#the major and minor ocs are getting something for themselves later in the month!
unfortunate-arrow · 1 year
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬 + 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞
Featuring: Saoirse Lynch, Lucy Devlin, Cecilia Kennedy, Reva Rovere-Parsons, Dora O’Donnell-Lee, Keira Khanna-O’Donnell, Brendan O’Donnell-Lee, Maya Kingsley-Valdez, Flora MacKade, Nora Whitten, Harry Pembroke, Matthias Demiurgos-Kennedy, Gio Rovere-Parsons, Louis Battersea, Violet O’Donnell-Lee, Tommy Whitten-March, Seth O’Donnell, Michael O’Donnell, & Winifred O’Donnell
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shiveringslate · 8 months
just going to ramble about my favourite side characters because i’ve been making family trees on the warriors oc wiki for 2 hours and i need to think about something other than code
by side characters i mean like. just not blaze, rooster, or hope
snakestrike (minor supporting character)
he’s a wife guy. his character traits are that he loves his wife and his kids. he has made a band with the other dads in the clan and they terrorise the apprentices + firebreeze with dad jokes. he’s very supportive of his kids but he feels a little sad watching his son be fully trained by slashstar when his brother died before he could get his warrior name. he feels a little distant from blaze, like she’s always trapped in a bubble and he can never quite connect to her, but any worries he has about her are negated by all of the social safety nets thunderclan has set up.
snakestrike often took care of roosterkit and blazekit in the nursery while hopebringer was off doing deputy work, he tries his best to be involved in his childrens' lives. meanwhile he still keeps up his old rivalry with juniperswipe, and he is one of juniperswipes main confidants within his conflict with flintwing. this is a bit of a cause of tension between snakestrike and hopebringer as she is flintwing's closest friend, but theyve agreed not to talk about the issue to each other.
flintwing (minor supporting character)
she was the youngest queen in the nursery, but her kits are older than both hopebringer and acornspots'. as an apprentice she fell hard for the slightly older juniperpaw, and she spent a lot of time trying to get him to go out with her. once they were warriors they became mates. flintwing uh felt really disconnected from her siblings. wolfclaw and owlflight were both hailed as the clans best fighters, flintwing not so much. she felt like a failure compared to them, and rushed into having kits to prove something to the clan.
now that tigereye and willowshade are both warriors, her marriage has been a rocky, with her and juniperswipe constantly finding themselves disagreeing over everything. flintwing tells her issues to her siblings and friends, but they can provide little advice and flintwing fears that she and juniperswipe will split up.
slashstar (major supporting character)
he was born during the start of the thunder-shadow war. his parents were a shadowclan warrior and a thunderclan warrior. their relationship caused the war to escalate, and both sides argued for days about what to do with slashkit and his brother hollykit. they spent a few weeks being passed around both camps, until it was agreed that one kit would stay in one clan. slashkit was given to thunderclan, and was mentored by the leader’s daughter as a way of keeping an extra eye on him. slashclaw was a model apprentice and warrior, never showing any signs of disloyalty or conflict towards shadowclan, even if he internally missed hollysnarl a lot.
slashclaw moved up the ranks quickly, meeting and falling in love with a former barn cat, firebreeze. (i imagine their relationship to be similar to that of captain holt and kevin from b99) and he was happy to be entrusted with his first apprentice, stagpaw. at the same time firebreeze was given hopepaw as his first apprentice. they would often train together and slashclaw was happy despite the still ongoing war.
about 3 months into the apprenticeship, a patrol slashclaw and stagpaw were in got into a battle with a shadowclan patrol. stagpaw was killed by the shadowclan leaders son, gingerthroat. while slashclaw was trying to get his body away from the battle, gingerthroat went after slashclaw. both were heavily injured, slashclaw leaving the battle without an apprentice and an eye. gingerthroat died from infection of his battle wounds days after. slashclaw was deeply depressed after stagpaw died, and his death continued to affect slashclaw years into the future.
almost two years later, slashclaw stepped up as a foster father for eaglekit, who had been abandoned by her shadowclan father and windclan mother. they were close when she was a kit, but when he was her mentor he doubted his own skills so much that he was incapable of mentoring her, too caught up in how his last apprenticeship ended. he ended up burning his bridge with her, and they don’t even talk anymore, despite eaglesight technically being a part of his family.
tigerdapple retired, and eaglesights recent graduation made him eligible for deputy. to his surprise, bravestar chose him as the new deputy, and he found out later that hollysnarl had been chosen as shadowclan deputy after the death of the old one. slashstar felt like he didn’t deserve it, but accepted the position regardless. bravestar died soon after and slashstar was finally able to negotiate peace between thunderclan and shadowclan. hollysnarl also became leader of shadowclan not long after.
when snakestrike and hopebringer had kits, slashstar already made his mind up on mentoring one of their kits. roosterkit was the spitting image of snakestrike, but slashstar could pick out little pieces that looked like stagpaw. he saw it as a second chance. slashstar was favouring and overprotective of roosterpaw, unnecessarily praising him and touting that roosterpaw would be the best warrior of his generation. an observation not entirely untrue, as roosterpaw showed promise, but not appreciated by the other apprentices.
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daxieoclock · 3 years
Okay let’s do this. TW for scientific dehumanization
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This is Vee, my Final Fantasy 7 OC (primarily with the remake in mind, though the meta aspects of that story don’t play a part here). Formerly from a small village whose inhabitants were captured and experimented on by Shinra, she possesses minor draconic abilities and an affinity with fire Materia as a result of those experiments. She only escaped the labs at all by accidentally faking her death – going into cardiac shock during an experiment and then surviving their attempt to dispose of her body through incineration, due to her newfound immunity to flame. Vee was then nursed back to health in a small religious collective centered around worship of the Ancients, and spent a few years there until she had recovered enough to leave. While she isn’t quite an amnesiac, the trauma from those labs has fucked significantly with her memories and self of self.
Personality-wise, Vee is brash and self-assured, displaying both an abundance of confidence and a general sense of polite ease. She’s a hopeless flirt, but drops that behavior immediately around her elders and anyone who shows discomfort in being flirted with. While she jumps at the chance to make a show, she also shies away from attention outside of her control, hiding her fiend eyes behind sunglasses and keeping her wings dismissed. That overly casual persona also helps hide a deep insatiable fury towards Shinra, SOLDIERs and especially that snickering scientist bastard, whose throat she would personally like to tear out for everything he’s done to her and her family.
In combat, she keeps at least one hand in her pocket at all times, and fights with close-range fire magic and a flame sword she can summon and dismiss at will.
AU summary (including Gay Details) under cut.
EDIT: I’ve made a few minor edits and added events up until a little ways past the departure from Midgar.
EDIT 2: I made this into a fic.
A large aspect of the “Vee AU,” so to speak, is the change of timescale: stretching out the events of the plot over the span of a couple months rather than a couple weeks, with multiple periods of reprieve between urgent setpieces. Other than that, the first big change comes after Cloud’s meeting with Aerith, in that he makes it back to Seventh Heaven without being pulled into the Wall Market nonsense – Aerith tagging along the whole time. Aerith meets Tifa and decides to stick around for a bit, Cloud slips back into his friendly neighborhood merc gig, and Avalanche stresses in the background about their next move.
It’s during this point that Cloud investigates a commotion nearby Sector 7 only to find the cause to be a bloodied Vee standing amidst a bunch of ko’d Shinra soldiers. When she notices Cloud’s mako eyes, she attacks him – SOLDIERS were the people who took her to the labs – before half-collapsing from her injuries. Cloud heals her, and makes the ‘ex’ part of ex-SOLDIER very clear, as well as his open contempt for Shinra. Vee apologizes for losing control, thanks them, and decides to stick around to help out – since they have a common enemy, and she wants to pay back Cloud for saving her life after she almost murdered him. Vee Joins The Party.
A few days later, we enter the leadup to Wall Market. Desperate for details and noticing a surge of Shinra activity in and around Sector 7, the gang decides to try and get info from the one man who might know anything: Don Corneo. Unfortunately, he’s an asshole, so they’re going to have to threaten him for it. While Barret and the rest of Avalanche stay behind to keep Shinra from trying anything, Aerith, Tifa, Cloud and Vee head to Wall Market. On the way there, Tifa and Vee get separated from the others when part of the collapsed highway collapses further, and they spend some time getting to know each other while Aerith takes Cloud on a more direct route.
Tifa and Vee smooch after roughly a day of romantic tension. No further relationship is established at this time.
In Wall Market, the gang splits up into two teams to try and pincer Corneo’s security. Vee and Aerith hit up the tournament under Madame M’s supervision, passing themselves off as a Shinra rep and her Turk bodyguard to get an invite through the front door, while Cloud and Tifa go through Andrea Rhodea to try and weasel their way into Corneo’s audition for his next wife.
Aerith and Vee smooch after kicking ass in the tourney. No further relationship is established at this time.
Corneo’s security is dispatched from two angles, and the gang rushes back towards Sector 7 after hearing the info about Shinra’s now ongoing plan to collapse the plate. They get there, and fight their way up to Barret and the other Avalanche crew, managing to minimize the damage from the plate’s fall by locking the center supports in place, but they cannot fully prevent the collapse. While the majority of Sector 7 remains livable, the outskirts are devastated. (Aerith is not approached by Tseng at this point. Jessie, Biggs and Wedge survive.)
There’s a terse, tense celebration in Seventh Heaven. A lot of lives were saved, but not all of them, and there’s still the financial cost to the already destitute slums – not to mention that Shinra will likely try to take credit for the collapse’s partial prevention, and pin the collapse itself on Avalanche. This isn’t even close to the end of hardship. Regardless, it is a victory.
Over the next few days, the gang recovers and focuses on helping Sector 7 rebuild. Tifa tries to push Aerith and Vee together, seeing herself as an obstacle between them. Aerith confronts Tifa about this, they discuss their feelings and reservations.
Aerith and Tifa smooch. At this time, we establish a relationship between Aerith, Tifa and Vee. Many more smoochings occur.
Saving Aerith
One morning, the gang wake up to find Aerith missing. Tifa, Vee, Cloud and Barret go to her house to look for her, and Elmyra tells them she visited late last night to say she wouldn’t be coming back home for a while. Elmyra realizes something is wrong, and tells the gang that Aerith is a descendant of the Ancients, and her birth mother was captured by Shinra. Vee and Cloud are especially tense when she says she suspects Shinra’s head scientist of being involved in Aerith’s disappearance. When the party returns to Sector 7, Wedge shares a message from Avalanche HQ: the Turks brought someone matching Aerith’s description into Shinra headquarters last night.
After tangoing with Corneo and Leslie in the sewers, the gang fights their way to the Shinra Building. On the elevator up, Vee and Barret have a bit of an ideological clash. Vee makes it clear she doesn’t care about the suffering of Shinra Employees, their paychecks are soaked through with the blood of Shinra’s victims, and their complicity is guilt enough. Barret fires back that while they’re taking the easy road out, there are fewer and fewer non-Shinra jobs out there every day, and some employees have more than their own mouth to feed. Not everyone can afford to make the sacrifices he did, and while they don’t have to be buddy-buddy with Shinra’s suckers, the company would fall apart without them. Draw them over to Avalanche’s side, and Shinra wouldn’t last a day.
Mayor Domino helps the gang get into Shinra R&D, and they’re forced to fight a whole floor full of mutant experiments to get to where Aerith is kept. When they reach her, she’s contained in a glass cylinder, overlooked by Hojo in an isolated observation room. Vee immediately lunges at the reinforced glass between her and the scientist. She asks if Hojo recognizes her, and he expresses delight that she managed to survive. Vee tries to break the glass but hesitates when more experiments attack Tifa, Barret and Cloud. She does issue one last threat to Hojo: she’s going to walk out of here with Aerith, and then she’s going to track him down, so he’d better start running. Next time they meet, she’ll make him hurt in every way he hurt her, and she’ll enjoy it. Vee punches the glass hard enough to crack it, and she gets one good look at Hojo’s surprised – maybe frightened – face before metal shutters close off the observation room completely.
After being freed and embracing both of her girlfriends, Aerith explains that she was captured voluntarily – half to keep Avalanche from being targeted by Shinra, and half to find out the truth. She takes them down a floor to a place she identifies as her mother’s room, and her own. Aerith spent most of her childhood here, and her mother managed to escape with her just long enough to hide her with Elmyra before being captured again. Aerith returned because she thought her mother might still be alive, but apparently the woman didn’t survive more than a year after being recaptured. Vee reminds Aerith that she’s still alive, and she has a life outside these walls now, with people who love her. Tifa simply asks her to promise not to leave like that again, and Aerith gladly does so. She doesn’t plan on chasing ghosts, not anymore. She knows where her home is.
The reforged quintet meets with Red XIII, who Vee immediately takes a one-sided liking to, trying to befriend the more tempermental catdog. They head farther into the labs to both chase Hojo and make it to the roof for extraction, and find Jenova. Sephiroth appears, sending Tifa into shock and Cloud into blind fury, and the latter charges at the specter – who severs the bridge and sends them plummenting into the depths of the labs. Cloud is seperated from the others for a time, and fights alone and half-berserk through a small horde of experiments, nearly attacking Barret when he runs into him. Barret and Red manage to calm him down, and they fight up the Drum to Tifa, Vee and Aerith, then back up to the elevator.
The gang follows Jenova-infected footsteps to President Shinra’s office to find the bigwig himself danging off the side of his big fancy tower. Vee immediately hops over the railing and extends a hand to pull him up, but digs her nails into his arm and keeps on holding him over the edge. It’s his fault. Everything that happened to Aerith, to Vee herself. Guilt travels upwards, and there’s no one higher than Shinra. Killing him won’t bring back Aerith’s mother, or the people killed by the plate, or Vee’s family. It won’t take away what happened to her. But it’ll make her feel a whole lot better. Vee is ready to drop him, but Barret talks her down, convinces her that Shinra is more use clearing their names and owning up to dropping the plate. With him as a hostage, they can bring the company to its knees. Vee relents, and pulls Shinra to safety, only for Sephiroth to stab him through the chest.
Cloud barely holds it together, and Sephiroth taunts him, trying to egg him on. Doesn’t Cloud want to hurt him? Doesn’t he want to take revenge, for his family, for his home? For his companion? Cloud is a breath away from trying to take his head off, but it’s Tifa who strikes first, forcing Sephiroth back with a roundhouse kick. She tells him to leave her friend alone, and the rest of the gang backs her up. That manages to shake Cloud out of his fury, and he stands by his friends as they take on the legendary SOLDIER hero.
And lose. They’re barely a match for him, their attacks don’t phase him in the slightest, and he seems impossibly fast. With one final mockery, Sephiroth takes Jenova’s body and dives off the side of the Shinra building, leaving Cloud almost numb, hollow. Tifa manages to pull him out of it, and he doesn’t understand how she’s still herself aftering seeing him. She shows that her hands are still shaking, and admits she’s not letting it catch up with her. Right now, she’s focused on trying to stay alive, and keep the people she cares about alive. Our six rebels fight their way back through Shinra security and, with one look back at the home they’re leaving behind, they steal a ride out of Midgar.
Once they make it to the inn in Kalm, Cloud finally fills everyone in on what he hasn’t told them. He’d only meant to tell Tifa, originally, but the others deserve the truth as well. With her permission, he recalls the Nibelheim Incident. After Sephiroth killed his hometown and injured Tifa, Cloud attacked the man, overpowering him and throwing him to his death – or he assumed, at least. Another Nibelhiem resident, Zangan, took Tifa to safety, promising to come back for Cloud. He didn’t make it, and Cloud was captured and experimented on by Hojo; toughing through thanks to the mako infusions he got as a SOLDIER. After five years, he managed to escape, and make it to Midgar. The others are horrified, but Cloud almost no-sells it. It’s in the past. It’s fine. He’s fine. And with that, and without taking any questions, he goes to his room and sleeps.
Tifa admits once he’s gone that there’s something odd about the story, about the way he told it. She can’t quite pick out what, but it feels as if he’s leaving out something big from the parts that she can’t corraberate. Barret and Red agree, they felt similarly, but Vee reminds them that traumatic events like that can fuck with a person’s head, muddle their memories. And she knows firsthand how traumatic Shinra’s labs can get. The five agree not to push him on it, and follow suit to get some sleep.
When she’s finally alone with Aerith and Vee, Tifa breaks down completely as the events of the day wash over her. The man who scarred her, who slaughtered her family, who burnt down her home, is alive. Her best friend has years of trauma he’s never told her about. And she almost lost her girlfriend. Vee and Aerith hold her, and the three fall asleep together. For now, they’re safe.
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Cut You A Piece
Mark is terrified of getting married.
Word Count: 8773 (just kinda dipping my toes in writing, I DID NOT PROOFREAD THIS)
Mark x OC // Johnny x Y/N
TW - Angst, suicidal moments, death, minor curse words
Based off this song
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Nervous was an understatement, he was terrified. Mark stood in front of the full length mirror picking at his black tux. His necktie was crooked, his sleeve had random dust on it, even his hair was betraying him by being too fluffy. Jackie always said that his fluffy hair was one of her favorite things about him. She said it made him "adorable and approachable," which of course Mark was grateful for since it was what encouraged her to approach him first.
Back then, Mark would have never imagined that the girl who made a sudden compliment on his hair would become his wife to be. But here he was, fidgeting with the pink rose on his chest and repeatedly patting his pocket to make sure the ring was still there.
Mark's breath caught in his throat as he went to check again. A sigh of relief followed out of his lips soon after. It was still there.
He shook his arms and legs trying to shake out some of his nerves. Mark attempted to clear his head for the 10th time in the last hour, only to fail again. He was marrying the love of his life yet he couldn't stop worrying about everything that could happen. Not with the wedding, he was sure that would go peacefully, but with what would happen after. 
He was worried because Jackie was mortal. Obviously, he was mortal too but more importantly, Jackie was. She could be taken away from him at any time, even by accident. Did he really want to get married if there's a possibility that she could die tomorrow? Maybe not getting married would make it hurt less. He'd still lose his soulmate but at least then it would be his girlfriend, not his wife. He had seen what it was like to lose a wife when Johnny lost Y/N.
He ran his fingers through his newly dyed hair as he released a huff of air. Jackie had made a request that they both color their hair pink for the special day to surprise the guests. Mark hadn't seen the color on her yet but he already knew she would look like perfection personified. A mental image of her popped into his head and all previous thoughts of not marrying her disappeared for a moment. He was 100% certain he wouldn't survive losing her but he wanted this more than anything.
The sound of footsteps pulled Mark from the mirror. The man was barely able to completely turn away before a rowdy group of men burst into the room. The 6 groomsmen surrounded the pink haired man and began teasing him.
"Our Mark Lee is getting married," Haechan cheerfully hollered with a bottle of sparkling cider in hand. His yell seemed to trigger the rest to join in with their own screams. Jackie decided to make the wedding alcohol free since she knew the boys didn't need its influence to be hyper.
"Your hair is so pink!" Chenle reached to ruffle the groom's hair but was blocked by Jaemin.
"Aren't you excited?" Jisung seemed to be the only one who noticed the conflicted expression on Mark's face. Upon hearing the youngest's question, everyone else quieted down to examine the situation themselves.
"I am," Mark started, "I just don't want to lose her." His voice was laced with worry. Not wanting to make eye contact with any of his friends, he instead glanced over all of their grey suits. Jackie picked the colors: pink, grey, black, and white.
"Lose her?" Renjun laughed. "You're literally about to marry her!"
"Not like that!" Mark defended. Glancing over to Renjun, he continued in a mumble, "like Y/N."
At the mention of the girl, the group fell into a thick silence.
"You shouldn't think about that," Haechan quietly asserted.
"It's hard not to. You saw how Johnny was when it happened. He's stronger than I am and he barely got through it," Mark paused, "actually he never got through it!"
Placing his hand on the groom's shoulder, Haechan comforted, "Just because that happened to them, doesn't mean that'll happen to you."
"I know, it's just.." Mark drifted off. Too many memories of Johnny and Y/N were running through his head.
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"Maybe I should stop smoking. What do you think?"
Mark was shocked to say the least. Johnny had been smoking since 8th grade and now, nearly 8 years later, he was speaking of quitting. Mark had told him many times to stop only to be ignored. "I told you to quit years ago, man!"
Smirking, Johnny replied, "well, I didn't want to then. Now I do."
"What changed?"
"You know that girl Y/N?"
Stuffing another slice of pizza in his face, Mark dug in his memories for the name Y/N. "Umm," he pondered out loud, "isn't that the girl you called a loner last year?"
"She and I have been hanging out since the school year started. Turns out neither of us are big fans of our psych class," Johnny explained smugly. "She said I always smell like a bus stop bench after I smoke." The tall male couldn't help but let out a laugh recalling the bold comment from the normally quiet girl. "So I was thinking of stopping or taking a break from smoking at least."
Not believing what he heard, Mark stared at his older friend waiting for him to say psych. Not hearing it, he asked, "Do you have a crush on her or something? Since when do you care about what you smell like to some girl? School started like 3 weeks ago and you're already changing yourself for her. I mean, like it's a good change but still, already?"
This was one of the first times Mark had ever seen Johnny get shy. "I don't know man. She's just different than I thought." A light blush painted Johnny's cheeks as he thought back to his conversations with Y/N. "I might like her," he admitted as he went to pour himself a shot of vodka. Bottle mid air, Johnny paused, "should I stop drinking too?"
"This is too weird, man." Mark shuttered.
"I know right."
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Y/N was nervous, Mark could tell. She was quiet the whole night. She was normally quiet, but Mark assumed she would open up some more since she was meeting her boyfriend's friends for the first time. Instead, she barely spoke 2 sentences from her arrival. 
Johnny kept her close the whole night, probably for her comfort. He held his arms around her waist while he made conversation with Jungwoo. She wasn't invested in what they were talking about but was content being in his arms. Her eyes glanced about the party that her boyfriend arranged just to introduce her to everyone. She honestly couldn't see herself hanging out with them very often, but Johnny made it a big deal to combine his favorite people and she couldn't disappoint him.
Mark had said probably 4 words to her before he started talking with his friends. He was happy for his friend, however he didn't see the point of trying to become close when he knew that Y/N would not be comfortable this soon.
"What do you think of Y/N?" Yuta asked Mark suddenly.
"She's okay. She makes Johnny happy so I guess she's cool?" Mark answered honestly.
"Yeah sure. I heard him talking about signing up for tutoring because of her, something about wanting to 'deserve' her," Yuta scoffed. He had been pissy ever since the relationship started. Mark assumed it was because Johnny decided to work on himself and was no longer Yuta's partner in crime. "I mean, I'm happy he's happy but it's like she's controlling him."
Mark turned his attention to Y/N "controlling" Johnny. She was looking up at him with stars in her brown eyes. It was clear that she loved him despite only being official for a month. In between sentences, Johnny would look down at her, smile, and place a small kiss on her cheek which only caused the stars in her eyes to grow bigger. That scene let Mark know all he needed to know: Y/N was just as whipped for Johnny as he was for her.
A smile imprinted on Mark's face. Seeing his friend so in love with someone who matched the affection was relaxing. To be honest, Mark had been worried for Johnny with his rebel past, the older male having a history of not thinking of his future. Y/N was helping build him into a better person but Mark was proud of him for actually doing the work needed to get there. For that, Mark was grateful to both of them.
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"You've known her for like a year and a half! You guys have been dating for slightly less than that!" Mark had been trying to reason with Johnny for the past hour.
"Y/N and I have known each other for a year and 9 months exactly. We've been dating for a year and 6 months. I think we're ready!"
"You're thinking about proposing, bro!"
"I'm not 'thinking' about it, Mark," Johnny clarified, "I already got the ring."
Mark's eyes were wide and his mouth sat agape. His friend had invited him out to lunch just to spring this news on him. Johnny tried to casually slip in that he's going to ask Y/N to marry him but Mark caught on quicker than expected. He, of course, voiced his concerns about Johnny proposing. Mark's concerns doubled when Johnny announced that his plan was to be acted out during their graduation.
"Let's be real, Mark. If it wasn't for Y/N, I wouldn't be graduating at all! I love her," the last sentence was said with so much love and sincerity that Mark couldn't doubt it for a millisecond. Johnny had a goofy smile on his face just from speaking of his girlfriend. "We both know that I was pissing my life away before she told me to get my shit together. I would literally die for her."
"I don't doubt you love her, man. I'm just saying that maybe you should wait longer. Marriage is a major deal, you're basically giving her a piece of yourself. Don't you think you should give it a little more time?"
Grinning, Johnny didn't hesitate to reply, "nope."
Sighing, Mark asked the question that he needed to know to continue the conversation, "I'm not talking you out of this, am I?"
Somehow smiling even wider, Johnny repeated, "nope."
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"If you think about what happened like that, it'll ruin the whole day," Renjun started gently, "Jackie is probably already nervous, hearing that you're freaking out won't help."
"It's not like I'm trying to! I just can't help thinking about it." Mark was telling the truth, he hadn't thought about it in the better part of 2 years until that moment. The man hadn’t even spoken to Johnny in about 3. He didn't want to think about the memory but it brought up a certainty that he had been able to avoid before: whether it's today, tomorrow, in 2 years, or 70, he was going to have to go on without Jackie at some point. The only way to challenge that would be if he passed first, which still wasn't ideal.
A low chime rang out through the room. Jeno reached for his phone in his back pocket and scanned the text he had received. "Doyoung said that they are ready to start whenever." Shutting off the screen, he looked up at the husband-to-be. "You love Jackie. She loves you. Marry her or you'll regret it." Nothing else was said as he walked out of the room to get in place for the ceremony.
Giving Mark another look of sympathy, Jisung and Chenle followed Jeno out. One by one, the remaining groomsmen made their exit too, each giving Mark a word of encouragement or a pat on the back.
Alone, Mark turned back to the mirror to make final adjustments to his appearance. Deciding that his tie won't get straighter and his hair won't get any better, he did one last shake and set off for the ceremony.
Jackie chose the perfect venue, in Mark's opinion. The entire building had white walls with gold and grey accents thrown here and there. Mark felt that his hair could be seen a mile away against the walls. The ceilings were about 2 stories high, which only made the space more airy, something the groom was thankful for at this moment where breathing was difficult. The floor was covered in a beautiful white carpet, nothing thick but soft enough to mostly mute his steps. The pink flowers complimented the entire design perfectly. Jackie and Mark agreed on arrangements of snapdragons and roses each in a clear glass vase for the occasion. There was a light smell from the flowers in the air, everything was ideal.
The hall Mark was walking down felt extremely long. For a moment, he thought he got lost only to realize he had speed walked past the door he was supposed to stop at.
His heart was beating out of his chest. If it went on like this, Mark was sure it would fall straight out on the white carpet and he would never see the safety deposit he put towards the venue. Both of his hands were shaking and he suddenly had to pee. "Calm down. Get it together." His mumbles did nothing to calm himself.
Searching for any distraction, he focused on the doors in front of them. They were white with gold intricate indents going through it. Their height was nearly double the groom which made him feel small and oddly comforted him. Mark released a shaky breath and gripped the gold doorknob. He went to turn it but the sweat on his hand prevented him from getting the friction he desperately needed to open it.
"Shit." Roughly patting his hands on his suit pants, Mark attempted to get as much moisture off as he could.
Trying again, Mark was able to get the door open that time.
The door opened to a beautiful main room. Somehow the ceiling was even higher in here than the hall he was coming from. The sides had white pillars that were topped off with what appeared to be angels made of stone. Those angels were holding up beams that ran across the ceiling. Windows were placed next to each angel and brought in loads of natural sunlight. The seats were covered in a light grey fabric that really helped to bring out the much more subtle grey accents throughout the room. Up at the altar, pink and white flower arrangements the size of small trees colored the space.
Mark paused at the back of the room to admire all the guests that had come. There were ushers standing on each side of him, waiting to hold open the doors for the wedding party. Mark's lips couldn't help but quickly quirk into a smile as he saw everyone turn in their seats to look at him. Everyone was dressed in black, grey, or pink, of course saving white for the bride. Mark could see his mom, his dad, even his older brother had made it, after originally he said he couldn't come. Mark made a mental note to punch him later for that. All of their eyes got wide at the sight of his cotton candy hair.
Mark began to walk down the aisle but continued smiling at his friends and family and the other guests as well. His steps were heavy despite how excited he was. Looking to his side, Mark could see that his older friends wore wide smiles as they took him in. He looked more mature than usual, even with the pink hair. They could also see how nervous he was but they expected as much.
Reaching the altar, Mark stopped walking and turned towards the crowd. He re-positioned his hands about 10 times before he finally decided on just holding them together behind his back. Not wanting to look at the guests for a moment, he let his head fall so he could stare at his shoes. They were black and plain, yet at that time, he was pretending like they were the most complex items ever. He sees another pair of dress shoes come to stand next to him. Looking up, he sees his grandfather who agreed to official the wedding. The old man had a bright pink suit on, which in any other situation, Mark would have a chuckle about. His grandfather lightly pats the groom's shoulder with a smile.
"Are you ready," his grandfather inquires. Mark swears if one more person asks him, he will scream. Instead of doing so however, he just nods his head with a tight smile and resumes examining his shoes.
About 4 minutes pass before Mark's shoe gazing is interrupted by the start of the song he and Jackie agreed to play for this part of the ceremony. The smooth instrumentals ironically filled his heart with everything but calmness.
The ushers opened the doors and the first to enter were Haechan and Abby, Jackie's best friend. As best man and maid of honor, they wore proud smiles. Haechan's dark grey suit sat perfectly on the male. His tie was pink against his white shirt and on his chest sat a pink rose, matching the flower on Mark's suit. Haechan had spent the previous 2 months showing off his outfit since the other groomsmen had light grey suits with white snapdragons instead. His hair was styled up for the special day.
Abby had on a pale, knee length, pink dress, the shade just slightly lighter than Mark's hair. The dress didn't have any fluffiness to it and flowed nicely. The bodice was a v-neck and sleeveless. Across Abby's waist laid a thin, grey satin waistband, which set her apart the other bridesmaids who all had a pink satin waistband. Her hair was jet black and stood out against the light dress but still went with the total theme of the room. It was styled with a few curls, otherwise it was pretty much allowed to fall freely.
The pair strolled gracefully down the aisle, arm in arm, smiling at the guests. Haechan playfully winked at Ten in the crowd, who rolled his eyes in return. Abby was also in a playful mood as she blew a few kisses to the guests on her side. Mark couldn't stop the second hand embarrassment from seeping in. He let out a small chuckle as his hand covered his mouth then returned back to behind him.
As the couple reached the altar, they untangled their arms as they walked to their respective sides. Haechan came to stand behind Mark and nudged his shoulder in a subtle show of support.
The next pair walked out: Renjun and Jackie's older sister Jada. They weren't as comfortable together as the best man and the maid of honor, but they still glided across the floor with content smiles. Following them was Jeno and Jackie's aunt, Stella. Stella was actually 1 year older than Jackie which Mark always found amusing. Jaemin and Daevy were the next to come out. Daevy was Jackie's closest friend other than Abby. She had known the bride since kindergarten and was just happy to be involved. Chenle and Jisung came out with their partners for the day as well: Tamara and Sunny, who were both Jackie's cousins.
The flower girls came out afterwards. One was Jackie's little sister and the other was Taeyong's niece. Mark asked to borrow her for the day since he couldn't think of anyone in his family for the job. The girls wore fluffy light grey dresses with pink satin waistbands. Both of the girls' hair were up in neat ponytails with curls at the end. They threw the flowers everywhere while laughing, causing the entire crowd to coo over them. Mark aww-ed right along with them. 
The smooth music stopped and the traditional wedding march began. Mark's nerves practically doubled at the first note he heard. The 2 ushers that had been holding the tall doors open closed them briefly to allow the bride to get in place behind them. Mark felt a bead of sweat run down his backside as he swallowed roughly. He turned behind him to silently communicate with his groomsmen. His eyes screamed for help only to be met with a thumbs up or an eye roll. 
Nodding to each other, the ushers went to pull back open the doors.
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"Will you calm down?" Mark was trying to quietly yell at Johnny to stop bouncing in place. Johnny was nervous, Mark understood, but the man hadn't stopped moving since he arrived.
"She'll be walking down the aisle any moment now," Jaehyun started, "do you really want her to see you jumping around?" Jaehyun also was keeping his voice low to not draw too much attention. As Johnny's best man, Jaehyun stood closest to him and didn't have to speak very loudly to be heard.
"Do you think she changed her mind?" Johnny was a wreck. His nervousness was slipping into his tone. Y/N was supposed to walk down the aisle 10 minutes ago and she was yet to show. He didn't even attempt to hide his worry from the guests.
"No, she's probably freaking out too," Jaehyun rolled his eyes.
At his friend's words, Johnny stopped fidgeting and stared at Jaehyun with wide, panicked eyes. "She's freaking out?" Mark didn't like seeing him like this.
"No," Jaehyun was getting frustrated with the soon-to-be husband, "just relax." With that, he put his hands on Johnny's shoulders to spin him around.
Mark was getting nervous too. Not that Y/N wouldn't show, but that Johnny would work himself into a panic attack before she could.
The crowd was growing antsy as well. Many people started looking around to see if there was a reason for the delay. Johnny's father had walked up to the altar to ask his son if something was wrong, who shrugged his shoulders in reply. The bridesmaids were awkwardly scratching their heads.
Johnny was near tears when he saw Y/N's father briskly walking down the aisle alone. The man kept his head down until he reached the groom. Stopping at the altar, he stood with his back against the crowd and whispered to Johnny, "Y/N needs to talk to you."
Johnny's eyes went large and he swallowed hard. "Okay." His heart felt like it was preparing to drop at any second. Clearing his throat, he addressed the entire room, "Give me a moment, please." Not sparing another word, he took off running through the back door.
Mark stood there frozen as he watched his friend bolt out the exit. Y/N's father awkwardly walked to his seat and sat. The other groomsmen were talking among themselves. They didn't seem as worried as everyone else in the room but even they were starting to break a bit. Mark felt for Johnny. He wouldn't know how to react if he was in his place. A light hum fell over the room as the guests made conversation to pass the time.
Mark counted about 6 minutes before Johnny ran back to the altar. A wide smile graced his face as re-positioned himself at his spot.
"What happened," Doyoung questioned loud enough for the grinning groom to hear.
Johnny waved the air and let out a chuckle, "don't worry about it. Just be ready, she'll be coming out any minute."
Overhearing the small announcement, Y/N's father stood up and jogged to the back to be able to still give her away.
Johnny waved his hand to signal for the music to restart. The song began for the 2nd time and the guests stood facing the entrance.
The sound of the chapel doors opening floated through the room. Mark turned his attention from the groom to the source of the sound.
Y/N stood there in all her glory. Her ivory dress matched the theme of the wedding very well. The corset was covered in lace and complimented her figure perfectly. Her sleeves were made of a tulle that rested off her shoulder, the same kind of tulle that made up the dress's floor length skirt. In her hands, rested a simple bouquet of blue irises and white lilies. 
She was nervous, Mark could tell. Her eyes rapidly bounced back and forth, scanning the room. Her father leaned over to her ear to whisper something, which helped her relax a bit. Tapping her arm that was wrapped in his, he began to lead her down the aisle.
A sniffle is heard in the room. Mark turned his head in the direction it came from, only to see Johnny with tears in his eyes. Mark's eyes widened at the new sight. He had known Johnny for most of his life and this was the first time the boy had ever seen the older male cry. The tears were happy tears, of course, but it was still an odd sight.
Mark's own eyes started to water as well. Johnny was like a brother to him and now that brother was getting married. Previously, Johnny had spoken about staying single forever and not getting "tied down," yet here he was. The man was squatting and roughly rubbing his tears at the view of his wife-to-be walking to him. Even through the constant flow of tears, he kept his focus of Y/N. Jaehyun laid a gentle hand on Johnny's back in a silent show of support, his face decorated with a smug grin. Mark already knew Jaehyun would bring this up again to tease Johnny in the near future.
A few sniffles were coming from the guests as well, mainly from people who were watching the groom break down.
Y/N finally reached the altar after what felt like eternity. She handed her bouquet to the maid of honor so she could help Johnny stand back up. Using the back of her hand, she wiped his tears and placed a peck on his cheek. From his spot on the side, Mark could hear her whisper that she loved him. Johnny whispered his own love in return. Y/N beamed at his words and gazed at him with pure adoration. Mark felt his eyes start to run.
The ceremony officially commenced with Taeil greeting the guests. He had agreed to officiate the wedding after getting a license to do so online. Johnny and Y/N had only graduated college a few months earlier, they couldn't afford to hire a professional yet. Having Taeil officiate the union only made it more special anyway.
The couple exchanged heartfelt marriage vows, drawing more stifled cries from the crowd. They practically oozed affection for each other. Mark heard Jaehyun sniffle before seeing him turn his head to not get caught. Mark giggles through his own tears; Jaehyun wouldn't be able to tease Johnny now.
The rest of the night was filled with more crying, laughing, and gazes overflowing with love. During the reception, everyone danced and drank. Johnny decided to make the playlist for the occasion himself, which made for a hilarious event. At some point, he danced so hard that he dropped an empty wine glass and it shattered. Y/N scolded him endlessly for being so hyper. In return, Johnny kissed her playfully. She immediately forgave him.
The night was magical. Mark got drunk with all of his friends and let loose. He drunkenly congratulated Johnny and Y/N multiple times. Johnny was entertained.
In Mark's inebriated mind, he decided that he wanted a relationship exactly like theirs.
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Mark's breath caught in his throat.
Jackie stood at the entrance with her arm wrapped in her older brother's. Her hair was a bright pink that burned only slightly more intense than Mark's. He decided that shade was now his new favorite color. Her makeup was on the natural side and flaunted her natural beauty. With a deep breath, Jackie started walking.
Jackie's dress was a solid white that reminded Mark of a cloud on a summer day. It didn't have any lace or flowers on it, instead showing off a simple look that fit her personality well. The dress had a v-neck that mirrored the bridesmaids' and a wide waistband that matched the rest of the dress in the shade of white. The dress grazed the floor as Jackie sauntered down the aisle.
Jackie had a wide smile on her face, making Mark's heart skip a beat. He began rocking side to side, growing impatient waiting for his bride to reach him. 
Mark's mind drifted back to Johnny. He thought back to how he nagged Johnny on his wedding day. Maybe he should have been more understanding.
Mark lightly shook his head, attempting to rid himself of those memories. He wanted to stay in the moment and enjoy watching his soulmate approach him.
Jackie could see the conflicting emotions all over Mark's face, she knew him like the back of her hand. She resisted the urge to frown and kept walking.
Mark looked back up to his bride as she stopped about 10 feet away. She kissed her brother's cheek as he unwrapped their arms and headed to his seat. Jackie turned her attention to Mark, closing the distance.
There she stood, only 2 feet in front of him. Mark's lips turned upwards subconsciously at the sight. Jackie returned the smile and blew an air kiss to him. The guests who caught the small exchange released small giggles. Jackie let out a chuckle. She spun around to pass off her bouquet to Abby who stood behind her.
Facing Mark, Jackie looked him in the eye and took a deep breath. Her hands subtly followed the motions of the air entering her body. Just from the expression on her face, Mark knew she was mentally instructing him to copy. He inhaled deeply then let it out.
Satisfied, Jackie held out her hands to grab. Mark connected his with hers and felt his heart stutter. His grandfather officially started the ceremony.
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Mark stood next to the hospital bed. Unconscious, Johnny laid peacefully. Mark knew what was going to happen when he woke up and that knowledge almost made him wish Johnny would stay unconscious for as long as possible. Mark wiped his tears and took a shaky breath. He had finished heavily sobbing minutes earlier but he felt another fit coming at the thought of having to be the one to tell Johnny.
Mark's vision juggled between the bruises and scratches on the sleeping male and the wedding ring that decorated his finger for the previous 6 months. Johnny had a gash on his face the size of a bobby pin on his jaw that the doctor patched up. One eye was completely swollen, the other black. A dark purple blemish could be seen on his shoulder. The man's entire right leg was in a cast that was fashioned to a sling of sorts to keep it elevated.
Mark wanted to scream. This wasn't fair. Neither of them deserved this. Feeling himself getting emotional again, Mark stepped out the room into the hallway. There, he squatted and sobbed with his head between his knees. This was the 7th time he broke down since he received the call a few hours earlier.
Said male glanced up from his spot to Yuta peering down at him. Yuta's eyes were similar to Mark's, alerting him that Yuta had also been crying. 
"Is he awake?" Yuta asked weakly, his voice cracking with every word.
Not finding his voice, Mark shook his head as more tears raced down.
Yuta walked towards the room to see the unconscious male, patting Mark on the head on the way in.
From the hallway, Mark could hear Yuta break down. His weeps echoed through the entire hospital floor. Mark wanted to attempt to comfort Yuta but he knew that if he saw Johnny in that state again, he would be no help.
Over the next 2 hours, Jaehyun, Taeil, Doyoung, Taeyong, and Jungwoo came and joined Yuta around the bed. The cries increased with each new arrival. 
Mark had yet to move from his spot in the hallway. Now he laid on his side, curled into a ball, not caring when anyone walked past. His eyes were swollen. His face was red. His throat was scratchy. But he had yet to run out of tears.
"Mark." Taeil gently tapped the male to gain his attention. "He's awake." He didn't wait for a response before going back to the room.
At those words, Mark slowly went to sit up. His body ached from shaking so much. Using his hoodie sleeve, he wiped his face again. He inhaled deeply, holding air a few seconds before letting it go. With unsteady legs, he stood to his feet and paused at the doorway.
All the men were crowded around the bed as Johnny gained consciousness. Mark drug his feet to an open spot next to Jungwoo.
Johnny had the black eye half open. He tried to open the other but ceased when a sharp pain shot through his skull. The resulting whine of pain stabbed Mark in his heart causing his fists to clench. The injured man attempted to sit up from his flat position releasing audible groans.
"Don't sit up," many worried voices commanded in near unison. Jungwoo lightly rested his hand on the man's chest to stop any further movement. Heeding to the order, Johnny allowed himself to return to his previous position.
A minute of silence passed.
"What happened?" The voice that broke the silence wasn't the one the boys' were used to hearing. It was weak. It was strained from pain. Johnny sounded about as horrible as he looked. Every word that passed his lips caused him to wince.
No one spoke. Mark could feel the tears growing. He knew he was going to break down once again. The man had cried so much that the back of his head felt tense. There was no way he could be the one to speak and tell his friend. He stared at Johnny's leg cast. This wasn't fair.
The other men were in similar situations, too emotional to tell the man. Jaehyun - who prided himself in being strong in all ways - couldn't udder a syllable. He instead kept his gaze on the heart monitor, ignoring the quiet tears falling from his eyes. Jungwoo was squatted with his hands covering his face, not caring how obvious his cries were. Yuta and Doyoung hadn't stopped looking at the floor since Johnny woke up, neither one wanting to see their friend in this condition. Taeyong's lip was shaking violently as he waited for someone else to please take the lead. Just this once.
It was Taeil who cleared his throat. He quickly swiped at his red eyes. Gathering all the strength required, he began, "There was an accident. You got into a car accident." All the false strength was displayed in his tone but he went on. "While you were turning, a truck hit your car. Someone called 911 and you were bought here."
Johnny's eyebrows furrowed as he took in what he just heard. As the information processed, he began to slowly scan the room. He saw all his friends but someone was missing. Someone very important. His question came out in a croak. "Where's Y/N?"
A wail sounded from Jungwoo. 
Mark needed to leave the room. He couldn't be here for this part. His sneakers squeaked as he spun around to exit. He still had not run out of tears. He closed the door behind him. Returning to his spot in the hallway, Mark resumed his sobs. Falling to the floor, he held his knees and squeezed his eyes shut.
Over his fit, Mark couldn't hear the mumbling from the room. He didn't hear Johnny ask Taeil to repeat himself.
He did, however, hear Johnny's pained scream. He would never forget that sound. He heard Jaehyun finally let out his own sobs. He heard Johnny start to yell to see Y/N. Mark heard a crash and what sounded like the hospital bed shaking. He heard the others urgently call for a nurse. He heard Doyoung beg Johnny to stop and get back in bed. Mark's heartbeat increased.
What he heard next was the door slamming open. Raising his head, Mark saw Yuta run out the room down the hall in search of help. Through the now open door, he could see Johnny wailing on the floor. He used his arms to pull himself forward toward the door since one of his legs was useless. The man looked even worse now than when he first came to. His saline bag pole drug behind him as he crawled. The bed was now displaced by several inches.
Johnny's face was contorted into the most pain Mark had ever seen him in. The swollen shut eye was now visibly throbbing from the tears being trapped behind the enlarged eyelid. The older male's mouth was open but his teeth were clenched together. He shook with every sob he let out, but he kept his crawling constant.
The other men in the room were panicking. They yelled at Johnny to stop but none dared to lay a hand on him in fear of hurting him more. They stood in his path only to be cursed at or crawled around.
Mark was frozen staring at the man as he tried to leave, the visual burning into his memory. It was terrifying seeing him like this. Mark wanted to get up and help the others get Johnny back in bed but his body wouldn't allow it. He instead made eye contact with the male and cried in return.
As Johnny finally reached the threshold, several rapid steps were heard coming from the end of the hall. Mark's focus stayed on the desperate man. The source of the steps entered his vision.
Yuta ran into the room, followed shortly by 3 nurses and a doctor. The doctor went to straighten the bed and the saline stand while the nurses grabbed for Johnny's arms. The man fought them hard, throwing punches and even kicking with his cast to get them off. Eventually, they found a way to get a grip on him. The nurses lifted him off the ground to force him back on the remade bed.
Taeyong, Yuta, Doyoung, Jaehyun, and Jungwoo all stood against the walls to stay out of the medical staff's way. The men also were screaming but for the nurses to be gentle and for Johnny to stop fighting.
Taeil walked out the room to Mark's side. Like almost everyone else, Taeil was crying. His tears were especially heavy since he had to be the one to report what happened. He fell to the floor as well. Mark's eyes stayed glued on the commotion in the room despite how much he wanted to comfort the friend beside him.
Johnny tearfully pleaded for the nurses to let him go. He pleaded for them to let him see his Y/N again. Another pained screech ripped from his throat, then the pleading for death started. The kicking and punching had significantly weakened but continued on anyway.
The doctor left the room for a few seconds while the nurse kept Johnny pinned. She returned with a syringe in her hand. Quickly snatching off the cap, she held Johnny's arm in place to locate a vein. Finding what she needed, she cautiously inserted the needle into his arm and pressed the plunger slowly. She began to slide the needle out only to be interrupted by Johnny attempting to snatch his arm back. Letting the syringe stay in place a bit longer, the doctor focused on restraining the man.
Johnny's shouts slowly got quieter until they were just sleepy mumbles about seeing Y/N. He no longer was able to fight, allowing the hospital staff to let him go. The nurses went about fixing everything. They replaced the I.V. in Johnny's arm, placed his leg cast back in the sling, and reattached the heart monitor. By the time they were done and gone, Johnny was back unconscious.
Mark, Jungwoo, Jaehyun, Taeyong, Taeil, Yuta, and Doyoung stayed in the hospital room taking turns crying for their friend and his wife. They attempted to comfort one another only to break down later. Afterwards when they decided that some should go home, they took turns staying with Johnny so that he wouldn't be alone.
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"Are you okay," Mark asked.
It had been a year since Johnny lost Y/N. In that year, Y/N had her funeral, was cremated, and Johnny limited his contact with everyone. Mark had talked to him a total of 9 times in that year, most of those conversations lasting less than 20 minutes.
Neither of the men spoke. Mark didn't know what to say. Johnny didn't have anything to say. It was obvious that Johnny didn't want to have this talk but Mark wanted to know how his friend was doing.
"Aren't you hungry? Let's get something to eat, bro." Mark grabbed the small menu on the table of the cafe. He was trying to spend as much time as possible with Johnny so he figured they could eat while catching up. The only reason he was able to convince him to come out was by blowing up his phone.
"No." Johnny wanted to go home. He appreciated Mark trying to check on him but he wasn't ready. He wasn't over Y/N and honestly, he didn't think he would ever be. He lost his soulmate.
Sighing, Mark sat the menu back down. It hurt to see his friend like this. "Haechan told me to tell you hey."
Johnny only nodded in return, though his sight never left the table.
The quietness was awkward.
Mark cleared his throat. The background ambiance flooded into the space Mark had hoped would be filled with conversation. He bit his bottom lip and scanned the room. There were families laughing, couples giggling, students studying; everyone appeared content except the man across from him. Y/N seemed to have taken that part of him with her.
Mark’s mind began to wonder. Would Y/N’s death affect Johnny as much if they had waited a while longer for marriage? Johnny would have just lost a girlfriend, something the male had had many of in the past.
“Do you regret marrying her?” The question came out softly. Mark felt horrible asking this but he wanted to know the answer.
Johnny was taken aback. What kind of question was that? He furrowed his brows and pressed his lips in a firm line. His stare turned to Mark. “No, I don’t. Why would you ask that,” he interrogated sternly. He held an angry undertone.
“I’m just asking,” Mark hurriedly defended, “I don’t like seeing you like this or ignoring all your friends trying to check on you.” Both of Mark’s hands raised slightly in defense.
“Even if I didn’t marry her, I still would be in love with her.” Johnny continued, “I wouldn’t trade that day for anything. If I could go back in time, the only change I would make is the accident.” He paused for a few seconds to play with his wedding ring. It hasn’t left his finger since his wedding day. “But if she was going to die anyway, at least she left with my last name.” He was now shaking. His voice cracked, “I miss her so much.” 
Mark could tell that his friend was going to cry if he continued talking about his lost love.
“She was my soulmate. Sometimes, I wish I went with her.”
Mark’s heart dropped. “You don’t mean that, man. Y/N wouldn’t want you to think that.”
“I know but Mark, you don’t understand. When you meet the love of your life, you’ll get it. The thought of living without them will be painful. It’s easy to say that I shouldn’t have married her now, but I would have regretted not marrying her more. Back when I told you I was going to propose, you said that getting married was like cutting a piece of yourself to give to someone else. You were right. I gave her a piece of me but she was meant to have it. I’m happy she has it.” Johnny sighed, “Fall in love, Mark. You’ll understand.”
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Mark understood. As he held Jackie’s hand in his, he understood.
He was terrified. He knew he was eventually going to lose her. He knew it was going to hurt him, possibly destroying him in the process. After she leaves, he could live the rest of his life without moving on. He could go on mourning until people mourn him, but as he stared into Jackie’s eyes, he knew it was worth it.
Even if Mark knew she would die tomorrow, today would not go any different. Bringing their clasped hands up to his lips, Mark placed a small kiss on them. After today, Jackie would have his last lame, something that would outlast both of them. That was enough for him.
Johnny was right.
Mark’s grandfather went about his lines, his voice thick with age. “We are gathered here to witness the union of Mark Lee and Jackie Garcia in holy matrimony. This is a day of great celebration, for married life - a shared life - is a blessing. As Mark and Jackie embark on this journey together, they’ll be able to nurture a love that makes them better versions of themselves.
“Mark and Jackie, on your journey together, my personal hope is that you 2 cherish each other for as long as you can. Love is effortless but marriage can be another story,” he let out a chuckle. The guests released small chuckles as well. Jackie lightly squeezed Mark’s hand to reassure him. “Love is patient and everlasting, not quitting even when times are hard. Marriage is meant to be a way to show others that love you share, something that will outlast everyone here. I hope that both of you will share this love even when the other expires.
“Mark and Jackie have chosen to write their own vows while trading rings.. With these words, they will each express their love and their promises to one another. With these rings, they will swear to keep those promises. If you are ready, you can start with your intentions to each other. Jackie, when you’re ready, you may begin.” Mark’s grandfather turned to the bride.
Jackie nodded to her grandfather-in-law, and nervously chuckled. “Okay.” Letting out a deep breath, she started out with shaky words. She recited the vows she had been memorizing for the last few weeks. She spoke of her love for Mark, brought up memories of their first meeting, and told of when Mark proposed to her. Jackie went on to list the promises she made to Mark. She promised to take care of him, to not get mad when he works longer than expected, to love him no matter what. Mark almost cried from the love-filled vows. Jackie released his hand to reach for the ring that was in her dress’s pocket. Slipping it on the man’s finger, she smiled the brightest Mark had ever seen.
“That was beautiful. Mark, when you’re ready.”
Johnny popped into Mark’s head again as Jackie rejoined hands. Johnny didn’t regret marrying Y/N. He was grateful for the time they did have. Johnny loved Y/N. Mark was sure that wherever he is, he still does.
Mark loves Jackie. He wants to spend the rest of their lives as husband and wife, no matter how long that may be. With that thought in mind, he started.
“Jackie. I love you so much,” Mark started simply. “You are my best friend, my partner in crime. When we first met, I thought you were,” Mark paused for comedic effect, “a lot.” The guests laughed a bit before quieting back down. “Who wouldn’t though? Your first words to me were ‘your hair is so fluffy, I’m gonna die.’ Now here we are, years later and you tell me the exact same thing everyday. You made me open up in a way I had been resisting, even to my closest friends. You pulled me out of myself. I was terrified of this day but being here with you, having my hands in yours just feels right. Being with you feels right. I want to feel this way the rest of both of our lives, no matter how long that is. That being said,” Mark detached his hands from Jackie’s to reach for the ring in his pocket. With the ring in hand, he held it between them.
“With this ring, I, Mark Lee,”
“With this ring, I, Johnny Seo,”
“cut you a piece of me.”
“cut you a piece of me.”
“Where you go, I will go too,”
“Where you go, I will go too,”
“for you are now the start and end of me.”
“for you are now the start and end of me.”
“Without you, my soul will never be whole,”
“Without you, my soul will never be whole,”
“because you, Jackie Garcia, own the other half.”
“because you, Y/N L/n, own the other half.”
Mark gently caressed Jackie’s left hand to slip the ring on. Her eyes were watery but she threw her head back to prevent the tears from falling. Several sniffles could be heard from the guests as they also held back tears. An extra noticeable sniffle came from behind from Haechan, but Mark opted to ignore his cries in favor of watching his bride.
Mark’s grandfather sighed happily while patting Mark on the shoulder. His eyes displayed his wrinkles from smiling. “By the power vested in me. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss each other.”
Jackie did not hesitate to yank Mark by his hands to connect their lips. He melted into the kiss and wrapped his arms around his wife. The guests let out the cheers they had been holding in since the beginning. Mark smiled against Jackie’s lips as he felt her start to cry. Pulling away slowly, Mark pecked her forehead and wiped her tears.
“Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to present for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Lee!”
Mark and Jackie intertwined their fingers and faced all their guests who hadn’t ceased cheering for the newlyweds.
Mark knew he made the right decision.
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“Mark got married today. I would have told you a while back when I got the invitation in the mail but I didn’t know if I was going. I went but I didn’t say anything to anyone and stayed in the back. Thankfully no one noticed. I would have just ruined the mood. He looked so happy. He's so in love, you should have seen it. He even used my vows to you.
“Do you remember our wedding day? How you were freaking out because most of the guests were from my side of the family while only your parents and grandma were on yours? You were scared that my family would think it was weird. I had to leave the altar just to comfort you!” Johnny let out a sad laugh at the memory.
The wind was blowing gently and the sun was setting quickly. The cemetery would be closing soon but Johnny wanted to talk to his love a bit longer. His fingers glazed her headstone. Y/N was cremated but Johnny needed something after he spread her ashes so here he was, talking to the headstone.
At the memory of the happiest day of his life, Johnny’s eyes grew moist. He continued with a broken voice, “I miss you, baby. I miss you so much. I haven’t been whole since you left. I can’t move on. I want to be with you.” The wind picked up slightly but Johnny could feel it.
“I know.” Johnny laid down to rest his head on the stone. “I know you don’t like when I say that. I’m sorry, my love.”
He stared at the falling sky in silence. He released a shaky breath and felt a tear fall.
“I love you, Y/N.”
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reelybadfnafocs · 5 years
oc review
could you review my oc? I’ve had him for about 3 years now and I’ve never mentioned him to anyone online
Name: Pecky (name rule.)
“Species”: bird, not any specific kind, just…bird (name rule is easily fixed here if you just alter it to be like a pigeon or something. dont go with a complex bird species since you’re dealing with a kid’s restaurant robot, but perhaps pick a location and make its purpose to “educate” about a certain bird species idk)
Programmed gender: male
Years in service: 16 
appearance: light blue with yellow feet, red belly with four small buttons, four red feathers on his head, green eyes, and yellow beak. he has a major rip on his back the cheapo owners never fixed (see bio for how it happened) idk how to scan pictures lol id show you if I did (idk how i feel about these colors tbh, would like to see a color palette or something for this. also the buttons on the belly? strange placement for something with no clothes. like he’s not a snowman he’s an animatronic
as for scanning pictures im not too sure on that either but google could help you. i like the detail of the ripped beak though!)
bio: he was made for a Freddy's ripoff inspired restaurant called Pecky’s Burger World. he was made in 2003 a few months before it opened. in 2009 his programming was hacked and he performed death metal. it was fixed next day. rumors started circulating that he was possessed (he isn’t) and the restaurant is still open today. pecky is in ok condition, he has a rip on his back from kids playing rough (happened 2012) (PECKYS BURGER WORLD...that sends me rn 
also the hacking is hilarious, but useless as a detail. how does it serve pecky as a character? how does it serve Pecky’s Burger World to characterize it or serve the story’s purpose in any way? it doesn’t tell us anything, other than “well maybe pecky’s burger world is a shitty place if the animatronic was hacked,” but other than that...i don’t see a point to it other than ha ha funny funny. there’s other ways to make rumors spread about your animatronic being haunted in canon - maybe they start to give off weird, rotting smells, they stare too long at someone, they make weird creaks, there’s just made up stories in general, etc.
is pecky free roam? if so, use this to your advantage in getting kids to make up reasons for why he’s possessed/haunted. but i would feel like if it were me, i would stop making my animatronic free roam after kids ripped its back open. more detail on this in the future please!)
trivia: he has a prototype version from 2000. I might submit that one later. pecky has gone through some small changes in his time, such as slight color change from blue to light blue, eyebrows and eye replacements. (prototype pecky who will he kill
i enjoy the minor detail here in concept, pfft. it happens! good placement in trivia too, but not necessarily important to the character.)
sorry if this is badly formatted, this is my first time using tumblr
the formatting wasn’t too bad, so don’t worry about that. i will review anything as long as i can read it.
your animatronic’s missing a personality in this submission, which could help us mods here better review your oc and give more feedback on it. it doesn’t have to be anything special or human-like - maybe make him this cheesy guy passionate about...bird calls, or something, and he plays them for the kids so they can learn about... birds? your oc, not mine, so go for it.
overall, not too much of a different oc from your typical “ripoff freddy fazbear animatronic” except for the fact that he’s not actually possessed. if i were you and wanted to make my oc stand out, i’d highlight this feature, especially the part where kids spread gossip about it being haunted. trust me, kids will make shit up about anything being haunted as long as it moves.
also need to think about cutting out what you don’t need for your oc or their story, because otherwise it’s just useless fluff that will get in the way for your audience. if this were a game wiki, i wouldnt mind the trivia, but if you’re going to have it, you should probably add something more than “prototype pecky had different eye colors and stuff.” i’d like to see differences contrasted on the reference sheets themselves so i go “ooh prototype pecky has different facial features” instead, but that’s just me. 
thanks for submitting, and i look forward to prototype pecky :D!
~mod mangle
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This is a writer shaming post.
Maybe “shaming post” isn’t the most accurate description for this post.
“Tip/Heads-Up Post On How Writers Can Get More Readers” is a more accurate description...with the twist that it is written in a salty and Done^TM manner thanks to the amount of bullshit that’s happened in the past year.
Basically, I am fucking done with it. Done with the pathetic bullshit that has been going on for the past how many fucking months - hell, this goes beyond months! Fucking years this shit has been happening in the fanfiction community and I am done with seeing this shit continue to happen. 
Fucking. Done.
Anyways first and foremost before I get into this, I am not forcing anyone do any of these. Then again maybe I should be because these things are all things that have been repeated by all of a lot if not all of us writers and many writers have not bothered to improve on different points that I am about to make. So maybe consider these and how badly you want to improve your writing and note count, yeah? And dear god please stop with the bitching and moaning.
*sips tea* So, let’s get started, shall we?
♦♦ No one is obligated to read your work because SURPRISE everyone has their own preferences. 
What does that mean????? It means that not everyone likes everything so they may skip it if they don’t like what their reading. If what you put for the fic is a turn off then they won’t bother reading it or if halfway through they realize they don’t like it then they will leave it. 
So maybe the reason you aren’t getting notes is because it’s simply something that some people aren’t into. And don’t you dare get mad at the readers for that nor should you be trying to force them to read your stuff.
► Follow up point! There might also just be a small fandom for whatever it is you just wrote for!! Just keep writing!!! You never know, people might become curious and join the fandom for your content :D
♦♦ You gotta know your audience (for Reader Inserts).
Who are you writing the fic for? Women? Men? WOC? Trans men? Everyone?
Everyone has preferences for their fics, but the preferences get more intricate when you look at various demographics. 
Women of Color are not going to finish a reader insert if they see details (from terms to gifs) that would make the reader a white woman. Men are not going to read a fic for a female reader. 
It’s fine to tailor a fic to a specific demographic. Great, actually! But you need to be mindful and respectful of it. If you say the fic is going to be a gender neutral fic then you gotta make sure that it is gender neutral. Reader Inserts should always be race neutral unless you are tailoring it to a minority. Don’t try to get high and mighty about the “what about white people????” shit. Just don’t.
Speaking of which...
♦♦ Step away from what you know.
A phrase that many cling to often gets brought up in these moments: Write what you know. 
A dangerous phrase.
“I don’t know how to write for X because I’m not X.” It’s the usual statement said when people are asked to write for something that they are unfamiliar with.
Now, if you’re a new writer - I mean brand, spankin’ new - and are still figuring out the writing world - you get a pass to say this, but the longer you’re writing...
No. N - fucking - o. 
Sticking to what you know and not exploring new themes and views stunts your growth. You do not improve. You do not grow as a writer. You do not grow as a person.
Challenges and learning new things help us grow and become better...and get more readers.
♦♦ Just because you can write it doesn’t mean you should.
Oooooh boy. 
Everyone raise your hand if you’ve ever had a bunch of people come at you telling you that what you wrote is bad. By bad I don’t mean that they’re saying that it was badly written, but that what you wrote was insulting and/or wrong and you should never write that again.
If you raised your hand then I sure as hell hope that you heard those people out because if you didn’t and you just went into a pissy “waaaah these people are being mean and telling me to stop this and I don’t understand why and I don’t want to stop” mode then you need to pull your head out of your ass.
Sometimes, we do get readers who just want to nitpick everything and it’s easy to dismiss them. I had a person once tell me that I needed to stop using large spaces between paragraphs because they didn’t like large spaces. You’re damn right I ignored them because it was a stupid thing to pick at. (The spaces were due to the writing program I was using fyi.)
Other times, though, if many people are bringing it up, then it is something to be listened to. 
► Example - Cisswapping. I said Cisswapping not Genderbending. Both deal with changing the gender of a character for a work. Now there are instances of genderbending that are acceptable - like if the character can canonically shift their gender at will and/or identify as genderfluid; there can never be enough fics written about trans characters or readers.
But Cisswapping - just changing the character’s gender...now that is a massive no-no. Like, saying that James T. Kirk (Star Trek)(male) is going to now be Jamie T. Kirk (female) - not making the character trans or genderfluid, but saying that from birth Kirk is actually female in your work - that is shitty. How do I better explain how bad this is? Hmmmm...you guys know how shitty it is when a POC character is whitewashed? 
It’s that shitty and insulting. 
Cisswapping characters erases and disregards so many people and their stories and struggles. See, fandom ships usually M||M and the majority of the time the people that are disregarded are people who are gay and/or trans. These are people who have gravitated to fanfiction to see themselves and those like them reflected in works because popular culture is still trying to catch up to them. We can now see more gay and trans characters and celebs in our movies and TV screens and such than we could years ago, but fanfiction will always be a sure place to find that representation. 
So to suddenly find that Jane Doe decided that she wanted this popular M||M ship to be M||F ship... You bet your ass people are gonna be pissed. It takes strength and bravery to transition...but you just said that that means nothing compared to having an M||F ship. 
If you are that desperate to have a character in an M||F ship, just make an OC. 
Just leave the idea of Cisswap behind. 
(PS - thank you @insane-sociopath ♥)
►► Follow-Up Point - Do your research before going and writing your fic. There are plenty of sources online - not to mention people to talk to - that will help you out.
► Example - And rpf ships because those involve real people whose personal lives you are disregarding for your “fantasy” and no matter how many times you cry “but I respect them!!!” the dozens upon dozens of fics and fanart you post (both sfw and nsfw) about the rpf ship says otherwise. And the hyper-analyzing of photos and stuff to say that they’re in love…it’s on the creepy side of obsessive.
Not to mention you guys tag the celebs in the ship in your posts... Like, you guys do realize that the internet is not a vacuum right? Celebs and those who know them personally can see your shit and the process is made all that easier when you tag the celebs so it shows up in the celeb’s tag. Platonic and romantic relationships between celebs have been damaged after finding out about the rpf ship you guys have been creaming your pants over.
If the rpf ship in question are both single it’s just a tad bit less weird (still weird though) and if they are a legit couple in real life it’s definitely less weird to ship them (writing nsfw stuff for them is disturbing as fuck though). If one or both are in a committed relationship with someone who is not the other half of your rpf ship then uh-uh no way did you not read the start of this example?????
Reader inserts involving celebs can be looped into this as well if you think about it. There’s usually more acceptance for reader x celeb fics, but it doesn’t mean that they are accepted by all nor that you shouldn’t be treading lightly.
To wrap up this point, you might have scared off readers because they are tired of seeing you writing something that you shouldn’t be writing. This isn’t a “well you just said that people can have preferences and don’t have to like everything” thing. This is a “you’re probably being a tactless dick” thing.
*note - many do get a lot of notes on celeb content, this section was more addressing the hate that gets sent 
♦♦ People rarely have time to read your work right the minute it’s posted.
Did you know that mankind created this thing called Time and that the Earth is divided into timezones? No? Well, you’re education failed you. 
See, when you post a fic online, the following people will see it - those who you tagged in it, those looking in the tags you tagged it with, those who have selected the option to be notified every time you post something, and those who are simply scrolling through their dash. The latter point is what we are going into right here, right now.
Posting it once and assuming that everyone else will do your dirty work on spreading the news that the fic is up for reading only allows for a certain number of people to see it. It is highly encouraged to reblog your own shit. A lot. Like, ten times a day or even days on end. Hell, you should still be reblogging it long after you posted it. When you reblog your work you are putting it back into people’s dashes and giving it a better chance of being seen by other people. Depending on when you post could mean if an entire country and it’s residents (aka - followers and readers) is enjoying their free time, sleeping, attending classes, or working. 
So maybe the reason you’re getting no notes on it is because barely anyone has seen it due to it being posted at a bad time for them. 
Also, even during free time people are busy; they could have also seen it and are waiting until a later date to read it. Or they just aren’t in the mood for whatever theme your fic is. Regardless, don’t fret or be like “well I guess no one wants to read this now” or shit like that. Give them time. Patience. 
♦♦ How is your fic written? 
You don’t become a fantastic writer overnight. It takes time and effort and practice. Sooooo much practice. Some people who have been around for a while will only read fics with good grammar. A thing which is actually rather rude considering those writers with “bad grammar” are usually people who are in the early stages of their writing career or they are writing in a language that is unfamiliar to them. And I give you writers in those two categories a damn huge KUDOS. Do not stop writing because a reader is rude and is like “blah your writing sucks!” 
Writing takes practice and with every fic written and read we all get better and better. 
►► Some extra tips for us all to look out for:
+ Research! Research! Research!
+ Massive blocks of text scare people off. Try breaking them up into smaller paragraphs when you can.
+ Take a look at your tenses. This is something I myself am working on improving in my own writing.
+ Find yourself some beta readers! They are a huge help when it comes down to figuring out your fic!
+ If it’s a long work, please use the read more option. Hitting a long post on tumblr mobile without a read more is one of the worst things and it puts many readers off. 
+ Use a mix of said and adverbs; don’t be afraid of either. Adverbs can help set the scene more, but too many or using the wrong ones just makes the writing tacky; said gets boring after a while and only brings forth so much to the table. 
+ Make a masterlist - preferably a mobile friendly version!! You can do this by making a text post and linking your works and then embedding that link in your tumblr bio!
+ Read! Read! Read! Reading a wide variety of fics can help improve your own!
+ Don’t steal anyone else’s fics!!!! This is just really obvious people.
♦♦ Did you do anything at all to introduce your fic to people?
This is a huge point. See, most people don’t bother reading a work if they don’t know what it’s about. I don’t. If I can’t immediately see the ship or characters involved (not everyone likes every character or ship), warnings, a summary, or even the fandom (there’s so many Steves guys...you gotta include the last name of a Steve if you’re not gonna put their fandom) then I don’t even bother reading it. Books and movies and TV shows introduce us to these things; why can’t you?
And warnings.
♦♦ Did you post any warnings about your fic?
There are two types of people in this world. Those who see no warnings and don’t bother reading it because they don’t know what’s in store for them and others that will see no warnings and will then assume that the fic is safe. 
Big surprise when they’re caught off guard by something serious and they refuse to finish the fic. If people know that you are a chronic non-warner of sensitive content then they will not be returning to read any of your work. SPOILER - NOT WARNING PEOPLE ABOUT SERIOUS AND/OR SENSITIVE CONTENT NOT ONLY EARNS YOU NO NOTE ON THAT FIC BY PEOPLE BUT IT ALSO MAKES YOU A FUCKING JACKASS IN THEIR EYES
Warnings save a writer’s ass.
I cannot stress this enough - include warnings for your fic!!! Ao3 is built on warnings (the tags are warnings people) and people seem to get readers fine there. What’s your issue with putting warnings on tumblr fics? And they help summarize a fic (summaries also can act as warnings fyi)!!!!
Some people will argue that warnings = spoilers. They don’t want to give a heads up about sensitive content in lieu of not letting anyone know a single detail of what happens. Do I need to point out what’s fucked up with this statement? You are putting spoiling your fic above the mental and emotional health of your readers? (I swear to god if you try to argue that a trigger is only something that sets off self destructive behavior you need to check yourself. What about those that end up suffering panic attacks or emotional breaks? Or that writing doesn’t trigger anything? How does seeing other visual stimuli set off a trigger but not text? People can be triggered by any number of things; it all depends on the person. We can’t tag or warn for every trigger because there are so many, but the least you can do is warn about the mains ones (sexual assault, violence, abuse, self-harm, injury,...).) If you’re really gonna be anal about that then a trade off will be putting them in the tags and then telling people they can find the list of warnings there. But you gotta tell people where to find the list of warnings.
Not to mention that this stuff will dictate where someone reads your fic. Now, a lot of people read some really sexy or violent store bought books in public, but that is strictly text. I’ve seen a lot of fics with some nsfw gifs and moodboards slipped in. Most of us are already fearless when it comes to reading nsfw stuff in public, but the visual things can get people into a shit ton of trouble. And of course you have plenty of people who are mindful of what they read in public.
Or that they don’t have to use warnings because movies and tv and such don’t give warnings. Oh, yeah, you read that sentence right. There are people who have not been paying attention at all to movies and tv and such created over the past several decades. 
Or that ‘real life doesn’t have warnings’... I’m sorry have you checked the labels on medicines and other products? Or have you seen road signs? We have warnings everywhere people!!! It’s about fucking time that written works got better with it. 
If you don’t have anything serious to warn about then don’t put any warnings, but if you do then dear god you should probably do some warning.
♦♦ Make sure to tag!!!! 
On tumblr there are two different types of tags - the @ and the #.
The @ tag - Tagging people means that those people will be notified that you posted a fic (or they should be assuming tumblr is working properly)! If you don’t know who to tag, pose a question to tumblr asking if anyone is interested. A lot of people also are open to and encourage you to tag them if you have something that you think they may be interested in. And regardless of if you do tag people or not, people will often times approach you through comments, replies, asks, and DMs with requests to be tagged in future works. 
The # tag - using tags on your fics is so fucking important. These tags are how people find your stuff. Tag wisely. 
► Example - Let’s say you wrote a Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers fic; expected tags should be - bucky barnes, steve rogers, captain america, the winter soldier, marvel, stucky, bucky barnes/steve rogers, bucky barnes x steve rogers, captain america x the winter soldier, avengers,... 
Honestly, I could add more tags to that. 
Another example - A Bucky Barnes reader insert fic; expected tags should be - bucky barnes, marvel, reader insert, bucky barnes x reader, bucky barnes/reader,  the winter soldier, bucky x reader,...
You get the idea? 
Tag your shit, but don’t over tag it. Stick to the necessary tags and don’t skimp on those, but don’t tag the unnecessary tags.
What are unnecessary tags? These tags are tags that have nothing to do with the fic and/or are not the main focus. Bucky Barnes x Reader fics should not be showing up in the Sam Wilson tag if Sam is not a main focus in the fic. Spirk fics should not be in the McKirk tag if McKirk is not the main focus of the fic. 
Many people will not read your work on purpose if you pull this shit because they’re pissed that your cluttering the tag with unrelated work for not reason.
But tumblr used to say that only the first five tags will be counted towards where a post shows up in searches, but I’ve sort of found this to be false? I’ve found many posts show up in searches where the tag I searched is actually far past 5 tags in. Basically, all of the tags are valid.
So tag responsibly people!!!!
And I think that wraps it all up.
I was going to do a section dragging readers, but I think that will be for another time because this is a little on the long side. Because sometimes us writers can follow all of the above and still have no notes. 
Anyways, once again, I am not forcing anyone to do any of these; it’s all up to you what you want to do in regards to your writing. I and a whole bunch of other people are just exhausted with the bitching and moaning people are doing in regards to not getting readers when there are several easy actions that could be taken to change that.
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Undertale Comic, Now or Later Question...
Thank You, and Happy Hunting or well Questioning (so to speak). And Welcome to the world of the Undertale Comic ‘Shattered Remnants’
(Skip down to the Italicized portion for the actual question to Undertale and fans of undertale comics, though anyone can be involved with asking questions)
Hey everyone, man the last year was rough on me. Not only have I failed to post my fanfictions and art from DA and Fanfiction on here, but I’m falling behind on doing the same to AO3.... Anyways that’s not why I’m here or what’s important to say...
I’m in the process of making an Undertale comic, having recently come into the fandom. I was well inspired while making a fanfiction into creating a comic based around certain events in my fanfiction, but standing as it’s own story that will separate/detach itself from the fanfiction I’m writing into an entirely new story and narrative.
However, with that said. Though I’m not a fan of such (of personally doing so) I often include OC’s in my work as I feel I can’t really claim something as my own like a story and even art without having something that I own in it. This is my personal beliefs towards myself and the way I work when I go to write stories (trust me I’ve tried my hand at not doing this and attempting the opposite, but I always seem to back off last minute and add a main character eventually that I own)
Though in this case of both my comic and fanfiction it’s sorta necessary otherwise the story I created wouldn’t make sense without the characters I own… Or frankly even exist.
If you're curious the story centers around Frisk’s family above ground (from earth) and what exactly transpired with them. What has occurred in the time of his disappearance and what efforts the community at large are giving towards finding the missing child. I came to the conclusion to write this, as besides seeing a room at the end of the game in the neutral run, there isn’t much if at all that we can actually perceive about his life above ground. Besides the facts that are revealed by his room and that he can easily accept the idea to be adopted. There isn’t much after the fact that we can surmise. E.G. is his family alive? Abusive? Dead? Is Frisk in fact an orphan? None of this is known. Although it’s widely accepted (or so I’ve seen) that he’s in fact an orphan. I’m still led to wonder what in fact happened to his family that would lead him to a place such as Mount Ebott. And thus this story was born. It delves into that idea of his family, and what consequences or events have occurred in the city/town he once called home since the time of his disappearance. For years I was a criminology major, I had to study the mental, physical, and community effects of children going missing. As well as those infamous cases that go national. How media likes to find people to condemn, and how sadly communities on their own do the same. It’s a hard reality what happens in these cases. It became something of interests when wondering these questions for myself and considering what in fact would a child rather Frisky, going missing who may not have family left look like.
The comic itself differentiates itself from the main story at the climax of the first act and centers itself more into the middle of the second act of my story. Where it has become it’s own narrative with the same characters and only sharing the background with the original fanfiction. Although, it may have a few differences in even the background (as I’m making the comic like I said entirely it’s own story). As stated above, the comic centers itself around the events after the main team/group found themselves in the underground world seeing it has no official name I called it ‘Underlin’ (Under-l-in) The team by unfortunately lamentable circumstances have been separated in this deadly underground hell. That’s all I’m actually giving for now. I feel giving too much will spoil the story. Or at least where we begin in the comic, and how I move about the other spectrum of the fanfiction. And besides I want to see what questions you send in, as I may use those to give more info on the story itself. However, I infer that you please don’t ask questions intentionally about plot or stuff to do with the main story just the characters here themselves. As that will be answers later for you. Although, you can ask about them and characters in Undertale, like how they would likely interact with each other, stuff like that no biggie (I’m not limiting the reactions to just the oc characters, as I will happily include Undertale characters reacting to possibly certain things they say just as well or in classic Sans fashion interrupting the point for example (I won’t give away what I plan on characters doing, after all that will ruin the fun). Just don’t expect them (or have me write the characters responses) to give away any specific crucial plot details. Those will come later revealed in the stories I’m telling themselves. This is really all just for fun and kicks while I’m working on the first few episodes of the story and also the little mini episode comic that I made to go with the main story just for kicks. As I sit creating this, expanding the intro, and even having one or two minor spin offs that I’ll post around the time of the first chapter/episode/prologue episode. I began to realize today that Unlike the fanfiction (which will be slower on updates then probably the comic itself) I’m probably posting this without people getting a full depth of my characters. Most of whom for the sake of the comic will hang more as memories in the background. Except maybe a select few for when I need them and one that is obviously in the forefront with the main characters. Still each of them have reasons of importance in the comic. Considering this, before I post the story or even a sub story connected to it in comic form.
 Would you guys like me to do a little ‘Question and Answer Panel’ with the characters to get to know these OC’s a little better? 
I know often people do this after somethings become popular. I feel using this method here would better prepare people for the characters, to relate with them when they come around then just being blindsided by a new individual in the picture (I feel like Sans would make that a joke considering picture and comic could go hand in hand as a joke, couldn’t think of one at the moment of posting though so just pointed it out). Anyways, I’ll open it for you guys to ask whatever questions you want. I’ll give maybe a week if I get enough interests/questions (depending on how quickly I get responses) and at most a month to send questions aimed at specific oc’s or all of them to get an idea of who they are. I did this because I feel drawing the characters reactions to the questions would be more fun then me just making a dull description because interesting things can come out of it.
Anywho, out of the few OC’s I have, the ones who are mostly my “main” OC’s are:
~Dalean ‘Dale’ Bentley Kewish
~Benji ‘Ben’ Rufus Euphoria
~Kyleen ‘Kyle’ Olive Tenison
~Nova Jordan ‘N.J.’ Leander Kewish
And MAYBE… ~Douglas ‘Doug’ Quinten Carter
With one or two question slot that you’ll hopefully find adorable for: Baby and Pupkin ‘Buppie’ and no that last one is not a misspelling.
Can’t wait to hopefully see questions you have to ask for these characters that I can make a little fun comic style for them to answer. No question is off limits (Except anything vulgar, please I’m trying to keep it PG-PG-13 at most) Remember there’s no stupid questions, only stupid decisions (Couldn’t think of anything better. And yes-yes that does make me sound like a pretentious teacher now doesn’t it) Have fun asking questions. I’ll have character drawings out soon of each character so we can exclude questions of what they look like and such from the question poll.
Thank You, and Happy Hunting or well Questioning (so to speak). And Welcome to the world of the Undertale Comic ‘Shattered Remnants’ And So It BEGINS...
Always Yours, Blurr’s Girl Blazin’ Blaze
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