#the little poke with the nose
chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Welcome to a series I'm calling:
Yes, that scene did foreshadow Mike's monologue was disingenuous
Because you'd be surprised how many times the show (even prior to s4) has poked fun at Mike's monologue in the most random ways.
The Bingham's Beautiful Performance
First we have Suzie's sister on the floor, bedazzled and sporting a veil all while her brother is filming. This is basically the kids attempting to present a tale of a romance ending in gruesome tragedy.
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Our bride here is El. The edition of the veil could be a nod to the loud majority's series long assumption that Mike and El are going to end the show together, preferably getting married.
Unfortunately, this is the closest thing they'll ever get to it, with the acknowledgement of that possibility in and of itself being mocked.
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This next shot makes the likelihood that these scenes are connected pretty much indisputable, that being the edition of the record player behind the bride's head.
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The only reason they made a point of having Will push the radio out of El's way, was to subtly connect this moment in Surfer boy to the beautiful performance we saw at the Bingham's only a few episodes prior (scenes that are widely known to be filled with foreshadowing for the season's ending).
A few bylers have already talked about these parallels, so this isn't new knowledge per say. But I do know some have dropped it altogether as possible foreshadowing for whatever reason, while most fans outside of the byler fandom insist it only foreshadowed Eddie's death. However, I think there are too many details that equally, if not more connect it to Mike's monologue than to Eddie's death.
Some fans have also noticed how Will was missing in quite a few shots at the Bingham's, which is interesting, but not all that surprising. Especially in this case...
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Will. Will is the director
Will directed the monologue when he used his feelings to inspire Mike, with the reminder of it (literally in the moment) directing Mike to confess to El, just like Suzie's brother directed that beautiful performance. Both performances convincingly left its audience thinking that the performers feelings in that moment were believable and...
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ivvmell · 6 months
im still sad that clone wars doesnt includes more episodes with army shenanigans and more clones as main characters as well, or, idk, at least the characters bonding? how they think about each other?
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klaraflamez · 5 months
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I made the mistake of taking a picture during the fight-
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i love having cats. there's just a Little Guy in my house that i can go annoy when i'm bored
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Darth Luke.
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foxyfrolic · 3 months
I think that sometimes Sionnach will just walk their whimsical little ass up to someone and be like “I know a place” and show them a really cool place.
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springs-hurts · 2 months
Gods I hate Petyr every single time he opens his mouth. Especially when this fuckec up man talks about Catelyn Stark. Oh lady stoneheart ugh kill him!!! 😭😭
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cryptic-science · 3 months
last night i was trying to remember what year we moved into this house but i got distracted and started looking through old photos. i ended up finding these photos of me and my papa. i immediately started crying lmao
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this was on my birthday, i think it was either my 3rd or my 4th.
i miss him so fucking much.
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charlieslowartsies · 2 years
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sure it’s buggy as shit but also my standards are low as shit so like. new babies. With exception to my beloved gyarados who I will always have.
I’m not sorry about Bram Stoker
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subsequentibis · 2 years
im not only planning out which monster high dolls i can get without taking out a loan but also eyeing a g3 cleo doll as a potential cuztomization project..... we could see a Sal Real in the next five years....
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jrueships · 1 year
Magic after running from one new authority figure to another so he can shed responsibility from his actions when his consequences catch him anyway: 🥺
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timeless-hate · 2 years
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Oh, a head shrink.
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lukasagitta · 1 year
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glambots · 2 years
Do you think Roxy’s nose honks too? Or maybe it makes the sound of a reving engine as a funny little shout out to her raceway 🤣
I think Roxy's nose is cold, like a dogs. How? Why? Nobody knows. Not even her. But she is very self-conscious about it.
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thelaughingmerman · 2 years
Way back in the day when we all used Facebook the site had a poke feature which I think was meant to say to a person hey I'm trying to get your attention but me and my friend just used it to actually poke eachother in the online realm. And then when we saw eachother again we'd poke eachother for real.
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definitelynotsaint · 2 months
01:58 | Geto Suguru
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“Can I tell you a secret?”
Suguru’s fingers trail the small of your back, trace a path along the familiar skin.
“Well if you insist,” he replies with a soft smile. Your fingers pinch teasingly at his side, giggles falling from your lips when he bites at your cheek in retaliation.
“I’m scared of the dark.”
His laughter subsides at this, glancing about the dark of his room. The only light breaking the expanse is the beams of the moon sneaking through his blinds.
“I sleep with a nightlight.”
Suguru almost laughs, pokes your side and teases you for your juvenile fear. He pauses at the seriousness in your eyes, the way you shyly look at him from where you lay beneath him.
“I’ve never seen one in your room,” he finally decides on, nose nudging into the crook of your neck as he relaxes against you.
“I hide it before you come over.”
“Why? Were you afraid I’d tease you?”
Your fingers run through the dark tresses of his hair, looping it through your fingers as you contemplate.
“No, I know you wouldn’t. I guess I’m a little less scared when you’re there.”
You feel Suguru’s grin against your skin at your words, though neither of you take note. He pulls you closer to him, presses a kiss to your neck.
“I’m scared of the ocean,” he whispers to you.
“But we were just at the beach last week, we—
Fingers trace a familiar path across your skin, his warm breath puffs against you.
“I guess I’m a little less scared when you’re there.”
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