#the losers club oneshot
billdenbroughsgirl · 1 year
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nap time ♡ bill denbrough
♡ pairing: bill denbrough x fem!reader
a/n ♡ first tumblr post! i’ve been writing fics for a few years now, but i’ve started to really like my work & want to share it! please send requests !
♡ summary: reader goes to bill’s baseball game, and afterwards, they fall asleep cuddling <3
♡ word count: 376 :)
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♡ one week ago ♡
you climb onto the bed, and lie your head on bill’s chest, your cheek against his shirt. “i missed you.” you mutter lazily. he’d been at one of his baseball games, and you’d been bored out of your mind at home. “it’s buh-been an h-hour.” he replies, his hands moving to your head, starting to play with your hair. “a very long hour.” you hear him chuckle softly. “muh-maybe you should c-come next t-t-time.” he suggests. “really?” you lift your head from his chest and look at him. he nods, a small smile on his face.
you bounce on your heels, waiting for bill to come over to the bike rack, where you’d agreed to meet. after what feels like forever, you spot him walking towards you. “bill!” you exclaim, running towards him with your arms out. you see a smile light up his face, and he stretches his arms out as you reach him. “that was so cool!” you say, your voice muffled by his arms around you. “y-yeah?” he asks, and you nod. “mhm! you’re really good.” he kisses the top of your head, “th-thank you,” before pulling away from the hug, “you r-ready to go?” he asks, and you nod. the two of you walk the short distance to the bike rack. you hop onto your bike, a cherry red cruiser with a woven basket, and bill gets onto silver.
you’re lying on your back on bill’s bed, waiting for him to get out of the shower. “hurry up!” you call out, partially joking. a moment later, he opens his bedroom door, and you sit up. pulling a ringer tee over his head, he says “j-jesus christ, y/n, be puh-patient.” you shake your head. “i was! you just take forever in the shower!” he rolls his eyes, but you can see a small smile on his face. “yeah, oh-okay.” he walks over to his bed, and you move so he can get comfortable. lying down on his back, he motions you back, patting his chest. you smile, and lay your head down, closing your eyes. “‘m gonna take a nap,” you mumble sleepily, feeling his hand on your head, stroking your hair. “a-alright. s-sleep well, y-y/n.” you smile. “you too, bill.”
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embodyingchaos · 1 year
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❥ hi rachel(@user40724432sworld)! thank you for my first richie tozier request! i hope this is to your liking! i apologise for taking too long!
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yandere richie tozier headcanons warnings: yandere tingz, implications of murder, stalker behaviour, mean richie, mentions of cuts and bruises, possessiveness, manipulation
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okay, so, tozier is a real asshole yk? he’d be an asshole if he liked you, let alone obsessed with you!!!
i feel like a yandere-esque richie wouldn’t be very obvious until the moment he decides to show it
he definitely takes note of your every move and every action, like the way you part your hair or wear your clothes, he’d be extremely observant only when it comes to you
he’s extra mean to you too, wanting to insult you in every way for a moment before being a-okay with you the next
if someone shows the slightest interest in you, he would immediately strike
first warning would be him threatening that person for even talking to you and thinking they even had a chance with someone as amazing and heaven-sent as you
second would be at least a few cuts and bruises here and there inflicted on the person who flirted with you
third would be death, quite literally
richie is very possessive as yanderes are, and if you’re even a second late to a group meeting he’ll be asking you a thousand questions of your whereabouts
he hates it when you say no to him, he absolutely fucking hates it and sometimes he feels like slapping you across the face but remembers to control himself if not he’ll scare you away
you’re very confused of his weird behaviour, one second he hates you and the next he seems to care about your “safety” 
of course you don’t realise he’s lied about all those times he said that there were guys that were trying to take advantage of your kindness, when he was actually the one who was taking advantage of it
you’re slowly manipulated by his so-called compassion and chivalry, and fall for him, and he gets exactly what he wants: your devoted love.
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wilted-rose-143 · 12 days
Work in progress!
I'm in the progress of writing a cute hurt-comfort Reddie oneshot for y'all, but I need some input. Should I include some official Reddie, as in a kiss/confession, or leave it more so up to interpretation or just no official confession? Also, I hope you guys are Reddie for some angst and horrible writing.
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losers-club-hcs · 1 year
Helping Hands
Word count:1.7k
Warnings: description of minor wounds
About: Stan didn't expect to meet Bill especially not in this way but after helping him out after a biking accident he finds himself wishing to spent more time together.
A/N: I got impatient at the end so its a bit rushed 😅
Stanley Uris never really knew much love, at least not the kind of love he wanted to experience. Sure, his parents loved him, but even that felt fake at times, no Stanley wanted to feel desired, he wanted to hold a special place in someone's heart, a place reserved for him and him alone. The type of love that would bond their souls, wispy tendrils reaching out and tying together, becoming solidified. Although Stanley yearns for this love he never thought he would get to experience it for himself, only able to stare from afar, reaching out for something he could never have.
     That was until he met him. Stan has seen him around before sure, but he's never really known him. Perhaps this was destiny, an event that had been unknowably predetermined by the universe since before he was even born, perhaps there is no such thing as fate, only consequences of actions. That was neither here nor there; however, the topic of fate versus free-will is a debate that Stanley is concerned with at the moment. 
     The meeting, in Stan's eyes, was one of the best things to happen to him so far in his life, the meeting that shaped his future in more ways than he could ever know.
     It was a normal day, stan recalls nothing particularly exciting had happened and he was content with the state of content he found himself in. His mood, however, was quick to change when it happened.
     The school day was nothing interesting, same old teachers, same old classmates, same old boring assignments, no, it was what happened after the school day that flipped the whole day on its side.
     Stanley had been walking home from school, bike at his side, taking in the afternoon breeze when he heard it, a loud crash, followed by a dull smack of skin on concrete, trust him Stanley has taken enough tumbles to be familiar with the sound. Snapping his head down from the sky, where it had been positioned previously, he took in the concerning scene. A bike, laying on its side, looking a little beat up but nothing too concerning, what was concerning however, was the boy on the ground his hands and knees firmly planted on the concrete of the sidewalk, a bike crash Stanley determined and a pretty bad one too based on the state of the boys hands, which had been raised to the boys eye level to assess the damage. Stanley's immediate thought, being a very morally inclined person, was to assist the boy, or at the very least ask him if he was alright, so he did just that. 
     "Are you ok, that looks pretty bad" Stan inquired, but immediately backtracked knowing that the boy was in fact not alright, his palms and fingertips were covered in bloody scrapes with small rocks embedded into his skin, Stanley assumed his knees were in a similar state. 
     The boy gazed up at Stanley following his question, "i'm alright I th-think, thanks" he lied, his voice laced with faint traces of pain, his face showed similar signs of pain, a grimace painted on his mouth and scrunched eyebrows simply proved Stanley's theory, this boy was not ok even if he said he was 
     Stanley, deciding to call him out, spoke, "well you're obviously not ok, I mean do you see the state of your hands?" Stan asked, a small chuckle, lacking any humor, made its way out of his lips. Stan knew the boy would need some form of medical attention, knowing that he would feel guilty if he simply walked away from this, he decided to provide it himself, his house was just down the street anyway, and it was the least he could do, " come on, my house is just down the street those hands really need to get disinfected, probably your knees as well they're most likely scraped up too", Stan offered, while not giving the boy much room to argue.
     "Oh, no it's ok it's not that bad, my house isn't too far from here, don't worry about me" the boy dismissed Stan's offer, probably not wanting to be a burden.
     " that wasn't a question, that needs to be taken care of, my house is closer anyway and i'm offering to help you, so come on, I can push your bike", Stan's voice held no traces of irritation, simply firmness, he wasn't about to just abandon him there.
     The boy's eyes narrowed in contemplation." You're sure it's not an issue, I don't want to be a burden or anything" the words coming from the boy's mouth made Stanley sigh, " why is this kid so stubborn? "
     "I am one hundred percent positive you won't be a burden, now stop being stubborn and let's go" walking towards the boy as he spoke he grabbed his arm and pulled the boy off the ground, not wanting to cause further pain by grabbing his hand. After the boy was steady on his feet he grabbed the boys bike, along with his own and started off to his home, looking back to make sure the boy was following him
     Stan's gaze snapped the boy out of his trance, quickly limping towards him to keep up. After a few seconds of uncomfortably silence Stan broke the tension with a question "my name's Stan Uris, yours?" 
     "Bill,Bill Denbrough" came the boy's response. 
     "Well Bill Denbrough, what happened to cause a crash like that?" Stan referenced the event that brought them to this point.
      "Think it was a rock or something, i'm not quite sure", Bill answered the question, voice relaxed now that the tension was broken.
     "Must have been some rock, I mean with that amount of damage you'd have thought it was a Boulder or something", Stan's joke earned a laugh from Bill, and Stan smiled at the boy in return. Looking ahead Stan realized that his house was just a few steps away and informed Bill of this fact. When he got close enough to the front steps of his house Stan gently placed both of the bikes on his lawn putting his kickstand down, but not seeing one on Bill's bike, he simply set it on the ground.
     Stan gestured for Bill to follow him as he claimed the concrete steps in front of his house, opening the door for him to walk in first. Stan walked in behind him and closed the door. "My rooms just up the stairs" said Stan, moving towards the stairs, Bill said nothing in return but nodded his head in response. Walking up the stairs and down the hallway Stan came face to face with the door of his bedroom. His hand grasped the knob twisting it and pushing it open, stepping inside he held the door for Bill who stepped into the room cautiously.
     "Take a seat on the bed i'll just go grab some disinfectant and stuff, it'll just take a minute" Stan informed the boy staring out the door to his bathroom, when he arrived he opened up the cabinet and retrieved the needed supplies from within, disinfectant spray, gauze, and  medical tape he also wet a rag with warm water to wipe off the dirt and rocks on Bills hands and knees. Stan rushed back to his room, not wanting Bills injuries to go untreated any longer than they already have. He quickly returned to his bedroom entering once again and approached his bed, where Bill was sitting. 
     "Alright, give me your hands, I'll do those first and then your knees" Stan gestured to Bills hands. Bill obliged and Stan got to work, taking the wet rag and gingerly running it over Bills hands feeling sorry as Bill hissed in pain "sorry" Stan apologized before returning to the task at hand more gently this time first removing all the dirt and rocks from that hand before moving on to the other. There was a comfortable silence between the two only broken by the occasional sounds of pain from Bill and subsequent apologies from Stan. Satisfied with the cleanliness of Bills palms and fingers Stan then moved on to Bills knees. Stan placed a hand on bills calf raising his leg up slightly in order to get a better angle. Following the same routine he had for his hands gently swiping the rag across his skin untill All the debris disappeared. Stan made quick work of cleaning Bills knees, "now its time for the hard part, the disinfecting" Stan warned, knowing that it wouldn't be pleasant. 
     "Its fine, it won't be that bad" Bill reassured 
     "That's what you think, this stuff burns pretty bad",Stan informed, shaking the bottle of disinfectant spray if front of Bill Stans words were not at all reassuring.
     "I can handle it" Bill said teasingly. To which Stan replied,
     "If you say so", Stan raised the disinfectant spray to Bills knees and spritzed the wounds, trying his best to be quick. Once again Bill hissed in pain, the burning feeling worse than he thought it would be.
   "Told ya" teased Stan.
     "Oh hush, it's nothing I've had worse" Bill joked back.while the disinfectant was doing its job of disinfecting, stan applied some to Bills hands, earning the same sound of pain, this time was worse though, the injuries on his hands were worse than his knees "sorry" Stan said apologetically, before setting the bottle down and picking up the gauze and tape. Placing the gauze onto the injuries on bills knees, long strips of tape holding them in place. His hands required a diffrent approach, wrapping the gauze around his hands and fingers and then taping it into place securely.
     "All done" said Stan, standing up from his previous kneeling position.
     "Thanks" Bill spoke with appreciation tworads Stans actions.
     "Its no problem, I'm just glad I could help" Stan reassured.
     "Hey stan… would you wanna hang out sometime or something?" Bill asked, working that Stan would refuse his offer.
     "Oh… yea sure just call me and I'll be there" Stan spoke, glad that Bill had asked the question that he himself had been contemplating on asking. 
     The two boys made their way downstairs and to the front door, goodbyes were said and plans were made. Bill reluctantly left Stans house, grabbed his bike and pushed it to his own home. 
     One thought was on both boys minds, "he's really cute".
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spidernuggets · 9 months
•💔 angst •🌹fluff •🔥suggestive •‼️sensitive topics •🔞 smut ●✨️neutral
Note: I DO NSFW oneshots, but will not be taking requests!!
P.S. Masterlist will ALWAYS be up to date 🥳
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Jason Todd Thoughts:
🌹 Proposing
🌹 Holding Hands
🌹 Random HCs
🌹💔 Outbursts
🔞 Headlock
🌹🔥 Showers
🌹 GirlyFem!Reader HCs
🌹💔 Jason Todd, Line Without a Hook
🌹 Making Out w/ Jason Todd
🌹 Orange Peel Theory
🌹 Loser Bf
🌹 When Jason Cries
🌹🔞 Jason's sensitivity
🌹 Reader who Struggles with Reading
🔞 Feral Jason Todd
💔🌹‼️ Jason's Autopsy Scar
✨️ Reader Tells Jason they Think the Joker is Hot
🌹 Reader is Inexperienced in Relationships
✨️ Unlabeled Jason Todd
🔞 Jason's Helmet
✨️ Jason Falling Like Dead Weight on Reader
💔✨️ Jason and the Stars
Jason Todd Oneshots:
💔🌹 When the Members Judge your Relationship
💔🌹 When Jason is in a Coma
💔🌹 Jason Sees Reader After Coming Back from the Dead
💔🌹 Jason Comes Back to you After Leaving with Rose
💔🌹‼️ When Jason Accidentally Insults Reader
💔🌹‼️ When Reader Stops Jason From Jumping
🌹 When Reader Shows Jason Their Plushie Collection
🌹 Jason Asks Reader Out
💔🌹 Jason Accuses Reader of Cheating
💔🌹🔞 Using the Safe Word with Jason
🌹🔥 Jason Todd's Roommate
‼️💔🌹 Reader Gets Kidnapped
💔🌹 Jason Begging you to Stay
‼️💔 Jason Todd is a Loser
🌹🔞 Taking care of Jason Todd
🌹🔞 Leaving the Titans with Jason
💔🌹 Reader thinks Jason cheats on them
✨️Red Hood and the Detective
💔‼️ Reader is Stuck in a Time Loop
💔🌹 Bitchy Reader
💔🌹 Jason makes Reader cry
🌹✨️ Reader's Favourite Superhero is Superman
🌹✨️ Reader is Hank's Sister
💔🌹 Reader Forgives Jason Too Easily
🌹 Inspired by Gorgeous by TS
🌹 Reader Meets Jason's Family/Titans for the First Time
🌹 When Jason Gets Kidnapped
💔 Chemtrails Over the Country Club
✨️ Reader buys Nightwing merch
✨️ Reader Fails a Chem Exam
🔥 Reader Tells Red Hood her Vile Thoughts About Jason PT.2
💔🌹 Anniversary Gone Wrong
🔞 Jason's Birthday
Jason Todd Incorrect Quotes:
• Jason On Patrol
• Couple Things
• Shy Jay
• Breakup
• Breakup Pt. 2
• Jason in Court
• Affection
• 6ft Smth Bf
• Gala outfit
Jason Todd Commissions:
•Examples of my art
Jason Todd Prompt List:
💔🌹Quote Prompt 17
🌹Quote Prompt 24
💔Quote Prompt 18 •Pt 2
💔🌹Quote Prompt 4 & 7
💔🌹 Requested Lyric Prompt
💔🌹🔥 Lyric Prompt 15
🌹 Quote Prompt 16
💔🌹 Lyric Prompt 16
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wosemi-sama · 7 months
and the crowd went mild 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 also no chara dividers im lazy rn
these r so short id add more but im rushing rn sorry lmfao 😭😭😭
intended lowercase!
misc. obm hcs
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wakes up at the ass crack of dawn every single morning.
wears those old man pjs. with the long hat and fuzzy slippers and gown. you know the one.
most bitter coffee you've ever had in your life how he can drink it is astonishing.
his bed, his mattress, his pillows are all as hard as rock how does this man SLEEP.
sleeps like hes the corpse at the funeral hes that one image
will pull you into a headlock and call it a hug.
guy who had mountain dew and cheeto dust in his veins instead of blood. guy who marinates in his room for two months straight. guy who- (i am immediately shot dead).
did a collab with the anti-lucifer league to create a 100k words dialuci fic to piss off lucifer (dont worry about him he got paid in anime and tsl merch).
TRULY believes he is the #1 tsl fan. and also #1 ruri fan.
wimp who VOLUNTARILY makes you cosplays if you are a cosplayer or even if you aren't. it will happen.
vtuber fan. he was like "hey i wanna be a streamer but i dont wanna show my face but i also want to be an anime boy! wait-" and now hes a vtuber.
has accidentally referred to all of his brothers as "chat" at least once. hes never recovering from that btw.
cannot stop annotating books he reads for the life of him.
all of his books are just filled to the brim with sticky notes because all he does is annotate.
once he has a crush he will start imagining him and them in the same scenarios as the characters in romance novels he read. (loser alert!!)
sneaking a new cat into hol like once a week (he never succeeds btw).
oh boy his room REEKS of perfume and body spray.
"i sprayed my new perfume in every nook and cranny! smells so floral and elegant, don't you think?" (it smells like a bath and body works threw up.)
surprisingly plays the trumpet and BOY is he loud. bro is absolutely blasting those notes.
worst driver ever btw.
freckles all over!! like a lot. *im not beating the insane allegations*
ate like 27 family size dorito bags, 30 dollars worth of taco bell, and four sprites in one sitting and he still hasnt recovered.
sleeps. like a lot. not as much as belphie but enough to be considered an eepy guy.
will randomly grab every blanket and pillow he can get his hands on and make a nest in the common room if he's up to it. and then have everyone make a dog pile in it just so they can hang out and be silly.
will NOT clean it up afterwards. lucifer will tell him to and his only response will be "im tired..."
freckles like beel too i think theyre silly.
9829364 cow plushies. (theyre all from lucifer)
will randomly gaslight people for no reason
"hey did you do the homework"
homework? what homework? there was homework? my, what even is homework? never heard of that.
"hey, i heard of this animal from the human world called a giraffe! can i see a picture?"
what? what's a giraffe? oh, those!! yeah, they're just myths. they're not real. purely fiction!!
yk that one post about tumblr funnyman solomon. he is a tumblr funnyman to me. he confidently posts his exploded spaghetti and gets 10k notes i think.
has a book club with satan and solomon. :)
probably writes oneshots of the brothers on tumblr idfk man (sorry to the simeon fans i write like nothing on this guy bro).
bodily six ("but didnt the devs say hes ten?" shut up. /j)
along with that, also shorter than in canon. (since hes. yk. a first grader. that BOY is not five foot hes one sauce packet long dude.)
favorite store in the human world is walmart. i like to think his human world outfit is all exclusively from walmart bc thats funny i think.
hands of STEEL. he tries to grab your wrist and he nearly crushes it by accident.
ice cream!! he loves it :) his favorite is strawberry btw.
also this boy is NOT a himbo hes a smart man.
needs like a hug and some sleep and also a friend this boy works too much!!
short. like really short. especially according to devildom standards since most demons are super tall.
"but isn't he six feet?" not in my heart.
somehow always making tea for some reason?? if he's not making tea then he's making pastries.
my boy does not SLEEP. hasn't slept since the sun has been birthed and doesn't plan on ever doing it.
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fairlyang · 9 months
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requests open !
simpler masterlist
Smut Oneshots
Miguel O’Hara !
Roommate ☾4.3K☽ you get caught masturbating by your hot cocky roommate, and he helps you out 🕷️
Woken up ☾2.1K☽ you get woken up by miguel eating you out 🕷️
Thigh riding ☾5.5K☽ you are peer pressured to somehow help Miguel from the hell of a week he's had 🕷️
Thank you ☾3.1K☽ spider-man saves you 🕷️
Kitty ☾5K☽ you’ve never had anyone stop you from doing crime, until now 🕷️
Gatita ☾12K☽ you get recruited and slowly convince miguel you're on his side 🕷️
Bad idea right? ☾2.6K☽ bad idea right? by olivia rodrigo but it's you being down bad for your ex 🕷️
Help ☾1.3K☽ you get your boss a fleshlight 🕷️
Different ☾2.5K☽ when you’re woken up suddenly horny and find a surprise between your legs 🕷️
Eres mía ☾2.3K☽ you’ll always be his and he won’t let you forget it 🕷️
Appreciate ☾5.1K☽ caught masturbating while babysitting 🕷️
Special ☾3.8K☽ you get brought up on stage 🕷️
Baby it’s cold outside ☾1.2K☽ miguel doesn’t want you to go yet 🕷️
Stealing ☾2.4K☽ miguel steals your panties behind your back 🕷️
Dos Locos ☾1.8K☽ folding for your ex and cheating on ur man🕷️
Kate Bishop !
Pretty ☾4K☽ love at first sight with an archer 🏹
Needy ☾1.5K☽ convincing kate to go to a club 🏹
Sorry ☾1.8K☽ accidentally sending your best friend a nude 🏹
Angel ☾3.6K☽ ghostface!kate wants you all to herself 🏹
Present ☾2.8K☽ kate unwraps her present 🏹
Death of me ☾2.2K☽ you will be the death of kate 🏹
Loser ☾2.4K☽ your loser college roommate who is down bad🏹
Distraction ☾2.4K☽ distracting kate with a maid outfit 🏹
Picture Perfect ☾1.7K☽ your gf fucks you in a photo booth 🏹
Qimir !
Perfect ☾1.K☽ your man fucks you 🍷
Logan Howlett !
Sweet ☾2.6K☽ getting ate out in public 🐺
Threesomes !!
Miguel O’Hara & Peter B Parker !
Impatient ☾2.1K☽ miguel has been wanting a threesome 🕷️
Perv ☾1.4K☽ fucking peter b and miguel watches 🕷️
Miguel’s version ☾1.4K☽ tiktok challenge with a twist 🕷️
Us ☾710☽ two tongues on you 🕷️
Logan Howlett & Wade Wilson !
Sharing ☾2.4K☽ they try to share you ⚔️���
Smut series
Miguel O’Hara !
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Ghostie
in which you get a phone call by the infamous killer Ghostface, as a huge scream fanatic 🕷️
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Mayor que usted
in which you wanna fuck your dilf neighbor 🕷️
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Easy money
in which your roomie needs your help for a shoot 🕷️
part 1 | part 2
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Rookie
in which you find someone unexpected at your new job 🕷️
part 1 | part 2
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Fun
in which ghostface!miguel wants you all to himself, no matter the cost 🕷️
part 1 | part 2
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Summer Lovin’
in which you have a little summer romance fling 🕷️
part 1 | part 2
Mini series
Miguel O’Hara !
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Obsessed
in which miguel loves marking what's his 🕷️
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Meant to be
when you come in as the first girl bombshell of the season will you turn heads and cause absolute chaos? 🕷️
prologue | part 1 | part 2
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Mystery girl
going to a gloryhole to find the perfect candidate to give you what you desire 🕷️
part 1.1 | part 1.2 | part 1.3
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Miss Me
phone sex w your bf 🕷️
part one | part two
Qimir !
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Temptation
qimir trying to tempt you to the dark side
Miguel O’Hara !
Valentine ☾1.6K☽ valentine by laufey but it’s a little love story from your pov 🕷️
Amor de siempre ☾1K☽ amor de siempre by cuco but it’s a little love story from miguel’s pov 🕷️
Feelings ☾1.9K☽ miguel contemplating his feelings for you 🕷️
Prank ☾4K☽ gwen and miles convince you to help distract Miguel so they can set up yet another prank but there's an unexpected plot twist
Helping Miles ☾1.6K☽ you and miguel help miles with his spanish 🕷️
Grumpy ☾295☽ turning a frown upside down 🕷️
Miles Morales !
Far away ☾753☽ mariposa by peach tree rascals but it's miles thinking of gwen after she's no longer in his dimension 🌻
Gwen Stacy !
Daydreamin’ ☾731☽ daydreamin' by ariana grande but it's gwen thinking about miles when she's back home 🩰
Kate bishop !
Bubbline ☾335☽ kate relating to bubbline 🏹
Yap ☾560☽ shutting your yapping gf with a kiss 🏹
Qimir !
Home qimir’s thoughts on osha 🍷
Miguel O’Hara !
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Married
being miguel’s perfect little housewife🕷️
part 1 | part 2
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Dad ☾433☽
miguel being the best dad ever 🕷️
part 1
Angst series
Miguel O’Hara !
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Let you break my heart again
you are in love with your best friend 🕷️
part 1 | part 2
Miguel O’Hara !
Sol de México ☾1.4K☽ miguel doesn't know the sun of Mexico 🕷️ (kinda fluff)
Starstruck ☾11.4K☽ starstruck the movie but w latinos 🕷️ (story&smut)
El Perdedor ☾2.7K☽ you find your ex at the club 🕷️ (tension)
Biker ☾519☽ you stumble across a biker 🕷️ (goofy)
Baile ☾1.3K☽ manifesting a dance partner 🕷️ (fluff)
Agony - just a sad sapphic story I came up with
Miguel O’Hara !
Para mi ☾973☽ miguel wanting you to cum over and over again 🕷️
Question ☾764☽ asking miguel if you could have a dildo shaped like his dick 🕷️
Use ☾799☽ fang play with miguel 🕷️
Recostada en la cama ☾913☽ extrañas a tu novio 🕷️
Thighs ☾771☽ miguel is a thighs enthusiast 🕷️
Kate Bishop !
Drunk ☾691☽ having thoughts of Kate between your legs 🏹
Greedy ☾885☽ passenger princess kate 🏹
Qimir !
Sleeping Beauty ☾995☽ dabbling in some somno 🍷
Logan Howlett !
One more ☾709☽ sitting on his face overstimulated af 🐺
Miguel O’Hara !
Desperate & dirty ☾532☽ miguel loves overstimulation and edging 🕷️
Strong ☾423☽ size kink 🕷️
Hate ☾590☽ hate fucking your best friend’s brother 🕷️
Cadena ☾225☽ was thinking of miguel w a chain (con la virgencita) above you 🕷️
Tuyo ☾306☽ miguel enseñándole al mundo que es tuyo 🕷️
Romántico ☾402☽ miguel siendo el novio más romántico 🕷️ (fluff)
Mama ☾599☽ your bf is desperate to breed you 🕷️
Kate Bishop !
Princess ☾557☽ you are her pillow princess 🏹
Thankful ☾230☽ kate gets your initials on her undershave 🏹
Nice ☾563☽ scissoring with kate 🏹
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girls just wanna have fun | nash gold jr + younger sister!reader
for anon who asked “Since you did a Nash with a little brother headcanons, could you do Nash with a little sister? (Maybe like a 2 year difference)” … yeah so much for that. in my defence i did start writing hcs with a 2 year difference, but then i had a Vision and suddenly words started flowing through my head for the first time in weeks so i had to type at the speed of light to get them down before my phone died. then my phone died anyway so the second half of this was originally written on a napkin. being sat on a train floor writing fanfiction on a napkin is possibly the most loser-y thing i’ve ever done but hey, at least i had fun. you might still get some hcs - it depends on if i can be bothered / how well this au does, but i hope you like this oneshot anyway!
“Practice more next time,” is what 12-year-old Nash tells you, age seven, after you’re eliminated in the first round of the school’s spelling bee.
Then he sees your lip start to wobble.
He rolls his eyes and adds, “but they gave you the hardest word. Totally.”
As he listens to you complaining about how unfair life is, whilst knowing that, at your age, he could have spelt “rosette” backwards, Nash just keeps biting his tongue. Lets you rant and nods in agreement whenever you check to see if he’s still listening.
He’s a big brother now, that’s how his parents put it, he has to be a good role model. And - this is what Nash is thinking to himself - he has to be an extra good big brother to make up for the useless parents who should have been here for their daughter’s first spelling bee. He has to be the one promising he’ll take you to the ice cream shop round the corner so that, in years from now, it’ll be the vanilla that sticks in your memory, and not the two empty chairs with “reserved for the Golds” on the seats. He doesn’t want you to think of your childhood years like how he thinks of his.
Nash Gold tries hard to keep his little sister happy.
But once Nash goes into high school, and starts taking his basketball, water sports, boxing, and everything else more seriously, there’s less time for being the stand-in parent attending all your events.
The good news is that you start doing less anyway. The preteen years have made you shy away from the world, flitting from hobby to hobby without anything to really bury your soul in. There was the anime-inspired volleyball obsession that died as soon as you finished your binging the seasons; the brief craving to join the basketball club until you realised just how incompetent your teammates were compared to Nash, how boring and difficult everything was when it was not your big brother doing it; the desire to be the West End’s next star that was crushed by receiving the role of tree in the school play and tripping over in your only scene (how Nash had laughed! And then scowled at the people laughing at you next to him); and then the single-day infatuation with joining the chess club, the infatuation dying as soon as you realised your chess-playing crush already had a girlfriend.
To fill your time, you start accompanying Nash to Jabberwock’s practices. No one wants you there. Nash has forbidden them from swearing around you, and any sex jokes are an even bigger no: given these two things combined are 90% of the usual Jabberwock conversation, it’s not a surprise that there’s grumbling when they see you walking behind Nash.
But Nash silences any grumbling with a glare as cold as ice.
Because, sure, he doesn’t want his little sister following him around everywhere but he’d much rather you were doing your homework in the corner of a street ball court instead of sat alone in an empty house.
Nash’s priority is always that you finish your homework. Only then will he let you help out as the team’s mini manager: topping up water bottles, fetching balls, collecting the boy’s hoodies when they get too warm. And, over time, your place in the team feels more secure. You’re good in your role as the little helper. You crack a “that’s what she said” joke that gets everyone guffawing - everyone but Nash, that is, who scolds you the high heavens, demands to know where you’ve been hearing jokes like that, whilst, in his heart of hearts, being thrilled that you’re coming out of your shell. You sit down with Nick during breaks to ooh and aah over his Animal Crossing Island, trembling with excitement when he hands you the Nintendo and lets you design a room of your own. You beg Zack to teach you to spin a basketball on your finger, and hug him overjoyed when you manage it for the first time. You fetch fresh headbands for Allen while looking down at the ground, blushing frantically: your crush on the boy lasts several months, though you never notice how Nash burns holes in Allen’s head whenever the two of you are talking, or how awkward having a middle schooler crush on him makes Allen feel.
Then, one day, you decide you want to learn how to do a dunk. After spending an hour watching you struggle to jump even one foot up in the air, Jason lifts you up onto his shoulders. Tells you to “try now - just tell me where you want me to go and hold on tight.”
Looking around from over 7ft tall, you feel like you’re the queen of the world.
By the time you’re in high school, you’ve become more confident. You don’t come to Jabberwock’s practices as often. You’ve got friends to hang out with instead, a study group that you always attend, and, inspired by your brother’s prowess in everything fisticuffs, you’ve signed up to be member of the school’s taekwondo club.
Nash never makes you to come to practice. Though it hurts seeing your corner of the court empty, devoid of the rucksack and textbooks that used to fill it, he knows that this is for the best. A teen girl shouldn’t be living in her brother’s shadow. Hell, a guy shouldn’t have his little sister in his shadow either.
But Nash still finds it hard to hold back a grin when you see him grabbing his basketball bag and ask if you can “come with?” And when you’re at practice, it’s like nothing’s changed. You join in with everyone else teasing Zack over his newly shaven head; you still get a little shy when talking to Allen; and you whoop and gush over Nick’s high arc shots as if you’ve never seen them before.
“You’re my number two favourite basketball player ever,” you tell Nick, rushing over to him as he awkwardly runs his hand through his spiky blonde hair.
Overhearing, Allen says with a little hope, “he’s not number one?”
“Obviously not,” you roll your eyes, “Nash is my number one. Duh.”
No one loves Nash as much as you do, and no one loves you as much as he does.
It turns out Nash is an anomaly, and that combat sport skill does not run in the family. You are horrible at taekwondo: your kicks are accurate - surprisingly so given how bad your balance is - but, no matter how many drills you do, or how many times you insist Nash comes up with a workout routine for you, they never develop much power.
But you’re trying hard to improve, forever inspired by your brother, and you take any chance to kick that you’re given.
“Taekwondo?” asks Jason one morning, as practices a free throw. “They don’t have any good martial arts clubs at your school?”
“You wouldn’t be saying that if you’d felt the pain of my kicks,” you retort, hands on your hips.
Jason turns to you. “Go on then.”
You ready yourself, check your footing’s correct, and then swing your leg out. With a thud, your foot makes contact with Jason’s side.
He stares at you, almost in pity. “That’s it?”
But Nash is walking by and he’s glaring like he normally does whenever someone that’s not him makes him little sister look inadequate. So, dutifully, Jason falls backwards in slo-mo and pretends to roll on the floor in agony, crying out for his mother and claiming that he’s never known such pain, while you give him another kick in his side for being a jerk.
(Nash never scolds you for kicking his teammates, though, of course, he’d have a fit if any of them even looked at you wrong.)
Of course, you’re not an idiot; you know you’re not good at taekwondo. But, unlike all your previous school clubs, you’re not planning on leaving this one. After all, without the club, you’d have no opportunities to say good morning to star of the Taekwondo club, Ryuu. And you’d never get to feel his fingers brushing against your arm as he corrects your posture; you’d never get to see his grin and thumbs up as he tells you he’s sure your kicks are improving; and, more importantly, you would have never got the opportunity to wait for him outside the dojang, see him walk out looking more handsome than ever, and ask him if he’d ever think about going out with you.
“Think about it?” Ryuu replies. “Man, I dream of it!”
Smiling from ear to ear, he reaches out to intertwine his fingers with yours, and he doesn’t let go of your hand until he’s walked you all the way home. The feeling of his touch lingers, the warmth flooding through your veins, and keeping your smile fixed on your face.
Nash is sitting on the sofa when you walk in. He looks up from his phone and frowns, “who was the guy?”
“I’m dating the coolest guy in the whole school,” you gush, racing to your brother’s side to tell him all about Ryuu, and you’re still talking about the boy - enthusing now about his Taekwondo prowess - by the time Nash starts preparing dinner.
Nash says he’s happy that you’re happy, grunts occasionally in agreement with your rambles, and accepts the fact that this is probably all he’ll be hearing for the next few hours.
“You’re not upset with me, are you?” you ask eventually, noticing how your brother’s gone quiet.
“Never” replies Nash. “Why would I have an issue with you dating a guy who’s made you this happy?”
But it’s funny how often you bump into him when you’re out with said boyfriend. And not just Nash: it’s like the whole team starts appearing out of nowhere at cafes, parks, funfairs. And these chance encounters always follow the same trend: the boys are happy to see you, chatty and joking, and then they look at Ryuu and their faces take on a cold sneer, every inch the vicious Jabberwock archetype they’re known for.
Nash tells him, “you look after my sister, yeah? Or else.” And if looks could kill…
Zack pretends to be polite, saying “well, I’ve got no problem with you - for now. You make sure to keep it that way.”
Nick has to hold back a snicker as he replies to your boyfriend with “yeah, nice to meet you man, whatever.” Then he turns to you and whispers, “you would have been better off with Allen.”
Allen wipes the sneer of his face when you ask him to be nice; he smiles at you, but then, as he meets your boyfriend’s gaze, he mumbles to you, “you’ve got my number if you ever need me to sort any problems out.”
Jason says, “this guy? Seriously? Shit, I could snap in two him like a twig.”
By the time he meets Jason, your boyfriend’s long fed up of the slander. He stands up from the bench, even though it only makes him look smaller against Jason’s muscular 6ft11 frame, looks up into the other man’s amused expression, and replies, “with all due respect, I was the Taekwondo state champion last year.”
Jason’s laugh is so loud and booming it practically triggers an earthquake.
Ryuu’s a good boyfriend. Nash never learns to genuinely like him, but he stops disliking him as much as time goes on. He orders pizza for the three of you when you and Ryuu are doing a study date at the Gold household; he drives you to Ryuu’s Taekwondo tournament and grudgingly claps when he wins; or he throws a couple condoms at Ryuu when you’re snuggling against your boyfriend on your bed, watching your favourite movie together.
“You should be grateful I’m such a good brother,” Nash laughs when you start punching him for embarrassing the two of you like this. “You know, when I was your age…”
“Go away, Nash!” you screech, pushing him out of the room, “God, you’re such a nuisance.”
“All I’m saying is use protection,” comes Nash’s sniggering voice as you slam the door shut behind him.
You walk back over to Ryuu. “I’m sorry about him. Honestly, he’s the worst.”
“Nah, your brother’s cool,” says Ryuu, but he’s still blushing a bit as he gives you that golden grin of his that makes you feel like you’re his entire world.
But all good things come to an end.
Ryuu moves to a new state where he’ll be able to get better Taekwondo instruction. His coach thinks he’s got Olympic potential - they don’t want him to be wasted in this city where nothing good ever happens - and his parents are in agreement.
“They said the sooner I leave, the better for my future,” quotes Ryuu as squeezes your hand, looking down at the ground beneath the swings you’re sharing. “But I wanted you to be my future.”
Nash had told you not to interfere - that you don’t want to be the person holding Ryuu back from his dreams - so you encourage Ryuu to go, tell him that you’ll still be his future, it’s just a few years of separation.
And it’s Nash who drives you to the airport and watches from a distance as the two of you hug for the final time, promising to say in contact, promising that you’ll be able to make long distance work.
When you walk back to Nash, your lip’s wobbling like it did back when you were seven. As soon as he wraps his arm around you, you burst into tears, sobbing into his shirt. Your brother hugs you tighter, like he’s the only thing in the world keeping you from falling into pieces. His voice is quiet and calm and betrays none of the pain he feels looking at your crying figure.
Into the top of your head, Nash mutters, “As soon as the season’s over, you and I will go on a road trip to go see him, alright? And you can call him every night if you want. And if he even thinks of looking at another girl, or ignoring a single text of yours, Jason and I will fly over and deal with him. Or we’ll kidnap him and bring him back to you if that’s what you want.”
You’re crying harder, fingers clutching onto Nash’s shirt even tighter.
“I’ll skip practice today if you want; we can do a movie night instead.”
Voice muffled by how your face is pressed into Nash’s chest, so none of the passersby might see you crying, you reply, “no. You should go to practice.”
“I’m not gonna leave you alone like this.”
“Can I come?”
“What - to practice? Yeah, ‘course. The boys are always happy to have you around.”
You look up and force a smile, biting on your tongue like it might stop you crying, as Nash matches your smile with a sad grin of his own.
“It’s gonna be rough, but you’ll get through it,” he says, “you’re the toughest kid I know.”
And he pulls you in for another hug.
fun fact: the original plan was for the boyfriend to cheat on reader who breaks up with him, and then for jabberwock to go teach him a lesson. but then i thought “why the need for all this violence?”, me of course being the admin of a blog dedicated to a team that’s known for their non-violent ways. but anyway i figured it was an overused trope and why not show nash being an actually good supportive brother, so here you go. (and if anyone enjoyed reading about the lesser known jabberwock members, then you might also like these hcs) (and if you wanna read the nash little brother hcs, you can find them here)
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obsessedelusional · 2 years
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The New Girl
parings ✦ eddie munson x reader
summary ✦ It’s your first day at a new school and your a nervous wreck. Sitting at a random table of boys might just change your life for the better when their leader take a special interest in you.
authors note ✦ I spend so much time writing Eddie fics and oneshots. I have a whole ass 40+ chapter finished fic I have yet to share with the world just cause I am too scared. Decided to start lightly with this and maybe post more in the future. Let me know what you think, good or bad. lol I think my problem is I’m so worried about my grammar and shit that I never post. So if that has a bunch of errors I’m sorry
⊹ ꙳ ✦ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹
You spent all summer dreading this day, your first day as a senior at Hawkins High. You’d be the new girl in the last year of school when everyone has already established their cliques, you’d be the outsider. To your surprise it wasn’t as painful as you’d imagined. First half of the day went by quickly, you sat in the period before lunch wondering where you were gonna sit. For a brief moment you considered spending it in the bathroom to avoid be the new girl sitting by her self but quickly decided against that idea. Concluding that being caught sitting in the bathroom for thirty minutes was far more embarrassing.
The bell rings breaking you out of your thoughts. The rest of class wastes no time, sighing you stand up and follow their lead. You’re the last one out of the room but that’s not before your stopped by the teacher.
“Y/N, right?” You nod yes in response. “How’s your first day so far?”
“So far so good. Everyone’s been really nice.” You realize there’s not much truth to that statement considering he’s the first person that’s took the time to talk to you.
“That great to hear, if you need anything at all don’t hesitate to ask.” He smiles reassuringly, you smile back and thank him before leaving the room.
Once in the cafeteria, you get in line and grab a tray. Thanking the lunch ladies as they slop on the mysterious food. In that moment you think to your self you’ll be bringing lunch from now on. Out of the line you’re greeted by the rows of tables filled with students.
Eyes scan the room quickly realizing there’s not many empty seats left. You watch them fill up as you stand there. You decide fuck it and go to sit down at a table filled with girls. You’re not fast enough because someone steals it before you, giving you an annoyed look before turning their back to you.
Down a few tables there a group of boys all wearing the same shirt, they look harmless enough. They’re only taking up half the table. You decide you’ll sit at the far end and pray that they leave you alone.
As soon as you walk over all their eyes are on you, probably wondering who the hell you are. Shock hits their faces when you actually sit down. You half smile before picking your fork up and start playing with your food. You can’t help but notice a taller long haired boy approaching the table, he’s wearing the same shirt. ‘The Hellfire Club’
“Who do we have here?” He says sitting directly across from you, a grin across his face. You tell him your name and his response is,”Who said you can sit here?”
“Didn’t realize I had to ask.” You retort, sort of irritated.
“I’m just givin’ you shit. I’m Eddie.” He laughs, “You new here?” Eddie asks knowing damn well she’s new, knowing he would have remembered someone as pretty as her.
“How you liken Hawkins?” Eddie asks.
“It’s nice so far.” You lie and Eddie sees right through you.
“You don’t have to lie to me. We’re all aware of how shit it is.” He laughs.
“It’s pretty shit.” You agree laughing quickly covering your mouth when you laugh, Eddie notices.
“You wanna actually come sit with us at that end of the table instead of being the loser all by your self?” Eddie teases.
“Sure.” You say warily. You watch as Eddie gets up and heads to the end to sit. One of the younger kids tries to argue but Eddie tells them to shut up.
“Scoot down.” He commands the younger kids and they listen. “You can sit by me.” He smiles motioning to the seat next to him. Grabbing your tray you make your way over to Eddie. You can feel all their eyes on you as you sit.
“Thanks. What’s the shirts for?” You ask curiously, attempting to start a conversation.
“We’re a DND club.” You look over to the young boy who spoke, “I’m Dustin.” He introduces himself.
“That cool I used to watch my older brother play all the time.” You smile, remembering you oldest brother.
“Have you played before?”
“No he wouldn’t let me.” You admit.
“Do you want to?” Eddie asks, regaining your attention.
“I dunno maybe.” You say smiling. Eddie’s only known you for a few minutes and he’s already can’t stop staring. He wants to know everything about you.
“I’m gonna be so real with you right now. The longer you sit here the less chance you have of having any type of social status.” Another kid speaks up, you look over to him before speaking.
“I don’t care about that stuff anyways.” You look back to Eddie who’s already smiling at you. You take this moment to look at his beauty. His eyes are a deep brown and you can’t help yourself but admire them.
Conversation amongst the rest of them start but you still have Eddie’s full undivided attention. “What brings you to Hawkins?”
You answer and spend the rest of lunch answering all his questions. While learning so much about him.
Eventually lunch comes to an end and Eddie sighs, he seemed upset. You were upset too, you could of spent all day getting to know him. You get up grabbing your tray to empty it into the trash.
Eddie follows behind, once you’re done he grabs your wrist softly. You turn around to face him and he says, “You should sit with us tomorrow again.”
“I’d love that.” You grin, happy you’ve found friends. Especially cause one of them is this real cute older guy.
The next day rolls around and you excitedly wait for lunch ready for the chance to talk to Eddie again. This time you skip the lunch line and make your way for their table. “Hi guys.” You say, sitting where you sat yesterday. Eddie’s not here yet but the rest of the guys greet you. Mikes going off about one of his teachers already assigned a ‘fuck ton’ of homework. You laugh when you feel the weight of someone sitting next to you. Smiling you turn your attention that way hoping it’s Eddie.
It’s not. Your smile fades quickly. A blonde haired boy fills his spot, he’s sporting a green lettermen jacket. “Why are you sitting with these freaks?” You’re in total shock and confused unsure of how to respond. “You should sit with us,” he points over to a table filled with cheerleader and football players. “You’re too pretty to be hanging out with these losers.” He laughs, his hand reaching for your hair letting his fingers run through it.
“No thank you.” You politely decline, pushing his hand away.
“Oh come on. Fuck these freaks.” He pouts.
You don’t know what comes over you but you spit,“Fuck off.”
“Oh she’s feisty.” He laughs, “Well if you ever change your mind and need some good dick you know where to find me.” Your jaw drops, shocked those words would come out of his mouth.
“Just leave her alone.” One of the guys speaks up.
“I bet you let that freak fuck you, huh? I saw they way you two were looking at each other yesterday.” He hands find its way in your lap, quickly slipping it way into between your thighs. Before he can get any farther, you do the unthinkable. Something you could never imagine yourself doing. You punch him square in the face, he quickly falls back. His hands gravitate to his nose, it’s bleeding. You look down at your fist, it hurts but you’re too much in shock to notice.
Looking up from your fist you’re greeted by Eddie. His hands cup you face, “Are you okay?” Tears start to fall down your face realizing what just happened. The blonde boy mutters fuck you before taking off blood staining his letterman. “What happened?” When you can’t respond, he grabs your hand, “Let’s get you out of here.” You don’t argue following Eddie out of the lunchroom, through a hall way, and out a door that leads to a nearly empty parking lot.
Eddie takes you to his van, opening the door for you. For some reason you get in, you feel like you can trust Eddie. He shuts the door behind you before making his way to the drivers side. “Do you want me to take you home?”
“No.” You say wiping the tears from you face, trying to calm down. “Just take me away from here. I don’t want to go home.”
“Okay.” He smiles softly.
Eddie and you drove the whole way a in silence. Occasionally glancing over at each other. Music filled the silence, Eddie hummed along. For a moment it crosses your mind that your alone with essentially a stranger. You just hope that he’s not gonna murder you and try to forget shake that thought.
Eventually you two arrive at a little lake you’ve never been to before. He reverses into a parking spot. “This is my favorite place to come to when I need to breathe.” Eddie gets out, walking behind his van. You can tell he’s opened the back so you let yourself out. Eddie’s sat in the back of his van his legs dangling from the edge.
For a few moments you look around the back of Eddie van. The back seats had been taken out and there were blankets and pillows laid out. You sit next to him scooting as close as you can. His arm falls on your shoulders, allowing you to rest your head on him. You both sit in silence for a few moments.
“What all did you see?” You ask.
“I walked into the lunch room and seen Jason Carver laying on the floor in front of you with a bloody nose.” He’s arm leaves your shoulder and grabs the fist you used to punch that guy. “Does it hurt? It looks like it hurts.” Eddie says while he’s gently examining it. Your knuckles are bruised.
“It hurts a lot.”
“Why did you punch him?” Eddie asks.
“He was being such a dick.”
“That’s Jason for you.” Eddie explains.
“He kept touching me after I turned him down.” Eddie noticeably tenses up. “I blacked out and when I came to he was on the floor. I’ve never don’t that before.”
“Well he deserved it. If he ever touches you again I swear to god I’ll kill him.” Eddie grits his teeth speaking.
“Hopefully he’ll leave me alone after today.” You sigh.
“You’re kinda bad ass.” Eddie smiles.
“You punched Jason Carver in the face. You haven’t gone here long enough to realize how bad ass that is. Everyone hates him except his bone head friends who are just as terrible as him.”
You couldn’t explain it but you felt so comfortable around Eddie. You two sat there for a while talking about anything and everything. Eventually you two ended up laying down in the back of his van, next to each other facing each other as you talked. Your hands rested so closely together. You so badly wanted to grab his but chicken out. Eddie must of noticed you looking at his hand cause he does exactly what you were to chicken to do causing the biggest grin to form on your face almost too afraid to make eye contact with him. You can feel him getting closer, the butterflies in your stomach getting bigger.
Your phone goes off bringing you back to reality. It’s your dad. Fuck.
Quickly sitting up, letting go of Eddie and answering your dad starts with the questions, “Where are you? Your school says you never showed up to second half of classes after you got into a fight?” He sounds more concerned than angry, which calms you.
“I’m safe. I’ll explain when I get home. I love you.” He says he loves you before hanging up. “Can you take me home?” You groan annoyed you have to leave Eddie so soon.
“Yeah of course.” Eddie says, getting up and helping you out of the van.
You give Eddie directions to your home as his drives. A good twenty minutes later he parks in front of your home.
“I know what happened to you today was really shitty but for what it’s worth I had fun with you after the fact. Hope you don’t get in too much trouble.” He says causing you to smile.
“If punching some jock in the face meant I could hang out with you I’d do it again.” You laugh to yourself.
“You don’t have to punch anyone in the face to hang out with me.” Eddie jokes with you, you look over to him to find him already looking at you and decide in that moment to do something else you’d never imagine yourself doing. You lean in closer to Eddie, reaching over the center console. Your lips meet his. Eddie seems taken aback but slowly lets him self kiss you. His hands finding their way to your face. You two make out for a few moments, Eddie eventually being the one to pull away to catch his breath.
“You’re kinda bad ass.”
“How?” You laugh.
“I’ve wanted to do that for hours now but I was too chicken shit. You just went for it.” He smiles, smitten.
“Can I go for it again?” Eddie nods before kissing you again.
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midnightstar-90 · 1 year
Fanfic Suggestions
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This is a masterlist of all the fanfics that I have read and give a "10/10 Would Read Again" Rating. I love these writer's works, and I believe they deserve the recognition. They inspire me and my writing, and I am truly thankful for that.
I am incorporating both Tumblr and Wattpad Fanfics. If it has a user, it's a Tumblr writing, and no user is a Wattpad writing.
Hope y'all enjoy ❤️
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🔥- 18+/Mature | ☔- Sad
Lovers Lane (C.M.M) 🔥
@msgorillagripcoochie's About You Fic (C.M.M)
@n-slayaaaaa's Calls I Can't Make Fic 1 2 3 (E.L) | (C.M.M) 🔥
DC Comics
Knight Wolf and Little Robin (J.T)
Lost Cause (J.T)
Control (C.K)
@tinkerbelle05's Maybe We'll Get Through This (J.R)
@asonofpeter's Where You Go Masterlist (J.R)🔥
@oneshots-heaven's The Motel Room Masterlist (D.G)
Vampire Diaries | Originals | Legacies
The Original Daughter (E.M)
Cursed Witch (K.M) 🔥
Damon's Daughter (D.S)
@cryinginthemoonpool's A Forgotten Birthday ☔ (Sully Family)
Harry Potter
Infinity (F.W) 🔥
Evermore (S.S) 🔥
Endgame (S.S) 🔥
Stranger Things
Ho Hey (E.M)
Julie & The Phantoms
Somethin Stupid (R.P)
Boy Meets World
Capsize (S.H)
Oscar Issac + Characters
@melodygatesauthor (O.I)
@sweetly-yours-and-mine (O.I)
@bastardmandennis's Pretty When You Cry (J.L) 🔥
@ivystoryweaver's With You Masterlist (Moon Knight System)
@mooooonnnzz's Miguel O'hara & Daughter Action 1, 2, 3, 4 (M.O)
Moondust (Moon Knight System)
@m00nsbaby's Why Won't You Love Me? (Moon Knight System)☔
@lockleysfav's Haze (M.O)🔥
@januaryembrs's Last Knight In SOHO Masterlist (Moon Knight System)🔥
@bastardmandennis's Even If It's A False God (M.S)🔥
@ohmystaxk's Goodbye, My Dear Stranger Masterlist (Moon Knight System)🔥
@alwritey-aphrodite's I'll Be Back Again To Stay Masterlist (S.G)🔥
Pistol (H.B)
Freaks | Runaways | Heroes | Humans (P.M)
@anonymousewrites's Portal To My Heart Masterlist (L.L)
Shadow & Bone
Stain of Red (The Darkling)
@midnightlilium's Reborn Masterlist (The Darkling) 🔥☔ * Not as explicit as other content on this app*
@kasagia's I'll Be Back For You Fic 1 2 (The Darkling) | (K.B)
@moonlightgrisha's Moon Summoner Masterlist (The Darkling)
@yawneneteyam's All Things Connected Masterlist (J.F)
@babybluebex's Bad Idea, Right? (J.Q) 🔥
@anxiouslymalicious's Losers Club Plus One Masterlist (R.T)
New Girl
A Summer's Day (N.M) 🔥
@bosbas's Love In Bloom Masterlist (B.B)
@nikkisheep's To Be Alone With You series (A.B) 🔥 1 2 3
@bellatrixscurls's Arranged Marriage (A.B) 🔥
@bellatrixscurls's Exquisite Weather Today, No? (A.B) 🔥1
@fayes-fics's A Beneficial Arrangement (A.B) 🔥
@marwritesgood's Illicit Affairs (A.B) 🔥
@dreamwritesimagines's Enamored Masterlist (A.B)
The Second Born Bridgerton & The Second Born Bridgerton's Wife (B.B)
@homeofthepeculiar's I Know You So Well Masterlist (B.B)🔥
Criminal Minds
@dr-spencer-reids-queen's Criminal Minds Series Rewrite Masterlist (S.R)
@fortheloveofwonderland's Me & You & Everyone We Know - Masterlist (S.R)🔥
Jensen Ackles + Characters
@zepskies's Take Me Home Masterlist (B.A)
@zepskies's Masterlist (Jensen + Characters)
@luci-in-trenchcoats's Home Sweet Not Home (J.A)
@lamentationsofalonelypotato's You Call It Madness But I Call It Love Masterlist (S.B)
@anundyingfidelity's Blood, Sweat, & Tears (B.B/S.B)🔥
@syrma-sensei's Hush Hush Behind The Shield (S.B)🔥
@anundyingfidelity's I'm A Ruin 1, 2, 3 (S.B)🔥
@wayward-dreamer's Pillow Talk (S.B)🔥
@princessmisery666's Please Don't Leave (J.A)
The Rookie
@xxchumanixx's Rookie Masterlist (T.B/J.N)
@chiefdirector's Rookie Masterlist (T.B/Chenford)
@fluentmoviequoter's Rookie Masterlist (T.B)
Percy Jackson Series
@woodlandwrites's Mind Over Matter (L.C)
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wilted-rose-143 · 2 days
Sometime’s love is safest when it’s kept secret
Descriptions of violence
Gay Slur
A/N: Just want to let you know, they are aged up to around 15/16 at the time, and if I decide to continue this later on, the timeline will be further explained. But, all you need to know currently is that they are aged up, and Henry Bowers was not pushed down the well. With that, I hope you enjoy!
Richie stepped up to the front steps of Eddie Kaspbrak's house, not until after making sure his mother wasn’t home, and knocked on the door. Richie had this certain way of knocking, the whole Loser’s Club has memorized it now, and he did it specifically so the losers club members could always feel safe to answer the door when they heard it.
Richie waited for just a few minutes until Eddie answered. “Hey, Richie, what’s-..”
Eddie froze when he saw Richie’s face. In an instant, Eddie grabbed Richie’s shoulders and pulled him closer. “Oh my god, what happened?”
Richie’s face was bloodied and bruised. His cheek was pouring blood in a diagonal line, actively turning purple and blue, as his eye on the opposite side of his face was swelling up and turning black and blue, a bleeding cut too close to his eye for comfort.
“Bowers got me good this time.” Richie grinned at him. “I was hoping Dr. Kaspbrak would be free to fix me up?”
Eddie didn’t think twice before pulling Richie inside and taking him up to his room.
Eddie had him sit down on the floor in front of his bed and went over to the bathroom. Eddie collected his medical supplies then came back to him and kneeled in front of him.
Richie was just sitting there fidgeting his hands. He felt bad making Eddie do this every time, with it basically being everyday now. He didn’t want to worry Eddie, and he really didn’t want to explain why this was happening. He just slowly looked up as he saw Eddie beginning to put a cleaner on a cotton pad.
Eddie quietly soaked the cotton pad in rubbing alcohol as he thought of what to say. He took a small breath and looked up at Richie and slowly spoke. “Rich, you need to tell me why this is happening.”
“It’s just Bowers being Bowers, he’s always been a dick to us.” Richie, in his usual manner, responded quickly and nonchalantly.
Eddie gave him a look, not satisfied with his answer. “Yes, but this is worse Richie.Yes, Bowers picks on us, but it’s been you especially lately. What’s going on?”
“I don’t know, okay? Will you just leave it?” Richie spoke harsher than intended, instantly regretting his small outburst.
Eddie looked clearly hurt for a minute before just going quiet and taking Richie’s glasses off his face, finding that there was a visible cut and indent from his glass being pressed into his face. He wiped off the glasses as blood poured from the cut down his face. “Oh god, Richie.. I’m worried about you.. Please just talk to me..” He quietly begged, slowly beginning to wipe up the blood coming from his nose, and instinctively putting a hand over Richie’s when he flinched from the cleaner.
Richie glanced down at their hands as soon as he felt the touch. He knew that all the Losers had noticed the never fading bruises and cuts he'd collected over the weeks of endless torment.
Eddie had questioned the dynamics of Richie's home life for as long as he could remember. Eddie has been over Richie's house more times than he can remember, yet he's hardly ever seen Richie's parents. Eddie can't say anything about them, besides the fact their constant absence has really concerned him. But it doesn't seem like they've even really noticed Richie getting beat up, which just got Eddie more worried.
Richie never said anything bad about his parents to make Eddie worry, granted he never really said anything good about them either.
Eddie slowly brought Richie's hand up to hold the cotton pad over his nose. “Richie.. Please talk to me.. I'm worried about you..”
Richie looked up at Eddie and his heart burned as he felt his face heat up. ‘God damn it, Richie, get yourself together.! He’s your best friend, that’s it!’ His thoughts raced as he slowly spoke. “I told you, it’s nothing. It’s just Bowers being Bowers.”
“Rich, I’m not stupid. This isn’t regular behavior, even from Bowers. This is extreme. There has to be a reason he’s acting even worse than normal, especially since it’s only you he’s acting like this with you. Just tell me why this is happening. I won't judge you.”
Richie looked down, moving Eddie's hand away. “I.. When it first started.. I went to the arcade and started playing Street Fighter with this kid I met. Then Bowers and his friends came by, and it turns out that kid was Bowers' cousin. And he got mad at me and chased me out of the arcade.. He punched and pushed me.. Used that god forsaken pocketknife and cut across my cheek.. While he was hitting me I think he hit my glasses into my nose..” Richie hissed at the cleaner as Eddie began cleaning another cut.
“That can’t be it. All of that just because you hung out with his cousin?” Eddie tried helping him calm down and relax so that it wouldn’t hurt as much. Usually, anyone else would react to what he said, but Eddie had heard similar stories from Richie ten times over.
“Well.. His cousin called me a fairy.. And.. Bowers called me a faggot..” The hesitation was clear in his voice and he felt Eddie’s hand stiffen up. It pressed the cotton pad into his cut, squeezing out the rubbing alcohol, and caused him to flinch back a bit with a hiss.
“Oh- God, I’m sorry Richie!” Eddie instantly grabbed a dry tissue and wiped up some of the alcohol and blood from his cheek. He had his hand gently pressed on Richie's cheek that was just bruised, trying not to hurt him anymore than he already did. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you, Richie. It’s just.. You don’t deserve to be called that. Especially not just for playing an arcade game with someone.”
He sat there for a second, pausing from cleaning Richie's cuts, and just looked at him. The silence freaked Richie out, but Eddie's words scared him more. “Is.. Is it true though?”
“I..” Richie froze and looked at Eddie. “I mean.. what do you want the answer to be.?”
Eddie leaned forward and hugged him, pulling him close. “I want the answer to be whoever you really are.. I want to know your truth.. Richie’s nerves were obvious, and he slowly grabbed his glasses and put them on, the bridge sinking into the cut it previously called home.
Eddie then realized exactly how Richie felt. He realized that he was ashamed about this part of himself. He realized that Richie would do anything to have people like him. He realized that as long as he had these people care about him, he didn’t care what it did to himself. “I don’t care, Rich.. Whatever you are, whoever you honestly are, is who I want to hear the answer from..”
Richie felt the heat rise to his face and slowly pulled Eddie into a hug. He clenched his eyes shut and forced the rising tears out of his eyes. “Thank you..”
“So..” Eddie pushed away from the hug to look into Richie’s eyes. “What are you.?”
Richie took a deep breath and looked at him. “I’m in love with you..”
Looks were exchanged without words, thoughts racing. One filled with regret and paranoia, the other with surprise and flattery. The world seemed to move in slow motion over the next few moments. Eddie's hand slowly found its way to Richie’s, and they interlocked, as the two slowly leaned closer. All of a sudden, a match was lit and there was a fire burning in Richie’s heart. His emotions got the best of him and in the heat of excitement, he put a hand against Eddie's cheek and pushed against him.
Eddie leaned back, a strange feeling forming in his stomach. He'd never been this close to anyone before and had never even thought of doing this with a guy. And on top of that, it was his first kiss. His first kiss was with a guy, and his best friend of all people. But he couldn't deny the fact that he didn't hate it. He let Richie control the situation, knowing he wouldn't go too far, holding his hand tighter. As their lips moved against each other, a sickening realization washed over him. He knew that smell. Richie had been smoking. Eddie knew something was up with him, but he didn't realize until now. Was he high? What was he smoking this time? Did he not even mean it? Was this just another night Richie would forget?
Eddie had tensed up at the thought and pulled away, his face flushed a sweet pink color. He felt so stupid. He managed to miss the fact that his best friend was probably just working off a high, and would forget any of this happened. He looked at Richie, a sickening feeling in his stomach. Did that really just happen?
Richie and Eddie just exchanged silent looks. Neither knew how to move on from this situation, but both had one common goal in mind. Keep this.. Incident, a secret.
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Hello! I hope you guys enjoyed the story!
I'm sorry about this taking so long, I've just been fairly busy lately! I hope it's not bad and is what you expected! Please let me know if you want me to continue this and give me feedback! Feel free to tell me how to write better, or if you believe I'm doing something wrong, but please make sure to keep it respectful! Thank you!
~ Rose
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losers-club-hcs · 1 year
I love how my moodboards get dramatically more likes than my actual writing... like my highest liked post with like 38 or so is a moodboard i spent like 10 mins or so on and the 1.7k word oneshot I wrote that took like an hour has 0 idk if it's because ppl don't really want to read longer things or if it's just not good but I just find it interesting.
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sp-high-au · 17 days
OOC Info Yapping😔
Hey! Welcome to my little shitstorm of an au! Obviously I’m gonna talk about it for a little bit because I never learn when to stfu and I feel like there’s a couple of things that I need to bring up to tie the whole thing together.
So this layout is kinda new to me. Technically is a roleplay but also at the same time there’s not gonna be any interaction with other rp blogs. Y’all are more than welcome to rb for your own roleplays though. There’ll be plenty of random shitposts that can be taken out of context.
This blog is being made to mimic an old school website. Y’know the ones where there’s an interactive wall for the students to post on? Yeah that. The post on this blog are going to be a mix of three things (technically four but I don’t think my ooc/admin posts really count).
ANNOUNCEMENT POSTS: Announcement posts are going to be used in place of actual posts for a site admin. Most of the time they’re going to be for lore drops that aren’t really relevant but are kinda fun to put into the storyline. For example: a background character or a character who isn’t that relevant to the story arcs birthday.
WALL POSTS: These wall posts are supposed to be posted “by students.” Once again they’re going to be used to drop more lore crumbs because high schoolers gossip a ridiculous amount and I think it’s funny.
FIC POSTS: The final type of posts are going to be fic posts! These will be link drops to my ao3. The fics will contain the main lore/arcs. They’ll also be reblogged to my main.
This story has odd publishing schedule to say the least. There are twenty-two story arcs. The storyline itself starts September 2nd 2024 and ends June 18th 2026. Each story is also planned to be posted on an accurate date, like in real time.
One arc is equal to one month. For example Arc 1: Intro to The Losers Club, takes place throughout September. The first official fic is going to be labeled like this on any master list: 1.1: (INSERT TITLE HERE). These works will either be oneshots or multi chapters. Any multi chapter will be split into “parts” like if a multi chapter is four chapters in total and there’s only two chapter total it’ll be labeled simply like this: 2/4.
Also there are some darker themes in these stories! Firstly, it’s high school. What high schooler doesn’t have issues? Secondly, it’s South Park and that itself is pretty self explanatory. And finally, I’m fucking delusional and think it’s funny.
Speaking of me though, HI!!! If you’re a mutual on my main who’s stumbled upon this mess, yes it’s Clouded. If you don’t know know who I am you can find me at my main: @justyourtypicalwriter where I am much more active and my posts are very much unplanned, unlike this blog. It’s become a favorite project of mine in the short time I’ve been working on it though and I hope you grow to enjoy it as much as I do!
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Here’s one of my many, many picrews of myself that I normally use as pfps because I have a problem and that was a lot of writing💀
“Oh Clouded what are the ships in this au?”
And to my rare pair lovers I say:
“You’re eatin’ good tonight bbg😘”
Because as much as a Style girlie I am, there are SO MANY absolutely amazing rare pairs that get such little recognition. I know how excited I get when I see a rare pair in a popular fic or comic so there’s some food for my fellow rare pair lovers.
Jimmy/Nichole (what’s their ship name y’all)
There’s probably more but I can’t think of any lmao-
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angel-anachronism · 2 years
Heyy How you doing? I wanted to make a request for Mischa Bachinski × reader where reader is like this popular but not mean kind of girl in town. Like everyone loves her and she's in every club she can and has good grades in school (which can be a problem for ocean), her friends'parents absolutely love her, etc. And like mischa and her don't talk to much, so he thinks she doesn't even remember his name. (Kind of like the song Gold Rush by taylor swift now that I think abt it? Idk).
The point is ofc she likes him, but she thinks he doesn't like her bc of his angry persona and all of that stuff (also what would people say if they saw her hanging out with someone with such a bad raputation?)
And when they finally clear things up and become friends they end completely falling in love w each other and have to tell each other at some point.
I feel like this is way too long and specific, so don't worry if it bores you or smth, ily :))
Hello! I'm currently very busy with school, but I'll still try writing oneshots at any opportunity I have! And don't worry, I love writing very long and detailed works, and I find it easier when the request is longer because I know what I need to write.
(P.S. In this fanfic, (Y/N) has two moms, which will be referred to as mama and mom, cuz I just felt like it.) (Also, they will appear in the next request too, so be prepared to see them again)
Also, sorry for not writing in a few weeks, I've been going through a long depressive episode lately, but now I've got the motivation to write again
(TW: None!)
Word count: 1,364 words
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Beauty and the beast (Mischa Bachinski x Popular!fem!reader fluff)
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(𝓨/𝓝)'𝓼 𝓟𝓞𝓥
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"The most loved girl in town" has been a Title that I've worn like a badge for most of my life. Ever since I was younger, I knew three things:
"Be friendly to others because you don't know what they're going through, be smart so that you can one day help others live a better life, and last but not least, be happy for making others happy"
At least, that's what my parents always told me, and I obeyed them. These rules have been actually helpful for me. Thanks to them, I am now known by everyone in town as being "The most loved girl in town", thanks to my personality.
I always help others when in need, and thanks to that, I've made a lot of friends. Yes, some of them have been fake to me, but I still have forgiven them.
I am also one of the best students in school. I've never got any grade below 79%, and I am also in every club in St. Cassian high school, including the school choir.
Speaking about the school choir, I am friends with a lot of people, even with my rival, Ocean. We don't hate each other, but we are indeed rivals in every class. After we get the scores on one of our tests, the one who has the lower grade needs to buy Taco Bell from my friend, Noel, and pay with the "loser"'s money.
Even if I have a lot of friends in school, I am not friends with one boy, who's name is Mischa Bachinski. To be honest, I would like to be friends with him, but I don't think he would want to be friends with me, a goodie two shoes.
I should probably try to become friends with him. Everyone has a good soul. There's no such thing as bad people. Mischa is just misunderstood, that's the problem, and I would like to try to break him out of his shell formed of anger.
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The next morning, after I woke up, I decided to make a little bracelet for Mischa, since I want to start a friendship with him, and there's no better way than to make a friendship bracelet.
I spent a few minutes making the bracelet, which also included his name, and I felt very proud of myself, yet I was still kind of scared that he might reject my friendship bracelet.
After I was done making it, I put it on my wrist, and then took my backpack, and went downstairs to eat together with my moms.
As I was walking downstairs, I observed the decoration around the house. There were seventeen pictures of me, going from up to down. The first picture was a picture of myself when I was one, and the seventeenth one was of me in the present. I'm not exaggerating one bit when I tell you that my moms are very proud of me. They always brag with pride about how smart I am to everyone they meet. Most parents even beg me to be friends with their kids, so that they can learn to be "better". Of course, I befriended their kids, but I never tried to change them. Everyone is perfect in their own way.
"Goodmorning, (Y/N)! How was your sleep?" Asked my mama. I looked at her and I smiled, as my other mom was making breakfast for us.
"It was wonderful!" I said as my mom gave me an omelet.
"Well, we're glad that you slept well!" Mom said as she sat next to mama and me.
I began eating as if there were no tomorrow, and then got off my seat and waved at my moms.
"Wait, (Y/N)!" Mama said as she walked to me, and pulled my sleeve up, to show the bracelet that I was planning to give to Mischa.
"Young lady. Who is this "Mischa"?" She asked as she smirked. I blushed a little.
"Oh, he's a boy in choir, and I want to become friends with him, so I made him this bracelet," I said, and both mama and mom smiled at each other.
"That's good, honey! Hope we can meet him one day!" Said mom, as both she and mama waved at me.
I waved back and then headed off to school.
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I have gotten to the choir and looked around for Mischa. he was indeed here, but he was sitting on his phone.
I walked up to him.
"Hello, Mischa!" I waved at him. He looked at me surprised.
"Wait, you remembered my name?" He asked. I nodded. "What do you want from me?"
"Well, I would like to become friends with you, only if you don't mind!" I said, and I took the bracelet off my wrist and showed it to him.
he looked in awe at the bracelet and extended his hand to take it. He took it so gently, it was as if he never got any gifts from anyone.
"Wow..." He said, and then looked at me. "You really had time to make a gift...for me?"
I nodded. He looked even more in astonishment at the bracelet. He looked like he wanted to cry, but he hid it behind the facade of someone with a "cool guy" persona. "Thank you, druh!" He smiled at me.
"Sorry if I seem rude, but what does "druh" mean?" I asked with a confused smile. He started chuckling. "Druh means friend in ukrainian." He said, still looking at the bracelet.
"Wait, you see me as a friend?" I asked once again. He smiled again.
"Of course! No one here ever gave me a gift, and you are the only one who gave me something even if we don't know each other very well."
He explained. My eyes sparkled. Then he added with a slight blush, "Thanks." I smiled brightly at him, and we continued chatting until class started. I just know that this will start a beautiful friendship.
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I'll never forget the day when I befriended Mischa. Since then, we've been like two peas in a pod, rarely separated. Even though I've only been friends with Mischa for a few weeks, I consider him one of my closest friends.
After school, Mischa waited for me outside, and we decided to walk home together. He held my arm, and it felt so nice…but also weird. It was like a tingle running through my body, and my heart started beating fast.
We talked more and more, while slowly getting closer and closer to each other. I could feel a lump form in my throat. Why was I reacting like this? Maybe it's because I had never felt this before. Was this normal? Or was I overreacting? I couldn't tell. Our arms were touching, which was weird. I didn't like being touched by strangers, and Mischa was definitely not the type of person whom I would willingly touch. However, I enjoyed holding hands with Mischa. We arrived at Mischa's house. "See you at school, (Y/N)" Mischa said with a saddened expression as he wanted to enter his house. I stopped him, which made him look back at me "Hey, Mischa," I began, "I actually wanted to ask you something…" "Yeah?" He replied, sounding slightly nervous. "I…I…really like you! I blurted out. His face changed completely, and he looked shocked. He looked at me for a moment. "Why?" He asked. "Well, I guess I don't know! I just found out today that I have a crush on you, and then I couldn't stop thinking about you!" Misha began laughing. "Well, (Y/N), I like you too." He said, smiling. "Really?!?" I asked as I wasn't sure if I heard correctly. But then, it happened: he hugged me. A hug from Mischa Bachinski. "Yes, (Y/N), I really like you too." He said as he broke the hug. We stared into each other's eyes and smiled shyly. This relationship will truly begin like any cheesy romantic comedy.
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𝑅𝑒𝒷𝓁𝑜𝑔 >> 𝐿𝒾𝓀𝑒 (𝒩𝑜𝓉 𝒻𝑜𝓇𝒸𝒾𝓃𝑔, 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝐼 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓁𝓁𝓎 𝓃𝑒𝑒𝒹 𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝓇𝑒𝓆𝓊𝑒𝓈𝓉𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇𝓈)
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ivorysfilms · 28 days
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welcome to my blog !
— nsfw / sfw
— oneshots
— imagines
— headcanons
— angst / comfort
— fem / nonbinary reader
— wlw ships
— requests
— requested insert fanfics
— canon ships
— noncon / rape
( it’s gross i’m sorry )
— incest
— minor x adult characters
— stepbrother / stepsister x reader
— male reader
( there is NOTHING against my male readers i just don’t know how to write for one since i’m a female )
— real people / celebrities
— scream 5-6
( amber freeman, tara carpenter, samantha carpenter, ethan landry, anika kayoko )
— it 2017
( all bowers gang and all losers club )
— bodies bodies bodies
( emma, sophie, alice, bee, jordan )
— diary of a wimpy kid
( rodrick heffley )
— dead before dawn
( casper galloway )
— literally any owen teague character
( my bae :3 )
— the walking dead
( carl grimes, daryl dixon )
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— thank you for reading! don’t be afraid to request anything or just talk/ask about stuff!:) ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
‎ ‎ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ ivory
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fikeoff · 2 months
hello my loves!
I'm Kyrah, i have been lurking on tumblr as a nobody but now i have decided i want to join the club! 🎸 I've been aware the lack of D.F fanfics so thats why im here to fill that hole and revive it again with some (hopefully) engaging and amazing fanfics and oneshots about our favourite artist to ever walk on this earth!! 🧸
I'm also looking for some friends and mutuals who have the same love i do for Mr Dominic Fike's music and just him in general as me and can give me some ideas as we move forward. ❤
If yall have any request or ideas for fanfics or oneshots, i am all ears! It could be anything from fluff, angst to even hardcore smut (not that have wrote any but have read ;) ) ⭐
I am so excited to start this journey and meet some awesome people along the way to help. So let's do this thing!
Feel free to send as many request as you want to or even say hi or just spam or if you wanna chat, i'm all ears :)
📍Also, don't be a loser and follow me for updates and more!
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