#the lineart style is still absolutely doable
ganondoodle · 2 years
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posting this here so you guys get a chance to vote on this too, the lineless style mentioned is something like this:
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opt1gan · 7 years
Heyo, I just discovered your blog and holy jeez I love your style. I'm trying to figure out what parts of it I like so much to improve my own style, and I love your natural a-bit-wobbly lines and coloring especially. Can I ask how you choose your colors and maybe a little about your process if you don't mind sharing? Ofc I totally understand if you'd rather not!
Hey thank you??????? This is… very flattering as I’m still relentlessly learning and to be able to push other people to improve themselves is a big honour. Rather than being something purely intentional, the natural/wobbly lines could be a result of my naturally unstable hand paired with years of practice by solely drawing with a pen lmao although I obligatorily sketch when drawing digitally. Speaking of which!
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I have no software to capture/stream nor I have any immediate interest or need to acquire one and tbh my process is not that interesting I just sketch -> clean up -> put colour with same brush but bigger -> occasionally shade -> mess with colours if necessary, rinse and repeat. I still tried to capture the process to one of my most recent drawings and it’s a mess bc I’m inexperienced with gifs:
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When I don’t have a thumbnail to start with, which is most cases – esp with the stuff I post on this acc – I tend to scribble and eventually I’ll obtain something doable to refine so my final lineart will often look vastly different than the initial draft. My thumbnail sketches are either for “complete” illustrations or tailored to schoolwork and they look like absolute SHIT theyre again just scribbles mapped in a way that makes sense to myself only.
And concerning my palettes, I replied a long while ago on another ask but the more honest reply is on my faq!!
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