#the mess hall hammock
wanderer-six · 1 year
Sleepless Nights
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AN: Had an idea for the reader as the batch's Jedi General finding it hard to sleep when she's on Kamino with them (their room is probably so miserable and also the couch is the only open real estate LOL), turned into cute drabbles for every member of the batch! Enjoy ♥♥
Relationships: Did a drabble for every member of the Batch individually; established relationship for all of them!
Summary: You are the Jedi General for the Bad Batch. On a rare stay on Kamino, you find yourself restless in the Batch's barracks. You sneak away in hopes of making yourself sleepy, but with little luck. Thankfully, your favorite clone sweetheart finds you and does his best to help.
WARNINGS: They are all just fluff EXCEPT HUNTER bc he is a whore (fingering, dirty talk) - put him last in line to be safe/in case u do not want to deal with him (VALID)
Word Count: About 2k per boy, ~6.5k total!
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Try as you might to fade off to sleep, you can’t do much more than stare at the ceiling.
In an event nearly as rare as a cool day on Mustafar, the Bad Batch had returned to Kamino for a brief stay. Though the visit wouldn’t last long—just enough time to refuel and restock—you now find yourself staying overnight in the Batch’s barracks. Since you’ve become their “de facto” Jedi General, they were kind enough to clear some space in their very cluttered room so that you had a place to sleep on the couch by the window.
And, as considerate a gesture as that was, the stiff Kaminoan furniture fails to bring you the same comfort as your bed in the temple.
Sighing quietly, you loll your head to the side, making out the room in the faint light. Unlike you, it seemed all five of your companions slept soundly. Tech had passed out, datapad in hand, while Echo slept bundled under a dozen blankets in his makeshift hammock. Hunter’s long hair was a complete mess, and Crosshair was about as quiet and stiff as a corpse. Wrecker, in contrast, snored so loudly that you weren’t certain how any of you ever got any rest. But even with how loud he was, the other four had all managed to lapse into their dreams, getting all the rest they needed before you were to set out in the morning.
So even among the odd ones out, you were odder, still.
Wearily, you rub your eyes, turning away to look up at the window. Little drops of rain flecked against the transparisteel, and watching them roll down eased your mind. When you were younger—back before the war—rainy days on Coruscant were something you looked forward to. Your master would kindly allow you to stay in for the day, trading your studies for many hours spent reading with a hot cup of tea at your side. Though you couldn’t enjoy such luxuries anymore, the rain still brought you a warm feeling of nostalgia… a comfort that could rarely be replicated.
It makes you wonder if such a feeling could be the cure for your insomnia.
With one last glance at your companions, you gingerly shed the blanket you’ve been resting under. Careful not to make any noise, you step into your slippers and get to your feet. Though the chilly temperature of the Kaminoan facilities isn’t exactly pleasant in your shorts and tank top, you grab your blanket and power through it. Having spent as much time on Kamino as you have during the war, you’ve found a few places that you like to run off to every now and then—and you know that the spot you have in mind will make powering through the cold more than worth it.
Carefully, you tiptoe through the piles of electronics, mementos and trophies that litter the Batch’s room, making sure not to disturb a single thing as you make your way to the door. When you reach it at last, you let out the breath you’d been holding. With one last peek over your shoulder to ensure you haven’t disturbed any of your friends, you open the door—closing it just as swiftly when you’re on the other side.
Though they remain lit in a blinding white, the halls of Tipoca City are largely empty at this hour. You’re more than thankful for that, since you can’t imagine the looks you’d get walking around in your pajamas. You wind through the corridors, eventually making your way to a secluded elevator. When you enter, the door closes behind you, and you’re lifted up to your destination.
The elevator releases you into a small, quiet room with a large overhang and a window open to the elements at the far end. You would describe it as a “viewing deck”, but it was unlike the Kaminoans to build anything for sentimental value. Even still, the room served such a purpose for you, and that was good enough. You walk inside, and the room darkens as the elevator door shuts behind you. Only the ambient glow of the grey, stormy night over Kamino remains, and you couldn’t appreciate it more.
You roam a bit closer to the exposed window, and just as the cool breeze strikes you, you stop. Gently, you take a seat on the floor, facing the open sky. You deeply breathe in the smell of the rain, filled with memories of better days. The raindrops strike against the metal roof, and for a while, you simply sit in silence. Bundling your blanket around your shoulders a bit more tightly, you pout—though you feel more relaxed, it seems sleepiness is still not in your stars. It’s frustrating to say the least, and you can’t help but sigh.
You wonder if you’ll ever be able to rest tonight.
After a short while, something catches you by surprise. Without warning, you hear the quiet hum of the elevator doors. You’re nearly worried that the Kaminoans have come to chastise you for sneaking off into some secret lab of theirs. But when you look over your shoulder, peering through the yellow glow of the elevator lights, you see…
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… the large frame of Wrecker, who stumbles into the room.
The poor thing’s eyes switch between half-lidded and fully closed, and it’s clear from the way he wobbles as he walks that he isn’t fully awake. However, that fact obviously hasn’t dampened his resolve to find you—something that you find all too adorable.
“Wrecker?” you call to him. In the sweetest way, he perks up when he hears your voice.
“... little tooka?” he grumbles, referring to you by the adorable nickname he’d given you when you first met. Rubbing one of his eyes, he tromps over to where you’re sitting. Before you can say another word, he plops down beside you, swiftly burgling you into his lap. You giggle in surprise—more so when he wraps you up tight in his big arms.
“Wrecker…!” you beam, wriggling in his embrace until you’re able to kiss his cheek. “What are you doing up, handsome? It’s late!”
Wrecker heaves a heavy sigh, keeping you snug in his embrace.
“You… you were gone…” he murmurs, rubbing his cheek absently against your head as he speaks. “Missed you…”
His voice trails off into a quiet hum, and he sets a gentle kiss on your temple. You’ve always enjoyed being in Wrecker’s embrace—short of being a Wookiee, he’s the biggest and cuddliest man in the whole galaxy. But with the war going on, you often find yourself hugging him when he’s wearing his cold, hard armor.
Tonight, however, he has no gear to speak of. With him in his blacks, you aren’t separated from him by a layer of plastoid-alloy composite. You can feel the warmth of his broad chest beneath the soft fabric, and his muscular arms make you feel safer than anything. He gives you soft butterfly kisses all over your face, lazily petting your head. You smile softly—he treats you just as kindly as he treats his Lula.
“I’m glad you came up here, but… you didn’t have to come looking for me, handsome,” you assure him. “I would’ve come back to the barracks eventually. I was just feeling a little restless, is all.”
Wrecker nods slowly, though with the way his eyes are firmly shut, you have no doubt he missed every word you said.
“Yeah, uh-huh…” he mumbles. He pauses for a moment, drawing a deep, steady breath. “... I love you so much.”
With a bright smile, you kiss his cheek. “I love you, too, Wrecker.”
Those words, in particular, manage to break through his sleepy haze. He dons a big grin—one so sweet you can’t help but giggle.
“I just wanna hold you like this forever,” he sighs. For a moment, his eyes open, and with the sweetest, meekest tone, he asks, “Will you always be my little tooka?”
Your heart aches with overwhelming affection for your poor, sleepy sweetheart. Gingerly, you drape your arms around his neck, drawing him in for a long, loving kiss—one that you hope tells him you’ll always be his better than words ever could.
When your lips part, he smiles again, bumping his nose awkwardly against yours. You laugh, giving him one last quick peck.
“Wrecker… as long as you stay this sweet, I’ll always, always be your little tooka,” you assure him, resting your forehead on his. “And nothing will ever change that. I promise.”
Overwhelmed with love, Wrecker lets out a big, happy sigh—cuddling you even closer against his chest.
“Little tooka… you’re the best girl in the whole galaxy,” he hums with the utmost contentment, “I love you so much, it… it’s not even funny.”
Though you smile at his outpouring of affection, you find yourself yawning for the first time that night. Something about the way Wrecker holds you so close, the rhythmic way his fingers run across your scalp, the warmth of his body against the cold of the stormy night…
Against all odds, you think your sweetheart is just the one to coax you off to sleep.
The two of you sit quietly for a short while, exchanging sweet nothings to one another as the rain turns from a churning storm to a gentle shower. When your eyelids feel about as heavy as Wrecker’s, you look up to him with a smile, setting your hand on his cheek.
“Well, sweetheart… we should probably head back to the barracks,” you whisper. “We don’t want the others to think we’ve gone missing when they wake up.”
With an obedient nod, Wrecker gets to his feet—carrying you in his arms all the while. Just as tired as he was when he came up to find you, he hobbles back to the elevator, though not without a kiss on your forehead along the way.
Wrecker carries you all the way back to the barracks, and though you expect him to lay you back down in your spot on the couch, he instead keeps you in his arms all the way to his bunk. Even as he retreats back under his covers, he holds onto you, making sure you’re snug as a brindlebug when he settles down at last—and in Wrecker’s arms, how could you be anything but?
With you cozy against his chest, Wrecker smiles down at you, giving you one last kiss on the forehead.
“Goodnight, lil’ tooka,” he whispers, “I love you.”
With a bright smile, you nuzzle your head into his neck as you wrap your arms around him (well, as close to “around him” as your arms can reach).
“Goodnight, Wrecker… I love you, too,” you answer.
And at long last, you fall asleep—finally comfortable in the arms of the sweetest boy in the galaxy.
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…Echo, whose bright eyes soften when you meet them. Though he clearly came to find you, he looks almost shy as he enters the room, stepping softly as he approaches your side.
“Mind if I join you?” he asks, rubbing the back of his neck.
You smile. “Of course, Echo.”
Reassured by your words, Echo takes a seat to your right, heaving a long sigh as he stares into the storm pouring over Tipoca City. At first, he keeps quiet, as though not wanting to interrupt your peaceful silence. But when you lean your head on his shoulder, batting your eyes at him with a kind smile, he finds his courage.
“Can’t sleep?” he guesses.
With a lazy nod, you sigh.
“Yup. Just couldn’t keep my eyes closed,” you lament. “Usually, listening to the rain helps me get tired, but even that’s not working tonight…”
Echo chuckles. He wraps his arm around your waist, drawing gentle circles on your side with his thumb.
“Yeah… I’m right there with you,” he says. “If it’s not nightmares about Skako Minor, it’s Wrecker’s snoring. Either way, I’m lucky if I can get any rest.”
You flash him a sad smile, dotting a quick kiss on the corner of his mouth as a means to share your sympathy. With all he’s endured, you know just how hard Echo has had to fight on and off the battlefield to keep himself afloat. He’s told you time and again how much your love helps, and you hope he knows just how happy you are to give it.
“Well… I guess we’re in good company, then,” you smile, nuzzling your face further into the crook of his neck.
Softly, he presses a kiss to your forehead.
“Yeah… insomnia isn’t half bad with you around,” he chuckles. After falling silent for another moment, Echo hums quietly. “You know, back in my old battalion, my brothers and I had a game we’d play whenever we were up late and trying to pass the time.”
“What’s that?” you ask with a tilt of your head.
“We would take turns naming as many planets as we could think of. If it was your turn, and you couldn’t name a planet, you lost,” he explained. The ghost of a smile formed on his lips, his gaze falling as memories of brothers long passed warmed him. “We used to go for hours. I don’t know that I ever won… half the time, I’d fall asleep before we even got to the end.”
The thought of young Echo, diligent and tenacious, spending long hours racking his brain for the name of just one more planet sent you into a fit of giggles. Echo’s smile warms beside you.
“What?!” he demands, hand squeezing your hip playfully.
“Nothing, nothing,” you insist. “I just can’t believe how cute you are, sometimes.”
Though a blush fills Echo’s cheeks, the bashful grin he wears below it lets you know your little compliments are working.
“Heh… I know you’re just trying to get my guard down so I might go easy on you,” he teases. Playfully, you raise an eyebrow at him.
“Oh, go easy on me?” you scoff. “I spent years memorizing planets at the temple. You should be hoping I’ll go easy on you.”
Echo rolls his eyes, though the smile never falters on his lips.
“All right, then…” he chuckles. He pauses for a moment, as if he really needs to think about how he plans to open. “... Coruscant.”
“Wow; bold choice,” you snark, earning a chuckle from him. “How about… Kamino?”
“Raxus,” he returns immediately.
“Mandalore,” you shoot back.
The two of you go back and forth, on and on, for what feels like hours. Given the number of planets you name, it probably is hours. Echo hadn’t been kidding about his experience—as many hundreds of planets that you know of from your studies at the temple, he seems to know even more. In a strange way, it’s really charming. Being able to name a thousand planets probably has next to no real-life applications, but it speaks volumes of that competitive spirit hidden in Echo that you admire like nothing else.
Eventually, the quickfire pace the two of you had kept up at the beginning slows to a crawl as fewer and fewer planets come to mind. You have to scour the farthest corners of your memory in hopes of remembering anything. 
“...oh! Hoth!” you manage. Echo swears under his breath, and you laugh. “You can give up any time, you know. I won’t gloat too much.”
With a fierce grin, Echo’s brow furrows. He seems to focus harder on this than on anything he has in his whole life.
“...Endor,” he says. When you don’t answer for a moment, Echo turns his head to you, finding a coy smirk on your lips. “...what?”
“I’m pretty sure Endor’s a moon,” you answer.
Echo’s eyes go wide.
“What? No way,” he spits. “Are you sure?”
“Pretty sure,” you repeat.
“Well… maybe it’s both!”
“Or maybe you just don’t want to admit you lost.”
“No, it could definitely be both!”
The two of you look into each other’s eyes for a long moment.
“... Tech would know,” you both say in unison.
As soon as the words leave your mouths, you both burst into laughter. You rarely have the opportunity to spend time like this anymore—just the two of you enjoying one another as people, admiring all there is to love about one another. But as you settle down from your giggling fit, enjoying the sight of Echo’s warm eyes as they gaze back at you, you thank the stars for every moment you have with him.
And you see fit to thank him with a kiss—one he eagerly returns.
When you pull away, the soft smile on Echo’s lips warms you to your core. He doesn’t go far, leaning into you as his forehead touches yours.
“You know… whenever those games didn’t work, or whenever I was alone… I had something else to help me get to sleep,” he confesses.
“Oh?” you ask. “What?”
He bumps his nose affectionately on yours, almost hesitant to share.
“Well… on those nights, it always helped to think about you,” he whispered.
The gentle tone of Echo’s voice kicked your heart into overdrive. With a bashful grin, you abruptly pull Echo into your arms, squeezing him so tight he can barely breathe.
“Oh, Echo…!” you coo. “When did you get so sweet?!”
Echo chuckled sheepishly. “Heh… sometime between nearly dying and now, I guess.”
Holding onto him for dear life, you can’t help the weariness that overcomes you. When a quiet yawn escapes your lips, Echo smiles.
“Finally tired, huh?” he asks.
“Mmm-hm,” you hum. Your weary eyes find his, filled with affection. “Thanks to you, handsome.”
Echo’s smile softens. Gently, his scomp link lifts your chin, and he offers you one last loving kiss before getting to his feet.
“Come on, then. Let’s get back to bed while we still have time to sleep,” he says. Once he’s standing, he offers his hand down to you, helping you to your feet all the same.
Hanging on Echo’s arm, you walk to the elevator, working your way back to the barracks. Once you settle back onto the couch, and Echo into his hammock, Echo reaches out to you. With a warm smile, you take his hand. Fingers intertwined with his, you finally drift off to sleep, warmed wholly by the love you share.
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…the glare of Tech’s goggles against the dark room. You squint as your eyes adjust, shielding your face with one hand until the elevator doors close.
“Tech?” you call out as he makes his way over to you. “What are you doing here?”
He takes a seat beside you, perfectly casual.
“Looking for you, obviously,” he replies. “And now, I’ve found you.”
Without missing a beat, he produces his datapad in his hands, idly tapping away on it without a care. You find a smile on your lips—he’s nothing if not predictable.
“Looking for me? Aw, Tech,” you coo. “Were you worried?”
Tech hums. “Worried? Not so much. As a Jedi Knight, you are more than capable of defending yourself—far better than I could, I am sure. No, I was merely wondering where you had run off to. And why.”
You sigh softly, hugging your knees close to your chest.
“Well… I’m just a little restless tonight, that’s all,” you explain. “It happens every once in a while, I just can’t sleep. No idea why.”
“Hmm. I see,” Tech says. Not even bothering to look at you, Tech slides closer to your side. He wraps his free arm around you, beckoning you to rest your head on his shoulder as he knows you love to do. You smile, obliging him gladly—even if he does not show it in the way others might, he is still perfectly affectionate. “It could be any number of things.”
“Like what?” you ask.
He adjusts his goggles, clearing his throat quietly before he speaks again. Your eyes can’t help but drink in his every little action. The two of you have been close for some time now, but even before you expressed your feelings, you’d grown so fond of all of his mannerisms. Just watching Tech be Tech calms you like nothing in the galaxy.
“Barring more severe medical conditions, insomnia can result from a number of different causes—many of which are, regrettably, found in our typical living conditions,” he explains. “For example, disturbances in the form of loud sounds can prevent or disrupt someone’s sleep…”
“Wrecker?” you interrupt, causing him to glance at you. When he sees a small smirk on your lips, he matches it.
“Precisely,” he nods. “In addition, bright lights can disturb the brain’s circadian rhythm. Which, er…” He pauses, glancing warily between his glaring datapad and you. Awkwardly, he tilts the screen away from your face. “...sorry.”
With a laugh, you shake your head. “It’s okay, handsome. You were saying?”
Tech nods curtly, before continuing to list more and more of the conditions that might be affecting your sleep. The more he talks, the longer he rambles, you find yourself leaning further and further into him. Something in the way he speaks has you captivated, soothing you like a lullaby. He articulates himself so wonderfully, every consonant he strikes sending shivers through you.
It isn’t long before Tech catches on to the way you cling to him. He tilts his head curiously.
“Is something wrong?” he inquires. With a lazy smile, you shake your head.
“No… I just like listening to you talk,” you murmur.
Tech blinks, looking uncharacteristically flustered. “You do?”
“Mmhm,” you sigh. Batting your weary eyes at him, you lean forward just enough to kiss the corner of his mouth. “Will you keep talking, handsome?”
“W-Well… what about?” he asks.
You shrug, shutting your eyes again. “Whatever you want. Maybe ways to help me cure this little bout of insomnia?”
Tech looks over you with such fondness, eyes soft on you as you nuzzle your head into his shoulder. With a kind smile, he sets his datapad down beside him. He surprises you when he repositions himself, laying his legs out flat and allowing you to rest your head on his lap. Though you look up at him with uncertainty, he meets you with a kiss on your forehead.
“I would be glad to enlighten you, my dear,” he smiles, his voice now just above a whisper. “It is funny you should mention it. For some people, white noise is helpful to induce sleep. Things like the sound of the rain, or…” He pauses, awkwardly clearing his throat. “...or someone’s voice.”
You beam up at him, and he smiles shyly back at you. Gentle and sweet, his fingers begin to trace all along your head, soothing you with every last touch. Your eyes flutter closed, utterly lost in his attention.
“Hmm… does it work extra well if it’s the voice of the sweetest man in the galaxy?” you murmur, a teasing smile on your lips.
“I would not think so,” he answers. “But, if I am the man you are referring to, I am inclined to give my best effort for you.”
You chuckle. “Of course I’m referring to you, Tech. I love you, you know…”
Opening your eyes just as long as you can manage, you gaze up at him with the overwhelming affection in your heart. Gently, he cups your cheek with his hand, pressing a delicate kiss on each of your eyelids.
“And I love you more,” he answers, not a hint of doubt in his voice. “Now, just relax. I will take care of you.”
Never have you trusted anyone more than you trust him. With a nod, you close your eyes again, fully submitting to Tech’s care. His voice and his touch relieve your every worry, and before long, you finally find yourself drifting off at last.
You sleep with a smile, his kind words carrying you to your dreams.
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… the piercing gaze of none other than Crosshair. When his eyes find you, his usually stern expression softens just slightly.
Wordlessly, he crosses the room, quiet as a lothcat. He approaches you from behind, sitting down and pulling you between his legs. You giggle as his lithe form all but engulfs you, his chest against your back and his chin atop your head. When his arms snake under yours and wrap around your waist, you rest your hands on his, falling fully victim to his embrace.
“Well, hello to you, too,” you smirk. “Did you miss me?”
Crosshair exhales sharply.
“Hm. Not really,” he replies, though you can hear the grin on his lips.
You lean further into him, nuzzling your head into the crook of his neck.
“Aww, not even a little?” you press him.
Crosshairs grip on your waist tightens. He squeezes your sides just enough to make you squeak.
“Not in the slightest,” he fibs.
With a warm smile, you sigh into the cold night air, perfectly content in Crosshair’s arms.
“Well, I missed you… and I’m happy you found me,” you assure him.
He hums a quiet affirmation, before the two of you fall silent, enjoying the gentle ambience of the storm. You can think of very few people you’d feel so comfortable with in this situation—any other silence would beg you to speak and dash it away. But with Crosshair, you feel no obligation to talk for talking’s sake. Neither one of you had much patience for people who just liked the sound of their own voice. No, you two could communicate more than effectively without a word.
And with how he holds you now, you fully understand the depths of his love for you.
The two of you remain in comfortable quiet for quite some time, until at last, the gentle purr of Crosshair’s voice meets your ear.
“Can’t sleep?” he murmurs.
Sighing, you nod. “Mmhm.”
He falls quiet again. Idly, his nimble hands trace along your waist. You let them roam—you would never point it out to him, given how sensitive he can be, but you’ve grown quite fond of the way his hands seem to trace you when he holds you like this. He has so many little quirks, and you’ve come to appreciate all of them in your time together. It’s what makes him the man you love, after all.
“You should take my bunk,” he says.
“Hm?” you ask. “Then where will you sleep?”
“On the couch. Obviously.”
With a pout, you crane your head to look at him, only to find him already gazing back at you. The way he looks at you always draws a blush to your cheeks—it’s so intense, so sincere… you never feel more safe, nor more vulnerable. “Sweetheart, I’ll be okay,” you promise. Gently setting your hand on his cheek, you smile. “I can fall asleep eventually. You don’t have to give up your bunk just for me…”
Crosshair huffs—that cute little sigh he heaves whenever you argue with him.
“It’s fine. Between Wrecker and the storm, I wasn’t getting much sleep, anyhow,” he assures you. “Besides, you need the rest more than I do.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Hey, I’m a Jedi, remember? I can last a lot longer without sleep than you can.” Your gaze softens, and you run your thumb along his cheekbone. “And you never get a good night’s rest. You deserve it, Cross.”
Despite your affectionate words, Crosshair frowns. He narrows his eyes at you, before closing them entirely. With a weary groan, he presses his forehead against yours.
“Love, can you please stop being so stubborn just this once?” he grumbles. “I know it’s hard for you, since it seems your favorite thing to do is argue with me. But please.”
Now it’s your turn to frown. You bump your nose against his.
“It’s my second favorite thing, thank you very much.” Tilting your head, you kiss him softly, pulling away with an emphatic ‘mmwah’ to his utmost embarrassment. “That is my favorite. But okay, you win. I’ll take your bunk.”
For a moment, he seems satisfied, the slightest grin creeping onto his lips. He leans in to kiss you again, but before he can, you speak once more.
Crosshair’s brow furrows. “If what?”
“If you sleep there with me.”
Immediately, his eyes go wide. You feel his body tense up around you, and he rears back just slightly. You know it isn’t the prospect of sharing a bed with you that has him so worried—the two of you have more than grown familiar with each other by now. Rather, he fears those who will awake to find you sharing a bed together: his brothers. If there’s one thing Crosshair cannot stand, it’s giving anyone the upper hand on him, even for something like a little teasing.
Cupping his face in your hands, you meet his gaze with warm eyes.
“Hey,” you assure him, “if they say anything, I’ll beat them up. Okay?”
Crosshair utters the softest chuckle, the ghost of a smirk on his lips. Begrudgingly, he sighs, setting his hands on yours before leaning in to kiss you.
“... fine,” he concedes at last.
You beam, touched as always by the way he’s always so willing to compromise for you. Getting to your feet, you take his hands into yours, helping him up all the same. When he stands, you keep his hands in yours, pulling him just low enough so you can kiss him once more.
“I love you, Cross,” you whisper. He gazes down at you, eyes alight with such affection that you know he only reserves for you. Tenderly, he presses a kiss atop your head, allowing his lips to linger there.
“I love you, too,” he returns.
When you finally return to the barracks, you find yourself cozy and snug in Crosshair’s bunk. Given it has an actual mattress, it’s far more comfortable than the couch by the window—made even more so by the embrace of your beloved sniper. In his arms, sleep finds you more easily than it has in years. The gentle caress of his hands is the last thing you feel before you finally drift off.
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… Hunter, whose tired eyes light up with a smile when he spots you.
“There you are,” he hums, with the most handsome gravel in his weary voice. “I was wondering where you ran off to…”
You smile warmly at him as he saunters up beside you. He takes a seat next to you, not shy at all to wrap his arm around your waist when he does.
“How’d you find me? I thought I covered my tracks very well,” you ask with a grin. He smirks back at you.
“Really? All those sleemos I’ve tracked down on our missions and you want to know how I could follow you here?” he teases, pinching your cheek playfully.
With a giggle, you shake his hand off of you. “Hey, it never hurts to double check.”
Hunter presses a kiss to your temple. His lips feel warm, even more when compared to the cold breeze from outside.
“What are you doing up so late, cyar’ika?” he asks you softly. With an awkward smile, you shrug.
“I wish I knew,” you sigh, gaze falling to the floor. “For some reason I just can’t sleep tonight. I don’t know why…” You pout, hugging your knees against your chest. “It’s annoying, that’s for sure.”
Hunter nods solemnly.
“Yeah, I can imagine,” he hums. “This war’s exhausting, but I still find it hard to close my eyes some nights…”
He falls quiet for a moment. The sound of the rain and the warmth of Hunter’s embrace fill you with a sense of peace.
“What about you?” you ask.
He tilts his head. “What about me?”
“What has you up so late, huh?”
A sly smirk forms on Hunter’s lips. He shrugs a shoulder, all too casual.
“Well, I was sound asleep, but a little someone saw fit to leave me all by my lonesome in the barracks,” he sighs. “Guess I just got restless.”
You grin, narrowing your eyes at him.
“Oh? Your brothers weren’t good enough company?” you tease.
Hunter chuckles; the hand on your waist lingers lower, his fingers skirting the hem of your shorts and making you shiver. He leans in close to you, lips nearly touching yours.
“Well… they’re not the kind of company I’m after tonight,” he purrs.
A blush fills your cheeks. Unable to resist his charm, you close the gap between you, meeting Hunter in a kiss that deepened by the moment. As his tongue slipped between your lips, you felt him hoist you into his lap, facing you away from him. He parts from the kiss with a low growl in his chest, before trailing more softly down your neck.
“Hunter…” you breathe, eyes falling shut as he lavishes you with affection. 
His warm lips come second only to his warm hands that have since found their way under your shirt. His every caress causes heat to rise beneath your cheeks—even more when his palms land firmly on your chest.
You hum his name again, breath hitching as his fingers toy with your breasts. Behind you, his chest presses against your back. Even without all his armor, he feels so strong… so big. You know that, in his arms, you would always be safe. Well… safe from the other dangers of the galaxy—certainly not safe from him.
“You know what helps me when I can’t sleep?” he asks, breath tickling your neck. You manage a chuckle—although a moan quickly overtakes it when Hunter’s teeth bear down on your flesh.
“I could wager a guess,” you tease. You feel Hunter smile against you.
“Really?” While one hand continues to coddle your breasts, another meanders slowly down your torso. “Why don’t you tell me, then?”
Though you wish to continue playing hard to get, Hunter’s attention makes that difficult. Your words stick in your throat when his hands breach the waistband of your shorts, fingers creeping over your panties. When he strokes over the wet spot in the fabric, you whimper in spite of your best efforts. Deft swipes offer just enough friction to drive you mad with want, but his strong arms hold firm against your attempts to rut into his hand.
“Well? Out with it,” he growls. His lips press to your ear, your heart thrumming against your chest when he adds, “Tell me what you want.”
With the way Hunter’s fingers work you outside of your panties, he must know that you hardly have the composure to make such a request of him. Your groans as you vye desperately to speak the words he wishes must still fill him with some satisfaction—enough that you can feel how hard he is against your back.
“Hunter… please…” you manage, biting your lower lip when he deepens his pressure just slightly.
“Don’t be shy, cyar’ika,” he purrs. “Say it.”
Meeting his gaze with hazy eyes, you sigh.
“Make me come, Hunter…”
You can practically hear the grin on his lips when those words leave you at last. He presses a soft kiss to your temple.
“Heh… anything for you, love,” he smirks.
Swiftly, Hunter pushes your panties to the side; when his hands touch you, now with nothing in the way, the mewl he draws from you sounds so pathetic that you thank every star for the raging storm outside to drown you out. His calloused fingers draw circles around your aching clit, now drenched in the wetness that resulted from his teasing. Only he knew you this well—well enough to have you trembling in his lap, babbling half-formed thoughts of your desire, completely and utterly helpless.
As if you couldn’t get worse, Hunter’s other hand soon joins the first. Not once stopping his motions on your clit, his fingers find your cunt, slipping inside of you with ease. Your walls clench around him, your every sense overwhelmed with ecstasy. The sound of your wetness against his hands, the taste of his needy tongue, the smell of his sweat and yours, the sight of his half-lidded eyes, and the feeling… it was all too much to bear.
Edging closer and closer, your hands reached behind you, finding purchase in Hunter’s hair. You rest your forehead against his, struggling to meet his gaze, but needing to all the same.
“Hunter…” you breathe, a whimper interrupting your train of thought. “I-I…”
Knowing exactly what you want—what you need—Hunter grins. He runs his tongue along your bottom lip, meeting you in one last longing kiss.
“Go on, cyare—come for me,” he whispers. The sensual rasp of his voice combined with the magic he works between your legs has you obeying his orders with ease, tension building to your climax. “That’s it… beautiful…”
You come hard on his hands, your cunt fluttering around his fingers as they pulse into you still. The movements on your clit do not relent, either, elongating your orgasm into something unbearably pleasurable. It feels like minutes before he’s done with you—and minutes before you’re done, as a result. But, eventually, his touch slows, bringing you down from your highest high and lulling you into your warm afterglow.
Breathless and spent, you collapse against Hunter, nuzzling your face lazily into his neck. He brings his wet fingers up to your lips, and you lazily allow them into your mouth, gently sucking them clean for him.
“How do you feel?” he asks, a warm smile on his lips. When you open your mouth to answer, a yawn is all that comes out, making him chuckle. “See? It always works. Come on,” he wraps you up tight in his arms, before getting to his feet, “let’s get you to bed.”
Though you want nothing more than to cozy up to sleep right now, you pout up at him.
“What about you?” you ask, hating the thought of leaving him without all the attention he showered you with. With a smirk, he planted a soft kiss on your forehead.
“Don’t worry about me; as long as you’re ready for bed, I got what I came for,” he explains. He raises an eyebrow, grin turning mischievous as he adds, “And… I’m sure you’ll have time to make it up to me before we deploy in the morning.”
Giggling, you leaned up just far enough to give Hunter a soft kiss. He returns it happily, even as he carries you back to the elevator to make your return to the barracks.
“You know I’m good for it,” you hum. With a soft sigh, your eyes fall shut. “I love you, Hunter…”
Though you’re fading fast in his arms, you feel his lips on your head one last time.
“I love you, too, cyare.”
You’re asleep before the elevator doors can close behind you.
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AN: Thank you so much for reading!! I hope you enjoyed - pls tell me which was ur fav LOL I like them all for different reasons but I think Tech ASMR and Wrecker Hugs are my fav. And as always please lemme know if u see any tagging/formatting issues✨✨
"""taglist""" - @shinyshayminflower @starrylothcat
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ninigummysmile · 2 years
𝐋𝐚𝐳𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 - 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞́
Summary: You could spend every morning in bed with your girlfriend
Dom!Rosé x Sub!Fem!Reader
Category: Smut
Warning: This story contains +18 content. It is not the responsibility of the author if minors read it.
Important: English is not my first language so, please, forgive me if there are any mistakes
Words: 1.023
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One thing you learned to love because of your girlfriend is sunday mornings. On warm mornings, you have a nice breakfast on the porch and then go for a walk in a park, feeding some ducks that stay in the lake, you read a book lying in the hammock and cook a sweet pie when the sun is already setting.
On rainy mornings, all you do is lie in bed until lunchtime, where you order out somewhere, watch movies in the afternoon, and have some leftovers from the fridge for dinner.
Another thing you've learned to like about your girlfriend, except in the mornings, is her loud and sometimes clumsy ways.
You wake up with the sound of some pots banging and the fridge beeping because it's been open for a few minutes.
Even though you want to be mad, you smile as you stretch and imagine that Rosé is making breakfast. She loves to spoil you with breakfast in bed because she knows you like to have a good few minutes in bed before you get up.
Looking through the crack in the curtain, you see that despite the heat, the sky is overcast and that maybe later there will be a brief summer rain.
You are snapped out of your thoughts when you hear Rosé's footsteps in the hall and see her entering the room prettily in her nightgown and balancing the tray of food.
“You're already awake” she notes with a pout. “Just because I wanted to wake you up with kisses”
You laugh lazily at her cuteness. “It's impossible not to wake up with the noises coming from the kitchen” she smiles sheepishly. “But I accept my good morning kisses, you know I will never refuse them”
Propping the tray on the bedside table, she looks like the happiest person in the world as she crawls onto the bed and stops inches from your face. She kisses you all over your face before finally sealing your lips in a long peck.
“You are so beautiful when you wake up” she sighs, lost in thoughts.
“Even with my eyes full of snot?” you joke.
“That's your little charm I can't resist” she laughs and gives you one more kiss before getting up. “We better eat before it gets cold… or before I keep kissing you” she completes with a smirk.
“I don't mind skipping breakfast” you tease her. “Actually, I never skipped, you've been my breakfast many times” you wiggle your eyebrows as you sit down.
“Stop it” she says with a red face.
“What?" you ask with false innocence. “Aren't you going to tell me you weren't planning to wake me up with your little kisses with ulterior motives?”
“You know me so well” she responds ironically and rolling her eyes but you know her rosy cheeks give you exactly the true answer.
After having a hearty breakfast, your desire to get out of bed and do something is zero.
Rosé goes back to the bedroom after taking the mess to the kitchen and with a face like she's going to ask you for something, she kneels on the bed.
“What?” you ask already anticipating that she's going to ask for something you don't feel like doing, at least not right now. Because let's face it, you'd do anything with her and for her, it could be the most boring thing in the world, but if it makes your girl happy, you'll go to great lengths to do it.
“How about we take care of the flowers on the porch today?”
“Love…” you try to protest.
“Please, you promised me and you've been putting it off for days”
“Only if I get a kiss” you say mischievously.
“Just a kiss?" she questions arching her eyebrows.
“Hey, I didn't imply anything this time!” you intend to be offended.
“But I know you and I know that when you say things with ulterior motives first thing in the morning it's because you mean to”
“I mean what?”
“You want me to fuck you” she rarely swears, but when she does… it's the eighth wonder of the world, if not the first.
“Well, I just wanted a kiss, but if you're saying that if I'm going to help you we're going to have sex, who am I to argue with that?”
“You suck” she laughs and kneels between your legs. "Blackmailer"
“I just know how to take advantage of the opportunities that life gives me, nothing else”
“God, shut up before I leave you here all wet and go take care of the flowers myself”
You laugh and enjoy her as she peels off the thin fabric of her body. You fight the urge to get up and grab one of her breasts that fit perfectly in your hands.
She lays on top of you and kisses you. Pulling your shirt over your head, she kisses and licks her way down to your shorts. Stripping it off along with your panties, she's quick to lay between your thighs and admire your naked pussy.
With one long lick, you shiver and immediately one of your hands goes into her hair and the other grips the sheets.
Taking all your juices and sucking your clit, her small moans in your intimate region run through your entire body providing a wonderful sensation. “Sweet pussy” she mutters to herself sticking her tongue as far inside you while her nose stimulates your little bundle of nerves.
Your back arches and your toes curl, letting out a high and long moan as you let the pleasure wash over your body and you feel on cloud nine.
“Are you going to help me now?” you hear the lust in her voice as she distributes small bites on your neck.
“But I want you to come too” you stroke her hair and she seals your lips.
“None of that. First we'll do what you promised and then you get your reward” she winks and gets up putting her clothes back on. “I'm waiting for you outside”
You let out a long sigh of contentment. How did you get so lucky?
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waterdeep-weavemoss · 19 days
“Come in,” Gale’s voice calls.
The door swings in on it’s own, allowing her entry. Gale is inside, leaning over his map table nursing his third cup of tea for the morning in one hand. The room is back to it’s more ordered chaos once more, as if nothing had ever happened. His eyes flit up to her when she strolls in, his lips tipping up with a half-hearted smirk much like the one he offered in the mess hall.
“No need for flattery, lass,” Gale murmurs once she’s joined him at the table. “Sorry for my rather abrupt exit last night. I hope I didn’t give you the impression I wasn’t having a good time.”
There’s a mrrp from a lofted hammock near the ceiling and Tara’s head pokes out from beneath a mess of fabric scraps. Her wings splay large and she glides down to the floor before stretching languidly. Then she sits near Doe, still playing a bit aloof, and starts cleaning a paw with her tongue.
'Oh?' Doe gives an incredulous little laugh. 'Oh, you think that was flattery, sir? No no. No, I'm simply telling the truth.' She gazes at him, can tell he's not entirely with her. 'I came for my lesson, but I can see you're a little preoccupied.' She reaches a hand up to his face, presses her forehead to his briefly. 'I'll come back later. But...' she gazes at the map table. 'We're coming up on land soon. And then...' she traces a finger. 'Up close to the Bay of Hope. Gotta be careful. More of those sirens you love so much.' She winks at him, pressing a quick kiss to his nose.
Choosing not to disturb Tara just now, she heads towards the door. 'See you later, sweet boy.'
With that, she emerges from his quarters, and goes hunting for the vampire. With a smile, she begins to sing:
'I knew a captain tall and fair with graceful hands and snow white hair his moonstone skin and ruby eyes all part of his beguiling guise his laugh a sweetness gone unheard by this particular songbird; now it slips into her dreams unravelling her at the seams- heart rising from the ocean foam it may finally have a home.'
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Hall of Wires
Spine x Oc
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The Hall of Wires is known for a lot of reasons. Some call it spooky and downright refuse to go anywhere near it, even taking entire flights of stairs just to not have to walk past the closed door.
Others claim it is Walter Manor's brain, as if the house had a mind of it's own, powered by some matter core in the basement or something.
For the automatons though, it was simply the place where you'd find The Spine if he wasn't anywhere in immediate sight. The Spine liked to disconnect his head from his chassis and hang around the maze of wires in his snake form as a way to relax and recuperate from the energy the other people in the house had.
That's why it didn't even remotely strike Atlas as weird when he entered the room, closing the door quietly, that The Spine's headless chassis was standing in perfect form by the opposite wall. While he does know The Spine can disconnect from his body, he's never really seen it with his own eyes, so he pries his attention away from the chassis and up to the wires, weaving and spooling all along the ceiling.
"Hello Atlas," a voice says behind him, making him jerk in fright before turning around. Thankfully, it's just Qwerty being their usual self. "The Spine is expecting you, I'll call him down," they say before their screen pulls up and disappears into the hord of wiring again. He only lets himself wonder for a short moment how the two of them navigate this mess of spiderwebbed wires before something twitched in his peripheral and he turned to face it.
Spine hung from a thick wire that was lowering towards the floor, snake body wrapped around it for support. "Howdy darling," he says happily as Atlas steps closer.
"Evening dear," Atlas greets back, gently taking hold of The Spine's chin and placing a quick, soft kiss on his lips. The Spine kissed back and smiled.
"Are you sure you're okay to spend the night in here?" The Spine asks, just double checking while another three thick wires moved down from the ceiling, weaving and looping to form something like a swing.
"I wouldn't have agreed if I wasn't sure," Atlas answered, taking the proximity of the wire swing as an invitation to sit down on it. He's careful and slow to put his whole weight on them, but does still find himself surprised when his feet leave the ground and he doesn't immediately return to it.
The Spine smiles gently as the wires lift both of them up into the mass of other wires in the air. Atlas soon learned that the ceiling was far higher than he thought initially and there was a lot of room for movement among the wires.
The wires stop moving once they reach a certain height. What appears to be a hammock made from weaved wiring is there and seems oddly comfortable. Spine moves off the wire he's been holding onto and slithers into the hammock.
Atlas carefully tests the weight capacity of the hammock before he puts his whole weight onto it. It gives way slightly, but not enough to be worrisome. The Spine gives him a patient smile, letting Atlas take things at his own pace.
Once Atlas moves to the center of the wire hammock, he sits down, getting comfortable among the humming and general noise that permeates the Hall of Wires. The Spine slithers over once Atlas had settled and moved up to rest on Atlas' shoulders, making himself comfortable as well.
They spent the next couple hours just relaxing and talking about anything and everything, until eventually they both drifted into stasis together. Atlas would never admit it, but that was the best sleep he'd gotten since his creation.
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sweetsketch · 2 years
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Sweet Dreams”
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Y/N has a habit of saying goodnight to everyone in the facility, meaning if she forgets, she will get up and find everybody just to say a simple goodnight. It has to include a touch to ensure the message too. So when she finally got tired and couldn’t talk to Nami and Sanji anymore while the pair was washing dishes, she lightly shook Sanji’s shoulder, leaned her cheek against Nami’s and said a simple “goodnight” with a genuine smile. They both nodded at her and smiled back. She then went to the top deck to find Luffy, who was sitting on the very point of the ship. “Luffy!” she called to get his attention. He turned around and smiled before jumping up beside Y/N. “Y/N!” He gave her a half hug while laughing like he usually would. “Good night, and try not getting trapped in the kitchen,” she said softly, pointing at him. “No promises!” he gave a big grin. Finally, walking away to find Ussop at the back of the ship messing with his slingshot. “Goodnight, Ussop!” she said, catching his attention. He put both his hands out, indicating a high five, and said, “Yeah, goodnight!” She pushed her hands against his as they both gently grinned.
She laid down awake as everyone else was asleep, dead asleep. But she couldn’t shake the feeling that she had forgotten something. Which was exactly why Y/N couldn’t sleep right now. She was trying to identify what it was so she could rest. “Hmm,” she let out wearily. She put her bonnet on, brushed her teeth, washed her face… hell, she even put out water for her to drink when she woke up. Maybe it had to do with the crew then? Ussop, Sanji, Luffy and Zoro did their usual routine for the ship- Wait Zoro. She didn’t tell him goodnight and considering he was already asleep, it’d be futile, but it’s keeping her up so she had to do something. Y/N and Nami sleep in a separate room from the men, so she’d have to sneak through just to whisper good night.
Getting up slowly to minimize the wrinkling of her thick blanket. Carefully taking long, big steps to move quickly but quietly. She exited the room without Nami moving a muscle to signify waking up. Most of the ship rooms lacking doors did her an extra favor. Now she just had to navigate her way through the dark halls to find the men's room. Gently feeling up the walls, she found a door. “Fuck,” she sighed out. In two quick motions; a twist to the doorknob and a slight push to let herself in, using the opening in the door she made. Relief fell over her body that she didn’t wake anyone up, now to find Zoro and say goodnight. Tiptoeing down the line of fishnet hammocks, she saw green hair poking out of one. Realizing it was Zoro, she went beside him. “Goodnight, Zoro,” reaching her hand to brush his lil curls of hair that lay on his forehead. Before her hand made contact with him though, he grabbed it. “Can’t keep your hands off me, huh?” he said in a knackered manner. She tried to pull her hand away out of embarrassment, but she was too tired. “I could say the same about you, considering you won’t let my hand go,” Y/N teased, and he chuckled as well, tugging her closer to his chest. Her head laid above his heart. It was beating a slow rhythm but was gradually getting a lil faster the longer she stayed there. (Which was only a few seconds.) He kissed the top of her head, and whispered “goodnight” into her bonnet. He then let her go so they could go back to sleep. So she left while closing the door as if she was never there, and she peacefully went back to sleep. While Zoro lied wide awake at the thought of her sneaking into his room to see him.
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starqueensthings · 2 years
I spent an embarrassing amount of time on this so please read it LOL
The overall plot of the Season One has the Bad Batch scooting around the galaxy, keeping away from Crosshair and the empire, so we really didn’t get to see much of what their life was like having Kamino as a home base. In the first episode, we get to see a few Kaminoan hallways, the training room, the mess hall, a couple minutes in the medical wing, and most interestingly... their barracks/bedroom.
Their room always really intrigued me, so I did a deep dive, and found some things I think you guys will like (if you’re big weirdos like me)
This is where the magic happens. 👇🏼
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This pic shows the left side of the room. We know that that doorway leads to the hallway and out to the rest of the building, because Wrecker puts his helmet on that little circle table(?) when they first arrive back.
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The right side of the room looks like this👇🏼 (don’t mind Wrecker, he’s just very excited to be home LOL)
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So it’s safe to assume the door is what separates the two bunks on the left from the two on the right. They have a big work table in the middle, two couches against the windows, and (amongst a sea of crates and other junk) a red hammock in the corner (which I’ll touch on again below).
But since I have a screw loose and I’m not afraid to admit it, I wanted to figure out whose bed was whose.
Tech’s was seemingly obvious (see what I did there?) From the assortment of diagrams and calculations written on the walls, to the work desk placed DIRECTLY beside it that he immediately hurries to sit behind, there was little chance it would be anyone else’s. So, from the perspective of standing in the doorway, his bed would be on the farthest left.
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The bunk beside his, and on the immediate left of the door, we will call Mystery Bunk B for now, but is easily distinguishable by its lack of junk, and the large skull insignia painted on the wall. We will return to this later.
Crosshair’s also seemed obvious. 👇🏼
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The target sheets hanging on the wall, the Aurebesh “C” shot into the middle one, the rifle stock on a crate in front of the bed (Crosshair has A SECOND FIREPUNCHER?!), and the fact that he sat directly in front of it would all point to that his being bed. (The little folded blankets omg)
Next 👇🏼
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Based on the above picture, we can establish that Crosshair’s bunk is the farthest on the RIGHT side of the room. We can also assume that Wrecker’s bunk is beside his, on the immediate right of the doorway. There is room for a little doubt with this bunk, but based on: 1. the utter disarray (Wrecker is a slob kebab), 2. Lula, and 3. since they seem to be using crates as barriers for privacy, it would be strange for him to sit on someone else’s bed, and we can be fairly certain that it’s Wreck’s.
So that leaves Mystery Bunk B, and the hammock. The hammock appears to be strung up in the far left corner, behind Tech’s work desk, and stretching from Tech’s bunk, to the window. One could argue that, for sensory reasons, it’s possible Hunter may prefer to sleep in a hammock, but I think it’s more likely the hammock was added for Echo when he joined the squad. (Why they didn’t just offer him one of the couches as his own, I’m not sure.)
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PLS SEE PART TWO BELOW 👇🏼 (fucking post limits)
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mjbunnyluv · 1 year
Mochi Kisses
Hanta felt a deep snore shake his chest as he jolted awake. Sitting up on his elbows, he blearily looked around his dark room. The faint outline of his hammock and the stack of books on the floor stood out in the low light filtering in from under the door. The hall light was on. A crash and a low curse from the kitchen.
With a groan, Hanta rolled out of bed. Gray sweatpants hung low on his hips showing off the deep V and a trail of dark coarse hair below his belly button. 
He rubbed his eyes against the bright light when he exited his bedroom. Another crash, softer this time. Like something fell on top of a towel.
“Sho?” Hanta called out groggily. 
Ever since graduation, he and Shouto had been living together. Often on similar shifts it was strange to hear the hot and cold hero up so late. A quick glance at the hall clock told Hanta it was almost 2am. 
He turned the corner and froze at the sight waiting for him in the kitchen. Pots stacked in the sink, rice flour covering the counter and spilling onto the floor, and Shouto looking frazzled beyond belief. 
An amused snort left Hanta’s nose. His roommate - and long-time crush - looked cute. Dressed in basketball shorts and a tight tank turned white from rice flour, red and white hair tangled instead of separated in his signature hairstyle.
“What are you doing?” Hanta asked, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall. His biceps bulged, showing off the intricate tribal tattoos that banded his skin. He didn’t miss the way gray and blue eyes flashed to his arms before jumping back to his face.
“Uuuuuuh,” Shouto answered lamely. 
He looked down at himself and seemed to only just then realize he was covered in rice flour. In a flurry of movement, hands swiped and patted his tank, sending white powder into the air. The fine particles danced and sparkled in the illumination provided by the warm light above the stove. 
“I was trying to make mochi.” Shouto pouted as he looked back to the messy counter.
“At two in the morning?” Hanta smirked. “Couldn’t wait til your day off?”
Shouto was quiet for a moment, shoulders rising with tension before slumping in defeat. “Couldn’t sleep. Nightmares.”
Hanta felt his heart clench. They were only two years out of high school and their class had gone through more than some heroes went through in an entire career. 
Dark eyes studied Shouto. Disheveled hair, a light sheen of sweat on his brow, tense jaw. Hanta mentally beat himself up. He should have noticed those things first…but then again he was just pulled from sleep. The lanky hero pushed off the wall and approached slowly. There was a glob of sticky dough on the counter.
“I think I messed it up,” Shouto sighed. “It’s lumpy.”
“Nah, just gotta play with it a little more,” Hanta smiled. “Here.” His hands landed on Shouto’s shoulders to turn the shorter man back toward the counter. 
Fingers slid down toned arms, making goosebumps erupt across Shouto’s skin. And then Hanta eclipsed his hands to guide them over the dough, pressing and rolling gently but firmly. Chest to back, both men were aware of their proximity, the elevation of their heart rates…the heat building between them. 
“You’ve made mochi before?” Shouto whispered through a tight swallow.
“My mom makes it all the time and I like to help,” Hanta answered with a hum.
The longer their hands moved together, the more relaxed they became. Shouto released the tension in his forearms and let Hanta take the lead. The quiet in the dead of night was peaceful now instead of suffocating. No shadows or lurking demons. Warmth and gentle touches replaced a frantic need for distraction.
“I was dead asleep when you knocked something over,” Hanta yawned before dropping his forehead to the smaller man’s shoulder.
“Sorry,” Shouto sighed. “I was trying to be quiet.”
“It’s fine,” the lanky hero mumbled against soft skin. 
Shouto shivered. A soft but sharp intake of breath jolted against Hnata’s chest. And without thinking, too comfortable nestled against his pretty roommate’s neck, Hanta pressed a kiss to that soft skin.
Shouto froze and it took a moment for Hanta’s sleepy brain to catch up. 
“Shit,” he mumbled and pulled away. “I didn’t mean-” But he was stopped by hands gripping his forearms.
“Don’t,” Shouto ordered barely above a whisper. “Don’t stop.”
The buzz of the light above the stove seemed to rise in pitch as time lingered between them. Slowly, Hanta leaned back in, nestling against the comfortable heat of Shouto’s back and tucking his face into his neck. Soft strands of white and red tickled his cheek and the familiar scent of crisp body wash mixed with the undeniable scent of Shouto filled his nostrils. 
Hanta hummed contentedly and pressed his lips against soft skin once more. Then again, tracing the length of Shouto’s neck up to the sensitive spot behind his ear that made the smaller man suck in a sharp breath. Trailing his lips back down, Hanta lightly sucked and licked, tasting the saltiness of sweat lingering on Shouto’s skin.
Too sleepy to have a quick reaction time, Hanta gasped when Shouto twisted in his hold. The sound was muffled by a set of lips pressing against his own, tight and hesitant. Hands rested on his biceps, fingers squeezing lightly and relaxing as Shouto pulled away. With eyelids fluttering, Hanta caught the light blush dusting across Shouto’s cheeks. He reached up between them to thumb across the warm skin.
“I-I’ve wanted to do that for a while,” Shouto breathed. His eyes were darting across Hanta’s face, past him to the opposite wall, down to his bare chest.
“Yeah?” Hanta asked, feeling his heart rate accelerate. “If I had known you were into me, too, I would have made a move sooner.”
“I didn’t really know what I was feeling,” Shouto admitted. “I’ve always liked you, Han. But it wasn’t until I saw the way Midoriya and Bakugou interact that I realized I wanted that with you.”
Hanta snorted a laugh and opened his palm to cup Shouto’s cheek. “Hopefully a less intense version of what they have. I like you, Sho. A lot.”
A rare smile pulled at Shouto’s lips, soft and gentle. It reached his eyes making blue and gray sparkle in the warm stove light. 
“How about we forget the mochi tonight and go to bed?” Hanta suggested.
“Yeah, okay.” Shouto looked down between them. “But I’m covered in rice flour.”
“I can wash my sheets.” Hanta said.
“The kitchen is a mess.”
“I have a day off tomorrow. I can clean in the morning.”
“Sho,” Hanta stopped him. “Come to bed with me.” He stepped backward, and with Shouto’s hands still on his biceps, the shorter man followed. 
Leading him to his bedroom, Hanta leaned down every so often to capture those soft lips. A peck every so often that led to the pair stopping just short of Hanta’s bedroom where the lanky man pressed Shouto up against the wall and turned up the heat on their kiss. Swiping his tongue over swollen pink lips, silently asking for entrance. And when Shouto parted for him, it was with a gentle sigh. The hands squeezing Hanta’s biceps slid up to lock behind his neck.
The roll of their tongues was a lazy affair as they savored the taste of each other. Tensing slightly and adjusting their hands to feel and touch in ways they’d only dreamt up to that point. And then Hanta pulled back, eyes half-lidded and chest expanding rapidly. He grinned and leaned back down to tuck his face into Shouto’s neck, teeth nibbling soft skin before soothing with a kiss.
“Bed,” Shouto reminded him. 
“Mmmm, right here is good,” Hanta chuckled, nosing behind the other man’s ear. He sucked an earlobe between his lips and nibbled. The action was rewarded with a full body shiver. 
Hands slipped between the wall and Shouto’s back, pulling him close to the lanky hero. Their hearts beat erratically, thumping against one another as they finally shuffled into the sanctuary that was Hanta’s bedroom. Careful not to trip over anything, they finally collapsed on the platform bed with a thump.
With a few grunts and giggles, the sheets were pulled over them and Shouto was spooned against Hantas chest. One arm draped over the hot and cold hero’s stomach, the weight more of a comfort than anything Shouto had felt since he awoke from his nightmare.
Peace settled over them. Breaths evened out, hearts beat at a more relaxed rate. One of Hanta’s feet slipped between Shouto’s, his toes caressing the bony appendage.
The dull sound of a car passing by outside their apartment barely disturbed the quiet settling between them. Fuzzy warmth covered them like a blanket, wrapped up in each other. But then Shouto stirred and broke the silence.
“That’s it?” He asked. 
“What do you mean?” Hanta asked sleepily. Now that he was back in bed, exhaustion took hold once more.
“I thought we were…I mean you were kissing me and it was-”
Hanta could hear the confusion in his voice. It was edging on hurt and the tone made his stomach twist. “Mmm, let me take you on a proper date first, kay?”
“Oh.” Shouto gasped. A long pause. “Can I still kiss you before then?”
“You can kiss me whenever you want, Sho,” the lanky man chuckled and squeezed his arm around the smaller man’s middle.
The bed shifted, sheets twisting as Shouto turned to face his bed partner. Though his eyes were closed, Hanta could feel the heat of each puff of breath, growing in intensity until Shouto’s lips landed on his. Warm and soft, far less tense than he had been in the kitchen. They melted into the kiss and Hanta laid his arm across Shouto’s back protectively. Fingers tangled in silky strands of red and white, massaging the base of Shouto’s skull. 
“Sweet dreams,” Hanta whispered against soft, swollen lips.
Shouto hummed softly and tucked himself into the lanky man’s chest. A gentle smile pulled at his lips as the hand in his hair slowed until it became completely still. Soft snores filled the room and the dual colored man was completely consumed by Hanta. Scent, touch, sound, everything led back to the hero he’d been crushing on for years. With mind blissfully blank of anything other than Hanta, he drifted off. Eventually, he’d learn how to make proper mochi. And when he did, Shouto would be sure to feed the first one to Hanta.
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blackhardtt · 3 months
The Stormbringer: Roderick's Ship
The Stormbringer is a majestic and formidable vessel, befitting the son of Poseidon. It combines the elegance of ancient Greek design with the rugged practicality of a pirate ship, reflecting Roderick's unique heritage and seafaring prowess.
- Hull: The hull of the Stormbringer is crafted from enchanted wood, dark and sleek, capable of withstanding the harshest storms and most brutal attacks. Intricate carvings of sea creatures and ancient symbols run along the sides, glowing faintly with a bluish light, a testament to its divine protection.
-Figurehead: At the prow of the ship, a magnificent figurehead depicts Poseidon himself, holding a trident aloft, with waves crashing around him. This figurehead is not merely decorative; it serves as a conduit for Roderick's powers, allowing him to channel his abilities through the ship.
- Sails: The sails are woven from a rare, silken material that shimmers like the surface of the sea. They are imbued with magical properties, allowing the ship to move with incredible speed, even without wind. When Roderick uses his wind manipulation, the sails catch the gusts perfectly, propelling the ship forward at lightning speed.
- Deck: The deck is wide and spacious, with reinforced planks to endure heavy impacts. The central mast is adorned with symbols of Poseidon, and ropes are always neatly coiled, ready for immediate action. Various barrels and crates are securely fastened, holding supplies and treasures from Roderick's voyages.
- Captain's Quarters: Roderick's cabin is a blend of comfort and functionality. The walls are lined with maps, charts, and navigational tools. A large, ornate desk sits near a wide window, offering a panoramic view of the ocean. The bed is large & sturdy and adorned with plush blankets and silk sheets. Shelves holds ancient tomes and artifacts, reminders of his adventures and heritage.
- Crew Quarters: The crew's quarters are spacious and well-ventilated, with hammocks strung up for sleeping. Personal belongings are neatly stored in chests, and the atmosphere is one of camaraderie and readiness. The crew takes pride in their ship and their captain, maintaining their living area with respect and discipline.
- Armory: The armory is well-stocked with weapons, including cutlasses, pistols, and Roderick's own enchanted weaponry. There are also tridents and spears, a nod to Poseidon's influence. Armor and protective gear are stored here, all maintained to the highest standards.
- Galley: The galley is equipped with everything needed to prepare meals for the crew, with a focus on fresh, sea-inspired cuisine. The head cook takes pride in creating hearty meals to keep the crew strong and healthy. A large table in the mess hall serves as a gathering place for meals and meetings.
Special Features:
- Submersion Capability: The Stormbringer can partially submerge, allowing it to navigate underwater routes and avoid detection. This feature is powered by Roderick's hydrokinesis and the ship's enchanted design.
- Self-Repairing Hull: The enchanted wood of the hull has self-repairing properties. Minor damage heals over time, while more severe damage can be accelerated by Roderick's powers.
- Weather Manipulation Array: The ship is equipped with a magical array that enhances Roderick's weather manipulation abilities. This array can summon storms, calm seas, or create protective barriers around the ship.
- Coral Reef Anchor: The anchor of the Stormbringer is made from enchanted coral, which can grow and secure the ship to the ocean floor, providing unparalleled stability even in rough waters.
- Tidal Engine: A unique engine powered by Roderick's tidal control ability, allowing the ship to harness the energy of tides and currents for propulsion, making it one of the fastest ships on the sea.
The crew of the Stormbringer is a diverse and loyal group, each member handpicked by Roderick for their skills and trustworthiness. They are a mix of seasoned sailors, fierce warriors, and knowledgeable navigators, all united by their loyalty to their captain and their love for the sea.
The Stormbringer is more than just a ship; it is a symbol of Roderick's heritage and his mission. It represents the power and majesty of the sea, the strength of Poseidon, and the indomitable spirit of its captain. Every detail of the ship reflects Roderick's journey and his commitment to protecting the oceans and those who sail them.
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Namor (MCU) X Mexican!OC
Part I Here
Part II Here
Part III Here
Part IV Here
Part V Here
Part VII Here
War photographer Sadie Medina is one day mysteriously whisked away on a mission that is suspiciously secret for a botanical expedition. A tragic twist of the events leads to her getting too close to something she should’ve never found, and too close to people who, by all odds, was never supposed to meet, be imprisoned by, and much less grow close to.
Word count: 2,169
Warnings: MCU typical violence, mentions of war, mentions of death and un-aliving people.
A/N: In case you feel more comfortable reading on AO3, you can find the link right here.
*Disclaimer: I’m by no means an expert on Mayan, but I did my best (by this I mean I looked for the best translator possible) and sorry for any mistakes. Handy little translations at the end, if needed.
“Why won’t you listen to me, Xmeech?”
Mercedes sighed as she poured piping hot coffee into her grandmother’s mug, who looked at her with concern.
“Chiich please, let’s not start this again.”
“I don’t understand why you insist on going to such dangerous places,” the older woman insisted, taking the carton of milk her granddaughter offered her.
“I do what I must, chiich, and can we not argue about this every single time I come to visit, please?” Xmeech said with a weak smile, taking the woman’s hands in hers.
“In chan nikté, why won’t you let him rest in peace?” her grandmother asked with a glint of sadness in her voice. “Your father was a good man, and he raised a beautiful, brave young woman whom he loved with all his heart. Don’t you think he would have wanted you to settle down? To have a peaceful life with somebody who loves you like he loved my daughter?”
Neither of those things was going to happen anytime soon. While she had never thought she wasn’t attractive enough to find someone, Mercedes knew that her life was much too complicated on its own to drag somebody else into that mess. Whenever the occasional over-confident man approached her and attempted to lure her in with empty compliments before asking what her plans for the next day were, Mercedes felt tempted to reply with the truth just so they’d leave her alone.
“Chiich, I…”
A petrifying scream from her grandmother made her come to just in time to feel an odd tingle on her fingers. Suddenly she felt tired and dizzy, and for a split second, she closed her eyes and wondered if she was going to faint. Her entire body felt heavier and for a split second she thought she'd seen her hand fade into...ashes?
Whatever was wrong, must’ve solved itself, because chiich had stopped screaming. Opening her eyes, Mercedes stood up so violently she almost fell on her rear when she found herself sitting in front of a stranger, who looked at her equally baffled.
“Who are you?” she stuttered, looking around the room before storming out of the kitchen and into the hall that led to her grandma’s bedroom, calling out for her all the time.
Mercedes swung the door open to find a room she did not recognize. The giant, old bed she’d used as a trampoline as a child had been replaced by a tiny mattress, the pale blue walls were now white, and pictures of people she didn’t know hung from the walls. Hearing steps behind her, the woman grabbed the nearest object, a lamp, and held it above her head.
“Who are you?” she yelled at the young man that walked in showing his palms, begging her to calm down. “Where is my grandmother?”
“Calm down, please,” he urged her, “I will tell you everything, but put that down.”
“Where is she?” Mercedes insisted, throwing away the lamp and grabbing the man by his shoulders. However, she realized he didn’t look scared. It was something much, much worse.
He looked at her with pity.
“Listen…I think you should sit down.”
“What? What is it?” she gasped out for air and sat up on the hammock, surprised to find Namor standing next to her, “What are you doing here? Are you okay?”
“Are you okay?” The man returned the question, his worried eyes still visible under the dim light of the vibranium lamps in her room.
“Sure. I had a bad dream, that’s all,” She stated, flustered. Mercedes realized this was the second time he had surprised her in the middle of a nightmare. “I’m sorry if I woke you up,”
He seemed to notice something on her face. Namor leaned closer so suddenly that she instinctively moved away. He softly apologized before touching a spot on her cheek with his thumb, wiping something off.
“Were you crying in your sleep?,” He said. Mercedes violently wiped her eyes, feeling self-conscious after his question. He didn’t say anything else, and the only sound that could be heard was Mercedes sniffling occasionally.
“When I lost my mother, I had seen it coming for some time,” Namor finally spoke, carefully sitting on the edge of Mercedes’ hammock, “And for a while, I hated seeing how all the other children grew up, found a partner, and built a life, with their mothers there to witness it. I hated constantly remembering my mom would never get to see me do any of those things.”
Namor noticed Sadie’s inquisitive look and knew she was about to ask how did he know her nightmare was about her father.
“You were talking in your sleep,” He explained.
“After hundreds of years, did it ever go away? The pain, I mean?” she asked, sleepily resting her head against her small pillow. With an apologetic look, Namor shook his head.
“No. I still miss her every single day.”
When he looked at her again, he noticed she was almost asleep again. Her eyes were barely open, and he could only see a small chocolate-colored band through her eyelids. He slowly started to get up to leave when she grabbed his hand and said something to him that he couldn’t quite catch.
Namor knelt next to the hammock and asked her to repeat it, leaning a little bit closer.
“What was she like?” Mercedes asked, resting on her side to look at him.
He didn’t answer immediately. It took him about three minutes to finally start talking. He told her about the way she would describe the surface world to him in such a beautifully nostalgic way, and he reminisced about the time they had that difficult conversation where she told him she wanted to be buried in the world she’d grown up in.
And it was like that, soothed by the sound of his voice telling stories and sometimes even laughing a little to himself that Mercedes finally drifted off.
After several hours of peaceful, nightmare-less sleep, Sadie woke up feeling well-rested and wanting some breakfast. She was about to jump from the hammock when the sight of an asleep Namor on the floor next to her stopped Sadie dead in her tracks. He had placed a blanket and several pillows on the floor and was completely passed out.
Moved, she carefully placed her own blanket on him. He looked so peaceful when he was asleep.
She liked the way his eyebrows perfectly framed his eyes, giving him that calm expression instead of the usual aggressive determination. Two weeks ago they were yelling at each other through the bars of a cell and now he was staying in her room to lull her to sleep with stories about his mother. The mere thought was bewildering.
Sadie left the room to get breakfast. A few days ago she had set a few traps around the water inside the grottos after she realized there were fish down there. Being in an underwater cave, she expected the fish to be small and with little meat, but the nonpolluted water allowed for fauna to thrive in amazing ways, and so she managed to add protein to her diet.
Turning around a corner, she found herself before Namora. Having interacted with her a few more times, the Talokanil warrior seemed to be warming up to her, going as far as cracking a smile when they exchanged greetings, which was the case this time.
“Hi, Namora,” She said with a slight nod, which the other female reciprocated in the customary Talokanil way. Sadie knew she had reached a new level of familiarity when even Attuma started greeting her with that hand gesture.
“Mercedes, wait a minute, have you seen K’uk’ulkan?”
“Yes, he should be asleep in my room.” She said, unaware of how it sounded until Namora’s expression said it all.
“No! I mean, he is, but not in that way. Listen, I was having a nightmare and he was there and I asked him not to go, so he told me stories about his mother until I fell asleep.”
For some reason that sounded even worse than just admitting they’d slept together. Mercedes decided to just stop rambling. It took Namora a good few seconds to start talking again.
“You don’t have to explain yourself. Enjoy your breakfast, thank you,”
And with that, she disappeared around the corner. Sadie scrunched her nose apprehensively, hoping she hadn’t unwittingly caused any problems.
“If there is something I need to know about, you have one minute to tell me,”
The sudden, loud voice woke up the asleep Namor, who scrambled to his feet cursing to himself.
“What are you talking about?,” He asked, still half-asleep and blinking rapidly. After taking a quick glance at the hammock he realized it was empty. “Where is she?”
“I just ran into her. I mean it, is there something you want to share with me?”
“I don’t see how that’s any…”
“Any of my business? See, that’s where you’re wrong,” Namora asserted, taking a peek outside to make sure no one was nearby before talking in an angry whisper, “As your lieutenant, I’m worried that my king might be literally sleeping with the enemy, and as your cousin, I’m worried that you’re only going to get hurt. “
“’ The enemy’? I thought the two of you got along,”
“We do, but that doesn’t mean I’m not still cautious around her,” Namora sighed and leaned against the wall, “Listen, as your friend, I need to know what’s going on. Do you have feelings for her?”
“Fine. I don’t, alright? Not in the way you think, don’t worry. I’ll admit I…enjoy her company. She asks smart questions and knows how to make conversation.”
“And…?” Namora asked with a raised eyebrow. Namor fell for it.
“And it’s amusing to see how highly she thinks of herself but still refuses to admit she’s arrogant. See, she has all these ideas that are so different from mine, so hearing them is strange. Yes, she’s strange I’d say. ”
“Strange as in ‘different to anybody you’ve ever met?’”
Without replying, he gave her a sullen look.
“I see what you’re implying, and you’re wrong,” He said defensively and walked around her toward the entrance.
 “You know she is leaving, right?” Namora said as her cousin walked past her. “After all, you told her that her stay would be temporary. And are you aware that after she leaves, you’ll most likely never see her again?”
“I am aware, and I feel fine about it,” K’uk’ulkan assured, calmly, “But she’s not leaving anytime soon,”
“Because of our safety or because you don’t want her to?”
“That is enough, Namora,” He snapped, “Lieutenant or cousin, you’re out of line, I already answered your question and the only one I have to answer to for my actions is myself. Now, what did you need me for?”
Knowing she wouldn’t get anything else from him, Namora nodded. She didn’t want him to be mad at her, or she might not be able to retake the subject later on.
“It’s Attuma. One of his men found something in the wreckage of the ship we found a few days ago that we thought you might want to see,”
Once they descended into Talokan, Attuma was already waiting for them in the throne room with a small, transparent pouch.
“My men found this. Apparently, this fungus was the vessel’s only cargo.” Attuma carefully handed Namor the package before continuing,  “After analyzing it, turns out it’s not the first time this has fallen into Talokanil hands. It contains the spores that nearly killed Namora not so long ago,”
“And Mercedes said that she was part of an expedition that came down here searching for samples of several plants, these included.”
“K’uk’ulkan, that’s not the only thing they found,” Attuma added, retrieving a metallic device with a crystal vial attached to it, “We found this among the remains. It is identical to the one your friend used to give Namora the antidote,”
“You should ask Mercedes what she remembers about the people that arrived with her. That might give us an idea of how dangerous these people really are.”
“Attuma,” Namor asked, addressing his other lieutenant, “Was the ship’s storage full?”
When the answer was negative, he furrowed his eyes thoughtfully until an idea struck him.
“Tell your men to register every inch of the ship. We must find the captain’s log to see if the ship had more cargo.”
“What are you thinking, K’uk’ulkan?” asked Namora.
“The place where we found Mercedes wasn’t far from one of the entrances to our tunnels. If these people have a potential weapon with them, I want twice as many guards watching that entrance. I’ll talk to her and see what else I can find out.”
“Doesn’t this mean that she didn’t tell you everything before? Can we rely on what she tells us?” Attuma asked, visibly unsure.
The Talokanil leader rose from his throne and, after bowing his head softly to dismiss both warriors, left the room without answering Attuma’s question.
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intros-carnival thoughts
wow. okay. what a way to start
so like. okay - first of all, wow. these blorbos are a mess. the mess ever. <3 love them
some collected thoughts in mostly chronological order
the cracking. why is it always cracking? so the cracks connect all of the characters. are they holes between the different realities? it seems like the realities are at least tangentially connected to one another. does that cause the cracks?
teeth's "Exalted" (blue motif character?) looks a lot like maris. is that relevant?
maris seemed uncomfortable going towards her blue motif (krackens?) in her intro. why? it seems like she fights most of the monsters, including the giant red motif person -- she avoided that one, though.
also maris "she shouldn't be here. not now" who is she hjashkdjh ??? sister? friend? ex??? something about the fog and the area she was headed to. maris <3
okay i had trouble seeing the place that they all headed to (the brown motif one took them there -- "telos"?) but i caught some glimpses
maris tried to snoop around. trust issues perhaps? who hurt u queen
maris in a hammock <3 that is all
okay that is not all bc maris in a hammock w stringray <3 sobbing screaming crying
next up - the circus of the gods!
maris stances up with the "ringmaster" (blue motif character again, connections?) almost immediately. it's the captain in her probably, she probably has always had to take control and when someone else steps in she doesn't know if she can trust them i just -- ah <3
there's some abrasion between maris and 42 haha kind of iconic tho
maris and the acrobat (pink motif character) i -- oml. the vibes. wow. the tension. what is going on there? she also does not look happy with the pink motif character. at this point, it's clear that the different places they go all have the same motifs, so there's probably some negative history there. dear god(s?) i am obsessed already
*what was up with the maris in the hall of mirrors ajhsjdkhsajadh* she looked so young. why was there blood everywhere? what happened to her? did she kill someone important to her? was she hurt by someone she loves? she looked so young ajkshdksa <3
also how old is maris asking for a friend
"the tortured. hurt what hurts the most, over and over. how far are you driven by pain? this far, it would seem. tortured where it hurts the most. difficult to hurt there, most of the time. i wonder who could do that to someone like you" h e l p akjshdkja what is this maris?? hello? i knew it she was so heartbroken core gods i <3 <3 <3
my guesses right now are the red motif character, the blue motif character, the pink motif character, or the sort of light teal motif character for maris trauma core. could be this grey/green motif character? but she didn't seem too bothered by them in particular
the fight with the cultivator is so. wow. tucker was really slaying oml what's going on w them? she's giving me like. caretaker vibes. like he's always had to take care of others or something. older sibling maybe? tucker also seems very bothered by the concept of control. poor experiences with being controlled/limited? very interesting stuff
okay back to maris -- maris has this whole monster-slaying thing going on and seems very standoffish with the characters here. this seems to be the "pantheon" people keep mentioning. is she. a. god slayer?? is that what this is? because. wow. <3
also worth mentioning even though she's all hardened and strong she still wants the animals to be happy and free i.. wow. i bet she's such a good parent to stingray i <3
okay last thoughts re: when they go back to wherever telos lives (it was a bit easier to see this time, but my coverage must have been patchy ig)
what's in telos' basement?
what's in telos' upstairs, for that matter?
what does it mean that telos has pulled the hourglasses from the other hourglasses? does that disrupt destiny or something? are they dead? undead? can they die now?
how does telos handle every single person who "dies" (etc) while also being here with the group? are there multiple of them? do they exist outside of time?
where is telos' house and why isn't it like the other realities?
what is in the space surrounding telos' house? why can't the crew see it?
we need to name the group. the crew? telos' crew? maris' crew?
why aren't there the different motif characters (pantheon) in telos' house? how do they exist outside that? do they, or can we just not see them? is that what's in this empty space?
how does telos have the ability to move from reality to reality?
why is telos covered up all the time?
maris and 42 really do not get along. once again iconic -- but what's the deal with him being a traitor? and why is that so frightening to maris? she has definitely been betrayed.. protect maris <3 that is all
okayokayokay i'll stop. lots of questions and like zero answers hjkashd i'll work on that. next time i update hopefully we'll have some more info!!
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beckywarrenamazon2024 · 8 months
TUESDAY, JANUARY 30, 2024 — MANAUS, BRAZIL. AMAZON RIVER. This was a very big day, for several reasons.
The first big event of the day was our ship crossing the Meeting of the Waters. Yes, I know, we did a junior version of this a few days ago. But this is the famous one. The water in the Solimões River is brown and opaque with silt. The water in the Rio Negro is clear and dark from upstream vegetation. These two rivers come together at Manaus to form the mighty Amazon River. But because of differences in density, temperature, speed, and pH, the two types of water flow side by side for six miles before mingling. It's very cool.
Because my hike in the national forest got messed up a few days ago, today was the day when I finally got to trek into the Brazilian rainforest. It did not disappoint. Our guide, Aldo, told us about so much! The medicinal properties of tree sap. The resins that make great fuel. The importance of the hammock in the lives of native people. (Aldo and his wife don't sleep together because she grew up sleeping on a mattress, but he has back trouble if he doesn't sleep in a hammock.)
Aldo showed us how the locals make fire by striking a stone with a machete. He showed us a tarantula, and an açaí berry plant. And after a demonstration on tree-climbing, he agreed to let a know-it-all, pain-in-the-butt member of our group give it a try. It did not go well.
I was so glad to go on this excursion. It added immensely to my understanding of life on the Amazon for people who choose to live simply. Way off the grid. It is where they are happy and at peace in a world that must seem insane much of the time. I get it.
Another reason this was a big day is because it was our last. Tomorrow we fly to Miami, then home. Tonight we had to pack our bags and put them out in the hall for transport to the airport in the morning. Days like this are bitter and sweet. Travel is amazing. It teaches us so much. Each evening at dinner Becky and I have discussed what we learned that day. And we want to keep on traveling and learning. But home is wonderful, and we are eager to be back there.
So we go to sleep tonight with wistful mixed feelings. But with an overwhelming feeling of gratitude. It's been a good day.
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nonbinarycharmybee · 1 year
Sonic: Ours
This is just a short drabble based on an au that I don't plan on writing an actual fic for (which is why it's here and not ao3 lol). I might write some more for this universe (I have. Ideas.) but they won't be in chronological order and will likely jump around randomly. For context, it's basically "bokurano but with sonic characters" so if you're lost just read the second paragraph of this wikipedia page and fill in the blanks ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
cw: major character death ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
It’s raining when Tails opens the front door, stomping a little too loudly down the hall and into the kitchen. 
“Tails?” Vanilla calls from the living room, looking up from her tea in concern. “Is everything alright?”
He freezes, hand on the refrigerator door. “Uh. Yeah.” There’s a photo of Cream and Vanilla magneted to the fridge, professional and staged, but Cream has her arms wrapped around her mother’s neck and they’re both smiling widely enough that Tails can still feel the wisps of adoration seeping through. 
He swallows. “Sorry.” Then, keeping his head down, he runs off to his room. 
It’s not actually his room, per se - that still exists back at his house, which also still exists, he’s just too much of a coward to go back. Back to where there were probably still blue quills stuck in the couch and leftover chili dogs in the fridge and the hammock chair in the workshop that he always fell asleep on even with the noisy machines and - and - .
He doesn’t want to think about it. 
 Vanilla had offered, sympathetically, to let him stay in their guest room “for as long as he needed”. It's a pretty old-fashioned room, with floral wallpaper and a four-poster bed that looked like it had been made fifty years ago. He feels a little bad now about leaving all his toys scattered everywhere. 
He picks up a socket wrench. If he's…if he is leaving soon, he should clean up. He’d never been very organized - his toys always scattered about, never lined up on shelves, but he always knew where everything was. “Organized chaos,” …he had jokingly called it once. But it’d be awfully rude, to say the least, to make Cream and Vanilla deal with his mess afterwards. 
He sits down on the floor, back against the wall, staring at the small pink rosettes on the opposite wall and tracing the outline of the wrench with his finger. 
There’s a knock at the door. Cream opens it slightly, peeking through the crack. 
“Hey,” he says quietly. She takes the invitation to come in. 
“...You got it, didn’t you,” she says softly. It’s not even a question. Tails just looks up. She stares at the grayish-blue pattern on his fur, creeping up his neck to the side of his face, the same one he saw in the reflection of a store window just hours ago. 
“How…how long do you think we have?” She presses her lips together, uncertain. “The last fight was only a few days ago….”
“I don’t know,” he shrugged. He’d tried running down equations, see if he could find a pattern or prediction to when said fights would appear, but they were just random. 
Cream sits down next to him, crossing her legs. “Sorry….”
Tails shakes his head. “It’s fine. I mean, it was bound to happen eventually, right?”
A few moments of silence pass before he hears a sniff. Then another. Then Cream has her hands pressed up against her eyelids, desperately trying to suppress a sob. 
“Oh- hey, it’s okay!” Tails closes the gap between them and hugs her with one arm. “It’s okay. It’ll be okay. I promise.” Then he feels bad, because Cream is in the contract too, so said promise is obviously a lie. 
She sniffles again. “You should…be the one crying….”
“Yeah,” Tails looks away. In truth, he hadn’t felt like crying since this whole thing started. It all felt a little fuzzy, a little too unreal to comprehend. The logical part of his brain said it was mild dissociation as a coping technique. The emotional part of his brain told the former to shut up. 
“Tails? Cream?” Vanilla knocks on the door. “Dinner’s ready.”
Tails’ eyes widen. He doesn’t know how to explain why it looks like he painted his fur, and why it won’t wash off. 
Cream scrambles up, quickly scrubbing any semblance of tears away from her face. “Tails isn’t feeling good, Mother,” she says quickly. 
“Ah.” Vanilla purses her lips, hesitantly, like she wants to say something but doesn’t want to overstep a fragile boundary. “Well, I’ll put your plate in the fridge, dear. You can come down to eat any time you like.”
“Thanks,” he mumbles. Right now, hunger is the last thing he’s feeling. He wonders, idly, if it would be possible to die of starvation beforehand, or if this mark has granted him temporary immortality. 
It’s not like he’d lose anything if he tested that hypothesis out. 
But, then the mark would just go to someone else, and the cycle would just start over again. As long as he’s still here, he needs to spend as much time as possible finding a real solution. 
He picks up the gem on the vanity that he’d been using as a work desk, an oddity amongst the carpenter’s pencils and loose screws, and turns it over with his hands.The large emerald had been a brilliant dark blue once, the color of the ocean on a summer day, but now it’s gray and dull and lifeless. 
He knows the emerald is connected to this, he just can’t figure out how. Every single test, every sample and analysis concludes that it’s just a plain rock now. If he had a working emerald, maybe he could make quicker progress, but he doesn’t know where or how or even if he can find one. 
He spends the whole night at the vanity, adjusting and reprogramming scanners, desperately trying to find a wavelength that would reveal something useful. Vanilla brings a plate of waffles up to him in the morning, which makes him feel a little guilty, so after taking a few bites (he’s still not hungry) he decides to at least push his toys into piles to make sorting through them a bit easier. He doesn’t know who would take his personally monogrammed screwdriver, but he hopes it goes to a good home. It’s been through a lot, ever since he’d given it to Tails their first Christmas together. It deserves it. 
He doesn’t know whether it’s a blessing or a curse that he feels a familiar buzzing sensation overtake his body a few days later, like he’d simultaneously been dunked in ice water and injected with a thousand grams of caffeine right into his bloodstream. It’s supposed to be a protective technique, a high-end anaesthetic so their brains won’t overload from the pain of having every single atom of their body split apart and drop dead as soon as they reformed inside the control room. He drops his pencil as his hands phase and glitch like a faulty video game. Looks like he won't solve this equation after all, he thinks.
If only he could have had a little more time. 
He sits down on a perfect imitation of his black rolling chair in his workshop, right down to the scuff marks on its wheels, and glances around. Cream is practically sinking into her large armchair, the same chair she avoided back home. Silver is floating listlessly above his beanbag, while Amy picks at the hem of her dress on a cute white kitchen chair. Vector is apathetically rolling back and forth on a cheap office chair while Espio stares blankly down at his tatami mat - they hadn’t been the same since the third member of their little trio had been chosen. 
Shadow is leaning against the far wall, away from everybody. He won’t go near his seat (a plain metal folding chair, of all things) until the fight has begun.
Tails’ eyes skip over the ornate throne, the chunk of stone steps with creeping vines, the…the hammock chair in his workshop that he’d always fall asleep on even with the noisy machines. 
Omochao materializes next to him. “Are you ready?” he asks cheerfully.
He’s not. 
“Yes,” he nods. “Let’s do this.”
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iffeelscouldkill · 6 years
Good For Morale
After three and a half weeks of working on this fic and countless distractions, revisions and moments where I had to bribe myself into working on it, it’s finally finished! Here is my longest TSCOSI fic to date, and it’s all about Sana Tripathi. I love that woman.
Of course because I’m me, there’s bonus Arkady/Violet and a bit of Brian/Krejjh, but mostly it’s wall-to-wall Sana Feels and my attempts to get inside her head, understand her character and play out her relationship with Campbell. I really dig their flirty chemistry, and I’m excited to see what their relationship becomes in the podcast :D
This is set post-episode 9, and contains my very vague and bad guesses about things that could happen in episode 10. I look forward to finding out how wrong I am!
Summary: After a daring escape from the IGR, the crew of the Rumor is en route to Telemachus. Sana is preoccupied over an impending reconciliation with Campbell, trying to navigate their suddenly strained relationship, and understand her own feelings towards her old friend.
It would help if she could stop walking in on her crewmates making use of the hammock in the mess hall.
Read on AO3
It wasn’t uncommon on the Rumor to run into Brian and Krejjh being cuddly and sickeningly cute in any given part of the ship.
They spent most of their time either up in the cockpit or in their shared room, but Sana had stumbled across them in the kitchen, the engine room, the medical closet – even her own room during one infamous incident where Brian and Krejjh’s bunk was being fumigated for asteroid ticks. (Brian had apologised profusely for that one).
It wasn’t that they were into public displays of affection so much as they just couldn’t seem to help themselves, thought Sana wryly. And now they were occupying the makeshift hammock she’d constructed out of safety harnesses and string in the middle of the mess hall.
Good for morale, indeed. It wasn’t like she’d ever walked on them doing anything more than PG-rated (not like that time with Arkady’s one-night-stand on Telemachus - god, they were drunk that night), it was just – a little distracting sometimes. Especially at 6 o’clock in the morning, ship’s time, when she’d rather been hoping to eat her breakfast in peace. Sana stood there for a moment, holding her steaming bowl of congee (real congee, not the stuff from the depths of the store cupboard that Arkady sometimes tried to pass off as congee), and settled on a cheerful, “Morning, guys.” One of Krejjh’s pairs of eyes flicked towards her, and they nudged Brian to get his attention. Brian broke away from Krejjh and looked up at Sana, smiling. “Oh, hey, Captain. Didn’t expect to see you up so early.”
“I could say the same about you both,” Sana pointed out. Brian gave his signature loose shrug and a genial smile. “Krejjh’s shift just ended and I was nappin’ in the cockpit, so we both decided to come down here for a change of scene.” “This hammock really does hold weight a lot better than I would’ve expected, all things considered,” Krejjh added brightly. “The more you know!” “That is good to know,” Sana agreed dryly. “Anyway – we’ll leave to your breakfast,” Brian said, hopping up and holding out his hand to Krejjh to help them up. “Aww, but I was comfortable.” Pouting, Krejjh allowed themself to be hauled out of the hammock, keeping their hand intertwined with Brian’s as the two of them left the mess. “See you later, Cap’n!” As the door slid shut behind them, Sana looked thoughtfully at the hammock. After a moment’s indecision, she smiled to herself and sat down, then swivelled to the side and attempted to swing her legs up into the hammock. It was at that moment that the (very hot!) bowl of congee she’d balanced on her lap slid perilously and threatened to spill all over her legs – reminding Sana why she’d stopped using the hammock in the first place.
The second time it happened was only a week later. This time, it was Sana who’d been needing a change of scene. She’d been more or less cooped up in her room since they’d returned from the supply run on Thalassa. Her isolation wasn’t deliberate; she’d just been trying to prepare herself for– well. Anyway, she’d gone down to the kitchen and raided what was left of those “strange flavor” Chinese snacks Violet had bought to see what they tasted like (the rest of the crew hated them, but Sana kind of liked them) and wandered into the mess to find– It was Violet and Arkady this time, Arkady lying in the hammock with Violet propping herself up on her hands above her. She was giggling, and Arkady was looking up at her with an expression that Sana had never seen on her best friend’s face before. It was fierce, loving, and protective all at once; there was a sort of longing there, but also a having, and a wonder at the place she’d found herself, all at the same time. Sana thought that it must be what coming home looked like. The sight caused an unexpected stab of loneliness to run through her. She was beyond thrilled for her best friend, really – it was about damn time that Arkady had got her ass in gear and acted on her very obvious feelings for their resident Science Officer. The entire crew had cheered when Violet grabbed Arkady and kissed her during the Rumor’s break-neck escape from New Jupiter and the IGR. Sana was pretty sure she’d cheered loudest of all. But… It was one thing to see (and hear) Brian and Krejjh acting coupley around the ship and know that she could still knock on Arkady’s door in the dead of night sometimes and complain about the futility of romantic relationships, or get a little drunk and confess to her best friend that she was afraid of being alone, and have the two of them make a pact that they would always be there for each other. It was another thing to be reminded that she was the only one on the ship that hadn’t found someone. She began backing out of the room, but Violet must have caught the movement on the periphery of her vision. She looked up, and blushed bright red as she realised that they had an audience. “Oh! S-Sana, hi!” Arkady twisted around underneath Violet and attempted a wave, completely unselfconscious. “Hey, Captain. Look, we’re using the hammock! I can feel my morale improving already.” “Right,” said Sana distantly. She knew she sounded strained, but couldn’t quite figure out how to make her voice… not be. “That’s good. Don’t let me interrupt.” She turned and left the mess hall.
Arkady watched Sana leave, then turned to frown at Violet. “What was that about?” Violet sat back on her heels, looking concerned. “Sana has been really withdrawn lately. I feel like I’ve hardly seen her since we left Thalassa. Has she spoken to you?” Arkady shrugged as best she could in her horizontal position. “Not really.” She mentally reviewed the last several days – and then remembered the cargo that they’d picked up on Nereid.
“Oh, right. We’re due to call on Campbell in Telemachus, and it’s gonna be the first time that Sana has seen him since we skipped out on our stop to go rescue you, and then, y’know... accused him of double-crossing us. I guarantee she’s stressing about it.” “Crap,” said Violet, and Arkady fought off a smile at Violet’s mild curse words. Then again, she’d also heard her curse fluently and extremely impressively in Mandarin when Arkady came in bleeding from a gunshot wound to the side, so she supposed it was all relative. “But surely he gets it, I mean – our lives were under threat. There was no possible way to know who was after us. And Sana was just trying to protect her crew.” “Yeah, but you know Sana,” Arkady said wryly. “She takes this stuff to heart. And she and Campbell, well… they go pretty far back.” Violet nodded, biting her lip. Her mouth was red and tempting, and Arkady would have loved to wrap the intimate moment back around them and carry on, but she couldn’t leave Sana to get lost in her own head and overblown sense of responsibility. “I should go after her,” she said regretfully. “Not to ditch ya right in the middle, but...” “No, it’s fine, this is important. You should go and talk to Sana,” said Violet. She leaned down to press a quick kiss to Arkady’s mouth. “I’m not going anywhere.”
How the hell did I get so lucky? Arkady wondered, staring up at Violet. It was only when Violet asked, “What?”, her cheeks growing pink again, that she realised she’d been gazing in silence for about a minute with a dopey smile growing on her face.
“Nothing,” said Arkady hastily, scrambling out from under Violet and hopping to her feet. “Wish me luck – I’m about to go and talk about feelings.”
“You’ll live,” Violet told her drily.
Sana had only been sitting down on her bunk for a few moments when her door slid open to admit Arkady. She looked up in surprise.
“Arkady,” she said, frowning slightly. “Look, you didn’t need to come after me, Violet-”
“Is this about Campbell?” Arkady asked, wasting no time in getting to the point.
“Is what about Campbell?” Sana asked. She knew better than to play dumb with her best friend, but to have answered Arkady’s question with anything else felt like too much of an admission. That she was more preoccupied than she’d been letting on.
“You barely leaving your room, acting closed off, freaking out when you walked in on Violet and me just now. Given that you’ve walked in on me in way more compromising positions-” Arkady smirked at the memory, “I figured something else was bothering you. And we’re due to land on Telemachus in just a few days.”
Sana sighed. “Yeah, it’s been on my mind.”
“Look,” said Arkady, sitting down next to Sana. “You were doing what you thought was best for your crew. We had no other suspects! We sure as hell weren’t going to jump to ‘invisible robots in the air’ as the obvious source of our leak. Sometimes you just have to make a call – Campbell of all people should understand that. If he doesn’t, fuck ‘im. We can find other contacts.”
“I know,” said Sana. “I’m not second-guessing my decision; I know it was the right one. But Campbell isn’t just another customer. I want to fix things with him. I’m just not sure how.”
“He agreed to take our cargo from Nereid, though, right? Was he hostile when you spoke to him?”
“Not exactly.” Sana thought back to the short conversation that she’d had with Campbell not long after their flight from the IGR.
“Computer. Outside call. Sana Tripathi to Ignatius Campbell.”
“Attempting connection!” chirped ELLA, and this time, Sana just about suppressed her flinch at hearing Emily Craddock’s voice coming out of her computer. It was going to take her a little while to stop associating it with everything that had happened.
“Sana.” Campbell picked up immediately. Sana had timed the call for late evening on Telemachus, when she’d known Campbell would be available, but she was still gratified and a little relieved. “What’s happening? I heard about what happened on New Jupiter. Are you safe? Is your crew safe?”
“We’re all fine, Campbell,” Sana replied. She tried to keep the weariness from her voice, but didn’t think she’d succeeded. After a moment, she admitted, “Just tired.”
“I’m… glad to hear that,” said Campbell slowly, and there it was – the awkwardness she’d expected. Sana held back a sigh, and tried to think of what else to say. Campbell beat her to it.
“You know, you could have called. If you’d needed… anything. A hiding place. Somewhere to rest. Supplies. I… I know I said that there wasn’t much point in us talking – I said that in the heat of the moment. But you should know that you can always call.”
“I do know,” Sana told him. She might have felt uneasy about having accused Campbell of double-crossing them, but she still knew that if they’d needed a friend, or someplace to lie low, Campbell would have come through for them. “It’s not that I didn’t trust you, Campbell – but it wasn’t safe. We were on the run, and the last thing I wanted was to lead the IGR to your door.”
“Oh,” said Campbell, in a tone that Sana couldn’t identify. “I see.”
“It wasn’t that I didn’t trust you,” Sana emphasised again, because she felt that it was worth repeating. “I knew… I know that you didn’t sell us out to the IGR.”
Campbell was silent for a little while, and Sana wished that she could see his expression. Most state-of-the-art intergalactic comm systems had holotech that would allow you to view the person on the other end, but nothing about the Rumor was state-of-the-art. It hadn’t seemed like a function worth splurging on, especially as they preferred for many of their contacts not to be able to identify them.
“Okay,” Campbell said eventually. “I appreciate that. Did you manage to find the source of your leak?”
“Yeah. Yeah, it was… unexpected,” said Sana. “It’s kind of a long story to explain over a call, but… I could tell it to you in person.”
There was another pause. “Are you guys near Telemachus?”
“We’re actually just about to call in on a contact in Nereid,” said Sana. “They’ve got some cargo that I think you might be interested in.”
“Oh,” said Campbell again, a flat note in his voice. “So, this is a business call.”
“I was hoping it could be a catch-up between old friends,” Sana said cautiously.
Campbell said nothing, and Sana began to wonder if their relationship really was beyond repair. It hurt that something like this could have come between them; when you were a group of smugglers on the wrong side of the law, true friends were few and far between, but she’d never hesitated to count Campbell as one of them. He was allowed to call her Sana; most of their contacts would have been swiftly excommunicated if they’d tried. (She still called him Campbell, despite his insistences, but that was one of those friendly-banter parts of their relationship that she’d always enjoyed, and she thought he did too).
She’d met his family, and the nephews he adored; he’d met her crew. But maybe none of that mattered as much as she’d thought.
She resisted the urge to prompt Campbell or check whether the connection was still active. Finally, Campbell said, “Nereid isn’t exactly in the neighbourhood. You’d have a pretty long trek to get out here.”
Sana stiffened. “If you’d rather we didn’t make the trip-”
“No, no, that’s not what I meant,” Campbell cut in quickly. “But you’d be going pretty far out of your way just to call in on little ol’ me. What’s the cargo?”
“Four cases of Nereien chocolates,” said Sana. “I got them at a pretty good rate.”
“Those are my favourites,” Campbell said, and she could hear the surprise in his voice. “They’re rare, too.”
“Call it a peace offering,” Sana replied.
“You don’t need to make peace with me, Sana,” said Campbell. “You never did.”
This time, it was Sana’s turn to say nothing. After a few moments, Campbell said, “Call me when you’re on the approach, and I’ll come meet you at the landing site.”
“I…” Sana had been about to say, ‘I’ll look forward to it,’ but she wasn’t sure how it would be received. She settled for, “Thank you, Campbell. I’ll be in touch. Sana Tripathy out.”
“It was hard for me to get a read on him,” Sana told Arkady. “There were a lot of awkward silences, and… I couldn’t tell what he was thinking. He told me before that he wasn’t angry at me, and I believe him, but he seemed… disappointed, maybe? Or, not disappointed, but… like he was waiting for the other shoe to drop. I guess I can’t blame him.”
Arkady’s mouth twisted, but she said, “Honestly, I think you’re over-thinking this, Sana. If he says he’s not angry, and he’s still willing to trade with us, then what’s the issue? Things are bound to be kind of awkward, but that doesn’t mean there’s anything else going on here. You guys can clear the air in person once we land on Telemachus.”
Sana sighed. “Yeah, I know. It’s just-” She hesitated, and then forged ahead with the other thing that had been bothering her. “Remember how you said that Campbell seemed friendlier than usual, when we called him to ask for new IDs? Almost like he was… hitting on me?”
“Yeah,” said Arkady with a smirk. It faded as she put two and two together. “It seemed suspicious, combined with the fact that we didn’t know who our leak was – evidence pointed to Campbell being the source. But if he wasn’t, then…”
“Then I guess he was just… hitting on me?” Sana said uncertainly. “And I don’t really know what to make of that. You’ve always teased me about how friendly we are, about how one day I’ll ‘ride off into the sunset to grow tomatoes with Campbell’-”
“Okay, I said that one time,” said Arkady. “But in general – yeah. You guys are close. Closer than the rest of us. I’m friendly with him, and he and Krejjh have that weird spicy-food rapport, but that’s all through you. You guys are the ones who have the… connection. Let’s face it, we wouldn’t have gotten half the discounts that we did over the years if it wasn’t for you.”
“So… What do you think I should do about it?”
Arkady laughed. “The hell if I know! Shit, Sana, you remember who you’re talking to, right? Arkady ‘one night and run’ Patel? I have no idea how Violet and I are even still together.”
Sana laughed as well, and felt the knot that had settled in her chest after she’d walked in on Arkady and Violet finally begin to ease. She’s still your best friend, she thought. She’s still Arkady. She hasn’t left you.
“Don’t do yourself down,” she told Arkady. “You and Violet are great together. I know you guys will make it work.”
“I appreciate the vote of confidence,” said Arkady drily, and Sana knew that this was her way of deflecting the conversation away from a route she wasn’t yet ready to go down. “But, back to you and Campbell.”
Sana sighed. “It’s probably a moot point, anyway. Even if he was, well, flirting with me… I’ve probably messed it all up. Nothing kills a potential romance like accusing the other person of collaborating with the IGR.”
“So, uh,” Arkady shifted uncomfortably, which Sana knew was a sign of her gearing herself up to tackle Feelings. “Is this a potential… romance? Or… was it?”
“Maybe?” Sana admitted, shrugging. She could feel herself blushing slightly. “I mean, it’s Campbell. You joking about us settling down always seemed like… a joke. But he’s – funny, and sweet, and the world’s most devoted uncle. And he’s never let us down. I didn’t think he’d sold us out because I didn’t trust him, I thought it because I know what horrors the IGR is capable of.”
“I thought it because human beings are assholes,” muttered Arkady. Sana raised an eyebrow at her. “Okay, not the point, I know. Look-” She shifted uncomfortably again, like she was sitting on hot nails, with a pained grimace to match. “If things go… well… with Campbell, and he doesn’t hate you – which I bet you now that he won’t, because it’s you – then you can decide what to do from there. Maybe try just… asking him out to dinner?”
“Ah, romantic tandem eating,” Sana joked. “What could go wrong?”
“Hey, at least Campbell’s not a Dwarnian,” said Arkady in amusement. “He’s not gonna go inviting the rest of the crew.”
“God, it’s a miracle those two ever got it together,” Sana said fondly, enjoying the temporary change of subject. “You might think you’re bad at giving love advice, but I guarantee that you’re better at it than Krejjh.”
She expected Arkady to laugh, but instead she looked thoughtful. “I think you’d be surprised, actually,” she said, but refused to elaborate, no matter how much Sana needled her.
True to his word, Campbell was there waiting for them when the Rumor touched down on Telemachus. Sana’s conversation with him on the approach had been brief, but friendly, which gave her hope. Now that she was listening for it, she thought that he sounded warmer when talking to her, compared to the way that he addressed the rest of the crew. But maybe she was reading too much into things.
He was standing a safe distance away from the landing point, one hand in his pocket. As the hatch popped open and began to lower, he raised one hand in a cheerful wave, grinning broadly.
“Well, he doesn’t look mad,” Arkady muttered to Sana. “Unless he’s planning to kill us with kindness. Also, is it just me, or is he kinda dressed up?”
Sana had been thinking the same. Campbell was wearing what looked like a black leather jacket, and a pair of dark jeans that appeared brand new – a far cry from his usual worn overcoat and patched cargo pants. He was wearing the same heavy, steel-toed work boots as ever, but she could have sworn that he’d cleaned them up a bit.
They weren’t the only ones who’d noticed. “Campbell’s looking sharp,” Brian commented cheerfully from behind her. Sana glanced over her shoulder to find him smiling expectantly at her.
“Uh, yeah, I guess he is,” she said. Krejjh looked between the two of them, obviously trying to grasp the unspoken subtext of their exchange. As Sana descended the ramp, she heard them whisper with a characteristic lack of subtlety,
“Oh! Is this a human courtship ritual?”
“Maybe, dude,” said Brian, and Sana fought off the urge to cover her face with her hand. Instead, she called out, “Hey, Campbell.”
“Sana,” he said as she came closer, and there was definitely a warmth in his voice and in his eyes that hadn’t always been there. “It’s good to see you. How was your trip? Did you have any problems at the checkpoint?”
Sana shook her head. “The credentials that you sent ahead for us worked like a charm, thanks. We probably shouldn’t hang about here for too long, but as of right now, the IGR isn’t actively on our tail.”
“Well, thank heaven for small mercies, then,” said Campbell drily. “Follow me, and we’ll get- uh, is the rest of the crew staying on the ship?”
Sana looked behind her and saw that the rest of the crew was still clustered at the top of the ramp, watching them. Krejjh was grinning madly.
“Oh, for the love of God,” Sana muttered. Obviously, someone had come up with the bright idea to give them some ‘alone time’, and they were all being fantastically unsubtle about it. “No, they’re coming,” she told Campbell, shooting Arkady a look that said Get over here, or else.
Arkady sauntered down the ramp, closely followed by Violet and Krejjh, with Brian bringing up the rear, his arms piled high with the boxes of chocolates that they’d picked up on Nereid. “Hey, Campbell. How’s it been going?”
“Pretty uneventful, apart from aiding and abetting the odd fugitive here and there,” Campbell said with a wry smile. “How about you?”
“The same. Totally uneventful,” Arkady deadpanned.
“This trip is the most exciting thing that’s happened to us all year,” Brian put in, brightly.
“Well, I can’t tell you how honoured I am,” joked Campbell, as Krejjh snickered. Campbell’s gaze landed on Violet. “And you must be the new recruit.”
“Violet Liu. It’s nice to finally meet you, Mr. Campbell,” said Violet politely, shaking Campbell’s hand.
“Likewise. I’d tell you to call me Ignatius, but even Sana refuses to, and I’ve known her for six years,” said Campbell ruefully. “Still, just ‘Campbell’ is fine. Anyway, as you said, Sana, we should probably keep moving – if you’ll all follow me, I’m parked nearby. It’s a five-seater, so we might have to get creative with the seating arrangements.”
“I can sit on Krejjh’s lap,” Brian offered, and Sana thought she caught a brief look of disappointment on Arkady’s face. She smirked.
Everything seemed completely normal between the six of them that evening, from the ride in Campbell’s car to going out for dinner and drinks. Campbell had a knack for picking the most unlikely hole-in-the-wall eateries that looked terrible but served almost unfairly delicious food, a different one each time.
Sana mostly sat back and observed as the others chattered and dug in, watching Campbell’s eyes crinkle as he drew Violet into conversation, watching as he pulled a bottle of hot sauce out almost unseen and passed it to Krejjh, who crowed and immediately began to empty it over everything. She watched Arkady teasing Brian over his bizarre food combinations, goading him into trying a strange-looking tropical fish that sat in the middle of the table.
At one point, she caught Krejjh looking at her enquiringly with one of their pairs of eyes, the other pair fixed on Violet as she attempted to – slightly tipsily – explain some complex biological concept. She smiled to let them know that she was fine, and quickly reapplied herself to her food.
She had a tendency to forget how astute Krejjh really was, and how much they tended to play up the ‘dumb alien who doesn’t understand human social conventions’ for effect. Maybe Arkady was onto something.
The truth was, she was enjoying just seeing her crew get the chance to take a breather. They hadn’t really stopped since their flight from the IGR, not daring to stay put for long on any one planet or moon – even once they were fairly sure that the Regime had given up pursuing them, too busy trying to contain the unfolding situation on New Jupiter.
They’d never been able to feel safe anywhere. Until now.
Thinking this, she looked up at Campbell, only to find him already watching her with a smile on his face.
When it came time to buy the next round of drinks, Sana volunteered, making her way to the bar and attempting to get the bartender’s attention. After she’d finally succeeded in making their order, she leaned on the bar – and jumped as Campbell came up next to her.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to catch you off-guard,” he said apologetically. “I called your name, but the patrons of this place’re… not the quietest.”
Sana laughed a little. “It’s fine. Guess I’m still a little on edge.”
She smiled up at him, and there was a pause. Again.
“I, uh, I thought you might want a hand carrying those drinks,” Campbell said.
“Oh, yeah, sure,” said Sana. The bartender was beginning to line the drinks up on the bar for her, still filling the enormously tall glass belonging to Krejjh, because Dwarnians processed human alcohol in very different ways (and quantities). If Sana wanted to speak to Campbell in private, now was the time.
“Listen, I-” she began at the same time as Campbell said, “I was wondering-”
“Oh, uh, you go first.”
“No, please.”
Okay then. Sana gathered her courage – ridiculous, that this should feel more intimidating than facing down the Fowleys - and asked, “Will you go to dinner with me tomorrow night?”
Campbell looked momentarily surprised, then chuckled. “And here I was about to ask you how long you’re planning to dock on Telemachus, as a roundabout way of working up to the same question,” he said. “Yes. I’d love to have dinner with you, Sana.”
Sana let Campbell be the one to choose the restaurant, conceding to his more up-to-date knowledge of Telemachus and his excellent taste in eateries. The following night, sat across from Campbell in a cozy little restaurant with her mouth full of the best beef rendang she’d ever eaten, she knew she’d made the right choice.
“Campbell, this is incredible,” she enthused, not even caring that her mouth was full. Campbell laughed, digging into his own bakmi goreng.
“How do you always know such good places to eat?” Sana demanded. Campbell shrugged.
“I didn’t get where I am without knowing how to make connections, and you’d be amazed at how much more open people are to doing business after a plate of really good food,” he said. “But I’m also not gonna pay through the nose for them to get blinded on moonshine and puke it all up later that night.” Sana almost choked on her mouthful as she started to laugh. “So, I look for establishments that don’t charge too much. And mind their own business.”
“So, you’re picking up the tab for tonight, then?” Sana asked playfully.
“I figured we could haggle,” Campbell replied, deadpan, and Sana laughed again.
She’d been worried about a dinner with just the two of them becoming stilted and formal, but so far it had been anything but. Determined to avoid the clichéd “outfit crisis”, she had dressed more or less the same as she did on the ship, minus her trusty wide, yellow tool belt with its hundreds of pockets, and a few engine oil stains. She missed its reassuring weight around her hips, though she was wearing a wide black belt to make up for it, with a vest and her signature knee-high boots (or as Arkady called them, her “space pirate boots”) over a loose green blouse and neopolyfibre jeans.
Arkady had performed an exaggerated double-take when she saw Sana. “Wow, Sana, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you without a wrench in your pocket before,” she said with mock surprise.
“That’s not true,” said Sana lightly. “Remember when we infiltrated that ball held by Commander Grandwin on Qilin?”
“No,” said Arkady deliberately. “I don’t remember. I’ve repressed it. That corset was hideous.”
“You looked good in it.”
“I couldn’t move in it! And I had nowhere to put my weapons. I had to strap a gun to my garter.”
Violet, who had been listening in on their conversation while brewing a pot of coffee, suddenly looked very interested. “Sorry, you strapped a gun to your what?” she asked in amusement.
“Uhhh…” Arkady froze, torn between playing to her girlfriend’s clear interest and denying any recollection of the incident in question. Sana winked at Violet.
“Tell you what, after we set off from Telemachus I’ll find us a nice formal ball to go to, and Kady can give you a real-life demonstration.”
“You’re dead to me,” Arkady hissed at her. Sana waved cheerfully at her and left the kitchen.
When Campbell had seen her, the first thing he’d said was, “Is it clichéd if I say you look nice?”
Sana grinned. “A little, but sometimes clichés are good.”
She’d been expecting at least a few minutes of awkward small talk at first, but no sooner had they sat down at their rickety little table than Campbell said,
“So, you’ve met my buddy Red Gregor – was he favouring his left leg, by any chance, when you saw him?”
“Uhh…” Sana tried to cast her mind back. Most of what had happened on Elion was a blur of her breaking the speed limit while Arkady tried to coach Violet through the Carmen Gambit, but she remembered Red Gregor after a bit: a thin-faced man who looked to be half-Chinese, half-Latino, and spoke with a strong Irish twang. He had, in fact, walked with a slight limp.
“Sure, I think he said it was prosthetic?”
“It is,” Campbell confirmed. “But what’s really funny is how he got it…”
After Elion, though, it didn’t take them long to get onto the topic of the “leak” aboard the Rumor. Campbell said, “Listen, I swear I’m not bringing this up because I’m angry with you, because I’m not-”
Sana tensed, and put down her fork. “Honestly, Campbell, you have every right to be,” she said. “I… I should have trusted you more. It wasn’t that I didn’t – it was that I was afraid of what the IGR might do to get their way. If it hadn’t been for my crew, I could’ve-”
Campbell held up a hand and shook his head. “If I didn’t know by now that you’d do anything to protect your crew, I’d be a damn fool,” he said. “I got that. And maybe if I’d been more level-headed… I could’ve helped you guys in some way. I know; you said it wasn’t safe. But I’ve had some time to think about this, and it bothered me, thinking that maybe I could have done more.
“What you said, about the people I care about – my nephews – and what I’d be willing to do to protect them… You were right. I really don’t like to think about what I’d be willing to do.” Campbell’s voice wavered slightly, and he cleared his throat. “But I also know that they’re not the only ones I’d… do almost anything to keep safe.”
Sana looked at him uncertainly. Campbell shook his head.
“That came out – that wasn’t what I meant to say. Look, I know I sounded angry on our call, and I know you’ve convinced yourself it’s because you all ‘screwed me over’ and did me out of what I was owed, and that I’m somehow keeping score.” Campbell said all this not angrily, but with a quiet intensity that nevertheless made Sana a little nervous.
“But that’s not it. If I was angry, it was because this is what the IGR always does – it sows fear, paranoia, and distrust. Even among people like us. And I was angry because… because you were light years away from me, in some kind of trouble, and there wasn’t a damn thing that I could do to help you.”
But I also know that they’re not the only ones I’d… do almost anything to keep safe. Campbell’s words suddenly made sense to Sana, and her mouth opened in surprise. Before she could say anything, Campbell said,
“I know you don’t think of yourself as someone who needs help or protection. And I’d never try to force it on you, but... You should know that it’s not always about favours and deals, owing someone or being owed. Sometimes, it’s just about people caring about you.”
Sana’s throat closed up, and she looked down at her mostly-finished bowl of food. The truth was that he was right; before a few weeks ago, she would have baulked at the idea of needing protection from anyone. She let Arkady watch her back, but that was different. She looked out for Arkady as much as Arkady looked out for her, even if Arkady didn’t realise it. Not all kinds of protection involved putting yourself between someone else and a bullet.
She’d always prided herself on being tough and self-sufficient. She’d built her reputation up from nothing; she had to be. She hated to be in anyone’s debt, because in her experience, you never knew when and how they might choose to collect. As a woman – above all, a brown woman – trying to make her way in a cutthroat world, she had to be that much more invincible.
But she thought about the way that Arkady had shoved her shoulder into Sana’s on the Gay Louisa to get her out of range of one of the security bots. She thought of the way, on New Jupiter, that Violet’s mouth had pressed into a line and she’d pressed Sana down into a chair with surprising strength and held her there while she treated her injury. She thought about seeing Brian wielding a gun for the first time, his face intent, and of Krejjh gunning the ship into overdrive to get all of them to safety.
Maybe she was learning that it was okay to let her friends look after her too.
“I’ve overstepped – I’m sorry,” said Campbell in a rush, and Sana looked up at him, coming back to herself. “I shouldn’t have-”
“No, you haven’t overstepped,” said Sana quietly, and he stopped. “I… think you’re right. And…” Campbell waited as she gathered her thoughts.
“And I think I understand what you were trying to tell me before,” she finished. “About not keeping score. It’s hard for me to make an exception to those rules, but… I can try.” She gave Campbell a half-smile. “I’m not used to being on the receiving end. Of having other people try to protect me. But maybe I’m beginning to get that it’s a two-way street.”
“I’m more than willing to help show you,” said Campbell, with such quiet sincerity that Sana felt herself blushing.
Sensing the need to lighten the tone a little, Campbell said jokingly, “Of course, don’t think this gets ya out of bartering the next time you have cargo to offload.”
“Why would I miss out on the chance to take advantage of your atrocious negotiating skills?” Sana returned easily. Campbell snorted in spite of himself, and then pretended to clutch at his chest as if mortally wounded.
“You’ve cut me to the quick, Captain Tripathi.”
“You were right about something else, too,” Sana said, remembering. “Not that any of us would have guessed, in a million years…”
At Campbell’s look of confusion, she explained: “On our call, you said – something like, ‘You’re flying through space. We’re light years apart, and we’re talking. Someone from three hundred years ago wouldn’t be able to comprehend it.’ You were talking about other possible explanations for our leak, and as it turned out, that was it. That was the explanation.”
Campbell raised an eyebrow. “I’m going to need something much stronger for this story, aren’t I?” he asked, gesturing to his glass of wine.
“Significantly,” Sana agreed.
They got through several glasses of a strong local spirit (it had nothing on engine-room moonshine, but was strong enough for Sana to feel its effects) as Sana told the whole story: about the swarm, Emily and Alvy’s discoveries, Thasia and the Other Violet, the way they’d pieced everything together, Violet’s Plan B, and their final confrontation and flight from the IGR. She spoke in low tones, their conversation easily drowned out by the loud chatter of the other patrons.
Campbell listened spellbound, occasionally swearing quietly (or not-so-quietly) in response to a development in the tale. He had always been a good audience – normally she and Arkady would take it in turns to tell stories about their exploits, Arkady mostly contributing sarcastic commentary at first until the moonshine loosened her up enough that she would take over narrating, Krejjh chiming in at appropriate – or inappropriate – moments with an exclamation or an oddly specific detail.
It felt strange to be telling it on her own, but enjoyable, too. When she described Violet grabbing Arkady and kissing her as they fled New Jupiter, Campbell stared at her in disbelief for several seconds and then wheezed with laughter.
“So Arkady finally found someone who can give as good as she gets?” he asked, shaking his head. “I thought I sensed… something last night, but I wasn’t sure if I was reading too much into things.”
“It can be hard to tell, with Arkady,” Sana agreed. “But honestly, I think the less she talks about it, the more it… matters.”
Eventually, the conversation reached a natural lull, and Sana realised it was almost midnight: they’d been out for almost four hours.
“Campbell…” she began, and then stopped.
“I know, it’s late,” said Campbell, recognising the double-tap on her comm that told her the time. “I guess we should call it a night.”
“Would you like to come back to the ship?” Sana asked him, feeling almost shy. It wasn’t uncommon for Campbell to walk with them back to the Rumor after a night of drinking, usually helping Brian to support Krejjh’s weight while they sang Dwarnian battle hymns with the words in the wrong order. (Or so Brian told her, anyway). But this was a little different. “Or, if you’d rather head home, we can-”
“I don’t have anywhere to be,” said Campbell with a smile. “Lead the way.”
Neither of them said anything much as they walked back to where the Rumor was docked, ducking down various side streets and doubling back on themselves just in case they were being tailed. Sana didn’t sense any immediate danger, but it would just be sloppy not to. She kept her hand within easy reach of the micro-blaster tucked just inside her vest.
The ship was dark when they approached, but Sana doubted that any of the crew was asleep just yet. She used her radio key to unlock the door, and the ramp quietly lowered down to the ground.
The lights on the Rumor were motion-activated, and Sana had always liked the way they gradually turned on when she came back to the ship at night, like they were welcoming her back. In the days when she’d been a crew of one, it had been a comfort.
Sana expected they’d find the crew gathered together in the mess hall, but as she and Campbell walked through the ship’s corridors, there was no sign of anyone. Sana was slightly suspicious – it wasn’t like any of them to go to bed this early. Surely none of them could have known that she’d bring Campbell back to the ship?
“So… When do you think was the last time you actually came on board?” she asked Campbell, to break the silence.
Campbell hummed thoughtfully. “It’s been a good three years. I see you’ve made some upgrades here and there.”
“Yeah, and we even got a new coffee maker, finally,” Sana said drily.
“Oh God, I remember that ancient old thing you used to have. Didn’t Arkady salvage it from a skip on Astraeus?”
“Something like that.” They paused outside the kitchen. “Would you… like a cup?” Sana asked.
Campbell raised one eyebrow and gave her a roguish smile. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that was an invitation, Captain,” he said.
“Let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves, Campbell,” Sana said, turning away so that Campbell wouldn’t see her blush, and leading the way into the kitchen.
“Call me Ignatius,” Campbell said, unexpectedly.
Sana paused in the middle of stretching up to reach the only two (thankfully) clean cups left in the cupboard. It seemed like a small thing, but names carried a lot of meaning, a lot of weight. She’d thought long and hard about the name Sana Tripathi when she’d chosen it, after the uprising. It had represented a new start, new possibilities.
She knew that Campbell, like everyone else in their line of work, had other names that he often went by. But he’d only ever been Campbell to her.
“All right… Ignatius,” she said, trying it out. Campbell smiled at her, warm and fond.
They carried their cups of coffee into the mess hall, and Campbell raised his eyes as he caught sight of the hammock strung up on one side of the room.
“That’s also new. Are those… safety harnesses?”
“Admittedly, not my finest piece of engineering,” Sana admitted. “It was meant to be for morale.”
“Does anyone actually use it?”
Sana felt her face warm again as she considered how best to answer that question. “From time to time.”
“Can I try it out?” Campbell asked playfully.
“Sure, it should hold your weight.”
Campbell set his coffee cup down on the ground by the hammock and cautiously sat down on it, and when it didn’t give way under his weight, swung his legs up and lay down fully.
“This is actually pretty comfortable,” he said in a tone of slight surprise. “The holes are a little unnerving, but it’s a solid hammock.”
“Thanks. I really should take it apart and put the safety harnesses back, but I think the crew like it.”
“I would say ‘Who needs safety harnesses?’, but I know how Krejjh flies,” joked Campbell. “Can it hold two people?”
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that was an invitation,” said Sana. She smirked at Campbell, and then added, “Ignatius.”
Campbell’s eyes darkened, and he sat up and reached out a hand. Sana took it, and allowed Campbell to pull her down until – with a little manoeuvring – she was lying next to him on the hammock.
Their bodies were pressed flush against each other, and Sana was sure that Campbell could feel her heart pounding against his chest. Campbell reached up and gently smoothed a piece of stray hair away from her face.
“Is this okay?” he asked in a low rumble. “Are we moving too fast?”
“This is just fine,” Sana replied, and kissed him.
Campbell’s hand came up to gently cup the back of her head as he kissed her back, sending an almost electric thrill through her. Sana extricated her hand from between them and laid it against Campbell’s cheek, kissing him more intently now, inhaling faint notes of aftershave and cologne.
By the time they broke apart, the hammock was swaying gently. Sana smiled at Campbell, feeling a little punch drunk.
“This honestly feels like it’s been… a long time coming,” she said.
“I think it has,” Campbell agreed. “Do you, uh… Should we relocate to somewhere less public?” At such close quarters, Sana could see him blushing slightly.
She thought about it, and the not insignificant chance that one of the crew – who most definitely were not asleep – could walk in on them at any moment.
“Let’s stay here for a little while longer,” she said. “I think it’s only fair that I get to have a turn.”
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wiypt-writes · 2 years
Rock ‘n’ Roll People, In A Disco World
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Part 17: Disco Dancing With The Lights Down Low
Part 2: Well hello, Stud.
Summary: You and Paul take an ‘adults’ only trip to Mexico. Sun, sea…and all the other things beginning with S…
Warnings: Bad Language, NSFW (18+)
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction. I do not own any characters contained within, bar the reader and any other OCS that may be mentioned. I do not give consent for my work to be reposted/translated to any other site. Reblogs are fine and are my jam, baby.
W/C: 5.9k
A/N: Okay, so… i know I said by end of the month but I realised that’s not that long off so…here it is. Remember, Part 3 will be the Paul Diskant entrance for mine and @spectre-posts Kinktober
Rock N Roll People Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Part 1
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When feeling returned to your bodies, the pair of you collapsed into bed as the sounds of the ocean at night lulled you into a deep sleep. The next day was as promised, sun, sand, laziness. Around lunch the two of you returned to the villa and with snacks in hand, fell asleep together sharing the macramé hammock on your deck.
Before dinner, you face timed again to check in with the kids who gleefully told you all about their day at the pier with Grumpy and Nanny. Connor won Jack a new teddy, Jack unfortunately won another fish but Paul's parents just seemed so happy with them both and Woody was doing just fine being a good guard dog.
“So Batman has his Robin, huh?” Paul snorted as the pair of you both laughed at how Jim explained he’d been forced to go back to your house and deposit him in the tank in Jack’s room.
“I was hoping he’d miss,” Jim snorted, “but we also realised next time you wanna do this we can just come to stay at yours. Don’t know why we didn’t do that this time round. Would be the most logical thing to do…”
"Change in scenery wasn't going to kill them, Pop.”
“Hmmm more like you wanted them to trash our house so you didn’t have a mess to clean up.”
Dot laughed, "I wouldn't leave it like that."
Jim rolled his eyes as Paul laughed, “it was an adventure for them. Camp Grumpy, remember? You know they love coming to stay with you guys.”
"How's Jack behaving?” You asked.
“He’s been fine.” Dotty assured you. “They both have. We’ve had a few small little squabbles but nothing major. And they’re sharing a room. We heard Jack crying on the first night but just as Jim was heading across the hall to get him, he saw Jack take himself over the landing and crawl in with Ceej. And that was it.”
You smiled, the news having warmed your heart. Your eyes welled up as you glanced at Paul. He winked at you before he looked back at the screen. “They love each other deep down.” He smiled. “Well, we gotta go get dinner. Let us know once they’re handed over tomorrow and we’ll call Nick and Maria.”
"You got it," Big Jim nodded.
You missed the goodbye between Disco and his parents as you'd gone to slip into your dinner dress. It was a casual affair, so you slipped into a backless linen halter dress, black and long.
You heard Paul shuffle into the room and two large hands fell to your hips, bearded lips kissed your neck from behind.
"You look beautiful." He whispered in your ear.
"Thank you.”
“Gimme five and I’ll be ready.” He kissed your cheek and then moved to pull his outfit from the closet.
You headed down the stairs and waited for Paul there, looking out across your patio at the beach. Your mind flashed through your entire life together and it made you emotional. The love you felt for this man, a man who absolutely worshipped you and desired you daily was indescribable. Sometimes, you felt unworthy of such a love, of such a man. But most times, you kept in the forefront of your mind how lucky you were.
And a reminder of just how lucky, was permanently on display through that now well faded, but still visible, scar on the left side of his neck.
He'd made this trip all about you, the two of you. Not rekindling of romance, as your relationship had never lacked on that front, but it was certainly unearthing the connection the two of you had that had somewhat been set aside with work and parenting. Now, as you waited in the warm evening air, you decided that after dinner you were going to make the evening about him. You knew each and every trigger Paul had that would arouse him, make him putty in your hands and it all started from that mark, that reminder of so much in your lives.
He disturbed your thoughts as he walked out onto the balcony, dressed in a pair of khaki coloured chinos and a short-sleeved black button down
“Well hello Stud," you smirked.
“Mrs Diskant,” he winked, his hand outstretched, “let’s eat, babe.”
You held hands as you walked along the plank board walkway through the outskirts of the jungle and towards the main lobby. You dined along the sand that night, the beach lit by Tiki torches and thatched roof coverings over the tables. It was local fare, a combination of Caribbean and Mexican flavors. You shared wine over your meals and when you were through, you walked along the rolling tide back to your villa.
Paul opened the door and then stepped aside, letting you in first, his hand falling to the bare base of your back. When you heard the click of the lock, you turned on your heel and looked at your husband. Your eyes roamed his frame, his thick, muscular and broad shoulders filling out that button down. You stepped forward, closing the gap between the two of you. Your fingers touched his collar and dragged along the buttons of his shirt. You plucked the top two and whispered, "find a spot to sit", as you worked the rest of his shirt open.
A flick of his eyebrows and a smirk made sure you knew he’d understood as he backed up to the soft sofa along the edge of the room. You untied the halter of your dress while you stalked toward him, the garment falling to the floor as you stepped out of it. Your eyes were locked on his as you kneeled between his legs.
He said nothing, merely watched you as you slid your hands up and over his toned thighs. You worked his belt loose, popping the button open to his chinos and slid the zipper down along its teeth.
"Lemme take care of you, huh, Stud?" You said with a rasp.
Paul’s large hand curled softly around your face, “as long as I can repay the favour.”
Your hands worked at him, pulling his waistband away from his skin while the other dipped into his boxers and wrapped around his hardened cock. You pulled him free with a gentle twist and tug of your wrist. Your lips enclosed around the tip of his dick and you sucked. You glanced up, his eyes still locked on yours as he gave a soft murmur and a sigh of delight. Hollowing your cheeks, you swallowed his shaft as your free hand cupped his sac.
His right hand rest on the crown of your head, the other gripped at the cushion of the sofa.
You played with him as you sucked him down, rolling his balls in your palm. You bobbed your head and sucked with the hollow of your cheeks, your tongue laving against that vein on the underside of his dick. Your breasts bounced a little as you sucked him off, your knees on the floor of the villa.
“Jesus, baby…” his hips tilted gently, “fuck…so good.”
You hummed around him, careful to find the balance of not too little but not too much so you could claim your prize above; his scar. You knew, of course, just how far you could push him. How could you not after all those years together?
His fingers gripped your scalp through your hair, blunt nails running along your skin. He was close so you backed off and rose to your feet. He watched you, a little v between his eyes as he pouted at the loss of your warm mouth. But he didn’t protest, instead he merely waited.
As you began to take a knee to either side of his hips, your fingers pushed against the open collar of his shirt. You lowered yourself into his lap as he shifted to remove his button down. His hard cock nestled between your folds, moistening him with your arousal.
“Baby?” He questioned softly, his hands on your hips.
"Hmm," you leaned forward to kiss him, his face in your hands. He kissed you back, eagerly, thick swipes of his tongue against yours.
You rolled your hips, sliding your folds along his dick. You pulled back and kissed his jaw, along the cut line of bone toward his ear and down his neck. Your tongue licked at the dip above his collarbone before finding your mark. You kissed the skin tenderly at first, then ran your tongue along the raised shape of his scar.
“Shit…” his neck strained as his fingers dug into the flesh at your waist. His hips jolted upward a little, a groan slipping from his swollen lips.
"You feel that, huh, Stud?" You whispered against him.
He swallowed, a little nod of his head to show you he did. Your left hand cupped his chin and turned his head a little to his right, exposing his neck more. Your lips covered the scar and you sucked at the mark like you had just done to his tip.
You felt a rumble in his throat as his body trembled beneath you, his hips pushing up again as he rubbed against you. His tip hit your clit and you whimpered. Reaching between the two of you, you brought his dick upright so you could slide him right into your aching hole. All the while your assault on his skin with your lips never ceasing.
“Fuck, fuck…” he chanted as he rolled upwards into you, “sweetheart…”
"Yeah, baby," you hummed, "right there, Stud."
“I can’t…” he groaned, “can’t…I need…”
"Give it, baby," you titled back.
He looked up at you, and in a flash you found yourself on your back, the cool floor of the villa beneath you, as a surprised squeal escaped you.
“Jesus…” Paul gripped your hips as he pushed back into you, his hand sliding down your legs to wrap them round his waist.
Your back arched off the floor as he thrust into you. "You better fuck me hard," you managed.
His reply was simply a growl. "Fucking tease me like that, fuck Sugar," he grunted, “you’re such a fucking minx at times…”
Now you chanted profanities as he railed you. His eyes were blown black as he stared you down. He groaned as he pounded into you, his hands placed flat on the floor either side of your head. His hips snapped and snapped, and you could feel every inch of him inside you. Over and over he hit that sweet spot, and you were fast building towards cuming.
“Come on, Sugar…” he almost snarled through his teeth, his jaw twitching as a sheen of sweat covered his brow, “come on…come on…”
You knew he was struggling to hold back.
"I'm... So.... Oh shit," you cried out.
“Oh, god…fuck, fuck…” he practically roared as he came, the pair of you lost in the throes of your bliss.
He collapsed over you, barely missing a crush to your frame as he rolled to his side, taking you with him. The pair of you couldn’t talk, instead you laid there, drawing in ragged breaths.
When you could finally move, Paul pulled you to your feet and grabbed your clothes. You showered together before collapsing into bed.
The morning of your spa day, you found yourself delightfully cuffed to the driftwood headboard as Paul had his breakfast between your legs. You were boneless when he finished, and your spa day only further added to your blissful relaxed state.
The day nearly spent in luxury pampering, the two of you returned to your villa for a nice, long, deep nap. And when you woke, you wanted to do nothing but lie in bed and listen to the beach and jungle surrounding you.
"Can we just have room service?" You asked Paul as he lazily drew circles up and down your spine, your face led against your forearms.
Propped up in his palm and elbow, Paul spoke, "I'm fine with that, but I was looking forward to the tasting...."
“Oh…I forgot!” You giggled.
"That relaxed, huh, Sugar?"
“Mmmhmmm.” You hummed.
"Good." Paul kissed your shoulder. "I'm gonna shower, want to join me?"
You grinned, “to save water, right?”
"Dur..." He sniggered.
“Okay…but you’re gonna have to help me up.”
He smirked, "with pleasure."
You were quickly in his arms as he carried you bridal style to the open air shower.
There was nothing more than a little bit of kissing and a lot of laughter, and soon after you were both heading towards the main part of the resort, ready for your evening activity before your dinner.
The mezcal tasting was a lovely private affair, just the two of you on an air conditioned little hut with thematic decor and a gentleman from Tulum, expertly scholared in Nakawé Mezcal. You both enjoyed it thoroughly, and left a little buzzed and slightly peckish but not fully hungry following the snacks and sides you’d had during the tasting to accompany the drink.
So, you had tacos, small in size and loaded with fish and shrimp in the street style manor as you sat in the sand and ate. You were nestled between Paul's legs, beer each on either side of his knees, stuck in the sand. The waves rolled along the shore as a dark sky was nearly settled overhead. The stars were out and you just sat there, together quietly. Then you thought of something.
"This reminds me of our early dates. We used to get the corn dogs or hot dogs from the pier and a couple of drinks and sit on the sand."
“Yeah…” Paul chuckled, “both of us living with our parents, working all the shifts we could, raking in the rookie overtime.”
You smirked but he couldn't see, however, you turned your chin toward him to speak, "I adored our early days, but I love this life now."
“I wouldn’t change a second of any of it, babe.”
"Me either."
You nestled back against his chest and the two of you stayed that way for quite a while. His hand gently ran up and down your arm as he drank his beer with the other. You had no idea how much time had passed, but eventually you were forced to concede you needed to move for high tide was close as the water reached your toes.
Paul rose to his feet, and offered you his hand to pull you to your feet.
“Can you believe we only have two more days," you sighed as the pair of you began to walk towards your villa.
“I know…but we’ve had fun. And we’ll do it again.” He squeezed your hand. “Maybe not here but somewhere.”
"Maybe the next one is in winter..."
“Yeah, you got somewhere in mind?”
"Could be fun." You shrugged, "in another five or so years." You then chuckled. "This one cost us a fortune, gotta save again."
“We don’t do it often, I just wanted something special for us. But, we’ll get somewhere alone again before five years is up. In the meantime, I was thinking…maybe we could take the boys to Disney. Florida, I mean.”
"Great idea, Jack's just big enough."
He nods, “I know we have Disneyland a little more local but…well, I like the idea of the different parks. We can go for a fortnight, get a villa…bet Mom and Pops would come.”
"Probably mine too."
You reached the villa and Paul led you inside.
“Which is good…”he grinned, “as it’s on tap babysitting so we can sneak away.”
You smirked. "I love you, Disco."
“I love you too.”
"You wanna take me to bed or take a break?"
“Is that a rhetorical question?”
"Legitimate one..."
“I always wanna take you to bed…but I also know I might have worn you out.”
You sighed. "A little," you lowered your chin shyly.
Paul’s finger gently tipped your face to look at him. “Then we can sit out with a beer, and then curl up and fall asleep.”
"Okay," you said softly. "I'll go change."
When you came back in your sleep shorts and cami, Paul was on the balcony. He smiled, passing you to change quickly himself. Soon after he was back, a pair of shorts and a tee nestled on his frame. It was an easy night, the pair of you sat out until the early hours talking and laughing before you both headed to bed. There, you curled up next to him, letting out a sigh of satisfaction as you closed your eyes
The two of you were bathed in morning sunlight from the open wall, the glass having been slid open by Paul before bed. Today saw your last adventure trip, a day in the Gran Cenote. A continental breakfast awaited you and Paul, delivered once again to your room while you readied for the day's trip.
You slipped into a rather cheeky one piece while Paul wore a different coloured pair of the same trunks he'd had all trip. A single backpack with sunscreen and essentials was all you needed and you'd quickly charged Paul with carrying it. You slipped your old LAPD SWAT cap over your head and pushed your aviators up your nose, following your handsome husband out of the villa and to the awaiting Jeep.
Through the jungle they drove you to the spot where the opening of the Gran Cenote sat and after some rules, and a hand off of your snorkel gear, the pair of you were free to explore the caves.
It was unbelievable. You’d snorkelled before, seen some pretty cool marine life up close but this was simply stunning. The waters were cool and clear, the rocks and nooks and little overhangs you found were adorned with so much greenery and flowers. And you couldn’t breathe for laughing at one point when a turtle got very up close and personal with Paul, biting his toe as he lay on his back, floating in the water.
You couldn't remember a time when the two of you had this much fun or felt this close in a while. And while you missed your boys, a part of you wasn't ready to go home.
Again, you retired with a quiet night in your villa, room service for dinner, the night sky and the double hammock calling you both as the meal settled with you. You had mezcal cocktails and relaxed, his hands on your body. But as things began to get a little heated in the hammock, the pair of you ended up flipping the entire thing, dumping the two of you to the deck.
Your laughs were uncontrollable and your sides hurt, your giggles interrupted by your phone ringing and two very happy boys' faces filled your screen.
Jack and CJ were calling from your parents’ house, just before bed.
“Hi my babies!” You grinned
"Hi, Mommy!" Jack beamed as Conner waved excitedly.
“Are you having fun?”
"Yeah, we got to go to the zoo today," Connor beamed.
"I saws a awigater," Jack bounced. "And feeds the..the futter-byes!"
“Oh wow!” Paul joined in. “Was it a big alligator?”
"Dis big!" Jack's arms flew out straight from his sides, almost smacking CJ in the face.
“Hey!” CJ warned him, “careful!”
“Tell me about the butterflies,” you cut in quickly.
"Dey tickewld." Jack giggled.
"Papa said they're good luck," CJ added. "They were orange ones and blue ones and all kinds, Mommy."
“Wow, that’s amazing!” You smiled. “We’ll go back one day all together.”
"Cans we sees the ewifants?" Jack wondered.
“We can see anything that’s there, buddy.” Paul nodded
“What else have you been up to? Ceej, you ready for soccer tomorrow?”
"I am.”
“Is Grumpy going to watch you this week?”
“Yeah. Nanny said she'll film it and send it to you." He said with a slouch to his shoulders.
“I’ll be there next week, bud.” Paul said gently.
“I know."
"I goes," Jack said in an odd caring change of character. Normally, you stayed home with him, as he was a nightmare to keep an eye on when you were trying to watch, usually complaining loudly he was bored. Occasionally, you left him with grandparents or Barnes, meaning you could see the odd game too but it was very much Paul that was there week in, week out on the sidelines with the other parents.
CJ blinked and looked at him. “You can’t. You don’t like it. You’re staying here with Papa.”
“No, I wanna goes.”
“But last time-“
“Ceej,” Paul cut in, and Ceej sighed. Paul then turned his attention to Jack. “You promise to behave if you go this time?”
“Yeah. I cheers. Go Ceej!" Jack looked up at his big brother.
Despite himself, CJ smiled a little, then he gave a roll of his eyes and grinned. “Okay, you can come.”
Your heart, which had just shattered at the look in your eldest’s face, now was mending at the warmth your little Tazmainian devil had shown and the fact CJ was allowing him to go. You felt Paul squeeze the back of your neck gently.
"Be good for Nanny and Papa, okay, and call us right after your game, Connor." You said cheerfully.
“Okay!” He beamed, “Nanny says she wants to say hi…hang on…”
“Bye Mommy, bye Daddy!” Jack yelled as he hurried off.
Soon, your mom's face hit the screen, "Hi kids."
"Hi, Mom," you said at the same time Paul said, "hi, Maria."
"How's everything?"
“Absolutely fine, they’ve been so good. Your dad had them grilling with him before and they’re off to bed with a movie.”
"Thank so much, Mom," you smiled warmly. "I was worried. But you guys and Dot have said they've been so good."
“They always are for us,” your mum chuckled, “and as I keep telling you. If they behave for everyone else, and keep the naughtiness for Mom and Dad, then you’ve done your job.”
With a snort you shook your head.
“Anyway, I’ll let you go. Have a good evening.”
"Night, Mom," you nodded.
"Lots of pictures and video tomorrow, huh?" Paul hoped.
"It'll be borderline spam." Maria winked.
He chuckled, “did I ever tell you that you’re my favourite mother in law?”
"I better be your only mother in law, Paul Diskant."
"Night, Mom!" You called and snatched the phone from Paul, ending the call.
Paul closed up the villa on the first floor as you headed up for bed. You washed your face and brushed your teeth before he'd even come back up. You were just tucking into the sheet as he appeared.
"I'm exhausted," you chuckled.
“Yeah…” he yawned and nodded. “I’m kinda whacked too.”
"C'mon, Daddy, let's nuggle," you patted his side of the bed.
“Two minutes…” he leaned over and gave you a quick kiss.
You nodded and hunkered down into the soft bed. Your eyes were heavy as Paul climbed in. The second he was settled, you rolled into his side, your head in his chest. His hand gently ran up and down your back, fingers soft. It was the last thing you could remember feeling before the world went dark and dreams filled your eyes.
The day was already mid-morning when the two of you woke up. Drained from such a great day before, you were thankful for the lie in. The sun was glowing across the water, the sand almost pure in color, the ocean a glittering match to Paul's eyes. This was paradise and you softly sighed knowing it was your last day. But you smiled knowing that by tomorrow night, you'd be holding your babies in your arms and hearing all about their adventures with both sets of Grandparents.
You checked the time and it was still early back home, by two hours, and Connor's day hadn't started yet. His game wasn't until 10 in LA.
“We’ll call in an hour or so.” Paul spoke softly. “Wish him good luck.”
You looked over at your husband with a smirk, "you always know."
He chuckled, “I was thinking the same thing as you, Sugar.”
You led your head back down on his chest contently. "Room service for breakfast?" You began running your fingertip along the bottom edge of his medallion. Back and forth along the metal, the semi-circular motion soothing.
“Sounds good,” his hand gently stroked between your shoulder blades as he kissed your head. “You want coffee?”
“Oh, yes please.” You sighed happily.
Paul kissed the top of your head just before you turned away so he could leave the bed. Minutes later he returned to you, fresh faced from cool water, a minty scent to his kiss and a mug of delicious Mexican coffee in his hands for you both.
You ordered your room service and sat on the veranda with your mugs, the ocean lapping the shore with high tide. You glanced at Paul, his sunglasses wrapped over his eyes, his bare and newly tattooed chest flexing unknowingly. Your heat pooled at the thought of what he could do to you with the flip of a switch.
“You want a photo?” He smirked a little.
“Just admiring the view.” You popped a shoulder.
He snorted as he lifted his mug to his lips.
The morning carried on. Breakfast on the veranda, topless sun bathing for you on the lounge chairs next to your dipping pool. This time it was Disco who cheekily quipped about taking a photo.
For the time that you sunbathed, your mom spammed your phones with images from CJ's game. Your heart ached a little knowing you hadn’t been able to make him his usual special pre-soccer breakfast, and undoubtedly Paul's had to have been missing being there to watch and cheer on. But your boy looked tough out there, enjoying the game. Jack seemed to be the faithful cheerleader sat atop his Papa's lap in the still images while the grainy video showed an assisted goal.
And then you let out a little gasp as the latest video came through.
“Paul…he got the ‘Man of the Match’ award.”
You watched as his face expressed pride and a hint of sadness. "I can't wait to talk to him!"
“He’s so happy…look!” You passed your phone over for him to watch CJ accept his little trophy from the coach.
Almost simultaneously, Paul’s phone pinged with a message from his Dad with a great photo of CJ and Jack. CJ’s kit was a little dirty with grass stains and various other marks from the game, his face was sweaty but his grin was enormous as was Jack’s as they stood next to one another, CJ’s trophy held in his hands.
"Oh, Sugar, look at this one," Paul turned his phone toward your line of sight.
You gasped at the happy photo in surprise. "My babies."
“Maybe this means we can both start going to watch now, and you’ll get to see him play more than you do.” Paul shrugged, a hopeful tone to his voice.
"I'd love that. It's frustrating when Jack can't sit there and just watch or play with his toys when he's disinterested. I miss half the match."
“I know.” Paul wrinkled his nose, before he snorted, “remember the last time when you gave up and decided you’d just stay home?”
“Don’t remind me.” You groaned at the memory. Jack had been playing with his truck, or so you had thought. You’d been watching the game when the referee had blown to halt. At the same time, loud laughter had rung out and you’d turned to see Jack was on the pitch running towards CJ with a water bottle, trying to squirt him with it.
Paul laughed, “Ceej was so mad, remember him declaring Jack was officially banned forever?”
"Oh I honestly can't forget it." Your head fell into your hands. "I love those stinkers. We've been so lucky really. From how hard it was to have CJ to how fast Jack came out, I'd do it all again."
“Yeah?” Paul grinned, “I mean, we could always…you know…” he wriggled his eyebrows.
You popped your shoulders, "yeah, I think I want one more. But it's not a have to thing either. Just if it happens it happens and if it doesn't in the next year, we're done. What do you think? How do you feel about it?"
“I’d have a football team full with you.” He grinned, “a team of disco balls.”
You smiled warmly, and when you opened your mouth to say something, your phone started chiming for a FaceTime from your mom's number.
“Oh, it’s mom…” you sat up and grabbed a towel, holding it round you to cover your bare chest. When you answered, immediately CJ’s excited face and voice blared out of your phone as Paul moved so he could see.
"Hey, Pal!" Paul grinned. "How was it?"
“We won, five nil! And I didn’t score any but I helped with three and I also stopped their side scoring as I kicked it off the line!”
"That's great, Ceej! So proud of you, bud! Nanny was sending us the videos so we can watch later!"
“And I won player of the match!”
"Oh my gosh, That's great, baby!" You chimed in. "I'm so proud of you, Connor!"
He beamed as Jack then pushed his way into the picture. “I hit the nasty boy.” He grinned, proudly.
"What?!" You and Paul shouted.
Hastily the phone was taken and it was your dad then who was looking at you, his face a mixture of amusement and sheepishness. You could hear Big Jim in the background with your mom, and you waited.
“Well…to be fair, the kid asked for it…” he began.
"Nice way to start the conversation, Dad."
“So, there was a bit of a commotion on the pitch, and this kid shoved CJ over then kicked him. We got a little distracted. Jim was shouting at the ref, I was trying to stop your mom running on the pitch to see if Connor was okay…and somewhere in the middle of it all, Jack barrelled straight on and ran over. Punched the kid straight in the gut.”
“Great right hook…” you heard Jim add.
"Oh my God," you cringed, mortified and now concerned there would be repercussions from the boy's family.
Paul, however, let out a snort. “Any trouble?”
“Well, said boy started crying like a right baby,” your dad chuckled, “Jim and the kids dad went on the pitch to sort it out. He then cried even more when he got a red card for pushing and kicking CJ. No hard feelings though, Jim took CJ over afterwards to shake his hand. We also took Jack to apologise.”
"Oh good." You sighed in relief.
“And he did.” Your dad was now actively fighting back his laughter. “Here, Jack Jack, tell mommy and daddy what you said.”
Jacks face filled the screen and he grinned. “I saids sowee.”
“And?” Your dad prompted, “what else did you say?”
“Whats Daddy says. Ack-shuns has con-see-quentzez.”
You bit back the laugh as Paul snorted next to you.
“They do…you’re right.” You licked your lips. “But you can’t just hit people, baby.”
“He hurts Ceej.” Jack frowned
"I know. This time you're not in trouble, but you can't always do that." You shook your head.
“Buddy, let me speak to Ceej, huh?” Paul directed the conversation back to your eldest.
Jack disappeared and Ceej’s face once more filled the screen.
“That douchebag hurt you when he kicked you?”
"Paul!" You scolded at his douchebag comment
“What?“ he gasped as CJ cackled.
“A little…” he grinned, “I got a bruise on my leg…look…” the phone panned down and CJ showed you the mark just above his knee, in the space between his socks and his shorts.
You shook your head and groaned. "Get some ice on that, baby."
“It’s okay, mommy. Nanna says she has some stuff to help the bruises. But…he did say some mean things before he pushed me. He was real mad coz I tackled him.”
You frowned, "What'd he say?"
“Well, he called me a rude name…and then said his dad would beat my dad up.”
“He sounds like a peach.” Paul scoffed.
“But I said my dad was a police officer and he could beat anyone up.”
Besides you, Paul grinned with pride. "Oh, Connor." You chuckled.
Connor shrugged. “But I didn’t swears at him like he did to me. Grumpy said he was just a rude little moron.”
"Grumpy's not wrong." Paul agreed.
“So, what are you doing tonight?” You hastily changed the subject before Paul could carry on.
“Papa says that grumpy and nanny is coming over to their house for food and drinks.” CJ beamed, “and we’re getting tacos!”
"Who doesn't love tacos!" You beamed.
“I nots want tacos!” Jack spoke as he pushed his way back into the frame. “I’ms getting fan-jee-tas!”
“Jack, you don't like those! You just want chicken and red peppers." You shook your head.
“No!” He frowned, “I wants dem!”
You started to try and explain but Paul hushed you by placing his hand on your shoulder. “Your mom knows.” He said gently, “leave him be, babe.”
“I gets dats and grab-a-moley.”
“You love guacamole,” you chuckled before you sighed, “we can’t wait to see you both tomorrow. We’ve missed you.”
CJ smiled, “we can have a movie night?”
“Absolutely.” Paul smiled.
"You guys enjoy your last day. We'll see you tomorrow!" You mom popped into frame.
“Thanks mom…” you took a deep breath. “Sorry there was trouble today.”
"There was nothing of the sort."
“Okay…” you bit your lip, “enjoy your evening, sounds like you guys have fun planned.”
“Don’t let my dad drink too much scotch. He can’t handle it like he used to.” Paul grinned.
“You cheeky little shit.” Came Jim’s reply off screen followed by Jack’s loud yell.
“Dass a no-no.”
“Yeah, what you gonna do about it?” Jim shot back, his tone playful.
“Yous needs da bad word jar!” Jack continued.
“You tell him, son!” Paul laughed.
Loud giggles and shrieks came from off the camera as no doubt Jack was now wrestling with his Grumpy and you chuckled.
“Love you guys, see you soon!”
The screen went dark as the line cut off and you chuffed as you shook your head, then rest it against Paul's bicep. “So maybe Jack doing karate isn’t quite such a good idea.” You scoffed as your husband roared with laughter.
Paul pressed his lips to the crown of your head with a deep chuckle, "I think it'll be good for him."
“He just hit some kid, like what, two, three years older than him?”
“He was sticking up for his big bro. I’m not gonna lie, Sugar, it makes me both proud and very happy to hear.”
"Alright, you're right," you groaned. "But if it becomes a habit, you're on the hook for it, got it?"
“I will take the full consequences of my actions.” He smirked
"Deal." You sat up on your knees from the lounger and then stood. "Let's get some drinks and head to the beach?"
“Sounds good.”
You grabbed your sarong and bikini top, fixing them both as Paul grabbed his tee. He slipped it over his thick and cut frame before following you out the villa.
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Relistening to starship iris bc I miss them and goD these fucking nerds are just so *clenches fist* goddamn charming i want to gently squoosh every one of their faces. agent mccabe isn’t even here yet and i am already holding them gently in my hands while. they crinkle their face at me in disgust. it has taken me three listens but I just caught the galaxy quest reference about spinning blades in ep 1. safety harness hammock in the mess hall i love them i love them i loVE thEM
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ghoulfriendfangs · 2 years
•─ Midsummer ☾ Masquerade ─•
Day 5: Orgasm Denial with Asra
{wc: ~400} {top/dom!mc, bottom/sub!asra, orgasm denial, a little bit of public / risk of being caught, some light comic relief}
Asra can’t help but act a bit mischievous and needy around you
This fic is a part of @the-midsummer-masquerade
Asra’s chest rose, and fell, and fluttered as his breath hitched. He swayed in the hammock of your private room, at just the perfect position for you to eat him out while resting on a cushion of your own.
He tasted a little sweeter tonight, had he prepared for this? You imagined him mixing a potion of his favorite fruits, drinking it in the hopes of imprsssing you… you’d best appreciate his efforts.
“You taste delicious,” you praise, and he mumbles his thanks. He rests his feet on your shoulders, occasionally teasing you by rubbing against your head with them, messing with your hair.
“But you act naughty.”
“Th-thought you said before that’s what made me so cute.”
You suck on his clit, causing him to gasp and to shake the hammock, before pulling off with a pop.
“It’s adorable… but I still might punish you for it, you know?”
“Oh? How so?”
“Maybe I’ll be mischievous right back.”
His eyes, though wet from the pleasure, twinkle at that. “I’d like to see that.”
“A-Ah, Ah, Ah,” Asra whimpers, rocking into your mouth in such a way that his hammock begins to sway, almost like a pendant.
“I’m close, I’m gonna cum…”
You pull back, a smirk on your face.
He sits up, looking at you with an adorably confused face. “H-huh? What’s wrong…?”
“Oh, nothing is wrong, I’m just thirsty.”
“O-oh,” he folds his legs, ignoring the harsh throbbing, “can I get you a water?”
You stretch nonchalantly, “nah, I’m going to go to the bar and get us some shots.”
His eyes sparkle as he catches on. “Now, don’t tell me you’re teasing me…”
“Teasing you? Now why would I do that?”
You stand up.
“I’ll get you some, what do you want?”
“I’d like to cum.”
You scratch your chin. “Hmm… convince me.”
He gets out of the hammock, and kneels before you.
“Please… let me cum…?”
You lean down, caressing his face… and then sidestep him. He stands up, quickly following you into the hall.
As you pass the other rooms, hearing the sound of countless guests enjoying the festivities, Asra wraps his arms around you like a needy little puppy, burying his face in your neck.
“What’s the matter?” You ask, trying to walk as casually as possible with a magician slowly crushing you in a hug.
“You didn’t finish. Now I might be grumpy.”
“You? Grumpy?? With me???”
“It could happen…”
Asra whines, snuggling into your neck and leaving ticklish little kisses.
“…please let me c-“
You swing open a door, a broom closet, and pull him inside.
He smiles mischievously, he knew you wouldn’t torture him for long.
“Alright you little vixen… but I’m going to make you pay me back, alright?”
“Anything you desire.”
The closet is a lot more awkward to maneuver around than your private room. Asra leans against one wall, bracing himself while you sit on the floor, hands on the back of his thighs. It’s cramped, but in a strange way it thrills you, combined with knowing that someone walking by might overhear you, or worse, open the door.
That’s how the two of you spend the next ten minutes, aside from occasionally switching positions to keep from getting stiff. Asra covers his mouth to mute his little whimpers as you tease his clit… but you always pull away just as he’s nearing cumming.
And it’s when he’s nearly getting close again that you hear humming from down the hall.
It sounds like another guest, from the sounds of it a rather drunk one, too.
He gets closer, and you pull off Asra, who whines in complaint.
“Hush, I think-“
The doorknob starts wiggling, and it opens up just a crack- when Asra dramatically throws his leg against it, shutting it again.
“H-hey, c-mon, I really gotta wee…”
“This is a broom closet,” Asra says in a monotone, “so go away.”
“Oh, ok.”
You hear bootsteps, and Asra sighs. With his leg on the door, he’s left in a very… revealing position.
“Good boy,” you praise, tracing a nail up his thigh, “you sure took care of him.”
“I just don’t want anymore interruptions. I’ve already waited long enough, don’t you think?”
“You know what, you’re right. For your good deed, I’ll let you cum.”
You blow a kiss over his dripping wet heat.
“Wait. Why are you in a broom closet?”
Asra clears his throat.
“Go away or I’ll hex you.”
“Oh, ok.”
You hear the stranger walk away again… and you both can’t suppress laughter. It takes you both a minute to calm down and stop giggling.
Eventually you pull yourselves together enough to continue.
“Mmmnh, do you know something?” He asks.
“I’ve never been to the midsummer masquerade before, actually.”
“Really? But you seem to know so much about it.”
“Yeah, I heard stories, and I’d read about it… but I never wanted to go. Not until I could bring you with me.”
You smile, pressing a kiss on his clit.
“Is it everything you dreamed of?”
“It is… and more… could we… could we do this often?”
“Hmm… maybe not in a closet.”
“You know what I meant.”
“I do. And we can, Asra.”
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