajamas one evening when she'd stopped by his bedroom for an unplanned visit. Another afternoon, he'd opened a drawer in her room looking for a pen and discovered approximately two dozen photos of himself looking back at him. Plagg had unceremoniously dropped Adrien's Ladybug and Chat Noir action figures onto Marinette's lap while they watched a movie and proceeded to tell her that Adrien sometimes played with his dolls and made them kiss. He'd never been so mortified in his life (and he once fought an akuma wearing a banana costume, so that was saying something), especially when Marinette had laughed until she cried.
He'd have sentenced the tiny magical agent of chaos to eating Velveeta for a week if Marinette hadn't caught her breath, removed his hands from his beet-red face, and kissed him silly.
Afterward, lovestruck, he'd asked, "So I'm not...weird?"
Cheeks still stained with the sweetest blush, eyes soft and bright and full of love, she'd responded, "Of course you are, kitty. I already knew that," and kissed him again for good measure. "It's a good thing your Lady is just as weird."
And just like that, it was okay. His pajamas, her photo collection, his action figures, her calendar.
Can I be weird? preceded his admission of being unable to sleep if his Marinette lucky charm wasn't beneath his pillow. It was asked before he learned she slept with her handmade Chat Noir plushie beside her every night.
The question is rhetorical, of course. Permission to be weird is simply indemnity from embarrassment, a solemn vow of understanding between them. It's been the lead-in to many shared secrets and it still gives him a little thrill every time, just knowing that he's about to learn another closely-held tidbit about his Lady.
Tonight, he's especially curious—the question he asked was about the future, after all.
"I used to think about it a lot," she begins quietly. "And I mean, a lot. I'm a planner, you know."
Oh, he knows. Thank goodness one of them is.
"You've seen my sketchbook. You saw my wedding dress designs and all your possible matching tuxes. Alya's dress and Nino's suit..."
"And they were beautiful, Bug. I loved them all."
He can feel her smile against his t-shirt collar.
"Thank you, Chaton. But...it's not just that. I, um...I chose the flowers for my bouquet, I planned the menu for the reception dinner—"
"And your parents will make the croquembouche," he whispers, suddenly entranced.
She nods, but goes silent once more. He wants to hear about everything—the venue she imagined for the service and reception, what they'll wear at the civil ceremony prior, whether their guests will throw rice or rose petals or wheat as they exit as newlyweds. It's all so beautiful, his heart is positively singing; how could she ever think this is weird?
"I named our children."
The song in his heart comes to an abrupt stop when the rhythm falters before restarting at hummingbird speed.
Dazed, he breathes, "Our..."
"I know!" she groans. She covers her eyes with one hand and buries her face in his shirt. Her voice is muffled, but he's hanging on every word. "I told you it was weird! I named them! I thought about who would be youngest, oldest, middle--"
"Three?" He chokes on air. Is he even breathing?
"I designed the little outfit we'd bring each of them home from the hospital in. Their nursery had a theme! Our hamster had a name! I imagined our house, our garden, the layout of the kitchen, the color of our master bathroom!"
"What color?" he asks weakly.
A pause.
"I love blue."
"I know."
Silence descends again, as he attempts to regulate his breathing and bring his swirling, scattered thoughts under control. She hasn't moved a muscle, and neither has he. Honestly, he's thankful to be moored to his steadfast port in the storm right now, so he can't float away or slip under.
He hums questioningly in response.
"I'm sorry." Her voice is small and tinged with sadness, slicing directly through his current bubble of overwhelmed euphoria in an instant.
Sitting up so quickly that she's dislodged from his side with a startled squeak, he pulls both of her hands between his and brings her close enough to really see her face in the shadowy moonlight.
"Why are you sorry?" he asks, baffled. "That was..." he trails off, shaking his head as he searches for the correct word, wanting to convey his feelings properly. Incredible doesn't seem like enough. Perfect, perhaps? A dream I didn't know I had until you said it, and now I want that exact thing more than I've ever wanted anything in my life?
"Crazy, I know. Selfish."
"What? No!" he exclaims, and her wide eyes snap to meet his. "Marinette, it sounds amazing!"
He lets go of her hands to gather her in a hug instead, happy to feel her arms wrap tightly around him in turn.
"Amazing," he murmurs against her hair, hoping she can hear the sincerity in his voice. "Why do you think it's selfish?"
"Because...because I never thought about what you'd want, not really. Maybe you don't want kids—"
"I want kids," he interrupts.
"Or maybe you don't like hamsters."
"Mari, I love hamsters."
She smiles against his skin. "I'm glad. I thought you'd want a cat."
"Oh, I do," he says, nodding.
"I knew it!" she laughs. "But I didn't know any of that back then. I just dreamed my own wild dreams and brought a fantasy of future you along for the ride. It wasn't fair to you." She leans back, settling her wrists over his shoulders and searching his gaze with her own. "You deserve to have a say in your own life, Adrien. For once."
A wave of stunned gratitude wells up within him and he swallows around the sudden lump in his throat. No one, not even his beloved mother, has ever extended him the courtesy of autonomy, much less apologized for not considering it in the first place. The way Marinette loves him, with a selfless, gentle kindness, is like nothing he's ever known, and it overwhelms him sometimes.
Oh, he loves her so much.
"Marinette," he says, when he's able to. "Do you want to live on a desert island with me and eat only fruit for the rest of our lives?"
She blinks, confused.
"Because that was one of my dreams," he continues. "You—well, Ladybug—me, our hamster, and a ton of fruit. Silly, right?" He shrugs. "I was a lovesick teenager. I have a feeling you know something about that, don't you, Bugaboo?" His cheeky wink and Chat Noir smirk are rewarded with the blush and giggle he'd hoped for. "My point is, I wasn't thinking about what you wanted when I daydreamed about that, and I never worried about it. You have nothing to be sorry for, Bug."
Her smile is bright even in the shadowy loft. "Thanks, Minou. Those were fun dreams."
"Were? You don't want the hamster and the blue bathroom anymore? I was just getting excited about our house and three kids."
"What do you dream about?" She asks, clearly dodging the question with one of her own.
He doesn't even have to think on it to know the answer.
"A family. Hugs. Eating dinner at a little table together. Going to the beach and seeing you in your bikini."
She snorts. "Tomcat."
"I'm only human, Mari."
"Adrien, you can purr."
They can only laugh. Their lives really are ridiculous.
"Princess?" He asks after they've settled into silence again. "What are their names?"
"Our kids."
She takes a deep, deep breath, and it feels like an eternity before she speaks. "Emma, Louis, and Hugo."
"I love them already," he breathes, imagination awhirl with scenes of bedtime stories and blanket forts and the myriad other childhood joys he only knows about from movies and tv. It's so beautiful, they're so beautiful, that he has to clench his teeth for a moment to keep from crying. "Have you drawn them?"
She nods, brow starting to furrow in concern at what must be one hell of an expression on his face.
"And their clothes? The nursery? Our kitchen?"
"Yes, I told you I was—"
"You're amazing, Marinette. I can't wait to see them. I can't wait to meet them."
Before he knows it, she's pulled him into her embrace, whispering her love against his shoulder. If a few tears escape into her hair, she doesn't say a word. They stay like that for a few long, sweet moments, until a thought pops into his mind.
"Mari? Why didn't Plagg find those drawings when he found your sketchbook of wedding ideas?"
She pulls away from him and giggles. "Because that sketchbook is hidden under the mattress."
"Along with how many of my photos?"
The mock-glare she levels at him would be terrifying if she weren't so adorable. He leans in and watches her stern expression slacken just before their lips connect and his eyes close, and her soft sigh tells him he's forgiven once more for teasing her.
They fall back against the cat pillow and soft pink sheets once more, rearranging their bodies to that perfect fit that reminds him every time how phenomenally lucky he is to have found his soul's other half as a teenager via ancient magic and fated proximity. The kiss deepens, his hands clutch at her back, and he thrills at the feel of her fingers in his hair. This is everything, everything—love and light and power and freedom, the chance for a future, a home, a family.
It's just another late autumn Tuesday night in Paris. Marinette will convince him to stay for another hour, he'll set an alarm. They'll go to school again tomorrow and, though it's certainly possible they'll defeat Hawkmoth before the day is over, it's more likely they'll simply fight and cleanse another akuma before returning to the library to work on that history project.
But it's suddenly different. He's always fought for Paris, for the safety of his friends and family, for his beloved partner. Now? A new and different feeling of protectiveness rises in his chest, even as her tongue brushes the seam of his lips and his purr rumbles gently between their bodies.
Hawkmoth will rue the day he tried to take Emma, Louis, and Hugo away before Adrien could meet them. He makes the promise right here and now, with his Lady in his arms and their kwamis sleeping on the desk below: Every akuma from now until he can punch Hawkmoth in the face and rip the misused miraculous from him, Chat Noir will fight for Paris, the world, and that shining dream of the future. He's one half of an unstoppable team. Together, they can, and will, do anything.
He and Marinette have three kids and a hamster to look forward to, after all. And it's going to be amazing.
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mangop1e · 3 years
my Thoughts about mcc14, because this is my blog and the official year of no cringe (in that i will no longer regard my interests as cringe and enjoy them wholeheartedly and post about them if i want)
overall !! it was a really fun event, i was watching blue bats punz pov and they popped off so it was a really good watch for me, the updates to the games were sick as hell and i cannot wait to see these get more refined as we go along plus see what they have in store for bingo and sands of time
putting everything else below the cut for the sake of all the mutuals i have on here that have never interacted with a mcyt in their life! 
so. will preface this by saying i’ve watched every mcc live starting with mcc9 and am . just very very into this tournament, i’ll probably do a little analysis post next mcc because i just find it all very fun !! and tumblr is like a void i can scream into and sometimes it screams back so it’s the perfect place to let myself ramble. that being said, here’s my thoughts on this mcc from the blue bats punz pov, with vague knowledge of what happened in a few other povs
build mart: so sue me, i’m a build mart fan. the new map build is INCREDIBLE and i love the choice of elytras rather than the scuffed boats!! the new addition of the golden build is really fun too! not something that could necessarily be changed but build mart is definitely a killer for teams that don’t have good comms and coordination, and having it as a first game can really shake some teams and cause a drop in morale that could affect the rest of their performance in the event. overall, though? im loyal to build mart and i think it only got better with the updates
tgttosawaf: i love how pedantically long that acronym is <3 i think some of the changes really threw players into the deep end, that one round where they had to break the wool in the targets to get through especially, and terra swoop force Definitely threw some players that are otherwise cracked for a loop, especially if they were unfamiliar with the map, but this one was also super fun to watch!! definitely a good game for the first half of the event
sky battle: at long last, sky battle returns <3 as a shameless inniter sky battle is one of my favourite games simply because i Know tommy will always pop off, but it’s also such a fun twist on classic minigames like sky wars and a faster version of skyblockle done super well! i like the new map layout a ton as well, the little towers in the middle ring plus the structure of the innermost ring made for some really interesting plays all around. this game’s another one that can go south really fast if your team comms aren’t great, but definitely more forgiving than build battle, and a hell of a lot more adrenaline-inducing!! in terms of the updates i think this one was probably one of the best, tied with build mart.
survival games: survival games was CRAZY i do think this is one where you need to get good rng with your loot pickups as well as have good team coordination but it’s definitely a really fun pvp game!! only thing i will say is it can be a bit bland next to the rest of the crazy games in mcc but it’s definitely a classic and depending on how its played (cough red rabbits cough) can definitely turn things wayyyy around for a team!! very high stakes in a fun way
hole in the wall: god :sob: the glitch. ohhhh hbomb you and your glitchy ways. this glitch was definitely a new one compared to the usual “spam-space-bar-and-pray” glitch that our dearest tommyinnit has taken advantage of before, but i honestly can’t really blame him too much for using it? it did give aqua an advantage but it’s only slightly different from falsesymmetry using the spam-space glitch to win a few rounds of hitw in a more recent mcc (would have to double check which one, but i do remember hbomb taking note of this when he was reviewing mcc vods the day after). hole in the wall has been a glitchy bastard for as long as it’s been in mcc and it was truly hilarious to see hbomb clip through walls, so - all in all i think if the glitch could be fixed that’d be great but it was still a fun watch! also, pete zahutt is CRACKED.
ace race: whoo boy. ace race. honest opinion? i think the map is REALLY cool and has a lot of potential, but there was a lot of confusion and bugs that need to be fixed for next time - the fact that the players could reset back to a previous checkpoint, the general confusion over where to go which cld mean they need to add more directional arrows. overall i’m really really excited to see how people will perform on this map when they’re more familiar with it and some of the kinks have been worked out on the developer end. i do think scott had a Huge advantage here and it was really prominent due to the fact that this was a new map for everyone aside from him, albeit him seeing a much earlier version that wasn’t the same as the version that existed in the event, and it would definitely be wise of noxcrew and the developing team in the future to be more aware of how much involvement scott has in the gameplay side of testing. the general confusion and checkpoint resetting also did Not help anyone and i do think a few teams really lost out this event because of the issues with ace race, but this map has a ton of potential and im really excited to see what they do with it in the future.
battle box: oooo battle box !! this one didn’t really leave too big of an impression on me but the new map was definitely interesting!! the fact that the way to get to the middle was a bit unclear was ,, definitely interesting to watch :sob: but you can’t go wrong with battle box to be honest. solid team pvp game!
parkour tag: PARKOUR TAG!!! having this as the final game was so fun :] the map they had this time was complicated which definitely comes with its pros and cons: pros being that it creates potential for a lot of really interesting routes and unique usage of the area and environment, and cons being that it can feel really cluttered and overwhelming especially when its your first time playing. overall i liked the fact that it was busier but i think striking a better balance between full and barren could really elevate parkour tag from a good game to a great game
dodgebolt: blue bats </3 they had a fantastic run in the games and had an awful dodgebolt and sometimes that’s how it shakes down !! i always always love the unpredictability to the final winner that dodgebolt gives - the first place team pointswise isnt guaranteed a win, reverse sweeps have happened multiple times in the past, and dodgebolt is always nail-bitingly exciting to watch!
misc thoughts: i do think aqua had an advantage but from the sounds of things scott and noxcrew will be taking genuine criticism into account for next time and have learned from this event, i DONT think that removing parkour warrior was unfair because it wasn’t an event that noxcrew could ever successfully balance by making it hard enough to not have the same guy dominating every event and creating a gap, especially when played later, that no other players had HOPE of reducing and i think parkour tag was a really really fun alternative to it especially since runner and hunter play to diff strengths of the team members and it has a bit more strategy to it plus team comms than parkour warrior did, and i think build mart is a good game and i WILL die on this hill
if you read this far, fantastic, you madlad, i appreciate you
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taexual · 4 years
Pineapples / I.M x Reader
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Changkyun has had a crush on you for years but he was sort of terrible at flirting. And yet, who could have known that a debate on whether fruit belonged on pizza would finally lead to some long-overdue confessions?
pairing: best friend!Changkyun x Reader
warnings: crackhead best friends, strong language (also some unnecessary hatred for rom-coms 🙄)
words: 3.3k
REQUEST: Ohhhhhhhh what about a monsta x I.M bit whefe the reader and him get into a fight about something stupid, but both parties get upset and when she tries to leave, trips out the door and falls?
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In the few years that you’ve known Changkyun, you’ve already managed to see nearly all sides of him, so there was little that could surprise you. And yet, recently, you’ve learned that surprising you seemed to be precisely what he had in mind. For the past few months, every single day, he’d do or say something that took you completely off-guard and seemed to shatter whatever beliefs you’d held about him.
You figured he was going through something, or maybe trying out something new – otherwise, why would he suddenly try to drag you to the newest rom-com in the cinemas when you knew he hated romance films as much as you did? – but you’d yet to discover his real reasons for this abrupt change in behavior.
And then, as the two of you returned to your place after catching the – predictably – disappointing film, you realized that you may never get to the bottom of his new personality because you simply couldn’t go on being friends after he ordered two Hawaiian pizzas without asking for your opinion first.
“You’re trying to kill me,” you told him, picking up the delivery menu to have a look at it for yourself. “I swear. It’s like you’re purposefully making me suffer tonight.”
“Suffer?” he repeated, genuinely in disbelief. “Pineapples are great. They—”
“Well, yeah, but they don’t belong on pizza.”
“W-what? Why not?” Changkyun asked because he could specifically remember you drunkenly calling him one night and confessing your love for pineapples. “I thought you liked them.”
“No, I do. It’s a great fruit,” you said and then gave him a how-could-you-not-get-this-it’s-so-obvious type of look. “But it’s a fruit.”
“So?” he retorted. “Tomato is a fruit.”
You could distinctly recall having had this conversation with someone else before and just the memory was almost enough to make you shudder – why would anyone ever defend pineapple pizza? – as you gave your best friend a suspicious once-over.
“You’ve been acting weird lately,” you finally said. “I thought you were just going through something, so I didn’t say anything. But now you look like you’re honestly about to force-feed me pineapple pizza, so I know something must have possessed you.”
Changkyun was positively shaking now. He had a hard time believing that the actions he’d perceived as a subtle form of seduction were, really, making him come off as weird and even possessed.
Thanks, Jooheon. He was never going to ask for his advice ever again.
“Okay, that makes no sense,” he said defensively. “I’m not going through anything. I’m just—I don’t know, I thought you’d like pineapples on pizza. It would make sense since you like those two separately.”
“I also like French fries and Nutella,” you said pointedly. “Doesn’t mean I’d eat them together.”
He didn’t look disgusted by the thought of it at all. “Well, actually—”
You were already groaning as soon as he opened his mouth. “Shit, Kyun! Seriously, what’s happened to you?”
“Nothing!” he countered, his voice matching your exasperation because, oh, God, why did he have to try so hard to show you what an ideal boyfriend he’d make? He should’ve known it would never work. “I just—I was trying to broaden your perspective on life.”
“I’m pretty sure you just hate me.”
“Hate you?” he repeated in a voice far too high-pitched to sound normal. Clearing his throat, he continued in a normal tone, “I don’t hate you. Why would I—?”
The doorbell rang then, cutting him off. You glanced towards the hallway, a pout forming on your lips as you realized it must have been the pizza delivery.
“You better get the door,” you told him. “Since it looks like I’ll be starving tonight.”
“Oh, come on,” Changkyun said, not giving up. “You’ve never even tried it before. How can you oppose something so strongly without having experienced it first?”
“I’ve never been punched in the face,” you retorted, “but I still know it would suck if I did.”
“Pizza,” he said, extending one hand, “face punching,” he added, extending another. “Two very different things.”
“And yet pineapple on pizza sucks more.”
“Why don’t you just try it?”
“Why don’t you just punch me in the face instead?”
He threw his head back against the back of the couch, closing his eyes in defeat. “God, you make it really hard for me sometimes.”
“Hard? I’m not the one who ordered—” the doorbell rang again. You groaned. “Just get the door, please!”
“Why would I get the door?” Changkyun opened his eyes, giving you a frustrated look. “It’s your house!”
“You’re the one who ordered that abomination!” you argued.
He was losing his patience and he could no longer control his sarcasm as he purposefully teased, “that’s not a very nice way to refer to the delivery guy.”
“I’m not—you know very well I mean the thing you call pizza.”
“Don’t be so difficult,” he said.
“Get the door,” you shot back.
He had his conditions. “Are you going to try it?”
“Of course not!” you replied with no hesitation, protesting like a very proud baby. “It’s disgusting.”
Changkyun scoffed because he was a baby, too. “Then I’m not—”
Another ring of the doorbell. More intense this time.
“God. Coming!” you called out, standing up from the couch and giving your best friend a hard look. “I don’t know what the hell you’ve been trying to do lately but, clearly,  you’re succeeding. I’m losing all my respect for you.”
That seemed to be the last straw. He didn’t expect to react this intensely to this one statement – you’ve already threatened him with loss of respect countless of times before but it was always over the most trivial things; granted, you thought this was another one of such things, too – and yet he couldn’t hold himself back.
“Why? Because I’m trying really hard to do the things that you are supposed to enjoy?” he demanded, words spilling out automatically. “Because I’ve literally asked all of my friends for advice on what girls even like?”
Confused, you looked at him over your shoulder. “What—”
“Or is it because I have read every single magazine article, describing the things that makes a guy the perfect boyfriend?” Changkyun continued, standing up now. He sounded aggressive. Eager. “You’re losing your respect for me because I’m trying too hard, yeah? Because you think something’s gotten into me? Well, I don’t know what the hell I’m supposed to be doing for you to understand that I’m just fucking in love with y—shit, watch out for the—!”
It was nice of him to warn you in the middle of his rant but it was too late.
The sudden confession that passed your best friend’s lips was exactly what made you completely forget the layout of your own house and smack your shoulder right into the wall next to the doorway as you were walking through it.
You hit it with such vehemence that the force made you stumble backwards in surprise. Before you knew it, you were losing your balance and there was nothing for you to grab on to.
You’d have fallen – really, truly tumbled down in the most embarrassing of ways – but Changkyun, despite having made some questionable decisions lately, proved to still have a very rational mind. He leaped forwards, pushing his body against yours so your back hit his chest and then wrapping his arms around your waist before you could slide down onto the floor.
“Shit,” you exhaled, your mind a mess and your heart a competitive runner in the Olympics. “I-I—”
“You okay?” Changkyun asked, feeling every single beat of your heart against his own chest and dying a little each time. “Does your shoulder hurt?”
You laughed awkwardly.
“N-not as much as my pride,” you replied. Blinking your eyes, you pushed yourself off of him – and almost stumbled right back into him again because he took a moment too long to release his grip on your waist – and brought your hand through your hair. “The pizza. I’ll go get the—where’s my wallet? It was in my bag. And my bag is—”
You were looking around your hallway frantically, completely disoriented and beyond confused.
“I’ll get the door,” Changkyun said, noticing your distress and, contrary to what one might expect from someone who’d just confessed to a year-long crush, behaving completely calmly. “You go find an ice patch for your arm.”
“No, it’s fine, I—” you tried to protest but he gently pushed past you and finally opened the door to face a very frustrated delivery boy. The poor guy must have been waiting for at least ten minutes.
Changkyun apologized politely, gave him a generous tip, and then took the boxes of pizza inside while you watched, still completely out of it.
He made no attempts to return to your previous conversation, let alone to repeat his confession, so the two of you remained in silence for a good while, your shoulders and hips pressed against each other when you returned to your side-by-side spots on your couch.
He opened the pizza boxes, took out a slice, and tried it. After considering the taste for a moment, he shrugged to himself and passed one of the slices to you.
In your defense, you were far too overwhelmed with emotion – and pain, as your shoulder began to throb – to even begin to understand why you didn’t protest.
You took the slice of pizza from him.
Hell, you were so far beyond yourself, that you even took a bite.
And, God forgive, it didn’t taste awful at all.
It was an unusual sensation, sure, but it wasn’t as horrible as you’d imagined it to be. You even found yourself taking another bite, the foreign sweet-and-sour taste lighting your senses up.
Changkyun watched you experiment with different speeds of chewing – and he couldn’t help but smirk because he knew that if you hadn’t liked the taste, you wouldn’t have hesitated to spit it out – but he didn’t say anything, gloating in silence.
“Okay,” you finally dared to say when the two of you were already halfway done with one of the pizzas. “Can I say something?”
Suddenly, the memory of his confession right before you walked into a wall stabbed at his mind and he stopped chewing to clear his throat in hopes of covering up his flustered state. He tried to play it all off, however, not wanting to get ahead of himself.
“Of course,” he said.
“But promise not to tell anyone, okay?” you asked.
He would start hyperventilating any second now, he could feel it. “Okay.”
You took a deep breath, the next words extremely difficult – almost impossible, really – to say. “Pineapple on pizza isn’t actually that bad.”
Changkyun watched you for a moment after your confession. He noticed how broken up you looked – almost like you were abandoning every belief you’d held by admitting this – but, clearly, that wasn’t what he’d expected to hear from you and he didn’t quite know how to respond.
“C-can I say something else?” you asked then, replying to his silence.
“Yeah,” he spoke slowly, already waiting for you to admit that you were going to give French fries and Nutella a try next.
These next words seemed to come a lot easier for you. “I think I’m in love with you, too.”
You’d thought about your feelings for him before – even dreamed about this – but you never imagined saying these words out loud. Clearly, Changkyun had never imagined hearing you say this, either.
“Y-you—wait,” he turned to you, reading your face with eyes that were suddenly desperate. He needed clarification or he was going to scream. “You think?”
You looked away, breaking the eye contact. “You’re making me eat pineapple on pizza. I’m not too sure of my feelings right now.”
Changkyun could not believe you were still on that. “You just said you liked it!”
“I said it wasn’t that bad!” you protested.
“That’s the same thing!”
“No, it’s not,” you refused to agree. “What would you do if I told you I thought you weren’t that bad?”
“Honestly?” he almost laughed at the absurdity of your question. “Leap out of that window in joy.”
You didn’t understand. “What—”
“Because I’ve had feelings for you for so long now, any compliment you’ve ever given me has added five years to my life,” he explained with a face so straight and completely void of any doubt that you could almost feel your entire body shut down.
“It’s—no, okay, don’t—that was very unnecessary,” you stuttered.
Speaking was a challenge all of a sudden. Even breathing seemed to be nearly impossible but the stinging of your lungs was the least of your problems. It was your heart you were worried about. You hadn’t prepared for it to start beating so hard tonight.
You’d have never guessed that the reason why Changkyun was acting as if he’s been replaced by some extraterrestrial entities, was because he was, actually, looking for ways to deal with his feelings for you. Looking for ways to make those feelings obvious.
Because it’s been so long. He’s had feelings for you for so long.
Your heart was definitely not going to get through tonight.
“I meant it,” Changkyun added after a moment, his gaze lingering on the floor of the room. “It’s been a while.”
Inhaling deeply – you thought that relieving your lungs from the pain caused by a lack of oxygen would make it easier for you to keep talking about this – you tried to ask, “w-why didn’t you say anything before? Why do all of this—”
“I wanted to prove to you that I’d make a good boyfriend,” he said simply and you swore you’ve never seen him this shy before in your whole life, “much better than just a best friend.”
“You’re, uh—” you started to say but then realized that confessing your love had somehow come easier than admitting how much you valued your friendship with him, “you’re a pretty great best friend.”
He gave you a look – but he was smiling now because how could he not smile? – and wiped his hands on his dark blue jeans. “I’d say I’m a pretty phenomenal best friend, but who’s asking.”
Just like that, his initial shyness disappeared.
He was most certainly something else and he was going to be the death of you.
“Right, sure,” you scoffed, returning to banter now that he seemed to have gone back to his old self. “A phenomenal best friend would have known that taking me to see romantic films in the cinema is of no use.”
Changkyun greeted your jab with dignity. “Yeah. I fully blame Jooheon for that one. He obviously didn’t know what he was talking about and I-I just went with it. I should have known you wouldn’t like that.”
“Why didn’t you tell me how you felt?” you asked, only glancing at him now that he’d lifted his gaze because you were afraid you’d lose all control of yourself if your eyes met. “I thought we had no secrets between us.”
“We don’t,” he confirmed and then exhaled slowly, this vulnerable admission relieving a heavy weight from his chest, “I just… I didn’t want to be rejected.”
“You may be an exceptional best friend—stop smirking every time I say that—but you’re pretty clueless as a guy,” you told him.
He was laughing, unafraid to show how much he cherished every positive thing you said about him, but he stopped as soon as you finished speaking. “Wait. Why?”
Finally, you looked at him. Really looked at him, allowing your eyes to meet and stay locked on each other for much longer than just a second.
“I’ve liked you, too, Kyun,” you said and it was like he’s been dead this whole time and you’d just brought him to life. “For as long as I can remember.”
He couldn’t believe all this time you’d wasted as he countered, quoting you, “why didn’t you tell me anything, then?”
You looked down again, realizing the hypocrisy of your question now. “I didn’t think you felt the same way.”
And that was it. The sole reason why it took you both so long to act on your feelings.
It was fear. Doubt. Pride.
You had too much pride to allow yourself to open up and reveal what was behind those walls you’d put up even for your closest friends. And, were it not for an argument blown so far out of proportion, you couldn’t even remember what started it anymore, this pride would have absolutely suffocated you both, and you’d have died, never knowing that just one second of vulnerability could have resulted in hours—years, even—of happiness.
“Can I ask you something?” Changkyun spoke up, breaking the tense silence of the room. “It’s actually something that I’ve wanted to ask you since I first saw you.”
“Yeah, of course,” you agreed, not even considering it. You’d already confessed to all the deepest feelings you’d kept hidden inside, so there wasn’t much left that you couldn’t reveal now.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked, his eyes burning so brightly, you were nearly blinded when you looked at him.
“Oh,” you swallowed, your stomach exploding into swarms of energetic butterflies. “T-that’s what you’ve wanted to ask me?”
He nodded, sheepish again.
“Yes,” you said, barely managing to restrain yourself when he lowered his eyes to your lips. “Please.”
It had taken you years to admit your feelings to each other, but it only took Changkyun half a second to take your breath away as he pressed his lips to yours.
It was a gentle kiss, tentative even. He only pulled away from it for another half a second before looking at you – and getting the permission he needed from your eyes – and kissing you again, harder this time as his hands came to rest on both sides of your face. 
His tongue brushed over your lower lip – slowly and hesitantly – but when you leaned into him, slightly parting your lips, he finally deepened the kiss, tilting his head to create a better rhythm of your mouths as they moved against each other.
His taste and the warmth of having him so close was enough to overwhelm you and you thought you’d turn into a mere puddle if he didn’t pull away, so you wrapped your hands around his neck for support and ended up bringing your body closer to his. Naturally, Changkyun responded by sighing into the kiss, his hands sliding down to your shoulders, then down your ribs, until they landed on your waist and both of your hearts were suddenly on fire.
You thought you couldn’t breathe as you kissed him, but then you felt him hold onto you tighter – as if you’d pull away if he let go – and it was like his touch provided you with the oxygen you needed.
You weren’t losing yourself in him, not at all.
You were already beyond lost.
“You taste like pineapples,” you told him quietly when you pulled away after a minute, your hands still around his neck.
Changkyun gave you a questionable look, panting as he tried to recover from the effect your kisses had on him. “I thought you liked them.”
“I don’t,” you replied, leaning in to press another soft kiss to his lips and then saying the words he’d been waiting to hear, “I love them.”
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artmuseinterior · 2 months
Beyond Aesthetics: Can a Home Interior Designer in Singapore Help Improve Functionality Too?
Imagine this: you step into your dream home. It's stylish, impeccably decorated, and boasts all the latest design trends. But as the initial awe fades, a nagging feeling creeps in. The flow feels awkward, storage seems nonexistent, and everyday tasks become frustrating obstacles. This scenario highlights a common misconception about home interior designers in Singapore. While aesthetics are undeniably important, a skilled designer brings much more to the table. They possess the expertise to transform your living space into a haven of not just beauty, but also functionality.
Function Over Form? Not Quite!
Let's dispel the myth: a good home interior designer in Singapore doesn't prioritize function over form. Instead, they achieve a beautiful balance between the two. A stunning living room is great, but if navigating it feels like a game of Tetris, it quickly loses its appeal.
The Power of Smart Design
So, how can a home interior designer in Singapore improve the functionality of your space? Here are a few ways:
Space Planning: A designer can assess your home's layout and identify areas for improvement. They can help you optimize traffic flow, create designated zones for different activities, and maximize space utilization in even the most compact apartments.
Storage Solutions: Storage woes are a common problem in Singaporean homes. A home interior designer in Singapore can incorporate clever storage solutions that blend seamlessly with your design aesthetic. Think hidden cabinets, built-in shelves, and strategically placed furniture with integrated storage compartments.
Multifunctional Furniture: Limited square footage often necessitates furniture that pulls double duty. A home interior designer in Singapore can suggest space-saving furniture solutions like ottomans with built-in storage, sofa beds, and expandable dining tables.
Lighting Design: The right lighting scheme can dramatically improve the functionality of a space. A home interior designer in Singapore can create a layered lighting plan that caters to different needs – bright task lighting for work areas, warm ambient lighting for relaxation, and accent lighting to highlight specific features.
Beyond the Obvious: Functionality for Everyday Living
A good home interior designer in Singapore thinks beyond the typical storage and furniture solutions. They consider the nitty-gritty details of everyday life and design a space that caters to your specific needs.
Work From Home Oasis: The rise of remote work has blurred the lines between work and personal life. A home interior designer in Singapore can create a dedicated workspace that promotes focus and productivity, ensuring a healthy separation between work and relaxation.
Child-Friendly Design: Homes with young children require a different approach to functionality. A home interior designer in Singapore can incorporate child-friendly elements like rounded furniture corners, low shelves for easy access, and durable, easy-to-clean materials.
Senior-Friendly Living: As we age, our needs for home functionality evolve. A home interior designer in Singapore can design a space that promotes mobility and safety for seniors, with features like grab bars in bathrooms, wider doorways, and strategically placed lighting to minimize tripping hazards.
ArtMuse Interior: Your Partner in Creating a Functional and Stylish Home
At ArtMuse Interior Pte Ltd, we believe that a beautiful home should also be a functional one. Our team of experienced home interior designers in Singapore is passionate about creating spaces that cater to your unique lifestyle and needs.
We take the time to understand your vision, daily routines, and any specific challenges you face in your current space. Then, we work collaboratively with you to develop a design plan that optimizes functionality without compromising on style...read more
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Part 19
(Usagi and Misaki pulled up to a diner that sat on a  road off a beaten path, the diner looked virtually deserted but there were a few cars in the lot, Misaki figured it was probably the staff).  
Misaki: Why do you think he wanted to meet us here? You don’t think he want’s to kill us, do you?
Usagi: (Laughs), No, of course no.  Although, this place is in the middle of nowhere. 
(Usagi shut the car off, the two boys got out of the car,  holding hands they walked towards the diner until Takahiro, Shoved Usagi, causing him to fall to the ground).  
Misaki: WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU! (He walked over to Usagi pulling him up), you okay?
Usagi: Yeah, I’m fine. Takahiro, first of all I came out, Misaki’s name wasn’t even mentioned! 
Takahiro: Oh, really! Thank god!
Misaki: But, it will be after graduation! we WILL tell that, I’m the person he’s  getting married too!
Takahiro: WHAT, (He started to go after Usagi again but Misaki blocked him shoving him back instead). Misaki, don’t you see what’s happening here?! Usagi-san is manipulating you!  
Misaki: (Laughs) Okay, first of all, I’ve wanted to tell you this for a while now, Don’t call him that anymore, call him Akihiko or Usami, but I don’t want you to call him the same name I scream out it bed. 
Takahiro: I started that pet name.
Misaki: It’s even weirder when you say it like that, so stop. Second, I knew it, I knew you didn’t approve of us, so you’re convincing yourself that he’s manipulating me? I asked him to get married, I asked him if we could tell everyone about us, but he said he wanted to come out himself first. (Misaki took Usagi’s hand, the two started to walk towards the diner). Do me a favor bro, if you care about me at all, figure your shit out or leave us alone.
(Misaki sat across from Usagi in the diner sipping on his third cup of coffee, sharing a plate of fries).
Misaki: I think I finally understand why he hates us together.
Usagi: Yeah, the “Thank God” Comment”, did not help.
Misaki: I don’t want to talk about this right now. Can  I show you how I want our house to look? I know Ren wanted blueprints, but if we show him the outside of the house, and like an idea of how we want a layout of inside, d-do you think he could make blueprints that way?
Usagi: (Nods), Yeah, of course.
Misaki: Look, I just want you to know, (He reaches out taking Usagi’s hand), I want this to be our house so while I have ideas for the way the outside looks, and the inside, you have to contribute to stuff. 
Usagi: (Reaches across the table, caressing Misaki’s face), I’m fine with whatever you want. 
Misaki: I know, but the whole point, is for this to feel like out house okay?
Usagi: Yeah, Okay. So show me the house. 
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Misaki: What do you think?
Usagi: I love it! (Usagi had moved to the other side of the table, he was leaning against Misaki, his chin resting on his shoulder). 
Misaki: (Turned his head slightly), Are you sure? because of you h-
Usagi: I love it, I mean it’s not a Japanese style house at all, so it’s definitely not traditional, but that’s what I like about it.  
Misaki: (Chuckles), I guess we aren’t the most traditional couple huh? 
Usagi: I mean, I fell in love with my best friends brother, my family hates you but also some of them are kinda in love with you, so yeah, i’d say so. 
Misaki: (Softy kisses Usagi’s check), You’re the only one for me.
Usagi: (Smiles), I love you.
Misaki: I love you too.
Usagi: So what other ideas do you have?
Misaki: So many! I kinda want four floors, that way we we have plenty of space. So we have the basement floor  and I was thinking could have like a ,oive theater there?
Usagi: I don’t think we need that, how often do you think we would use it? 
Misaki: I don’t know, I just always thought it would be cool. 
Usagi: I just don’t think we would use it.
Misaki: Okay, I was also thinking, we could have a room for the bears, but not all of them. But in the basement
Usagi: Yeah, I was thinking of getting rid of a lot of my toys and bears anyway.
Misaki: Really? 
Usagi: I don’t think I need them as much anymore. The snow globe you got me is amazing. Suzuki-san, and Jr for sure, but I think we can get rid of  all the other stuff, I’ll have  to look through it all, but yeah, I think I’m done with it, unless it’s something you gave me, I don’t want it. but if you want a basement, maybe a proper laundry room. You could have a door that says “Laundry room” and its a barn style door”. We can get drying racks, a table for folding clothes, nice laundry baskets.
Misaki: Awe! I love that, but the basement will be  kinda big, I mean what else would go there?
Usagi: We don’t have to decide now, and maybe in the future we could come back to the home theater, I’m just saying, with the two of us living there, we don’t need it.
Misaki: Yeah, you’re right. Okay so when we go to the first floor I was thinking an open living room, leading into the kitchen, a big on with seating in the kitchen. Oh, and an island is that okay? Like this... 
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Usagi: I love that, It’s enough room for you to cook, and we can actually it in the kitchen. 
Misaki: Okay, and then the living room will meet with the kitchen, but I also think we can have sliding barn doors in case we want to close it off, and we can also have a half bathroom off the living room?
Usagi: I like it. Second floor?
Misaki: Okay, the  second floor, would be two guest bedrooms, each with a bathroom.
Usagi: Okay, that works. 
Misaki: The third floor is our space, I have a great idea...
Usagi: Can our bedroom have a balcony? 
Misaki: YES! I was thinking the same thing!
Usagi: Really?
Misaki: Yeah! Look, here’s an idea I found, it has a balcony so what do you think? 
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Usagi: I think that’s amazing, and Pinterest has everything!
Misaki: (Giggles), I know.
Usagi: Can I design the outdoor space for the balcony?
Misaki: (Hands him the phone), DO IT BABY! 
Usagi: Okay, here I have three different ideas, which one is your favorite? 
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Misaki: I think we could use the first and second, and then maybe the third for our backyard.
Usagi: Okay, cool.
Misaki: And I think a big walk in closet for us, do you want to see a picture? 
Usagi: No, if I say huge walk in closet, Ren will know what I mean.
Misaki: Okay, This part is my favorite, the bathroom, so this is part of it, and Instead of that tub I want this one. your going to love it.  
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Usagi: I do LOVE it. I can  picture it now. (He smiled, wrapped his arms around Misaki and gently placed kisses on his neck, Misaki giggled then moaned slightly). 
Misaki: Hey, stop people are here.
Usagi: (Lips pressed to his neck), It’s only us and  the workers.
Misaki: Still. (He pulled away from Usagi), Save it.
Usagi: I’m tired of wating. 
Misaki: I know, me too.
Usagi: So, (clears throat), um seeming like our space is going to be pretty big, but there’s probably enough space for us to put an office right? Because I made one. 
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Misaki: Top one would be your desk, bottom mine? We could add a couch? 
Usagi: Yeah, and I was thinking, It could just be across from our bedroom.
Misaki: Yeah, that’s perfect. So last thing, backyard.
Usagi: Hot tub, this one. 
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Misaki: (Laughs), okay. I also want this for outside, we have lots of land, so we can always add more, one day.
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Usagi: Well, what about the fourth floor? 
Misaki: What about it?
Usagi: What do you want up there?
Misaki: Oh, its dumb.
Usagi: Tell me. (He knocked against Misaki with his shoulder). 
Misaki: It’s just another little hang out space for us, like in case we have company, and we just want to get away, just a place the two of us can get too, and no one else. 
Usagi: (Grins), Can I see it?
Misaki: I guess. 
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Misaki:  I know it looks dumb, and not our style really but it’s cozy and makes me feel warm... Do you hate it? You hate it don’t you I can look for something else. (He scrolled fiercely on his phone, until Usagi took it from his placing it on the table).
Usagi: (Takes Misaki’s face staring into his eyes), I love that little attic space, I love that we’re designing a house together, and I love you, so fucking much. (He softly pressed his lips to Misaki’s giving him a soft but deep kiss. (He pulled away, pressing his forehead to Misaki’s). I’ll send an email to Ren with our ideas.
Misaki: (Nods, he leans into Usagi, locking his hand with the big cold one), We’ve been here for almost two hours.
Usagi: Do you wanna go?
Misaki: No, I like being in a place where no one knows where we are, lets stay a while.
Usagi: (Grins, places a kiss a Misaki’s head, pulling the younger boy closer to him. It was nice to escape realty for a while).
(Takahiro was angry, he could not believe his brother was shutting him out of his life, after everything he’d done for him! and He was dating his best friend who the fuck did that, he took another shot of whisky slamming the glass on the table, no one was home yet, and he needed to vent to his wife, she always knew what to say. The door opened to the apartment and Mahiro ran inside hugging his fathers leg almost knocking him to the ground, he was really drunk so he’s balance was off.)
Mahiro: Hi daddy!
Takahiro: (slurring words): Hi buddy, where’s mommy?
Manami: (walking in with groceries, placing them on counter) I’m here, Mahiro, go to your room, and play, I need to talk to your dad.
Mahiro: Okay, (Runs into rum).
Manami: (Crosses arms), Are you Drunk?!
Takahiro: (Slurring) NO, I’ve only had like five shots and two beers.
Manami: (Rolls eyes), what happened? 
Takahiro: (walks over to sit on the couch, he couldn’t stand anymore), Usagi and Misaki. 
Manami: Oh, really?
Takahiro: I kinda attacked Usagi. 
Manami: What the fuck is wrong with you?
Takahiro: He came out on a Live, said he was engaged, and that they were living together.
Manami: SO? you know that already!
Takahiro: But now, he want’s Misaki to come out after graduation.
Manami: (takes a seat on the couch), I have a feeling that was Misaki’s idea.
Takahiro: So! I don’t want anyone to know!
Manami: Know, what?
Takahiro: Hon-
Manami: For someone who say’s he loves he’s brother as much as you, everything you just said disproved that. Grow up Takahiro. (Walks in Mahiro’s room)
Takahiro: (stands up, drowns the last bit of whiskey, then slams the bottle against the wall, Mahiro runs out of his room with a  backpack on).
Mahiro: What happen?
Manami: (Walks out of her bedroom with a small bag on), Mahiro, how would you like to go stay with Uncle Misaki for a few days?
Mahiro: MATKI!! Is daddy coming?
Manami: No, he’s not. (Sharply looks up at Takahiro), Your dad isn’t happy that Misaki is. (The two exit the apartment leaving Takahiro standing in the shattered pieces of the mess he made. 
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