#the montage? killed me
alevens · 8 months
hey so the order in which the strawhats disappeared was really fucked up right???
i mean, Kizaru was already targeting Zoro because he was more hurt than the rest, so they were already escaping from a fucking admiral and his men, and then Kuma was in front of them, the real Kuma appears out of nowhere, the moment we see him we forget momentarily about Kizaru- because there's this moment between Zoro and Kuma where they talk about what happened in Thriller Bark,
"Roronoa... so you were alive",
"all thanks to you benevolence"
and the next thing we know, is that Zoro's fucking gone
so onto what i wanted to yap about, the order in which they disappear:
everyone was worried about the current situation, but the top priority while they were escaping was Zoro- Zoro, who couldn't move- Zoro, who Kizaru wanted dead first- Zoro, who wanted to be left behind so the rest could escape, Zoro, who knows what the warlord in front of him is capable of-
Zoro, the first ever member of the crew.
everyone see this and it's worse than actually witnessing his death, because he's just gone and they have no idea where he is. and no matter how much they want to do something, Luffy orders them to keep running, that they will find a way to rescue Zoro once they're all safe,
but Kuma's too fast and he's right next to Usopp, Sanji and Brook, he tries to buy some time for Sanji and Usopp,
but it's in vain
and then Brook's next, he's the second one to get taken away, the last member to have joined them
(and not only the fact that he's their newest member, but the fact that it's made a point he's been trying his hardest to fit in and be helpful I'm SICK)
Sanji could have been next, but in trying to protect Usopp what he ends up accomplishing is that their sniper gets taken away next, the fact that Usopp's third makes me go absolutely batshit crazy with the way they frame it too
he's so so scared, how could he not be?? and it's not the same fear he usually feels while on their adventure, it's pure desperation- there's no one to help him and he can't fight- he can't get away and-
and then he's gone
Sanji instead of running, he charges, angry at Kuma and at himself (oh the way he was gripping his hair because he couldn't do anything to save Zoro and Brook) at this point it's obvious what the outcome will be, that's why Luffy specifically yells at him to run
but he doesn't, and then he's gone too.
(Usopp being third is fucked up mostly because Sanji's the fourth one, and they make it a point to show him trying to rescue Usopp. a less powerful member dissapears right in front of one of the most powerful of them, and then Sanji, who can hold his ground as much as Zoro and Luffy can, disappears)
in the blink of an eye, half of Luffy's crew isn't there
Luffy's full on crying at this point, everything's happening too fast, and why is Kuma even doing this in the first place? he has to do something before they take the rest of his crew- because he made it obvious that this isn't something the world government ordered him to do, so they're facing two enemies at once, a warlord and an admiral,
Luffy goes gear two, and when Kuma sees this, he goes to where Franky and Nami are- Luffy tries to strike an attack (and the fact that this could be where he sends him away but chooses not to Oh my fucking god) but Kuma easily stops him, and right there he touches Franky (he's the fifth one and it's too crazy just how he goes group for group, not only the order in which they disappear one by one) with Luffy right there, he's right there watching directly when it happens.
and then there's Nami. with them i think it the contrary of what happened with Usopp and Sanji, here, Nami's the one left alone, they take Franky first, who had tried to defend them both
oh this goddamn scene I SWEAR- it's incredibly painful to watch, at this point there are only four strawhats still standing, but there's no hope left, they can only keep trying but it's obvious that they're just acting on instinct, that's why Nami asks for help, because she knows there's nothing else to do- she tries to reach out for Luffy, her captain, the way Luffy had been so close to both Franky and Nami when Kuma touched them? horribly well done
Luffy's literally begging that Kuma leaves them alone but then he goes to where Chopper is, and Chopper- ughhhhh, the fact he used a form he couldn't even control just to try to save his friends, THE FACT that Kuma touches him when he's like that- the doctor of the strawhats, he's seventh one to disappear, and he couldn't even process it, Chopper didn't even know most of his crew was gone (if he hadn't been transformed, i'm sure he would have reached out too, just like Nami and Robin)
the last one is Robin, Robin being the last one killed me, the "demon child" that had found her places in the world, who wants to live, live with her crew, the ones that showed her she's worth fighting the entire world for- she calls for Luffy, and then- (Luffy running and shouting at Robin to get away, he's not fast enough and when he reaches Kuma he's already touched Robin FUCK-)
then Luffy's the only one there, Luffy being the last one is cruel having him watch his entire crew vanish in front of him was torture, and we're just left with him and his pain, Luffy has cried before, but not like this, not as he beats himself up for not being able to save his friends.
and it ends with this:
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pussysidon · 1 year
What really struck me about the flashback montage was how young Ahsoka looked. She was just a kid, forced to be a soldier.
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blurry sketchy puppets in a lime. line. limelight line
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novelconcepts · 8 months
Details from the leaving montage that probably mean nothing? But also
Every girl is seen by a window—except for Misty, the only non-YJ girl (and Travis/Javi, who obviously are their own kind of outsiders)
Natalie is the only one to be looking OUT of the window—and the one dressed in the famous purple shirt
Laura Lee’s window offers warm, bright light; Lottie’s window is enormous, but shuttered with blinds
Van and Taissa are the only ones with actual lines (arguably the two least likely to speak freely with their teammates)
Taissa’s the only one to have a remotely healthy interaction with her parents, foreshadowing her obsession with a Picture Perfect Family Structure
Shauna starts in the attic
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laceratedlamiaceae · 2 years
Pitching an episode called Fuck, Marry, Kill that's just 3 montages of Izzy fucking random guys, Lucius and Pete preparing for their wedding, and Ed and Stede trying to kill each other spliced together
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hannahssimblr · 6 months
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It’s been a long time since we were three - Jen, Michelle and I, and nobody else. Really it was two first, them, from the first day of junior infants, when children were seated alphabetically. Smythe sat with Tengu, that was the natural order of things, and for them, that was that. 
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Plenty of people stay friends with that first kid from that first day, it’s just how it works out. You end up spending eight years or more joined at the hip with that snot nosed kid who borrowed your pencil and chewed off the eraser on the end, or snipped chunks out of your hair with safety scissors. But maybe, even to small children, a special, unbreakable bond is born from the experience of witnessing one another cry softly into your copy books as your parents reverse out of the car park and abandon you in a new, strange place with twenty-nine five year old strangers. 
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It worked out well for them, though, Michelle, who was bullied for looking foreign, and Jen, the tiny, confident child who had mastered the art of the creative insult by the time she could speak. Boldly, she stood up to anyone who said a word to her new friend, and no, Tengu isn’t hard to pronounce, you just can’t read. And, by the way, you have chocolate smeared around your mouth. 
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I crashed their party in the autumn of 2002, uncomfortable in my first ever uniform, and made to sit down at the back of the room like an inconvenience with maths worksheets while everyone else participated in their Irish lesson. I didn’t even know that Irish was a language before then and thanked my lucky stars that ten years old was considered too late to learn and rendered me exempt, because the thought alone of attempting to make those foreign, hacking sounds at the back of my throat was enough to make me shudder. 
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It was Jen, to my left, who nudged me, “are you dyslexic?”
“No, I'm American.”
“What are you doing here then?” 
“I moved.”
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I was grateful when the teacher told us to pipe down, because I wasn’t really sure how I was going to answer anyway, but it was only a minute before a piece of folded paper landed on my desk. 
A note.
Did you ever go to Disneyland? Yes No
I circled yes and tossed it back at her. Of course I’ve been to Disneyland, like, five times. My great aunt took me on every single birthday, and I went on all of the rides I was tall enough for. 
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The notes didn’t stop, one after another, question after question, and I shrunk a little under her curious gaze at the desk next to me, not really ready to be observed with such intensity, but it didn’t matter what I wanted. Jen wanted answers. 
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“Do you have Coronation Street in America?” She said, trailing me into the yard as I tried to find a secluded spot to eat my sandwich.
“Hm? Where’s that?”
She giggled, “What about Quality Street?”
“Are they, like, kinda the same thing?”
“Do you know any WWF wrestlers?”
“I know them on the TV, I guess.”
“But not in real life? Have you met any celebrities?”
“Um, I saw the guy who played Screech on Saved by the Bell one time.”
“I dunno who that is. Anyone else?”
She could be pretty annoying, but disarming and easy to warm to nonetheless, but it was never Jen that was the problem.
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It was her best friend Michelle. 
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Michelle Tengu didn’t really talk. Kids in the class would try their best to make her say something, they’d ask her if she was mute, which she wasn’t, she was too shy to speak sometimes, and when she did her voice was whisper quiet, which didn’t help.
“What?” Our classmates would bellow, “I can’t hear you, you have to speak up!” and underneath the table her hands would ball into fists and her face would burn furious red. 
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Usually kids like Michelle were too much effort for me, I dare say boring, even, I tended to gravitate towards loud, borderline obnoxious types but I quickly learned that wherever my new friend Jen went, Michelle went too, so her presence, I would have to learn to accept.
Once I got over my impatience with Michelle’s quiet nature we tended to get along pretty well, she was the perfect antidote for Jen and I, who would often launch into spirited arguments about stupid things that hardly mattered, but she was so good at being diplomatic, logical, making sense of things that seemed so complicated to us but simple to her. Michelle was very good at being right. All of the time. It was one of the interesting things about her. 
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There were other interesting things, of course, which I began to discover during the long, humid summer of 2004. Like the way her hair, long, sleek and black, reflected the sunshine, and her pouty mouth and chestnut brown eyes. Girls weren’t gross to me in that way anymore, especially Michelle.  
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It was her house where we hung out, mostly, because my house had a fussy toddler in it and Jen’s parents were weird and always made us participate in chores, but Michelle’s house wasn’t perfect either. Her parents were always hovering within earshot of the living room as we three friends hung out, and they made sure that Michelle’s bedroom was always off limits to me. Jen could go up there all she liked, to fetch a CD or a teen magazine for us to fill out the stupid quizzes, but not me. I had to park myself on that pale blue couch and listen to my friends giggling through the ceiling while Rahim grilled me about my education.
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“I don’t get why they’re like that,” Jen would say in consolation when we walked home together after another summer afternoon in the Tengu’s semi detached. “They’re the same with the sleepovers, even though they’d be so much more fun if you were there too. I honestly just don’t get it."
But I did. 
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And as time went on the girls would understand too, because by twelve almost everything felt different to the way it felt at ten. There wasn’t only Michelle and her pretty glossy hair anymore, there was Jessie and Alice and Amy, and eventually, my very first girlfriend Holly whose friends used to shove digital cameras into our faces when we tried to kiss at the teenage discos, and who would start dramatic, weekly arguments with me over text message if I dared to so much as ask the girl next to me to borrow a pencil sharpener. 
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Things became extra complicated when somebody left a handmade card and a packet of gel pens on my desk for my birthday, which I assumed were from Holly, and thanked her, much to her chagrin, because it hasn’t actually been her, no, she’d bought me tickets to see Dodgeball at the cinema.
It was Michelle. 
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Holly insisted that I give them back to her, so I did, with all the sensitivity and tact a newly turned thirteen year old is capable of, which is almost none, and left Michelle standing forlornly in the yard holding the card I had barely read dangling limply from her fingers.
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It was her, eventually, who launched a campaign against me after many weeks of being an obliging boyfriend, claiming that I was spending far too much time with Holly and her friends and had forgotten all about those who had welcomed me with their friendship when I was displaced and alone at the beginning, but I didn’t think of it like that. I still wanted to be friends with her and Jen, they were my main friends, but I needed to make time for my new friends too. There was only so much of me to go around, surely, if she were so reasonable, she would understand.
“You don’t care about us at all anymore,” she hissed at me in the school yard with tears in her eyes, “It’s all about Holly and her gang now. Well, she can have you, you don’t have time for anybody else these days.”
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She ignored all my attempts to make it up to her, and we only drifted further apart after that, losing ourselves to the new landscape, the new rules of secondary school, finding different interests, different people, different music, ways to dress and express ourselves to spend our time until eventually the only thing we had in common was Jenny Smythe, the girl who had stood in place while we swirled around her, a rock in a churning ocean of teenage angst. If it wasn’t for her, I know I would hardly see Michelle at all. I’d never have to think about her. 
But I do, and now instead of her giggling I hear her sobs through the ceiling of the living room.
Beginning // Prev // Next
Big thank you to @nexility-sims for helping me make sense of this montage scene! It was driving my crazy for weeks <3 <3 <3
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bellshazes · 2 years
companion to my bdubs best-of, here's a cheat sheet of my personal favorite etho mindcrack episodes. going to organize this by topic, then miscellaneous stuff by season under the cut. because there is so much.
king of the ladder is one of the best, although you might want to watch the sky shrooms prank episodes leading up to it too. best hour you'll ever spend watching people climb a ladder over and over. sick aerial maneuvers.
boat prank with doc - boat boy! boat boys.
team canada - the first big prank on zisteau, and the painting one - payback will be a bitch. also, ???.
obsidian coffin prank - bdubs falsely claims etho pranked him, so etho builds bdubs a numbers puzzle. of death.
onion pranked - team boobee gifts etho one of his favorite foods.
fun house prank and von sway - a new architectural design style is born.
death games - in order to avenge pause, etho hunts his friends for sport but says if they kill each other, they can increase the amount of times etho will kill the other person. sometimes fails, but also this absolutely spectacular kill on nebris using respawn mechanics to surprise is so good. see also hostility rises.
death games 2.0 - now server-wide opt-in event in the following season. bdubs (and guude) try to kill etho. civil war and an arkas kill.
mass pvp - arena fight night, LENS BATTLE. spawn UHCs, arkasdam pvp,
horsegirl activities - the horse drive-thru, beyonc? and taylor swift, a horse timer, doing wheelies,
season 1
nether project - taking one for the team, etho begins his first nether hub construction in classic nether brick and sandstone. later expanded with help from the b-team.
nice prank - please enjoy this kevin mcleod speed cleaning montage. if you can.
bdoubleo - just before the trial, etho and bdubs discuss their upcoming court case while making trees, 3D cubes, and a big hole at spawn. tune in next to the etho vs the b-team trial to find out why he's got chocolate on his knees.
the underside - etho finds out he's got a roommate and continues his quest for an anvil kill.
the pet shop - etho prepares to open his extremely legitimate, fully-licensed, no illegal activity pet shop and feels just so bad for the poor b-team. also, this is the first episode hoppers existed, which has nothing to do with his new quartz generator.
king of the boat - a bunch of people come together to fix bdubs' flammable arena. shenanigans ensue.
seinfeld fans - etho shows beef his new trivia game.
pvp lesson with generikb - etho teaches pvp skills and learns a new word.
season 2
nether hub again - the nether hub falls on etho again but bdubs pitches in this time. ghost zombies, quartz tragedies, etho's little buddy (betrayal)
i feel fine - etho is NOT sick, tells firework stories while helping with doc's perimeter and helps bdubs fishing rod kill a piglin.
canadian killers - etho's escort service, live, from pauseunpause's gaping hole.
this one just for the wither kill at the end.
workers shack - i literally just love this build fr. he steals bdub's color scheme. for more arena work, see capture points, the layout, bed respawn, death counter, arena chit chat,
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dhmis-autism · 10 months
red guy would ask for a divorce a realize it was depression not his marriage and be like "huh"
" i guess that wasnt what was making me miserable. easy to see why i thought that, though. who could blame me." /° °\
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hussyknee · 9 months
Okay who the fuck is the Al Qassam Brigade's media unit?? All their videos go harder than a freight train. Hollywood couldn't afford them.
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vincentpriceofficial · 6 months
I like that amc iwtv is leaning into unreliable narration and like the Unknowability Of Absolute Truth as a theme I think that’s neat however I think it’s annoying that the marketing people keep telling me it’s a major theme. Like I know guys. I watched the show
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Just.....just finished the first three episodes moodboard....how......how are y'all doing....i'm.....
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*puts head in hands*
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falsenettleland · 2 years
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falling-heart-debris · 5 months
The Arcana Brainrots :: Lucio
・ั Alright so good evening! I had been thinking about Lucio since last Monday and I knew I had to make a very short brainrot about him. pls kill me.
:: Personality, Little Things, Scent.
I think he's super duper overly affectionate. I mean, the way he just acts in his route tells everything and I can see that he's very clingy with the m/c and it's definitely for three things—
Number one, for their attention.
Number two, affection.
Number three, number one and two 😭
No, but seriously. He gives off the like "where you are is where i wanna be" and "ilysm. are you listening?" kinda thing and it's so cute! And given that they were the first to accept who he really was and trust him.
When he's literally harsh and mean to everyone else but gets very vulnerable and soft towards the love of their life is so endearing. Talking about being vulnerable, he'll always be honest to them and like instantly cry after admitting another "oopsie."
It's a weird (or not?) habit of his to press his face against the m/c's chest and talk but the words come out as muffled. He'd go flustered when they'd ask what he was saying.
"N-Nothing. I said I love you "
Then they'd both start laughing softly. AAAAAA—
He'd smell like a London boy istg. Simply luxurious with a tinge of cheerfulness and peace. Adventure? Vintage? Oh yes. He'd literally spill the whole bottle of perfume/cologne on himself and think that he's getting a lot of attention when in truth, some people are backing away from the very strong scent. Not the m/c though lmao.
Was there even a way to balance it???
Those who would back off includes: Asra, Nadia, and Muriel.
Those who don't seem to mind: M/C, Portia, and Julian (being the good boy who doesn't seem to care)
But I guess the m/c sincerely likes it.
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icharchivist · 7 months
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windypuddle · 6 months
good news: stuffed animals never blink. this means if you have a stuffed animal (or multiple) you will always be safe from weeping angels
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