#the little things jim baxter x fem!reader
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Jim Baxter X Fem!Reader Cute Prompt with light, and brief angst
“I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you,” you admitted, snuggling closer to him.
Jim smiled, hooking an arm around you as you rested your head against his shoulder. “Are you sure you don’t want to go to bed, you look tired to me,” he stated, glancing down at you.
You shook your head, not wanting to move. “So what if I’m whipped? I’m happy,” you whispered, closing your eyes.
You sat down on the sofa, groaning. Jim entered the room when he heard you, concerned. “What’s wrong?” Jim asked, sitting next to you. “Do you feel sick?” Jim asked, but you wouldn’t let him check your temperature, feeling completely fine. “Can I get you anything, baby?” Jim continued to bomb you with questions, until you decided to speak up.
“My mom wants to know when we’re having kids,” you muttered, rubbing your forehead. “She keeps asking and it’s so annoying,” you stated, too embarrassed to meet his concerned eyes. Jim fell quiet beside you, not knowing what to say himself. “We obviously can’t do that yet, we aren’t even married,” you continued, wishing your elderly mother wouldn’t be so infuriating all the time.
Jim then turned to face you, placing his hand on your’s. “I think we should get married, then. It’s about time,” he suggested, hopeful that you would agree. You glanced at him, worried. “Y/N - We’ve been together for six years now,” he reminded you, tilting his head partially.
You sighed, nodding. “I know, I just - I’m scared-”
“Scared of what?” Jim inquired, beginning to think you were having doubts about him, which wasn’t the case at all.
“I’m scared that after we get married, one day you’ll get bored of me,” you let slip, your voice briefly shaking.
Jim would be shocked, shaking his head. Jim pulled you closer to him, hugging you to comfort you. “I promise you that would never happen,” he assured, “I love you too much to do that to you.” You decided to believe him, though you were worried that he was just saying it to make you feel better. “Y’know what - Let’s just-.. Do this a different way, okay? I want you to move in with me,” he requested, and you met his greyish blue eyes.
“R-Really?” You asked, surprised.
Jim scoffed, lifting an eyebrow. “Yes, really, Y/N,” he clarified, holding your hand.
You smiled, your eyes lighting up. “I’d love to, Jimmy,” you beamed, and hugged him tightly. Jim would be relieved, his smile reflecting your’s as he hugged you back. “You’ve got my heart, just please don’t break it,” you whispered, burying your face into the crook of his neck.
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” he responded, fondling your hair gently as he knew you liked it. “I never thought I’d find a love like this,” he mused, “I think I just wrote a song about you.” You giggled, and he grinned. “I honestly think that you’re my soulmate,” he stated, placing his hand on your cheek, which you automatically leaned into.
“I think you’re my soulmate too, Jimmy,” you confessed, your voice close to a whisper.
Jim smiled warmly, before he pulled you closer gently, his lips connecting with your’s in a soft kiss. “I’ll always love you, remember that, okay?” You nodded, before pulling him in for another kiss.
Hope you enjoyed this prompt! ❤️
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Jim Baxter X Fem!Reader Angsty Prompt with brief cute moments
!TW: Mention of nightmare/having a nightmare (not extremely detailed), mention of rapist/word ‘rapist’, lashing out, jealousy, anxiety, implied suffering from depression!
Jim decided to stay up the next night, and just as he had expected, you began to whimper and tremble, clearly having a nightmare again. Jim shuffled closer to you, before he made to wrap his arms around you, a pained expression on his face. You panicked, thinking that Jim was the rapist in your nightmare, and that he would hurt you. “Let me go!” You cried, and Jim tried not to get hit by you as you struggled against him desperately, frightened.
“It’s okay, Y/n,” Jim spoke gently and quickly, and you began to relax, “I won’t hurt you; it’s just me, okay?” You began to cry, turning around to hug him tightly. Jim pulled you closer to him, feeling his heart sink as he listened to you sobbing; he couldn’t bear to see you like this; it was breaking his heart. “Everything’s going to get better, Y/n,” Jim promised, “you - you’ll get through this, I promise, and you won’t ever have to think about that night again.” You hoped that he was right as you buried your face into his shoulder, whimpering as you tried to calm down, his voice soothing you as he whispered sweet-nothings to you.
You were disappointed when you’d gone to see Jim at the Kern County Department building because you’d bought him a present, and wanted to give it to him before he got home as you felt as if you couldn’t wait that long to see his reaction, but you decided not to bother him when Jamie led you to where he currently was on his lunch break because he was talking and joking with Erin at his desk. “Are you okay?” Jamie inquired, and you nodded, forcing a smile over at her.
“I - Should probably just, actually - Wait until he gets home,” you answered, and Jamie would be surprised, wondering what had changed your mind as she looked over at Jim and Erin. “I’m sorry, if I wasted your time,” you murmured, feeling bad, and stupid for thinking that it would be a good idea to disturb Jim, Jamie and Erin at work.
“Not at all,” Jamie responded, “I’ll walk you out, if you want me to?”
You shook your head, not wanting to waste any more of her time. “That’s okay,” you replied, “thank you for the offer, though. I hope you have a good rest of the day, Jamie.”
“You, too,” Jamie returned, “take it easy, okay?” You nodded, before you waved back at Jamie as you began to walk back to the entrance of the building.
You quickly brushed away your tears when you heard Jim pulling up outside when he got home from work; you’d decided to pretend that the present was from Erin, instead, and you’d written her name as neatly as you could over your’s once you’d gotten back home; you hoped that, though it would be painful for you, he would decide to leave you for Erin as you felt as if he’d be happier with her, especially when she hadn’t been tainted by a rapist, and they seemed to have more that they could talk about as they appeared to have a lot in common. “Hey!” Jim greeted as he walked through the door, and he chuckled as Emily and Sylvia rushed up to him, giggling. “How are my two little princesses?” Jim inquired as he crouched down in front of them, before he wrapped his arms around them both.
“Good!” They both answered in unison, before they began throwing the word ‘jinx’ at each other repeatedly.
Jim smiled sheepishly as he stood up, walking over to you and wrapping his arms around your waist. “And how are you, my Queen?” Jim pried - Unbeknownst to you, Jamie had actually told him about what had happened.
“I’m okay,” you answered, smiling weakly back at him. “Erin sent you a present,” you claimed, hiding your face from him. Jim would be confused, a puzzled expression on his face, which he tried to hide at first; he knew you must be lying to him because Jamie had also told him that you’d bought him a present, and had been intending to give it to him when he got back home. “H-Here,” you continued, offering the nicely wrapped petite box to him.
Jim accepted the box from you, examining the handwriting on the label of it. “This doesn’t look like Erin’s handwriting,” Jim observed, glancing up at you, “it looks more like your’s, to me.”
You winced, shrugging as you hid your face from view again. “Maybe we just have similar handwriting,” you murmured, and Jim shook his head, setting down the box on the counter, before he returned his attention to Emily and Sylvia for a moment.
“Hey, girls - Why don’t you put that show you like on tv? It should be coming on soon,” Jim suggested, waiting for them to turn the television on, before he turned back to you. “I know you bought me the gift, Y/n,” Jim stated, “Jamie told me.” You faltered, a pained expression on your face. “I wouldn’t have minded you giving it to me when you came to see me, Y/n,” Jim expressed, leaning on the counter beside you. “Why didn’t you?” Jim questioned, but you wouldn’t answer him. “Was it because you saw me talking to Erin?” Jim pried, and you grunted, turning away from him, indicating to him that it was because he was talking to Erin when you saw him. Jim sighed, shaking his head, before he made to intertwine his fingers with your’s, but you wouldn’t let him, moving your hand away before he could. “Y/n, I’ve already told you-”
“Tell me you need me, Jim,” you interrupted shakily, “because it feels like you - you don’t anymore.”
Jim frowned, shaking his head with a hurt look on his face. “Are you crazy? Of course I need you, Y/n,” Jim responded, “I’ll always need you; you’re my soulmate, remember? I love you, and I’ll never stop loving you, I promise.” You nodded begrudgingly, deciding to give up; you didn’t want to upset him further as you turned around to wrap your arms around him. Jim expressed relief as he returned the hug, smiling weakly. “Don’t ever think that I don’t need or love you, Y/n,” Jim concluded, “because that will never be true.” You nodded again, trying desperately to believe him.
Hope you enjoyed this prompt! ❤️
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Jim Baxter x Fem!Reader where Jim is shot in the stomach when he takes a bullet for Joe Deacon during night investigation. His wound is severe which leaves him in critical condition and the reader, who is his wife is called to the hospital and after sometime. She helps him recover both in hospital and in their home.
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Jim Baxter X Fem!Reader Requested Prompt
!TW: Mention of bullet, implied mention of getting shot, mention of gun, (mild?) violence, word ‘shot’, blood/presence of blood, mention of ambulance, mention of hospital/hospital, anxiety, mention of pain (not extremely detailed)!
“What was that?” Deacon uttered, his voice muffled and distant; Jim was reliving the chaotic scene moments before which resulted in him taking a bullet for Deacon.
Jim would squint his eyes in the direction of the noise, and he panicked when a dark figure with a gun emerged from the bushes. “Deac, look out!” Jim cried, before he positioned himself in front of his friend as the figure pulled down on the trigger.
Jim cried out in pain, and before he could collapse, Deacon caught him, his eyes wide with shock. The figure then turned, running away as fast as they could, Sal and a couple others chasing after them. “It’s gonna be okay, buddy,” Deacon spoke gently as he looked around for Jamie, who rushed toward them upon hearing the commotion.
“What happened!?” Jamie exclaimed, crouching down beside Jim after Deacon had lowered him slightly to make him feel more comfortable.
“He got shot,” Deacon answered, and Jamie took out her phone, intending to call an ambulance for Jim. “What the hell were you thinking!?” Deacon questioned, disappointed that Jim had gotten himself shot for him.
Jim groaned, clutching his stomach as blood began to stain his hands, seeping through the gaps between his fingers. “T-Tell Jamie to - to call Y/n, please,” Jim begged, his voice trembling.
“We’ll call Y/n once we get you to the hospital, okay?” Deacon responded, but Jim shook his head; he didn’t want to wait to see you until he got to the hospital; he needed you by his side to comfort him; you always managed to distract and make him feel better.
“N-No,” Jim whined, “tell her to call Y/n now!”
Deacon shook his head; he knew he couldn’t before Jim had arrived at the hospital, and was treated. “There’s an ambulance on the way!” Jamie called as she rushed back to Jim and Deacon, helping Deacon to stall the bleeding as they waited for the ambulance to arrive, which it did shortly after the call had been made.
Like Deacon had told Jim, Jamie called you once he’d arrived in hospital and was rushed away to be treated, and you immediately drove down to the hospital once you’d gotten the call, trying not to panic and get into an accident, though you struggled; you were frightened that you’d lose Jim, though Deacon and Jamie both promised you that he’d be okay; they’d gotten him to the hospital in good time, despite his critical condition. “Where is he?” You cried as you rushed up to Deacon and Jamie who were in the waiting room, and they both stood up when they noticed you. “I - I need to see him-”
Jamie held you at arm’s length, trying to stabilise you. “He’s being treated as we speak, Y/n,” Jamie stated, “he’ll be okay, like we promised; he just might need your help whilst he’s recovering.” You nodded; you’d do anything to ensure that Jim recovered swiftly. Jamie smiled to comfort you, and you returned a weaker smile, before Jamie led you over to a free chair so you could sit down; she knew how you must be feeling.
With every passing second, you felt more anxious to see Jim, and you stood up, prompting Jamie to stabilise you again. “Please just let me see him-”
“You’ll be able to see him soon, okay?” Jamie promised, and a strained sob escaped your lips. “Don’t cry,” Jamie cooed, before she pulled you into a hug, trying to soothe you by rubbing your back.
“I just want to see that he is okay,” you whined, and Jamie nodded gravely, understanding.
“And you will see that he is okay,” Jamie assured, “they just need to finish patching him up, okay?” You nodded, before you sank onto the chair again.
After what felt like hours to you, a nurse entered the waiting room from the double doors Jim was rushed through when he was brought into hospital. You stood up when both Jamie and Deacon stood up, fidgeting with your trembling hands as you did. “He’s going to be asleep for a little while,” the nurse informed, and you felt your heart sink; you knew they wouldn’t let you see him whilst he was sleeping, but you were glad to hear that he was okay. “I’ll come back and inform you when he’s woken up, and then two of you will be able to go in and see him,” the nurse relayed, before she walked back through the double doors.
It had gotten darker outside when the nurse came back, informing you three that Jim was now awake. You stood up, looking between Deacon and Jamie. “I - Should probably go in there alone after,” Deacon mused; you didn’t know that Jim had actually taken a bullet for him, and he wanted it to stay that way; he was worried that you might react badly if he told you.
You nodded, smiling faintly back at Jamie, who stood up and followed both you and the nurse through the double doors. “He’s in here,” the nurse concluded, before she opened the doors for you both, and held them open, until you both were inside the room.
You faltered when you noticed him, and Jim feebly smiled up at you. “Y/n,” he whispered, and you rushed over to the seat beside the bed he was on, pulling it closer.
“I was so worried about you,” you expressed shakily, before you held his right hand in both of your’s. “I - I was worried I’d lost you-”
“Hey,” Jim interjected gently, shaking his head, “you’ll never lose me, okay? I promise-”
“D-Don’t promise!” You cried, surprising both him and Jamie. “If - If you promise, something will happen to you,” you explained, your voice quivering as you did.
Jim scoffed, shaking his head again. “That’s ridiculous, Y/n-”
“You promised me that nothing would ever happen to you, Jimmy,” you reminded him, “and you got shot!”
Jim winced, sharing a knowing look with Jamie for a moment. “Nothing will happen this time, Y/n,” Jim reassured you, or tried to, “don’t worry and think that it will, because it won’t; I’m almost certain that it won’t, okay?” You begrudgingly nodded, trying not to think about what else could happen to him.
“I - I’ll try not to worry, Jimmy, I just-” You sighed, lifting your right hand to brush away a tear that had escaped your right eye. “I love you so much, and I don’t know what I’d do without you,” you mused, and Jim smiled sadly and apologetically up at you.
“Well, guess what?” Jim replied, and you tilted your head partially.
“What?” You inquired, lifting a skeptical eyebrow down at him.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you, either,” Jim admitted, and another smile began to tug at the corners of your lips. “Oh, and - I love you more,” Jim added, making you giggle; you both liked to have playful fights in which you’d both debate who loves who more, and you were glad to see that that hadn’t changed.
“No,” you contradicted, “I love you more.”
“You guys are so cheesy,” Jamie piped up, and you both couldn’t help, but laugh in response to her remark, and Jim noticed that he was feeling much better already mentally.
You had gone out to get a water bottle from the vending machine to refill the water cup on Jim’s miniature table next to the bed he was on, though the nurses normally refilled the jug every hour, or whenever they were needed after that to refill it if they hadn’t been emptied after an hour. You stopped at the door of the room he was in, worried when you heard that he was crying. Jim would be surprised when you came back so soon; he thought you were going outside for fresh air for a little while, too; you said you would. “Jim?” You spoke gently, and Jim quickly turned his face away; he didn’t want to worry you, but you already knew that he was crying. “Are you okay?” You inquired, sitting beside him.
“It - It just hurts so much,” Jim whispered shakily, gesticulating to his stomach, where he’d previously been shot.
You frowned, a pained expression on your face. “I know it hurts,” you responded, placing your left hand on top of his right hand to comfort him, “but it’ll get better soon, I promise; you won’t have to be in so much pain anymore soon; everything will go back to normal.” Jim nodded gravely, hoping that you were right.
“It’s so good to have you home, Jimmy,” you expressed as you, Jim and the girls snuggled up together on the couch, careful to not hurt him as he was still not fully healed properly; he had been released because he appeared fit enough to return home with you, and Jamie helped you with guiding him out of the hospital and getting him into your car.
Jim smiled lovingly over at you, glad to be back as he had been getting sick of staying in that hospital bed for practically the whole day, excluding toilet breaks when he had help walking to the toilet. “It’s great to be back home,” Jim corroborated, and you smiled warmly up at him, before you connected your lips to his soft ones.
When Jim got up to go to bed after the girls had been tucked in by you, he groaned, leaning heavily against the arm of the sofa. You rushed down the stairs when you heard him, and you expressed concern when you noticed that he was slightly doubled over. “Jimmy? A-Are you okay?” You inquired, hooking an arm around his waist to stabilise him if he needed you to.
“It just hurts a little bit when I get up, that’s all,” Jim murmured, his voice slightly strained.
You frowned, but tried to hide the worry you felt for him as you didn’t want to upset him by making him feel like a burden on you. “You’ll feel better once you take your medicine and have a nap,” you stated, and Jim nodded, forcing a smile up at you. “Let me help you up the stairs,” you instructed, and Jim nodded again, letting you guide him toward the staircase and slowly up the steps.
Hope you enjoyed this prompt! ❤️
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Jim Baxter X Fem!Reader Angsty Prompt with comfort, cute moments and a cute ending
!TW: Mention of word ‘raped’/mention of being raped (not extremely detailed), mention of blood, word ‘raping’, mention of violence, mention of nightmare/word ‘nightmare’ (not detailed), mild(?) violence, anxiety, being stressed, implied swearing (‘cursed’), word ‘die’!
You and Jim had decided to talk about the night you were raped in small stages; he thought maybe it would be slightly easier for you. “I know this is a stupid question, because - it’s probably your blood, but-” Jim set down the picture, gesticulating to the blood on the floor, and the small amount of blood on your t-shirt.
You shook your head, a pained expression on your face. “That’s not my blood,” you murmured, and Jim would be surprised, tilting his head partially; he was wondering if you’d managed to fight back against the man, before he’d succeeded in raping you. “It’s - It’s his,” you admitted, “I managed to kick him in the face whilst he attempted to pin me down, and then his nose started bleeding quite heavily. He - He then slapped me, and succeeded in pinning me down on the ground - That’s why there was blood on my t-shirt - it was from his nosebleed. I tried to escape his hold, b-but he was too strong, and-..”
Jim frowned when he noticed that you’d begun to cry, and he intertwined your fingers with his, wishing he could have stopped the man from doing what he had done to you. “It’s okay, Y/n,” Jim spoke gently, “we can stop there for today, okay?”
You nodded, burying your face into your hands for a moment, before you lowered them, resting them upon the table again. “Am - Am I going to get into trouble for kicking him?” You inquired, and Jim shook his head, reassuring you as you expressed relief, before you stood up and moved around the table to hug Jim. Jim returned the hug, rubbing your back to comfort you.
When you’d heard that Jim’s more distant relatives were coming into town to see him, you panicked, thinking he’d tell them about what had happened to you, when you didn’t want them to know; you wanted to be seen as normal by them; you didn’t want to be treated differently, and you didn’t want them to know you as someone who’d been raped, and tainted; you still believed that you were, even when Jim continuously told you otherwise. “Just - Please don’t tell them, okay?” You practically pleaded, and Jim would think about it for a moment, holding you at arm’s length; he was worried that maybe they’d say something that would upset you, or scare you, or do something accidentally that would scare you, like move too quickly when they’re near you, if he didn’t tell them about what had happened to you. “They’ve probably got enough on their plates,” you mused, “they don’t need to add worrying about me to their list.”
“Are you sure?” Jim questioned, and you nodded, smiling reassuringly up at him. “O-Okay,” Jim murmured, before he nodded, though he felt as if he was going to be extra worried when they came to see you all in a few days.
You’d been having a nightmare, and Jim was trying to wake you up by gently shaking you, but you would be startled by his action, unintentionally slapping him, making him groan and subconsciously let go of you. You felt guilty when you realised that you’d hit him, and you began to apologise shakily and continuously. Jim shook his head; he didn’t want you to blame yourself for what had just happened. “It’s okay,” Jim reassured you, “it wasn’t your fault, Y/n. You were just scared, and didn’t know that it was me until you saw me.” You hugged him tightly, and he returned the hug, rubbing your back to comfort you.
You’d cooked up a big meal for everyone; Jim’s distant relatives were meant to be coming over to see you all today, and you were beginning to get stressed out and anxious, pacing subconsciously around the room. “Are you okay?” Jim inquired, and you nodded, forcing a smile over at him as you began to stop pacing. Jim stepped closer to you; he could see that you were nervous, and he wanted to make you feel better. “Hey, if - if you want me to tell them that they can’t come today-”
“N-No!” You squeaked, and Jim hesitated, a pained expression on his face; he was worried about you.
“Are you sure?” Jim pried, and you nodded.
You warily looked toward the window when you heard a car pulling up outside of you and his house, and he smiled softly, before he stood up, waiting for the doorbell to be rung, and when it was he walked out of the living room to open the front door. You took a deep, shaky breath, before you stood up from the sofa, waiting for them to enter the room behind Jim. You forced a smile when the small group began to file into the room, smiling widely and warmly when they noticed you. “Hey, it’s great to see you all!” You greeted, before you brought yourself to approach them, and hug each of them.
Jim monitored your behaviour closely, knowing he’d have to step in if you appeared uncomfortable. “Long time no see,” one of the women in the group chimed, and you wore a puzzled expression on your face; you were trying to remember where you’d seen her before because you knew that you had. “You don’t remember me?” She guessed, surprised. “It’s me, Monica - I was at you and Jim’s wedding,” she informed, and you cursed yourself for forgetting.
“I’m sorry, it’s just,” you began slowly as you thought of what to say for a moment, “it’s been so long, I didn’t remember for a minute.” Jim smiled reassuringly over at you when you subconsciously looked to him for comfort, and you felt a little better, smiling back at Monica, before you began to catch up with her to the best of your ability, without mentioning what had happened to you when she’d asked about what you’d gotten up to.
Emily and Sylvia decided to play a prank on you because they thought it would cheer you up; they didn’t like seeing you upset after the little talks you and Jim had about the night you were raped. You would be startled when they jumped out of their bedroom upon hearing you approaching to lie down in bed for a bit to calm yourself down after the talk. Jim warily approached you and the girls, worried about how you might react to their prank, but you seemed to take it quite well, relaxing quite soon after they had executed the prank. “You really got me, girls,” you remarked, managing a weak laugh. “You had me thinking that I was going to die there for a minute,” you added, and they both giggled, before they both wrapped their arms around you, making you smile, and feel much better.
Hope you enjoyed this prompt! ❤️
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Jim Baxter X Fem!Reader Angsty and Cute Prompt with a cute ending
!TW: Threat (not detailed), mild violence, mention of blood, presence of blood, injury detail (cuts and bruises), implied swearing (‘cursing’), swearing!
“Don’t make me say something I’m going to regret!” Jim snapped, and you fell quiet for a moment, glaring back at him.
“You’re a mean drunk, you know that? So - Was it all just a game?” You retorted, and he would be surprised as he hadn’t expected you to respond. “Did you ever care about me?” You inquired, trying not to show him that you were upset.
You would be shocked when he accepted a phone call whilst the two of you were arguing, and in your anger you stormed out of the room. “Hey. I’m gonna have to call you back. Something just came up,” he quickly ended the call, rushing out of the room to catch you before you could leave. “I’m sorry, Y/N, I just-”
“It’s fine, Jim,” you murmured, and he shook his head gravely. “Just - Just tell me you love me,” you requested, and he frowned when he noticed the tears in your eyes.
You looked away, not wanting him to see you crying. “Come here,” Jim spoke gently as he pulled you into a hug, “I’ve got you.”
Jim had noticed that someone had been threatening you, and he quickly ended the call with his boss, rushing to your aid. Jim shoved the man away from you, not caring if he got hurt if it meant you wouldn’t be hurt. “You’re not going to speak to her like that,” he stated, briefly looking back at you to check that you were okay.
“I have no idea what you expect us to do with that,” he admitted, gesticulating to the small puppy which you’d found on the streets in the rain.
“We can’t just leave it on the streets, Jim!” You exclaimed, clearly set on keeping it. “It could die,” you whined, hugging the puppy close to you to warm it up more. “Please just let it stay here, I promise I’ll take care of it,” you pleaded, desperate.
Jim hesitated for a moment, and you would wear a hopeful expression on your face when his eyes finally met your’s. “Fine,” he gave in, and your eyes lit up with excitement as you carefully set the puppy down to hug Jim tightly. “As long as you don’t love it more than you love me,” he remarked, and you grinned, shaking your head. “I always wondered if your puppy eyes worked on anyone, and now I realise they work on me,” he claimed, and you giggled, burying your face against his neck.
“Jim - What happened?” You questioned him when he wouldn’t talk to you, and he was hiding his face from you. You managed to see a little bit of a red stain when you tried to see his face, but he turned away from you before you could see what the source of it was. “That better not be blood,” you uttered, and he reluctantly looked up at you.
You noticed the cuts and bruises on his face, and you would be shocked. “I got into a fight,” he responded, his voice quiet. You fell quiet, and he grunted, cursing the silence; he hated it. “Aren’t you going to say anything?” Jim asked, prompting you to speak.
You shrugged, shaking your head for a moment. “I literally don’t have words,” you murmured, “I mean - You told me you wouldn’t do this anymore.”
“He - He was talking shit about us, Y/N,” he recalled, and you shook your head, looking away. “I couldn’t just stand there and listen-” Jim stopped when he heard you crying, and he frowned, reluctantly stepping closer to you. “What’s wrong?” Jim inquired, concern expressed in his voice.
“I’m - I’m scared, Jim,” you admitted, and he would be confused, wondering what was bothering you or if someone had threatened you. You turned around, hugging him tightly. “I’m scared that I’ll lose you,” you admitted, and he realised, shaking his head. “What if - What if someone kills you?” You asked, your voice faltering.
Jim held you at arm’s length, but you wouldn’t dare look up at him. “Look at me,” he commanded gently, and reluctantly you met his gaze. “You’re never going to lose me,” he promised, and you tried to smile, but you could only manage a weak one. Jim leaned forward, placing a gentle kiss on your lips to try and prove it. “I love you, Y/N,” he whispered, and you hid your face, feeling that your cheeks were heating up. “Remember that,” he added softly, and you nodded; you intended to try.
Hope you enjoyed this prompt! ❤️
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Jim Baxter X Fem!Reader Concern Prompt with angst and a cute comfort ending (linked to last prompt I posted)
!TW: Mention of nightmares (not detailed), implied suffering from depression and anxiety!
Jim expressed concern for you as you entered the kitchen in the morning, where Jim was making breakfast for you, him and the girls; he’d noticed that you’d been struggling and had been having nightmares the past few days. “Good morning,” Jim greeted you, and you sleepily returned the two words. “Did you have a nightmare again?” Jim inquired, though he already knew that you had. You nodded gravely, and Jim frowned. “What’s going on with you, Y/n? You’ve been having nightmares the past three days,” Jim mused, and you grunted, lowering your gaze to your hands which were resting upon the kitchen table.
“I didn’t know you were keeping track,” you responded, and forced a smile up at Emily and Sylvia when you noticed them looking in your direction; you didn’t want them to worry about you, too.
“It’s hard not to,” Jim replied, “especially when I hear you crying every night beside me.”
You faltered, your shiny smile fading; you were beginning to feel like a burden on Jim; you hadn’t realised that you’d been waking him up with your crying during the night after each nightmare you’d had. “I - I’m sorry,” you expressed, “I - Didn’t mean to wake you up-..”
Jim shook his head quickly, smiling reassuringly back at you. “It’s okay, Y/n,” Jim assured, “it’s not your fault, and I wouldn’t want to have to know that I was asleep whilst you were suffering, anyway.”
“Are you still mad?” Jim asked after you’d shuffled away from him when he tried to wrap his arms around you whilst you were lying down on the sofa again; you’d found out that Jim had told Erin about what had happened to you, and you felt betrayed by him; you never thought he’d tell anyone who didn’t already know. Jim would be disappointed, a pained expression on his face as he sat on the edge of the sofa; he was beginning to regret telling Erin, but he had only told her to try and explain partly why you were acting strangely with her the other day. “I’ve apologised to you at least a hundred times now, Y/n,” Jim stated, adding extra emphasis on the words ‘at least’.
“Apologising isn’t enough, Jimmy,” you uttered, and he frowned, trying to think of something else he could do to earn your forgiveness. “What happened to us, Jim?” You questioned, your voice close to a whisper.
Jim faltered, a hurt look on his face; he wasn’t expecting you to ask him a question like that. “W-What do you mean?” Jim inquired, stammering. “Y/n,” Jim spoke gently, before he placed his hand on your shoulder when you allowed him to, “nothing’s changed - everything is okay now; everything should be normal again.”
You shook your head gravely, reluctantly glancing up at him. “But it isn’t, is it?” You contradicted, your voice weak, and Jim wouldn’t know how to respond, looking away from you as small tears began to invade his greyish blue eyes.
Jim then couldn’t hold his emotions back as he began to cry, shaking his head. “Please - Please don’t leave me, Y/n,” Jim begged shakily, surprising you; you’d rarely seen Jim crying, and when he did it always came as a surprise to you. “I can’t lose you!” Jim cried, and you felt bad for upsetting him, sitting up to wrap your arms around him to comfort him.
Jim hugged you back tightly; he was afraid that if he let you go, you’d disappear. “I won’t leave you, Jimmy,” you whispered, and Jim expressed relief momentarily, “I thought - you’d-.. leave me.”
Jim would be shocked, holding you at arm’s length. You bowed your head, feeling ashamed of yourself. “Are you crazy?” Jim retorted, and you only felt worse. “I could never leave you, Y/n,” Jim stated, “I - I love you too much to leave you.”
“You do?” You responded as you hesitantly let your eyes meet his again, and Jim nodded his head quickly, certain of himself.
“Of course I do,” Jim insisted, “you’re my soulmate, Y/n; I’ve known and felt that you’re my soulmate ever since I first met you.”
A weak smile tugged at the corners of your lips, and Jim reflected the smile, lifting his hand to brush away a stray tear which had leaked from your left eye. “Kiss me,” you requested, and Jim leant forward slowly to connect his lips to your’s.
Hope you enjoyed this prompt! ❤️
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Jim Baxter X Fem!Reader Angsty Prompt with cute moments
!TW: Implied suffering from depression, anxiety, jealousy, mention of previously being raped/word ‘raped’, word ‘rapist’/mention of rapist, implied mention of cheating, mention of being threatening, mention of nightmare, word ‘rape’, mental struggles/trauma struggles, word ‘raping’, injury detail (black eye), mention of medication (painkillers)!
Jim scowled, annoyed, and you could see that he had been drinking, most likely a lot more than he normally would. “Well you’re coming home with me whether you like it or not, Y/n,” Jim spat, and you moved away before he could grab your arm; you’d left the house after an argument, and he’d followed you, clearly.
“I don’t want to go home!” You exclaimed, and Jim grunted, growing impatient.
“I don’t care!” Jim spat back, before he succeeded in catching your arm and pulling you towards the exit doors of the bar.
“Let me go, Jimmy,” you demanded, trying to pull your arm from his grasp, but his grip was too strong, and your arm was beginning to hurt a little bit, so you stopped trying. “This is only going to lead to another fight, Jim,” you stated, “let me go, and I’ll come home later-”
“No,” Jim interrupted, “you’re coming home with me now; you can’t run off to a bar like that!” You gave in, following him begrudgingly to his dark blue car.
You’d barely said anything to Jim for the rest of the day, and he tried to act as if your silence wasn’t hurting him, when it was; he felt awful for how he’d acted with you earlier. Jim glanced over at you whilst you were all sat at the dinner table, and he noticed that you were the only one who wasn’t eating; you were just playing with your food with your fork. “W-Why aren’t you eating, Y/n?” Jim inquired, but you wouldn’t dare look up at him.
“I’m not hungry,” you murmured, and Jim frowned, nodding gravely, before he decided to leave you alone for a little while, until the girls had finished their dinner.
“Girls, why don’t you - go upstairs and play for a little while?” Jim suggested, and they nodded, before they ran up the stairs. Jim then returned his attention to you, a pained expression on his face. “Y/n-”
“I don’t like the new Jim,” you muttered, and Jim fell quiet for a moment, a hurt look on his face.
“W-Well,” Jim uttered, “I don’t like you!” Jim then stormed out of the room, and you buried your face into your hands, trying to fight back your tears.
When Jim joined you in bed, you were turned away from him, trying to hide that you’d been crying. “H-Hey,” Jim spoke quietly and gently, trying to hold your right hand, but you moved it away before he could. “Talk to me,” Jim begged, “I can’t stand seeing you like this, Y/n.” You wouldn’t respond to him, you just stared at the wall through glistening eyes. Jim sighed, before he gave in, knowing he should let you approach him when you felt ready to approach him.
Jim would be surprised to come home to you lying down on the sofa, and he hung his coat up, before he sat on the edge of the sofa beside you. “Leave me alone,” you murmured, your words slurred.
Jim frowned, guessing that you’d been drinking. “Are you drunk?” Jim questioned, and you grimaced up at him.
“Oh I’m sorry, am I not allowed to be?” You retorted, and Jim faltered, looking away from you.
“Not all the time,” Jim answered, and you nodded.
“Well it’s not like it happens all the time for me,” you uttered, and Jim nodded gravely. “I know how to manage alcohol, do you?” You spat, and Jim scowled down at you.
“You better watch yourself,” Jim snapped, and you snorted; he wouldn’t do anything to you; you knew he wouldn’t, because he’d never, ever hurt you on purpose before. “Screw this,” Jim muttered, “I’m going to bed.” Jim then got up from the edge of the sofa, reluctantly leaving the room and rushing up the stairs to check on the girls, before he retired to bed, trying not to worry about you.
You were anxious as Jim was hanging out a lot with a new woman who’d joined his Kern County department workplace, but at the same time you remembered how you had been raped, and you thought that maybe he didn’t find you attractive anymore after what happened to you, or maybe he felt as if you had been dirtied by the rapist, when really he didn’t think either of those things; he was just being friendly and welcoming toward the woman to make her feel comfortable. You were washing up as Jim was talking about everything that had happened at work today, but this time he hadn’t mentioned the woman at all, worrying you as you looked back at him. “H-How was your new friend, today? Is she settling in well?” You inquired, trying not to let your voice shake as you bit down on your tongue.
Jim frowned; he had been trying to refrain from mentioning her because he’d noticed that you always seemed to have a worried look on your face when he did, and he didn’t like to upset you, so he decided to stop mentioning her, though there was no reason for you to be worried; he could never let himself betray you again; he still felt awful for unintentionally doing it after you’d been raped - it had really messed with your head. “Yeah, s-she’s fine, now,” Jim answered, and you stared down at the glass you were washing, trying to distract yourself with it.
“Good,” you responded, “I hope everything works out the way you want it to.”
Jim would be confused by your remark, and he stood up from his chair, abandoning the coffee you’d made him on the Kitchen table. “What do you mean?” Jim inquired, leaning on the counter beside you.
You winced, hiding your face from him. “Forget about it,” you mumbled, but Jim couldn’t forget about it, shaking his head.
“Tell me, Y/n,” Jim encouraged, “you’ve been acting strange ever since I mentioned that Erin had joined.” You felt pathetic as tears began to fight to escape your eyes, and you couldn’t hold it back as you began to cry, your face contorting as you did. Jim felt his heart sink when he heard you sniffling, and he attempted to wrap his arms around you, but you moved away from him before he could. “Y/n-”
“Just - Just go and be with her instead, Jim!” You cried, and Jim shook his head, a hurt look on his face. “It sounds like you both get along better than - than we do-”
“Stop being so jealous, Y/n,” Jim interrupted, annoyed and disappointed that you’d think that he’d leave you for Erin. “Every couple has their off days,” he reminded you, “I’ve told you that so many times before.” Jim then felt bad for raising his voice slightly, and he lowered it again, making to place his hand on your shoulder, but you flinched when he did, prompting him to apologise and withdraw his hand. “Look,” he began again gently, “I love you, okay? And nothing will ever change that, I promise. You’re my soulmate, Y/n.” You smiled weakly at the word ‘soulmate’, before you glanced back at him. “Do - Do you trust me?” Jim pried, his greyish blue eyes full of hope.
You nodded, before you turned around and wrapped your arms around him. Jim smiled softly, returning the hug as he did; he was happy to see that you felt better, now. “I love you, Jimmy,” you whispered, and his smile grew as he rubbed your back.
“I love you, too, Y/n,” Jim returned, before he connected his lips to your’s delicately, as if you were a porcelain doll that could break easily.
“Don’t touch me-!” Jim hissed when Deacon attempted to pull him back after he’d actually snapped and threatened the man they’d brought in for questioning, and suspected, again. “I know you raped my wife, you asshole!” Jim shouted, only to be held back by Deacon again, until Sal stood between the man and Jim.
“Calm it,” Deacon instructed Jim, before he guided his irritated friend out of the room to calm him down.
Jim was feeling rather dejected and aggravated when he got back home, and he winced when he noticed the disappointed look on your face when you opened the door for him. “You left me this morning without saying goodbye,” you whined, and Jim nodded gravely.
“I didn’t want to wake you,” Jim explained as he slipped past you, hanging up his coat on the rack once he’d reached it, “you looked so peaceful.” You reluctantly accepted his reason, before you closed the front door.
Jim frowned when he woke up to you crying beside him in bed; you’d had a nightmare about the rape again. “Hey,” Jim spoke gently, and you whimpered, trying to hide your face from him; you didn’t like to cry in front of him. “Don’t hide from me,” Jim whispered, before he pulled you closer to him, cradling you. “It’s okay to cry,” he stated, and you buried your face into his shoulder, not feeling any better about it. “Did you have a nightmare?” Jim inquired, and you nodded, a pained expression on your face. “Was it - About-?” Jim pried, not wanting to say the word as it would upset both you and him to be reminded of it. You nodded again, and Jim scowled; he wished he could have been there to stop the man from raping you. “Don’t worry, Y/n,” Jim responded, “I’ll never let it happen again, I promise; you’ll never have to go through it again.” You tried to believe him, but struggled, anxious as you believed it would happen to you again unexpectedly, though it was highly unlikely to happen again.
Jim had decided to, reluctantly, introduce you to Erin, after Deacon had advised him to; he thought maybe you and Erin could both become friends. “Jim!” Erin greeted when she spotted him and you approaching, happy to see her friend, and hoping to become friends with you.
“Hey, Erin,” Jim returned, before he hugged Erin after she’d wrapped her arms around him. Jim then smiled over at you, hooking an arm around your waist, before he eased you closer to him to make you feel more comfortable. “This is my wife, Y/n,” Jim informed, before he gesticulated to Erin, “and Y/n - this is Erin, our new budding detective.”
You forced a smile, before you shook her hand awkwardly. “It’s nice to meet you, Erin,” you stated, and Erin smiled sheepishly, before she returned the expression. “Jim tells me you’re settling in well,” you continued, and Erin nodded. “How do you like Kern County?” You inquired, trying to make conversation as you didn’t want to be completely awkward with her.
“It’s great,” Erin expressed, “everyone is nice there, and I just feel so at home.”
“Good,” you replied, before you looked away, searching for a distraction.
Erin wouldn’t know what to say, looking up at Jim for a moment, before she looked around the park. “Let’s go to that nice café around the corner,” Jim broke the silence, and both you and Erin nodded, following him.
In the café, you were beginning to feel worse - Erin and Jim just knew exactly what to talk about; they were discussing funny observations they’d made at work, and also past jobs they’d had. “I - I think I’m gonna go home, Jimmy,” you spoke up, and Jim fell quiet, a pained expression on his face as he looked over at you. “I don’t feel good,” you murmured, and Jim expressed concern for you, intertwining your fingers with his.
“That’s okay,” Jim responded, “we could meet up here with Erin again another day, if you want to?”
You grimaced, unable to stop yourself as you uttered: “Because you just love to see and talk to her, don’t you?” You sighed shakily, smiling apologetically up at Erin, who nervously rubbed her arm; she didn’t know what to say. “I’m sorry, Erin,” you murmured, “it was nice meeting you.”
Erin smiled faintly, before she nodded her head slightly. “It was nice meeting you, too,” Erin returned, and Jim reluctantly stood up from his chair after you had.
“I’ll see you on Monday, Erin,” Jim concluded, before he followed you out of the café, disappointed by the way you’d reacted, but he certainly wasn’t surprised. “Y/n, wait!” Jim called, jogging after you as you’d sped ahead of him. “What happened in there?” Jim questioned, a hurt look on his face; he wished you could just trust him.
“I couldn’t listen to you both talking anymore, Jimmy; I just couldn’t,” you expressed, turning to face him. “You’re both just - perfect for each other,” you mused, and Jim shook his head, trying to hold your hand, but you wouldn’t let him.
“Don’t do this, Y/n, please,” Jim begged, “I - I love you, okay? I could never love anyone else.” You scoffed, looking away from him. “I’m not lying when I tell you I love you, Y/n,” Jim persisted, desperate to fix things between you and him.
“L-Let’s just go home,” you mumbled, not wanting to fight anymore; you were too tired to keep fighting with him.
You were disheartened when Jim returned later than he normally would again, but you tried to hide it, feeling as if you shouldn’t bother asking where he had been, especially after everything that had happened recently; you felt as if, if he had been doing anything behind your back again, you understood why, and therefore didn’t blame him for it. “How was it today?” You inquired, trying not to let your voice shake as you began to plate up the last of the dinner you’d saved for him.
“Not great,” Jim answered, and you frowned, looking back at him.
You would falter when you noticed that he had a black eye, and you abandoned his dinner for a moment, rushing over to him as you were worried about him. “W-What happened!? Who gave you a black eye?” You demanded, your voice trembling for a moment as you panicked, trying to think of what you could do to help him. “L-Let me get an ice pack for you,” you murmured, rushing out of the room, and returning with an ice pack and a bottle of painkillers for him. “Here, h-hold this over your eye,” you instructed, and Jim groaned; he hadn’t intended for you to rush around to help him; he knew you must be tired after looking after Emily and Sylvia whilst he was at work.
“Let me just get you a glass of water so you can have a painkiller pill-”
“Y/n, stop!” Jim commanded, raising his voice slightly. You stopped, looking back at him with a pained expression on your face. “Just,” Jim began again in a softer voice, “don’t worry about me, okay? I can get myself some water. Why don’t you go to bed?”
“I don’t want to,” you answered, “I want to know what happened to you, Jim.”
Jim grunted, before he sank into one of the chairs at the Kitchen table. “I got into a fight at the bar near the Kern County building,” he explained, “it was just a stupid fight-”
You wanted more information than that, pressing him further as you sat on the chair beside the one that he was on. “Why did it start?” You pried, and Jim frowned, wincing; one of his co-workers that he didn’t get along with at all suggested that maybe you deserved to be raped by that man.
“We were both just slightly drunk,” Jim lied, “and you know what I get like when I’m drunk..”
You hesitantly decided to give in, accepting his answer. “O-Okay, well-..” You murmured, rubbing your arm nervously. “You need to be more careful, Jimmy,” you stated, “I tell you all the time, but you never listen-”
“I do listen,” Jim contradicted, “that guy just really pissed me off; I couldn’t stop myself, Y/n.”
“You need to try harder, Jim,” you scolded, “anyway.. I’m going to bed. Take some painkillers, okay? They’ll help.” Jim nodded, forcing a weak smile up at you, and watching as you dragged yourself up the stairs, clearly exhausted.
Hope you enjoyed this prompt! ❤️
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Jim Baxter X Fem!Reader Cute Prompt with caring elements
!TW: Mention of abortion, mention of being stressed (not detailed), mention of rape, mention of pregnancy, swearing, mention of therapy sessions, implied swearing (‘cursing’), mention of being ill!
“Take my seat,” Jim offered when you complained about the seat you were on being uncomfortable; you had both decided to go to the cinema to relax after everything that had happened recently with your abortion and Jim being stressed out at work.
You shook your head quickly; you didn’t want Jim to be uncomfortable during the film. “N-No, Jimmy, I can’t-”
“It’s fine, Y/n,” Jim assured, and you groaned, before you accepted his offer, switching seats with him.
“Thank you, Jimmy,” you stated, before you rested your head on his shoulder. “You’re sure you’re okay in that seat?” You pried, and Jim nodded, before he smiled reassuringly down at you.
“You deserve that seat more than me, Y/n,” Jim claimed, “especially after - everything that happened to you recently.” You frowned, looking away from him; you’d rather not be reminded of the rape, the pregnancy and the abortion. Jim felt bad when he noticed the look on your face, so he intertwined his fingers with your’s. “I - I’m sorry,” Jim spoke gently, “let’s just - forget about it now, okay? Completely. This film will take both of our minds off of everything, I promise.” You hoped that he was right as you forced a smile up at him, and he returned the smile, before he leaned down to connect his lips to your’s.
You and Jim had dropped off Sylvia and Emily at his mother’s house before you had both gone out to the cinema, and when you both got home you snuggled up together to watch a movie, before Jim began to cook dinner for you both. When you heard Jim put on you and his song: ‘The Night We Met’ by Lord Huron, you rushed into the Kitchen, before you wrapped your arms around his waist, smiling up at him lovingly. “May I have this dance, Mr. Baxter?” You requested, and Jim grinned, nodding as he turned to face you, abandoning dinner briefly.
“You may, Mrs. Baxter,” Jim answered, before he began to slowly and carefully dance with you to the song in the Kitchen; you loved moments like these with Jim.
You snuggled closer to Jim in the morning, smiling softly at him, before you lifted your hand to play with his soft and neat black hair. Jim groaned deeply as he began to stir, and you giggled, feeling your heart flutter as his beautiful greyish blue eyes began to open slowly. “I dreamt about you last night,” you admitted, your voice close to a whisper. Jim chuckled, before he connected his lips to your’s.
You were watching Jim getting dressed; he had to leave to go to work soon. “Fucking tie,” Jim uttered as he struggled to do it up, and a smile played on your lips, before you got up to help him.
“Come here,” you demanded gently, and Jim nodded, meeting you halfway, “let me fix it for you.” You smiled shyly up at Jim whilst you were fixing his tie, and he reflected your smile, before he connected his lips to your’s in a loving kiss.
You had gotten scared as you’d left your therapy session later than usual, so it was darker outside. You called Jim, hoping he’d be able to drive you home, but he didn’t answer, making you begin to panic as you thought you’d have to walk back home by yourself. You were worried that someone might try and rape you again, so you stayed outside of the building you’d had your therapy session in. “Y/n?” A familiar voice sounded, breaking the unnerving silence.
You expressed relief when you noticed Jamie walking toward you; she must have been on her way home when she saw you. “Jamie!” You exclaimed, running up to her and hugging her tightly.
“Are you okay?” Jamie inquired, holding you at arm’s length as she looked around for Jim to see if he had met up with you after he’d left work, too.
“Y-Yeah, I just,” you stammered, embarrassed, “I’m too scared to walk back home.”
Jamie frowned, nodding gravely; she understood that it might remind you of the night you were raped. “I’ll walk you home, if you want me to?” Jamie offered, and you nodded quickly, your eyes glinting.
“Thank you so much, Jamie!” You responded, and she smiled warmly at you.
“It’s okay,” Jamie replied, “let’s go. Jim’s probably wondering where you are.” You nodded, following behind her closely as you felt safe when you were closer to her.
When you had gotten drunk after having a fight with your parents, Jim had to pick you up and drive you back home; he’d heard from your friends that you’d probably gone to the local bar when he asked them if they might know where you had gone after he hadn’t heard from you for a while. “Watch your step,” Jim warned as he guided you down the path to you and his house, and there were a couple of steps past the dark green gate. Jim helped you down the steps slowly; he didn’t want you to hurt yourself by tripping over or missing a step.
You checked on Jim upstairs when you heard him cursing, and he appeared to be searching for something in the bedroom. “What’s wrong?” You inquired, and Jim looked back at you, a pained expression on his face.
“I can’t find my favourite shirt,” he answered dejectedly, and you couldn’t help, but giggle, annoying him. “It’s not funny, Y/n-”
“Lighten up, Jim,” you interrupted, placing your hand on his shoulder, “I’m sure it’s around somewhere, but for now - I’m sorry for your loss.” Jim nodded gravely, before he continued to search the room for his shirt. “Have a good day at work, babe,” you concluded, before you pulled him away from the wardrobe to place a kiss to his cheek. Then rushed downstairs to prepare Sylvia and Emily for school like you normally did in the morning, when it wasn’t the weekend, of course.
You decided to see if you could find Jim’s favourite shirt whilst he was out, and when you finally did find it under the bed, you got excited to reunite him with it. The moment Jim had returned home, you rushed upstairs to get it for him. “Hey, Jimmy, I found something,” you stated as you walked into the living room, and Jim hummed quietly to show that he was listening to you, “when I saw it, it reminded me of you. Look.”
Jim finally looked up at you, and when he saw that you were holding his favourite shirt, he stood up, a smile playing on his lips. “Y/n-”
“It was under the bed,” you informed, and Jim groaned, annoyed that he hadn’t checked under the bed before.
“Thank you so much, Y/n!” Jim expressed, before he threw his arms around you, hugging you tightly.
“You’re welcome,” you replied, returning the hug; you loved to cheer him up when he felt down.
“How can I repay you for finding it for me?” Jim inquired, and you shook your head.
“You don’t need to do anything for me, Jimmy,” you answered, but he still planned to try and repay you by making you your favourite meal for dinner.
“I made you your favourite,” Jim announced as you entered the Kitchen, and you would be surprised, smiling your thanks to him as he set down the plate on the dining table for you.
Jim had returned home late from work, and you began to stir as he entered the bedroom. “Shit, sorry, Y/n,” Jim spoke gently, “I didn’t mean to wake you up.”
“It’s okay,” you reassured him, smiling faintly. “I couldn’t sleep anyway,” you lied, and Jim reluctantly decided to believe you, before he disappeared into the bathroom to get dressed.
Jim had brought you back a piece of Jamie’s birthday cake when he returned home after work; you’d felt too ill and exhausted to go with him, unfortunately. “Hey,” Jim greeted as he walked through the front door, and you smiled weakly up at him, before you forced yourself to sit up on the sofa; you had been waiting for him to return home. “I secured a piece of cake for you,” Jim stated, before he set the plastic container down on the coffee table beside you.
“T-Thank you, Jimmy,” you responded, your voice barely audible.
“You’re welcome,” he returned, sitting beside you; he wasn’t afraid to get sick by sitting beside you; he just wanted to make you happy whilst you were like this.
“Jimmy, no-”
“It’s okay, Y/n,” he assured, “I don’t mind getting sick.”
You groaned, giving in as Jim wrapped his arms around you, holding you close to him. “I probably won’t be able to eat the whole slice, so - You can have half of it,” you offered, and Jim shook his head, until he reluctantly decided to give in because you wouldn’t stop protesting.
You wanted to treat Jim after he’d taken such good care of you, and you would snatch his wallet away when he attempted to take out his card so he could pay for the coffee, instead. “No, Jimmy, I want to get this for you,” you whined, and Jim raised his hands in surrender, smiling sheepishly as he was amused by your reaction.
As you and Jim were leaving the house to go to the theatre, Jim was worried about you because it was cold, so he began to take off his jacket. “Take my jacket,” Jim offered, “it’s cold outside.”
“Are you sure, Jimmy?” You asked, and he nodded, draping his jacket over your shoulders like a gentleman.
You noticed that Jim seemed tired whilst he was driving you both home, and you decided that you wanted to take over for him. “Pull over, Jimmy, let me drive for a while,” you offered, and Jim hesitantly pulled the car over.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to continue?” Jim questioned, and you nodded.
“You look tired, Jimmy,” you answered, “I’m sure; I want you to get some rest.”
“Sorry I’m late,” Jim murmured as he hung his coat up on the rack, before he sank on the sofa beside you; he assumed Sylvia and Emily were in bed. “I’m exhausted,” Jim uttered, and you frowned, worried about him.
“I’ll make you a coffee,” you responded, ignoring Jim’s protest as you got up from the sofa and left the room. Jim smiled weakly up at you when you’d returned to the room with his hot beverage, and you smiled back at him. “This’ll make you feel better,” you stated, before you set it down in front of him on the coffee table. You sat back down beside him, before you snuggled closer to him, feeling comfortable with your head on his shoulder. “Can I hold your hand?” You requested, your voice barely audible as you were embarrassed at yourself.
“Of course you can,” Jim answered, and your smile grew as you intertwined the fingers of your left hand with the fingers of his right one.
Hope you enjoyed this prompt! ❤️
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Jim Baxter X Fem!Reader Cute and fluffy prompt
!Mention of rape/the word ‘raped’ (if the comment at the bottom of the post isn’t cut)!
“C’mon,” he encouraged, “it’ll be fun!”
You shook your head, looking away from him. “I - I don’t know, Jim,” you responded, “there are a lot of.. pretty girls at the rink and.. I - I don’t belong there-”
“Shut up,” he interrupted, holding your hand. “You know you’re pretty,” he stated, and you frowned, bowing your head slightly. “In fact, you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen,” he added, wishing you’d see yourself the way he saw you.
You watched as Jim sank on the sofa, running his hands over his face; he was clearly exhausted and stressed. Jim winced when he looked over at you, and you tilted your head partially, smiling sweetly at him to try and cheer him up - normally when you smiled in a particular way, he’d feel better. “Don’t smile at me like that,” he whined, “I can’t take it.” You frowned, walking over to him and sitting beside him. “I missed you so much today,” he admitted, wrapping his arms around you.
You smiled warmly, hugging him back. “I missed you, too,” you returned, hopeful that you’d made him feel better.
“Can’t you stay a little longer?” You requested, and Jim looked back at you. “Please.” You tried to pull a puppy dog face, and he frowned, tilting his head partially.
“Ugh - I hate how cute you are,” he stated, “fine - but only for ten minutes, okay?” You nodded, snuggling close to him when he laid down beside you.
“I told you you’d love it,” he reminded you as you both walked back to his car, and he opened the passenger car door for you. You smiled and nodded at him to say ‘thank you’ as you climbed into the car, and he closed the door for you, moving around to his side. Jim noticed you staring at him, and he would smile softly, wondering what you were thinking about. “What? Have I got something on my face?” Jim asked, and you shook your head.
“N-No, I just-.. I was thinking about how I don’t want this night to end,” you admitted, holding his hand.
Jim smiled warmly, glad that you’d had a good night compared to the last few. “It doesn’t have to,” he stated, “we could go back home and watch another film of your choosing, if you like.”
You would nod quickly, relieved. “I was worried you’d say ‘no’-”
Jim shook his head, gently squeezing your hand. “How could I ever say ‘no’ to that face?” Jim returned, grinning at your reaction.
When you both got home, you snuggled up with Jim as you both watched your favourite cat film called ‘Nine Lives’, and he played with your hair gently as he knew you liked it. You felt your cheeks warming up as you looked up at him, and you whimpered quietly when he noticed you, quickly lowering your head again. Jim chuckled quietly; he loved that after all these years you were still shy around him. “Your hands feel perfect in my hair,” you commented, your voice barely audible.
You then realised he’d made cute little braids with it, and you couldn’t help, but smile. “Look what I made you!” Jim delicately held one of them up, clearly proud of his work. “Do you like it?” Jim asked, hopeful.
“I love it, Jimmy,” you answered, before you placed a kiss on his cheek to thank him, smiling timidly and avoiding eye contact with him.
“I love you so much,” he remarked, before he initiated another kiss, surprising you and making you nervous as you backed away from him, a pained expression on your face. “I - I’m so sorry,” he spoke quickly, “I completely forgot - I was just lost in the moment and-”
“It’s okay,” you reassured, and he fell quiet. “I just - wasn’t expecting it, you didn’t do anything wrong,” you explained, before you leaned forward to kiss him, gently pressing him down on the sofa - you were glad you and Jim dropped off the kids at his mother’s house earlier today.
You were lonely whilst he was doing paperwork in the spare room, and you decided to join him as the television had become boring to you - it wasn’t the same when you weren’t watching it with Jim. “H-Hey,” you spoke quietly, and he looked back at you, surprised, but happy to see you nonetheless.
“You were missing me out there, weren’t you?” Jim guessed, and you nodded, feeling embarrassed. “Come sit on my lap,” he offered, and you did. “You’re literally so adorable I wanna squish your cheeks,” he remarked, and you giggled, burying your face against his shoulder. “I promise I’ll be done with this soon, and we’ll be able to do something together,” he assured, and you shook your head.
“It’s okay, Jimmy, I really don’t mind,” you reassured him; you didn’t want him to rush anything for you; you felt as if you weren’t worth it.
“No,” he interrupted, “I’m gonna try and finish it as quickly as I can, I don’t want my princess to be bored.”
“Oh, Jimmy,” you whispered, placing a kiss on his lips. “You’re too good to me,” you stated, and he agreed, grinning.
“I believe you deserve the world, and I’m trying to give it to you,” he responded, before hugging you back.
Hope you enjoyed this prompt! ❤️
Further detail: The reader (Jim’s wife) reacts in this way to Jim kissing her because of her being raped not too long ago
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