#the mechanical bonus just isn't worth it imo
icthyarch · 2 years
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Third times the charm - meet the flea riders of the Saltflat Tarkhans! I’ve wanted to celebrate these fun bugs I painted with the last of my creative energy My playgroup and I have been *really* into Necromunda in the last six months, and tbh I don’t think I ever want to stop playing - it’s a *blast*, and we recently started an Ash Wastes campaign so I had to play with the Nomads
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auxchamp · 4 months
i hate ff7 rebirth
I finished FF7: Rebirth finally. After loving Remake, I was super excited about this one, but it was about when I hit Cosmo Canyon I started to sputter out. By the end, I just put the game on easy and rushed the ending. I usually try my best not to be a hater in general, but I need to wordvomit all this out. Below are in order-ish the big reasons I feel sour about this whole thing.
It takes away from Rebirth - So, something my partner mentioned while waiting for Rebirth; it felt like one of the themes of this game could be fate v free will. Well, free will lost this one. Everything is closer to the original story than it did the end of Remake and there's nothing to show for it. What was the point of fighting the giant whispers at the end of Rebirth? And Biggs and Wedge were spared from death... one to die OFFSCREEN in a fucking SIDEQUEST? and the other just shot in the back for no payoff. "What's my place in this world?" well it's to fucking die and then the person you were talking to to make funnie quips as he runs away from your murderers.
Zack - This goes along with the first part, but I don't see any point in him being in this game, other than fan wankery. The opening scene and the fight with him and Cloud vs Sephi were super cool! The only thing that it does for me narratively is add Kingdom Hearts-level confusing bullshiterry to the story for no other reason than to be confusing bullshit.
Cloud sucks - Man, fuck Cloud from right after the flashback until the ending. I know he's got shit going on but... in the OG, it felt like Sephiroth just had a small, subtle influence on cloud during most of the game (except right before Aerith dies). Here, it's about as subtle as a gunshot. He just sucks and isn't fun to watch. It's NUTS how the rest of the party just....... sits on the sideline and watches him murder people, almost murder party members and almost every black cloak he comes across and act like a general prick through large chunks of the game. Again, there was a dark brooding in the original they replaced with way to over-the-top edginess here for... nothing but negative effect imo.
What the fuck is up with Sephiroth - He's pretty much a fucking god already! I think they felt like since this is a multipart release, they needed to have him more physically there for pacing and motivation reasons but... He already feels like a god. We have seen him go one-winged angel, saw his cocoon pre-god form already (WITHOUT BIRTH OF A GOD PLAYING, why), he seems like he can do whatever he wants. I get that Cloud physically handing over the black materia to his true self is a willpower win, when it happens, but... what the fuck can he not do already? Ghost army, merge worlds, kill people in other timelines, OVERRIDE TIME ITSELF? And each time you kick his ass, nothing happens. He just discards that husk and goes away. Nothing like ending two games in a row in a zero stakes fight.
Bad gameplay - I've got a few complaints here, some were also in Rebirth but show off more here. First off, playing as anybody but Cloud, Tifa or Yuffie sucks. Cait Sith is miserable in every way, Barret can't dodge worth shit, Aerith's attack is super miserable, Red XIII mechanics aren't fun. Second, this trend that a lot of modern games have: 5% bonus here, +10 stat there... the weapon skills are just mostly boring and not fun. I miss rebirth's system, it felt like it had more going on. Thirdly on this topic; some of the fights just sucked. Like, unblockable attack that is hard to dodge, and when you do get hit, the enemy gets like 10 hits on you while you are completely stunlocked. I don't feel like Remake had as many fights like this in the game. Finally, on this topic, getting interrupted also felt like a huge problem, especially with healing. Losing the ATB, MP and not getting a heal due to getting hit with a regular enemy attack is bad design.
Bad Ending - I'm okay with bummer endings, but jeez. The confusing bullshit just undercut any emotions that I would've had.
Painful side stuff - A large chunk of the side stuff wasn't fun to play in my opinion. Chocobo gliding, racing, moghouses, queen's blood, the piano, and a large part of the protorelics just didn't do anything for me. For them to say this needed to be split into three parts and then fill the game to the brim with bland stuff like this is wild.
I don't give a fuck about Glenn - Fuck this guy and fuck Ever Crisis.
Overuse of One Winged Angel - yeah we get it, it's lost all of its impact.
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