#the mask is from the run too! I kept it on me the entire time
ironraven · 11 months
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psychopomp goes for a quick swim
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bensolosbluesaber · 1 year
Nowhere to Run: Part 1 (Miguel O’Hara (Spider-Man 2099) x Spider-Woman!f!reader)
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Pairings: Miguel O’Hara (Spider-Man 2099) x Spider-Woman!f!reader
Warnings: Hints of suicidal ideation on reader’s part, Fang stuff (Miguel uses fangs on reader), Chasing, Miguel is maybe ooc (I only saw the movie once and was mostly trying to keep from audibly moaning every time he was on-screen), Miguel and reader fight - he does some damage, Poison, Wounds, Not edited (but I will come back for some minor edits later on), Let me know if I missed anything
Summary: After the collapse of your universe, you resort to jumping around the multiverse to survive. Evolution gave you the powers needed to escape your universe. Technology of your own design stopped the glitches. But you haven’t found a way to escape the man relentlessly hunting you across every universe - Spider-Man 2099. ~2,500 words
Angst, hurt/comfort, eventual happy ending
A/N: This is for all of us who watched the Nueva York chase scene/train sequence and thought ‘when do I get to be Miles?’ This is dedicated to the Miguel O’Hara editors on TikTok - you guys are doing god’s work over there (especially with the captions). There shouldn’t be any spoilers in here beyond what was shown in trailers, but tread as carefully as you feel you need.
EDIT: Part 2
A persistent tingle deep in your mind vibrated madly the closer Spider-Man 2099 was to you. It was your Spidey-sense warning you of danger.  For the first few months, you managed to stay several universe’s ahead of the terrifying Spider-Man variant, but after running for months with no one to help you, dodging the Spider-Person in each universe, and growing more exhausted with each portal you opened, 2099 was catching up.
He was catching up quite literally. The man was a few blocks behind you, pursuing you through the streets of a Queens in a universe you had never seen before. Buildings were built into trees. The entire city was a perfect symbiosis between nature and technology. It was beautiful, but there was no time to appreciate it. The time on your wrist ticked down. Seventy-six seconds. Seventy-five.
You shot out another web. It caught a window, and you took a sharp corner then another trying to lose the hunter.
Seventy seconds until you could safely open another portal. Well safe was a relative measure. Ideally you would allow a full day between jumps, but if you only had twelve hours, well then odds of survival rose to about fifty-fifty. Anything less than twelve hours and implosion was basically guaranteed.
Sixty-eight. You extended your legs for more momentum, rolled in the air, shot out two webs and used them to zip forward. Sixty-two. 2099 was fast, faster than you. You didn’t dare to look back to see if he was still in pursuit.
He protected the multiverse, kept it from collapsing in on itself, and you put the entire web of connection at risk just by being alive outside of your universe. You didn’t begrudge 2099 for what he thought he had to do. Maybe it was true that your presence could cause a universe to collapse, but you were careful not to stay for too long, not to interact with the Spider of that universe, not to fight any super-villains. If he could just understand that you were careful, that you didn’t want a multiversal collapse anymore than he did, maybe he would be reasonable.
Then again, maybe not. He was relentless, and from what little you had heard of Spider-Man 2099, he wasn’t one for talk and negotiation.
Fifty-five. You dived down, shot another web, swung again. You could never go back to your world’s boundless emptiness and not another living soul. That thought kept your exhausted muscles working. Fifty. The void was all that remained of your collapsed universe, a void in which you could not die but where no one else could live.
Forty-eight. Forty seven. This block was all future, half-built apartment buildings.
Thirty. You’d long ago lost your suit. All that remained was the mask that obscured your face. You must look ridiculous swinging around in stolen street-clothes: a baggy sweatshirt, leggings, dirty sneakers.
Twenty-one. Nearly there. Just a few-
A solid mass of muscle stole the breath from your lungs and flattened you into a cement wall. Claws shattered the cement beside your head into a fine gray powder. A hand closed around your throat, and you were crushed between the blue and red clad Spider-Man and the wall.
He was pure muscle. This was the closest you’d ever been to 2099, and his sheer size was terrifying. The red lines on his mask narrowed with his eyes as he studied you.
Eighteen. You pushed at his broad chest, struggling desperately to fight him off, but he was enhanced too and probably well-fed and rested - two things you were not.
“Stop fighting me,” 2099 growled into your ear, his voice a deep rumble that you felt in his chest.
“I won’t go back.” You choked out the words while you planted a knee against him and tried to kick him away. Your efforts were utterly useless. Quite literally, you could feel muscles rippling across his chest and arms as he held you against the wall while you trid to wriggle free.
In the corner of your eye, you watched the red numbers tick down. Six. Five. Was it even possible? It had to be.
2099 brought you forward then slammed you into the wall again. The impact made your head spin. The red lines of his mask doubled and tripled. He was trying to get something around your wrist.
“Hold still!”
With the last vestige of strength left in your body, you brought a hand to his face and shot a wad of webbing at his eyes. He growled and stopped his attempt to hand-cuff you - or whatever he was doing - to wipe the webbing away. For a second he was distracted. You imagined the glowing golden portal. Closed your eyes. Energy sparked in your body, coursed through your veins and arm. You shot a web at the wall behind you. It shimmered gold, dim gold, but still gold.
There was a moment where you thought it hadn't worked. Then the wall crumbled away and you felt wind whip you backward as a bright gold light filled the space. 2099 reached for you, claws extended. Four knife-like talons dug into your shoulder, ripping through the ratty sweater, digging into your skin, and tearing four long bloody stripes into your flesh as the portal drug you away..
You planted both feet on his stomach and kicked him off. A bright red web shot out from 2099’s hand to tangle in a tree. The last thing you saw was 2099 falling then catching himself before you tumbled away from him and toward a new universe.
It was raining on this new Earth. Actually, ‘raining’ was a bit of an understatement. It was absolutely pouring, and you were soaked before you hit the ground. Hard.
You hadn't been as focused as you needed to be, and the portal had opened in the sky and dropped you ten feet to the roof of a towering building in some universe’s version of New York. You couldn’t tear the mask from your face quick enough as you gasped desperately for air. 2099 was strong, and he’d smashed you half a foot into solid cement.
Your ribs ached. So did your head for that matter. But it was the dull ache spreading across your shoulder, down your arm, and seeping through your muscles like liquid fire that really made you afraid.
The gray of your stolen sweater was soaked in crimson blood. Carefully, you pushed the stained fabric over your shoulder.
Shit. Shit!
Beneath the torn fabric, your skin glowed a sickly, dare you say radioactive red - the same red as 2099’s suit. His talons must have been poisoned, and now that poison was making it’s way through your body, causing unknown damage and immense pain. There had to be a lab on this Earth. Right? If you could only get there, you were smart enough to whip up an antidote.
But as you stood, it was obvious that you wouldn’t be going anywhere. The poison was potent and fast-acting. Insanely, you wondered if it was really poison or if you should be calling it venom. It didn’t matter, because a moment after gaining your feet, your legs failed. You careened forward and nearly smashed your head again, only just catching yourself before slowly laying down in the rainwater.
City lights sparkled in the distance and reflected in the puddle forming around your head. Purple and blues and few bright yellows. Not a bad view if this was how you died. If only the poison weren’t so painful. You wanted to scream, but you lacked the strength.
A familiar tingle shot across your spine a second before the bright gold light of a portal obscured the reflection of the city lights. No! He was so close when you jumped universe’s. He must have tracked you; no wonder he hadn't bothered to chase you through the portal.
You scrambled backwards weakly, your feet struggling for purchase on the slick roof as the broad shouldered man appeared. He was wreathed in gold light. You couldn’t jump again, couldn’t even stand, could barely drag your body through the rain as Spider-Man 2099 strode closer.
“Nowhere to run,” he said. His voice was flat, like he took no pleasure in finally having you trapped.
“I won’t go back!” You tried to sound tough, strong, but your voice cracked over the words. “There’s nothing there. I can’t. I’d rather die than- than go back to nothing. 2099, don’t send me back”
Your fingers felt the ledge of the building and empty air beyond it. Poison. Fall. The clawed Spider-Man. A slow descent into madness trapped in the empty and endless remains of your home universe. A fall seemed fastest. But you didn’t want to. You were scared. You didn’t really want to die. Your shoulder throbbed and head filled with fog. The skin was glowing such a bright red you could see it in the corner of your eye.
In the brief moment you hesitated, he was on you. 2099’s red webs wrapped around your chest, and he yanked you forward and away from the ledge. You crumpled at his feet, and he just stared down at you through that mask. His blue and red mask swam in your vision as you stared up at him. Was it the rain that was so cold? Or was it the poison? No, venom. Poison? Venom?
2099’s face got bigger as he knelt beside you.
“What is this?” He pulled at the torn sweater, his gaze falling on the bright red mottling your skin.
Miguel O’Hara had never seen his claws damage anyone like this. There was no venom in them… unless in whatever universe you had come from something about them was venomous. It was possible. His fangs were venomous, that he did know.
Miguel pulled off his mask, the adrenaline of the chase fading while he watched you struggle for life. He’d meant to stop you, take you back to base, figure out where you’d come from… not kill you. He ran his tongue over one of the fangs protruding from his mouth.
The next thing you knew, 2099 was sitting next to you and pulling you onto his lap. It might have all been a dream, you couldn’t tell. The lights were so beautiful. Your head lolled to one side, your whole body limp as a ragdoll in his muscular arms. His face filled your vision and blocked out the pretty lights.
He had a strong jawline, dark curls, sharp cheekbones, a broad nose, and were those fangs? And were his eyes glowing red? Yes, two orbs as red as the suit and your poisoned skin shone down at you. He was pretty too. This had to be a dream. The monster chasing you couldn’t be so handsome. You blinked, eyes unfocused. Your Spidey-sense was going wild, but you couldn’t bring yourself to fight. 2099 was warm, and you could go to sleep right here.
He shifted your body again so your side was pressed against his chest. “2099,” you whispered weakly, pathetically.
“I’m sorry for this,” he whispered in that low growl. Now it was tinged with what almost sounded like real regret. “It’s the best I can think of.”
He guided your head to rest in the curve of his shoulder, face turned toward his neck. One hand brushed hair away from your neck, the other wrapped around your waist. His fingers were no longer clawed, and his movements were gentle as he held you close, muscles tensing underneath your body. The expression on his face was tender. It seemed impossible that this was the same man who had made you his prey for months.
“Don’t panic now,” he whispered as he lowered his lips to your neck. “Stay still.”
You were barely aware of what was happening. His lips were warm, then four sharp pricks stung the base of your neck just above your collarbone and the deep poisoned wounds. Panic tried to rise in your throat, but you weren’t conscious enough to really process that a man currently had his fangs sunk into your throat. He drew back and spit out bright red poison, then bit into you again. Then again. And again.
Miguel was exceptionally careful with you, holding you perfectly still and being sure to sink his fangs into the same spot each time so as not to mark your skin any more than necessary.
Slowly, the world began coming back into focus. You were exhausted, but the poison was being was successfully being leeched from your system by his fangs. Brown curls were the first thing you became aware of, then the almost unnatural warmth coming from the man beneath you, then the cold pricks on rain on your back, then... then that something was biting you. Before you could wrench your head back, a large hand cradled the back of your head. You desperately tried to struggle as you realized what this vampiric Spider-Man was doing to you. The muscles in his arm flexed as he held your head still.
2099 pulled his fangs from your neck, spit bright red then let go of your head. You sat up quickly. The movement made you dizzy.
“I know you’re scared.” Miguel could see the fear in your eyes. He nodded to your still glowing shoulder. It was dimmer now and hurt less, but it was still obvious poisoned. “But this is working. Let me help you.”
You were looking him right in the eyes, the glowing red eyes, and though you didn’t trust him, you knew instinctively he was right.
“Okay,” you breathed lowly.
You laid your head on his shoulder. Miguel could feel how your whole body trembled, but whether it was from fear or cold or something else entirely he couldn’t tell. When his lips touched your skin you whimpered. That was fear.
Miguel still had one arm around you, but he took your hand in his free one, interlaced your fingers, and squeezed once. Then he sunk his fangs into your neck. It stung a bit but didn’t really hurt. Now that your were conscious, you could feel the poison being drawn toward the spot where his mouth connected to your skin. That didn’t really hurt either. It was like stretching a sore muscle - a satisfying pain that ultimately brought relief.
2099 drew back to spit out his poison. When was the last time you’d touched someone like this? A touch that was more than an accidental brush in the street - or a purposeful one so you could steal someone’s wallet. 2099 was your enemy, your hunter. He was dangerous. But he was saving your life and holding you so tenderly it made your chest ache.
“Once more,” he promised.
His fangs brushed over your skin for the last time. You pulled your hand from his and splayed your fingers across his chest. 2099 brought his now free hand to your poisoned shoulder and pushed the ripped fabric apart.
Miguel watched the last of the poison be pulled from your veins as it filled his mouth. He spit it out then turned back to study how your body was pressed against him.
“Can you stand?” He asked.
“I don’t know,” you answered honestly. Then panic hit and you jerked back, still sitting on his lap but with your face now safely away from his fangs. “You- you’re going to send me back. 2099, please don’t.”
“Why do you keep calling me that? My name is Miguel.”
Miguel. 2099 had a name. Of course he did, but hearing it made him seem so human. And his face was handsome. That was no venom or poison induced hallucination. The man was beautiful.
“And no. Not yet.”
“My universe collapsed. There’s nothing for me to go back to.”
His red eyes softened as they met yours.
“We won’t send you back to an empty universe,” he paused, and one side of his lips twitched up. “You ran because you thought I’d send you back to a void? I see I have quite the reputation.”
Miguel lifted you to your feet easily. He set you on your feet and tapped the watch-like contraption on his wrist. You leaned against his muscled chest for stability. Even without his poison, you were still wounded and tired and malnourished. A portal spiraled out in front of you both.
“You promise not to send me back there?” You looked up at Miguel. He squinted at the portal’s bright light and tugged the mask back over his face.
To be continued... 
Part 2
A/N: Part 2 will be a little time jump, and we’ll actually see Miguel and reader get into a relationship!
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romanticintheory · 5 months
and.. maybe can you write for a part two? pleaseee🥺
HIII TYSM IM SO GLAD YOU ENJOYED!!! here's a pt 2! i am very sick at the moment, though, so this might be a bunch of gibberish (i sincerely apologize if so). hope you like it <3
simon riley betrays you pt. 2
simon "ghost" riley x reader || pt. 1 || masterlist
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-miraculously, they let you go.
-you half expected someone to drag you out of the car with the barrel of a gun pressed against your temple with the intent to fire, but no. after a few excruciatingly long hours alone with your arms and legs bound, someone new came to cut your ties and let you loose.
-maybe they were just bad at their job, you thought. after all, why would they let you, essentially a witness, go free without any repercussions?
-a few years pass. you try to move on, but its impossible when your entire world was shattered in one night.
-you never heard back from your father since then, but that wasn't the thing that hurt the most. you couldn't go a single day without thinking about the sting of betrayal. any happy moment you had was spent comparing the time you felt that same feeling with him, before anything in the world was wrong to you.
-what's worse, there was something telling you that you shouldn't tell anyone about it even if you wanted to. a voice in your head kept telling you that maybe, maybe they're keeping you on a leash. maybe someone was watching you at this very moment ready to take you out the moment you spilled your experiences.
-in a way, your fears are confirmed when you meet simon again miles away from the last place you lived. you had moved for this exact reason; you never wanted to see his face for as long as you lived.
-it happens when you're walking alone in the street. you moved to this area specifically because you heard it was quieter and, more importantly, safer. but how much of that could you escape, really?
-your attacker approaches you as you're making your walk home from work, a kind of confidence on his face that makes the common individual want to roll their eyes.
-"what's a sweet thing like you doing out alone at night, huh?" he asks, his footsteps staggered like he's had one too many drinks.
-you give him the usual speel of, "oh, my friends are waiting for me... yeah, i've got a boyfriend. haha, i'm okay, no need to accompany me, thanks."
-your soft attempts at rejection only seem to agitate him, because next thing you know he's stepping toward you and putting a hand on your arm with a bone-crushing grip.
-"c'mon jus' let me-"
-his voice is cut off by the sound of a loud thud and the stranger's yelp of pain. it takes you a second, but you realize the defense on your behalf came from beside you.
-oh, thank god.
-you and your now injured attacker now adjust your gazes to sit on the silent newcomer. just like that, your settled sense of dread has come back and increased tenfold.
-there he was, with that stupid mask over his face and his hands curled into fists for preparation of what he was going to do next if the man didn't scurry off.
-"you'll leave," he says darkly under subtle pants, as if he ran before coming to your rescue. "if you know what's good for you."
-the stranger wastes no time in running off into the night, leaving you with your worst nightmare.
-for a while, you both stare at each other like you can't believe the other is real. it takes everything in you not to cry or beg him for answers. no, after everything you worked for, you're not going to throw away everything you built in the past few years to recover from him just to throw it all away now... right?
-"why are you here?" you ask coldly. "come to finish the job?"
-although your eyes were icy and your questions came with a rigid tone, there was genuine fear in your question. what if the soldier that untied you wasn't supposed to? what if you were supposed to be dead all those years ago?
-"no. never."
-even though he knows the reason why, his heart still hurts at the thought of you believing he'd just up and kill you like that.
-"really? that's rich," you scoff, except you're terrible at hiding the tremble in your breath and the tremors traveling through your body.
-spotting your growing fear, he scrambles for something, anything, to make you fear him less.
-"i was worried, that's all. after that night," he pauses, eventually deciding to skip the details of what he did to your father. "i didn't know where you went. thought i could just get over it, but i guess i just knew i needed to check in on you just in case."
-you resist the urge to roll you eyes. "right. you're back again to 'check in on me'? to come back and meddle in my life again?" you're struggling to keep your tears back as they form in your eyes. "you've already taken so much. how selfish can you be?"
-he stares at you for a moment before slipping his hand into his pocket and taking out a gold watch that belonged to your dad.
-"i'm sorry about your father, but you have to understand that he-"
-"not that, simon. it was never that," you push his hand away and the offer that came with it. his eyes became confused. "i mean you. it's always been you. you just come into my life telling me you love me, that you want to be with me so much and then just take that all away? and you never even bothered to tell me it was a lie, just let me get tied up by some stranger to be left alone and scared!"
-there's a new look in simon's eyes at your words, but it's hard to decipher them from behind the mask.
-"it wasn't a lie," he says slowly, lowering the hand with the watch in it back to his side.
-"oh, please." the trembling has not died down in the slightest. "i bet you're still mad that worker of yours took pity on me and let me leave before you could do anything about it. like i said, back to finish the job."
-your eyes are now trained on the ground. there was a conflicted feeling in your body at the moment. on one hand, this was the man that let you get tied up and left in a car while he "handled" your father. on the other, this was the man you loved. the one who was kind to your ever desire, who always understood you in ways you never knew possible.
-"i told them to let you go," he finally manages.
"i..." he hesitates. "i told my captain that if i was going to give them your father's location, they were to let you go no questions asked when the whole ordeal was over with." and it was true. he hated even imagining poor you, being interrogated by his colleagues in an isolated, barren room. you had been through enough.
-and even if you had been a part of your father's scheme, there was a part of simon that loved you too much to care (though he'd never admit it to himself).
-it was a good thing price trusted his judgment. he didn't know what he would've done had he said no.
-the tears are now streaming down your face and you can do nothing to stop it. it all felt like so much. you were so, so confused. if he did love you, why did you feel this way? how much of this could you trust?
-cautiously, he goes to wipe the tears away from your face, murmuring a quiet, "hate it when you cry." for a second, it was a familiar feeling. you felt like you were back in your shared flat with simon while having a breakdown over life's struggles. in moments like those, you never would have expectated that life's struggles could take the form of simon himself.
-you can't help but lean into his touch. maybe you were insane for allowing him to touch you like this, but you wanted nothing more than to let him into your life again. the resolve you worked so hard to build was crumbling away the longer you spent with him.
-"the reason it took so long for me to find you..." he's holding your face in his hands, now. "for so long, i thought i ought to leave you alone. i know i should. i wasn't lying about when i said i was worried if you were still alive, but," he swallows the lump in his throat before continuing. "i also miss you. 'nd i know, 's incredibly selfish of me after everything i've done to you, but i can't help it."
-one of his hands leaves your face to slide the mask and balaclava off his face. there he was again, his aged brown eyes and soft jawline, the sides of his face littered with small scars you still remember to this day.
-"i'll make it up to you," he whispers. "anything you ask, i'll answer. about my past, your father, anything. you ask me to get you something, i'll have it for you wrapped all nice 'nd pretty. hell, i'll get on my knees and pray to you if you order me to, love."
-it was like your nightmare turned into a fantasy, having him here begging for your forgiveness.
-"anything you want, i want to give to you. jus' let me be a little selfish, too."
-you bite your lip as you think it over. you know the correct answer would be a clear, hard no, but you can't bring yourself to do it. not after all those nights wishing he was encasing you in his arms again, whispering all the things he adored about you as you drifted off into sleep.
-as much as you shouldn't be believing him, you do.
-"...anything?" you ask hesitantly, and it takes everything in simon not to pull you in close and never let go.
-again. no, he needs to be sure he won't scare you off again.
-"anything," he promises, fingertips tracing the edge of your jawline.
-"okay," you agree, the tears finally having stopped flowing. happiness does not even begin to describe what simon was feeling. "for starters, you can walk me home."
-with the watch long forgotten and broken on the edge of the sidewalk, he holds your face for a bit longer before letting go. eventually, he offers his arm to you and you take it.
-there's a part of him that mourns the years lost that he could've had with you. maybe, if he came to you sooner, he wouldn't have to be so careful about being around you, now. but, no, these were the consequences of his actions.
-at the very least, you were still giving him a second chance, and he was intent on not fucking it up this time.
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httpsghostie · 1 year
ok this is the video i mentioned, like imagine könig in this, i want to tie his hands and feet and make a mess out of him :((( imagine him crying out of frustration that he can't touch you (and he makes a mental note to punish you as soon as he gets released), so overwhelmed and trying to scape the entire time, so cute :(( you make the context, my brain isn't creative enough to think of how we end up in this situation. sorry if i misspelled something and again i love your blog it's amazing !!*:! also i'm sorry if this make you unconfortable somehow idk?
Enemy pt 1
pt 2
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TW: porn
and I strike again with another questionable scenario
this is just... I... uhm... well...
there's no such thing as crossing the limits with me I'm a fucking whore
Summary: you interrogate an enemy soldier in a different approach.
Word Count: 1,5k
Warnings: smut, König x female!reader, they're both a bit crazy, male overstimulation, edging, knife play (if you squint), glove kink, no use of y/n
Recently, your team had brought an enemy for interrogation, and you were the one assigned to get the job done.
"Make him talk, we don't care how." They said.
You got in the cell, hands sweating nervously as you saw the man you were dealing with. You've met before, a long while ago, and he didn't change a thing. He's still arrogant, like he wasn't far within a hostile environment, his hands and feet in chains, in a cell that has never seen daylight. The only thing in the room being the chair he was sitting on and a fucked up mattress.
You crossed your arms as you entered the room, not knowing if he was able to recognize you from the mask you wore. But your voice, he could never forget the sweet melody of your voice moaning his name a few years ago when he fucked you senseless at an abandoned house, in the middle of war.
It happened fast, you were sweeping the place and he was there. You missed your shot when he pushed your gun upwards and tried to strangle you, but soon backed down when saw you were a defenseless damsel in distress.
And you found yourself pressed against a wall being fucked by an enemy soldier, just because he felt like it.
You try to shake off the thoughts that creep on your dirty brain, and as soon as the door gets locked behind you, his body relaxes on the chair. 
"So, we meet again." He cleared his throat. Pretentious prick. 
"König." You start, raising your eyebrows. "I guess you won't be using your free will to tell me what the code is, will you?" You walked towards him, he was still tall, even when he was sunk on the chair with his legs spreaded.
"My free will has better things to do than to hand out codes like candy at a parade. I prefer keeping my secret to myself. Yours too." You could feel the creepy smile that lit up his face. How could you ever do that to yourself?
"They won't believe you." You shrug, slowly walking from side to side on the cell, arms behind your back, your heavy boots hitting the concrete floor. "They're too busy torturing your general for info." His eyes widened and he straightened himself on the chair, tensing up. "So, what are you hiding, pretty boy?"
He flexed his muscles in response, trying to get rid of the chains that kept him restrained. But the praise, coming from your lips, it was impossible for him to contain an enormous wave of heat that destroyed any ounce of self respect he had. He lowered his head, but looked at you through his eyebrows.
"I assume we'll have to do this the hard way then." You took the knife from your belt and stood in front of him, running it along his collarbone and stopping at his chin, lifting it up. "Such a beautiful pair of eyes you got, 'wonder what you hide behind that hood." You say, lifting the fabric of his mask.
"Gonna use flirting as your way to get around this?" He chuckles, looking away.
"I'm offended." You fake a gasp and hold a hand to your chest. "Wasn't that what you did to me?" You're just able to get a laugh from him.
"You wanted that to happen." He looked at your eyes again.
"And you're wanting, too." You stick the knife in the wooden chair between his legs and he jolts in panic.
"Fuck, are you insane?" He looks down and at you again, and you laugh. 
You crouch in front of him, spreading his legs further, and laying your elbow on his thigh. The tip of your finger touches the end of your knife and plays with it, watching how his thighs tense.
"I might be." You say, looking at him. "But I always get what I want."
"You're fucking crazy." He chuckles and looks to the sides, trying to contain his embarrassment as a bulge slowly shows up on his pants.
You take the knife from the chair and put it on your belt again, moving your gloved hands towards his belt and pulling him up. He's heavy as fuck, it was almost impossible to do it if he didn't stand up, towering over you.
You pushed him back, and because of his feet tangled in chains, he fell back on the mattress, bucking his hips up as you eagerly unfastened his belt.
"You weren't this straightforward when we first met." He chuckled and looked up.
"What can I say? 'Guess your taste is addictive." You remembered the bitter taste of his release when he ruthlessly fucked your throat back in that house.
You pulled his hard member out, lifting your mask just below your nose to spit on it, and he whines as you wrap your gloved hand around it, jerking it up and down slowly. He pleads, trying to fuck your hand, but you pull away chuckling and he sighs.
"Let's make a deal, shall we?" You ran your finger along his length, stopping at his tip.
"I won't talk." He gritted his teeth.
"Then you won't cum." You give him a sly smile as you pull the mask down again.
Your hand grabs his dick, jerking it roughly, and he can't help but whine as he tries to get away from your touch. He's so desperate it's pathetic, and he moans as you set the pace.
He tries to move, to get away from the chains, he thinks about how bad he wants to be free and pin you down on the mattress and fuck you until you're begging him to stop, knowing he wouldn't stop until he was satisfied.
Your touch becomes too much on him, almost too harsh to bear, and he cries as he feels his cock throbbing as hard as it could, knowing that he wouldn't last long if you kept going this way.
And suddenly, as he's about to cum, you pull away again, leaving him whimpering at the sudden loss of contact.
"Fuck, why did you do this?" He whines desperately.
"It's simple, you give me what I want and I'll give you what you want." You shrug, grabbing his member once again and going fast on it. He cries, feeling his high approaching once again.
"I'm not talking." He shakes uncontrollably.
"Aww, stubbornness only turns me on." You say. He's too overwhelmed to think about an answer, trying to get away from your grip.
You feel his body tensing up again, his hips bucking up, chasing his so wanted release. Your hand keeps its pace, but your other one blocks his tip just as he's about to cum, watching his vein twitch. He's crying and cursing at you in german, his heavy balls filled with cum as he was being denied once again.
"Come on, I'm not gonna let go until you tell me, and it's only gonna hurt more." You say, letting his dick fall back to his stomach, and one of your hands grabs his balls. He's still shaking, completely overstimulated, and you use your thighs to make him stay put.
"I only know part of it, alright?" It comes out high pitched as his voice cracks, you could feel the pain in his eyes. "The general too, and your team is going to need more than just us for the full code if you want to stop that damn operation." It's almost impossible to understand his german accent at how fast he speaks, his chest rising up and down.
His cock twitches, his tip was red and leaking, and you decide that's probably all that he's going to say, and plus you needed him for his part of the code. 
"That's it, please, maus, it's hurting." He cries. Maybe he deserved to get his award now.
"Such a good boy you are, huh, see? It wasn't hard." You stroke his dick, the praise enough to make him see stars. 
As you increase your movements, he becomes a whimpering mess once again, and deep in his brain he's thinking of how pretty you would look with his cock buried in your pussy, and how bad he will ruin you once he has his hands on you.
It's too much to take, he's trembling, making it hard for you to keep him still. And he can't hold back any longer, his thick cum spouting on your gloves and his shirt.
"Maus, please, stop." He pleads, his body giving in. You clean your gloves on his clothed thighs and get up, leaving him there, covered in white. You stand there, looking down at him and his softening length, and slowly walk towards the door. "Where are you going? Don't leave me like this."
You knock two times on the door and one of your men unlocks it. You open it, looking back at König, still there, still messy, still panting and angry, spitting out as you leave.
"You're gonna pay for this."
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daisymbin · 21 days
the unplanned date - kim mingyu
warning: suggestive but not really! just light mentions of past sexual events but thats all. slight use of profanities
pairings: kim mingyu x reader
genre: situationship to lovers lmaooo
word count: 2.8k
a/n: 1. fuck taeil
2. this was originally written for jeonghan but i felt it fitted mingyu better
3. please this took fucking forever because I kept getting writers block and hated the flow but I think I'm satisfied with it now
requests open!
check out my masterlist!
"what? she's cheating on me?” mingyu asked in disbelief. “and what do you mean she's not my girlfriend?” mingyu angrily questioned jun with a slightly raised voice; his forehead and eyebrows scrunched in anger and confusion. “what the hell are you talking about? since when in the world did the two of you date? in another alternate universe??? all she did was go out on one date!” jun countered as he walks to the kitchen to retrieve a glass of water. at that, mingyu left their shared apartment, heading straight to yours; needing answers.
you jump when you hear your doorbell ring, “were you expecting someone?” your roommate seungcheol asked as you both exchange glances while he notes the time, it's 3:07am. “no?” you said as you got up from the sofa where you had been lounging on with seungcheol, binge watching the entire high school musical series but seungcheol stopped you, “wait, i'll get it. its late, it could be some creepy old man.” seungcheol rushed to open the door while you followed close by behind him. as soon as he opened the door, you were both met with a messy, disheveled hair kim mingyu. he’s panting so much that for a second, he looks like he might actually pass out. “mingyu? what are you doing here at this hour?” seungcheol asked as he opened the door wider for him to enter. “did you run here???” you asked. “yes but thats not the point right now,” mingyu pauses to catch his breath, “did you go out on a date with jun's classmate? are you cheating on me?”
seungcheol's brows slightly furrowed at mingyu's words, “woah calm down. why dont you come in first?” he asked as he tugged on mingyu's sleeves, ushering him in. “alright, im gonna be in my room to give you two some….privacy. no funny business please, its 3am and I could use some sleep.”
mingyu inpatiently waited for seungcheol to retreat to his room before he sprung his question yet again onto you. “so??? are you not going to answer me??” it was clear that mingyu is frustrated as he laid his clenched fist on the kitchen counter. “what the fuck are you talking about? cheating on you? we're not even together!” you countered back as your forehead and eyebrows scrunched in confusion & slight anger matching mingyu's. “I'm asking you why the hell I just heard from jun that you went on a date with that new guy boy from his biology class?” mingyu knew he was being slightly petty but still, how could you? you watched as he slowly unclench his fists only to grip at the corners of the kitchen counter. “like i said, you and i? we're not together mingyu. I'm free to date whoever I want, isn't it? that was the rule you set, is it not?” you asked in anger.
“what do you mean we're not together?” mingyu paused before he continued. his question was laced with confusion and a hint of heartbreak but of course, he tried to mask it with even more frustration. “we hold on hands all the damn time y/n! we spend time together, A LOT of time together might i add, we stay over at each other's place, we nap together, we sleep together, we cuddle, we hug, we kiss, you play with my hair all the time and i do too! i mean, for god's sake, we fuck each other! what do you mean we're not together?”
“so what, mingyu?’’ your own voice and tone took you aback for a second, the words came out harsher than you would have liked but you dont falter. “weren’t you the one who said you didn't want anything serious to begin with? weren't you the one who said that we’re only keeping things casual and nothing more? so why are you here at my apartment at ass o'clock screaming at me about cheating on you?” you had made sure to put out air quotes for those last 3 words.
this time, there was a clear dip in mingyu's voice, softer, more tender, more vulnerable. “well…yes but that was before.. that was when we were still… I don't know, fucking around but now we're definitely not! the things we do are definitely not just… fucking around things! you know what I mean! why are you making this so hard!” mingyu was exasperated, that much was clear. you watch as he now has his arms folded and his pout coming to light, making your heart clench at the sight. “gyu...” you said as you let out a small sigh, mingyu perked up at his nickname, his gaze shifting to you. “I'm not trying to make anything hard and you know that. how was i supposed to know anything? how was i supposed to know what you want if you don't tell me?”
“I thought you'd know by now…i-i thought it was obvious by now…I thought we both…”
“you thought we both what mingyu? you can't just keep all these thoughts to yourself without telling me and expect me to know anything because trust me, I don't! I don't know how you feel about me, I don't know if any of this is as serious for you as it is for me, god, I don't know what your intentions are! all I know from you is that this is all just casual and nothing more! and you know what's the worst part of it all? it's that I can't even ask you about it because then I'm gonna come off as clingy and needy and it's pathetic to even imagine presenting myself that way to you!” your lips were now pressed together in a thin line; an overwhelming feeling of shame and embarrassment taking over you, forcing you to look away from him to avoid eye contact and you start to feel your eyes prick you with tears threatening to spill.
“you know I'd never think that of you... i just…I'm not good with words. I don't know how to tell you what I want or how I feel about you. I just get so tongue tied when it comes to you. I really thought that maybe if I lo-” mingyu all but stopped himself with a deep sigh, unable to voice out his hidden feelings for you. he took a few seconds to find a replacement for that word before he took another deep breath & continued, “I really thought that maybe if I just… let things be and let my feelings act on their own that maybe you'd pick up on it and we would just…” he ended with a sigh that was barely audible. you would have missed it if you weren't all focused on him.
his voice trailing off and quivering only forced you to quickly blink your tears away to look back at him; the sight of his shoulders slumped and his head looking down, not meeting your eyes only broke your heart even more. is it possible for your heart to feel so heavy and sad, yet filled with so much hope? because that's definitely how you're feeling right now.
regardless of how much you think you know what mingyu is trying to say, you still wanted him to say it, you still wanted to hear it from him. this friends with benefits situationship thing has been going on long enough for a year & a half now & that doesnt include the years before when you were both friends. everyone knows you're both kind of a thing yet not really. no matter how much the boys pushed for mingyu to make it official, mingyu always brushed them off and said that he didn't have to, that you already know what you both had, but in this moment, it dawned on him that what he thought he had with you isn't what you thought you had with him. all the self loathe and heartbreak he's feeling right now couldn't have made him feel more stupid than he already was.
“gyu can you- can you try? can you try telling me? Just… take your time, im here, im listening, I have all the time in the world for you, just try baby. I just want to know how you really feel, I just want to know what you want for yourself and for us.” your hands reached out for his with a mind of its own.
looking down at your joined hands, mingyu starts moving his thumb mindlessly at the back of your hand, caressing them gently. it's now that he realizes how utterly stupid he has been. “baby i-” yours eyes follow his hands as they now draw circles on yours as you gave him a light squeeze of encouragement. “go on gyu, im listening.”
“I don't know how to do this. I know I said I didn't want anything serious at the start of it and that it's just casual but… but that was before you- do you remember our first date?” mingyu gathers all the courage he could find in himself and cautiously brings his eyes to yours. “what date?” you didn't want to sound rude or cold but as far as you could remember, you've never had any dates with mingyu. your relationship with him started off as just being friends for years, evolving into a friends with benefits situation which was strictly only physical needs late at night, outside of that, you were nothing more, well, at least for the first few months that is. until….unless..? was he talking about the first time you both hung out together alone without the boys outside of the bedroom and while the sun is still out? “do you mean…the flea market?” you asked as realization dawned on you; that was the day your friends with benefits relationship evolved into something that was like a relationship but not really, the cursed situationship type of thing.
mingyu chuckles as he realizes how sentimental he looks right now, although, he's not sure if you can tell. his shy smile and fangs peeking through as he watches the gears in your head turn. “well..what about that day mingyu?” truth be told, you remember that day clear as day, but you can't pinpoint exactly what mingyu is trying to say; there wasn't really anything…special or anything that stood out that day, well, other than the fact that you were both out and not in bed that is.
“that was the first time we hung out together alone after we started the whole friends with benefits thing. do you remember? that night before that, when we broke our first rule of not sleeping over?” a quiet mhm was all you could let out, unsure of where mingyu is going with this. “do you even remember why I called you over that night?”
“you were sad. your hamster….he passed away.” you said carefully. “mhm he did. and that evening, that night, it was the first time you came over and we didn't…we didn't do anything. you held me, comforted me and let me wet your t-shirt with my tears. you insisted on putting me to bed and cuddling me to sleep for the first time and told me that you'd leave after I've fallen asleep. I still remember your slight hesitation that night when I'd asked you to stay over and not leave. did you know? i felt my heart sank a little when you hesitated but that was just the first of many realization that i- that i was in love with you.” your heart fluttered at his admission, “the first of many? were there more?”
for the first time tonight, mingyu let out a laugh, the one you loved so much. “of course there's more. when we woke up the next morning, my head was pounding so bad from all the crying the night before and I was so sad when I woke up alone in bed because I thought you had left but it was almost as if you had some psychic power and knew I was awake, you were screaming from the kitchen saying you know I was awake and asked me to get my ass over to the kitchen!” mingyu laughed harder this time, his hand coming up to tuck a stray hair behind your ear. “that was because I had just came back from the bakery! my hands were full so I accidentally let the door slam a little and I was sure that that would have woken you up!” you giggled while trying to defend yourself.
“you even got me my favourite cake from the bakery and all my other favourite pastries for breakfast. you must have been so in love with me ~" mingyu joked while raising his eyebrows suspiciously at you and you all but fall silent. you cleared your throat before you teased him back, “so? that's why you like me? because I cuddled you to sleep and bought you food? how easy can you be kim mingyu!”
“no that's not why! although i'll admit, it did click something in me. made me realise how well you know me and how well you take care of me. but that wasn't it! it was when you suggested we go to the flea market after breakfast just to take a walk to clear my mind for a bit. do you remember what happened there?”
“we walked and talked about silly things as always, what else? ah, you tried tanghulu for the first time! I remember that.” you recall giddily at how his eyes widened brightly at the sweetness of tanghulu when he took his first bite. “not that, silly! we ran into your ex & I had told him that i was your boyfriend and asked him to back off, do you know why I did that?” “because you pity me?” you joked, you know mingyu would never pity you, he's not a bad person but you couldn't pass up an opportunity to tease him. mingyu sighed dramatically at that, “no, I said I was your boyfriend because I saw the way he was looking at you…and it made me jealous. it made me realise that, that's the way I always look at you. it made me realise that I don't ever want anyone else to look at you that way and that I want you to look at me that way. me and only me. i-i realised that it's not just sex I want with you. that's why after that day, I kept bringing us out for dinner and stuff. or even just to hang out at home and watch stupid romcoms just to spend time with you. so I thought that, when our relationship from simply friends with benefits isn't friends with benefits anymore that you'd get it i guess…i don't know…saying it out loud right now sounds so stupid… I probably should have said something earlier… I'm sorry.” mingyu had his eyes on his hands again, guilt and embarrassment washing over him.
"thank you, gyu-ah. I really needed to hear all of that from you.” you lifted your hand to rest your palm on his cheeks, guiding his eyes back to you. “does that mean you like me too?” silly silly kim mingyu you thought. “no of course not!” you joked a failed joke because it seems kim mingyu didn't get the joke when he let out a quiet oh. “you're so silly kim mingyu. can't you tell im in love with you by now? how much more obvious can a girl get?” mingyu ears perked up at your words, then, smiling so big his jaws almost hurt. his hands turn to pull you by your wrists, placing them around his waist as he pulled you into a hug. your hands move up to rest on his neck and the other in his hair, tugging them lightly at the scalp. “I love you, I'll do better for you.” he spoke so close to your ear his lips almost brush them. “I love you too, thank you, I'll do better for you too.” your words only caused mingyu to tighten his hold on you, “can we go to bed now? I'm so tired and I want to sleep with my girlfriend.” he whined pouting. “yes we can, boyfriend.” you answered with a smile as you start dragging your big puppy into your bedroom, excited for more cuddles to come.
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messylustt · 1 year
obsessed ( believe me ) — ethan landry + reader ( scream ) : scream after ethan revealed himself as ghostface to you, you try to tell the group, hoping they’ll believe you…but ethan has other plans.
contents : surprisingly nothing sexual. a kiss. this is mainly the repercussions + plot after ethan’s reveal. wc 2.1k.
pt one pt two pt three
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you had locked your door tight every night whenever you’d be home. you couldn’t let a ghostface get in, you couldn’t let…ethan get in. god, the concept that he’s a killer now confuses and scares you at the same time. if ethan can kill then christ, everyone should be wary of everyone.
you aggressively mix the cupcake batter. you had grown guilty and…well…confused. you hadn’t told the group. though you haven’t had the time—you haven’t seen them since the party. so, it’s not entirely your fault. you need to tell them. they could die if you don’t.
with a final whisk you begin to pour the batter into the cupcake tins. there’s no harm in giving them something tasty as you drop the charming bomb. You place the tin in the oven, already preheated. clicking the timer you pause. what if they don’t believe you?
the carpenter sisters and martin-meeks twins have known you the same length as they have ethan. shit, you should have gotten proof, something that would show your not just pointing the finger. you rest against the counter, watching as the cupcakes begin to bake.
you can feel your heart pick a pace at the thought of ethans words. he kissed you, he wanted to kiss you. what were you thinking letting him? no, you think to yourself. you didn’t have a choice…but it’s not like you absolutely hated the idea. shit.
what if you saw ethan in class? how the fuck should you act? you run your hands down your face, growing agitated and fidgety.
“y/n!” mindy called from across campus. your carrying a box full of your cupcakes, as you take a heavy breath. it’s okay.
you wander over to her, smiling, only to falter when you see chad and ethan reach her side too.
you catch ethan’s gaze and freeze. ethan tilts his head, acting like an innocent shit. you gulp as you notice a ghost of a smirk on his face.
“mindy, can I talk to you for a moment?” if anyone’s gonna believe you about ethan, it’s mindy. she already thinks ghostface is him.
“uh, sure. is it real private?” she seems confused, since this group barely kept anything from each other. you clutch your cupcake box a little tighter, and that’s when chad notices.
“hey! are those cupcakes?”
you smile, offering them to him. “yo, thanks y/n.” he opens the box as you turn back to mindy.
“it’s girls sorta stuff.”
“oh.” she smiles, grabbing your elbow. “we’ll catch up with you later!” she calls back to ethan and chad, as she brings you farther away.
as you stop by a tree, you can't help but glance back at the two boys. chad is stuffing one of your cupcakes in his mouth. you hate the shiver that racks your spine, as you watch ethan take a bite, keeping his gaze on you. he tilts his head down in thanks, and you can spot the mischievous glint in his eyes. he knew they were bribe cupcakes for your point on him being the killer, to make it sound more appealing. but he only finishes the cupcake with a hum.
you whip your gaze to mindy, your expression desperate. “mindy, you know how you're always saying that ethan is ghostface?”
mindy scowls, glancing at him. “yeah, i swear it's him.” She narrows her eyes, before shifting her gaze back to you. “why—do you think the same?”
“i don't think, i know.” you stare at her earnestly. “i saw him. he attacked at my apartment. there was this other ghostface there, who tried to first, and then…” you weren’t going to mention that Ethan kissed you. it was irrelevant. “then he took off his mask.”
mindy is staring at you as your words spill out in a rush. “wait, you're saying ethan attacked you in your apartment, and then revealed himself?” she hisses.
“well, no, he didn’t attack me. he attacked the other ghostface—”
“wait, what?!”
you shush her, glancing around. ethan and chad weren’t there anymore and you were relieved.
mindy stares at you. “why would he attack the other ghostface?”
“i don’t know!” you exasperate.
mindy spins in surprise. “what the fuck?!”
you grab her arm. “but you believe me, right?”
“i believe ethan could be ghostface, but…attacking his fellow ghostie, and then what— revealing himself to you?” she sighs. “it's a little hard to make that make sense.”
“i know, i know. but i swear. that’s what happened.” you're growing desperate, especially as you see hesitance flash across mindy’s face.
“mindy, i wouldn’t make this up.”
she sighs. “but if ethan—as ghostface—went to your apartment not to hurt you, then why was he there?”
you pause. he couldn’t have just been there to…kiss you, right? that doesn’t make sense. you go to explain more about him attacking the other ghostface when you stay silent. ethan saved you from getting killed. would Mindy interpret that as you being on the same side. no. if you’d tell her that, then she’d know you weren’t one of them.
you meet mindy’s gaze, as her eyes have grown wary. you shake your head. “i don't know why ethan was at my apartment dressed as ghostface. all I know is that he is one of them.”
“i– look i want to believe you, y/n. i like you! but it's just—” she cuts herself off, breathing. “you could be lying because your…ghostface.”
your shoulders slump. this is what you were scared might happen. “mindy, i swear.” you go to grab her arm, but she steps back.
“ethan is still on the top of my list, but…let me just think.” rhen she leaves.
shit. this was supposed to go so much better.
“you should have given her the cupcakes.”
you jump, and whip around to see ethan standing with an almost smug expression. you gulp, stepping to the side. “get out of my way.”
ethan just chuckles. “didn’t work?”
your silence makes him grin. “she already thinks i’m Ghostface, but like you, has no real evidence.”
“i–” you cut yourself off, because he’s right. you have nothing on him. and it turns out your word isn’t enough. “just leave me alone.”
“so cold.” he comments. “we’re in the same lesson.”
your whole body is tense. “come on.” ethan turns, heading to the large building of blackmore.
you both make it to the hallway, bustling with students heading to their respective classes. you stay a decent way behind ethan. you will not be seen with him. that would only contradict everything you said to mindy.
then just as you're about to squeeze past the students to get inside the lecture hall, a hand tightens around your wrist, yanking you to the right. you gasp as you get dragged into a small broom cupboard.
“ethan, what the fuck?” you spin to face him. he stands his back to the now shut door of the cupboard, trapping you in.
“i was kinda hoping you wouldn’t go and be a tattle tale.” he steps closer and you immediately step back, your hand out in warning. “but your cupcakes were very good, so, i guess that’s a plus.”
“ethan. let me out.” you were growing worried, the hairs on the back of your neck spiked.
“and i know i said i’ll leave you alone and all. but, wouldn’t it seem strange if we ignore each other.”
“if you wanna act normal in front of them—fine.” you were scared, and ethan could tell. “but there's no reason for us to see each other alone.” you gesture around the closet.
“that kinda hurts, y/n.” ethan says. “i mean i’m not too much of a fan of PDA, but if you're into that, I’ll settle.”
ethan steps closer, and your grip finds a broom. “i like kissing you. and if you don't want to do it alone, then we can do it in front of our friends.”
you gulp, holding your pathetic excuse of a weapon out in front of you. “i’ll keep your secret, they don’t believe me anyway. so, please. there’s no need to kill me.”
“kill you? gave you listened to a word i've said?” wthan brushes his hand across the brustels of the broom. “i’d rather kiss you then, then kill you.” he steps closer. “and the broom’s cute.” he’s trying not to laugh.
“ethan, seriously.”
“i’m being dead serious, y/n.” he says, tapping down the broom as you shake his fingers off. then he backs away. “i’ll see you in class.” then he’s out of the closet, leaving you standing there, breathing hard and even more confused.
you’re standing, talking to tara, as you wait for the rest of the group to be done with classes. mindy and chad come out first. slowly followed by ethan. you stay close to chad, as he tells you about this dick in his lesson.
ethan notices your “subtle” move to be “safe”. chad couldn’t protect you. and not from getting hurt, ethan’s already been clear that that's the last thing he wants to happen. just from him in general. he likes you. he thought it was obvious, but he guesses you're still reeling from him being ghostface.
you all talk and walk, until you’ve reached the carpenter sister’s apartment. ethan then digs in his pocket to retrieve a ring he stole from you in the closet. tara, Sam, and quinn are heading to their apartment.
“uh, y/n?” ethan calls to you, making you glance behind your shoulder. “i have something of yours.” he holds up the ring, as you hesitantly step closer, your hand out. you think you must have dropped it on your walk.
but ethan strides over, passing your hand and grabbing your chin. before you can say a word ethan is pressing his lips to yours, you stumble slightly back, along the gravel. chad is watching, mouth hanging open. “holy shit,” you catch tara say, as ethan pulls back, with a grin.
you're staring at him agape, as you hear a few hollers from chad. if only he knew. ethan then whispers in your ear. “i’ll call you.”
you're staring at your phone in your apartment, scared for it to ring. and when it does, you hesitate grabbing it.
when you do, you take a reassessing breath. you had to end whatever this was. “hello, y/n.”
ethan’s using the ghostface modulator. prick. “ethan, you don’t have to use that. i know it's you.”
“and where’s the fun in that?” the deep voice breathes a chuckle.
“stop playing games, ethan. stop all of this. i’m not interested.”
“in me?” he inquired.
you hate the fact that you falter. you shouldn’t be fucking faltering! “yes.”
“you're a very unconvincing liar.” ghostface speaks mockingly.
“and you can’t take a hint.”
“tell me y/n,” ghostface speaks, as you pace your living room. “what's your favourite scary movie?” he jokes.
you scoff. “i said no more games ethan.”
“just one.” ghostface half begs. “i promise.”
“you gonna make me another deal?”
“i can.” ghostface shuffles on the other end. “if you play this game with me and win…i’ll reveal myself to our friends.”
you pause your pacing. “what?”
“doesn’t that sound fair?” ghostface probes.
you gulp. would he really? you wouldn’t look like a fool to mindy, and worse a betraying ghostface. you lick your lips. “what’s the game?”
“that’s my girl.” ghostface praises breathlessly. you stand a little straighter, ignoring the butterflies swarming your stomach.
“we’re going to play a simple simon says.” ghostface breathes through the phone.
“simon says?” you repeat.
“mhm.” ghostface hums.
you run your hand through your hair, gathering your thoughts, and a seeable decision. fuck it. all you had to win was simon says. easy. “deal.”
you can almost hear the grin forming on ghostface—ethan’s—face. “let’s get started, then.”
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© messylustt.tumblr please don’t steal, copy or translate my work onto other platforms.
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spider-stark · 2 years
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Pairing - Peter Parker x Reader
Summary - Thinking he has no chance with y/n as himself, Peter begins approaching them as Spider-Man.
friendly reminder - the best way to support writers on Tumblr is to reblog their work or comment <3:)
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Two months. 
That was how long it had been since Peter first indulged in his ridiculous idea of talking to you under the guise of Spider-Man. Of course he hadn’t meant for it to last this long, promising himself that it was just to help him build his confidence–maybe even learn a bit about what kind of things you liked–so that he could actually ask you out as himself. Unfortunately, though, things hadn’t gone quite as he had planned. 
Spider-Man offered him a type of courage that he just wasn’t able to muster as Peter Parker. Under the cover of his mask he was able to come across as easy-going and flirtatious, never failing to leave your cheeks a deep crimson from the playful banter. Yet, when he did manage to speak to you as plain ole’ Peter, all of that was suddenly lost on him, leaving him a complete and total bumbling mess. As far as he was concerned, Peter Parker had no chance to be what any girl wanted, especially you. But Spider-Man was a different story.
And so he continued to exploit Spider-Man, using the masked hero as a means to continue getting closer to you, pretending to be oblivious to the fact that he wouldn’t be able to hide behind his secret identity forever. To be fair, he would rationalize to himself, Spider-Man had taken a lot from him, it was only fair that he got something in return. 
Plus, the interactions had been mostly innocent. Or at least that’s what he kept telling himself, opting to ignore the many times that coy attitudes began to border on actual sexual attraction. He tried not to think about those times (though there had been many nights where he purposely let those interactions slip into his mind, reliving them from the privacy of his bedroom), instead just promising himself that he wouldn’t let his romantic escapades as Spidey go too far. 
“So,” your voice filled his ears, his heart skipping a few beats at the sound, “at what point should I start to wonder if you’re stalking me?” 
Peter chuckled at the question, his fingers gripping the railing of the balcony to your apartment, effortlessly hanging from it. “Do you feel like I’m stalking you?” 
“Hm,” you placed a finger against your chin, pretending to be deep in thought, evoking even more laughter from the boy. “Maybe a bit.” 
“Oh yeah? What did I do to give that impression?” 
“Well, to be fair, you’re currently dangling a couple hundred feet in the air off the side of my balcony.” You told him matter-of-factly, gesturing to where he was still hanging from the railing. 
His brows furrowed beneath his mask, an expression that was barely noticeable due to the fabric covering his face. “And that makes me a stalker? I thought you’d find it romantic, a sort of Romeo-and-Juliet moment.” 
“Romeo threw pebbles at her window, he didn’t scale an entire apartment building dressed in spandex.” You reminded him, “But, actually, it’s more so that I don’t remember ever giving you my address.” 
Peter froze for a moment, having not thought about the fact that your previous run-ins with Spider-Man had always been in public spaces–catching you after work or just happening to bump into you on the street while patrolling–never at your home. He only knew where you lived because you had told him, but as Peter Parker, not Spider-Man, when the two of you were assigned to a project together last week. He mentally face-palmed at his own ignorance. 
“Superheroes keep up with where all the pretty girls live. One of the lesser-known parts of the job.” He quipped, hoping that flattery would keep you from thinking too much into it. You only rolled your eyes at the comment, luckily not pressing any further. 
“So what did I do to deserve a surprise Spidey visit this time?” You hummed, leaning back against the cold brick of your apartment building.  
Peter hoisted himself over the edge of the balcony so that he was standing across from you, his arms finally beginning to ache from holding up his bodyweight for so long. “What, I’ve gotta have a reason to stop by and see my favorite civilian?” 
“Civilian?” You snorted. “And here I was thinking you and I were friends.” 
He dramatically placed his hands on either side of his face, feigning shock at your words, “Oh God no! You and me? Friends?” he let his hands fall to his waist, an exaggerated breath leaving his mouth, “No, not at all. I think that would be a conflict of interest.” 
You cocked a brow at him, “How so?” 
“I mean–I just think it would really interfere with our whole superhero slash damsel-in-distress routine, ya know?” 
“Damsel-in-distress?” You gasped incredulously at the claim, though the corners of your mouth were still quirked up in a smile. 
Peter nodded, “Uh, yeah. That’s literally our whole thing, isn’t it? You constantly running into trouble, me swinging in and saving your life.” 
“You haven’t had to save my life once Spider-Boy.” Peter scoffed at the name, acting like he was insulted. 
“Oh c’mon!” Peter dragged the word out, practically whining as he took a fraction of a step towards you, the movement enough to leave only a few inches between the both of you due to how small the balcony was. “You are literally always getting yourself into danger.” 
“Okay,” You crossed your arms over your chest, craning your neck so that you could actually look up at him, the masked vigilante having several inches on you, “give me an example then.” 
Peter rolled his eyes, a gesture only evident by the dramatic way his head moved along with them. He reached a gloved hand to your face, letting his fingertip gently brush against the semi-healed cut along your forehead. “You literally got this by tripping over your own shoes and banging your head against the counter at a coffee shop. Not to mention the fact that you spilled your entire coffee on yourself in the process.” He trailed away from the cut, moving to brush a stray hair behind your ear. He didn’t take his hand away, though, letting it rest against the side of your face. “You are always in danger because you are the danger.” 
Your eyes widened for a moment, so quick that he didn’t even notice the reaction. He was right, you had done that, an unfortunate consequence of being the clumsiest person alive. But, still, his words left you confused; remaining silent for just a moment as you turned them over in your head. When you finally opened your mouth to speak you were cut off by the sound of distant sirens, a groan immediately coming from him, knowing that your interaction would now be cut short. 
His thumb brushed against your cheek, acting as an unnecessary silent apology. 
“Sounds like somebody needs Spider-Man.” You told him as he let his hand fall from your skin, forcing himself to the railing. If he didn’t go now, he wouldn’t leave at all. “You better hurry, it could be one of those pretty girls you keep tabs on.” You shot a teasing grin in his direction, referencing his earlier comment. 
“Ugh, they just never give me a day off.” He joked, swinging his feet over the balcony railing before gripping onto it and allowing himself to once again hang from it. “Try not to trip into anything dangerous until I’m back.” 
He turned his head and reached one hand out, likely to shoot a web at the building across from yours, but hesitated when he heard you speak again, a sudden panic filling his body at your words, “Be safe, Parker.” 
The sirens continued blaring, growing closer with each second, but all he could hear was the sound of his own heart wildly thumping against his chest. “What?” He sounded completely dumbfounded, his head slowly turning back to look at you, only to find you standing with your own finger pointing to the cut he had traced on your forehead, a wide grin on your face. 
“Spider-Man wasn’t there the day that I fell.” You shot a knowing glance in his direction, one that had his cheeks heating up. He had never been more thankful to be wearing a mask, aware that his face was likely beet red. “I asked Peter to meet me there so I could borrow his biology notes.” 
Peter didn’t speak, too stunned by his own stupidity for slipping up and not thinking about how he was there that day as himself, not Spider-Man. This time you were the one to take a step forward and close the gap between you, having to lean down just a bit in order to be face-to-face as he dangled from the railing. 
“You’re a lot more confident in the suit.” You mused, your hands finding the base of his mask, lightly tugging the material up to reveal his face. Even though it was dark out you could still see that he was blushing. “But I prefer you without it.” 
His jaw fell slack, words getting caught in his throat as a million thoughts raced through his mind, though one thought in particular was a lot louder than the rest: I prefer you without it. 
“You should definitely go.” The sirens were now close enough that you could actually see the faint red-and-blue lights a few streets over. He looked in the direction of them but still didn’t make a single move to leave. You seemed to recognize his hesitation, tugging the mask back down over his face. “If you ever remember how to talk then you can come back when you’re done. But ditch the mask.” 
Peter nodded at your words, his eyes remaining glued to you as you straightened back up, turning your back to him to go back inside your apartment–leaving him to go off and be a hero. Once you were inside he couldn’t help but laugh, shaking his head as he forced himself to get into motion, swinging in the direction of the police lights. 
Turns out Peter Parker did have a chance.
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silentmoths · 4 months
A lick and a promise
Its been *squints* Seven months since i cooked.
god damn its been seven whole ass months CRIES
Boothill got me so fkn good i cant even BEGIN to explain why he's such a comfort character for me ok he just IS.
Boothill x Reader (fem but it's really only mentioned in regards to anatomy.)
Enemies to Lovers (kinda?), Smut, Hurt/comfort (kinda?), Oral sex, fingering, boothill is a gd kendoll (sorry boothill genatalia nation i just...wanted to write this like he was a ken doll LEAVE ME-)
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The first time you run into the Galaxy Ranger known as Boothill, you’re not sure what to make of him.
You were just an unsuspecting casualty, the pilot, nothing more. Flying ships for the IPC had to beat minimum wage, right? This was your first real gig with them, something a little more secure.
If you managed to make it off pier point without having a gun aimed at you that is.
A…cowboy. You’d heard about them, of course, but seeing one in this day and age was almost unheard of unless you travelled to planets far out in the west, ones untouched by the IPC and their ‘modernizations’.
Yet this cowboy also seemed to be touched by said modernizations, considering almost all of him was made of metal. Hell, all of him might be synthetic, nanotechnology was a terrifying thing, it could eat away the organic and replace it with the inorganic, mimicking skin and its blemishes, hair and all its different shades, like the curtain of black and white you see before you. 
“Han’s where I can fudgin’ see em.” He warns quietly, pistol pointed directly between your eyes. You do as he asks, why wouldn’t you? You weren’t being paid enough to put your life on the line for…whatever the hell you were carrying, you didn’t know, the IPC didn’t enforce ledger-checks- You tell the cowboy as much when he asks.
“Yeah that tracks.” he mutters with a roll of his visible eye. “Lookit’ you, still wet behind the darned ears.” 
“D-do I get a pardon i-if I told you it was my first day on the job?” you manage to squeak out, a terrible habit really, opening your mouth in times you should really stay silent…but the cowboy cracks a grin, a very sharp-toothed grin.
“Ah heck, really?” He chuckles, shaking his head as he spins his pistol in his hand and tucks it away into its holster. “Look I aint’ got no beef with ya. ya ‘ aint even wearin’ an IPC uniform-” “C-contract work.” You cut in with your explanation, only scolding yourself after the fact for, once again, interrupting the one with the gun. “The IPC really gettin that desperate, huh?” He snorts, his robotic fingers flexing as he himself goes to check the ledger, it was obvious he’d done this a few times…perhaps thats why the IPC had started hiring a third party, someone new for him to kill.
And yet he doesn’t kill you. 
He ties you up, sure, but he’s not an entire ass about it, he even apologises when he pulls the rope a little too tight and you squint.
“S’a formality.” He mumbles as he ties the knot tight “y’understand.”
“I guess…Just…thanks for not killing me I guess, Mr.Cowboy.” You shrug, perhaps you were still in a little bit of shock, perhaps you were coping with humour and ‘funny’ comments…perhaps, inside, you wanted to cry because of course of all the times to be held at gunpoint it was your first day working for the IPC.
“Name’s Boothill.” He corrects. Boothill, huh? You’d read about that…some eons old name for gunslinging cowboys who should have been dead. 
After you had been discovered, set free, and promptly fired, you decide to look up this ‘Boothill’ character; you find little other than his bounty…whoever he was, he kept himself pretty closed off…made sense for a galaxy ranger.
The second time you encounter Boothill, you’re working on a satellite array. It’s a shit job, it was freezing cold out here, and the welding masks given to you and your coworkers by your bosses were cheap, low quality, offering little protection from the welding torch and its bright, concentrated glare.
After your firing from pier point, no other freighting company was willing to take you on, and in a desperate attempt to get some damned food into your belly, you’d taken this job on some far out meteorite, repairing this shitty, run down satellite so the IPC could extend their reach further.
If the bosses had bothered to do a background check, they would have seen the unfortunate mark next to your name.
’Banned from all positions within IPC jurisdiction’ 
But considering the shit pay, shit hours, and shit accommodation? The old hand’s out here didn’t really care much for the ‘official’ rules; so long as you weren’t being actively hunted.
There was no sun out here, so every few hours there was a mandatory UV break, in which you all got to return to the little sleeping pods that were nothing but glorified transport containers with a wall sectioning off one third to make a bathroom; just to sit beneath a UV bulb. 
Whoever had lived in this one before you had stuck up a picture of a beach on the wall you had to stare at beneath the lamp, and faintly, you wonder if they ever made it there- or had they just keeled over dead from overwork? That seemed more likely, considering nothing had been cleaned out of your pod when you’d arrived. 
As you bask in your shitty, simulated sun, an explosion wracks the entire facility, sending you toppling to the floor as the world spins, cracks apart, opens like the gnashing teeth of some horrific space creature.
Was it a space creature? Had the meteorite collided with something it shouldn’t have? You didn’t want to find out, but you sure as fuck weren’t about to stay here and probably die once the oxygen field around the place sputtered out. The emergency guide tape’s you’d been forced to watch are nothing to help against the real thing, a real emergency. There are sirens blaring, the stark white light’s had all died, replaced by that infuriatingly anxiety inducing red as you struggle to put your space suit on. 
Just make it to a shuttle, they weren’t far, thats all you had to do.
It’s a mantra you tell yourself as the ceiling above you begins to crack and crumble, your time here was up. 
As you wrench open the door to your pod, you collide with someone. Considering you yourself looked like a glorified marshmallow in the emergency suit, you certainly weren't expecting the person you collided with to be as…hard as they were, solid like steel to the point you’re sent toppling back and unceremoniously onto your back, like a turtle.
A familiar pistol is pointed at your helmet.
No fucking way.
Boothill stands there, grin on his face and a gun in yours as he looks you up and down before howling with laughter. “Now what in the hay is that?” he wheezes as you struggle, only to stop when you push the visor of your helmet up, revealing a face he recalls. “No fudgin’ way-”
“You again!” You screech, flailing your limbs as you attempt to stand in this…ungainly suit. “What the fuck are you doing here now!?”
“I could ask you the same mother forkin’ question!” He barks back, yet despite it all, he withdraws the pistol and even shows some mercy, reaching down to pull you back onto your feet “the fork you doin here?” 
“Well, someone got me fired from my last job!” you snark at him “and now it looks like I'm out of another, what did you do!?” “Blew up tha’ satellite!” He chuckles as if he’d just won at an arcade game and not caused millions of credits in damages. You open your mouth to…you don’t even know- Shout? Scold a wanted criminal? Beg for mercy? When the world tilts again, the sound of rock cracking and metal creaking fills your senses; resulting in you simply screaming out of fear. 
This was it, this was where you died. On a rock, in the middle of space, blown to smithereens by a cowboy. Except, the cowboy reaches down, and for a moment you think he’s going to kill you, just to stop the screaming. Instead, he grabs your arm and yanks you upright without a word, tugging you along behind him like you weighed nothing in this stupid marshmallow safety suit. (perhaps, to a cyborg, you didn’t weigh anything.)
Boothill cares little for the smoke and the flames, and you are just a leaf in his wind, guided through it all with scary precision until there is suddenly nothing and you realise what he’d just done.
This fucking cowboy galaxy ranger had just leaped off of the edge of the meteorite, dragging you along with him. 
Correction; this is how you die, once you left the gravitational field, you’d just be stuck…floating in the void of space forever…no one would ever find your body-
Before your thought can finish, you crash into something hard, a ship, you realise, you had fallen into the open loading hatch of a ship, unlike boothill who landed on his feet, you’re simply a pile on the floor.
You hear the cowboy laugh as he turns to look at you, and you thank the fact that you’re face down from keeping your likely red, teary face from his scrutiny. 
“Y’alright down there?” He asks.
“Peachy.” you mutter back, your muscles ached, but the adrenaline was already beginning to wane, suddenly the suit felt…heavy, impossibly heavy as you listen to the sound of the ship’s hatch closing. “Why’d you save me?”
Boothill thinks on it for a moment. Why had he saved you? It wasn’t really his M.O, saving people, especially when they worked for the IPC…he supposes a part of him felt a little bad… you hadn’t been working for them directly last time…and because of his stunt, you’d lost that job and had resorted to working for them in this backwater shithole of an array. 
“Eh, Y’aint worth killin.” he responds after a moment “S’not like you’re the mother fudger I’m looking for anyways.” 
Something about the way he says it…stings. Not worth killing? 
Slowly you sit up, a terribly ungraceful affair in this stupid space suit as you pull the helmet off entirely and toss it to the floor, there was no point hiding the tears anymore. 
“Wh- hey now! What’s got in yer’ boot?” Boothill balks at your teary face “what’s tha’ matter?”
You hate how stupid you must look, crying, red in the face…embarrassing really. But after the scare you’d just had, you don’t have the forwithall to keep your composure anymore.
“Whats the matter?” you mutter, staring at the cold, metal floor of the ship “what’s the matter is that you have single handedly managed to lose me not one, but TWO JOBS!” 
You don’t mean to shout, really, you should be thanking him for saving your life. 
“I’m BANNED from working for the IPC!” you cry “I wasn’t even meant to be working here! But where else am I meant to go!? EVERY job is somehow overseen by some division of the IPC, I can’t work anywhere else! Now you say I’m not even worth killing!?”
Boothill stares, the gears turning as he simply takes the emotional vitriol thrown his way. It had been…a long time since he’d found himself faced with this kind of problem.
“Aw shirt…” he mutters, realising his words had only worsened the situation. He takes a knee, pulling his hat off as he watches, he sees the way you’re shaking, your fingers flexing; he might be ‘old fashioned’, but he could recognize a panic attack. “C’mere, let's get this great forkin marshmallow suit off ya.” 
You don’t even have the faculties to push him away as cold, robotic fingers begin tugging away at the velcro, the zippers and the straps. Breathing was getting harder, everything ached. Only once the galaxy ranger had pulled you free of the confines of that damned suit could you expand your chest properly. Too small, you realised, the suit you’d been given was way too small.
“Easy, easy, easy.” Boothill mutters as he sits you down “jus’ breathe.” 
Easy for him to say, did a cybernetic cowboy even need to breathe?
He could see the struggle, but what the hell was he meant to do about it? It wasn’t wrong..the IPC had their fingers in so many pies… finding a job untouched by them? That’s like finding a needle in a haystack. 
It wasn’t often Boothill felt…guilty. But somehow…you’d managed it.
“Aw c’mon, don’t gimme the waterworks.” he sighs “Look…ah’ll admit I forked up your job prospects, I’ll fudgin’ take that responsibility… will ya at least lemme see if I can help?”
“What can you do!?” You cry at him “If the IPC catches wind that I’ve somehow been caught up with you again-”
“Lemme take ya to a planet the IPC don’t care ‘bout.” He cuts in suddenly, an idea forming in his mind. “Been there plenty, they’re good folk, they’ll help ya.. Ya just…gotta trust me.” A planet untouched by the IPC? That seemed like a pipe dream…
“Impossible.” you mutter “any planet the IPC finds, it conquers.”
Boothill grins, that same toothy grin you remember from your first encounter with him. “I know, right? But this one? This one’s special.”
Eyama II was a small planet with little in the way of resources the IPC wanted or needed, a dwarf planet no less, nothing but a speck of dust floating through their air filters. It was a self-sufficient, homely type place…if he was being honest with himself, it’s where he would want to retire if he ever saw his goal through…living the simple life he used to know before the IPC had ripped it from him. 
He knows it’s not the most…elegant solution, but he knew some fine folk there, some fine folk who might just be willing to help the poor outcast he’d created. -
It’s a long trip. It had to be if it was out of the IPC’s gaze…but that did mean a long trip with Boothill.
In a tiny two person at most ship.
You didn’t really know what to expect, if he’d just tie you up and put you in the corner…but as it turns out…he’s somewhat hospitable… ok more than somewhat.
After you’d calmed enough to be reasoned with, he’d handed you a bottle of nondescript nature. Without much thinking, you’d taken a swig, eyes widening at the distinctly alcoholic taste. It wasn't anything strong like whiskey, but it was enough of a shock.
“Malt juice.” He clarifies as he takes a seat at the helm, setting the warp drive “figured it’d help calm ya nerves.” You blink down at the bottle before slowly taking another, more temperate sip.
It…wasn’t bad…actually it was pretty good. It burned your throat just enough to keep you in the present.
You both talk…small things, you ask him how he knew of this planet, and tells you about all the planets he’d visited that weren’t under the IPC’s thumb, how all of them were nice, simple places.
He tells you that he thinks you’d like Eymaya II, he thinks everyone would like Eymaya II. It had rolling hills and green valley’s. The people were mostly farmers, ranchers, common folk just going through the motions to get by, but not in the same nihilistic sort of way most did. Good, honest living, as he says.
Part of you wonders if there ever was a time this ranger worked a good honest life, if this whole…cowboy thing was a facade, or if it was real, remnants of a past he couldn’t return to. You’re not sure if it’s his conversation, the malt juice, or both, but you eventually begin to open up, about your home life, about your terrible habit of cutting into conversations when you were nervous, all of it. 
And when you begin to fall asleep? Your head nodding slowly where you sat, you feel a cold, metal hand rest on your shoulder.
“C’mon, you need ta’ rest.” He tells you, guiding you to the cot that looked seldom, if at all used.
For a wanted criminal who had put you out of two jobs and nearly killed you both times…he was surprisingly kind.
He wasn’t wrong about this planet. It was beautiful, the air was fresher than you could ever recall, living in the city.
Apparently, the look on your face says as much. Boothill chuckles, tilting his head softly as he watches you take it all in. “Told ya ye’d like it.” He hums, something in his mechanical chest whirring with..pride perhaps? Satisfaction? He wasn’t entirely sure, but seeing a face that, so far, all he’d seen from was fear and upset finally show…wonder…it felt good. He wanted to see it more, perhaps even a smile one day. 
He takes you to the inn, sets you up with Jodie, an elderly woman who had been around the block quite a few times, she didn’t put up with Boothill’s antics, more like…a curmudgeonly aunt at first as she barks at him for not calling in sooner, only for it all to melt away into an almost familial warmth as the cowboy explains himself, explains you.
“now child I know you did not lose this poor thing not one but TWO jobs!” She scolds, hands on her hips. 
There is a lick of satisfaction as you watch boothill shrink beneath the innkeeper’s rage. 
“Donchu’ worry hon, we’ll getcha set up here, somewhere this block for brains can’t accidentally getchu fired. Only thing that’ll do that around here is laziness…you aint lazy, are you?” she asks, turning to you and squinting her beady, aged eyes at you, making you stiffen up as well.
“N-no ma'am!” you bark instantly “I-I promise to work hard and earn my keep!”
This atleast, seems to settle her some, and before you know it, you have a hot meal and an ice cold drink in front of you, and you want to cry again.
You actually feel…somewhat sad when boothill has to leave…anxiety twisting in your gut… would you really be okay here? Would you survive? 
But he pats you on the shoulder and grins, and something about it is…comforting.
Something about it made you want to try.
It’s five years until you see Boothill again.
Jodie had grown too old to continue running the inn, and somehow, against all odds, it was you who had taken over. The entire place was yours, and you were happy. 
Not a day goes by where you don’t wonder how you ended up here, but then you recall, the enigmatic cyborg cowboy who had hijacked your ship, and then blown up a satellite array.
Somehow, your outlook on him had turned from disdain to…a strange sort of affection. The frigid anger had melted away, and what replaced it was a sense of…thankfullnes for what he’d done for you. Working here, away from the almost all-encompassing reach of the IPC had opened your eyes to just how…corporate everything felt, and how it so desperately wasn't you. 
It’s a late evening, you’re closing up for the night, the bar had emptied of all it’s usual late-staying regulars, and those who had rooms rented for the evening had already retired. 
You’re polishing a few glasses when the door swings open.
“Well now, there’s a face I ain’t seen in a forkin long time.” 
The voice is familiar, and has you turning, a small smile tugging at your lip. A mixture of feelings racing through your chest.
“Well well, come to let me collect your bounty, Sir?” you snicker, placing the glass you’d just polished beneath the malt juice tap to pour him a glass.
Boothill laughs, sauntering in with the swagger you remember as he drops into the stool closest to you. “How’ve you been, Boothill?” you ask him, setting the glass in front of him and waving away his credits. You owed him one drink, atleast, “what’ve you been up to?”
The galaxy ranger snorts, throwing some of his long hair over his shoulder “How long ya’ got there, sweetheart? S’gonna be a long story.”
“I own the place now, and we’re closed, so all the time in the world.” you hum, deciding to pour yourself a glass as well after locking the door. “Shoot, really? What happened to ol’ jodie?” He asks, voice tinged with legitimate concern as you drop into the barstool beside him.
“She’s fine, she’s fine..just old is all.” You assure him, finding a little comfort in the relief that washes over his features.
“Ah, fork don't scare a guy like that.” He sighs, running a hand through his hair “thought Jodie had up n’ left us.”
“Nah, she’s got a while on her yet.” you snort, taking a sip of your drink.
The conversations run long into the night, catching up, listening to the thing’s he’d done, places he’d seen…IPC operations he’d torn apart at the seams. He listens to you too, as you tell him about how things have been here, catching him up on anyone he asked about. It was like talking to an old friend. You weren't sure…what boothill was to you…a friend? An acquaintance? It was…complicated. 
More malt juice enters your systems, you ask if it actually has an affect on him.
“You know…being a cyborg and all..” you mumble, feeling a distinct warm dusting to your cheeks as the malt settles. 
Instead of responding with words, the galaxy ranger reaches out and takes your hand into his. He feels…
“You tell me, darlin.” He chuckles after a moment, watching you though half-lidded eyes. You barely even notice, more curious about how the alcohol affected him. Without even thinking, you run your fingers along his exposed arm; you weren’t going crazy, he was warm, almost humanly so. 
Your fingers continue to wander without much thought until they brush along his jawline; the sudden transition from steel to skin is what finally snaps you out of your own thoughts, pulling back with a squeak.
“O-Oh aeons I’m sorry!” you fluster at his face, his eyes are wide and his mouth slightly ajar. “I-I got carried away I’m-”
His hand reaches out again, clasping yours and pulling it back towards his face as he rests his cheek into your palm.
“Don't.” He murmurs, softly, softer than you’d heard him before. “Keep goin…please.”
A realisation settles across your mind.
“You…you can’t feel most touch…can you?” 
He doesn't look you in the eye, but he does sigh, only burying closer to your warm palm, worn after years of working hard…but still human.
“S’not that I can’t feel…I can…but..s’mtimes it’s so forkin dull I might as well not…but..my face is…”
“One of the few places you can feel.” You finish the sentence for him, feeling a pang of sympathy. You didn’t know how long Boothill had been like this, but you could wager long enough that he was more desperate for a kind touch than he probably even realised.
“Yeh…” he mutters, his lips turning down into a frown “sorry…ah know it’s probably-”
“Shut up.” you mutter, turning to face him fully, your other hand coming to rest on the other cheek as you watch this man, this gunslinging galaxy ranger, falter. His eyes widen before he shuts them entirely, leaning into it, starved of this type of affection.
“F’ya don’t stop this bullshirt m’gonna think you might have some feelin’s for me, darlin’..”
You didn’t know if thats what it was…but you didn’t want to stop either, a part of you wanting to sate you own selfish curiosity…another part wanting to do this for him.
“It must be a lonely existence, living like you do.” the murmur leaves your lips before you even notice you’d spoken out loud, thumbs stroking over his cheek bones. Boothill stares at you in silence for a long moment, his gaze calculating, probing. 
“I thought ya’ hated my forkin guts…” He mutters.
“Perhaps once, for a little bit, I did.” You admit “But then you brought me here, and I’ve never been happier..”
A beat passes, then another, and another. Boothill stares at you, the feel of your hands on his face something he wasn’t ready to give up just yet.
And then he leans forward, lips crash together and the taste of Malt juice and perhaps a little bit of oil is on your tongue.
You don’t pull back, if anything, you lean into it shamelessly. 
Robotic hands grip your waist as your own finally shift from his face to wrap around his shoulders. At some point his hat goes flying off elsewhere, but neither of you care; too strung tight, too wound up to care.
His teeth are as sharp as they look, but he’s careful with them as he nips at your bottom lip, swiping his tongue over the little beat of blood he manages to draw.
“Shirt-” He mutters against your lips, his eyes shut tight, you can hear his inner mechanics whirring, like a mechanical heart about to rabbit from his chest “fudge, if you don’t stop me now darlin I’m gonna keep taking-”
“Then take.” you mutter back at him, tangling your hands into his surprisingly silky hair and yanking. “Take what you want.”
“Oh trust me, I would but..” Boothill’s growl trails off, and for a moment he looks…embarrassed. You can’t for the life of you figure out why until he steps closer, your knee brushing between his legs- oh.
“Flat as a forkin’ brass tack.” he mumbles. 
You’re not sure why, it might just be the curse of your horrible humour, but your attempt at not giggling only sets you off into laughter that you attempt to muffle into his shoulder.
“Ey, watchu laughin at?” you expect boothill to be…mad at your outburst, but you can hear the amusement in his voice, feel the tremble of his own laughter “t’aint funny.”
“It kinda is.” you snicker out, pulling back to look him in the face. He looks a little sheepish, but thankfully, mostly just amused. “It’s okay…we’ll figure something out..”
His toothy grin settles back into a dangerous little smirk as the moment passes again, the kind of smirk that makes your belly twist a little. “Oh yeah, I got some other tricks up my sleeves.�� 
Without much more to say, you find yourself being lifted, thrown over the cowboy’s shoulder- as you open your mouth to say something, you’re interrupted with a harsh slap to your ass, resulting in nothing but a squeak.
“Where’s yer room?” He snickers as you glare at him. 
You consider not telling him, being a brat, but the charming smile he returns to you is… yeah it does something stupid that goes right to your crotch. 
“Upstairs…first door on the left.” you mutter, flustering at the way his grin widens. 
If you didn’t know better you’d almost describe Boothill as practically skipping up the stairs, the angle for you however was a little trepidatious, and you find yourself clinging to him for a little more stability, right up until he carefully tosses you down onto the plush of your bed, landing with a soft thud.
He’s back on you, and your hands are back on him without him needing to ask; you can see the relief it brings, the way his eyelids flutter and his brow pinches as your fingers glide across his cheek, down his chest and along his arms, still warm, you note…
His lips return too, his own hands untucking your shirt just to get under it, metal fingers gliding over the smooth of your belly, up the your sides as he groans into your mouth. You wonder how much he can actually feel, if it was still dull, or if the alcohol had heightened his mechanical touch sensors somehow. You didn’t care, he looked happy, legitimately happy, like a dog being scratched behind the ears as you indulge him. 
His lips move from yours and he begins to nip and taste elsewhere, his nose brushing against your own as he leans in, nuzzling at your cheek, nipping at your jaw, revelling in the little sounds of pleasure he pulls out of you, especially when his wandering hands wrap behind your back and find the clasp of your bra, it comes undone with a surprisingly expert tug and you moan softly at it. 
(Who could blame you? You’d been wearing the damn thing all day.) 
You wished there was something you could do for him, something to pleasure him like he was doing for you, but you forced yourself to be content with touching him, running your hands through his hair, scratching at his scalp and tugging at the soft strands; running your thumbs over his cheeks, tracing the shells of his ears.
Boothill however, seemed just as hellbent on touching you, but he had far more room to move, to explore, to play. 
Metal thumbs find your nipples, embarrassingly hard and sensitive after being trapped in the confines of your bra all day, and you moan as he rolls them both, back and forth in a slow, methodical rhythm that leaves your breath light, and your stomach twisting in knots. 
Pointed teeth find your throat, nibbling and worshipping every inch of skin they could catch. You’d have to wear a scarf tomorrow if he kept that up, lest the regulars at the bar notice the strange bruising… but you don’t stop him; you were all in on…whatever this was now. 
A metal hand pulls away long enough to pop the buttons on your shirt, leaving the plane of your torso open and exposed to his gaze, nothing short of hungry as he stares down at you. 
“Fudge…” he mutters, his voice husky “That’s a nice view…” 
“Tease.” you huff.
“Tease? Oh ah’ll show you tease.” He snickers, his mouth returning to your skin, working lower, biting at the junction of neck and shoulder, nibbling along your collarbone before the cowboy shifts further, his tongue darting out to lap at one nipple whilst a hand works the other.
You gasp and moan, a hand quickly coming to muffle your cries, cheeks alight with embarrassment at the sudden outburst. Boothill only chuckles, his eyes trained to your face as he lays, settling between your legs as he rests atop you to continue his work, but at least he doesnt pull your hand away, too engrossed on what he could feel opposed to what he could see and hear. 
He switches breasts while his free hand trails down, over the soft plane of your belly and to your belt, unbuckling it with ease and sending the strap of leather flying across the room before those fingers return, popping the button of your work jeans and dragging the fly down. You groan softly in appreciation at the relief it brings, only to feel those metal fingers working the waistband down.
Just what was he planning? you wonder internally as he gives your nipple one last, harsh suck before releasing it, making you keen beneath your hand. 
“Feelin good, darlin?” he whispers. He sure sounded like he was feeling good as he nuzzles against your skin, nipping at your stomach and trailing lower, hands gripping at your jeans, pulling them and your underwear away in one swoop, leaving you open, exposed, and embarrassingly wet. “Y’sure look it..” he adds with a low whistle “aint that a sight.”
“B-boothill-” You mumble, an attempt at closing your legs out of embarrassment only sandwiching his head betwixt your thighs. He grins at you; it’s such an endearingly handsome thing, it makes you feel like this wasn’t a first time thing between you both, like he knew you, like he was comfortable with you, which only added to the heat in your belly.
“Aw don’t go gettin all fudgin’ coy on me now.” he snickers “After all those drinks’ ya’ gave me downstairs, I’m still kinda thirsty.” 
His metal hands part your measly human thighs with shameful ease as he leans in close; you squeal when you feel his hot tongue lave down your inner thigh, warm breath so achingly close to your cunt it was maddening.
But it seemed Boothill was just as desperate as you were, his mouth attaching to your cunt after only a moment, taking in your squeal as his teeth gently roll your clit, the added danger only serving to make you wetter. 
“F-fuck! Boothill-!” you moan out, forsaking keeping yourself silent as your own hands scramble across the sheets, searching for something, anything to ground yourself as his tongue laps at your folds with fever; they eventually find and settle in his hair before giving it a tug.
Boothill groans, the sting is only arbitrary, but he loves it, he loves being able to feel something. The warm plush of your thighs around his ears, the heat of your cunt as he sucks on your clit, only made sweeter by your cries. He’d missed this, he’d missed this a lot..
“Y’aint seen nothin’ yet, darlin.” He growls low and loving against your thigh in the brief moment of reprieve he gives you. You stare down at him with hooded eyes,your knees already trembling from his vicious onslaught; he nips the soft, sensitive flesh of your thigh with a cheeky smirk, holding up a pair of fingers, watching your face as he slowly drags them through your wet folds, collecting your slick; you gulp. “Like a’ said, I got a few fun lil’ tricks up my sleeves.” His mouth returns, lapping and pulling you right back into the overwhelming, wonderful pleasure as a slick metal finger circles your entrance, slow, methodical, torturous. You nearly sob with relief when he finally presses the digit inside, the metal actually making it easier. He hums his approval at how easily his finger is sucked in, pumping it slowly in and out, in and out; taking things at his pace- perfect.
After a little while, you feel that finger beginning to probe, to prod and search for your G-spot, and before long he finds it, signalled by a loud gasp and a sharp tug at his hair, only pulling his mouth closer, his tongue working away at your clit like he wasn’t driving you absolutely mad with pleasure.
Once he’d found the spot, he retreats, slowly adding the second finger and beginning the cycle again, stretching you, filling you stupidly well; it was an absolute tragedy that he didn’t have a dick…at this point you were so stupidly horny, you would have climbed on top of him just for a chance to ride him.
(somewhere in the back of your mind, the saying ‘save a horse, ride a cowboy’ reverberates) 
As you’re right at the height, right at the edge, he suddenly stops, his fingers cease their movements and he pulls his head away, resting his chin on your naval as he stares up at you with such a stupidly loving look that it makes your heart twist; his chin was absolutely drenched in your slick, but he looked so very content.
But you weren’t.
“B-boothillllll-” you whimper, tugging at his hair again, why had he stopped!? Now of all times? You could feel his metal fingers pressed against your G-spot, but unmoving, they did little to pleasure you. You clench around them, but that too, yields little results.
“Sorry sweetheart, just wanted to see your face when I did it.” He chuckles, his smile twitching up in the corner.
“D-do whAT-” your question cuts off abruptly when the fingers inside you suddenly burst to life with vibrations, the strength of which you’d never experienced before. Your body coils and you nearly scream as he rams those fingers into your G-spot, stars exploding behind your eyes whilst pleasure cuts through your belly like glass. 
“That.” He hums, satisfied as he returns that sinful mouth of his to your clit, adding another layer of pleasure. His fingers were harsh and rough, crooking into your G-spot one second, and then splaying out the next, dragging rough and harsh against your walls; his tongue however was soft, gentle, slowly and carefully rolling circles around your poor little nub. You were going to go crazy, he was going to drive you insane and you were absolutely letting him. Your body reacts on its own, thighs squeezing hard around his head, spine arched upward; your hips prevented from bucking thanks to one of his arms, wrapped solidly around your thigh and holding you down to the sheets, forcing you to lay there and take it.
You knew the walls here were decently soundproof, but even you began to question if they could muffle out your cries, made worse when Boothill suddenly sits up, pulling you up along with him, practically folding you in half as he continues to feast on your pussy like he hadn’t eaten in centuries, his vibrating fingers plunging somehow deeper.
At first you struggle for air with the new position, your knees almost at your chest, but then he switches the angle of his fingers and aeons-, you didn’t think it could get worse than this. But the pleasure this new angle brings, it’s new, its terrifying and you don’t quite know how to articulate that to the galaxy ranger causing it all. Your hands scramble clawing and tugging at any part of him you could get ahold of, his name falling from your lips along with incoherent babble, desperation and worry all balling into one feeling you couldn’t describe as he continues to piston those fingers into you, hitting your G-spot with such accuracy, the flame in your gut turning from a high heat to a near-volcanic overload as you jerk and struggle.
The final straw is when you crack open an eye, catching sight of him, staring back at you with such…love, such unbridled affection.
You scream his name as you cum, harder than you’ve ever cum in your life. Your faintly feel yourself make an absolute mess of his face, arms, your back and the sheets below you as your world turns white.
A soft, damp cloth carefully rubbing over your skin slowly pulls you back into reality, rousing you from the soft and gauzy subspace of post-orgasmic bliss. You try to shift, to sit up…to…something- but a hand carefully manoeuvres you to lay back down on a thankfully, dry patch of sheets.
“Easy, darlin’” Boothill’s familiar southern drawl hushes you down “Nearly done.”
You crack an eye to find him carefully cleaning you off with said damp towel. Methodical but careful. You’re trembling from the exertion, but boothill looks absolutely fine, the bastard. 
In fact, he looks better than fine. A smile plastered on his stupid face as he works away, wiping sweat and other…fluids, off of you. 
When he was done with that, he wraps you in a clean sheet and lifts you, sitting you down on the trunk at the end of your bed, just so he could change the set you’d obliterated with your unexpectedly rough orgasm. You sit there, watching him, half asleep and pleasantly dozy before he pulls you back into bed, pulling you into his side. A glass of water is pressed against your lips as he encourages a few sips into you. 
You spend the night sleeping with him curled around you; the quiet whirr of his mechanical body providing a pleasing, soft white noise while hands stroke through your hair.
“Do you have to go so soon?” You ask as he reaches for his hat.
He’d been here a week, and it had been…for lack of a better word; wonderful. 
But all good things had to come to an end you supposed. The look on his face was enough to tell you what you didn’t want to hear.
“I gotta. I ain’t done yet.” He tells you quietly, despite this, he holds out a hand, a silent request for you to walk with him…the inn and the bar would be fine for a little while.
“I’d ask ya t’come with me, but that’d be the biggest forkin mistake I could ever make.” the cowboy admits. He wanted you to, he’d never felt so content as he had in this week, but bringing you meant putting you in danger…aeons know he’d done that enough already.
“Will you…at least come and visit me?” 
Boothill snorts as they meander their way towards his ship “O’course I will.”
“How often?”
“S’often as I forkin can.” 
You both stop beside the ship, it had a few more dings and dents than you remember, but it was still in surprisingly good condition.
“Well…” you mumble “at least you know you’ll always have a room at the inn while I still run it.”
“Y’mean yer’ room?” He snickers. “I forkin hope you intend on running the place as long as possible, I pulled in a good favor from jodie to get ya yer’ start ‘ere.”
You smile at him. Boothill thanks every aeon in existence that his cybernetic eyes had a camera function, so he could save that face and look back on it when he was drifting through the universe.
Slowly, he pulls his hat from his head, holding it to his chest as he leans down to press his lips to yours, one last time for the road.
“I’ll be back as soon and as often as I forkin can…y’hear?” He murmurs, you nod; fighting away the sting behind your eyes as you step back.
“I hear…and…Boothill?” you ask as he turns around to step onto his ship, looking at you over his shoulder. 
“Thank you.”
Taglist: @stygianoir @meimeimeirin @ainescribe @dustofthedailylife @rjssierjrie @crystalflygeo @angel-of-requiem @asoulsreverie @zomzomb1e @moraxsthrone @mysnowmanandmebaby @inlustris-is-slowly-dying @pvbbyb0y Want to be added to the list? shoot me an ask~
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joedirtymadre · 24 days
Baked Goods
INOSUKE X READER! FLUFF! (Send requests!)
You were walking towards the butterfly mansion, to drop off your weekly shipment. You knocked on the front entrance, but there was no answer. “I guess Aoi and everyone is way too busy to be answering the door, so I’ll just leave this here,” you said to yourself as you began to place your basket of baked goods on the doorstep.
“I SMELL IT! THEY’RE HERE!” You heard someone yell. You heard loud footsteps approaching the front door. You quickly snatched up the basket and stood back. “Inosuke stop!” You heard Aoi’s voice. You were suddenly met with a boar faced man busting through the entrance. “I knew it! I’ve been waiting all week!” The boar-man laughed and lunged for the basket. You immediately jumped out of the way, avoiding the attack. 
“I said stop…!” You heard, you turned your head towards the voice and saw Aoi and the other girls trying to catch their breaths. “Oh… hello (Y/N), here to drop off some baked goods for the injured?” Aoi panted. “Y-Yeah,” you stuttered as you walked towards her. “Thank you, and sorry about him… seems he’s taken quite a liking to your treats,” she sighed as she looked around you to the boar-man still on the floor. “I s-see… well happy I could make them happy,” you smiled. 
You jumped as you watched the boar-man hop to his feet and turned to face you. “Y-You ok? Sorry I should have been more considerate seeing that you’re injured,” you apologized as you walked over. You noticed his gaze wasn’t to your eyes, but to your basket. “Oh! Would you like so-” you were cut off by him rushing over and chowing down on some goods. “Hey! That’s supposed to be for everyone!” Aoi scolded him. “It’s fine, I can always make more. I’m just happy to see someone get so excited over my treats,” you laughed as you kept the basket steady for your new friend.
You flinched as you noticed he stopped eating and turned his attention to you. You tried to take a peek under the mask, but could only see his mouth. “You made these?” He asked. “Mh-hmm,” you smiled. “Ahh…” he said, you noticed his shoulders soften as he stared. “I can bring you more tomorrow if you’d like,” you said. “Really?” He asked. “Yeah, but at least share the rest of these. I’ll make 2 batches so you can have one all to yourself tomorrow,” you smiled. You noticed his figure freezing up. “You don’t have to (Y/N), just one batch is enough. I’d hate for you to make another trip back here tomorrow,” Aoi said. “It’s fine! Plus, I wanna make sure Inosuke gets to eat as many treats as he wants tomorrow,” you laughed. Your eyes widened as you watched Inosuke jump behind Aoi. “W-What’s wrong?” Aoi asked. “She has magic! She’s making me feel warm inside!” He growled as he continued to hide behind Aoi.
“What…?” Aoi sighed. “Just take the basket and go back inside already! And you better share the rest of them with the others!” She huffed. You laughed as you watched Inosuke walk cautiously back inside the mansion, checking behind his shoulder the entire time. You turned your attention back to Aoi. “Sorry about him, but at least he’s up and running again…” she sighed. “No problem, but I’ll definitely be back tomorrow. Now, I’ll be on my way,” you waved as you began exiting the butterfly estate.
The Next Day
You happily skipped towards the entrance of the butterfly mansion. You stopped in your tracks as you noticed something hiding behind one of the entrance’s pillars. You watched as something popped out its head and immediately hid it. “Hello!” you called out. “I brought some goods!” You smiled. You watched as your boar friend slowly stepped out from behind the pillar. You both stared at each other for a few seconds. You decided to tease him a bit. “Are you not hungry?” You asked, immediately noticing him perk up at your question. “Oh no… then I guess I’ll have to give this whole basket to the oth-” you were cut off by him rushing over to you. 
“So you are hungry?” you smiled. He nodded enthusiastically. “Well here you go, I made sure to put a few extra pieces in yours. Make sure you don’t tell anyone,” you whispered. “Ahh…” he happily grabbed the bag. “Come on, let’s eat on the steps,” you said as you grabbed his wrist and led him over. 
You both sat down and watched as he slightly lifted his mask and began munching on the treats you brought him. “Are they good?” You asked. “They’re sweeth anf thasfy! I waf fo mad I haf to thare the resth of them wif Monifi and Gonpafiro…” he said with his mouth full. “Be careful, here I also brought some strawberry milk if you’d like,” you said as you handed him the small glass bottle. “Ahh…” he stared as he slowly grabbed the milk. 
“Isn’t it hard to eat like that? With your mask on, I mean,” you said, pointing to the boar mask. “A bit,” he said before tossing it off. You blinked multiple times as you stared at his face. “So pretty,” you blurted out. “Huh?” He asked angrily in between bites. “So hungry! I said… so hungry…” you said as you avoided his gaze. “Oh,” he replied. What a pretty face on someone so burly… “D-Do you think you can come by t-tomorrow?” He asked as he turned his head away from you. “I wish I could… but I have my shop I have to take care of,” you smiled softly. “Shop?” He asked as he turned to face you. “Mh-hmm, it’s not good if I take too many days off. Once a week is good enough,” you explained. 
“Oh…” he sulked. “Don’t worry though, I’ll be back next week. I’ll keep bringing you goods each week,” you smiled. “Really?” He said excitedly. “Yep, and don’t worry! I’ll make sure to bring you a basket just for you,” you said. “Ahh…” he said as he stared into your eyes. “And if one week you’re not here… then you’ll just have to stop by my shop,” you smiled. “W-Well if you’re offering then I’d have to go! I guess I’ll take Gonpachiro and Monichi too!” He huffed. “Good,” you nodded.
“But you’ll be here next week for sure?” he asked. “Yep!” you smiled. “So you better be here waiting for me, or else I’ll have to give your basket away,” you teased. “What?! No!” He yelled angrily. “Then make sure you’re here on time,” you laughed. “I will!” He nodded. “Good. Well I have to go now Inosuke, I had fun!” you smiled. “You’re leaving already?” He asked. “Yeah, but don’t worry I’ll be back,” you said. “And make sure you give these to your friends,” you said as you handed him the other basket. “Ok…” he said.
“See you next week,” you smiled. “Ok… but  want you to know… only you can use that spell on me…” he grumbled. “Spell?” you asked as you stood up. “The one that makes me feel warm inside… make sure you’re not doing that to everyone…” he said while avoiding your eyes. “Alright then,” you giggled as you continued to head towards the exit. Already excited for next week.
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finn-m-corvex · 3 months
Small snippet I wrote involving DR Jaya angst! Not canon compliant whatsoever, this is just indulgent for me personally. Needed to get back into the writing spirit even though life has sucked pretty bad recently. Hope you guys like reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it <3 <3
Words: 1.7k
TWs: none other than Jaya angst if that's not your thing!
The water splashed around his ankles as he slammed his feet into the stones, but Jay never slowed down, powering through despite the rain pouring onto his shoulders in buckets. He didn’t think that the Cloud Kingdom would’ve been able to experience any storms due to the altitude, but they were in the clouds, so he guessed it made some sort of backwards sense. Did anything ever really make sense after the Merge?
His pants were soaked. The jacket that he had stolen from that weird green guy was soaked too, but it said it was water resistant, and that was all he needed. He needed to get to her.
Pushing the sopping bangs out of his eyes, Jay kept running, with only the vague directions of the very startled monk keeping him going. All of the pristine white buildings looked the same, their round roofs all blending together in what would’ve been a shimmering sea of gold if the weather was permitting, and Jay would’ve stopped to admire the beauty if he wasn’t on a mission. Quite possibly the most important mission that he had ever been on in his life, or at least the parts of it that he could remember. The rest of his memories always felt like they were floating just out of reach, like he could grasp them if he tried hard enough to remember, but they never moved any closer. It always felt like he was running in place whenever he thought about it for too long, never able to move forward, but going back wasn’t an option either. Not anymore.
Did he really need to remember anything?
Finally, the Cloud Kingdom Library came into view, and Jay banished any thoughts that weren’t about her from his mind. His face was still throbbing from where the one who always wore red had punched him hard enough to bruise, and while the only thing that Jay had been concerned with at the time was the black and blue that would cover his cheekbone, he should’ve been concerned over the tears streaming down the other man’s face, contorted in a mask of fury that could’ve burned the entire Administration building down to the ground with a single glare.
“I don’t know who the fuck you are anymore, but you’re not my brother. You never were my brother. And if this is who he was always going to turn out to be, I-I never would’ve let Nya anywhere near you.”
It burned. It burned and hurt and made his chest scream with pain more than anything he had ever heard in his life. More than that time he was passed over for the promotion that would’ve freed him. More than the Administration doctor saying that he would never get his memories back. The statement almost seemed to grab the box where Jay shoved all of the things he didn’t want to see: the grief, the anger, the misery and the loneliness and the agony and the disappointment-
And shattered it. So it was just as broken as him.
Kai. That was his name. His name was Kai. His brother’s name was Kai.
Jay very nearly slipped right down the stairs when a sharp sting reverberated through his skull, the water still fresh on his shoes, and the ankle that had always given him trouble when he had to take the office stairs twinged in pain. Would one of them be able to explain that to him if he asked? Explain why he had the ‘x’ scarred into his chest, or the whip marks from the small of his back to the top of his shoulder? The light scratch overtop of his eye that always made his head hurt if he looked at it for too long? Would they even want to do that for him anymore?
She had told him when they first met that she held the answers, answers that he didn’t want at the time. All he wanted was to go back to isolating in his office, drowning himself in his work and games and anything else to make him feel alive. 
But how could he have ever truly been alive if he wasn’t him?
“Nya!” Jay exclaimed when he reached the bottom, catching himself on the towering stone wall before he could faceplant. Wooden bookshelves, dizzingly tall, surrounded him like an army ready to march, and Jay never thought that he could be so intimidated by stationary supplies bound in leather when he was ensconced in both for as long as he could remember, but nevertheless there was something daunting about them. There was no telling what information was being held in here, maybe even the entire history of the universe. She could be anywhere in here, hiding behind one of these shelves and he wouldn’t even know it until she saw him and then what would he say and what would he do and oh First Master he wasn’t ready-
And then he looked again. She wasn’t behind a bookshelf, waiting to ambush him, but sitting at one of the desks on the far side of the room, hidden almost perfectly by a stack of books that was almost as tall as her.
Walking quickly but quietly with a poise that Jay only recently learned the origins of, he made his way to her, only a little prepared to spill his guts and beg for forgiveness, on his knees if he had to.
Until he heard soft snores coming from the beautiful woman, hisYang, and Jay was taken aback by how ethereal she looked bathed in the light of the candles surrounding her. Her gi was rumpled and dirty, and Jay could tell that she must’ve been laying here and sleeping for a while, perhaps reading in the library for even longer. The small beauty mark on her cheek was almost glowing, and Jay had to swallow back the sudden urge to run his thumb across it. The urge seemed to almost trigger a phantom longing from deep inside of him, to hold her and comfort her and love her, and Jay could tell that he was losing the battle against it.
Being more gentle than Jay could remember, he brushed her cheek, and his heart squeezed when Nya leaned into his touch with a soft sound. The water was streaming off of him in droves, forming puddles through all of the crevices in the floor, and yet the only thing Jay cared about was watching as the love of his past life relaxed as his thumb stroked her cheek. She—she still trusted him this much? Even after everything?
And yet, the thing that devastated him the most was seeing all of the titles on the books’ spines, the tops of the scrolls, everything that she was researching…all of it was about memories, and ways to cure even the most obscure illnesses, even some books about ancient myths that he knew she was hoping would work. Hoping for anything to work.
Jay’s chest tightened, and he pulled away as if his hand were on fire. 
No. No, he didn’t deserve to comfort her, not anymore. There was nothing that he could do, that he would allow himself to do for her anymore. Because she was here, and doing all of this work, and he had the audacity to try and find her just so that he could wallow in his own self-misery and keep throwing himself pity party after pity party?
“I’m..I’m so sorry,” Jay stammered, wiping at his eyes as the tears trailed down his cheeks, falling and mixing with the water still dripping from his hair, and Jay was suddenly very aware that he was making a mess. A bigger mess than usual, at least. He desperately tried to wring out his clothes, being as quiet as he could so that he wouldn’t wake Nya. And yet, he still paused and watched anxiously as her eyebrows would furrow and she would move slightly, breathing a sigh of relief when she finally turned her head over.
A sob threatened to burst out of his chest. “I should’ve been here,” Jay said quietly, “I should’ve been there for you. I should’ve..why did I stay there for so long? Why? Why do I…why do I always fuck it up, Nya? How do you still love me, after everything?”
Why did I choose to stay in hell, when I could’ve been in heaven with you?
Nya was shivering, some of the wind from the open stairwell blowing past them. Jay wished that he had brought a blanket, even if it would’ve been more like a fancy drenched towel at this point, then he remembered his suit jacket. It should be fairly dry from being protected by the green one’s jacket that he snatched, and it was better than nothing.
Jay started shedding the overcoat, letting it fall to the floor with a wet plop, and he did a double check of his suit jacket to make sure that he wasn’t about to infect Nya with a cold by leaving it with her. He very well might end up with a cold of his own after the sprint through the Cloud Kingdom. To his relief, it was relatively dry, and Jay was quick to tuck it around the water ninja’s shoulders…
…before finally giving into the urge to press a kiss to her head, as gentle as he could manage. Jay made sure that the jacket wouldn’t fall off of her before turning and walking back to the stairs, the green ninja’s stolen jacket over his shoulders, and watching as Nya’s shoulders rose and fell with steady breaths. He silently apologized to the monks that would have to clean up the mess, but he had work to do now. Jay Walker had a mission, and he was going to give it more attention than anything he had ever worked on for the Administration.
“I’m going to make this right,” he whispered. “Nya, I promise, I’m going to make this right. I’m going to make this okay. It’ll be okay.”
Didn’t the pink one mention something about a Djinn that granted wishes? Maybe Jay needed to pay him a visit.
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lucywrites02 · 1 year
The game of cat and spider Chapter 1
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Main masterlist ♡ Miguel O'hara masterlist ♡ The game of cat and spider Masterlist ♡ AO3
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 |
A/n: And here I am with my first Miguel fanfic! I can't say how many chapters this story will have because I am still in the middle of planning out this fic. I hope you enjoy it! I am looking forward to reading your feedback :3 I will try my best and update every week
Pairing: Miguel o'hara x black cat! Reader
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: mention on a wound and blood. There are probably some mistakes since I didn't proofread ups..
Series Summary: You are a criminal and he's a hero. You don't know each other's names, never seen the person behind the mask. You aren't enemies- you are supposed to be but that didn't work out quite well. You liked each other a bit too much, but your relationship was strictly…. Professional? What happens if you meet as normal people, with no masks and responsibilities in your way? What did the universe plan for you? And most importantly…. Will it last?
"Here, kitty kitty." The spider-man called, chasing the town's most famous thief- the black cat. You were proud of this title- most wanted criminal in Nueva York. You worked hard to earn that and no person was gonna take that away from you. Especially not a grown us man playing dress-up at night.
It stopped raining hours ago, but the streets were still wet and slippery which meant you had to be really careful. It would be incredibly embarrassing to land on your ass and get your suit wet in front of the town's favourite superhero. Even though it was still summer, the nights got really cold sometimes. Like now. Your suit wasn't made for this kind of weather and if you weren't running you would surely be shivering. The raindrops on windows and the ground reflected the street lights, creating a cozy atmosphere. It was one of the most silent parts of the city- there weren't many cars driving at this hour and people who lived there were already asleep. A typical upper class corner. It was unusual for a metropole like Nueva York to be this quiet, that's why you liked 'working' in this neighbourhood. It was quiet. Almost relaxing. You would probably appreciate your surroundings more if it wasn't for the man in a latex bodysuit running after you.
His costume was soaked after you pushed him into the pool in someone's garden as you were fighting him off of you. The droplets made him shine a little when the light hit him at the right angle.
At first Miguel treated you like any other criminal- you were an obstacle that had to be removed- but you escaped him every damn time. O'hara was beyond furious the first few times it happened. And your flirty comments and constant teasing didn't help at all. That's why he was surprised when he noticed that he started doing that, too at some point. Chasing you became more of a hobby than responsibility and even though Miguel would never say that out loud, he kinda enjoyed it. It's been almost a year since the two of you started that little game of cat and spider and it would be a lie if Miguel said you were an enemy. You were more of a…. Miguel wasn't entirely sure what your relationship was, but you definitely didn't hate each other and even though it's Spider-man's job to capture you, he didn't actually want to do it. But you didn't have to know about that.
"Just give me the necklace back and we can call it a day." The man sighed, pretending to be irritated as you kept running away. The black cat made spider-man's job fun, but the man would never admit it. The 'fights' with you- if Miguel could even call them fights- were different. You were no villain that wanted to take over the town. Neither were you ever going to kill him just because he's spider-man. That's why Miguel actually kinda enjoyed those 'fights'. You were just a thief- a very skillful one, but still. The black cat had a sense of humour that no other person had and Miguel yearned for those interactions. It probably wasn't very hero-like to enjoy talking with a criminal, but O'hara wasn't an ordinary hero. He didn't like doing things by the 'superhero handbook'.
"Ask nicely and maybe I will" you chuckled, climbing over a wired fence. You were distracted by the man and didn't observe your surroundings well. That's why you hissed in pain as one of the wires that was standing out cut the skin on your tight, tearing your suit as well. You had to keep running, but the pain in your leg was slowing you down.
You gasped as you felt strong arms holding your shoulders from behind. Your back collided with Spider-man's broad chest. It made your head spin. Or was it because of the pain?
"Give it back, pretty please." The masked man whispered into your ear. "You will hurt yourself more if you keep running" his deep voice made shivers run down your spine.
"Pff, do you think I'm stupid?" You chuckled, turning your head to the left to get a better look at the masked man. "I worked two weeks to get this, you're not taking it away from me." You heard the spider-man sigh heavily. Your heartbeat quickened its pace and you begged it to stop. Having him touch you so firm, but yet so gentle made your knees buckle and you had enough.
For a moment your eyes met- at least that's what you thought since you couldn't really see his eyes- and you almost melted against his chest. That's when you decided it was too much and that your heart was crossing a line- how dared it make you feel weak and vulnerable?! You kicked the man's leg, taking him by surprise and fled. You heard some Spanish curses thrown your way and giggled. You run, ignoring the stinging sensation and manage to actually lose the hero. Enough adventures for one night.
You patted yourself on the shoulder for a job well done and headed back home. You arrived at an alley behind your apartment complex- that's where you hid a backpack with a simple hoodie and sweatpants. It would be weird if you entered the building as the black cat. You liked risks, but you would never compromise your private life. It was important to keep your secret identity a secret- that was the whole point of the word 'secret'. The neighbours wouldn't be happy to know you're a criminal- they already complained that your cat runs around the apartment complex unsupervised as if that was their biggest concern.
And it wasn't like you were really a criminal! Well, technically you were- stealing is a crime- but it's not like you were doing that for selfish reasons! You almost never keep the money from your heists to yourself. In the eye of the public you are an honourable person- an angel that supports charities, animal shelters and orphanages. They never ask where the money came from- they are simply happy they are getting some support. You still did some petry crime sometimes. Like that one time when some business guy was being rude to a waitress so you stole his wallet. Or that one time where you broke into the house of your best friend's ex boyfriend and stole his watch collection because he cheated on her. The point was that you only stole from bad people. And as everyone knows stealing from the rich is not a crime.
That spider-man guy didn't know about it, of course. You never told him why you are stealing and he didn't really have to know. It was fun to be chased by him- at the very beginning of your journey as the black cat you would always get an adrenaline kick from your robberies. But after a while it wasn't as thrilling anymore… you have gotten too good at cracking safes open and hacking security systems. It became so monotonous and simply not exciting. And then the spider-man came. The masked man made your 'side job' fun again. You got to steal from the rich, give to the poor and get chased by a charismatic hero in a tight latex costume. You never knew when he would appear, meaning you always had to be on your toes. But when he finally showed up, oh boy was it fun. You were worried at first, thinking he was capable enough to capture you, but thankfully you were wrong. The masked man was capable, of course, but not enough to get you. He was definitely a challenge and that's why you were determined to never get caught by him. You were sure that at some point he started enjoying those interactions, too.
You swore under your breath, looking for the keys to your apartment's door in the pockets of your hello kitty themed backpack. The blood coming from your tight soaked into the grey sweatpants you wore over your suit and if one of your nosy neighbours saw you like that you would never hear the end of it. And if they saw the shiny necklace in your bag they would bombard you with questions and gossip about it later. Finally after what felt like eternity you found the keys and with a relieved smile you opened the door. You could still feel his touch on your body…
You were greeted by the loud meowing of your beloved cat, Migsy.
"Yeah, I missed you too, baby" You chuckled, gently patting her head. "I will give you all my love when I patch myself up." You sighed heavily and headed to the bathroom. Your apartment wasn't really big- you had a bathroom, kitchen, living room and a bedroom with a little balcony attached to it. It was enough for you. Determined to make this house a home you spent hours painting the murals on your walls and decorating them with your art and photos. People loved spending time in your apartment- it was so green and fresh because of all the plants scattered across the floor. You always took good care of them and even gave them names. It might have been childish, but it made you happy and that was the only thing that mattered.
You would love nothing but to collapse on your green bubble couch and watch some shitty TV, but you had to take care of yourself first. There was no one else who could do that for you.
The rest of your night was filled with frustrated sobs as you stitched yourself up and the sound of music playing in the background that you put on to calm your nerves. The music didn't help though and you were still a nervous mess. Your head was filled with many thoughts about the man behind the spider-man mask. This little game the two of you played was getting dangerous. You realised it one night after you dreamed about kissing him- you told yourself it was nothing more than a silly crush to make yourself feel better. The man was very attractive after all. At least his body was because you have never seen his face. And that was another one of your problems- you yearned to know who he was behind the mast. Were his eyes brown or green? Did he have dimples when he smiled? Would his lips feel good against yours?
"Meow!" Migsy's cry snapped you out of your daydream.
"Oh, yeah, sorry baby," you apologised, quickly bandaging your wound. "I'm all yours now." You gave your furry roommate a gentle smile and picked her up. "It's time for us to sleep, don't you think?" You talked to the cat and she looked at you with her pretty yellow eyes.
You laid down on your bed, hugging the animal closer you your chest and her soft purring made you relax into the cold pillow.
You fell asleep, hoping that the Spider-man won't visit you in your dreams this time.
♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ chapter 2 ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Tag list: @serpentstarr @bucketluvr @nxrdamp
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iamthecomet · 5 months
hi, do you still take requests? I would love to see some broken limbs related comfort (does that count as a sick fic?). like mountain helping rain walk cus he lost his crutch or cirrus helping cumulus wash her hair since it's hard to do with a cast on her arm. (implying there's a reason they can't insta heal)
I do still take requests! It just sometimes takes me a really long time to get to them. But this one got my brain whirling. I haven't written much (any?) of it in the Ghost fandom but I am a big fan of whump (the injury version of a sick fic). So thank you for giving me an opportunity to inflict some pain (and comfort) on our favorites. Almost 1.2k of Aeon & Swiss hurt/comfort under the cut (no broken bones, because this is what came to me instead).
Aeon loves quintessence. He loves the electric shock of it. The tingling warmth. The way he can ease pain, and loosen muscles with a little press of his fingers. How he chases away Dew's headaches, and Cumulus' lower back pain. How he can loosen up Rain's hips, and Mountain's shoulders with barely a flex of his muscles. The only thing he hates about it, is the limitations. The fact that he can't do it to himself. Can't turn his power around and soothe his own aches. Most of the time, it isn't a problem. He's flexible, loose, spry. His vessel isn't prone to tense muscles or joint pain--maybe a product of his quintessence nature. He doesn't know. What he does know, is he's in agony. Something happened during Square Hammer. He got a little to overzealous with his movements and slipped on errant confetti. Hand coming up to grip the closest thing to him--the edge of Mountain's drum platform. His grip kept him upright, but wrenched on his shoulder as he regained his balence. Forcing an uncomfortable pop in his shoulder that he felt radiate through his entire body. A sickening thud, followed closely by immediate alarm bells in his head. That's not right. Something is wrong. It didn't hurt--not right away. Too caught up in the sudden wrongness of it. Adrenaline, already pumping through him from the show, dumping into his blood at an alarming rate. He thought he was fine. The pain started just before the end of the song. A dull ache radiating across his shoulder. Slowly gaining heat and intensity. Now, he's standing next to Swiss, about to bow, feeling like if he doesn't get off of this stage right now he's going to collapse in front of twenty thousand people. His stomach twists. The pain is bright and not now. Molten. Deep in his shoulder. Moving it, even just a little, raises a strange sense of dread through his body. Like something at the base of his brainstem knows he shouldn't do that. That catastrophe will happen if he does. Fight or flight directed toward his own body--his own pain. He wishes he could run from it. That he could just take off--run fast enough to leave this pain on the stage. Spread out and abandoned. Instead it's all he can do to bow without bursting into tears. When Swiss claps his hand over Aeon's shoulder, he winces. Pain drags up his neck, into his skull. Swiss notices, of course he does. Gaze lingering on Aeon for a second too long. Aeon flushes under his mask--embarassed even though he doesn't know why. He can't see Swiss' eyes but he can picture the way they're narrowing behind those dark lenses. Aeon looks away first, he shrugs it off. He makes it off stage, into the dressing room, and halfway out of his uniform before the trouble really starts. Everything is fine until he goes to pull his compression shirt off. The vest went fine, and the button up shirt beneath. He'd shrugged them off, letting them fall to the floor in a heap. But now--this--fuck. He should have just worn the sleeves tonight. He curses himself, looks at the compression sleeves sitting neglected in his trunk. He thought about it--but after a few shows of constantly having to adjust them back up on his arms he'd opted for the full shirt to save him some aggravation. He swears, under his breath. Glamor rapidly failing him as he feels fangs prick against his lip, and the bite of claws into his palms. He tries to get it under control, grasping at straws for any hint of control, of magic, of relief. "You ok, Bug?" Swiss is gentle this time when he touches Aeon. Avoiding the shoulder all together and opting for a heavy warm palm on his waist. Aeon feels panic crawl up his throat, hot and insistent. Filling him with the need to go. To run. To scream. Instead, he whines. Pain breaking out through his clenched teeth. Swiss stiffens, the usually casual air of his evaporating, replaced with worry. "Aeon." "I did something--my shoulder," Aeon's cheeks get hot, eyes watering. "It's not getting better. And I can't get my fucking shirt off."
"Let me help." Swiss is gentle when he slips his fingers beneath the compression fabric. Aeon allows himself to be undressed--not much else he can do. He can barely lift his arm, but Swiss manages, gentling the fabric of hot swollen flesh and dropping it onto the ground with everything else. "Hurts," Aeon says as Swiss looks at his shoulder--investigating without being asked. Aeon wishes Aether were here, he'd at least talk to him while he did this. He'd make Aeon feel better. Swiss just looks, shifts Aeon's arm this way and that like he knows what he's looking for. "I'm sure it does," Swiss mumbles. Then Aeon feels it--a tiny spark. Quintessence. Just a little. Tenative. Like Swiss isn't used to using it like this. "I'm not Aether, obviously. But I think it's a sprain. You'll be alright." Aeon feels those words somewhere at his core. Solid. True. Maybe it's Swiss' quintessence. The power of suggestion. But he believes him. Even as the pain rages, barely touched by what little quintessence Swiss has given him. He wants to beg for more, he almost does--but Swiss is still talking. "....get you dressed and back to the hotel. I'll take care of you." "You?" Aeon looks up at him. Swiss laughs, lopsided grin finally slotting back into place. "Yeah, me. Why you hoping for someone else to play nurse?" "No! No, I just mean--you're not--I figured you had better things to do. Weren't you and Dew going to go to that bar or something? I'll be ok--" "I know you'll be ok. But I want to help. So let me." Aeon wants to protest. He knows he's a part of this pack as much as anyone else--has never been lead to believe he isn't. But he's still new, still worries that he's one misstep away from being rejected. But Swiss has never given him a reason to think that, and he looks so earnest when he asks. Wearing his glamor. Looking so startlingly human with warm brown eyes and that crooked smile that always makes Aeon's stomach flip. Swiss grabs Aeon's t-shirt and holds it out to him--ready to help, and Aeon sags in resignation. He can do it alone--he can take care of himself and battle through this pain without any help. But why would he want to. "Will you even wash my hair for me?" Aeon asks, half a joke, grinning just for the opportunity to see Swiss grin back. "Maybe," Swiss laughs, helping Aeon into his t-shirt. "But, I might just dose you with enough quintessence to knock you out so I can go party with Dew." "You won't," Aeon says, sure. Feeling lighter despite the pain radiating down his arm and into his fingers. Swiss pulls him close, guides him out of the dressing room with a steady hand on the small of his back. "No," he concedes. "I won't."
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chaoswarfare · 1 year
Over This Whole ‘School’ Thing
Dick leans on the railing of the school building's roof as he watches the building the deal’s about to go down in. It’s an abnormally quiet night, which is great, since it’s the first night he’s getting to take Danny out on patrol with him since he joined the bat clan.
It was pretty obvious that Danny had suspected them of being the bat clan the moment Masters dropped him on their porch, and finally getting confirmation that he was in the know and actually wanted to help was probably the best thing of Dick’s year.
Now, waiting on the Joker’s goons to show up for a deal, he’s glad he’s getting the chance to hang out with his newest brother(excepting Oracle on the comms, of course.). It was almost relaxing just sitting together on a quiet stakeout, and listening to the noises of Gotham and the occasional siren wailing in the distance.
“You know, I never actually liked school.”
Dick jumps when Danny finally starts a conversation. He’s been very quiet the entire time and it was almost startling how quickly he moved from dead silence to noise. It was almost a surprise that he decided to start a conversation at all, given how quiet he’d been since coming to the manor. Alfred is probably the only one he talks with regularly, now that he thinks about it.
“How so?” Dick asks hesitantly. God knows that he had a pretty rough time in school too, so he may not be the best person to talk with about the subject. “I thought Masters said your schooling was just fine? Your records didn’t say anything either.” Dick trails off a bit when Danny flinches at the mention of Masters. It’s not the first time he’s acted hesitant about the man, but nobody has been able to figure out the mystery or get any information about him yet.
“I wasn’t exactly popular, you know? Lotta bullies in small town schools, and my life outside school kinda kept bleeding over into class time. Sucked hardcore.”
That was new. Danny hasn’t really talked about his school experience before now, but it could be where they are at the moment prompting this, Dick thinks as he gazes out over the run-down neighborhood they’re watching.
“I wasn’t exactly ‘mister popular’ back then, myself.” He starts warily, smothering his words in fake cheer. “High society kids don’t take well to ‘circus freaks’ stealing their opportunities and invading their school. Couldn’t do much about it either because I didn’t want to tell Bruce I was struggling.” Dick drops a bit of the over-the-top peppy mask as he thinks about it.
“So what did you do about it?” Danny leans over, peering at the older vigilante as he waits for an answer.
“Got tired of it and beat them up after a couple months. They gossiped about it for months and refused to talk to me for a while. It was pretty sweet, actually.” He sighs in contentment at the memory. “Bruce and Alfred were pretty disappointed in me though. Practically grounded me for weeks.”
Dick preened as Danny let out a chuckle.
“Man, I wished my parents cared that much about my education. ‘A Fenton always gets A’s. Or in your Dad’s case B-‘s.’ was something Mom always said.” Danny seems to droop as he thinks of his parents. It’s obvious something happened there, but he’d usually shut down immediately if anyone brought them up.
“On top of the ‘out of school’ activities taking over my life, this dickhead named Dash made it his personal mission to ruin my day every time we interacted.” Dick busts out laughing as Danny considers what he said, before freezing and slapping his hands over his face. “Ancients, I didn't even think of that- sorry Dick. He was definitely an asshat though. Real piece of work, that one!” Danny chirped mock-cheerfully. “Did you know that if you’re really flexible you can fit in a half size locker?”
Dick freezes at the sudden question. “Uh… No?” He replies warily. The idea of someone being inside a locker that small physically pained him, and he really didn’t want to think about why Danny would know that.
Why anyone would shove his little brother into a locker.
He pushed the fear and guilt boiling in his gut down and turned to Danny with a smile. “How would you feel about online classes?”
Danny whips his head around to stare at Dick like he grew a second head. “Online?” He asks tentatively, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck.
“Online.” Dick agrees quietly.
Danny stares out over the dreary scenery and the sun just starting to shine light over the edge of the horizon. ‘The only time you can see it through the smog’ Dick muses as Danny thinks about his offer.
“I think I would like online school. It might help.” Danny admits in a quiet voice, hands gripping the railing almost painfully tight(For a second Dick thought he saw the metal give a big, but that must have been a trick of the light. Danny’s blood tests didn’t have the meta gene.). “And thank you… For offering to do that for me I mean.” Danny mumbles.
“Of course! What are older siblings for!” Dick beams at him, only faltering a little at the well concealed hurt in Danny’s face. It was pretty obvious that he was just about to shut down the conversation completely, when the batcom went off. Perfect timing.
Dick waves the com in Danny’s direction. “Looks like our clown friend got picked up across town on his way here.” Danny glances up in confusion as Dick hops off the railing he had been sitting on. “You want to race back?”
Danny visibly perked up as he hopped over the railing and pulled his grapple out of his belt pocket. He smirked Devilishly and took off before Dick could even hop over the railing.
“Get back here! I never said start!” Dick yelled out after Danny as they sped across the rooftop and swung between buildings chasing each other back to the cave.
Back home.
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dovabunny · 10 months
GhostSoap Concept - I (don't) need control
We all love a dom!Ghost. But consider...
Ghost has always had to remain perfectly in control of his rage and anger and fear all his life. Since he was a boy he was expected to be perfect, the image of restraint and bravery.
Later in his life when it got harder, he could at least hide behind the mask - but even then he had to maintain the myth of 'The Ghost'.
Never let them see him sweat, or cry, or rage, or snap, or slip up, or lose control for even a second.
The first time it happens was accidental. Ghost was always very quiet and withdrawn after draining missions. Everyone knew to steer clear of him, but ESPECIALLY after missions.
(Not knowing that he was actually just entirely overstimulated, overwhelmed, and drained)
Soap had tripped on his shoes as he got onto the heli and laughed it off, asking Ghost if he couldn't help with all his gear.
Then Ghost stunned everyone by wordlessly getting up from his seat, taking all Soap's gear to stow it, and made a seat for him next to his own.
Ghost seemed unaware of the glances, and Soap's intense stare. When they got off Soap tested an idea and asked Ghost to help him up. He wordlessly obeyed. Then very carefully (bravely) *ordered* Ghost to go to medical before the debrief, and Ghost did the same.
A hypothesis formed in his head. He kept it to himself till the next mission and tested it again, making sure to not let anyone else notice.
His hypothesis was correct. Ghost was so sensory, emotionally, and mentally burned that he took to instruction. Needed it.
Then Soap starts climbing over his high walls, despite all the growling and threats and cold shoulders. The Scott persists until he meets *Simon*.
And Johnny learned what Simon needs. Simon needs to give up the suffocating chokehold Ghost keeps.
It took Ghost an embarrassingly long time to realize what Soap was doing, finding such absolute sweet comfort in letting someone he trusts steer him when he didn't have the capacity. He kept quiet for longer, wishing the Scott would take his time more, would even praise him ...
It took more bravery than he ever used in battle to go to Soap one night when he felt crushed by the world.
His Johnny took one look at the huge, hunched figure and it's desperate eyes and knew what Simon, not Ghost, needed.
"Come in and take off your shoes." It started. Then..
Did you eat? Good. Stay here. I ran you a bath, get in for me. Hold your head back, hand me the shampoo. Hold still. Go to the closet and take out the blue swears, now put them on. Good. Do want to go? No? Want to be a good boy for me? On the bed, take a nap for me, I'll wake you. Good boy.
By giving over full control Simon felt like he could rest, could recharge a raw part of his soul that had been running on empty for years. Soap was always gentle, praised him, helped him unwind, feel safe, and rest.
But he could see Soap wanted more too... And so did he.
Soap had taken his time washing Ghost, praising his obedience. When he went to get him dressed, however, Ghost disobeyed him for the first time, and instead got on his knees with hooded eyes.
He knew Johnny could read him like a book.
And a shuddering breath confirmed it.
Do you know what you're asking? Do you want me to use you? If you want to stop tap my leg, okay? Show me - do it. Good boy. Always so good for me.
Let me make you feel good, baby. I'll take care of you, give you what you need. Now, open that pretty mouth~
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dirtybitfic · 8 months
matt sturniolo fanfiction
contains ~ mask kink, party, drinking, smoking,running (you'll see what I mean), choking , slapping, (Nick names like ma baby slut and sir)SMUTTTTT
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y/n pov~
I was getting ready to go to this party in a graveyard tonight.
you may be thinking why the actual fuck is someone throwing a party in a graveyard. Buuuuut that's a very normal in the small town I live in . Everybody's parents are either always home or they'll snitch if someone has a party without their parents knowing so we have all our partys in the graveyard.
the grave yard is on the west side of town which is the more rugged part most of the super hot bad boys with tattoos like on that side of town. my side of town is the more "proper" side . My parents expect me to get a's and b's always have a clean room and never do anything that will look bad and bring shame to their name.
I HATE MY FUCKING PARENTS like im just a girl who wants to go out have fun and make bad decisions from time to time so when hallows eve rolls around I get EXTRA fucking excited for the weekend.
This year im dressing chuckys bride Tiffani. I think the movies are a good laugh and I just love the makeup for it so it was an easy choice.
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This is the entire outfit .
I had already put my dress on and decided to do some fake blood to spice up the look for some reason I feel really hot covered in blood.
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I based my makeup on this look but just kept my normal eyebrows and drew them in black and shaped them a little thinner. I decided it was time to get my wig on.
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My best friend Lena just got here so I went down to let her in and damn she looks so hot .
alright I'll wait in the living room.
okay ill just be a second
I went and threw on my stocking and boots and grabbed my pen and put it in my pocket in my jacket along with my phone.
Okay lets get going
we started walking and surprisingly the boots are easy and confortahbe to walk in so far . the walk is about 20 minutes.
we would drive but lena totaled her car last moth and since my parents are always gone on business trips they told me they didn't feel like buying me a car said it waisted their money. sooo yeah I don't have a car due to my parents greed. lovely right .
girl I can't wait to see the westside guys tonight.
same bitch same I need to see some men who actually have a personality and are hot all the guys on our side of town are boring
no for real they are bland and can't fuck for shit
I just know half these west side boys are crazy in bed
I bet they are dominant too
oooh bitch and if I see a man in a mask im jumping on his plain and simple
realest shit I've heard in weeks and trust girl if I see a man covered in tattoos with lights eyes and light hair he's mine plain and simple
you know I've always wanted to be fucked in a grave yard and chase through one and oh my god imagine a man dragging you into the crypts fuck that would be the best night of my life
fuckkk bitch that actually sounds like the actual hottest thing ever.
damn girl you really need some dick tonight cause wow that was a lot
buuuuut I agree
hahah yeahhh that's if I can find a man worth my time you know im picky
yeah I know but hey I have a feeling this hallows eve is gonna be a good one
I fucking hope so
we start to get closer to the graveyard and start to hear faint music as we got closer
we got to the gates and saw a shit tone of people in the further back of the yard drinking and dancing the music was a lot louder now as we walked through the gates and over around the people who were dancing.
I pulled out my pen and took a couple hits handing it to lena to take a couple hits.
hey y/n I hear behind me I turn around to see its a guy from my chemistry class I don't remember his name and honestly I don't care to try .
umm hi
you look really hot I almost didn't recognize you
oh yeah what gave it away
your ass I could spot it from a mile away
oh how nice well if you'll excuse me i'm gonna go get a drink
oh um yeah okay we'll see you in class monday
mmhm yeah bye
I hate men like what the fuck you could have said my eyes or my hands or anything else but my fucking ass but noooo
I was walking over to the coolers the I spotted a tall man holding a ghost face mask in his hand talking to some other super hot guys .
they looked a bit older maybe early 20s but fuck me the one holding the mask is so hot i'm drooling . I bent over to grab a drink and he turned around looking at something deeper in the woods I followed his direction and saw a crypt slowly peep out of the shadows.
it looked so ominous and creepy which excited me but I looked back at him to find him starting at me .
I took a deep breathe as we made deep eye contact he started smirking at me and then made his way over to me I just stood here maintaining eye contact as a small smile crept onto my face.
I know I said I was picky but fuck the man is everything I want and more he's tall, blue eyes dark hair , a sexy ass smirk, and is covered in tattoos. He has a lure to him and im determined to find out what it is .
as he stands infant of me I have to look up to meet his gaze .
god his face looks like it was carved from the gods his jaw is so sharp and his cheekbones are so sculpted along with his very dead boy eye that drive me up a wall.
what's your name beautiful
I almost folded right then and there his voice is deep and demanding it send sock waves straight to my pussy.
it nice to meet you y/n
its nice to meet you too uuuh
Matt its nice to meet you
so you in high school y/n
yep im a senior
nice nice so your like what 18
im a actually 19 I uh failed first grade
hmmm interesting
why is that interesting
it thought girls like you never failed anything so poised and perfect all the time
yeah well I guess it'll come as a shock to you im far from perfect and poised
oh really he says with a smirk
yep sure is
okay then what's the craziest thing you've done
I broke into my ex boyfriends house and smashed his car to pieces when I found out he was cheating on me
damn fiesty, I like that
yeah he messed with the wrong fucking bitch. most people think im little miss perfect when im actually just a psychotic mess
a very sexy psychotic mess
oh really
yeah princess this might come a shock but I don't normally talk to girls at these parties but there's something about you I just couldn't resist
as long as you don't say it was my ass well be good
why would I say it was your ass
ah some loser form one of my classes said the only reason he could tell I was me tonight was my ass because he could pick it out of a crowd pretty much
well that's objectifying
right like ew I mean yeah I know my ass is nice I mean I guess but why did he think that would make me like him
cause hes a little fucking high school boy
oh yeah so im guessing your not in high school anymore
nope graduated 2 years ago im 20
god I can't wait to be out of that hell whole and leave this town
yeah I get that small towns are meant for everyone
yeah its definitely not the place I wanna be living fir the rest of my life
same ... hey you wanna go for a walk go check out the crypts
id love too
he grabs my hand as we start walking further in the the grave yard I look back and see lena talking to one of his friends who I know is her type so she won't be missing me and I sure won't be missing her with Matt right next to me.
so you ever gonna it mask on matt
why do you want me too
maybe maybe not
I will later youll see
well that was kinda creepy wait your not taking me out her to murder me are you
no id never kill someone so beautiful it would be such a waste
I just looked up at him smiling at this point we already passed the first crypt he had been eyeing earlier and were so far form he party the music is no longer in ear shot.
the only sound is the leaves crunching under our feet and the cicadas its slightly creepy but it also has me becoming a bit turned on .
I sigh as I see flashes of Matt chasing me in his mask and dragging me into a crypt and fucking my brains out
what is that pretty little mind of yours thinking right now princess
what oh uhhh nothing nothing
that sigh didn't sound like nothing
okay fine I was just thinking about a fantasy ive always had about this grave yard and the crypts
okay explain he says as we come to a stop and he sits down on one of the raised graves. I go to sit next to him but he pulls me onto his lap.my breathe hitches as the sudden contact of my ass on his lap but I just stare off ahead of us at the willow trees surrounding the wooded areas.
I feel his breathe on my neck
tell me this fantasy ma
the nick name has me becoming wet its so hot
well its starts off with me being chased through the graves and the woods to the biggest crypt and the guy chasing me catches me and drags me down the stairs of the crypt and throws me to the floor fucking me as he calls me his dirty little slut amongst other things.
wow very detailed how long have you had this fantasy
since I was 16
hmm have you ever told anyone else about this before
yeah one of my ex boyfriends . I told him before we were coming to a party here seeing if he would make it a reality and he stopped the car told me to get out and walk and said I was mentally ill and disgusting and broke up with me.
what a pussy I mean a guy like me would have jumped at the chance for a girl to even have a fantasy remotely like that.
what do you mean a guy like you
a dominant man who isn't scared of a little fun and games
mmmm I moan as I shift on his lap
are you a submissive type of girl y/n
ye-yeah I guess
you like when a man takes control tells you how much of a slut you are as he makes you shake and cry underneath him hmm
oh fuck im so turned on right now I dotnt even know how to react
ohh yeah I bet you do . you like when a guy smacks you ass so hard it leaves a mark or when a guy slaps you across the face so hard you head snaps to the opposite side.
mmm yeah I-i d-do
someones a little turned on . aren't you ma
mmm was all I could get out a small moan answering his question
he slaps my thigh hard causing me to gasp.
answer me when I ask you a fucking question
ye-yes im sorry
im sorry what
im sorry sir
mmm good girl now stand up
what w-why
because I fucking told you too now stand up
I stood up and turned sound to face him I kept my head down as he stood tall and slim infant of me . I saw his hand holding the mask move up and I followed his movements he held the mask next to face smirking.
you got a mask kink ma?
wh-what I -
don't even think about lying to me right now
I sighed looking down yes I whispered
what was that im sorry I couldn't hear you
I said yes
drop the attitude
yes sir
good girl he says as he slips the mask on making my stomach flutter and a gush of arousal soak my underwear
now im gonna give you a head start
wh- a head start for w-what
your fantasy ma you better start running
b-but im in heels what if I--
I turn and start sprinting the best I can in these fucking boots. I can't believe this is actually happening right now the hottest guy i've ever seen is making my fantasy a reality. He had no hesitation and I know for damn sure he is gonna fulfill my needs just the way he carries himself tells me he knows how to make a girl feel good .
I start to run out of momentum I turn to see him coming in hot behind me as he runs into me grabbing me from behind causing me to scream from the impact.
caught ya
mm seems like it what a shame im breathing hard from running so far
he throws me over his shoulder causing me to let a small laugh out
get all your laughs out now ma cause i'll have you doing nothing but screaming in a second .
all I did was moan at the thought. He gave my ass a hard slap causing me to moan into his back
he came to a stop and set me down I turned to see why he stopped and was met with a large stone entry way with a door at the end.
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yeah creepy right
yeah but also beautiful
come on ma time to get you screaming my name
oh fuck I said as he grabbed my arm and started dragging me towards the door
he kicked the door open easily and started ascending the stairs I stumbled into his back causing him to yank me infant of him as he held me by the hair .
mm ow matt
keep fucking walking your fine
its so da-dark
what you scared of the dark or something
k-kinda y-yeah
aww cute
I heard the flick of a lighter and then there was light shining down the stairs I guess there was a torch on the wall because he lit it and handed it me so I could carry it and see as we kept walking down the stairs. Once we reaches the bottom I looked around taking in our surroundings.
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there were more torches on the walls so I went and lit them with the one I was holding then put it out so I could set it down.
I turned to look at Matt he had taken the mask off and threw it aside I could finally see his beautiful face again causing me to smile .
nothing just like looking at you
oh really and why is that?
I don't know your just so... beautiful ... dark and mysterious but you feel so --- safe and warm you know
wow ... ive never been described like that before
oh really? how are you usually described
dark, mean , cold, asshole , crazy
I don't think that at all
im glad you don't I like your description much more
yeah me too he walked towards me and stood right infant of me
he put his hand around my neck chocking me slightly making me look up at him.
( listen to My own summer and beware by deaftones and for the next part)
he leans down so are lips are almost touching .
Im gonna ruin you
do it
He attaches our lips the kiss is deep and needy.
His other hand moves to my ass giving it a squeeze making me moan into the kiss.
He moves his hand from my neck down to my jacket taking it off. then moving my dress straps down my arms pulling the top to bunch at my waist as he breaks the kiss and moves down to neck sucking and biting leaving marks in his way.
mmmm matt i moan as he moves to my tits liking and sucking my nipples.I tug at his shirt wanting him to take it off and he does .
Get on your knees now
I get down to my knees and look up at him waiting for his next move he started undoing his belt and I just watch as his large veiny hands move to his button and zipper of his jeans pulling them down.
He's left in his boxers and I can see his large dick print being confined by the thin fabric .
well are you gonna just sit there or do I need to tell you what to do
I move to remove his boxers as his dick pops out . I start salivating just looking at it he's pretty big and thick too .
I take him in my hand and pump a couple times before giving the head small kisses and licks I go down to the base and lick up them take him in my mouth
mmm fuck that's a good girl
I moan around his tip from his small praise and continue to suck hard but at a slow pace trying my best not to gag.
He takes my hair in his hands and starts thrusting into my mouth causing me to gag and tears to well up in my eyes.
Good girl sucking me in so good
I moan again causing him to throw his head back and thrust harder after a second he pulls out of my mouth as I start couching .
He kneels down in front of me putting his hand on my chest and pushes me back til im laying on my back on the rough ground.
Im gonna make you cum so hard your legs are shaking around my head ma
oh fuck matt please
He takes off my dress and panties so I’m fully exposed to him.
he moves down so his head is between my legs . I jump when he starts sucking on my clit and god the things he's doing with his mouth are enough to send me over the edge in under a minute.
feel good ma
yes fuck uhhh so good
mmmm he hums as he sucks on my clit sending me into a shaking orgasm.
mmmm FUCK MATT im cumming
mmmm good girl look at you shaking from just my mouth
I thought he was done but he keeps licking and sucking then he adds two fingers into me causing my legs to shake uncontrollably.
awww yes you can ma give me one more I know you can
mmmmm fuck... fuck matt im so close
mmm he groans as he licks my clit and moves his fingers in and out at a fast pace his other hand moves under my thigh lifting it over his shoulder .
My breathing is rapid as I feel my second orgasm moving in at a rapid rate. But this time I know damn well im gonna squirt so I chose to warn him.
M-MATT fuck im g-gonna squirt
mmmm good girl soak my face baby give it to me
f-fuck fuck oh my god
such a good girl you gonna quirt all over me
I scream as I quirt all over him
gooooood girl that's it ma
fuck matt I say as I come down from my high
awww look at your legs shaking
shut up
all 4s now
matt your so big I don't know if I can h- before I finish my sentence he grabs me by the neck
I wasn't fucking asking now do as your told
yes sir I say kind of bratty
fix your tone when you speak to me slut he says as he lightly slaps me across the face and fuck was it the hottest thing ever.
I move to all 4s and spread my legs for him.
Good girl he says as he lines himself up with my leaking entrance.
Go slow please matt I say knowing this is gonna hurt.
I will ma don't worry he says as he slowly starts sliding his tip in
mmm ... fuck I say as I felt him stretching me wide causing a burning sensation.
You okay ma he asks sweetly .
mmhm just h-hurts a little
I know you can take it ma its okay I got you
he bottoms out hitting so deep in me . It hurts so good
mm fuck your so tight ma
mmm- fu-fuck matt your stretching me s-so much
I know ma I know tell me when to move
I gave myself a little time to adjust
o-okay you can m-move
he starts thrusting slow and deep the pain starts to slowly go away and starts feeling like heaven.
fuck faster matt
try asking again he says slapping my ass hard causing me to gasp
p-please sir please fuck me faster
such a good girl for me
he starts pounding into me at a faster pace sending shock waves through my whole body .
mmm yeah you like that slut
fuck ...Y-YES FUCK
such a good slut taking me so well
the degrading name makes me clench around him
aww you like when I call you a slut huh
y-yes I-l-love it
he brings his hand to hair clenching it hard in his fist as his other hand goes onto my back making me arch even more for him causing him to hit so deep it makes my legs uncontrollably shake.
yes you can slut he growls out through gritted teeth
N-NO I CANT I say harshly bringing my hand back pushing on his stomach trying to push him away .
he grabs my arm harshly holding it behind my back as his hand in my hair moves to my throat gripping it hard.
your gonna fucking take it like a good little girl
no? he says harshly as his hips fault to a stop and he pulls me up to meet his chest as he grips my neck harder.
since you wanna sit like a fucking brat he says as he shoves me face down on the rough ground holding both of my hands behind my back
he lowers himself so his breathe Is hitting my ear causing me to shiver
ill fucking treat you like one he says as he starts thrusting rough, fast, deep and harder than ive ever been fucked in my life.
aww what's wrong am I being to rough
please what
you know your mouth is saying one thing but your pussy is saying something completely different
you like it when I fuck you like a bratty slut and you can't say no I feel you clenching my fucking cock
mmmm F-FUCK yes
yes what slut he takes both my hands in one hand and brings his down harshly on my ass
ye-yes sir fuck sir I lo-love it
atta girl you gonna cum for me
ye-yes sir mmm fuck he starts pounding me harder than I ever thought was possible as he slaps my ass harshly
cum on my cock me give it to ma
F-FUCK M-MATT MMMMM I scream as I cum all over his cock.
He keeps pounding into me harshly I started to come down. from my high as my legs were shaking and starting to give out under my weight.
m-MATT I ca-cant keep myself up m-much longer
he pulls out slapping my ass
flip over for me ma
I flip over laying on my back holding onto my legs trying to stop them from shaking but it doesn't help at all.
Keep eye contact for ill stop got it
y-yes sir
good girl he says as he lines himself back up to my entrance
he slides back in and starts pounding into me deep and slow he grabs my legs bringing them up onto his shoulders hitting me so deeply I can feel him in my stomach.
he brings one hand down onto my stomach as he feels himself inside me as his other one moves to my neck shocking me not too hard but the perfect amount of pressure to drive me crazy.
fuck your so fucking wet for me mama
mmmm fu-fuck matt i th-think I gonna squirt
the pressure he is applying on my lower stomach has me about to turn into a damn fountain.
squirt all over me baby soak me
F-FUCK MATT I- I can't even finish what I was saying as I felt myself let go all over him.
fuuuuuck your so fucking hot
mmm fu-fuck matt
he starts pounding into me again my legs won't stop shaking around his neck and I start to feel overstimulated.
m-matt i ca-cant take it a-anymore pl-please
yes you can baby I know you can
I try to push him out of me by pushing on his toned abdomen with only causes him to slap me across the face making me whine out .
keep you hands down understand
y-yes sir I-im s-sorry
good girl im getting close ma I promise just hold on for a little longer
f-fuck okay
he sets my legs so they are around his waist as he brings his body flush against mine as he fuck me deep and rough
I start clawing at his back from over stimulation .
fu-fuck ma I can feel you clenching again
I claw his back deeper as I feel pressure building in my stomach and then suddenly snap
fuck ma your squirting again jesus
I didn't even know I was squirting all I felt was extra pleasure run through me
F-fuck matt mmm god
I squirt over and over I can't seem to stop (nah cause this happened to me in real life it was Lowkey disturbing not gonna lie a bitch was in pain the next day)
Jesus y/n ive never seen some one squirt so much so close together
I c-cant s-stop
I know baby its okay
I claw down his back harder and I bury my face into his shoulder as I bite down as I squirt again my legs are shaking so much they start cramping but I literally can not stop squirting and its driving me crazy .
F-fuck ma your soaking me j-jesus christ
I-im sorry
don't be sorry this is the hottest thing ever
mmmmmm FUCK I scream as I quirt even harder from his hips angling even more hitting deeper
fuck ma im gonna cum
fu-fuck matt fill me up p-please fuck
yeah you wanna be a good little cum slut
Y-YES FUCK MATT PLEASE I scream I squirt yet again as it starting to make my stomach hurt
his hips start to sputter and his thrusts become sloppy.
f-fuck im cuming he says as I feel his warm cum fill me up I moan out as I squirt one last time before his thrusts stop and he pulls out .I feel our mixed liquids running out of my pussy.
fuck that was ... the best sex.. ive ever h-had I say as I laugh a little curling my legs into my chest as my entire body is shaking and tears are streaming down my face.
F-fuck after that I never wanna fuck anyone else
I laugh as I shake uncontrollably I th-think you broke me
aww baby im sorry was a actually to rough
n-no I fucking loved it I just don't think ill be able to stand let alone walk out of here I laughed casein g him to chuckle and shake his head.
he went and grabbed his clothes putting them on and then coming back over to me helping me up my knees immediately buckle so he has to hold me up against the wall so I don't fall as he helps me putt my outfit back on. I felt my back burning really bad as he slid my dress over my head.
OW FUCK I cried out as the stinging got worse
wh-what what's wrong
my-b-back is burning like another fucker
he spins me around JESUS im so sorry it must have been from your backing rubbing on the ground you have big strawberries all over your back
eh honestly I deserve it I definitely did a mean number on your back
uuuh yeah you think he turns around lifting his shirt showing me his back I gasp.
OH JESUS MATT why didn't you stop me those are deep and bleeding
well I uh- I have a pain kink so I thoroughly enjoyed it
o-oh well then I guess your welcome
yes thank you very very much he says as he turns around and gives me a sweet and soft kiss .
come on your coming home with me
I try to walk but my legs fail me and he laughs at me
stop laughing bitch you did this to me
watch that pretty little mouth or your getting round two when we get home
as much as I enjoyed this I could not handle anymore tonight so I brought my hand up to my mouth acting like Im zipping them and threw away the key
come on drama queen he says as he picks me up and I lock my arms around his neck and legs around his waist
I keep my head sizzled into his chest as he blows out the torches on the walls and grabs the last lit one and makes his way back up the stairs he blows out the torch as we walk out of the crypt.
as we approach the part of the grave yard the party was going on in I hear the faint music again I start to feel embarrassed about the state i'm in right now . He walks over to his friends .
Damn bro you have been gone for three fucking hours
God is she even alive anymore
I let out a small giggle at his friends statement.
Yeah yeah funny bro she's fine but were heading home so ill catch you guys later
okay bye bro
byeeee I say as I smile and wave at them as matt walks away from them.
they all just laugh and shake their heads
your friends seem fun
yeah their pretty cool
oh my god y/n
we both look over at my best friend
You been gone for three fucking hours I thought you were dead
no no im fine I promise
she smirks at me as her eyes run over my face and body that is still clinging to matt.
wow you guys had a lot of fun
yep sure did im matt by the way
nice to meet you matt well y/n I guess your going home with him huh
yep sure am I love you and we'll talk tomorrow okay
okay I love you
I love you too
matt walks us all the way to his car he opens the door and sets me down as he shuts the door and gets into the drivers side.
he starts up the car and drives to him house . he parks the car then hops out to help me out and we slowly walk to the door as he unlocks it and we enter.
wanna showers pretty girl
yes please
alright come on its upstairs
we get to the bathroom and he sets me down on the toilet .
go pee im gonna grab a change of clothes for us real quick
okay I finish up my business ad he come back in and helps me get my clothes off and I take my wig off and undo the braid bun I did under the wig.
wow I love your natural hair
aww thank you I said smiling
you wouldn't happen to have like makeup remover or face wash would you
um let me check my mom might have left some in the guest bathroom last time she was here
okay thank you
as he left the bathroom I smiled to myself and the looked over the work he did on my neck and chest then I looked down at my knees seeing that they are scraped and bruising.
I turned to look at my back and Jesus it was so scraped that there was blood and it was also bruising.
here you go my mom left these makeup wipes
thank you I said as I grabbed them and took my makeup off
you know I never thought about how bad a crypt floor would damage my body when I had my fantasy
yeahhh we probably should have thought about that
mm yeah. but hey it was worth it
sure was . You know I didn't even wanna go to that party but im glad I did
oh yeah? and why is that?
I would have never met the most beautiful girl ive ever seen and fucked her into oblivion
mmmm yeah I guess your right and thank you for the compliment
of course ma now lets shower
we hopped into the shower and we washed each others bodys both hissing when the soap and water hit our tainted backs .
we got out and dried off as we put on our change of clothes .
sorry I didn't you know have a change of underwear for you but I there yours in the wash so they are clean for you tomorrow
oh its okay thank you
of course wanna go to bed im fucking exhausted
yes please im spent
he led me to his room and we crawled under the covers as he turned on his fan .
we cuddled into each other as we started to drift off to sleep in each others arms.
hey y/n
yeah matt
I know we just met tonight and stuff but uh would you maybe wanna go out on a real date sometime
yes id love that matt I looked at him smiling as he smiled at me placing a sweet kiss on my forehead .
we fell asleep and that was that.
Gooooooooood NIIIIIIIGHT xoxo
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writeforfandoms · 8 months
A Lonely Place - 2
Find my Soap masterlist
Our adventure for the SoapItUp challenge continues! Many thanks to @glitterypirateduck for hosting
We get a better look at life six months after the end of the world, and get closer to Soap.
I couldn't make it fit into the story, but reader was on a knitting retreat, staying a sheep farm and learning the entire process from shearing to yarn.
Warnings: Swearing, zombie au, mention of violence, post apocalyptic setting.
Word count: 1.6k
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You learned their names on the walk back to their car. Soap, Gaz, Price, and Ghost. You definitely side-eyed Ghost, but decided not to ask. 
Soap and Gaz were easily the friendliest of the group, walking beside you and chatting. Which is how you learned that they stayed in the area and protected the locals. 
How, you weren't exactly sure. But maybe there just weren't as many infected up here. They did seem to be drawn to cities, from what you'd seen and heard. 
You wouldn't admit how weird it felt to slide into the back seat of the SUV after months spent walking. Soap sat next to you for the drive, making your hands clench - one around the hilt of the knife, the other around your pack. But he kept to his space, not infringing on yours. 
The easy banter between him and Gaz helped, admittedly. 
“So, where exactly are we going?” you finally asked, glancing between Soap and Gaz. 
“Does it matter?” Ghost half-turned to look back at you, the skull mask freaky even with all the infected you’d come across. 
You shrugged. “I'm curious,” you answered, in lieu of an actual answer. 
He turned away again, and Soap answered you. “We're in Scotland. Name of the town dinnae matter much, anymore.”
“Suppose not,” you murmured, gaze dropping to your pack. You'd walked… a lot of miles. You'd be curious to map out how many you really had walked. Maybe when you got to wherever you were going, you'd be able to sit down with your map and figure it out. 
The car stopped, and you immediately looked out the window. But you were facing the wrong way - all you could see was a yard and trees. You wasted no time in scrambling out of the car, ignoring the others for a moment. 
They'd brought you to a house. Well kept, sturdy looking. All the windows intact. Gaz went ahead of the others, heading straight inside and shutting the door after himself. 
“Right.” Price planted himself in front of you, between you and the house. “We're going inside. You'll eat and tell us how you got here.” 
You eyed him warily, but he didn't move towards you. So you nodded, following him in. Soap walked next to you, relaxed and easy. 
Inside the house smelled heavenly - like baking bread and spices and home-cooked food. Your mouth watered, and you had to swallow. 
But you minded your manners, washing up where Price indicated, and waiting patiently as Soap brought you a bowl and then plopped down next to you. 
The food was delicious, and gone too soon. But you just licked your lips and sat back, looking at Price. 
“How did you get here?” He sat down across from you finally, expression impassive as he waited for you to speak. 
You huffed out a soft breath. “I really was here on vacation,” you said slowly, glancing at Soap. He nodded encouragingly, expression more open than Price's. “I was at a farm. We heard about things happening in the cities. The owners offered that I could stay there until things calmed down, and a couple other international visitors.” You swallowed, fingers tapping against the table top. “Well, I stayed there as long as I could, until it was clear this wasn't going to just clear up.”
You paused there, gathering your thoughts. You hadn't told anyone the story before. There hadn't been anyone to tell, for a long time. 
“Packed up my stuff and left, after they asked me to. After the first couple run-ins with infected, I avoided cities. Thought I'd found a safe place to stay for a while, with some others, but…” You cleared your throat and looked down at the table, shrugging. “Didn't work out.” 
“You walked here.” Price's voice was flat. Not quite incredulous. But not fully accepting. 
“I mean, it took months, but… yeah.” You shrugged again. 
Price huffed softly and stood, though he didn't go far. Just set a glass of water on the table between the two of you. 
“You're welcome to stay here,” he offered, holding your gaze across the table again. “A few days here, and then we'll find you a permanent place to stay. We all work, we all share. Got it?”
You nodded quietly. You certainly weren't going to object to food and relative safety. 
To that end, you washed your dishes, and then dutifully followed Soap around on a quick tour of the house. The downstairs bedroom was shut and off limits to you. In fact, you'd be sleeping on the couch for a few days. 
But you were still grateful - it was warm inside, they gave you pillows and blankets, and they let you keep the knife. Really, this was better than you'd had since you left the sheep farm. 
“What are ye workin’ on?” Soap dropped down to sit in a chair near you, curious gaze on your hands. 
“My sweater.” You glanced at him, meeting those brilliant blue eyes for a moment, before you looked back down at your knitting. “I can't tell you how nice it is to work on this and not worry about the amount of sunlight left.” 
“Aye? What else can ye make?” He leaned forward a little. 
Somehow, you ended up showing him the scarf you'd made. And the fingerless gloves. And, of course, the sweater you had started. 
The others came and went as the light faded outside, switching on solar powered lamps. Gaz gathered up two plates of food and disappeared again. 
Soap didn't leave, sitting next to you again for dinner and just… hanging out. Honestly, you were half-convinced he was making sure you weren't going to run. 
But you weren't. Not unless one of them did something to prompt you running. 
The next few days passed in much the same manner. Soap didn't leave your side for longer than a few minutes, guiding the conversations even as the two of you worked. The men were building a greenhouse, and you helped. Mostly by holding things or bringing them things. 
It was… weird. To be in one place for very long. To have hot food. To have someone to talk to. Not that you talked a lot that first day, mostly kept your mouth shut and observed. 
But, gradually, Soap wore you down, until you were laughing at his jokes, relaxing around him. 
On your third day there, Price sat down across from you after dinner. You froze, looking at him. 
“Relax,” he huffed, leaning back in his seat and pulling a cigar from somewhere. “Found a place for you to stay long term.” 
“Oh. That's good.” Your shoulders relaxed from your defensive hunch, and you sat up a little straighter. “Where?” 
“The MacTavishes.” Price took a slow puff of his cigar. “They've got space, and you can help them out. We'll go tomorrow.” 
You nodded. Not like it would take you long to pack up, since you'd never unpacked in the first place. 
Which is how you ended up walking between Price and Soap, pack on your back, Soap carrying a bag of extra supplies. The walk was quiet, dew clinging to the plants around you even after sunrise. Cold air nipped at your exposed skin. 
“Must not be very far if we're walking,” you ventured, glancing at the two men. 
“Not far,” Soap agreed. “Not exactly next door, but close enough.” He flashed you a bright grin. He seemed extra energetic this morning, something you hadn't realized was possible. 
You nodded, hands tightening around the straps of your pack at a crack in the woods. Soap stepped closer to you while Price moved closer to the noise. 
“Donnae worry,” Soap murmured to you, one hand hovering in the scent space between the two of you. “I won't let anything happen to you.” 
Your gaze flicked to him, the way he angled himself carefully in front of you without blocking you in, those bright eyes scanning for threats. 
And you believed him. You hadn't believed anyone, hadn't trusted anyone, for months. But you trusted him. To keep you safe, at the very least. 
How far exactly did you trust him? 
“Clear,” Price called, stepping back onto the road. “Just a deer.”
Soap nodded, posture relaxing, though he didn't move away from you. “Could be dinner.” 
Price snorted but didn't say anything, just continued on the road. You and Soap were quick to catch up. 
It wasn't a long walk, but long enough that you were glad to see the building. Soap didn't wait, bounding up to the front door and opening it. 
“Ma! Ah brought a guest!”
“Ma?” You blinked, hanging back a bit. 
Price chuckled at your confusion. “Didn't we mention?” He asked with a wicked little smirk. “The MacTavishes are his parents.” 
Unreasonably anxious now, you stepped forward and into the house after Soap. The interior of the house was warm and homey - you could hear a fire somewhere, and the blankets on the back of the couch made the place feel like nothing had happened. 
But you knew better. 
Soap's parents were warm people, welcoming you in easily. Price and Soap stayed to share a meal with them, although you half suspected it was to make sure you behaved. 
Soap left with one last little shake to your shoulder. “See ye soon,” he murmured, like a little promise between the two of you. 
You believed him. Even more to your surprise, you wanted to see more of him. You'd gotten used to his constant chatter in your ear. 
“Ah’ll show ye to yer room,” Ma MacTavish offered, ushering you along expertly. 
For the first time in months, you went to bed warm, full, and not so afraid of the dark.
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