#the monsters I'm thinking of are. like. the ones from dungeons/gate stories. but have fun
web-novel-polls · 5 months
Web Novel Monster Tournament Submissions
Last Checked: September 20th, 2024 - Please check the original post for updates
Submissions Close: TBD
One monster per response (unless submitting a group to compete together). Submit as many unique responses as you want
Must be from a web novel or an adaptation from a web novel. 
Must be a monster. A creature, if you will. No humans or humanoid characters (Ex: Luo Binghe from Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System wouldn’t count). This tournament is solely devoted to my mental illness regarding creatures & beasts
Does not have to be a specific monster. It can be, but it can also just be a group/species of monsters (Ex: The Ichthyosaur species and Queen Mirabad from ORV would both count) 
Listed monsters do not have priority nor are they automatically included
Idrc if you want to be horny in the propaganda, but if the monster obviously doesn’t pass the Harkness Test, it may not be used/posted
Tournament Tag: #WN monster tournament
No propaganda
Black Moon Rhinoceros Python from The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System / SVSSS
He Xuan's bone dragons from Heaven Official’s Blessing / TGCF
Jade cistanche enchanced cave apes from Thousand Autumns
Xin Mo from The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System (SVSSS) -- requires a preliminary poll to determine acceptance
Ghost-head Spiders from The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System / SVSSS
Submission: spider body with a human head that sounds like a crying baby. fucked up right?
He Xuan's Skeletal Fish from Heaven Official’s Blessing / TGCF
Submission: Fun funky skeletal fish that can kill or save people. Somehow need feeding despite being skeletons but it just adds to their charm. 
Xuanwu of Slaughter from Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation / MDZS
Species: Yao... Looks like a giant snake-turtle hybrid.
Submission: Has eaten thousands of people and kept their bodies inside its very unsanitary shell. Killed by two seventeen-year-olds. 
Wiki Link
Nimona from Nimona
Reasoning: Not from a web novel, humanoid
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duhragonball · 11 days
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I watched CJ the X's video about Rick and Morty, mainly because I kept seeing people screencap the parts about perfectionism near the beginning. Well, I thought I should see it for myself, and then I wound up getting pulled into the "Story Circle" concept used by series co-creator Dan Harmon.
This may be old news to a lot of people-- in fact, I'm sure it is, because Harmon admits that this is heavily based on the monomyth concept popularized by Joseph Campbell. I've never fully appreciated the "Hero's Journey" idea before, but I think Harmon has refined it by simplifying the names of the steps. "Atonement with the Father" just becomes "Take", and that's a lot easier for me to grasp. Campbell probably never meant to suggest that every story features a literal "atonement with the father", but his work involved identifying common elements in story structure, so I'm sure he had trouble coming up with fitting names for everything.
Harmon's circle might be a little too simplified, since there's a lot to unpack in the word "Take", but his model is focused on making a formula to write new stories, as opposed to comparative mythology. What I like a lot about the Story Circle is that Harmon insists that it's not a rule that must be learned and followed. Rather, it's an observation of something all humans do when they tell stories, whether they realize it or not. But sometimes it can be helpful to be made aware of the pattern, like checking a map even when you're familiar with the route.
It can be fun, although probably distracting, to apply the circle to existing works. The Star Wars movies used Campbell's monomyth as a blueprint, so that's probably too easy. But it can also be used on individual scenes too. Luke(1) falls down a trap door and now he has to find a way back out (2) before the rancor eats him (3). He manages to avoid being eaten using a bone and some nooks and crannies in the pit (4) but at last he finds a door out of the dungeon, except it's locked, leaving him cornered (5). But he manages to drop a heavy gate on the rancor as it approaches him, which kills it (6). The bad guys then open the door to bring him back to Jabba (7), who now prepares to feed him to an even worse monster outside (8).
And that probably sets up the next cycle in the movie, where Luke saves everyone from the next monster, and so on. I think at long last I understand why these kinds of story structures are presented as "circles" or cycles". You don't have to do multiple laps, but the structure allows you to do so, and acknowledges that multiple cycles can also form a larger circle, and so on.
With episodic television series, the final step, change, often means reverting to the status quo. There's a M*A*S*H episode where Radar tries to become a serious writer, and he keeps trying to inject his army reports with purple prose, until finally Hawkeye explains to him that he has to use his own words and stop trying to imitate what he thinks the "pros" use. So Radar does learn a lesson, but the lesson basically puts an end to the weird dialogue he was using the whole episode and puts him back to normal. The Korean War doesn't end, and Colonel Potter doesn't die, and Klinger still wears dresses, but the structure is still followed and sets up the next cycle.
I can see how this is very useful in a writers' room for a television show, especially one like Rick and Morty, where the characters seem to be capable of almost anything. It probably helps to take stray ideas like "Rick turns himself into a pickle!" and run that through a formula to make sure you can get a working script out of the gag.
Anyway, I'm currently trying to use it to flesh out some ideas for my fanfic, since I have a lot of story beats I want to accomplish, but I don't have much to connect them together. Using the Story Circle seems to be helping me figure out which pieces I'm missing, so maybe this will compensate for all those years where I could just use DBZ Episode 66 and Xenoverse 1 as loose outlines that I could follow. This fall, I gotta build my own story skeleton before I can fill it in, and the clock is ticking...
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msviolacea · 2 years
I do not (yet) have a decent computer for it, but I kinda wanna get into ffxiv when have one (mostly thanks to you yelling enthusiastically about it lol)
Problem is I'm Very nonverbal/non-communicative when playing videogames so. Like. Is there a play style/class or whatever that you would recommend for "please don't ever expect me to talk at all I will simply Hit Monster and have a good time?"
Yay, I'm glad my mad rambling has influenced at least one person. :)
The good news is that the devs have recently made it easier to start playing as a single player, and are committed to continue to make things even simpler. You can now play through the bulk of the base game without having to group with other people - all 4-person dungeons can be done with three NPCs along with you. The only content in the base game (A Realm Reborn, or ARR) that you will need to play with other people are the 8-person trials, of which there are ... 4 or 5, I think, in ARR? And they're all simple enough fights. Between now and when the next expansion rolls around (late 2023-ish), the first two expansions will have the same setup; you'll be able to choose NPCs to run the 4-person story-required dungeons with, and only have to group with other live people for the 8-person content, of which there's usually 3 or so each expansion. (This is already available for the last two expansions, Shadowbringers and Endwalker, and I love it so much.)
As for recommending a job/class, for minimal interactions or responsibility, I would pick a DPS job. I'd advise you to stay away from tanks - while tanking can be pretty easy early on, in group situations you'd have to take the lead, which can be intimidating right out of the gate. Healing also comes with its own responsibilities, and it's easier for others to tell when you mess up (because they're dead on the ground, usually). But in group content, there will always be at least 2 DPS characters, so you'll never be the only one responsible for your role. So for staying anonymous and separate, DPS is usually the best choice.
Out of the jobs you can choose when starting the game, I think my recommendations would be:
Archer/Bard. Ranged physical DPS is generally considered to be the "easiest" - they do the least amount of damage, so you're not expected to be the one carrying a group, and you can avoid AoEs/mechanics while still continuing to do damage. Also, the Bard storyline has two of the more fun NPCs to interact with.
Arcanist/Summoner (or Scholar). It's a pet-based class, so you get to run around at low levels with a cute little carbuncle following you around, and the beginning skills aren't too complex to learn. At level 30, you can choose between being a DPS or a Healer, depending on your comfort level. Healers obviously have a bigger responsibility in group content, but sometimes that can be more comfortable than having to be the one to do all the damage!
Lancer/Dragoon. If you like hitting things from close range with a pointy stick, and/or jumping around a lot, this would be my recommendation. To me, it's the easiest of the starter melee classes, and the post-level 30 Dragoon quests introduce you to one of the major NPCs of the whole game.
It's also good to remember that, if you don't like the job you start with, you can switch without creating a new character! You just have to get to level 10 on your first job, and after that you're free to pick up any and all jobs you want. There are more jobs that open up at higher levels, 20 different regular content jobs in total, so whatever play style you like, you can find something to play!
It's also good to know that, while there are always exceptions, in general the people who do random group content in FFXIV are actually very nice, especially to people they see are new (you get a little "sprout" icon in front of your name until you've played a certain amount of the game). If you end up in group content and someone makes a suggestion on how to play better, take it in a good spirit, the vast majority of people you'll find out there are coming from a good place!
Also, re: computer - you can also play on PS4 and PS5, if that's an option for you, and there's cross-play, so you'll be playing on the same servers with the same people as are on PC. And playing on console is a good excuse for not talking in chat without looking antisocial. :)
Good luck! I want to hear what you think after you get to play!
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adeptusgraphicus · 2 years
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Things to do in Elder Scrolls Online - for @rowscara
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Building a Word Bearers-char, complete with maul, the right colours, Colchisian clothing and carrying books!
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Getting an admiring and helpful companion (heart not included).
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Meeting (and helping) shirtless, pretty dumbasses.
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Dolling up your Emperor's Children-characters.
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Meeting (or playing as) cat-people (Khajiit) in all sizes, shapes and colours.
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More landscapes.
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Exploring ruins, caves and a lot of places where people are not happy to see you.
And that's just the visual aspect. You can also:
Follow a main story. Or don't. It's up to you. And, of course, more than one main story! And the stories are epic!
Explore every area whenever you like, because they are not level-gated. You are scaled to the monsters' level.
Adventure with friends of every level (because you get scaled, again) or alone.
So. Many. Quests. All are voiced and some are tearjerkers. Some are hilarious. Some are world shattering. Others are just slice of life.
You don't need to group to get loot from a boss, just damage it. So spontaneous world boss-farming is a thing!
Crafting is useful! You can learn every craft or don't. Cooking is fun, because some recipies are named hilariously.
Just wander into the wild, there will be quests.
Do side-stuff like archaeology that gives you nice cosmetic things.
You want to be Tamriel's Top Model? The best outfit-system of all MMOs I've ever played by a mile.
You want to be a sorcerer in plate-armour? ESO got you covered! You want to be a dual-wielding badass spell-assassin? You do you!
Ask for help. Friendliest community of all MMOs I've played so far.
Want to get more cosmetic stuff? A lot of events give you things like pretty mounts (Indrik or Gryphons for example), pets (the infamous princess-pig or a mechanical spider) or outfit styles.
Are you into housing? You can buy all kinds of houses and make or find or earn or buy furniture. You can visit other people's houses and have RP there.
You can RP. There are lots of themed guilds for that.
Social stuff. Guilds have traders that function as a replacement for an auction house (not a fan of guild traders, I would prefer an auction house, but the majority of the players seems to like them).
PvP. Never did that, had enough of that in WoW.
Dungeons of all flavours. Some are openly accessible and you don't need to group for them, others are instanced and you need a group. I tanked most of the group-ones and it was fun, even if the level of difficulty of normal and DLC-dungeons was very different. Tanking is a lot more thinking-on-your-feet than in other MMOs, which I like.
There are a million other things to do which I forgot to mention, I'm sure. If you're buying the base game (DLCs cost extra, but they are worth the money) you'll have hundreds of hours of fun without any subscription cost. You can explore and experience anything for a few bucks and no additional cost. Very fair.
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shadow-sovereign · 4 years
1. Thank you so much for posting my idea. I didn't think you would like it so much. If you ever make a story out of it, I will read it and everything else you post about Solo Leveling. I'm amazed what you came up with and it is so sad that Ryuji lost his Jin-Woo in a red Gate. What if he was the one who was supposed to lead the raid that day. But he got kept up in a meeting an Jin-Woo voluntered to take his place. He is still in the meeting when he gets the call from Sugimoto.
2. Knowing there is nothing he can do, he still rushes to the gate. He is standing in front of the gate the entire time. Hoping, praying, begging to the gods that his Jin-Woo comes back to him. And when the Gate breaks so does his heart. The other Jin-Woo who came out of the S-rank Gate is not like his Jin-Woo. He is different but at the same time he is the same. And Ryuji can not stop himself; he is falling in love again.
3. Jin-Woo is going into Gates even though he doesn't have to (he is not a freeloader, thank you very much). And one day he gets a call. There is a red Gate and Jin-Woo is trapped inside. And it looks like history is going to repeat itself. And again Ryuji is finding himself standing in front of a red gate. Hoping, praying and begging to the gods. Surely fate can not be so cruel to take his Jin-Woo from him a second time. Only this time the gods are listening. The gate opens and Jin-Woo walks out
(For those seeing this post without context, it’s part 2 of a fic idea Anonymous sent in. When Jin-Woo steps out of the S-rank gate in Japan, it’s to an Au world where Ryuji and Jin-Woo were lovers until the Au Jin-Woo tragically died. I should probably come up with a nickname for this au in case I end up talking about it more in the future.)
I do like the added angst of Ryuji having been the one that was supposed to go into the Red Gate. Survivor’s guilt is a heavy thing. But I think canon Jin-Woo would slowly help him heal. With how similar the two are, Jin-Woo knows that his alternate would much rather sacrifice himself than have Ryuji die in his place. It doesn’t entirely make it better for Ryuji, but it does reassure him that his lover wouldn’t have blamed him for his death.
And, yes, Jin-Woo would definitely be going through gates in this alternate world. Not only because he doesn’t like freeloading, but to learn about the monsters in this world. At this point in time, he’d still be putting together all the pieces of the Monarch and Rulers story. He’d want to know: Do they exist in this world? If not, why is this world still having similar problems? What caused this world to have gates start appearing earlier in the timeline? What is the goal of these monsters?
They wouldn’t have a voice in their head telling them to kill humans, which I believe comes from the magic cores that the Rulers put in them. (I don’t remember, but it’s what the wiki says.) So, when the Hunters kill the monsters, they wouldn’t get a magic core from them. But I think there should still be mana crystals in the dungeons. The monsters would want more magic on earth to make it a better habitat for them.
And without that voice in their head, any monsters that are captured could be interrogated. Some of them would end up talking, so Hunters have a vague idea that monsters are trying to take over the earth...maybe due to overpopulation issues? But they don’t know anything about the monster’s leadership and whether they can expect the level of gate activity to increase.
The population issue could be why Au Jin-Woo wasn’t able to survive the Red Gate. There were just too many monsters for him to defeat. No one was expecting that A gate to turn into a red gate, so Jin-Woo was the only S-rank Hunter on the raid.
When the gate broke, Ryuji killed the boss monster with extreme prejudice, along with any other monsters that his team wasn’t able to kill before he was done. I imagine there’s a limit to how long the portal will stay open after a gate breaks, so despite being connected to part of the chaos realm (rather than an enclosed dungeon), the city wasn’t flooded with monsters. Still quite a large number of them, but au Jin-Woo probably killed quite a few of the ones lurking near the gate before he died.
When canon Jin-Woo ends up in a red gate in this world, I think his first reaction would be an exasperated ‘This again?’ and then he’s realize it’s an opportunity. Look at all these monsters he gets to interrogate and turn into his shadow soldiers! Necromancer jackpot!
He will feel bad about worrying Ryuji, though. Whether they’re already together by this point or not, Ryuji is going to hug Jin-Woo as soon as he steps out of the gate, too relieved he’s alive to care about their audience. Ryuji isn’t big on PDA, so even if they’re already together, the hug will still be a shock to Jin-Woo. It’ll let him know just how worried Ryuji really was.
I’d have them be at least close friends by this point, so when they get home, they’d cuddle on the couch. If they’re together, they’ll move to the bedroom and have a loving, intimate moment. I won’t go into details about that, since this is tumblr, but I’m sure you can guess what I mean by ‘intimate’.
[And now my thoughts have circled back to the gates. In canon verse, dungeons are created by the Rulers to introduce mana to earth and prepare the humans for the conflict. Red Gates, I assume, lead directly to the chaos realm where the monsters are.
Without the Rulers around, why are all the Gates not Red? Because the monsters don’t want the humans to invade their realm the way they’re trying to do. Creating the dungeon, the pocket space dimension, requires a lot of magic and a strong monster, the boss, to anchor the spell. That’s why the dungeon breaks down when the boss monster is killed. Red Gates, then, are failed attempts at creating a dungeon. But they’re still anchored to the boss monster.
Why are monsters unable to leave the Gates until the dungeon breaks? Because creating pocket dimensions is a complicated process. The dungeon gets created around those monsters, thus creating a connection between them and the dungeons. Humans, however, have no such connection and can come and go as they please. Red Gates, being failed dungeons, still create that connection, thus preventing them from leaving early.]
And that’s all I can come up with right now. Thank you for sending in more ideas for this fic. It’s fun to explore all the possibilities. I definitely think I’ll enjoy writing this story. (By the way, do you have any title ideas or suggestions for what we can nickname this au in the meantime? Somehow, creating titles is one of the most difficult parts of the writing process.)(And maybe we should have a nickname for you too, in case I get other anonymous submissions? It could be as simple as Anonymous1 or something, just so I know it’s from you.)
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allthatdivides · 5 years
📃 what is the plot of your hyperfixation? and is it a movie, game, show, etc?
my current hyperfixation is called the adventure zone, and it's a podcast! its three brothers and their dad playing dungeons and dragons together. the first campaign is about their characters collecting powerful magical items called the grand relics and destroying them, and then of course the plot Pops Off in the end. their second campaign is about a group in keplar, west virginia called the pine guard that fight monsters terrorizing the town called abominations. their town specifically deals with the monsters because their town is the home of the gate, which is a portal to another planet called sylvane. over the course of the campaign the pine guard fight the abominations and try to find out where they're coming from and how to stop them. they're now on their third campaign, which so far follows their three characters' experience attending Higglemas Wiggenstaffs School For Heroism And Villainy, training to be either sidekicks or henchmen.
✨ what draws you towards your hyperfixation? what is interesting about it?
basically everything about it, honestly! theres great lgbt rep, the boys are funny as all hell, the narrative is just so beautiful and the story itself is absolutely amazing, and it's so so easy to just fall in love with the characters and the worlds. not only that, but the new narrative possibilities presented for me to think about and never write, presented by the sheer amount of characters and world building is astonishing and super fun!!! it also gets me excited for when I play dnd again, and its given me a lot of insight on how to play a good character and how to tell a good story through this medium. also, the music is absolutely gorgeous. you've got bangers and shit, but also music that is just straight up beautiful and fits so well with the plot and the characters and adds so much to the experience, and you can tell just how hard griffin worked on it. finally, it just feels so nice. we get found families again and again, and the characters almost always get a happy ending. it's so so so refreshing to finally have a work of fiction that ends so happily and warmly and is so filled with love.
💕 tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!
alright well, currently, one of my favourite characters is sir fitzroy maplecourt from the newest campaign. I find him very funny and I really like the voice griffin chose for him, and I just think his character concept is super cool and that theres a lot of different possibilities and routes that griffin could take his character that I'm excited to see!!! I love his crab familiar and I love his interactions with the other characters and I love theorizing about why he is the way he is. he can be a bit of an asshole sometimes, and I cant wait to see how and if that changes. there just so much fun going into it aaaaah !!!!!
💎 are there any fun facts or trivia that you would like to share?
fun fact: I tend to put on taz while I go to sleep, and I usually go for the murder on the rockport limited or crystal kingdom arcs of the balance campaign. I've listened to some of the episodes so much because i always put those specific ones on, that I can repeat a significant amount of the episode :^)
ask me about my hyperfixations!!!!!!
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van-dyne · 7 years
I'm thinking of skipping some seasons of spn, are there any seasons that would be good to skip(I don't want to skip them I just don't have the time to watch them)
S1-5 is the ‘classic’ supernatural, so don’t skip any of them. The first 5 seasons tell a coherent story, and it’s an Epic one. They set the tone of the show, develop your attachment to the characters, makes you fall in love with them and their relationship with one another. It’s the Winchesters origin story, and imo you’d always feel something is missing, something you can’t quite grasp if you hadn’t been there with them from the start. 
With that covered, let’s go into the later seasons, I assume you want to catch up with the current season asap? I wouldn’t recommend to skip a whole season because in order to understand the characters’ action (primarily Sam and Dean) you have to know what they’ve been through, and though the later seasons are more self contained, each has its own arc, it is still a coherent journey of the brothers as a whole. And they have quality episodes each season you dont want to miss.
Here’s the episode list from s 6-12, I highlighted the important episodes in order to understand the story for it to progress, also point out those fun and quality episodes you may not want to miss ;) (god it’s really long list) (sorry to those who’re on mobile) 
Season 6 (there’s something wrong with Sam (!), monsters, demons and angels all want to open the backdoor to purgatory (imo it’s a mess)1. Exile on Main Street2. Two and a Half Men 3. The Third Man 4. Weekend at Bobby’s* (Love letter to Bobby)5. Live Free or Twi-hard* (Dean becomes a vampire, temporarily) 6. You Can’t Handle the Truth 7. Family Matters 8. All Dogs Go to Heaven 9. Clap Your Hands If You Believe*  (This is a fun one, X-file style)10. Caged Heat 11. Appointment in Samarra 12. Like a Virgin 13. Unforgiven 14. Mannequin 3: The Reckoning 15. The French Mistake* (The one that will go down in television history) 16. And Then There Were None 17. My Heart Will Go On* (The one where they un-sink the Titanic)18. Frontierland* (The one where they time travel to the Western )19. Mommy Dearest 20. The Man Who Would Be King 21. Let It Bleed 22. The Man Who Knew Too Much
Season 7 (this season arc is basically Leviathan from purgatory is unleashed on earth and they can impose people, cause the winchesters a few, but they manage to off the monster in the end. The leviathan story is not that engaging but they have fun episodes. The more intriguing and important part in terms of characters arc is about Sam’s hallucination)  1. Meet the New Boss 2. Hello Cruel World 3. The Girl Next Door (Dean did something /questionable/)4. Defending Your Life 5. Shut Up, Dr. Phil* (The one with the Buffy reunion)6. Slash Fiction* (Leviathans!Winchesters, forcing the real winchesters on the run)7. The Mentalists (The bros resolve their conflict)8. Time for a Wedding! 9. How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters 10. Death’s Door 11. Adventures in Babysitting 12. Time After Time* (Dean travels back in time to the 40s) 13. The Slice Girls (Dean doesn’t want you to know about this one)14. Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie* (The one with the clowns, it’s fun)15. Repo Man 16. Out with the Old* (It’s a fun one, also Sam’s hallucination is getting worse)17. The Born-Again Identity 18. Party on, Garth (The one they drunk kill Ghost)19. Of Grave Importance 20. The Girl With the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo* (The one introduces Charlie) 21. Reading is Fundamental (The one introduces Kevin)22. There Will Be Blood 23. Survival of the Fittest (The one where they finally off the big Dick)
Season 8 (Dean’s back from purgatory and Sam quit hunting for a year, bros are back together, conflict ensured, they find a way to shut the gates of Hell in the second half of the season) 1. We Need to Talk About Kevin 2. What’s Up, Tiger Mommy? 3. Heartache 4. Bitten 5. Blood Brother (Benny the vampire friend of Dean) 6. Southern Comfort (The bros are lashing out on each other)7. A Little Slice of Kevin 8. Hunteri Heroici (The one with the looney tones, so fun)9. Citizen Fang (More Benny)10. Torn and Frayed 11. LARP and the Real Girl (The one where Dean dresses up as Medieval knight, it’s good fun)12. As Time Goes By (Grandpa Henry Winchester! Introducing Men of letters)13. Everybody Hates Hitler (The one introduces the Bunker) 14. Trial and Error 15. Man’s Best Friend with Benefits 16. Remember the Titans (The one with all the greek gods, it’s solid episode)17. Goodbye Stranger 18. Freaks and Geeks 19. Taxi Driver 20. Pac-Man Fever 21. The Great Escapist 22. Clip Show 23. Sacrifice
Season 9  (Dean is burden with guilt)1. I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here 2. Devil May Care 3. I’m No Angel 4. Slumber Party 5. Dog Dean Afternoon (The one Dean becomes a dog, temporarily)  6. Heaven Can’t Wait 7. Bad Boys* (get to know a slice of Dean’s childhood)8. Rock and a Hard Place 9. Holy Terror 10. Road Trip 11. First Born 12. Sharp Teeth 13. The Purge* (Undercover as yoga instructor and food lady, it’s fun)14. Captives (The winchesters have really nice coats in this one just sayin) 15. #thinman 16. Blade Runners 17. Mother’s Little Helper 18. Meta Fiction (it’s weird one I don’t know)19. Alex Annie Alexis Ann 20. Bloodlines 21. King of the Damned 22. Stairway to Heaven 23. Do You Believe in Miracles
Season 10 (Sam is gonna save his Dean no matter the cost) 1. Black 2. Reichenbach 3. Soul Survivor 4. Paper Moon* (Something you need, as a therapy, after the first three episode)5. Fan Fiction* (The one with the Supernatural Meta Musical) 6. Ask Jeeves* (Cluedo style, FUN)7. Girls, Girls, Girls 8. Hibbing 911 9. The Things We Left Behind* (Re-introduces Claire novak) 10. The Hunter Games 11. There’s No Place Like Home* (Charlie and her evil twins) 12. About a Boy* (De-aged Dean, yes) 13. Halt & Catch Fire 14. The Executioner’s Song !! (holy shit this episode)15. The Things They Carried 16. Paint it Black17. Inside Man 18. Book of the Damned 19. The Werther Project 20. Angel Heart 21. Dark Dynasty 22. The Prisoner 23. Brother’s Keeper
Season 11 (Darkness on earth, but at least the brothers are on the same page) 1. Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire 2. Form and Void 3. The Bad Seed 4. Baby ** !! ( A love letter to Baby)5. Thin Lizzie (There’s that kid from Stranger Things)6. Our Little World 7. Plush 8. Just My Imagination* !! (the one with the imaginary friend, very fun and unique)9. O Brother Where Art Thou? 10. The Devil in the Details 11. Into the Mystic 12. Don’t You Forget About Me 13. Love Hurts* (epic Winchesters wardrobe) 14. The Vessel* (Dean travels back in time! again)15. Beyond the Mat* (Happy fanboy Winchesters)16. Safe House* (Bobby and Rufus old case)17. Red Meat* !! (Epic Monster of the week episode)18. Hell’s Angel 19. The Chitters 20. Don’t Call Me Shurley !!21. All in the Family (Meh but you kinda maybe need to watch it)22. We Happy Few (UGH but you kinda maybe need to watch it)23. Alpha and Omega
Season 12 (British Men of Letters wants to take control of the American hunters, also Mama Winchester is back, also a hot mess) 1. Keep Calm and Carry On 2. Mamma Mia 3. The Foundry 4. American Nightmare* (the theme is dark af but it’s a very good episode) 5. The One You’ve Been Waiting For (Dean kills Hitler)6. Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox* (introduces the hunter network, solid episode)7. Rock Never Dies 8. Lotus 9. First Blood 10. Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets 11. Regarding Dean** (Jensen A+ acting)12. Stuck in the Middle (With You) * (the way this episode is directed is worth watching)13. Family Feud 14. The Raid 15. Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell 16. Ladies Drink Free 17. The British Invasion 18. The Memory Remains 19. The Future 20. Twigs & Twine & Tasha Banes* (A solid monster of the week episode with the Hunter Twins) 21. There’s Something About Mary 22. Who We Are !! (this episode imo saves the whole season)23. All Along the Watchtower ! (now you’re excited for what comes next)
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