#the man is DOWN BAD!!!
johnsbleu · 4 months
Hold My Hand: John Wick x Reader Chapter 172
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warnings: nsfw hmh masterlist
In exactly nine days, you and John will be married for two years (together for three) and Ronan will be one! It’s all coming up so fast, and you’re so excited for her first birthday! She’s gotten so big and has learned so much this past year, and motherhood has been a joy to experience. Parenthood has been a freaking rollercoaster of emotions, but it’s been a blast with John by your side. He’s such a great dad, and Ronan just adores him. It never ceases to amaze you how effortlessly John slipped into his new role as a dad and how naturally it all came to him--he was made for this!
Since the first week of September is a little busy with John’s birthday, Ronan’s birthday, and your anniversary, you’ve been nervous as to how you’re going to take the time to celebrate everything. Thankfully, you and John came up with a plan.
Today is the 28th of August, and you’ll be leaving tomorrow morning for the Bahamas to celebrate John’s birthday and your anniversary. You’ll be coming home on the 4th so that you’re home in time for Ronan’s birthday. You spent the last two weeks going over every single detail, and it’ll all be perfect. You’ve bought all the decorations for it, and everything is going to be just fine!
“Swimsuits!” you gasp as you sit on the floor in front of the dresser, “It’s on a beach, so we need swimsuits.”
“Did I tell you it was on a beach?”
You look over your shoulder at him packing his bag and squint your eyes, “It’s the Bahamas. Of course it’s on the beach.”
John laughs, “I forgot I told you that.”
It was the best option to go somewhere that wasn’t out of your timezone so when Ronan is ready for bed, you and John can FaceTime and see her. Also, if something happened, the trip home would be a quick one. Plus the weather is going to get cool soon, so it’s nice that it’ll be warm where you’re going.
“Seven days in the Bahamas with my peach,” John says as he leans down to kiss the top of your head, “Can’t wait.”
“We decided no gifts, right?” you ask, and John nods his head. You hold his gaze and squint again, and he starts to laugh. You groan, “John! No gifts!”
John puts his hands up in defense, “I just saw something that you’d like.”
“Second anniversary is cotton,” you hold his gaze, “It’s not lingerie, is it?”
“Well, the traditional gift is cotton. Modern is china--I didn’t buy you plates.” he says, and you let out a small laugh, “But no, it’s not lingerie.”
You hum as you look at him, “Okay, well, don’t get too excited about your gift. I promise it’s not groundbreaking.”
“It’s the thought that counts,” John says, leaning down to kiss you again. “I’m gonna get Ronan.”
You nod your head and put some swimsuits aside, then you get up and rush to join John as he gets Ronan up from her nap.
Ronan somehow always knows when she’s not going to see you for a day or two, because she clings like crazy. She’s currently clinging to your legs as you walk around and pack her bag. When John comes into the room, she runs over to cling to him instead.
“Are you excited to hang out with Finny for a few days?” John asks, and Ronan nods her head, “Then you’re gonna go stay with Grandma and Grandpa.”
You look over at them sitting on the rocking chair, “They have so much stuff planned for you, bug. You’re going to have so much fun!”
Ronan scoots out of John’s lap and babbles as she runs over to you, then she clings to your legs. You look at John and laugh, and he gets off the chair and gets some toys for her to play with so you can finish getting her bag packed. John’s phone rings in his pocket a few moments later, and he presses it to his ear.
“Hello? Hi. Um, yes, it always is. It’s heated.” he says, and you look over at him, “You have a key, don’t you? Yeah, we don’t mind. Of course I don’t. Because you never believe me when I say it’s okay!”
You furrow your brow and sit down on your knees in front of him as he laughs, “Who is that?”
“Your sister,” he says, and you laugh. “She wants to know if she can go swimming while we’re gone.”
“Of course you can!” you say when John puts his phone on speaker, “You know where everything is, you're welcome to come over whenever.”
Tess laughs, “Hey, don’t tempt me, I might just stay there while you’re gone.”
“Me too!” Jimmy yells from the back. “You two excited to go?”
“Yeah,” John smiles as he looks at you, “We’re getting Ro’s bag packed right now.”
You hug Ronan tight when she sits in your lap, “She’s super excited to stay at the Hendricks’ house! She’s very excited to see her silly Uncle Jimmy.”
Ronan loves Jimmy. Ronan loves everyone, but lately she is just in love with Jimmy. Daddy is and always will be number one, so John definitely never has to worry. But Jimmy is her new favorite right now, probably because he’s so wild and does anything to get a laugh from her--even if it’s at his own expense. One day, he nearly knocked himself out doing something stupid to get a big laugh from Ro and Finn. Tess called John and had him rush over since she thought Jimmy had a concussion. He had a minor one but he was fine, and he even got Tess loving on him hardcore the rest of the night.
“We’re excited to have her. Finn and I already got some treats and games to play,” Tess says, and Ronan looks up at you. “You’ll be back on the fourth?”
“Yup. We already got everything done for her birthday party, I just need you to grab her cake on the fourth--two cakes, actually. One is her smash cake. I don’t think we’ll be back in time.” you say, and Ronan looks up at you again at the mention of cake. You press a kiss to the top of her head and hug her, “But everything else is taken care of. We’ll decorate that night and in the morning, then it’s Ro’s first birthday!”
Ronan claps her hands and walks over to climb onto John, and he hands his phone to you before he lays down on his stomach and lets her crawl onto his back.
“We just have to finish packing, then we’ll drop her off in the morning.”
“Yeah, sounds good.” Tess says, and you lay down next to John. “I’ll see you in the morning.”
You prop your head up and look at John, “Yeah, see you tomorrow. Bye.”
John smiles as he holds your gaze, then he reaches over and tucks your hair behind your ear, “I love you.”
“I love you,” you smile, then you let out a grunt when Ronan jumps onto your back. “She sure is a solid baby.”
“Yeah, she loves food.”
You roll over to your back and laugh when she sits on your stomach, “We love a chunky babe though.”
“We do,” John smiles, then he scratches his fingers over Ronan’s tummy as she giggles, drool running down her chin.
Ronan crawls off of you and toddles over to her toys, then she starts pulling things out to play with. John groans as he gets up, then he reaches down for your hands to help you up, kissing your cheek once you regain your footing. He smooths your hair back and scratches the back of your head for a moment, and he smiles when you hum.
“I’m going to finish packing my bag.” he says, and you smile at him, “Not long now, Mrs. Wick, and you’re all mine.”
“Well,” you look at him and smile, “I always am.”
John gives you a little wink, and your stomach flutters as you giggle like a schoolgirl.
Dropping off Ronan went better than you expected. You expected tears and screaming, but there were none. From Ronan anyway. You sobbed for the ten minutes to the airport. John held your hand and told you that everything would be okay. You knew that, of course, but it still sucks to leave her. He was a little sad too. You just miss her when you’re gone. You’ll see her every night when you FaceTime, and you’ll be back soon, but she’s your little baby. Ronan, on the other hand, probably won’t give two shits that you and John are gone. She has Grandma and Grandpa to hang out with, plus Aunt Tess, Uncle Jimmy, and her besties, Finn, Bleu and Sadie. She’s going to have a blast.
John pulled into the small private airport shortly after dropping Ronan off, and you’d stopped crying by then. He helped the pilot and the co-pilot pack the bags, then he made sure you were feeling okay before taking off. You’ve flown several times now, but your anxiety hasn’t gone away. John does his best to try and take your mind off of it, and for the most part, he does a really good job.
Now John’s currently reading a book while you sit there looking out the window. He hasn’t let go of your thigh since takeoff. In fact, you’re both still buckled in.
“Do you ever worry that we’re leaving Ronan too much?”
From the corner of your eye, you can see John look over at you, even though you’re looking out the window of the plane. He squeezes your hand a little and leans over to kiss your shoulder, and you look at him.
“Last time we were away from her was back in May when we went to Paris. We were away from her for a few days, then she was back with us.”
“You didn’t answer my question.”
John shakes his head, “No, I don’t. I think it’s very healthy that we have time for ourselves. Ronan is still pretty young, and even if she were five years old, I still think it would be good for us to get away to have some alone time. She’ll appreciate that when she’s older. Hopefully, she’ll see how we treat one another and know what is healthy in a relationship, and that’s what she’ll seek.”
“So, you don’t think she’ll be upset with me?”
“Why would she be upset with you?”
You start to laugh, “Because I’m taking her daddy away from her.”
“Baby,” he turns to you and reaches for both of your hands, “She loves you just as much as she loves me.”
“I just don’t think that’s true,” you say, laughing quietly. “I mean, okay, yeah, it probably is. I just don’t want her to be like ‘you and dad always left me when I was a baby.’”
John furrows his brow as he laughs, “She must have incredible memory then, because I’m pretty sure she won’t remember that we left her with family for a week while we celebrated our anniversary.”
“Stop making sense, Jonathan.”
“No, look at me,” he says, and you look at him, “I guarantee that Ronan will appreciate this when she’s older. We’re not just setting an example for when it comes to being a decent human being, we’re setting an example of what she should expect when it comes to her relationships. She deserves someone who will be there for her. She deserves someone who will love her even more after having a child--if that’s what she wants. She deserves someone who will love and respect her, someone who will listen to her and protect her. She deserves everything that you deserve, that everyone deserves.”
You let out a small chuckle, “There you go with your Wick Wisdom. Your Wicks-dom.”
“You hang out with Jimmy too much.” he says, laughing when you looked so pleased with yourself.
“You really are so smart though because all of that made sense.” you say, then you playfully glare at him, “It’s annoying.”
John tucks your hair behind your ear as he smiles, “A healthy household begins with a healthy marriage, and I’ll be damned if I ever fuck this up.”
“You do a very good job at loving us, babe.”
“That’s all I could ever ask for.” he whispers as he leans over to kiss your temple, “As long as my girls are happy and know that they’re loved immensely by me, that’s all I need.”
“You are loved immensely by your girls,” you lean over and rest your head on his shoulder as he intertwines his fingers with yours. “By the way, you give me everything that I deserve. I hope I’m able to give you what you deserve.”
John rests his cheek on the top of your head, “Of course you do. We were made for each other, remember? We’re soulmates.”
You laugh quietly as you close your eyes, “You’re so corny, but I believe you.”
Our first day here, we really didn’t do much. We arrived at the house and just hung out on the beach, watching the sunset and drinking some wine. It was nice, and I think Y/N enjoyed it as well. I’ve never seen her laughing and smiling so much. It’s really nice to see her at ease and not having anything to worry about.
I look over at her as we walk down the beach now, and she smiles when she looks up at me. She leans up and kisses me a few times, then she hugs my bicep in her arms.
“It’s so beautiful here,” she says, walking along the shore. The bottom of her dress is wet as a result of the water, but she doesn’t seem to mind. “And warm.”
“Yeah, it’s nice.” I say, and she kicks a little water at me.
I laugh as she splashes water at me, then she takes off running down the beach. She holds her dress up and steps further into the water, raising her eyebrows and challenging me. She doesn’t think I’ll get in the water. I step forward into the water, and she screams with laughter as she runs away from me, and I chase after her. She heads deeper into the water and throws her arms around my neck when I get to her, and we kiss as the water crashes around us.
“God, I love you.” I whisper, smoothing her hair away from her face, “You’ve made me the happiest man on this planet.”
I nod, “Yeah. I can’t imagine my life without you.”
Y/N wraps her arms around my waist and smiles, then she watches as I reach down and undo the button on her dress as the waves continue to crash around us, knocking her into me a little. She bites her lip and looks up at me as I pull her dress open a little, and I start to smile when I see the light blue lace of her bra.
“Is this new?” I ask, and she nods in response. “And you’ve been hiding it from me all this time?”
“No, I was just waiting for you to discover it. I knew you’d find it by the end of the night.”
I laugh, “And if I hadn’t?”
“Well, I’d give you a few hints.” she says, and I raise my brows and smile as I lean down to kiss her. “If you take me back to the house right now, I’ll let you do whatever you want to me, wherever you want.”
There’s a table in the kitchen that I want to take her on so badly, so I lift her up and carry her over my shoulder as she laughs.
We’ve been walking around all day and I’m so ready to just go back to the house and eat. I’m ready to put my feet up on the back porch and watch the sunset with my peach, but she has other plans. She’s been pulling me in every direction to all of these shops, and we’ve spent so much money on just things for our family and Ronan. I don’t mind, of course, but I’m tired and ready to go home. My social battery--she taught me that--is running out, fast. I know hers has to be too.
Holding tight to my hand, Y/N happily walks down the street before she points to the woman sitting outside of a store with a table in front of her. I’ll admit that the moons, crystals, and lights around her do make her very intriguing.
“It’s a palm reader or psychic, whatever you wanna call them,” she says as she looks up at me, “We should go.”
“I don’t believe in that stuff, peach.”
She scoffs, “Okay? Maybe I do! Who cares? Let’s just go see what she says. If she’s way off, we’ll just laugh about it when we get home.”
I look down at her and start to smile when she pouts, “Fine.”
Giddily skipping over to the woman, Y/N gives her a small wave before she plops down in the chair across the table from her. I stand behind her and look around at the other stores in hopes that I can find one and get away from this.
I don’t really believe in this stuff, plus they tend to prey on tourists and take their money. They’ll tell them very vague things and give people false hope. I just don’t want Y/N to be upset or anything.
I zone out as the woman and her start to talk, so I’m not sure what she’s telling her, but she pulls out a stack of cards with designs on them. I look over and watch as she sets them down one by one and tells us what they mean--something about how we’ve found success or something. I will admit that we have found a lot of success in our lives and marriage.
“This card here…” she points at it and nods, “Hmm, looks like there might be a new addition to the family sometime soon.”
Y/N starts to laugh as she looks at me, “Interesting.”
“That doesn’t mean you, necessarily. It could be a sibling. And it doesn’t always mean a baby, could be a new pet.” She says, and Y/N looks at me again. Oh, wow. How perfectly vague. I just nod my head and look away since I’m not going to indulge this woman and her vague predictions. “Your husband isn’t so sure about me.”
“I can see that,” Y/N says as she looks at me, smiling widely. She’s completely entertained by this.
The woman laughs, “He’s very protective of you. The energy he’s giving off is very strong. It’s very intimidating. His guard is completely up. Something tells me it always is when he’s with you. You two mesh very well. You are very…what’s the word? Synchronized. When you move, he moves. Where you look, he looks. He’s always one step ahead of you--not in a bad way, no, but in that protective way. He always wants to protect you and put your needs first. I don’t say this to just anyone, but you two are completely perfect for each other. True soulmates. Your paths were always meant to cross. You had some struggles in the beginning, but because you two loved each other so hard, you worked through them. You two were always meant to be together.”
She’s right about that. I’ll let her have that one.
“You worry about that a lot, don’t you?” she asks Y/N, who hesitantly nods. “Don’t worry about if he loves you or not--he absolutely does, sweetheart. You’re his true love. There is no one else in this world he is meant to be with. It’s you. You’re his one.”
Y/N starts to smile as she looks over at me, and I smile back at her. Yeah, okay, I’ll let her have this one too--she’s fucking right!
“And your daughter.” she says, and Y/N and I both look at her. “I see very good things for her. She’s going to be as smart as she is beautiful. And so very kind, just like her mother and father.”
Y/N smiles as she looks at me, “I didn’t tell her that we have a daughter.”
“Well, she had a 50/50 shot…” I say as I sit down next to her.
“Yeah, but I didn’t even tell her that we had a kid.” Y/N says, and I hold her gaze because, sure, that’s true.
The woman just chuckles and nods her head, “This isn’t your first marriage.”
I stare at her for a moment before I shake my head, “No.”
“You lost your wife.” she says matter-of-factly, and I nod my head. She gestures to her chest and heart, “Something with her heart.”
“She had a heart condition,” Y/N says, and I look over at her just as she looks at me.
The woman looks down at her cards and nods her head, then she smiles, “Your parents are very happy that they relocated to be closer to you.”
“Oh?” Y/N smiles, perking up, “I’m glad! We like having them close to us.”
I continue to look at the woman and wonder if maybe she just knows me. Maybe she’s heard about me or something. Most people knew I was married before--that’s why I left. But she doesn’t seem to even give me a lingering look. She has no clue or interest in who I am. I sit back and listen as she talks to Y/N, and the woman laughs when she says something and looks over at me.
The woman looks down at her cards and purses her lips before looking at Y/N, “You’ve recently opened your home to someone.”
“We have!” Y/N smiles, looking at me.
“He’s very grateful.” she says, and I look down at Y/N again when I see her tearing up. “He’s really needed the help you’ve given him, and he really counts on you two.”
Y/N wipes the tear off her cheek when she looks at me.
“Well, I enjoyed our time.” she says, and I reach for Y/N’s hand to help her up. I smile when Y/N looks at me, and she laughs and rolls her eyes playfully. Just as we start to walk away, the woman calls out, “John…”
I furrow my brow since I didn’t give her my name and neither did Y/N, and I turn around to look at the woman.
“Helen is very happy for you. And she approves wholeheartedly,” she says, gesturing to Y/N next to me. I stare at the woman for a moment before she looks down and begins fixing her cards.
Y/N clears her throat and shrugs when I look at her, then she turns to continue down the street with me trying to catch up and figure out how the hell that woman knew Helen’s name.
“You wanted to stop and talk to her.”
“Well, yeah, but…” she shakes her head and looks out the window, “Never mind. It doesn’t matter.”
I exhale sharply and pull the car into the rocky driveway before I turn it off and look over at her, “So now you’re mad at me?”
“Never said I was.”
“You’re giving me the cold shoulder, peach.”
After we walked away from the woman, Y/N was just different. She was quiet and looked like she was on the verge of tears. We had already eaten lunch, so we decided to just head back to the house. In the car, I tried to reach over and hold her hand, but she pulled away from me and turned toward the door--the telltale sign of an upset peach. I let her do her thing and have her moment, but I tried to get her to open up about why she was upset. She wouldn’t tell me until I finally guessed that it was the woman.
“I’m gonna go sit on the beach for a bit,” she says as she slips out of the car.
I quickly get out, “I can come with you.”
“No, it’s okay.”
“Well,” I struggle to find words and end up just sounding like a dad, “Just stay where I can see you.”
She nods her head and walks away as I watch her. I sigh loudly and walk over to the back porch since I can see her, and I sit down and watch as she plops down in the sand and pulls her knees close to her chest. I let out a big sigh and sit back in my chair, keeping my eyes glued to her.
After sitting on the beach for 20 minutes, she finally gets up and starts walking back to the house. I sit up and smile when she looks at me, but she’s not feeling any better.
“Wait, wait, wait,” I lean back and grab her arm when she walks past, and I pull her into my lap, “Talk to me.”
“I…” she sighs and shakes her head, “You didn’t believe a word out of that woman’s mouth until she mentioned Helen.”
“She was saying vague stuff!” I say, and Y/N gets up and stands in front of me, “Telling us we’re perfect for each other, that there’s going to be a new family member--maybe not a baby, but an animal! It’s vague shit that she probably tells everyone. Of course I don’t believe her.”
Y/N crosses her arms, “So you don’t think we’re perfect for each other?”
“You know that’s not what I meant.” I shake my head, “She just tells everyone that who sits in front of her.”
“Yet you believed her when she mentioned Helen.”
I sigh loudly, “Because how would she know her name?”
“How would she know we have a daughter? I didn’t even tell her we had a baby.”
“She had 50/50 shot at that, peach.” I say, and she rolls her eyes, “Of course when she mentions someone by name I’m going to believe it.”
Y/N huffs and turns her back to me, “I’m not trying to ruin our anniversary week.”
“Just say what’s on your mind. I’m not mad, but I want to talk this out,” I reach for her skirt and tug it a little in hopes that she’ll come back and sit in my lap.
She crosses her arms and looks at me, holding my gaze, “You only believed her when she mentioned Helen, even though she was talking about how great we are together.”
“I think we’re great together! I’ve never questioned that or said that wasn’t true.”
“Put yourself in my shoes for once, John. Think about how you’d feel if she mentioned my husband who passed away. I know you’d be upset too. You’d feel a little jealous. I know you would.”
I take a deep breath and nod, “I know. I would.”
“If she hadn’t passed away, you would still be with her and we wouldn’t be together, and we wouldn’t have Ronan,” she says as she starts to cry, “And that fucking kills me!”
I open my mouth to say something but she quickly moves past and heads into the house. I get up and follow behind her.
“I’m being dramatic, I know!” she turns around and walks backwards, and I realize she’s laughing at herself, “I’m being fucking crazy! I just…I’m so sad about it, John.”
“Peach stop,” I reach for her hand but she turns around and throws herself on the bed as she cries. I lay down next to her and pull her close to me. “Do you think everything happens for a reason?”
“I do too,” I move her hair and kiss her shoulder, “I think everything happens for a reason, which is why I know everything that happened to me, including losing Helen, led me to you, because we were always meant to be together. I was always meant to find happiness with you, peach. Always. I’ll be honest with you, baby, I believed that lady from the moment she said we were soulmates. Because I know we are too.”
Y/N sniffles, “You’re gonna leave me for being crazy.”
“No, I’m not.” I laugh as I turn her over to her back so I can see her. Her eyes are bloodshot and her face is covered in tears. I prop myself up on my elbow and look down at her, “I have no plans on ever leaving you, but you have to let this go. You have to let this Helen stuff go, sweetheart.”
“I can’t,” she frowns before she starts to cry.
I wipe her tears away and cup her face, “You can, peach, and you have to. You think that all I do is sit and think about her, but I don’t. Believe it or not, I go days without thinking about her, probably even weeks. And I don’t think about her the way I used to at all. I don’t think about her that way anymore. There is no longer a part of me that wishes I could reverse time and go back. I have the best life. If I ever want to reverse time, it’s only so I can get more with you.
She lets out a big sigh and looks up at the ceiling before she turns her head a little to look at me, “Am I crazy?”
“No,” I shake my head and hold her gaze, “If I can let Helen go, you can too.”
“I guess it just hurt my feelings that it seemed like you didn’t believe anything else she said until she mentioned Helen. I wanted you to believe her when she said we were soulmates.”
I start to laugh, “I do! I absolutely believe that, but it doesn’t take a psychic telling me to know that.”
Y/N rolls over so she’s facing me, and we look into each other’s eyes for a few silent moments. She sighs and closes her eyes, so I pull her closer to me.
“I don’t think you even want to know how many times I’d ask myself if I’d ever love someone again. I wondered every single day. I wondered if I’d ever even see someone that way again. One day I told myself that if I never loved again, then oh well. It just wasn’t meant to be,” I say, and a tear rolls down her cheek when she blinks, “I really thought I wasn’t going to ever fall in love again, and I had decided to just live with it. I’d be fine. I’d be lonely, but whatever. But then I met you and everything changed.”
“John,” she frowns and closes her eyes.
I wipe her tears away, “You walked into my life and changed everything, peach. After that, I never once questioned if I’d love again because from the moment I met you, I knew that you were the one I had been waiting for this whole time. I haven’t felt lonely or unloved since you came into my life, Y/N. And I’m so glad you’re here.”
“I wish I wasn’t like this.”
“I love you the way you are,” I say, and she shakes her head, “Dramatics and all. Even when you throw yourself onto the bed and cry, I still love you.”
She starts to laugh, then she leans back to look at me, “Why do you put up with me? It must be so hard.”
“Why do you think you’re hard to put up with?” I ask, and she shrugs bashfully, “It’s because someone else has made you feel that way, but you’re not. You are my favorite person in the world, and if you don’t believe me, go ask the psychic. She said not to worry about it. You believed everything else she said, so believe her when she says that you shouldn’t worry.”
“John, I’m so--”
I press my finger to her lips and raise my brows, “If you say that you’re crazy or insane, I will hold you down on this bed and tickle the shit out of you.”
She finally starts to laugh, “Okay, but I am a little weird.”
“You are,” I admit, and she gasps before she laughs and pushes me over to crawl onto me, trying her best to tickle me, but I’m not ticklish. I get my arms free and wrap them around her, pulling her down to my chest and pressing my lips to hers, “You’re my favorite weirdo, peach. I’d be lost without you. When you’re upset, I know just the right way to love you to make you feel better.”
She nods, “You do.”
“And it’s the same way for me. When I’m upset, you know just how to love me,” I say, and she smiles softly. “See? We’re meant to be. We were made for each other and no one can change my mind about that.”
“Did I ruin our week?”
I shake my head, “Of course not.”
“I’m sorry,” she whispers, and I shake my head, “No, seriously, I am. I love you. You love me.”
“I do.”
She lies down next to me, snuggling into my side, “I really am going to try to let that stuff go. I don’t want to lose you.”
“Not gonna happen,” I say as I kiss her forehead. “I promise that.”
We’re both quiet for a few minutes, just holding on another but it’s so nice.
“Sorry,” she whispers, “I’m just being stupid. I wouldn’t blame you for wanting to leave.”
“Why do you say things like that?” I ask, raising my brows when she looks at me, “That you wouldn’t blame me for wanting to leave or asking why I chose you? Why do you say that stuff?”
She shrugs, “Because any other man would leave. I’m not worth the hassle--I’ve literally been told that. No one would put up with me. No one would choose this. No one would choose me.”
“Then any other man isn’t the right man for you, which they aren’t, because I’m the right man for you. I always will be. And you think no one would choose you? I chose you. I always say something bigger was at play when it comes to us, whether it’s fate, magic, or God, but what it really boils down to is that I chose you because I can’t live without you. We chose each other. Because we want to spend the rest of our lives together. There is no one else I’d rather have bad days with or insecure days with.”
“You don’t get insecure like me, John, you don’t get it.”
I sit up and look at her, “I do get it! Trust me, I get it. Think of my life. Think of how many times people have told me that I didn’t deserve something. So many people have told me that I’d never have a normal life or a happy life, but you’ve helped me retrain my brain. You’ve helped me get out of that slump of thinking I don’t deserve any of this. My insecurities might manifest in a different way, but I get it. I can’t lose you. The thought alone makes me lose my mind. But I get it, Y/N. I get it.”
Y/N sighs as she sits up and nods, “You’re right. That wasn’t fair of me to say. You never really know how much someone has fucked with your head until things are really good. I never realized how much my ex messed me up.”
“I still will kick his ass.” I say, and she starts to laugh. “Think he’s still with your cousin?”
She shrugs, “I don’t know. I don’t follow Andrea on any social media, so I have no clue, but with the way Tonya was when she stayed with us, I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s searching for her daughter’s next boyfriend.”
“Well, she’ll need to look elsewhere,” I say, and she smiles at me, “I am so happily taken. Even if I was single, I’d never date her daughter. I would hate having Tonya as a mother-in-law. I feel like she’d criticize everything I did.”
“She would. Well, maybe not, since she clearly has a boner for you.” Y/N laughs, then she looks up at me, “My mom loves you, so I think she’d literally fight Tonya if she ever tried to take you from me.”
I smile, “I do love Bev.”
“Bev loves her Jonathan.”
“She has never called me John, isn’t that crazy?” I laugh as she smiles. “It’s always Jonathan.”
Y/N laughs, “And she’s never called Jimmy anything but James. I think, sure, she might have called you John once or twice since knowing you, but it’s always Jonathan.”
“Who started that?” I say, squinting my eyes playfully as she smiles.
“I always gushed about you on the phone and called you Jonathan when I talked to her. She’d call and I’d spend at least an hour talking about you.” she smiles as she cups my cheek, “You’re my favorite person.”
I kiss the palm of her hand, “You’re mine, peach.”
“Wanna go for a walk and watch the sun set?”
“I would love that.” I get up from the bed and reach for her hands, pulling her up to me. I cup her face in my hands and kiss her softly as she hums, then I lean back and hold her gaze.
“I really lucked out that day when I decided to check the mail.”
I hug her closer, “Even if you hadn’t gotten the mail that day, I was waiting for you. I’d wait until the end of time for you.”
“You’re a very patient man, John Wick.”
“So I’ve been told,” I laugh as I look down at her, “But thank you for not making me wait too long.”
I fucking love this woman. And yes, that includes her dramatic side.
There is nothing better than waking up next to someone you love. Y/N is tucked into my side as I slowly wake up, and I smile when she nuzzles closer to me. Surely she’s waking up too. Until then, I just look down at her and smile. I lightly trail my fingers over the few freckles she has on her cheeks and gaze at the fan of her dark beautiful lashes. She has one little freckle just below her eyebrow, so I lean over and press a gentle kiss to it.
As I look down at her, I think that surely I couldn’t love her any more than I already do, but the moment she opens her eyes and looks at me with a smile on her face, I know that my love for her will never stop growing and changing. It’s a little overwhelming when I think about how much I love her. I wouldn’t have it any other way though.
I lean over a little to kiss the top of her head, then I start to sit up, but she puts her hand on my chest to keep me in place.
“I have to pee,” I whisper, and she playfully groans before rolling over and putting her arm over her eyes to block out the sun. No doubt she’ll be coming in when I wash my hands.
Without fail, that’s exactly what happens. The bathroom is dark since I didn’t bother to turn on the light, and I watch through the mirror as she sleepily walks over and plops down on the toilet. After I wash my hands, I crawl back into bed and close my eyes. We’re on vacation, we have no responsibilities or plans, and I’m in no rush to get up for the day.
I hear the water running for several minutes and look over at the bathroom door when it turns off. Y/N is wiping her mouth off as she walks out, and I smile. She’s brushed her teeth, and I know exactly what that means.
I watch as she pulls her shirt off and tosses it aside, then she kicks off her underwear and crawls up the bed, straddling my waist before laying against my chest and kissing me.
“You know you don’t have to brush your teeth before kissing me in the morning, right?”
“My breath is horrid,” she whispers in between pressing kisses to my neck, “It’s for your own good.”
I laugh, “Is mine bad then?”
“No,” she sits up a little as I laugh, then she smiles, “Sometimes, but I don’t mind.”
I hold her tight in my arms as I sit up, then I carefully toss her aside, causing her to yelp a little.
“Okay, that was hot.” she says, fanning herself a little.
I quickly make my way to the bathroom and brush my teeth, then I walk back out to the bedroom to see her laying back on the bed with her hand between her legs. I smile as I walk closer to watch her. Her eyes trail down my body and land right at my crotch, then she smiles.
“Do it, John,” she whispers, watching as I push my boxers down. “Touch yourself while I touch myself.”
I tilt my head a little and raise my brows since she has her legs squeezed shut, and I smirk when I look back into her eyes, “Spread your legs for me.”
Y/N bites her lip as she spreads her legs apart. I stroke myself as I watch her push her fingers deep into her pussy, and I let out a small groan when she rubs her clit and smiles. I walk over to her and lean down to kiss up her body. She cups my face and rests her legs on either side of my waist when I lay on top of her.
As I kiss down her body to settle between her legs, she runs her fingers through my hair and hums before tugging it lightly to show me where she needs me. I look between her legs and smile when I see she’s throbbing for me.
The moment my mouth comes in contact with her, she arches her back and lets out a laugh. She gasps quietly and hums when I suck on her clit, then she hooks her arms around her legs and pulls her knees close to her chest. I move up a little more so I can get a better angle, eliciting loud moans from her.
“Fuck, yeah, yeah, right there,” she pants, then she drops her legs and spreads them apart again, placing her hand on my head and tugging my hair, “Fuck! Oh, shit, I’m gonna come!”
I pump my fingers in and out while simultaneously eating her out, and she moans my name loudly as her body begins to shake. She tells me that she wants me inside her, which is perfect since I can’t last much longer, so I quickly crawl up and slot myself between her legs, pumping my hips at a rapid pace as we look deep into each other’s eyes. Soon, I slow down and take long, deep strokes that cause her to dig her nails into my back and to moan loudly.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” I barely manage to choke out. I kiss down her throat then back up to her lips, “God, you feel so good wrapped around my cock.”
“I’m gonna come,” she whispers, and I nod, “Come with me.”
“That’s the plan,” I joke, and she smiles before pulling me down to kiss her.
Y/N sucks on my ear as my eyes roll shut, and I feel my body tense up before my hips shudder and jolt as I come inside of her. She grips my body tight to her and lets out a loud string of moans as I continue to move my hips, and the friction against her clit causes her to grab my arm and practically scream my name, searching for anything to hold onto as she rides out an intense orgasm. She moans and pants loudly as I look down at her, then she hums and closes her eyes, her cheeks flushed and her hairline damp with sweat. I tuck my face into the crook of her neck for a few moments as we breathe together.
“Well, good morning,” I whisper, and she laughs quietly. “What’s the plan for today?”
“This,” she says, and I raise my brows and jerk my hips a little when she places her hands on my ass. “I want you to fuck me in every position imaginable.”
I smile as I lean down to kiss her, my nose brushing against hers, “Really?”
“Maybe after some breakfast,” she says, lightly scratching my back with one hand while moving my damp hair with the other, “Does that sound good?”
“Sounds great,” I lean down and kiss her softly, but it soon turns to desperate sloppy kisses. I’m growing hard again already and I know she can feel it. I reach down and slowly slide myself back between her legs, and she smiles at me as her eyes slowly roll shut. “Should I go make some breakfast?”
She hums, “Maybe in a few minutes.”
“Oh, yeah?” I laugh, and she blushes as she nods. “What should we do for the next few minutes then?”
Y/N reaches down and pushes me in deeper as she holds my gaze, “I think you have a pretty good idea.”
Even though you said you wanted to spend the day in bed, your body needed a break--John was not holding back during that second round. Honestly, both you and John needed a break after it. The two of you hopped in the shower and got dressed, then you went and sat on the patio while John made a quick lunch for the two of you. The sun was beaming down on you, and you started to feel a little sleepy, so you closed your eyes for a few minutes until John softly nudged you to wake you up so you could eat.
“Still feeling tired?” John asks, smirking when you pull your sunglasses down your nose to look at him.
You playfully roll your eyes and push them back up, “I’m feeling fine now.”
John chuckles before taking a big bite of his salad, “Should we call the kids?”
The kids. Your heart immediately swells.
“Yeah,” you nod as you prop your phone up against your cup. You take a bite of salad just as Logan answers the FaceTime call, so you wave at him.
“Hey! How’s the vacation?”
John leans over, “It’s good! Look at our view from our patio.”
“Whoa! That’s awesome!” Logan says when John turns the camera to show him the beach. “Have you guys swam with sharks yet?”
You start to laugh, “Uh, not sure if we will. You don’t know this, but I have a huge fear of water and fish. I was bit--”
“She says she was bit by a fish, but I don’t know if I believe her,” John teases, laughing when you hold up your elbow to show him the scar. “Yeah, she says she has a scar. I see nothing, Logan.”
“How are you though? Is everything okay there?”
Logan nods, and you can see he’s sitting in the living room, “Yeah, everything is good. Just been working, coming home, and going to bed. I took Bleu with me yesterday when Daniela and I went on a hike. He loved it.”
“I bet,” John says, leaning over again, “Where’s he now?”
You smile when Bleu sits up and looks at the camera while you and John talk to him. He tilts his head from left to right when John talks to him, and you laugh when he whimpers a little.
“Oh, he misses his daddy.” you say, and John frowns a little.
John loves this dog so much. He still gets sad to leave him behind when he can’t come with somewhere. He is John’s little buddy. It never fails to make you swoon.
“I’m glad to hear things are good there, Logan,” you say, and he brings the phone back up to him.
“I saw Ronan just a little bit ago.” he says, and you and John both lean in. “I took Bleu for a walk and stopped to talk to Tess and Jimmy. Ro’s doing really well. She was laughing hysterically at Jimmy.”
John chuckles, “Yeah, she thinks he’s so funny for some reason.”
“He’s a little jealous,” you say, gesturing to John who shakes his head as he laughs. “I’m glad everything is going well there. We just wanted to check in and make sure you were okay.”
“Yeah, I’m good.” Logan smiles, and you nod your head.
John leans over to get into view of the camera, “Call or text us if you need anything, okay?”
“I will, but I’m good! Just hanging out and working.”
You smile as you wave, “We’ll talk to you soon. Be safe!”
“I will, you guys too!” he waves back, “Bye.”
“Bye, sweetheart!” you say as you and John both wave before hanging up.
Now it’s time to talk to your very favorite girl. You prop your phone back up and take another bite of food while the phone rings, and you and John both lean closer when the call is answered and all you hear is Ronan laughing.
“Bug!” you and John say in unison when she looks at the camera.
“Hi, hi, hi,” she waves, and you wave back at her.
Tess laughs as she leans down, “Hello there.”
“Hi! How’s it going?”
“Good!” Tess smiles, holding up her phone so you can see Ronan, “We’re hanging out in the backyard for a bit, then we’re going to your house to swim. Logan is there, so we’re going to grill out for lunch.”
You nod, “We just talked to him. I didn’t know if he worked or not, so I called him first hoping to catch him before he went to work, but he must not today.”
“No,” Tess shakes her head, “Jimmy let everyone have the day off today since it’s so nice. I think he just wanted to spend time with Ro.”
John scoffs, “He’s trying to steal my baby.”
“Am not!” Jimmy says before leaning down to get in frame, “You’re just mad that she thinks I’m funny. I can’t help it that I’m a jokester.”
“More like a joker,” John says, and you nudge his arm as he laughs.
“Be nice!”
John laughs, “He knows I’m messing with him.”
You smile as you look back at your phone, “How is she? She’s not too fussy, is she?”
“She was a little fussy last night. I think she was just a little confused and wondering where you two were, but she’s fine now,” Tess says as you frown, “Babe, she’s fine! Listen to her!”
Ronan has been giggling the entire phone call now, and it just makes you frown even more.
“I miss her!”
“She misses you too,” Tess says, then she points at the phone, “Ro-ro, say hi to momma and daddy.”
Ronan waves her hand and smiles, showing off her little teeth. She squeals and claps her hands, “Daddy!”
“Hi, baby,” John says, waving at the camera, “Daddy misses you!”
“I’m here too!” you say, and Ronan squeals loudly, saying your name over and over. “Hi, sweet girl!”
Ronan grins as she looks at the two of you through the camera, talking all about something. You can’t even keep up because she’s talking so fast. She slips off of Tess’ lap and runs away, and you and John both frown. She probably misses you too, but she just wants to play with Finn.
“Sorry, Finn got a new toy, so…” Tess turns the camera so you can see Ronan and Finn playing with a bubble gun, and you smile when you see Ronan running over to pop the bubbles as they fall to the ground.
“Tess,” you say, and Tess grins when the camera is back on her. “Did you buy her another new outfit?”
Tess laughs, “I don’t get to buy dresses! I mean, hell, if Finn wanted to wear them we’d buy them, but he doesn’t want to. I saw it and thought it would look cute on her. I was right!”
“She does look cute,” you say, frowning when the camera turns back to Ronan playing with bubbles.
“She’s okay, you guys. She’s having fun and she’s doing just fine. She’s eating and sleeping fine. She’s okay.”
“I know, we just miss her.” you say, and John nods. “Thank you for taking her.”
Tess scoffs as she turns the camera back to her, “I’m honored you let me have her.”
“Well, who else would we have let take her?”
You start to laugh, “Mom would lose her mind having her for a week straight. She’s on a bit of a naughty streak right now.”
“Oh, we know,” Tess says, and you grimace.
Jimmy laughs as he bends down closer to the camera, “She’s taken to pinching me, by the way. Where the hell did she learn that?”
You smile when John looks over at you, “No idea.”
You tend to pinch him playfully sometimes. It doesn’t hurt him, of course, and it’s not intended to, it’s just a playful thing, and maybe Ronan sees it. Who knows? You should probably stop though so she doesn’t do it to other kids.
“It doesn’t hurt, but she thinks it’s so funny,” Jimmy says.
“It’s because you make a big scene and throw yourself on the floor. She thinks it’s hilarious.” Tess says, and you put your hand over your mouth as you laugh and look at John who does the same exact thing. “It’s fine, but her and Finn are going to be little shits when they’re like…eight and nine. We’re going to be called into the principal’s office at least once a week.”
John laughs, “She must get those mischievous genes from her mom.”
“Oh, yeah, totally,” you say sarcastically, then you smile at Tess, “Well, I’m glad she’s good.”
“I said she’s doing okay, I never said she was good!” Tess teases, and you laugh. “I’m kidding. She’s absolutely precious and I love her and would die for her. I’ll keep sending pictures and videos of her to keep you updated, but stop worrying about her and enjoy your anniversary! Go have sex on the beach or something. Wait, the beach is private, right?”
You hum, “Somewhat. No one is really around us.”
John leans over and kisses your neck, “Doesn’t sound like a bad idea. I’d like to take you on the beach again.”
“I heard that, you sicko.” Tess says, and you and John both laugh. “I love you both. Talk to you later!”
“Love you! Give Ro lots of hugs and kisses from us. Bye!” you hang up the phone and look over at John as he smiles at you, “Now my sister knows we had sex on the beach.”
John laughs, “Like you weren’t going to tell her anyway.”
“Okay, so maybe I just like to brag sometimes.” you say as John leans over to kiss you. “Do you have the patience to wait for me to finish my salad?”
“I guess,” he teases, and you slowly take a bite as you look at him. He laughs and rolls his eyes, “You’re a little shit. Ronan gets it from you!”
You smile proudly, “Maybe!”
John eyes you as you eat the last few bites of your salad slowly, and he huffs and dramatically sits back in his seat while you try not to laugh. You finally let out a laugh as you get up, and John follows behind you into the kitchen. You look over your shoulder at John as he stares at you, and you turn around and quickly pull your tank top off.
“I’m ready now.” you say, holding his gaze.
John’s eyes drop down to your breasts as he smiles, and he quickly grabs you and carries you off to the bedroom as you laugh.
“Wrong way!” you laugh, pointing toward the beach. He quickly changes direction as he spanks you, and you cling to him as he brings you down to the beach.
taglist:  @lilithlinen @ladyren33 @multifandombliss @ruby-octo @tnu-ree @scream-queen-25 @beingnerdyissupercool @sakurachan-9
i hate the tagging system on here so much
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William Afton is a master manipulator in FNAF..
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ultrviolecnt · 29 days
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X2 (2003) dir. Bryan Singer
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ghostbsuter · 9 months
"Date? Me?'
Tim nods, milkshake in hand, sitting outside of McDonald's with his study buddy, Danny.
The other teen looked flabbergasted with a firm blush building up.
Tim found him utterly adorable.
"I can't date anyone? I'm property of.the goverment."
Tim Drake-Wayne, aka Red Robin, has various questions to that statement.
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corkyviolet · 2 months
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colin bridgerton + tweets
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ajbullet · 9 months
“It’s ok that you hugged me” is giving BoTL vibes when Poseidon talks to Percy at the end of the book and is like “We need to talk about St. Helens” and Percy’s immediate line of thinking is “oh shoot he knows Annabeth kissed me”
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iz-star · 3 months
"I need you..."
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"...it's just not the kind of need you think it is"
I know this super quick sketch I just did can't do justice to the kissing scene but my emotions are on edge and I needed to draw something ahahaha. Gosh, Zayne's kisses were so intense, so passionate, so hungry, I literally screamed when I saw his PV, I'm not even joking.
Now I'm crying in the corner cause I spent almost all my dias in his previous banner, what a good and bad time to be a Zayne stan, unironically lol; good because I'm seriously feeling well fed with all the new content of him but bad bc this is gonna cause me serious financial issues if I don't get enough dias lol.
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puppyeared · 2 months
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horrible truth bomb dropped on my head 20 min ago
#I DIDNT KNOW I DIDNT KNOWWWWW#when i say damn thats crazy its bc i DO think its crazy i think a lot of things are crazy. like how birds have cloacas#or the way ppl draw a five pointed star in different ways and everyone assumes their way of doing it is how everyone does it#my brother is not letting me live this down btw he literally shouted at me like HOW DID YOU LIVE THIS LONG AND NOT PICK UP ON THAT#IDK!!! IDK I THOUGHT SOMETIMES IT COULD BE USED TO EXPRESS GENUINE SHOCK??????#he says its my delivery that makes it sound insincere bc i say it in a monotonous voice which when i think abt it YEAH....#THAT DOES MAKE IT LOOK KINDA BAD IN HINDSIGHT.....#and then i told him i keep a list of phrases that tickle my brain so i can remember to use them in conversation and apparently#most ppl dont do that bc he was like ???? stop doing that??? just let the conversation flow naturally it sounds fake>????#idk man i feel like if i did that and blurted out 'i forgot people find stuff like underwear arousing for some reason' instead of#smth like 'i wonder what kind of ppl find this kind of stuff the bees knees' like i normally do. it would. not go so well.#ALSO THE FLOW CHARTS ARENT NORMAL? i make flow charts before i call the bank or smth so i know what to say#its not just to blend in its also so i dont waste ppls time going uhhhhh as i think of how i put smth into words#its called stalling for time and i dont care if i have to say smth like thats just how the cookie crumbles if it gives me#5 more seconds to process whatever the fuck someone said without letting them think im not paying attention#doodles#diary#sona#puppysona#comics
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moralesfilms · 2 months
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spectrecowboy · 5 months
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evan, you have a little something on your face :)
please do not use my art without permission!
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kisasan · 4 months
Bakugo running away from paramedics to be with Izuku at the final battle:
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backjustforberena · 2 months
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I wonder if any of them knew it was all for her.
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moonyflesh · 4 months
🐾 Cat Scratches - [James “Logan” Howlett x Reader]
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WARNINGS: lots of fluff, brief mention of neck kisses, some suggestive comments but nothing past PG
CHARACTERS: James “Logan” Howlett (Wolverine, MARVEL/X-MEN)
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🐾 .*.. 🕯️
Logan laid comfortably on your stomach, his arms wrapped around your lower back and hips as he buried his face into your abdomen, the bare skin of your tummy visible just slightly underneath your sweater.
Lazily scrolling through your phone, splayed out across his bed with him on top of you, your fingers trailed over his upper shoulders, scratching the fabric of his white compression shirt, rubbing his sore muscles from a long day of training and battle practice.
As your fingers trailed upwards mindlessly on his back, your manicured nails finally reached the nape of his neck, teasing the edge of his hairline.
Scrolling down further through your instagram, you let out a soft sigh of content as your fingers finally buried into the hair on the back of his head, eliciting a low rumble from the back of his throat.
You perked up at this, glancing past the dimmed screen of your device, an eyebrow quirked upwards at his reaction.
“You alright, Lo?”
You muttered out, a small, curious smile tugging at your glossy lips, damp from your teeth gently biting at them out of unconscious habit.
He responded in a low hum, leaning into your fingers as you smiled, a small, amused chuckle leaving your lips at his fingers that slid lower on your back, cupping the backs of your thighs with a slightly possessive grip.
You felt a soft, warm press of his chapped lips against your stomach, just above your panty line, and a small laugh left your lips as he buried his nose further into you, inhaling without hesitation. In response, your legs opened slightly underneath him, wrapping them around his broad midsection with a light squeeze.
Preferring the man in front of you opposed to the celebrities on your phone, you dropped it at your side, letting it become lost in the fluffy, unkept sheets next to your form as both your hands wrapped around his head, burying your fingers into his scalp.
A low, animalistic-like growl left his lips as you scratched through his hair, meeting the place behind his ears, where you knew he was most sensitive.
Tracing over the area where his jaw connected to his ear and neck, you let out a low hum in response, tilting your head propped up on one of his pillows to the side, your eyebrows knitting together lightly in curiosity at his pleasant reactions.
“Feels good, bub. Right- mmh. There.”
Your eyes narrowed at his borderline inappropriate hum, and you nodded, wordlessly continuing to scrape through his fluffy, unkept hair.
“I didn’t take you for a cat, Logan,” You teased quietly, a small vibration leaving your own form, similar to that of the buzz of an old stereo.
“Don’t mock me, sweetheart. Can’t help it,”
He shot back, his furry eyebrows knitting together as he finally shifted, pulling himself up further, allowing his face to move from your stomach to your collarbone, trying desperately not to go full deadweight on you, knowing he’d crush your frail form.
“Plus, ever since you got yer nails done-”
He didn’t finish his sentence as you raked through his head of hair once more, pushing his face into the warm skin of your exposed neck, muffling any protest from him.
“Stop talking, James. Sleep.”
You effectively hushed him, a small smile pulling at your face as he grumbled out something along the lines of ‘mm. Whatever,’ and ‘fine.’
You felt him pepper a few hot, open-mouthed kisses along your neck, his teeth teasingly biting down on your exposed shoulder, before lapping at the new mark with his tongue, admiring his work with your taste.
“G’night, bub.”
You smiled at his subtle acceptance to your demand, your fingers frozen in his fluffy hair and partially in his long side shaves, nodding.
“Goodnight, kitty.”
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void-dude · 22 days
"Sure I like him but I’m im not— you know!— with him!"
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I drew pretty men :)
Tad finds out that maybe humans can look a little pretty! A lot pretty! Oh boy!
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seokjinite · 4 months
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SEOKJIN + looks i'm not normal about (cr. 0613data, apple tape)
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I can't wait for Jean to spit out the most devastatingly encouraging and positive rhetoric during exy matches in with the most venomous bite as he has to hold back his Raven habits. Meanwhile Jeremy hearing Jean say things like "have a winning day!", or "good job on your foot work!" To their opponents like he's spitting curses and his racket tight in his fists with a face like he's about to knee cap them and remove their spleen with Jeremy standing on the court heart eyed and about to get checked into a wall because he's too busy watching Jean and forgot he has the ball.
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